#Asexuality Awareness Week
szczurherbacany · 7 months
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a little repost but happy ace awareness week to all my fellow aces!!!!!
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tikklil · 8 months
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'Some Days', a comic about allo-ace longing to guide you into ace week, from your friendly neighborhood ace swamp monster.
Matter of fact, I would be extra happy if you went to my Ko-fi (tikklil) and grabbed the digital comic from my shop 💜
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wormlizarding · 7 months
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To all my fellow cake enjoyers and dragon enthusiasts here have a silly little gargoyle :3
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teazzle · 7 months
ace question for this ace awareness week but anyone can answer!
oh let me know if you're ace or not in the tags and share this?
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echo-bleu · 7 months
Since you voted Gil-galad as your favourite ace elf headcanon, here's ace Gil-galad for Ace Week!
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I have been putting off on actually settling for a design for him because there's no good way to reconcile my headcanons and still keep his parentage open to interpretation. This design lands him quite squarely in the "son of Fingon" case, though I have not done a proper design for either Orodreth or Finduilas (only a sketch) so I could adapt...
The four and six pointed stars are inspired by Tolkien's design of his heraldic device, though it's on purple here instead of blue in honour of the ace flag.
Queer Tolkien characters series
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ivyithink · 7 months
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me with The Very Special Guy (it’s Mr. Holmes, of course, who else would be an asexual icon for a baby aroace??!)
It would have been neat to be able to say “oh yeah, always liked this character and didn’t really know why ya know haha *wink-wink*, and now look at me, explains so much!” but actually the fact that Holmes was probably the only character in my childhood, who was fully and honestly completely uninterested in any kind of romantic/sexual relationship (in the books, at least…), was what made him my favorite character!)) like recognizes like. I was always very self aware like that, even if I didn’t have the terminology back then…
anyway, he’s very important to me, so I couldn’t miss the opportunity to do a little something like this!))
HAPPY ACE WEEK TO Y’ALL!!!! it’s ending already, but you better be proud to be yourself anyway, or else!
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writing-with-melon · 2 years
My sexuality is like theoretical physics, it’s all speculation and impractical to prove in casual settings.
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iris-of-the-eye · 2 years
Rusty Quill really said ace rights announcing TMA 2 on the last day of ace awareness week
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pineartppland · 7 months
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Inktober Day 24 : Shallow
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basicallyahedgehog · 8 months
It’s asexuality awareness week, so here’s you’re reminder:
You are valid.
If you identify as being on the asexuality spectrum: you are valid.
If you don’t: you are valid.
If you don’t know where you fall: you are valid
If you are ace and have had sex: you are valid
If you are ace and haven’t had sex: you are valid
If you are ace and you never want sex: you are valid
If you are ace and love physical affection: you are valid
If you are ace and hate physical affection: you are valid
If you are ace and have/want a non-platonic relationship: you are valid
If you are ace and don’t have/want a no -platonic relationship: you are valid
If you are ace and have/want a queer platonic relationship: you are valid
If you are ace and don’t want/have a queer platonic relationship: you are valid
Ace, demi, grey, Cupio, auto, apothi, fray, litho. Allo- or aromantic. Hey, bi, pan, Omni, queer. Cos, trans, Enby, fluid, genderqueer.
You are valid. Always
Don’t let the world tell you you’re not
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theriseofthesea · 7 months
I’m quite literally vibrating with excitement as I’m working on my research paper for my composition class. I’m writing about the inclusion of asexual students in higher education. I’m having waaay too much fun reading through all my sources.
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purpleluckystar · 8 months
It's Ace Week baby
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And your fellow OP has some news for ya!
That's right! After years of questionning, then figuring out, then denying, THEN accepting, today I come forth during this special week to announce that I am, myself, a garlic bread enjoyer!
Truth is that it's both relieving and terrifying to find that part of myself. But I know I'm not alone in this! So let's celebrate together what makes us so special!
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skylerorionx · 7 months
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Asexual Awareness Week (for some reason it’s “asexual” and not “asexuality”) is 22-28 October. So near the end of the week, here’s the second of two posts for a not-quick introduction to what asexuality is, and also what it isn’t. The first post is here.
Also, if I am wrong, add it in the comments.
Image text below:
It’s asexual awareness week, so it’s time for a crash course into asexuality. Part two of two cause I have a lot to say. 
Asexuality means a lack of sexual attraction. It does not mean a lack of willingness to have sex, a lack of romantic attraction, or an inability to love. It is also not synonymous with celibacy, and, like many things queer, exists on a spectrum. Asexual is often shortened to “ace.” 
Where I left off in the previous post… Why does someone need to form a romantic connection before feeling sexual attraction, or lose attraction as time goes on? Why does someone feel attraction but don’t want it reciprocated? Why does someone wank if they’re ace? Why can’t someone tell if they’re feeling are sexual or romantic? Why is anyone asexual to begin with? 
The answer is: 
Why does it matter to you? Unless you’re dating this kind of person, it kind of doesn’t. We’re just like this. It’s not weird, it’s just different. For whatever reason, every person is different and experiences sexuality differently. 
If you are dating someone who is ace or has an asexual-spectrum label, or who realizes they’re ace after you’ve been together for years, what do you do? (if you don’t immediately want to jump ship)
Talk to them. Learn what they want or don’t want. Don’t take it personally, you did nothing wrong (as cheesy as it sounds, it’s not you, it’s me). Know they may not be able to explain why they feel this way. Know this might not mean the end of the relationship or that their romantic feelings may not have changed. Seek advice or read stories on Reddit’s various asexuality subreddits or AVEN. Definitely don’t try to “fix” them. Learn what you can, and you can show that to them but don’t try to label them, that’s their job. Hell, go to couples counseling or talk about alternatives to a “standard” relationship if you have to. 
It may be helpful to know this: (go to the next slide)
Believe it or not, attraction does not equal desire or willingness to engage in activities associated with that type of attraction; so in the case of asexuality, lack of attraction does not mean lack of willingness to have sex… Some asexuals still have sex (whatttttt). 
It’s also a spectrum (yeah there’s like fifteen, it’s fun as hell!) that I’m going to call the “willingness to have sex” spectrum. We all (yes, you too) exist on this scale too. (You can also replace the word “sex” with “romance” and it works the same.) 
[adverse/repulsed — favorable] 
In the middle is indifferent. There’s also ambivalent, which is someone who has mixed feelings or fluctuates on this scale. 
Once again, allow me to ask the rhetorical questions: 
Why does someone choose to have sex when they don’t experience sexual attraction? Cause their partner likes it and they can stomach it. Cause they have a disconnection between sex and libido. Cause that’s one way babies are made. Cause it’s a societal norm. Cause it releases brain chemicals that make them feel good. Because it brings them closer to their partner. 
Once again, the answer is just “because.” 
While we’re on the topic, celibacy and abstinence are different from asexuality. Why? Because that’s choosing not to have sex even though you experience sexual attraction and would probably like sex. Asexuals are not choosing not to have sex, Like Lady Gaga said, we’re born this way. (So don’t you dare compare us to Catholic priests.) 
Asexuality does not mean a lack of romance or love. Sexual attraction is just one type of attraction. Romantic attraction is separate and not necessarily correlated. A lack of romantic attraction is called “aromantic”. 
Someone can be asexual but not aromantic. (Examples are an asexual lesbian, asexual biromantic, or omit the word “asexual” and just say “heteroromantic”, etc.) Someone can be aromantic but not asexual. (It’s called allo-aro or just allo.) Someone can be both asexual and aromantic. (It’s called acearo.) 
That’s it, there’s really nothing else to say about it. Some asexual people do fall in love and get married or whatever whatever and do some or all of the “normal” relationship stuff, just without the sex part. Once again, and remember this: a healthy relationship can exist without sex. 
That’s it. Got questions? Just ask me, I have all the answers. 
Also, I know to actually sound like I know what I’m talking about, I need sources, so: 
Slightly uncreditable but first-person sources: 
My existence on Tumblr for twelve years
AVEN and people’s stories there
“Proper” sources: 
“ACE: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex” by Angela Chan
“The ABCs of LGBT+” by Ash Hardell (published under their old first name and “maiden” name)
“Boston Marriages: Romantic but Asexual Relationships among Contemporary Lesbians” edited by Esther D. Rothblum and Kathleen A. Brehony
“The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality” by Julie Sondra Decker
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nightingaleflow · 8 months
Is it a coincidence that I discovered aegosexuality during Asexuality Week? Maybe.
I'm choosing to believe it's a sign.
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napo-con-fritas · 7 months
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Happy (late) asexuality awareness week! 🖤🩶🤍💜
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martiwikiwi · 8 months
So, I was thinking while drawing my ace OCs that the last week of October is... ACE WEEK. And I used to celebrate it by making an acespec OC sharing on Twitter. That won't be possible this year BUT I HAVE TUMBLR. So let me organise it tonight and summon amazing creators and their acespec OCs again by the end of the month.
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