#And I haven't found any proof it actually exists
tuttle-4077 · 1 month
Greetings! So....the PBAs seemed a little off this year. I find it strange how Abracadabra managed to pull in TEN of them while several other authors whom entered multiple pieces won nothing whatsoever. I find that rather odd, especially when half of the awards were gold. Never seen that before in my many years in this fandom. A few of my friends (all of whom won multiple awards) agree with me that the contest seemed a bit...shall we say, rigged....in her favor. I have nothing against her personally, of course. This isn't an attack. And I don't write or draw, myself, so I have no skin in this game. And I have nothing against her personally either. Yet I thought it would be best to bring this matter to the comittee's attention, in the hopes that the contest remain fair for everyone.
Hi. Thanks for reaching out with your concerns.
First, let me explain a little about how the PBAs work in general, and then I'll address your more specific concerns about Abracadebra's wins.
Over the years, several committees have hosted the PBAs. I have been on the committee since 2018 (with a break in 2019 because I just had a baby!) . The rules for the Awards have evolved over the years for many reasons: the number and types of stories written, the voice of the people (ie, slash being included in the main story categories), ideas brought forward by new members of the committee, etc. And changes have come simply as a result of the committee learning how to run such a big project. (The PBAs aren't necessarily difficult to host, but it is a big undertaking!) Categories have also been added or dropped based on the number of stories that were eligible, as well as the amount of work a particular committee wanted to put it (I, personally, hated gathering and tallying all the quotes and asked to end the category.)
One of the rules that was implemented several years ago was that a story had to receive at least two nominations in order to move forward to the voting round. The reason for that was to whittle down the amount of stories a voter had to read. This rule is especially important for years when there is a big crop of stories. A lot of people skip the nomination round simply because there are so many stories and it's daunting! Usually 70-90% (sometimes even 100%) of stories receive at least 1 nomination. When there are 200 stories in a year that's still 140-180 stories in the voting round. With the 2+ nomination rule, the percentage of stories that make it through to the voting round is between 50-60% (although in some categories, it can be higher). This makes it a lot easier on the voters to read the stories and cast their ballots.
Another rule (which I believe has held for many, many years) is that, in order to nominate a story for THE BEST STORY OF THE YEAR, it also had to appear elsewhere in the story category nominations. The reasoning behind this is that, if it truly is the best story, then it should, logically, at least appear in one other category. The rule also applies to the voting round. I've voice my opinion on the subject here (tl;dr I like the rule for nomination round, but not particularly the voting round.)
One other thing we changed (although it is not necessarily a rule), is that we no longer automatically include stories from AO3. That platform is not as straightforward with when a story is complete, or whether it's complete at all! It was too much work for the committee to comb through the whole site, trying to pick out completed stories for the year and determine whether they were crossovers, slash, responses to challenges, etc. So, this year (and I believe last) we asked that AO3 writers submit their own stories for consideration in the PBAs.
Now, as to your specific concern about Abracadebra's wins.
First, consider the nomination round. The nomination round determines which stories make it through to the voting round. We advertise the nomination round on FFN, tumblr, and AO3, but the majority of the nominators are from FFN (remember, the PBAs were FFN specific until a few years ago, so our stalwart participants are there). Why would this affect who gets nominated? A couple of reasons:
A lot of folks on FFN are pretty loyal to the platform, particularly in the HH fandom. AO3 is a little more wild. And even though the stories on AO3 are posted as competitors, we cannot provide convenient links on the FFN forums. It's one thing to post one link on the FFN forums, with the weird spacing and parenthesis, like we do in order to direct people to the PBA website (where all the stories are linked), it's another to do it for each participating AO3 story (it's frustrating to the person posting it, and the person who has to copy it). So, a lot of people just don't visit those stories. Is that fair? Maybe not, but it's just the way it is. So why does this matter? Well, FFNers reluctance to venture to AO3 mean that a lot of the stories on that platform don't receive even 1 nomination, let alone the 2 needed to advance to the voting round.
FFNers tend to have their favourite authors and will read pretty much anything that author puts out the moment it's put out. So, if a nominator is short on time, they may just refer back to a story they've previously read when it first came out, rather than scramble to read everything that is eligible.
So that's why an author from FFN in general may receive more nominations, as opposed to an author from AO3. As to Abracadebra specifically, well,
Abracadebra is very active on the forums. She posts general items, but she also hosts Reviewathons and other events for the fandom to participate in.
Abracadebra is an avid reviewer. The kind of reviewer who is encouraging, but also honest.
Abracadebra is a beta reader for many new HH authors as well as the seasoned ones.
Why does that matter? Well, fair or not, sometimes the PBAs boil down to a popularity contest. All elections do. If you have a connection with someone, or have developed a friendship or warm feelings towards someone, you're more likely to view their work favourably. If you have two equally good works and you can only choose one, how are you going to decide which one to choose? For me, personally, I tend to go with the work created by a person I am more familiar with. Again, is that fair? Maybe not, but, again, that's just human nature. We're not objective creatures.
But, there are reasons why someone (even not an FFN denizen) may nominate (and vote for) one of Abracadebra's works.
Abracadebra is just a good writer. She is, after all, a journalist in real life. A seasoned journalist. You don't last long in that game if you can't write.
Abracadebra's stories tend to focus on the more popular characters. Let's face it, Newkirk is, by far, the most popular character for a lot of people. Some readers just aren't interested in reading a story that doesn't feature Newkirk. Or, again, if they're in a time crunch, they'll focus their reading energies on a Newkirk story, rather than a story that focuses on someone else.
So, there are some reasons why Abracadebra's works moved on to the nomination round and perhaps why some other works didn't.
The same reasonings above apply to the voting round, but to be more specific on that round,
This year, 60 stories made it through to the voting round. 5 were Abracadebra's (8.33% of the total stories in the voting round.) That doesn't seem like a big percentage, but it is more than any other author had in the voting round, so automatically that increases her chances of winning.
Two of her stories were nominated as THE BEST STORY OF 2023. If someone wanted to vote for her story as THE BEST OF, they also had to vote for it elsewhere on their ballot. This isn't usually a problem- most people just do that automatically because, again, if a story is good enough to be on THE BEST OF list, it's probably good enough to earn their vote in another category even without the rule. I think only two people had to correct their ballot because they voted for a BEST OF story that didn't appear elsewhere. One favoured Abracadebra's story, and the other dropped her story from their THE BEST OF vote entirely because they didn't want to change their other votes. (Again, I have my own thoughts on this rule for the voting round, but it is what it is).
As to the high number of gold wins, remember, three of those five wins were ties. And, the other gold wins (where there were no ties) were won by a tiny sliver. It was a tight race, but the chips fall where they fall.
Now, you said you had never seen one person win so many gold awards before. Well, because I am a crazy person who likes data and numbers, I went through all the PBA gold winners for all the years the PBAs have been running. First I tallied how many gold awards each person won. Then I counted how many theoretical golds there were supposed to be (basically assumed that each category would have 1 gold award) and then I counted how many actual gold awards there were (considering ties within categories). Here is what I found:
In 2003 EJ McFall won 30% of the 'theoretical' gold awards, and 18.5% of the actual gold awards
In 2004 Patti and Marg won 33% of the gold awards (there were no ties)
In 2004 EM Siefert also won 33% of the gold awards
In 2005 Patti and Marg won 36% of the theoretical and 31% of the actual gold awards
In 2006 Jeff Evans won 33% of the gold awards
In 2007 Jeff Evans won 41% of the theoretical and 29 of the actual gold awards
In 2008 Tuttle4077 (yours truly) won 54% of the theoretical and 50% of the actual gold awards (note, this was my first year in the fandom and I didn't even nominate or vote in the PBAs, never mind being on the committee!)
In 2009 Jennaya won 28% of the theoretical and 26% of the actual gold awards
In 2010 snooky won 33% of the theoretical and 31% of the actual gold awards
In 2011 dust on the wind won 30% of the theoretical and 26% of the actual gold awards
In 2012 Sgt. Moffit won 30% of the theoretical and 28% of the actual gold awards
In 2013 Sgt. Moffit won 38% of the theoretical and 32% of the actual gold awards
In 2019 Abracadebra won 38% of the theoretical and 33% of the actual gold awards
In 2020 Abracadebra won 32% of the theoretical and 24% of the actual gold awards
In 2021 Abracadebra won 36% of the theoretical and 25% of the actual awards
And in 2024 (the year you have misgivings over) Abracadebra won 35% of the theoretical and 28% of the actual awards
(Omitted years didn't have great disparities between gold winners)
Note, I don't think Abracadebra was on the committee the first year she won an award and that was her highest win percentage.
So, what do all these numbers tell me? Well, it tells me that it's not unusual for a gold winner to receive ~30% of the the gold awards, like Abracadebra did this year. When a story is popular, it's popular. When an author is popular, they're popular.
I want to add that Abracadebra is an amazing person to have in our fandom. She never votes for her own works. She always tries to encourage new writers and is amazing at leaving reviews. People like her. People like her stories. And, all added up, it doesn't strike me as odd that she wins plenty of Papa Bear Awards, gold or otherwise.
I hope all this has helped clear up your concerns and misgivings. As long as I have been on the PBA committee, I have observed a stellar effort to be impartial and objective. We often bend over backwards to make things as fair (but also as manageable for the committee and the voters) as possible. It feels great to win an award, but I have never seen anyone on the committee try to rig things in their favour. We rejoice over any and all of the winners, whether we personally voted for their stories or not. We love that our fandom is robust and diverse. The PBAs is a great fandom tradition and I, personally, would never do anything to jeopardize it; so if I saw something sketchy, I would say something. I think you only have to look towards the efforts that Abracadebra and I have put towards the fandom in general to know that's true.
One more thing to wrap this up:
The committee is open to everyone. We extend invitations to everyone to get involved. However, it usually falls on The Same 'Ten' People to keep it going. If someone were to pop up and say "hey, I want to run the PBAs this year!" before PBA season started, any of the current committee members would say "Great! We'll stay on board if you'd like, but if you want to be the lead, go for it and we're happy to just offer advice and guidance!" But that never happens. When the year is fast approaching its close, no one new takes up the baton. Perhaps one day the STP may decide they don't want to go through the effort and the PBAs will fade away.
If my explanations here have done nothing to quell your suspicions, perhaps you, Anonymous, would like to join the committee next year. Post on the FFN forum (FFN still being the home of the PBAs) that you would like to join/lead the charge. We'd love to have you.
Cheers to you, Anonymous. And if anyone else has any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to ask. I'll try to address them the best I can.
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lycheeloving · 2 months
ANOTHER MULTIVERSE FIC because I can't stop myself, apparently. An injustice!Superman one, this time. I imagine you were a small-time hero/vigilante in this one, so Superman knew (and liked) you before he turned bad, but you weren't super close, before.
-You wake up in an unfamiliar room, tied to a chair, not knowing how you got there. Kal doesn't ever let you leave the fortress. But you don't know how anyone else could have gotten in to take you here, wherever here is. Maybe it was Kal? But why would he do that?
-You spot a woman tied up in another chair next to you, it seems like she also just woke up. She reminds you of someone, but you can't remember who exactly... You want to ask her if she knows more about what's going on, when you realize you're both gagged. Shit. You can't even communicate with her!
-A man comes in, rambling something about how he's glad you're finally awake and about his plan finally taking shape. You feel like you should know this guy, but can't quite put a finger on it...
-Being unsure if you know who he is, as you're "not from here", he introduces himself. He's Lex Luthor.
-Wait. Lex Luthor? The Lex Luthor? The dead one, who was killed by Superman? Is this a prank? Because if so, it isn't funny at all. And quite dangerous for everyone involved.
-Luthor (if that is his real name) then focuses on the woman next to you. He addresses her as "Mrs. Lane".
-Lane as in Lois Lane? Like, Lois Lane from the Daily Planet? Clark Kent's, Superman's wife? Now you know something is extremely wrong. She's dead, too, and everyone knows not to mention her name unless they want to face Superman's wrath... You make a few muffled sounds beneath your gag, itching to ask about just what is going on here.
-Luthor says he's going to explain everything, don't be so impatient! He has a machine that can open portals to parallel universes, which is how he got you here. His plan includes kidnapping the person that is most important to Superman in his own universe (Lois Lane), the person most important to Superman in a second universe (You!) and then making the Supermen fight each other by threatening your lives. The only way to save you is if one Superman dies. This room is Superman proof, he can't hear or see anything that's happening in here, so they can't just swoop in and save you. After the fight, he's going to let the winning Superman enter this room, promising him that he can rescue Lois or you. Except not really, because he's going to try to kill the winner too, because that should be easier after he just fought another Superman, right? He hasn't opened a portal to let the Superman from your universe know about how he can save you, yet. He closed the portal he got you through immediately after kidnapping you, so he had more time to prepare everything. How he found you? Something about being able to detect kryptonian dna residue on you. And you were in Superman's fortress. Easy to combine that you must be important to him.
-That's... actually not a terrible plan! Sure, it might not work out exactly the way that Luthor is planning, but beating Superman with Superman is a great idea! Actually it'd be great if Luthor got a third one here. Two Supermen should definitely be able to defeat one Superman, right? Unfortunately you can't communicate any of this through your gag. Damn, you'd love to help him improve his plan...
-You wonder if he chose your universe completely randomly, or if he chose an evil Superman on purpose. You don't think he did, he didn't mention the regime with one word, and if it existed in this universe he wouldn't be working on this stupid plan. And Lois wouldn't be alive, probably.
-Before you can let your thoughts spiral even more, Luthor falls over. Huh? Is he unconscious? You spot Batman coming towards you. Ah. That explains that, then. Man, you haven't seen Batman in such a long time...
-"Are you two alright?" He quickly cuts through the ropes tying you to the chairs, freeing you. "Good thing you used your bat emergency-signal, Lois. I was able to get to you before Superman could fall for Luthor's trap." Wait, why would Lois contact Batman? Oh, right, sometimes you forget that he and Superman used to be friends, so obviously his wife would trust him too.
-He takes off both of your gags and then turns to you. "We figured out you're from a parallel universe, but don't worry, Nightwing is currently working on a way to get in contact with the Superman from your dimension, so-"
-"NO!", you scream, making Batman look at you in confusion. You quickly tell him to contact Nightwing, to make him stop trying to open a portal or god forbid, contact Kal!! Noticing the urgency in your voice, Batman quickly complies and lets Nightwing know to stop what he's doing, before asking you to elaborate. Phew! The last thing you need is an angry Superman wreaking havoc in a second universe.
-You start explaining to Batman about how your Superman started changing for the worse after Lois died (sparing the details, as she's kind of sitting right next to you), started to get darker, kill villains, everyone who did something bad, people who disagreed with him. Other heroes, even. People he used to be friends with. How everyone who didn't agree with him and join his regime, including you and Batman, had to go into hiding, trying to find a way to stop him. Clark, no KAL-EL found you at some point, but instead of killing you, he unexpectedly took you, basically imprisoned you. Kept you like a pet who's not smart enough to make their own decisions. (You never even knew he liked you like that at all, before that. Sure, he was always nice to you, but he had Lois!)
-Lois seems visibly shocked, whereas Batman just listens to you stoically. "All this to say, it's good to see you alive, Lois!" You smile weakly. She tries to smile back, but before she can respond, Batman cuts her off. "We should leave this place. I doubt it's very safe here. We should return to the Batcave, think of a plan." You spare one last glance at Luthor, who's still lying on the floor (Are we just going to leave him here? Huh. Ok.), then follow Batman outside.
-As soon as you're out of the building, something rushes past you. "Lois! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Not something. Someone. You try not to flinch as he fusses over her, while she reassures him that she's fine multiple times.
-After he's convinced she's not hurt, he turns to you with a gentle smile. "Hello! So you're close to the Superman in another dimension, then?" As he takes a step towards you, you instinctively take a step back towards Batman. Clark frowns at him quizzically. It's funny, he almost looks like a confused puppy. You would smile if you didn't know that this is all a facade to distract from his god-like, destructive powers.
-"Turns out the other version of you is some kind of evil dictator." Well, leave it to Batman to get straight to the point. Clark opens and closes his mouth a few times, thinking about what to say. "Well, I can assure you that I'm not like the Superman you know. I promise you, I'm a good person! At least I try my best to be one. You don't have to be scared." His voice is getting increasingly gentle, trying to reassure you.
-"Oh yeah? That's exactly what the Superman from my dimension would have said, before..." You don't mention his wife's death, not wanting to anger him. "The same thing could happen to you. You might be nice now, but who knows what the future holds?" As you're saying this, you slowly move slightly behind Batman. Just in case. He should have some kryptonite on him, right?
-Superman just frowns harder, then turns to Lois. "We should go home." He picks her up and turns to Batman. "Contact me as soon as you have plans for... handling the other me." With that, he takes off.
-Batman ushers you into the Batmobile, where Nightwing (another ghost, to you) is already waiting. You keep turning to look at him during the drive to the Batcave, while Bruce explains the situation to him. If they notice your weird looks, they don't mention it.
-You allow yourself to feel some hope. Maybe you can contact your Bruce? Help him out! Send a few still good Supermen! Your head is spinning with ideas, and you're sure Batman can come up with even better ones. You can't help but smile, your nightmare might finally be over...
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drconstellation · 5 months
Chiastic Structure of S1
Here it is!
Yes, I deliberately made it detailed. You NEED to see the detail, it is, quite frankly, eye-opening in parts.
If the image I have posted is not clear, let me know, and I'll post a broken-down version in sections so you can read it. I'm just not sure how this is going to work.
I've got five footnotes for various sections where I want to make extra comments, so see them below.
If you don't know why some of us are looking into this - a chiastic structure or pattern a literary device where a sequence of events is presented then repeated in reverse order. For a complicated story like Good Omens this can and does gives us some interesting insights into the hidden stories we meta writers like to speculate on and discuss.
I have to admit it got a bit messy in places, so there still might be some tweaking to do in the middle parts.
The plain parallels still exist - I have a couple to mention in the footnotes. I'm also very excited about taking this challenge on because I've basically found proof that backs up my theory about the scene at Tadfield Manor telling part of the story of the Great War in Heaven, and also proof that the Flood may have been the time of their first "vavoom."
Tumblr media
[1] M-pair: When Newt turns up to his new job there is an office meeting called and the upcoming "training initiative" is discussed. This then leads on to the paintball fight at Tadfield Manor. I discussed how the two scenes give us an insight into the past and the Great War in two metas, The Great War of Tadfield Manor, and The Newton/Crowley Mirror-Parallel in S1. The mirror-pair here is Dagon is rousing the troops with reminders of the "Glorious Revolution," providing us with a direct connection to the events of Tadfield Manor.
[2] Q-pair: This is a really interesting pair, as as it is still tied in with Tadfield Manor. Does it give us any insights into Crowley's role in the Great War and his Fall? I'll be looking more closely at this in the future!
[3] There is an interesting set of parallels around this area that didn't quite fit into the chiastic structure proper that I though was worth mentioning and I have already flagged for a meta before I had finished plotting this out. It's to do with Newt and Anathema and the prophecies in the book - oh, and the Velvet underground reference. Actually, I really need more space for that...you'll have to wait for the meta, sorry.
[4] Ohhh yeah. This one. The Vavoom moment. I wondered if the sex under the bed between Newt and Anathema would reveal anything. It certainly did! If you haven't read @vidavalor's meta about the first time they probably kissed, then you should. Stat! This pair backs it up - and maybe more.
[5] There is a parallel noted here that doesn't fit in the structure, that Crowley signs to start everything rolling, and Aziraphale signs to end it.
On to S2. Then I'll see if I can work a three-series structure together for some predictions.
Link to S2 Chiastic Structure Post.
@aprilodite @kayleefansposts @ineffable-endearments @sendarya
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aimzicr · 2 months
Hunter The Parenting plot thoughts (because I love mysteries and roleplaying and I keep waking up at 2am Thinking About This Plot).
Things that seem important (in various nonspecific order, though somewhat from timeline of video):
Giles is a better fighter than his mates, actually showing some skill (compared to Simon's existence as a wet towel and Brok's brute force)
Harry's focus on Highland Legend seems a bit at odds with his muscles being 'just for lifting things', given the link in pop culture with Highlanders being warriors who fight to be the only one. Still, there's more to study beyond the Hollywood thoughts, and I'm very curious to see what Scottish myths get brought up (if any). He also has access to Storage and Security.
Followup thought: if all the characters are in the World of Darkness (specifically The Reckoning/Vigil), then perhaps each staff and student's respective areas of study reference specifically to one of the games. Fatigue with The Apocalypse/Forsaken, Elise with The Dreaming/Lost (Lost seeming more appropriate because 'I haven't found a single fairy'), and so on. Horse's prophecy referenced 'kine, kindred, garou, milklings, elohim', so that's Hunter, Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling and Demons specifically mentioned. Would Harry's 'highlander studies' be on Mages or Prometheans? Will we see Wraiths/Geists, now or in the future?
Elise does not have access to Storage and Security. Also, I will respect her pronouns at all costs.
The Doctor - Scholar of Psychotronic Studies - the has taken at least two bumps over the course of the night (visible residue on her face at Occam's collapse and just before Brok kicks the door down). You can't show any withdrawal symptoms if you're high on something else (though as Chapman mentioned, even high-level drugs 'don't even compare', but it might take the edge off for a while). Considering her academic focus, she might have been able to make herself a Very Powerful Cocaine. (Actually no 'psychotronic' refers to low-budget movies so WHAT??)
Lord Fatigue - of Lycantropy (not Lycanthropy? A typo, or something else?) - I saw someone posting about him being quickest to recognise the symptoms of someone going through a change, and I highly agree. He's also a lovely old man ('toffee pud', wreathed in golden light from the Archives, etc) so maybe he just doesn't want to see anyone suffer? Kindness often gets punished in WoD games.
Brok is sitting on a different chair. His mother's chair follows him everywhere he goes, does it?
I'm calling it, Chekov's M60s Mounted On A Bus. BUT. Not for this particular arc.
If there are keys to steal, in order to get into the Archives, they would be taken from Occam, Blacklaw, Dr Waters, or Lord Fatigue.
There are no other entryways to the Archives but there may be passages around, beneath, or above the Archives. Walls thin enough to use Vampire Magic through?
Giles knows that Spit is out of Ritalin, which serves as an explanation for Spit's symptoms and proof that the guys keep an eye out for each other.
Spit seems to be the biggest red herring. Something is very wrong with him but it isn't being Ghouled (and it isn't just something that can be managed with Ritalin). Still, when he gives his blood sample, he doesn't give two drops: he hides out of sight and only delivers a blood-smeared chalice. We don't see him giving blood, and the sample is darker than the rest. Older blood? Stored and poured?
It's Elise that pickpockets Giles of all his worldly possessions (while Spit is being consoled by Fatigue). She even takes one of the smokes for herself, having it in her mouth at the top of the stairs and then as she descends. So, then, she handed the smokes over to Olivia at some point. Maybe when Elise was 'looking for Grimal at the time'. A gift? A trade?
At some point after the 'I said FOLLOW MY LEAD' fight, Blacklaw and Brok work to get the Cold Tessellation out of the wall. Where the hell did D go (and why is it under the stairs, digging through old newpapers). How did he get out of that fight?
Grimal is in the Security Room, crying, when Occam is attacked. Could she have seen who attacked Occam, or did she miss it because of her tears? ('Noises of insecurity' in the Security room is pretty funny, I'm sorry.) HOWEVER. Grimal does NOT have access to Security, according to her chapter card... but Elise did steal Giles' keys, so perhaps Elise let Grimal into the Security room? Now the question is, was the door locked behind her? Did Elise leave other doors unlocked as well?
Spit says he knows where Giles' things are. How? A good nose for it? Or just an excuse to get out of the room (where a lot of dead animals are)? He then goes... downstairs, to the Music room. Lord Fatigue says he will go look for Spit, but goes upstairs to the Staff Break Room instead, diagonally above Occam. The minimap shows Spit stressed, Occam tense/in pain, and Fatigue with... the same facial expression. Is Giles doing something to the blood? Is Fatigue doing something to the blood? Is there some direct line of connection between the three? Is there really only one way into the Archives, or is there a way up from below, or down from above? The placement of Spit and Fatigue on the minimap feels incredibly important to figuring out who attacked Occam (even if that doesn't have anything to do with the ghoul).
Elise is in the middle of taking her ponytail out when Kitten returns from his pacing and fuming and brief stop in the kitchen. As a ponytail haver, the decision to NOT undo the hair after starting to do so is significant. But then again, maybe giving her a different animation model wasn't in the cards for the episode. (She's hot enough already idk).
There are large claw marks on a lot of walls and doors in the Chapter House…
There are 15 people in the Chapter House, but 16 cups are strewn about when Occam is found. All 16 cups are bloody. Someone else is present? Someone left an extra cup, some extra blood?
Kitten is focusing on 'who could have attacked Occam as we were leaving' but is that really the timing of the attack?
'Your papa could never take a punch like that' says the man who has been fighting Blacklaw all evening. Playfighting? They've been playfighting this whole time? Yet the man can handle a bottle being thrown at him by Marckus, so he at least has some grit.
"Look. It's the same. Indisputable." So if Blacklaw cannot tell the difference between 'a bleak British man and a middle-eastern meat-slab', either his eyesight is shitty and thus he cannot be trusted to give any trustworthy visual evidence, OR, he hasn't looked at D in actual decades because D is the Devil and must not be observed directly. Which is kinda countered by how often they face off and glare at each other, so.
Other things that might be of note and/or are things I noticed:
Amanda's blue gloves - does she have a latex allergy? Or does the Arcanum not provide boxes of disposable gloves for the staff and they have to just make do with one set each? As someone who worked back of house in hospitality, this seems... bad.
Both Blacklaw and D have yellow and black as a major colour to their outfits, but inverse to each other (jacket and tank top vs jacket and vest). IDK maybe that's something worth noting, or it shows how more alike than they like to admit.
Hardcore Kitten steadying inhale in front of the portrait of the dead knight made me think to how TTS ended... Then again, the man out here killed a vampire with a shove and an iron fence while being badly hurt so like. Man's badass enough on his own.
Git works with the Lady Regent's favourite daughter. Could Poly have slipped him something, made him a ghoul without his knowledge? Man can reverse-drink a beer but his favourite food being available at his place of work could lend itself to some Manager-induced tampering of the safety seals.
Kevin was invited to the 'funny phrenology library' but decided to stay in the basement. He might have recognised the ghoul right away. He also might have gotten D's family Blood Hunted AND targetted by the Coalition, if that were the case. For reasons of safety first, comedy second and plot third, Kevin stays at home.
Hey uh what's the Penis Explosion Room on the mini map and why is it Elite Access and also why is it there and why is there no doorway to it and also what
Harry being able to get dressed very quickly between listening in at the door and then D showing up with the keys. I know he doesn't really do Anime but I feel like that must have been a magical girl transformation somehow (/j)
Guy Chapman might be the most dangerous ghoul at the moment: 'sharpened senses, inhuman strength, even the power to bend minds' He did drink the blood of Kevin, a Vampire Wizard. I'm thinking about Marckus' night pubbing, and how Chapman heard the beginning of the vampire talk, as well as the fact that Brok's first and second knife broke dramatically. The cop did it, with his new vampire magic.
The portrait on the wall (when Elise is doing D's hair) - baby Occam is adorable, I'm sorry his mother is a Blacklaw but she seems far more hinged than Remold, is baby Brok okay, is Brok's mother the blonde woman from the interrogation room - if so who is the woman standing with Blacklaw? And the slacker behind her? A Blacklaw Family Drama photo, I'm very pleased.
'Amanda never sweats, she's lower class' I've never seen a Rich Bastard in media who thinks this, this is fascinating. Normally it's 'sweating is for the lower classes' but here we are in the reverse. Does Blacklaw think the 'lower class' are literal automatons or
Fatigue dies in the room where his younger Hunter self is immortalised in a portrait on the wall. Taller, younger, still with the same glasses, nose, and ears. Just how old is he?
Side note: 'did anyone find out if Mummies are real yet' - yes, Marckus, they did, in The Resurrection/Curse. You were right.
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writingbyshiloh · 1 year
Cautious yet Optimistic and Graceful Part 2
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Part 1 & Part 3
CW: Morally gray reader, F!Reader, John Wick-type universe (ie, killing, the reader thinks about past injuries from fights. training not descriptive). Not smut but suggestive thinking from both Vincent and the reader, mutual pinning, and worldbuilding but no description of the reader. Smoking, a nonsexual cigarette burn on the reader, brief drinking. MAYBE OCs (Fictional staff for the fictional hotel). NO BETA
Summary: The Marquis de Gramont still annoys you. But he needs help from you(r hotel). Like a good manager, you help. 
AN: PART 2 everyone!!! Thank u for the likes/comments/reblogs! This takes place a few months after part 1. IDEK if this is ooc the man had like 30 minutes of screen time overall and I’ve been writing this for a week. I read it a few times for spelling but something got messed up copy and pasting and a para or 2 got dropped. Part 3 will be out ???? soon(ish)
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Something about today had his words bouncing around in your head. Out of all the ways to describe someone, he narrowed it down to three (well technically he used six). 
Cautious. Sure, you can see that. Out of a love of being alive, you tried not to take any unnecessary risks in your fighting days. You also tried to avoid having a marker whenever you could. There was one in existence with your blood on it. A favour for someone you thought was a friend. You held up your end, the bloody fingerprint stored in the New York Continental as proof. 
Optimistic. That also makes sense. You actually enjoy what you do, loving being part of the criminal underworld before and now. You haven't been the manager for too long but would already die for this hotel. 
The part that was throwing you was graceful. You didn't think you were that graceful physically. You have scars to prove that you've taken a hit, slash, or burn many times. Did he mean gracefully with people? Camille did so much for the hotel, you just deal with regular hotel things (like getting Monument Historique status for a collection of French weapons, take that, Vincent). The other part was implanting rules from the high table. Maybe just being graceful and polite when you were resisting the urge to claw your eyes out. 
It could also be flirting. You felt he wasn't the type to hit on someone out of the blue. Sure he was smart and confident, but it seemed like too big a risk for him to take. Unless he is just a playboy, which is something you find yourself tempted to google twice a day. 
You would rather die than admit it, but you almost like when he called you Mademoiselle. Almost. It was like a nickname, plus it brought out his accent more. When you found yourself enjoying.
To make things worse Camielle caught on to your crush immediately. While embarrassing, it did show how clever she was and you were glad she was the concierge. Her knowing also gave you an excuse to just tell Vincent your direct number, so Camille would stop reminding you how frequently he called.
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You love the bar in the hotel. It is beautiful, decorated in an Art Nouveau style, with large windows allowing for the sun to filter in during the day. You were almost pleased that Vincent asked to meet you there, allowing you to subtly show off your business. 
Finding him at the bar wasn’t hard, no one else was wearing a dark green three-piece suit, complete with a complexly tied tie and their coat of arms pin. He looks good but tense, one long leg crossed over the other. Plus, you could see Chidi and another guard in their gray suits keeping an eye. You were thankful that you took extra time this morning on your outfit. 
You slid into the chair next to him, after shaking a few hands with other big names down in the bar for a late-night drink. 
“I hear you have a problem.” You say, while not knowing the full details, just that he wanted to meet you in the bar and something was wrong. It kicked your heartbeat up, even if you only told yourself it was the stress of him being here. 
“I’m sure you know because of your love of rules, but I can only help those who are using the hotel services.” 
You didn't care that much, and would absolutely bend the rules to do him a favour, but couldn't resist a chance to get a dig in.
The Marquis pulls out two gold coins and slides them across to the bartender. He orders a top-shelf spirit before his eyes cut to you. Now he's buying you a drink in your own hotel. You would want him to buy you a drink in a different situation but at least he didn't order for you. That may cause you to actually kill him.  
Clearing your throat you order your usual, quietly thanking the bartender when the drink was placed in front of you. 
The bar wasn't loud, but he dropped his head towards you so you could hear him better and to give the conversation some privacy. 
“You have a cartographer here, no?”
You nodded. The cartographer is excellent. He had blueprints for buildings past and present, as well as the catacombs. He also had knowledge and keys to abandoned buildings if something had to be desponded and not be found. 
“How soon do you need him?” While one of the best, he was away for his daughter's wedding
You took a small sip of your drink. You could probably get the information he was looking but you wouldn't be as efficient. 
“While we do have a cartographer, he's gone to a family event. If your plans are that urgent I can try my best to fill in.” 
Content with your answers, Vincent leaned back into his seat taking a swig of his drink. You took the finishing sip of yours before pushing out of your chair. 
“I have spare keys in my office. I’ll meet you back here in five.” 
For how commanding and prideful he is, you never expected him to need the services from your hotel.
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The maps room was fairly boring. Three out of the four walls were filled with lockboxes to various maps. Blueprints, and documents for France and even some other countries nearby. 
“Are these your beloved catacombs?” The Marquis asks, studying the paper taped to the wall. You asked the map maker for more information and for ideas on what you could do with them. 
You hum in agreement, deep down thrilled that he remembered such a small part of your conversation ages ago. 
Your eyes jump over the numbered lock boxes in front of you, trying to find the one he needs. 
You half expected him to help you pull out maps and building plans, a blend of chivalry, showing off his height, and getting under your skin. He didn’t, letting you struggle with the lock instead. 
Vincent knew he should help you, but the way your back was arched as you tried to open one of the lockboxes out of the dozens was more interesting. His gaze moved over your legs, before looking at your ass in your skirt. 
Feeling the lock give a turn to the side, you peek inside the box to make sure the plans were there. Hand sliding in, you pulled the thin tube out, double-checking the label on the front to make sure it is the one you need. Leaving the box unlocked you turn to face Vincent, a triumphant grin on your face.
Maybe your grin and pride in getting the correct documents were a bit unprofessional but he didn't care. Not since the small room amplified the smell of your perfume and how the spent the better part of the last five minutes checking out your legs. 
Uncapping the tube, you pulled out the blueprints and spread them on the backlist glass table in front of you.
“Here are your prints,” you state awkwardly. You're not sure why he needs them, and why he personally came here. Chidi is keeping guard outside the map room, despite you repeating the hotel policy of no business. 
The Marquis nods in response already focusing on the table. You flatten a small map from the tube in case he needs context on the area. Not likely since he already knows what to look for, proven by his notebook and the constant sound of his pen against the paper taking notes. 
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Watching him study the map may have been alright at first, but three hours later you are tired. There are only so many times you can look at his hair and wonder if he would get mad if you run your hands through, or gently tug it. Or what his hands would feel like, especially with his signet ring. 
The grandfather clock tells you that it's only 2:36 am but you feel like it's later. Even Vincent looks slightly less than perfect, hair falling out of place from where he had gelled it that morning.
He is a guest of your hotel so you're going to keep helping him no matter how long he stays. Just with a bit less optimism. 
“Mademoiselle?” Your eyes snap to his face at the sound of his voice, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“You look tired. You should go to bed,” he comments. 
Wow. Thanks, you think. 
“I’m okay. I’m happy to stay here as long as you need,” you say while hoping he leaves soon. “How are the plans going? The cartographer can help you with the finer details when he gets back.” 
“That is not necessary. I have all I need here.” He slowly stretches and starts to stand. You never considered it but being hunched over the table must have been hell on his back given his above-average height. Finally seeing your chance to go to bed, you quickly make it over to the door, opening it for him. 
“Merci, again.” He thanks you as if this is not your job. 
“Do you want me to walk you to the main door?” You have all your floor plans memorized. 
“We are fine.” He replies. 
He looks at you and you can't read his expression. He's less tense, obviously getting what he needed from the plans. 
“The high table did a good job making you the manager.” 
You feel pride swell in your chest, despite the exhaustion you feel behind your eyes. 
“Bonne nuit, Mademoiselle” 
“Bonne nuit. Bon matin.” You quietly wish him as he leaves, wasting no time putting the plans away and locking the map room door. 
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You let out another exhaust of bitter smoke, watching it curl away on the cool night air. You didn't start smoking in Paris, but dropped and picked the habit a few times.
“Fumes-tu, Mademoiselle?” a voice behind you makes you flinch. You didn’t tell anyone that you have a secret smoking place, let alone that you went out to smoke. 
You spin around before relaxing at the sight of the Marquis, clad in a dark suit, his signature pin on the lapel reflecting the light. 
You nod, before realizing he probably can't see you well under the lights in the alcove. He is by your side quickly, long legs carrying him the short distance. 
You tip your head to the small table, where your rolling papers, tobacco and other smoking paraphernalia sit in a silent offer. Vincent looks at the table before facing you again. Guess he's too fancy to smoke you assume while taking a drag.
You turn your head to blow out more smoke, careful not to blow it in this direction, a hard feat considering he was extremely close to you. The smell of his cologne drifted under the smell of smoke. 
You move your cigarette down and out to the side, fully ready to see why the Marquis interrupted you. Watching his face, his eyes dipped down to your lips and then back to your eyes almost a silent asking. The smooth and sophisticated era was still there but there was uncertainty under it. 
You slowly leaned closer, not wanting to make the first move, but you want this to happen. He hand-cupped your face, the cool metal of the ring nice as he shifted closer, leaving a small gap for you to make the final push to kiss him. Just a few more inches and then -
Pain. A sharp burning pain on your pinky finger. 
You jerk back, trying to examine what happened. Your cigarette slipped while you were distracted and the glowing embers of the end dropped only to land on your pinky. 
“Shit. Sorry,” you apologize, letting out a nervous huff of a laugh while holding up your burn. The Marquis was unreadable, hand withdrawn. Does he think you rejected him? 
He reaches for your wrist and you let him take it. Slowly he brings your hand up to the outdoor lamp to inspect your burn. The stinging has subsided but you are sure the flesh is a bit swollen. 
With his free hand, he takes the offending cigarette and brings it to his lips. You can't help but stare, cigarette burns long forgotten as you watch him take a deep inhale, before exhaling over your head, so no smoke blows in your face. Part of you regret not making the final push to kiss him, while another hopes he takes another puff. 
Vincent brings your cigarette down to examine it in better lighting before placing it back in your hand, still firmly in his grasp. 
“It is not a well-rolled cigarette. It is too tight.”
There it is you think. The classic Vincent snark. But you secretly hope he rolls one so you can watch his hands and watch him smoke it. 
“You don’t have to smoke it.” 
“I just wanted to give you this.” He reaches into his suitcoat pocket, retrieving a white envelope. His hands brush yours while you grab it. 
You know his handwriting from the time with him in the map room, and you could easily tell he wrote your name on the front. 
“Thank you?” you weren't sure what was inside but you were being all the things he described you as. 
“I will go, and let you read it.” 
You watch him leave, thoughts racing too fast to try and save the situation.
Do you call out after him? Does he think you rejected him? Maybe not because he still gave you the envelope. 
You ash your cigarette before collecting your things and going back to your office. Maybe things would make more sense there.
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Taglist: @heartrot666
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httyddragonfox · 3 months
Proof of Sexuality
I've noticed something quite recently (I know, I'm an idiot), but to display someone's sexuality, you usually need some form of proof.
Let us look at two liberal displays of the LGBTQA+: Hellaverse and The Owl House.
To display that Luz was bisexual she displayed interest in both boys and girls, Eda talked about ex-boyfriends and has an old flame in a trans/non-binary person. Other than that we have word of god for the unclear stuff.
In Hellaverse (Hazbin hotel and Helluva boss) we have Moxxie who is married to a woman and has an ex-boyfriend, Blitz is interested in both Moxxie and Millie, having sexual relationships with a man, a childhood guy friend he had a crush on, and an ex-girlfriend. Someone in Hazbin declared Alastor as Ace and he has no interest in sexual relations, and Charlie is a relationship with Vaggie as well as the fact she has an ex-boyfriend.
Why haven't I mentioned Amity and Angeldust, it's because they're freaking obvious. The proof of homosexuals is just not showing interest in the other gender.
When it comes to hetero or homo-sexuals, the identity can be seen very early: Straight is pretty normal and Homosexuals only get crushes on their gender.
When it comes to all the other sexualities that identity gets identified in the teenage and early adult years. Here are a few personal examples:
Asexuality is a distinct lack of proof of striaghtness: For me, it was not understanding the whole sexual feelings thing, and then realizing normal people actually have that. That I discovered in early university.
For Bi-sexuality or Pan-sexuality (very similar) you need proof of liking the other gender or more than one: My friend discovered she was Bi after high-school. I asked her how she knew (She was dating a man who she eventually married, she dated boys in the past), technically I asked her if she was attracted to any girls. She said she found one girl attractive, so I took her word for it.
A classmate I knew of complained on how she wasn't allowed to be gay, but she ended up having a baby and dating guys. I think maybe she didn't know bi was a thing.
As for my grey romanticism: I've had only a few (three) genuine crushes in my life whilst my sister had enough crushes to count with two hands.
In fiction: homosexuals are obvious (only interest in one gender), bisexuals need proof (attraction or exes), other than that you're straight.
Asexuals are hard to label, usually it requires Word of God. Lillith is Aroace, because she never gets a partner and Dana said so, but without Word of God, we don't know she's ace, she might just be married to her work. Alastor is AroAce according to Word of God. Before episode seven of Hazbin Hotel that's all we had, and his distinct lack of sexual interest. That didn't stop the shippers who said, "he might not like sex, but romance isn't off the table." Those who didn't hear word of god must be thinking, "He might not like sex, but he'll do it with the one he loves." In episode seven, Rosie specifically calls him an "Ace in the hole," joking about a relationship with Charlie. So that would mean that sex and romance are off the table, but "she just said ace, not Aro." Word of God, you can't stop the shippers.
Another Word of God instance is Hunter and Willow's sexulaities ("Hunter is Bi and Willow is Pan"). Hunter has only liked one person in his life, and that's Willow, we don't have proof on screen that he had interest in other genders. Willow ever only showed interest in Hunter in the show (Maybe Luz, that's up for debate). People are upset that there is no proof of their Word of God sexualities in the show, because it looks like a straight ship and Dana's placating. Meanwhile, some people are happy with the LGBTQA ship that looks straight because those exist. Others wish to ship their homo ships, others wish to ship Lunter (even though when they met she already had interest in Amity), and other people complain that Huntlow is forced together just to have a straight ship and pair the spares and all their other complaints.
Without the proof of Hunter and Willow liking other genders, they might as well be straight, and that makes people upset. Fanfic writers try to remedy this by writing instances where they realize they like more than one gender, but that just goes to show...
In order to identify as this sexuality, you need the proof of liking what they dictate, or people won't believe the claims.
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crimeronan · 3 months
okay now that i'm calmer i can constructively discuss one of the things that made me lose my temper earlier. guys Please stop being weird about indigenous actors. in doing digging into the ~*~controversy~*~ tonight, i've yet to find any proof of ian ousley having committed any crime except belonging to a tribe that isn't federally recognized. (the thing about the tribe being a fake business venture or only having existed since 2012 has, as far as i've found, been debunked.)
federal tribal recognition is based around historical treaties, and you NEED to not base your idea of who is "actually native" on who the colonial occupying government says is native. if you didn't know this stuff and didn't feel like fact-checking prior to sharing then i'd recommend you pause in the future before reposting stories that make you mad.
this is close to my heart given that one of my partners is native american with a long family history on the rez and a lot of strong feelings about anti-colonialism. i Desperately don't want to have to blacklist atla entirely because i love it so much (the original cartoon, at least - haven't watched the live action yet), but like. I Need You Guys To Stop. For Real. Blease 🙏
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asirensrage · 11 months
can you Write a scenario in demon slayer on how each character would react if y/n had the ability to use her rare blood type to fully turn anyone back to human. How would each hashira react in this situation at the hashira meeting by ubuyashiki. And what would be there plans be for her? This is also including muzan as at some point a demon will report of this new finding.
Alright! This is the first kind of ask I've received like this. I'm not sure how well it's going to go, lol, but I'm going to do my best! Thanks for asking and I hope you like it! (I haven't written for them in a while so please lmk what you think)
Rating: T Pairings: None (mention of canon pairings) Warnings: Death threats (from Muzan), slight swearing. Suggested consensual experimentation? Unbeta'd Also, there are references to canon backstories but no major details
Before the Meeting:
You stand to the side, waiting. 
You hadn’t entirely planned for your ability to be revealed, you didn’t even know it existed until the attack, but after the demon and its sudden and confusing transformation, you couldn’t ignore what happened. You couldn’t ignore that they needed help. 
One of the demon slayers who found you in the aftermath brought you to meet the Ubuyashiki family and the leader of the Slayers. In that meeting, you learned everything and he reveals to you that you had the potential to change the world in their favour. As terrifying as it is, you could save people. The Ubuyashiki’s look at you as if you’re a saviour. Honestly? You have no clue what you’re doing. 
That doesn’t stop him from calling a meeting of the Hashira, the strongest slayers of their time. If anyone is going to help you achieve this new goal of theirs, it’s them. So you wait, trying not to fidget in your nervousness as you feel their gazes on you before Ubuyashiki arrives.
The Reactions:
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It’s strange for them to be called this soon and he hasn’t taken his eyes off of you. You’re a stranger and despite knowing you could only be here with permission. He doesn’t trust it but he waits. He’ll hear it from the master himself. 
You’re introduced and honestly? He’s confused. It’s not possible. It shouldn’t be possible and if it was anyone except the Master, he wouldn’t believe it. He still doesn’t believe it. 
“Not that I am doubting you, Master,” he calls out. “But you can’t expect us to believe this without proof.” 
“Of course, I wouldn’t, my children, but I do ask that you trust me. Their abilities have been seen by multiple slayers in the incident it was revealed.” 
“Tch,” he mutters but he nods. 
It’s fine. He’ll keep an eye on them. Maybe if their blood actually works, they can get rid of Muzan and Genya will finally be fucking safe.
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Shinobu is aware of the stranger but isn’t concerned. You wouldn’t be here unless you served a purpose and when you’re finally introduced, she’s fascinated. 
There’s never been a recorded case of someone with the ability to transform a demon into a human, the complete opposite of Muzan and his creatures' abilities. It’s fascinating and the first thing she’s going to do once this meeting is over is make sure you return with her to the Butterfly Mansion. She needs to compare your blood to a regular human's and see if there is any difference. There has to be a way to measure the ability. 
She wonders if Wisteria would have any effect on you and she’s already calculating the tests she can do. As Master Ubuyashiki replies to Sanemi, it occurs to her…could your blood help him? Could it stop the illness or remove it completely? She needs to look into this. 
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“How flashy!” 
Tengen has never heard of anything like your ability in his life, but he can’t wait to see it in action. He knows it’s bound to be spectacular. He can hear the way your heartbeat increases the longer you stand there under their speculative gazes and he offers his compliments in order to help ease the stress. It doesn’t seem to work but you nod back to him and smile. Rengoku’s additional praise seems to fluster you further under the attention. Tengen just laughs and tells his friend that the end might actually be in sight. 
He knows he’s not wrong. It would be an incredible thing to see and if it’s true, they need to keep you safe. Shinobu will likely figure out some plan to use your ability without putting you in danger and if they can completely eradicate the demons? It’ll be a flamboyant end. Perhaps then he can keep Hinata’s promise and get the chance to live with his wives in peace. The way they deserve. 
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It’s unusual for a Hashira meeting to be called so soon. He can admit that his curiosity is piqued at your presence but he can wait until it’s satisfied. Whatever he was expecting, it is not the news that their master presented. An ability to transform a demon back into a human? It seems impossible but if that master agrees, he can only imagine the possibilities. The idea that Senjuro may not feel the need to follow him into this danger is enough to fuel his desire for this to be the truth. 
He is unashamed as he gazes at you, taking in your countenance and stance. You’re untrained. He can see it as clearly as he sees the determination in your eyes. It’s admirable. The path ahead of you will be dangerous but you are a spark of hope that he can fan into a blaze. You’re untrained but not for long. He’ll ensure you have the skill to survive. Whatever it takes.
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It seems like a dream when Master Ubuyashiki informs them of the reason for your presence. He’s not sure what’s more surprising. The news of your ability or the relief that sets in his chest at the fact that you can turn Nezuko back and save him and Master Urookodaki from needing to fulfill their promise. He doesn’t regret the choice he made but he wants to keep his Master from needing to keep it. 
He glances at you out of the corner of his eye and wonders how you came to be here. Who did you lose to find out you were capable of such things? Did you hold the same guilt he has about being too late? He hopes not. It may seem like a cruel thing for the world to give you this, but the potential is worth it. It has to be. He’ll help as much as he can.
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Muichiro is listening. He is. But he can’t help his thoughts from wandering as he processes the news. Were you like a demon? It sounds like a blood demon art but you’re standing in the sun so it can’t be that. Maybe something else? What else could do that? His gaze wanders to the clouds as he thinks. One of them looks like a rice ball. Or…a cat? 
The Master called them here because of you but you haven’t spoken. He’s not sure if it’s true or not but if that master says it is, it is. He can trust that. 
He continues listening, even as he decides that the cloud is more of a frog now.
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His eyes narrow as he watches you. It seems convenient that you’ve emerged now. First the demon in a box and now this. It’s suspicious in his opinion. Still, he won’t go against Master Ubuyashiki’s orders. If he believes you can help, then Obanai will wait and see. He doesn't believe it, not until he sees it for himself, but he’ll let you be. 
That doesn’t mean that he won’t keep an eye on you though. He doesn’t trust you, no matter what the Master says. You’re a stranger and he wouldn’t be surprised if this was some elaborate trap. He knows you can’t always trust humans, even when you want to. So he’ll wait and he’ll make sure you don’t get the chance to spring the trap. He’ll keep his comrades safe. Especially Mitsuri. He already knows that she’s dying to meet you properly. He’ll be right there with her when she does. Just in case.
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The news is a surprise, but Mitsuri can’t help but be excited! This was the best thing she’s heard. She loves being a demon slayer, and she loves her friends that she’s made but this could change everything! People would be saved! It’s the best thing she’s heard at one of these meetings, even with the last one where she met the adorable Tanjiro and his sister. The fact that you want to help? It’s wonderful. 
You look a little scared though and it’s enough to make her want to reach out and comfort you. It must be intimidating to be faced with them, even if Mitsuri knows they’re not scary. Not really. Still, she makes up her mind quickly. She’s going to properly introduce herself after the meeting. She’ll even drag Obanai with her. The three of you will be great friends, she just knows it!
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 He murmurs prayers at the news.  It’s fantastic but his heart can’t help but mourn for the tragedy you must have faced in your discovery. His eyes fill with tears that don’t hesitate to fall. It must have terrified you and to think, you have a bright soul that has still made the choice to help others. It’s commendable. It is tragic. And yet, he feels only hope as you are discussed. 
He doesn't know how it’s possible, but he prays and gives his thanks that they’ve found you. That they are given this chance to protect you as you help them save people. It is a worthwhile effort and one that he will not waste. He could not save the children under his protection and he holds no grudge against the choices that were made, but he will do better now. He will help you reach your potential and save all that you can. 
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When Muzan hears the news of you, he laughs. It cannot be real. There are none but him who can change a being into another. And yet…he feels the disconnection. He knows that he is losing demons as fast as he can replace them. It’s strange. They’re not dead, but they are gone. 
There are no recorded incidents about being able to turn demons into humans, but Muazn isn’t stupid. There were none that did the opposite before him. He sets out his demands, giving the orders to his Upper Moons. Bring you to him. He wants to see if it’s true and if it is? Well, he wants to see what else you’re capable of. Maybe you can do more. If your blood can turn a demon into a human, could a diluted form give him the ability to walk in the sun like he wants? Think of the possibilities. 
And if not? He’ll satisfy his curiosity and make sure to kill you himself.
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demon slayer taglist: @renhoeku
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Hiiiiiiii, I'm so happy that you're active here again, you're one of my favorite accounts and the one I like to follow the most 😭☺️🫵🏻
What are your favorite headcanon or non canon (sorry if I wrote it wrong) from the plot? In fact, I read those posts you made about the canon of the novel, and you forgot to mention one. In the following episode or in a few episodes after Betty presents the real balance, Mario greets Marcela in the Ecomoda, she makes a joke about him being a great writer (because of the story of the letter with instructions), and says that he would be the best man at her wedding to Armando.
I'm practically 100% sure that this scene really happened and that I saw it, I'm not crazy lol but if it was another dialogue or I'm wrong, someone please let me know.
Hiiii!! I'm so glad you like my little blog🥰🥰🥰
I think I got slightly confused with your question, but I'll give you both my fav canon details (things that actually happened in the show) and my fav headcanons (things that aren't in the show but I totally wish they were!):
For the actual canon:
Patty trying to burn her ex's car. As if we needed any more proof that she's wrong in the head lmao
Betty and Armando both loving jazz and canonically quoting poems to each other!
Armando and Mario have been friends since they were in school!
Mario has such a phobia of kids that he straight up refused to meet family members until they were at least like 10 years old lmaoooo
Armando, a guy obsessed with order or cleanliness, nibbles on objects when anxious or stressed
Daniel does this too, and also bites his nails, btw
Daniel gives candy to Marcela everytime he sees her!
Armando's glasses and tie represent him. When he takes the glasses off, he's being vulnerable. When he takes the tie off, he's in a pretty bad mental state
Somewhere in Ecomoda's digit archives is a 9 pages word document detailing everything that happened between Daniel and Patricia and how Olarte and her caused damage to Betty's computer. The fact that it exists to this day and no one ever found the truth tortures me lmao
As for my favorite headcanons! They're just little things I kinda think could be true about the characters but nothing was ever said or full states about it:
Nicolás can't cook at all, not even a simple scrambled egg, but he makes the best bread ever. Literally the only reason I think this is because his mom has a bakery
Margarita and Roberto were a little similar to Marcela and Armando when young (much younger than Marcela and Armando were during the show, which is why they're frustrated that they haven't outgrown that reckless "phase"). My only reason to like this idea is that Margarita insists that Marcela needs to be patient and wait and that men will always need a refuge and get tired eventually, like she knows what she's talking about; like she knows what that's like. Roberto also seems to cough a little uncomfortable when Margarita and him are talking to Armando and she says something about how she would have left Roberto if he had hired a hot secretary or something along those lines lmao and Ik thinking that Roberto was a womanizer in his youth is so weird because he seems such a down to earth mature man, but believe me, you'd be surprised how much a former womanizer can change with age lmao
Armando was very good with sports, and he specially liked contact ones like boxing
Marcela was definitely the type of little girl who waited besides the front door and jumped excitedly when she saw her dad come home. We know she was her dad's favorite, that's canon
Margarita and Susana were away for a big part of their children's childhood. I think this because Roberto says that during the early days of Ecomoda, Margarita and Susana were in charge of the interior design and the design of the collections, and also that they traveled a lot
Armando was a very troubled teenager. My reason to think this is that, well, just look at how he is in the novela, and now imagine him with all the raging hormones of a teen, probably slightly absent parents, and an underdeveloped frontal lobe lmaoooo
The Valencias' parents died when Marcela, Daniel, ans Beata were kids. I like this better than them dying when the Valencia's are adults. This is technically canon but also not because the novela literally onlh mentions their deaths in relation to their kids' age TWICE and ysblf still managed to contradict itselfffffff. But I like to think that Julio qnd Susana died when their kids were little because it would explain a lot of their kids' behavior: Daniel, after losing his parents at a young age and being the oldest and only male in the family, he tried to grow up too quickly which is why even when he actually became an adult he's pretty much a charicature of what a 13 yo would think as mature: very serios, snarky, sarcastic, apparently stoic, rude, overly sexual, etc. He pretty much got stuck as a teen. Marcela, being a daddy's girl and losing him so young, she became unheathily attached to Armando. Maria Beatriz, being so young when her parents died, just ignores the whole thing and has no big sentimental attachment to Ecomoda or the family in general like Marcela does.
Armando was a big source of comfort when Marcela's parents died. I like to think this because a) we know they've known each other their whole lives, b) Armando can actually be affectionate and tender with Marcela, as we see only like once at the very beginning of the show, and c) strictly related to my hc above, I think it could be in part how she found refuge in Armando when kids after her parents died that she became so obsessily attached
Armando and Marcela were an on-and-off/ situationship thing for years. Not like actual bf/gf, but more like that awkward tension and perhaps a few kisses here and there, some hand holding, all of that. Armando probably also wasn't sure about formalizing the relationship for a long, long time, and it also probably took a lot of convincing from Roberto and Margarita to finally take that step
So yeah! Those are a few canon and headcanons that I like a lot hahaha! Thank you for this lovely question!
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Hello, I' ve been reading your blog for quite some time and its existence makes me feel better both in general and especially when I get really annoyed and frustrated by crazy zutara shippers (not the sane ones, of course).
I would like to add some observations I made and haven't seen here. I've read many pro-zutara metas, both mentioned here and the ones I accidentaly found myself, and I notice one thing. The shippers often (always?) claim that Katara and Zuko MUST be together, but almost never say that they actually WANT to be together. It's the shippers who want zutara to happen, but not the characters themselves. And these people complain that in kataang Katara has no voice!
Literally: Zutara shippers: In our ship Katara can finally voice her wants and needs and be heard, both by Zuko and us, since we all respect her so very much! Katara, voicing it: I am not Zuko's girlfriend! *seriously, that was the scene used as proof for this pro-zutara statement in one of the metas mentioned in the ask recently* Zutara shippers: Ignore that, she's in denial.
It became even better in the so-called "official dissertation" (gosh, there are so many lies and misinterpretations, I could talk about every single one of them, if you want) where the author wrote just that: "Sure, Zuko and Katara expressed no explicit romantic interest in one another in canon" just admitting: "I typed a six-part post explaining how this pairing, both participants of which don't want to be a romantic couple at all, should be canon".
Oh, yeah, that is a BIG thing with zutarians. It's exactly because they know that Zuko and Katara don't actually have feelings for each other, that they have to find other (often super convoluted) reasons for this "romance" to happen.
The Fire Nation HAS to be the "feminist" nation while everywhere else is a hellhole where women are nothing but property and baby-makers. The Fire Nation HAS to suddenly only be able to peacefully co-exist with the rest of the world if it suddenly stops being racist over night, being not only okay with the Fire Lord marrying the daughter of lider of a tribe they consider inferior and barbaric, but actually seeing her as the ONLY option for bride.
The Gaang, Katara's family and tribe, and basically every male ever, all NEED to see her as basically their maid and not actually care about who she is, so Zuko will be the only decent option for husband. Zuko NEEDS to be a billion times more traumatized by everything he went through while Katara is the only one that, by some miracle, can "fix" him just by existing so she'll be forced into the role of wife/caretaker/therapist, otherwise she'll psychologically destroy him.
Aang and Mai (as well as other characters like, say, Jet) NEED to be completely selfish, uncaring, abusive, evil tyrants that will inevitably become such unbelievable threats that they just HAVE to be killed so the possibility of Katara and Zuko so much as having ANY positive feelings towards them, let alone choose to be with them, is just no longer on the table.
Zutarians know they HAVE to make Zuko and Katara basically be forced into a relationship with each other, because it's very clear that they'd never pursue it willingly.
And somehow, that's "true love" instead of, at best (and this is me being VERY generous here) a mutually benefitial arranged marriage with no real feelings involved, or at worst just two people giving into despair and never, ever finding real happiness in this relationship they feel trapped in because said relationship was a big mistake.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
Hello BBP can you please please tell me what do you mean when you say Jimin confounds his solo fans with Jimin biased armys? I've seen solos say Jimin has addressed them by saying "my fans and army" or something like that (I tried looking for the source of that pic and haven't found it). And I remember Jin saying he would be in trouble if he says something to Jimin since he has a lot of fans. Also that one pic that solos use of Jimin drawing fans with "BTS" and "PJM" banners (I know the source of that one). I think ksolos also used what he said in the Festa Dinner about the meaning of Army and Fans to their favor but to this day I have no idea what he meant with those words. I don't know korean, so that's something I don't understand. So based on those things to me it seemed like he knew of the existence of solos or fans who like him the most. It seems I could be missing many things that's why I would like your help with this. This may seem like a little thing but with how akgaes are moving these days, I would like your opinion. Bc akgaes act like they don't need validation and selflessly support their fave even if they would hate them for disliking BTS, but then they would show me proof of Jimin validating them. So they do need the validation after all. Did Jimin validate them by mistake because he confuses them?
Hi Anon,
I believe what I actually said is that Jimin confounds his solo stans and many Jimin-biased ARMYs. Not with. Meaning he tends to confuse or bewilder them with his actions. At the time, I was referring to how I'd often get asks from Jimin biases asking why he acts in certain ways such as being shy or not posting on social media; or how often his solo stans would rain hell over him not having/doing something, only for it to be revealed that he didn't actually want it. Such as the OSTs and more recently, him not posting the BB cake he received despite all the chaos from PJMs.
Time and time again I'd see his solos wonder why he doesn't act in-line with their expectations, why he's not active, why he doesn't insist for this or that, why he doesn't push more. They usually conclude that he must be a pushover, overly selfless, 'too kind for his own good', or some sort of sacrificial lamb. When his actions, to me at least, actually reveal the opposite. That's what I meant, Anon.
But more to your point, Jimin has mentioned ‘fans’ and ARMYs before, but typically in a way where it's clear he uses them interchangeably, meaning he's not actually referring to akgaes. During Festa, the first person who said "fans and ARMY" was actually Namjoon, when they were talking about the red line connecting them and their tattoos. He used it in a way to mean two different groups of people. Later during the dinner, Jimin said he hopes the meaning of what it is to be ARMY (their fan) doesn't change in Chapter 2, but contrary to Namjoon's usage, Jimin used those terms (i.e. "fan" and "ARMY") interchangeably. So if solos wanted to pick any member's words as the basis for their validation, they'd be better off choosing RM, than Jimin. When Jimin wrote PJM he was of course referring to himself as those letters are his initials. So in that example too, he was referring to the connection he (PJM) has with his fans (ARMY), not referring to two groups of fans.
Anyway, the members are all aware that they have solo stans. They know what akgaes are, just as they know what sasaengs are, and sometimes they loosely acknowledge them, but generally make the point to credit ARMY for their success. Jimin more than most members to that point.
I personally find it kinda… you know, lame, when ARMYs stress that they’re recognized and loved by BTS and solos aren’t. Because, as you’ve noticed:
1. Solos don’t actually care what their chosen idol thinks. If they did they’d listen to him, respect his choices and not seek to interlope or control him, which by definition they do. Their solo stanning experience is more to help regulate their own emotions regarding the object of their obsession, than actually loving Jimin. So while they’d love to be acknowledged by him, they’re fine to not have that co-sign because their actions are really more for them than for him. So ARMYs pointing out that a member mentions ARMY rather than ‘fans’ might hurt an akgae, but for most of them they wouldn’t really care.
2. Too many ARMYs use the label as a 'get out of jail' card to get away with truly abhorrent behaviour. Both towards the members and towards other people in fan spaces.
3. The members do acknowledge that they have solo stans. Just not often or directly, and sometimes those references are even negative (such as when they stress gratitude to their 'real' fans who respect their bond and choices for example).
BTS in general toe a fine line with their mentioning of akgae fandoms, they recognize there are people who like only them in the group, but they are usually very deliberate about crediting their success to one entity: ARMY.
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whatgaviiformes · 11 months
Fic: Watercolors (FishTank Week)
Summary: When the water takes, he creates.
Characters: Virgil, Gordon (are you surprised?)
Words: 1,840
Warnings: Past loss on a rescue. Nothing shown, just the feelings.
Special thanks to @the-original-sineater for the read through and excellent advice as always.
A/N: When we hit FishTank week, I knew I wanted to do a spin on the crafty of the bunch, so I’ve been wanting to write this for awhile. Life. It gets away from you. But this is my very late take on “Arts and Sciences” day, plus Math!Scott makes an appearance for ya. :D
And since the timing aligns, this is also for @gumnut-logic, @knyee, and @astranite, as y'all have definitely been inspiring me lately with such lovely pieces to get me off my butt. I hope you don't mind the overlap, but I feel like this pairs well with gumnut’s take on Virgil painting on the floor here, inspired by knyee’s artwork here. And astranite’s lovely watercolors of Two and Four have been such lovely reminders of this idea that's been stirring at my brain. If any of you haven't yet, go give them some love first. This is for you, and for all of the crafty fam. You all are so incredibly talented, and I don’t know how I got so lucky finding a place in this fandom.
Read on Ao3 [this is my 50th work on the archive!!]
Virgil awoke well-rested, but with the sudden memory that they’d lost people yesterday. It had been a comfort in his dreamless, beyond-exhaustion sleep to exist where that hadn’t happened, but while awake it was all too recent to forget. The itch on his scalp scolded him for crashing before removing what remained of the gel out of his hair, but at least he’d managed to change into something resembling sleepwear the night before.
Physically refreshed but weary, Virgil took an additional twenty minutes to wash up and change, the steam from the shower lifting the world from his shoulders just that little bit – enough for his heart to accept that it was a new day. And it would be what he made of it.
He rolled his dirty clothes into his sheets and tore them from the mattress, placing them in a laundry basket he kept outside his bathroom. It was better to have them somewhere organized, just in case the machines down the hallway were already in use by someone else in the family. Luckily, they were not, and it wasn’t until he started his pile on the wash cycle that he realized he could hear the steady pitter-patter of rain on the less sound-proofed walls of the utility room.
His stomach dropped, realizing his co-pilot was cooped up without his usual outlets on a day like today. Though he wouldn’t put it past Gordon to still find solace outside in the rain if he was that determined to be among the water. Hopefully nowhere near the storm-raged sea; Gordon knew better.  Four hadn’t been fast enough yesterday, and Gordon, for all his outward carefree nature, would be feeling the loss just as much as him. It was one thing to say they couldn’t save everyone; it was another thing all together when their ships weren’t fast enough. Or they weren’t enough.
Even John had thought they could make it.
Mother Nature – she provides, and she takes.
A quick check in with Scott over comms revealed he and Alan were actually already attending to their brother in the satellite station above Earth. John had wanted Scott to check on the probability calculations of yesterday’s program, not trusting his own analysis being so close to the problem. At Eos’ absolute offense, Scott was there to provide another set of eyes, he admitted to Virgil. Smart move bringing along Alan, Virgil thought. Not just because of Three, but because Alan was best at giving John a distraction, via one of their online games or “space talk” or both.
“What have you found?” Virgil asked curiously. 
Scott grimaced, admitting he didn’t think he’d find anything wrong with the program. These things just happen. And, unfortunately, Virgil had to agree – he had the upmost faith in Scott’s math, John’s programs, and Eos’ quick computing.
“Hey, check in on the Squid when you can?” his brother asked, frowning at the numbers through a tirade from the AI. “I couldn’t find him earlier.”
His thoughts exactly.
He signed off with an FAB and sent a prayer off to the stars for his brother’s continued patience. For John’s sake. Despite the circumstances, it made him smile knowing Eos and Scott had gotten at least comfortable enough to argue math. John and Eos both were in good hands.
Gordon was in his.
Surprisingly, it didn’t take Virgil long to find him, and he hadn’t needed to start scouting the Island in the rain to do so. Gordon was safe inside, sitting at the kitchen table when Virgil entered to prepare his morning cup of coffee. The aquanaut was hunched over something – Virgil couldn’t quite see what since he had his back to him, but he recognized the poor posture of when Gordon was hyper-focused on whatever was in his hands.
He slid up to him and placed his hand gently on the curl of his spine between his shoulder blades. “Straighten up before you hurt yourself.”  Virgil was guilty of it too at times, but with Gordon’s bad back, he obviously needed the reminder this time. Obediently, Gordon pressed his shoulders down and stretched his neck from side to side where he’d accidentally formed stress in his muscles.
“Oh, ow. I forgot,” he grinned sheepishly up at Virgil, who used the opportunity to glance down at the table for just what had taken Gordon’s attention so completely to forget the key guidelines for the health of his spine. He was usually so attentive to that.
Virgil raised his eyebrow at the familiar array of art supplies in chaos across the kitchen table – a paint palette or two, his watercolors, the cup he used for his paint water complete with a selection of brushes tucked inside.
“I’ll replace everything.” Gordon at least had the good sense not to mess with his top shelf brushes, and expensive paints. So that’s where he’d been then while Scott was looking for him: in his studio. Automatically he bristled at the realization Gordon had been through his stuff without his permission, and it showed on his face despite him trying to reel in the immediate annoyance. Gordon noticed, adding, “I didn’t want to wake you. I think I found the more basic stuff, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” Virgil grumbled, even though he didn’t often use his watercolors.
“Then go get some coffee so you’ll be less mad at me. Pot’s already made.”
Irritatingly, Gordon was right, and the aroma of fresh brewed coffee relaxed him while the caffeine surged through his system with a warm awareness. Feeling more himself, if not a bit more inspired by the rhythm of the rain against the closed glass despite the lack of sun, he sat across from him and grabbed one of the fresh postcard-sized, art-grade papers from the pile.
On one of Virgil’s palette trays, Gordon had mixed yellow and vermillion, forming a warmer shade of golden light for the shadows, and for the first time, Virgil inspected the artwork of Gordon’s piece, the confident movements of the brushstrokes, and the well-portioned ratio of water to paints. It was no work of a beginner.
“Wait, you’ve done this before!”
Gordon flicked his eyes upward to meet his gaze, “It’s been awhile. Nowhere near like you.  This is all the product of tutorials.”
“Still - Wow, since when?” He had no idea Gordon had tried anything similar to his own passions for art.
“There’s nothing to do in a bathyscaphe, but what there’s a lot of is water.” Gordon’s gaze darkened for just a moment, the brushed poised over the paper.  “Water is life.” He shrugged, quickly rotating his shoulders back into a better position on his own before Virgil could mention it. “Art worked for you, so I figured why not.”
That gave him pause, imagining that it must’ve gotten old quickly - the appeal of living in a bathyscaphe for an extended period of time, that is. How many little habits and hobbies had Gordon tried on his own? It seemed quite a lonely assignment to Virgil, but Gordon had been so excited to go. After, Gordon had raved about all he’d had the chance to research, the impact he’d been able to make on marine farming, and the possibilities for solving world hunger, though he’d also been equally excited about being back upon his return. As fulfilled as Gordon was during that time, Virgil remembered the first time Gordon had had the chance to skip through the rain after his deployment down below and what was probably the worst burn of Gordon’s life when the sun came out after.
Through his own tight embrace of his little brother’s return, perhaps he’d missed just how hard Gordon had returned the hug, blinded by the initial excited science babble.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Virgil knew the others sometimes dabbled in music, and it already broke him to know they often hid it away, embarrassed about their skill in comparison to Virgil’s. Though, they feared a lecture that would never come. It was unlike him to compare, and more than anything he wanted the world to know art was for everybody, in whatever capacity it inspired. For him, it was as important as air, and the main difference was that he’d given himself the time to develop his skills. He loved those brief moments where Scott would play Heart and Soul with him, and when John would grace them with his singing voice around the holiday season.
But it was Gordon that played his uke with all the confidence of a maestro. And he loved that for him. Gordon was always unapologetic about the things he enjoyed; it was a rare and special characteristic of his younger brother to be himself so fully and authentically. So, the idea that art was something he’d potentially hidden away, made him shrink in himself just slightly.
He suddenly cared a lot less about Gordon taking his supplies for this.
“Hadn’t come up,” Gordon quipped, not in the slightest affected by the swirl of thoughts in Virgil’s brain. “I just wanted to make some flowers in their memory, so I brushed off an old hobby.” He emphasized the statement with a flick of the paint brush, his eyes laughing at his own pun, despite the solemnity of what he’d just said.
When he caught Virgil’s expression, his smile faltered, and eyes widened. “What?”
Virgil shook his head, feeling light, and he swallowed his sadness. “I just can’t believe I had someone to talk art with all this time and didn’t know it.”
“Don’t get excited. I’m still not going to an art museum with you. It’s just flowers. The same ones I’ve done a thousand times at that.”
“They’re very good flowers.” He wondered where the other ones were, and if one day, Gordon would ever show them to him. If he even still had them…
“Really?” Pleased, Gordon squinted at the drying yellow petals, layered on a bed of green connected to stems that trailed down below the postcard.
Virgil nodded, finally finding his subject.
If he were among his paints without his brother here, he would want to channel every horrible thing about yesterday into his art, using the watercolors for the grey and dreary. He’s done it many times, and he would find himself there again. His art wasn’t always beautiful.
With Gordon sharing the load, as he’d done for them all so many times, Virgil found his creative self reaching for the same color of yellow. It felt just so Gordon to reach for the magnificence of what water could create to reconcile the parts that were awful. In the depths of the sea, that yellow - the first color to be swallowed by the ocean - must have been a beacon for his lonely soul, and with it Gordon's art created joy when light reserves were dim.
And so, he found himself inspired by his brother’s yellow.
Since the sky didn’t want them to have any sunlight, Virgil would make them some.
It was a new day, after all.
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lsdoiphin · 1 year
Hello Hello!
I noticed you had quite a bit of art that is strikingly similar to an image I found ages ago, pertaining to Perigean Tide. I had been looking for the wiki I copied the image from as a reference from where I got it. did you make Perigean Tide as a universe? If not, can you tell me who did, and possibly where I can find a hella lot more info? Psionics and post apocalyptic scenarios always intrigued me. I hope you can respond soon, I'd love to invest time in Perigean Tide.
HAHA, WILD! I never would have imagined that someone would have found the PT Wiki* on their own without already knowing my art. I guess it does follow that if you found the wiki first you might have trouble identifying me since I mostly post about the characters (Sam and Isaac are the protagonists of the story - they work in a butcher shop) and I never got around to fleshing out the "characters" section of wiki…
(*For those just hearing that this existed, I never actually publicly announced I was working on it - it was something I was toying with yearrrrsss ago. In the end, I quietly took it down before finishing after realizing wikia had issues as a delivery method for this kind of worldbuilding project.)
But yeah, Perigean Tide is my... brain product? (Worldbuilding venture? Story-medium-yet-undecided?) The general concept has existed for a number of years and so my art style and the details of the lore have shifted around some, but it's continued to persistently thrive in the back (and front) of my mind. I've got a tag for it here but it's largely character-centric snippets - it's been a long time since I've written any lore recaps for the public, but maybe it's time to do that again? ;)
I haven't paid PT a whole lot of mind this year because most of my creative brain has been going into co-writing Forever Gold with my wife, but it's far from gone, I just cycle through story concepts depending on my whims (I also have a goth weird west setting I've only ever like 15% explained).
I DID draw a what-if of one of my Forever Gold guys as a PT character last month that I haven't shared, so take that as some proof that I haven't totally forgotten my own settings:
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thebadjoe · 1 year
Hello! I'm the dude who made a ridiculously long theory post about the culprit for chapter 2 by bringing a good amount of points that makes sense, but also makes it hard to believe for most. Just like previously, the post I'm gonna make is gonna touch the big spoilers territory, especially if I end up being right. More importantly though, a good chunk of this post will CONTAIN HEAVY Ch.2 Ep.10 SPOILERS, SO BEWARE!!!
For those who haven't read my theory yet, here it is. Click me!
So, a while ago, my theory post was made after watching Episode 9, but not Episode 10 since it wasn't released yet at the time. And then once the stream of that episode came live, it was time to put my theory to the test, to see if there would be any reveal that would make my theory difficult to work.
For the most part, it's still holding strong. There is however something in that video that throws a wrench into my theory. More specifically, it messes up with my motive. Today, I am here to explain in details what I mean by that as well as giving you alternate solutions to that problem. Also, I'll be discussing a few other holes in my theory (that was there before ep.10 existed) as well as giving you a few more reasons why my theory could work.
Step #1 : The note & the flashback
Yeah... let's start with that.
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To remind the readers just in case, my theory is all about Eden being the culprit of this case. And... you can already see where I'm going with this.
Eden was pretty nervous and hesitant with revealing the note­. But she eventually shares the note in a reluctant manner. Turns out... it's actually a pretty incriminating proof for her. But then... why would the note be found in the trash can? Why wouldn't she keep it instead of throwing it away if she was the culprit? Why would she help Whit and Rose to match the pieces of the puzzle being the ripped out note?
It seems so weird, but she claims right before that whoever made this note, they're trying to impersonate her. Makes sense, but she's still a tad suspicious. But then this happens...
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We learn that the secret "Your younger sister killed herself, and you're the reason why." actually belongs to Arturo which is later confirmed by Eden herself. And to put icing to this messy cake, we also get the full explanation as to what happened back then which we get to view it as a flashback!
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So yeah, with that explanation (flashback), not only do we learn why Eden was scared and hesitant in revealing that secret, we also learn that she became friends with Arei. Which screws up with the motive I had set up for Eden. For those who don't remember, it was supposed to be "She killed because of all the bullying, the overly excessive bullying from Arei was the final straw for her."
Because of that note and flashback, my motive doesn't really work on that theory anymore... or does it?
Nonetheless, there is a much bigger issue regarding Eden being the culprit. Thanks to this note and flashback, it makes Eden look a lot more innocent than usual. The odds of her being the culprit seem so... unlikely at this point, right?
Heck, there's even someone who made a poll asking who they think is the culprit after watching episode 10. Wanna know the % of votes towards Eden being the culprit? 1.6%. I repeat. 1.6%!!!! Like man... a lot of people don't think she is the culprit, moreso thanks to this episode.
Then... does that mean you're giving up on your theory?
Heh, not at all. I have an explanation for all of this. It's gonna sound crazy, but please, hear me out.
What if... this was all part of Eden's plan?
That's right! You heard me right! This was all part of Eden's elaborate plan and the reason why she would pull such a complicated plan is precisely because she seriously has the intention to win this killing game! Therefore, she pulled this grandiose scheme so that she would look the most innocent individual within this class trial and she pulled it off perfectly (so far).
Don't believe me? Then let me explain a few things. Let's consider this following fact first : the beginning of that flashback, from Eden sharing the secret to Arturo, to Arturo threatening Eden to Arei coming in to save the day and kick his ass, all of that is the truth. Otherwise, Arturo would've called it out if Eden was lying.
Now, let's get into Eden's pov and pretend that she's indeed the culprit. Considering how complex that murder scheme is, that part with her meeting up with Arturo to share the secret was also part of her plan.
She intentionally arranged that meeting to conflict so to create the possibility of Arturo blackmailing her. Add a convincing motive that Arturo commited the crime.
What about Arei coming in to save Eden?
That... it's hard to say. Easier answer would be no and that it was a very convenient timing that she ended up coming in to save Eden. It's also possible that she planned for her to arrive somehow. Probably not with a letter since they were not on good terms yet at the time. It's possible that Eden was keeping an eye to her surroundings to see if someone could hear her and Arturo in that medical room.
I know... it seems kinda weak, but I have a counterargument for this. Let me just finish explaining Eden's plan first.
So after being friends with Arei, she proceeded with the setup for her murder scheme, then knocked Ace unconscious with the turpentine. Then after this, eitheir two things happened : Eden wrote the letter to lure Arei into the playground to knock her out or Eden snuck up on Arei, knocking her unconscious, set up the rest then created a fake letter.
Regardless of which situation it was, she made sure to use a different handwriting than her usual for the note, ripped it and put it in the trash can. Whether it gets found out or not doesn't matter because she can easily claim that it wasn't hers.
Cause if we think about it, why would the culprit incriminate herself by leaving such letter out in the open? They could've hidden it somewhere much safer instead, but no, there was a reason for that. She did this because she knew the class would think that it wouldn't make sense for her to write that note and also be the culprit. So by leaving that proof in the open, she actually looks more innocent rather than suspicious.
And then if you take into consideration that she's super kind and sweet, the fact that she was acting nervous in the trial because she felt "threatened" by Arturo, her deception has paid off and now she looks incredibly innocent thanks to that buildup.
Eden is a lot more deceptive and terrifying than we can imagine if all I said ends up being the truth (for the most part).
What about that weak point of yours?
Right! It does seem like Arei saving Eden was not part of the culprit's plan for the most part, but it worked out really well for her. But did you know that even if Arei didn't save Eden, her plan would still work just fine?
Essentially, all Eden needed was someone to pinpoint as the prime suspect with a very valid motive. She only needed to meet with Arturo, to have him threaten her and the rest works out just fine.
It's just that if it happened that way, Eden would've instead snuck up on Arei, knock her out with the turpentine, murdered her, then fabricate this letter, or at least, something very similar.
It's also because of this that I don't think my original culprit motive is not quite thrown out of the water. Because if her plan actually didn't involve Arei saving her, then Eden wanting to kill to end the bullying would definitly work there. It's just that on top of wanting to end the bullying, she also wants to end this killing game, by winning on her own terms.
Now then, let's discu-
Step #2 : Holes in my theory? Where?
Bro! I don't approve of your disguise theory! Eden is much smaller compared to Arei, so people would've known!
Yeah, this is an issue, but it's not impossible to explain. Let's start by saying that she couldn't hide her real height with heels simply because Arei only wears shoes.
I also doubt there's any kind of special powers or chemicals or skills that allows someone to be temporarily higher in height than usual and that would be a lame solution to this problem because I would be using hints that was never presented in the story on top of using things that doesn't exist.
So instead, there are 2 likely scenarios that could "probably" explain that issue.
People weren't paying attention enough to Arei during lunchtime because of all the arguing. Arei never spoke (obviously cause someone disguised can't replicate her voice) and no one ever spoke to her as far as we're aware. So it's not improbable to think they haven't really paid that much attention to her.
She was sitting down at the time, so it was harder to tell the height difference. I know what we saw were standing sprites, but we can imagine she must've been sitting down most of the time since they're at a cafeteria, surrounded with tables and chairs.
So yeah, not my strongest counter argument, but hey, it works!
Eden has different eye colors compared to Arei!
For the eyes, easiest solution to that problem is that she wore contact lenses of a color matching Arei's eyes.
But everyone has rather unique eyes, you couldn't replicate it with simply colored contact lenses!
Probably not, but it doesn't really matter. Look at this sprite!
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See something interesting? You don't quite see her eyes very well, don't you? The disguised culprit could've easily hide any imperfections of the eyes with this pose.
What about the skin? Eden looks nothing like Arei!
Like I said before, makeup kit. I haven't watched these videos in details on youtube, but it's actually very possible to change a skin tone with foundation. Of course, since she'd have to do it on all her exposed body, it'd take a very considerable amount of time and effort.
Ah! I gotchu now! You just said that applying all this makeup would take a lot of time. There's no way she would have the time and energy to carry out a failed murder, a real murder, set everything up and take a long time to disguise yourself! It's impossible!
No, that's wrong!
Actually, it's very doable for someone like Eden. In fact, it's exactly because of this that she's likely one of the only classmate who could've carried out this whole plan.
I have the proof for you right there!
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This goes way back. Prologue Episode 2.
"Sometimes I can work up to a total of 15 hours without breaks!"
I'm sure technicly anyone could do this with the proper motivation and determination, but take into consideration that she's used to doing this. She's done it before.
It's possible that she stayed up all night to carry out the plan, get her disguise ready and accurate for morning/lunchtime and then went to bed afterwards to take a nap before meeting up with Hu for cleaning duties.
Step #3 : One more thing before I leave!
I know that some of you don't believe it's her despite everything I've thrown at you and that's perfectly fine. It's just a theory after all. I'm also perfectly fine with people coming up with different culprit theories, some more crazy than others and whatnot. I'm all down to uncover all kinds of possibilities we can uncover about this chapter.
However, I think it's also important to remind everyone of certain things that are probably facts to make sure we don't get too much off track.
So I'd like to give you guys a few pointers regarding what I believe would be the rules of a danganronpa murder mystery.
Based on my experience with this series and some of these fangans, I think there's a certain guideline and logic to follow. I personally think that from the beginning of chapter to the end of an investigation of that chapter, it's possible to solve the murder mystery with just that information.
Maybe not in regards to the whydunnit, but definitly for the whodunnit and howdunnit.
Although it's not usually easy to figure that out until you learn more information during the trial. They make it pretty challenging, but also solvable. I'd like to think that this applies to chapter 2 as well.
I think the creator intended it to be solvable with all the information given from the beginning until the end of the investigation of chapter 2.
This is one of the reasons why I seriously think Eden is the culprit in that murder mystery. I can only manage to solve it with Eden as the culprit.
But maybe you guys can with a different culprit. There's probably a perfectly explainable theory that I'm not seeing quite yet that could be plausible.
I'm looking forward to see what's about to happen in episode 11!
If you guys have any questions or anything you'd like to point out that I might be wrong, let me know!
Thank you!
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stick-named-figure · 1 year
its not the day of the short but here's a list of my observations i found important right after having watched it.
purple is living w/ king
portal is still used and has a switch (that i'm not sure would work?) (because the sound is annoying?)
purple previously lived near or in stick city
there ARE transit vehicles (bus) we just haven't seen any cars
wanted poster for chosen (report to "🚀"?)
sticks wear some clothes (green guy with a bow tie)
fighting is an apparently popular event (poster for a boxing match between "larry ipsum" and "lorem [text cut off]") but to what scale isn't implied
miscellaneous ideas after having talked about it
ava 6 starting with some path into stick city, i'm thinking about 2 ways it might start
a - ava 5 is used as in universe proof of chosen's activity and Some Guy will appear on the desktop looking for chosen
b - color gang goes to stick city (to visit purple [and king to some extent]) and second is recognized as a hollow head
rockets go to space and while the actual thing of Space (location) may or may not exist in stick city what DOES exist in the sky is the ip portals
no names on ANYTHING, the wanted posters[1], the gravestone which has interesting implications about how (or if!) sticks have names
if 🚀 is some sort of surveillance agency (original avm being broadcasted in episode 30 at gosha's) WHY is the color gang being surveyed
idk discuss i'm thinking so hard about it my brain hasn't even solidified that this was a Real Canonical Short
there are the names on the boxing poster, but it may be safe to assume those are stage names if it's anything like boxing irl
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mystqueerion · 9 months
Are monsters a known thing in this au, or is it more of a Supernatural (tv show) situation where hunters cover up the existence of monsters from the regular human population and travel the country hunting them in secrecy?
Is it normal for hunters to start so young (as the cast is made up of teenagers), or are they raised/trained in this life because of personal reasons? (like trauma, hunters in their family, etc)
Does South Park have a lot of monsters (compared to human residents) because the town is so weird, or is that ratio normal across the globe?
Basically just gimme all you got on the societal relationship between humans and monsters 🤭🤲
Okay so monsters are known, but some people are skeptical about it. Some people think the monsters are like myths the same way people don't believe in ghosts but because of the inexplicably paranormal activity and killings and stuff that happened, the skeptics are a much rarer breed and most people just think monsters living among them is fact. However, they don't really understand how integrated into society they are (especially the ones that change forms) and how frequently they're being taken down because who the hunters are isn't super known either (so that monsters don't avoid them on purpose). Basically the public knows about monsters, but only on a vague surface level and because of this some think they're just rumors. "Oh yeah, monsters are real but they're like, legends and recluses that live in castles and the woods" and meanwhile their neighbour Steve is actually a vampire.
It's normal for hunters to start at any age, though normally they're not scouted as hunters until they're older. For example, Kenny is a hunter because his brother Kevin was scouted as one, so Kenny had gotten training and exposed to the reality of hunters and monsters since he was young, and same with Karen. The hunters are all known amongst each other and Kevin was one of the more renown ones, but the public and the monsters are usually blind to who a hunter is, because if someone's open about it they basically get a target on their back by the monsters.
Hunters are scouted out by organizations, for example, their high school, because certain establishments and groups ask for permission to assemble hunters because they believe there is a monster threat to them. First they send detection methods, example: emf machine if they think there's a ghost, and if they can provide proof of suspicion, they're granted the right to scout people to be hunters. The kids in this AU are all seniors (aside from canonically younger characters, for example: if Dougie made an appearance), so they're 17-18. Hunters are usually around 18-20 when they're first scouted, and retire around 40 if they're still around, or earlier if they need to. Also, if proof that all monsters that have been detected in the area when the hunters were scouted and there's no more, the oranization usually disbands their hunter group, but the hunters are now qualified to go to other locations that need hunters, like if the place where threatening monsters might have been found is filled with kids or seniors.
Since monsters are usually able to blend in as humans, the idea is most of the population is actually monsters, but if you aren't one you wouldn't even know it. I haven't fully decided the lore of how the earth became so populated with monsters alongside humans, but a freak science accident at a major lab is my current like. Barely fleshed out basis. So no south park doesn't particularly have more than others. All around the globe there's monsters, and like I've said before some are trying to assimilate into human life (especially the ones who's powers are shape shifting based) and ignore the monster side to them and others (mostly the ones who struggle to appear as human without major modifications/disguising/etc.) give in to their killing nature and genuinely have a will to exterminate humans. This leads to a lot of infighting between monsters because that way of thinking is old fashioned, and mostly the ones who kill now do it solely based on instinct (like stan) or necessity to survive (scott)
Most monsters do want to assimilate and try not to be hostile or leave traces of monsters existing at their location because hunters and the public don't really (for the most part) understand this and think all monsters are hostile killers by default.
I thiiink that answers most of it?? Lmk if any didn't make sense
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