thatsnotfriendship · 1 month
Unlike the rest of the mane6, Rainbow Dash and Applejack never have male love interests.
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And they (especially Rainbow) are visibly uncomfortable with the flirting from male ponies.
In conclusion, lesbians.
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mycorrhizastar · 1 year
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boobsperv01 · 2 years
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chromo-gram · 2 months
sent the sillys to the glass hell dimension
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Don’t know if they’ll ever escape…hopefully they will before trial one starts.
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light trial two spoilers
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regressidepressi · 3 months
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hipertimesia1999 · 1 year
Me gustas más ahora
Me gustas más ahora,
¿Será que te pueda amar también?
¿Por qué tenías que ser tan dulce conmigo?
Hubiese preferido que seas cruel, que me hagas pedazos, así como otras con las que traté.
Pero no, no eres así;
Joder!, eres muy diferente.
Fuiste tan dulce conmigo, acaso fue por ¿compasión? O quizá es ¿modestia?
No lo sé, pero me has dejado perplejo, hubiese preferido que fueses cruel conmigo, así solo tendría que dedicarte un último escrito y dejar de lado el sentimiento.
Cariño, te portaste tan bien conmigo, me diste
inspiración, aliento y muchas razones para amarte, aunque no me hayas dicho eso de amarte…
Me gustas más ahora, por tu lindo rechazo de mi admiración y amor hacia ti, por tus labios, tu tierna mirada, por tu maquillaje delineado que resaltan tus increíbles ojos, por los puntitos y lunares en tu rostro que me recuerdan a la inmensidad de los astros, por tu tierno abrazo; que cuando ocurrió me di cuenta que tuve frío toda mi vida, cariño no encuentro las palabras, y como alguien ya lo dijo, amar es una palabra muy débil para describir lo que siento.
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justgutsythings · 2 years
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saint-official · 1 year
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Date Received: 12/31/99 (presumably.)
Item #0006
Classification: Illusion, Dimensional, Mental. Other.
(note from management: spelling and grammatical errors preserved in this document for sake of emphasis of the effects this item has.)
(note from management: whoever brought this in during the party last night and left it where Julian could find it should come forward immediately. This kind of childish nonsense is unacceptable in the workplace.)
miss Kelly said to write this down so. it is a plates with seinfeld’s face on it. It has seinfeld’s face on the front of it. Saw him in person once, funny guy. He didf this thing with a dove and a pair of handcuffs that had tthe hwole audience dying. I was so sad when he killed himself after the 1990 Incident. The plate is a round white plastic playe with seigneld’s face on it on the front of it. It makes your food that you eat taste funny. Not like weird funny but. Like the concept of funny if it had a taste. I showed it to Lana and she smacked it out of my hands. I asked her why and she said that apparently I had been eating tuna off of it for several hours. My head’s starting to clear up now.
Lana said that I was sitting in the breakroom from about 7 this morning to Noon, during which time I apparently would empty a can of tuna onto the plate, eat it all, laugh for several minutes, and repeat the process. 40 cans. I ate 40 cans of tuna. I’m not sick, and I actually feel a bit hungry, so I’m going to say there’s some kind of dimensional magic alongside whatever else.
The item is a white, plastic collectible dinner plate with the image of Jerry Seinfeld during a standup performance printed on the face. If eaten off of, it will place the subject in a trance-like state of delirium, during which the subject will begin eating whatever they can find off of the plate, apparently finding some aspect of the experience wildly hilarious.
(note: when I asked Lana why she watched me eat tuna like the Joker for 5 hours, she said, and I quote, “Iunno. It was funny.” Something to look into. She’s been acting really weird. -Julian)
(note from management: Something to look into, indeed. However, given your rapid amnesia about the experience, we might not have found out about this if not for her, so I’m willing to be lenient.)
Creator: unknown
Acquisition note:
snuck in during the NYE party by some prankster who thinks it’s funny to distract me from my duties. And who knew I loved Seinfeld. So, basically, everyone in archiving is a suspect.
(note from management: Everyone in the Archiving Department will be subject to a mandatory HR Workplace Sensitivity training session.)
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dsmasher · 2 years
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kiwicidios · 2 years
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ིιྀ 𝇈 ᣞ Punk Tatics 🎧💮 ˙࿇ . ˙༓
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boobsperv01 · 2 years
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chromo-gram · 2 months
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“Each colour of carnation flower has a separate, definitive meaning. A pale red denotes admiration and the idea that “my heart aches for you,” while dark red conveys feelings of deep love and affection.
Pink carnation flower meanings include gratitude and the concept of never forgetting someone.
A yellow carnation bloom expresses the idea of rejection and disappointment with someone.”
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kindawolfs · 3 months
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Day 6 of drawing LPS everyday(or nearly anyway)till I either get bored or forget Here is pet number 0006 a lil doggo
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35mmproject · 7 months
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I guess they thought the shower tile looked cool? Which, tbf, they were completely right.
[Check out our vintage photography store on Redbubble]
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everydayzoro · 5 months
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