#2min archive
2cinnamin · 2 years
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Taemin: [slut mode activated; must out-slut everyone]
Minho: [... giggles and runs away]
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skz-fanfic-recs · 2 months
can't stop seeing stars by daltokkis
“seungmin,” minho squints, tapping his pen against his clipboard with a frown, “you and your cabin have been here quite a lot lately." his faux serious facade fades as he lets out a giggle. “we have n-” the last few weeks of seungmin’s life flash before his eyes. "chan skinned his knee trying to copy changbin's backflips." "hyunjin ‘accidentally’ threw the volleyball into jisung’s face." “changbin's got stung by a bee." “in my butt!” “…in his butt…” his smile drops and he stares minho dead in the eyes. he drops his voice to a whisper as if jeongin, who is literally standing next to him, wouldn’t be able to hear. “listen. it’s not me. it’s them.” he picks jeongin up by the armpits, shaking him in front of minho for good measure. “look at him.”
seungmin is a camp counselor whose kids keep getting injured. minho is the camp nurse who is convinced that seungmin is just coming up with any excuse to come see him.
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ttathinker · 9 months
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[NO EASY CHALLENGE] - Lee Know & Seungmin (210908)
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adorkastock · 8 months
Video Movement References on Patreon!
My Patrons at all levels get 2x video references each month. There's over 70 video references available in my archives!
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Today's video includes me trying to keep my hands symmetrical for 2min while doing various movements. Here's some peeks at the type of poses you can pull from video refs:
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deeptrashwitch · 2 months
Task Force 267
A team composed only by spec ops Marines (Raiders), created after the first gulf war for light infantry interventions and sabotage missions. It has, always, six members and the command officer, no register of secondary teams. Its motto is "never doubt, do the mission", that reflects exactly how the TF works.
Last mission known: Operation Firewall
Current status: Desauthorized
Stationary base: Camp Lejeune, NC
Former command officers: [...] Cpt. William "Artemis" McAllister (2000-2005), Cpt. Oliver "Deepwater" Reyes (2005-2010) and Cpt. Alicia "Guardian" Marchant (2010-2016)
Note (??): Artemis has been taken care of, Guardian is more difficult
CIA contact link: [Redacted]
Actual members: Lt. Richard "Blade" Porter (2016) (deceased), Sergeant Leo "Tiger" Jameson (2016) (deceased), Sergeant Kate "Hope" Petrova (2016) (deceased), Corporal Sean "Marble" Walker (2016) (deceased), Private Arthur "Lotus" Greenhill (2016) (deceased) and Private Jason "Runner" King (2016) (deceased)
Note (??): What a shame. They were as stubborn as their Captain
Richard "Blade" Porter
First words: "Private Porter, ready for service!"
Last words: "I'm sorry Guardian, but I can't do this anymore. It's my turn to protect the team"
Cause of death: Silt throat.
Leo "Tiger" Jameson
First words: "Pleasure to meet you, sir. I'm Private Jameson"
Last words: "Please, no more...just no more"
Cause of death: Bullet wound
Kate "Hope" Petrova
First words: "Private Petrova at your orders, Captain! I'm ready for the mission!"
Cause of death: Chemical burns inside the digestive system
Sean "Marble" Walker
First words: "Good morning Captain, we are ready to go"
Last words: "It hurts so much, but I'm so tired..."
Cause of death: Blood loss
Arthur "Lotus" Greenhill
First words: "Captain, it's a pleasure"
Last words: "Forgive me, I never...sorry. I'm sorry"
Cause of death: Bullet wound
Jason "Runner" King
First words: "Hi Captain! I hope we can work well together"
Last words: "Mom...I wanna go home. I wanna see my mom. Please Captain, can we go?"
Cause of death: Bullet wound
Alicia "Guardian" Marchant
First words: "I'm Sergeant Marchant, welcome to your new life, Privates"
Last words: "Kill me already. You took everything from me. Fucking end with this..."
Cause of death: Unconfirmed
Note (??): Unfortunately we lost comms with Orisha to be sure of the cause of death
Archive 0834173: Last Meteor (June 20th, 2016). Seventh interrogation. 10 minutes. [Corrupted audio]
▶️ ------------------------- 0:00/10:08
"Won't you talk? You know the price"
"...I'll never w[static]"
"It's a shame. The spec ops soldiers are well valued as mercenaries"
"Fuck off"
*horrified screams (2min)* *sobs*
"Where is the team assigned to Lebanon?"
"K-kiss my ass"
"As rabid as a dog even wounded, huh? Then maybe [static]"
"Wow, I might have found your weakness, Guardian. Bring the other one!"
[Static] [Static] [Click] [End of record]
Note (??): Interesting...apparently Guardian is this loyal to her people. This is something I need to see later
Luke felt nausea when he stopped reading and hearing, throwing to the side the earphones while feeling a chill down his spine. He wondered why Wraith gave him that archive, it didn't have anything to do with their mission on Madagascar. As well, hearing that voice he knows so well, it was terryfing.
He walked out of his office with the archive, going to Alicia's office. For a second he doubted before knocking and entering, looking at the Captain and their Coordinator.
"I don't understand why are you giving me this, but if it's a joke...never do it again" he hissed while giving the archive back to Wraith
"A recorder?" Alicia muttered while taking the earphones
"Wait Captain!"
Then the woman pressed play and for a second nothing happened, but then she got pale and her face filled of fear. She practically ripped off the earphones, throwing them with the recorder to the floor. It shattered and she stumbled back, almost falling. Luke was quick to hold her, surprised to feel her shake out of fear and to watch her eyes filled of tears.
"Why he has this?" she whispered towards Wraith, now filled with anger "why do you gave it to him?"
"I didn't" the agent said with surprise "this archive was presumed lost"
"I'll explain you later, I promise, but I need to investigate all this. Mostly who is Orisha"
"Carabalí, he was Orisha. That's how he referred to himself"
"Then I'll look who gave this to Lieutenant Michaelis and who was the last one to edit this archive. We'll talk later"
Like that, Wraith left the office and Luke let go Alicia, who just looked at the void for a second. The red-haired was worried for her, and tried to take her back, swallowing his own questions. But then Alicia sighed and blinked before sit down in front of her desk, feeling suddenly weak.
"Do you need water, Alicia?" he asked, sitting by her side
"No...no, I'm fine" she said while nodding "you may have questions, do just one and I'll answer"
"...Why they put you as dead?"
"I don't know, but probably they thought that I was dead once I stopped moving"
"Stopped moving...?"
Alicia didn't answer, but Luke could see how her eyes lost any shine they had, and how she tensed as a wire. That was enough answer. It was better not to ask.
"If it makes feel any better, I'll be by your side if you have to face that past again..."
"Thanks boy" she whispered with a bitter smile "but you don't need to see what would I become if I ever face my past"
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the-sunshine-dragon · 4 months
hi sunny! i hope you're well! 1, 3, 4, 10, 15 and 26 for the fic asks? <3
Hey! I'm doing alright, sorry it took me so long to answer your ask.
(What's something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?) I think really the only thing I tried this year was ficlet stuff. I would definitely do it again, but I think I also learned that ficlets can be a blessing and a curse.
3. (What's something you learned about yourself as a writer?) I have absolutely no idea how to pace myself. It's been a lot of all or nothing throughout my writing career(?) and I would like to figure out a way where I can be more consistent with what I'm working on. Whumptober, though fun, really burned me out, and I think I wasn't anticipating that when I should have, especially with some of what was going on in my personal life at the time.
4. (What piece of media inspired you the most?) Ooo...Well, ya know, the High&Low series finally ended up being the thing that got me to write for Whumptober for the first time, so probably that! Otherwise, it's been a rather uninspired, muse-less year with more fics and ficlets than I care to admit 😅
10. (What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?) An Objective Reply To A Subjective Question was a lot of fun to work on! Taking a stab at my first (and only, I believe) "canon" work for 2Min was pretty interesting. It was also one of the happier fics I worked on this year, heh.
15. (Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023) The Heart of a Summer Child Born in Spring
It's a little two fic series, but it's basically the same idea told two different ways. But, fair warning, it is depressing. I was not in a good place when I wrote both versions, so it was kind of cathartic to write, but...yeah.
I do have an unpublished fic for High&Low that, if posted, I would rec, but that will have to wait for a future date.
26. Either FINISHING FLIPPING WHUMPTOBER IN ALL ITS 31 PROMPTS GLORY or being the first to start an archive on ao3 for a shiny new fandom >:) Both were pretty satisfying.
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bundles0fminho · 5 months
just started writing a 2Min fic on AO3, if you’re interested, give it some love ♡
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fandork · 8 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better--tagged by @too-raph. thank you <333 !
1. top 3 ships:
NEXT QUESTION. ah, fuck it. c u r r e n t l y: 2Min, OT3Racha, and ToddBlack.
2. first ship:
palletshipping (at least it was the first ship where i knew what "shipping" was.)
3. last song:
idk. listened to a friend's halloween playlist when she drove me home this afternoon.
4. last movie:
a Goonies screening a while back. i don't watch movies often.
5. currently reading:
Rhythm of War, book 4 of The Stormlight Archive, only i haven't made progress in an embarrassingly long time.
6. currently watching:
not much! i've been putting on old seasons of Ink Master for background noise to draw to. Kiseki: Dear to Me (on account of i'm a sucker for a punk character in media) is the only drama i'm completely caught up on. almost done watching S1 of Bungou Stray Dogs with @ springkitten.
7. currently consuming:
in-between dinner and obligatory snack time, so just water. :(
8. currently craving:
i want a fancy coffee. but i refuse to pay 6-10 usd for one rn, so alas, i am without.
going through my activity notifications. no pressure at all if you don't want to! @rares-posts @starlost-lix @accal1a @mightymightygnomepriest @emberfaye @bringonthehayl @quokka97 @alittlebitofrainbyyourside @nodtnutthasid
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introverted-ghost · 2 years
Top 5 devastating tragic deaths of fictional characters and top 5 animals you'd like to hug
Gosh if you asked me this like 6months ago I would’ve had shit ton of answers but let’s try, in no particular order
1. Def Yuugo from the promised neverland (actually couldn’t do anything for like two hours afterwards I was so upset)
2. Caleb wittebane from the owl house (does this even count? Probably not)
3. OH ZANE FROM NINJAGO (he came back like 2mins later but when I was young I would cry every time)
4. Deet from dark crystal: age of resistance (didn’t technically die if I remember correctly but still hurt like balls)
5. Tim stoker from the Magnus archives (really debated putting Marcy here but in the end they aren’t dead that long so Tim gets the spot)
Ok I assume you mean animals I’d like to hug but can’t so yeah (once again no order)
1. Any kind of bear really (no further note)
2. Megalodon (extinct and would eat me no hesitation but I think it’d be cool)
3. Alligator (they can literally stand up to give me a hug, wouldn’t that be convenient)
4. Brachiosaurus (one of my favourite dinos and also I could hug their neck and we could go places)
5. Great devourer (there’s no way this one counts it’s not even a real animal but 7yo me instantly wanted to hug it when I saw it so…)
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2cinnamin · 2 years
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skz-fanfic-recs · 5 months
long fics
sometimes you have time on your hands and want to read some long skz fics. here are some that won't disappoint. :)
five stars by mazauric
this is definitely my favorite skz fanfic ever, but read at your own risk. this title contains major character death and graphic depictions of violence. themes of cannibalism are present. it is 420690 words and 35 chapters long. the main pairing is jeongjin (aka. jeongin x hyunjin)
do you feel deja vu? by nnooorraa
this was a warm read. jisung's ex-boyfriend's new boyfriend is minho. he gets along almost "too well" with his love rival. this is tagged as an "enemies to friends to lovers." it is 123,149 words and 12 chapters long. the main pairing is minsung (aka. minho x jisung)
come on home by crookedtime
the angst killed me, but there's a happy ending! minho and jisung were adorable in this. there are graphic depictions of violence, so if that isn't your thing, skip this one. it is 206,755 words and 25 chapters long. the main pairing is minsung (aka. minho x jisung)
it is worth noting that all of the fics above contain explicit sexual content.
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t-jfh · 8 months
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(Photo by Aaron J. Thornton - Getty images)
I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You — containing the single, Respect — is the tenth studio album by American singer Aretha Franklin released on March 10, 1967, by Atlantic Records.
Two singles were released to promote the album: Respect and I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You). The former topped the Billboard Hot 100, while the latter reached the top 10.
Respect is a song written and originally recorded by American soul singer Otis Redding. It was released in 1965 as a single from his third album Otis Blue / Otis Redding Sings Soul and became a crossover hit for Redding.
Aretha Franklin’s rearranged version of Respect is significantly different from Otis Redding’s original version, while a few changes in the lyrics resulted in different narratives around the theme of human dignity that have been interpreted as commentaries on traditional gender roles.
Franklin's interpretation became a feminist anthem for the second-wave feminism movement in the 1970s and has often been considered one of the best R&B songs of its era.
YouTube video >> Aretha Franklin - Respect (1967 / 2mins.+24secs.) [Black Music Archive]:
RESPECT (lyrics):
(oo) What you want
(00) Baby, I got (oo) What you need
(oo) Do you know I got it?
(00) All I'm askin'
(oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)
I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong (oo) 'cause I don't wanna (00)
All I'm askin' (oo)
Is for a little respect when you come home (Just a little bit)
Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)
I'm about to give you all of my money And all I'm askin' in return, honey Is to give me my propers
When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)
— instrumental break —
Ooo, your kisses (00)
Sweeter than honey (00)
And guess what? (00)
So is my money (oo)
All I want you to do (oo) for me
Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby (re, re, re, re)
Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now (just a little bit)
Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB
Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
I get tired (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit) (re, re, re, re) 'spect
When you come home (re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)
I got to have (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
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sorcadh · 8 months
Aideen Barry
 Barry is an artist whose work encompasses a vast range of disciplines and subjects, such as domestic labour, environmental fracture, and human vulnerability. Her work meditates on feminism, classism, intersectionality, and inequality. Utilising archives, museums, and other dialectic processes, she seeks to transfer the unknown through the experiential; democratising access to visual culture and complex ideas of otherness through clever ploys of collaboration and plot devices that seduce the viewer into her multi spatial experiences. Her works reflect her commitment to confronting unsettling truths and addressing gaps in the canon.
Levitating 2007
Performative Film
2mins 30 seconds. 4:3 Ratio
Single Channel video with sound
Directed & Performed by Aideen Barry
Xylophone Sound Track by Cathal Murphy
'In-Focus' with multi-disciplinary artist Aideen Barry offers insights into her creative practice and her long relationship with Butler Gallery. Aideen's work 'Hoover Housewife' from the series “Morphology of the Other” is exhibited in our collection and was kindly donated by the artist in 2010.
Aideen Barry on instagram
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shikidrawdraw · 3 years
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gif i made for motion graphics
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krispiecake · 6 years
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archive moodboard for @2min-ty
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catboyazem · 2 years
TPS may have deleted their 1:53 nidhogg enrage video tweet but as long as i never close that tab i'll have it forever
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