rabbitboy · 5 days
1: 〇(東京都) [JP] 2024/04/17(水) 15:20:42.42 ID:j6+6HxA80● BE:393671931-2BP(2000) 最新の筋トレの科学 ・筋トレの頻度は高いほど筋肥大の効果が高い。毎日やるのが最高。 ・セット数は多ければ多いほど筋肥大の効果が高くなる。 ・筋トレでオーバートレーニングになることはほとんどない。 ・筋肉痛は筋肉の損傷とは関係ない。筋肉痛があっても筋トレをした方がいい。 ・筋トレを長期間続けて疲れがたまっていると感じるのは、飽きた、やる気がなくなったなどの精神的な理由。 ・高負荷低回数の筋トレより低負荷高回数の筋トレの方が筋肥大する。 ・筋肉を意識すると挙げられる重量が下がる。 ・フリーウエイトもマシンも筋肥大の効果は同じ。 ・筋トレ後30分以内にたんぱく質を摂取しても、ほかのタイミングで摂取する場合と比べて効果は変わらない。 ・寝る前のたんぱく質摂取は睡眠の質を下げる。 ・まとめて食事を摂取しても小分けにして摂取しても筋肥大に差はない。 ・たんぱく質と炭水化物を同時に摂取しても、たんぱく質だけ摂取する場合と比べて筋肉の合成に差はない。 ・EAAは値段が高いだけで効果はプロテインと同じ。 ・筋トレ前に炭水化物を摂取しても筋トレのパフォーマンスは上がらない。 ・空腹で運動しても筋肉は分解されない。 ・1日16時間絶食しても筋肉は分解されない。 SmithMachineBenchPress 16: 警備員[Lv.2][新][苗](長崎県) [JP] 2024/04/17(水) 15:30:21.86 ID:KIcH2jGN0 「最新の論文」は批判的考察がまだされていない 新しいから正しいなんてことはなくむしろ危ない
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lady-earthsea · 4 months
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♡link♡: https://www.wattpad.com/story/228824647?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Honeydew_froggo&wp_originator=43kyS2F2dygd%2FqXp0jRUEtVtvmlMpvYVzOyMvbdlTTCFHIz%2Bp%2B6bKc3gBvRQ9CjSb4B52%2FMIGAQRbJfgKHo0QlcJOKPNgLlrZ4YGxpg7p399UUw8XOvi0tfNVp2uAPPx
Hi MDZS lovers! If you're interested in reading fics with ocs that get transported into the MDZS world,please check out my fic Not From This World on Wattpad!
This fic is my original work since 2020 and is only available on Wattpad, Quotev, and coming soon to AO3 and Tumblr. Id appreciate it if you could also vote on Wattpad and follow me back for updates!♡♡♡
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jaguarmen99 · 2 years
529 名前:水先案名無い人[sage] 投稿日:2022/06/05(日) 19:41:38.43 ID:g4Ls8sT+01 パラス(東京都) [CA] 2022/06/05(日) 07:31:19.06 ID:T4G9q/Pk0● BE:633829778-2BP(2000)お鯛@otto_morgen「海外の住宅みたいに玄関の段差を無くしたいんです!ドアも内開きで!日本だけヘンだよ!」って言われてそこまで言うならって作ったら「砂ぼこりが家の中まで入ってきて掃除メンドイ、狭い玄関でドアの回転半径に靴おけなくて不便」って1年目の訪問でボロクソに言われた事があります。
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kintsuru · 4 months
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prsshft2run · 1 year
BPS celebrates nothing in particular before getting a pretty exciting phone call. Mark's over Sarah's shit already and ideas are being born.
"Can you do... three nights?" She asks, and Evelin's eyes widen while Sarah sits back and breathes through her teeth. One night out was pushing it with her family sometimes; how could she persuade three?
"Three?!" She balks in a whisper to Evelin, who shrugs. Jonah seems just as shocked, but Adam stares at his phone as he jots down the phone number.
"I'm away from home on a business trip. I'm sure it would give you enough time to deal with him."
"Uhm, well..." Adam looks up, and though everyone seems opposed to staying so long, the woman continues.
"How about... $500 a night?"
"Oh, hell yeah!" Jonah suddenly says, and Sarah laughs at how Adam attempts to muffle him again. Very clearly failing.
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xxlockedinxx · 1 year
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Demon of My Dreams (ReVamped) - Epilogue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1321855249-demon-of-my-dreams-revamped-epilogue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=BriannaPeace&wp_originator=fMyC0wrMqLPsdws28OaeZWQKhlIXXrpODumIj9pRCG9wJXXQE4bozmNdG041qfeoCRl9%2B3bOv5ynT6H2tP%2BP%2BC%2BuH9gObS41kzdCocqnDFYAYQoOsEdxjcc7mJ%2FzLOD9 Image is Not Mine Humans and demons have been at war for as long as the two could remember. When the demons Prophecy seems to be coming true, the results are ones that the two never even saw coming. SasuNaru, ItaKyuu. Yaoi, Boyxboy. MPreg A ReVamped version of Demon of My Dreams from my old fanfcition account, coldndrowning911
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urusura · 7 months
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yamayoezokkuma · 1 year
嫌儲インド料理部🇮🇳 自作派も外食派も カレーもビリヤニもワタラッパンもウェルカム [615980847]
116 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ b709-8Gkk) 2022/02/13(日) 15:52:36.72 ID:pHEuj3L90BE:615980847-2BP(1000)
出展は「だいたい1ステップか2ステップ! なのに本格インドカレー」
 お わ り
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plasticdreams · 1 year
2: 2023/03/05(日) 16:18:33.08 ID:IjyBp1f90 BE:271912485-2BP(1500) sssp://img.5ch.net/ico/nida.gif 動画 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1630263835901698054/pu/vid/460x816/k92ornv2Lwmt3xBe.mp4 15: 2023/03/05(日) 16:22:03.82 ID:oPiO6oFT0 みんな自分の荷物取りに来てるだけじゃん 18: 2023/03/05(日) 16:22:54.07 ID:CDavQHiJ0 >>15 強えぇw 32: 2023/03/05(日) 16:25:25.95 ID:I85MU+rY0 >>15 少しでも配達の手間を減らそうとする素晴らしい国民性
【動画】アメリカの道路にAmazon配送車を停車させた結果wwwwwwww : 車ちゃんねる
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The SCION - Part 64 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1320088825-the-scion-part-64?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=illorien&wp_originator=9AdZGiuIYmb3bWhG9V7VoOmfYHb1wtqmrScbPd%2BP%2F402OKbT4%2BRL4cSnTHNPahAc59KM1%2FY8IaiDGz48c9gnNtZ2wSJD%2Fh97qzbo9GlBHgMz5SxGrhf7Kpe3fjlhX7iG A young man seeks out his true destiny while protecting those who are important in his life and tirelessly fighting to uncover his thru purpose and waging war among hordes of creatures sent by eight malefic but powerful Elysian god's who were banished into the void because of their rebellion against the multi-world singular ruler and Creator, as they continue to inflict chaos in countless other worlds to clash among each other as wave destruction and death for their own amusement.
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matsukaze008 · 1 year
Hi everyone!
I invite each and every one of you to read my story, 'The Broken Mask'.
Just to let you know I accept all comments and criticism! Please let me know your true opinion!
For those of you who are wondering this fanfiction is Tenma-centric, since I don't think there is (or could ever be) enough stories about him!
Also, if you have any questions or comments about anything don't hesitate to ask, since it will be my pleasure to respond!
Anyways, this is all, please let me know what you thought about my story!
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johntbuckley · 2 years
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The Life and Football Glory of Corporal Kenny Radler Part 5! - The Life and Football Glory of Corporal Kenny Radler Part 5 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1255035981-the-life-and-football-glory-of-corporal-kenny?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=JohnTBuckley&wp_originator=o9Qh%2BaaiZX4v2cLXiZc3d5vxA4fwI%2B0jojd3g5RLWv1nIE72ML5WHM%2Bp%2BhYlGRsTZq2bad52D0QTqDKGtgFq3E2tTytcsjJ66qPCyiB9V4BgoWYKah1eB6v05t%2Fm9znR The incredible almost true story of Corporal Kenny Radler. Part 4 finds him contending for the starting quarterback slot against Tom Brady. Then a simple handshake changes their fortunes forever!
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
3: ゆうゆう(神奈川県) [JP] 2023/04/27(木) 10:19:38.72 ID:cvQ7dhuv0 BE:128776494-2BP(9500) sssp://img.5ch.net/ico/nida.gif ※NFTとは なんか番号付きのデジタルアートを「世界で唯一あなただけが持てるデジタルアートです」とかなんとか言って 数万円だの数億円だので売りさばく意味不明なビジネス 129: こんせんくん(茸) [TR] 2023/04/27(木) 11:17:54.81 ID:rcaV7kdd0 >>3 色々間違ってるけど本質は合ってるw
痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : NFT(デジタルアート)ブーム終わる 3億円で買ったNFTが150万円に もはや詐欺 - ライブドアブログ
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kintsuru · 1 year
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xf-2 · 2 years
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chanyoungies · 1 year
ok no back breaking for now we'll go back to it in one hour (<- wants to wait for 2bp to recover to finish this day before she starts using the things)
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