#Anyway I am very very grateful for all my friends and you leave me with a sense of awe and wonder and teary eyes and
Growing up, I didn't have 'friends'. In hindsight I'm probably high-functioninig autistic who didn't know how to mask but I've never actually done any kind of tests so I don't know for certain. But I was 'very weird,' 'creepy,' 'painfully shy,' 'retarded,' 'not ready for social interaction' (a mix of reviews from my peers and teachers/activity leaders.) Anyway, my preferred location during socialization was underneath the tables and in the corners. I was very, very good at making myself invisible, and I used it.
As we got older, my sister - vivacious, charming, clever, witty, and very pretty - began acquiring friends. (If you're familiar with Pride & Prejudice I was the Mary to her Elizabeth even though I'm actually older.) And sometimes I would hang out around the edges of her friend groups.
Eventually as a teenager I began forming a sort of friendships online, but none of them lasted - we either drifted away or burned up in a brilliant conflagration of drama and misunderstandings. And, yes, my good intentions led to most those conflagrations.
I was so bitterly lonely.
I resigned myself to being unlikable and strange and off-putting. To people regretting their overtures and polite conversations trailing off into silence and side-eyes at my weirdness and friendships not ever lasting.
But somewhere along the way I decided to tone down my natural snark and sarcasm and think three or four times before hitting post to see if my tone came across the way I wanted it to or if I just sounded patronizing and to make more effort to get out of my self-centered bubble of a mindset and to try, to try to always be kind. To show Christ's love to all I meet.
And then people started calling me wise and I can only laugh helplessly because I'm not, I'm so not, I just overthink things and flail around in the darkness and go "Hey maybe" "What if" and if my overthinking helps someone else I'm very glad but I'm not wise, I'm so much not wise.
And people said I was kind and I went "Oh, well, that means I'm succeeding then".
And then someone called me beloved and it was like running into a brick wall. What do you mean 'beloved'. I can't be 'beloved!' I am unlikable, much less lovable. What do you mean I help you feel better what do you mean I'm not scary what do you mean you think about me during your day what do you mean I'm your friend what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean, and why am I crying?
Anyway. Now when my children ask who I'm talking to I say "my friends" and when I see the color green or the color purple or flowers in a meadow or flowers in the world around me or small creatures or pretty teapots or horses or ponies or cowboys or whimsical gardens or picturesque cottages or overgrown paths or stars or sunsets or clouds or colors, they make me think of
my friends. <3
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mymelodyisme · 27 days
Okay I know I don’t shut up about it but let me scream okay 😭
#I just saw a post on Twitter about the feeling of not having teenage romantic interaction and how it leaves you feeling really wrong#and everyone in the comments is like 17-19 and here I am at 25 thinking about how#well anyways I’m sorry I know it’s silly I’m just a little tired is all#being lonely stinks 🫠 and I don’t ever want y’all to feel burdened by my feelings#so I try not to make those feelings seem so big#I should start tagging these again#my talk posts ? I used to tag them but I would forget#I guess I’ll do that from now on#melifails#oh oh since I already made this post I might as well blab#I 😭 am high key tempted to download tinder#I don’t *want* to actually use it I just wanted to see 👉🏽👈🏽#but I think you need an account and idk I don’t wanna seem desperate#not in a shaming other people and myself type of way#absolutely not I think it’s awesome that it exists#I mean in a ‘my mom used to brag about how I didn’t care about boys only school to all the family members at parties’ type of way#in a ‘Melissa be honest are you a lesbian?’ badgered type of way#in a ‘because if you are I love you’ ‘no boys just don’t like me’ type of way#in a ‘never admitting to my mom I’m very lonely and only alive for my family’ type#of way#that one didn’t let me finish 🗣️#anywyas I feel very shallow because this doesn’t really matter does it#there are real problems in the world and I’m but a spec of dust waiting to be scooped up by the broom#🧎🏽‍♀️ I’m sorry I’m making it seem like a bigger deal than it really is#I’ll be better about it#all that aside#my best friend invited me to go to universal in September and I 😤😤 I gotta prepare myself for the burden of prolonged outdoor activities#🥺 tbh I’m scared I’m not going to fit in the seats for the rides#that’s how we became friends: she stuck with me when I didn’t fit on a ride. I never told her that was the day I loved her and it still make#me cry. forever grateful for her and I want her to be happy she’s the Eli I’m always talking about :3 anyways this is my last tag (30limit)
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coffeeshades · 1 year
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credits to the gif maker!
summary: the trials and tribulations of falling in love or two idiots who are obliviously in love.
pairing: pedro pascal x actress/singer!reader.
word count: 4.4k
warnings: angst..? cussing, age gap, smut, mentions of drugs and alcohol. no use of y/n, if i missed something please let me know!
a/n: enjoy and please let me know if you'd like a part two! i'm already writing it lol but i'd like to know anyways <3
here’s part two!
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You’d always been good friends, taking to each other without much of a second thought after Oscar had introduced you two just in passing a few years ago—eight years ago, to be exact—at some party at his house.
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New York, New York
September 4th, 2015
You were outside in the backyard, dressed far more casually than the occasion called for. It was a chilly night, and the music was blasting from inside the house.
You were tired from all the traveling, touring, and filming. You loved your job and were extremely grateful that things were working in your favor, but boy, did it leave you drained. You hadn't spent time with Oscar, or really any of your friends, in quite some time, so you thought a night out wouldn't hurt after working too much.
So there you were, enjoying the chill night air, when a familiar voice reached your ears.
“There you are!" Oscar said cheerfully, "I've been looking for you for like 20 minutes; I thought you left!" he continued, in a very dramatic manner, you must add.
You couldn't help but smile at his theatrics as you welcomed him with a hug. "Oh, I could never leave a party of yours without saying goodbye. You know I'm better than that." you speak softly, suddenly noticing another person behind him.
"I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Pedro,” he says this as he turns to face Pedro. "He's a fan," Oscar says in a singsong manner.
Pedro is standing there with his cheeks flushed and a smile forming on his lips. Although part of you wanted to be cocky about it and torture him a little, you bit your tongue, not wanting to make this worse for him.
Of course you knew who Pedro was. And not because he was in two of the most famous TV shows at the moment; it was because Oscar and Sarah wouldn't shut up about him. In every conversation you had over the phone with either of them, Pedro's name always found a way to come up. It seemed that no matter how hard they tried, they could not hide their enthusiasm for him.
So to say you were interested in meeting him was an understatement. You wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Before you could properly introduce yourself, Oscar's name was called from inside the house. "Alright, I'll leave you two to it." he says, "Please be nice to each other!" he yells as he walks back inside. You shake your head in amusement.
"You are more beautiful in person," Pedro says in his very captivating, deep voice, catching you by surprise.
Now you are the one with the flushed cheeks.
“I thought you were shorter," you say back, daringly. Although it was an honest comment, it was also a way to deflect attention from the fact that he just called you beautiful.
Pedro laughs loudly, as if you had just told him the funniest joke ever.
"I am not trying to be mean or rude; I really thought you were like 5'3." you continued, putting your hands inside the pockets of your jacket.
"So you know who I am?" he asks, a smirk forming on his lips.
"Yeah, I like to enjoy good television in my free time." you tell him, focusing on his face.
He was more beautiful in person, too. To your relief, he was dressed similarly to you. He was wearing a crisp white shirt, tucked into dark jeans that fit him in all the right places. His hair was a bit tousled, and his mustache looked like it had been recently groomed. He must be filming Narcos, you thought. You also noticed his kind brown eyes. He had a warmth and friendliness about him that was immediately apparent.
"Also, our friends don't seem to know how to shut up about you. You are quite the talk of the town lately."
Your words made him smile. He doesn’t say anything but narrows his eyes, and you can practically hear his thoughts clamoring around in his head. "Alright, back to me being short, " you rolled your eyes as he continued with his speech, "Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually 5'11." He takes a seat on one of the small couches that have been set up in the backyard, prompting you to follow suit and take a seat as well.
"Like I said, I didn't mean it in a bad wa—" he cuts you off before you finish your sentence. "Ah, don't worry about it. Plus, if you still think that's short, I'll make up for my height with my other great qualities."
You let out a small laugh, relieved that he didn't take offense to your remark. Again. You look at him and reply, "Oh, I can't wait to see these other great qualities."
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The transition from acquaintances to close enough to hang out alone without friends was just as easy, and you quickly became an unlikely pair of sorts.
You did everything you could together. From having movie marathons whenever you both happened to be in the same city to visiting different coffee shops and ordering the same thing every time—you anything that involved caramel and him four shots of black coffee over ice—it felt as if you had known each other your whole lives.
You were inseparable, and it felt effortless, like a piece of a puzzle that had been missing for so long finally fitting just right.
Given that you were in a serious, long-term relationship when you met, the tabloids didn't dig too much. All of the articles referred to you as friends, which saved you from having awkward conversations or even thinking too deeply about the whole thing.
There was also the age thing. Pedro was older than you, so everyone just assumed you'd never go there. Your boyfriend at the time never questioned your friendship with Pedro, either.
However, you now wish he had. It would've implied he was concerned, which you now know he wasn't. He was busy with other things. You don't exactly remember when things started to fall apart between the two of you. But you do remember how it felt when you found out he was cheating. It felt like a gut punch. The fact that the whole world also knew it didn't make it any better, either. You felt completely betrayed and exposed, not just by your boyfriend but by the whole world that seemed to be privy to your pain.
As any rational person would, you succumbed to work. If you were working, you wouldn't really have time to deal with all the viscerally painful emotions that have flooded your body ever since everything went to shit. You kept filming, and you kept making music. Endless hours spent at the piano provided you with incomparable peace and tranquility. Who knew a life-altering breakup was what you needed to write the best music of your career? At least something good had to come out of this disaster.
Of course your friends and family helped you navigate this process as well. However, one person stands out above the rest: Pedro.
It's like he made it his life mission to put you back together. He'd call just to check up on you, tell you random stuff about his day just to keep your mind off things, ask what book you were currently invested in, or simply say he missed you because months had passed and you couldn't see each other because of work.
"What time is it over there?" he asks, his voice was hoarse, as if he had just woken up.
"1:30 AM," you reply, glancing at your phone, "we're still shooting some stuff."
He groans into the phone, "I fucking hate it when filming drags on for too long."
"Yeah, tell me about it." you say this as you were stretching your back. You had been filming since the afternoon; it was currently past midnight, and production was still going. To say you were exhausted was an understatement. "Alright, I'll text you later. My break's sadly over."
"Yeah, sure. Good luck, princesa."
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In other circumstances, you two happened to be in the same place at the same time. The parties were the best part of awards season. The entire purpose of the parties was to campaign for whatever projects were gaining traction, but for you, it meant spending time with friends you hadn't seen in a long time and having fun.
That explains why, four cosmos down, you were dancing and laughing in the middle of the dance floor with some of your friends. Or maybe it was five cosmos down. Truth be told, you stopped counting after the second one. You weren't the type to get wasted, but your goal for the night was to have fun, and alcohol definitely helped with that.
You start to get a little tired from all the dancing, so you head to the nearest couch. Sitting next to Sarah, she opens her arms to embrace you. "My little dirty dancer!" she says loudly, making everyone around you laugh. "Oh shut up, can't a girl have some harmless fun?" you say, a smirk on your face. You glance around the room at the grinning faces and shrug.
"It's karaoke time!" Jen, your friend and hostess for the evening, announced cheerfully, "Who wants to go first?"
"Oh, fuck me," Pedro groans, dragging his hand down his face. "I hate karaoke. I hate it. I don't want to sing karaoke, and I don’t want to listen to people sing karaoke."
He's sitting across from you with a beer in his hand and looking a little more drunk than you were. You chuckle as you watch him slump against the back of the chair during his karaoke rant.
This was no secret; after the first few weeks, when you began to hang out more frequently, he made sure to let you know this very important piece of information. That's why you took pleasure in doing it solely to irritate him.
"I will go first." You say this while looking him in the eyes. He rolls his eyes and sighs, knowing that you understand exactly why he's been so adamant about it.
"Why do you like to torture me, kid?"
"I can't help it; you're fun to mess with, Pedrito."
Even though he hated karaoke, you knew you were the only person he enjoyed listening to. You could tell by the way his eyes lit up whenever you hit the right note, the way he'd shake his head and chuckle when you made a mistake, and the smile that crept onto his face when you'd finished the song. Despite this, he would never admit to enjoying it.
You were busy listening to some of your friends talk about how you didn't completely butcher your rendition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" when hands landed on your waist from behind and you felt a hot breath on your neck. "That was terrible, mi amor."
Spinning around to face him as he straightens up, you spot his beautiful brown eyes. "When will you admit how much you enjoy my karaoke performances?" you try to pretend you're mad, but you can't help the corners of your mouth turning up in a smirk.
Pedro chuckles, his body vibrating against yours. He leans down, his lips barely brushing yours, his breath ghosting across your skin. "Never," he says, almost in a whisper.
Your body is buzzing from the proximity. No, it's the alcohol. Without a doubt, the alcohol. You're unbothered by the proximity. The same way you're unbothered by the way he's smiling down at you.
"You're insufferable," you say, keeping the conversation moving so you don't have time to spiral.
He brings his beer to his lips, smirking as he sips. "If by insufferable you mean utterly charming, then you are right."
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Just like he made it his mission to put you back together after your life fell apart, sometimes it was your turn to put him back together, too. No matter how hard he tried to bottle up his feelings, you were always the one who could get through to him, able to make him smile or make him think with just a few simple words.
Pedro was no longer a mystery to you. He's a contradiction in motion. He withdraws into the distance that comes with fame, but he also wants to connect. Despite having a tendency to be open, he tends to hold a lot of himself back. He cares so much and yet he's also uncomfortable caring so much.
You were both in London for different reasons but were staying in the same hotel. One night, you decide to stop by his room before leaving for an event. You knock three times before he opens the door.
"Have you been crying?" you ask him, immediately concerned.
He is initially hesitant to respond, but eventually caves. "Well, yeah."
"What happened?"
"It's kind of pathetic, really."
"Then let's be pathetic together. Tell me." you respond as you push your way into the room.
"Prince died," he says, his voice hoarse from the crying.
"Pedro..." you say quietly, not really knowing what to say.
"I know, I know. It's stupid."
"Of course not." you quickly reply, "There's no shame in crying, I know how much you love him." you take a deep breath and approach him, offering him your hand. "C'mere, let's sit down."
You started lowering yourself to the floor, and he followed. "You don't have to do this...you look like you've probably got somewhere else to be."
"I've got nowhere else to be."
The two of you just sat there, not saying a word. You held him while he cried, his head on your shoulder as you ran your hand through his hair. If you could go and bring Prince back from the dead just so he wouldn't hurt like this, you would do it in a heartbeat. But you knew that was impossible, so all you could do was sit there and comfort him.
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"You two should date."
"Are you out of your fucking mind, Sarah?"
"What!" she laughs. "You're basically dating already."
Since you hadn't seen each other in a while, Sarah had extended an invitation for you to have breakfast at her house. She had questioned you about your love life after discussing a number of other topics, and when you replied that you were still single, she made that absolutely ridiculous remark.
"What does that even mean?"
"It means," she says, almost giggling, "that you two are doing the things that couples do, like going on dates and spending time together."
"We don't go on dates," you quickly reply, "and I don't like him like that."
She rolls her eyes, unconvinced, and asks, "Why?"
"Because..." you trail off, "Because he's Pedro... and I am me."  Even though you were aware that what you were saying made no sense, you refrained from going into detail.
"You really don't see it, do you?"
"There's nothing to see, Sarah."
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It was difficult to pinpoint the exact moment you first realized that occasionally, completely unprompted, your thoughts would turn to Pedro.
This was similar to how you two became friends without ever consciously choosing to do so. The mere thought of his loud, booming laugh and the way he beams at you when you crack a joke would make the corner of your mouth twitch into a small smile. Eventually, you understood that those thoughts of Pedro and the slight thrill they gave you were very different from friendship.
Yet you decided not to go there. You both enjoyed your friendship, and he never said or did anything to make you believe he felt otherwise. Or that was just a bunch of bullshit you came up with to not deal with it anyway.
You were friends, close friends, and you didn't want to jeopardize the best friendship you'd ever had by listening to that little voice in your head that occasionally whispered, "What if...?"
It wasn't until one night that everything changed. You're still unsure if it was for better or worse.
You were changing into far more comfortable clothes than you'd been wearing all day. It was finally Friday, something you were very grateful for since work had been nothing but tedious lately. You had the weekend off; it seemed like an eternity since you had been free for a couple of days.
As you slipped on your favorite and very worn-out t-shirt, your phone rang. "Ugh, what now?" you whined. You were suddenly regretting your words as you picked up the phone; his throaty voice filled your ears, and you felt instantly better. It was almost embarrassing.
"I heard you had a shitty week," he says, "I am coming over."
"How'd you know that?"
"The more important question here is why have you been in New York for days and didn't tell me? I'm actually hurt, love."  
"I know, I'm sorry, it's just been a little rough."
The guilt immediately washes over you. You knew that you should have called or even sent him a quick text, but your mind was only focused on getting through the week. It was like you were on autopilot.
"I will be there in 20 minutes." he replies, hanging up.
Without anything better to do, you decide to wash some dishes that have been sitting in the sink since last night while you wait for Pedro to arrive. You quickly finish that and then decide to pass the remaining time by reading a book you started a couple of weeks ago. You flip through the book's pages, trying to recall where you left off because the earmarked corner you'd marked seemed to have disappeared.
Before you can find the page, your cellphone screen lights up again, catching your attention out of the corner of your eye, and though it feels silly and childish, you can feel the way your heart leaps and your chest tightens just a fraction when you read the notification and see Pedro's name. "I'm here."
You rush to the door, flinging it open with a gust of energy, and you find him standing there, one hand in the pocket of his jacket and the other holding a bag, a crooked smile on his lips. "I brought wine and takeout from that place you love down on 54th." It had been months since you'd last seen him, and it was like no time had passed at all. He steps inside, closing the door behind him, and you take the bag, allowing your eyes to meet his with a smile. Fuck.
As you set everything on the kitchen counter, you both decide to eat right away. The warm, inviting scent of the food spread throughout the kitchen, and it was as if all your worries and tiredness had disappeared. The conversation flowed perfectly as you both devoured the delicious food, and you were grateful for the moment of peace.
After finishing your meal, he helps you collect everything and clean up the kitchen.
"You’ll get wrinkles if you keep working that hard, mama," he tells you as he throws something in the trash can, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
"Don't call me that," you giggle, a little tipsy from the wine. "It makes me feel—" you stop yourself before you finish the sentence. Fuck.
"It makes you feel what?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.
Well, it makes you feel embarrassed, as if you have let your guard down and revealed too much of your innermost thoughts. And it gives you butterflies. But you don't tell him that. "Nothing," you say, "it's just funny."
You knew you didn't have it in you to keep your thoughts, body, and face under control, especially when he was leaning against the kitchen counter, arms folded, looking like he just stepped out of a movie. You were feeling exposed and vulnerable, as if your thoughts were written all over your face, so you did what you do best: you changed the subject.
"Remember that one time we got high on edibles to go see The Incredibles 2?" you blurt, hoping he would forget what just came out of your mouth. He looked at you for a moment, as if he were considering your question, before bursting out in laughter.
"How could I forget?" he says. "It's one of our finest moments."
"Would you like to repeat the occasion?"
"Don't threaten me with a good time, baby."
You go to one of the kitchen drawers and pull out the box of cookies. "I can't believe you're offering me drugs." Pedro says in a dramatic tone.
"Oh shut up, do I need to remind you whose idea it was last time?" you roll your eyes, grabbing two cookies and throwing one at him.
"Should we honor last time and watch a movie?" he says as he takes a bite of the cookie.
To be entirely honest, you should have known that things were about to go off the rails the very moment the man at the other end of the couch, in that impossibly confident and seductive voice, asked you to come closer. "You're miles away from me, princesa."
If you had been wise, you would have politely declined. If you had any sense of self-preservation when it came to Pedro, you would have declined his offer and avoided thinking about him fucking you into this very couch. But you weren't wise, which is why your legs are thrown over his lap and his fingers are drawing circles in your thighs. Pedro’s gaze feels like a caress, and his voice is thick, "You look like you're thinking too hard."
"What?" you ask, dumbfounded.
"I said you looked like you were thinking too hard." he replies, "What's running through that pretty head of yours?"
Your teeth are tugging at your bottom lip in a way that Pedro seems to find distracting because he nearly slips up and breaks the carefully maintained eye contact, his gaze darting down just a fraction of an inch. You don't know where the courage came from, but you lean in on your elbows, lifting yourself from the laying position you were in, closing the gap even further until it's impossibly small.
You can tell you know what you've been doing when you pause with only a breath of space between your mouth and his, worrying at your lip with the intention of getting him to break first, like you’re challenging him to decide where this goes next. "What do you think I'm thinking about?" you finally reply, your gaze not wavering for a second. Pedro's hesitation is just a second before his mouth parts, leaning in just enough to touch your forehead and close his eyes.
"I think you're thinking about all the wrong things we could be doing right now instead of watching this boring movie."
"I think you're correct."
His lips curl into a smile, pulling away only slightly to look you in the eye, his voice barely above a whisper, "Can I kiss you?"  
And that's when it happens. You lean in, your lips slamming into his so quickly that your thumb gets caught in the middle. He nips at it, biting down a little harder than he wanted to, but you don't mind and simply move it out of the way, sliding it away from his mouth and resting it across his cheekbone. You straddle his lap, and as his hands find their way to your waist and his lips move ever so hungrily against yours, you feel a fire inside.
Everything is happening so fast, and the room is spinning around you. You're not sure if you're feeling this way because of the drugs or because of Pedro. You can feel the pressure of his hands against your skin and a warmth radiating through you; all you know is that you don't want it to end. As you begin to grind against his hard on, he moves his hands to your ass and grips it tightly.
"You like that, hm?" he rasps, between kisses. You moan in agreement, and one of his free hands travels up your body to the nape of your neck and squeezes it tightly. You gasp at the sensation and move your body to match his movements, pushing yourself closer against him.
It's rough and messy. You're both desperate, as if you've been waiting your entire lives to do this. Pedro's hands covered your entire body, and his mouth kissed your neck and mouth roughly, as if trying to make up for the years of anticipation.
"Fuck, P," you moan; he wasn't giving you even a second to breathe.
"Tell me what you need, princesa."
"I need you to touch me."
"Your wish is my command."
Pedro moved quickly, his fingers caressing and teasing your body as he worshipped you with each touch until he finally reached your shorts.
He slides his hand down your panties and groans. "I haven't even touched you properly, and you're already wet, baby." His fingers pressed down softly as he moved around your clit, rubbing and massaging it until you felt yourself close to the edge. He manages to get his free hand under your shirt, and he massages your breasts, pinching your nipples softly as you moan in pleasure.
"Are you gonna come for me, princesa, hm?"
"Y-yeah..." you gasp, not even ashamed of how quickly your orgasm was approaching, "I can't... hold it..."
He took that as a sign to go faster and harder, and as he continued to draw circles on your clit, a wave of pleasure swept through your body, culminating in a moan that signaled your impending climax.
"Fuck!" you screamed as you came suddenly, body trembling and hips bucking once more. Pedro let out a groan at the sight and sounds you were making. You're both gasping for air, one of his hands on one side of your face, your foreheads touching.
And that's when it happens. Instant regret.
Oh my god.
Oh no.
Oh fuck.
What have you done?
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chelseeebe · 3 months
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a/n: wow man, i truly am awful but i’ve been very ill and very busy and have seriously neglected writing so have a lil something i wrote to ease back into it! it’s a continuation of seven minutes in heaven and on my knees (for you) but is very much fluff and lovely<3
18+ mdni. smut. mentions of r being drunk but mostly just love and fluff<3
everybody knew.
or at least now they did.
there’s not much room for secrets when you’re drunk and clambering all over him in front of a room full of your friends, was there?
eddie’s never seen you so.. loose. the bottle of wine had ignited something within you, clearly. your fingers twisting into his shirt, sticky, gloss-covered lips attached to his neck.
he’s grateful that your leg is slung over his lap, hiding the uncomfortable rising in his pants, made worse by your constant fidgeting and the soft whispers into his ear.
it wasn’t as if you two were much of a secret anymore anyway, robin, nancy and vickie had all figured it out that day he answered your door in his boxers. and now at least most people had caught on.
“i need you eds,��� you whisper sultrily, not a care for his poor growing boner. there are only so many dead puppies you can think of before it stops working, by the way.
“we can’t..” trust, he had already surveyed the house and decided that sneaking off would be highly risky, too much chance for interruption to make it worthwhile.
“we can,” you beg, practically growling into his ear, “let’s go home,” fingertips now dancing down his shirt, dangerously nearing the waistband of his jeans.
he blinks, turning his head to face yours, noses bumping against each other, “it’s not even ten.. we can’t leave yet,” he wouldn’t have sex with you like this anyway, too much pinot grigio coursing through your veins to make it right.
you huff, nostrils flaring in your tiny tantrum, “you’re so mean,” jutting your bottom lip out.
eddie’s eyes dart around the room, catching a few stray looks, people confused about your position or why you were practically straddling him of all people. “people are looking at us..” and the thing is, no matter how many times you could tell him that you wanted him, no matter how many times you showed him that you wanted him, he wouldn’t believe it.
“i don’t care,” you scoff, connecting your lips hastily, a new feat compared to the sly neck kisses you’d been giving prior.
it had never been about hiding for you, more so about keeping things just for you two. nobody else needed an opinion or opportunity to ruin things, that was it. but now, the longer you continued to hang out and enjoy each other’s company outside of fucking, the more he felt himself falling.
now, eddie reckons he was probably in love with you from the second you’d dragged him into that closet but now he’s pretty certain he is. it’s different now, a level of consideration there that wasn’t ever apparent before.
it had been solidified for him a couple weekends ago during a game of spin the bottle, when it had landed on you and then subsequently jason. eddie’s heart stopped beating until you swerved his mouth, landing a small peck on his cheek in place of a real kiss.
that was different.
“please can we go,” you beg, fisting the soft material of his shirt, keeping your lips lingering over his.
he clears his throat, and really, you should know him by now. you should know that an ounce of attention from you would result in a stiffy he couldn’t shake. his eyes fall to his crotch, “i can’t.. i can’t get up,” cheeks flushing a ruby red.
your eyes join his, peering down between your leg and his stomach, a grin spreading across your devilish face, “i can fix that,” tilting his chin upwards with your painted nail, “if we go home.”
his forehead knocks against yours, giving up on this nonexistent fight with you, “fine, give me.. five,” hoping he somewhat hide his indiscretion from your friend’s prying eyes.
he does eventually, get off the chair, craftily readjusting his pants as you gather your bag. robin’s head perks up, brows raised at the sight of you leaving already, “i’m gonna walk her home.. too much to drink i think..” wrapping an arm around your shoulder, guiding you through the party and out onto the street.
the front yard is littered with drunks, paying no mind to you and your unsteady feet.
you’re so loud, giggling as eddie attempts to rein you in, a tight grip on your arm while you wobble over the sidewalk.
“hey,” you pout, stopping in your tracks. fuck, he just wanted to get home, as much as he adored whatever antics you were up to, he was freezing his balls off and you’re plastered.
“what?” he replies softly because no matter how annoyed he was, he’d never take it out on you.
your eyes are hazy, glossed over and barely able to focus on him but they’re full of love, “all i want to do is kiss you,” lopsided grin growing bigger.
eddie just smiles because there are no words he could ever jumble together to reply to that. not the way you deserved anyway.
“can i?”
how could he say no?
with your eyes round and glittering in the moonlight, lips pouted perfectly.
“of course you can,” he laughs, hooking his arm around your shoulder, pausing just before your lips meet his, revelling in the moment.
you press your lips to his, a little sloppy but full of love, tender and soft. you smile as you pull back, gripping onto his leather jacket, “we can go home now,” smiling into the night.
eddie feels a little sick. he hopes to god that he’s right about this, that you feel the same way he does. all signs point to yes but how’s he to know without your confirmation?
he’s abruptly awoken when the bathroom door slams shut, a collection of unpleasant sounds come from the other side.
he’s not surprised you’re sick, in fact, he’d left a your trash can to the side of the bed last night, just in case.
see, eddie’s not really an early riser but he doesn’t mind being woken up this early when he’s being woken up by you. vomit or no vomit.
you emerge from the bathroom with a colossal pout and a minty breath. sliding back into bed with a small groan. “did i wake you?” you ask, nestling back into his side.
“mhm,” he hums, appreciating the warmth you bring, “i don’t mind, you okay?” he asks, sliding an arm around your shoulders.
“i am now,” smiling slightly. your hand creeps down, making him jump as your cold fingers rest on his stomach.
he watches with tired eyes, hoping this is going where he thinks it may. your hands, despite feeling frozen, are always soft, he adored the tender way in which they met his skin.
you hum, body vibrating against the side of his body, “go brush your teeth,” poking him lightly in the ribs.
“yes ma’am,” eddie practically leaps out of bed, following your orders in hopes that you were implying what he thought. scrubbing his teeth with such ferocity that the toothpaste ends up everywhere.
he’d clean it up later, he thought. too excited to jump back into bed with you to care too much.
you’re already smirking in the low light, propped up slightly by the pillows, holding the blanket open for his return, “hurry up, it’s cold.”
oh he obliges, flying to the bed in record speed, hovering above your waiting body, boyish grin plastered across his face. perhaps one day he wouldn’t almost die every time you suggested sex or flashed him that look.
that day was not today.
your lips latch onto his, hands already finding his sweatpants, delicate fingers hooking into the waistband as you tug them down. he’s already hard, hasn’t been able to program that out of his brain just yet.
eddie’s tongue swipes across your bottom lip, sliding inside and it’s this moment where he’s grateful you made him get up to brush his teeth.
your hand, still a little cold, wraps around his cock, eliciting a gasp in response, pulling him from your lips. “fuck, your hands are cold,” eddie laughs in your face, quickly forgetting the icy temperature when you start pumping your fist.
“you want me to stop?” you ask, smirking devilishly.
“fuck no,” he chuckles, burying his face in your neck, sucking at the sensitive skin. this gets you fired up, squeezing the base of his cock gently.
your head tilts back, allowing him more room to nibble and lick at your bare neck. he struggles to get your shorts down, grunting into your chest when your hips buck upwards against him.
“jesus christ,” he mutters, emerging from the curve of your neck to gaze down at you, his absolute favourite position.
you don’t reply, instead, your tongue pokes out, licking your lips in anticipation. your legs wrap around his back, pulling him in tighter. personal space was an after thought, he thinks you’d climb inside of his skin if you could.
this position is still fairly new to him, looking down at you pressed between the mattress and his body. sometimes he’d be smushed against your chest as you attacked his neck and other times it was more hasty and rushed.
but this- this time, he’s focussed on your face, lingering inches above as his hair falls down against your cheeks.
sliding between your slick folds, nudging inside as his teeth bite down onto his bottom lip, struggling to contain the moan gathering in his throat. he’d been here enough times to know how to move without your bed hitting the wall, it had become an art.
slow, steady strokes, making sure he was moving exactly the way you’d taught him. appreciating the way in which your lips parted and the soft, melodic noises that tumbled out of them.
and yeah, you guys have had sex. plenty of times in fact.
but this felt different somehow, something more.
there’s a lot of that happening lately and eddie’s still unsure about how it makes him feel or if he’s supposed to feel a certain way.
you’re in his hoodie, under his body, moaning his name. that had to mean something, right?
eddie’s hips collide with yours, groaning when your legs tighten around his waist, everything about this feels overwhelmingly intimate. your forehead pressed to his, gazing through hooded eyelids, rolling slightly with every thrust.
“hmm,” you groan, full of rasp, “just like that eds,” manicured nails digging into his shoulder blades, pinching slightly but only spurring him on.
it’s still early, the rest of your house definitely still sleeping, forcing him to swallow his moans. you’re touching yourself, arm threaded between your bodies, circling your clit.
it drives him crazy every time, he assumes that most men wouldn’t appreciate it, a lack of confidence in their abilities or whatever. but eddie loves it, loves that you can make yourself feel good too.
your eyelids flit, breathy moans at every move of his hips, he knows what this means. has learned every tell of your body, the way your mouth falls open and your mind seems to shut off.
“fuck,” you gasp, tightening your grip on his shoulders. moving against him in the final throws, the tip of his cock nestling against the sweet spot.
this is where eddie loses it a little, thrusts becoming sloppy as your fingers work at your clit. he can feel every part of you, squeezing around him and the soft pants that dance into his ear.
his forehead dips, pressed against yours as his senses overcome him, throwing him over the metaphorical edge. “uh shit,” he garbles, spurting his release into your quivering cunt.
you squeak underneath him, mouth agape as your legs shake around his waist, eyes squeezing shut as you cum. it’s fucking magical every single time, it could probably bring him back to life if it really came down to it.
“oh my god,” he breathes, brushing the hair from your forehead, still lingering above as you float down to earth.
your eyes peek open, a smile inching onto your face, once again holding onto his cheeks as you press a solitary kiss to his lips. this was his favourite part of it all, the aftermath.
it usually meant cuddles and chats about nothing. when you were your truest self. eddie wanted to live here for eternity, gazing at the stars in your eyes, happily listening to whatever ramblings you came out with.
the morning is quiet bar you both trying to catch your breath, he can feel your racing heartbeat against his chest and almost wants to say it. to admit to everything he had been feeling.
but you beat him to it. “i love you,” you beam, grinning away to yourself, seemingly unaware of what bomb you had just dropped.
eddie chokes on his spit, coughing and sputtering as he climbs off of your body. lying back on the mattress as his chest heaves. oh my god, he thinks he might be sick.
his head was already spinning, only made worse by your declaration of love. his senses are heightened, looking over at you with bewildered eyes.
“what did you just say?” begging for clarification.
really, the only possible explanation was that this was a dream and he’s about to be rudely awoken and find himself in his own bed, having none of the last six months happen.
“i said,” you smile, pulling yourself into his side, “i love you,” wriggling as you pull your shorts up, intertwining your legs as you do.
“i thought you said that,” eddie laughs deliriously, still frozen in shock. he’s in utter disbelief, just staring at your face in hopes that he’s not cruelly torn out of this moment and it is real.
you tut, pouting slightly, “do you maybe wanna say it back?”
“i do,” he rushes, “i mean, of course i do- love you, i mean,” stumbling over his words, his heart is pounding out of his chest, “i love you too, is what i’m trying to say,” cringing at his severe lack of nonchalance.
even with your extensive training and advice, he’s truly still that weird little virgin boy, still head over heels for you. that’d never change,
“good,” you twinkle, nestling back into his side, arm thrown over his stomach, “you scared me for a minute there.”
he doesn’t understand how you weren’t already well aware that he infatuated with you, he had thought it had been plenty obvious. the man near enough started drooling when you’d touch him for christ’s sake.
“i thought you knew,” shrugging slightly, “i don’t exactly hide it.”
your shoulders shake as you laugh, slightly jittery and still exuberant from your session, “how was i supposed to know you weren’t faking it?”
eddie’s brows thread together, perplexed at your assumption, “you’re the first girl i’ve ever really liked.. let alone loved, i don’t even know how to fake it.”
“shut up,” shaking your head, “you used to like that girl..” clicking your fingers together, “the one with the hair.. whatever her name was.”
“what? you mean carly?”
carly was a friend, helping him pass his marketing class. he had maybe gotten the feeling that she liked him but nothing ever came of it. she wasn’t his type and besides, he’d had his eye on someone else anyway.
“carly! yeah.. you were obsessed i swear, i used to be so pissed off.”
woah. what?
“i didn’t like her.. not like that,” he didn’t, in fact, eddie’s always had a bit of a soft spot for you in reality, “you were pissed off?” he teases, pulling you in tighter.
he felt like he could now, like everything had been established and this was it. you were together. you loved each other.
you give him an over dramatic sigh, “yes i was pissed off,” settling your head on his chest, “i thought you liked her and not me,” he can feel your eyelids flutter shut against his skin, “i’m glad you didn’t though.”
eddie laughs, moving your body as he shakes. he can’t help himself. you were pissed off at the thought of him liking someone else. you. it’s almost nonsensical.
footsteps echo through the hall, stopping outside your door alongside a chorus of whispers. you groan quietly before they pound on the door, obviously eager to collect the gossip.
“what?” you call out, not moving from your position. maybe before you would’ve sprung apart, trying to cover up the obvious but now you embraced it.
robin, nancy and vickie pour into your room, sly smiles on their faces. it’s fairly obvious what had just gone down in here. his cheeks were still blood-red, your leg thrown over his, entangled in the blanket as one.
“so,” robin smiles, pursing her lips, “you have a good night?” alluding to your very public displays of affection.
“i had a fantastic night, thank you,” you grin, refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room, eddie respected the fuck out of that.
“mm i’m sure,” robin quips, raising her brows before perching on the end of your bed, “you remember anything from last night?” she asks curiously, cocking her head to the side.
you bite down onto your lower lip before answering, “i may have been informed,” rolling your eyes slightly. the other two girls giggle in unison.
“so it’s official?” robin asks outright, not wasting any time. she’d never been one to beat around the bush, jury’s still out on whether it’s a pro or a con.
your shoulders shrug, eyes trailing to eddie, “i’d say so,” smiling knowingly.
they had no idea what had actually just occurred, ignorant to the declaration of love that had happened just moments before they burst in. he knows you’ll probably tell them the second he’s gone but for now he appreciates the secrecy of it all.
a moment only meant for the two of you.
robin grabs onto your ankle, shaking it as she roars excitedly, “i fuckin’ knew it,” beaming with a certain smugness.
your eyes roll back again, “have you got what you wanted now? can i sleep this hangover off without anymore interference?” your words are sharp but hold a tone of humour.
“yes yes, you can go back to being degenerate perverts now,” robin laughs, standing from the bed, vickie guides her girlfriend out of the room with a raise of the brows.
nancy lingers, “we’re going for breakfast in a little while, if you two wanna come,” flashing her tightlipped smile before following after robin and vickie.
the door clicks shut and eddie lets out a sly sigh of relief. they were his friends too, he just wasn’t a fan of being interrogated by them when he’s practically naked and still recovering from your confession of love.
“i’m sorry,” you apologise for their abruptness though it’s unneeded.
eddie just smiles, relishing this moment. you’re lying on his chest, his girlfriend, you love him and he loves you and that’s all there is to it.
“i love you, i really really love you.”
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theveryworstthing · 4 months
I'm Alive
I posted this on patreon so I might as well post it again here. Hopefully current and past patrons see this as well as people who have just been generally curious about where I've been.
I'm very sorry for not being around and I'm very grateful to those who stuck around. To those who didn't, I get it and I truly appreciate you passing through. 
Last year and the beginning of this year have been pretty bad. Some of you might have heard about my grandma's death and sadly, she was just the first of the family losses in the time I've been gone. There was also a friend's death discovery, my parents' health tanking, my friends Going Through It, and my own physical/mental problems. I didn't want to talk to the internet about these things because they were/are very overwhelming and private and tbh I used all my energy to help with the household and make sure work got turned in on time. When I had spare time after dealing with the near constant disasters, I didn't really feel like interacting with the internet at all beyond using it as a way to talk to far away friends (mostly to give them the thumbs up that i was alive) or watch/read things when my brain was less scrambled. Social media was an absolute no go and I didn't have any non-work art to post so I just kind of mentally crawled under the porch to die lol. 
I only drew work related things for months due to extreme burnout and it took me almost a month off after my last job to remember how to create again. I couldn't draw or write, it was kinda like art block except it was more like nothing was there at all? It's hard to explain. 
Things are still happening but I need to get back in the saddle eventually so here I am. 
I'm going to post the little art I did in June and all the sketches I did in January when I re-learned how to draw for myself. Again, I'm so sorry for being away without saying anything and I'm grateful to whoever threw me a buck, or even just casually enjoyed my art. Leaving like I did was really irresponsible and there's no excuse for not at least making a post about all of this sooner.  Every month I got a patreon payment was another wave of guilt because I literally couldn't give y'all anything but at the same time that money was letting me book flights to funerals and keeping my mom comfortable while she recovered from surgery right after I spent a lot of my savings in 2022 trying to fight my late cat's cancer. And then not posting about what was going on made me more anxious as time went on because there was more guilt every month so I felt like I needed to come back with a bunch of art and energy and good reasons and it was just. A Mess. 
But anyway.
I'm alive, I'm back. The Horrors persist, but so do I.
Thank you for your patience.
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
"I don't understand how I'm losing," Reigen said, his hands flying over his keyboard. It was so late now—too late, maybe—if only he'd used the same technique as with the Player Killer from the beginning, he might have stood a chance, but he hadn't seriously thought he'd lose—
"Shishou," Mob said, "why is this so important? You already have second place from Twitter."
Reigen laughed, not at all nervously, and splayed a hand across his forehead. "You don't understand, Mob. The publicity from something like this, even a rematch, would do wonders for Spirits and Such. This is about business."
(He would never admit to his pride being on the line.)
"And anyway, who is this guy? A radio host? I've been on TV, you know."
Mob carefully did not bring up what had actually happened when Reigen made his television debut.
Ritsu had no such qualms. "When they exposed you as a fraud? That was publicity too, right?"
Serizawa leaned over Reigen's shoulder to see the computer screen, careful not to spill the tea he placed on the desk. "Oh, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale? It's been a while since I listened to that, maybe I should catch up."
Reigen stared at him. "You? What? Serizawa?"
"Ah... yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Back when I was... well, when I didn't leave my room much, the podcast was popular. I guess it gave a sense of... community? Feeling less alone, even when you are." He shrugged. "Plus, hearing another gay man in a show like that was comforting."
"He's gay? Canonically?" Why can't I be gay canonically?
"Sure, he got married in episode 100. It was very emotional."
"I nearly died in our chapter 100—"
-- -- -- -- --
Well, listeners, there's still a few hours left on the poll, but I'm now leading at 56%! I must say, I did not expect this, especially after Twitter users so clearly forgot—or perhaps never knew—about my Tumblr Sexyman Origins.
But, that's neither here nor there. I certainly am grateful, if a bit bemused, about all of this, but let us not forget that this is all a friendly competition. Unlike the annual War On Christmas—and let us all take a moment to remember our fallen allies against that terrible holiday foe—this is a battle of kindness. Love, even. The love we feel for Tumblr, for our favorite sexy men, for pressing a button on a meaningless internet poll. The love we feel, listeners, for each other.
And in the spirit of that love and friendliness, I figured I'd get to know my opponent a little better! A bit of googling, which of course you know means searching via every search engine but Google, what with the Town Council imposing the Google Search Tax and getting all Night Vale IP addresses shadowbanned, has led me to... oh my, listeners. I do not know who made this, but Reigen Arataka has the single most beautiful professional web page I have ever encountered. It's... words do not do it justice. I am tearing up. This... I could not make anything better myself.
A-hem. Listeners, now that I've wiped away the tears such beauty inspired in me, I can now see that Reigen's website advertises his business, one Spirits and Such Consulting. Well! We may be rivals in this moment, but I am overjoyed to learn that Reigen runs such an innovative and important business! I am nearly ashamed that, while my opponent works to make the world a better place, I, a mere community radio host, am winning the sexyman contest.
Nevertheless, we must respect the polls. Not respecting polls could get us in hot water with the Town Council, or with the demigods of numbers who lurk in the sharp edges of percentages. So since I can't hand my victory over to him, I think I'll do what I can as a community radio host, and promote Reigen Arataka's important business!
So if you're a spirit in need of counseling, a ghost in need of therapy, or an eldritch beast in need of a shoulder to cry on, head on over to Seasoning City and pay our good friend Reigen a visit! I'm sure he'll be pleased as anything to see you.
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monzabee · 1 year
lean on you – cl16
Summary: The one where you learn to lean on Charles more than you thought you ever could.
Pairing: charles leclerc x medstudent!reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: it’s been a while since i went to an actual hospital, so that, and also worried charles, mentions of sickness and vomiting, also mentions of food poisoning
Request: “Hiiii! I don’t know if you still accept request😅 but I have something in my mind if you are open to it, like the reader is quite sick before Charles’ race, he wanted to stay to take care of her but she insisted that he go on with the race and that she’ll be fine. But during the race, Charles’ got a call that she have been taken to the hospital by Lorenzo since she almost passed out. Charles went straight to the hospital and bit mad and angry at her being so stubborn. I just think Charles can be over protective and can be so upset or angry when he get very worried. Like how Charles will emphasise that she have him instead of being so independent all the time. 🤍🤍🤍 thank you if you will do it, but if not, it’s alright too! I just love and enjoy reading all your works!🤩 ”+ “Can you write a fic where the reader is a med!student with Charles? (definitely not projecting🫣)”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! i loved both of these concepts and i though they’d go well together, because most of my friends who are also med students love diagnosing themselves?? i kind of wanted to based the reader off of bow from black-ish if you guys ever watched it, it’s my current watch and i love her so much!! it was very fun for me to write, and thank you to both of the anons for their requests! Feedback is always appreciated, and i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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“Are you sure you’re fine, mignon? You look worse than you did last night.” Charles lets his eyes look over your fatigued figure in your bed, worry etched into his eyebrows.
Giving him a weak smile, you do your best to reassure his worries by reaching for his hand resting on the side of his body. “I’m fine, love, I feel better than I did yesterday.” Charles sighs softly, his worry not entirely dissipating. He moves closer to the bed, his hand tightening around yours, and you squeeze his hand gently, relaying the message that you appreciate his concern. “I really am, you don’t have to worry about me, okay?”
“You say as if that’s an easy thing, love.” He emphasises, giving you a small smile that still allows you to see the dimples on his cheeks. “I just don’t want to leave you alone, you seem worse than you did last night.”
Your expression softens as you recall the way he doted on you the previous evening, no matter how much you told him that you were doing fine. “I promise I’m feeling much better, it’s nothing but a stomach bug – and I promise I’ll rest today, too.”
Charles leans down and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. “You better keep that promise and rest, it’s doctor’s orders," he says with a hint of playfulness in his voice. "I'll hold you to it.”
You chuckle weakly, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood. “I promise, Charles. I'll stay in bed, take my medicine, and rest. I have some lecture stuff I have to go over, anyway." You pause, looking up at him with sincere eyes. "And you need to focus on your race. I don't want you to worry about me, be careful out there please.”
His lips form a mock pout, making your facial muscles to pull in an involuntary smile, “But my favourite part is the part where my doctor takes care of me,” his thumb draws a comforting circle on your hand, “your kisses help immensely.”
You blush at his playful comment, grateful for his affectionate nature even in times of worry. “I promise I’ll give you kisses when you come back, but only if you promise you’ll be careful.” You sigh deeply at the boyish grin he sends your way, “I’m serious, Charles.”
Charles's expression softens, and he reaches out to cup your face in his hands, his touch gentle yet firm. "I promise, my love. I'll be careful. Do you need me to bring you anything before I leave?”
Your nod is sluggish and doesn’t go unnoticed by Charles, but he chooses to remain silent as he gives you a moment to think about your answer. “Can you just give me my computer and anatomy book, please?” You watch as Charles nods in understanding. He leans down to give you a tender kiss on the lips before making his way to the desk where your belongings are kept. Retrieving the items you requested, he returns to your bedside, placing them gently on the bed beside you.
"Here you go, mignon," he says softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. He notices the way you keep fiddling with the collar of his your sweatshirt – a habit you usually display when you’re sick because the clothing usually causes overstimulation in your mind. “Do you want me to bring you some water? Or maybe order room service?”
You shake your head to the either side this time, giving him a sleepy smile as you start talking, “I’m good, but thank you, darling.” You let out a small giggle at the unapproving glance he sends your way, “I promise I’ll order some food when I get hungry, Charles.”
Charles chuckles softly, his eyes filled with a mix of amusement and concern at the way you emphasise the word. "Alright, love. Just make sure you take care of yourself and eat something nutritious. I don't want you skipping meals, even if you're not feeling well."
You nod, appreciating his reminder. "I promise, Charles. I'll make sure to eat when I need to. But for now, I think I'll focus on studying and getting some rest."
He leans in to press a gentle kiss to your temple, his warm breath brushing against your skin. "That sounds like a good plan. I'll leave you to it then, but remember to reach out if you need anything, okay?"
"I will," you reply softly, your eyes growing heavy with fatigue. "Thank you for taking care of me, Charles. I love you."
He smiles warmly, his eyes filled with affection. "I love you too, mignon. Rest well and take all the time you need. I'll see you soon." With that, Charles gives your hand a final squeeze and presses his lips to your forehead in a parting kiss before reluctantly pulling away and leaving the room. Taking a deep breath, you focus on the task at hand, determined to make the most of your day even if you’re feeling a bit down.
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It’s not easy for Charles to focus on his driving that day, not easy at all. He can’t seem to focus on the track when you seem to occupy his mind and linger in his thoughts. The people around him notices the way he seems almost detached at the garage that day, and also noticing your absence, thankfully they accommodate him and his aloofness the best they can. He keeps an eye on his phone the entire time before he gets in the car – something he usually never does before a race just in case you call him in need of assistance. Charles takes a deep breath, trying to clear his mind as he prepares for the race. He knows he needs to focus, but his thoughts keep drifting back to you. Concern and worry gnaw at him, making it difficult to fully immerse himself in the adrenaline of the race.
Before climbing into his car, he approaches his brother, who is thankfully standing nearby. He looks into Lorenzo's eyes and speaks in a hushed tone, “Hey, can you do me a favour?”
Lorenzo, sensing the urgency in Charles' voice, gives him a nod, his own concern mirrored in his eyes. “Of course, Charles. What do you need? Is everything alright?”
Charles takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. “I need you to keep an eye on my phone, Y/N wasn’t feeling too good this morning, and i have a bad feeling about it.” He hands Lorenzo his phone, making sure to check one for one last time to see whether you’ve texted or called him, you haven’t.
Lorenzo's brows furrow with worry as he listens to Charles, but he understands the gravity of the situation and the significance of Charles' request. "Don't worry, Charles, I'll take care of it – and I'll let you know if anything happens. You focus on the race, and I'll make sure everything is handled."
With that assurance, Charles turns his attention back to the race ahead and quickly puts on his balaclava and helmet. He climbs into his car, adjusting his helmet and securing himself in the cockpit. The anticipation and excitement of the race surround him, but his mind remains consumed with worry for you as he tries to assure himself that you are fine and resting back at the hotel. The race begins, and Charles pushes the limits of his car, manoeuvring through the twists and turns of the track. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't fully immerse himself in the competitive spirit. Thoughts of you and your well-being linger, distracting him from the task at hand. His racing instincts seem dull, his reaction time slightly delayed, and he struggles to find his usual pace.
As the laps pass by, Charles notices that he's slipping further and further behind, unable to keep up with the leading pack. Frustration mounts within him, battling against his worry for you. The race that should have been a chance for him to shine becomes an arduous struggle to maintain his composure, as he struggles to keep up with the cars infront, the ones behind him seemingly passing him with ease and causing him to drop out of points. So despite his best efforts, Charles finishes the race with a disappointing result, far from his usual position on the podium. He steps out of the car, feeling a mix of exhaustion and disappointment washing over him. The familiar cheers from the crowd seem distant, overshadowed by his concern for you. His mind is occupied by imagining the worst as he gets out of his car, takes off his helmet and stumbles towards the team's garage. The once vibrant atmosphere now feels muted, as if the world around him has lost its importance. He can sense the curious glances and sympathetic looks from his fellow team members, but he can't bring himself to socialise with any of them.
His eyes hastily search for his brother, but Lorenzo is the one who finds him before he can spot him. Lorenzo's concerned gaze locks with Charles’, and he quickly makes his way toward him, his steps mirroring Charles’ urgency. Understanding the look in his brother’s eyes instantly, Charles asks, “What’s wrong? Is it Y/N? Is everything alright?”
Charles watches his brother expectantly as he places a comforting hand on his shoulder, making him want to slap his hand away, but the next words that come out of his mouth is enough to takes his breath away, “Carlos is on the phone with the hospital–”
“Hospital?” Charles interrupts Lorenzo, “Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par l'hôpital qui t'a appelé?” What do you mean the hospital called you?
“Calm down, Charles, laisse-moi t'expliquer.” Lorenzo gives him a pointed look, and gently steer him towards his teammate’s cousin, “Y/N called me from the taxi, she said she was going to the hospital because she wasn’t feeling well,” he raises a hand to stop Charles from interrupting again, “she also told me that she’d call me once she got to the hospital but she didn’t, I’m guessing her phone died and the hospital called me instead. But my Spanish is non-existent and Carlos is talking to them, so for the love of God, calme-toi un peu.”
Charles's mind races with a mix of relief and anxiety upon hearing Lorenzo's explanation. He takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure as he listens to his brother's words. The realization that Y/N is at the hospital sinks in, bringing a wave of concern to the forefront of his thoughts. Nodding in acknowledgment, Charles tries to calm his racing heartbeat and focus on the information at hand. “My girlfriend is at a hospital in a country she’s not familiar with, how do you expect me to calm down?”
“Just wait for a moment, we’ll have more information when Carlos is done talking to the hospital-people.” Lorenzo reassures him, and it helps Charles to focus on the current issue at hand – learning the name of the hospital and finding his way there as fast as possible.
Taking Lorenzo's advice to heart, Charles tries to steady his racing thoughts and focus on the present. He takes another deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm and composed. The minutes feel like an eternity as they wait for Carlos to conclude the call. Finally, Carlos hangs up the phone and approaches Charles and Lorenzo, his expression grave but determined. "The hospital confirmed that Y/N arrived safely," Carlos begins, his voice steady. "They're currently conducting some tests to determine the cause of her discomfort. The initial assessment suggests it may be a severe case of food poisoning."
A certain degree of understanding and relief washes over Charles as he lets Carlos’ words sink in. He offers his teammate’s cousin a grateful look, “Thank you for your help, Carlos,” he nods his head in appreciation, “do you have the name of the hospital?”
Carlos returns Charles's grateful look with a reassuring smile and a nod, “It’s the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona, she’s a smart girl, Charles, it’s an international hospital so she shouldn’t have any problems communicating with the doctors.” He pats Charles’ shoulder when the latter gives him a confused look, “You weren’t exactly quiet, mate.”
Charles lets out a small chuckle, realizing that his worries may have been more apparent than he thought. He appreciates Carlos' attempt to lighten the mood and offers a grateful smile. "You're right, I probably wasn't the most composed person just now," he admits, "but I'm glad Y/N is in good hands at hospital and thank you for your help, I appreciate it."
“No need to thank me, I hope she’s doing okay.” The older man smiles and gives him a final nod as he makes his way towards his cousin.
“Charles,” one of the PR people starts as they make their way towards the duo, “you still have media–”
The look Charles gives the poor intern in return can only be described as a mix of exhaustion and frustration. He interrupts the PR person before they can finish their sentence. “Bill me.” He, then, turns to his brother as he shoots him an expectant look, “Can we go?”
“Come on, I’ll drive,” Charles hears his brother’s voice, which causes him to raise his eyebrows and receive in return, “you’re obviously too high on adrenaline right now, let me drive.”
Charles, recognizing his own state of mind, doesn't argue. He nods in agreement and takes a seat in the passenger side, grateful for his brother's support, but because he is Charles, he mumbles, “You better drive fast,” under his breath as he follows his brother out of the garage.
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As the car navigates through the busy streets of Barcelona, Charles finds himself lost in his thoughts – he glances out the window, his eyes darting from building to building, as if searching for answers that lie beyond the glass. The tension in the air is palpable, the silence between the brothers punctuated only by the hum of the engine and the occasional sound of horns from other impatient drivers. He tries contacting the hospital once again, but it seems like luck is not on his side as the operator speaks to him solely in Spanish, which makes him reconsider what Carlos told him earlier. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona comes into view. Charles feels a surge of hope mixed with anxiety as Lorenzo skilfully manoeuvres the car into a parking spot. Charles is out of the car before Lorenzo even turns off the engine, which earns him a scolding from his brother, but he’s almost halfway through the walk to the entrance as he waves Lorenzo off.
As Charles approaches the entrance of the hospital, his pace quickens with a mix of urgency and concern. The automatic doors slide open, welcoming him into the bustling lobby. The sterile smell of disinfectant fills his nostrils, and the sound of footsteps echoes through the halls.
He makes his way to the reception desk, where a receptionist greets him with a warm smile, and (thankfully) speaks in English, “Good evening, how can I help you?”
Breathing heavily, Charles tries to gather his thoughts and speak clearly. “My girlfriend was admitted through ER earlier today, Y/N Y/LN. Can you please tell me her room number and how she’s doing?”
The receptionist nods sympathetically. “I understand your concern, let me check the system for you.” She begins typing on her computer, her fingers dancing across the keyboard. After a few moments, she looks up at Charles. “I do see her in our system, but I don't have access to that information. You'll need to speak with someone from the emergency department.”
Frustration wells up within Charles, but he takes a deep breath and reminds himself to stay calm. "Can you at least direct me to the emergency department?"
The receptionist offers an understanding smile. "Of course. Head down this corridor and take the first right. You'll find the emergency department entrance on your left."
Thanking the receptionist, Charles follows her directions, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and worry. He walks briskly, determined to reach Y/N's side as quickly as possible. As he enters the emergency department, the sense of urgency intensifies – he watches the hustle and bustle of the hospital; how the medical staff rush by, attending to patients in need and people who are waiting to see their loved ones just like him. His legs aimlessly takes him to the nearest a nurse station and approaches a nurse who seems available. “Excuse me, Miss” he calls out, trying to catch her attention. The nurse turns to him with a professional yet compassionate gaze. “I'm looking for my girlfriend, Y/N Y/LN. Can you please tell me where I can find her?”
“Let me check her records,” the nurse smiles at him, an attempt to calm him and goes through the papers on the chart in her hands. “Here she is, it seems that she was recently moved – she’s supposed be in room 376, it’s on the third level, at the end of the main hallway.”
Relief floods over Charles as he receives the information from the nurse. He manages a grateful smile and nods in appreciation. "Thank you so much. I'll head there right away."
After thanking the nurse, Charles makes his way towards the elevators, following the signs that lead him to the third level. As he steps into the elevator, he can feel his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. He makes sure he sends Lorenzo a text message to let him know where’s he’s headed, the ride to the third floor feels agonizingly slow, each passing floor adding to his impatience. When the elevator doors finally open, Charles steps out and finds himself in a long, well-lit hallway. He scans the room numbers, his eyes quickly landing on the sign indicating the direction of room 376. With determined strides, he makes his way down the hallway, passing by other patients' rooms and medical staff going about their duties.
Finally, he reaches room 376, and his breath catches in his throat. Taking a moment to steady himself, he gently pushes the door open, revealing a small but comforting space. Inside, he finds you lying in the hospital bed, an IV connected to your arm and one of your textbooks open on the bed beside you. He realises you’re asleep, however, as he watches you from afar. Seeing you lying there, Charles feels a mix of emotions overwhelm him—relief that you’re safe and being cared for, concern for your well-being, and a deep longing to be by your side. He approaches the bed with cautious steps, taking in your pale complexion and the weary lines etched on your face.
Gently, Charles pulls up a chair beside your bed and sits down, not wanting to disturb your much-needed rest. He reaches out and lightly brushes a strand of hair away from your face, a tender smile gracing his lips as he watches you sleep. Gently, he reaches out and takes your hand in his, offering her a tender squeeze. "Hey," he whispers softly, not wanting to startle you. "I'm here. You're going to be okay."
You stir slightly, your eyes fluttering open. A weak smile graces your lips as you recognise Charles. "Charles," she murmurs, her voice hoarse but filled with warmth. "You came."
Charles feels a surge relief wash over him, he leans in closer, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Of course, I came, I'll always be here for you, chérie. What happened? How are you feeling?"
“I’m better now,” your voice comes off hoarse, and it makes Charles cringe inwardly, “I just wanted to come to the hospital because i kept throwing up and thought I had all the signs of food poisoning – but, honey, what are you wearing?”
Charles glances down at his attire, realizing he's still in his racing gear. “I didn’t have time to change,” he explains, his head tilted to the side as he gives you a strict look, “I should have just stayed with you.”
“You had a race, Charles,” your eyes widen in recognition as you remember the race. “Oh my god, how was it? Did you–”
“The race doesn’t matter, Y/N.” Charles interrupts, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “I wish you wouldn’t try to be so independent all the time.”
He watches as your lips form a pout, your voice coming off more vulnerable than before as you ask, “What?”
"Y/N," he says softly, his voice filled with emotion. "What were you thinking? Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this sick? I could have been here for you."
You give him a guilty look, the pout on your lips becoming deeper. "I didn't want to worry you, Charles. I thought I could handle it on my own."
His frustration melts away as he takes in your weakened state. He moves closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "You don't have to handle everything on your own, love. I'm here for you, always. I would have been by your side if you had just let me. I should have been there with you today, not at some race when you were puking your guts out.” He pauses, his thumb caressing the back of your cheek soothingly. “I know you value your independence, and I admire that about you. But sometimes, it's okay to lean on others, especially when you're going through tough times. You don't have to carry everything on your own.”
You listen to Charles's words, and a mixture of emotions swirl within you. His concern and care touch your heart, but you also understand the frustration he expresses. With a soft sigh, you squeeze his hand gently. You shift slightly in the bed, wincing at the discomfort. "Being independent has been a part of me for so long, and it's hard to let go of that mindset completely. But I'm learning, slowly, to find a balance, and I'm learning to lean on you when I need to and to share my burdens with you." You give him the softest smile you can muster, “I promise I’ll try to be better, darling.”
His thumb brushes away a tear from your cheek, his touch gentle and comforting. "You don't have to apologize, mignon. I understand why you wanted me to race, but your health and well-being will always be my priority. I don't want you to ever feel like you have to face things alone. We're a team, remember?"
You nod, your voice barely above a whisper. "I know we are, and I’m sorry for worrying you, darling." You lean into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against your skin, and with a soft sigh, you begin speaking again. "I promise that I’ll lean on you more and remember that we’re a team.”
Charles leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "That's all I ask, love. Just remember that you have me, and I'll always be here for you, okay? I love you."
As you feel his lips on your forehead, a sense of comfort and love washes over you. You gaze into his eyes, filled with gratitude and affection. "I love you too, Charles," you whisper, your voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you for always being there for me, even when I push you away. I'm so grateful to have you by my side."
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writingmeraki · 3 months
gents in dilemma.
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a park sunghoon drabble !
pairing : rich!boy!sunghoon x gn!reader, teasing classmates to ???
genre : fluff/humour (?)
warnings : nothing just sunghoon using his privileges as a pretty rich boy lmao also no actual knowledge os spider-man comics im sorry if it's inaccurate <3 !
author's note : wooo! a double update ?!? who is thisss mayhaps very random but i told ya'll ( if u read my recent mingu drabble ) it's been a while since i realeased anything enha :( this was sort of a warm up to get back into writing for them! if you have any ideas pls send them in!! i rlly want to write for them again hehe &lt;3
sp dt to my enha moots ! @blue-jisungs ; @lheebra ; @haknom ; @odxrilove ; @hsgwrld ; @quaissants ; @enluv ; @hannie-dul-set ; @tqmies ; @byuqi ; @urszn ; @flwoie ; @tranquilpetrichor ; @hqrana ; @shuamorollss ; @strxwberry-skiess !! just to let you know i love u guys and think of you when i open this app 💌 !! i am ia a lot but i truly am grateful for you and your works 🩷!
word count : 1.2k
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You were stuck there anyways. Your brother wouldn’t come pick you up earlier enough and all your friends left already so you found no point in wanting to leave and sit outside in the hot and humid weather where you’ll probably just end up with mosquito bites and sweaty skin. 
The song played in your earphones as you lazily flipped through the Spider-man comic. It was your newest hyperfixation and you had difficulties getting copies but you were getting there. 
Suddenly an intrusion popped in front of you as you got to the good part, but you paid no mind to whoever it was. 
Besides, who in their right mind would want to make small talk with a stranger in the damned detention room?
The music was dull but you could hear the sound of someone clearing their throat. Sighing, you put down the comic and looked unamused at the boy in front of you. 
Park Sunghoon. Rich, smart, pretty boy who lived up to all the stereotypes that clung to his personality while also hanging out with the same sort of people. Not a stranger you thought. 
You wondered how you missed seeing him and…Park Jonseong? (If you remembered correctly) walk in. Perhaps you indeed were too focused in your daydreams. 
Now amusement flickered in your gaze as you looked up at him. 
He definitely did live to his pretty boy name you mused as you took in the moles on his face, the shade of his pink lips, the messy yet perfectly sitting hair of his. 
He gulped under your calculating gaze, not knowing why he felt nervous all of a sudden when it was his idea to tell you not to say anything to Mr.Kim for when Jay and him would ditch the detention they got that day. He confidently told his friend he would threaten you if you didn’t comply, perhaps maybe bribe you a bit and surely it would do the trick.
But how his words seemed to bite right back at him because suddenly his mouth felt drier and tongue heavier under your gaze. For a brief moment, he wondered how he had never seen you, otherwise, he knew he wouldn’t be able to forget a face like yours. 
“Now now,what ever have I done to have the Park Sunghoon right in front of me?” You grinned teasingly at him and fuck you had dimples. He swore he might have died in that moment and reached heaven.
He felt a shove that snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Uh-yeah um we- wait you know me?” You raised a brow at his words, the amusement only growing as you saw the tip of his ears getting red.
Was he flustered…by you?
“ ‘course I do, it would seem weird if I didn’t at least to you people.” You murmured the last part, darting your eyes to his friend who seemed to roll his eyes.You weren’t sure if it was because of you or because of Sunghoon.
“Can you get to the point idiot-”
“Hey! Shut up, yeah? I’m talking-”
“All I see is you acting like a huge fucking si-”
They whispered to each other, almost making you giggle at the way they both seemed to be arguing over something, you figured you were somehow involved. 
“Well see- the thing is we’re going to ditch this.” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, tilting your head a little as you leaned forward in your chair, placing your head on one hand.
“And? Does that concern me?”
“We don’t want you snitching, that’s what he meant. You can ditch too, Mr.Kim’s known for never coming back to his detentions once he leaves.” 
You shook your head, “I’m fine here, I have to wait anyways, you can-”
Suddenly a thought occurred to you, “Hmm, the snitching on you both part sounds tempting, I might even get brownie points, struggling with his class anyways.” 
No,he was not supposed to find your smirk cute, nor the mischievous glint in your eyes.
“What’s in it for me?”
“Wha- what’s in it for you?! You can ditch too! Didn’t I say that already-”
“Wait. I might have something.”
Jay stared at Sunghoon in both disbelief and annoyance while you looked at him curiously. He set his bag down and opened it, pulling out something.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. The newest edition of the Spider-man series. You’d been trying for ages to get it, but held yourself back when you saw the triple digit price point. 
Of course he’d have this. 
You gasped in disbelief, looking in awe as you grabbed it and flipped through the pages. Sunghoon found it absolutely cute the way your eyes lit up. 
He was concerned about how enduring he already found you in the span of approximately 10 minutes. 
“It’s too expensive, I can’t-”
“Who said I am giving it to you? I’m letting you borrow it so you won’t rat us out.”
It seemed the tables turned and it was your turn to be flustered under his teasing gaze and he did in fact have a cute grin. Shit-eating one but adorable. 
“I’ll take it to my grave.” You hugged the comic to your chest and did a zipping your mouth motion, throwing away the pretend key. He let out a chuckle at your actions and the sound absolutely did not do something to your heart ( You think it might have burst ). 
Jay had been observing the interaction and he knew why exactly Sunghoon did what he was doing. Seems like the supposed ‘ice’ prince was melting at your mere presence. Oh he was so going to spill everything to the rest of his friends and tease him for the life of it. 
Sunghoon’s gaze moved towards your phone, seeing it was still unlocked he took it while you yelped in alarm, “Hey! I said I won’t say anything!”
You had stood up from your chair and now only realised just how much taller he was than you when he began to type something with his hands raised above you. 
“Here. My number and I rang it to have yours. Call me when you’re done reading, I expect to get my comic back soon enough.” He held your hand and plopped your phone in it, while you remained frozen at his bold moves. Even the blonde next to him was surprised at his actions, that probably said a lot to you. 
He swung his arm around Jay who had an amused grin as he shook his head, waving bye to you, pausing for a moment when he realized something as he looked back at you.
“What’s your name?” 
“Uh-oh um,” You were still in a trance at what just happened as you said your name, not as confidently as you wished and you cursed yourself mentally for already being so hung up on his actions. 
He repeated it as if testing it out, “See you soon then,” He grinned at you as you just chose to wave back, thinking you might just say something stupid. 
Looking down at your phone, you saw his number and back at the comic book that laid on the desk, you grinned bashfully, shaking your head as you laughed.
Maybe just maybe, Park Sunghoon wouldn't have to wait until you finished the comic for you to see him. 
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌
links : main navi ! | enhypen masterlist !
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The ladder way to enter the void
In the introduction, my English is bad, so I'm sorry. Also, here I am sharing the methods that I will do as well, and I hope that this will help me enter the void or enter anyone. As I said before, I do not want this to be a selfish society that only offers methods and if one enters... Someone, the void, boom, I never heard from him again except the story of his success, and then he disappears. No, I am here. I want this place to be a phrase that when someone succeeds, everyone succeeds.
We all need some help, whether it's that someone has offered a way or just wants to put you immediately into the void. As I said before, it has never been proven that no one can enter the void. If you ask someone who has already entered the void and you want them to enter you, you just hear him say no, you. You control your reality and I can't, do it yourself and why do you say that? A few days ago, you were on the same journey as us, struggling like us, and you will be happy if someone volunteers and says, “I entered the void,” and I will say that you also enter as well, and you will be very grateful to him!!
There are many people who enter the void for their friends and brothers, but when it is your turn, they cannot do that. Say you do not want to, not you cannot!!
Sorry, I took a long time. Anyway, the ladder method that Neville invented. I hope I wrote his name correctly.
It is that before sleeping, you keep imagining that you are climbing a ladder until you fall asleep, and the next day you say that you are not climbing a ladder
And you'll see that the next day or three you're climbing the ladder. It's kind of like reverse psychology
I tried it first on a ladder, not in a vacuum, to make sure it worked. I imagined myself climbing an old wooden ladder full of nails, and the next day we went to my relatives and I found that ladder there!! The same as you imagined, and just for your information, it does not necessarily have to be the same as the ladder you imagine
Now apply the same thing to the void and imagine that you are entering the void as you wish for, I don’t know, ten seconds or less, and repeat what you imagined over and over again until you fall asleep.
And the next day, say that you do not enter the void, and we will see what happens. I will also apply this method today, so let us wish each other success.💙
As I said before, if I succeed, you will also succeed. I did not leave anyone behind, and neither will you. Let us be of help to each other
And yes, if you can enter the void in this way, do not forget to make sure that I also enter, otherwise I will appear in your nightmares🙂🔪
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
✨Astro Observations for those who think they're stupid when they're actually smart✨
✨Mutable risings are the "funny yet depressed" friend that is always trying to make sure everyone is okay and having a good time
✨Out of all the placements Aquarius is the only one I don't have a definitive standpoint on. Not a single one has something in common with another.
✨5th house placements are obsessed with reality tv while 11th house placements are obsessed with internet drama
✨Saturn in the 6th house natives are very likely to get plastic surgery for their weight
✨I keep reading on here that people know Taurus Moons that cook? I am sorry but since when instant noodles became "cooking". I have known five and my sister is one, and let me tell you, they can't cook for shit. They're such picky and particular eaters, they barely eat too.
✨My mother being an Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon means that I know the biggest catastrophizer alive.
✨Luminaries (sun and moon) opposite the rising, in my opinion, creates the most difficult people to deal with. They're so tone deaf and oblivious to how they come off.
✨Cardinal Lilith has conflict anxiety
✨Air Mercury thinks of an answer instead of listening to what someone is saying
✨Mars in the 11th house have many frenemies
✨Moon in the 11th are very popular among women
✨Angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) at 0 degrees struggles to achieve milestones or feels behind compared to others
✨Scorpio risings are always referred to as an onion. To me, an onion is something with layers of the same shit that just burn your eyes.
✨ Whichever house of yours an artist's Ceres falls in is what their work is going to help you with.
✨This also applies to planet aspects, as to whether their work will leave you challenged, intrigued, feeling empowered, motivated, seen, connected, or just simply aroused.
✨Fire Mercury says the most random shit. But we are here for that crackhead energy.
✨Fire/Mars in the 9th house is very common among dancers
✨The sign of the 6th house can show how are you with apologies. Since along with that work ethic comes responsibility and integrity.
✨Anyways, you'll never catch a Sag or Taurus in the 6th apologizing that's for sure.
✨Lilith/Juno in the 10th house are very mistreated by men/masculine people and authority
✨Lilith/Juno in the 4th house was betrayed by the family, especially the mother
✨Aquarius in the 4th house is always looking for a mommy in someone else
✨The body part/s the sign of your 8th house rule indicates which sexual act gets your toes curled.
✨Having friends of the same Mars sign are people that match your energy
✨People that have Mars Square Mars got a friendship that needed communication and patience, however, they tend to create a stronger bond
✨It's ghetto out there with all of those unevolved Earth placements
✨First house stelliums are never grateful. The entitlement is real.
✨Neptune/Pisces in the 1st house and 12th house ruler is in the 1st house depersonalize as a full time job. Existing is very draining for them, and at times painful.
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girlwitheconverse · 2 months
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Pairing: Keegan x singlemom!reader
Genre: fluff
Story type: one shot
Word count: 2k
TW: unexpected pregnancy
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You take a sip of your iced coffee, well deserved you must say, as you look around the coffee shop finally relaxing after a stressing day.
Then you remember that it’s still 10 in the morning and that your work break ends in ten minutes.
The life of a single mother of a toddler of four isn’t easy by any means but you wouldn’t change it for the world, you love Ellie, your daughter, too much to even think of a life without her. You remember all the emotion you felt the day you discovered you were pregnant: shock, fear, and excitement; in this precise order. Ellie’s father probably stopped at shock, because the day after you told him you were pregnant you received a break-up message and he ghosted you.
He disappeared. Completely. Even moved out of his apartment.
Your parents? Like the religious people they are…They kicked you out of the house because you had a kid outside marriage! How outrageous of you.
“Sorry? Is this seat free?” a deep voice makes you come back with your mind on earth, you look at the man and damn is he handsome. Black hair, blue eyes, athletic…Definitely your type. Before answering you look around: the place is almost empty and there are plenty of free tables. Is he…Does he like me? Is the first explanation that comes to your mind but you can’t be sure of it: maybe he just doesn’t like to sit alone.
You nod with a polite smile “Yes.”
The mysterious handsome man sits in front of you and places his cappuccino on the table. The air between you two is awkward so you decide to say something.
Because standing up and leaving seems mean.
But before you can say anything he speaks, “My name is Keegan.”
You blink a few times, then smile “I’m Y/n”
He’s definitely trying to flirt with me.
“I’m not usually one to flirt like this so forgive me if I'm straightforward but that's just how I am.” He says, leaving you shocked. “But…I think you’re beautiful”
You notice his ears getting red and smile at the cuteness. “Thank you, Keegan.”
When was the last time a man flirted with you? You can’t even remember. Every time you go out you have Ellie glued to the hip and that makes most men run away. You’d be lying if you said you didn't like the attention.
“Would you…like to go on a date with me?” He asks as he looks into your eyes, he is indeed very straightforward.
“I…” You try to buy yourself time by taking the last sip of your coffee, should I say yes? He’s totally my type…But what if he drops me as soon as I tell him I have a daughter? Maybe I should just see how the date goes and then decide how to procede. Yes. Definitely that. “Why not?” you say with a smile.
He smiles too and Oh God, his smile is so pretty you feel like you’ve already fallen in love. He hands you his phone to put your number in it, you do so and then stand up.
“I need to go back to work, it was a pleasure meeting you, Keegan…I’ll wait for your text then.” You smile at him and walk outside the cafe, already calling your best friend.
“Girl, I need you to babysit Ellie someday…I don’t know when but I’m going on a date with this super handsome guy and-” before you can finish talking your best friend screams.
“Going out with a guy? An handsome one? You? Damn I’ll babysit Ellie anytime! You go get that D while me and your daughter have a tea party while we talk shit about Cinderella, never liked that bitch anyway.” You laugh and can’t help but feel grateful for having her as best friend.
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A week later
“Do I look cute?” You ask as you show your best friend your outfit “it’s a picnic date, I wanted to stay on theme”
“You really went for the slutty sundress, uh” she says with a smirk, your eyes shoot wide and you look down at Ellie, hoping she didn't hear the swearword.
“Mommy pretty!” She says as she hugs your legs, you pick her up and kiss her round cheek, chuckling as you need to clean your lipstick off her cheek.
“Mommy loves you.” you say before placing her on the ground, “Mommy is going out with a friend okay? I’ll see you later.”
The doorbell rings and you hold back a scream of excitement before picking your purse and walking outside, making sure that Keegan couldn't see Ellie from the door.
“H-hi.” You stutter as you see his outfit, a white t-shirt and brown pants, he’s holding a picnic basket, nothing spectacular but he looks so handsome. His bicep is so big.
He smiles and you notice him looking at you from head to toe, “Hi…Let’s go, I know you can’t wait to see my secret spot.” He says with a chuckle and you two start walking side by side. You and him have been texting each other for the past week and you discovered that he’s in the military, it now makes sense why he has such perfect physique, you also told him about your job as a banker.
As you walk, you chat about anything and everything, from your favorite books to the most embarrassing moments of your childhood. Keegan is easy to talk to, and his warm laughter puts you at ease. You can't help but wonder what he would be like with Ellie, but you quickly shake off the thought, reminding yourself that it's too early to think about that.
The spots he brings you to is a beautiful park with green grass and flowers, “it’s beautiful!” You say as you look around while he puts a blanket over the grass.
“Next time I’m taking you to the beach.” He says as you both sit down on the blanket.
“I love the beach!” You say excited, it’s been so long since you felt like this…Like a woman and not only a mother. “And I love sushi too…” You say as he takes the food out of the basket.
“Yeah, you already told me that a few times by message.” He says with a chuckle, remembering how you spent more than twenty messages talking about sushi.
“It was my worst craving when I was-” You stop before you can say too much, you still haven't told him about Ellie “When I was sick a few months ago, but the doctor said I couldn't eat any.”
He shakes his head and hands you a pair of chopsticks, “Oh, I almost forgot” he says as he picks from the basket a bottle of white wine and two glasses.
“The wine too?” You say shocked but with a smile on your face.
“Of course.” Keegan puts some wine in a glass and hands it to you, “to this date.”
“Hoping that this will be the first of many.” You add before you take a sip of the wine.
You two spend an hour eating and chatting before you lay down on the blanket with a sigh and a smile “I’m so full!”
“Even for these?” Keegan asks as he takes out of the basket strawberries that have been dipped in chocolate.
“I’m never full for these” you say with a chuckle.
“Say ah…” He says as he picks a strawberry and places it near your mouth, you blush but let him feed you the strawberry.
The sweet taste of chocolate and strawberry floods your mouth, followed by the warmth of Keegan's gaze. You blush profusely, your heart pounding in your chest as he chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You sit up and pick a strawberry, “say ah…” you say as you feed him the strawberry, he laughs but lets you feed him. “ops, you’ve got chocolate here” you say before kissing his lips. He’s frozen at first and you think you’ve gone too far, but then he places his hand on the back of your head and deepens the kiss.
The kiss is a heady, intoxicating rush that seems to consume every part of you, spiraling through you and leaving you breathless, your senses filled to the brim. The world narrows down to just the two of you, and for that moment, nothing else matters. As you reluctantly pull away, still caught in the lingering haze of the kiss, you can't help the bubbling laughter that escapes your lips. Keegan, ever so stoic, stands there looking utterly bemused, that stunned expression on his face worth a thousand words.
"That was... unexpected," he murmurs, his voice a low, husky whisper that sends a thrill running down your spine. There's a hint of a smile playing on his lips, a soft, almost shy admission that echoes your own feelings.
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A month and a half later
You’re panicking as you text to Keegan, cancelling the date (one of the many you two had in the past month and half) last minute because your best friend just told you she has a fever and can’t babysit Ellie. Is also too late to call a a babysitter, so you don’t have any other choice if not to stay at home with Ellie…Ellie, whom you still haven't told anything to Keegan.
I’m getting deployed tomorrow after lunch, we won’t see each other for two month after that…You really can’t come?
I’m sorry but my stomach hurts so much, I just got my period :(
Then I’m coming at your place with some chocolate ice cream and chips
You really don’t have to
Too bad I'm already in my car.
You sigh you look at the text and sit on the couch, damn him and his perfect personality. Maybe it’s the universe telling you to stop hiding the truth from him, to stop ignoring the elephant in the room.
“Mommy look!” Ellie says as she shows you the drawing she just made: some yellow on top of the paper and then blue on the bottom, “It’s sea!” With that you realize that you were holding the drawing upside down.
“Oh my! It’s so pretty! This definitely goes on the fridge” you say as you stand up to put her drawing on the fridge, next to your favorite drawing she made: the one with the two of you.
“Yay! Mommy likes it!” She says as she jumps up and down happily, you pick her up and kiss her cheek.
“Listen, Ellie, mommy’s friend is coming here and you need to be a good girl okay?”
“Auntie?” she immediately thinks of your best friend.
“No, not Auntie, another friend.” As soon as you say those words the doorbell rings.
You place Ellie down and walk towards the door, when you see Keegan standing outside with his hands full of snacks your heart breaks because of all the lies you told him but now is the moment of the truth. Will he run away? Will he get mad? You couldn't really blame him if he did so, not after all the lies.
You smile, “Thank you, really but…I need to tell you something…”
“What’s wrong?” He asks worried, but before you can speak a little voice behind you speaks and a little head pokes out the door.
“Mommy friend came?” Ellie asks as she looks up at Keegan with her big eyes. The man looks at you confused and you give him an awkward smile.
“I think it’s better if you come in.” You say as you let him in, Keegan enters and places the snack on the coffe table in front of the couch in the living room.
You place your hands on Ellie’s shoulder and take a deep breath, “Keegan, this is Ellie…My daughter”
To say that he’s shocked is an understatement, he stutters for the first time since you have started dating him, “w-what?”
“I shouldn’t have hidden this from you and i’m so sorry for my stupid actions I was just…afraid I guess at the thought of losing you.” You admit and Ellie looks up at you with a confused expression, you don’t want her to think that you don’t love her.
“You thought I’d leave you because you have a daughter?” He says even more shocked than before.
“That’s what most men do when I tell them.”
“I am not the type to do something like that, I love you and the fact that you have a daughter? Just makes me love you more” your heart flutters as he drops the l-word and your cheek flush red.
“You love me?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Damn if I do!”
“I love you too…And I was so scared of losing you, I’m so sorry…” You say with a smile, he smiles back and then crunches down to Ellie’s height, smiling at her.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Keegan, mommy’s…friend” Keegan says with a smile as he holds out his hand towards Ellie.
“Hi I’m Ellie” Your daughter says as she puts her small hands in his, shaking it clumsily.
It was such a sweet moment and you were almost tearing up when, “Are you my daddy?” Ellie suddenly says. You choke on your own saliva and Keegan laughs, shaking his head.
“No…Not yet at least” Keegan says as he smiles up at you.
“Watch Mulan with me?” Ellie changes subject immediately, very much toddler like, and pulls Keegan towards the couch. You can’t help but laugh as you look at the two of them playing together, feeling like you just found the missing piece of your puzzle, which is now perfect.
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Ugh, this probably sucks and I’m sorry but I recently got back to writing and I’m trying to stay consistent to it :(
If you liked the story don’t forget to like, reblog and maybe even leave a comment :)
And remember, my inbox is always open for requests! even anonymous ones (emoji anon too!)
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rachalixie · 4 months
hey, i got this ticket? it says “one free cute jisung thought because i said so”. can i cash it in?
a/n: anything for you <3 (gn!reader, jisung fluff, alcohol mention but it's up to you to decide if they have been drinking or not). also i did not proofread this. sorry.
11:59 pm. 
you glance at your phone for a moment, clicking it off and returning your attention to the girl enthusiastically telling a story across the room. and you wait. and wait, for what seems like several minutes. 
you glance at your phone again, and - 
12:00 am. 
how has it only been one minute? your friend, your trusted ride for the evening, was slamming down another glass of wine and giggling into her glass in a way that indicated that she should not be behind the wheel. 
you wanted to go home. you wanted to go home right now, but that meant that you had to walk the three blocks to your apartment alone, at midnight. 
was that a risk you were willing to take? as you looked around the room at the people growing increasingly more drunk by the minute, you decided that yes, you were willing to take it. no one noticed as you walked out of the room into the foyer, your friend didn’t take out her phone when you texted her that you were leaving and that she was not allowed to drive herself home, not a single head turned when you walked out of the door and closed it with a soft click. 
or so you thought. 
you didn’t make it three steps away from the building before you felt a presence behind you, approaching quickly, and you ball your hand into a fist in preparation for an encounter that you really didn’t want to deal with. your hand falls to your side when you realize that it was jisung, your friend and neighbor and, to your embarrassment, the man you were totally head over heels in love with. the man who you spent all evening avoiding, the image of him sitting next to someone else, pressed against their side, burning in your eyes when you close them. the man who was the real reason why you left. 
“where are you going?” he says, slightly breathless from how he had rushed out after you. 
“none of your business,” you quirk an eyebrow up at him, absolutely not endeared by the way his cheeks puff out with the breath he holds in before sighing out. “i’m going home, you can go back. i’m okay.”
“well, let me walk you back,” he matches your stride as you turn back towards the sidewalk. “i was about to leave anyways.”
“why?” a spark of annoyance tingles up your spine and you tamper it down. “you think i can’t defend myself?”
“well, no, i know you can,” his eyes flicker down to your hands for a moment. “but do you want to be in a position where you have to?”
and the truth was, you didn’t. the annoyance fizzles out and you realize that you’re grateful for his presence by your side, a warm welcome against the cool night air. if there was anyone whose company you would never deny, it was his, even if you put on a front. your hands brush against each other’s as you walk in comfortable silence, each touch lighting a fire inside of you. 
he walks on the end of the sidewalk closest to the street, and despite there being no cars out this late you find the gesture sweet. you imagined that if he was wearing a jacket that he would offer it to you - you wished he would offer you his hoodie, if only so you could keep it.
“well,” you rest your hand on the doorknob, sighing at its familiarity after a long day. “this is me.” 
“okay,” he falters, taking a step closer to you and running a hand through his hair. your eyes catch on a vein trailing up his wrist to his hand and you don’t realize you’ve been staring for maybe too long until he clears his throat. “i was wondering - and please let me know if i got the wrong idea but. can i come in?”
“you spent all evening next to someone else,” you’re a little confused, a little more angry, and very caught off-guard. “and now you’re asking to come into my home? what are you playing at?”
“so it worked?” he smiles, a bit bashful as the blood rushes to the top of his cheekbones. “i wasn’t sure if it would, i saw it in a movie once. make them jealous and you’ll know if they like you back by how they react, right?”
you blink at him. one moment passes, and then the next, in shocked silence. his gaze on you is unwavering, slow blinks of his eyes a tell of the passing time. his eyes are burning on you, you feel so utterly exposed in front of him and - 
“god, you’re stupid,” you blurt out, a laugh made up of relief, surprise, and embarrassment bubbling up in your chest. “i can’t believe i like a fucking loser.” 
“so, you do like me then?” his smile turns into a full grin, and you can’t help but think that satisfaction looks way too good on his face. instead of answering, you swing the door open and pull him inside by the collar.
you’ll show him satisfaction.
and then they have sex and get married yeah.
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I need a fic where Merlin doesn’t know he’s Emrys and doesn’t know about his destiny, he’s just a good person who sees someone constantly almost dying and saves him because he can’t just sit and do nothing.
Kilgharrah doesn’t exist. Plot holes aside, the bitchy basement gecko can go to hell.
This all takes place during The Beginning of The End episode.
Mordred doesn’t call Merlin Emrys, he just cries out for help (and for his dad). Merlin steps in, the rest of the episode is the same but Merlin is determined to help the druid boy he found. Without crusty dinosaur harping on, he gets to choose the right thing for his own morals and critical thinking. Gaius is unsurprisingly resistant, so Merlin is being extremely careful, then Arthur finds him in Morgana’s chambers while he’s healing Mordred.
Let’s go with Morgana already knows about Merlin’s magic and he’s been helping her too against Gaius’ advice.
Arthur feels betrayed and is upset because Merlin can’t seem to give him a straight answer about anything. It’s all still new to him, but he’s learning that Merlin is good even if he doesn’t answer any of Arthur’s questions about magic or why he doesn’t use spells or anything like that. He’s angry but he can’t punish Merlin and free Mordred without being hypocritical, so he mostly sulks.
In all the perceived lies, Arthur snaps and instead of punishing him, he doesn’t let Merlin leave his side until he tells the truth.
So when Arthur takes Mordred back to the Druids, Merlin goes with him. Iseldir greets them as “Emrys and The Once and Future King” They’re both confused, but obviously Arthur is the future king so Arthur asks who Iseldir thought Merlin was.
Iseldir reveals their destiny that Merlin is the god of magic. Merlin is silent and Arthur is so confused and hurt about why Merlin didn’t trust him.
Iseldir answers all of Arthur’s questions about destiny and the prophecy while Merlin doesn’t say a word. He takes it to mean Merlin is ashamed or something similar about the truth coming out, meanwhile Merlin is grappling with the fact that he supposedly isn’t human. After days of Arthur picking on him for “lying” and all the unintentionally cruel jibes, when Iseldir tries to say Merlin was blessed with his power and that it was something he should be grateful for.
Merlin breaks down in a Percy Jackson style “I’m not a god! There’s something wrong with me! I get that whatever I am isn’t supposed to happen, I know I’m a monster, believe me. I never even learned magic and every time I’ve tried to get rid of it, it’s almost killed me! So don’t tell me that this is a blessing, that this curse is something I should be happy about because it’s the reason I’ve spent every single day of my entire life terrified!” Then he stops for a second and the tears roll down his cheeks, “I’m sorry, but I’m not what you think I am. You need to find someone else to believe in.”
(Skip to the end for a happy ending, this is angsty. Warning for dark!Arthur and major character death)
Arthur thinks Merlin is lying and banishes him on the spot. Iseldir warns against it, but Merlin is just so tired so he doesn’t fight it. He’s left broken and believing he’s a monster, so be leaves to protect his friends.
Until a month or so later Arthur is on a hunt when he gets separated and lost, then injured by bandits. Merlin finds him, (he’s been sent off by the druids for failing this destiny he knew nothing about, in search of a solution but they’re not very forthcoming with information) and Merlin heals him. Then they get all the diamond of the day moments while Merlin is nursing Arthur back to health until he succumbs to infection.
Merlin gives his life for Arthur, knowing that he’ll be a good king. This leads Arthur to become really dark, he kills his father and takes over Camelot, welcoming magic but killing anyone with a different opinion. No one is safe, war breaks out and Camelot falls. When Arthur dies, young and during an uprising, he meets Merlin again in Avalon. Merlin doesn’t recognise Arthur with all he’s become, and Arthur is punished to watch all his people suffer with his old mind while watching Merlin continuously pushing him away because “he’s waiting for Arthur, he shouldn’t be alone when he gets here. He would’ve been a good king, he needs someone to take care of him now.” And it breaks Arthur’s heart to hear it every time.
That’s all I got so far, it could be that they’re both driven mad waiting, Arthur by watching his people and Merlin by waiting for a man he’s doomed to never recognise again. I’m not sure, I haven’t gotten that far.
Or for less angst, hurt/comfort where Arthur has to realise that Merlin is just as in the dark as he is, he really doesn’t know any of the questions Arthur had and he’s probably been looking for answers a lot longer. They work together to fix everything and while it’s difficult, Merlin still has issues with lying to protect his friends (intent/outcome issues) Arthur is too trusting still and they have to deal with Morgause and all the other threats but they overcome it together. Albion is united and they live happily ever after.
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Ya bitch got into the void state
Champagne anon here and your mf girlll got in the mf void state and manifested her dream life. This happened a week ago, and I’ve been chilling but I do wanna share my story to help others. Gotta give Thanks to Maya, and so many other bloggers and even anon. Y’all hoes will forever be in my heart, and I’m forever grateful 🥹 also Maya girl you told me when I succeed to get into detail and I got nothing to do for the next two hours so imaaa just share it all here in detail.
I also wanna especially thank all the black creators on tumblr!! I didn’t know there were so many of us using the law. It always seems the world is so against us, and there’s nothing we can do abt it but nahhhh!! we can all live our best melanated lives regardless. Periodt, as we should it’s about goddamned time after everything we’ve been though 😂
Anyways!!!! after reading this: https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/717864613626134528/im-your-bubble-anon-but-i-made-this-burner-to success story yesterday I got hella motivated. I read that shit and I thought I posted it on accident because it was everything I had been through, and had been thinking anyways. That anon ate your tumblr habits btw. If y’all haven’t seen my good sis’s sucess post go check that shut out rn, On god it will help.
At the end that anon (my mf dawg 🙏) included that they manifested for everyone. Now ion know if that shit actually work tbh. I’ve seen people say you can and can’t, but tbh the vibes were too high for me to doubt. I was like ight, okay fuck it, ima leave my dream life. Whether it me, that anon, or the devil himself ion give a fuck.
So that’s whatssss a bitch did!!! I just affirmed all day it was very fulfilling. People who hate on affirming are mad corny. I can’t lie that shit works hella fast even if you don’t believe it. Idk if that anon’s void manifesting helped or what but I didn’t do much and after 3 months of trying I entered the damn void state. I’m mad I thought I had to be on some ghandi shit to do this (no hate to him hes da man) but you rlly don’t y’all. BUT LEMME TALK MY SHIT ALL YOU NEED IS AFFIRMING AND PERSISTENCE.
Anyways I went go bed excited asl!! I wrote my script that was like 10 pages long I can’t lie I did the most… but it’s whateva. I woke up in the void state after waking up at 4 am or sum, and i was like oh shityyyt lemme manifest rq and skrttt out this hoe. So that’s what a mf did 😂😂
Anyways the part y’all’s is waiting for. This is what ya girl manifested
Desired face and body. I was in shock how all the details came to life. Y’all im a solid 100/10 it’s giving natural bbl and Aliyah. I swear to gahhh everywhere I go people be trying to peep. I’m not used to being treated like a fucking celeb everywhere I go, whole time it’s just my fat gyattttt
Being the hottest 16 yr old IT GIRL at my school, and having lucky girl syndrome. People call me a mini jayda wayda, but tbh I’m better than her now. No hoe is ever gonna cheat on meee like they did her…bye. She’s still gorgeous as fuck tho
Perfect school life. Your girl is set to be the Valedictorian when I graduate (my school has 4!) I’m also sophomore year President, captain of the basketball team, apart of some volunteer programs through my school, and so much more. My resume and college application is abt to be so fuckin fire in 2 years. As I should Columbia is a competitive ass school 😤😤 that aside everyone always tryna link, I got 3 guys fighting over me (whole damn love square), so many people tryna be my friends, teachers love me, and I excel in everything I do.
My Family being rich assss fuck. My dad got a Wikipedia now and his net worth is 22 million dollars. He owns a hedge fund company now, we love a man in finance 😍😍 AS HE FUCKING SHOULD. He got a material gurlll daughter. Two in fact now.
Fire ass crib. Bro it’s a 9 million dollar penthouse, perfect for ragers. I woke up here and my room is decorated to my personality, pintrest clothes all in my closet, I got an exotic pitbull and frenchie, and the house is just mad clean and fire, I’m obsessed with it. Rarely ever wanna leave now.
My mom not being strict. That bald headed ass hoe use to be mad annoying. Y’all know how Haitians are. Mad annoying as fuck and strict for no reason. Now I go out everyday and come home at midnight and no one gives a fuck. Everyone minds their own business as they should.
Having an older brother and younger sister. I was an only child, because I was a miracle baby bc my mom was infertile. Now she got 3 of us, so she can stop being only in my buisness. I’m just playin I love my mom regardless she’s just hella clingy. Anyways my brother is mad protective but also be wrestling mad aggressive for no damn reason. He gave me a bruise but it’s whateva Ima get my lick back. I also always wanted to be an older sister, bc I’d love to be a role model! My sister is 10 and adores me soo much it’s so adorable 🥹 lmfaooo, she’s mad spoiled by me and my mom but it is what it is.
Successful lip gloss business and being a successful drop shipper. Now you didn’t think a sista wasn’t gonna give herself a career just because I’m young right 🤨🤨 we’ll ya wrong. Ya girl is making 200k-400k a year. I barely even use my money cause I got an allowance from my parents… but still, financial literacy and wealth is so important to me especially as a black woman.
A pookie bae. Y’all know I wasn’t gonna deal with finding a loyal cute and funny guy in nyc. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Anyways I got me a fine ass boo. I just wrote down all the features I wanted in him like for exampleS finically secure so he can spoil me, handsome as fuck, tall, funny asl, kind, little clingy, deep raspy voice, nice hand, good hygiene and style,yanno yanooo !!! Plus some other shit and whewww the void did me so good. Nowww my boo bear is a lil cracker and I’ve never dated a white boy befuh but my am I surprised. I wake up everyday with some long ass appreciation texts and plans already made ! Y’all know I love me a dominant man who knows what he wants. He’s got some nice ass clothes, nice car and crib, made me a passenger princess and spoils me way too much. He doesn’t complain abt my mood swings and simps in the best way possible. Not to mention he’s fine afkkk he’s giving vinnie hacker. He’s also 6’1 and I’m 5’1 so that height difference is soooo hot I can’t lie I feel so so safe with him 🫣 I could go on all day but in short he’s more than perfect
+ so much more but this is what shocked me the most. Anyways I’ve been living like this for the past week and it just feel so natural. I keep forgetting I got into the void but whateva I’m the only who knows anyways. Anyways live yo best life and neva give upppp. I gotta go but I’ll probably eventually make a blog. My names angela so look out for it. I’m just mad lazy soo idk tho !!!
Angela out 🫡✌️
Girl this was so fun to read, I’m just as excited for you lmfao. I love seeing black women win, and thank you for sharing your methods! Enjoy your best life and come back if it resonates with your life bae !!!
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
i literally always interact with ur posts and i always try to initiate some sort of friendship but you dont !!!! idk
so, it's rather unfortunate that i feel like i have to explain myself even though i know i don't have to, but i'm going to anyway because this will eat me alive if i don't and i'm gonna set healthy boundaries here.
first, thank you for your continued support of my posts. interaction makes the site go round, and all that. but this comment feels really... transactional.
i feel like i do a really good job at interacting with people who comment and whatnot on my posts. i answer asks, i enjoy the silly ones and the serious ones, i try to be fun, be funny, be kind, be engaging, be myself, be whatever. and frankly, i don't think i understand what more you're wanting from me. i respond to a majority of comments on my posts! i sort of pride myself with how often i interact with people on here despite my busy life! if you're in my notifs often, there's probably already a decent chance i enjoy seeing you pop up, and enjoy responding to you, and enjoy engaging with you, and probably even consider you a friend if we speak often in comments, etc.
it's really hard to tell exactly what you're wanting me to do based off of this very vague ask, but if you're like, wanting to dm with me or something i'm sorry. i'm like the worst person ever when it comes to dms. i work 10 hour shifts. i have family to take care of, a mortgage to pay for etc etc. ask any of my moots, i literally never dm. i leave people on read quite often because i'm just so bad at it. i'm busy all the time and it gets overwhelming. so if you've got some sort of fomo going on that i'm part of something more than just my silly posts or anything, i promise you there's nothing you're missing out on.
which is why i stick to comments. replying to stuff. mainly engaging on posts. answering asks. etc. i'm literally giving everyone all the energy i have to give already. on top of writing!!!!
and this is going to sound really cunty, but also realize that just because you interact with someone, that doesn't mean they owe you anything. and this doesn't just go for me, but literally everyone on this site. they don't owe you a reply, or a thank you, or a comment, or anything. and that sucks but that's literally how life works. not everything is a series of transactions. everyone has their reasons that dictate why they may or may not respond or initiate what you want from them. but that's what this asks feels like. wanting something from me. wanting more than what i've been giving. wanting something i mentally, and emotionally can't provide given my circumstances.
i literally love everyone who positively interacts with me, so this feels like a punch to the gut, knowing someone thinks that i'm not doing enough by not catering to some very vague and impossible to know need. i'm not a mind reader!
sorry if this sounded short, but i'm wanting to make my boundaries very clear here. i am so so grateful for everyone who interacts with my stuff, and i show my love by responding as best as i can. most of my friendships on this site are formed by interactions that way. asking anything more from me is something i simply cannot give you.
also, anon asks will be turned off AGAIN after i post this because just on the off chance this is not received well, i'm not opening myself up to anon hate lmao.
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footiehoefics · 6 months
Not Approved
I'M BACK! This fic took way longer than I thought it would, and I am sorry. I'm so happy to post a new fic and I hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think please! I'm sorry if I take longer to post fics I just have a lot going on and I wish I had more time to write. Anyways enjoy! I love you! 5.2k words, TW none, fluff/angsty
gif: canirove
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You don’t know how you and Mason made time for each other, but you always tried. 
It was hard to both be public figures and have people comment on your relationship all the time, or criticize everything you did. It sucked when people blamed you for his “bad” performances. However, as tough as it was, you never let it get in the way between your relationship. 
You had met Mason at an event you were both invited to. You were sitting next to each other, and to say you fell for him quickly, it was an understatement. 
One date turned into two, three, four, five, you can’t even count now. They were always spaced out though, you would see him for a date one week and then not see him for at least 3 weeks. You would always text each other when you were apart and do facetime calls. 
Your home was England, but because of your career you had to be in different places a lot of the time. This was an obstacle both you were willing to face. 
Mason fell in love with you instantly as well. He was grateful his friends talked him into going to that event alone, otherwise he wouldn't have met you. He knew who you were, how couldn't he?He had seen you in movies many times. He always had a crush on you but to him it seemed nearly impossible to have something with you. 
On your first date, he was so nervous. He had never been nervous to go on a date, as a matter of fact, he prided himself in being confident with girls. There was something about you that made him go crazy for you and he wanted to give the best impression. Every single time you were together he just felt the connection. Every single second it grew more and more. 
You also knew who Mason was, living in London for a long time, it was hard not to know who he was as well. You were also a very big football fan, so you didn't want to freak out when you met him. He made you feel so at peace, like you could be yourself around him and not put up this “nice girl” persona everyone expected from you. 
You were never the type of girl to have one night stands and go out much. You, of course, had that phase but as you got older you realized that it was not as important as people made it seem. You always loved being at your house or working on set. Mason loved that about you, you liked your privacy. Most of the girls he had been with, he knew it was just for attention. He always wanted to meet someone who respected his privacy and didn't just want his money. 
After so many lowkey dates with him, you both started your relationship 2 months ago. You had both agreed to keep it private but not a secret. Your friends and family knew but that was it. If someone spotted you at his games, rumors always started swirling around but you never commented on it. People would say whatever it was about you both and it shouldn't matter. 
Ever since Mason signed for Manchester United, you spent a lot of time with him in his apartment in Manchester. You loved being up North with him and being in your own little bubble with him and your dogs. It was like all the noise faded out. 
Every weekend you would go on little dates, getting to know more and more places, and also so Mason could familiarize himself more with the city. This weekend however, Mason wanted to head down to London since it was one of his friends' birthdays. 
You were currently getting ready to get in his car and start the 3 and a half hour car ride. 
“Ready my love?” Mason asked you, popping his head in the bathroom to check you were ready to leave. 
“Yep, I just need to get that bag downstairs” you replied, looking at yourself one last time in the mirror. 
Mason headed over to the bed and grabbed the bag. “Fucking hell, what are you taking? We’re only going 3 days.” 
You laughed at his comment. “I have to take some stuff back to the apartment in London and bring in new stuff.” 
Once all the bags were in his trunk, you made your way to London. This would be the first time you would be meeting his friends. You know it was kind of late but, better late than never. You had been very busy and every time they would visit Mason in Manchester you were not there, not for a lack of trying. It had been hard to meet his friends and family with both of you being so busy. 
You were a bit nervous but you knew that you just had to relax and just be yourself. You only knew Nathan and Benny, everyone else you had never met so you wanted to make a good impression. 
“This shirt or this shirt?” you asked, holding up two black shirts that honestly to any man would look exactly the same. 
“Babe…they are the same…” Mason replied, looking at you clueless. 
“Uh, no. This one is more see-through and this one has longer sleeves.” you pointed out, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “24 and already with bad vision…?” You told him, smirking. 
“Oi those shirts are exactly the same, but I mean the first one I guess since it’s more see-through.” he replied, making you chuckle.
You were almost done getting ready, and so was Mason. The party was not far from your hotel so you were good on time. Your nerves started building up. You weren’t the best at meeting new people, but you’ve gotten better at it. 
You had never been this nervous to meet your past boyfriend’s friends or family. With Mason it was different. This relationship meant everything to you, it was so important for you to really bond with his friends and for them to like you. Mason always tried to reassure you they would obviously like you and if they didn't that it would not matter, he wanted you. However, if they didn't end up liking you, it would hurt you and it would be hard to just brush it off. You figured if they were friends with Mason and they were similar to Benny and Nathan, then there would be no problem. 
“Wear this purse” Mason told you as you were adding the finishing touches to your makeup. He was holding up a beautiful dark red and gold purse he gave you for your birthday not long ago. 
“Oh you want me to show it off today?” You replied to him smiling. 
“Of course, and if someone asks you where you got it just say the best boyfriend ever gave it to me as a gift” he winked at you making you giggle. 
You grabbed the beautiful purse, grabbed Mason’s hand and headed to the car to go to the party. The little weird feeling in your tummy started happening again but you tried to brush it off. 
Once Mason gave the car to valet, he grabbed your hand and kissed your temple. 
“Ready?” he asked you, smiling. He was excited about you meeting all of his friends finally. 
“Mhm” you replied, not sounding confident at all. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be fine okay? They’ll love you” he told you caressing your cheek and looking deep into your eyes making your heart melt. You gave him a little on the lips and headed inside the party. 
As soon as you stepped a foot inside, Mason’s friends swarmed him. Clearly they had missed him. Mason never had a lot of time to make the drive back down to London and his friends also barely had time to go up and see him. It was sweet seeing all of his friends hug him and reunite with him.
You let go of his hand so he could say hi to all of them and stood behind him a bit awkwardly waiting for him to introduce you. The first person he greeted stepped aside and looked over at you. “Oh hey! We finally meet you!” he said approaching you to greet you. You knew who he was, Mason having mentioned him quite a bit since they were former teammates and also just by watching football. “I’m Ben it’s nice to meet you” he hugged you and you hugged him back. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m y/n” you replied smiling at him. 
Mason turned around and started introducing you to everyone. Everyone was really nice and welcoming towards you which made you feel at ease. Everyone except three people. You knew one of them, again because of football. However, the other two you had no clue. 
You grabbed Mason’s hand again to guide you wherever he was going. You didn’t want to be that clingy girlfriend but you barely knew anyone and felt safe being with him. You both sat down in a small booth. You sat donw next a girl. 
“Hi!” she said as soon as you sat down next to her. “I’m Sophia, Kai’s girlfriend. “Oh hello! I’m y/n… Mason’s girlfriend” you replied, matching her causing her to giggle. 
She was a sweetheart the whole night with you, going to the bar together, talking about everything and anything. It gave you an opportunity to give Mason space with his friends and not be super clingy as you feared. 
Once the bartender handed both of you your pornstar martini’s, Sophia guided you to the terrace where Mason, Kai, Nathan and Ben were with some of their other friends on table. Once Mason spotted you he smiled at you and signaled you to go sit with him. There was very little room between him and the girl beside him, so he sat you down on his lap making you blush and smile. You didn’t know who the girl was, she was one of the few people who was  a little cold with you. 
There were different conversations around the table going on, you were trying to keep up with them but at the end you just started chatting with Kai and Sophia who were in front of you. 
“How long have you two been together?” you heard the girl ask Mason, making you look at her. “Oh sorry I didn’t introduce myself, I’m Shea” she said not even smiling, just giving you a blank expression. You were not gonna lie, you felt a little uncomfortable and intimidated by her. “Oh nice to meet you I’m y/n” you said smiling, unlike her. “Um, we’ve been together for like two months” you told her, answering her question. 
Sha laughed a little, “I’m shocked, look at you” she said now with a more expressive face looking at Mason. Mason just smiled awkwardly. You could tell there was some tension or awkwardness, or at least just from his side. He looked visibly uncomfortable. You just tried to smile and be nice. 
“Yea, my God what happened to you?” another voice said. This time it was the person beside Shea. You didn’t know his name but he was the other person who never introduced himself to you. “You never come down here, never want to go out with us anymore, have a little fun like the old days.” he finished making Claire laugh. “Don’t have time mate” Mason replied, smiling at him. “Of course you don’t, you have a girlfriend now” Shea said looking at you and smiling condescendingly. Oh, so this is what it was. Maybe it bothered them that he had a girlfriend now and had no time for them?  
“So boring mate…” the guy said, taking a sip of his drink. “No offense” he chuckled looking at you, “we’re not used to Mase having a serious girlfriend and shit, usually it was just for the night.” he laughed, nudging Shea, making her blush. “Joe” Mason said sternly. 
You wanted the ground to swallow you. Not only did his friends think he was boring now because he finally had a serious girlfriend, you now knew he used to do it with one of his girl friends…? It also hurt you Mason didn’t say anything to them, as if they were right. 
You didn’t even know what to say. You scratched your neck awkwardly and looked at Sophia. She had heard everything and helped you get out of that conversation. “Does anyone want anything from the bar? Y/n and I will go get some more drinks” she asked the table. No one wanted anything thankfully. 
You got up from Mason’s lap and were about to go inside when you felt someone grab your arm. You turn around, it was Mason. “Hey, can we go to the other side and tal-” he was about to ask when you interrupted him “No…um…I have to go to the bar with Soph.” you said. “Love please” Mason pleaded. “It’s fine Mase, I promise” you told him half smiling. He let go of your arm, understanding you didn’t want to hash on it right now. He knew you were hurt and he knew he had to explain all of it to you, but he knew you better than anyone else and you needed space right now. 
Once at the bar, Soph asked you if you were okay. “I’m okay, I’m just like taken back a little bit” “Ugh Joe is such a prick you have no idea” she said rolling her eyes and making you chuckle at her comment. “I can tell.” 
“He is so miserable I promise you. His life consists of partying every single day. Everytime he asks Kai if he wants to go to the club or a party and says no, he blames it on me.” she said and paused to take a sip from her drink. “It;s not my fault you have no life or great charactics to get a decent girlfriend and do something else other than get high or drunk every weekend.” This time you laughed harder, making Sophia laugh too. “I just hate him so much you have no idea” she told you. “No it’s okay, I mean I had a 5 minute conversation with him and I already don’t like him”
“What about Shea, do you know her?” you asked Soph. “Not much, other than she's a leach with Joe. She’s a bit bitchy but I don’t really talk to her, you know?” “Yea” you replied. 
“Um…and do you know about her and…Mason?” you asked her, not really wanting to know the answer. “Don’t worry about her, they were never anything serious whatsoever. I’m not gonna lie to you, I think they used to…you know…but ever since Mason moved clubs and cities he has changed a lot…for the better, and I’m guessing it has a lot to do with you.” she said, winking at you. It sting a little knowing he used to…sleep with one his girl friends, and it bothered you a bit he was still friends with her or at least still hung out with her. You were confident in your relationship but after tonight, you felt stupid and a little embarrassed.
What if it wasn’t just Joe and Shea that thought Mason was now boring and had no time for them because of you? What if everyone else felt the same way but didn’t show it or told you like they both did. 
“Can you go with me to the bathroom please?” Soph asked, standing up. “Yes of course” you paid for your drinks and headed to the bathroom. It was only one bathroom and the men’s bathroom was directly in front of the women’s bathroom, so you waited in the hallway for her. 
You were scrolling on your phone while waiting for her when you heard Mason’s voice from the men’s bathroom. You hated snooping, but you heard your name and you couldn’t help it. 
“Mate I just understand what’s the problem?” you heard him say. “I’m just saying, you're adapting to a new team, new city, new everything, a relationship would be the last thing I would focus on. Y/n seems lovely, trust me, but I think in the end it will just be a distraction maybe. It’s not just another girl you know? Her lifestyle is also public and it’s completely different to yours” you didn't recognize this voice. It wasn’t Joe (thankfully), it wasn’t Ben, Nathan or Benny, it wasn’t Kai as well. Whoever it was, you didn’t care, his comments hurt you. Not because they were mean, but because there was maybe some truth behind them. 
It was hard already to make time for each other. He was right, both of your live’s were so different and public, how on earth did you think this would work. Love wouldn't be a problem, but work, and lifestyle would certainly be. Maybe since the very beginning you were right. You always had this feeling about your relationship with Mason, it was too good to be true. Your past relationships weren’t great at all. You were very careful who you gave your heart to. You were more than happy to give it to Mase. He never gave you a reason to not trust him with it. It was like this whole time, you were just waiting for the ship to crash, because at the end of the day that’s always what happened. 
You felt your eyes sting with tears. You stepped away from the door and couldn't hear what else was said so just turned your back to the men’s door and got close to the women’s door. Mason and his friend stepped out, you heard the door open. You didn’t want them to see you upset and on the verge of tears so you didn’t turn around. 
“Y/n?” You heard Mason asked. You did your best at pretending everything was fine but he could see right through you. HIs friend stepped out as well, and now you realized it was Declan. His best friend since childhood. This made it even worse. HIs best friend was telling him all of this, and as much as Mason would reassure you it was fine, you know when your best friend tells you something like that it’s more serious. It’s not just someone online saying it, or dickheads like Joe. 
“Hey I’m just waiting for Sophia-” you tried to say calmly, when Sophia opened the door. “All done” she said, and stopped in her tracks when she saw the 3 of you outside. “Oh hey guys” she smiles. “I need to go inside” you said entering the bathroom. 
You could not face Mason right now. This whole night was just a big shit show. The worse you thought could happen, happened but like 200x worse. You tried to compose yourself for 5 minutes in the bathroom. You were also waiting for Mason to leave. You wanted to go back home, you didn't want to be here. You felt unwanted by some of his friends and  just like you didn't fit in. 
You opened the door slowly and saw only Sophia waiting for you. “I’m done” you said, stepping out. “Oh listen, Kai and I will head home, it’s late and we always sleep early like old people” she told you. “Oh okay, yea I think I’m leaving too.” you replied. “Oh Mason went outside with Dec-” “No, just me, I’ll get an uber or something.” “Are you sure? Kai and I can give you a ride” Sophia told you sweetly understanding your situation. “no , it’s okay Soph, I don't want to bother him.” “Don’t be silly c’mon” Sophia grabbed your hand and guided you to the exit. 
You felt bad leaving without saying goodbye to Mason and to all of his friends since it could come across as rude but, you couldn't be arsed anymore. 
Kai and Sophia were kind enough to drop you off, you said your goodbyes and thanked them. On the car ride home, you texted Mason you had left with them and for him not to worry. You took your makeup off and got comfy in a pair of pj’s. 
You were honestly reevaluating your whole relationship with him. You loved him, more than anything. You have never loved anyone as much as you have loved him, however you hadn't gotten the chance to tell him those 8 letters yet. But what if it got more and more serious and somewhere in the future you both realize it’s not as easy as you two thought it would be, or what if you both get way too busy for one another, what if you really are a distraction for him, what if he actually want to go back to being single and having more fun with his friends? These questions were eating you alive. 
You grabbed your phone to check if Mason had messaged you and you had 7 missed calls from him. You were about to call him back when you heard the doorbell ring. 
You got up from the bed and went to answer it, knowing it was Mason. When you opened the door, you could tell Mason was visibly annoyed. 
“Are you serious? You just leave without telling me or saying goodbye to anyone?” he asked entering your apartment. 
“I texted you when I was on my way home” you defended yourself. 
“Babe…what the hell happened tonight huh? I know what Joe said was way out of line and I owe you an explanation, but you didn’t want to hear it. Then you just leave without telling me.” He had a right to be annoyed with you, you knew that. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was leaving okay? I was not feeling good after everything that was said, you know Joe, Shea and…Declan” you said, almost whispering the last part. As soon as you said Declan’s name, he knew what you meant and his demeanor softened. 
“Baby-” “Don’t Mase, please” you said, moving away from his embrace. 
“I know all of it is not completely your fault, I know. I just feel…embarrassed and” you were trying to find the words without crying. “It just hurt because maybe it’s true you know?” 
“What’s true?” he asked you coming closer to you. 
“Maybe he’s right it’s not the time for us to be together…maybe it will distract you from football and me from my work you know? What if you regret having this serious relationship with me because you miss being more with your friends and going out-""Hey, I wouldn't have started this with you if I thought that okay?” “Mason, maybe you think that now but, maybe Declan’s right? It will not be easy, we have completely different live’s. I just think maybe we should think about it for a bit” 
Mason stared at you blankly trying to process everything you had said to him. “So you want what? A break from this?” he asked you with hesitation. 
“Yea…i think it’s best if we just see the bigger picture you know?” you told him, as a tear ran down your cheek. 
“I don’t want a break because I know what I want,” he said looking at you, almost crying. It broke your heart looking at him like this. “But if you feel like you need it then okay” he said nodding. 
That night, you both hugged each other for a long time. He ended up staying at a hotel and not your apartment. You weren’t gonna lie, you cried for hours. Your heart was broken. You knew it wasn’t a break up but it felt like one. The stupidest thing was that it was your own idea. 
You let other people’s perspectives cloud the love you had for him. You still had those same doubts but, after being apart for 2 weeks you knew you needed him. However, you didn’t know how to even start that conversation with him again. What if he realized what you had said maybe was right? 
Overthinking was your biggest enemy, and you let it get in the way of your relationship with Mason. 
Beside this whole thing, you were also upset at the fact that his best friend didn't really approve of you. Other friends of his saw you as the girl who made him boring. At the end of the day it’s not like you were going to see those people a lot but, they were his friends. You always valued what your friends had to say about your partners, because they always wanted what was best for you. It would be no different between Mason and his friends. 
You were in the middle of cleaning up the living room in your apartment when your phone pinged. You checked your notification and were surprised to see who had dmed you. 
Why the hell was he messaging you? He barely talked to you, you don’t even remember if he introduced himself to you. 
You opened instagram to see what he had sent you.
Hi y/n ! 
Listen I wanted to talk to you, I know with both of us being busy it’s kind of hard talking in person. I am so sorry for the other night!😭 I didn't mean to cause anything between you and Mason. I know what I said may seem to you that I didn’t want  you to be with him but it’s not like that at all. I was just concerned about a friend you know? He just moved to a new city, a new club, I assumed (wrongly) that maybe starting a relationship with someone who has a lifestyle like yours wasn’t the best idea and I am sorry! I know for a fact now after talking to him and kind of him getting pissed at me that you are probably the best thing that could’ve happened to him this year after the shit he went through. I didn’t know both of you had been getting to know each other since January, I know now why he wanted to keep that private. I also know how he got through it. I don’t know how you put up with him. I’m so sorry again, we haven’t spoken much but from what Mason has told me about you (trust me a lot) I’m sure you are a great person and I know you want what is best for him as well! 
This was really unexpected, you thought. But it was also maybe the sign you need to man up and talk to Mason and get your man back. 
Thank you, you didn’t need to apologize. I understand why you and maybe some of his other friends are worried or concerned. I was too. That's why it sucks that it’s hard. But don’t worry about it please, you’re good.
Nah I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I also hope you two work it out even though it is hard. I completely understand why it is but trust me that guy is whipped with you🤣. 
I feel like I sound like Mase sent me HAHAHA but I just want what is best for him and that is you so I hope it does work out!❤️
Thank you Declan!❤️
From this moment on, you decided to stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about this whole mess. You got onto your computer and bought a train ticket to manchester. You had no plan at all, other than showing up at Mason’s apartment and hoping he still wanted to see you and be with you. 
The train ride felt like 10 hours. Your anxiety was eating you up, your stupid overthinking was hitting hard. You tried to push it aside and distract yourself the whole ride with a book or music but none of it was working. 
You finally got to Manchester and got a taxi to Mason’s apartment. 
What if he wasn’t even home? You didn’t have a key to his apartment, you never got to that stage.  
Well there was nothing you could do because the taxi was already pulling up to his apartment building. The taxi driver helped you get your bag out of the trunk and you paid him. You stepped into the lobby and headed towards the elevator. You pressed the number 15 button to go up. 
The elevator doors open and you step out. Once you reach door 159, Mason’s door, your nerves almost made you throw up. You took a deep breath in and rang the doorbell. 
You waited for him to open the door and when he finally did, your eyes teared a bit at the sight of him. He was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. 
“Hey” he whispered, looking at you shocked. 
“Hi” you said, trying not to choke on your sob. 
He came towards you and pulled you in a hug. You forgot how safe you felt in his arms. How loved you felt when you were with him. 
“We are never doing this again…I’m sorry” you whispered in his neck, hugging him more tightly than ever and tears finally spilling. 
You stood there embracing each other for what felt like hours. 
He helped you take your bags inside and get settled in his apartment. Once you did, you both sat down on his living room couch. He was watching The Grinch, your favorite Christmas movie. 
“Nice choice” you told him and he smiled at you. 
“Mase-” “Can I start?” he asked you, interrupting you. 
“Okay” you nodded. 
I’m really sorry about that night” “You don’t have to apologi-” “Yes I do y/n. You were clearly uncomfortable with what was being said and I should've told Joe to shut up and not be rude. I should’ve said something and I'm sorry.” he said, grabbing your hands. 
“And Shea…” you were dreading him talking about what he sued to have with her. “There was never anything serious between me and her. Yes I used to…you know…but I realized a long time ago that’s now what I wanted anymore. I wanted to find someone and be with them and share my life with them. And I found my person and it’s you.” he said now looking at you. 
“I know what Dec said may be right, but what’s the point of having it easy all the time?” he asked you smiling, making you tilt your head and admire him. “It was never going to be easy, but I want us to make it work okay? You will never ever be a distraction for me, you have helped me so much when things have gone to shit. I need you baby.” 
You started tearing up again. 
“I love you Mason. So much” you told him, lifting your hand up and cupping his face. He just smiled at you and kissed you. 
You missed his lips, the feeling of his lips on yours. 2 weeks of not touching him had been hell, a hell you never wanted to repeat. 
“I love you too. So much.” he replied. 
“I’m also sorry babe. I let people get into my head and started overthinking too much I’m sorry-”
“Stop. We are good okay? Maybe we needed this, you know? To realize how much we need each other.” 
You nodded your head and kissed him again. 
“Please promise me, other people’s opinions will not affect what we have” he said to you. 
“I promise. It’s me and you.” you replied. 
“You and me.” he told you. 
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