#40 - 60kg
awek-s-archived · 1 year
I don’t like that ppl praised moon/byul for giving swan advice regarding comments ppl made about her body weight bc her advice was ‘they’re not fatshaming you because they want you to be insecure they’re doing it because they’re concerned about you🥺’ like what a shitty thing to say to somebody lmao
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banmaihong · 1 month
Vùng đất kỳ lạ có loại bí đao "đột biến", mỗi trái nặng 60kg, chủ phải mắc võng cho nằm
Điều lạ kỳ là giống bí khổng lồ này, nếu đem ra nơi khác ngoài làng Chánh Trạch mà trồng, tối đa mỗi trái chỉ được khoảng 15kg. Bí khổng lồ  không dưới 40 kg phải nằm võng để giảm áp lực, Giống bí khổng lồ, một trái xẻ ra cả xóm ăn mới hết Continue reading Vùng đất kỳ lạ có loại bí đao “đột biến”, mỗi trái nặng 60kg, chủ phải mắc võng cho nằm
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ftm4lnutr1ti0n · 17 days
Ok hi I’m new here to please bear with me. (I’ve been on 3dtwt for a few years tho)
About me:
- Dean
- Transmasculine
- He/Him
- 26yo
- Autistic
- Chronically Ill (POTS/HSD)
- Probably ednos (never got an official diagnosis lol)
- now owns a semi-functioning scale
height: 170cm
hw: 70kgs
lw: 45kgs
sw: 66,7kg
cw: 65.9kg
ugw: between 40-45kgs
gw1: 60kg
gw2: 55kg
gw3: 50kg
Minors, Recovering people, Bigots, Transphobes, Homophobes, F3t1sh people, (will add more eventually)
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r-e-sz-t-k-i · 1 year
Hej motylki Głupi tumbler usunął mi konto - resztkijedzenia Jest mi strasznie źle z tym bo to było moje pierwsze konto odkad jestem z aną (ok. 3 lata) - dlatego zakładam drugie konto Zaczynam od nowa z kontem (nie z dietą!!!) a więc to są moje cele: gw1: 60kg gw2 52 kg gw3: 47 kg gw4: 40 kg Ugw: 31 kg
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drstonetrivia · 6 months
Chapter 13 Trivia
Extremely rare no-abs shirtless male character from Dr. Stone. Keep this picture safe, it's the only one of its kind…
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This is the same location as Taiju passed through on his journey, but taken from an angle slightly further back. Some parts look a little different, but the same broken statues are present.
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The monkeys that follow Senku around are Japanese macaques, which are a species of Old World monkey present across most of Japan. They are also the most northern-living primate (not counting humans), and as such are adapted to the colder Japanese climate in the year 5738.
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Senku couldn't start a fire with this setup, but neither would Taiju or Yuzuriha. The wood is wrong: the bottom should be stable like a plank, with a divot and a notch in it for catching the embers. The drill part should be much thinner, without bark, and rounded at the end.
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Chert is a 7 on the Mohs scale, so it's hard, but not "off the charts".
Senku uses two percussion techniques to shape the stone: hard-hammer and bipolar. The former is used more frequently as it is more precise, but the latter is used when the stone isn't good quality.
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After the rough shaping, Senku grinds the stone to have a polished edge, which makes it more durable. Polishing flint/chert is one of the markers of the transition from the Mesolithic to Neolithic Stone Age, as polished axes were more efficient at clearing trees for farmland.
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I spent some time testing how to make plant cord, and Senku's methods are correct. Scraping away at the plant removes the bark and non-fiber-y parts leaving the long strings behind. Flax, hemp, and nettles are good plant choices, as they have longer fibers for twisting.
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Senku's rope looks like 1-ply, meaning only a single strand is being twisted. This seems to contradict his earlier hand motions, as twisting parts in both hands would result in 2-ply, but his inexperience may be the reason it didn't work correctly. More plys means stronger rope.
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Rubbing sticks raises the heat of the wood through friction, but the goal is to get the wood hot enough to decompose into what's known as pyrolysis products. Those products burn in oxygen, which then raises the heat more and creates a chain reaction, setting the wood on fire.
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Assuming this deer is an adult Japanese sika deer, it weighs around 40-70kg. Senku at this point probably weighs under 61kg. In order to confidently lift a deer, Senku needs to have a counterweight of at least 70kg.
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In this case, he bends a small tree using his own weight (one handed, even), but the chance of this tree being that elastic and capable of lifting over 60kg without simply breaking is almost impossible.
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The more realistic option would have been using a counterweight such as a large log or stone, so that when the trap is activated, the counterweight falls and the trapped animal goes up.
However, that requires Senku to be able to lift something that heavy above his head.
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Making leather requires several steps that can take several weeks to several months to complete. The hides need to be scraped and soaked in special solutions, have tannins added, and other processes.
The gnawing Senku is doing happens after the tanning, and is used to soften the leather. The modern way to do it is to rub it across a smooth/rounded surface, such as a sawhorse or metal pipe. The bending will make it more supple and won't destroy your jaw.
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We see that one of the snow monkeys has a baby on their back. Snow monkey babies are normally born from April to June. Four months after birth, the babies are too big to hang from their mother's underside, so they move to her back.
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The earliest this time scene could be is therefore August, which is about 2 months before Taiju depetrified. Any of Senku's experiments or builds likely happened in those last 2 months, since we don't see him progress with anything else before then.
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I know this chapter took a while, but the topics were too interesting and also testable so I went a little overboard with how hard I was looking things up haha!
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emmachotastuff · 6 days
my ana rules for the next weeks ⭐️🎀
minimum of 5-10k steps a day
never over 500 calories (try to stay under 250 calories)
no binging
no lexatives
vitmamins daily (they have like ca. 40 calories)
I'll post a weight update every third day!!
Start weight: 60kg
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kennak · 7 days
米菓(あられ・せんべい)の主原料であるコメが不足し高騰している。  各都道府県に支部を有する米菓業界の中央団体となる全国米菓工業組合は、昨年11月に他組合との連名で農水省に政府備蓄米の放出を要請し、以降、意見交換を継続的に行っている。  MA米(ミニマムアクセス米)については低廉な価格での安定的な販売を要請。MA米も米国産うるち精米が水不足に伴う作付面積の減少などにより高騰。これに円安が追い討ちをかけている。  現況について、5月20日、同組合第63回通常総代会で新理事長に就任した星野一郎氏(越後製菓会長)は「主原料となるコメ、主にうるち米が、昨年、新潟では40℃を超える高温障害となり米菓用うるちが極端な不足と価格暴騰を起こしている」と語る。  主食用米の23年生産量は計画より7万トン減少。24年6月末の在庫水準は適正水準とされる180万トンを下回る177万トンが見込まれ、23年産米の相対取引価格が高値水準に移行している。  23年産米の相対取引価格は前年比1割増、前々年比2割増の税込1万5303円(60kg当たり)となった。  国は、民間在庫水準はまだ高い水準とみなし、昨年と同数量を生産目標数に定め、加工用米・麦・大豆・飼料用米・米粉用米などへの転作・助成を推進。  ただし加工用米の生産者手取り水準が主食用米の価格に及ばないことから、24年産米作付け意向は加工用米から主食用米への転換が多く見られ、加工用米は今後も非常に厳しい供給環境が予想される。  多くの米菓メーカーが使用する特定米穀は、米どころの新潟・秋田をはじめとする昨年の全国的な高温で発生量が激減。加えて外食需要や清酒需要の回復に伴い、比較的品質のよいとされる中米(ちゅうまい)を含めた特定米穀は、現物が減少する中で異常な高値で取引され、米菓原料としての出回り量は極端に減少している。  農水省は、政府備蓄米の要請に対して慎重姿勢を示す。  2012年(平成24年)に放出したところ、加工用米・特定米穀相場が大幅に下落したためだ。  総代会後の懇親会で来賓挨拶した農水省の平形雄策農産局長は「平成24年に放出して市場にご迷惑おかけしたのを農水省としては忘れてはいけない。よく需給状況をみながら慎重に考えている。まずは国内産地との連携、生産者との結びつきを強めていただきたい」と呼びかける。  MA米については「希望の方には販売する」と述べる。  米国産うるち精米の成約状況は、23年4-6月の103トンが直近の24年4-6月では2839トンと急拡大。タイ産もち精米も拡大。国産米の不足により相当量がMA米に切り替わっていることを如実に示している。
米菓、主原料のコメが不足・高騰 業界団体が農水省に政府備蓄米の放出を要請
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httsliar · 8 months
fone de ouvido bluetooth
sair com algum cara
ficar loira
ingresso pra show de carnaval
67.65 kg
62.90 kg
40 kg
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pleistocene-pride · 3 months
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The Navajo-Churro, also known as the Churro, American, or Navajo Four-Horned is a breed of domestic sheep originating with the Spanish Churra sheep obtained by the Diné Navajo tribe around the 16th century AD. Over the following centuries the Navajo bred the sheep to adapt to a pastoral lifestyle in the harsh deserts and badlands of the american south west. Creating a hearty and disease resistant breed which is well known for its fine wool and lean but delicious meat. The churro became a vital part of Navajo subsistence and culture. When the US military forced the entire Navajo nation to march to a reservation in 1864, they also culled the vast majority of the nation’s livestock including thousands upon thousands of churro sheep. A few herd managed to survive either by being taken with the tribe or fled to remote canyons where they became feral. As part of the Treaty of Bosque Redondo in 1868, the Navajo where allowed to return to there homeland, in addition they were given large quantities of livestock to replace what was slaughtered, which included many western varieties of sheep. Unfortunately these interbreed with the few remaining churro populations and overall contaminated the line. Then in the 1930s the the US government implemented the Navajo Livestock Reduction act in which they again slaughtered a large amount of the Navajo Nation’s livestock, including tens of thousands of sheep. It is estimated at this point only 450 navajo churro sheep remained. In the 1970s The Navajo Sheep Project was launched in an effort to preserve the breed and revitalize Navajo and Hispanic sheep farming. This was somewhat successful and today over 8,000 Navajo Churro Sheep exist. With females reaching around 90 to 130lbs (40 to 60kgs) and males reaching roughly 120 to 185lbs (55 to 85kgs) in weight, the Navajo churro is a smaller sheep with long, thin tails, horizontal ears, narrow bodies, long legs, and a double coat. Most rams have horns, either two or four, but may occasionally have none. Additionally while ewes typically lack horns, females with horns are not uncommon. Churros come in a variety of colors, including reds, browns, black, white, and mixes, and color may change with age, and may have come in color patterns, such as eye patches and hip spots. Mothers typically give birth to twins and under ideal conditions a Navajo Churro may live upwards of 15 years.
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dullb0n3s · 3 months
Heya!! Jestem Robin.
Mam 18 lat i uczęszczam na lekcje indywidualne w technikum. Jestem w subkulturze Goth/Metalhead i uwielbiam chodzić na koncerty. Swoją przygodę z Aną rozpoczełam 3 lata temu ale tak naprawdę czuję jakby była ze mną od zawsze. Kiedyś może opisze wam moją historię ale póki co to wszystko co musicie o mnie wiedzieć.
🌸Bmi: 21
🌸Gw: 55 - Rolki
🌸Gw2: 50 - Nowa torebka
🌸Ugw: 45 - Obcięcie włosów
🌸Ugw2: 40 - Nowe ubrania
60kg✅ - 55kg - 52kg - 50kg - 48kg - 46kg - 43kg - 41kg - 38kg - 37kg - 35kg - 33kg - 30kg
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Moje zasady:
🌸Osiągnąć wagę 50kg 🌸Trzymać się ABC diety 🌸binge = 2 dulco 🌸0 cheat days 🌸Minimalnie jeden 24 godzinny fast w tygodniu 🌸Regularnie prowadze foodbook na tumbrl i w pamietniku 🌸0 fast foodów 🌸Minimalnie 10 tysiące kroków dziennie 🌸Jedzenie dodatkowe wyrzucam. 🌸Minimalnie 1l wody dziennie 🌸Minusowy bilans 🌸Nie wydaję pieniędzy na jedzenie. 🌸Nie mieć napadów 🌸Nie ważyć się wieczorem 🌸Nie jeść przed 20 i po 22 🌸Trzymać się jadłospisu 🌸Każde dodatkowe zjedzone kalorie spalam i odejmuje z następnego dnia.
Cel: 45 kg do 1 czerwca 2024
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Character Overview; Ougai Mori
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❖ Name
; Ougai Mori
Moris real life counterpart, Lieutenant-General Mori Rintarō (森 林太郎, February 17, 1862 – July 8, 1922), known by his pen name Mori Ōgai (森 鷗外), was a Japanese Army Surgeon general officer, translator, novelist, poet and father of famed yaoi author Mari Mori.
❖ Nicknames/Titles
; Sir | Boss | Master | Sensei | Ōgai Mori-dono | Doctor
; Grand Marshal of Outer Space | Mr. Midlife Crisis | Rintarō
❖ Age
; 40 (present) | 36 (Dark Era) | 33 (Fifteen) | 32 (Mafia Boss succession) | 28 (Post-Great War) | 26 (The Great War)
❖ Birthday
; February 17
❖ Ethnicity
; Japanese
❖ Gender | Pronouns
; Male | He-Him-His
❖ Height | Weight
175 cm (5'9") | 60kg (132 lbs)
❖ Blood Type
; O
❖ Occupation
; Mafia Boss | Underground Doctor (former) | Japanese Army Surgeon general officer (former)
❖ Status
; Alive
❖ Likes
; Theory, sweet red bean chazuke
❖ Dislikes
; Dirty things, raw food, mackerel in miso
❖ Family
; No biological family mentioned | Elise (poses as daughter)
❖ Ability
; Vita Sexualis
His ability, Vita Sexualis (ヰタ・セクスアリス,, Wita Sekusuarisu?), is an ability that allows Mori to summon and 'configure' Elise's personality in any way he wills; he can make her levitate, chase after an enemy at high speed, and make her save him no matter what. He can summon Elise as he pleases though it takes a lot of physical energy to do so. And make her attack his enemies with a barrage of large medical equipment.
His ability is based on a book, written by his real life counter part. Vita Sexualis, tells the story of his own journey into sexual awareness, leading to his confusion as he deals with his own asexuality in a society he thinks is oversexualised.
❖ Qoutes
; "I like this city, its dark, seedier parts included… But parasites like you nauseate me."
; “A logical, optimal solution exists in any wartime situation, no matter how difficult the challenge. You must not forget that, especially in times of confusion when you might feel inclined to recklessness.”
; “The leader of an organisation is at the pinnacle of the organization and, at the same time, he is its slave. The leader must be more than willing to commit any atrocity in order to insure the survival of the organization.”
; “Only a diamond can polish a diamond.”
❖ Trivia
; Being a strategist, he has read many works concerning game theory and war tactics and is an expert on the topic.
; Elise calls him "Rintaro", which is the author Mori Ōgai's birth name. It is unknown if this is Mori's real name as well.
; His preferred weapon is a scalpel.
; The author joined the military in order to study medicine, rising in rank to a head surgeon, reflecting the mafia boss' previous occupation as an underground doctor.
; He knows how to disarm a bomb
; He doesn’t know how to play chess
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imperiana · 8 months
Powiedziałam chłopakowi, że chcę schudnąć, bo jestem sobą obrzydzona. Powiedział, że będzie mi w takim razie w tym pomagał, jeśli źle się czuję w swoim ciele. Będzie pilnował, co mogę jeść a czego nie, bo go o to poprosiłam.
Pobudka 4.50.
Na śniadanie fajka.
Kolejna fajka.
Jazda rowem na dworzec, a następnie z dworca do pracy.
Ponownie 2 fajki.
Kupiłam sobie, myślę, że zdrowe śniadanie. Najbardziej przeraża mnie jogurt naturalny, którego nie lubię, ale zmuszę się do jego zjedzenia. Chcę w końcu schudnąć, byle nie być grubą, obrzydliwą świnią. Póki co do 60kg... a nastepnie może 40? Dam sobie radę. Nie mogę siedzieć i ryczeć, że jestem gruba, a potem wpierdalać wszystko na raz, jak wlezie. Chcę być piękna? Mam żreć mniej. Pilnować wagi. Ruszyć dupę.
Tak, to będzie trudna droga, ale nie mogę narzekać, ryczeć i się obżerać, jak jebane prosie, a potem się zastanawiać, czemu nie chudnę.
Nie chudnę, bo wpierdalam.
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beeb-oob · 1 year
Skin pattern and variation in Chirpers. Part 1 :
This topic has a pretty heavy load of info, so i'm gonna split it into two parts to make it more manageable.
In this part, we're going to look at the sexual differences between male and female skin color, how skin color changes with time and how big Chirpers actually are (i didn't know where to put this else, really):
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Chirpers have some sexual dimorphism:
Males are bulkier and heavier than females (M 50-60kg/F 40/50 kg)
Females have less elaborate head spots than males
Males have a longer and pointier crest than females
The aspect that's important for us right now though is the fact that males store larger quantities of the molecule Chirpers store in their skin to protect against their suns much harsher UV-rays, which gives them a more reddish tint than females:
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Depending on genes and sun exposure, the color can differ between individuals (the upper and lower one are very exagerated and rare)
After reaching sexual differentiation with 10-12 years, Chirpers main three colors start to express themselves based on their genes, most times the blue color on the belly reducing the intermediate color to a stripe during the individuals lifespan (70-80 years on average)
See yall in part 2 where we're gonna go over different skin patterns as well as fuzz!
P.S made this in a hurry (again) so there might be grammatical errors!
=> part 2
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sugardoll-ana · 4 days
Height- 5 ft 2 inch
Cw- 78 kg(was with an ex who had a feeding/dying kink and was wonde 40kg before him :( )
Gw1- 70kh
Gw2- 60kg
I'd love to be as tiny as I was before my ex I hate him so fucking much how dare he make me lose my tiny posture :( now I've got stretch marks so if anyone has any help with that id much appricate it <3
Not my post but th1nsp
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こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
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《WPA》 WPAとはWorks Progress Administration(雇用促進局)の略で、アメリカの大恐慌時代に設立されたニューディールの機関である。 1935年から1943年まで運営され、何百万人もの失業者を雇用して公共事業を実施した。
1933年3月4日に就任したルーズベルトは、25パーセントの失業率に苦しむ国民に向かって宣言した 「われわれの最大の主要任務は人々を働かせることである」。「CCC」と「WPA」は、資格のある失業者に仕事を与えるだけでなく、国の環境、農業、社会問題を緩和するために結成された。「CCC」についてはこれまでにふれたとおり、18歳から25歳までの失業した青少年のためのプログラムで「Tree Army」の異名のとおり、これらは軍隊への自然な関心としての一環も兼ねていた。これに対して「WPA」は「雇用促進局」であり、対象となった労働者の平均年齢は40歳であった。彼らは新しい校舎を建設し、新しい病院を建て,雨水排水管と下水管を敷設し、新しい橋を架け、新しい飛行場を建設し、道路を舗装または修理し、ダストボウル中の表土の損失を軽減するために2,400万本の木を植えた。
1941 年 12 月の真珠湾攻撃の後、多くのアメリカ人が第二次世界大戦に派遣されたり、武器の製造や祖国での戦争支援を求められた。この需要とWPA のおかげで、失業率は 0% に近づき,その結果 1942年12月、ルーズベルトはWPAはもはや必要ではないと述べ、WPAの廃止を要求した。
この大規模なプログラムのなかでは、主に女性を中心に、労働に従事するブルーカラーのワークウェアが製造された。それは「SEWING ROOM」と呼ばれる縫製室であり、その衣料には「Made by W.P.A SEWING ROOMS ,NOT TO BE SOLD」(雇用促進局縫製室製品、売り物に非ず)と記載されたタグが付けられた。ソーイングルームのあったテキサス州では、裁縫師たちは自分の仕事に大きな誇りを持っていて、イニシャル「W.P.A 」は「We Patch Anything」(なんでも縫う)の略であると宣言した。彼女たちは古着を修理し、新しい衣服を作り、困窮している人々や「WPA」の労働者、つまり彼女たち自身が着用した。
「WPA」の衣料には興味深い特徴が二つある。それはデザインと縫製仕様だ。デザインについてはユニークともいえるくらい多様であるが、ベースがCCCで着用されたようなミリタリーワークウェアがベースとなっているが、スペックに基づいた厳しいルールを感じない。「W.P.A 」の衣料たちはユニークで多くのアレンジが施されているのだ。そしてもうひとつの縫製仕様については、当時は既にワークウェアの縫製では主流となっていた「還縫い」が無いのである。これは縫製工場の環境が大規模なものではなかったことが想像され、「工業ミシン」ではなく「本縫い」のみで作り上げる仕様で工程を踏んでいたためである。
と、世界史のお勉強となりましたが習ったはずなのに記憶が曖昧。。。 こんな風に好きな衣類と紐付け出来ていれば5点くらいは点数上がっていたかもしれませんね笑
元にしたVinatgeを載せたBlog(by Press 藤木)があるので是非そちらも御覧になって下さいね。
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. . .
福岡店 隠塚もINSTAGRAMにて着用画像など載せてましたので、 こちらでも載せておきますね。
169cm,70kg SIZE:42(ONE WASH)
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〈ジャケット、シャツ、パンツ〉の3商品をリリース予定の"NEW DEAL PROGRAMS"ですが、先駆けてジャケットが入荷してまいりました〜 〈CCC(市民保全部隊)〉やら〈WPA(公共事業促進局)〉やらと、あまり聞き馴染みのない単語が出てきますが、、、ともかく、カッコいいカバーオールですよっ‼︎ ミリタリーウェア由来のシンプルなディテールやより古い年代のワークウェアを彷彿とさせるシングルステッチによる縫製などなど、派手さはないものの、"いぶし銀"的な魅力を放っています。 襟の形状や開き具合などは、どこかステンカラーを感じさせるのも面白いですね〜(コートの裾をぶった斬ったような印象です🧥) マニア心をくすぐる1着だと思います。是非。
. . .
173cm,60kg SIZE:40(ONE WASH)
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もう少し羽織り物で遊びたい方も多く、 こちらの新作デニムカバーオールもSold Out目前と差し迫ってきましたよ~。
間もなく夏到来の為、 あと少し堪能してから暫くは休息期間に入りますが、 シャツのようなアイテムは使う幅が広いので持っておいて損は無しっ!
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが御ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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c0ca1nekatee · 29 days
Hii !! I’m Elizabeth 🤍
i’m not new to edblr. i used to be c0ca1nekate before getting banned because tumblr hates to see a girlboss winning lmao.
anyway, i’ve been diagnosed with @n0r3x!a. i never recovered, but i started binging due to uncontrollable appetite and hunger caused by hormone issues due to being severely underweight. i ended up gaining all the weight back, so now i’m back on yet another weight loss journey 🥲
i’m a minor; definitely older than 14, but younger than 18:)
height: 168cm/5’6
sw/hw: 60kg/132lbs (155cm/5’1 back then)
cw: 51kg/112lbs 🥲
🎀lw: 37kg/81lbs🎀 (nov 13th, 2023)
gw: 40-42kg /88-92lbs
ugw: 38-39kg/83-85lbs
ugw2: 37kg/81lbs
ugw3: 36kg/79lbs
That’s all !! I’m open for moots !! 🤍
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