yoghurt-freak · 9 months
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こくRich ブラッドオレンジミックスヨーグルト
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧ 開封 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧ 頂きます🙏 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧
ヨーグルトは極上のなめらかさで、舌を優しくなでるようにクリーミーに消えてゆく𓂃 𓈒𓏸
============================ 無脂乳固形分 9.5% 乳脂肪分 3.5% ————————————————— 栄養成分(1個90gあたり) エネルギー 100kcal たんぱく質 3.7g 脂質 3.4g 炭水化物 13.8g 食塩相当量 0.12g カルシウム 115mg ————————————————— 原材料名 乳(生乳(国産))、オレンジソース(オレンジ果肉、砂糖、ブラッドオレンジ果汁)、乳製品、砂糖、乳たんぱく/香料、酸味料、増粘多糖類、クチナシ色素、カロチノイド色素 ————————————————— 購入価格 145円(税込) ————————————————— 製造者 チチヤス株式会社 ============================
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japanologydiaries · 2 months
Japanese Vocabulary ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
1 . 貯金 (ちょきん): putting money aside, savings (彼女は、海外旅行をするために貯金している。)
2. 貴重 (きちょう): precious, valuable (人間にとって水は空気と同じくらい貴重だ。), (貴重品: きちょうひん: valuables)
3. 慎重 (しんちょう): careful, cautious, deliberate (彼は言葉を慎重に選んだ。)
4. 反省 (はんせい): reflection, introspection
5. 壊滅 (かいめつ): destruction, annihilation, devastation (汚染公害は地域の生態環境に壊滅的な影響を与える。)
6. 収穫 (しゅうかく): harvest, crop (良い収穫を得る為には、肥沃な土壌が不可欠だ。)
7. 豊富 (ほうふ): abundant, rich (この町に住んでいる限り、いつでも新鮮な食べ物が手に入��。ここは野菜も魚も豊富だ。)
8. 不景気 (ふけいき): economic slump, recession (この不景気では、ひとり中小企業のみならず大企業でも経費を削る必要がある。)
9. 滞在 (たいざい): to stay somewhere for a period of time (私たちが滞在したホテルは非常に快適だった。)
10. 怠る (おこたる): to neglect (a duty), to avoid doing, to fail to do (カレンダーにそれを記入するのを怠っていました。), (その少年は植物に水をやるのを怠り、叱られた。)
11. 通貨 (つうか): currency
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tokidokitokyo · 5 months
ことわざ 16/?
ことわざ are Japanese proverbs, and I have listed some basic proverbs, their equivalents in English, and a rough translation of the meanings of the Japanese phrase.
There is a test for ことわざ called the ことわざ能力検定 (ことわざのうりょくけんてい) and these are the phrases that appear in level 9 or 9級 (10 being the lowest level). For the time being, try one or two of these out the next time you speak with a native Japanese speaker!
ことわざ (こと検9級): 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 More ことわざ (こと検10級): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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causing an uncomfortable feeling akin to a loose tooth
to stand no chance against (opponent/challenge)
teeth cannot stand against the hardness
expressing passion and excitement
breathing heavily through the nose
to have a knack for finding money-making opportunities
nose is effective in sniffing out money-making opportunities
to be filled with pride
hold your nose high
to treat someone with contempt
signal contempt using your nose
to scoff
laugh through your nose
to brag, boast or show off
hang prominently on your nose
to become tiresome
tiresome behavior that becomes like a bad stench that sticks in your nose
to become unbearable
bad attitude/behavior likened to a stench so bad you can't stand it even when holding your nose
to outwit, get the jump on, catch off guard
reveal your nose and surprise your opponent
to take someone down a peg
break someone's nose
putrid, rank, foul
a smell that stabs the nose
to whine in an attempt to get your way
to sound your nose
blunt, straightforward, without 'sugar-coating' it
without applying coating to your teeth
appearing empty or deserted
like a mouth with its teeth removed
teeth chattering from cold/fear
unable to align the base of your teeth
deceptive, conniving, black-hearted (also, 腹黒い)
black stomach (disposition)
to feel confident
have your stomach (courage) steadied
to get angry
have your stomach (disposition) get riled up
you can't work on an empty stomach
you can't do battle when hungry
to have all you can stand; to be fed up
unable to settle your stomach (disposition)
makes you laugh so hard the skin of your stomach twists
to have all you can stand; to be fed up
unable to settle your stomach worm (from ancient belief that Three Demonic Worms live in the head, chest and stomach and monitor the host's behavior)
to have your blood boil
have your organs boiling repeatedly
to try and infer what someone is thinking/feeling
search someone's stomach (disposition)
to open up (and converse frankly)
split your stomach (emotional center) open
to grin and bear it
bite and lock your teeth
to get together for a friendly chat
sit knees crossed and chat
people are gonna talk
you can't erect a door over a person's mouth
to help in any way you can
remove your top and expose your upper body skin to signal intent to get serious and help
unsatisfying (conclusion or explanation)
does not fall in line with your gut (better judgment)
you're killing me!; that's rich!
that makes me laugh so hard, I could boil tea on my bellybutton! usually said in a mocking manner)
to get cranky
hunched over grumpy making your bellybutton bend
given enough tries, anyone can succeed
even a poorly handled cannon, fired enough times will hit the mark by sheer chance
an idiot in thought may as well be napping
a poor attempt at thinking is the same as just resting
a glutton for punishment
unskilled at something, but you insist on liking it
to regret bitterly
using the futility of trying to chew your own bellybutton as a metaphor for the futility of agonizing over the past
a whole lot of effort for a whole lot of nothing
work til you suffer broken bones and earn only exhaustion
difficult or intensive (work)
work that will break your bones
to work yourself to the bone
shave down your body and bones with work
to live out your life somewhere; to dedicate your life to a pursuit
bury your bones somewhere
to work hard without complaint
break your bones to accomplish something or support someone
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key-cat · 1 year
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The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.
Benjamin Disraeli ベンジャミン・ディズレーリ
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yoga-onion · 11 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (4)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors – Mythical motifs in Estonian runic songs
The Estonian literary mythology describes the following pantheon: The supreme god, the god of all living things, is Taara (variations of the name include Tooru, Tharapita and Tarapitha), also known as Uku or Jumal, is a prominent god in Estonian mythology, with a strong resemblance to the Finnish Ukko and the Germanic Thor. He is celebrated in sacred oak forests around Tartu. The god of thunder is Uku. Uku's daughters are Linda and Jutta, the queen of the birds. Uku has two sons: Kõu (Thunder) and Pikker (Lightning). Pikker possesses a powerful musical instrument, which makes demons tremble and flee. He has a naughty daughter, Ilmatütar (Weather Maiden).
Estonian legends about giants (Kalevipoeg, Suur Tõll, Leiger) may be a reflection of Germanic (especially Scandinavian) influences. Giants themselves in some stories stood as protectors against such Germanic influences, such as invasion. There are numerous legends interpreting various natural objects and features as traces of Kalevipoeg's deeds. The giant has merged with Christian Devil, giving birth to a new character – Vanapagan (a cunning demon living on his farm or manor) and his farm hand Kaval-Ants ("Crafty Hans").
Other mythical motifs from Estonian runic songs:
a mighty oak grows into the sky, is then felled and turned into various mythical objects
Sun, Moon and Star are the suitors of a young maiden, she finally accepts the Star
a crafty blacksmith forges a woman of gold but is not able to give her a soul or a mind
a holy grove starts to wither after having been desecrated by a love-making couple; only sacrificing nine brothers cleanses it
mighty heroes are not able to kill a terrible giant ox, but a little brother is
a woman is forced to kill her daughter who then goes to live in the heaven as the Air Maiden
a girl finds a fish and asks her brother to kill it – there is a woman inside the fish
young girls go out at night and young men from the holy grove (or the land of the dead) seduce them by offering them riches
a lake travels to another place when it has been desecrated by an inconsiderate woman or an incestuous couple
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森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (4)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 ルーン文字の歌詞に見られる神話のモチーフ
エストニアの文学的神話には、次のようなパンテオンが描かれている: すべての生きとし生けるものの神である最高神はタアラであり、タルトゥ周辺の神聖なオークの森で祭られている。タアラ(トオル、タラピタなどの異称がある)は、ウクまたはユマルとも呼ばれるエストニア神話の著名な神で、フィンランドのウッコやゲルマン民族のトールに類似している。タルトゥ周辺の神聖なオークの森で祭られている。ウクの娘はリンダと鳥の女王ユッタ。ウクには2人の息子がいる: コオウ(雷)とピッカー(稲妻)である。ピッカーは強力な楽器を持っており、悪魔を震え上がらせて逃走させる。彼にはいたずらっ子の娘イルマチュタル(天気の乙女)がいる。
少女が魚を見つけ、兄に殺してくれるよう頼む - その魚の中に女がいる。
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nanabansama · 8 months
After-School Hanako-kun Ending Lyrics (Fan-made)
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EDIT: Due to the official lyrics coming out, I've decided to update this post to prevent spreading misinformation! This post still contains my fan translation, though, so please be aware of that.
Japanese (Kana/Kanji):
まったりまったりまったりまったり 生きてもいいけど 弾けるような恋をして 濃い人生を送れたら もっともっともっともっと良いのにな 本当に本当に不思議ね恋心 七不思議にお見事仲間入り 今日から八不思議!(八不思議?) なんだかとっても言いづらい 魅惑に魅せられワクワクしちゃった 取り憑かれちゃったドキドキ! 二進も三進もどうにもいかない 単純明快脳みそグルグル 来い!来い!濃い恋よ! 狂わせて なんか変だ!変だ!変変変変大変だ! なんだ?これは?ワンツーワンツー 誤魔化せない これは恋だ!恋だ! 濃い濃い濃い濃い濃い恋だ 見事に落ちていくあなたに だけど変だ!変だ! 変態大変変態だ! なんだちょっと待ってよパンチパンチ! 届かない! これが恋か?恋か? 濃い濃い濃い濃い濃い恋か? 見事に墜ちていく、あ・な・た に!
Japanese (Romaji):
mattari mattari mattari mattari ikitemo ii kedo hajikeru you na koi wo shite koi jinsei wo okuretara motto motto motto motto ii no ni na hontou ni hontou ni fushigi ne koigokoro nanafushigi ni omigoto nakamairi kyou kara hachifushigi (hachifushigi?) nandaka tottemo iizurai miwaku ni miserare wakuwaku shichatta toritsukarechatta dokidoki! nicchi mo sacchi mo dou ni mo ikanai tanjun meikai noumiso guru guru koi! koi! koi koi yo! kuruwasete nanka hen da! hen da! hen hen hen hen taihen da! nanda? kore wa? wan tsuu wan tsuu gomakasenai kore wa koi da! koi da! koi koi koi koi koi koi da migoto ni ochiteiku anata ni dakedo hen da! hen da! hentai taihen hentai da! nanda chotto matte yo panchi panchi! todokanai! kore ga koi ka? koi ka? koi koi koi koi koi koi ka? migoto ni ochiteiku, a・na・ta ni!
English Translation:
I'm fine with living a quiet, quiet, quiet life! But it would be so so so much better living a life rich with romance... Love is is truly truly mysterious, isn't it? I joined the Seven Mysteries with panache. From today forward, it's the Eight Mysteries! (Eight Mysteries?) Err, it doesn't roll off the tongue very well.... It's so alluring, I'm captivated. I got all excited! He just possessed me--doki doki! Nothing I do can solve it It's elementary. My head is spinning! Now, come! Come to me! Deep love! Drive me crazy Something's off! Off! It's off off off--uh oh, it's off! What? What is this? One-two, one-two I can't hide it This is love! It's love! A deep deep deep deep deep love! I've fallen spectacularly in love with you! But it's strange! Strange! Stranger danger! It's a pervert! Wait, hold on, punch punch! It didn't connect! Is this love? Love? Is this deep deep deep deep deep love? I've fallen spectacularly--in love with you!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to use these if you want. Now excuse me while I practice for karaoke night... *ehem*... mattarimattarimattarimattari--
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broomlog · 6 months
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“How about it…is it fun…?”
“It's so much fun! Do more!”
Photographed on ■■
Colate playing with his subordinate Crell
In this way, the Demon King Force has a rich welfare package
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morimyulyrics · 4 days
Ohhh dear lordie. This song, this song. The final chorus was pretty difficult to translate because of the simultaneous lines. I divided them into each character (Liam, Sherlock, All) for better ease of understanding, but if you plan on singing to the song while looking at lyrics, this arrangement isn't very optimal! I will rearrange them again when I have more time.
What a freaking powerful way to close Act I. The references to previous songs, how powerful William and Sherlock's voices are, and most especially what the actors do on stage! The way the song ends! You won't know unless you've seen it, and I'll refrain from mentioning it for spoilers. But I just love love love love love this song.
Also!! I'll be taking on a little break. I've been finding less and less time to translate rhghrg Hopefully things calm down and I will be back to translating again soon!!
Oh, light, shine upon this darkness
闇に光を | Yami ni hikari wo Characters: all
犯罪卿は 闇の王 貴族の命 消し去り 我ら市民の 職を奪い 命を 脅かしてゆく:おどか
犯罪卿が 殺せば 無数の 生活の灯(ひ)が消える 犯罪卿は 労働者の 命も 根絶やしにしてく
富める者は 命絶たれ:とめる rich たたれcut off 貧しき者は 息絶えてゆく ロンドンの街の 灯が消える 闇と絶望に 飲み込まれる
大英帝国の 日が落ちる 栄華の国は 闇のなかへ…
分かってる リアム 分かってる… これもお前の スコアのままに お前の破滅へ輪舞曲(ろんど) 奏でてるだけ けれどこの旋律の最後に 俺は 俺だけの音 かき鳴らしてやる
この世界を 闇で包め 闇深ければ 光はまばゆくなる 堕ちよ我が身よ 悪魔に成り果てよ:おちる なりはてるreduce to 全ての罪を この身に負いて
狂える悪魔は:くるえる 心潰れ果て 息絶える時を ただ願う…
リアム俺には 全てが分かる お前の苦しみ悲しみ だからリアム…
我は行く この道の果てへ:ゆく
心惑う:まどう このさだめを避ける のぞみを抱いて:いだいて ウィリアム 俺はこの道を ウィリアムさんに未来を ああ この道を 心狂おしき 深き闇 #got chills
重荷を抱えて 生きる友よ:おもに heavy burden 深い霧を払って 街は荒れ 心引き裂かれ:さかれ cut open 闇に沈むか 望みは 消え果てるのか
世界は今 昏き闇のなか
[ALL] この闇に 光よ射せ ひと筋でも 消えぬ光を この闇に 光よ射せ 希望の調べ 消えぬ光を
[William] さあ進め 裁きへの道 ああシャーロック どうかこの命を…
[Sherlock] さだめの道は 俺が変える お前のもとに 俺はお前を…
消えぬ罪と共に この思いを抱いて
闇の果て 最後の時へ 最後の時へ
(リプライズ) この闇に 光よ射せ ひと筋でも 消えぬ光を この闇に 光よ射せ 希望の調べ 消えぬ光を
闇の果て 最後の時へ 最後の時へ
Romaji Hanzaikyou wa yami no ou Kizoku no inochi keshisari Warera shimin no shoku wo ubai Inochi wo odokashite yuku
Hanzaikyou ga koroseba Musuu no seikatsu no hi ga kieru Hanzaikyou wa roudousha no Inochi mo konzetsu yashi ni shiteku
Tomeru mono wa inochi tatare Mazushiki mono wa iki taete yuku London no machi no hi ga kieru Yami to zetsubou ni nomi komareru
Daiei teikoku no hi ga ochiru Eika no kuni wa yami no naka e
Wakatteru Liam wakatteru Kore mo omae no sukoa no mama ni Omae no hametsu e rondo kanadeteru dake Keredo kono senritsu no saigo ni wa ore wa Ore dake no oto kaki narashite yaru
Kono sekai wo yami de tsutsume Yami fukakereba hikari wa mabayuku naru Ochiyo wa ga mi yo akuma ni nari hate yo Subete no tsumi wo kono mi ni oite
Kurueru akuma wa Kokoro tsubure hate Iki taeru toki wo Tada negau
Liam ore ni wa Subete ga wakaru Omae no kurushimi kanashimi Dakara Liam….
Ware wa yuku kono michi no hate e
Kokoro madou Kono sadame wo sakeru nozomi wo idaite William ore wa kono michi wo William-san ni mirai wo Aa kono michi wo Kokoro kuruoshiki fukaki yami
Omoni wo oete ikiru tomo yo Fukai kiri wo haratte Machi wa are kokoro hiki sakare Yami ni shizumu ka Nozomi wa kie hateru no ka
Sekai wa ima ukuraki no naka
[ALL] Kono yami ni hikari yo sase Hitosuji demo kienu hikari wo Kono yami ni hikari yo sase Kibou no shirabe kienu hikari wo
[William] Saa susume Sabaki e no michi Ah Sherlock Dou ka kono inochi wo…
[Sherlock] Sadame no michi wa Ore ga kaeru Omae no moto ni Ore wa omae wo…
Kienu tsumi to tomo ni Kono omoi wo daite
Yami no hate saigo no toki e Saigo no toki e
(reprise) Kono yami ni hikari yo sase Hitosuji demo kienu hikari wo Kono yami ni hikari yo sase Kibou no shirabe kienu hikari wo
Yami no hate saigo no toki e Saigo no toki e
English The Lord of Crime, the king of darkness He kills the nobility and he steals our jobs He threatens the lives of all
If the Lord of Crime is kills a noble many more will their means to live The Lord of Crime seeks to eradicate even us lowly folk
The rich are are murdered The poor are left to waste The light of London is fading drowned by darkness and despair
The sun has fallen in the Great British Empire Such heroic splendor has fallen into darkness
I know, Liam. I know Even this is part of your musical score The rondo towards your doom But at the end of this melody is only tune, and I’ll play it loudly
Envelope this world in darkness The darker it is, the more is light dazzling Let my body rot, let this demon be reduced to nothing Let me take upon all sin
Let this mad devil’s heart be crushed to pieces I simply wish that when I draw my last breath…
Liam, I understand everything Your pain, your suffering, your loneliness That’s why, Liam…
I will go. To the end of this path
My heart wavers I cling on to my wish, that the end would not come William, I’ll keep going on this path Oh, please, let William-san see the future Oh, on this path This deep darkness that could drive one mad
My dear friend, live with this burden you carry Blow this deep mist away The town is in chaos, my heart is torn open Will you descend into darkness? Will all our wishes be for naught?
The world is steeped in darkness
[ALL] Oh, light, shine upon this darkness Please, even a sliver of light that won’t disappear Oh, light, shine upon this darkness A ray of hope, one that won’t disappear
[William] Hence, I go forth towards my judgment Oh, Sherlock Please, take this soul along with this sin that won’t go away
[Sherlock] I will change the end of this road I will come to you And I will hold these feelings close to my heart
The end of darkness, the end has come The end has come
(reprise) Oh, light, shine upon this darkness Please, even a sliver of light that won’t disappear Oh, light, shine upon this darkness A ray of hope, one that won’t disappear
The end of darkness, the end has come The end has come
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holespoles · 6 months
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Yukako Ohde
Recipes for homemade hot drinks for Christmas 🎄(for one person) ~eggnog, hot chocolate, hot toddy~. Hot chocolate (or store-bought cocoa powder) brewed with brandy and floating marshmallows and cinnamon powder is a rich, sweet and sometimes irresistible drink. ☕.
クリスマスに飲みたい手作りホットドリンクのレシピ🎄(一人分) ~エッグノッグ、ホットチョコレート、ホットトディ~ ホットチョコレート(市販のココアパウダーでも可) にブランデーを淹れてマシュマロとシナモンパウダーを浮かべるのがこっくりした甘さで、たまに無性に飲みたくなるお味です☕
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kkimura · 1 year
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This decadent, rich and creamy Fettuccine Alfredo with perfectly deep fried crispy chicken is easy to make.
I made this within 30 minutes! Perfect dish for a special dinner or make it with grilled or sautéed chicken for easy weekday dinner.
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yoghurt-freak · 11 months
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こくRich 福岡あまおう苺ヨーグルト なめらかクリーム仕立て(2023年3月27日〜)
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧ 開封 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧ 頂きます🙏 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・୨୧
一般的ないちごヨーグルトやと果肉の食感を楽しみにするけども、これは果肉が入ってるの忘れちゃうぐらいクリーミーさと香りに夢中𓂃 𓈒𓏸
============================ 無脂乳固形分 9.5% 乳脂肪分 3.5% ————————————————— 栄養成分(1個90gあたり) エネルギー 103kcal たんぱく質 3.7g 脂質 3.3g 炭水化物 14.6g 食塩相当量 0.11g カルシウム 115mg ————————————————— 原材料名 乳(生乳(国産))、いちごソース[いちご(果肉、ピューレ)、砂糖]、乳製品、砂糖、乳たんぱく/香料、増粘多糖類、酸味料、紅麴色素 ————————————————— 購入価格 134円(税別) ————————————————— 製造者 チチヤス株式会社 ============================
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somasoa · 3 months
The Family of the Hero: A Thorough Analysis of the Canonical Bloodline Shared by Every Link in the Legend of Zelda Series - Part 2 of 2
Click HERE for the first part of this article!
Tri Force Heroes
Tri Force Heroes is a black sheep in the series, as it does very little in trying to connect to any kind of overarching lore or story that is present within the Zelda chronology. However, tidbits of information associated with the Knights of Hyrule can still be found even in this entry. 
For starters, we see the return of certain sword techniques, such as the Sword Beam and the Great Spin Attack. These techniques are performable by wearing certain attire, such as the Sword Master Suit - Sword Saint’s Armor (剣聖のよろい) and the Spin Attack Attire -  Great Spinning Slash Attire (大回転斬りの甲冑).
Clothing that doubles the power of the sword. This is a suit for sword users with the soul of a swordsman in it. The power of the sword is doubled! Beam from the sword!
Flavor Text for the Sword Master Suit (Tri Force Heroes) - Translated by Sidier
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Interestingly enough, the Sword Master Suit, which provides Link with double damage and sword beams, is stated to have the soul of a swordsman in it. Swordsman (剣士) in this context is the exact same Japanese term used when describing the Knight’s Crest, or Swordsman’s Emblem (剣士の紋章) from The Wind Waker, and the Swordman’s Scrolls from Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, both of which were items that allowed Link to enhance his swordplay. This further shows how it is possible for the skills of the Knights of Hyrule to be implemented into articles of clothing or other items like scrolls, such that when those items are utilized, the sword skills can be performed by those in possession of said items. More interesting, however, is the description of the Dapper Spinner, or the Mysterious Roll Knight (怪傑ロールナイト).
Launch the High Speed Revolving Slash! The knight spins quickly and gracefully, attracting good luck, and launches a series of special moves in rapid succession.
Flavor Text for the Dapper Spinner (Tri Force Heroes) - Translated by Sidier
この服は俺の…いやみんなの憧れ様の衣装なんだ! あのすばやい回転斬り…子どもの頃よくまねしたもんだよ…
This outfit is my...well, everyone's dream outfit! That quick spinning slash... I used to imitate it when I was a kid…
Daily Riches Owner (Tri Force Heroes) - Translated by Sidier
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When wearing the Dapper Spinner, it’s possible for Link to perform a Quick Spinning Slash (すばやい回転斬り), which allows Link to perform a spin attack without charging up. This is identical to the Quick Spin  (クイック回転) as mentioned in Ocarina of Time and performed in Skyward Sword. The Dapper Spinner’s japanese name, the Mysterious Roll Knight (怪傑ロールナイト), as well as the Japanese description, also explicitly calls the original wearer of the attire a knight. While it’s been proven that the Quick Spin is not specific to the Knights of Hyrule and can be performed by anyone, it still shows that the technique is associated with the concept of knights. 
Breath of the Wild
Breath of the Wild adds our final nail in the coffin on establishing the Knights of Hyrule as descending from the original Hero from Skyward Sword. At the Rito Stable, Link can find the second volume of the Rumor Mill, a book that provides information about locations and items around Hyrule written by a journalist named Traysi. In this book, Link can read the following: 
この剣を手にできる者は勇者の血を受け継ぐ者だけ…なーんて ウワサがあるこの剣名もなき深い森の中に隠されとるっちゅう話やで~気にはなるけど うちのオトンもオカンもどうみても 勇者の血統って感じちゃうしウチにはあんまり関係なさそうやな…
There's a rumor that the only people who can get their hands on this sword are those who inherited the blood of the Hero ... There's a story that this sword is hidden in a deep forest with no name. I'm curious about it, but my father and mother don't seem to have the bloodline of a Hero, so I don't think it has much to do with us ...
Rumor Mill: Volume 2 (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
This tells us that the only people who can wield the Master Sword are those who descended from the Hero. This means that every Link who has wielded the Master Sword - minus the original - descended from the previous Hero, meaning every single Link in the series can trace their bloodline back to the very first Link. In short, the bloodline of the Knights of Hyrule begins and ends with Link, finally bringing us full circle on how the lineage of the Knights of Hyrule is both the bloodline that originated from the Hero as well as generates the Hero. The fact the Knights of Hyrule are connected by blood is also referenced by the fact Link was born into knighthood in Breath of the Wild, as established by Zelda during the events of the game:
……御父上の跡目を継ぐべく 騎士の道を選び 練磨を続け……
...In order to follow in the footsteps of your father, you chose the path of a knight and continued training...
Zelda (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
Interestingly enough, we also learn in this same conversation that the Knights of Hyrule now undergo a new name - the Imperial Royal Guard Family.
それでも周りの人達から「お前は近衛の家に��まれたのだから絶対に騎士に ならねばならない」と言われたら……
But if the people around you say, "You were born into the Imperial Royal Guard family, you must absolutely become a knight [...]"
Zelda (Breath of the Wild) - Translated using DeepL
This is due to how, in the era of Breath of the Wild, the most elite Knights of Hyrule are given the privilege of becoming members of the Imperial Royal Guard, a group of knights that are shown to protect the royalty of Hylia, as shown in The Champion’s Ballad DLC and Age of Calamity, who we learn in the game that Link was the youngest captain of in the history of Hyrule.
The Knights of Hyrule are also explicitly referenced in certain item descriptions such as the Knight’s set of weapons. 
ハイラル王家に仕えた騎士が使っていた盾金属製の頑丈な作りで 激しい戦闘にも耐えられる重量があるので 扱いにはそれなりの腕前が必要
A shield used by knights in the service of the Hyrule royal family. Made of sturdy metal and heavy enough to withstand fierce combat, it requires a certain amount of skill to handle.
Flavor Text (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
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We also see the return of the Hylian Shield, using the design from Skyward Sword. The in-game text describing it mentions its association with the Hero.
勇者が手にしたという伝説と共に古よりハイラル王家に受け継がれてきた盾他を寄せ付けない 圧倒的な防御力と耐久性を誇る
Along with the legend of the Hero that held it in his hands, this shield has been handed down in the Hyrule royal family since ancient times. It boasts overwhelming defense and durability that is unmatched by any other shield.
Flavor Text (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
This is interesting, as it establishes that the Hylian Shield is associated primarily with the Hero. This further elaborates on why the Knights of Hyrule are also associated with the shield. The Knights of Hyrule, as the descendants of the Hero, would bear the symbol of the shield associated with the legend of their heroic ancestor, and would come to be associated with the shield as well, as seen in Ocarina of Time.
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The last important aspect of the Knights of Hyrule is actually a slight controversy. We see in the The Champion’s Ballad DLC, as well as the main game’s memories, that Knights of Hyrule are depicted as wearing the Soldier’s Armor, which as the name implies, is stated to be worn by soldiers, not the Imperial Royal Guard’s family. We also observe these knights using weapons  from the Soldier’s set and not the Knight’s set of weapons, further complicating the context. Age of Calamity sheds light on this issue and provides clarification.
Age of Calamity
In Age of Calamity, the Soldier’s Armor issue is explained, where it’s revealed to be the attire of the Knights of Hyrule, who lead the lower ranking soldiers of Hyrule’s military. These lower ranking soldiers wear different armor into battle, such as Hylian Trousers instead of Soldier’s Greaves, and have no red plume on their helmet. This means the Soldier’s Armor is not worn by the basic soldiers of Hyrule but instead the Knights of Hyrule. We also observe Link using weapons from the Soldier’s set at the beginning of the game instead of weapons from the Knight’s set, despite being a Knight of Hyrule. This means that it’s likely the Knights of Hyrule are given the freedom to wield whichever weapon they’d like to, which is also suggested by the fact Link can use a variety of different weapons in Age of Calamity.
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This clarifies the issue of Breath of the Wild, explaining that the Soldier’s Armor is actually the armor of the Knights of Hyrule, and the Knights of Hyrule as seen in the memories are given the freedom to use whichever weapons they want in the same way Link is in Age of Calamity. In fact, Age of Calamity all but confirms this, as the Hylian Captains are depicted almost exclusively using weapons from the Knight’s set, meaning that the knights who use weapons outside of the Knight’s set are a minority.
Speaking of, we also witness the Knights of Hyrule in combat, and we can observe them charging their blade to perform attacks, similar to how Link would when performing a Spin Attack. As we know, the ability to charge one’s blade to perform special sword skills is a technique exclusive to the bloodline of the Knights and has been passed down since antiquity. This shows that the Knights of Hyrule and their techniques still persist in Hyrule even in this far future of the series.
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Tears of the Kingdom
As we move onto the most recent entry into the series at this time, the Knights of Hyrule still hold a presence in the series. Their most prominent appearance is actually the ghostly spirits of knights residing in The Depths, who offer Link weapons. Strangely enough, these ghostly knights most commonly appear under a set of monuments on the surface, which are dedicated to the memory of those who passed in the Great Calamity, the event that occurred 100 years prior that resulted in the fall of Hyrule Kingdom and the deaths of countless people, including a substantial amount of the Knights of Hyrule. 
厄災で失われし御霊 謹んで追悼す-ゼルダ この碑を捧げる-
We respectfully mourn the souls of those lost in the Great Catastrophe. -I, Zelda, dedicate this monument.
Monument (Tears of the Kingdom) - Translated by Sidier
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It’s likely that, given the presence of these spirits under these monuments, that these are spirits of the Knights of Hyrule who had fallen in battle during the Great Calamity 100 years prior, and similar to Four Swords Adventures, the spirits of the knights still desire to aid the Hero in any way they can before passing onto the afterlife. The weapons they offer to Link also vary in origin and culture, again showing that the Knights of Hyrule were not restricted to using any specific weapons in the era of the Breath of the Wild related games.
While we encounter the deceased Knights of Hyrule in the form of their ghosts, we also meet their living descendants. In Breath of the Wild, we encounter a man by the name of Nell at Akkala Citadel.
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We learn that he was a descendant of a member of the Hyrulean military, who died in battle at the siege of Akkala, which resulted in the collapse of the kingdom. Interestingly, Nell is actually wearing a damaged set of Soldier’s Armor. As we learned in Age of Calamity, this is actually the armor of the Knights of Hyrule, and we learn from the description of the armor in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom that the surviving sets that are undamaged were the ones that went unscathed during the Great Calamity 100 years ago.
あれは アッカレ砦といって大昔 ハイラル王国がまだ健在だったころ…このアッカレ地方を守るために建設されたもので難攻不落の砦と言われていたそれが あの大厄災で ハイラル城が焼かれ王と姫君をなくした ハイラル軍は…なすすべをなくし ここを拠点にして最後の抵抗をしていたそうだだが 暴走したガーディアンの猛攻を止められるわけもなく 結局は陥落した…いわば ここはハイラル王国が滅んだ 最後の地だ [...] 私わたしの先祖せんぞも ここで死しんだと聞きいてな一度いちどは弔とむらいをしたいと 足あしを運はこんだのだが…
It's called Fort Akkale, and it was built a long time ago to protect the Akkale region when the Kingdom of Hyrule was still alive and well. It was said to be an impregnable fortress, but in that Great Catastrophe, Hyrule Castle was burnt down and the king and princess were lost. The Hyrule army, left with nothing to do, apparently used this as their base to make a last stand, but the Guardians went berserk. There was no way to stop the onslaught, and in the end it fell...so to speak, this is the final place where the Kingdom of Hyrule fell. [...] I heard that my ancestors died here, so I came here to offer my condolences...
Nell (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
最前線で戦う兵士のための兜金属製のしっかりした作りで 高い防御力が特徴現存する物は 大厄災時の破損を免れたものである
Helmet for soldiers fighting on the front lines. It is made of metal and has a high defensive strength. The surviving ones were not damaged during the Great Catastrophe.
Flavor text (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
 Because of this, we can glean that the armor Nell is wearing was used 100 years ago in the Great Calamity, due to it being damaged. Given that Nell’s armor was used 100 years ago, and he mentions that his ancestor fell in battle against the onslaught of the Calamity, we can deduce that the armor worn by Nell is the armor of his ancestor. As mentioned, the armor is shown to belong to the Knights of Hyrule in Age of Calamity. Therefore, Nell is a member of the Knight’s Family due to being a descendant of a fallen knight. 
However, the connections don’t end there - if we can deduce that Nell is a Knight of Hyrule because of the above, what does that mean for the other characters we see across Tears of the Kingdom who wear ruined armor of the Knights of Hyrule? We see several characters in this entry, such as Sharce, Raseno and Scorpis, wearing damaged versions of the Soldier’s Armor, similar to Nell in Breath of the Wild.
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Given that we can deduce Nell is wearing the armor of his fallen ancestor, we can also reasonably deduce that all of these characters in Tears of the Kingdom are also wearing the armor of their fallen ancestors. This would mean that these specific characters would be descendants of the Knight’s Family, and shows us that, even in the ruined future after the Great Calamity, the Knights of Hyrule have still survived and will undoubtedly flourish again alongside the restoration of Hyrule Kingdom.
Summary of the Knights of Hyrule
Let’s summarize what can be learned from looking at every mainline entry in the series that mentions the Knights of Hyrule.
 The Knights of Hyrule, also known as the Knight’s Family, the Hylian Knights, and the Order of Knights, are a specific bloodline of brave and powerful people who often take up the vocation of knighthood to defend the Royal Family. The Knights of Hyrule faithfully serve the Royal Family, and are given special roles such as protecting the Royal Jewels, helping seal away the Dark Clan from Four Swords Adventures, and protecting the sages in the Imprisoning War. 
The Hero can only appear from this bloodline when either the Royal Family is in danger, or an evil person has acquired the Triforce. This means that all appearances of the Hero are indubitably related by blood. In Skyward Sword, we learn that the Hylian Shield bears the crest of Link’s Crimson Loftwing, representing the Hero and serving as a symbol for him. This shield would later be passed on and known as a shield associated with the Knights of Hyrule, and Breath of the Wild establishes that for one to be the Hero, you must have the blood of the Hero in your veins. This would mean by necessity that Skyward Sword Link was the progenitor of the Knights’ bloodline, and the Knights of Hyrule both begin and end with the Hero.
The Knights of Hyrule also pass down special sword techniques within their family, with the most prominent of them being the Spin Attack and the Great Spin Attack, which only the other Knights of Hyrule are capable of inheriting. It’s suggested that the skills are innate to their bloodline, as some Links are capable of performing these skills without ever being formally taught. Some attacks such as the Quick Spin are associated with them, but we know that it is not exclusive to them. 
The Knights of Hyrule can also be twisted into demonic monsters, as seen by the appearance of Darknuts, who are capable of performing techniques associated with the Knights of Hyrule as seen in The Wind Waker, and are associated with the Knight’s Crest, a symbol which is associated with the Knights of Hyrule as seen in Four Swords Adventures.
In the later era of the timeline, after the Imprisoning War in the backstory of A Link to the Past, the Knights of Hyrule were almost rendered extinct due to the mass casualties they suffered while protecting the sages. However, as seen in games like Oracle of Ages, their ranks are slowly building back up. In the distant future of the series, in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom, we see that the Knights of Hyrule have persisted through history all the way to the present day of Hyrule, a testament to their unyielding loyalty to the Royal Family and unbreakable courage against the Demon Tribe.
Certain specific appearances of the Knights of Hyrule include: the Bumpkin family in A Link to the Past; the Hyrulean Knights in Oracle of Seasons; the ghostly Knights of Hyrule who are freed by the Links in Four Swords Adventures; the Blade Brothers in The Minish Cap; the Hero’s Spirit in Twilight Princess; and the Knights of Hyrule, both dead and alive, present in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom. Also, every appearance of Link in the series constitutes an appearance of the Knights, as the Hero can only appear from within their family.
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
Let's Pay
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Money-related words in Japanese
現金 げんきん cash
クレジットカード credit card
レジ cash register
勘定 かんじょう bill, check
勘定を済ませる  かんじょう を すませる to pay the bill/check
お勘定をお願いします おかんじょう を おねがい します Could I have the check please.
別々に払う べつべつ に はらう to pay separately
別々でお願いします べつべつ で おねがい します We will pay separately.
割り勘 わりかん splitting the cost
割り勘にする わりかん に する to split the bill
おごる to treat someone to
おごり treat
有効期限 ゆうこうきげん expiration date (of medicine, credit card, etc.), term of validity
カードの有効期限確認する カード の ゆうこうきげん を かくにん する to confirm the expiry date of the credit card
札 さつ banknote, bill, paper money
お札をくずす おさつ を くずす to break a bill
つり change
おつりをもらう to receive the change
レシート receipt
領収書 りょうしゅうしょ receipt
レシート/領収書をもらう レシート/りょうしゅうしょ を もらう to ask for a receipt
ぜいたくする to splurge
むだづかいをする to waste money
請求書 せいきゅうしょ bill, invoice
請求書が届く せいきゅうしょ が とどく to receive a bill
費用 ひよう cost, expense
費用がかかる ひよう が かかる to cost a great deal
生活費 せいかつひ living expenses
生活費が不足する せいかつひ が ふそく する to be short on living expenses
交通費 こうつうひ transportation expenses
お金が足りる おかね が たりる to have enough money
お金が足りない おかね が たりない to run out of money
食費 しょくひ food expenses
節約 せつやく economizing, saving
食費を節約する しょくひ を せつやく する to economize on food expenses
無駄 むだ waste
無駄を省く むだ を はぶく to eliminate waste
無駄をなくす むだ を なくす to prevent waste
貧乏 びんぼう poverty-stricken, destitute, poor
お金持ち おかねもち wealthy, rich
貧しい まずしい poor, needy
借金 しゃっきん debt, loan
借金をする しゃっきん を する to borrow money
お金を稼ぐ おかね を かせぐ to earn money
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marukrawler · 1 year
The essay about Baron's age that nobody asked for <3
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Baron’s age has confused viewers for many years, probably ever since New Vestroia aired in 2009. When it comes to the English dub, Baron’s physique and prepubescent voice leave many baffled and scrambling for some kind of in-universe explanation as to why he looks like a young adult but sounds like a preteen. Because of this strange phenomenon, many people speculate that Vestals may develop at a faster rate than humans and being 12 is the Vestal equivalent to being in your late teens.
But what if I told you that the more likely explanation is that the English dub simply made Baron younger than originally intended, and wrote him to be more childish than how he was originally portrayed? I will go into further detail below the reasons why I believe that to be the case.
Age altering in BB.
My claim that Baron’s age has been altered can be supported by the ages given by the official Japanese website for the first season[1].
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While the ages haven’t been dramatically changed, it still shows that the English version altered their ages. And considering how the English dub is known for making countless changes in the original script (Baron also had his last name changed from Rich to Leltoy), it stands to reason that Baron’s age was also among one of them.
Physical appearance and voice.
At first glance, Baron is thought to be around 16-18 years old based off his character design alone, and understandably so. Baron is the tallest and most muscular member of the Resistance, and his voice in the Japanese dub is deeper than his English counterpart. If Baron was intentionally being written as more immature and childish because he’s 12 in the English dub, naturally his voice would reflect that.  
Designated driver.
Baron is the only person shown to drive the Resistance base (with the exception of Ace who drove it one time while Baron was absent. Ace' driving skills are alright but there was an instance were he wasn't driving properly lol) If we take Japanese laws into consideration, it would mean that Baron is at least 18 years of age for him to be able to drive[2]. Mira being 16 and driving a motorcycle would also be in accordance with Japanese legislation [2], as well as Fabia being 16 and engaged to be married (the legal age of marriage for girls in Japan used to be 16 before 2022 [3].)
Baron’s plans to move out.
In S2EP28 it’s revealed that Baron intends to move out of his parents’ house. Unfortunately, you’ll get different versions of this storyline depending on which dub you're watching. In the Japanese dub, Baron doesn’t hide from his family members the fact that he’s going to move out soon, and it’s entirely his own decision (not influenced by Ace in the slightest.) His reasons are that his household is too cramped with people but also that he wishes to be independent. According to his father, Baron had announced his plans to move out before his youngest sibling had been born which means that Baron has wanted to move out for quite some time.
Baron: 気持ちはうれしいですけど、シャーマンも進化したことだし、俺も早く一人前になりたいし -> “I appreciate their concern, but you’ve [Shaman] evolved and I want to become an adult as soon as possible.”[4]
Where 一人前 means “full-fledged-person, an adult, etc.”
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Baron: 俺もそろそろ自立する年頃っすよ! -> “I’m old enough to be independent!”[4]
Where 年頃 means “appropriate age, age of maturity, adulthood, etc.”
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If Baron's words are to be taken at face value, he's essentially stating that he's either around or at the age where one is considered an adult in Vestal society. Now, since we have no reason to believe that Vestals have different ages of maturity compared to humans (because it's not stated anywhere in canon) I’ll once again look to Japanese society for when it's common for young adults to move out. There is a 2020 online survey that asked Japanese men and women from the age of 15-59 when they moved out of their parents’ house, and it seems the most popular answer was 18-19 years old [5].
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Which again suggests that Baron could, at the very least, be 18 years old.
Change in dialogue between the JPN/ENG dub.
I’ve mentioned before that Baron appears more childish in the English dub compared to the original. While Baron is undoubtedly intended to be comedic relief – especially when it comes to his admiration of the Battle Brawlers – I still believe he acts even sillier in the English dub than warranted, and so I want to compare some scenes to showcase how it affects the overall reading of his character.
Baron is seen as a dependable figure by Shaman in the original dub, whereas the English dub makes it seem as if he needs a caretaker[6]. Baron is shown to have made his own decision regarding moving out where in the English dub, he is heavily influenced by Ace and Percival who tell him to grow up. Baron also seems to have an interest in girls, but that observation can no longer be made in the English dub, as the context has been replaced with a barf joke[7].
In the Japanese version, Baron refers to the Brawlers as his senpais (seniors) but does not use the same honorific for Mira and Ace. That is because he looks up to the original Battle Brawlers as his heroes since they're the six new Legendary Warriors and prevented the destruction of Vestroia. Regardless of their ages, the Brawlers still outrank Baron in terms of experience because of their past feats. The fact that Baron doesn't address Mira and Ace in a similar manner implies that all three of them are on the same level in terms of their brawling skills. If his usage of that honorific was to reflect the fact that he is the youngest and most inexperienced member of the group (as Baron's English wikia description says,) he would also be calling Mira and Ace his senpais or something similar, but he doesn’t.
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These screenshots are from MP100 where an older coworker calls Mob his senpai because Mob has worked at their agency for longer and has more work experience. Similarly, Baron can still be considered older despite seeking guidance from those younger than him. 
Manner of speech.
This senpai-kouhai dynamic is also reflected in Baron’s speech pattern known as “kōhai kuchō” or junior tone. It’s a way of speaking that is casual but still polite enough to use one with one’s senpai. It’s generally discouraged to use in formal settings but has grown popular among young men, especially in sports clubs. This may explain Baron’s physique considering his way of speaking is typically associated with athleticism in real life[8].
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Final words.  
Baron Rich is a character whose age has been a mystery to many viewers of the show, prompting the fandom to give their own headcanons for why he looks so much older than his age.
My hypothesis is that because the English dub team saw Baron as the "Battle Brawlers fanboy," his age and dialogue needed to fit that image better. Sadly, they seemed to not have taken into account that Baron is a young adult who had plans to move out later on in the story. This wouldn't be the first time the English dub lacked foresight when it came to their writing decisions — as they also made a blunder when it came to Shiori's death and Shun’s relationship with his grandfather — and it also would not be the last (Plitheon turning against Jesse in S3 only for them to magically became friends again.)
I believe that Baron was intentionally made younger by the English dub, and the plethora of changes to the story between the JPN and ENG dub clearly speaks in favor of this assumption. Thanks for coming to my TED talk!!
[1] (BB ages) https://web.archive.org/web/20160323210158/http://ani.tv/bakugan/
[2] (Legal ages in Japan) https://blog.japanwondertravel.com/legal-ages-in-japan-33502#toc1
[3] (Legal marrying age in Japan) https://www.moj.go.jp/EN/MINJI/minji07_00218.html
[4] Bakugan New Vestroia episode 28
[5] (2020 Online survey about moving out in Japan) https://lineresearch-platform.blog.jp/archives/36123670.html
[6] Bakugan New Vestroia episode 19
[7] Bakugan New Vestroia episode 12
[8] (Junior tone) https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/2e7i3g/when_is_it_appropriate_to_use_the_%E3%81%A3%E3%81%99_form/
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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[Photo above: Banyan tree in Shuri Castle Park]
Legends and myths about trees
Forest spirits and natives (5)
Kijimuna – Mischievous red-haired spectres
Kijimuna are legendary small tree spirits from the Okinawa Islands in Japan, who live in trees (generally old banyan trees). They are said to look about 3 or 4 years old and have red hair.
Another name for the kijimuna is bungaya, which means roughly large-headed. The Kijimuna are known to be very mischievous, playing pranks and tricking humans. One of their best-known tricks is to lie upon a person's chest, making them unable to move or breathe such as sleep paralysis. Even though the Kijimuna are tricksters, they have been known to make friends with humans.
They are skilled fish catchers and only eat the left or both eyes of the fish they catch. Therefore, if you become friends with a Kijimuna, you can always get a fish and become rich. They are good at diving and fishing and catch a lot of fish in seconds. But all the fish they catch have no eyes. They can also run around on the water surface and can stand on the water while carrying people.
They are extremely hatred of hot pot lids, octopus, chickens and human farts, and it is forbidden to let them near the Kijimuna. They also die (or are forced to move to another tree), if a nail is driven into the tree in which they live. They will take terrible retribution, including murder, against anyone who breaks these prohibitions.
Nevertheless, as long as one do not break these prohibitions, they are basically harmless to humans, and many lores say that they are "good neighbours" with humans.
[History of Ryukyu Islands (collective name for Amami Islands, Okinawa Islands, Miyako Archipelago and Yaeyama Archipelago)]
The Ryukyu Islands are known to have been inhabited by humans for about 32,000 years.
The Ryukyu Kingdom was a monarchy, existed in the southwestern islands of Japan for about 450 years, from 15th century to 19th century. It developed through diplomacy and trade with China, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asian countries, and the castle of the Ryukyu dynasty, Shuri Castle, was the political, economic and cultural centre of its maritime kingdom. In the late 19th century, the Japanese Government, dispatched troops to oust King Shoutai from Shuri Castle and proclaimed the establishment of Okinawa Prefecture (Ryukyu Disposition). Here, the Ryukyu Kingdom was destroyed.
Genetic studies have shown that populations in the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa Islands, Miyako Archipelago and Yaeyama Archipelago) have no direct genetic link to mainland China or Taiwanese populations and have identical paternal lines to mainland Japan, and nuclear DNA analysis in 2018 showed that genetically, Ryukyuans are the most closely related, followed by mainland Japanese, from the Ainu (Ref) perspective.
Furthermore, in 2021, a paper on archaeogenetics published in the journal Nature stated that DNA analysis of prehistoric human bones excavated from the Nagabaka (lit. Long graveyard) site in Miyakojima City showed that they were "100% pure Jomon", a research finding that indicates that prehistoric archipelago people came from the Okinawa Islands.
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森の精霊たちと原住民 (5)
キジムナー 〜 いたずら好きな赤毛の妖怪たち
キジムナーは、日本の沖縄諸島に伝わる伝説の小さな木の精霊で、樹木 (一般的にはガジュマルの老木) の中に住んでいる。見た目は3、4歳くらいで、赤い髪をしていると言われている。
熱い鍋蓋、タコ、ニワトリ、人間のおならを極端に嫌い、それらのものをキジムナーに近付けるのは禁忌である。また住んでいる木に釘を打たれると死ぬ (或いは別の木への転居を余儀なくされるとも)。これらの禁忌を破った人間に対しては、殺害を含む恐ろしい報復を為す事も辞さない。
[琉球諸島 (奄美群島、沖縄諸島、宮古列島、八重山列島の総称) の歴史]
15世紀から19世紀までの約450年間、日本の南西諸島に存在した君主制国家、琉球王国は、中国をはじめ日本、朝鮮、東南アジア諸国との外交・貿易を通して発展し、琉球王朝の王城、首里城はその海洋王国の政治・経済・文化の中心にあった。しかし、19世紀後半、日本政府が軍隊を派遣し首里城から国王尚泰 (しょうたい) を追放し沖縄県の設置を宣言した(琉球処分)。これによって、琉球王国は滅亡した。
遺伝子研究では、琉球列島 (沖縄諸島、宮古列島、八重山列島) の集団は、遺伝的に中国本土や台湾の集団との直接的なつながりはなく、日本本土と同一の父系を持つという研究結果や、2018年の核DNA分析から遺伝的に、アイヌ(参照)から見て琉球人が最も近縁であり、次いで日本本土人が近縁であるという研究結果が発表されている。
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rose-learns-japanese · 2 months
Daily Practice: Buzzfeed Japan Article: Leek bacon Korean pancake
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Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jp/mayumioowada/leek-korean-pancake
"If you buy green onions, use them all in this one!" Just bake this and your family will devour it! An exquisite recipe that will disappear off of the plate entirely as soon as you look away!
This is a recipe for a side dish where green onions are the star. The smell of the green onions and the richness of the bacon are irresistible! You should absolutely try this!
Leek and Bacon Korean Pancake
2人分 - 2 servings
ニラ 1束 Green onion 1 bunch
【A】ベー��ン(1センチの長さに切る) 2枚
Two pieces of bacon (Cut into 1 centimeter lengths) 2 pieces
【A】卵 1個 Egg, 1
【A】薄力粉 大さじ2 Flour 1 tbsp
【A】鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1 Chicken soup stock 1 tsp
ごま油 大さじ1 Sesame oil 1 tbsp
作り方:How to make
① ニラは5センチの長さに切る。Cut the green onions to a length of 5 centimeters.
② ボウルに①、【A】を入れてよく混ぜる。Add the green onions from step one, and all ingredients marked with 【A】 to a bowl and mix well.
③ フライパンにごま油をひいて中火で熱し、②を広げる。両面をこんがりと焼いたら、完成!Heat the sesame oil over medium heat in a frypan, spread the mixture from step two into the pan. Fry until brown on both sides, and you're done!
お好みで酢じょうゆにつけて召し上がれ!Top with your favorite vinegar soy sauce and enjoy!
What I learned:
Ingredient lists in Japanese recipes can sometimes be separated by what goes with what in a bowl by using different things like 【A】.
New to me Vocab:
ニラ - Green onion/leeks
鶏ガラスープ (とりガラスープ)- Chicken broth
主役 (しゅやく) - Leading part (in a play etc. The star!)
爆食い (ばくぐい) - Eat voraciously
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