#2p taiwan
Ask: 2p Asia with maid SO
I'm sorry it took so long! This one took a bit since I was realized that I hadn’t created everyone in the 2p Asia group. Which is a lot bigger group than I thought. Thanks, Hetalia Wiki for showing me reality.
So I’ll come back to include the last ones when I get character sheets for Osaka, Persia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, but until that day comes, here it is for these few.
China: For him to discover his Qin to be a maid will only increase his flirtatious teasing. Depending on whether you are forced into a French maid outfit or just wearing your casual clothes, you can expect a tug on the hem as he innocently asks you to clean him up.
Cyprus: Georgios will harshly question why you never revealed this secret to him. For a while, the dip in the trust will have him be annoying, in that he is hiding your uniform and supplies. Even your car keys just to get back at you for your secret.
Though, if you told him beforehand then like Jin, he’s gonna tease you when you first arrive home, before holding you and asking about the jerks that stared at you while you cleaned.
Hong Kong: When he saw you coming home from work with your mom, he was confused. Asking you what you are doing with her. The situation was explained while putting away all the cleaning supplies. And he thought it was cool that even at the tender age of 15 that you were already working so hard.
India: Yatin would be confused and his pride a little wounded on how he didn’t see the signs that you were cleaning houses. The calloused fingertips from using harsh chemicals, the subtle smell of bleach on your skin, and even the speckles of dust on your clothes never ceased to make him sneeze.
Though he would bounce back calmly and ask if there was anything he could do to help. After all, a man of pride refuses to let his darling stoop so low.
Japan: Kurai understands that to survive in this world one must work. He also doesn’t care that you do it as long as no one flirts with you or that you are wearing casual clothes, not a French uniform. If it’s the French, then he’ll help you find a new job. Though he wouldn’t mind if you had one just for him.
Korea: Do-yun’s going to be curious about you cleaning houses. He’ll ask if there is a set routine you follow or if would it be all in the air until it's time to find a house. Though as you explain the pros and cons of working young and in a stranger’s home, he is gonna get a little grumpy. Asking why they would hire someone to clean when they don’t trust them or not supply products they like when they hate the ones used.
Macau: Cheung’s first bet once he finds out about your career choice is to get photos of you in your uniform or to get you into a French maid uniform. As you already guessed, he cheated, so one way or another he’s taking photos of you in that outfit. He’ll probably brag that you dress up for him often to other nations when in reality you just wear jeans and an old tee to move sweet old lady’s many fake Christmas trees while cleaning their house.
Niko-Niko: Sana understands, after all, he did the same himself after losing his nationhood. It only deepens that love that you guys hold. He does ask you from time to time about new cleaning supplies that you guys should use on your house. After all you’re the expert.
Russia: Viktor is going to want you to quit. As the man of this relationship, he is going to want to take care of all your needs, including finances. If you beg and say that without a job you’ll go crazy then he’ll ask to be placed on your roster, once a week for a deep clean of his entire house.  
Taiwan: Ming-hui will nod her head and compliment your ability to work under such cruel conditions. She knows that people can be odd or harsh when strangers first enter another’s space, after all, that is how she gets her work done.
Thailand: Pai’s first question is asking if your services extend to cleaning the barnacles on boats because it would be hot to see you cleaning his boat in a swimsuit. Other than that he’s going to be pushy about the secrets you’ve found or ask you to steal something cool.
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Hetalia: Asia Masterlists
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Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
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South Korea
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
Unpopular opinion
•Nekotalia and Mochitalia should not have existed
•America doesn't look like a golden retriever
•Hungary is not all strong goddess
•France is not Canada's father or brother. They don't consider each other related
•America, Denmark, Estonia, Poland, Turkey, Mongolia, Macau and Thailand only tops
•England is absolutely not like a corgi. Wales looks like a corgi
•Finland treats Sweden only as a friend
•Canon heights make sense
•Bad touch trio and black triangle are the most overrated trios
•Nyo!America is not a cute kind girl who doesn't want anything bad
•I prefer Nyo!Romano over Nyo!Italy
•Bad weather trio (America, England, Russia) most underrated trio
•Usuk, amefra, amecan, canfra and maple tea are not bad ships
•Amerus deserves much more popularity
•Ukraine is not fat
•Nyo!England is good with thin eyebrows
•Seychelles, Taiwan and Monaco underrated female hetalia characters
•Rochu and rupru are overrated
•2p!Nyotalia is better than 2p!talia
•Russia is the gayest hetalia character, not Sweden
•Russia should not be top
•2pNyo!America deserves more attention than 2p!America
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puchixtomatoxparade · 8 months
Hetalia RP Server looking for fun and active members!
Hello! I have a server looking for some roleplayers if anybody would be interested. We ask joining members to be at least 16+, please!
We have multiple AUs to choose to RP from, along with canon verse of course, and multiple events planned every month. We allow Canon, Ancients, Nyos, 2Ps, and OCs (As long as they are a nation or a micronation in the micronation wiki list), and a friendly community looking for new people to RP with always! If you have any questions feel free to ask, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can <3
As of time of posting this, canon characters that are open are:
Ancient Rome
Hong Kong
NikoNiko Republic
Northern Ireland
South Korea
...With many more if you're open to Nyos, 2Ps, and OCs!
Thank you for your time and we hope to see you there if you're interested!
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garfieldslsagna · 1 year
Hetalia muses I want to play and might make a multi for.
Hong Kong
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After all these years... finally I have them all.
Jokes aside, I have been working on this 2p bust project for at least a month now, and I am so happy it’s finally complete. It makes me so happy to finally put names and faces and designs to the concept pieces that have been in my head for years and years now. They’ve evolved a lot, and while some are new, some are old, some are completely different from when they started and more than likely three years from now they’ll be unrecognizable compared to these, I’m still very very happy.
Are there concepts I have not on this sheet? Yes. But I want to give them more time to stew before I finally pop the tops on them. I’m just happy to have these.
Yes, if you count there are 32 of them. :)
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nethwan · 3 years
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2PTalia Week
Day 1 - Bad Blood/Partners
2pNetherlands x 2pTaiwan
Li-Hua and Daan are friends, lovers and partners in crime. Under the disguise of an elegant and cultured couple, there are two dangerous criminals who are loyal only to each other. 
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macabre-beth · 3 years
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2p Hetaween Part 4
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milk-with-an-e-art · 5 years
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The canon girls and their 2Ps! I’ve been revamping the gakuen au to include and refine the characters, maybe I should make an ask blog?
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                              2ps are known to lust for blood and power.
Below lies are those that have allowed themselves to be made know, though not without a PRICE.
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           Ancient Egypt 
           Ancient Greece
           Ancient Persia
           Czech Republic
           Holy Roman Empire 
           Hong Kong 
           S. Korea
           New Zealand 
           Niko Niko Republic 
           None at this time
           Principality of Wy 
           None at this time
           Republic of Kuglemugle
           Turkish Republic of Cyprus 
           None at this time
           None at this time
           None at this time
                                            Return to Masterlist
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2P Hetalia Headcanons
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, from starting a few days ago. I will also accept 2p Hetalia headcanons requests.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
2P Axis
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2P Allies
Movie Date with a Trouble Maker (Scenario) 🗡️❤️🍭
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2P Nordics
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2P Baltic
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2P Asia
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South Korea
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2P Eastern Europe
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2P Other
Having S/O Who Doesn't Handle Money Very Well😐🧐❤️
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Having S/O Who Doesn't Handle Money Very Well😐🧐❤️
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Having S/O Who Doesn't Handle Money Very Well😐🧐❤️
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bastard-kingu · 5 years
Yu-Ting 2p Taiwan
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ask2ptaiwan-blog · 6 years
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Ask box not open yet bc under construction but here’s some tentative art I have of how 2p taiwan looks like
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2ptalia-imagines · 6 years
who woudl be in the cast of american pie OwO
Jim Levenstein: 2p Germany
Chris “Oz” Ostreicher: 2p America
Kevin Myers: 2p China
Steve Stifler: 2p Lithuania
Paul Finch: 2p Russia
Heather Gardner: 2p Vietnam
Vicky Lathum: 2p Belarus
Michelle Flaherty: 2p England
Chuck Sherman: 2p Estonia
Jessica: 2p Taiwan
Nadia: 2p Ukraine
Join my Discord
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2p America/Allen Jones
- He thinks it’s super hot that you’re so dominant, even though you’re short
- He also thinks your petite nature is hella sexy
2p Canada/James “Matt” Mathieu Williams
- He’s a little iffy about letting you be the dominant partner but eventually he gets over it
- He’s not used to being given aftercare, so you’ll have to be slow and careful to make him see that it’s good
2p England/Oliver Kirkland
- He very much likes it, since he isn’t very dominant himself
- He loves the aftercare you provide after sex, it makes him feel happy and loved
2p France/François Bonnefoy
- He very much does not like letting you be the dominant one, which ends with you two arguing about it
- He does like your short and petite nature, but that does not mean he’ll let you be in charge
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Adéla: "Most recently? When Jaroslav and Nezha needed to be picked up from some party, piss drunk, only for me and Yi to find that they'd somehow lost Marick. Naturally it took all of us until about 4 in the morning to find him."
tags: @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan @ask-hetaaca-germany @ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium
[Adéla in the second image: "You're both so fucking stupid what is wrong with you two why are you just sitting there how did you manage to forget the name of one of your closest friends what other South African with gold freckles could you two possibly know you are both so irresponsible you can't even be left alone you are grown men who came to this island to get an education and yet instead we are here at 2 am on the other side of perpetuum because 3 grown men cant be trusted to drink responsibly"]
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