People saying rogue is the first queer thing to ever happen in doctor who is a disservice to literally half the characters.
Put some respect on my men: Jack, every single man jack flirts with who flirts back,William Shakespeare, The master, The doctor, Agent Canton, parallel Mickey, strax, Avocado Pear’s Dad, and all the other dudes I’ve forgotten about.
Put some respect on my girls: Rose, the doctor, Missy, Casandra, Those married lesbians in gridlock, Madam Vastra, Jenny, Rose Temple-Noble, Bill, Heather, River song,Yaz, and all the other girls I’m missing.
It has been gay. THIS WHOLE TIME.
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nolouvreart · 2 days
live for any padawan obi. underrated as hell and that artwork is mwah
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🤍!!! I’m a huge young Obi-Wan enthusiast!!
I have a few sketches that I would love to share later and a few ideas for AUs or.. some sexy stuff u know 👀
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copdog1234 · 2 months
This is exactly what I want from a Fallout TV show. Pathetic Brotherhood of Steel characters, a Vault Dweller who kicks ass, a hot ghoul, dubious corporations, and the hint of more New Vegas.
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plumadot · 1 month
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the ocean's embrace
or: a goddess finds a cool bug
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ratfest · 3 months
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dumblr · 7 months
If i’m on ur mind just text me.
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natjennie · 3 months
okay, bear with me this requires a lot of context. imagine that you wake up on a space ship with an alien species capable of telepathic communication with you. they are also capable of instilling you with the knowledge that everything they say is completely true, there is not a hint of uncertainty in your mind. they have weapons capable of obliterating earth pointed at the planet, and are forcing you to do one of two things in order to not fire. within the fiction of the scenario you are not being given the choice, but you the real you is picking which one of these things you'd rather have happen.
you must eat an 8 ounce serving of human baby meat, by default prepared like a steak (different preparations can be requested). you do not have to keep the meat down once you're done, but you have to get all of it in your body at one point. they do not provide any information about where the baby came from or how it died. if you complete this, they will deposit you back on earth and you will be free from legal repercussions of cannibalism, and it is generally agreed that you are also free from moral blame as it was against your will.
you will be surgically impregnated with a human embryo and must carry it to term and give birth. the embryo does not contain your dna, but otherwise you don't know anything about its origins. the aliens have advanced medical technology that gives you sufficient anatomy to carry and birth the baby, and keeps you healthy throughout, with no risk of long term complications or death. you have the choice to keep or give away the baby once you have given birth, and will be deposited back on earth.
if you refuse to comply in either situation, they destroy the earth and you are forced to live the rest of your life aboard the space ship as a prisoner, until you die of natural causes.
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frnkieroismydaddy · 11 months
If this gets 10k notes by Joe Trohman's birthday (September 1st), I'll get a Fall Out Boy tattoo
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taliesin-the-bored · 26 days
A few things which are “canon” somewhere for people who are worried they’re stretching it too far
Arthur was killed by a giant cat. 
Arthur killed the cat.
Arthur didn’t fight the cat. Kay did.
Kay and Bedivere use salmon as taxis. 
Lucan is half giant, half lion. (This Lucan, Lucano in the original Italian, is evil and not related to Bedivere). 
King Arthur raided the land of the dead.
The human knight Caradoc Briefbras has three half siblings: a dog, a horse, and a pig.
A large portion of Arthur’s troops was killed a while before Camlann by his nephew’s attack ravens in self-defense. Arthur and said nephew were playing chess at the time and neither did much to stop it.
Merlin retired peacefully and went to live in the countryside with Taliesin.
Wherever Arthur walks, plants die. They don’t grow back for years.
Arthur had a spunky (half?) brother who died in battle after making a mysterious oath.
Dagonet is more or less able to run the kingdom when Arthur is gone. His biggest error is overspending on mercenaries.
Guinevere has an evil almost identical twin half-sister.
Hector beat up all the best knights except for Galahad while possessed by a demon.
Gawain plays tennis.
Gawain has used a chessboard as a weapon.
Near the start of his reign, Arthur left Lot in charge of the kingdom and went on a quest with a sassy parrot.
Gawain or Galahad succeeded Arthur as king. 
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sarangkstars · 3 months
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Attack on Titan
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bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 2 months
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Right then. Something happened.
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glimersims · 3 months
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i made a new preset <3
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parachutingkitten · 7 months
Confess to me your Ninjago Sins.
I know you have them.
I'll start. My biggest Ninjago Sin is that I genuinely don't like Morro.
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theholybun · 6 months
You can't escape it
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Let me know
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pikavani · 6 months
Okay jokes aside.. I'm not actively drawing NSFW content. When I say "nsfw" it's more like intense kissing and cuddling. This has always been something for me to enjoy. So you won't find any online. I also don't want to be "that" kind of artist.. I really want my audience to be entertained by the fun and Wholesome artwork I post ♡
HOWEVER I know that (let's be real) A LOT of you people would also enjoy content like this.. especially the bunnydoll kind. In that case I'm thinking of posting on Tumblr and if enough people agree on Patreon as well.
Let me know what you think :)
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unexpectedstormy · 6 months
Master Sword Pt 2: What half the Chain thinks of the Sword
As I explained in my previous Master Sword post, what Sky thinks of the Master Sword is summed up in this one panel from New Times New Place. But what do the rest of the members of the Chain think of the Master Sword? (FYI, I'm splitting it up and doing Twilight, Legend, and Wild in a separate posts because there's a lot to it.)
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In the comic Swords, The Chain is talking about everyone's thoughts on the Master Sword (I'll refer to that comic a lot in this post) and Hyrule, who did not wield it on his adventures, mentions that he is curious about it and Time tells him this:
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In Time's case on his adventure he was judged too young too small and the sword changed him to be bigger and older and better able to wield it. Clearly he wasn't a fan of that because in New Time New Place, he says this:
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Time recognizes the power and necessity of the Master Sword, but he doesn't agree with it's ways and doesn't want to have anything to do with it anymore because of the trouble its cause him.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I've only found one single panel (back in the Swords comic) about Warriors' opinion of the Master Sword when he says this:
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Indeed, in his game Hyrule Warriors, that's part of his story arc and the game's plot so I won't say more for game spoiler reasons. But generally, Warriors feels empowered by the sword and there's no indication that he has any negative opinions about it.
In this these panels from Swords...
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And these panels from Too Small for the Sword...
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We can see that Four has not wielded the Master Sword and does not want to because he knows it is a magical sword and the last magical sword he touched divided him into four pieces in his game, Four Swords Adventures. He doesn't know how the Master Sword would affect him and he doesn't want to know.
Hyrule is another Hero who never wielded the Master Sword because his games predate the Master Sword's invention in A Link to the Past. In Swords, Sky lets him handle the Master Sword and Hyrule is impressed, but he has his own super awesome fire blade and doesn't need the Master Sword.
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There isn't very much about Wind and the Master Sword in LU. He does say this in Swords:
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Because in his adventure, when he first drew the Master Sword, it wasn't at full strength and Wind had to find a way to repower it before he could use to fight Ganondorf. Other than that, in Divine Dark Reflections Pt 4, Wind remarks that his primary sword, the Phantom Sword is nothing like the Master Sword, but is useful in it's own way (but he doesn't say whether it's better or worse).
And there you have it folks, half the Chain's opinions in one post. The rest will be coming soon!
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