#(kiss Arthur pendragon on the mouth)
lauravian · 7 months
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Little Merlin going on an adventure
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hopelessromantic5 · 4 months
King Arthur happens to be traveling through Ealdor the exact day the citizens decide they’ve had enough of Merlin.
Labeling him too dangerous, they tied him up on the pyre in the center of town.
As long as Merlin had been alive, he’d never seen this pyre lit.
He would’ve just gotten himself out of this situation with his ‘gifts’ if it weren’t for his poor mother.
The villagers would never let her live in peace if he magically disappeared.
No, this was the only way she could go on living, even with a broken heart.
He didn’t fight. He didn’t really hear much of what they spit at him. But he could hear his mother wailing at him, to save himself, to do whatever he must do.
He’d resigned himself to an early death.
Tom, the town representative, started spewing some righteous words at him. New Religion words that didn’t quite make sense to him, but that’s to be expected. He is, himself, a creature of the old religion, if prophecy is to be trusted.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself, serpent?”
Merlin opened his mouth to tell his mother that he loved her, but he stopped short.
In the distance, he could hear a sound.
The beating of hooves on hard, cold dirt.
Visitors were approaching.
It must be fate, he thinks.
As the horses drew closer, the villagers slowly turned their attentions away from him.
Merlin simply hung his head, letting the Earth he loved so dearly decide which way his life would swing.
“What is the meaning of this?”
A calm, steady voice came from behind him. Deep and concerned. Merlin wished he could see the man.
“My lord,” Tom bowed, as well as he could, which was strange.
Upon realization, Merlin’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, were these visitors noble? They never had nobility stay long enough to make comments on anything, only ever just passing through.
“I asked you a question.” The voice said again, with all the authority of someone who’s used to using it.
“This man is a sorcerer, sire. We were just-“
“What has he done?”
“What has this man done to call for these extreme measures?” When no one answered him immediately, he rephrased.
“Surely there must’ve been a crime committed?” As if it’s a question.
Merlin’s mother pulled herself out of shock and brought herself forth.
“He did nothing, sire.” She spoke firm and unmoving. She must’ve seen hope in this man that Merlin had yet to lay eyes on. “He’s only ever used it for healing wounds and helping our gardens in the winter. Please have mercy on him, my lord. He is my only son.” Tears started falling as her voice broke. She finally met Merlin’s eyes again and he smiled at her, weakly.
“So this man-“
“Sorcerer.” Corrected Tom. What a dick.
“This man, did nothing but heal you and help you survive and this is how you repay him?”
Again no answer.
The man seemed to gesture at Tom, walking towards the town elder, and bringing him finally into Merlin’s line of sight.
The doomed boy nearly gasped.
Silver and red bled together in the sun, armor and finery melded like roses in white sand.
The man-the lord…the knight? He had golden blonde hair, that shone like it’s own light.
Blue eyes made even more obvious and striking surrounded by unblemished, sun-kissed skin.
“You seem to be leading the horde. Tell me why?” No, answer. “Cut him down.” A command. The stranger’s face was a hard, blank line.
Funny how, even then, he didn’t feel like a stranger. But Merlin was in no state to remember it.
“My lord, I do not think that would be wise. Your father was the one to wage war on magic-“
“I am not my father. Cut him down.”
Merlin swallowed. Uther Pendragon was the only person in his mind that waged the war on magic, that began the purge. Which means this man could only be his son, Prince Arthur.
What a prince he was.
Well, King, now.
No wonder every person in the vicinity practically dropped to their knees upon his arrival. They’d all heard stories of ‘The Just King’ that now reigned over Camelot. Giving whatever he could to his citizens that needed it most, never turning anyone away who seeks shelter. Merlin had heard the same as everyone else. Seeing the King in person now, he was in awe.
“I will not endanger the lives of all who live here.” Tom turns back to Merlin with the lit torch.
Merlin held his breath, but the second Tom turned away from him, the King pulled his sword. It made the loveliest sound as it left the sheath.
The sound of salvation.
Tom had the tip of a majestic blade directed right at his throat, as the King spoke again.
“I said, cut him down.”
The look on the King’s face was one that could kill.
Merlin wondered momentarily why he cared so much.
Finally someone from the crowd stepped forward with a knife and began to cut away Merlin’s ties.
Hunith leapt forward and engulfed her son in a hug, while also somewhat holding his body upright.
He did not want to let go, considering he thought he would never get to hug his mother again. But the entire village was watching them.
As was-
“What is your name?”
It was phrased as a question but spoken like a command. Merlin knew it was directed at him without opening his eyes.
He did, reluctantly, release his mother and turn to the golden King, facing deep blue eyes head on. Never cowering.
The King must’ve seen something in him. Something every other person was blind to or chose to ignore, simply because he was a peasant. He took a step closer and Merlin could hear the tiny tink of metal pieces on his shining armor, as he did so.
“Well, Merlin.” He said, as if trying it out for himself. “Seeing as I’ve just given you your life, I’d like to ask a favor.”
Merlin’s curiosity was peaked, to say the least. King’s didn’t ask favors, they took whatever they wanted.
King Arthur did not wait for a reply to continue.
“I’m in need of assistance. And I could use someone with a gift like yours, specifically.”
Merlin narrowed his eyes in minuscule doubt. Doubt of intentions, doubt of his safety.
The King somehow knowing his exact thoughts said
“Of course you would be permitted to come back when you are needed. And when I have accomplished my goal, if you wish, you can leave. I will not keep anyone against their will. I am simply offering.” A small smile played on his mouth. Flush pink lips. He also held up his hands as if to say ‘I will not harm you’.
Merlin’s gut told him to follow this man.
Terrifyingly, his intuition told him to follow this man, practically a stranger, anywhere. Everywhere.
Merlin felt a pull he’s never felt before. In the moment, he assumed it was immense gratitude for saving his life.
Merlin turned to meet his mothers eyes, he already knew what she was going to tell him.
“I think it will be good for you. To get out for a while.” She smiles softly.
“Will you be alright?” He whispered, glancing at the crowd still gathered around an unlit pyre.
“I’ll be fine.” She grabbed him in a bear hug, like she always did. “And if they boot me out, I’ll come find you.”
Merlin sighed into her shoulder.
When Merlin turned back, the King had turned his eyes to the ground, giving mother and son a moment of privacy.
Merlin was starting to warm to him already.
“Can I pack first?”
King Arthur met his gaze then, doing that half smile thing, again.
“I suppose.” He nodded. “But don’t dawdle we need to move if we want to make it back before sundown.”
“Yes, sire.” The title which usually held reverence and respect, was laced with sarcasm. He didn’t seem to think twice, as he strode away towards their hut to gather his things.
If Merlin had looked back, he would’ve found a fully beaming King looking after him and about six knights with faces of complete shock.
And perhaps, one knowing mother.
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onceandfuturelesbian · 11 months
merthur fanfic where arthur realizes merlin’s very obviously hiding something and after thinking and stalking, comes to the conclusion that merlin’s in love with him. he doesn’t know how he feels about it but he doesn’t treat merlin differently or says anything. after arthur becomes king, merlin nervously comes to tell him something. he’s very clearly nervous and fidgety so arthur’s like oh shit he’s gonna confess his feelings. instead, merlin confesses his magic. arthur’s absolutely shook cause what?!?? but he ends up being chill, removes the ban and makes merlin court sorcerer. a couple months later, merlin notices that arthur’s seemed really sad since the ban was lifted. merlin thinks maybe arthur wasn’t so good with magic after all. he goes to talk to him about it and arthur’s all like “no no it’s just- when you came to confess ur magic, i thought u were gonna tell me smthn else” cause obviously arthur’s the type of idiot that thinks someone can only have one secret and merlin’s been acting so much happier and lighter since the repeal so clearly he doesn’t care about arthur that way. “what did you think i was gonna tell you?” “it’s- uh- it’s stupid. i thought you- well i thought you were gonna tell me…” “what arthur” “ithoughtyouweregonnatellmeyouloveme” he basically mumbles but merlin hears. “…what?” he’s gobsmacked and arthur looks so insecure and won’t meet merlin’s eyes. before arthur can even blink, he’s being squeezed half to death by his own court sorcerer. “you clotpole, of course i love you.” arthur’s brain is short-circuiting and he’s all like “what?” and he can’t process what merlin said. merlin pulls back from the hug, grabs arthur’s face with both hands and forces him to make eye contact.
“arthur pendragon, i am in love with you.”
arthur’s eyes go even wider to the point where merlin thinks they may fall out, his mouth opens and closes as he processes.
when he says it, it comes out as barely a whisper.
“i love you too”
then boom merlin kisses him and it’s soft and sweet and arthur finally catches up to what’s happening and pulls merlin closer by the waist and they kiss for a long time then go cuddle on arthur’s bed and maybe talk idk
we love emotionally constipated arthur
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nothankyoudear · 1 year
If Arthur has learned one thing from his father's teachings, it is to not trust.
For friends all eventually part ways, and lovers all end in tragedy. They are both nothing but human, and if there is one thing that humans do best, it is to betray. 
Arthur carries that with him for the entirety of his childhood, and by the time he is well into his teens, he is alone except for a few that his father has deemed as suitable playmates.
It all changes when he meets Merlin.
Merlin is nothing like any of the friends that Arthur has had - He insults Arthur with a glint in his eyes, and is confident as he tells the crown prince off in aid of a servant. Arthur feels a pang in his chest and reacts the only way he knows how. By taunting Merlin and throwing him off into the dungeons.
Arthur turns in his bed that night, sleepless. He thinks of Merlin’s sarcastic remarks and blue eyes, and wonders if he might’ve ruined the only chance he had at something with the resemblance of a friend.
The next time they meet, Merlin shoves past Arthur at the market, and Arthur panics. He wants to reach out and apologize and offer Merlin gifts in sincerity, yet his mouth and pride act before his mind, and once again he goes back to taunting.
Arthur doesn’t sleep that night, for fate has given him another chance at befriending this strange boy, and he has failed her twice. Arthur has lost the privilege of being someone other than his title.
But she is continuously merciful, as by a strange series of events, Merlin is assigned as his manservant. 
Arthur cannot stop himself from smiling when he is insulted once more.
As the years pass, Arthur gets closer and closer to Merlin. And when he finds himself comforted by Merlin's presence as he is laying down logs in the fireplace one night, he is terrified.
Because Merlin treats him as Arthur, the royal prat and downright pain in Merlin's arse, and not Arthur Pendragon, the prince of Camelot. Arthur is treated like a human for what is possibly the first time in his life, and he reacts like one.
Arthur has broken the one rule given to him by his father, and with every time he sleeps next to Merlin or eats whatever Merlin has cooked for him, Arthur has silently and unknowingly placed his life into the palms of Merlin's hands.
Arthur trusts Merlin, and he is terrified.
He knows that Merlin doesn’t have it in his blood to be unkind (he stood up to a prince for a servant, for gods’ sake), yet he cannot resolve the thoughts of Merlin leaving him behind now that he has Arthur between his fingers. The idea of betrayal and sorrow drives itself into Arthur’s mind to the point of madness, and he knows it’s because he’ll be rendered helpless if Merlin really does turn his back on him.
Arthur thinks of distancing himself from Merlin, but even the thought pains him too much. So instead, he resigns to his fate and leans into Merlin like a moth to fire.
Merlin tells Arthur about his magic one cold night.
His voice is soft and his hands are shaking. His eyes never stray from Arthur’s expression. 
Arthur’s mind is muddled and although he knows he should be feeling a sense of betrayal, of how his father was and always had been right in his judgement not to trust, a raw feeling of elation dances across his skin instead.
Because Merlin trusts him back.
Arthur has handed his life over to Merlin through sips of stew and naps during hunting trips, and Merlin has handed it right back.
Merlin is a sorcerer, and instead of executing him, Arthur kisses him.
They lay in bed together that night, huddled underneath the thick red blanket in Arthur’s chambers. Arthur tells Merlin about his fear of betrayal and his father’s teachings. He tells Merlin about how he’s wanted nothing more than to be seen as a real, living person with something else other than his surname, and about the sleepless nights Arthur’s spent thinking about him.
Arthur tells Merlin he loves him, and Merlin says it back.
Merlin sleeps before him, and in the silence Arthur can’t help but think of his father’s teachings. He can't help but think of stories of anguish and sorrow and pain.
Yet it all dissipates as he takes one look at Merlin’s lips, and hears the soft inhale from his sleeping figure. And as Arthur lays besides Merlin, he wonders how his father had ever thought betrayal was the thing that humans did best, when it had always clearly been love. 
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quack-quack-snacks · 1 year
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Chaos’s Queen
My Navigation and Masterlist
Pairing(s): Chaos!Arthur Pendragon x Fem!Reader Summary: Arthur shows you what you've been missing out on as Queen. Warnings: Smut, consensual sex (CONSENT IS SEXY KIDS), oral (r! receiving), cunnilingus, throne sex, major overstimulation, fingering, Arthur using his chaos power for sexual uses, body worship (maybe?), praise kink, slightly degrading terms (but no name calling such as slut, whore, etc - I will cry), pet names (pretty girl, sweetheart, darling, my queen, your highness), slight choking kink, throne kink, crown kink, lots of eye contact, no use of (y/n). Word Count: 3,630 Extra Notes: Arthur is in his 30s in this fic, just like he was when he had the chaos power and is the King
Your eyes looked back and forth between your lover's and the doors of the throne room you stood outside of. Arthur had a sweet smile on his face as he led you through the doors and into the room. It was empty inside, safe for a few servants cleaning and polishing the throne, the gold shining and sparkling with the final rays of the setting sun shining through the room’s windows.
“You’re all dismissed.” He said in a cold tone even though his eyes and smile remained locked on you. “Except you.” His sweet smile transitioned into a smirk and a shiver ran down your spine.
You knew that look.
As the last servant left the room, the throne doors slammed shut by an invisible source and the room’s windows were covered by curtains that were not there a moment before.
Oh god.
You were really in for it.
“Sweetheart, why don’t you come here.” He gently took your hand in his large hands, calloused from years of sword-holding and battle training but soft in their touch for you. Leading you to his throne, he motioned for your to sit. You hesitated, confused, and opened your mouth to speak when his hand reached out and his thumb ran over your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly and trapping your words in your throat. “Just sit,” His thumb left your lips only to be replaced by a slow kiss from his own. “Tonight,” He started speaking, mumbling against your lips. “Tonight you’re the one getting worshipped.” He gently moved you as he kissed you again until your knees backed up against the edge of the throne and pushed you back, making you lose your balance and fall onto it. He smirked, looking down at your slightly disheveled state, flushed cheeks, and the edge of your thinly strapped dress falling off your shoulder, revealing your neck and collarbones to the king’s eyes. Both his hands fell to the armrests to support himself as he leaned down and trailed his nose up from the slight bit of cleavage your dress showed and over your collarbone, stopping momentarily every second to leave teasing kisses along his path that left you breathy and panting, up to right below your ear.
“I’ve had an idea for a while now that I’ve been just dying to try,” He whispered hotly into the skin where your jaw met your neck. “I’ve just been waiting,” he nipped at your skin, “and waiting,” and again, “and waiting,” he growled out before lightly biting down into the crease of your shoulder and neck. You released a low moan at the unexpected act. You felt his lips move into a smirk before his tongue dipped out and he smoothed it over the bitten skin as he released a low moan of his own.
He backed up suddenly and you almost let out a yelp at how you fell forward to chase after his touch. His eyes lit up to see how desperate you were slowly becoming for him.
Taking a moment to take in your appearance once more, he let out a hum of satisfaction before smirking and staring directly into your eyes as he knelt to one knee, and then to the other until he was kneeling before you. His arms rested on the small space beside your thighs the throne gave him, his thumbs just barely grazing along the silk and mesh fabric of your golden and white dress as he leaned in and pressed his face into your stomach. Grazing his nose up and down, going further down each time, reaching closer to where you needed him most. His hands moved from the throne to down where your dress ended at your calves and started lifting it slightly which made your breath hitch.
“You always look so damn good in these dresses, dressed like a queen and looking like one too,” He practically moaned out as his nose hovered right above your arousal and he took a deep breath in. You whimpered at the praise. “It’s about damn time you got treated like one too.”
“Arthur,” you breathed out so softly you were even sure if he heard you but when he tilted his head up to look you in the eyes with a teasing smirk you knew he had. “Arthur, please don’t tease me,” you begged, your voice only a fraction louder than your first call of his name.
“But you sound so sweet when I tease you, your little breathy moans like sweet music to my ears every single time,” He suddenly stuck his nose right up against your clit through your thin dress fabric and a surprised gasp left your parted lips.
As you continued to whimper and plead while he continued to tease you, he finally had some mercy on you and brought the lining of your dress up to your thighs. Looking up at you in a moment of softness, he looked into your eyes with a concerned and questioning look, silently asking for your consent. You gave him a small smile and nodded before leaning down slightly to give him a slow, light kiss. Just as you were about to lift your hips to help him take your dress off, there was a gust of wind, forcing you to close your eyes. When you opened them your dress was nowhere to be seen. Your body was left bare except for your matching set of bra and panties.
You shivered as your bare skin touched the cool surface of the golden throne, but the light touches from calloused fingers warmed your body instantly. He slowly trailed his fingers up your legs, touch so light it felt feathery. Starting at your calves, his fingers danced higher and higher, drawing light circles every once in a while. Reaching your thighs, the touch started to get heavier. Rougher.
He started kneading your outer thighs, still refusing to touch anywhere that would give you the stimulation you needed. His kisses traveled down from the crevice of your neck to the valley between your breasts, leaving bite marks and kiss stains littered across your skin.
Finally. Finally. His kisses stopped and his breath hovered over the, now damp with your arousal, fabric of your panties.
With no warning, he shoved his face into your dripping cunt and started licking at you through the fabric ever so slowly, still wanting to tease you until you got so desperate you started begging with everything you had.
"Arthur, please!" You whined as he pulled his mouth away and blew cold air on your drenched undergarment.
He smirked.
Pulling your panties down past your ankles and across the room with your dress, he shoved his mouth into you again. His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked roughly sending an intense wave of euphoria throughout your entire body. Your back arched and you moaned loudly. Your hands reached out to grab onto his hair before they were grabbed by cold gold hands and restrained against the armrests of the throne chair.
He tsked and smirked as his chaos power activated, "No, no, sweetheart, just relax. Today is all about you," He spoke directly against your clit, the vibrations of his words sending jolts through your bones and tingles to the back of your head. "You've been working so hard recently," He licked at your clit between his words, continuing to give you pleasure while praising you. "Training with the new guards," another lick, "Helping me calm down whenever I get too stressed or angry," and another, "Sitting with me through those boring meetings that make me want to rip my hair out," His lingering frustration over his duties as a king slipped out through his actions. His tongue got rougher, his lips wrapped around your clit sucked harder, and his fingers that were holding your thighs apart for his assault on your sex gripped stronger.
He brought you to your first orgasm like that.
Your moans echoed throughout the room as he continued his movements to ride you through your high. As your body slowly relaxed into the golden frame of the throne once more, his tongue continued to lap up the remnants of your orgasm. Being overly sensitive from the said orgasm that happened barely moments ago, you squirmed against his strong grip.
"Arthur, ah, Arthur please, agh, it-it's too much," you moaned out as your lover's tongue continued to bring you to heaven and back.
“Gods, you taste just as good as I remember, so sweet. It's alright pretty girl just sit back and let me do all the work. You deserve every ounce of pleasure I give you," He ignored your pleas and activated his chaos power again to grab hold of your thighs for him and hold them apart to keep your struggling against his tongue to a minimum. Your legs shook as his fingers slowly glided up their way to your inner thighs and caressed the treasure in between. His tongue came off of your clit with a wet popping sound and you moaned - whether in relief or desperation, the answer was unknown - only to be replaced by his thumb a moment later.
You cried out and your head fell back against the gold as you looked down at the man between your thighs only to see him staring straight into your own with an intense look. You blushed and attempted to look away only for another hand to appear from behind your head and force you to look into Arthur's eyes. His purple ones twinkled with mischief and lust while yours shined with embarrassment and overwhelming pleasure.
His middle finger glided back and forth over your folds, reveling in how wet you were before slipping it in without any resistance. You gasped and your mouth was left open in a silent moan as the pads of his finger pressed right against the spot inside you that sent you into the clouds. Without taking his finger out, he allowed it to just sit inside you and rub against the spot over and over again. His eyes never left your face as your mouth released sounds of pleasure, your eyes closed, your head rested against the back of the throne once more as the hand holding your head up released you. He admired every feature of your face as it contorted in pleasure and felt a warm sense of pride flow through him straight to the tent beneath his golden armor pants.
"Does that feel good, your highness? Does my finger feel good as it brings you to bliss? Do you feel powerful? Having the former King of Camelot, the King of Chaos kneeling before you, dedicating his every moment to you and your pleasure? You lucky girl. Anyone, man and woman, would kill to be in your place. And yet here you are. Sitting on my throne while I devour you. Over, and over, and over again." He kissed your stomach as he spoke, his lips whispering over the skin and causing your muscles to contract in anticipation. Your breaths were heavy as you looked down at the King below you, ready to serve your every need and give you everything you want and more.
Your legs shook as his finger started entering and exiting you slowly. In and out, in and out. Again and again. He continued that while his thumb drew tight figure eights on your clit.
His face lowered and he roughly and suddenly drew a harsh bite at your thigh. You gasped, a loud, surprised, aroused sound, as you felt both pain and pleasure from the act. He brought his lips down onto your clit again, licking a painfully slow lick from the small part of your entrance not occupied by his finger to the skin above your clit. 
“You’re so pretty, such a hard worker. Ruling over my kingdom with so much grace and elegance. You’re starting to make me look bad with how good you’re doing. And looking so delicious while you do.” You keeled against the seat as you heard him continue with the praise, whimpering when he said you were doing well. 
“My perfect queen. I think I’m the lucky one. Getting to have your precious, sweet, delicious cunt all for myself. Oh, and look how wet you are all because of me. You are absolutely divine.”
You clenched around his finger as he continued to shower you with compliments and praise. He smirked into your clit. He knew exactly what he was doing by the words he spoke. The way your face flushed, your walls clenched, your eyes closed, and your hands gripping into your palms gripped harder was a dead giveaway. 
“My pretty queen, you’re just too perfect. Pretty cunt tastes so sweet, I simply can’t get enough of you.” He groaned as your thighs tried to squeeze against the iron-tight grip of the stone hands and around his head. 
White, hot, searing pleasure overcame your body. The orgasm that had been approaching went completely ignored as all you could focus on was the praise coming out of your lover’s mouth as he hand-delivered more ecstasy than you could take on a silver platter. You shivered as the bliss ran through your blood and settled in your bones with a distant buzz. 
He watched you shiver as he slowed the pace of his fingers so they barely felt like they were moving. Pressing a light kiss to your clit, he let out a low chuckled against the bud when you jolted. 
“Arthur! Ah, please Arthur, ah, please. I can’t take anymore, it’s too much, ah, please.” He laughed as you begged and pleaded with all your being. Wrapping his entire mouth around your mound, he gave a large, wet, suck, and watched in amusement as you cried out that it was too much, as you pleaded for a break.
“But you deserve it, all your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Not by me nor by anyone around us. I’m just trying to give you a proper thank you. You do so much for me, the least I can do is please you. You’ll be good for me, won’t you? I only want to please you, darling. Just be good for me, I’ll make you feel so good. Won’t you be my good girl?” His mouth lifted off of you to look up at you, his expression like that of a kicked puppy. His look made you give in, and in your hazy state, you failed to see the twinkle of sadistic lust in his eyes, reveling in the way you shook and cried out at each stroke, each pump, each action he did. So little movement was needed at this point for you to feel unbelievably high on the tight pleasure that circled around in your gut, the feeling intensing with each touch. 
Your eyes had closed and your head fell back against the gold, your breathing uneven and heavy as you tried to focus on what he said. A sharp bit to the crevice of your thigh and hip made you yelp and look back at the king between your thighs. Purple eyes narrowed in command despite the sugary sweet, soft smile he sent you, a slight display of dominance that most wouldn’t see. “My darling,” he spoke with a tinge of demand hidden deep within the softness of his tone. “When I ask a question of you, I expect an answer. You want to be good for me right? You want to be my good girl?” A second finger slid past your folds into your entrance unexpectedly. He gave a quick hard thrust before stilling completely, waiting for your answer. 
“Yes! Yes I’ll be your good girl, I’ll be so good just… just please, oh gods, please.” You begged as he started moving his fingers inside of you, faster with each second that passed until all you could feel was euphoria, the utter state of elation as the coil in your core built up for the third time of the night. 
Arthur could tell you were getting close again by how much your walls were squeezing his fingers, making it more difficult to move. “Squeezing my fingers so tight, are you close my love?” 
“Ah, yes, yes so close,” Your moans came in higher pitches and more frequent as your release drew nearer. 
“Then cum. Cum for me your highness. Make a mess on my fingers and tongue. Spill your arousal on my throne. Every time I sit on this chair I’ll remember how I brought you to your release until you screamed my name,” His lips wrapped around your clitoris again as he locked eyes with you. “And that is exactly what I intend to do.” 
Your eyes widened before shutting tightly and your mouth fell open in a loud moan as both his tongue and fingers sped up, finding your g-spot on each thrust and making your body burst with euphoria once more. 
He rode you through your third orgasm before abruptly pulling away and your eyes snapped open at the shocking movement. Your breathing slowly started to calm down as you looked at him. He stood in front of you. Staring down at you with an almost anomalistically hungry look. He raised his eyes from where they racked over your body to stare into your eyes. Slowly bringing the hand he used to finger you to his lips, he sucked on his fingers and licked the evidence of your lust off, his eyes never leaving yours. The throbbing around your entrance had just stopped until he smirked and said, “You look ravishing, my dear.” 
A heartbeat after he spoke, his chaos power was activated again and the hands restricting your hands let go slowly, only for your bra to come flying off and your hands being locked above your head. A loud gasp escaped your lips before another one interrupted it as your thighs were quickly moved back and your feet landed on the edge of the throne, your pussy being put on full display for the King of Chaos as he continued to smirk. He slowly, agonizingly slowly, walked towards you and leaned towards you, his hands gripping the top of the throne to keep his balance. He brushed his lips against yours before a weight was placed on your head. He placed a light kiss on your lips before leaning back and taking another moment to admire you. 
“You look radiant with my crown resting on your head, your highness.” He sunk to his knees again and your cunt clenched around nothing. 
This, he noticed.
His tongue licked a long stripe across your folds before swirling around your clit for a moment. As soon as you started to think he was going to bring you to another orgasm through clitoral stimulation only, he stuck his tongue right into your hole. You let out a mix between a yelp and a moan and felt him reach parts deeper than even his fingers had. Your head was too muddled with the feelings he was giving you to realize he was using his chaos magic on his tongue. Even if you had realized, you would have just been more aroused by the fact. With the constant feeling of his tongue against the spongey spot inside of you and his nose brushing against your clit with every thrust, your release didn’t take long to arrive. The crown shaking around on your head almost fell off with how much your body was shaking. Just as your high came down, your legs were brought over Arthur’s shoulders, the cold stone hands no longer restricting them. Your thighs squeezed around his head as he buried his face into your cunt with vigorous sucks and licks, anything to bring you to another exhilarating release. 
“Come on, darling. You can give me one more, can’t you? Just one more. Give it to me. Give me just. One. More.” His voice was rough as he spoke into you, vibrations sending you to cloud nine as you reached your final orgasm of the night. 
Giving a few slow laps at your entrance, feeling you twitch and hearing you whine and whimper at each one, he lifted his head from you. Your legs fell limply from his shoulders and the hands restricting your wrists released you. 
Looking down at him, his eyes held nothing but admiration and care as he looked back at you. You gently, with a bit of struggle while still being in a post-orgasm haze, lifted your palm to wrap it around his cheek. You rubbed your thumb along his chin, whipping what had collected there onto your thumb before tapping Arthur’s bottom lip. His eyes widened in surprise and a tinge of returning lust as he opened his mouth for your thumb to slip past. He licked and sucked at the finger as you admired him. 
When you slipped your thumb from his lips, they turned up into a soft smile as he reached forward and wrapped you up in his arms. Wrapping a cape around you, he lifted you and walked through the castle up to your shared bedroom and into the bathroom. Wetting a towel, he dragged the cloth across your body, wiping off the sweat that had accumulated throughout the night before leading the cloth to your, still-sensitive, entrance and cleaning it. He shushed you as you whimpered. Once he finished, he wrapped you in your softest nightgown and laid you down in bed, pulling you close as you lay with your back pressed against his chest. He nuzzled his face into your neck. 
And they all lived happily ever fucking after.
The end mfer
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arthursknight · 1 year
can't believe ten years ago today the BBC changed the world by having arthur pendragon kiss merlin on the mouth before throwing up dueces and saying "brb lol".......... what a wild christmas that was!
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artstelle · 1 year
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Not Mine To Keep
The first time Arthur came to Merlin's shop, he looked so out of place, unsure of what to do. Merlin guessed he was either too "manly" to be seen buying flowers, or a rich prat who never had to buy his gifts himself. Neither were exactly wrong guesses. He felt bad for the woman the man was buying the flowers for.
They had a rather unpleasant encounter that day and Merlin was sure the man would never, ever come anywhere near the shop again, and would probably tell everyone he knew not to buy from there either. So it was a surprise when he saw the other man again. He said that while the employees were rude, the place unfortunately had the best flowers around. Of course, that would be a better excuse if the man actually bought any flowers that time.
After that, it became a regular thing, Arthur visiting once a week. At first, he asked questions about flowers, then it turned into them chatting, insulting each other sometimes and joking, laughing.
Merlin knew he shouldn't, but he was sad and depressed when the man – Arthur, he learnt – stopped coming. He was worried when Arthur didn't show up for two weeks in a row, but weeks turned into months and he accepted that the other man had probably just grown bored of their little conversations.
And then, he just showed up. Merlin welcomed him as he would any other customer, tried not to stare or ask demand an explanation as to why he just vanished. But he knew he had no right to, they were two strangers having casual conversation, that was all. If Merlin had feelings for that gorgeus blond man who turned out to be actually funny and charming, then it was his problem alone.
Arthur stayed silent for some time, and he seemed nervous, god knows why. He looked at his hands, the flowers, the walls and anywhere other than at Merlin. Just as the silence started to be too much and Merlin thought maybe he should say something, Arthur opened his mouth.
"I had things to deal with. Things to arrange. Both personal and business issues." Merlin wanted to say there was no need for explanation, but was too shocked by Arthur's next words to say anything. "I am sorry."
Arthur Pendragon did not apologize. He would show that he was sorry, but never put it into words.
But Merlin had to talk, because the man was looking at him, obviously waiting for an answer. "Oh, um... O-ok." What he wanted to say was: why do you look like a kicked puppy? "It's fine, life gets busy sometimes." That seemed to ease Arthur's mind, if the smile that formed on his lips was any proof. His beautiful lips, how nice it would be to kiss them. Oh for god's sake! Merlin had to get rid of those thoughts.
"Well, is there anything you want? If you aren't going to buy anything, I can get you a chair, but you're blocking the way. Though I don't think I can talk much, there's a big order I need to prepare." He didn't mean to sound harsh, didn't want Arthur to leave, but it was hard to go back to how they used to be. Maybe in a week, he would stop wondering what the personal matters he had to arrange were.
"Actually... I want to. I'm here for a bouquet."
Oh... Ok then. That was unexpected. Merlin remined himself that there was nothing for him to be sad about.
"Ok, which one?" He showed the bouquets that were prepared for customers to choose from. It helped them to see how the thing would look before purchasing, it and was faster to have some made up already when it was busy. And if they didn't sell, Merlin took them to the local hospital to give someone a little smile. "Or do you want a custom made one?"
"A custom one. But I was hoping you could help me choose the flowers." Arthur twisted the end of the ribbon on the counter around his finger.
"Sure, it is my job." Stop being so nervous, Merlin told himself firmly. "What kind of bouquet do you want?" He didn't want to know but he had to ask.
"To show... Something that says 'You are important to me' and 'I think of you all the time.'"
Merlin's heart hurt so much he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hide it. It was no surprise the bouquet was for Arthur's lover, but he would never have expected Arthur could say such things. He must really love her. "And 'I wish to spend more time with you.'" Arthur looked at Merlin for the first time since he had entered the shop that day. Merlin wished he wouldn't. "And..." Please, enough, go tell those things to her yourself. I don't want to hear them! "'I love you.'"
Merlin turned his back, knowing he should be happy that Arthur had found someone he loved. Arthur often talked about the girls his father threw his way and how he never had any feelings at all, at least most of the time. Whenever that happened, Merlin thought about Arthur's first visit to his shop, the bouquet he'd bought, but he couldn't bring himself to ask who it had been for.
"I'll make something." He bit his lip while choosing the flowers. Merlin stared at the bright lamp to prevent the tears from falling down his cheeks. He didn't want to make a fast and simple bouquet just to get away from the situation. It was important to Arthur, and if Merlin couldn't be happy for him, at least he could do his job right.
After who knew how long, he had the flowers ready. "Here, I hope she likes them."
But Arthur did not reach out to take them.
"I hope he does," he said instead. "Keep them, please. They're for you."
Look… I drew that in November. Then when I was posting, I realized I forget to add the bouquet and since then it is waiting to be posted in my wip folder. Not even wip! I put that in completed folder cause like, it was mostly done. I wanted to pick flowers with correct meanings. I gave up and just drew a pretty bouqute cause it is better than never finishing it. Please pretend they have suitable meanings to what Arthur wanted to say.
I wasn't planning to write something that long! Wow.
Edit: I posted it to ao3 too. Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48305071
Flowershop AU for @merlinbingo
art by @artstelle
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
Any more love spell or fake dating fic recs for merthur? :)
love spell
Kiss Me Now (Kiss Me Forever) by pendragonally (@pendragon-ally)
When is a love spell not a love spell? When it’s just Arthur trying (and failing) to express his feelings— not that Merlin knows this, of course. Figuring it out leads to more than one revelation.
technically not a love spell fic, but also,, like merlin i was also firmly on the oh yeah he's enchanted camp dhfadjlhk so im counting it
2. Book Of Love by messandahalf (@messandahalf10)
Arthur has just lifted the ban on magic, and despite having Merlin around to answer his questions, he decides to try to do some research on his own. Books on magic are scarce in the castle, so he digs around in the library alone one night. What he ends up reading has some… interesting consequences.
love spell makes arthur obsess over his true love. hmmm wonder who that is
3. Call It True Love by orphan_account
Arthur falls under the effects of a love potion. Merlin has a headache.
adfhjkhfd poor lancelot
fake relationship
I Want Love, I Want Us, I Want Peace by InkThroughHerVeins (@ink-through-her-veins)
The Queens of Albion throw a ball every year for noble families to introduce their eligible sons and daughters. Except Camelot doesn’t officially have a queen. So, Arthur makes Merlin help with the planning.
Written for Merthur Week 2022. Each chapter uses one day’s prompts.
merlin being queen before even being queen!!!
2. For You, For Me by Camelots_Daffodil (@camelots-daffodil)
Merlin and Arthur are taken captive by a slaver with slightly deranged tendencies, and in order to save Merlin's life, Arthur claims that he is his consort. Their captor decides he wants to test the strength of Arthur's love for his supposed consort.
Written for Merlin Bingo 2022: Misunderstandings
fake relationship for a cause!!
3. Charting Stars On A Stained Glass Ceiling by mornmeril (@mornmeril)
Merlin leads a relatively content life - or as content as is possible under the rule of a magic-hating King. When the arrogant son of said magic-hating King starts becoming a regular at his coffee shop, Merlin is a little puzzled. When said Prince prat then proceeds to ingest a love potion on Merlin's watch that results in him having to move into the Royal Palace as Prince Arthur's (fake) boyfriend, Merlin wonders which deity he has angered. Things only get more complicated from there.
“Welcome to The Drip and Grind, what can I get for you?" “The same thing I always have,” Prince Arthur says, sounding vaguely disdainful and unbearably posh. “One would think you’d remember my order by now." Merlin scowls. He remembers His Haughtiness’ order perfectly well, but sees no reason to inflate an already unbearably large ego. “You’re not my only customer,” Merlin keeps his voice coolly polite; barely. “You realise that’s not the proper way to address me?” And is that a smirk at the corner of the stupid prat’s, stupidly gorgeous mouth? “Apologies, your High-and-Mightiness. Now do you think you can tell me your order or must I divine it from my crystal ball?”
excellent, spectacular, life changing, loml
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merlinrarepairfest · 5 months
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With an amazing 36 works, the 2023 round of the Rare Pair Fest is now closed! Our lovely participants created for 21 different relationships, with Arthur/Gwen/Merlin snatching the first spot with 5 works, Merlin/Gwaine coming second with 4, and third place being shared by Gwen/Morgana, Gwaine/Percival, and Leon/Merlin, all with 3 works each.
The hugest thank you to everyone who left prompts, wrote fics, created art, read and shared and left some love, and last but not least to the Merlin Fic Book Club Server for hosting us on the Discord side of things. I was actually blown away by everyone's enthusiasm for this fest, and I can't wait for the second round <3
Until then, you can find all of this year's creations beneath the cut. Enjoy!!
All the love,
Mona (@queerofthedagger)
Title: can you understand me? Writer: sleepygecko Rating: Teen & Up Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 3,606 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Leon Up to 10 tags: Animal Transformation, Fluff, Magic Reveal, First Kiss
Leon wakes up in the forest as a dog with no memory of how he got there. Luckily Merlin stumbles upon him and is able to help.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcm_rare_pair_fest_2023/works/49873792
Title: Friendless Monster Writer: I_think_he_knows | @marlenemckinnonsuppremacy Rating: Teen and up audiences Warnings: No Archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: 4891 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Arthur/Gwen Up to 10 tags: Polygamy, miscomunications, Fluff, Angst, Love, Love Confessions
After years of peace in Camelot, Merlin is forced to reveal his magic to the two people he loves the most
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49932865/chapters/126062422
Title: fool's gold Artist: kairennart (Personaje) | @kairennart Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Apply Medium: Digital Art Pairing/main characters: Lancelot/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Fanart, Shade Lancelot, Episode: Lancelot du Lac.
Morgana and her knight.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51030379
Title: Love is a Banquet Writer: eachpeachpearplum | @eachpeachpearplume Rating: T Warnings: No archive warnings apply, alcohol mention Word Count: 2k Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Gwaine, pre-Merlin/Gwaine/Arthur Tags: fluff, canon era, jealous Arthur, hungover Arthur
When it comes toArthur, Gwaine does a lot of pretending for Merlin's sake: pretending he doesn't know how Merlin feels about Arthur, pretending he doesn't know how Arthur feels in return, pretending he doesn't want to punch Arthur in the face and shout at the pair of them to stop being stupid and snog already (Gwaine's planning on being involved in the snogging too, he'snot self-sacrificing enough to give Merlin up entirely, but he sort of thinks one of them has to make thefirst move.) Or: Arthur is jealous and hungover, Gwaine is exasperated and really struggling to be sympathetic, and Merlin's heart is big enough to share...
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51617992
Title: These Walls, Thy Sphere Writer: Zorbo_Jorks | @zorbojorks Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 6,111 Pairing/main characters: Balinor & Arthur Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Canon Divergence- Balinor Lives, Father-Son Relationship Dynamics, Developing Friendship, Post-Canon: The Last Dragonlord, Arthur's Changing Opinions on Magic
“And what of your son?” Arthur pressed. “He must want you in his life!” “I know he does,” Balinor sighed, expression odd and unreadable to Arthur, “but I missed the chance to be a father to him long ago. He is a grown man now, and I am no fit father in any case.” “You would be better than many!” Arthur scoffed, not realizing the emotion hiding in his words until they had left his lips. He screwed his mouth shut and glared at the table, feeling Balinor’s gaze heavy on him, weighed further by the realization that he was comparing the dragonlord to the king. ------------ Balinor did not die, and despite everything, the dragonlord's company begins to grow on Arthur.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49938067
Title: Apple Moon Writer: Winter__Moon | @the-king-and-the-druidess Rating: T Warnings: No Medium/Word Count: Fic, 1670 Pairing/main characters: Mordred/Morgana. Mordred, Morgana Up to 10 tags: Canon divergence, knife feeding, apples, UST, old religion, good!Morgana, dark!Morgana
The moon has two sides, just like Morgana and Mordred.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50346283/chapters/127191832
Title: Sweet violet and cherry blossom Writer: Skydragon05 | @skydragon05 Rating: General Audiences  Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1528 Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Gwen/Elena Up to 10 tags: Fluff, Wedding, Polyamory, Established Relationship, Flowers, Canon Era, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Episode: s03e06 The Changeling (Merlin), Oneshot
There could hardly be more contrast between now and the last time Arthur had stood in this spot anticipating his imminent marriage. This time, not only was he the king, but he was also happy. Today he was here entirely by choice, and for love, and he knew the warmth he felt today was shared equally amongst both of his brides. Wedding oneshot for Merlin Rare-pair Fest 2023: Elena/Arthur/Guinevere
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51389851
Title: The Wild Goose Writer: littlegreyfish Rating: E Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: Fic/30,000 | Chapters: 5/6 Pairing/main characters: Balinor/Hunith Up to 10 tags: Hurt/comfort, Angst, Strangers to lovers, Injury recovery, Physical disability, Age difference, Character study, Canon era, Pre-canon, Canon compliant
Fleeing the slaughter of his people, the last dragonlord finds home with a peasant girl.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51400252
Title: [ART] Two of Us Artist: Mischel | @magicalmischel Rating: G Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: Art Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gwen Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Gwen Has Magic (Merlin), BAMF Gwen (Merlin), BAMF Merlin (Merlin), Digital Art 
Gwen/Merlin or Gwen & Merlin fanart for Rare Pair Fest 2023. Prompt: AU where Gwen has magic
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51388438
Title: left unattended Writer: Sage_Owl Rating: Mature Warnings: None Medium/word count: Fic/4,078 Pairing/main characters: Leon/Lancelot Up to 10 tags: Canon Divergence, Time Skips, Character Study, Wings, Mild Smut, Magic, Loneliness, Mythical Creatures, King Arthur Pendragon
It started as a way to escape. No, that wasn’t right. It started because he was drunk.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51328009
Title: Something for the pain Writer: Ace_Teagirl | @aroaceteagirl Rating: Gen Warnings: None  Medium/Word Count: fic 11,960 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin & Mordred Up to 10 tags: Canon era; Canon divergence; Child Mordred; Past child abuse
“Who is this?” Gaius finally asked. Merlin yelped in surprise as he turned fast enough to almost lose his balance and stumble. The purse of Gaius’ lips and the raised eyebrows told Merlin his mentor was struggling not to laugh at the display. Merlin wouldn’t admit it, but he appreciated it. “I found him on the street, I think he’s a druid. He can use mindspeech, but he can’t or won’t speak to me. I don’t really know who he is or where he’s from, but he needs help, Gaius. I couldn’t just let him freeze and starve out there. It’s just for a few days, I promise –” Or Merlin finds Mordred on the street on a cold and rainy night and decides to take him in. He starts teaching the boy how to control his magic and Mordred soon becomes Merlin's ward.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcm_rare_pair_fest_2023/works/51374515
Title: distance your emotions Writer: Ceewelsh | @mayonnaisetoffees Rating: M Warnings: Major Character Death Medium/Word Count: Fic/1779 Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur also involved Leon, Morgana and Elyan Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Order 66, Angst
The world seemed to be heading for a tipping point, and Arthur could only hope it would be for the better. Perhaps soon the war would be over. Once the galaxy was safe… Maybe then he would be free to leave the Jedi Order and live out his days with Gwen and Merlin. Meeting them, training with them, their bond was unmistakable. It was not the Jedi way, but not every life is built for the Order. Arthur knew that, now. His duty came first, protecting those who needed it was more important than his feelings. But maybe once there was peace, it wouldn’t feel like such a betrayal to leave.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385720
Title: A meeting most needed. Writer: ohmerthurcharm Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Mild blood, mention of death of minor character. Medium/Word Count: 4474 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Oswald/Ethan Up to 10 tags: Threesome, knife kink, Don/sub undertones, What if, Fix it fic
What if Sir Oswald and Sir Ethan did not die? They travel to Camelot, mourning the loss of their Manservant. Merlin's warmth is a welcome to their tired minds, Arthur tells Merlin to give them a good time and he shall deliver.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51031120
Title: Unforgettable Knight Writer: RedLlamas | @brayinghorses Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-con Word count: 2,291 Pairing/Main characters: Leon/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Unreliable Narrator, The Rising Sun Tavern (Merlin), Light Petting, Licking, Rough Sex
Leon's on his night off, and when he spots Merlin from across the tavern, decides to assert his place as Prince Arthur's head knight.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51346480
Title: Reunions Artist: Nebula5030 Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Art Pairing/main characters: Elyan/Gwaine Up to 10 tags: Canon Era, Established Relationship, Scars, Amnesia, Reunions, Implied hair cutting in a medical context, aka Short Hair Gwaine
Elyan thought he had lost Gwaine months ago, after he had vanished from the citadel and never returned. Imagine his surprise when, on a border patrol only a day's ride from Camelot, he spots a familiar face working the farmlands...
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51353260
Title: Cross your heart and hope to bi Writer: I_think_he_knows | @marlenemckinnonsupremacy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: 13744 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Gwen/Arthur Up to 10 tags: Lacrosse , Polyamory, Alternate Universe - College/University, arthur is a jock, gwen is a jock, they're both jocks, merlin loves jocks
Modern college/university au. Gwen and Arthur are dating, they're both seniors & jocks (lacrosse), Merlin is the freshman assigned to tutor them to pass some advanced class or they can't play
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50458846
Title: Through The Trees Writer: lavender_spice | @lesbianlefay Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Medium/Word Count: 2.7k Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Morgana, Temporary Gwen/Lancelot, Implied Gwen/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Jennifer's Body AU, Horror, Succubi, Jealous Morgana, Possessive Morgana, Murder, Dry Humping
If Gwen Smith knows one thing in her life, it's this: Morgana Pendragon is evil. Not teenage girl evil, mind you. Actually evil. Murderous, flesh-eating seductress evil.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51392029
Title: A Lifetime of Promises Writer: eachpeachpearplum | @eachpeachpearplume Rating: M Warnings: No archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: fic, ~50k | Chapter 8/14 Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Merlin/Percival, established Gwaine/Percival, past Gwaine/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Modern AU, polyamory negotiations, fluff, slow burn (for the poly ship), falling back in love, hurt/comfort
When Gwaine bumps into his ex, Merlin, in the pub one night, he doesn't realise quite how much it's going to change his and Percival's lives.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52010989
Title: fade away never Writer: SlantedKnitting | @slantedknitting Rating: General Audiences Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 1,186 words Pairing/main characters: Leon/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Regency Era, Queerplatonic Relationship, Immortal Leon, Immortal Merlin, Ballroom Dancing
Leon and Merlin attend a ball.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51031786
Title: [ART] Still Yours Artist: Mischel | @magicalmischel Rating: G Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 0 Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Digital Art, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Angel Gwen (Merlin), Hugs, Wings, Fallen Angel Morgana (Merlin), Demon Morgana (Merlin)
Morgana/Gwen fanart for Rare Pair Fest 2023. Prompt: Angels and Demons au. They were together when they were angels. Then Morgana fell.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51384040
Title: The Shop at the Corner's End Writer: Cassius_theCorrupterofSouls | @twistedshipper Rating: M Warnings: Creator chose not to use Archive warnings  Medium/Word Count: 12,456 Pairing/main characters: Morgana/Mordred  Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Enemies to Lovers, Witchcraft, Wicca, Autumn, Halloween 
Drawn towards a local occult shop that lies on her route to school, Morgana Pendragon takes it upon herself one Saturday afternoon in September to visit the store, hoping to purchase with her meager allowance a book or two on witchcraft, a practice she has been secretly reading up on online but has no hands-on experience with due to her father's no "nonsense" stance on all things supernatural. Entering the shop, she finds it to be as magical and sublime as her expectations, but what she doesn't expect is the confrontation she is about to have with one of its employees, a young man by the name of Mordred, who may just possess the secret to helping her realize her dreams of forging her own path and become more certain of herself in the process. Or, based on the prompt: Modern AU. Mordred works in an esoteric Wicca bookshop. Curious, Morgana visits the shop secretly because her conservative and stern father doesn't like her "unscientific, silly" hobbies. Romance, initial dislike for each other, find themselves drawn together.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51253924
Title: golden thread (clasped weft woven) Writer: AgapantoBlu | @agapantoblu Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 20.766 words Pairing/main characters: Freya/Merlin; Arthur Pendragon. Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Freya Lives, Magic Revealed, Implied/Referenced Torture (though it’s just in dreams), Nightmares, It’s hard to live your cottagecore fantasies when destiny won’t stop banging at the door.
“It was so close. They barely made it out of Camelot and even then, Merlin was ready to watch her die. He'd held her and cried and screamed and begged whatever force had made him, every ounce of his magic, to please. Just not her. Not at Arthur's hand. Fate must have worried about the latter more than the first, but the waters had risen nonetheless, and the waves had washed away the blood and the wound alike. Merlin had been hit with a strange feeling of melancholy and sorrow and the weird relaxation that happens when a pull that seemed unnoticeable before suddenly stops. Just like that, Camelot didn't seem so enthralling anymore, and Arthur's actions not so easily pardoned."
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51364060
Title: her sorrowless salt self Writer: greenforsnow | @m-b-w Rating: T Warnings: no archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: fic, 6k Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Pirate Morgana, Mermaid Gwen, getting together
Morgana looks for freedom in the ocean; she finds Gwen.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51389305
Title: Save a Horse, ride a Knight Writer: Laevateinn Rating: T Warnings: N/A Medium/Word Count: 1k Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Percival Up to 10 tags: Canon Divergence, Gwaine admitted he was of noble blood, Percival came to Camelot to work, Tournament, Favours, Gwaine is oblivious
Imagine a world where Gwaine admitted being of noble blood and stayed as a knight, long before he actually does in the show. What if, in that world, he and the other Knights of the Round Table had met differently? What if Percival, for example, had decided to travel to Camelot and work there? Where he would have met Gwaine, and worked with him? Surely, these two can stay professional, or simply friends, right?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51384994
Title: the gold and the rust Writer: Shana_Rose | @shana-rosee Rating: T Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1,176 Pairing/main characters: Mergwenthur Up to 10 tags: Mergwenthur, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Battle of Camlann, Hurt Arthur Pendragon, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, POV Merlin, Sleepy Cuddles
The bright light of early morning hit aggressively against his eyes. Merlin winced, scrunching his eyes in hopes of the light going away. He pressed his head further into his arm, resting on top of the soft sheets of the bed. His back was aching from sleeping in a chair. Just as he wondered why he would sleep in such an uncomfortable position, he bolted up. His breath caught in his throat as he turned his head towards the head of the bed. - Arthur survives Camlann.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51432988
Title: Jealous of him, I want to be yours Writer: HadrianPeverellBlack | @evadne01 Rating:  General Warnings: N/A Medium/Word Count: fic/ 1,891 Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Gwaine, Merlin/Lancelot, Gwaine/Merlin/Lancelot Up to 10 tags: POV Gwaine, Protective Gwaine, Protective Lancelot, Supportive Lancelot, Supportive Gwaine, Powerful Merlin, Jealous Gwaine, Pining Gwaine, Post-Season/series 03, Pre Season/Series 04
Gwaine is jealous. Not of Arthur, because even if he and Merlin are basically joined at the hip, it's obvious that the royal numpty has no idea about Merlin's magic. No, Gwaine is jealous of Lancelot, because he's the only one who does know.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51174415
Title: The Best Way to Cover Something Up… Writer: sleepygecko Rating: General Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: Fic/1999 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin & Mordred & Morgana Up to 10 tags: Child Mordred, Mordred moves to Camelot
When Merlin helps the little Druid boy escape the guards, they flee to Morgana’s chambers. Together, they come up with an epic sob story to cover up the boy’s sudden appearance, something so emotional that Arthur “emotionally dysfunctional” Pendragon won’t look too closely at. Welcome to Camelot, Mordred of Ealdor.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51462367
Title: Stolen Moments Writer: Lemon_pH Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: 2,5k (2544) Pairing/main characters: Gaius/Uther Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Canon Era, Merlin/Arthur is a background, Hurt/Comfort
Those are just moments in the vast fabric of life. But we cherish them, keep them close to our hearts, Because at the end, they're all that we have of each other.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51023428
Title: powerful Writer: I_think_he_knows | @marlenemckinnonsuppremacy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply  Medium/Word Count: 1127 words Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Arthur/Merlin Up to 10 tags: BAMF Merlin, Merlin is powerful and everyone knows it, BDSM, Smut, 
Gwen has always felt Merlin has a powerful vibe about him, which she finds very sexy. When she marries Arthur, upon finding out they are both attracted to him, they invite him to their bed or to be their partner. Gwen tells them about a fantasy she’s had since they were all younger: Merlin taking her, and claiming her as Arthur watches, tied up and unable to do anything about it or pleasure himself.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51062878
Title: smooth sailin’ Writer: masculinepeacock | @masculinepeacock Rating: T+ Warnings: none Word Count: 1.6k Pairing/Main character; Percival/Gwaine Up to 10 Tags; romcom elements, teachers, winter fair, gwen is mentioned, open ended
Percival meets Gwaine at a winter fair and the two hit it off. Is this destined to be a one off, or something more?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51381598#main
Title: A Disrupted Destiny Writer: sillydegu | @sillydegu Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 11 874 Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gwaine knows about Merlin's magic, Merlin's magic revealed, Episode: s03e04 Gwaine (Merlin), Angst with a happy ending, Gwaine being Gwaine 
3x04 AU. Uther is not convinced by Arthur, and sentences Gwaine to death anyway. Merlin uses his magic to break Gwaine out of the dungeons, revealing it to Uther in the process. The two of them go on the run together, and fall in love on the way.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51257899
Title: Knighting Writer: cynthia1314 | @cynthia39100 Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 4670 Pairing/main characters: Lancelot / Arthur Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Episode: s01e05 Lancelot (Merlin), Episode: s03e12-13 The Coming of Arthur (Merlin)
Arthur is finally king, free to knight whoever he chooses. Lancelot pledges his life, honour and devotion to him. (Prompt by kairennart)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51135934
Title: all the devils are here Writer: litinthyheart | @lit-in-thy-heart Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death Medium/Word Count: 21,000 Pairing/main characters: Lancelot/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Enemies to Lovers, Fae Merlin, POV Lancelot, BAMF Merlin, Execution, Restraints, Intimacy, Internal Conflict
In light of half of Camelot's knights being killed in a dragon attack, Uther Pendragon has been forced to broaden the eligibility criteria. Lancelot, who has wanted to be a knight all of his life, is given a quest to prove his worth as a final test before he is knighted. He must kill the leader of the Unseelie Court, Emrys.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51551500/chapters/130293436
Title: Siblings and Soulmates Writer: Merthurallure | @merthurallure Rating: Explicit  Warnings: Incest Medium/Word Count: 1 397 words/fic Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Morgana  Up to 10 tags: sibling incest, first time, canon era, PWP
Morgana and Arthur enjoy their first time together 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51564880
Title: Matters of the Heart Writer: The_Questing_Beast | @ummyesisthisjasongrace Rating: General Audiences Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: Fanfiction; 11,313 words Pairing/main characters: Mithian/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Canon Era, Canon Compliant, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, Good Morgana, Initial Mithian/Arthur, Fluff and Angst, Mithian really said 'thank god you introduced me to your sister'
It's all quite simple, really - marry the King of Camelot, fulfil her duty to her father and her country, become Queen. Or at least that's what Mithian thinks when she arrives in Camelot for the first time. However, things get complicated when the King's half-sister, the Lady Morgana, catches her eye instead. Turns out that no one, not even a Princess, has a say in matters of the heart.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51938515/chapters/131336134
Title: grief, sins, mountain hymns Writer: ashamedbliss Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Word Count: 36k | Chapter 6/6 Pairing/main characters: Arwaine, with past Arwen and past Gwainecelot Up to 10 tags: Western AU, Farm/Ranch AU, Bandits & Outlaws, Grief/Mourning, Loss, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
1899, Colorado. Five years after the death of his wife Guinevere, Arthur's life on the ranch is mundane but happy, his days practising medicine long behind him. Enter Gwaine, an outlaw determined to seek his redemption, in need of a doctor to patch his wounds and an honest day's work.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52082701
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yanderedreamer · 2 years
If requests are open could you pretty please do some Merlin hcs? 😩🥺
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Yandere Merlin / gender-neutral reader.
Synopsis: General yandere headcanons.
Warnings: Blood-drinking.
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When Merlin realised that you're someone whose future he couldn't see, his interest is immediately piqued. His younger self had been hurt by the truth that no matter what he did, he can never alter the outcome of a predetermined future. But you were an anomaly he found, a sliver of hope that the cycle of destiny can be broken. He then decides to dedicate his time in watching over you from his tower in Avalon.
He eventually finds himself clinging to you like a child and calls you his Hope of Avalon, which he chants under breath whenever his eyes follow your form. Soon, he realises that simply watching you isn't enough; he needs to be near you, he needs to feel you.
Since his illusions can affect the human psyche, he can easily invade your dreams and interact with you there. You were surprised when you first met him in the middle of a spring flower field under the winter stars. The fact that a beautiful and charming man like him knew you made you flustered, and that sight of you made Merlin unable to resist covering your mouth as he kisses the back of his hand.
Thanks to his unique skill, Independent Manifestation, he was able to summon himself as your Servant while you were wishing for the male Arthur Pendragon, effectively sabotaging the summoning ritual. Merlin's unexpected appearance surprised you greatly but you were happy about it nevertheless. Merlin then invited you for a hug by spreading his arms, which Mordred who was with you at the time found odd. She later warns you to not fully trust Merlin but with how kindly he treats you, you heed her warning lightly.
Although Merlin is mostly used as a support for your Buster Servants, he'd insist that you use him as a damage dealer too. His B strength isn't just for show, and he proves himself when he effortlessly decimated the enemy Servants that attempted to take you hostage with his Excalibur during a mission. With his signature smile, he happily announced that you're safe before hugging you tightly.
When you've rayshifted to another era for an expedition, Merlin would make you sleep on his lap, claiming that it's more comfortable than the cold ground and that it'll be easier for him to watch over you this way. Unbeknownst to you, once you have fallen under sleep's spell, he would devour your dream and absorb the emotions within it. He then cups your face, his thumbs caressing your cheeks as he licks his lips. Your dream is wonderful, and he wonders if your blood will taste the same? Baring his fangs, he brings his face closer to your lips but swiftly pulls back when Bedivere shows up with a blanket for you.
The Magus of Flowers thinks that you're not appreciated enough in Chaldea. You have worked so hard to save humanity and proof of your efforts are shown in the scars you got from the countless battles you fought in. As he traces every scar, he sings you praises and tells you how proud he is to have you as his Master. You take comfort in his embrace and miss the eery glow of his violet hues.
Merlin follows you around Chaldea much like Fou does. He speaks of the king's tales and the fascinating events he observed from his tower in Avalon. You're unaware that as he chats away with you, he also uses his clairvoyance to steer you both clear of the Servants seeking your attention. How foolish of them to think that an inhuman mage like him is generous enough to share you with them.
When Merlin devoured your dream for the first time, he was overwhelmed. Your dream is so pleasant to the heart and he immediately became addicted. Your dreams are full of love that every time he absorbs the subtleties of your heart, his obsession for you only grows - to the point where he'd lose touch with his human side and give in to his carnal desires.
As he removes his intricate white robe, he crawls into bed with you in the middle of the night just to watch you sleep, his arms carefully holding your delicate body that could easily snap under his full strength. It reminds him just how weak yet strong humans are against fate. Merlin can be as lecherous as his incubus side, but he'll save that for the inevitable moment he traps you in Avalon with him.
Merlin's addiction to your dreams should not be taken lightly. He'll run around Chaldea like a starved beast if you're separated from him for even a day. Once he finds you, he'll pounce on you without warning and sink his fangs into your pulse in deep bites. He immediately laps up the blood drawn and since there's mana in your blood... you'll be in for a long night with a hungry incubus.
Sooner or later, Merlin will whisk you away to his tower once he feels that he's had enough fun in the present world. You'll spend the rest of eternity in the sealed utopia with him, where you'll be happy and protected by his magic. At least, that's what he believes.
Don't be sad, you can dream as much as you'd like in Avalon - and he'll make sure that they're pleasant dreams too! He casts a powerful illusion spell on you when he kisses your forehead, and catches your body in his arms as you fall in an unending slumber. You won't be alone in your dreams because he'll be there, spending your happily ever after with you. You can never run away from him, even in your dreams.
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endgametike · 2 years
but you’re not in love with me
• Arthur Pendragon x female reader
You opened your eyes and took a minute to look at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a long white dress, your wedding dress, but that wasn’t what you were noticing. It was your wedding day, but instead of having a smile on your face, your face was neutral.
You and Arthur had known each other forever and he was your fist everything: first crush, first kiss, first boyfriend, first time… You loved him. Screw that, you were in love with him. You had known that ever since he grabbed your hand for the first time, while helping you learn how to hold a sword. And Arthur had once loved you too, years ago. But you couldn’t deny what was in front of you: Arthur was in love with Guinevere.
Gwen was Morgana’s servant, but she was so much more than that to Arthur, and anyone who couldn’t see that was blind. You had tried to deny it, but deep down you knew Arthur would never look at you the way he looked at her. You wanted this marriage to work, but you didn’t want to be trapped in a marriage with someone who wasn’t fully committed to you just for the sake of both kingdoms.
Your thoughts were interrupted by two loud voices outside of your bedroom. You immediately recognized one as Arthur, who was screaming at someone, who you were pretty sure was Merlin. Your suspects were confirmed when you heard Merlin, who sounded annoyed at Arthur, has per usual. You heard a loud knock on the door, and more complaints from Arthur outside.
“Come in!” You yelled, taking a deep breath. You didn’t know who to expect: Merlin or Arthur. Merlin quickly opened the door, ordering Arthur to stay outside. “Merlin, hello. Do you need something?”
“y/n, you look absolutely gorgeous.” You gave him a kind smile and walked closer to him. “Arthur wants to talk to you, and I was just explaining how it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. But he won’t shut up about it, so I insisted on talking to you before.” You chuckled at Merlin’s tone.
“Let him in, Merlin. I needed to see him, anyway. Oh, and thank you for checking in. It was really nice of you.” He nodded at you and walked out the room, glancing at Arthur before doing so. Arthur walked in, his hands covering his eyes so he wouldn’t see you. He walked against a mobile, letting out a grunt. You laughed at him and walked over to him, in order to help him. “You do know you can open your eyes, right?”
“Merlin said it gives bad luck. I don’t this wedding to be cursed or something.” Your smiled faded as quickly as it had appeared, and you turned around, not wanting to face him. You knew you had to say something. “Wow. You look dashing, y/n. I mean, you always look amazing, but now… just wow.” Normally, you would have smiled or blushed at what he said, but you couldn’t. Not when you were about to call off your wedding. Not when you were about to lose the love of your life. “Are you doing alright? You don’t look okay. Was it something I said?”
“Arthur, I love you.” You blurred out, knowing that it was one of the last times you’d say it.
“I know. I love you too, y/n. For god’s sake, I’m about to marry you.” You sighed and turned to look at him. He just didn’t understand. Boys were so obvious.
“But you’re not in love with me, right?” Your voice was staring to break, showing how you felt inside. Broken. He opened his mouth, but you continued speaking before he could. “Don’t try to deny it, Arthur. I know it. I see the way you look at Gwen. You have never looked at me that way…”
“y/n, where is this coming from? We are about to get married! I proposed to you! I… I love you. Ever since we were kids.” He tried to grab your hand, but you stopped him. He raised his eyebrows, surprised at the move. You had never done something like that before.
“You didn’t answer my question. Are you in love with me? Do you think about me day and night? Do you wait all day to fall asleep next to me? Do you feel like you can’t breath every time I’m around you? Are you in love with me like I am in love with you, Arthur?” He stayed quiet, not knowing exactly how to answer. You took that has a no. “Of course not… how could I have been so stupid?! It was always Gwen, wasn’t it?”
“y/n, I promise you, I can forget about her. I can fall in love with you!” This time he did grab your hand, firmly, so you couldn’t stop him. “Please, don’t do what I think you’re about to do.”
“You have left me with no choice, Arthur… I’m calling off this wedding.” He looked at you in disbelief, still assimilating those words.
“No.” That was the only word that left his mouth. A simple no. You scoffed, shaking your head. He didn’t even bother to fight for you, he didn’t make that effort. “I don’t want you to do this… I can fix this.”
“There’s nothing here to fix! Love isn’t supposed to be one sided, Arthur. I don’t want to keep you in a marriage where you’ll be unhappy. Not when I’ve spent my whole life loving you. It’s not fair to you, but mostly, it isn’t fair to me.”
“I don’t want you to hate me, y/n. I never meant to hurt you. I mean this. I really wish I could fall in love with you and not feel the way I feel about Gwen…” You nodded, a sad smile on your face. Your eyes were tearing up, tears slowly rolling down your cheeks.
“I know. And I could never possibly hate you, Arthur. Now go find Gwen. Give her the big news. I’ll ask Merlin to tell the king that I called off the wedding.” Arthur hugged you, something you weren’t expecting, but it was well taken nonetheless. You hugged him back, tears falling on his shirt. He stepped back and gave you one final look, before rushing out. And just like that, you saw the love of your life walk away, taking a part of you with him.
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
Ooh okay for the unusual fic ask thing, what about either Perspective Flip or Time After Time for Ask Nicely? That fic lives rent free in my head tbh
Ask Nicely
oh this will be fun, let's give you BOTH!! a little future scene (and by future i mean like probably 3 days later lol) from outsider POV 😂
Elyan was almost finished with his stats assignment. Gwen would probably call it late already, but the class didn't start for another four minutes. He had plenty of time! If he could just get through this one last problem set...
His hasty scribbling was interrupted by a sudden spike in noise around him. Even Leon left off his dramatic retelling of last night's footie match that literally all of them had also been there for in favor of letting out a noise of surprise. One more equation to go and Elyan couldn't resist the curiosity.
He looked up to find everyone's eyes on the classroom door. It took him a moment to parse who exactly was leaning in it, but when he finally did, he dropped his pencil.
"When did Merlin get fit?"
Elyan, like all the rest of them, had known Merlin at least in passing for three years now. He was a nice guy, very smart and studious. Taller than he looked; he had a tendency toward slouching. He snorted when he laughed. He was always happy to lend out the pens he carried around in his well-protected shirt pocket.
The shirt he was wearing now had no pocket at all, nor was it baggy or oversized like Merlin's shirts often were. No, now he was in a purple henley that fit him like a fucking glove, buttons at the collar undone to show off a glimpse of dark chest hair. His jeans, too, actually fit him properly and, when Merlin pushed off the door jamb and strolled across the front of the room, showed off assets Elyan had had no idea Merlin possessed. For once, he wasn't wearing a scarf.
Beside him, Gwaine snorted. "Merlin's always been fit," he said, leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. "I knew that."
Percival flicked him in the back of the head. Before Gwaine could retaliate, Merlin drew level with them. He gave them a familiar smile and wave, but he didn't stop until he'd reached Arthur, a few seats down the row.
Elyan had definitely missed something. It wasn't uncommon for him to miss things, and no one ever seemed to feel the need to fill him in on big important things that he missed. Sometimes he didn't notice, and no one noticed that he hadn't noticed, and it was weeks before he got clued in.
But there was no missing the look on Arthur's face. Wide eyes, mouth open, pencil dangling from suddenly limp fingers. He looked up at Merlin like he had never seen a sight so stunning -- which was a little much, honestly, considering all that had changed was Merlin's clothes.
Well, Elyan thought, giving Merlin another look-over. There was definitely something a little different in his mannerism too. It wasn't that Merlin was meek or anything. He'd never exactly been a wallflower, and he had never shied away from drawing attention to himself. But there was an easy kind of confidence to him now that Elyan had never seen before. He couldn't imagine the Merlin of last week planting a hand on Arthur Pendragon's desk and leaning over him, head cocked to one side and a smirk on his face, as Arthur gazed up at him with fucking sparkle hearts in his eyes.
Without a word, Merlin held up a rectangle of plastic between two fingers of his free hand -- his well-used pocket protector. He held it out and waited, expectant. After a long moment of significant-feeling eye-contact, a grin bloomed on Arthur's face. He reached out and took it.
As soon as the offending accessory had left his hand, Merlin took hold of Arthur instead, now-free hand cupping the back of his head and pulling him forward. The kiss that followed sent the entire classroom into something of an uproar. Elyan's poor stats homework lay completely forgotten as he repeatedly thumped Gwaine in the arm.
"When the hell did this happen?" he demanded. "What -- Why -- ??"
Gwaine leaned over, smug as anything, and whispered back, "Merlin's hung like a horse."
As much as Elyan had not needed that information, it did provide some context for the dreamy, spaced-out look on Arthur's face when Merlin finally allowed him to breathe again. Leon looked like he wanted to phase out of existence and recede to the astral plane to escape witnessing this interaction. Elyan did not blame him. This was far more than he wanted to know about his mates' sex lives, but there was also a brightness to Arthur's smile that spoke of genuine delight. He'd never seen Arthur look this smitten by any of the other people he'd dated.
As Merlin took the seat on Arthur's other side, his foot immediately hooking around Arthur's ankle like he was holding him in place, Elyan leaned back toward Percival.
"What do you think?"
Percival was squinted at them consideringly. Though often mistaken for a himbo, Percival was perceptive as fuck and had an uncanny knack for predicting other people's relationship trajectories. He had predicted Gwaine's last girlfriend being unfaithful from the day they'd met, and he had taken one look at Elyan himself their first year and just known that he wasn't inclined toward relationships at all. It was downright scary sometimes, his instinct, but they'd all learned to trust it.
It took him a while to size up Merlin and Arthur, watching the way they leaned toward each other, the push and pull of their bickering, how their eyes were always drawn inevitably back to each other. Eventually, he nodded with finality.
"Set the wedding date, mates. These two are gonna last."
send me fic-specific asks!
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
okay hi so I saw your thing about christianity in merlin and it got me thinking and now I have a list of every episode if it has a reference to religion so here’s a list if you want
S1 E1: The Dragon’s Call
(Bible reference, well wishes, “”prayer”” [‘God have mercy’ as Morgana enters])
S1 E7: The Gates of Avalon
(“Like prophets”)
S1 E12: To Kill the King
(Uther prays[?] at Morgana’s “father’s” gravestone)
S1 E13: Le Morte d’Arthur
(“I know that the gods will look after me”)
S2 E11: The Witch’s Quickening
(“You will go to hell”)
S2 E12: The Fires of Idirsholas 
(“If I need a servant in the next life”)
S3 E8: The Eye of the Phoenix
(The quest- transcending body, quest revealed in a vision)
S3 E9: Love in the Time of Dragons
S4 E1 & 2: The Darkest Hour (Parts 1 & 2)
(The whole like underworld stuff / spirits etc)
S4 E3: The Wicked Day
(The people have a vigil for Uther, note that this doesn’t have to be religious though- but it Could be)
S5 E3: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
(“The journey to the next world”)
S5 E5: The Disir
(“The gods” decide fate)
anyways I might have missed some and obviously the reference to the idea of an old religion is throughout, but the fact that religious experiences seem to occur to even Uther and Arthur (see: Arthur’s quest, presuming this is real and not just him spending time deciding, but with everything else that happens surrounding that episode I don’t think it truly is just a decision of his own mind), implies that there is a deeper belief than “oh there’s probably an afterlife” or even “oh there is an afterlife”, but rather a belief that a god or gods are able to communicate to humans. idk maybe none of this is new or interesting but if it is, it’s here !
anon. come closer. I'm gonna kiss you on the mouth
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the-kings-chambers · 1 year
The King’s Chambers - March 2023 Recs
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With spring almost upon us, it’s time for another of our monthly rec lists of fanworks recommended by some of our members!
All of the recs are top/dom!Arthur with bottom/sub!Merlin unless stated otherwise.
Promise of a New Day | sffan | Explicit | 5,986w
Summary: It starts off like any other day, but in a twenty-four hour period, everything changes.
Hey little sister, what have you done? | MyKingdomComeUndone | Explicit | 1,495w
Summary: “There is no other option,” Uther Pendragon, Duke of Camelot, told his children, his face giving away none of his feelings. “Morgana will marry the Earl of Orkney.”
Love Me Not | ificouldwrite | Gen | 3,235w
Summary: Sometimes, Merlin wonders if he’s somehow harder to love than Gwen was.
Where, after the magic reveal, Merlin and Arthur are in a relationship, but Arthur is repressed as always. He treats Merlin very differently than he had treated Gwen, and Merlin begins to wonder whether or not he's worth being loved in the same way. Whether Arthur even loves him at all.
(A 5+1 of Arthur being a prat and giving mixed signals, and then Arthur being a prat but giving Merlin a signal he can't miss) (no sex, kissing, established relationship)
The border of painful | Tossukka | Explicit | 3,690w
Summary: Arthur pulled the glove on, and Merlin felt his mouth go dry. (Warnings for background Arwen and therefore infidelity)
It’s quite a list | Fletcher | Mature | 13,129w
Summary: Merlin has a list of reasons why it’s a bad idea to have a crush on Arthur Pendragon. It’s a long list with very valid reasons.
Sadly, his heart doesn’t listen to reason.
Be My Mistake | justiceformerthur | Explicit | 10,185w
Summary: Arthur sees something he shouldn’t and begins to question just how well he knows his manservant.
Witchy Business | death_of_a_phangirl | Gen | 12,084w
Summary: Arthur is constantly getting bruises and muscle pain from his job as a knight at a medieval show. He's tried normal painkillers and other treatments, but they don't help. His sister suggests seeking out a magical remedy, which leads him to a little magic shop. He's not sure what to expect, but an adorable warlock with a smile that made his heart swell was certainly not it. (Kissing, falling in love)
Diamonds and Gems | Val_Creative | Explicit | 240w
Summary: Arthur's crown suits Merlin.
Thunder | funkiemoon | Teen and Up | Digital Art
Summary: Simply fixed the lineart :) 
(Also replaced the image on the actual fic on ao3 with this one) (Hugging, no sex)
“So there's no chance that we could have a hug?” | east-winddd | Mature | Digital Art
Summary: “So there's no chance that we could have a hug?” (Arthur pressing Merlin into a wall)
If you enjoyed these recs and want to see more, or talk about top Arthur/bottom Merlin, we would love to welcome you in our discord server. If you’re interested and of age 18 or older, please message us and we will send you an invitation.
Also, feel free to send us a message to let us know your fave top Arthur/bottom Merlin fanworks! 💕  
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miyamorana · 5 months
Miya’s 2023 Fanfic Recs Part 3
Here are all the cool, complete fics I’ve read this year. Separated into 5 posts because there’s nearly a hundred of them.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2)
Julie and the Phantoms (1)
Merlin (5)
Sense8 (2)
Stranger Things (4)
Teen Wolf (2)
Part 1: Boku no Hero Academia (33) Part 2: Other Anime and Cartoons (20) Part 4: Video Games, Movies and Books (16) Part 5: Crossovers (11)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Title: Seeing Is His Superpower Author: Shadowscast Pairing: Xander Harris/Spike Rating: Teen Word Count: 8,185 Summary: A post-Chosen AU in which Xander finds Spike’s amulet in the wreckage of Sunnydale. When he picks it up, something interesting happens…
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Title: Witch boy Author: applecrumbledore Pairing: Rupert Giles/Spike Rating: Mature Word Count: 12,730 Summary: Spike was an embarrassing memory tucked into the recesses of Giles’ brain along with other rare, sweet moments from his Ripper Era that he couldn’t leave behind, and instead pulled out of mental storage once in a while, dusted them off and luxuriated guiltily in the hedonistic days of his youth. Spike was a memory he hadn’t pulled out in so long that he’d forgotten it was him.
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms Title: Ghost Story Author: breakaway71 Pairing: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1603 Summary: Julie visits her mother’s grave on Halloween, and meets someone unexpected.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Theory / Practice Author: queerofthedagger Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen Word Count: 1,000 Summary: He had known in the same way that he had looked at Merlin on that first day in the market square, his clever mouth and dusk-sky eyes, and somehow knew him.Familiarity. His magic feels like that, too.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Oh Noble Hearts Author: queerofthedagger Pairing: Gwaine/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen Word Count: 1,700 Summary: The thing is, Gwaine may be a bit of a bastard, but he knows that it’s bad form to go around kissing people—especially people who mean something—when they are missing some rather crucial bits of information about you. Gwaine has a confession; Arthur, as so often, manages to surprise him.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Splitting the Road Author: queerofthedagger Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 3,000 Summary:
“Emrys,” the woman says, impatient, and Merlin, well. Merlin reacts. Arthur wants to pretend so, so badly that there isn’t a pit opening in his stomach but— But. Merlin reacts, eyes snapping towards her, narrowing. Above Merlin’s head, the cold iron groans, a sound the way that Arthur’s heart feels.
Merlin and Arthur get kidnapped. Unfortunately for their captors, it really is a tremendously stupid idea to put magic itself into cold iron.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Detect Magic  Author: Jabber_Moose Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 979 Summary: There’s a strange, shimmering blue orb above them, and the dark haired man’s eyes are glowing gold.
"Police say they arrived at the scene to find one of the muggers knocked out, the other dead on the scene,” Percy says. “The victim was being held by his companion, who was said to tell anyone who approached ‘You can cut me, bruise me, skin me alive, but you will not take him from me.’”
Fandom: Merlin Title: Long Enough (Forget Me Not) Author:Jabber_Moose Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1,595 Summary: Maybe the fates are telling him that it’s time to let go, that Arthur is not going to return to him. Maybe it is time to stop, for his own sake, before he has to deal with the fallout of forgetting.
Fandom: Sense8 Title: Worth It Author: FunkyinFishnet Pairing: Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal Rating: Mature Word Count: 6,386 Summary: She visits Wolfgang, on his way back to the Paris apartment and concerned about Kala’s mood as she asks, “Have you heard from Rajan?” Wolfgang’s concern sharpens, “Nothing since the day before yesterday. He hasn’t called yet?” (The cluster mobilises to solve Rajan’s kidnapping, and Kala and Wolfgang think about him and their love.)
Fandom: Sense8 Title: I’ll settle for the ghosts of you Author: FunkyinFishnet Pairing: Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal Rating: Mature Word Count: 8,894 Summary: When Rajan witnesses Wolfgang and Kala embrace, Wolfgang lifting her up off her feet while smiling more broadly than Rajan has seen so fat in the few hours that he has known the man and with Kala’s happiness seeming to make her face sparkle, he thinks, “Oh, I *see*.”
Rajan thinks Kala really doesn’t love him in the same way that he loves her, and there’s no way that Wolfgang can love him at all.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title: Deathbed Endearments Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 2,074 Summary: Eddie and Steve have a heart-to-heart while trying to keep Steve from bleeding out all over the ground. Actually, Steve thinks it’s one of their better chats. He just hopes he lives long enough to remember it later.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title: More than They Make You Out to Be Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 2,451 Summary: Eddie was never guilty of the things they accused him of, but that hasn’t stopped Hawkins from treating him like he was. Steve needs to make it better.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title: Color Correction Author: entanglednow Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 3,186 Summary: Steve can always be relied upon to help a friend out, and it makes a nice change to be the one with the answers.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title:  Never Look Back (A Breath Away from Heaven) Author:breakaway71 Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Mature Word Count: 5,000 Summary: Eddie summons a traumatized demon to his bedroom. It was an accident, but it might also turn out to be the best thing he’s ever done.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: Next Thursday Author: wldnst Pairing: Danny Māhealani/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Teen Word Count: 18,210 Summary: In which Stiles Stilinski has a werewolf for a best friend, a support group for that, hot chocolate with Lydia Martin and Danny Mahealani every Thursday evening, and an extremely anticlimactic coming out experience.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: A Grimm Affair Author:oshjoshmgosh Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 2023 Summary: Derek brings Stiles to an alpha convention for established packs. Or rather, Stiles brings himself along as Derek’s mate, in spite of the fact he will be one of the only humans present. It should be full of sane alphas, so what could go wrong? So what if he has to remind some overreaching wolves that Disney’s fairy tales were originally a lot darker, and that no one messes with Little Red Riding Hood.
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warblest · 9 months
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( continued. )
❝ — i beg your pardon? ❞ ivory complexion blushes peony-pink at the final stammered word from saber's lips, half-dazed and disbelieving, kurt's brows pinching together. laced fingers, the fond kiss at the crown of his head — those gallant shows of ancient chivalry fluster him, but that same-sweet innocence could not be said for the abrupt slip of subjects towards mana-gathering.
❝ you need — my — ❞ his bodily fluids, saber had pronounced so elegantly, and kurt tries to consider and categorize them: blood, tears, sweat, saliva, and ——— semen. he grimaces, posture tensing, one knee crossed over its brother and his hands empty as the other boy draws away.
❝ can't i just give myself a paper cut? ❞ he protests, feebly, but to force his servant to feed vampirically from his bloodied finger feels just as repulsive. ❝ or am i supposed to masturbate into a - a cup, or something. ❞ it sounds rather disgusting, to drink still-warm congealing seed from a ceramic mug he had lovingly brought home from the market. kurt's gaze drops to the floorboards, for he cannot bear to look at saber, his ears prickling and apple-hued.
❝ you can't be expecting us to actually — have sex. ❞ the word is shockingly dirty on his tongue, and kurt swallows, bringing his fingers up to brush against his own mouth. the idle notions he had before of sitting together on the couch, the languid brush of shoulders and the nudging of knees, have entirely fled. he cannot be afforded such docile, domestic little fantasies of early-era affections anymore. no blushing bashful courtship of hand-written love letters and fond kisses over the caramel-colored satchel of books held in his arms. ❝ e - even with it being a necessity. i can't. i'm not — ❞ ready. experienced. knowledgeable. he struggles for the proper word, wavering before lapsing into excruciating silence, breaths thinning. ❝ prepared. ❞ even if he is infatuated with saber. even if kurt has dreamt about meadows of spice-red poppies and fragrant jasmine and being laid down with saber atop, and —
even if he has desires and adolescent aches of his own.
❝ kissing. ❞ he finally utters, lowly, thickly, nose trembling and stinging, as if struck. ❝ if we have to start somewhere, we can start with kissing. ❞ kurt manages to wrench his gaze upwards to saber, those butter-bright locks of hair and handsome face and emerald irises beneath fair lashes, but his focus is fixed on that mouth. he's almost trembling, or perhaps it is just a passing chill that elicits a small shudder.
he leans closer.
❝ saber, would you even want to take me like that? ❞ it emerges as a whisper, not intentionally erotic in the least, his voice reduced to a quiet, half-horrified, scrap of sound. his soft, pink hand settles atop saber's knee — far away enough from his thigh. ❝ even if you have to. ❞
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