#(<- demigirl)
yuribeam · 3 months
for whoever needs to hear this:
starting HRT doesn't have to be a huge momentous all-or-nothing decision. you can just try it like you would an antidepressant you've been informed of the risks of.
there won't be any immediate irreversible changes overnight. you can always stop, change your dose, change your delivery system, decide it's not the right time. you can even microdose if you want to.
you don't have to tell anyone. you don't have to announce it if you don't want to.
stop waiting for a perfect time in your life because it won't come.
stop waiting to reach a mythical level of certainty that never comes to anyone, for anything.
you've been thinking about it long enough. if you have the opportunity, just give it a shot. you're worth the courage it takes to make a change in your life.
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traaansfem · 18 days
Reblog to Estrogenize Prev*
*Cis men are welcome to reblog this, but be aware that those labels may not last :3
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that-bisexual · 26 days
Straight cisgender people will go "Why don't we get pride?? We're unique too!!"
Yeah but have you ever had to look up if it's illegal to go on your vacation trip just because of who you love?
Were you not allowed to marry the person you love years ago?
Have looked at the we have the right to refuse service to anyone sign and get nervous?
Are you being discriminated against even in you own community because you don't want to love (aro/aces deserve double pride or smth idk)
Have you been denied by a doctor because you're trans and it's 'too complicated'?
Are cishet people being harassed and murdered because they're cishet?
We've fought for our place and we're still fighting. When you have to do that then you can have pride.
EDIT: I know that other groups have faces oppressions like this and I know that queer people are not the only ones that suffered like this but I am saying nobody has ever been treated like this BECAUSE they’re straight.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 months
you're allowed to love being trans if you:
just came out
havent transitioned and dont plan to
have known you are trans for years but kept it to yourself
don't want surgery or hormones
dont disclose your trans status or genders to other people
dont change your name
never have dysphoria
your transness is tied to your neurodivergence
your transness is tied to your nonhuman identity
dont feel like you have a gender or gendered experience
feel like gender isn't really that important
are intersex
are two-spirit, hijra, or have another cultural gender or expression identity, or "third gender"
are a person of color
are an afab demigirl
are an amab demiboy
have a complex identity
have a very simple identity
cant figure out your gender for the life of you
cross dress
do drag
present socially in ways that are "normal" for your agab
have crushing dysphoria
don't know how to pass
pass effortlessly
are a butch trans woman
are a femme trans man
are demigender
don't like to be reminded you're trans
have a very specific gender
have a gender that's specific to you and you alone
have hated being trans at one point
stopped transition and restarted it at some point
have had to change your gender, name, pronouns or presentation multiple times
change presentation a lot
have a gender that's hard or impossible to put into words
dont want to figure out what your gender is exactly
are plural/a system
are genderfluid, gnc, genderqueer, multigender, polygender, genderflux, neutrois, maverique or genderfuck
are xenogender
are a lesbian or gay
are transneutral
are transfemasc/transmascfem
..... are trans.
every trans person is allowed to love being trans. good day, love yourself today!
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aubryjoi · 2 months
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility! 🏳️‍⚧️✨
I couldn’t be more proud to be part of such an amazing community filled with the most wonderful people. My own trans journey has evolved so much over the past year & I am so grateful to be able to be seen today & every day 💙
Once again, I’ve given Egg some (but not all!) flags under the trans umbrella! I hope you can find yours here 🩷
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Diversity win!Hot girl is also a pretty boy!
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bloompawz · 4 months
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
By the way you can be as much or as little trans as you want to be. Going all-out with bottom/top surgery, hormones, vocal training, etc.? Super cool. Just want hormones and no surgery? Cool. Just want vocal training? Awesome. Just want to wear different clothes? Still trans if that’s what you want. Want to change nothing at all other than using different pronouns than when you were a kid? If it’s trans enough for you, it’s trans enough for me. Only want to be trans sometimes, when you’re in the mood, when Mercury is in retrograde? Sounds legit to me. All levels of transness are valid.
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poll-boy · 11 days
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! If anyone has any pride related polls please submit them!! i want to do a bunch for pride month :)
any poll submission at all is appreciated though! so if you want to do something non pride related please do!
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transonlyspace · 5 months
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pennycutenice · 7 months
Unattended children will be given hair dye and pronouns.
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youareinlovetv · 1 year
How queer is tumblr? (Gender Identity)
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that-bisexual · 14 days
honestly I think being a shapeshifter would solve 75% of my problems. just saying...if anyone is a genie or something on Tumblr I would love to shapeshift.
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genderqueerdykes · 19 days
feminine afab non binary people and masculine amab non binary people are still non binary, and thus, trans. it's not okay to excuse slipping up using an afab non binary person's pronouns just because they "look cis" to you. they are not cis. they are desperately trying to get you to understand that gender is not as black and white as it seems. they are existing in a real niche of real people that struggle to be seen as who they are and contributing to that helps no one.
i see you, fem afab enbies and masc amab enbies. you are still non binary. you are still trans. you still have a right to what pronouns and identity you use. you have a right to get upset when they call you a girl or a boy when you're not. people do not have the right to misgender you just because they don't understand the niche you fall into in life. you are justified in being upset when someone misgenders you because they refuse to see that gender is a broader spectrum than we give it credit for.
you are trans. you are non binary. the right people will see you for who you really are. don't give up telling people who you really are. stand your ground if you must. you are loved and seen for who you are even if it doesn't seem like it right now. don't give up.
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bucker3911 · 8 months
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YAY its spooky pride flag season
(fyi: i didn't make any of theses, i got them from pinterest. full credit goes out to them! @notroxielol and @charlieeeee_3 on pinterest! and @FogPal on Twitter! :D )
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hey you!
yea you!!
your gender’s looking great today!!
whatever you identify as
however you prefer to present yourself
however you look
it looks great on you!!!!
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