#Atelier Elvira
die Amazonen - Festspiel, 1899
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In her festival play, Marie Haushofer presented roles that women had played in different eras and centuries. At the same time, she also traced the path of women in their cultural-historical…
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The Amazons. Scene for Marie Haushofer's play "Twelve Culture Pictures from the Life of Women" (October 18-21, 1899), created in the famous photo studio Atelier Elvira in Munich. © Munich City Archives
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gomoraly · 11 months
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mahou-furbies · 2 years
What do you think of Elvira's design in Atelier Sophie 2? I think she looks super cute and could easily pass as a magical girl (like a Goddess) character in a magical girl anime
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Super appealing colour palette for one and hair is certainly "weird" enough to be a henshin form. My favourite design element is the poofy sleeves and ankle.. things and I really like the little odango on her hair. Though in general I'm usually not a fan of bikini/leotard type bottoms so I wish she had some kind of skirt. But overall a pretty good design that has enough interesting details but doesn't feel overdesigned.
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carmenvicinanza · 1 year
Sophia Goudstikker
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Sophia Goudstikker è stata una fotografa e poi avvocata, pioniera del femminismo, vissuta tra il 1800 e 1900.
Ha testimoniato coi suoi lavori, il suo modo di vivere e l’inarrestabile attivismo, la necessità di ridefinire gli spazi destinati alle donne.
Lesbica dichiarata, con una fisicità ostentatamente mascolina, sfidava le convenzioni del tempo. Capelli corti, abiti comodi e di foggia maschile, ha posto le basi di una nuova visione della donna, libera dagli stereotipi dell’epoca vittoriana.
È stata la prima donna non sposata in Germania a ottenere una licenza per la fotografia e la prima a discutere casi di minori in un tribunale.
Nata a Rotterdam, in Olanda, il 15 gennaio 1865, dopo due anni si trasferì con la famiglia a Amburgo, in Germania.
Frequentò la scuola d’arte a Dresda dove conobbe Anita Augspurg con cui nacque un importante sodalizio. Insieme, per la prima volta in tutta la Germania, nel 1887 a Monaco, aprirono un’attività tutta al femminile, quello che divenne il mitico Atelier Elvira,  fucina del movimento femminista tedesco.
Uno studio fotografico che divenne un luogo di incontro per le avanguardie artistiche e culturali dei tempi come Isadora Duncan, la Granduchessa di Lussemburgo, Rainer Maria Rilke e tante altre.
Il lavoro nell’atelier delle due donne andò di pari passo con il loro impegno femminista.
Lo studio venne poi chiuso durante la Grande Guerra e il mitico edificio Liberty turchese e viola con la tartaruga e il drago in rilievo sulla facciata, venne distrutto nei bombardamenti.
Con la sua pratica omosessuale disinvolta e libera, Sophia Goudstikker ha ispirato i personaggi di tre libri del tempo: Hans nel libro di Lou Andreas-Salomé L’erotismo. L’umano come donna; lei in Lei e Lui di Frieda von Bülow e Box ne Il terzo sesso di Ernst von Wolzogen.
Libera, emancipata e ribelle, si è battuta per dare alle donne la possibilità di accedere agli studi universitari e farle avanzare negli ambiti sociali e artistici.
Il suo attivismo per i diritti delle donne la spinse a fondare uno studio legale e venne molto apprezzata nel dibattere cause per minori in tribunale, per le quali non serviva la laurea.
La sua relazione con Ika Freudenberg, protagonista di tante battaglie emancipazioniste, con cui visse un sodalizio intellettuale e sentimentale, durò per tutta la sua vita, interrotta a Monaco il 20 marzo 1924.
Sophia Goudstikker ha dato un notevole contributo alla pratica femminista in Germania. Ha portato avanti il concetto di comunità di donne. Il suo studio era il luogo della libertà di genere, le sue stesse immagini testimoniavano il tentativo di andare oltre gli stereotipi e il binarismo imposti dalla società.
È stata una donna che ha osato sfidare la mentalità del tempo, con uno sguardo lungimirante e le idee chiare sulla società che desiderava.
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atelier-naginata · 1 year
Atelier Sophie 2 : l'atelier du coeur
Ca y est, j'ai enfin fini Atelier Sophie 2, après 77 heures. C'est plus de temps que ce que j'ai passé sur Atelier Ryza 1 et 2 combinés, et pour une bonne raison : je pense que c'est la version ultime de la formule des Ateliers ! C'est le dernier sorti (février 2022), et ça se sent…
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Un isekai pour bien se caler
Originellement, la série Mysterious se composait d'Atelier Sophie, Atelier Firis et Atelier Lydie et Suelle (sortis respectivement en 2015, 2016 et 2017). Atelier Sophie 2 vient donc se caler entre Sophie 1 et Firis, et pour ne pas perturber la suite de l'histoire, suit le principe de l'isekai : c'est à dire que le personnage principal se retrouve transporté (et piégé) dans un univers parallèle.
Ici, c'est au cours de leur voyage vers la certification d'alchimiste tant désirée que Sophie et sa copine Plachta se retrouvent aspirées par un portail magique, et se réveillent séparées et dans le monde des rêves, créé et régit par Elvira, la déesse des rêves. Les habitants de ce monde sont très conscient de l'endroit où ils sont et nous l'expliquent assez rapidement, avec une bémol toutefois : les gens invités dans le monde des rêves peuvent venir de n'importe quel espace-temps. Cela se complique lorsque l'on rencontre Plachta mais dans sa version adolescente, et Ramizel (la grand-mère de Sophie) dans sa version jeune adulte…
Le premier objectif de Sophie sera de retrouver “sa” Plachta, avant que les choses ne dérapent, comme dans tous les Ateliers. Car oui, le schéma est respecté une fois de plus : l'histoire commence très mollement et il ne se passe pas grand chose, jusqu'à ce que le monde soit mis en danger et qu'il faille agir de concert avec l'alchimie pour tenter de réinstaurer l'équilibre. Je n'en dirai pas plus, car pour le coup, j'ai vraiment aimé l'histoire et ne me suis jamais ennuyée, d'autant que Sophie 2 corrige un énorme problème de Ryza 2 : la diarrhée verbale.
Dans Atelier Ryza 2, il y a beaucoup trop de dialogues autour des personnages secondaires… et je ne peux même pas dire “histoire” car les dialogues se répètent parfois ad nauseam sans aucune utilité (coucou l'histoire de Bos). Dans Atelier Sophie 2, la quantité de discussion est pile poil ce qu'il faut, ni trop ni trop peu, et surtout, évite de se répéter (ce qui a mon goût est souvent un fléau du JRPG).
Et bien sûr, comme d'habitude, sur fond d'histoire relativement linéaire, vous aurez toujours à augmenter vos compétences d'alchimie et partir à la chasse aux composants.
Du gameplay qualité S
Niveau combat, on retrouve le tour par tour d'Atelier Sophie 1, mais avec moult subtilités et modernités intégrées. Vous aurez trois personnages en première ligne et trois en support, avec diverses actions vous permettant de réaliser des attaques combinées qui permuteront au passage la position de vos personnages. Honnêtement, c'est peut-être le meilleur système de combat que j'ai pu voir dans un JRPG : c'est fluide, agréable à prendre en main, beau et fun, et même les combats de trash mobs se retrouvent à être intéressants. Les monstres s'appliqueront régulièrement une aura, ce qui vous forcera à analyser la situation et réfléchir à quelle stratégie appliquer : plutôt taper en physique, plutôt en magique, et tirer le meilleur de chaque personne selon ces conditions.
Rien à redire sur le combat, ça a été un plaisir du début à la fin et la difficulté était assez bien dosée pour que les boss et mini-boss me fassent suer sans rester bloquée.
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Du côté de la récolte, c'est du tout bon aussi : on garde les dernières améliorations d'Atelier Ryza 2 et on en rajoute encore quelques unes pour rendre le tout encore plus agréable. Dorénavant, vous n'aurez plus à switcher entre vos outils de récoltes, chaque spot nécessitant un et un seul outil en particulier. Vous pourrez voir quel composant vous êtes sur le point de récolter en vous approchant du spot, et vous aurez en plus accès à des mini-jeux pour améliorer les items que vous récupérerez. Cerise sur le gateau : l'inventaire est très vaste et peut être agrandi grâce à des points d'abilité gagnés en réalisant diverses mini-missions dans le jeu. De même, le coffre de l'atelier est suffisamment grand pour que même en étant le pire des hoarder, vous n'atteigniez jamais la limite.
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Et pour finir le sujet du gameplay, abordons la partie sur l'alchimie. Heureusement pour moi, le système a été complètement revu, abandonnant tout ce qui me déplaisait dans la synthèse de Sophie 1, pour l'améliorer grandement et rendre enfin ce système de progression qui m'est si cher. Je ne vais pas trop le détailler ici, mais on a toujours un principe de Tetris avec des pièces pour chaque composant, à placer correctement sur une grille pour faire augmenter les traits de l'item créé. Plus on avance, plus on en comprend les subtilités et plus ça devient fun. Et quel plaisir en fin de partie de produire du stuff qu'on sait surpuissant et qui va naturellement nous faciliter la vie sur le prochain boss…
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Une note (sans spoil) sur la fin
Avant de vous donner mon avis général sur le jeu (même si je pense que j'ai été assez élogieuse jusqu'à maintenant pour éventer ma conclusion), je voulais vous toucher quelques mots au sujet de la fin d'Atelier Sophie 2. Bien sûr, cet atelier, comme d'habitude, parle de vocation, de travail d'équipe, d'amitié et de rencontres. Mais pour le coup il aborde aussi des sujets plus difficiles comme la perte, le deuil et la solitude. La fin a été très très dure à digérer pour moi. Je l'ai faite en stream, la VOD est disponible si vous souhaitez savoir de quoi il en retourne, mais soyez prévenu, ça a été émotionnellement très difficile (d'autant plus qu'il fallait continuer à faire la traduction en direct avec des sous-titres qui passaient automatiquement…).
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Il y a un moment en particulier où j'ai eu la sensation de sortir de mon corps, et où je ne savais plus bien si c'était Sophie qui parlait ou moi. C'est étrange à dire comme ça, mais je ne suis pas prête d'oublier cette expérience. Elle a été quelque part assez libératrice pour moi, et je ne regrette rien.
Et du coup, c'était bien ?
Oh oui, c'était bien ! J'ai apprécié chaque seconde sur Atelier Sophie 2, craignant qu'il ne soit trop court alors qu'il avait au final juste la bonne longueur. Je pense que cet opus est vraiment la forme ultime de la formule Atelier, et espère vraiment que Gust comprendra qu'ils ont réussi à toucher au but. Réponse avec Atelier Ryza 3, certainement.
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Une dernière note : si jamais vous comptez vous lancer dans l'aventure, je vous conseille chaudement de faire d'abord le DLC Atelier Plachta, qui est en quelque sorte un préquel de l'histoire d'Atelier Sophie 2, offrant en plus une zone et des items qui vous seront utiles pour la partie principale.
Evidemment, je vous conseille de faire Atelier Sophie 1 avant de vous lancer dans celui-ci, pour vous familiariser avec les personnages. Et pour l'avoir testé, l'enchainement Sophie 2 puis Firis se fait également sans encombre vu qu'ils se suivent parfaitement.
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Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Dream. Thoughts!
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Okay so onto the most Recent Atelier game, in both terms of release, and me playing it! Atelier Sophie 2 takes place, surprisingly to me, in between Sophie 1 and Firis. I, for whatever reason, assumed it would take place after Lydie and Suelle, and we'd get a Sophie protagonist game with her as an adult. Which would be cool! Now that isn't the case, but I still liked it. Lets get into what the game is about. I will probably have a lot to say. If Tumblr doesn't let this be one post, it may have to be a two parter. I'll also somewhat thoroughly go over the plot, because I actually really liked the story of this one a lot. So.. Spoilers.
After leaving Kirchen Bell at the end of Sophie 1, Sophie and Plachta are on a journey for a few things! Mostly because Sophie wants to become a licensed alchemist, just like her grandmother, Ramizel was. And also, both Sophie and Plachta want to get Plachta out of her temporary doll body, and into a real human body. Spoilers! Neither of these things happen in this game. They do happen in Atelier Firis and Atelier Lydie and Suelle though. So along this journey, they encounter this big honkin' tree, which in a sense leads to this dream world. Which while it's called a dream world, everything that happens there actually does happen. It's just a world manifested by people's dreams. I did spend the whole game wondering if at the end of the game Sophie would wake up and remember nothing. Not the case. Actual world, just manifested by dreams. So Plachta is getting pulled into this dream world by a very interested goddess, called Elvira. Now Sophie, not wanting to be left behind by her life partner, holds on tight to Plachta, and is pulled along too. She loses consciousness and wakes up alone. No sign of Plachta. Which freaks her out. She is helped out by some of the residents of this dream world, namely Alette and Pirka, who help explain to her what this world is. This dream world, is actually a world where everyone that has some sort of ambition, or a dream, comes to hone their skills and succeed, while time is stopped back in the normal world. People from all time periods are here. And It's all willing, as the Goddess Elvira invites people in their dreams. However Sophie is an anomaly, as she just ended up there because she held onto Plachta. Who by the way? Still super missing. Not even slightly anywhere to be found... Except... Sophie says that's she's an alchemist, so they show her to a nearby atelier, owned by someone named.... Ramizel. Not that she's there right now. But you know who is? Plachta! Well sort of. It's a Plachta from a time before she became a book and a doll, and before she ever met Sophie. So it's young, super cute, sassy, VERY COMPETITIVE Plachta. who ends up joining your party in this game! Sophie still wants to find HER Plachta though. Nawwww. So they recommend she hits up the town leader of sorts, who turns out to be Ramizel. Her grandmother. But as a young woman, before she had any children, let alone grand kids. Sophie chooses to keep this to herself for now. Ramizel is super cool though. Turns out Ramizel is best buds with Elvira, goddess of this whole world, and takes Sophie to go ask what the heck happened. So Plachta, not having a real body, just being a soul in a human shaped doll, has been separated from her doll body upon being pulled into this world. So Sophie naturally sets out to go gather Plachta's soul, no matter what. And luckily, she's already got a bit of experience with soul manipulation from making Plachta's doll body, and transplanting her soul into it back in Sophie 1.
So Sophie manages to get Plachta back into her body after quite a bit of searching and synthesis. And Plachta. Well. Her Plachta, ends up becoming the mayor of this dream town, While Sophie and the team start investigating (I don't recall what they were actually called) Nightmare creatures that had begun popping up in this dream land, to bring it back to it's peaceful state. Which obviously they do succeed at on some level. This is an Atelier game. We don't do bad endings. So let's get into individual plot points about this i really liked, while also going over characters. So a few things come up across this game. Such as Plachta's missing memories in Sophie 1. Why doesn't she remember this dream world at all? You'd think she would have told Sophie about it. As even the young Plachta because quite good friends with her in this dream world. So at the end of the game, Young Plachta asks Elvira to erase her memories of this world, because she wouldn't want to return to the real world with this knowledge, and change things accidentally in a way that means she never meets Sophie 500 years later. Which... Aww! So sweet! What a cutie.
Another thing that is brought up later, is Ramizel finds out that Sophie is her granddaughter. And she's just like "Granddaughter?! I GET MARRIED?! I HAVE KIDS?! WHO? WHEN? Also this is now kind of awkward." And it was a little awkward, but they both get over it, and Sophie is really glad to get to know her grandmother as a young lady. But to me, it's also very very sad. At the end of the game, when everyone goes back to their real worlds and time periods... Ramizel says goodbye to Sophie, knowing she'll get to see her when she's born, and will get to spend a lot more time with her. But for Sophie, in her timeline, Ramizel has already died. For her, this is the last time she will see her, ever. Actually made me cry a bit! I FEEL A LITTLE TEARY JUST TYPING THIS! But stuff like this is why I think Sophie 2 has the best story of an Atelier game.
And right at the end (Still spoilers) when everyone starts leaving the world, and fading away after saying goodbye, I really got Angel Beats ending vibes. And cried again. Stupid feelings. I have a lot of fun with the story. Which brings us to the gameplay....
The combat system is very similar to Lydie and Suelle, with having back line attackers and such, which is good. I like it. Oh and a cool detail is that at the start of the game, Sophie's level is 20, and her alchemy level is 50. Which was the max for Sophie 1. I really liked that detail. Good job. Synthesis is a bit different though. As you have two alchemists, Sophie and Young Plachta. And both have individual alchemy levels and there are also some things that only one or the other can make. Honestly a little annoying. That's not the only change about synthesis either. You now have different catalysts that affect synthesis in different ways. But unlike in Lydie and Suelle, these catalyst are required to make items at max levels, instead of being merely convenient. In fact they're inconvenient. Before you get one, synthesis works the same as it used to, and you can synthesis to the max level, but once you get them you HAVE to use them or your synthesis will suck and be limited. Using them also blocks out a bunch of the synthesis grid. I think this was for sure a negative.
So gathering is more or less the same as it was in Ryza. Y'know, having different tool and whatnot. But they also added this mechanic of changing the weather, which results in different enemies and resources. Which is kind of cool at first, but honestly, mostly it's just annoying. I think this whole weather thing is the one thing i truly disliked about this game. Especially since there is a bunch of puzzles around different weather in different areas, and you also have to keep recharging this weather stones. If it wasn't for this, and the change to synthesis, this might have overtaken Lydie and Suelle as my overall favourite.
So for the characters we have... We've been over Sophie. Sweet, cute girl with a thing for slightly sassy 500 year old alchemists. Both Plachtas, who we already know. Ramizel, Sophie's super cool young grandma. And Elvira. The super shy, super Not confident goddess of dreams who kind of oversteps her bounds and creates her own enemy. Those are just the ones we've mentioned so far. We also have Alette, the money hungry merchant girl who... I guess also fights? I barely used her in battles. Olias, the super confident, self proclaimed "World's best bodyguard" which is actually overcompensation for how he feels he let his family down in the real world. Diebold, the ex knight, who actually goes on later in life, unbeknownst to him, to be a great hero of legend that many people, including out next character, Pirka, looks up to in her time. So the final character I'll get into is Pirka, who just gets honourable mention for being from the same tribe Corneria is from in Sophie 1. Overall, a good fun cast of characters. We have no Oskar-tier characters here.
Now to finish this off, I really enjoyed this game, mostly for the story and character interactions. As i said, there were a few gameplay aspects I took issue with, but they didn't take away from the rest of the game. Definitely recommend this, but go play the other Mysterious games first! Or at least play Sophie 1 first. End!
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whosaidberenice · 4 years
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Marie Gabrielle in Bavaria, Princess Rupprecht of Bavaria photographed by Atelier Elvira in 1906. She wears her floral tiara and a pearl necklace.
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arbiter-artis · 4 years
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Atelier Elvira, Munich
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punidrag0n · 2 years
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sophs-style · 3 years
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Elvira Jain at the "Benedetta" screening during the 74th annual Cannes Film Festival on Friday (9th July 2021) in Cannes, France.
The Moldovan model wore a stunning pink Atelier Zuhra ball gown styled with a matching ruby necklace & ring, a diamond & precious stones studded bracelet and pink drop earrings.
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Infanta Beatrice, Duchess of Galliera by Atelier Elvira in 1913.
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Scene for Marie Haushofer’s play “Twelve Culture Pictures from the Life of Women” (1899) zweites Bild: Die fünf weisen und die fünf törichten Jungfrauen [The five wise and the five foolish virgins]
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siebtes Bild: Frauenlob wird zu Grabe getragen [Frauenlob (Heinrich von Meissen) burial] [danke @need-reality-asylum]
Marie Haushofers Festspiel zum Ersten allgemeinen Bayrischen Frauentag in München, 18. – 21. Oktober 1899
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German artist Elvira Bach’s vibrant home and atelier in Berlin. Love the striped living room.
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The central hall of the home is very different, but it’s full of art pieces and collectibles.
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The kitchen is homey and cozy. I wonder if she made the light fixture.
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The bedroom has the same striped wall as the living room, and is accented w/a checkered bedspread. Of course a huge painting of hers takes up a whole wall. 
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The studio is huge. 
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vitanivortex · 3 years
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Sponsored DRD & Kraftwork
-  Kraftwork  + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Black bottom shelf (Books and shelves are a amazing way to fill spaces and you can always ALWAYS use more books! at The Epiphany Event) - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Black ladder - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Black large shelf - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Black shelf - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Black stool - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Black table - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Black top shelf - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 1 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 10 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 11 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 12 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 13 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 2 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 3 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 4 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 5 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 6 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 7 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 8 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Books 9 - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Grey rug - Kraftwork + Pitaya .Reading Nook. Red flower arrangement - DRD - Scarlett Hotel -  Long frame 1 (OMGGGGG I am in love with these paintings you can hang them on the walls or pose them nicely on a bookcase ahh I love them but you can see them at the HUNT or buy them here is the LM for the set FOR SALE) - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame DRD - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame Fish dock - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame Flowers and grapes - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame Landscape - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame Litlle church - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame Trees - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame Windy tree - DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Long frame 2 - ACORN Book and Glasses - Apple Fall 'Elvira' Rose Tea - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 1 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 11 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 12 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 13 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 14 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 2 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 3 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 4 - Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 7 - Apple Fall Globe w/ Books - Cream - Atelier Burgundy . Old Books Lamp (messy) - Fancy Decor: Clasp Boxes - Fancy Decor: Gold Coffee Bean - Fancy Decor: Mod Vases - Fancy Decor: Patterned Boxes - MINIMAL - Champetre Candle - SAYO - Stationed in Soho Gacha - Book Stack - Common - SAYO - Stationed in Soho Gacha - Open Books - Common - Trompe Loeil - Ettienne Cottage Noire - [ zerkalo ] Huge Pile of Books Decor - [Cinoe] Ham Sandwitch (decor) - dust bunny . hanging plants . ivy planter - {vespertine} - trailing succulent.
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fashioninsl · 3 years
Orsy Event - Candy Moon por Luah Benelli Via Flickr: Backdrop: Saintstreet Chambre Backdrop Eyes: Banana Beauty - Flash Eyes Lipstick: [ LEPUNK ] Frantic Lipgloss +LEL Evo&EvoX+ Tattoo: Candy Moon - Red Flowers [System BOM Only] Dress and socks: {AE} Atelier ELE Hortensia Dress Pose: PHOTOSHOOT - Elvira Bento Pose All Exclusive for @Orsy Event Hair: NOVA - Dylan
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I bought a magazine about the Roaring Twenties during my weekly grocery haul on monday because it had Marlene Dietrich on it and I decided I deserved a treat after my favourite sweets were not in stock that day.
It's quite a good magazine, well-researched and well-written and I've been reading one article after thr other on the train to university and back since then.
Today I read the article about the feminist movement in the Weimar republic and about the first female members of parliament and I learned about so many cool women in general, but the text mentioned one of them was in a life-long committed relationship with another feminist movement leading lady and I was like !!!historical lesbian!!! gimme all the historical lesbians!!
So I gave them a quick google search and found out about their lives and there were portrait photos of them both taken at the Atelier Elvira im Munich, which was a photo salon owned by a lesbian couple where most important leaders of the feminist movement of the time got their photos taken and apparently this atelier also had a branch in the city I study in and it used to be right vis-a-vis my former therapist's office! That's so exciting!
I also learned about a lesbian varieté performer and singer, who lived with her girlfriend for forty years and they are buried together, which is #couplegoals and also, YouTube has some digitalised records of her songs and she sounds really cute and fun!
Tl;dr: Your local lesbian historian is overwhelmed with too much love for her badass predecessors and secretly made plans for her PhD already.
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