#A Shadow UNIverse
late-to-the-fandom · 8 months
Get to know the fanfic writer!
Thank you to the wonderful @fluffleforce-mysdrym for the tag (learn about her here).
Tagging: @velvethopewrites @27fanficlilies @omnissian-scribe @frozen-fountain @mysticstarlightduck @darknightfrombeyond @malicious-compliance-esq
When did you post your first-ever fanfic?
2019 – it took a very long time (20 something years) to work up the confidence to complete something and post it
First Character(s) you wrote?
I started very on-brand, writing for a C list character in the HPHM mobile game AND after his extremely brief and small surge of popularity. So needless to say it was a nonexistent fandom.
Main Character(s) you're currently writing?
Oh, Prince Renathal and I are still hanging out daily.
Character(s) you haven't written about before but plan to soon?
Not sure I have one of those. I have no plans after I finish my current series except maybe to finish the AU I hiatused.
Fandom(s) you're currently writing?
World of Warcraft (but only B list characters from the least popular expansion to date because that’s just who I am)
Platonic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
I suppose Renathal/Theotar, Renathal/Draven both show up in Wend in the Shadows. I wanted to stress Renathal’s desire for, but ultimate inability to cultivate, truly intimate friendships because of his political position (and also his dad being a dick).
Romantic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
Mainly Renathal/the Maw Walker (Elisewin), although the more I float little bits of the Accuser/Curator’s story the more I wonder about writing something short just for them. I ship them super hard on the sidelines.
Your top AO3 tags?
Probably Smut, Explicit Smut, and Sorry, no smut
Current platform you use for posting?
Ao3 and Tumblr
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
Well, I recently had a bug to finish the next chapter of Shadow UNIverse which had been hiatused since spring. I’m halfway done with the second to last chapter, which is exciting. Hoping I can finish it soon and not burn out again. I've included a little snippet under the cut.
"Shall I confess something?"
"Yes, please."
"I have wanted to do this for some time."
"Really?” The Maw Walker craned her neck gingerly to the right, attempting to catch Renathal's eye with her good one. “Help me wash my hair while keeping my casts out of water? That's a very specific fantasy."
Renathal’s reply was to reach around and daub soapy shampoo lather bubbles to the end of the Maw Walker’s nose, upsetting the careful decorum she had maintained throughout the undignified bathing ritual as well as her precarious balance on the edge of his claw foot tub. But she was laughing as she slipped and he was laughing as he caught her, and it was several mirth-filled minutes and inelegant contortions before both were back in position.
"The fantasy,” he explained around the dregs of amusement as he resumed scrubbing the top of the Maw Walker's head, “was to have you in my bath. I admit, this was not precisely what I pictured."
"Oh, I see." She cocked her head to the side again and Renathal could see the hint of a smile play around her puffy, bruised lips. "How did you picture it?"
He made a thoughtful sort of noise and scrubbed in silence for several seconds, as if only now considering the details of a fantasy he'd had ready and waiting for weeks.
"Well, there would certainly have been wine,” he said at last - the Maw Walker hummed her approval. "And candles perhaps. Bath salts. Bubbles."
She wiped a bit of lingering lather from the side of her nose.
"We do have those."
Renathal chuckled but otherwise ignored this interjection as he finished, “And we would both of us have actually been in the bath. And with all our limbs safely intact."
“Ah, I see,” the Maw Walker repeated, though this time the smile in it was shaky. Renathal could feel the tension settle stiffly in her shoulders as he worked shampoo through the ends of her hair “That does sound lovely. I am… sorry to disappoint.”
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scarystickers · 10 months
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Media that the gay tumblr people love
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nipuni · 4 months
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Silence in the library
A speedpaint video of this will be available at my Patreon on february 1st!
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Sonic had better make some sort of comment about Shadow's voice 🤣🤣
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It’s official! Keanu Reeves IS the voice of “Shadow” in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024).
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starrysorry · 2 months
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Wanted to practice some dynamic poses. Originally intended only to be sketchy, but it got out of hand and here these are
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dragondawdles · 2 months
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did a piece in the LU server's gift exchange ! something of survival and reunions and smug little shadowguys
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pepirfecin · 1 year
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Team dark being normal
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harvestingsun · 2 months
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Was literally just about to sleep when I heard the news and I was FLABAGASTED
I actually don't believe it. Like that's just. 🤯
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late-to-the-fandom · 8 months
Last Line Tag
Thank you @wordspin-shares! It's been weeks since I've been tagged in anything. Tumblr has been very quiet, and I have been out of sorts and randomly started working on A Shadow UNIverse again.
His gaze lingered for a moment on a crude depiction of the Revendreth department, its margins so crammed with notes in the Maw Walker's indecipherable native alphabet as to be functionally useless for finding one's way through the underground labyrinth of halls.
Tagging: @cryscal @frozen-fountain @owlsandwich @amewinterswriting @scribble-dee-vee @writingmaidenwarrior @laplumedemaureen @darknightfrombeyond @junypr-camus @regalserpent
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ghafahey · 1 year
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I want to stand with you in front of all the Daturma Ox things to come.
JESPER FAHEY and WYLAN HENDRICKS in Shadow and Bone ( 2021- )
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scarystickers · 9 months
Since y'all liked the first venn diagram so much I made another
The three big gay cliques of tumblr
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Mafia AU with the batfamily, but it starts when Jason comes back as the Red Hood.
In this AU, Dick is the first one to find out about Jason being a crime lord. He finds out that his little brother is alive and running a gang and says "fuck it."
Is Dick currently a police officer and vigilante? Yes. Does he also immediately quit his day job to join Red Hood's gang as soon as finds out? Also yes.
Dick has a second chance with his brother. Is this brother a little murderous? Sure. Dick's tried to kill people too, though. Also, Dick is 83% sure Tim's got a kill count. It's fine.
So Jason is confused why Dick is willing to join a gang. The oldest brother says some cringe worthy stuff about family and Jason takes the action as the proof of love and loyalty it is (also, somehow Dick is just as terrifying to their enemies as Red Hood, but Dick doesn't kill them).
Tim, upon seeing Dick join a gang, instantly researches the hell out of this group. He finds out it's Jason, runs the stats for how crime has dropped in Crime Alley, and instantly starts working behind the scenes to create a smoother path for them. Without meaning to, Tim becomes the shadow boss for Jason's gang. The brothers are not aware that the other gangs, mobs, and rogues are wary of whomever it is that's smoothly guiding Red Hood's gang to success.
Red Hood is the face, Nightwing (though maybe a different moniker) is his right-hand man, and there's someone steering them to victory.
The startling efficiency of the gang and quick ascent drives Bruce into a paranoid bender. The man also has no clue where Dick wandered off to and why he's ignorning Bruce. Tim, as Robin, pretends to try to help Batman take down this group. This causes mass amounts of confusion because no one is aware that Tim is helping Hood besides Tim himself.
When Damian first appears in Gotham, he doesn't immediately go to Wayne Manor. He stalks it first. And what does he find? Tim is apparently shadow controlling a major mafia in Gotham.
As some convulted plan to dethrone Tim from Robin (and also because Damian is not aware that shadow controlling a gang is against Bruce's rules [like how he doesn't know murder is a big no no]), Damian decides to infiltrate Jason's gang. At first it's rocky cause Jason doesn't want kids in that line of work, but Damian being Talia's kid (and the chance to provide Damian a better childhood) has Jason and Dick adopting the child. They try to keep the runt out of the work as much as possible.
They all (minus Tim) grow closer until one night Damian overhears Jason lamenting to Dick about how the Joker is still alive. Jason hates that his father never avenged him.
Damian decides to fix that by killing the Joker.
When Dick and Jason confront Damian about this, he reveals Tim is controlling their entire mafia from the shadows.
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emo-batboy · 4 months
Me: I hate fans that insist Gotham’s in New York when DC says it’s in New Jersey! Why won’t they just accept that?? It’s been canon for YEARS—
DC: Metropolis is in Delaware.
Me: Shut the entire fuck up.
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trans-fushiguro · 5 months
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