#-running up ro him just so happy to see him for no reason. they hug his waist and then tell him about their day
So I once made a funny shit post about the Young Wizard actually beaming to the Spiral at the tender age of 45 but it got me thinking of the opposite. What if the Wizard was incredibly young
Since in the game it isn't specified at what exact age we arrived in the Spiral I think it's just up to the player to come up with that part. I personally like to think The Wizard was around 7 or 8 when this happened but what if they were actually like four or five years old
Like shieeeet that's young enough where we wouldn't really remember our time on Earth very clearly right? Our family and maybe our friends but unless we had like ungodly memory powers, we wouldn't be able to remember all of the details of our original home. Like isn't it proven that human beings first gain self and special awareness at 3 or 4? Something like that
And this can open up for some sweet scenarios - little kid Wizard running up to Malorn with a scribbled drawing of him with a big smile on his face, or us and Ceren reading picture books together or clinging onto Nolan's robes as we attempt to stand on his feet as he walks like a penguin, but there's also this sad and messed up undertone that in this universe Ambrose took what was essentially a child just out of toddler stage and decided to keep them in the Spiral instead of returning them to their family
And like imagine how that would affect us. We would see it as normal at first because we grew up in the Spiral, we spent more years in the wizard world than in our home on Earth, but what if the Wizard gained awareness later on in life and actually realized what happened. Would they even care at that point because the Spiral was integrated in them at such a young age? Would they feel any yearning towards their original family, would they miss them at all? Would the Wizard be bitter about not getting to know them?
It's different when you're 7 - 10 and onwards because at that stage in your life you've more than gotten used to Earth life. You've gained awareness and it has been emotionally and mentally established that THIS (Earth) is your home. You know your parents and you know your friends and you know your environment. You will miss that when it's gone and feel it's absence because you're old enough to at least notice when you're taken away from it. But when you're still at that impressionable and oblivious stage of like 4 - 6 years old? The Spiral is all you know now. Your parents faces will be blurry, you may not even remember the details of what your home looked like. You may remember certain smells, colors or feelings you experienced when you were on Earth but that may be about it. And the saddest part about that is depending on what Ambrose and the other adults put our Wizard through, we may grow to completely forget even those essential memories. That Earth part of us would TOTALLY be gone and that would include even our parents (or other caretakers). I'm crying actually
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softxsuki · 4 months
Could I request a letter for your Valentines Day Letter Event? I would love love LOVE a letter from baji. We've been friends since middle school and we became offical when we went to the same University. (He does veterinary medicine and I do art.) I'm 20 and he's 21 (dating for a couple of years at the time of him writting ir) and well... he does call me a variety of pet names depending on his mood (just wanna be call dollface/cutie). TONE: I'm thinking about a hurt to comfort letter where I get hurt/bullied (harassed and peer pressured by bullies and idk how to response bc i thought uni wasn't the place for bullying and high school drama. Guess not 💀) and he saves me but I don't respond bc i feel week and I should have done something instead of waiting for him ro come save me and I just feel undeserving of his love and isolate myself in my dorm (we live in different dorms). Baji not being sure on what to do/not wanting to pressure me (ik he isn't like this but shhh it's for the sake of the letter) write a letter expressing how much he genuinely cares for me and loves me (without it being out of character) and that I'm not alone and I have him. Location: it takes place at uni (so he slips it through underneath the door. After I read it, he comes in and we just cuddle and watch a movie (whilst hes holding me in his strong arms. He stays the night and makes me breakfast, also he "talks" to my bullies so that when I see them again they all run away 🏃 (they want no smoke). Other information: I'm usually the more affectionate one between us and like he reciprocates (was quite shy at first but warmed up to it and how he starts it... it gets a little heated sometimes if he's jealous 😳). I hope I'm not coming off as ooc by saying this (please correct me if I am). I feel like baji is somewhat reserved in public (unless he's jealous) like the most he'll do if give me a kiss or a brief hug (maybe ruffle my hair) but like o can tell he cares. I can't proprrly articulate it but he isn't just a feral troublemaker, he's more than that (acts of service - giving me water, snacks if so I don't get hungry or thirsty/reminding me to like eat and hydrate. Also I can confinde him about anything and he won't judge me for it. Also he doesn't judge me for my autism (actually G checks and fucks up anyone who tries it) and he doesn't care if I'm stimming or pacing around and like it's just really nice to not be seen as weird. Also like he's really attentive like if I'm having a shitty day he wont just not say anything, he'll pick up on it and do his dammest to make it go away. Like giving me advice (amazing if not a bit blunt), or doing what he can. Also I sometimes draw portraits and art of him bc I love him (and my hobby is art) and even if he insists I don't need to. I always make sure to buy him gifts (new cat toys/food, veterinary resources, yskisoba and snacks, etc) bc I want to give back to him.
But yeah that's all there is to it. I hope it isn't too much. Thank you for accepting my request and letting me send this in.
I hope you have a nice day. Ur amazing.
Baji's Comforting Letter to His Girlfriend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Baji x Fem!Reader | Genre: Comfort, Fluff | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 1.1k|
Warnings: mentions of bullying, reader feels a little insecure
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy your letter from Baji :)
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Baji feels awkward standing in front of your dorm door, his letter grasped between his fingers. You had run away from him a few days ago after he helped you out upon seeing your classmates harass you. Not knowing what to say after that, he gave you your space, but you still hadn’t reached out to him at all.
Worry filled him after your silence. Were you upset with him for some reason that he didn’t immediately reach out to you? Anxiety bubbled up within him as he stood outside your dorm room. It was Valentine’s Day and while that usually meant just staying indoors and ordering takeout with you like any other date, Baji felt like he had to do something extra for you this year to cheer you up. 
He wasn’t used to expressing his affection for you verbally, especially not in a letter since his handwriting was horrible and he couldn’t spell to save his life, but this is what lots of guys did for their girlfriends, right? Maybe it would help you feel better.
Swallowing his pride and brushing his embarrassment away, he slips the letter under your door and knocks a few times before rushing to hide behind a nearby wall so you wouldn’t see him.
You, busy sulking on your own in your dorm, jump slightly at the sudden knock on your door. You were  embarrassed that you had run away from your boyfriend after he helped you out. Of course you were grateful for his help and having him protect you like that sent butterflies erupting in your stomach, but you had let your classmates' words get to you. You felt undeserving of Baji’s love, how could you possibly deserve his attention when you were just you?
Sighing, you stand from your bed that you were wallowing away on, and approach your door, seeing an envelope in front of it. Curiously, you pick it up and see your name written on it. You look through the peephole of your dorm door but don’t see anyone outside it, opening the door slightly just to make sure no one was there, before closing it again.
You take a seat on your bed again as you open the envelope and begin to read its contents;
Hey Dollface,
Did I scare you off the other day? Or were you embarrassed that I found out you were getting picked on? You know I don’t care about things like that, but I wish you had told me yourself so I could have helped you out sooner. Don’t worry about those idiots, they won’t bother you again, in fact, no one will bother you again, I’ve made it very clear to them that they shouldn’t mess with my girl…
I’m sorry if I upset you for not running after you and giving you space. I should have looked for you and comforted you right away. But just…don’t feel like you’re alone. We’re partners, I want to share the pain you feel and I want to know when someone is bothering you so I can sort it out quickly. I love you too much to see you throw yourself down like that. If anything, I’m the one undeserving of you.
Anyway, it’s Valentine’s Day and I heard guys write stupid letters like these or something, so here it is. I really don’t get it, but if it makes you happy then good. I love you.
You know who, do I really need to say it??
You smile to yourself as you read the letter, it was so like him. Super curt, straight to the point,  and probably took him forever to write out properly since the grammar and spelling were perfect. You read through the letter one more time, your eyes always stopping at his words ‘my girl’. You were his girl, despite how many times you may have thought you didn’t deserve his love, Baji would never pretend to be interested in you, he knew what he wanted, and that was you.
The only thing you’d ever picture him doing is pushing you away if you were ever in danger because of him. But he’d never lead you on and pretend to care for you, so why were you so worried in the first place?
You laugh to yourself and quickly grab your things, wanting to see him as soon as possible. Two days without being in his arms was long enough. You open your dorm door, but you definitely don’t expect to see your handsome man in front of you already. He backs you up into your dorm room and closes the door behind him, his eyes never leaving yours.
You could see his red ears, hinting as his embarrassment from his letter, but he still stood tall, his confidence never leaving. 
“Did you read it?” He asks, a hand coming up to rub your arms.
Baji had never been one to initiate affection with you, but since dating you for a while and getting used to your touchiness, he finds himself reaching out to you first now more often. He loves it.
“Mhm, thank you,” you smile, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. “I loved it, and I love you. Thank you for stepping in the other day for me…and I’m sorry for running off on you like that without a word, I just felt embarrassed.”
He shakes his head and laughs huskily, pulling you into his arms, his chin leaning on your shoulder as he squeezes you tight, “You don’t need to apologize. It’s my job to look out for you, just know that they won’t be bothering you again. They know what’ll happen if they do.”
You hug him back, missing the feeling of having his arms around you
“I’m sure you did. Thank you,” you hum, before a teasing smile graces your lips, “Happy Valentine’s Day. Such a romantic gesture to threaten my ‘bullys’ for me.”
He groans in your neck, guiding you back to your bed where he pushes you back into the mattress, hovering over you, “Yeah yeah, Happy Valentine’s Day. As long as you’re happy.”
And happy you were as he leaned down to pepper kisses all over your face.
Your day of love was spent cuddled up together with a movie playing in the background as Baji later attempts to cook brunch since it was still early on in the day. It wasn’t perfect, but you could care less as long as you got to spend it with him, that’s all that mattered.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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asphaltvalkyrie · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3 OC Brainrot
I'm currently starting Act II and having a grand old time. I came into the game with little knowledge of its plot or characters, though I was familiar with Faerun due to having played in two D&D 3.5e Forgotten Realms campaigns in college.
I made a wood elf Ranger named Alsvid with the intent of having him be a reincarnation of my Ranger from my Ragnarok Online days, which were about 15 years ago (!!!) but things went... very differently.  
My RO Ranger was a handsome, pale-skinned, soft-spoken sort with social anxiety and a low self-image, who was slow to open up to people due to military-related PTSD. He was also aro/ace, though he had several close platonic friends.
I started with a similar face, hairstyle and eye color, but then things got a little weird. I'm playing on my partner's PC because he's the one who owns the game, and its graphics card is just barely up to running it. So, I turned up the maturity sliders and freckles and makeup and whatnot just to give his face a bit more depth since most of the detail would be lost.  It looked like most of my tweaks did nothing in the character creation menu, but when I got to the actual game I realized they did EVERYTHING. So cute anime boy trashed his skin and now looked like an old rock star - I'll post a pic of him once I can get one over to my own PC. Also I had him try the penises on like hats until I found one with just the right amount of pubes. 
Then I started to meet the party members, and I found the more shy and aloof dialogue options very unsatisfying  because I really liked all these people and wanted to know as much about them as possible. So I started picking the dialogue options that I thought they wanted to hear were the friendliest, most considerate ones possible.
Bitchy, condescending vampire who tried to bite me in my sleep because he's starving and feels sick?  Sure, think of my blood as your bowl of warm chicken soup and I hope you feel better!
Secretive, distrustful cleric of an evil goddess with a powerful macguffin that she refuses to talk about? Religious trauma, amirite? I'm here if you need to talk, no judgment!
Pretentious pedant of a Wizard who might accidentally blow up an entire city if he doesn't get expensive magic items? Well, I'd better get you a hell of a nice birthday present!
Foul-mouthed hell soldier with a flaming engine in her chest that burns anyone who touches her to ash? I'm just so sorry I can't give you a big hug. 
Cocky, self-important Warlock who made a deal with a devil and is now whining about having to suffer for it? Don't be sad friend, you did it for all the right reasons.
Volatile, humorless Fighter who clings to her callous and cruel warrior culture at the expense of all her relationships? Your queen would be so proud if she could see you now!
So, the majestic lone wolf became a happy, bouncy golden retriever slobbering on everyone. And speaking of slobbering - I threw the ace part out the window for much the same reasons as I threw out the social anxiety. I thought I might romance Gale since that scene where he helps your character tap into The Weave was utterly charming, but then I recruited Karlach.  She quickly became my BFF because gigantic, outgoing,  foul-mouthed ladies are the best, but I was still on the Gale train. Then one night my boy was in camp and she sat down next to him and said she wanted to "ride him until she saw stars" and I just... can't say no to that. Haven't gotten to the point where she can touch him yet, but all the innuendo has been delicious and I look forward to her snapping him in half like the twig he is instead of just incinerating him like... well, the twig he is.
And now I want to write him a backstory. That said, this game's a lot more elaborate than my usual fare and I was afraid of sucking out loud, so I picked my class features and feats and whatnot based on utility and not for RP reasons. Its gonna be fun working backwards to justify them.
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Hiii Vemuabhi chwaan, may i request for a hurt/comfort headcanon for the Monster Trio + Law where they are wandering around the new island with their fem. S/O when they come across a celestial dragon, and then their s/o starts to get a panic attack, like she can't breathe nor move and tears keeps streaming on their cheels due to their tragic past as a slave? IK its a weird request
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credits to the owners of the pictures.
oh no! its not weird at all Yui chwan. its emotional. I tried to make it hc’s but it turned to be mini scenarios. i hope you like them. I just Love the picture above!
sorry for any mistakes. English is not my first language.
Warnings : angst, Mention of trauma, abuse, hurt then comfort.
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You both were making jokes and laughing while you were looking around the Island for the last time before you all hit the waves.
Luffy stopped at every single food shop and took food from there, while you paid for the food he got. Well you weren’t complaining. You loved to take care of him because he was your lovely innocent captain and also your lover.
Suddenly everyone stopped whatever they were doing because of a loud Gunshot. Luffy and you looked in the direction of the gunshot. It seemed that a celestial dragon came to this place. There was a big person who was walking on all fours and had huge chains around his neck and hands. He was… a slave. Like once you were.
Seeing this you started sweating and your heart beat increased. You knew how terrible that situation is. You slowly looked up and saw a man with snot nose and black curly hair.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you saw the celestial dragon. He… he was the one who made you tremble with fear. He was the one who made you think Death would’ve been peaceful than to live under his foot.
You remembered how he had kicked you repeatedly and how he had thrown his hot coffee on your bare skin just because he wanted to know how hot the coffee was.
Your eyes started to water and you hid behind Luffy, clutching the back of his shirt. He hugged you back with one of his hand but didn’t look at you.
He noticed how you shivered with fear. He heard you sob but didn’t ask what had happened. He knew about how you were once a slave. Only he knew.
Meanwhile the rest of the straw hats came to the place from where ever they were because they heard the gun shot and were worried if something had happened to you two.
Nami and Chopper asked why you were crying. Then the celestial dragon started to slowly move in the direction of where you all were still on top of his slave. He was not yet close to where you were at but the sole presence of that jerk was enough to break your emotions.
Luffy soothingly rubbed on your back and now turned to face you. You looked at him with tears in your eyes and whispered, “That’s him”, so softly only for your boyfriend to hear. He gently wiped your tears and placed his straw hat on your head. You then saw how Luffy walked ahead with Sanji and Zoro behind him. You stopped crying as you looked at your captain with hope in your eyes.
He went to the Celestial Dragon and beat marines surrounding the celestial dragon and punched the Celestial Dragon’s face and made that jerk to taste the dirt. You are sure he broke his ribs. You stopped trembling and smiled as Luffy turned around and gave you his classic smile. Luffy doesn’t fail to make you smile.
Luffy stretched his arms and flew towards you with Zoro and Sanji dangling in his other hand. You knew what was happening and you jumped as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You held him tight as he proceeded to fly towards Sunny with the rest of the crew still dangling on his arms.
He was already your prince but now he was your whole world, your reason to smile, your Pirate King and… your One Piece.
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Zoro got lost in the middle of your date and you were trying to find him. You suggested to go on a date on the last day and he got lost.
You were still looking for him as you heard an announcement. Your ears perked up as you started to listen to it.
The island announced that a celestial Dragon was going to reach the island soon. Everyone was warned to be on good behaviour and not come in the way of Celestial Dragon in order not to die.
You were shaking like a leaf. Your breathing became faster along with your heart rate. You were sweating. You tried to breathe as air wouldn’t enter your lungs.
You didn’t want to look weak so you hid how you were once a slave but escaped with some others one day on an island. You hugged yourself and tried to breathe. You knew your past was always haunting you. You knew Zoro was waiting for you to tell him but chose not to.
Then you saw from a distance, a big ship had stopped on the port. You weren’t very close to them but could see them.
You slowly looked up. You saw the man with grey hair and big beard, sitting on top of a slave. You saw how the slave crawled down the ship with that jerk on top of his back.
That man… he tortured you. He lit his cigar and with it, he burnt the skin on your shoulder just to make you scream in pain. Once you screamed he’d use that reason to beat you up and not give you food for days. Oh how he smiled when you cried with pain. He enjoyed to make you suffer as you were his new slave. You remember how Zoro frowned after seeing your scars every time he looked at them. Chopper cried when he treated them, but you just lied whenever they asked about your scars. Of course Zoro didn’t believe them because he knew you weren’t ready to tell him. So he chose to wait.
You froze in place. In your head you screamed. You knew you should run away. But you couldn’t. Tears wouldn’t stop flowing from your eyes.
“Zo..ro”, was the only word you managed to say as you shivered. Suddenly you felt two strong arms pull you back to a hard chest. As soon as he hugged you, your knees became weak as you trembled. He caught you and wiped your tears soothingly. He asked you what had happened but you couldn’t speak. Instead you pointed towards the Celestial dragon.
After hearing the announcement, Zoro actually had a plan of getting you then running to ship with everyone and getting away. But after seeing you in such a state, his mind changed. He exactly knew what to do. Meanwhile you see Robin chan and chopper running towards you two in order to leave the island quickly. Their hearts broke as they saw you weeping as you held Zoro tightly.
Robin chan hugged you as Zoro placed his hand on his swords and ran towards the Celestial dragon. He beat all the marines around and charged front. Then you saw Luffy attacking with Sanji by his side. Zoro sliced off the clothes of the celestial dragon and scarred his torso.
“You can’t get away after hurting my lover”, he glared at the celestial dragon. Then the monster trio ran towards our direction.
“LET’S SAIL QUICKLY”, Luffy shouted. Zoro came running towards you and picked you up with ease as he ran towards Sunny. You threw your arms around his neck and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You hugged Zoro and inhaled his scent. He smelled like wood and leaves. That must be because of him getting lost in the woods. Well you knew you had to thank your crew for doing this for you. For now you just closed your eyes and held onto your boyfriend tightly. He was your love, your man, your marimo and the one person you'd love to call... your precious prince.
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You and Sanji walked around the small island before you again continued your journey. You both heard a loud noise which sounded like a horn. You looked at the place from where the sound was coming and saw that it was a ship of Celestial Dragon.
The celestial dragon had brown hair and had a small beard. His snot was visible to everyone. He was sitting on a person who was bleeding from his head. He wasn’t even treated. He looked very injured.
You could recognise that celestial dragon. He was the one who tortured you by beating you with rods to make you scream in pain. He made you to work all day long without mercy. He made you to scream and then hit you for screaming.
Without mercy he sat on top of you while you carried him, then kicked you in the stomach because you fell to ground as you couldn’t carry him.
He loved to harass you and all the other slaves. His evil grin spread wide whenever you collapsed to the floor because you couldn’t even stand anymore. Now he had another reason to beat you up. Once you knocked out while you carried him. He kicked you but you didn’t respond. So he thought you were dead and made his men to throw you in the boat of dead bodies of slaves. But you were still alive. When you woke up you immediately threw up into the ocean. The bodies of the slaves were horrible because of their condition and how beaten up they were.
You cried for them and also… you also cried with happiness that you weren’t with him anymore. You felt sorry for the bodies of slaves. But the feeling of dead bodies round you didn’t disgust you because the celestial dragons were the most disgusting of all. You were happy to even be alive and escape that hell.
You hid behind Sanji as you gasped for air. You were having trouble breathing. Your surroundings became very uncomfortable. Your heartbeat was raising quickly as you looked at the celestial dragon. You were getting a panic attack. He hugged you as you held onto him tightly.
Sanji didn’t ask you anything. He didn’t knew you past nor did he want to pressure you. He respects if a person choses to not talk about their past. He never saw you so scared. He soothingly rubbed your back. Sanji was your home and straw hats were your nakama. You slowly admitted that you were his slave and he tortured and harassed you, so you were scared of him.
He wiped your tears as he told you to just stay back and watch as he lit his cigarette and went towards that jerk who made you cry. He kicked everyone with ease and wiped out everyone. Then came Luffy and Zoro as they joined the fight. Chopper and Nami hugged you as you returned their embrace. Sanji kicked the Celestial dragon in face and broke his neck.
Everyone started to run towards Sunny and with one swift motion Sanji jumped in front of you and picked you up like a princess. Then he did his Sky walk while he still held you in his arms. You always go crazy whenever he does that. To light up your mood he always picks you up like you don’t weigh anything and sky walk on top of that whenever you feel sad.
This time… it was different…. You fell in love again. Tears streamed down your cheek as you hugged him tightly with your head in the crook of his neck. He smelled like shampoo, perfume, spices and nicotine. He was your prince, your dream, your knight and your All Blue.
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Just like usual, before leaving the island, you and your captain were stocking up on medicines and medicinal books. It was like shopping date. You never get bored with this because it’s your special moment together.
You both go and pay for it and exit the shop. Penguin came to you and took your bags as he went to the submarine. That was so sweet.
You and Law both slowly walked towards the port hand in hand as you talked. Law rarely shows PDA and this was one of the days he at least holds your hand in public. Suddenly there was a loud scream and you two ran towards it. There you saw a celestial dragon was beating up her slave.
Law looked at you and saw you were completely pale. Your eyes were wide open. Your limbs trembled and you went behind law and stayed there. You gripped his shirt tightly and covered your mouth with your other hand. You were crying but didn’t want to make any sound but still Law could hear your sobs and his heart dropped.
Law didn’t knew why you were crying. But being the clever man he was understood that you were getting scared because of the… celestial Dragon. Then it came to him. The scars on your back and legs. He always knew they weren’t from a battle like you always said.
Now that he knew... oh boy he was furious. Bepo soon came towards you two. Law made sure you were with Bepo and he slowly went towards the celestial dragon. Not even a second later he freed the slaves in a swift motion and made them to teleport. The chains exploded and created a smoke screen. Then he wiped out all the soldiers and guards in the way and in one instant he got a heart in his hands. Due to the heavy smoke no one could even see where he was and who he was.
With the heart Law ran towards you. He gave you the heart as he picked you up and ran with Bepo on his side towards the submarine. You had that awful woman’s heart with you now. In your hands.
That horrible woman pulled your hair harshly and used to beat you. You were her new toy, which meant you were the new person who they enjoyed to break. As you could scream and cry for help she watched with happiness in her eyes as she burned the skin on your legs and back. Without mercy she used to burn the same the same place even when it wasn’t healed completely.
You had another slave friend with whom you escaped but… in the end, that celestial dragon, shot your friend. As you both escaped. You ran… you ran with tears in your eyes as your friend screamed for freedom. You knew that meant for your freedom especially. You still had horrible nightmares because of the trauma. You still could clearly hear the screams of the slaves who begged for their lives but got killed in a terrible way in her hands. You still have the heart in your hand… you could choose…. Life or death for that horrible person.
You look at law and smiled with happiness as you let your tears fall. You were so happy to be a member of the heart pirates. And mostly… a person beloved to Law. You were lucky to have Law as your captain, your saviour, your boyfriend and your Pirate King.
Like, comment and Reblog!
what would you do if you had the heart of the celestial dragon?
Tell me in the comments below!
i hope you liked them. I made the celestial dragon a female in Law’s scenario because there are female celestial dragons who are also the same the men. i just wanted to do something different for his scenario. 
also i may not be active on tumblr because of exams so please forgive me everyone and Yui chwan~
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
emergency request (it's okay if it's delayed i don't mind, take your time (: ) kuroo, kenma and oikawa comforting their chubby reader who's really insecure because of their middle eastern family always commenting on the readers body? Which results in a huge fight and the reader just needs comfort. It's okay if you can't do this i don't mind 🥺❤️❤️
kuroo, kenma, and oikawa comforting their chubby s/o who feels insecure
a/n: i feel your request a bit too much :’ i’m gonna give you a giant bear hug <3 
- kuroo is your go-to person. whether you need some comforting or simply want someone to walk you to a coffee shop, he’s the one you go to 
- it sucks when the people who are supposed to support you are the ones putting you down. in this case, your family keeps making comments about your body. it’s my body, it’s none of your business, you frustratedly rub your hands against your face. before you knew it, a full-on argument broke out and it all started with your family’s unnecessary comments
- “kuroo...” you say over the phone 
- “hm? what’s wrong, kitten” 
- “...i didn’t say anything was wrong” 
- “when you say my name it’s usually kuroo~ or ku-ro or babe...it’s never kuroo... so tell me, what’s wrong?”
- you take in a deep breath before words start to tumble out, “i got into a bad fight with my family. i didn’t mean to get into a fight but they just kept saying all that stuff about my body and i had to say something about it. the more they say, the more i feel like i need to change. maybe they’re right :’(” 
- you hear a sigh and can almost see your boyfriend run his hands through his hair, “i know a lot of boyfriends will say things like you’re perfect in my eyes but when i say it, i really do mean it” 
- the phone line goes silent as you take a moment to blush at his words, “you don’t really mean perfe-” 
- “yes i do. the dictionary definition of perfect is... hold up let me pull it up...having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. that’s literally you, you fit perfectly. can’t argue with the dictionary, can you?” there goes his notorious smirk 
- you open your mouth to speak but your brain and heart just can’t seem to think of the right words to say “...you must be the dictionary version of the perfect boyfriend then” a big grin creeps onto your face 
- “you trying to flirt with me now, kitten? we can flirt later, i promise, but let’s go back to your family’s commentary first. don’t listen to what they say. their opinions don’t matter because at the end of the day who’s most important? you. the people who truly cares won’t care talk like that. tell them to stop if they continue; stand up for yourself, alrighty? if they don’t stop...come back to me again and i’ll think of something. okay, back to flirting, what were you saying ;)” 
- “kenma...let’s say that person A’s family keeps making comments on person A’s body and person A got into a huge fight with them. and now person A is really insecure” you look up at kenma, who’s focused on his game 
- “as your boyfriend, you should at least tell me before you change your name to person A” 
- “wah, i didn’t say it was me...it’s just a possible scenario...” 
- kenma stops his game and looks at you like really? “i would tell person A to not let their comments get to them. person A’s family probably wants those comments to affect person A and person A shouldn’t let them get what they want”
- “...but it’s easier said than done... person A’s family will probably still continue to say those things and person A’s insecurity will get worse :(” 
- “has person A’s family ever watched Bambi? there’s a bunny that said, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say nothing at all. maybe person A’s family can learn a thing or two from the bunny” he turns his head sideways to look at you and cups half of your face with his hand, “for the record, i think perfect A has no reason to be insecure” 
- he presses a soft kiss on your forehead, pulls back and smiles, “is person A feeling better now?” 
- oikawa has always been big on flattering you with his words, complimenting you at the most random times. why? he just likes it :) it doesn’t sit right with him when people have the audacity to make comments about you that aren’t positive 
- “y/n even though we’re video calling right now, i can tell something’s wrong” he says while leaning in super close to his front camera, as if he can possibly get any closer to you 
- “i just wish my family would stop talking about my body. i wish i can say it doesn’t affect me but it really does” you left out a heavy sigh as you slowly climb on your bed
- “...firstly, stop showing me your ceiling. i didn’t call to talk to your ceiling, y/n” 
- you roll your eyes with a small smile and faces your front camera to your face, “happy now?” 
- “...well, i wouldn’t say happy because i’m not with you but it’s better” he flashes you a grin, a grin that quickly fades when he remembers what you said, “what were you saying about your family and your body?” 
- “they keep making comments about my body...not the good kind of comments. and just early we got into a big fight about it” your voice is shakier than you intended it to be
- “ignore them, don’t let their negativity get to you babe, you’re better than that. if you want commentary, come to me so i can shower you in the compliments i’ve prepared” his eyes begins to glow, “i’ve got a whole list, all written down right here. okay number one: when i’m with you, i feel like i’m in a whole new world...partial credit to aladdin” he looks up from his sheet of paper, his eyes searching for a hint of a smile on your face
- a small laugh escapes your mouth, “really? a whole new world? that’s so cliche of you” 
- “at least i got you to smile” he playfully huffs, “but seriously, next time they say something, just say no one asked and walk away unbothered as you should. i said that phrase to iwa-chan once but quickly apologized ...or else i wouldn’t be here today”
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meowthefluffy · 3 years
Homewrecker au finale part 3!
•Virgil has never driven so fast before
•he drives so recklessly he makes it to the pizza place in just over 3 minutes
That gives him just enough time to stew in the fear and dread
He also gets a chance to let the anger that’s been building finally bubble up to the surface
Whoever hurt Roman is gonna have hell to pay
He parks in the shadows away from the bright awning of the pizza place and waits
He ends up waiting for 10 minutes
He’s about to get out of the car when he sees a small frame slinking in the shadows towards the parking lot
Roman in 8 inch platform heels, and a cocktail dress shivering in the freezing night air
Roman carefully stays out of the street lights and makes his way to the side of the parking lot that his car is parked, obviously looking for Virgil’s car
Virgil rushes out to meet him
Virgil’s knows he looks disheveled in pajama pants and a hoodie he hastily pulled on but he couldn’t care less
“Roman “ Virgil sounds hoarse and close to tears
Roman spots him and his whole face shifts as he bursts into tears
Virgil runs over and Ro meets him in the middle
Virgil scoops him up in a giant hug and Roman sobs into his chest
Roman looks so small in his arms like this, so fragile, the anger from earlier flairs again but it gets pushed to the side when Roman whispers through his tears
“You actually came “ he curls further into V’s arms and the relief on his face is palpable, tho it’s concerning that Ro thought he wouldn’t come
“ of course I came Princey, how could I not? I-“
He wants to say more but he notices Roman is still shivering and ushers him into the car and out of the cold
“Your freezing, let’s warm you up and then we can figure out what to do next “
As ro warms up Virgil starts driving
He isn’t going anywhere in particular, he just wants to get Roman away for there as quickly as possible
Once he’s stopped shivering completely, v takes a deep breath and asks
“What happened?”
“I-they-they wanted-“
“Take your time okay? I only need to know enough to know how to help you, you don’t have to go into detail if it upsets you “
“Okay..” Ro takes a shaky deep breath, it’s a while before he tries to speak again
” they wanted me to leave with them.” Roman whispers so quietly Virgil nearly misses it
“What?” Virgil doesn’t understand at all but he doesn’t like the sound of it
“ the cheer coach, they-They wanted me to leave the country with them, they said that they ran out of customers in this area and wanted a fresh start.”
He started curling in on himself, visibly upset but he doesn’t stop
“ they said since I was the “ best seller “ I had to come. They had me in a corner and I knew if I said no-“ he started tearing up again “they would take me by force.”
“So I ran. They threw a big party, to try and squeeze some last cash out of this town, they ran out of pizza and I offered to go get some.” The tears fell harder now and Roman desperately rubbed at his face to keep the tears at bay
“ that’s when I called you… the only reason they let me leave is because they knew I couldn’t get far walking “
It seemed obvious in hindsight but the thought of Roman walking the half a mile walk to the pizza place alone at night scarred him terribly
“ I’m gonna kill them.” Virgil said before he could stop himself
“What?” The panic rose in Romans voice , Virgil pulled over,
“ I’m gonna kill them. “ the anger from before coming back yet again “ I’m gonna f$&@$ kill them.”
Roman looked terrified now
“ no!”
“… no one should be allowed to hurt you and live to see tomorrow.” His grip tightened on the steering wheel
“Virgil please stop” Virgil risked a glance at Roman
His makeup was smudged beyond belief , tears gleaming in his eyes
Against his better judgment reaches out and cups Romans face
“ I was so worried about you… I thought-“ he can’t bear to voice his thoughts, his voice cracks
“I don’t care about them right now, I’m just happy your here, that your safe”
Roman practically falls into his arms
The hug is a little uncomfortable, they’re leaning on to of the center console, and it’s definitely not the best hug either had ever had
But it didn’t matter really
Because maybe just maybe things were gonna be okay
This is the official ending! I’ll be doing a few more going into more detail on the aftermath but this is where I’m ending it for now.
I hope you enjoyed this! :)
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dawningofdrag · 3 years
a little late to the kidfic train but oh well
literally wrote this in april. APRIL.
@nickysjaida sent this kidfic idea to a discord we share with some friends and i basically took it under my wing and made it my own sdkfjhas thank u blayzey dazey ilysm
we literally have 300 billion trillion other headcannons for this universe and also a pinterest board so you know its serious!! ill post the other scenes ive written soon but this is all i have completed now sooo here have some mlm gottrosenali raising rosie's kid woo woo
Rosé hates that he comes home late during choreography days.
He’s never really been one to complain about work hours and rehearsing well past his schedule, if anything he’s happy he has a show to sustain him and his partners for a solid couple of months. But now that there’s always someone waiting for him to come home, he guesses that’s why his feelings toward it have suddenly changed.
He leans against the counter as he waits for the dinner plate Denali had set aside for him to finish heating up in the microwave, tired eyes scanning their living area just across the island counter and dining table. A grimace paints his lips as he catches sight of unfolded fleece blankets and a handful of toys strewn across the living room carpet, making a mental note to tell his partners about cleaning up before bed to ‘lead by example’ or whatever. He saw an article about it on those parenting sites he finds himself frequenting recently.
The beeping of the microwave rings in Rosé’s ear before he turns to take his dinner out, grabbing utensils and a glass of water before setting it on the breakfast nook and making himself comfortable, pulling his phone out from his pocket to keep himself company as he eats.
He makes sure his actions are quiet, each clank of his metal fork against the porcelain plate muted and careful. The walls in this apartment are too thin for him to assume that Rowan (the lightest sleeper he’s ever met in his life) can’t hear the sounds that accompany his every move. Every now and then his gaze shifts to catch a glimpse of her door well-decorated with stickers Mik got her during one of his frequent trips to LA, silently hoping for the silver doorknob to turn and reveal that she had been waiting for him to come back like she used to the first couple of nights with him. He remembers the tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes sitting by the front door and refusing to go to bed without greeting him a proper goodnight. The memory makes him smile, it always does. Rowan always makes him smile.
Rosé sets down the plate on the kitchen sink before walking over to Ro’s room, wincing at the slight creaking of the floorboards that greets him as he walks in. He holds back a yawn as he inches closer to her bed, arms reaching out to pull the comforter over her body when he sees the stain of tears on her pillowcase.
The stain is fresh, and Rosé feels his heart tighten in his chest. He leans in slowly, catching sight of her furrowed eyebrows, the edges of her lips turned down into a frown as quiet sniffles bounce lightly against the thin walls of her bedroom. Her arms wrap tighter around the pillow in her arms, and the mere sight of his baby in any sort of distress is all it takes for him to gently shake her awake.
“Ro? Baby-” He whispers, running a hand through tangled hair as he rubs her forearm to try and wake her up. He sees her writhe under his touch and when her eyes jolt open, the cries that erupt soon after urge Rosé to pull her out of bed and into a hug.
He rubs her back as he stands back up, rocking her back and forth in his arms as he lets her cry it out into his shoulder and onto his shirt. Her wails are loud and drown out any other sound that dares to compete with his daughter’s painful sobs, holding her tighter as hiccups start to accompany her cries. He attempts to soothe her through by holding her as close as he can, whispering reassuring words in her ear and pressing soft kisses on her temple until the ear-piercing wails slowly turn into hushed sniffles.
“What happened baby?” Rosé pulls away to take a look at his daughter’s face, free hand reaching up to push away stray hairs damp with tears.
“Nightmare.” She manages to sputter out in between her hiccups, frail arms wrapped tight around her dad’s shoulders tightening its grip around him as she breaks eye contact with him to lay on his shoulder once again. “You didn’t come home.”
He doesn’t understand how four words could sting him that much, but they do. The second it dawns on him just how much it probably meant to her that he got home safe, it takes all of him not to cry with her then and there. His heart breaks into a million little pieces when he feels her hug him a little tighter than she usually does, so he leans into the hug with just as much love.
“Oh baby,” He coos, running a hand through her hair and continuing to rock her in his arms. “I’ll always come home, I promise.”
They lie in the soothing silence for a few more minutes, filling the quiet atmosphere with soft hums of a lullaby Rosé knew helped put her to bed. He feels her breath slow down after a while, the continuous tears that ran down Rowan’s cheeks finally coming to a stop. It takes all of his body control to gently set her back down on her bed and pull the polkadot covers over her body, a small smile painting his lips as he watches her sleep for a few moments before leaning in to press a soft kiss on her forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere angel.” He whispers, pressing one more kiss onto his daughter’s temple before standing back up.
Rosé turns to the door to find Mik leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over his bare chest and the genuine gaze of blue eyes going back and forth between him and Rowan.
“You gotta get the kid a nightlight or something. Nali had to get in bed with her to get her to fall asleep, she was so scared.” Mik whispers the moment the brunette shuts the door to Rowan’s room. The younger wraps his arms around him to pull him into a quick kiss, Rosé’s hands drifting down to his waist as he leans in for one more.
“I know.” Rosé sighs as he pulls away, turning his head to cover the yawn that escapes his lips. “God, I really gotta get home earlier.”
“She just wants to know you’re okay.” Mik reasons with him, and Rosé knows he’s right. It’s surprising that somehow he always is.
“Okay let's get you to bed, you look exhausted.” Mik smiles, hand trailing down to intertwine his fingers with the blonde's. He leans back up to press a kiss on Rosé’s cheek. “Nali is fucking snoring, by the way.”
“Oh my god, of course he is.”
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These Unprecedented Times
Chapter One
AO3 Link
Chapter Three: Intrusive Thoughts
Introducing Roman next had absolutely been the right move.  Janus hadn’t seen either him or Thomas that happy or excited in a long time.  He hadn’t felt that positive for a while himself, either.  Things seem to have improved in the Mindscape too.  Virgil was glad Thomas had finally brushed his teeth, as he’d been worried about cavities.  Patton liked the idea of using their next video to help others, and Logan appreciated that Thomas was at least beginning to take care of himself.  And Remus, for once, had moved on from disease and death, albeit in a Remus way.
“And we should definitely tell all of the viewers how soap is bad for you,” he said with a nod during their attempted movie night.  “And that they should never shower ever again.  And how deodorant is delicious and so if they want to eat it—”
“Remus,” Janus cut him off, and Remus looked at him.  Janus paused the movie.  “Would you like to come to the brainstorming session tomorrow?”
Remus started grinning.  “Really?”
Janus nodded.  “So long as you at least try to stay on the video topic, I see no reason not to have you there.  You are Creativity too, after all.”
Remus gave a cry of delight and bounced up off the couch, springing onto the wall, and down onto the floor, and then on top of the table.  “I get to meet Thomas!” he screeched.
“You couldn’t have sent me out of the room for that?” Virgil grumbled, covering his ears.
“I’m not sure it would have made that much of a difference,” Janus said, as the other three sides showed up in the doorway.
“What in the world is going on?” Patton called.
“I invited Remus to the brainstorm tomorrow,” Janus called, trying to make himself heard over Remus, which was a task all its own.
Patton’s immediate discomfort was obvious, but he wasn’t really the one Janus was worried about.  “Is that alright with you, Roman?” he called.
Roman looked unsure.  “You sure he’s not just going to start talking about death again?” he asked.
“I can’t rule out that possibility entirely, he is Remus,” Janus said, as Remus leapt down off the ceiling and landed on the couch again.  “But he seems to like the video idea you’ve come up with.  And I think he could have things to add.”
Roman still didn’t look fully comfortable with the idea, but after a minute he sighed.  “Alright,” he said.  “I suppose it’s not really fair to keep him exiled from brainstorms.”
Remus started vibrating in excitement again.  “We get to brainstorm together Ro-ro!” he called, leaping up and running over to pull Roman into a hug.  The level of excitement he was currently at meant that Roman was beginning to be shaken up and down.
“Okay let go of me!” Roman yelled, though Remus naturally did no such thing.
“He’s really excited, huh?” Virgil said from Janus’ other side, and he was starting to smile.
“Well, how would you react if you got to meet Thomas?” Janus asked.
“I’d start panicking.”
“Right, yeah, that does sound more like you,” Janus admitted.
“Hey, Jan?”
Janus turned to face Virgil more.  “Yes?”
“You really think this is a good idea?”
Janus looked back to Remus starting to swing Roman back and forth in between flipping him upside down over his head.  “I do.”
“Alright,” Virgil said, though he still sounded unsure.  “I trust you.”
“I appreciate it,” Janus said.  “I imagine I’ll get a different reaction from Logan and Patton.”
“Yep.  Good luck,” Virgil said, patting him on the back.  Janus shoved him halfheartedly, and prepared himself for the conversation he’d definitely be having with a couple other sides later.  Either way, this was a good idea.
Most likely.
“But do you really think—”
“Yes, Patton, I really, really, really think this is a good idea.  Really,” Janus said, trying to avoid the impulse to look up at the ceiling.  To his surprise, Logan hadn’t seemed to have much of an issue with introducing Remus, but that didn’t mean Janus was spared from the moral side, who had pulled him into the Mindscape kitchen right before he went to go meet Thomas.
“He’s just… he’s not exactly the best side we have around,” Patton muttered, rubbing at his arm.
“No, but I don’t really think any of us are the ‘best side’ in the way you mean,” Janus said coolly.  “Thomas needs all of us, Patton.”
“I know that,” Patton said.  “I just… Remus?”
“Remus,” Janus agreed.  “He’s making an effort to stay on the video topic, and that’s asking a lot of him.  And he’s Creativity too.  It’s not fair to let Roman do all of the work in that department.  To Remus or Roman.”
“Roman’s managed alright without him so far,” Patton said quietly.
Janus drew himself further upright.  “No,” he said.  “Roman has been having a breakdown about the fact that he doesn’t think he’s good enough.  He really hasn’t been managing alright, and shutting Thomas off from an entire side of his Creativity is in no way a good idea.  The three of them need to learn to work together.  And that’s not such a terrible idea for you to be considering, either,” Janus said, crossing his arms.
Patton narrowed his eyes.  “You don’t think it’s a little unfair for you to be talking about working together when you’re only letting sides through to Thomas when you want to?”
“Maybe,” Janus said.  “Or maybe if you were making more of an effort to work together I’d be more willing to let you talk to Thomas.  We could have this argument all day.  I need to go introduce Thomas to Remus.”  Janus turned and headed for the door.
“What if he doesn’t like him?” Patton asked, and Janus stopped.  He turned back around.
“How do you know how Thomas will react to Remus?” he asked.
“You want to start working together?  Fine.  Thomas doesn’t like the kinds of things Remus comes up with.  I can’t imagine why he’d like Remus in spite of that.  Just…” Patton sighed.  “Look.  I can’t honestly say that I want Thomas to dislike Remus.  It wouldn’t be fun for Remus, and I don’t want that for him.  I’m just saying you should prepare yourselves for the possibility.”  Patton looked hesitant for a moment.  “Maybe… maybe you should prepare Thomas for the possibility.  Maybe that would help?”
Janus was about to snap back a reply when he considered the statement for a moment longer.  “You know…” he said.  “That’s actually not a terrible idea.”  He looked up at Patton and nodded.  “Thanks.”
“Oh.  Um, you’re welcome kiddo.”
Janus disregarded the kiddo comment and sunk out to see Thomas, without Remus or Roman for the moment.
Thomas was surprised when Self-Interest showed up alone again.  “No Escapism today?” he asked, setting down the notebook he’d been getting ready to use to brainstorm.
“He’ll be here in a moment,” Self-Interest said.  “I just thought it would be fair to give you a heads up that the other half of your creativity will be coming today too.”
“Oh,” Thomas said.  “Didn’t you say that was my Intrusive Thoughts?  I thought I wasn’t ready to meet him.”
“He’s been calmer as of late.  You have noticed, haven’t you?” Self-Interest asked.
Thomas paused, and realized after a moment that he had noticed less invasive thoughts about death and disease lately.
“I told him he could join if he tried to stay on topic.  But a forewarning, he’s… not very good at that.  It just might be a lot, and I wanted to give you a chance to prepare yourself to be a little overwhelmed.”
Thomas nodded uneasily.
“He cares quite a bit,” Self-Interest said.  “In his own way.  He’s just… a lot sometimes.”
Thomas crossed his arms, feeling a little unsettled.  “It sounds like you don’t think I’ll like him.”
“Well, he’s the creative thoughts you don’t want for a reason,” Self-Interest muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.  “I just… don’t want you to be expecting another Escapism and be disappointed.  Because he’s really excited for this, and if you end up acting disappointed, I just…”
“Hey,” Thomas cut him off by reaching out and grabbing his hand.  “Does he mean a lot to you?”
Self-Interest looked up at him in surprise.  “What?”
“It sounds like he means a lot to you.”
“I… I practically raised him,” Self-Interest admitted.
“Okay.  Then it’ll be fine.  I’m not going to be rude to someone who matters that much to you.  I know to expect someone a little eccentric.  It’ll be okay.”
“A little eccentric is putting it mildly,” Self-Interest muttered.  “But alright.  I’ll go get them both.”
Thomas nodded, and Self-Interest sank back down again.  Thomas prepared himself for getting overwhelmed or maybe screamed at, and not a moment too soon, because after a second there appeared in front of him someone who looked similar to Escapism, though with a black and green outfit and a much crazier grin on his face.
“Thomathy!” the side exclaimed.  “Wow, you look exactly like I thought you would!”
“Like… you?” Thomas asked in confusion.
“Like shit!  You really should try some eyeshadow, I can show you how I do mine!”
“I think I’m okay,” Thomas said, making note of the purple eyeshadow smeared all around the side’s face in a way that didn’t look exactly flattering.
“You didn’t let me finish,” said Self-Interest, as he rose up with Escapism, the latter of whom looked nervous and the former of whom looked weary.
“You said I could go see Thomas,” Intrusive Thoughts said, turning and bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet.  “So I did!”
“I said, ‘Yes, you can go, but.’  There was more coming.”
“Wait, I missed a butthole?  Was it juicy?”
Thomas couldn’t help the startled laugh that came out of him, and Intrusive Thoughts grinned back over at him.  “Hi,” Thomas said.  “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hi!  I’m your Intrusive Thoughts, but that’s kind of a mouthful, so you can just call me Remus!”
Thomas blinked.  “Uh… okay?”
“Wait, how come he gets to tell him his name first?” Escapism asked, sounding offended.
“Wait,” Thomas said.  “You all have names?”
“No one was stopping you from telling him your name,” Remus said, grinning back at Escapism.  “I just got here first.  I win, fucker!”
“What— that’s not even— Remus is a terrible name anyway!”
Remus gave a long and clearly not actually offended gasp.  “Bold words coming from someone named Stinky Poo Poo Side The Third.”
“That… that’s not actually your name, is it?” Thomas asked in concern, glancing back at Escapism.  “Because if you want to pick a different one—”
“Roman,” the side groaned, burying his head in his hands.  “He’s Remus, I’m Roman.”
“Oh,” Thomas said.  “Okay.” He glanced over at Self-Interest, who was massaging his temple and looking very done with the whole situation.
“Why did I think it was a good idea to send you both here together?” Self-Interest muttered.
“Well, you did, no take backsies!” Remus called.  “Anyway!” he swung back around and plopped himself down on the couch next to Thomas.  “I have some thoughts on this video idea of yours!”
“I figured,” Thomas admitted.  “You are my creativity too, aren’t you?”
“I am!  So!  Let’s you and me talk about the wonderful world of soap allergies.”
Roman joined them after another moment, and after a little bit of a bumpy start, he and Remus started to work off of each other well.  Roman seemed to be very good at picking out what ideas from Remus’ ramblings would actually be helpful, and then they could start working on how to use them.  By the end of the brainstorming session, Thomas had a section planned in the video about how to stop hyperfocusing on world event stuff, brought up by Remus admitting that even he had been starting to get a little bored with all of it.
And by the time they all called it quits for a while and Thomas got ready to go make some dinner, he wasn’t sure what Self-Interest had ever been worried about.  He liked Remus just fine.
Self-Interest stuck around after Roman and Remus both headed back to what they called the Mindscape (Thomas made a mental note to ask about that later), and followed Thomas into the kitchen.
“Hey,” Thomas said, looking at him.  “You alright?  You look nervous.”
“I’m not nervous,” Self-Interest scoffed.  “I’m… just curious.”
“What you thought about Remus,” Self-Interest said, looking down casually at the gloves on his hands, as if this was merely a fleeting curiosity he wanted satisfied.
Thomas melted a little inside.  “Oh, you really love him, don’t you?” he asked.
“Wha— I— of course not,” Self-Interest said, crossing his arms and looking indignantly up towards the ceiling.  “I simply want to know if I have to spend the night consoling him.  It will take such a large chunk out of my self care time, so I’d rather avoid it if I could.”
Thomas chuckled and shook his head.  “You don’t need to worry,” he said, getting out a pot to make mac and cheese in.  “I definitely don’t dislike him.  I don’t see how I could, to be honest.  He’s like a big excitable puppy.”
Self-Interest laughed.  “That’s a pretty fair comparison,” he admitted.  “You really do like him?”
“I really do,” Thomas said, smiling amusedly back over his shoulder.  He saw Self-Interest’s shoulders slump slightly in relief and felt a little bad the next second.  Had Thomas been unintentionally mean to Remus in the past?  Or well, to his function, he supposed.  He didn’t want to make any of his sides think he wouldn’t like them.  Especially when every one of them so far had seemed to adore him so completely.  He was a little awed by how much, if he was being honest.
“Okay,” Self-Interest said.  “Good.  In that case, I have things I should really—”
“Come sit and have dinner with me,” Thomas cut him off, surprising Self-Interest into silence.
“Excuse me?”
“Come sit with me while I have dinner,” Thomas said.  “If you’d like to, of course.”
“I… really?  You want me to stick around?”
Yeah, Thomas decided he didn’t like that tone being in any side’s voice.  He was going to do his best to get rid of it from all the ones he met.  “I rather appreciate your company,” he said, and went to go get the box of mac and cheese noodles to put in the water.
“I… alright then,” Self-Interest said, moving to lean tentatively against the counter.  “I suppose I could spare an hour or so.”
“Good,” Thomas said.  “It’ll be nice to have someone to talk to.”  And with that, he started preparing the rest of the ingredients while chatting pleasantly with Self-Interest as he did.
Chapter Four
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gracie-rosee · 3 years
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I wrote this in like 10 minutes so I apologize if it's shit
Rowaelin // Word Count: 1.2k // warnings: none
❁ ❁ ❁
Aelin bounced from counter to counter, prepping the many ingredients for the meal she was currently making. The aromas filled the air around her, making the small kitchen smell like spices and fresh baked bread.
If Aelin was being honest, she couldn't cook. Like, at all. Everything she made had either burnt or disintegrated in her hands. But today wasn't just any other day. Today was her and Rowan's anniversary. And she wanted to do something special for him. Even if there was a slight risk of setting their house on fire.
Her and Rowan were both very busy people, at the peak of their careers, working hard. They barely had any time for themselves these days. It was for that exact reason that Aelin wanted to make her husband a special dinner tonight. Rowan does so much for her, that she just wanted to do something nice for him in return. She follows the recipe she had found exactly, and she could only hope all her preparations came together nicely.
Distantly, she heard the door opening and closing, announcing the arrival of said husband. From where she was in the kitchen she could hear him sigh loudly as he took off his jacket and shoes at the front door of their home. She currently had their dinner cooking on the stove top in front of her, filling the whole house with it's scent.
"Something smells nice," Rowan said, by way of greeting. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, his chin resting on her shoulder and his hands splayed across her stomach. He stood there a moment, his eyes closed, just holding her. His Fireheart. Aelin hummed quietly, letting him hug her.
Rowan's hands rest protectively over her abdomen, which was just barely starting to grow. Her hands come up to cover his as she leans back in his embrace, sighing happily.
"Shouldn't you be resting, fireheart?" he says, placing a kiss to her shoulder. His hands are still braced on her stomach. Their favorite spot apparently. Aelin couldn't blame him, she would often find herself absentmindedly rubbing her belly, as if she could already feel the life growing inside.
She turns around in his embrace, linking her fingers together around his neck. "I wanted to make us dinner, seeing as today is a... Special occasion." Her smile is blinding as she steps impossibly closer to her husband. He responds immediately, wrapping his arms around her waist, trapping her between him and the counter.
"Hi," she whispers sweetly, looking into his beautiful green eyes.
"Hi," he says, leaning closer. They were mere centimeters away when he whispered, his breath brushing softly over her lips, "happy anniversary, Fireheart."
He closed the distance between them, softly brushing his lips against hers in a sweet kiss. Aelin melted into his embrace, sighing into his lips. An entire day was far too long to spend apart from her husband.
She meets Rowan in the middle for a more heated second kiss, this time longer than the first. She brings her hands up to run through his hair, pulling him flush against her. His hands wander up and down her sides, lightly pushing her back against the counter. Aelin moans at the feeling of his tongue brushing her lips, their lips moving together in sync.
Their breathing comes in short pants and Aelin breaks away from the kiss momentarily to catch her breath. Rowan isn't as patient and his mouth travels lower, pressing hot kisses along her jaw and neck. She lets her hands wander, roaming over the toned muscles of his torso and biceps. Aelin didn't know how long they continued this pattern, but she was growing tired of his mouth being focused entirely on her neck and jaw. Grabbing his face, she pulled his lips back down to meet her own, tongues and teeth and lips clashing together.
"Aelin," Rowan says her name, but she shuts him up with her mouth on his again. She was completely focused on him and him alone. Nothing else seemed to matter.
"Aelin," he tried again, pulling away slightly.
"Hmm?" she said, still in a daze. He pulled back fully now, hands braced on her shoulders, looking into her eyes. The expression on his face had her knitting her eyebrows together in confusion.
"Umm... as much as I would love to continue this-" he started to explain.
"What?" Aelin asks him, only a lot impatient.
"Our kitchen is on fire, Aelin," he said as if it were the most normal part of his evening, nodding his head towards the stovetop behind her. She whipped her head around to see that their kitchen was indeed on fire. Well, most of the stovetop was. She yelped as she grabbed the towel draped over the oven handle and tossed it over the burning stove top. The effort was of no use, because the kitchen towel just went up in flames as well, casting the entire kitchen in a hazy orange glow. The air heats with the burning stove.
"No no no no," she repeated over and over again, switching off the burner and attempting to put out the flames.
Rowan just calmly walked over to the sink, wetted another towel and threw it over the burning pan. The flames quickly died out under the wet towel, leaving smoke to rise from where the flames were burning.
"Shit," Aelin cursed, heading towards the dining room window and opening it swiftly before the fire alarm could pick up on the smoke. The entire kitchen was now filled with the smell of burnt food and smoke.
She headed back into the kitchen, only to see Rowan barely containing his laughter.
"This is not funny, Ro! Our entire evening is now completely ruined," she whined. She had spent a good amount of hours planning their evening, making sure every last detail was perfect. She stared at the burnt remains of their dinner. At the sight she felt tears threatening to spill. Damn hormones.
"Aelin, you didn't ruin anything," he said with a smile, walking up to her and resting his hands reassuringly on her shoulders. "I don't care about any of this. You didn't have to go out of your way to do anything really special for me. We can just order takeout," he said, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.
"I know, I know, I just had this special plan for us tonight and takeout is boring and I just wanted to do something special for you because you're so perfect and you do so much for me and I-" she starts to explain but he stops her with a quick peck on the lips, laughing just a little.
"It doesn't matter, Aelin. You don't need to make a special dinner or anything. I'm just happy to be with you," he tells her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. As little as the gesture was, it still had tears burning in the back of her eyes.
"See this is why you're the cook in this relationship, not me," she sniffles, "because if I were, we would be homeless by now." Aelin laughs.
"I don't care, Aelin," Rowan says with a laugh. "I love you. Even if you burnt our entire house down and we became homeless, I would still love you, fireheart." He steps closer, placing his hands on her belly. "Both of you," he adds with a warm smile.
Gods he was such a sap sometimes. But she loved him for it. They stood there amongst the smoke filled air, completely wrapped up in each other.
She looked up at the man she loved from where she was wrapped in his arms, sniffing away her tears. "Maybe takeout doesn't sound too bad after all."
❁ ❁ ❁
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@sleeping-and-books @mu-si-ca-l @superspiritfestival @althelkingshorses @booksofthemoon @danibutterr @allroadsleadhome05 @i-love-books-and-i-cannot-lie
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candied-peach · 4 years
ao3: “rainbow ink” rating: T warnings: soulmate au, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus, DRLAMP, creativitwins genre: angst with a happy ending description: Roman just wants his twin to be happy. That’s all he wants. (for anon prompt: "Romantic DRLAMP soulmates? (Platonic creativetwins ofc) and usually when I see that ships it's Virgil or Deciet who doesn't write to his soulmates but how about Roman? He pretends not to have them because Remus already has them as his soulmates and he doesn't want to steal that from him? Angst with a happy ending?")
The first time Roman sees familiar purple ink flowing across his arm, he thinks it's a mistake. It has to be. He's seen that particular shade of purple on Remus's skin too often for it to be a coincidence. It's only further confirmed when, as he hastily yanks his sleeve down, Remus bursts into his room to tell him that he's going to the coffee shop to people watch and be weird. Just like his soulmate- Virgil- said.
Roman swallows hard, the lump in his throat only intensifying at the unabashed happiness shining in his twin's eyes. He doesn't say a word about the damning purple words drizzled across his skin- doesn't even think about writing back- just wishes Remus a safe trip and tries to pretend that the pain in his lungs is from a developing asthma attack.
The second time he sees dark and light blue ink scrawling across his wrist, he thinks someone must be playing a sick joke on him. It's not fair. Logan and Patton are also Remus's soulmates. Is Roman so cursed that he can't have anything to himself?
But the jealousy, teeming just beneath the surface, makes his throat tighten. He holes himself up in his room, pretending to be asleep when Remus bursts in.
"I'm going to wreak havoc at the library," Remus announces, like Roman hasn't already seen their plans scribbled in round letters and blocky script.
"Cool," Roman mumbles into his pillow, trying to sound foggy with sleep, not heartbroken. "Have fun."
"I will," Remus assures him. "And Janus might come, too! Virgil said he's gotta study, though." As if on cue, Roman can almost feel the spiky gold script etch itself into his forearm.
"Just try not to be arrested," Roman says, turning his face so Remus can't see the tears that have started to prick the corners of his eyes.
"No promises!" Remus says cheerfully. As soon as the front door of their shared apartment closes, Roman buries his face in his pillow and cries, shoulders shaking with silent sobs. This goes beyond even the cruelties of fate he could have ever dreamed up. He shares all of Remus's soulmates.
And he refuses to say a word. He's never seen his twin so happy as when he's with them. Logan, Patton, Virgil, and Janus, the latest. Janus is shy, perpetually wearing a hat around them, tugging the brim down as if it can hide the psoriasis that plagues one side of his face. The way his face lights up when he debates philosophy with a ruffled Logan. Patton's sunniness and platters of heart-shaped pancakes. Virgil's purple hair and anxiety and constantly playing emo music. Remus fits like the final piece of the puzzle, discussing the finer points of arson with Janus, listening to cephalopod facts and true crime podcasts with Logan, splattering paint on a canvas with Virgil and splattering cupcake batter with Patton.
Roman would be an outcast puzzle piece, the occasional broken one that comes from another puzzle entirely and can never find a place to fit in, not even along the edges.
Weeks pass. He starts to wear long sleeves and high necks, trying to hide the rainbow-hued proof from his sharp-eyed twin. He withdraws into himself, no matter how much he tries to stop it. What else is he to do? He's an actor, but he's not that good. He doesn't know if anyone could be that good, to know they can never, ever have what they've longed for their entire life, to watch it happening right in front of their eyes to someone who deserves it so, so much, but-
That's it, isn't it? Roman reflects, huddled on his bed and watching Avatar the Last Airbender through for the third time. 'But.' He feels the tingle of more writing on his wrist, but ignores it. It's not for him, after all. It will never be for him. There will be no gentle affirmations written in Patton's light blue script, no blocky exhortations to do his classwork or go to bed earlier from Logan. Virgil won't offer a mix tape and Janus won't cheer him up with snake-themed puns. They think they're friends and they are, but they have no idea they're more than that, and Roman refuses to tell them anything else.
His door bangs back on its hinges, bouncing off the wall, and Roman looks up in irritated alarm, ready to chastise his twin-
When he realizes that not only has Remus come in, he's brought reinforcements. Virgil, Janus, Logan, and Patton stand there next to Remus, and any annoyed words Roman might have said dry up in his throat.
"Something's wrong with you," Remus says, without preamble. "And I wanna know what."
"Nothing," Roman tries to deny, but he knows that no one will believe it. He looks a dilapidated mess, a far cry from his usual put-together self. He doesn't know when he slid down so fast.
"You and I both know that's a lie," Janus murmurs. He's not wearing a hat for once, and his hair is an unruly mass of curls Roman wishes he could run his fingers through. "You've been avoiding Remus-"
"You've been avoiding all of us," Virgil speaks up next. His shoulders are hunched, his fingers occupied with a purple fidget cube. "Did- did we do something wrong?"
"No!" Roman blurts out, before he even knows what he's saying. "No," he repeats. "You- you haven't done anything at all, it's- it's just me." He swallows, painfully aware all of a sudden that his sleeve has slipped down and dark blue writing is now visible.
Dark blue could be anyone, don't draw attention to it-
"Is it your soulmate?" Logan, because of course it's Logan, asks.
"Um," Roman hedges, inelegant. Remus bounds over to the bed, yanking Roman's sleeve up before he can stop him.
"I will be right up," Remus reads, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "But that's-" He looks at his own arm, at Logan's neat handwriting.
"Roman?" Patton asks hesitantly. "Is- is Logan your soulmate, too? Is that why you've been avoiding us?" An easy out, and yet one that will fall apart at the slightest touch. Roman trembles, feeling like a leaf in a vigorous breeze.
"I-" He croaks. "Um- not exactly."
"What do you mean, not exactly?" Janus asks. Roman flinches, although he knows it's a perfectly reasonable question. If only there was a perfectly reasonable answer.
"Not just Logan," he whispers, staring down into his lap. "It- I'm so sorry, Remus, it's everyone-" The tears that have prickled the corners of his eyes since Remus touched his sleeve spill over, tracing down familiar tracks.
"But why is that a bad thing?" Remus asks, still looking utterly perplexed. "Ro, what's wrong?"
"They're your soulmates," Roman repeats. "And you've been so happy- I don't belong with that-"
"Who says?" Logan questions. "Shouldn't that be up to us to determine?"
"I- I don't know," Roman stammers. "Maybe?"
"I don't have a problem with another soulmate," Patton says, giving Roman an encouraging smile. "I want to get to know you better, Roman. As more than just your friend. Is that okay?"
Roman's eyes dart to Remus's face, suddenly brimming with unconcealed panic. Remus plops down on the bed next to him, wrapping him up in a tight, slightly odd-smelling hug.
"You dumbass," Remus hisses in his ear. "You deserve to be happy, too, you know. I want you to be happy. You being unhappy has made me really unhappy."
"It has?" Roman asks in a tiny voice.
"Of course it has," Remus says, giving him a shove. "You're my twin, asshole, I care about you. I don't care if we share soulmates."
Roman takes a deep breath, then shoves up both sleeves, up to the elbow, revealing a rainbow cacophony littering his lower arms.
"We talk a lot," Virgil observes. Roman lets out a shaky laugh.
"You do," he says. "But I- I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."
tag list:   @k9cat @paravigilant-virgil @croftergamer @airiervessel @reverendliu @matthindavick @ambersky0319 @yalltookmyurlideas @did-he-just-hiss-at-me @ihateitwhenyourejustvague @bexxbeauty @killjoy-3000 @the-sunshine-dims @sneaky-slytherin @reesiereads @rabbitsartcorner @quackerz-creations  @psodtqueer @awkward-child-of-satan @snek-boii @im-fine-24  
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impaladolan · 3 years
Capture - Grayson Dolan [8/-]
summary: y/n is quick to plot revenge.. but does she get away with it..?
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, and smut :)
a/n: i seriously love you
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Anonymous said:
Ooohoohohoh I’m excited for her to steal his Rolex haha omg maybe she wears it and doesn’t give him it back when he asks for it OMG u know what would be cute!! if one day she goes snooping in his bedroom and tries on his chain necklace n rings and he walks out the shower n he’s like ummmm ok ily
Anonymous said:
i want y/n to ride gray’s thigh in his office, like he’s just got in still fully in his suite w his gun on his belt and she just walks in and strips 👀👀
Anonymous said:
I have an idea hehe!! WhYi f y/n gets drunk like she f inds alcohol in graysons office or kitchen or something and shes being really bratty but it’s so cute and she’s giving him nose kissies and hugging up and telling him stuff and he’s just listening and loving her
That's how you'd explain the certain state of euphoria I'm embezzled within. Young love is a treacherous trap that can either end in favor, or be torn to shreds in only mere moments. To feel so passionate and fervently invested in someone you've only ever known and loved is such a thrill, and you could never forget those memories embedded in your mind.
Like right now, laying in bed while the sun's first shine leaks through the window and gleams down upon the two of us, nuzzled under the covers. His leg was wrapped over mine and his arms hung loosely around my hips, sheltering me from ever possibly leaving his grasp. I was the first to wake, but I dared not to move an inch.
The world around me was motionless, so peaceful and calm. Nothing could bother or disrupt the atmosphere around me. Everything felt so perfect, embraced by the one I love and the man I admire. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could ever unsettle me in this moment.
At least, that's what I keep telling myself...
A darkness warped over my newly sunken eyes, shielding the world around me. I called out his name, but nothing came out. The warmth I once felt upon my body, vanished into the air and seemed like it'd never return. The world became cold and useless, all the positivity and tranquility that once surrounded me was blown away and now, I sit in darkness;
All by myself.
It seemed too early in the morning to be awake at such an hour, but you had crashed shortly after making it back to your room last night. You were so mortified and embarrassed, for all those men to see you so vulnerable and being punished. Though, the crazy inside you kind of liked it, but still, it pushed boundaries.
Initially, you had wanted to sleep in all day, and hopefully never leave your room ever again. Although, today's forecast decided otherwise. A ground shaking rumble of thunder made you awaken and the shoestring lighting bolts strung across the darkened sky had drawn you in. Since you essentially have no concept of time, whatsoever, you had to believe it was early in the morning, unless you really had slept in all day...
It's been presumably an hour or so since you first fluttered your eyes open. By now, you had plotted a sickening revenge to his outrageous acts he had committed only a day ago. Of course, you had created horribly ill plans that even you could never pull off. Such as vandalizing his expensive vehicles or even trashing the entire house. You had even gone as far as to planning an "accidental" fire in the kitchen.
But something inside you had put a halt to those thoughts.
Other than not wanting to be known as a malicious arsonist, you had some sort of pull towards him— but what that pull was, you couldn't figure out. The phrase; " Darling, I may be a stranger to you, but you're no stranger to me," has been left in your mind ever since the words first left his mouth. You couldn't possibly help but wonder what that even meant. You felt like you've known him from a past life somehow, and that could potentially explain the affection you have towards him. All of that aside, you have to remember that he isn't who your brain morphs him in to be. He's a felon who's abducted you and has pulled you away from society and everything you've ever been a part of.
For some reason, that's hard for you to mentally consider.
Aside from criminalizing yourself too by creating a fire or becoming a vandalizer, the best option is to state your assertiveness and trespass the "laws" that he has forbidden you ro break. Unlike yesterday's escapades of you ruining the dining room table, today you were up for higher anticipated endeavours. You had it all planned out and you knew what you'd do in order to complete your vengeances.
And he's not going to be very happy...
The atmosphere above and around you still rumbles with the loud, crackling thunder and the strikes of lightning flooding certain increments of light through the surrounding windows pave your path to the daunting door. You were still dressed in the white shirt that could barely pass as acceptable in the public eye, and your feet were frozen at the first touch of the wooden floor. You kept on like you have done in the previous times you have left your room for mischievous reasons. You silently open the door, leaving it wide open as you crept out of your assigned room and into the hallway. You knew that the very first place you would go would be the kitchen. No, you aren't creating a fire or any of the sort, but you were going to raid the fridge and have your fill with what it has to offer.
You walk straight past the opening and right into the glorious establishment of cookware, like it was your very own home and you were just up for a midnight snack. In all honesty, you could get used to living here.
If only it weren't forced onto you, that is.
Your fingertips soon collide with the long, frigid handle of the refrigerator door and pull it wide open, marveling at the large display of different beverages and foods strategically set up. Of course, it was mainly veggies and several healthy-looking meal options. Which didn't surprise you whatsoever.
He has a nice physique for a reason...
You couldn't find anything that made your stomach growl with hunger, until you opened up the freezer drawer and spotted a nice looking ice cream container. Still, it looked healthy and it'd make you all the more frozen, but it would manage to subside your aching sweet tooth for now. You pop open the lid and fish around the drawers for a utensil. With a content sigh, you plunge a huge spoonful of the solid liquid and empty it into your mouth, savoring every last flavor like it would be the last time you'd ever eat the sugary treat again. It was delicious, the absolute best ice cream you've ever devoured in the entirety of your life.
You almost ate half the jar until you decided you were parched and needed a nice drink to soothe your throat. Luckily this time you were familiar with where the glasses were kept and already had your hand wrapped around a large wine glass that was a little bit higher up than the rest of the glassware. You set it down quietly, trailing your eyes upon the clean and prim counter.
A tall, fancy upscale bottle of what looked to be whiskey was settled in the corner, nicely organized with the other alcoholic beverages that were of the same importance.
Now, you weren't exactly a "drink-whiskey-out-of-a-wine-glass" type of gal, but as they say; desperate times call for desperate measures— and you were on the search of something to loosen you up a bit, and that was that.
You brought the glass over to where you had stationed your cup, not even flinching when you uncork the liquor and pour its contents out. With improper proportioning of the said liquid, you put the whiskey back how it was.
"Fuck, here we go." You inaudibly groan to yourself, just knowing that you'll regret every decision you've made in the near future. Raising up the plum-full glass, you tip it back into your mouth and down a whole gulp.
It's definitely an acquired taste, but the barely detectable taste of vanilla made it hardly feasible. You dared to not put the glass down until you were finished with it and had that sour taste submitted through your fiery throat.
The least you could say was that it's pretty smooth, but not something you'd drink in your free time.
In your head, you knew you'd feel a bit wonky, considering your nearly empty stomach and your abstinence from alcohol for the last month or so. It'd be easy to feel the side effects and overall feel much better, like you were aiming for.
Once you drained the glass of every last drop, you held your breath and rushed to the sink. The overwhelming want to just regurgitate what you ingested had drawn upon you, but you refrained from doing so. Waiting out the sickly feeling, you run a bit of cold water over your hand and press it against your forehead for a moment. Everything became hot, even with the freezing temperatures, you felt like breaking a sweat.
All just the side effects of alcohol, I'm sure.
Within the passing minutes, the faintness flew away and the sounds of the thunderstorm filled your ears. A large banging of the clouds above frightened you and you knocked over the glass you had just rested your lips on.
You didn't even feel bad about all the shattered pieces on the floor, it actually brought a smile to your face and you were ready to begin the fully planned extravaganza.
First stop; his room.
You skipped back the hallway, still quiet but not as careful as before. You weren't afraid of any consequences and whatever he was going to do to you wouldn't be too harsh. It's not like he's embarrassed you enough already anyway.
You easily find his door, pushing the handle down as slow as possible, just in case he was asleep in his room. His door didn't creak as you opened it, and nor did his floorboards as you walked straight into his marvelous bedroom. It was extravagant, but yet it still felt homely. You check the bed, no sign of him or anyone for the matter. He probably at a meeting, or something.
Not that you care..
You continue your stroll, glancing around his room for anything that could spark your immediate attention, considerably his desk. It held a lot of his more—fashionably inclined belongings. Such as his masculine jewelry and expensive watches. There was even a small, purple ring that reminded you of something you had worn a long time ago. You brush that off, it brings up sore wounds from a time where you were a lot happier and everything was simpler.
I wish I could say that now..
You began to pick up the neatly placed objects, slipping a couple of heavy necklaces around your neck and the large rings upon your fingers. You laugh at the size difference of your hand and how they barely stay on your fingers.
The stationary mirror attached to the desk caught your eyes, and you begin to make funny faces at it. Which sends you into a hushed giggle fest that makes you double over in your seat. Still caught up in your laughter, you take off all of the rings, just leaving a couple on the desk and tossing a few over to his bed. You do the same with the necklaces, except for the two that you threw into one of the drawers.
That’s when your eyes caught the nice watches, stuffed in clear pouches with the brand labeled across them. Rolex is the first you saw, and the first one you picked up. You weren’t thinking clearly. Hence the reason you tore it out of it’s protective packaging and brought it up above your head, throwing it down to the ground and watching the tiny glass fragments splatter everywhere.
It’s not like he can’t buy a new one, right?
Feeling content and a little less frustrated, you left the messy scene and followed your footsteps back into the hallway. He didn't seem to hear you, so the determination to find out his name came across your mind and you became dead set on finding it, so you basically sprinted into his ominous office and delved into his comfy chair without care.
Your motor skills were altered and it seemed to take for ever to lift yourself out of the chair and tap on the computer keyboard for it to wake up. While it began its process of turning on, you led your hand down to the drawers and pulled at them. And that’s when you found the very first locked up thing in this house.
“Care to tell me what you’re doing in here darling?” His alluring voice blasted through your ears and made you leap upward. “It’s not been a day and you’re already back to being a brat?” You couldn’t see what he looked like, but his silhouette looked suited and enticing.
Very enticing, actually...
“M’trying to find out your name, Daddy.” You spoke before you could think, crossing your arms over your chest while your lips form a pout. His body leaves from the doorway, and you’re barely able to see him as he strides over towards you. Suddenly, a light flips on and you’re met with his beautiful frame, a smile daunting his face as he looks down at your innocence.
“You have no idea what you do to me, do you?” He moves closer, wrapping his hand under your chin while his other has his blazer hung on his finger and thrown towards his back. He looks cute in a smile, until it forms into a confused frown.
“Have you been drinking, Y/N?” Your eyes widen and you quickly nod. You knew you’d be in trouble with him anyway, so might as well be honest now. “I c-couldn’t sleep and I- I just wanted a sip of somethin’.” You shrug, looking downward as you give him an okayish explanation.
“You know what helps me sleep?” He lets your chin go, dropping his jacket and beginning to roll up his dress-shirt’s sleeves. You shake your head, chewing your bottom lip as you take in his appearance. “A nice cocksucking does.” Thunder crackles loudly outside as his husky voice deepens and makes a cool wind run down your spine.
“Then let me help you..” You wrap your arms around his neck, twisting him around and forcefully pushing him down in the chair you were once sitting in. You were about to fall to your knees to “help” him, but he pulls your hips towards him and sets you on his lap. You replace your hands around his neck, sinking your fingertips into his hair and massaging the silky softness of it. He sweetly sighs, readjusting the leg you were sat upon.
And that’s when you feel the sensation you’ve been craving for however long you’ve been here.. you think..
“M’hm, do that again..” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper. He actually obliges, his brows furrowed as he watches your face contort. “Like riding my thigh, huh?” He asks as he placed his large hands around your waist. You nod, moving your hips in the same direction. You eyes shut, your head falling back a little as you smoothly move against his muscled thigh.
It felt so good, everything felt so good actually. He somehow looked so much more attractive, the beard dotting his face and his hair styled nicely. Even what he was wearing had you wanting more.
You open your eyes for a moment, watching his pleased expression as he watches you needingly thrust yourself upon his warm, clothed thigh. He even steadily lifted his knee in the correct places, aiding in the pleasure that him alone could bring you. Your eyesight seemed foggy but visible enough to see the gun at his waist side, and you almost froze when you saw it. Even in your intoxicated state of mind, you knew that just the weapon could possibly help you escape and make it back to your own home.
You didn't think it through thoroughly..
You lean in, your lips next to his ear as you practically collapse upon him, though your movements to further yourself towards releasing didn't halt. You slipped your left hand down to his waist band, sensually gliding it over his tented groin. He shutters under your touch, clearing his throat as his heads falls back slightly. As quick as your body would let you, you grab for the handle of the gun and raise it up towards his forehead, stopping all your movements and gaining his attention.
"Y/N—" He starts, gliding his hands up your bare thighs.
"Don't fucking move, or I'll— I'll shoot you." You sounded clear as day in your head, but your words became slurred as they left your mouth, and he smirked at your innocence. Just as quickly as you pulled the gun, he took it away.
He grabbed the barrel and snatched it from your grip, placing it back into its holster at his side. You yelp as he grabs your wrists, twisting them around your back and slamming you into the table with an evil chuckle. "Better keep those hands pretty little hands to yourself, princess. You're too innocent to commit murder anyway." He continues his hoarse chuckles, licking a stripe up his hand before striking your slick pussy. "D-Ahh!" You hiccup, pressing your legs as close together as you can.
“Better fuckin’ pray that you can walk tomorrow, darling...”
to be continued...
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Merry Halloween
31 Days of Spooktober
Day 5/31
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Prompt: “it's december. we can't celebrate halloween in december” “yes, we can” one where rowan can't spent halloween with aelin so aelin decides they're going to celebrate in december
Aelin was exhausted.
She really thought that finishing college and finally working on her own in the gallery would be the best thing ever, but in reality it was just brutal. She had an assistant only twice a week, meaning that the other days she was all by herself working on several different pieces of art that required all her attention. She was hoping that Borte would accept working full week next year, and that Kaltain and Elide would actually join her in the gallery when both graduated in the next spring.
For now, however, Aelin was tired, feet dragging as she came home.
An empty home.
That was another problem she hadn’t thought about before graduating months ago. Her art and history degree had only taken four years, as it was the norm, but her boyfriend, pursuing law, would have to go to Law School for another three years. It was fine, they agreed. It was a lot of busy work but they surely could make it work.
That is, until Rowan moved to Boston and Aelin remained in Chicago.
The long distance relationship fucking sucked, but it was that or breaking up with Rowan, something she didn’t see herself doing in a million of years. And so, for the past seven months, they had been living off phone calls, FaceTime and very rare weekends in which Aelin managed to fly to Boston. It wasn’t by any means ideal, but it was somewhat working.
And yet, as she walked home, looking at all the couples buying Christmas decorations, dinning together and just living their lives with one another, Aelin couldn’t help but feel a deep pang of jealousy. Her two favorite holidays were Halloween and Christmas, and she wouldn’t be able to spend neither with Rowan.
During October, he was too busy with the first quarter tests, and now he was studying like crazy for his midterms. There was no way he could go to Chicago, and Aelin didn’t have the funds or the time to go to Boston. She had to keep the gallery open, especially during Christmas season.
She hadn’t seen her boyfriend in more than three months and it fucking sucked.
She fucking missed him.
Aelin finally arrived in her townhouse, courtesy of her granduncle’s will, and almost cried of relief. She just wanted to take a bath, order something to eat and call Rowan. It was Friday, so hopefully he would be done with his studies for the day and would be able to spend hours on the phone with her.
Thinking better, she could both shower and order with him already on the phone, so as she opened the front door, Aelin also started looking for her phone inside her purse. The thing was way too big and way too full, meaning that Aelin was bound to spend minutes looking for that goddamn phone.
“I need to be more organized.” Aelin grunted, stepping in. She started taking off her scarf as she still tried to look down at the purse. “A-ha!”
Aelin raised the phone triumphantly in front of her, and it took her only a few seconds to realize what was behind the phone.
“What. The. Fuck.” Aelin breathed, gripping the phone harder as she let her coat and purse fall to the ground, feet taking her deeper into the hall. She also felt her jaw dropping, mind so confused she didn’t know what to do first. She didn’t know if this was some of Aedion’s pranks or if she should be actually concerned and call the cops.
All around the townhouse, small Christmas decorations made the place look like it was the fucking North Pole. Even Fleetfoot, sitting by the fire that Aelin was a hundred percent sure she had not lit, was dressed in her small Santa hat, bitting a bone in the shape of a candy cane that Aelin was also sure she hadn’t given the dog.
The confusion only thickened when she realized that every decoration, every small stocking and red lanterns, were exactly where she would have put them. The townhouse was relatively big, and Aelin just knew that if this was one of Aedion’s pranks, he wouldn’t have done it so perfectly.
Aelin’s mind was racing, heart beating fast as she was torn between confusion and the need to grab Fleetfoot and run.
“I’d hope you’d be smiling more in this occasion.” A male voice came from behind her, and Aelin immediately whipped her head to the man now standing near Fleetfoot, hands on his pockets and a grin on his lips. His grey-silver hair was a little longer than the last time they saw each other in person, but the tanned skin, pine green eyes and handsome face were still the same.
Aelin dropped her phone, frozen in place for a single second before a joyful laugh ripped through her. The man’s grin widened, and he walked a few steps forward as Aelin ran to him. She threw herself in his arms, her own arms sneaking around his neck as she pulled him closer to her. Rowan hugged her back with a bone-crushing force, face burying on the crook of her neck, breathing her in.
“What are you doing here?!” Aelin asked, her cheeks hurting from smiling. She pulled her face back, staring right into his green eyes, face also lit with so much happiness that it made Aelin’s heart expand.
Rowan tried shrugging. “I missed Fleetfoot.”
Aelin laughed, hugging his neck tighter as she raised herself on her tiptoes. “I missed you so fucking much.”
Rowan lowered his head, hands going from her hips up to her face, cupping her cheeks as he pressed his mouth against hers. Aelin sighed in content, body immediately melting against Rowan’s as his hot lips moved on top of hers. It had been months since she had kissed her boyfriend, and the feeling of his boy against hers, his lips against hers was the best present she could ask for.
“I missed you so fucking much too, Ace.” Rowan murmured, bitting her bottom lip and then sweeping his tongue lightly against it. Aelin opened her mouth, feeling Rowan’s tongue enter it and touch hers. Her mind that had been racing seconds ago because of confusion was now racing for a different reason, whole body heating as Rowan deepened the kiss, mouth and tongue moving harder and more intensely against hers. Aelin dragged her hands down his neck all the way to the middle of his back, gripping his shirt as she took a small step forward, grounding her hips against Rowan’s.
Rowan’s hands were in her hair, fingers tangling with the strawberry blonde waves. He pulled some strands softly, earning a small and quiet moan from Aelin. When he heard it, Aelin felt a small huff of laughter against her mouth and she was ready to drag Rowan to her room and make up for the lost time.
However, it looked like Fleetfoot had a different idea, because the puppy got up barking, circling Rowan and Aelin’s feet. Aelin drew back, breathless, and looked down. She chuckled at the small, fluffy ball at their feet, and bent down to grab her.
When Aelin got up again, body still pressed against Rowan’s but now with Fleetfoot taking up some space, she chuckled once more. “Looks like someone wants attention.”
Rowan narrowed his eyes. “Traitor. I bring you a present and you cock-block me.” Fleetfoot simply barked, throwing her paws at Rowan’s chest. He rolled his eyes, but smiled as he picked up Fleetfoot from Aelin. “Good to know both of you missed me.”
Aelin chuckled, shaking her head. “Her most of all.”
Rowan took his eyes from Fleetfoot for a second to wink at Aelin before focusing on the dog again. She was still a puppy, meaning that both of Rowan’s hands basically engulfed her. However, she didn’t really seem to care. Fleetfoot absolutely adored Rowan, and he would pretend he didn’t adore her as much. Seeing the two together, Rowan holding the puppy as if it was a toy, made Aelin feel her whole body relax further, a serene smile on her face.
“You’re staring.” Rowan murmured, eyes not leaving the dog.
Aelin shrugged, hugging him tighter. “I wish you could live with us.”
Rowan looked at her, an eyebrow raised and a hint of humor on his face. “Oh?”
They had been dating for over three years now, and it was no doubt that neither of them thought that the relationship would end. Aelin lived with Lysandra during college and Rowan had lived with Lorcan, otherwise they would have probably shared an apartment already.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “Stop trying to get me to boost your ego.”
Rowan grinned, holding Fleetfoot with one hand as the other one pulled Aelin by her waist. “You want to live with me, Aelin Galathynius?”
She narrowed her eyes. “I just said I do.”
“That’s adorable. No, really, I’m fucking flattered.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” Aelin said ironically.
“It’s like you’ve planned our whole lives already.”
“Please, be quiet.”
“I’d move in, probably propose during Christmas.”
“You are insufferable.”
“I’d put a baby on you by next Christmas.”
Aelin snorted, shaking her head. “Have you been thinking about putting a baby inside of me, Ro?”
Rowan nodded dutifully. “Definitely have been thinking about the process a lot for the past months. We could be training for it right now if this small version of the Devil wasn’t so needy.”
Aelin laughed, petting Fleetfoot. “Don’t be mean, we three know you kiss the floor she walks on.” Rowan snorted, causing Aelin to smile more. “And if you are wondering, I’ve been thinking about the process too, I promise.”
Rowan grinned, opening his mouth to say something. In a matter of seconds, however, the grin became a frown and he sighed. “I can’t ask it with this thing here. She’s one year old, it’s awkward.”
Aelin clamped her lips together, smirking as she winked at Rowan. “The answer is yes, if you were about to ask what I think you were. Unfortunately you’ll have to wait until this one goes to sleep to be sure. She’ll follow you all evening.”
Rowan huffed half heartedly, walking up to the sofa and sitting down, Fleetfoot resting against his chest.
Aelin snorted, looking at him as she kept standing. The soft smile returned to her lips and, this time, when Rowan raised his eyebrows, his smile matched hers. “What?”
“I love you.” She said simply, walking up to him. She stood in between his legs, one of his hands gripping the back of her thigh as he looked up at her. “And I actually wish you could live with us here. Halloween was fucking shit to spend alone, and you probably will leave by Sunday meaning that I’ll be here alone for Christmas because there is no way I’d make you come back here a week after leaving, and I need to keep the gallery open.”
“Ace…” Rowan brushed his thumb against her skin.
“Long distance relationship fucking sucks.” She mumbled.
Rowan sighed. “Come here.” Aelin sat on the sofa, legs over his lap as he put his arm around her shoulders. Aelin rested her head, looking up at him. He bent down, kissing her softly. “I love you too. And I wish we could have done our Halloween marathon together with copious amounts of candy while we wore those ridiculous pumpkin pajamas, but—“
Aelin immediately sat up, eyes wide and mouth pulled into a smile. “Let’s do it.”
“You didn’t let me finish. And what?”
“Let’s do it. There is a store by the end of the street and all the Halloween decorations are in the attic. I have the movies and the pajamas are probably with the stuff you left in Chicago when you went to Boston.”
Rowan’s brows furrowed. “Ace, it’s December. We can’t celebrate Halloween in December.”
“Yes, we can.” Aelin announced, grinning at him. Rowan shook his head, letting out a huff before nodding.
“Very well.”
Aelin squealed, throwing her arms around Rowan’s neck. He laughed, hugging her back by the waist. Even Fleetfoot raised her head, barking excitedly.
“Ok, so I’ll look for the pajamas in that mess of boxes and you’ll take Fleetfoot to the store.” Aelin said, getting up. Rowan nodded, holding Fleetfoot like a sack of potatoes. Aelin eyed him, shaking her head. “Thinking of you as a father is terrifying.”
Rowan grinned, walking to the door to grab Fleetfoot’s leash. “We’ll be fucking amazing parents, what are you talking about?”
Aelin snorted, walking up to him and placing tow quick kisses to his jaw. “I’ll also take a quick shower. Bring anything we used to buy during college.”
Rowan nodded, opening the door. “Fucking shit, I never forget how fucking cold this town is, and yet I’m always surprised.”
As he left, Aelin ran upstairs, opening boxes upon boxes until she found the pajamas.
She grinned, they were fucking ridiculous.
Aelin had gotten them in a Halloween fair during freshman year of college. At that time, she wasn’t dating Rowan yet, but they had… something. It was strange overall, but allowed them to spend an ungodly amount of time together. When Aelin won one of those hoops games, she chose the stupidest thing she could find. It turns out it was a couples’ matching pajamas— the thing was one piece for each, bright orange with a series of small pumpkins all over it. The hood was green and with a brown thing on top.
It was horrendous and Aelin had to physically force Rowan into them before it became a joke for them.
She then ran to the bathroom, taking a quick shower in the hopes of being ready by the time Rowan came back with Fleetfoot. Although rushed, by the time Aelin went downstairs, Rowan had already arrived back. He even had the time to go to the attic to grab the Halloween decoration boxes.
He looked her up and down when she cam down the stairs, a smile overtaking his lips. “You look ridiculous.”
Aelin grinned, throwing him his ridiculous piece of clothing. “And naked underneath. Now go change.”
Rowan looked her up and down once more, something different in his pine green eyes. When Fleetfoot barked again, he simply sighed, going to the bathroom. “I hate your dog.”
“Our dog.” Aelin singsonged.
For the rest of the night, they put up the Halloween decorations with the Christmas ones, making the townhouse look strangely funny. They sat down to watch the classic movies they always did, eating a whole bowl of candy together. Rowan wasn’t the biggest fan of sweets, but he always opened an exception for Aelin during Halloween.
It was around three in the morning when they finished the fourth movie. Fleetfoot was snoring soundly at their feet, Aelin’s whole body pressed against Rowan’s as he hugged her.
“Want to know something terrifying?” Rowan whispered against her ear, teeth brushing the lobe.
Aelin smiled, still staring at the screen showing the fifth movie beginning. “Huh?”
“We’ll have to clean all this up tomorrow. And take down the Halloween decorations because I won’t celebrate Christmas in a house full of Halloween shit.”
It took Aelin a minute to understand what he meant. She turned her face to him, hope blossoming inside her chest so fast she was almost dizzy. Her nose hit his, and her turquoise and gold eyes were staring straight into his pine green ones. “Celebrate Christmas here? As in you’ll be here a week from now?”
Rowan’s grin was huge and joyful. “Yeah. And New Year’s Eve too.”
He cupped her face, thumb smoothing over the crease between her eyebrows that had formed because of the confusion. “And the rest of next year. And hopefully all years after that because I wasn’t joking about proposing to you on Christmas, so I hope you weren’t joking about me living here either.”
Aelin let out an incredulous laugh, mouth breaking into a smile as her eye watered. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny.”
“You’re looking at the new Law student in the University of Chicago.” Rowan said, laughing quietly with her. “It’ll be hard to get rid of me now, Ace.”
Aelin laughed out loud, not even remembering that Fleetfoot was sleeping near as she threw herself in Rowan’s lap, legs straddling his hips. She grabbed his face with both hands, pressing her lips against his and kissing him passionately as both of them laughed. Aelin felt as if she was in the biggest high of her life, her whole body consumed by happiness and warmth, head light and yet filled with Rowan.
“Oh my Gods.” Aelin whispered against his mouth, another laugh coming out of his, “Oh my fucking Gods.”
Rowan simply cupped her face back, fingers playing with her hair. “I know. I love you too.”
A/N: Halloween, Christmas and Rowaelin. My three favorite things. Thank you so much for this ask, you have no idea how i squealed when I read it! About the kinktober1: I will only post either tomorrow or Wednesday. I’m so sorry, but I bombed one of my tests and tomorrow there’s like a second chance, like a make up, and I needed to study so I didn’t have time to finish. It will be Rowaelin since I’m more comfortable with them. Because of the wait, I think it’s ok I give a small spoiler about which couple tomorrow’s scene will be: Jily.
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @loveofbooksandwine @jesstargaryenqueen @bluejaberry @multifandommessblog @yesdreamblog @superspiritfestival @ireallyshouldsleeprn @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass​ @julemmaes​ @heirofthenightcourt​
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley V
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
      "White is usually associated with purity and heaven. Fresh and crisp, white lilies also represent purity and modesty"
Release Date: 06/01/20 @ 8:40 pm
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           YN felt she was floating, her mind was floating, in and out of consciousness as she fought to gain control over herself but couldn't. She parted her lips to speak, only wails and moans came out instead of words. YN tried again - harder this time - but the same thing happened. She called out for someone, anyone, to hear her but her voice was beginning to fail her. Her body was shaking. No, not her body. Her bones were shaking. YN felt cold, incredibly cold, she tried to cover herself with the comforter but that only made her more uncomfortable. She thrashed and turned trying to get the blanket off, but it wouldn't budge. That only made her cry more. Eventually, she was so exhausted, she fell asleep.
           “Shh. It’s okay. We’re here.”
"Help me lift her, so we can change the sheets."
           “She needs a bath too.”
           No! No bath. Don’t move me. YN tried to talk to them, whoever they were, but they wouldn't listen. Her ramblings were incoherent at best, but in her mind, they made perfect sense. YN cried and complained, she was in pain, everything hurt and they were only making it worse. "Shh. Don't worry it'll be over soon." Something brushed against her cheek and for the briefest of moments, she felt calm but then the pain and discomfort only worsened. The fever was wrecking through her body and there was little anyone could do to stop it. "Hurry up!" It was too loud, it hurt her ears. When she felt the cool of the bathwater, she lost consciousness again.
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           There was a crash, a loud one, and a cacophony of yells. Someone was getting closer to her, she could feel it but as much as she wanted to open her eyes they wouldn’t. Her nose was beginning to itch, their scent was too strong. It hurt. YN moaned again and tried to move away, but whoever it was had her locked in their grip. That only made things worse. Cramps began to pass all over her body causing the omega to spasm uncontrollably. They didn’t notice, too busy trying to pry the alpha off her to notice the pain she was in. Only once they had him under control did they notice the fever had returned and she was in a worse state than before.
           “Get him out of here!”
           “All of you leave! Now!”
           The warmth was gone and the room was cool again. Something cold yet soft was trailed throughout her whole body. “Don’t worry. I’m here. I’ll make it better.”
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          When YN awoke it was to the sweet scent of raspberries and sugar. She leaned into the scent, wanting to drink more and more of it in. Only when she heard soft giggles and a sigh, did YN finally pry her eyes open. It stung at first all the clarity in the room, but after a couple of seconds, she became adjusted to it. YN felt depleted in every sense of the word but didn't yet know why. Her body ached, the way it might after a strenuous workout and her mind felt numb. It was when her outstretched arms touched skin that YN turned to the side, surprised to see Rosé of all people in her room.
           “Ro!” YN jumped up and embraced her friend. Having felt like it’d been years since they had last seen each other.
           Rosé hugged her back, but her grip wasn’t as tight and her eyes were filled with concern. “I’m so glad you’re okay YN. You had everyone so worried.”
           YN was taken aback, “What do you mean?” YN pulled away and looked into Rosé’s face trying to decipher what she meant.
           Rosé herself looked only more puzzled by YN’s words. “YN,” she spoke carefully as if explaining to a child, “You were in heat.”
           “That’s ridiculous my heat isn’t for a couple more days. I’ve been taking the suppressants.”
"YN, you were in heat. It's been almost a week and it was only this morning that you broke the fever." That didn't make any sense. How had it been a week? The last thing YN knew had been taking her suppressants and heading to bed. Had they not worked? But they'd worked fine for years. Even if it was a faulty batch, her heat wasn't supposed to occur so suddenly. YN didn't know what to say.
           “I’ve never heard of heats lasting that long or being that intense. They're only supposed to last a day or two max. Is that normal for you?” Rosé was wracking her head trying to find an explanation all the while YN sat silent. If I had my heat then that means… “And your mates were so worried. They kept asking me if this was a normal thing, but I didn’t know how to answer. Everyone was so scared YN.” That caught her attention, YN vaguely recalled people around her but she assumed that was a dream. “Did you take care of me, Ro?” The girl shook her head, “I was only allowed to see you today once they were sure your heat was over.”
           “What? Why?!” YN’s anxiety was beginning to rise.
           "It's normal. Mates get protective during heats, plus it wouldn't have been safe for another omega to be around. Could've triggered my heat and then we'd be screwed." This had quelled her fears, if only momentarily, casting a glance around the room YN noticed it was a wreck. Her bathroom door was thrown open and YN could see wet spots on the carpet and floor. Not to mention the basket was overbrimming with dirty clothes and sheets. Her memory of the events was fuzzy, it felt like she had just woken up from a long sleep. "Why are the doors gone?"
           Rosé whipped her head to see where YN was staring, then she smiled apologetically. "Um, apparently you triggered your alphas ruts. They're locked away in the mansion riding it out." So it had been the others who had taken care of her, which put her more at ease. "Where are they?" YN couldn't see anyone standing outside and her nose felt plugged, not allowing her to sense them. "They said they were going to get cleaned up. I'm sure they'll be back soon. They can't stand to be away from you for too long." YN was thankful that there were betas in the group. Though she couldn't see a pack of all alpha's getting along.
           “I’m sorry Ro. Sorry for scaring you.”
           "You don't have to apologize to me. I know how it is. I would talk to them about it though so that all of you can be prepared next time." Right, next time.
           “Don’t worry. This won’t happen again. I probably just got a bad batch.” YN was certain this wouldn’t happen again. She wouldn’t allow it to.
           "Yeah, but haven't you had them for a while. It's strange to get a reaction now. How'd your last heat go?" YN didn't know how to answer that question. Well, she did, but she knew the second Rosé found out the truth it would all be over. "What do you mean?" YN feigned innocence. Rosé tilted her head in confusion, "You know...how long was your last heat? I'm certain it wasn't this long. I don't remember you taking time off." Fuck. The longer she stayed quiet the more concerned Rosé became. “If this keeps happening you have to go see a doctor. It isn’t normal and can be a sign that something is up.”
           YN waved her off, “I’m sure everything is fine. My last heat only lasted three days.”
           “Okay, but when was your last heat?” Rosé had finally landed on the jackpot question. YN’s reluctance to answer only caused her friend to press her more. “I mean I don’t recall you ever getting like this.”
           YN sighed, running a hand through her hair only to find it was greasy and long overdue for a wash. “I haven’t had a heat since I presented Rose.” Her friend remained frozen in shock until YN’s words finally dawned on her. “Are you insane?! Why haven’t you said anything?! That isn’t normal YN! Something is obviously very wrong.”
           “I know it isn’t normal Rosé, but nothing is wrong. I’ve just been using the suppressants.”
           “But they aren’t meant to be used like that. They’re only supposed to control side effects, not fully take away your heat. No wonder you were in heat for so long. Do you realize how reckless you’ve been?! You could’ve died!”
YN rolled her eyes, "You're being ridiculous Ro. I wouldn't have died." Rosé had always been an overthinker and someone of frail health so it made sense to YN that she would react like this. This is partly the reason YN had refrained from telling her friend, the other reason is it was illegal.
           “Your mates told me you reached 41 degrees.” Oh. "Your body shut down and went into survival mode. They were afraid to take you to the hospital because they knew it might worsen your heat." YN had heard of intense heats causing fevers and cramps, but never to that extent. Perhaps, she had gone a bit overboard with the suppressants and her body needed a release.
"I'm sorry Ro. I really am. You're right I was being stupid, but I was scared. I didn't know how to deal with heats and the first time I experienced one I -" She had been about to tell Rosé everything. Confess the truth, but that would only shatter Rosé's perception of YN. Rosé would accuse her of lying and want to end their friendship, she couldn't risk her reputation by being associated with someone like YN. "- I was scared. That's why I did it."  
           “Oh YN.” Rosé pulled her into a tight hug and YN almost wept at the thought of losing her best friend. The person she truly had left. “It’s okay. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Just promise you won’t do it again.” YN nodded, burying her head into Rosé’s neck unsure of whether she was being honest or not. She hoped she was.
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           “I’m happy to see you’re feeling better.” True to Rosé’s words the men had returned in ten minutes exactly. Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung looked clean and brand new but YN noticed the weary expressions on their faces and the bags under their eyes. Yoongi smiled and went to sit on her bed, the others entered slowly too. Their movements seemed calculated as if they were careful not to scare her.
           “I am, thank you. I’m sorry about the trouble I’ve caused.” She did feel bad and can’t imagine what that must’ve been like.
         “It’s no problem. You’re our mate, it’s our responsibility to care for you.” Jimin stated, eyes warm as he leaned against the wall nearest where the doors used to be.
         Rosé had remained quiet and by your side, but sensing something in the air she excused herself. “I’ll be going now. Sorry for any trouble I caused.” Yoongi shook his head, “You were nothing but help.” Leaning down, she pressed a kiss against your cheek and said goodbye. “Get well soon.” She waved, before leaving for good.
           Once YN was sure she was gone, she turned her attention back towards the men. "Thank you for letting her come. I know it must've been difficult." Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Please if we hadn't she probably would've called protective services on us." Despite his words, his tone was light not meant to be taken seriously. YN simply nodded, unsure of what to say or where the conversation would go. It was Jimin who took the initiative, "You really scared us. Are your heats normally like that?" YN shook her head, "No. I don't know what happened this time. I think I had a faulty batch or something." It still didn't make sense to her.
          "You should stop taking those things. They aren't good in the long term, plus we can always use alternatives." YN didn't know how she felt about that but figured it was better to go along with whatever they said then to start a fight. "Plus," Taehyung added, "You should let us know when your preheat rolls around. That way we can plan." At this YN did oppose, “Namjoon knew though. I thought he would tell you all.” Jimin sighed, “You can’t trust alphas with that kind of information. I’m sure he did mean to tell us, but it happened so suddenly.”
           YN suddenly wondered exactly where all the alphas were and what rolled they played during their heat. "Where exactly are the others?" The betas exchanged a look. "They're in Namjoon's room. It's been so long since we all experienced a heat, so it kind of triggered their ruts." Yoongi explained, looking a bit frazzled with everything. "And the door?" They all visibly tensed, Taehyung stood up from the wall to walk towards the opposite side of the bed. "That was them. Lost a bit of control when you began to call out for us, but thankfully Yoongi managed to make them snap out of it long enough to get them out." Taehyung then laid down on the bed, causing YN to have to move for there to be enough space for the two of them.
        "Don't worry. We'll install new doors by tonight." Yoongi said as he looked disapprovingly at Taehyung.
         YN took a deep breath, steadying herself, and trying to prepare for what she was about to ask. "How did you take care of me?"
           Her question disoriented the betas. "What do you mean?" Jimin asked, coming to rest on the bed near YN's legs. "We changed your sheets, clothes, and bathed you sometimes. We also tried fever medicine, but you puked that up." The men had taken care of her, but that wasn't what she had meant. "No, I know but I mean did you take care of me?"
           The men’s expressions morphed suddenly, their faces becoming stoic. YN didn’t know whether they were upset or not. “No. We didn’t.” Yoongi spoke through clenched teeth. “You were barely conscious.” It hadn’t been what she expected. Perhaps that is why it had lasted so long, they had refrained from aiding her.
            “Oh. I just thought -”
             “Frankly, I don’t appreciate the accusation.” Taehyung’s voice had dropped at least two octaves lower. Even Jimin seemed to be gripping the bedding tightly.
               YN shook her head, raising her hands up. “That wasn’t what I meant. I was simply asking, but thank you. For respecting me.” It was a lot more than others would do in that situation. Especially with a partial bond established.
               "YN," Jimin called her name, forcing her to look at him. "You are our mate. Don't forget it and don't ever suggest something like that again."
               It seems they were trying to keep their hormones under control, for her sake, but YN could feel the anger radiating off them even in her weakened state. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” Not knowing what else to do, YN reached out to touch Jimin and Taehyung’s hands while smiling at Yoongi. After a while, the tension dissipated and all of them were smiling. Each for a different reason, however. YN because she had managed to deescalate a potentially dangerous situation and the men because for the first time since knowing each other YN hadn’t denied being their mate.
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         New doors had been installed, though these featured a combination lock the other ones didn't. 'For privacy' YN had been told and though she suspected that was not the only reason, she was at least thankful for it. She was also grateful that her tattoo wasn't ruined because of her heat as that would result in a whole other fiasco. The others had most likely noticed it - difficult to miss it was but hadn't seemed to care. Overall, YN was feeling a lot better and though Yoongi had insisted she rest, YN found that difficult to do. She had showered and applied lotion onto her tattoo before dressing and deciding to explore the grounds. Even though YN longed to go out with everyone else locked in the house, she decided that might not be the best idea.  
           As beautiful as the day was it had a draft which had her skipping over the swimming pool. The patio area was pleasant but seemed typical as did the outdoor kitchen. YN walked to where both side entrances were, eyeing the cameras observing her, but found them to be locked. In the end, YN settled on dragging out the large rug in the middle of her room outside to lay near the lilies. The garden was beautiful, reminding her of a simpler time. She watched as the gentle breeze caused the flowers to sway from side to side. With the sun partly hidden behind clouds, YN was warm but not uncomfortably so. The sound of nature around her was like a sweet lullaby which caused her eyelids to hang heavy after a while.
           This is so nice. Once she closed her eyes, her other senses heightened causing her nose to pick up on the soft smell of cotton. It smelled like a mix of eucalyptus and cotton, fresh and relaxing. "Mm. Smells nice." A soft chuckle reached her ears, YN opened her eyes to see Seokjin standing a few feet away from her. Though her primary reaction was to cower away, once she noticed his clean attire and the slouch in his usually straight spine YN quelled her fears away. "Sorry," Seokjin said softly. "I didn't mean to scare you." YN shook her head, she knew what she should do next: stand up, excuse herself, and walk away. But she was so comfortable on the grass and despite what she'd been warned the alpha in front of her didn't seem like he was in a rut. Didn't smell like it either. "I'm glad you're feeling better. We were all worried." Seokjin seemed awkward standing around, but YN didn't make a move to invite him nor did she dismiss him entirely.
           "Thank you for taking care of me." The smile on her face was genuine even if her words weren't the entire truth. Seokjin nodded but refrained from saying anything else. After a couple of tense seconds where both of them stared at each other expectantly, YN relented. Gesturing over to the carpet before shifting over. Seokjin took the same position as her, laying down staring up at the sky. "You're peaceful when you sleep." He commented, catching YN off guard.
           “As opposed to?” She joked trying to lighten the mood.
           “You were restless last week. Barely slept and even then when you did sleep, we were afraid you weren’t going to wake up again.” He spoke earnestly, tone hushed yet somber.
            "Oh," YN didn't know it had been that bad. She trusted Rosé but knew the omega was a worrier. Seeing the frown nestled between her brows, Seokjin reached over and smoothed the area. YN's eyes widening at his actions. "Don't worry. It wasn't that bad, we just were unprepared." Instead of removing his hand, the alpha trailed towards her cheek, cupping it gently. YN angeled her body so that she was facing him better, "The others told me about what happened. Did I really trigger your rut?" YN knew an alpha's ruts could be just as intense and painful as omegas. YN would never purposely want to inflict that loss of control on someone. No matter who they were.
            Seokjin smiled gently, “Don’t worry. It was only really Namjoon and Hoseok who you triggered. Jungkook and I already had our ruts but we decided to help the others, plus we didn’t want to risk it.” YN had assumed that the younger alpha in his lust-filled rage had been the one to tear down the door, or they all did. Never could she imagine Jungkook aiding the betas. “Then what happened to the door?”
             “Ah,” Seokjin laughed a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. “A fight broke out between us about whether we should take you to a hospital or not. Some of us got a bit territorial, things escalated and well… combine that with our ruts and we felt you weren’t safe so we wanted to take you into the house.”
            “To nest?”
           "Kinda. Jimin argued that you would feel uncomfortable if you woke up and were in a bed with all of us, so a fight broke out." A fight between mates? That YN had never heard of. She expressed said thoughts to Seokjin who only shrugged in response, "We're only human. Most of the time we agree on how to care for our mates, but each of us has different coping mechanisms and we were unprepared."
            YN didn't know why but she felt at ease around Seokjin, maybe because the alpha had never not been respectable and aware of her boundaries. Perhaps because he seemed like the only one who didn't place the pack bond above all or even acted like the stereotypical alpha. She felt they could be friends. That was a lot more than she felt for most of the residents in the house. Still, as the day went on and the sun began to set, the two of them remained on the carpet. Basking in the beauty of the day and each other's presence, though none would admit to it. It wasn't until the last sliver of sunlight remained, that their eyes met once more and YN found herself inkling to know him better. Most surprisingly of all, YN wanted to kiss him.
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nalgenewhore · 3 years
without a doubt
rowan x lorcan, modern au, yulemas au, word count: 2098
“Darling, please,” his boyfriend laughs, “stop pouting.” 
Rowan frowns and tucks his chin into the collar of his hoodie. Lorcan’s hoodie, actually. “I am not pouting. I’m upset.” 
Through the screen of the laptop, Lorcan’s image is grainy. His smile dims slightly, “I know. I’m sorry, Ro. I was really sure that we would be done by now.” He flicks his eyes to the side and the muscles in his sharp jaw feather. His dark brows lower and he mutters, “I never would’ve taken it if I knew I’d be gone this long.” 
“I know, my love,” Rowan whispers, subtly wiping away the silver that lines his eyes. “But this is your dream. It’s always been your dream, L. I can’t be the reason you give that all up, you know?” 
Lorcan nods, that frown still on his fiercely beautiful face. He looks down and picks at his bedspread, “Yeah, I know.” Quickly, he snaps his head up, his eyes ablaze, “I would though. I’d give it all up for you, if you asked.” 
The words rest on the tip of his tongue. Rowan almost blurts them out, but he doesn’t. Instead he smiles softly to hide the aching, yearning feeling that never quite dulls. “But I’m not asking you. So you’re stuck there.” 
Lorcan laughs humorlessly and his eyes sparkle, “Yeah, I know.” It falls kind of flat. If they were together, Rowan would kiss him and they would forget all about it all. “Oh, I got you your Yulemas gift today. Putting it in the mail tomorrow.” 
“Oh, really? Will I like it?” Rowan shifts to lie on his stomach and props his chin up on a ring-laden fist.
“Rowan Whitethorn!” Lorcan gives him an offended look, “When have I ever gotten you something you haven’t liked?” 
Rowan laughs and concedes, “You’re right, you’re right. You truly are the gift master.” 
“I know,” Lorcan replies smugly. He stretches his bare arms above his head and tucks his hands behind him, his head cradled by his inked biceps. “You’re a very… appreciative receiver.” With his cocky grin, there’s no way to ignore the implication. 
An outraged gasp escapes Rowan, “Are you calling me a whore?” 
Lorcan laughs, “No, I am not calling you a whore. You can have the qualities of a label and not be the label.” 
“You are calling me a whore! Oh my gods, I hate you,” Rowan complains, his green eyes narrowed in warning. “Maybe it’s a good thing you aren’t here ‘cause I could kill you right now.” 
“Oh, I love it when you sweet talk me, baby. Reminds me of how you stole my heart.” 
Rowan snorts and grabs a pillow to cushion his chin, “I love you. And I wish I could say it in person.” 
His boyfriend’s face softens. Lorcan says back, “I love you too and I wish you could hear it for real.” 
They smile at each other, eyes filled with longing and reverent adoration. Until hours later, when they both fall asleep without bothering to hang up, they talk about everything and nothing at all. It mends their incomplete souls, even if just for a moment. 
 ☽ ☼ ☾
“Happy Yulemas Eve!” 
Rowan smiles and accepts the hug Aelin pulls him into, “Happy Yulemas Eve, Fireheart. Is everyone here already?” He looks over his friend’s head down the front hall of her apartment. 
They step back and Aelin nods, “Yeah, they’re all here. Well, almost.” 
He nods and steps in, “Yeah… he- he tried, you know, but there wasn’t any way.” Rowan shrugs his coat off and hangs it up. “It’s fine. He promised to call and say ‘hey’ later, during presents.” 
The golden-haired woman grins and takes his bag of gifts, “That’ll be nice - we all miss him. Now,” she tucks her hand into his elbow and tugs him in, “come along, there’s lots to do!” 
In the open-concept living room, their friends are already there, at varying levels of sobriety. They call out their cheerful greetings as Aelin puts Rowan’s presents beneath the tree. Fenrys surges to his feet, “Rowan!” 
Rowan laughs at the sight of his drunken friend, “Hey, bud. How are you doing?” 
“I’m very, very, very good,” Fenrys slurs. “Ress is here, did you see?” He casts an adoring look at his boyfriend, who blushes like always. “He’s my boyfriend.” 
“I know, Fen,” Rowan says, his bright grin not quite reaching his eyes. 
“Oh! Oh no, I’ve upset you,” Fenrys exclaims, his face twisted in wasted anguish. He throws his arms around Rowan and pats the top of his head, “Oh, it’s ok, it’s ok. Lor’s a miserable misan—” 
“Ok, Fenrys, why don’t we go somewhere else, hmm?” Lysandra interjects, pulling Fenrys away. She kisses Rowan’s cheek, pushing him to the kitchen like a perfect hostess should. “There’s food and drinks in the kitchen and dinner will be ready in half an hour - help yourself, ‘kay?” 
Rowan nods and walks to the kitchen, quietly filling a plate. A petite woman slips up to him, a drink in hand for him, “Hello, Rowan. How are you?” 
He smiles as he pops an olive into his mouth, “Hey, El.” Rowan shrugs, “I’m… fine. I’m fine. Really, it’s…” 
“Fine?” Elide suggests, a cheeky grin on her heart-shaped face. 
“Yeah,” Rowan sighs. 
She leans against him, rubbing his back soothingly, “Ok, well, c’mon to the living room and sit with me. Borte and Aelin are going at it again.” Elide pulls him to the couch without waiting for his response. 
For a while, Rowan forgets about being alone. Around him, his family talks animatedly, egging the two most chaotic members on as they battle over the finale to some show they’re both obsessed with. The others watch with rapt attention, laughing outrageously at the things Borte and Aelin say. 
In a lull of silence, Rowan stands up, “I’m going to step out for a bit. Too warm.” He walks to the balcony as the conversation resumes, albeit much quieter. Everyone turns to their respective partners, whispering soft nothings and laughing at stupid jokes. His breath hitches and Rowan looks to the kitchen just in time to see Lysandra hold a sprig of mistletoe over Aelin’s head and the couple kisses, smiling as they press their lips together. 
His chest squeezes painfully tight. Tears burn his eyes and Rowan rushes outside. It’s bitterly cold and the sharp winter wind nips at his face. He sniffles, blowing out a long breath to keep his tears at bay. It’s stupid. 
In the pocket of his oversized corduroys, Rowan feels his phone buzz. He hastily pulls it out with clumsy, half-frozen fingers. He expects to see Lorcan’s contact flashing over the screen with a waiting call, but all he sees is a text message. 
lover boy <3: srry ro smthng came up
lover boy <3: can’t call tn 
lover boy <3: luv u 
All his air escapes him in a pathetic, teary exhale. Rowan shakes his head in disbelief and types back quickly. 
pretty boy: are you sure? i really miss you 
lover boy <3: i’ll call tmrw
lover boy <3: promise
Rowan sighs and replies resignedly. 
pretty boy: ok love 
pretty boy: i love you too 
Rowan shuts his phone off and wipes his eyes, cursing himself for his tears. 
Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Asks a hissing voice. His ears burn in shame. He’s finally doing what he’s always wanted to - why aren’t you happy for him? He would be happy for you.
Rowan shakes his head to dispel the thoughts and puts his phone in his pocket. He pushes his silver-blond curls off and braces his hands against the railing. After a few minutes, the glass door slides open and someone steps out, “Ro? Is everything alright? We’re going to open gifts now.” 
“Y-yeah, everything’s fine. Something came up and Lor can’t call tonight.” He turns, shrugging his shoulder up. “It’s fine.” Rowan drags his red and silver lined eyes up to Aelin’s. “I’m fine.” 
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” She steps out and takes his hand, “Come on, we’ve got presents.” 
He smiles and lets her pull him inside. He’s ushered to a seat and handed a mug of mulled wine. 
Aelin peruses the available gifts and picks a slim box up, “And this one is for Rowan, from his very own lover boy.” She passes it to Rowan who takes it. He traces the tip of his finger over the label, smiling at his boyfriend’s looping handwriting. 
Rowan doesn’t bother to be patient and tears into it, not noticing the tittering giggles and scurrying feet behind him. He tosses the wrapping paper to the side and eases the top of the box off. 
Whatever’s inside is covered in tissue paper. Rowan carefully opens it, puzzled as he sees a folded slip of paper. He takes it out and glances into the box, but there’s nothing more. “Oh.” He unfolds it and reads it quickly.
turn around - L 
Rowan frowns and puts the box down. “What is this?” He looks up and their faces are pink with barely controlled glee. “Guys, what did you do?” 
From behind him, he hears a dry, dark chuckle. “Won’t you turn around, my darling?” 
A half sob escapes Rowan and he stands up, the note fluttering to the floor as he turns. In the hall, Lorcan stands. He smiles a tired, weary smile, but it’s lazy and easy and golden and Lorcan. “Lor?” Rowan runs towards him, crashing into his boyfriend. He clutches at the back of Lorcan’s jacket, his smile blinding. 
Lorcan laughs quietly and pulls Rowan close, his big arms around the green-eyed man’s waist, “Hey, Ro.” 
“Hi,” Rowan whispers, tears caught in his lashes. “Are you really here?” He lifts his head, eyes searching Lorcan’s face. 
Instead of answering, Lorcan closes the distance between them and kisses Rowan deeply. Rowan melts into the embrace and softly sighs his boyfriend’s name, slim fingers sliding into dark hair. 
“Good gods, get a room already,” Aelin heckles cheerily. 
Lorcan bites Rowan’s lower lip and flips Aelin off as he slides his tongue over Rowan’s. Rowan hums sweetly and pulls away, his lip tucked between his teeth, “What are you doing here? What about work?” 
“I quit,” Lorcan says proudly, his eyes bright.
Rowan gapes at him and pushes his boyfriend backwards, “You what? Lorcan!” He smacks his boyfriend’s shoulder, “You love that job. Oh my gods, you did this for me, didn’t you? Didn’t you?” 
Lorcan grins widely, tugging Rowan back into his arms, “I’m sorry, pretty boy, but I did. No matter how much I liked it, I couldn’t be without you for that long.” 
“But,” Rowan makes a helpless gesture, not entirely sure why he’s fighting this, “you love that job.” 
“Yeah,” Lorcan bumps the tip of his cold nose into Rowan’s and pecks his lips, “but I love you more. I couldn’t enjoy it ‘cause I was missing you all the time.” 
Rowan can’t articulate everything he wants to say, so he hopes his kiss does it for him, “I love you so much. So much, love.” He lazily cradles the back of Lorcan’s head. 
“Hellas below, you have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to hear that for real,” Lorcan murmurs. “I love love love you.” 
Behind them, their friends start to catcall and whistle in appreciation. They break apart, cheeks burning and lips love-bitten. Reluctantly, the couple walks into the living room. Rowan sits down in the oversized armchair and picks up his drink. As Lorcan goes around, saying hello to everyone, Aelin perches herself on the arm of Rowan’s seat and toys with his light curls, “So, how do you like your gift?” 
“You- this was you? You did this for me?” 
“Oh,” she laughs merrily, “I wish I could take credit for it, but I only helped with the getting him here. This idea was all your mans.” Aelin tilts her head to the side, “Best Yulemas ever?” 
Rowan looks up to find Lorcan already looking his way. The dark-haired man walks over to him and bumps Aelin out of the way with an expert hip check, “What are you two talking about?” Lorcan sits down beside Rowan and slides his hand into the hair at the back of Rowan’s head. 
Rowan rests his chin on Lorcan’s shoulder and kisses the skin beneath his jaw, “This being the best Yulemas ever.” 
“Really? That good, hmm?” 
“Mmm,” Rowan smiles and kisses him softly, “without a doubt.” He nuzzles his nose against Lorcan’s, “Best Yulemas ever.”
 ☽ ☼ ☾
an: this is the first of a few fun lil holiday ficlets i’ve got planned & i hope u enjoy 😊
@mythicaitt​ @ladyverena​ @empress-ofbloodshed​ @ladywitchling​ @darklesmylove​ @shyvioletcat​ @the-regal-warrior​ @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​ @thewayshedreamed​ @sassyhobbits @tswaney17
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supraveng · 4 years
Silence - part 2
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader, Tony Stark x waitress
Words: 1550
Warning: angst, cheating Tony, sad angry reader
Sequel to Silence 
A/N: I wanted more angst but with a happy ending, hope you like it
@photography-to-all​ @ just-dreaming-marvel-2 @ winchester-wifey  @ justa-traaash  @ vesta-ro   @ mostly-marvel-musings
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The weekend flew by in a blur and before you knew it, it was Monday morning and you were back at the Tower, debating with yourself if you should head into work like every other day or request an immediate leave of absence.  The med bay could run without you for a few weeks til you figured out what the hell you were going to do next.  But that wasn’t you!  
You worked too damn hard in your career to run away from a job you loved.   Walking through the lobby and heading to the elevators, you were pleasantly surprised that FRIDAY took you straight to med bay just like every other day for the past 2 years.  You breathed a sigh of relief as you exited the elevator and headed toward your office, but that relief was abruptly shattered when you walked in to find Tony waiting for you.  
“You’re here” he whispered, almost as if he wasn’t sure you were real.   That’s when your anger resurfaced and you just couldn’t hold back.
“Last I checked I still work here” you raised your eyebrows at him “but then again, I’m kept in the dark around here more than i realized, so maybe I should check with HR?”
“No, no, you are still the head of medical, nothing has changed” he stated, trying to reassure you.  “Can we talk?”
“I know I can, can you?” you fumed.   “Last I checked, you didn’t answer my questions, so I’m not sure what I could possibly talk to you about”
“I deserved that, and you deserve an explanation” he countered and motioned for you to join him at the small table in your office.  
You reluctantly sit across from him at the table and stare into this beautiful brown eyes.   He looks like he hasn’t slept in a week, which worried you, but you couldn’t let your emotions show.   You needed to protect yourself.  
“Ok, I know the waitress at the restaurant. We met two months ago” he cleared his throat as he continued.  “She approached me, stating she had information I would not want to get leaked to the press” his eyes met mine and he looked so ashamed that I wanted to hug him but I had to stand my ground.  “Her name is Samantha, but I call her Sam” he states and that’s when it hits you.   He’s been meeting with Sam regularly in the last few months, even texting at all times of the day, but you assumed it was Wilson. 
“So do you call her Sam so that I wouldn’t question you further or did she ask you to call her that?” you almost snarl at him.  
“That is the name she asked me to call her, I had no intention of keeping this a secret from you, but I didn’t know how to tell you what was going on and I needed to figure things out first” he defended but you just scoffed.
“Figure things out?  You and I have been together for over a year, we’ve been living together for months, what is there to figure out?  You found someone prettier and younger so you made your choice.  The interaction at the restaurant certainly didn’t look like someone trying to blackmail you, so don’t insult me with that excuse.”  you were fuming now, feeling like he was trying to weasel his way out of this with more lies was infuriating.  
“No, that’s not it!  Please let me explain” he begged
All you could do was roll your eyes in a huff as you sat back in your chair.  Arms crossed you gestured him to continue.
“I asked Happy to do a thorough background check on her before agreeing to meet with her.  That took a few days because I wanted to know everything about her and the possibility of what she might have before making contact.   You have to understand, these types of threats happen all the time, but there was something about her that was different.  She knew things that no one knows”  he told you earnestly. 
“Great more lies!” you replied sarcastically “how many skeletons are in that closet of yours anyway?”  
“Honey please…” but you cut him off. 
“Don’t call me that, right now, I am not your honey or sweetie.  I am only your employee and I’m trying to get an answer to my question I asked you 3 days ago, but just getting more excuses” sighing you were about to leave the room.   This was too much, you knew now that he’s been lying and why stop there, he had an entire weekend to orchestrate this new web of deceit.  
“I’m sorry, I know you want to know how I know her, and I’m trying to tell you and make you understand this mess I’ve made and why it happened” he hung his head breathing deeply before looking up again.
“Happy found out a lot about her, the most important part being that I knew her mother ages ago, so any incriminating evidence she might have on me could be legitimate”
“Ok, so you were scared?  I get that, I do.  But we are a team Tony, at least I thought we were, but hiding anything from me, it just makes me wonder if you are as committed to me as I am to you.   And for obvious reasons”  you choke out.  Trying to remain strong and brave while your heart was breaking became impossible. 
“I know, and I’m sorry, I love you” he whispered
Shaking your head at him “So what is the big news?  There’s obviously something more than knowing her mother” 
“There is, I agreed to meet with her, so I invited her here to the tower for dinner” he stated looking at you cautiously 
“What? When?” you were confused as how this woman had come here, to your home, right under your nose and you had no idea.
“When you went to visit your sister”
“Oh……..so i’m out of town visiting my sister in the hospital and you decided that was a good time to bring her here, to our home?” you question
“It’s not like that, I wasn’t sneaking around, it just happened to be a coincidence” he sighed.  At this point you could cut the tension in the room with a spoon.  He was trying his best to remain that perfect facade he has created for himself, while your world is crumbling around you with nowhere to go.  
You took a deep breath “Ok, then tell me.  Tell me what’s going on”
“She came for dinner and we chatted for a few minutes before I had to ask her why she contacted me.  That’s when she pulled out a file full of papers and handed them to me” It wasn’t until he was sliding the folder across the table to me that you realized all of your questions had been sitting there in front of you this whole time. Your hands were shaking when you opened the folder, sifting through the documents you looked at Tony with tears in your eyes.  
“Why have you been hiding this from me for 2 months?” you asked
“I honestly don’t know, I’ve never been so scared of anything in my life.  This was not what I was expecting.   But I honestly didn’t know what to expect.  What I do know is that you are the love of my life and I don’t want stupid shit I did 25 years ago to ruin us.    But apparently I did that all on my own.”  he responds as he reaches out and takes your hand in his.  
“I’m not mad but I’m hurt that you kept this from me, you obviously don’t trust me” you sniffle as you look up at him.
“That’s not true, I trust you with my life and I know I should have told you.  I was trying to figure out how and then she was at the restaurant, I didn’t know she worked there, I was in shock that we ran into her and I was a little worried that she might say something.  I spent the whole way home trying to decide how to explain to you who she was and before I could even open my mouth you were gone.  I was worried about you so I sent Happy to go get you and bring you back so I can explain but you didn’t come back.   I called you all weekend, I left probably 50 voicemails telling you I was sorry and needed to explain.  I didn’t expect to see you here today and I’m so glad you are here, I missed you so much.   And I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you” he tells you with tears streaming down his face.
“We need to do something else first, this file is missing an important piece of information” you tell him while taking deep breaths trying to calm yourself.  
“I know, and the only reason it’s not there is because you are the only person I trust to do this” he tells you with a sad smile.
“Well, then, we should fix that.   Call Sam and invite her over.  Let’s find out if she really is your daughter” you smile back
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starlocked01 · 4 years
Nothing but the Truth
Masterpost- Previous- Next
Summary: The twins throw a sleepover and everyone gets more revelations than they bargained for.
Content Warning: Anxiety, mentions of eating non-food items
Day 15 pre-Dukexiety/ pre-Rosleep/background Loceit- It is impossible to lie to your Soulmate
Virgil couldn’t stop tapping his foot as he watched mailboxes and telephone poles flash by the car door window. There were about one million things that could go wrong tonight and he was trapped thinking through every single one of them. Roman was his bestest friend in all of the second grade, and he didn't mind hanging out with Roman’s twin brother Remus or their friend Patton, but a sleepover? Away from his safe bed where dad checked the closet for monsters every night and left the hall light on to prevent vampires from sneaking in to bite him? Virgil almost wanted to ask dad to turn around now, but then he worried that Remus would find out and call him a baby.
Virgil was no baby. And he certainly couldn't let Remus know he was scared.
They pulled into the driveway and Virgil very bravely grabbed his purple spider backpack and favorite pillow and climbed out of the car. He took dad's hand and they walked up to the front door together.
"Go ahead and ring the bell, Virge," dad smiled at him and pointed to the doorbell. Virgil had to stand on tiptoes but he managed to hit the button. He jumped at the loud bell tone from inside the house and the subsequent scrabbling of running feet and a dog barking.
He'd forgotten all about their dog.
The inner door swung open to reveal Roman standing there with a huge grin on his face. Virgil could see the missing tooth that had "fallen out" earlier that week.
"DAD! VIRGIL’S HERE!" Roman shouted back into the house. Suddenly a dog nearly as big as Virgil came running up to the door, pulling Remus along with him. Virgil was very happy there was still a screen between them.
"Damn it, Nagini!" Remus swore, trying to hold the dog back, "Roro, help me!" Roman jumped to grab her collar as well and they both tried to pull her from the door.
"Virgil, if you pick up any swearing from Remus we're going to have to have a serious talk about your choice in friends," dad reprimanded as Roman and Remus' dad came into view.
"Logan! I'm so glad Virgil could come over tonight. Roman would not stop begging for a sleepover," their dad said with a smile, taking Nagini's collar from the twins and easily holding her back from the door, "please come in."
"Thank you, Janus. He needed more convincing than I did," Logan smiled at the other dad, ushering Virgil inside.
"The twins have been such devils lately," Janus sighed, "you're so lucky that Virgil is so calm."
Logan chuckled, "we have our fair share of quirks, I assure you. Kids, go ahead and go play. Your father and I are just going to talk for a bit."
Virgil looked up curiously, "Dad, why is your face so red?"
Logan flushed all the harder at the question and glanced at Janus, "because we're going to talk for a little bit. Don't worry about me. Go have fun, my little warrior."
Virgil smiled and ran off to the playroom with Roman and Remus.
"Nice save," Janus smirked.
"I wouldn't lie to my son even if you weren't in earshot," Logan quipped back.
"Virgil!! We're gonna have so much fun tonight!" Roman bounced excitedly, holding onto Virgil’s sleeve.
"Yeah! We're gonna make zombie slime that's gonna taste like braaaaains!" Remus grinned and rubbed his hands together like a movie villain. The twins were nearly identical except for the bright streak of silver hair Remus had and remarkably different personalities.
Virgil was decidedly less excited than the twins, convinced that touching zombie slime would turn him into the walking dead. He didn't want to know what brains taste like.
"When's Pat gonna get here?" Virgil asked with a half-smile.
"Oooh does Virgie have a crush?" Remus cackled.
"No! I do not have a crush on Patton!" Virgil pouted.
"Yeah, Remus, Virgil doesn't have a crush like you do," Roman stuck out his tongue and ran away as Remus tried to tackle him.
"Shut Up, Dirtbag!" Remus' tackle missed and he crashed into the toy box sending toys crashing all over the room.
"Are you boys okay in there?" Janus called from the other room.
"Yes," Virgil and Roman both called back in unison
"No," came Remus' muffled voice. The other two walked over to pull him out of the box as Logan and Janus both walked into the room.
"Christ! Look at this mess. Remus, what's broken?" Janus bent down to his son.
Remus sniffed, "my heart."
Roman took a not-very-discreet step backward and Virgil went to hug his dad's legs. He didn't mean to hurt Remus and he was sure it was his fault and he'd be sent away to never see his friends again.
Janus sighed and offered Remus a hug which the boy gladly accepted, "what happened?"
"Ro is teasing me," Remus mumbled, "but I'm okay! Don't send Virgil and Patton home just because I'm a baby!"
"Okay, no. You are not a baby for feeling hurt when someone is mean to you. Roman? Why were you teasing your brother?" Janus pinned Roman in the middle of his escape with a piercing stare.
"Ahm…. No reason," Roman lied.
"He was teasing Virgil. I'm sorry please don't make Virgil leave," Roman blinked back tears.
Janus pinched the bridge of his nose, "none of this explains how Remus ended up in the toy box."
Virgil tugged on his dad's sleeve, "dad, are we gonna have to leave if we can't play nice?"
Logan shared a look with Janus then turned back to Virgil, "no, we are not leaving. You all have been planning this party for months and have worked hard to be well behaved. I don't think one little fight is going to negate that." Virgil nodded slowly.
"Daddy, my shoulder hurts," Remus whimpered.
"Alright, Roman, five minutes in the time out chair. Please consider why it is not fair to Remus or Virgil to tease each other. I'll be back when your five minutes are up. Remus, let's go get some ice and talk about why it's not nice to make fun of your friends. Logan, I am so sorry. You see what I have to deal with?" Janus chuckled helplessly, picking Remus up with a grunt as Roman sulked over to a chair in the corner. The doorbell rang and Roman swiveled around to jump up and get the door. "No! You're in time out! That must be Emile with Patton. Can you get the door, dear?"
Logan blushed and nodded, grabbing Virgil’s hand to walk back out to the front door. They opened the door to find Patton and his older brother standing there with a very frazzled looking father.
"Oh, Logan! I thought that was your car! How are you doing?" Emile gave him a weary smile.
"The usual. Virgil’s a little handful but nothing we can't work out together. How are you and the boys?"
Emile groaned as Logan ushered them in. Virgil waved at Patton who waved back excitedly. He was already wearing a dinosaur onesie even though bedtime was hours away. The adults talked in hushed whispers in the foyer that Virgil couldn’t understand.
"Hi, Virge! Where's Remus and Roman?" Patton asked Virgil quietly.
"Uh.. in trouble.." Virgil muttered.
"What?? How?" Patton looked crestfallen, "is their dad gonna send us home?"
"No, definitely not," Virgil smiled at Patton, "it was just a little argument."
"God, you babies are boring!" Patton's older brother Remy scoffed. He was in 3rd grade so Virgil figured he must know what he's talking about.
Janus and Remus emerged from the kitchen with the young boy holding an ice pack to his shoulder. Janus pushed Remus towards the kids standing in the hall and joined the other adults in conversation.
"Don't worry, V. I'm okay and Dad promised you guys can stay! Hi Pattycake! Hi Name Theif!" Remus grinned, the pain and embarrassment were already forgotten.
Remy rolled his eyes, "I'm older than you, twerp."
"Remy, be nice to my friends!" Patton whined.
"Why should I be?"
"Thank you again, Janus. We really owe you one this time. I'll go get his stuff from the car. You'd think with three adults in the house we wouldn't have scheduling issues like this," Emile quickly jogged back out to his car, bringing back two sets of sleepover equipment.
"Fudge! Dad's leaving me here too!" Remy groaned. Virgil was a bit intimidated but refused to show it.
"Alright let's go get Roman so your fathers can get on with their lives," Janus corralled the kids back to the playroom, winking at Logan as he and Emile left.
Roman immediately bounced up from the chair as soon as the others returned. He rushed over to Remus and wrapped him in a hug, "I'm sorry!"
Remus grinned, "'s okay!" he hugged Roman back tightly and Janus sighed a small sigh of relief.
"Okay, children, ground rules. One, if anything breaks or anyone gets injured you get me immediately. Two, and this is mostly for you, Remus, no eating anything that isn't food-" Remus grumbled at this but nodded, handing his dad the half-melted ice pack "-lovely. And finally three, bedtime is non-negotiable. You have to be quiet after bedtime. Other than that, just don't maim or mock each other and tonight will go just fine," Janus gave the children a sly grin and left the room.
"Ugh! Why am I stuck with you babies?" Remy moaned.
"We're not babies, Rem!" Patton huffed, "you're not that much older than us."
"Besides, babies don't get to play with slime!" Remus grinned, running over to a supply cabinet filled with crafts.
"Wow. I'm so not impressed," Remy made a confused face but shook it off, "why play with slime when we can play a grown-up game?"
"Grown-up game?" Virgil asked quietly.
"I don't trust it. It's bound to be something boring like taxes!" Roman pouted, kicking a stuffed animal.
"Let's play Truth or Dare," Remy smirked as the others looked at him with confused stares.
"How do ya play that?" Remus asked, intrigued.
"Can't we do something else like color?" Patton asked hopefully.
Remy rolled his head from shoulder to shoulder, cracking his neck audibly, "listen up, we're playing and I'm only going over the rules once. We all sit in a circle and take turns choosing someone to ask 'truth or dare?' and that person has to choose whether to answer a question truthfully or accept a challenge that they can't back outta. Once they pick, the person who asked them picks a question or challenge. Got it, babes?" the others all nodded solemnly, "perfect. Maybe this won't be a wasted night yet."
They all gathered in a circle in the middle of the room. Remus was clutching a stuffed squid and Virgil was chewing on his nails.
"Oh! Oh! I wanna go first!" Roman bounced in his seat and made a show of studying everyone before landing on his choice, "Patton, truth or dare?"
"Ummm truth!" The boy squeaked.
"Alright, uhhhh do you like cats?" Roman asked accusingly.
"Yes!" Patton beamed, "but dad and papa say I'm allergic to them."
"Noooo you have to ask juicy questions!" Remy whined.
"Oh uh, Patton do you like juice?" Roman corrected.
Remy smacked his forehead as Patton cheerfully replied, "yeah I like juice too!"
"Let me show you how it's done. Virgil, truth or dare?" Remy stared him down with piercing eyes and everyone else turned to watch for Virgil’s response. He could feel his pulse rise with the fear of being put on the spot.
"Uh dare?" Virgil asked, pulling his hood up over his head.
"I dare you to go eat some glue!" Remy smirked.
"Ooh, yummy!" Remus grinned
"But wait-" Roman started.
"Mr. Prince said not to eat anything that isn't food. That's an illegal dare, Remy!" Patton interrupted in protest.
"Truth or Dare doesn't play by house rules. You gotta do it, Virgil, or you're a loser baby," Remy continued to smirk, nodding over to the supply cabinet.
Virgil stood with a gulp. He would not let any of them call him a loser or a baby. He walked over to the supply closet and grabbed a bottle of white glue. The label said non-toxic, but what if it glued his mouth shut and he could never talk or laugh again? What if it just sat in his stomach forever and captured all the brussel sprouts he hated eating so they never left? What if he-
"Just do it we don't have all night!" Remy bossed him from the circle. Virgil took a deep breath and squeezed some glue on his finger before quickly shoving the finger in his mouth. He wanted to gag because the texture was so awful but he swallowed as best he could and showed the others his clean finger.
"Wow Virgil, you're so brave!" Patton smiled at him.
"Humph! I do that at least three times a week!" Remus smacked his hand over his mouth.
"You told dad you stopped! Liar!" Roman accused him. Remy just laughed at the small pool of chaos he'd created.
"Okay my turn, Remus, truth or dare?" Patton asked, rocking back and forth on his seat on the floor.
"Okay, do you like dogs?"
Remus gasped, "Nagini! I wanna go get her!"
"No, Remus! Dad probably put her outside so she doesn't eat Virgil," Roman rolled his eyes and Virgil added a new thing to his list to look out for in his nightmares.
"No! You have to ask questions that people won't want to answer. Like about crushes or secrets or stuff like that! What fun is it if the person wants to tell the truth?" Remy groaned.
"Sorry, Rem," Patton whimpered.
"Well, it's my turn. Remy, truth or dare?" Remus grinned at the older boy.
"Truth. Do your worst." Remy stared back cooly.
"Have ya ever pooped in the bath?" Remus' smile turned wicked and the others gasped while Remy sputtered.
"N- n- how- yes," he looked mortified and buried his face in his knees as the others laughed. Remy had tried so hard to lie and save face but couldn't, and not because of the social contract of the rules of the game. He physically could not force himself to lie. Which meant his own crush was a lot bigger deal than he wanted to admit and he'd just told his soulmate one of the most embarrassing things in his life. "Oh my gawd, just kill me now."
"It's okay Remy, I'm sure it's happened to almost everyone at some point," Virgil was still snickering and realized it was his turn, "Roman, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Roman puffed his chest out in confidence.
"Okay.. I dare you to climb that bookshelf," Virgil pointed to the shelves in question.
Roman popped up from his seat on the floor, "easy!" he scurried up until he could touch the ceiling but paused, clinging to the shelves, "I think I'm stuck."
Remus jumped up, "don't worry, brother, I'll catch you! Jump!" Roman let go and fell back. Remus caught and promptly dropped Roman.
"Oops… Ro are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Remy, truth or dare?"
Remy weighed his options. He wouldn't be able to lie if the question was too embarrassing so he scowled, "dare."
"I dare you to go sneak ice cream bars from the freezer for everyone," Roman grinned, dusting himself off.
"Whatever, that's so lame and easy," Remy stood and started out the playroom door.
"You won't be saying that if dad catches you," Remus giggled.
"Okay if Remy's gone I think that means it's my turn," Patton chipped in, "Virgil, truth or dare?"
On one hand, Patton couldn't possibly ask him to do anything as dangerous as Remy had. On the other hand, Virgil was starting to feel sick and didn't want to get up, "truth…"
"Okay," Patton furrowed his eyebrows with concentration. He didn't want to ruin the game anymore with baby questions, "um, have you ever kissed someone?"
Virgil felt frozen in time. His mind flashed back to a spring day on the playground when he'd just wanted to know if he'd like kissing and what it was like and Roman had volunteered to let him try with him. They'd agreed to never speak of it again. He could see Roman blushing and Remus and Patton staring at him with anticipation. He had to lie to protect his best friend.
"Yes," Virgil smacked his hand to his mouth. That was absolutely not what he had intended to say. He could see Roman panicking now too. Oh no, did Roman hate him? Remus looked upset and Patton looked shocked. Neither had noticed Roman's face yet but Virgil could see the next logical question forming on Remus' lips.
Virgil turned away from the group and started to cry. He didn't want to answer because he didn't think his mouth would let him lie even if he tried. He felt a weird tug in his gut compelling him to tell the truth.
Wait. Did that mean that one of these boys was his soulmate?
"I think it was Elliott," Roman lied shakily. Virgil nodded, relieved of having to tell them himself and willing to go along with the lie. That meant his soulmate wasn’t Remy or Roman.
Remus crawled around to sit in front of Virgil, holding Sir Squiggles the stuffed Squid out to him, "Virgil, it'll be okay. I'm sure your soulmate will understand," Virgil took Sir Squiggles and nodded, not wanting to make eye contact with Remus. Sir Squiggles felt sticky and Virgil’s stomach was aching already. This was supposed to be a lot more fun.
"Ugh this is getting boring," Roman whined, "Remus, truth or dare?"
"Dare," Remus answered without thinking.
Roman got a wicked gleam in his eye, "I dare you to kiss your crush."
Remus glared at his brother and tried to say that he couldn’t because he wasn't in the house, but found that he couldn’t say that. He knew full well Virgil was sitting right in front of him but he couldn’t bring himself to lie and save himself.
Uh oh. That meant Patton or oh please be Virgil was his soulmate.
Remus knew there was no way out of it so he decided to come clean. As he knelt there in front of Virgil, who was looking at him expectantly, he grabbed the other boy’s hand and kissed his knuckles. Both of them blushed.
"That's cheating!" Roman protested.
Patton laughed, "you never said where to kiss. I say it counts," his laughter died down into giggles and he started singing, "Remus has a crush on Virgilll!"
"That's not fair!" Roman whined.
"What's not fair?" The adult voice from the door startled all of them.
Janus stood there with a guilty-looking Remy. The other boys froze in place, Remus subconsciously shifting to put himself between his dad and Virgil.
"Okay, better question, who tried to trick Remy into stealing ice cream?" Janus looked around at each of their faces with a hard glare. None of them could look him in the eye.
"It was a dare," Roman sniffed, knowing he was going to get in trouble for the second time that day, but unable to lie and make up a cover story.
"Am I that scary that my own children can't ask me for ice cream?" Janus pretended to be offended before pulling out ice cream bars from behind his back. Everyone jumped up to grab one and Remy broke into a grin, giving Janus a high five. "You are one talented little actor. You all keep playing nice, okay?" Everyone nodded as Janus turned and left the room again.
"Oh my goodness, did you get caught?" Patton asked in a hushed whisper.
Remy struggled for a second before answering, "no I just went and asked for ice cream," he sighed and shook his head, "that's it I'm done with truth or dare. It's no fun if you can't lie and fake people out."
Roman gave an offended gasp, "how dare you?! You're the one who suggested it!"
"Wait, you can't lie? That would mean…" Virgil trailed off. What a weird coincidence it would be if both he and Remy were in the presence of their soulmates. Unless… no…
"Not that I wanted to lie to you guys, but I felt it too," Roman interrupted Virgil’s thoughts.
"Samesies," Remus chuckled.
Patton looked down at his slippers, "aww that's nice for you guys."
"So… who is who's soulmate?" Remy looked between the brothers. He definitely had a preference but that's not how soulmates worked.
Remus stood and grabbed Virgil’s wrist, heart beating wildly in his chest. He pulled him out into the hallway towards the front doors away from the others.
"What are you doing?" Virgil asked.
"Testing. Ask me something I wouldn't want to answer." Remus stated with determination in his eyes.
"Uh, do you still sleep with Sir Squiggles in your bed?"
Remus' eyes flashed with fear, "yes because I'm a baby who's still scared of the dark."
Virgil smiled, "me too. And I would never tell anyone else that."
Remus giggled, "wow, somehow I don't even want to lie to you… and I can't… did you really kiss Elliott?"
"No…" Virgil looked down at the floor. Of course, his soulmate would ask the one thing he really didn't want to admit, "it was actually Roman. I'm sorry, I didn't know…"
Remus looked sad but nodded, "I did say that your soulmate would understand. And I meant it. I understand. I'll just have to prove I'm better than him!" Virgil snorted, trying to hold back giggles. He felt much better.
"Um guys, we're gonna make slime now," Patton interrupted from the hallway, "and Remy and Roman are pretty sure they're soulmates."
Remus' eyes gleamed, "slime!" He ran back to the room leaving the other two behind.
Virgil smiled, "hey Patton?"
"Yeah?" Patton looked up and quickly smiled.
"We're gonna be friends forever, right?" Virgil asked.
Patton's smile broadened into a genuinely happy expression, "of course!"
Virgil opened his arms as an invitation for a hug which Patton gladly accepted.
"Now let's go make slime!" Virgil grabbed Patton's hand to drag him back to the playroom.
That night, Virgil lay awake in his sleeping bag, staring at the ceiling. No one had checked the closet or left a light on, and even with all the fun they had, he was still feeling pretty scared in the dark.
Something soft, squishy, a little sticky, and covered in tentacles landed on his face. Virgil tried to muffle his startled yell and quickly discovered Sir Squiggles was the offending toy.
"Psssst Virgil," Remus' whisper came from the bottom bunk bed right next to Virgil’s sleeping bag.
"What?" Virgil whispered back.
"Are you too scared to sleep too?"
"Yeah," Virgil sat up and could look Remus in his eyes.
"Get up here, we'll protect each other."
"What will everyone else say?" Virgil hissed.
"Who cares? Please?" Remus smiled and Virgil nodded in the dark. He slid out of his sleeping bag and grabbed his pillow and Sir Squiggles before climbing in the bunk.
"What are you scared of?" Virgil whispered as Remus shifted to give him more room.
"Ninjas. They can hide in the dark and attack when you least expect," Remus' eyes went wide but Virgil smiled.
"I'll fight 'em. I know karate," Remus smiled and gave him a hug.
"What about you, Virge? What are you scared of?"
"The monsters in the closet," Virgil couldn't make eye contact but Remus smirked.
"I'm scarier than anything in there!" Remus boasted, voice trailing above a whisper.
"It's okay. Thank you, Remus," Virgil smiled and snuggled under the covers. It had been a pretty great first sleepover after all.
Tag List: @tsshipmonth2020 @stoicpanther @ifrickenhatedeverythingaboutthis @idontgiveafuckaboutshit
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