#Also their dynamic is pure banter in the beginning
aqrilene · 2 months
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Someone forgot about sunscreen. ☀️
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lakesbian · 3 months
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I said. “Even if we were warned, we wouldn’t last long.” I leaned close, close enough to whisper in his ear. “But some of us would last a while, you little creep. Long enough to make sure that your parents … well, use your imagination.” He stepped back, drew back his fist, and swung on me. I dodged the blow. I grabbed his head with one arm and jammed the fork against his ear. I fought a nauseating urge to twist the fork, to make him scream in pain.
What had I just done? In all the time we’d been fighting the Yeerks, I’d never made a threat like that. What was the matter with me? I felt … not exactly ashamed. But I knew I never wanted to talk to Cassie about what I’d just told David. Or Tobias. Or even Marco. And as for Jake, I found myself filled with a terrifying surge of pure, utter hatred for him. I couldn’t begin to explain it. But I swear at that moment I hated Jake far more than I did David. I should have gone back to the cafeteria. I should have told them all what had happened. But Jake already knew, didn’t he? Jake, the smart, determined leader, already knew all about me. And I couldn’t face him. I couldn’t face what he knew about me.
i would like to preface this post with the fact that i was discussing this matter and i was like "where's that quote i've seen about here on ruthlessness that was tagged as taylor hebert? that's how marco works" and then i googled it and
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apparently that quote is just straight up literally from marco. whoops. stop being taylor, marco. being taylor is taylor's job. very funny thing to find out though. ohh that quote i was remembering and thinking was applicable to a fictional character was literally from that fictional character. okay. anyway.
the jake/rachel dynamic here is probably objectively more interesting but i'm particularly enamored with the rachel/marco dynamic because it's like. they're not particularly close. they're banter buddies but not friends beyond that. but when it comes down to the bloody shit they're perhaps the most closely aligned on the team in terms of how they think and act, in that rachel is the one whose immediate suggestion is always "what if we kidnap/murder/maim them" and marco isn't cruel but he is, well, ruthless in the manner described by the above quote i didn't realize was from him. it's such a weird little cross-angle of closeness where they're close in a way that doesn't mean they're friends (for a certain definition of friendship, anyway), but does mean something is severely wrong if she can't even go to him with the blood on her hands. it rocks.
the dynamic with jake is also really good. being the type of person that the one whose job it is to understand & direct you all knows should be called on if he needs someone killed in a cold fit of rage, and the resentment that stems from having to recognize this about yourself thru someone else's recognition of the fact
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etaindelaserna · 3 months
Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
I mean…how much time do you have?😏✨ In no particular order:
1) Zoro x Nami (One Piece)
I‘ve been in love with their dynamics from the very beginning: the navigator and the one with no orientation skill whatsoever. Orange and green. They bicker like an old married couple, but respect and trust each other blindly. It started out with Zoro protecting Nami from Buggy’s crew, her helping him out during fights but I fell head over heels for them once the Arlong Arc came around: he read her like a book and trusted her enough to make a point. That sealed the deal. Then he watched over her while she was ill and from there one I noticed how he always looks out for here, making sure she is safe🥺🧡 Just ✨They just make sense to me.
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2) Damon x Elena (TVD)
I actually don’t recall when I started to ship them. It must have been slowly, just before the „fake“ kiss happened when Katherine came back, somewhere between their banter and low key flirting. I think I fell for this ship because of the factor Damon. Him being fiercely loyal and desperate to get Katherine back, only to realize she never loved him and then falling in love with his brother‘s girl. AGAIN. The tragedy and the tension whether Elena would fall for him too, made this so fun to watch. The final nail in the coffin was when he told her, he loved her but compelled her to forget. Oh, and of course the dance…
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3) Sookie x Eric (Sookie Stackhouse Novels)
The moment Sookie laid eyes on Eric for the first time and him shamelessly flirting with her in front of Bill, I was a goner. Bill always gave me an ick feeling. I just never understood why Sookie was interested in him apart from the fact that she couldn’t hear his thoughts. In the books there was always a spark whenever Sookie and Eric met. I liked that Eric was down for anything as long as it involved Sookie (going undercover to an orgy for example), that he was always (brutally at times) honest with her, that he protected and cared for her no matter what. He respected her decisions. There were no silly games between them. As far as vampire feelings for humans go in this universe, I do think he loved her deeply. As for her: she loved him too but also knew that it would never end well. Such a sassy, sexy ship.
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4) Captain Jack Sparrow x Elizabeth
One if my original all-time favourite ships. The sparrow and the swan. I liked their dynamics in CotBP but grew obsessed with them during DMC. Her being restricted by society’s expectations of her and him being the adventurous, clever pirate she had already read about. I mean pleeeeeaaase: the themes alone! She longs for freedom. He and his lifestyle are the definition of freedom. She has a fierce and untamed nature just like the sea. He is in love with the sea. I think Jack brings out her true self just like she brings out his. She matches his scheming talent but I always thought Elizabeth to be more ruthless than Jack. I don’t know what I expected but her ending up alone on an island, married and back in the corset was not it.
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5) Hermione x Draco (Harry Potter)
Another one of my original ships. The muggle born and the son of an old wizard family, who hate muggle borns and are/were loyal to the Dark Lord. The drama, tension and potential storylines with this setup is off the charts. I think I fell for them once the 3rd movie came around. That slap and Hermione urging Hagrid to take Draco to the Madam Pomfrey was pure gold for my shipper heart. I started to get obsessed with them when I read the 4th book and they stumbled upon him during the world cup. I always and forever will read this scene as Draco warning them about the dangers of the Deatheaters disguised behind his typical insults. There were both lines in the movies as well as in the books that always made be believe that Draco might have had a crush on Hermione at some point. I was waiting for a redemption arc in the last book which never happened. I also always thought that Hermione needed a partner who matched her intellect to be truly fulfilled and who appreciated her Slytherin traits (cunning, ambition).
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6) Sakura x Kakashi (Naruto)
So, this is a complicated one. He is 14 years her senior and her sensei. That is problematic. I didn’t ship them when she was a child. BUT: I liked the idea of them, if the circumstances were different (same age or time travel AU). Kakashi seemed to appreciate her intelligence and her talent for chakra control. He never made her feel weak and he always protected her the best he could. During Shippuden his reaction was always shown when Sakura suffered because of Sasuke. And Kakashi looked rather heart broken and sad for her. He watched over her and cared for her during the last battle. The incredulous (at times murdering) look he gave Sasuke when he mistreated Sakura was glorious. His whole mission was to make sure she survived. So, yeah, if the circumstances were different…also the hand on the cheek is canon🥺 Sakura deserved someone who appreciated her love and loyalty.
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7) Claire x Jamie (Outlander)
What I liked about this couple right away (in stark contrast to Frank to whom Claire is married to) was their back and forth, the easiness with which they held conversations with each other and the pure fun they had while doing so. They played off each other without any hassle. Just two people with the same intellect, temper and the same humour hitting it of. This combined with the twist that Claire is the experienced one in all sexual and romantic matters while Jamie is the virgin was absolutely addictive. They just matched. Their chemistry was off of everything that is considered holy.
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6) Hannibal x Will Graham (Hannibal)
At first I enjoyed their strange friendship, which quickly turned into mutual respect. May it be due to the actors or how the scenes between them were written but the chemistry was wild right from the beginning. The classical seduction to the dark side trope with a twist: Will is actually just like Hannibal and fights against the urge to kill but actually understands killing. To him just like to Hannibal it makes sense to kill. It even is beautiful. That dynamic hooked me from day one. The back and forth of their ideals. I think Hannibal was rather quickly aware of his feelings for Will. The fact that Will at first rejected him and his whole being but in the end fell for him as well, was fascinating to watch. Just pure and raw.
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8) Jaime x Brienne (A Song of Ice and Fire)
I love the tropes surrounding this couple: him, beautiful on the outside but ugly inside and her, ugly on the outside but the heart of a true knight inside. Beauty and the best. Their banter and clash of ideals is what attracted me to them (as well Jaime trying to get a reaction out of Brienne with his constant insults and borderline teasing). The way Jaime unknowingly started to grow a soft spot for the wench and slowly opened up to her, losing his hand (his identity as one of the best swordsmen) to protect her virtue all led to the best scene between them: the bath in Harrenhal. I fully shipped them afterwards. It‘s hard to imagine that Jaime had ever been this vulnerable with anyone but his brother before. He keeps on protecting her and she reminds him of his oaths. Just beautiful ✨
9) Buffy x Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
I was so obsessed with them at some point in my life — it wasn’t healthy anymore. First because of the ridiculous sexy way Spike played around with Buffy as his next slayer to kill. He was cunning and dangerous. Later because of how loyal, funny and good he was even without a soul. Him being a hopeless, awkward romantic while Buffy was straight to the point was a fun dynamic. In the later seasons I felt sorry for him because of how he was used and treated by Buffy but at least he got to go out like a true hero.
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10) Beth x Daryl (The Walking Dead)
This was an unexpected one. I liked Daryl as a character but Beth was just a girl in the background who cut her arms. They were pushed together for a few episodes and because their views on life and their experiences were so different, it created this interesting dynamic. Somehow they worked. Daryl helped her get stronger and Beth helped him to deal with his emotions. She was innocent. He was rugged and beaten down by life. There was something delicate between them that was never allowed to grow.
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13) Rae x Finn (My Mad Fat Diary)
Just two nerds obsessed with Oasis and each other. Typical teenager drama. Because of her seize and her body and mental issues Rae doesn’t think she deserves Finn or that he is even interested in her. She convinces herself to the point that she gives her v-card to another guy around her body seize. Finn on the other hand has already decided that he likes Rae and is all cute and touchy with her. The cuteness of their relationship and Finn‘s straight forward „Idk what your problem is but I like you just the way you are“ endeared me to this couple. Also Rae is hilarious.
14) Asoka x Rex (The Clone Wars Series)
Another problematic ship due to her being his superior and him being (at least) physically older when they were first introduced to each other. I think it‘s the fact that Order 66 looms on the horizon and all the drama and heartbreak that comes with it, what got me into this ship. Asoka transforms from an insecure padawan who gets her squad killed into a formidable force user and along the way she earned Rex‘ respect. Plus I‘m a sucker for how fierce she gets every time Rex is in trouble/attacked. They protect and care for each other and if they weren’t Jedi and Clone I could totally see them as a power couple.
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lagoonalake · 4 months
Can you do dynamics for stray kids hyunjin and itzy yeji thanks
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HYUNJIN: 8 of wands, 3 of swords, 10 of swords, the star, clown
YEJI: the tower, 3 of cups, the empress, ace of pentacles, child magical 
I know these two are supposed to be friends, but I cannot lie, the cards show some kind of conflict.
Hyunjin may have acted in a way that was badly received by Yeji. Leading to some kind of rejection, which hurt him in return, and then made him feel very low. It’s not that big of a deal for him, but maybe the relationship did not live up to his expectations. Him feeling so low is not only about the Yeji situation though, I feel like his mental state at the moment is not the best, and that whatever occurred between the two of them just added to the pile. I see Hyunjin as quite impulsive in this spread, a bit childish and unpredictable. He may have hidden his hurt feelings behind a humorous, sarcastic, possibly a bit mean mask. Used words as a defense mechanism. And the relationship may have then turned a bit more competitive.
As for Yeji, first of all, she sees the relationship as purely professional, although she indeed had a friendly relationship with Hyunjin and is familiar with him. However, with the tower card, whatever Hyunjin did or said shocked her and was like a reality check for her “ah that’s how it is!”. With the empress, I also think that she has a strong self-esteem and felt somewhat offended by Hyunjin’s actions or words. But she feels very stable, and honestly more mature than him. She comes across as a tiny bit naive when it comes to their dynamic, like she truly didn’t expect any kind of complication. She had a “pure” mindset. But she has learned something from this relationship, and it is a reminder to keep valuing herself. 
As for the relationship as a whole, whether Hyunjin tried to flirt and was rejected, or whether it was just some rude words or bad manners, there has always been a competitive undercurrent in this relationship to begin with. I don’t think it’s personal, it’s more the norm in the kpop industry than anything else. Maybe at first it was friendly banter, but now that it's become more awkward, this dynamic is becoming more of a power struggle than anything. 
But overall, there isn’t much to write about, there is no deep emotional connection and even this “conflict” isn’t very important as it’s not like they were very close to begin with. I also don’t see much of an evolution in the future. 
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hungarrrrrr · 9 months
(in no particular order)
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Alya x Adrien (Rena x Chat) same brain cell all the way
Ok ik I said they share the same brain cell and I still think Rena and Chat do but Alya and Adrien’s dynamic is a lil different. They’d probably start off as friends first. I think Alya would take him out of his comfort zone and show him new and exciting things. Like adrenaline junkie things bc Alya is so fun and fearless. Also different foods bc her mom is a Chef.
Stormy Weather x Chat Noir. gets flustered/angry when teased x teaser
okay I think this one is pure crack but it’d be so silly! Soo much banter, so many puns. There is no real explanation or justification for this ship, I just watched Stormy Weather and found them fun. also I love stormy weather’s design
Chloe x Adrien aww childhood friends to lovers.
Of course their relationship would have some ups and downs but Adrien is kind, patient, and forgiving giving Chloe the room to fully develop into a better person. Chloe would help Adrien become more assertive and firm, not only with her bc she can act like a brat sometimes, but also with his father and people who try to take advantage of him (FÉLIX). He would probably only get like that on occasion though and Chloe would usually be the one to say he ordered no pickles on his burger.
Chloe x Kagami (Queen Bee x Ryuko) tsundere x kuudere.
I can see this going two of ways, either enemies to lovers or something similar to a celebrity/popular person and person who doesn’t give a shit and treats them like a normal person. Kagami would call Chloe out on her shit n that would simultaneously piss Chloe off and make her contemplate the way she acts. Maybe they both connect over their love for Adrien, platonic or romantic (😱 love triangle where the opponents fall in love instead!?!?) Both are some how extremely blunt while also being emotionally constipated. I like to imagine that when Chloe is being rude for attention Kagami would ignore her until Chloe asks directly for what she wants(cuddles).
Luka x Nino (Viperion x Carapace) chill guy x nervous wreck.
When Nino is stressed Luka is always there to calm him down. Otherwise, they’re both super chill and bond over music. In the past, Nino would sometimes entertain the idea of learning an instrument and making his own music but now that Luka’s in his life and is starting a band, he has more motivation to learn the keyboard. He would probably replace Adrien in Kitty Section (sorry adrien). But if Adrien rlly wants to be in the band Nino has no problem just directing/editing the music videos for them or background sound stuff.
Nino x Marinette complete disasters.
Definitely awkward in the beginning. Especially if they both have crushes on eachother. Nino would make Marinette playlists as a way of communicating his feelings. Either the titles of all the songs say a message or the songs themselves are the message. So much blushing, nervous laughter, and slip-ups (if they can even talk to eachother at all), Adrien and Alya would help them fall in love and confess and possibly develop feelings for each other while doing so.
Rose x Max might be a lil ooc but cinnamon roll x cynical or more accurately blind optimist x extreme realist
lol I lowkey started writing a whole short story/synopsis for these two but long story short Rose gets Max to believe in the improbable and to stop relying so much brain and more on his heart. Rose can be kind of naive so Max helps Rose use her brain and start questioning others and their intentions more. When Rose tell Max about her illness he would freak out, research it, and bring Rose’s favorite things as much as possible if she was in the hospital. He even would build her a robot that tells jokes, plays movies, and has custom video games that she would like. Idk.
To be honest most of these started off as jokes but now that I’ve typed out their dynamics I think some of these ships could actually work.
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yokiidokii · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could possibly write what Andre and Reagan look for in a partner? Thank you! ❤
We’re all doing a little bit not great. I was having a little bit of trouble with this to begin with because I don’t think I really think I know what the ideal partners for anyone in this show is.
So we’re just going to clarify that like- this isn’t end all be all everyone can have their F/O’s and share and be very different with all the different dynamics so like- Also like sjsjjsj sorry it might have gotten away from me so if this isn't exactly what you wanted please let me know!
IF YOU FEEL LEFT OUT OR IT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE YOU BUT YOU LOVE THEN IM SO FREAKIN SORRY IM TRYING MY BEST- I think I’ve decided I’m more fan of like the longer kinda story-ish formats? Like this request! I’ll still do this kinda stuff for sure but I think it might take a little bit longer, and if I don’t think I can do it justice it might never get done :(
I mean while I think we got a pretty good look into her kind of wants in a partner both with Ron and with the dating episode within the first part, I think I could take a crack at adding something to this for you!
Reagan likes a good person for the most part- Like sure I think most people working for the deep state have kind of skewed morals but pure evil isn’t on the agenda.
I think it would be reasonable to assume Reagan likes someone with goals? Like sure the world might make said goal kind of unattainable sometimes, especially in the kind of world you all live in. But actually wanting to do those things is pretty neat!
Respecting her space and having your own interests and things to do while also being able to talk about it? Sometimes it’s nice to hear someone you like talk about something they love, she likes seeing the unabashed joy in their eyes.
Also just- lovingly, do cheesy shit with this woman. Like if she isn’t feeling it she’ll tell you but like- WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER! GO GET ICE CREAM TOGETHER! DO SOMETHING SWEET THAT MAKES HER FEEL NORMAL AND HAPPY!!
Eat ice cream in your jammies and show her movies and stuff that you love or think she’d like!
She just wants someone who’s able to understand her while being themselves.
Something that I think shouldn’t be shocking is that Andre would enjoy a partner who can kind of keep up with all the energy that he has.
Like it isn’t necessary. He could absolutely adore and love a partner who is less energetic or spontaneous as he is! 
Honestly if he has someone who just doesn’t mind how he is when he’s all pumped up then he’s set.
And of course while he want’s someone who can handle him at his high. He also want’s them to be able to handle him at his lows-
Will you be able to listen to him talk about his high stakes elder scrolls campaign- will you???
But even if you don’t have all of the knowledge to take care or make sure that he would be okay given a panic attack or some other kind of mental shut down he’s smart enough to let you know some kind of plan of action should it happen if you’re around each other enough.
As long as you can retain that information and help him calm down and stay with him he’s sold.
While I would assume you’d be friends with him before becoming his partner this still is still something I can absolutely see him feeling strongly about.
You have to get along with his friends- like at least be amicable.
Like sure he knows not everyone can get along but the gang? Ride or die found family. They mean a lot him and you do to! But having a partner who can banter and get along with if not tease them back.
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
Ship game. Charles/Erik, Vi/Caitlin, Corinthian/Prometheus, Silas/Copia 🤭
Oooh thank you!! Just gonna put all of these under the cut so it doesn't get too long
What made you ship it?
I mean, it's just such a classic. There's something really interesting about their dynamic, where they claim to be enemies but also act like this old divorced couple the whole time. I think maybe the starting point for me shipping them was the first time I watched the scene in First Class where they meet Angel Salvadore in the strip club?
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I really like how much they understand each other. Even when they're on opposite sides, there's always this really innate understanding of what the other person will or will not do, and it makes things really interesting to watch.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Uh.... not really? I can't think of one off the top of my head at least
What made you ship it?
.... I don't see how you couldn't ship it, after watching Arcane. I mean, just look at that enemies-to-lovers arc! The banter!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I really love Vi in general, but she's really something else in this ship. I love how sharp she is with Caitlin initially because that dynamic is fun, but it's really balanced out by how much you can see that she cares once they're captured by Jinx.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't hate the pet name Cupcake for their ship specifically, I just don't like it as a pet name in general. Hailee Steinfeld does really well to deliver her lines and have it not sound weird or creepy, but I just think it's an awkward pet name for anyone. I feel the same way about the pet name "kitten", it just makes me uncomfortable
What made you ship it?
I mean it's my ship, so....
But I wanted Corinthian to have a relationship that he had to work for a little. In the show we see him coast on his good looks and charm most of the time, so I wanted to explore a relationship where he had to actually devote a little more attention and carefulness to it (at least in the beginning)
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love how they both make each other better, little by little. Prometheus encourages Corinthian to channel his violence into protectiveness instead of just going after random people, and Corinthian encourages Prometheus to loosen up and allow themself to rest once in a while.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Prometheus is not as innocent as people think!!! I mean they'll go after any nightmare who threatens their dreamers without hesitation, and has absolutely asked Corinthian to take care of a few abusive guardians as well (they just get so disgusted at the idea that those poor kids have waking nightmares as much as nightmares when they're asleep). They are not a pure pacifistic dream! There's still that little streak of Nightmare in them!
What made you ship it?
They're just so cute together!! It's just the sweetest blend of adorable awkwardness, how could you not ship them from chapter 1?
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love how caring and understanding they are of each other - like with Silas' joint issues and Copia's habit of overworking himself - and how they work hard to understand each other's lives and hobbies even though they're very different.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really? It's kind of hard to know what's popular or unpopular for my friend's ship, y'know?
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remythologise · 1 year
You mentioned C-Dramas / K-Dramas that scratch that homophobic gay drama itch and, well, I'm shamefully a sucker for those tropes. Could you share which of those mirror that type of media?
Will say that it’s really not exactly the same vibe because you will get a SHARP CONCENTRATED DOSE of even more homoerotic shenanigans in the following shows, they are much more intentional (to varying degrees, although I feel undeniably so in every instance) than the western instances BUT it will scratch that itch because none of these shows have “canon” gay romance. This is very hard to explain properly because some of it is very canon, just censored. But I will use my old terminology — it is unmarketable gay media. To me. Despite at least four of these being created and marketed TO appeal to fujo trash like myself… it is unmarketable gay media TO ME!!! Sorry you’ll just have to take my advice that Vibes on censored gay dramas are Tremendous.
I will say because literally all of these dramas have the central relationship ‘censored’ in various ways do not go in expecting a Happy Gay Ending, though most (not all.) of these do have about as happy an ending as they could under the But-Not-TOO-Gay Circumstances. (Much like. Supernatural or House M.D. Shall we say. Journey not the destination…) ALL of the following shows are on Netflix, though it’s probably a better viewing experience with the subs to watch on Viki.
IMO you should also watch the shows in the following order. Also I could harp on about these shows for YEARS but I tried to keep it brief (I could talk more.)
THE DEVIL JUDGE — girl I love this show so much I don’t know what to do with myself. It is SUCH camp fun everyone is so gay in it (despite the canon het romance). I don’t even KNOW how to adequately describe this show it’s literally What If There Was A Dystopian Korea (Basically The Same Korea) And They Made A Reality TV Show For The High Court But Also It’s Mostly A Gay Gothic Romance Complete With Old British Mansion. 11/10 had such a fun time. THIS SHOW IS SO UNDERRATED ON THIS WEBSITE COMPARED TO—
BEYOND EVIL — VERY similar in cat-and-mouse homoerotic vibes to the Devil Judge but Up To Eleven on the cat-and-mouse thing. Literally was awarded best drama and actor award of that year. It’s not just a gay show, it’s also a VERY good show! A detective from a small town and a detective from the city get paired up to Solve A String Of Murders. Both of them think the other is suspicious/untrustworthy. 12/10 would yell ‘KISS’ at my TV until my voice was hoarse again.
THE UNTAMED — someone on anon told me to watch this show in like 2019 and it took me THREEEE YEARRRSSSS to watch it. I really struggled to adapt to the CDrama tone/format at the beginning but I’m SOOOO glad I did. You really have to get into it and flow with it but once you’re in you’re IN you are LOCKED into What If Game of Thrones Was Camp and Gay and Actually Good. SUCH good writing, character, relationship and world building. I laughed, I cried, 13/10 this show has been popular enough that you have all heard of it!
WORD OF HONOR — So you watched the Untamed and this was the thing everyone was recommending to watch next but wasn’t ‘as good’ as the Untamed. Well. Wasn’t as good TO YOU. I’M HAVING A BALL ON THIS BITCH! Literally of all these shows this one is my favourite PURELY because I love these stupid flirting assholes so much. Shut up. Sorry this post is incoherent. The plot is not as good as the Untamed but the banter/relationship is even more in focus and just chef’s kiss dynamic to ME. So 14/10 gay it probably was the biggest reason gay-vibes drama is now banned in China. Girl I am not literally not joking. All the danmei is in unreleased development hell. Help.
GUARDIAN — For the true die-hards (not on Netflix/Viki and got purged from the legal internet but can be found. In places.) SO YOU WATCHED WORD OF HONOR AND YOU’RE LIKE GOD THAT ENDING RIPPED OUT MY ASSHOLE EMOTIONALLY WHAT IF I FOUND AN ENDING THAT WAS QUALITATIVELY WORSE. DO I HAVE ANOTHER PRIEST (AUTHOR OF WORD OF HONOR) ADAPTATION FOR YOU. Production values ZERO acting values MIDDLING gay values FUN AND SEXY. This show is literally what if Torchwood was better and worse at the same time. The reason the string of danmei adaptions started I believe, because this one was so popular. I haven’t watched all of this yet I’m savouring it. Don’t look at me.
HEAVEN’S OFFICIAL BLESSING — not quite the same vibes as what you’re going for with this ask (not a live action; very much an anime and not finished yet) but would be remiss not to mention the VERY PRETTY AND GREAT adaptation of the series by the same author of the Untamed. Also on Netflix.
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winterlovesong1 · 1 year
Top 5 Mr. Turner moments
Placing these moments under the cut...
Send in an ask about top five boy meets world season two related things..
"What do you care?"
"I was about to think I didn't care about anything."
Many of my favorite Jonathan Turner moments involve Shawn. And in the second season we are introduced to that dynamic in the first episode, and settle in to watch it grow, until the finale, until this moment, when a lost kid and a young adult find they need other, can learn from each other, and offer each other the same thing – home – in different ways.
Mr. Turner offering Shawn a physical home – a roof, a bed, a window…And Shawn gifting Mr. Turner with an emotional home – someone to open his heart to, to take care of, to teach the morals of life and not just the lessons in the classroom.
"...I'm staying at the motel down the street."
"The one down on 7th? Are you sure you’re gonna be alright there?"
-"Career Day"
Maybe one of my top favorites of the season – because it’s the first time Mr. Turner really gets the gravity of Shawn’s situation – realizing that those deflecting jokes in class, the humor about his relatives, about his family, was a coping mechanism for the reality.
The delivery of “are you sure you’re gonna be alright there…” is so pure and genuine. It’s one of the few times this season that the walls Mr. Turner perhaps holds up in front of himself are drawn down and he’s seen as an adult truly concerned for this kid.
"Hey, if you don't know that deep down inside, you're alright, then I haven't taught you anything at all."
-"Wrong Side of the Tracks"
I love a line that distills a message of the show that you’re watching. And this feels like one of those lines for Boy Meets World. It’s spoken by Mr. Turner in an attempt to get through to Shawn in a moment of crisis, but taken out of context, it could be seen as a character reaching out to its audience, it’s younger demographic, and saying, “you’re gonna be ok…and believe in that.”
It's also the first time, shortly after this line is delivered, that we see doubt, but not shown to his students, not shown to Shawn, only after everyone leaves does Mr. Turner display uncertainty in the words that carried such conviction only moments before.
It’s an underappreciated moment and so well played.
"You don't listen in class, you're gonna listen in life?"
-"The Uninvited"
I love the playful banter Mr. Turner and this line is a great illustration of that. It is humorous while being grounded in the realities of Cory’s distraction in school. It also shows how Mr. Turner has been trying to impart wisdom, a different kind of wisdom than Mr. Feeny, onto his students and at the beginning of the season, it’s a struggle…especially to students like Cory.
"C'mon George, what would you have done?"
"I truly don't know."
-"Career Day"
What I love about this scene is the growth from the first episode of the season to now. How Mr. Feeny was seen as the authority figure to Mr. Turner in a kind of imposing way. But what’s great about the arc for those two characters throughout season two is that by this point, Mr. Feeny is the mentor, and in looking up to him, Mr. Turner goes to him for advice on the most important thing to enter his life so far – taking care of Shawn Hunter.
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lanchang · 1 year
hi, fxhc anon again. i have more thoughts on fxhc and i promise theyre more articulate this time but also im gonna apologize in advance because im about to spam your inbox (1/6 lmao)
[asks continued below]
i mostly conceptualize fxhc within a larger xianle quartet polycule because i have trouble seeing fxhc gravitating towards each other without some other factor bringing them together. so i think the xianle quartet gets together and everyone has their dynamics, like each of them is in love with xl and xl loves each of them. fxmq love each other even if theyre weird about it. hcmq are essentially hatefucking to work through their issues (2/6)
but then fxhc just really have…nothing. like they’re not particularly fond of each other, but they also don't have as messy of a history as hcmq so there isn’t that emotional charged aspect. and i think theyre both aware of this, so they just never hang out, or go on dates, or have sex unless xl and/or mq is there (mostly xl though. i think at the beginning of the polycule’s relationship, they run into some issues because theyre all depending on xl to facilitate most interactions) (3/6)
anyway, so then at some point xl and mq are off investigating some ghost/monster and it turns out to be more complicated than they thought, and suddenly fxhc are left on their own for a week. and like, on one hand they could both just fuck off back to their respective homes, but neither of them really wants to face xl at the end of the week and admit that they were avoiding each other. so instead they stick around and are expecting it to be the most awkward week ever (4/6)
but then…they actually have a good time like idk they just kinda chill around ghost manor and maybe go out to a restaurant. and its really nice. like, they've inadvertently gotten to know each other and now they have things to talk about and theyre able to banter and the sex is still bomb even when its just the two of them. and theyre both just kinda bewildered cause they’re like. huh. when the fuck did i start enjoying your presence???? (5/6)
i also think they’d be pretty attracted to each other once they actually let themselves consider the possibility. like. hc was first attracted to xl when xl was in his pure, undiluted jock phase. and fx is still in his pure, undiluted jock phase. and like you said, fx has only ever been attracted to cunts, and hc fits that bill (6/6)
nodding and nodding i dont really have anything to add you kind of said it all i agree that theres no way that they would get together on their own without xie lian involved and tbh i kind of never care about throuples or any sort of polycules but i make exceptions for these 4 because at this point idk if believe we will ever see season 2 or the live action so we have to make do and well they have interesting relationships so idk why not fuck nasty about it. hot jock 4 gayboy forever yeah i do think there is definitely a lot they could like about each other if they let themselves see it
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consulaaris · 2 years
sorry not sorry for the spam of lore & screenshots but i simply must ramble on a little about zori’s love life before i stop because i’m so unwell about it. big ARR & heavensward spoilers below. this is very long and very self indulgent don’t @ me.
so. zori’s main (and likely endgame) romance is thancred. though they’re initially at odds, their dynamic grows into one with a lot of playful banter and back-and-forth between them, typically with thancred playfully/dramatically flirting with her and zori teasingly shutting him down (connected to the first time they met where he did genuinely try to make a move on her, and she snapped at him pretty hard). zori cares for him a lot— they do share in a lot of quiet, companionable moments, and even though they’re both the type of people who work themselves to the bone, they are able to relax with each other and zori lets her guard down around him. she starts to realize just how deep her feelings for thancred go when he’s taken over by lahabrea, and she fights tooth and nail to save him, even though it’s nearly at the cost of her own life.
but though she’s desperately glad to have him back, years of keeping her feelings to herself stop zori from actually saying anything. besides, she likes their status quo, and doesn’t want to lose what they do have.
ultimately she does lose it, though— when thancred and y’shtola bring the tunnel down in ul’dah at the end of the ARR patches, zori believes they’re dead, and has to live with the grief and guilt of knowing that they did it to get her out.
and then there’s haurchefant.
he’s so relentlessly optimistic, so kind, that he barrels right past zori’s emotional walls before she can do much about it. he’s the only person she loses her composure in front of after she loses the scions; fully breaking down in the arms of her friend. part of zori can’t not love haurchefant when he himself loves so freely and openly, and his own views make her believe that maybe there is some hope for the future and that everything will be okay. in a way, he makes zori believe in herself again, because he believes in her so strongly— and she finds herself growing ever closer to him, starting to fall in love with him. there’s a part of her that thinks maybe this time, things will work out— both for ishgard and herself— as haurchefant’s own optimism begins to work on her.
his death breaks her. when he jumps to shield her, to take that blow for her, a part of zori’s heart and hope shatters with him. there’s an immense guilt with it. if not for knowing her, he would still be alive, and when he asks her to smile at the very end she’s barely able to through her tears. she knows that he’d want her to live well, to live as a smiling hero, but she can’t bring herself to right now. she feels hollow, empty, and rage is easier to channel into action than grief. she hates most of all that haurchefant would be sad to see what his death has made of her. part of zori will never stop loving haurchefant, as much as she’ll never stop blaming herself for his death.
she’d never told him how she felt.
by the time they rescue y’shtola and she finds out that thancred may very well still be alive, zori is just at her wit’s end emotionally, but hardly even able to think about him with everything else happening around her.
the patches should be very interesting.
(also, judging by some vibes/vague spoilers i’ve seen with thancred in future expacs, his anger coupled with the way zori’s grief and loss is being channeled into just. pure rage right now makes me think they’re probably going to have a pretty explosive “breakup arc”, whether they’re officially together at the time or not.)
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Ranking of Bridgerton Endgame Couples
(Will edit as the series goes along, from best (1) to worst (8), this is purely opinion and I would love to hear yours if you want to share)
1. Anthony Bridgerton and Kathani “Kate” Sharma: Just thinking about this relationship makes me want to cry. They both have that oldest sibling trauma, but in slightly different ways; Kate felt like she was sort of the reason why they were struggling so much, being her mom’s non biological child, and she just sort of over compensated by making it up to them when there was nothing to make up for, taking care of both of them when she should have been taken care of too. And as for Anthony, he was forced to be the one that carries burdens from a young age, and to not let other people even see he’s struggling, being forced to make decisions he doesn't like, and now he does that in every aspect of his life even when he doesn’t need to. These two basically would never have the audacity to let themselves be happy. And then they found each other. And that’s why they were so angry at each other all the time, because they can find happiness in each other, and they don’t want themselves to have that, they’re scared of that, they don’t think happiness is meant for them but only for their family. But every once in a while, it came out, they found themselves laughing, and so they always pulled away, until they didn’t. Also their dynamic itself is amazing; the banter, the need to always be the winner whether from an argument to a bet to a game, the way they can truly understand each other, just everything. There are just so many scenes with them that I always think back to, like when Kate calmed Anthony down from his panic attack, the way they couldn’t be in the same general area for five seconds without looking at each other, the way Anthony always looked physically pained whenever Kate did literally anything like lifting her skirt to walk over a branch or just walking past him. Anyway, I loved it.
2. Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset: In the beginning of their fake dating, I thought it was really cute how they just kept making fun of everyone around them. It had very ‘us against the world’ energy, and I was into it. But then they kind of stopped having that dynamic, and Simon just completely closed himself off to Daphne. It might have been better if their relationship had started out with him freezing her out because of his major trust issues, and then that slowly coming undone over time and them seeing each other as the only ones they can completely and utterly trust. I don’t know, maybe they wanted it to be like Simon never saw Daphne as anything serious and then when it got serious that’s when he shut down, but I just didn’t like it that much. If he really saw her as a friend he would have explained to her why he suddenly wanted distance, not just lie for literally no reason. Also, their whole having a kid thing, I think that was done oddly. When one person in a relationship wants a kid and the other doesn’t that is an issue that needs to be discussed, but they didn’t really talk about it at all, it was more like Simon just accepted it suddenly with no real convincing, almost like a reconciliation to their argument. And yeah, it’s good that Simon now realizes he shouldn’t let his dad control his life decisions, but afterwards he could have had some reflecting on what he truly wanted instead of just going from one person telling him what to do to the other. They could have compromised by adopting or something; Daphne wants a child and Simon didn’t want to carry on the bloodline, so adoption is like a good middle point. And adoption probably wasn’t even like a thing back then, so they could have faced a lot of controversy over that. And maybe the adoption could have been sort of an accident, like they just found some random street kid breaking into their house for food, and then after letting the kid stick around for a few days they were just collectively like “yep, this is our child now”. In any case, I just wasn’t a fan of their dynamic in general.
(I never read the books, I’ve just heard book review of them and they sounded kind of bad so I never read them, but I got a general feel of the relationships. So spoilers for the books sort of, except for Colin and Eloise’s parts. Again, I would love to hear your thoughts if you want to share them. Low key I really just want to hear other people’s theories about Bridgerton)
Benedict Bridgerton and Sophia “Sophie” Beckett: So, Sophie has not been introduced in the show, so I don’t know what tv show Sophie will be like. But with Benedict, he’s kind of figuring out his place in the world, specifically artistically, and I know Sophie doesn’t really have time for that kind of self discovery in the books, so maybe they could discover who they are together? Kind of like a coming of age thing, IDK. Also, if Benedict is oblivious to who Sophie is the entire time that could add a layer or something, like he thought they were being open and honest about who they are and who they’re trying to be, and now he finds out she lied to him, so angst I guess.
Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington: I think they were a couple in the books so I assume they’re an endgame, unless the show pulls a plot twist. Listen, separately, as characters, I love them both, mostly Penelope if I’m being honest. But together as a couple, as of right now, I’m just not that into it. I know it’s supposed to be a sort of friends to lovers, but they don’t seem like very good friends to me. They barely even talk, and when they do, it’s just Colin barely acknowledging her and Penelope just pining; that’s not really a friendship. But if in their season, if they are endgame, if they show some sort of flashback of being really good childhood friends, and them sort of reconciling that and then Colin falling for her and simping for Penelope while she’s moved on, I could get into that. And then the whole drama with her being Lady Whistledown should be an interesting development in their relationship.
Eloise Bridgerton and Theo Sharpe: Okay. Listen. They have potential. Going on political radical shenanigans together and debating over any topic under the sun, that’s cute. And I assume they might be endgame because I know the relationship Eloise had in the book just isn’t going to fly in the TV show, so they need to give her a new love interest. But I just thought Theo was a bit of a dick at the end there, and I’m scared they’re not going to address it. Twice, he put the fact that Eloise had money in her face, which, okay, valid, she does have privilege, but let me explain. The first time, I understand now was a ruse, but he didn’t need to yell at her about it. He could have just told her the fact of yes, she is sheltered, but she could use the privilege she has as an opportunity to understand and fix things, and how it puts them in different positions, but rather then explain that, he just yelled. Then the second time, was because she rejected him and ran off. He just naturally assumed it was because she didn’t want to jeopardize her sheltered life and that she was ‘just like the rest of them’. Like, my guy, what makes you think that? Eloise from the start showed that she wanted to learn about things, about his point of view and share her own, and now because she got scared you just automatically assume it’s because she had a complete shift in personality? I think Eloise ran off because she never thought she would fell in love, and when she thought it was happening, she was terrified. But rather then ask, Theo just assumed she was being a snob because of some sort of insecurity he has and took it out on her. He was projecting onto her, not considering her as a person that could have a multitude of reasons, and that upset me. I think they both need to address their insecurities to each other if they want to understand each other more clearly and progress any sort of relationship.
Francesca Bridgerton and Michael Stirling: Yet another character we’ve yet to meet, kind of true for both characters. Francesca isn’t in the show a lot, which is something she kind of angsts about in the books, being the forgotten one of the family. And I know Michael wasn’t the first in line for anything, and maybe he is used to that feeling of being left out too. Maybe they spend their season doing some main character things just to piss everyone off. Also, I don’t know if they’re going to do that whole Francesca being married to John or if John is just going to court her and Michael will feel sad about, once again, being forgotten.
Hyacinth Bridgerton and Gareth St. Clair: She’s a child, so I don’t know how they’re going to characterize her as an adult. We also haven’t met Gareth, so I don’t know what they’re going to do with him either. Going off the book, I do like the whole detective angle they’re doing with them; having a season where they try and solve a mystery would be really fun. They could be partners in crime, and maybe after this mystery they could go on to solve other mysteries together, breaking away from high society to solve crime. A solving mysteries dynamic is always a good time.
Gregory Bridgerton and Lucy Abernathy: Gregory, again, a child. And Lucy, again, not in the show yet. I know Gregory is like, the only non rake male love interest in the books, and is a full on romantic, and Lucy is sort of this shy doormat that lets her best friend take all the spotlight. This has the potential to be actually really sweet and clumsy; imagine Lucy, whose never gotten any attention, suddenly showered with all this over the top romanticism she doesn’t know what to do with. I know Gregory goes after Lucy’s friend first, so maybe Lucy just flat out won’t believe him, but eventually comes around.
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The Dirty Air by Lauren Asher
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My sister bought me this series for Christmas and I have been so anxious to read it. <3 It even made me interested in watching Formula 1 races. Which, is a rather unfortunate atrocity seeing as my time is already booked with escaping reality through literature. *sigh* What I loved– the angst, the swoon, the character development. I adore the epilogues, too. So so much. What I could have done without– the constant crassness of the men at the beginning of each book (I don’t mind them being assholes but I could do without “fuck” in every line of dialogue and inner thoughts. Honestly it’s my only qualm with Asher’s writing. Sometimes, I read a book or series and think “wow this will be a reread for sure.” However, I had never finished a book and immediately wanted to reread it to annotate it. Until the dirty air series. Brain, meet obsession. There is a direct correlation from how beat up my books look to how much I love them. The chart looks like this.
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These books? Absolutely wrecked (heh get it? Because of book thre– okay I’ll stop.
Oh my lord. Do you love brother’s rival (enemy?) tropes? How about forbidden romance (see brother’s rival)? Slow Burn? This is the book for you! Noah and Maya are so funny I love them so much. Both of their characters developed so much through this book and it was a joy to read them. I especially how much Maya was able to stand up for herself to Santi. She had as much growing to do as Noah did, which is one of my favorites. I also adored how much of a simp Noah is for Maya. Simps reign supreme in my heart. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’m not going to lie, I was really apprehensive about going into Liam and Sophie’s story, even though Collided’s cover was the one that drew me into the series in the first place. Once again we have a forbidden romance between our protagonists, ah how cruel the heart can be. Sophie’s list had me cackling certainly NOT because mine looks ⅔ similar Liam’s prologue was totally unexpected and I can honestly say it hooked me. I did feel that the push and pull between the friendzone and the warring chemistry was a little drawn out. I think this book could have moved 100 pages from that to secret dates or *gasp* emotional bonding. Overall, I did enjoy their story. Sophie is a pure soul. I also really enjoyed seeing the alternative side of the same timeline we experienced in Throttled. James Mitchell is my fave, btw. 10/10 dad. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wrecked Oooh ooh ohh angst from the get go. Thank you thank you thank you Lauren Asher. After meeting Jax in book one, he was the racer I was least excited to read about, but, (butta butta but) he is a curly haired tattooed man with anxiety.What can I say? As my queen and goddess stated, “it’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me”
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SO, now I’m in. Also, he is SO SO sweet with his Mama I love him. Jax is a scared little puppy waiting for someone to get past his defenses enough to scoop him up and take him home. Once I realized this, my heart melted for him. Elena might be coming for Maya’s spot as my fave fmc in this series. She is so assured and witty. At the ancient age of 26, nearly 27, I found I could relate to Elena’s more mature narration. She is confident, assured, and truly a “do no harm take no sh**” kind of lady. I think I could like her a lot. And don’t get me started on sweet baby Elias. Oh my darling carino. Too pure, must protec. Elena and Jax’s dynamic starts off very strong. Both with zest and fight coursing through them. I love love love their banter. Both of these lil babies are emotionally stunted, which is becoming a trope I wasn’t aware I craved. Their easy volley of clap backs had me smiling so much it hurt. And the character development my GOD the character development with these two was so so good. By the end I was literally sobbing. Was this a fragile week for me? Yes. Do I think I still would have sobbed? Yes. And that epilogue? Heart, meet knife ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Redeemed At this point, I think Lauren Asher sits on her throne of hell writing chair and thinks “hmmm how could I make this prologue more gut wrenching than the last one?” Yes, yes, I hear you. “But Chey! How can (view spoiler) and I HEAR you but also, Santi? SANTI?! I love him. The lead up for this story is both comical and heart wrenching, which makes us all look like jerks for laughing. Chloe has found an ancestry kit to lead her to her long lost dad. Will he be awesome? Will he suck as bad as her mom (almost impossible)? Who knows!?! Coincidentally, her journeys take her to the same town our broken hero Santiago Altorre is residing in. And what do we find Santiago doing? Well, he was just told that Maya and Noah need to watch their son Marko for two weeks because (view spoiler) Angst and comedy leading into the perfect setup for this fake dating trope? *Swoon* Alright, confession time. My favorite tropes are one bed, fake dating, single dad, and accidental pregnancy. I know that last one is wildly unpopular but my god it’s my kryptonite. Santi isn’t a single dad, but taking care of Marko for the two weeks means that he fits the bill, even if only temporarily. And I absolutely adore the friendly banter between them– how much they want to help the other heal. If you like Archer’s Voice, I think you’ll love this book. This book gave me nearly everything that makes my heart sing about romances. Gahh A million stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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mags0607 · 2 years
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TITLE: Reform
AUTHOR: SquibbyPrincess
WORD COUNT: 186,726
RATING: Explicit
TAGS: Polyamory, Hogwarts 8th Year, Threesome m/m/m, Idiots in Love, Enemies to Lovers, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Room of Requirement, Animagus, Switching, Harry+Draco+Ron
SUMMARY: 8th yr, poly throuple, plotty, slow burn but worth it. Malfoy is up to something devious. Ron and Harry are obsessed. Different year, same Hogwarts. In the wake of Voldemort's defeat, their shared history brings them closer than ever.
Featuring: the impertinent voices in Harry's head, a House rising from the ashes, intimate haircuts, magic amulets, Fiendfyre, a very annoying leaf, a nail-biting encounter with the Ministry, crumbling foundations and new beginnings. And stolen kisses in dark corners. Lots of them.
I love a good Poly ship, especially one that is thoughtful and balanced. This is perfect. Harry, Ron and Draco Come together so organically in this and it was just a joy to read, and had a surprising amount of plot.
Harry also has a snake and an inner dialogue that is almost purely sass. He is both oblivious and insightful and ends up being a hidden romantic. It’s a joy. Draco is reformed, stubborn, snarky and so incredibly earnest in this fic, and the way he fills out the dynamic between the three of them is wonderful. And Ron. Now I am not the biggest Ron Weasley fan, but he was easily my favorite of the trio. He is such a mess at the beginning, but works through his issues and really becomes the protector of the trio.
This fic just has all the things that make me happy, and some very playful and snarky banter mixed with heavier topics. I also have to applaud the way the author handling a transitioning character, and give an honorable mention to beefcake!Neville, which is just a minor plot point, but a major joy. Settle in and get ready, this fic is a ride, and one that is well worth the journey.
***writen for @gameofdrarry Wizards Hearts 2022***
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theskyexists · 2 years
Absolutely incredible things about scholomance
The way it connects popularity/power with survival. This IS how it is in regular school. It's a metaphor for how vicious that social playing field can be - it might literally kill you to be without friends.
The way it viscerally explains how classism operates - by going into detail on how the enclaves use commoner kids to keep their own aristocrat kids from dying - make them serve and sacrifice themselves by keeping resources from them.
The characters. My god. The CONCEPTS!!! El is MADE for killing, for mass killing, for destroying and murdering but she is so GOOD and her mother loved her SO MUCH, she won't do it, won't give in, will never give in, even though it could kill her - would have killed her. SHE WENT INTO A FUCKING MAWMOUTH ON THE OFF CHANCE SHE COULD SAVE THE FRESHMEN WITH ZERO FUCKING REWARD
Obviously the prophecy that is absolutely going to come true says two things about El:
she will rain mass destruction and murder down upon the world
she will bring down the enclaves
Isn't it fascinatingly interesting that there happen to be MILLIONS of mal creatures that need to get hella KILLED? And isn't it interesting that it's actually the enclaves that stand in the way of true solidarity between wizards? Gatekeeping mana and safe void space and spells?
El is probably the most powerful wizard ever. EVER.
Orion and her dynamic was great tbh, especially at the beginning when she was like: you heroic annoying spoiled brat, but I still don't really understand their connection - as in, did her being mean and ungrateful REALLY hook him in like that when he never cared? I love how she stood up for him. I'm not sure El's into him but that's very high-schoolery, haha. He's such a himbo. I really need others to realise how El keeps saving them (and graciously not killing them ALL) - please - at one point. I dont think Orion’s and El’s friendly banter is very good (so glad not much of it is in dialogue except the really sharp stuff) but i love how they are pure opposites (but complementary in magics). I JUST WISH EL REALISED WHAT SHE COULD DO IF SHE HAD ACCESS TO THE KIND OF MANA THE ENCLAVES HAVE AND ORION HAS. siphon that shit and save everybody dude!!!! come ON. playing underdog is bad if you COULD be a strategic advantage to everybody trying to survive!!!
Also I LOVE all the language stuff.
Unexplained things:
Why is mana - in general - gained from shitty feelings?
Why not bring guardians INTO the school? Yeah yeah, because it’s too small but I mean.....surely the survival rate of the school would go up enormously if some full grown wizards patrolled that shit? Maybe I underestimate the mals bc El is just so good at magic.
Why is there a weight cap? Why make it so the kids can't get into the school with stored mana? That's straight up stupid. All clues point towards it being the greatest of all maleficaria itself. And it is - because the book said: wizards building anything with a thirst for mana becomes a mal. The scholomance is exactly that. El literally tells us it eats kids. And it is very intelligent - it clearly lets enough kids out for them to decide to keep coming - and it responds to individual kids' abilities and calculates the mana gains and losses, like tempting El from destroying the mawmouth that was going to eat all the freshmen and compromise that whole level. The question is of course, how does the school siphon the mana? Via the smaller mals then? I bet the intention wasn't even for the induction spell to suck you mana dry, it just does it nowadays. El  says: "We pay with our work, and we pay with our misery and our terror, which all build the mana that fuels the school. And we pay, most of all, with the ones who don’t make it."
They are literally in the belly of the beast, getting partly digested. And this beast demonstrably LOVES Orion (surely this must have something to do with how the Scholomance eats...he keeps killing all them small mals....)....... no wonder El's mother is warning her about him.
How does El know SO MUCH about everything when for three years people barely talked to her.  Information itself is power and should come at a premium no?
Wow scholomance is amazing. Oh my god. The characters. The main character! And Orion. And she will cast down enclaves.....yeah yeah yeah the class system huh
El is so GOOD. Made for hurting others yet so GOOD. deeply good. And she's had such a hard hand dealt. GOD
Jezus. El's so funny, and so sarcastic and full of righteous rage and so good, and nobody came in the whole commune when she screamed in absolute terror for her life.
GOD!!!!!! I feel so much for her. I want to scream with her!!!
Aadya coming through :')
Oh. Now Orion and El are actually friends it's stopped being fun.
Why would you trade spells if there's millions in the library.
So the whole problem is that nobody ever kills all the Mals down in graduation enough to do maintenance on the Mortal flame spouts
Oh right I forgot that the school itself is also trying to kill them
Oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!
This FUCKING school
Oh god please somebody believe she saved them from a fucking MAWMOUTH
She rains death and destruction - ON THE MALS
She makes everybody happy and they still think it's Orion. This needs to stop at one point!!!
She saved thousands of kids!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAA
Orion and El are literally the most powerful couple out there. If he kept feeding her mana she could clean up the ENTIRE graduation
Also they're the most powerful in terms of true social solidarity. THIS IS A LESSON FOR THE PEOPLE GOING INTO HIGH SCHOOL. Get ONE friend.
Ok he is dumb
But Aadhya is smart. Oh my god. OH MY GOD
She put it all together she put it all together!!!!!!!
Ok but this is silly - all this time subconsciously she was sabotaging her own survival??? Because she hates the enclaves that much! That's just....fucking stupid.
Ok the whole speech about it makes it right. And it's true that they'd be scared and that was also self preservation to not tell them
The one big question is: why the fuck aren't there guardians INSIDE the school - adults, or even puppets?
Please don't let either of her new friends die. Please.
Oh shit. I just realised that they're not up for the chopping block. The seniors are. I'd be fucking pissed at Orion.
Someone, probably, Aadhya needs to tell El that Orion can't graduate early and kill all the Mals. But SHE COULD. PLEASE.
ThANK YOU CLARITA. Why didn't the fucking adults think of this (ah.)
What forces seniors - oh yeah. You GOT to stay in your room or die... Why not push a freshman into the void? And keep doing that? Social control i guess.
The book keeps repeating quite subtly that it was WIZARDS that created all the individual mals
Ok but they literally could have - hear me out - done a wall of mortal flame everyday. No? And I've forgotten why Orion's killing of small mals would have buffed up the big mals in graduation
WHY is there a cap on baggage?
So i get that the big mals in graduation would have gotten more desperate - but why did they MULTIPLY by Orion killin the small mals?
How the fuck did they get the maintenance done when all the adult maintenance teams with the greatest wizards never managed. Like - purely because of El holding the shield and Orion killin them mals right? they are a weird coincidence of power.
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queenaeducan · 2 years
4, 7, 8, 18, 20, 22
4. what does it take for you to be proud of something you’ve written?
Idk! It's not amount of time bc I've been proud of stuff I've spent months/weeks on but also stuff I've spent an afternoon on, although I'm probably more likely to be proud of stuff I've invested time into. The stuff I've invested time into that I'm not proud of I usually end up not finishing tbh...
Notes/engagement also doesn't rly factor in bc most of the stuff I like most only has the readers it does bc I'm annoying abt promoting it. Meanwhile that Abelas banter I wrote like 8 years ago ppl are somehow still finding I don't- anyway.
Ig it just has to be something written for me, in some way shape or form. Even if it was a suggestion or request or a fill for an exchange- if it connects with me then I'm also writing it for myself. Props to writers who do commissions tbh bc while I can/have written stuff purely for others I find the end result somewhat lacking. 😭
7. what books have shaped the way you think about writing the most? why?
The ASoIaF series is one, the multiple POVs with unique voices and narrative where "who's right?" can change depending on who is holding the narrative reigns at the given moment. It was also one of the first adult series I read that wasn't for school.
I also loved reading stuff about writing tropes and specifically fantasy writing tropes, like The Tough Guide to FantasyLand by Diana Wynne Jones, and this one LiveJournal all about fantasy writing. In retrospect I think the latter was probably too harsh on tropes and too enamored with realism in fantasy worlds when readers don't necessarily come to the series wanting historical accuracy but escapism. Nevertheless it did help me figure out what I like and don't like to read/write insofar as fantasy worlds are concerned.
8. which of your own projects have shaped your writing the most? in what way?
If roleplay counts then probably that! For better and... for worse... I'm good at collaborative writing bc of it I think but my experience writing longer narratives has suffered bc some much of rp is focused on slice of life, which is rly fun to write but has made writing chapter fic a unique challenge ig you could say.
18. how do what you look for in your own writing vs someone else’s coincide? how does your writing influence your reading?
I tend to read things I don't write about tbh? I'm more likely to read fic about Sera than Solas even tho I've never written the former. Style wise when it comes to reading or writing I try to look for a balance between descriptive and... straightforward ig. I don't like overly purple narration but too plain and I find myself disconnected from the narrative.
20. where do you begin a WIP? ex: a mood, a scene, a certain character dynamic, etc. does this differ per project?
Generally I'm cursed with a line and it goes from there. I tend to start with the beginning, the first lines I wrote for my current wips are all the first lines in the chapters. Unfortunately after that my inspiration is less linear. I guess you could say it starts with a scene and a dynamic: Solas and Varric talking about lost friends, Thora thinking she hears the Stone, but if it's an idea that rly grabs me it goes quickly from an idea to a line.
One of the projects that was an outlier was the modern sundress fic, which started with the sex scene and the premise of Ian sending Solas a selfie and then I worked my way back. The same thing goes with the other nsfw Solian fic I have on the backburner, so ig my exception is when the stars align and I write something horny.
22. how much of your own self/experiences do you believe pours into your projects? if this differs per project, which projects have the most and least of you?
It's hard to take a measurement. I pour a little of myself into most things I write, but whenever I'm tackling issues of mental health then it's more personal than if I'm writing about killing people. I oftentimes use my own symptoms to draw descriptions from.
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