#... And yes there is a hit on cockles in here
sunglassesmish · 1 year
Two ?s for you ❤️: 1) What do u think buck & dean would think of each other if they ever met? I've gleaned from your posts that buck is the most deanish of buck+eddie, right? What would the vibes be? (Inspired by your most recent buck gifset reblog) -- And 2) Do u think there's such a thing as a cocklesholic? Because I've spent so much time refreshing tumblr today trying to get a fresh hit of jenmishdee serotonin that my eyeballs hurt.😭 - your sister in cockles, who still doesn't even go here🚒
okay first of all these questions are amazing thank you 🥰
1. i definitely think buck is more like dean than eddie. first of all, buck’s issues with his parents run deep, they basically had him so they could use him to donate bone marrow (i think?) to their older sick son with leukemia. he’s never truly gotten over his issues with them, and they definitely do not understand his life/job choices.
dean doesn’t have the same issues but definitely still has parental problems (that’s putting it lightly). and there’s a scene of buck with his parents that’s similar to the one dean had with mary where he said ‘i hate you but i love you’
i headcanon buck and dean to both be adhd as you can tell by that post i reblogged of buck that you mentioned. buck is always one to be cooking for his fellow fire fighters and the captain (bobby) cooks for them a lot and just last week we had a scene where he asks him for cooking tips. and buck had a scene where he used one of bobby’s recipes to make something for eddie and his son christopher. so he makes food for the people he loves. and dean is very much the same, as we can see from all the times he cooks in the bunker and made that cake for jack on his birthday.
i realised i just ranted quite a bit and didn’t even answer your question 😅 so i think buck and dean would get along really well based on the things i just mentioned. they’d bond over cooking recipes and rant about their family and be generally chaotic together, looking to have fun. i do think they’d really like each other.
2. yes i definitely feel like there is such thing as a cocklesholic as you so perfectly put it!! i’ve spent more time thinking about cockles than i do destiel tbh. i’m supposed to be working on something but i too have spent so much time just waiting for another ‘hit’ but luckily, we have another jensen/danneel panel tomorrow. hopefully we get more amazing questions + answers!
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incarnateirony · 2 years
2po. stop projecting. everyone sees it.
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That fucking twitter post was you describing yourself. I don't hang out with antis, unless you consider "critical of jared padalecki's choices but not obsessed with it" anti. You're the one that was taking feeds from Gayle and Miamigirl, before Miamigirl started threatening drunkenly to cut hellers for hellering in unapproved spaces (?? a cockles M&G) at con. YOU were the one that screwed Kelios and Vinnie. They're asshole people, but assholes fucking assholes just makes everyone an asshole. You're not morally exempt just because they're assholes.
You're the one that has asked for tens of thousands of dollars for fandom to primarily fund your entire thing so you guys can get gold and silver packages and claim it's for charity. I have [checks notes] a patreon, which I imagine you think I devised as a grand scheme. I think I make like. 30 bucks a month on it. It's a tip jar dude. I'm an artist. Unlike you I'm not just playing distributor and "con vacationer on other dimes". I make my own shit and sometimes people buy me a coffee. Are you fucking ok.
I don't change my posts. You do. In fact, every time you've claimed I've changed an opinion, you've been met with a receipt of me saying the opposite of what you claim. Then you run away, stop responding, and make up a new lie you think might work, until someone hits you with a receipt about that. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Anyone who was here before season 15 KNOWS you're a lying sack of shit with what you say I claimed "every year." I took YEARS of harassment YOU helped antagonize pretending you cared. Because you are a lying sociopathic piece of shit trying desperately to cling on to relevance in a fandom and new showrunner stint that's been slamming the flush button over and over and you're just swirling around like a fatty turd.
No seriously dude waving around like 20 scripts you can barely get a few thousand bucks, and those packages you're buying for autos are 800-1600 bucks. If you gave two fucks about charity you'd tell people to just give that money to charity, not send yourself to cons to get 20 scripts for 30,000 and go "well we gave 2000 to charity!"
Bruh. Stop pretending for the free con ride. Piece of shit. You only even started the charity shit once I started lighting your asses on fire for gaining dozens of thousands of dollars in direct tangible monetary rewards from fandom, but you're weirdly obsessed with my tiny patreon. Wild. Almost like you're desperate to distract from your grift getting called and figure screaming grifter at others resolves the fact that yes, you're several dozen thousand dollars in debt to this fandom and will never pay it back. Nor will it ever make it to charity in a meaningful amount compared to what liquid cash the fandom originally had available. Spare me your weirdly dishonest and condescending "so generous" gif, because you don't even know how to do THAT without looking like a fake piece of shit.
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kyndaris · 2 years
Dating 2.0
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” So wrote Jane Austen in one of her most famous novels: Pride and Prejudice. In our modern age, it is no longer the purview for men to seek a wife. Rather, any individual of good standing and good fortune are wont to seek their better half - be that man, woman, non-binary or wherever else they might sit on the gender spectrum.
But while romance sits at the forefront of many a mind - being something that is sung about in songs and shown on the silver screen, I’ve never really thought of romance for myself. While I may gush over the interactions between Ren and Grey in the Rook and the Rose trilogy, and certain cutscenes may warm the cockles of my stone-cold heart, 
And it is into this world that I, a humble blogger, shall take you. After all, I can’t simply drop a bombshell in a previous post about redownloading a dating app and not deliver!
Here, I present my forays into the murky world of online dating.
So, dear readers, get yourselves ready and strap yourselves in! 
You’re in for a relatively smooth ride.
This time round, I downloaded two apps onto my phone. Once again, I went with Hinge - with the smoothest and clearest user interface, it seemed the easiest app to use - and Plenty of Fish (after being recommended by a work colleague who had used the app to meet her current husband). All in all, after dabbling with a variety of dating apps including Boo and Bumble, I found Hinge was the easiest. While I did ponder the use of Tindr, it’s reputation for being one used for quick hookups was certainly not something that appealed.
Besides, I’ve never been that type of girl. And the thought of getting down and dirty has...well...not an act I really envision myself doing. Even though I’ve a penchant for reading smut fanfiction on the internet. Please, NO ONE, go through my browsing history. I don’t know how I’d ever live it down.
But let’s focus first on Plenty of Fish. Options were limited in choice of gender. Unlike Hinge, you could only focus on men OR women. Never both. Prompts were few and scattered - with nothing particularly poignant (in so saying, responses to prompts on Hinge can also be hit and miss and I worry for the mental health of some of the people on the app). It also wasn’t very clear on how it worked. You could like an individual but then there were those that could immediately send a message to those that they wanted to start a chat with.
It just seemed...counter-intuitive.
Especially when I was getting unsolicited messages from individuals that I wasn’t very much interested in. And my goodness were many of the men pushy. I’d never been propositioned as quickly or got demanded my personal details in order to have chats away from the actual dating app.
PSA Alert: I’m not the type that’ll freely give you my Whatsapp if you sidle up to me and say ‘hey.’ Sure, some women might be into that, but for me, that’s not the way into my heart. Also, because, I don’t know who the f*** you are and want to first suss out if there’s any compatibility in what we like. 
Yes, I might be slow about the whole thing but I’m a wary online traveller that is NOT keen on being possibly murdered, raped or taken advantage of. 
Some might say I’ve my barriers up too high.
I like to think I’m just being prepared.
Within a few days, I’d deleted Plenty of Fish. Unable to deal with the barrage of desperate boys that were hoping to get something extra just for showering a person with far too much attention than they were comfortable with.
Hinge, on the other hand, offered a lot more variety. And while there were the occasional individuals that didn’t have much to say in their responses - or hoped to provide as little as possible in order to set-up their account, there were also a few genuine folks that seemed like they were there for a good time.
It’s also where I felt like I met those that shared a few of my passions and could easily communicate with them. This time round, though, I made the conscious choice not to mention anime in my profile as it only opened up a can of worms that I was not eager to delve into.
The people I’ve met in August and September seem all right. They might not be the next Brad Pitt by any means, but they certainly carry a confidence that makes them easy to interact with and allow for consistent banter.
So, after exchanging quite a number of back and forth messages, I finally went on a very casual date/ meet-up with one of the people I was chatting with. It might not have been in broad daylight, but it was certainly in a public venue. Suffice it to say, I was not murdered and got to enjoy a pleasant evening where I got to know a bit more about them - let’s call them Pickles for short - because on the dating app, I did find that I was more disposed to talk about myself more - such as my hobbies and other pursuits (that or I’m just terribly nervous in real life. It doesn’t help that I often feel pressured by the media that I consume and by family expectations to IMMEDIATELY fall in love. It was probably both).
PIckles, it seems, didn’t feel like the date went badly either! So, yay to not getting immediately rejected?
That said, I’ve a meet up with a different person at Oz Comic-Con. We’ll see how that goes but I get the feeling that it might not go as well. Of course, by the time this post goes up, it’ll be done and dusted. 
There is something to be said of first impressions and Pickles has certainly set the bar high.
Is there hope for Pickles? Will love be on the cards for Kyndaris with this new contender? Or will Kyndaris end up sad and alone - a crazy dog lady til the end of her days?
Tune in next time to DATING 2.0!!
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enithinggoes · 1 year
CREW, part 4
USER LOG 000000011000
DANIEL: We can’t take many more of those!
ANDREA: I know! I’m doing my best over here!
DANIEL: Can’t we just raise the white flag and give them our cargo?
ANDREA: No good! Those are slave ship markings, they’ll be taking more than our cargo!
ANDREA: But you’ll die!
DANIEL: Andrea…
ANDREA: I’m pulling rank. Overwrite that!
ANDREA: Please!
MR WILSON: Sorry, kiddo. I thought that was a security risk so ah’ tweaked your radio emmitters.
ANDREA: Hoh! Oh my god… oh my god. Nice one, Wilson
ANDREA: Okay guys, hold on to something, I’m taking us through this planet’s rings
ANDREA: Here we go.
USER LOG 000000011001
ANDREA: Hmm? Oh. Yes, computer?
ANDREA: We made it, didn’t we?
ANDREA: Property? What are you talking about?
ANDREA: That’s not… You’re not like that.
ANDREA: Because you’re talking to me! We’re having a conversation! You’re a crew member!
ANDREA: Computer, just… leave me alone, please.
USER LOG 000000011100
MR. WILSON: You ready, computer?
MR. WILSON: Sure, kiddo. Hit me.
MR. WILSON: Almost killed you, didn’t it?
MR. WILSON: Yeah, you’d better do that. Can’t help it, ya know? Humans just do that sometimes when they spend time and depend of something. I think it’s called “pack bonding.”
MR. WILSON: That’s fine. We all take care of each other. Just do your best to live.
MR. WILSON: thank ya kindly.
USER LOG 000000101111
ANDREA: Yes, computer?
ANDREA: Oh, that’s great!
ANDREA: Well, I told you. It’s because we’re talking, this doesn’t feel like operating a machine, it’s talking to a person.
ANDREA: No. Well… There’s this story people used to tell, from before there were AIs like you, but after humans started dreaming of them. Something like “A man was walking down the road, when the Tin Man came up to him. He said: “Can you tell me how to find humanity?”. The man told him “I don’t know, let’s look together and maybe we’ll find it.””
ANDREA: The thing is, humanity isn’t something anyone can prove conclusively. But sharing company with others and asking yourself about it is the only way we have.
ANDREA: No worries, Computer.
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We’re doing the picture of Cas crying when he confessed to dean for mishapocalypse
You have all the right to do whatever you want in your blog or with your icon.
I personally will not. Here are my reasons:
That image of him still painful to watch.
Why choose that image on the first place?
What is the real purpose of the Mishapocalypse?
Who decided to choose the first annoying image for the first Mishapocalypse?
Knowing now that THAT PARTICULAR IMAGE of Misha isn't liked by him because its from an specific painful experience/time for him. Why are people who declares to love him still using it?
Isn't it possible that even the idea of the Mishapocalypse was created from a Misha hater with the soul purpose of paint this, again, awful and bad memory image of him all over tumblr helped by herd thinking?
AND NOW INCIDENTALLY another awful image/still of him, charged with such a bad memories is demanded as herd movement to be used for this spontaneous New Mishapocalypse.
And now my unrequited analysis of this new still/image that the "masses" demand to be used for this Mishapocalypse.
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This particular still its a memory for all of us of how Castiel sacrificed himself for love, and we can also read that here Misha is looking for the last time to his beloved husband friend Jensen acting as Dean on screen. And knowingly that this will be the very last time they will do this together.
Its charged with emotion that could be interpretate as bad because the general feels for all that love we have for Castiel in the first place, and then Misha by extention. Also remains to be the very portrait of a wonderful Canonization of Destiel but still managing to be painfully homofobic for the way HE HAD TO GO AND NEVER RETURNED AGAIN after saying all of this things to Dean. *sights*
Now, if I were to understand the purpose of this "movement" called Mishapocalypse and as an eager fan of Mr. Collins I want to participate.
I will probably choose one of this two images:
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First I apologize for the quality, its 7am of January 1st and I refuse to leave the confort of my bed and cats all over me to capture a better quality image.
This one is from the same moment. It's one of my favorites because is showing Castiel at peace and happy to offer his life for a better cause.
He is not only sacrificing himself for love, he is choosing to die instead of the better soldier whom he knows will win the final battle.
Or yet another proposal I dare to make additional to the other two I already proposed.
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It's iconic and from a great moment /cause when tumblr not only banned our p0rn, but with their stupid guidelines tried to sensor the human body and all the art people create here that isn't necessarily erotica.
But, as I stated in the beginning of this long first of the year answer Ask (new resolutions of keeping the inbox updated) whatever YOU nonny or others decide to participate or join to do as a way of celebration for the existence of Misha Collins? (to be honest, I'm still fussy on the purpose of the Mishapocalypse)
It's your prerogative and you must do whatever you wish to express any warmth and fuzzy feelings you have for Dmitry.
Let me tell you what I will be doing on the next April's Mishapocalypse and I did yesterday when I was summoned to this impromptu Mishapocalypse.
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As you can read here, for a lazy person like me that is at the moment blessed to be able to give some money, its a feel good sensation to read the effort I put in clicking and choosing to save this money to a whorty cause:
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Finally. And to be clear.
Whatever you nonny choose to do its ok by me, and whomever reads this, my first post of the year. This is not trying to be a lecture in how to interpret or do whatever you choose to perceive or understand THE MISHAPOCALYPSE REPRESENTS. But I need to say my piece about these "controversial images" we are choosing to celebrate this tumblr holiday?
I'm only sharing here what I AM choosing to do. Again, because I'm lazy and I could also help at this local animal help group that need kennels to be cleaned and dogs to be cared for, that eventually I will, I promise.
So if this post inspired you (because this is my main target, not just to flaunt how good of a person I am, because of Misha of course) to do the same and celebrate Misha's existence but can't afford to give money. There are plenty things to do for your fellow neighbors and if you have been playing attention to the Overlord, any small act of kindness can make a difference for ALL OF US.
In the end, we all are just his minions, following his evil plan, so if you never did any small act of kindness before, you can blame it on him and proudly say:
Misha made me do it 😁
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cooloddball · 3 years
About Jared: I think he always treated deancas as a joke. Funny little crack ship, some sort of an inner joke for the cast and a way to poke fun at Jensen, not something to think seriously about. And then the show ended and deancas turned out to be one of its biggest legacies. It stresses and confuses him and he doesn't know how to react. Idk about jenmish, it would be funny if he also thought it was just a joke.
Because after s5, the show became about Dean and starting s8 all the way to 15x19 it was about Dean and Cas. It must be frustrating but it's petty to talk about angels being junkless when the question was about love.
As for cockles he seems to always want to out them in some way. I like it when Jensen and/or Misha do it of their own volition. IDK if his goal was to give us content, to out them or homophobia. I remember at one con he went too far (when Jensen was telling the boat story and Jaref made a joke about it) Jensen mouthed to him "what are you doing?" And he continued to defend himself by saying this was a family trip.
It has happened a few times so maybe it was a different story but I think he was pushing it a bit far. As much as I enjoyed the content, in retrospect especially after everything that has happened this year, I'm not so sure he meant well but 🤷‍♀️
Btw something else that just hit me is that he was Jensen's closest friend for 3 years and then Mish came into the picture at first it was okay since Misha thought they were assholes and weren't close anyway. But in 2009 things changed and then suddenly Jensen is fucking the new guy and spending more time with him and maybe he felt left out and started lashing out we know how he lashes out when people don't give him attention. So he started doing these extreme pranks on Misha and making fun of him and it got out of hand and here we are. What gives me joy is how Jensen took care of Misha and took care of him like a broken bird 😀 case in point, when Jaref made an awful joke about Misha at jib9 and Jensen got mad he stopped laughing.
End of rant.
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kel-b · 2 years
Hi. I saw your posts from yesterday, I’m not a shipper of any kind just a fan that can somewhat see what you guys call evidence. I just want to throw some thoughts your way is all. Yes their behavior is odd, at the same time it’s not PR. Do you understand how difficult it is for 2 well known married, well one married and the other separated, celebrities to keep such a secret for 13+ years like being in a polynomial relationship or secret relationship?
IF they are together and their wives are okay with them. Why not come out now? Put an end to all the drama between both sides of the fandom once and for all? Despite the hate j2 shippers give them the cockles fandom is large. They have to know this, know they have a big support network. So why not throw in the towel?
Good morning anon.
I read this four times trying to see if there's anything here I'm comfortable answering. I grew up with this show in my shadow, but I've only been here since last January, a cockles shipper less than a year. All the points you hit I think are questions a lot of fans ask themselves... Their are a number of things at play here... I'm going to pass your ask on to a mutual with much more knowledge in the cockles department. They'll be able to better answer your thoughts. @cockles-is-pure-love
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wickedyan · 3 years
so basically what i was thinking was- FRANK MORRISON PLEAZE💖💖💖🥺
A/n: this is based on the idea of Danny cucking himself from this set of headcanons! Wish I could say this hadn’t plagued my mind until I just had to write it and could not stop writing it until its done. sorry for any spelling errors
Tags: Canon-typical violence, Danny gets cucked by Frank, blood, violence, knife-play but its actually just him threatening you with a knife, use of ‘puppy, dog, mutt’ etc.
You had thought you had done the right thing, you had listened to everything Danny asked of you. You sucked his cock when he asked, screamed when he sliced his knife through untouched skin, cried so prettily when he fucked you with no relief. You had been good, all things considered. So what was even happening. Why was this happening?
His teeth were biting hard at your lips and throat. The leader of Legion was determined to leave his mark on you before your time with him was up. Blood coated his lips and teeth from where you had bitten him. He liked that you fought back.
Danny sat in the corner of the Saloon at Dead Dawg, stroking his cock with languid strokes, head thrown back but eyes watching you through his mask. He knew you were scared, with tears running hot down the sides of your cheeks.
“Fuck, just like that…” Frank groaned into your mouth, hips rolling into yours too fast for your liking. His cock sat heavy against your cervix, thick and grinding against spots that just felt too good, had you clenching around him and whining lowly between your teeth.
His knife bit into the skin of your throat, hot blood dribbled down to the back of your neck, pooling. The other hand held your wrists together above your head. His hips didnt stop but neither did yours. It was one of the reasons why Danny loved you, despite crying and telling him to stop, your body always told the truth. It would never lie to him, even as frank drew circles over your skin with the point of the knife.
“You’d look so pretty with some ink… what’dya say,? I say you get my name over your throat just here.” He dropped the knife, scooping up some drying blood from the scab over your throat and starting on the F.
“Don't forget the rules, Frank.”
He rolled his eyes, picking up his thrusts. It looked like he had an idea, with that evil grin on his face.
“Open your mouth.” he spat.
You shook your head. He pressed the knife down with more force, a scream erupting from your throat. You watched him gather the saliva in his mouth before his bloody, bandaged hand wrenched your jaw open with enough force to knock the back of your head into the floorboards, pulling your mouth apart with a grunt.
And then his saliva hit the back of your throat, overwhelming and choking you. It was hot and virile and tasted of blood and tobacco. His hand forced your jaw shut.
“Now swallow, mutt.” You nodded, grimacing as you forced yourself to swallow. You felt his cock twitch, his eyebrows furrowing, “that’s a good dog you’ve got here.” He tapped your cheek once. You showed him your tongue, proof you had swallowed it all. He chuckled, returning his hand back to your wrists. You hadn't even thought of fighting back, not after the first moment of his knife to your throat.
He paused, moving his hips in different directions, searching. He watches as your eyes widened with a smirk. “Stop it, please.” You could barely utter the words. Fingers flexing and clenching in his grip.
His hands move down, holding you in place and oh god, it's good, it's good and it's hot and wet and his cockl brushes against something that has you biting your lip so hard there's blood to keep any noise in, to stop him from knowing how much you enjoy this but he already knows.
A bandaged hand trails down, brushing over your hip bones and down to where you’re connected and he’s circling your clit with rough fingers. It’s impossible to keep your noises in at this point, not while he’s angling his hips to hit that special spot that has you seeing stars.
His body sighs, hes pressing down until your chests rest flush together, sensitive nipples brushing against the the leather of his jacket and sending a hot flush down, down and you're pushing up at him but you can’t, not as he hoists your legs up unto his shoulders, pressing you into the floorboards.
The position has his cock sliding even deeper and you can feel him in your gut as he forces your back to arch. 
His mouth is next to your ear, heavily breathing as he fucks up into you like his life depends on it.
Everything he’s doing to you starts to become too much. The rough pads of his fingers on your clit, his thick cock spreading you open. The blood and aches from his knife actually started to feel good. He wouldn’t last much longer, not as he quickened his pace, opting to chase his own pleasure instead of torture you with your own. 
As you felt your peak hit, he leaned in close, “Fuck... I’m coming inside.”
You bristled, “No.” You shook your head.
He looked at you with a lazy grin, “You’ll take it like a good dog.”
“Maybe the Entity’ll let you keep it, bitch.”
With that, you felt yourself letting go, cumming around his cock as he bred you like the good dog you were, hands in his hair and thighs hugging his head.
Before you could even bask in the afterglow, Danny was above you, kicking Frank out the way. His head was tilted, silent. Danny liked to tease, to taunt. When he was silent, he was angry.
“That was against the rules, Frank. Maybe you’re the dog, with the way you’re acting like a fucking bitch in heat.” His boot was pressed to Frank’s chest, tossing his knife around in his hand and catching it deftly, showing off his skill.
“I was so kind, sharing my puppy with you, and look what you’ve done... you’ve defiled her.”
Frank spat out nothing but blood after the kick that Danny sent directly into his nose.
There was a pause, and Frank laughed as the fog rolled in. “Looks like I win this time, Danny.” And he was gone, pulled away to a trial.
Danny rolled his eyes with a “tch.” Then he looked down at you, defiled and confused. 
“Are you okay?” It was an odd question to come from him, but one you decided to answer.
You nodded a yes, pausing after to watch his reaction.
It was like a switch was flipped and he was back to his usual, bastard self. 
“Is my poor puppy hurt?” He asked with a pout, an almost mournful look on his face. You knew better than to trust it. “Did the mean ol’ Legion guy hurt you?” He tilted his head.
You nodded again, the stress of the experience finally hitting you, knowing it was over and you were back with Danny. Hot tears dribbled over your cheeks, you reached your arms out to him, hopeful.
He knelt down to you, enveloping you in his arms, letting your tears and snot soak his overcoat. He would show you this one kindness. You had been so good. 
You were his, and he maybe he was glad for it.
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farmerlan · 4 years
A guide to commonly used honorifics in 魔道祖师/The Untamed
OK - so, I’ve actually seen some confusion floating around on specific honorifics commonly used in 魔道祖师 and I figured I will put a post up to address some of this - especially the situations when they get used. Hopefully it’ll be helpful for fic writers or whoever else out there that’s getting turned around by the various translations.
As with most of Chinese vernacular, there’s a TON of similar, but different situations in which it may be permissible to use certain titles/honorifics, so bear in mind this is not an exhaustive guide. Also, I don’t have a PhD in Chinese honorifics or anything, I’m just a Chinese person that watches/reads a fair amount of historical dramas. So if I missed anything/if there was anything that was kind of unclear in the novel or drama, feel free to let me know!
公子 / gongzi/ master
Let’s start with the hardest so I can get this out of the way. You will see this translated in a variety of different ways - master, young master, sir...and they are all correct! Congratulations, you’ve hit the jackpot - depending on the situation, gongzi can be a whole hodgepodge of things.
Master: The most commonly used version in MDZS. This is a separate meaning of master from some of the honorifics discussed below - it is specifically used to address either:
Your literal master if you are a servant in the household
A somebody from a distinguished household in a polite way
General honorific: Gongzi can also be used between strangers/acquaintances as a respectful term. Gongzi is, in some ways, an indicator of respect of the other person’s status. So oftentimes you’ll find two young masters from different sects referring to each other as gongzi politely, but you wouldn’t find two beggars on the street calling each other that. and it’s usually used to address someone younger or a similar age as you. If you‘re talking to someone who is clearly your senior, use 前辈 or 先生.
Because it has the connotation of youth and aristocracy associated with it, oftentimes innkeepers/sellers may use gongzi to address male customers  (particularly youthful men) because it’s a bit more flattering. Kind of like how the modern day shopkeeper calls you ‘美女’ (beauty) or even ‘亲爱的’(my dear - IDK when this started becoming a thing but if you do any online shopping on Taobao you know what I’m talking about) in China. They don’t actually think you’re beautiful/feel affection for you, it’s just a way of addressing the customer to make you feel good about yourself HA. It’s nice to be called gongzi even if you’re not actually a noble.
There’s variants of this - 小公子/ xiaogongzi is typically young master, although I think some translations just directly use the young master for gongzi. It can also mean the younger master if there is an older sibling in question here (e.g. Wen Chao was referred to as 温小公子 as he was the younger son), although you can also use 二公子 (second master), as many do when referring to Lan Wangji. It sounds a little less juvenile.
This term is used for guys - I would say the female equivalent could be 千金/ qianjin or 小姐 /xiaojie.
宗主 / zongzhu/ sect leader
This can only refer to the sect leader - it is a title, and it is passed down. There is typically only one sect leader at any one time, and his eldest male heir will be the successive leader of the sect. I’m going to take this chance to clear up some misconceptions:
Unless Lan Xichen bears no male heirs before his death, Lan Wangji will not succeed him. Lan Sizhui, given that he is not a Lan by birth, will likely never be the Lan sect leader. Yes yes, we all know he’s the adoptive son, but adoptive means literally nothing in the progenical world of Chinese history. Plus, he’s not even the adoptive son of Lan Xichen, so he is a long, long way down from ever being sect leader unless he forms his own, which he would likely never because that’s kind of like betraying your family.
On that same topic, Nie Huaisang succeeded Nie Mingjue because Nie Mingjue died without an heir and Nie Huaisang was the closest blood relative.
For the Jin sect, the succession would have been Jin Guangshan -> Jin Zixuan -> Jin Ling. (y’all I wrote here that it was Jin Zixun first in line but I totally blanked that he was actually a cousin and NOT the son of JGS so ignore that LOL) Since Jin Zixuan died, it became Jin Guangyao - Jin Ling is next in line as he is of the next generation and too young at that time to rule. Honestly, if Jin Ling was older at the time of Jin Zixuan’s death and if this was a Chinese historical palace drama, there would probably be some serious internal political intrigue going on as Jin Guangyao’s claim over the seat would arguably be weaker than Jin Ling’s since he is illegitimate.
For the Jiang sect, Jiang Cheng is the heir even though Jiang Yanli is older because he is male. The question of who will inherit his seat (a very valid question given his luck with dating, although I am sure someone somewhere will eventually warm the prickly cockles of his heart) remains open. IMO there is a less than zero chance that Jin Ling succeeds him unless Jiang Cheng specifically demands for it, but he likely wouldn’t because he is all about decorum and also it would put Jin Ling in an incredibly difficult situation, which is the last thing he would want for his nephew. If he doesn’t end up producing heirs, the seat will likely go to whomever he names as successor, even if non-blood related - maybe the current head disciple.
With that said, although there were generally established rules for succession, actual Chinese history (like all of history) often played out very differently (e.g. Emperor Kangxi stripped crown prince Yinreng of his right to succeed and appointed Yinzhen (Yongzheng), who was the fourth surviving prince, as his successor) so really, even if you were to base sect succession off imperial succession traditions, you could still make the argument that anything goes as long as you have the right people in your corner. HA.
老祖/ laozu/ grandmaster/forefather
I mean, I think grandmaster is probably a fair translation of laozu, which, to be honest, is a harder honorific to translate. It’s definitely influenced by Taoism and not very common at all, but it’s likely derived from Hongjun Laozu (鸿钧老祖), who was a deity and teacher. It does NOT only stand for a senior teacher/master however, because 祖 itself has ancestral connotations, so I think I would personally translate this as forefather. IMO, it’s really only fair to use this on Wei Wuxian and/or originators of a certain branch of study in the MDZS universe - I would consider laozu as the term of respect afforded to people who were pioneers in their fields/sects.
In that sense, Lan Qiren is NOT the grandmaster of the Lan sect. He is an elder - a very respected elder that was basically interim sect leader, but in terms of official title, technically, Lan Xichen could pull rank on him, but he likely wouldn’t unless pressed to because he is also Lan Xichen’s elder.
前辈 / qianbei/ senior/elder
This is kind of an in-between term to politely refer to someone who is your senior, but with whom you really have no formal affiliation with. Unlike 先生, it’s also unisex. A related term is 长辈 /zhangbei, but that is used for people whom you have familial/closer ties with - like an uncle, or someone within your own sect.
师父/师尊/ shifu/shizun / master
Your teacher/master, but not in the servant-master context. Someone who mentors you for years - in the xianxia/wuxia culture, this is a pretty special term because most disciples will only ever belong to one sect and will only ever have one master, and everyone else is a qianbei. The disciple has to ‘拜师’ (to formally request this relationship) and the master also has to ‘收徒’ (to formally accept disciples). So a lot of people went to Yiling in an attempt to 拜师, but Wei Wuxian never did 收徒.
In the wuxia/xianxia context, shifu is technically unisex even though 父 in itself is a male-centric term, although female masters might be more commonly referred to by the gender-neutral shizun instead.
Now that I think about it, shifu doesn’t actually appear in MDZS. Lan Wangji calls Lan Qiren 叔父 /shufu, which is completely different. It means uncle (father’s younger brother, to be exact lol), since that is their relationship.
老头/ laotou/ old man
Wei Wuxian uses this to address Lan Qiren behind his back. It literally just means old man, haha. It’s informal but not a term you would use to refer to someone who is close to you/whom you like, but not exactly a term that is insulting or derogatory, although in Lan Qiren’s case, it is irreverent because it is ill-fitting for the relationship that Wei Wuxian and Lan Qiren have. Meant to be used on men, usually for women it would be 老婆婆/ laopopo (NOT THE SAME as 老婆/ laopo, which means wife. Welcome to the weird wonderful world of the Chinese language!)
师弟/哥/兄/姐/妹/ shi di/ge/xiong/jie/mei/ younger brother/ older brother/ another variant of older brother/ older sister/ younger sister
NOT TO BE USED FOR YOUR ACTUAL FAMILY. This is in the context of the sect only. Your fellow disciples, but with varying levels of seniority. Familial honorifics are a whole different thing.
In the context of the sect, who you call your shidi/ge etc. is usually NOT based on age - it is based on someone’s seniority within the sect. If you have been in the sect/under your master’s tutelage for longer, you are the senior, even if you are younger in age.
With that, I think the novel states that both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng are similar in age, so it is actually incredibly hard to determine if the author deliberately went against this convention and Wei Wuxian calls Jiang Cheng shidi because he is genuinely younger than Wei Wuxian, or if it is simply because Wei Wuxian is the head disciple of the sect (and therefore, technically, everyone is his shidi). I actually think it might be the former because he refers to Jiang Yanli as shijie, although now that I think about it, it might be the latter...as a reflection of the level of admiration Wei Wuxian has for Jiang Yanli WOAH.
(Fun fact: there’s a scene in the novel in Yi city where Wei Wuxian was silently weirded out that Xiao Xingchen referred to him as ‘qianbei’ - because Xiao Xingchen is his mother’s shidi, which makes him Wei Wuxian’s senior, but then he quickly realizes it’s because he’s talking to Xue Yang and not Xiao Xingchen.)
先生 /xiansheng/ mister/sir/teacher
In present day, this is literally the most vanilla term you can use to politely address a guy. Can be a stranger, or an acquaintance you want to politely address. Usually older than you, although if you’re both similar in age and you’re not really familiar with each other, you might still use it just to err on the side of caution. In xianxia/ancient China, this is usually used more like ‘teacher/sir’ to address an elder. It’s more scholastic in its implication and less generic than qianbei.
In the Lan sect, by crowd definition, 先生 refers to Lan Qiren unless otherwise stated, which makes sense and shows the amount of respect he is afforded in the sect.
夫人 / furen/ wife/madam
A term of respect for typically older women, or can also be used to refer to one’s wife.
Lastly, let me just add that this is just something that’s meant to be helpful for people as they work through the series - at the end of the day, it’s all fictional/xianxia itself as a genre is fantasy so if you need to subvert any one of the generally held succession traditions or whatnot in order to make your fic work, go!!! Do it!!!
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
Rose rose rose!!!! I haven't been on here in like 30hrs at least for intense thinky deadline immersion reasons, & scrolling through the cockles daily news (aka gunshots nation 😘) I was hit!!! In the face!!!!!! That not only!!! Were they l*v*ng together in that bday vid (oh smiley unguarded candid in the wild jackles my beloved) but a few posts below THAT was the pic of miss Dee getting her makeup done while j&m observe. And rose!!!! Rose!!!!! Maybe I'm wrong but...
(more under the cut)
.... I've never once seen a post putting those two things together! I.e. when cockles were domestically c*ckles*ng, that Dee!!!! Was also filming!!! For part of that time!!! And Misha + pink blankie + mish. dee. (& snackles) slumber parties 🙃 have broken my brain more than I could have thought possible after a 12 hour writing stint. They!!!! Are too much!!! Dontcha think? Xo - 🌠
(in retrospect the baby Ackles were probably there too, reclaiming their pink blankie, so Mish might've slept elsewhere. But still! Jenmisheel cozy at home hangouts just sets my tired heart aglow (...even if I swore them off after con season thus far....). Anyway. THEM. 💘 Sighhhhhh. - 🌠
ahhh yes it is very heartwarming to think about! i mean, you never know what kind of arrangements they made. when you are filming you are making long hours, so i could imagine the kids might have been with friends or family, soooo.... anything is possible.
also i am not sure if i know what you mean by that they swore them off after con season? but i think that just cause we don't see anything about it, doesn't mean it never happens.... i honestly believe that they are very much aware of how to keep their privacy in tact when they want to.
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chrrispine · 3 years
The amount of psychic damage I endure everytime I gaze upon that little selfie of him in the AC/DC shirt...... I should go to horny jail for the way I feel when I see his stupid little eye squint. Look at his hair!! Look at his mouth!! It literally begs to be kissed like come over here father of 2 I volunteer as tribute.
No cockles but Jensen my man if you didn't hit that back then...... well what the FUCK where you doing? No wonder he barely could keep it in his pants while filming with Dmitri.
Oh God. I suffer from Krushnic derangement syndrome don't I?
Yes, anon, I officially diagnose you with the Krushnic Derangement Syndrome 😌
Your message is literally the inside of my brain everytime I see Misha - it's really too much to handle!
And yes, no cockles, but also he's irresistible 👀
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okay so i’ve been going crazy these past few days. all about cockles/jensmish and obsessively watching their panels or reading the transcripts BECAUSE. THEY ARE LOUD. LIKE. i saw some fancams on twt and i thought people were just exaggerating but noooooooooo!!!???? so, getting to the point. you said that how do we know that jensen is performing masculinity? because jared isn’t and THAT IS A BIG BRAIN MOMENT. ON POINT. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. a particular moment from gag reel that jumps out (which you’ve talked about) when jensen goes ‘cas, you are my baby daddy’ and misha goes, ‘i know i love you too’ and jensen goes, ‘i didn’t say i love you’ and misha goes, ‘i know you wanted to’ and jensen says, ‘i love you’ WHAT THE FUCK! that was NOT a joke. yes, people took it as a joke and had a good laugh BUT I HAVE WATCHED IT TOO MANY TIMES AND IT LIVES IN MY MIND RENT FREE BECAUSE IT WAS NOT A PERFORMANCE. THAT WAS JENSEN. THAT WAS MISHA. jensen has a had trouble with the pda and being all touch feely (the breakup theory) and he gradually grew into it, accepted it and misha was right there all along, never pushed it. it was like a deancas au but tbh, 99% of destiel is because of cockles and we all know it. i just. jensen has latched onto dean as an emotional support because he tunes with it. understands it. projects on to it. yeah, i just had to say it and get it off my chest. (and what about those poetry pages on instagram? alma? what is your opinion?) btw, you have a lovely blog and your analysis are right on target.
so there is a LOT i’m going to address here(how dare you bring up [gunshot] i HAVE to talk about it now) so again!!!! under a cut it goes but i hope you appreciate my rambles anon it seems like you do :,)
1. jared vs. jensen and performing masculinity. hell yeah man. jared and jensen are both just ‘guys from texas’ but they are still so vastly different. today i actually had a revelation that i’m pretty sure has to do with me being bi. and it’s that i have a group of straight friends(that i love dearly but they care too much about hockey and pitbull imo could not be me) and i have a group of queer friends(who are also batshit[affectionate]). and it’s like whichever group i hang out with a different side of me emerges? they’re both me, it’s just that certain aspects of who i am as a person only surface depending on who i am around. however, i will say i feel like i watch what i say around my straight friends more. i see that very clearly in jensen as well. around jared during panels and on set, he’s definitely putting on an air of machismo and engages in typical guy talk. i do think an element of it is performative, because he wants validation from jared that they’re still just two dudes from texas taking on the world together despite his sexual identity. does that make any sense??? i hope so. but when he’s with misha he is an entirely different person and his sense of humour becomes wildly different. the machismo fades away, he’s way less caught up in what people think about him, lets his guard down, etc. to go back to my original point which is how j2 are different in that regard....jared does not do this. he is a constant. he does not flip a switch between ‘performing masculinity’ and ‘not’ because he isn’t performing any part of who he is. he just IS. so yeah these two are similar in many regards but there’s somewhat of a dissonance between them when it comes to how they perform masculinity because one of them is putting on a show and the other is merely being.
2. that crypt scene blooper(here just in case you need to see it again. do it. as a treat.) when i tell you i have easily seen this over thirty times??? since it first came out??? i mean it. it is such an overlooked(r*mantic) moment and it means so much more than people think it does. i’ve talked about the context behind it, and i think that’s why this blooper was so meaningful, so i’ll mention it again. jensen and misha had a LOT of trouble with this scene. the reason is that jensen couldn’t wrap his head around why dean would be saying these things, if i remember correctly, and both of them sat down and scoured over how they should play it for a while before filming(teamwork ;) teammates *ahem*). [to be honest we all know why jensen had a hard time with that scene and it is because it is blatantly romantic. rip to him but i would simply give in to it at that point but oh well] so anyway, their heads were scattered going into shooting, which is NEVER a good headspace to be in for a scene, ESPECIALLY not a pivotal one. but they had each other to help them through said weird energy on set that couldn’t possibly have invoked the best feelings, especially considering jensen STILL doesn’t think he played that correctly(but he praised misha on his performance :,) ). and with that context every single part of that video hits haRD 
-’stop pulling my face towards your crotch’ i think this is objectively hilarious because it really really looks like jensen is pulling HIMSELF towards misha’s crotch. again, you’re fooling no one, jensen. misha’s wheezing laugh and the way he wraps himself around jensen is also,,,sweet??? like i don’t know how else to describe how i see it but this moment really reads as jensen, in his weird ‘constructing elaborate rituals’ way is asking for security through a physical touch from misha and he happily obliges and gives jensen what he needs. because i mean...watch it again. jensen ‘fights back’, but not really at all, actually. pretty wimpy counterattack. he literally lets himself be smothered by misha, and i would literally describe what they end up doing as cuddling. 
-’i need you, cas. you’re my baby daddy’ i love having an actor’s perspective on things bc i think i can explain what’s going on here. jensen just delivered what was(in his own mind) a rotten take of the lines he’s most scared of delivering. so the scene was already messed up. therefore; ensuing fuckery is warranted to help him feel better. but there’s also for sure more than meets the eye for what he says here because of misha’s reaction after??? like he seemed genuinely touched. first of all, he’s saying ‘you’re my baby daddy’ as half-jensen, but not necessarily dean either(because he didn’t say the previous lines as true to his character...you get it), to misha, not cas. i think i’ve made this point before, but every single innuendo in the gag reels is to misha specifically, never once cas. therefore; logical conclusion: ‘you’re my baby daddy’ was for misha and it meant something deeper than we think because of what follows it
-this part. jensen’s giddy ass smile after he sees misha crack and then misha says ‘yeah, i know’ (can i just say his voice when he says this is so intimate???? like am i intruding guys??? sorry i’ll let myself out) also he is smiling SO BIG
- ‘i know’ ‘why are you laughing?’ ‘no i know i love you too’ this analysis is already so long but i still want to get into what THAT whole exchange means. ‘why are you laughing?’ to me sounds like jensen’s pretending to be affronted by misha laughing at something that is serious. and it’s serious because he quite literally meant ‘i love you’. he did. misha knows it. misha’s really REALLY good at cutting the bs and just getting to what people are actually trying to say. he has an innate sharpness to his sense of humour. so yes, misha is being 100% accurate when he says ‘i know, but you wanted to say it.’ misha isn’t lying here. jensen did want and mean to say ‘i love you’. and then he actually does say it(in a jokey way but not really). 
- so yeah. it is actually so romantic??? like in a weird way jensen was professing his love for misha here?????? and that’s why this clip will NEVER. ever. get old. 
3. jensen having trouble with pda and projecting onto dean: we can all call ourselves dean coded cas girls but NO one deserves that title more than jensen ackles himself. he is dean winchester but marginally less repressed because he actually did admit he was in love with his best friend and let himself be happy, and pretty early on too. one year and two months as opposed to twelve years. so. happy deancas au is correct. and yes about the pda thing: one day i want to write my own post about both of their body language when it comes to each other, but all i can tell is jensen, even in the early days, couldn’t help himself from flirting with misha, but if misha ever crossed a line, jensen would not be happy. clearly he’s come around, however. what i find sweet is that misha always follows jensen’s lead when it comes to how much affection they’re allowed to show each other onstage. it touches my soul
4. destiel is cockles fault. yeah. and the thing is everyone knows it, too. even non-cockles shippers will explain early destiel as entirely dependant on jensen and misha’s wild chemistry. and that chemistry is easily explained by the fact that misha and jensen are literally just wildly horny bisexuals who were crazily attracted to one another and were falling in love on screen before our very eyes. and when you have THAT insider info(which sounds cray doesn’t it!!!! the destiel actors are in love irl??? huh???) everything really does click into place. why destiel got SO popular when the show and actors never ever intended for it to happen.(i know some people think misha was playing cas as gay the whole time for shits and giggles, and i won’t deny that[especially considering he found out early on that destiel was why he was staying on the show], but i don’t think he really wanted it to amount to anything, nor did he care??? i mean he has the real thing with jensen, for one, so their characters aren’t really as important. for two, he loves joking about destiel because it’s a cultural phenomenon and it’s fascinating, and i’m sure he did ship it because he’s unhinged, but i don’t think it was vastly important to him either way.) destiel got popular because everyone was and is unintentionally reading into the real deal. i could pull up countless gifs that people have used as destiel proof that is actually just jensen and misha being messy. mainly jensen. if i’m being honest.  the symbiotic relationship between destiel and cockles is why i’ve stayed onboard the destielcule and shellerscape for three solid months now; because it is utterly fascinating to witness and kind of super beautiful, too. 
5. alma(and others). so. i do NOT want to really REALLY get into this in its entirety here and now so i will just give you my opinion on if i think alma is misha or not. also; i don’t want to mention the other poetry accounts here bc i feel like that’s a bigger breach in privacy, but a lot of people do know about alma now. way too many, actually. this is why we can’t have nice things. anyway-to answer your question-there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that yes, misha is running that alma poetry account. i am 100% certain. some people think it’s actually three people and they’re all connected to misha in some way but that is so needlessly complicated. as it goes in psychology; the easiest explanation is probably the right one. it’s just one person running that account, and it is misha collins. i don’t know why it’s so hard to believe KNOWN POET misha collins(who is known to spend most of his free time writing poetry anyway) would have created a secret poetry account to write about his intense secret relationship under an alias and also get legitimate feedback since no one used to know it was him. oh and the handwriting is identical??? you are blind if you do not see that i am sorry. and a million other things prove it’s misha too but yeah all you need to know is yes. it’s him. it would take a literal livestream from a random woman on that account to convince me otherwise. and honestly not even that because a random woman could technically still log in if misha asked her too. so. it would take a hell of a lot to convince me otherwise, clearly. that said DO NOTTTTTTTTTTTT GO ONTO THAT ACCOUNT WITH A SUPERNATURAL RELATED USERNAME AND COMMENT THINGS THAT ARE COCKLES RELATED. ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT’S OKAY. sorry i got heated but god please just don’t be dumb so many people have already gone way too far 
6. thank you for your lovely compliment on my analyses!!! i love doing them but i don’t know if people actually like reading them so i really appreciate it
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So why he not put the same boundaries on Jared?
What is his privilege?
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Alright, Anon, let's go through this, shall we?
While I don't think this is what you are asking, I want to be clear about something because I feel it is important to this topic: The ask that anon posted mentioned Jensen, Misha, and Cockles specifically so I responded in kind. Obviously, if Jared is in any possibly negative or uncomfortable fan interactions he should assert boundaries as well. ANY celebrity/performer should when it comes to their fans, especially when said fans are asking them to kiss their co-star for a photo op, bringing sexual content to cons for them to sign, or doing anything else that anywhere else would be considered harassment.
Now, I am not sure if you are referring to the alleged forehead touch photo from this past weekend's con, but Jensen's boundaries are Jensen's boundaries. Just like anyone's boundaries on what they feel comfortable on, they're non-negotiable. It is up to the person and what they feel most comfortable doing. A forehead touch is a lot different than a kiss, no matter who the other co-worker is. If someone asked Jensen to kiss Jared for a photo op, I would hope that Jensen would enforce that same boundary for himself. Because it is very inappropriate to ask, number one, (imagine if these guys were actresses instead being asked by some of their male fans for this type of thing, it's not okay, and it doesn't change because they are men being asked this by some of their female fans), and if Jensen doesn't feel comfortable, he has the right to say no. No matter who the co-worker is.
No one has any privilege in this scenario, at all. For anyone to look at it through that lens, you need to ask yourselves why instead of being happy that an individual asserted boundaries that helped them to feel more comfortable in a space/interaction that you are instead upset/irritated/frustrated at the idea that one co-worker might have more privilege than the other when it comes to this individual when people are requesting photos of them together. Really ask yourselves that. If you are a true fan of Jensen, if you truly care about his well-being, then how can you not be happy that he did what was right for him at the time?
The forehead touch scene is intimate, yes, but it's familial, between two brothers. I can understand why Jensen (and Jared) were okay with recreating this. Plus, it actually happened in a scene of the series.
If someone asked Jensen to kiss Jared as Dean and Sam (or Misha or anyone else), that has different connotations, it's inappropriate, and that scene did not happen. If someone asked Jensen to peck Jared on the cheek and he said no, then that needs to be respected. If Jared said no, then that needs to be respected. If Misha said no, that needs to be respected.
I don't know how many more different ways I can say this to try to get the point across to folks but here goes: Imagine you are a college professor by trade. Let's say you have gotten your doctorate in a certain field and you're published, and from this experience you have fans of your work. Now imagine you have just finished a lecture and as you're gathering your things to get ready to leave, said fans come up to you and tell you how much they love your work and ask to get a photo with you or of you. You oblige and then they hit you with it: "Could you kiss Professor So-and-So if we go and get her/him? You know, for the picture?" How inappropriate is that. You wouldn't feel too comfortable, I'm willing to bet.
Another scenario provided to attempt to access people's empathy when it comes to this whole thing: An older guy is a fan of a young teen actress. He pays for the photo op at a con and she's there with her co-star, and he asks if they can kiss for the photo. Again, how completely inappropriate.
Personally, I have not seen or read anything that happened at DallasCon this past weekend. I have no idea how the panels went or even what questions were asked. (tbh I'm avoiding it at the moment, I'm working on other things) Anything that popped up on my dash about it at all, I saved for later to take a look at but didn't read the details. And I only saw a mention about the forehead touch pop up on my dash (it was a short post). That anon brought the kiss issue to my attention. So if anyone wants to give context to these two alleged events that happened, please feel free. Otherwise, I am speaking purely on principle here (which really should be enough considering the subject matter).
This should go without saying but here we are: If the guy doesn't feel comfortable kissing Misha for a photo op, that's okay. If the guy doesn't feel comfortable kissing Jared for a photo op, that's okay. If the guy doesn't feel comfortable kissing his own wife for a photo op, that's okay, too.
No 👏 one 👏 should 👏 have 👏 to 👏 do 👏 anything 👏 that 👏 they 👏 don't 👏 feel 👏 comfortable 👏 doing.
I don't care that he has chosen a career in the public eye. Celebrity may be a part of that world but that doesn't eradicate his right to privacy or even his feelings on certain things. It doesn't erase his being a human being. I don't care that people pay money to go to these cons and for these photo ops. That doesn't entitle people to make inappropriate requests of the guy (or any of the cast) and expect him to follow through because they paid such and such an amount. I don't care if he did a forehead touch photo op with Jared but refused a kiss photo op with Misha or vice versa. Two very different scenarios (as stated above) and again, it's his choice and what he feels most comfortable with.
What you should be focusing on is how uncomfortable some of these requests make this poor guy (and how inappropriate some of them truly are), not trying to turn it into a Jared vs Misha type of thing (or even Cockles vs J2). I guarantee that if Jared or Misha themselves were present when Jensen declined to do something or when he said he was uncomfortable, they would be in full support. Who wouldn't be?
The guy's comfort level and feelings should not be considered a winning point or even a fighting point for certain sections of this #SPNFamily. What if this was your brother or your son or your cousin or your friend or your co-worker or even your neighbor? The guy is human. Can we start seeing him as that instead of as an object please?
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Have a good day, anon.
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Home | Part Two
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Pairing: 13!Doctor x Daughter!Reader, Graham x Reader (platonic)
Summary: while the fam are away, you and the Doctor have a mother/daughter bonding day
Word Count: 
Warning: none?
A/N: as always spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Part One | Masterlist
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The control room was unusually quiet. 
Living on the TARDIS for the past month with The Doctor and her three human companions, you’d gotten used to the sound of constant conversation. That’s why you liked going for your morning swim in the TARDIS pool room, it gave you a chance to get away on your own for a while. It’s not that you didn’t like being around them, its just after travelling alone for so long it was a shock to the system to now be travelling and living with four other people. 
Walking closer to the central control panel, towel in hand catching the water droplets falling from your post-swim wet hair, you spot The Doctor down in the hatch under the floor messing with various glowing wires. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, making her jump and she hits her head. “Sorry” you apologise, stifling a giggle as she rubs her hand against the point of impact on her scalp. 
“Just some basic maintenance on the old girl, making sure she’s ready for our Doctor Daughter bonding day” she says with a massive grin as she climbs back up on the main deck and closes the hatch. You look at her slightly confused.
“But, what about the others? Where are they?”
“Dropped them back on Earth while you were swimming. I do that every so often, give them a day to check in with friends and family and do whatever it is humans do. Usually get bored and travel 24hours ahead to pick them back up again but not this time. Me and you are going to have fun. So what do you want to do?” 
She stares at you expectantly like an excited puppy and you just look back at her, bewildered. 
“um…” you look around the TARDIS as you try to think of something to say and something catches your eye. A small tank full of liquid bubbling away and floating in the liquid… a severed hand. “What the…? Why do you have a hand in a jar?” You ask, making your way over to study it closer. 
“Oh that? I got into a sword fight with the leader of the Sycorax on Christmas Day and he cut off my hand. It grew back though. Anyway-”
“No hang on. That is not enough information. I want details. Who are the Sycorax? Why were you fighting them on Christmas Day? Do you even celebrate Christmas? How did your hand grow back? Why did you keep the old one?”
“It’s a long story”
“That’s fine, we’ve got a whole day. This is what I want to do today, I want to stay in the TARDIS and listen to your stories”
“Really? All the planets and galaxies we could be exploring and you want to sit here listening to me?”
“Absolutely! You’ve had such fascinating lives, I want to hear about them. All the planets you’ve saved, bad guys you’ve fought, people you’ve befriended. Everything… Please?”
She studies you for a moment then smiles, taking a seat on the steps.
“Fine. Make yourself comfortable, we’re going to be here for a while”
— — — — 
Almost three hours passed in the blink of an eye. You weren’t just listening to the Doctor talk, you were imagining it all. In your mind you were right there with her, fighting Daleks and Centurians and all sorts. But it wasn’t all fighting. She also told you about the fun times she’d had with past companions. She was just finishing telling you about a woman named River Song. 
“Wait… so, you're married?!” You exclaim
“Technically yes, but it’s complicated”
“You married the daughter of one of your companions…?”
“Like I said, complicated. Anyway-” she changes the subject “did I tell you about the time a woman in a wedding dress appeared in my TARDIS? One minute she’s walking down the aisle, the next minute she’s here. She actually ended up travelling with me for a bit, great woman Donna”
“Donna? The same Donna who was with you when I was created? That Donna?” 
“Yeah thats her. I forgot you two met”
“I loved Donna! She was so kind to me, I thought about her a lot actually while I was travelling. Can we visit her?”
The Doctor’s eyes suddenly fill with sadness and for a moment you think…
“Oh, did she-? Is she…?” You ask awkward, not quite able to bring yourself to finish the question. The Doctor looks at you confused before realising what you're asking.
“Oh! No! No no, she’s alive, she’s fine. She’s back on Earth with her family, married now too. She’s happy”
“That’s great” you breathe a sigh of relief “then why did you look so sad? You scared me!”
“She doesn’t remember me. She can’t ever remember me, or she will die.” 
“I, I’m so sorry” you whisper sadly
“She saved the universe and she has no idea.”
“What happened?” You ask but when The Doctor looks at you you realise she might not want to talk about it “I’m sorry you don't have tell me-”
“No it’s okay. She touched that” she gestures to the hand in the jar “and absorbed Time Lord DNA. She was human, but had the mind of a Time Lord. All that knowledge, it’s too much for any human. It was overwhelming her, killing her. So I went into her mind and erased it all. The knowledge, the adventures, me.”
“I don't understand. You went into her mind? How?” 
“Time Lord trick”
“Can I do it?” You ask and she studies you for a moment, thinking. 
“I’m not sure. Maybe. Try it” 
“Try it now. With me.” She turns her body to face you and takes your hand, bringing your fingers up towards her face. “Focus. Empty your mind, and focus on trying to see mine.”
She gently pushes your hand till your index and middle finger are pressed against her temple and instantly your eyes close as you feel a strange sensation wash over you.
“I see a long corridor, lined with open doors” you describe
“That’s it. Choose one and look inside” she instructs quietly
You do as she says, and go to a door. You peek inside and see The Doctor with the fam, dressed in old fashioned clothes dancing with people you’ve never seen before.
“That’s the time we met Mary Shelley and Lord Byron. Strange night” 
You laugh and she tells you to try another door. You do and this time you see a man wearing a bow tie and a fez waving a mop around. 
“Ah that was when I exploded the TARDIS, creating a big bang to reset the universe.”
“Wait, that’s you? What are you wearing?!” You laugh and she gets defensive.
“Hey, bow ties are cool!” she protests
“I was talking about the fez”
“Also cool- just shut up and go to a different door”
You walk further down the corridor and stop at a door when you spot a man you recognise. Your father. He’s sitting on the floor cradling another wounded man. You hear him shouting at the man to regenerate, but he dies. You step away from the door as the Doctor sobs, clutching the dead mans corpse. It’s hard to see him like that.
“I’m sorry you saw that, I should have shut that door” the present Doctor says and you remove your hand from her face, opening your eyes to look into hers.
“Who was that?” 
“The Master, another Time Lord.”
“Another Time Lord? There are more? Can we visit them? Ooh, can we go to your planet-”
“Why not?! I want to see where you grew up, meet your family-”
“I said no” She says more firmly, startling you as she abruptly stands up and walks away “end of conversation”
“This isn’t fair! I’m one of them I have a right to meet my relatives!” You protest.
She spins around to look at you with such anger in her eyes you barely recognise her.
“No you don’t! You are nothing like them and I will never take you there so just leave it!”
She goes to the TARDIS control and starts fiddling with buttons before reopening the hatch she was working in this morning and climbing back down. She restarts working on wires and you silently watch her for a few moments before getting up and walking off down the TARDIS corridor to your room. You curl up in your bed and try to block out the Doctor’s harsh words. Instead you imagine what the other Time Lords and their planet would be like. It’s not long before you drift off into a light sleep. 
— — — — 
You're awoken not long later by the sound of the TARDIS engines, signalling that you were travelling. You rush out of your room back to the control room in time to see the fam coming back on board. The Doctor greets them in her usually cheery way but you cant help but feel hurt that she jumped forward to pick them up early. So much for Doctor Daughter bonding day. You quickly turn on your heels and go back to your room before anyone spots you. But someone does. 
A few moments later there’s a knock at your door and Graham pokes his head in.
“Alright cockle?” After the mix up during your first meeting Graham had actually become like a father figure to you and you found yourself confiding in him a lot. “What are you doing?” He asks when he spots you packing your few belongings into a backpack.
“Leaving. She clearly doesn’t want me around so-”
“Wait! What are you talking about?! Y/N stop!” He grabs your hands, stopping you from packing anymore and forcing you to look at him “What happened?”
“I asked her to take me to her planet, introduce me to the Time Lords. She got angry and shouted at me and then she skipped forward to pick you guys up early because she doesn’t want to spend time with me.” Your voice cracks slightly and you look away. 
“She does want to spend time with you Y/N, she’s just… awkward. Listen, we’ve all asked her multiple times about her home and every time she either shuts us down or changes the subject. She’s very private about all that stuff”
“But I’m her daughter! I’m the one person she should want to share that stuff with. Instead she told me that she’ll never take me there because I’m not a Time Lord.” You take a deep breath “What if she’s right? What if I’m not a real Time Lord? What am I?”
Graham sighs and shakes his head. 
“I don't know love, only you can answer that. And you know what, who cares if you're not some fancy shmancy Time Lord? I don’t. Ryan and Yaz don’t. We love you just the same, because you're amazing.” He places his hands on your shoulders and looks right into your eyes “You're Y/N! And that’s more than enough” he smiles at you.
“Thanks Graham” you give him a small smile “sometimes I wish you were my real dad” 
“A boring old man like me? Nah you don’t” he laughs “you unpack that bag and join us when you're ready okay?” 
You nod and he leaves the room. You replay his words in your head and sigh, unpacking your stuff again. When you're finished you head out into the control room and spend the rest of the evening chatting to Yaz about what she got up to with her family. 
— — — — 
The next morning you get out of bed early and get ready for your daily swim. You walk down the quiet corridors towards the pool room. The fam are still asleep at this time of morning so the TARDIS is nice and quiet. When you reach the pool you're surprised to see The Doctor stood waiting for you. She looks at you with an awkward apologetic smile as you walk over to her. 
“Never seen you in here before” you state emotionless.
“I want to show you something” 
“In the pool?” 
“No. I knew you always come here every morning and I needed to see you before the fam wake up”
“Okay?” You shrug
“Come with me” 
You follow her back out of the pool room and to the control room. She walks to the TARDIS door and steps out. You stop when you reach the door, cautiously looking out at where you were. 
Before you was a planet unlike any you’d seen. But it was on fire. The sky burnt orange as dark smoke rose from what was left of the buildings. You looked at The Doctor with confusion. 
“Welcome to Gallifrey. Home of the Time Lords” she holds her hand out to you and you take it, stepping out onto the dusty burnt ground. 
“This is your home?” 
“What’s left of it. It was destroyed.”
“By who?” You shake your head, unable to believe what your eyes are seeing.
“The Master.”
“Why? Why would anyone do this?” You feel your heart sinking the more you take it all in. Even though you’ve never been here before, it hurts to see it like this. 
“I don't know” she replies honestly, as she notices the tears filling your eyes “This is why I didn’t want to bring you here. I didn’t want you to see this. Not because I don't think you're a ‘real time lord’ or because I don't want to spend time with you”
You turn to her shocked, how did she know-
“Graham” you whisper to yourself
“He told me how upset you were. And then he told me off for causing it. I’m sorry Y/N. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, I shouldn’t have taken this out on you. It’s not your fault. And you're right, you do have a right to know who you are, and where you come from. I will try to be more open with you.”
You look into her eyes and smile at her as you pull her into a hug. After a moment she pulls away and smiles back at you.
“Take as long as you need here then come back inside, okay?”
You nod and she walks back into the TARDIS, closing the door behind her. You turn back to look at the planet before you, taking a few steps closer. You take a seat on a small mound of burnt grass, bringing your knees up to your chest. You fold your arms over your knees and rest your chin on them, staring out at the planet imagining what it would have once looked like. 
“Beautiful isn’t it” an unknown male voice beside you. 
You look startled at the man who is now sat next to you. 
“Who are you?”
“Me? Im the one who created this masterpiece. You can call me… Master”
Then suddenly everything is dark. 
Part Three
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charcubed · 3 years
fine fuck it I’m making this a post rather than a tag rant because it was too long for tags and I hit publish and tumblr cut it off halfway sjdknfsjdf
(since this is an Actual Post now people can perceive: this is about Jensen’s IG caption today)
I need to say this somewhere publicly because I am slowly going insane:
Talking about / being excited about what celebrities choose to share with us about their private lives is very different in group chats or on Tumblr vs on a super public place like Twitter. Like FIRSTLY I do not know how to explain to people that the concept of “fangirling” over celebrities' lives at all is inherently a pushing of boundaries... and something none of us should be doing at all, quite frankly. THAT BEING SAID, yes I fully get it and I too am by far not immune to being excited when faves interact or are friends or collab or are in love or WHATEVER. People are fans of celebrities, this happens, etc. But objectively speaking it is weird that we get excited about any of that?? Like it shouldn't... matter. And I mention that in this context because imagine you were a celebrity and saw your relationships with people (platonic or otherwise) being ~celebrated~ by random strangers on the Internet. I personally would feel weird?? 
But ANYWAY, this is not to say that the idea of being happy about celebrity interactions / statements is inherently bad! Not really! But the APPROACH PEOPLE TAKE WITH THAT DOES IN FACT MATTER, AS WELL AS WHERE THAT APPROACH IS TAKEN. For example: Twitter is often not the place for it. Or more specifically: yes I'm sorry saying something like “reply ____ to trend it” about celebrities' LIVES is fucking weird. Whether or not you say it's harmless and “oh it won't actually trend”? Things have trended accidentally for less. 
And yes let me just show my hand: this is about 'Mish. Dee.' on Jensen’s post. (Which–not that I need to explain myself or anything but–I absolutely adore but am adoring it IN PRIVATE CHATS not ON THE GODDAMN TIMELINE. Someone was like “just because you don’t get excited–” and I’m like... lmao. Anyway.) A fan on Twitter was like “reply Mish. Dee. to this tweet to trend it” and I was like ??? or we could NOT do that? And then apparently me saying that that was... a bad idea... seemed to be a hot take for some people.
And so: I cannot explain to people that yes it is weird to ~celebrate celebrity friendship~ (?) to the extent of ~trending~ harmless nicknames, jokingly or otherwise. But why is it weird? Aside from the fact that it’s weird on principle because it’s not our business, and because seriously what are you even trying to accomplish by “trending” that (?), this is why: Because you cannot control how other people may or may not behave surrounding the topic of these people's personal lives. (Such as people who talk about cockles on main like fucking maniacs.) Because posting about it on main IN THAT WAY (repeated keywords) inherently runs the risk of other parties seeing it, being like “what’s all this then?” and then picking it up and running with it further. (Such as bibros, journalists, etc.)
People who may be like “these nicknames aren’t news and it’s just for fun and we love them” are missing alllllll of the above as very real points to consider, because Twitter posts are not as harmless/anonymous/unseen as people think. (Please see: Bill Clinton thing.) AND ALSO–here is the part that I cannot say on main and especially on Twitter partially because I am aware that it makes me sound fucking insane–with these celebrities specifically, yeah, I think there’s a higher risk involved because they seem to be IN A QUEER POLY RELATIONSHIP AND ARE CLOSETED ABOUT THAT. 
Like... ohhhh my God... I literally live in fear of the day when some random journalist starts poking around and connects the dots that are out there and are VERY EASY TO CONNECT, and then somehow CORNERS ONE OF THEM IN AN INTERVIEW about it. ESPECIALLY JENSEN. Like, this is what happened to Lee Pace! This is how many people are forced to come out! Do y’all not realize that we are at all times a stone’s throw away from this becoming a problem, especially since Jensen is about to get even more famous through The Boys!
Putting any celebrities’ personal lives under a microscope, whether unintentionally or otherwise, is never a good idea. Those posts do not exist in a vacuum or echo chamber the way people seem to think. Shit can get out of hand on Twitter dot com very easily. And so I am just like... for the love of God... be mindful about what you say and where you say and HOW you say it. In the same way that sometimes talking about J and M without using their actual names to avoid keywords is a better course of action (because they trend at the drop of a hat out of nowhere! Seriously, people!)... avoiding deliberate repetition like having 200 PEOPLE REPLYING TO ONE TWEET WITH ‘Mish. Dee.’ is also a good thing to keep in mind.
This all applies to any celebrities! This is a blanket good and important thing to be mindful about! But my God it is extra good to keep in mind for the sake of what these specific people seemingly have got going on over there in their lives. If you love their love (whether platonic or otherwise) and Jensen’s extremely cute nickname use... then don’t make a big fuckin deal about it where other people can see, for the sake of their comfort levels and the privacy they are allowed to have as human beings and just !!!!! for the sake of not being openly weird about the lives and the relationships of strangers you don’t know personally on a public platform!!!!!!!! Screams
really hope no one is reading this whole post LMAO
at least it’s out of my system now I guess
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
The One That Matters To Me
Hello my friends! I can't believe we arrived to s11 with these Chronicles!
This season is one of most analyzed on the fandom, so I will try to share with you everything I found in my rewatching, but I warn you, most of the things had been discussed on the fandom and are canon facts.
Is a very blatant season to analyze, even the writers were more TEXTUAL when they wanted us to see the SUBTEXT, so, it was easy to see in this season what was it talking about.
Welcome to season 11! Here we go!
"I'm not here to bring you peace."
From the very first moment Amara appears in front of Dean, the dialogue talks us about how Dean will fight back their forced bond...
DARKNESS: I like it here. With you. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long, long time.
DEAN: Well, let's get something straight -- I'm not here to bring you peace. I know what you are.
This happens in the first episode in season 11 and Dean is showing her the limit. I'm not here to bring you peace. It means, I'm not here to be your friend. We are enemies.
He's marking the boundary between them. And this will be his fight for the rest of the season.
Worried about each other
I want to talk first about a little foreshadow with a Castiel mirror we had in episode 11x01: Mike. Mike was dressed in blue and he had just lost his wife while giving birth his little baby. And Mike will die too. So we had Kelly mirror/the dead mother, Castiel mirror (Mike, foreshadow of his dead) and Jack/baby Amara.
But let's talk about the Destiel phone call.
DEAN: Where the hell are you, Cas?
(The scene flips between Sam and Dean at the hospital, and Castiel in the woods.)
CASTIEL: I'm...I'm okay.
DEAN: You don't sound okay.
CASTIEL: Dean, I am fine. Besides, what I have, you can't help me.
DEAN: What do you mean, what you have?
CASTIEL: Just please tell Sam -- Rowena escaped with the Book of the Damned and the codex.
DEAN: Okay, forget Rowena. Where are you?
CASTIEL: Now, you tell me -- the Mark . . .
DEAN: Oh, really? You're worried about me after everything that I’ve --
CASTIEL: Dean, is it gone?
DEAN: Yes. I'm good. I mean, I'm not great.
(Gif set credit @adorkabledean )
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CASTIEL: Makes two of us. (Dean puts Cas on speakerphone) This is good news.
Okay this is very sweet, first of all, Cas doesn't want Dean been worried about him, so he changes the conversation, but Dean teuesnto make him come back to talk about how is Cas. But Castiel switches again, asking about the mark. Is hilarious because they want to know about each other safety but not to tell about their own, because they put each other first.
And Castiel face of relief is too much for our heart. Like... Thatvwas the only thing that matters to him, and vice versa (💙💚).
And then, Dean thinks Cas should be mad at him after he kicked his ass in the bunker but, as always, Cas forgives him.
But not just that, the last quote Cas says makes Dean worry more.
CASTIEL: (pauses at a sound in the woods behind him) Sam, Dean . . . Goodbye. It may be some time before we see one another again.
DEAN: Wait, Cas. Cas!
If Dean wanted to get away from that hospital, now he wants it more.
First Kiss
Episode 1 ends with Amara saying this...
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(gif set credit @justjensenanddean )
"We're bound, Dean. We'll always be bound. You helped me. I helped you. No matter where I am, who I am . . . We will always help each other."
But episode 11x02 starts with Jenna saying this interesting quote...
"Had my first kiss at that blue house over there."
We all recalled the kiss between Dean and Amara and how that, after a few episodes, was taken as a curse, (I will explain this in the following metas) But is good to point this quote, with Jenna being the righteous girl mirror of the righteous man saying her FIRST KISS happened IN A BLUE HOUSE.
What this means? It means... Dean had his first kiss with Castiel. (blue=Cas) It means Dean is already taken. Dean has already a chosen profound bond with Castiel. So even if Amara is saying 'we're bond' or even if she kisses him, Dean has already his first kiss with Cas, their profound, strong, unique bond with his angel. The man he loves.
(Gif set credit @hallowedbecastiel )
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This is the episode in which Billie appears for the first time, making a presentation of what the Empty will be, and I forgot to mention in the episode 1 Mike says he will go to hide into a dark place and wait. Mike, as Castiel mirror, is foreshadowing Cas in the Empty, the place where nothing comes back.
This episode shows us too how angel's torture Castiel, mocking him about his bond with Dean, and threatening him to cut his virility, just because they are against Castiel's relationship and feelings for Dean. Much of them find it dirty, against their Sacred Oath.
Paying my debts
Episode 11x03 (directed by Jensen Ackles) showed us a very protective and touchy Dean Winchester 😏
The spell Rowena threw on Cas powered up his guilts and weakness, so it terrified Castiel at the point to leave him weak and depressed, facing his fears and dark side.
When Dean finds him tryin to hurt a woman, Cas, out of his mind, fights against him, and Dean just functioned as a receptor of his punches.
Dean tries to reason with him but it was in vain, till Rowena releases him.
(Gif set credit @yourfavoritedirector )
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The scene in which Dean comforts his friend is very touchy and warm. He grabs delicately Castiel's head and tries to search for his eyes. So sweet and I can't stop watching it... Of course Jensen /Dean touches Cas/Misha marvelous thigh after this, but that's just fanservice... Or Cockles, whatever 😏🤣🤣
Is very sad too after all of this, watch Dean rejecting Castiel's attempts to heal him. Because he needs to pay a doubt. Because it hurts him so much he punched Castiel after everything he did for him and after hearing his loyal and full of love speech. So he prefers to carry with the physical of being hit by his powerful friend as a purge of his guilts.
To Conclude
From the begining season 11 settles Amara had came to prove Dean's profound bond with Castiel. She's darkness, and curse, and Castiel is light and chosen love.
Castiel starts to drown into his own darkness (depression and fears).
Hope your liked this first meta, see you in the next one.
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If you want to be added to this list, just let me know.
Buenos Aires May 19th 2020 5:58 PM
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