#Boba Fett Gets Adopted
syn0vial · 3 months
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idk why, but this little throwaway line from beviin makes me crazy. it's so effortlessly compassionate in the face of boba's self-loathing and resigned certainty that beviin will hate him for what he's done. and like, beviin's gentle reassurance that he isn't going to "find out" anything; he'll just wait for if/when boba wants to share what happened.
beviin's genuinely such a mensch. i want to give him a hug.
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wantonlywindswept · 9 months
yet another fic idea: fox & boba, ponds lives
Consider: Boba looks at Ponds. Ponds looks back. Boba snaps, "You're a dishonor to my father's face," and shoves Ponds' helmet onto his head.
Consider: Boba presses a blaster to the back of Ponds' neck. Boba flicks a switch. Boba pulls the trigger.
Consider: Boba dumps Ponds' limp body into the airlock. When he hits the eject button, the transmitter on the back of Ponds' armor blinks a steady green.
Consider: Ponds is the youngest batchmate of Bly, of Cody, of Wolffe. Ponds is the youngest batchmate of Fox. 
Consider: Fox loves his batchmates. 
Consider: Fox pays his debts. 
Consider: It's really not that difficult for the Commander of the Guard to make one prisoner disappear.
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this-acuteneurosis · 7 months
my dumb brain had a dont look back prompt of Obi going hey Leia fake marry me so I can adopt all the clones and get legal case on the citizenship, and hell throw in Anakin and Padme into it and now the crack thought wont leave me alone. Like I know that legally its too chancy a concept but various fake marriage for legal nonsense are in my brain. fake relationship turning real / legal shenanigans. also that Lando 36 marriages to mess with tax nonsense so everyone in a convoluted marriage chain.
Friend, if we're talking fake marriage/legal nonsense, you're sleeping on the best one.
Shmi Skywalker hunts down Jango Fett, drags him before the nearest legal authority, names him the father of her one million children, and gets them married so she can have custody of all of them, including Boba. The entire GAR are now citizens of Naboo. So is Jango. Palpatine is having daily fights with Queen Jamillia over the legality of it all and we must have our army back. Jango is fending off assassins that are coming after his new wife, not because he likes her or appreciates her interfering in his business, but because if he lets her die it's a professional smear he will never be able to live down.
Leia, Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan are all enraged. Jango cannot be in the Skywalker clan. He has committed Offenses against them.
Shmi is undeterred. It is his penance. She is looking after her boys.
(She and Plo work out shared custody of the 104th. Eventually.)
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stealthetrees · 16 days
Mand’alor Fox the Sith Slayer
Commander Fox choosing to start a war with the Pike syndicate AND Crimson Dawn at the same time is not a decision he concisely makes, but after some politicians tell him not to get involved with organized crime cause that’s CorSec’s responsibility, well…
The problem is not that he’s fighting an actual war in the lower levels, the problem is that Darth Maul takes over Crimson Dawn and takes it personally that some clone thinks he can just kill everyone. Because that’s what the Corries do. It’s not like they can arrest them, cause the rich people who are funding them will just get them out of jail cause the government is so corrupt.
Maul dosnt really care about the syndicate until Fox manages to remove every member from Coruscant. He’s feeling petty and spiteful so Maul sends his brother Savage to kill Fox and “teach those clones a lesson”. It backfires horribly when Fox kills Savage with a slug thrower and claims his lightsaber when he challenged the sith to a duel. It goes like this:
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Maul keeps sending bounty hunters and assassins after Fox, including Boba Fett, who gets adopted instead of arrested. The tension keeps escalating to the point that rumors spread about Commander Fox being invincible that cause Maul to start obsessing over him to the point that he hates Fox more than Obi-wan.
The whole thing culminates in Fox going to Mandalore after he kills Palpatine to rescue some of his kids who got kidnapped to lure him there. Fox ends the fight by beheading Maul with the Darksaber instead of Savage’s saber (which he has been using since he claimed it) and the Mandalorians who are present declare him Mand’alor the Sith Slayer.
He decides that ruling a planet could help him finish his to-do list and starts reorganizing the government. Fox lets Saturn Kryze out of jail and offers her a position cause she was the leader for so long and she has valuable knowledge. She’s really bitter about being overthrown by a Sith and replaced by a soldier, and she takes every opportunity to remind Fox of her Pasifistic ideals.
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Mand’alor Fox offers an alliance with the Galactic Republic as will as citizenship to all the clones. This, as well as his role in ending the war by killing Palpatine earns him the undying loyalty of the entire Grand Army of the Republic. Fox takes them and conquers Kamino in the name of Mandalore, justifying it by explaining that they are the largest slave exporters in the galaxy, even more than Zygaria, which is up next on the chopping block.
The first time Cody, Wolffe, Bly, and Ponds see their batch mate after thinking he’s dead for nearly three years is when he’s executing Nala Se.
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casualmonsterenjoyer · 2 months
Plo Koon is be the reason the Jedi Order as a whole has accidentally adopted the clones.
The war is over almost immediately after.
Sidious knows, with the affirmation the clones will get and with a healthy family environment the jedi are going to be too fucking strong and he'd be obliterated.
Mysteriously, two weeks after the entire clone army got adopted by the Jedi Order, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine disappeared. Leaving only a note behind saying I want Riyo Chuchi as my successor. Commander Fox was the one to find this message.
He also is sure to mention he has nothing to do whatsoever, you could put me through medieval torture and I still wouldn't with the Chancellor's disappearance.
The clones and jedi live together in peace.
Riyo Chuchi is elected Chancellor.
Padme Amidala becomes her right hand.
The galaxy is fixed.
Boba Fett also got adopted. He hates that.
But he's got a little sister and she seems rad.
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captainkirkk · 9 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
fill in the blanks by mindshelter
"You?” Tim blurts. Holy shit. “You’re Kon?”
A nod. “Are you in any pain?” he asks again.
Kon’s skin is sun-kissed, cheekbones dusted with a fine smattering of freckles; he is, without exaggeration, the prettiest person Tim has ever seen. “No, I’m—great,” he says, fidgeting. “Do you, uh, come here often?”
Kon raises a brow. “To the medbay?” he intones. “Definitely more often than I’d prefer."
Fault Line by sElkieNight60 (+ podfic)
Part 1 of Tectonics
"You’re invulnerable…” he whispers, but it’s clear that fact falters in his mind.
Confusion writes its way into the lines on Conner’s face and Clark takes a step back as though physically pushed.
“You’re not invulnerable.”
It is a statement, dull like stone.
“N-no, sir.”
— 🦸 —
OR: Conner's not as invincible as Clark thought. Suddenly, he's a lot more human.
Danny Phantom x DC
The Business of Family by Spaced_Ace
Jazz remembered the way their parents loomed in the living room as they’d laid out that verdict. Ever-present weapons gleaming, standing in such a way that they blocked access to both the front and back entrances. Their eyes had been what struck her the most of that horrible tableau. What made her stomach fill with jagged stones and drenched her back in a frigid sweat. The way they looked at her little brother, their gazes cold and hollow and -
(Things are not well in Amity Park.
With the GIW getting more and more aggressive and their parents becoming ever more suspicious of Danny each day that passes, Jazz knows that they're running out of time. It's not safe, and their options are painfully limited. Out of sheer dumb luck or a little intervention from Clockwork, she manages to discover a distant relative that just might be their salvation.
If asked Oswald Cobblepot would say that it's just good business. Adopting a few kids had done wonders for Bruce Wayne's reputation, why not his? It's not like he can't afford to put them somewhere out of the way if they get to be a problem. It's just business. Nothing more.
(His soft heart says otherwise))
The Witcher
Words of Love by ForestWren
"I should warn you,” Jaskier said between kisses in the soft darkness of the shed, “That I know some… very interesting people. You may want to avoid meeting them.”
“I’ve dealt with the Redenian court for decades. Your friends can’t be worse than that.”
Five times Radovid meets Jaskier's friends and family, plus one time they are alone.
Star Wars x The Mandalorian
Master Skywalker: The Absolute Worst by PrinceJakeFireCake
"Din got to his feet. He patted Boba on the shoulder affectionately.
“You should watch the recording of Skywalker fighting the death troopers,” he said, then pressed a kiss to Boba’s cheek and told Grogu to stop eating his blocks.
Boba watched the recording. He was pretty sure he would never be the same again. He was positive that he never wanted to meet Skywalker ever again.”
Boba Fett falls for Luke Skywalker. It isn’t the funnest thing he’s ever done.
Original Works
Call Me Menace by wingedcat13
You, Synovus, are a respectably terrifying supervillain. Your main rivals, a pair of superheroes named Legionnaire and Athena, are actually respectable as heroes. You hate having to stoop to kidnapping their child - but you hate more what the kid's behavior implies.
if it don't hurt now (just wait a while) by quandaries_and_contradictions
Part 27 of mage in a wolf pack
When the hunters first take him, Jaime knows everything will be okay.
He’s scared, of course. He wants his mom and dad and little sister. But he knows it’s going to be okay — because the wolves who protect his town will come for him. Lada’s mother and father and papa won’t let the hunters get away with this. All he has to do is hold on until they get here.
Months later, he's not so sure.
Stranger Things
No One Rides For Free by weird_witchcraft
"Are you okay Harrington?” Eddie asks gently, “Need me to get anyone?”
“No one to get,” replies Steve, so soft Eddie barely catches it. “You think I want anyone seeing me like this?”
Eddie Munson stumbles across Steve Harrington crying next to a bush at Tina's party and makes it his mission to cheer him up.
Clone Wars
mirci't be uja by ihathbenobiwankenobied for whitchry9
Obi-Wan is usually good at keeping track of his blood sugar levels–because he has to be–but this time, it’s out of his control.
(Or, a diabetic Obi-Wan is thrown for a loop after crashing on an unknown planet. Stim does his best to keep his General alive)
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years
Time for the Clones to love Obi Wan
I was thinking…and maybe one of the SW series (Not this Crude Matter by thebitterbeast, it’s fantastic. You should read it) that I am reading is in the middle of the hurt but we haven’t hit the comfort, so I want something to soothe that. Now I shall inflict the results of that upon all of you. Be aware that some of these tropes don’t usually go together but I think if you walk with me you’ll see where it all connects.
We start with a tried and true, the clones are sent back to their younger selves at death. They arrive something like five years before the clone wars are to start and man are they all deeply traumatized.  Using all the collective knowledge they have (Rex was the last standing and he died of old age, living long enough to see Ben Solo’s birth after they fixed the accelerated aging. He was physically 110 when he died and living off of spite) they quickly take control of Kamino, dechip themselves, move the entire operation to an uninhabited world in the outer rim (Look there are a lot of inhabitable worlds and only so many sentients in the galaxy).  They make it abundantly clear they consider Boba their brother (though he did not have his older self’s memories) and that Jango was allowed to come with them as Boba’s father but the rest of the clones consider him both Dar’buir and Dar’manda, as well as just shy of Demagolka. He may have just watched 1 millions young adults, teens, and children wearing his face efficiently take over a planet, kill all but a handful of the trainers, and within days have a new planet to make their home out of. It has reawakened his Mandalorian adoption genes (and several other parts of his personality he would have sworn had been killed by slavery and Spice years ago) and he rather desperately wants to prove that they can call him Buir.
The thing about having come back from years and decades into the future, they know where all the bodies are buried. The former Coruscant guard, particularly, knows where to find proof of all of Sidious's dealings, even five years prior to any of them meeting him. This is a highly trained, highly efficient army.  Within a tenday they have released proof of Palptine’s misdeed onto the Holonet. Before the fallout could fully affect the Sith, Palpatine is shot and killed with three slugs from a slug thrower sniper rifle; the perpetrators are never caught.  The Vod’e are careful never to confirm exactly where Fox, or any of the Coruscant Guard were in the time before or after the assination that it would have taken to get to Coruscant or back (They did not actually do the deed, it was an assassination attempt that Palpatine had easily dodged in the first timeline, he was just a little too distracted by his business being aired in this one). 
The initial plan of the Vod’e was to get settled and eventually approach the Jedi. Their Jedi. They didn’t know how to convince the Jedi to trust them (whether the Jedi remembered or not) but they intended that eventually the Jedi would not go on missions alone any longer. 
That was the Plan
This is where the second trope comes into play. Groups of Senators, desperate for anything to distract from the fact that the Chancellor they backed turned out to be planning Genocide (It could be argued that being Sith was not actually illegal, and every single one of them did). They found a set of Blue laws that, combined with the fact that the Fett Clones (as they were generally being called) were on paper ordered by a Master of the Jedi Order, meant that the Senate could marry (really it was assign as a hostage but it was worded as marry) a member of the Jedi Order to a member of a group they had wronged for the sake of an alliance.
FUN FACT: A Blue Law is a US State law on the books that is no longer enforced, mostly forgotten, and sounds a little ridiculous. I also personally believe that it remains on the books because in order to have it removed, someone has to stand in front of a state legislative body and actually say the law. Two examples come to mind: In Alaska it is illegal to push a moose out of an airplane and in Massachusetts a parent can call the police to have their children arrested for being unruly. 
Now back to the regularly scheduled Madness
Now the Senate does not want to send someone too important to the Fett Clones. In fact if they could choose someone that would be a subtle insult, all the better. They choose a youngish knight, who had only been a knight less than a decade, with a Padawan. They choose a knight that, on paper, is not that impressive. Reports from his younger years indicate he was a decent, if slightly aggressive, initiate. Nearly not chosen.  Mission reports during his padawanship were sparsely written and mentioned him little. Having taken a padawan younger than average, he was temple bound more often than most during their first years of knighthood. 
The Senate chose Obi Wan Kenobi as a spouse. While he was somewhat famous within the order already (for the fight with Maul, his rocky apprenticeship, and taking Anakin on before he was even officially knighted) outside of the Order he was a random Jedi, remembered fondly by those who met him personally but not well known by the galaxy at large. 
Had this happened with any other group, the insult would have landed as intended. However this was the Vod’e. The Vod’e remembered General Obi Wan Kenobi, the Negotiator. And while almost every Vod’e would claim that their Jedi was the best Jedi, the best General, the best Jedi General, and the best sentient in general, everyone could agree that Kenobi was amazing (the 501st would like it understood that they have a…complicated relationship with the memories of their general. On the one hand he led the march on the temple, on the other, even as Vader he tended to treat them better than he did Nat borns. Not well by any measure, plenty of brothers died at Vader’s hands but it did always seem as if he was just a hair less likely to throw a tantrum that would hurt them then he was to do the same to the nat born officers).  To a man every member of the Vod’e is ecstatic that they are sending The Obi Wan Kenobi to them.
When they had been first told that they were being given a Jedi to marry they kind of shrugged at each other, in spite of the efforts of the best efforts of the Jedi and the previous timeline, most of the Voe had no real concept of how Nat borns operate, and even the little bit they did know seemed to be contradictory. They figured they would adjust who of the Vod’e would be the ‘spouse’ based on the Jedi sent (Since everyone knew that Bly would kill the person who wasn’t him who got to marry Aayla), so upon being informed that Obi Wan Kenobi would arriving within a tenday they restructured the government so that Cody could take up duties as Obi wan’s spouse (They envisioned the marriage being Cody mostly following Obi Wan on Jedi missions, so he had to be able to be off planet for long stretches of time) and Cody is practically vibrating with excitement (in between rushes of nauseating anxiety and crippling guilt) at being able to woo his Jedi. 
So we now have three very disparate groups with three very different ideas about what was happening. 
The senate knew next to nothing about the Fett Clones, save that they are clones of Jango Fett so likely would have a grudge against the Jedi (Obi Wan the sacrifice/hostage). They do not know, or (for most of the senate) particularly care what the Clones do with their Jedi Hostage.  Internally it is known that the chosen Spouse cannot be killed within the first six months of the marriage, but makes no other caveat for treatment.
We have the Jedi, who also know next to nothing about the Clones. They actually know little more than the Senate, and anticipate that the Clones might be unhappy about Master Sifo-Dyas actions (the Clones decidedly are not).  They believe that violence will be done on Obi wan’s person, and they do care. But, like in the clone wars before them,  none of the Jedi believe that they are able to do anything about it.  With a heavy heart, they decide to treat this as a suicide mission, in that when Obi Wan leaves he likely will never be heard from again. The entire council vows to take on the tuition of Anakin Skywalker, now fourteen. They are able to make it clear to young Anakin that there is no choice, that not a single one of the Jedi have a choice in this matter. 
The sheer raw emotions that Anakin could feel, exacerbated by the fact that no one, from Yoda on down, had ever realized that the Senate could do this, helped tie him closer to the Jedi. They were not unfeeling, but they still stood, mourning his master before his death. He was still young enough to remember the helplessness not being able to help other slaves and thinks that this feeling is very familiar. 
And we have the clones, who do not know that they have just been gifted a Jedi that the other players expect to be dead with a rotation. They are so…so happy to see Obi Wan.  How each member of the former 212th had been racking their brains for days for every detail of Their general’s likes and dislikes (there are a string of missions to make sure there is a good stock of the best tea they could find). That there had been a day-long tournament on who got the honor of going to the Core to collect their Jedi (Cody cannot because they are still shifting duties so that when his husband took missions again he could go with him). 
When Obi Wan boarded the cruiser that would take him to his new husband, he expected crackling, icy anger. He expected the brittleness in the Force that had always meant hatred to him. Instead he was buffeted by fondness and glee.  By a strange twist of relief. The cruiser was small enough that he was traveling with a total of 10 people. Each of those 10, at some point in the short trip, would stop and the Force around them would become distress. They would stare into the middle distance for several moments, then, upon coming back to themselves, would seek Obi Wan out and ask for a hug.
Even arriving on the still unnamed planet, Obi Wan is greeted by people who are ecstatic for him to be there.  It is unnerving, to expect hostility and receive hugs and joy (Well, Jango does radiate hostility into the Force, but he is well aware he is on thin ice. And he may not know why but his Ad, no he is not allowed to call them that out loud, clearly loves the Jetti). His husband (there was no ceremony, just paperwork signed by the Vod’e and the Republic) stands a respectful distance away and keeps making aborted motions like he also wants to hug him. They have stocked his favorite teas and ask questions about his padawan and various other Jedi and seem almost desperate for the answers. They even give him a comm unit for his room, which he does not have to share with his husband, they say to contact his family in the Core (He never uses it, he can’t possibly trust it). The closest thing to violence that happens is when the Medics tell him if he doesn’t give a reasonable amount of sleep they will sedate him. This is so much better than he thought. 
For the Clones part they can tell he is low key freaking out.  Which in turn is freaking them out.  They go round and round, what if he remembers what they did? But he doesn’t give any indication that he did, that those memories exist. Well, what if he only subconsciously remembers. The last time some of them saw him, they were shooting him off a cliff. Cody, in particular, is full to the brim with Anxiety. He desperately wants to hold Obi Wan, to ground himself in the Jedi’s heartbeat and try to forget a dusty world and the words ‘Blast him’ and all the horror that came after.
Four months pass, as Obi Wan slowly relaxes and accepts that at the very least the clones do not want to hurt him, personally. He can’t quite believe that they have no designs on the Order as a whole and is still fairly awkward around all of them. This is compounded by the fact that they seemed to know his preferences better than he does (leading him to believe that the entirety of the Vode are obsessed with him and obsession turns to darkness so easily). It all comes to a head when Jango picks a fight that reveals that the entire Jedi Order thought that they were being forced to send Obi Wan to die at the hands of the Vode.  That all of Obi Wan’s awkwardness is based on this fear (and the fear that they were going to use anything he said to hurt other Jedi) as well as the fact that he had no choice in the matter, he has no memories of the previous timeline.
There is a very long moment where every Vod’e in the room just stares at Obi Wan, before a collective panic attack the likes of which this universe has never seen spills into the Force.  It goes on for 45 seconds before Fox manages to get everyone into at least some semblance of calm (Both Jango and Obi Wan are watching all of this, wide eyed. They are temporarily on the same page in the land of What the Fuck).   Fox manages to clarify that 1)no the Vod’e do not hold any grudge against the Jedi, they were made for the Jedi and had in fact rebelled to protect the Jedi 2) Obi Wan was in no danger here and they would not keep him here if he wanted to leave, 3) what they (the Vod’e) thought was happening when they were ‘given’ a Jedi (They had thought that this a somewhat normal occurrence of a trope called ‘marriage of convenience’ where the only thing that was going different was that Cody could legally insist on going on missions with Obi Wan) and 4) inquired if this was why they were having a hard time getting in contact with the rest of the Jedi (Yes. Yes it was.). Fox also asked, on behalf of the rest of the clones, exactly which senators voted to send Obi Wan to them (The moment their panic faded, the 212th was going to be on their way to Coruscant and he wanted to have a list of targets ready).
Obi Wan told Fox that he didn’t know who voted for what, but offered to contact the Jedi right then. He did, on the main communications relay with more than half the Vode leadership looking on.  Using his own personal codes saw the call connecting immediately, with several members of the High Council visibly bracing themselves for whoever was on the other end(No one could be sure what condition Obi Wan would be in, if he was even the person using those codes). Obi Wan explains the months long misunderstanding (He had not clarified, as he did not want to rock the boat and remind the Vode of the torture option if they had ever planned to go that way. The Vod’e could tell Obi Wan was freaking out and they were trying to be considerate). There was much rejoicing as it became clear that Obi Wan was being treated well. It is decided that several members of the council (Yoda, Mace Windu, Yaddle, Plo Koon, and Shaak Ti), Anakin Skywalker, Quinlan Vos, and Eerin Bant would come to the still unnamed planet to clear up any further misunderstanding (Also the Vod’e had been building a temple for the Jedi as a surprise and wanted to show it off).
In the meantime, with the revelation that they were not going to hurt his family, Obi Wan fully relaxed around the Vode. It became obvious once he was paying attention (and not splitting his focus by trying to keep himself aloof from people who were so happy he was there) that his husband was trying to Woo him, and also date him. He found himself not opposed (the potential for love was there, but from his perspective he had effectively been sold to Cody and had spent four months half convinced that any information that he gave would be used against the Jedi). He found that he was particularly fond of the way Cody blushed when Obi Wan flirted with intent (as opposed to the absent minded flirting when he wanted a potential enemy to be off balance. Obi Wan had no idea how Cody was able to tell the difference, but he could).  Throughout Vod’e of all ages would seek Obi Wan out and request a hug, though always respectfully (generally the 212th, and mostly after they had nightmares of the previous timeline).
While this turned out more serious than I had actually intended, I just want you to go out and imagine teenage clones, freaked out because they had a nightmare about Utapau seeking a bemused Obi Wan for a hug, because he is alive.
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echo-lover · 10 months
Hello there!
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A few of my favorite Star Wars headcanons about clones
• Parental instinct
I've noticed that some clones have a highly developed paternal instinct.
I think Cut with his little family is not only one.
Hunter showed concern for childrens safety from the very beginning, like Kaleb and Gungi (surviving Wookie Jedi). He looks after Omega like his own daughter, as do the rest of the Bad Batch. Hunter definitely plays the role od father in his team as a responsible and a little overprotective leader.
Echo is the most mature in my opinion and in my eyes he will always be a mommy.
Waxer immediately felt the need to care for the newly met child and had no problem with hugging or comforting little Numa when she started crying. I just know that he loved children and secretly dreamed of starting a family, but he put himself entirely at being a soldier and protecting those who can not protect themselves.
Even Boil had grown strong bond owith Numa after some time and wanted to protect her at all costs.
I think Rex would also make a great father figure. He felt a strong need to take care of others. He acted as a mentor or an older brother for Ahsoka, and when he met Omega, he immediately got in touch with her. It's worth mentioning how he immediately stood between her and Bad Batch when he found out that the boys hadn't removed their chips yet. He remembered perfectly well what happened during Order 66. I'm sure he felt guilty that he had almost executed his longtime friend who trusted him with all her heart. He also felt responsible for his brothers who died in this tragic event.
I think this paternal instinct comes straight from Jango Fett's genes, who cared for Boba and loved him, and adopt him as his son. Jango asked specifily for him and knew from the very beggining that he want to adopt this kid. The Mandalorian culture is known for being easily attached to children, and they often decided to adopt kids, as fathers and mothers, and raise them like their own.
• Overprotective Hunter
Hunter is, in my opinion, the most sensitive and emotionally mature of the Bad Batch. He can read the feelings of others, especially those closest to him, so he always knew when something was wrong. Perhaps his enhanced senses have something to do with this.
He also has a tendency to be overprotective.
As a leader, he put the good of the squad before his own. I'm sure that running and hiding from the Empire, the constant pressure on his shoulders, was very tiring for him.
Hunter tried to protect Omega and his brothers the best way he could. That's why, the loss of any member of his family was a hard shoot in the heart for him. He sees it as a personal failure, as he failed his loved ones. He may start to think that Crosshair's words as true, that maybe he shouldn't be the leader, but he hasn't told anyone about his feelings and his own doubts.
But I think Echo knew... Echo knew that Hunter was worried and tired of the constant responsibility.
• Hunter and his senses
Hunter is a synesthete. This means that what he feels with one of his senses also affects the others. For example: he sees sounds, he can taste colors or numbers have colors for him. His synesthesia is a side effect of his enhanced senses.
Due to his heightened senses, Hunter also felt pain more intense than the other clones.
I still remember the moment Omega snuggled up to him after rescuing her when she was kidnapped by Cad Bane. Hunter winced in pain for a moment as his chest wound still was fresh. He had been shot with a blaster and almost get himself k!lled, and yet the most important thing to him was Omega. He ignored his own discomfort and focused fully on Omega, making sure nothing happened to his little girl. The expression of pain quickly turned into relief.
• Family
Some time after Omega joined the Bad Batch, they agreed on the role of family members:
Omega is their little sister, of course Hunter play the role of a father, while Echo is hailed as a mother. Our grumpy little bean muttered something about this being stupid idea at first, but in the end he liked being called mommy Echo.
Echo is a great addition to this crazy squad. He is the most experienced and can keep his family in line. It will never stop to amaze me how much good and love is hidden in the heart of a man who has never known a moment of comfort in his life and to whom no one has ever shown love. His physical and mental health were very bad after the events at Skako Minor. There was almost nothing left of the inexperienced Reg from the 501st Legion. Despite this, he will always remain my favorite character in all of Star Wars universe.
Wrecker is basically a second baby and needs to be looked after more than Omega, because if you let him out of your sight for a moment, he'll probably make a big mess.
Wrecker had the mind of a child trapped in the body of a large man. He is strong and could cause fear, but he have a soft heart. He cared for those closest to him, especially Omega. When his little sister was having a bad day and was sad, Wrecker was the first to make her laugh and even shared Lula, his beloved doll, with her.
I like to think that Tech and Crosshair are sort of twins (like Echo and Fives) they're a great duo and I miss their interaction so much. Tech, as the wise one, did not get in the way of the others, offering his advice when needed. Crosshair, on the other hand, although he seems cold and very distant, I think he would quickly like Omega and become a supportive, slightly sarcastic brother to her.
• Crosshair is not as cold as he looks
Crosshair hated being different, and called a freak from the very beggining. All his life he tried to blend in, to do his job well as a soldier, and as a member of the team. He didn't show it, but he was touched by other people's words about their group, different look, and specific abilities. That's why he hated Regs so much, he wanted to prove his worth to them. And also to himself.
When I saw Crosshair for the first time, I thought that he must have quite low self-esteem and become nervous in stressful situations. Whenever he took off his helmet, we saw him immediately reach for a toothpick. He felt the need to have something in his mouth to relieve the stress and tension in his body. He always seemed to me to be the type of perfectionist who pays great attention to detail and will practice until he achieves perfection in a specific field.
Despite his specific style, Crosshair wasn't as cold as he seemed. He really cared about Omega, and I'm sure that if they had the chance to spend more time together, Crosshair would like the girl and treat her like his little sister. He will destroy anyone who tries to harm Omega.
I also think that Crosshair secretly loves animals, especially cats. I imagined that it started with Wrecker once bring a white, homeless kitten to the Marauder. The animal started fawning at Crosshair's legs and refused to leave him even for a second. In the end, Cross liked it, petted him and cuddled with him, and even let him sleep in bed with him. Having a pet was a stress reliever for him. He named his kitten Alpine.
• The past still hurts, just as much as before
Echo often had terrible nightmares. We can see in the Bad Batch, that his PTSD was still very strong. Every contact with medical equipment could trigger a severe panic attack and anxiety. Fortunately, Omega was there to support him at the time. I'm always touched that even though Echo didn't know Omega back then, he trusted her enough that her presence really helped him come back to reality and understand that he was safe.
I'm sure that he had nightmares about being tortured and locked at Skako Minor, and also dreamed of Fives. I think because of this he may have even been afraid to fall asleep, and as a result he slept very little.
He missed his brother so much and blamed himself for not being there when he died. Echo was afraid of being locked up and deprived of help, so he tried to get involved as much as possible in the fight against the Empire. I think that was one of the main reasons he went back to Rex.
I also think that Echo and Tech had long conversations and spent a lot of time together while repairing or piloting the ship. They got along the best of the whole team and only with Tech, Echo felt relaxed enough to be able to talk about his feelings and problems he was struggling with. Tech never asked, like the overprotective Hunter, he just listened, and that was enough for Echo to discover a soul mate similar to his fallen brother, Fives.
I imagine one night Tech found out that Echo couldn't sleep and asked him what happened. Echo was so surprised that someone actually asked him how he felt that he didn't know what to say at first. He finally decided to open up and confess what was on his mind. Tech understood him and they became very close from then on. That's why Echo suffered so much after losing Tech. He felt as if he had lost half of his soul again.
I imagine that, Echo was the only one from the Bad Batch to still use Mando'a. He and Fives used to speak this language among themselves. Fives nicknamed him Ech'ika (little Echo). Now, Echo used to call Omega ad'ika. After Fives death, Echo sang an old anthem - Vode an (Brothers all) to honor the memory of his fallen brother. They had learned it when they were still cadets and used to sing it together before going into battle and all 501st knew the lyrics. This is one of my favorite headcanons.
I'm sure that Echo got a tattoo of a five in honor of Fives' death. In this way he always carried his brother with him and wanted to honor his memory.
• Nightmares
Omega took a while to get used to her new home after leaving Kamino. I imagine she often had nightmares that made her afraid to go to sleep alone. Hunter saw that and let the little girl sleep with him. He told her some stories about the planets they had visited on missions, and the bond between them grew stronger. He didn't admit it, but he had fond memories of those times together.
• Fives and his twin
If Fives survived, he would be the first to side with Rex to save Echo. Seeing his beloved brother alive, but connected to computer and badly hurt, he would be both happy and devastated at the same time. Fives would do absolutely anything to be reunited with his beloved twin, even if the whole Galaxy was against him and thought he's crazy.
After being rescued, Fives would make sure Echo was fewling comfortable and help him overcome his PTSD episodes. Then he would join the Bad Batch with Echo, because he didn't wanted him to feel different. Despite some problems, the Bad Batch accepted them as their own and they became very close, like family. I pictured them sitting around fire and how they shared stories from various missions together.
Then Fives saw that Echo was trully happy. He hugged him close, and when Echo asked what happened, Fives simply replied, "I'm just happy you're here, vod'ika. That's all."
• Astronomy lesson
Tech taught Omega astronomy. How to read sky maps and name constellations. They often sat together at night, watching the sky. Hunter would get a little angry when they stay up too late, fearing that both his brother and little sister would be sick, but his anger faded quickly when he saw the smile on Omega's face. Papa Hunter would do anything to make his little girl happy.
• Two captains
Howzer is Rex's twin, like Fives and Echo. They are giving the same vibe. They trained together from an early age, still as cadets, and then the war separated them. They are also very similar in character. Courageous and great leaders, they do not abandon their people until the very end. I feel they would get along pretty well.
• Brothers for life
Cody was like an older brother to Rex. His ore'vod. He trusted him the most of all the clones.They were inseparable from the beginning of the war and became very close after the Umbara ARC. I imagine Cody was comforting a devastated Rex. He knew perfectly well that under the mask of captain's determination there was a lot of pain and suffering after loss of many brothers. They were both good people who saw a lot of evil and death in their lives. They carried mourning in their hearts and finaly were able tolet go all their emotions. It was the first time Rex had let tears flow in his brother's arms. He felt loved and safe, and Cody didn't let him go for a long time. From this moment, they looked at each other a bit differently, carefully analyzing the other's emotions and making sure that everything was okay. Besides being strong and serious leaders, they were caring and loving brothers on the inside.
Also, I just know that they were having small competition. The 501st and 212th were competing against each other as to which legion/batalion was more effective in combat. General Kenobi and Anakin secretly supported this fun game.
• Suffering medic
Kix put a lot of pressure on himself as a medic. He wanted to save as many lives as possible and not let a single soldier die. He always fought to the very end, refusing to rest until the last man was healed. Each death of his brother was equally painful for him and he treated it as a personal failure.
Umbara left a huge mark on him. He failed. So many of his brothers had fallen, and he worked until he was breathless. Only when he was so exhausted, that he could no longer stand on his own, he agreed to take a break.
Kix sat alone against the wall, looking at his hands, and cried quietly. His hands and armor were covered with the blood of his brothers. Some of them were badly hurt, others didn't make it. Kix wished he were in their place right now and felt guilty. It was hard for him to be the one that survived.
He didn't know how long he sat like that, but at one moment he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a calm voice that he recognized immediately. It was Jesse. His best friend, his brother... Jesse told him that he did everything he could, that it wasn't his fault, but Kix wasn't convinced.
Then Jesse, seeing how bad his brother's condition was, that he started shaking, without thinking much, he wrapped his arms around Kix, pulling him into a tight hug. The medic did not protest and gave vent to his emotions and helplessness. It was the first time anyone was interested in his health. He had always been responsible for others and now someone was taking care of him. It felt nice, warm... Kix hugged back his brother and they both know that they feel the same way.
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kybercrystals94 · 6 days
What can you tell me about My Sister's Keeper?
Yes! This is a Fives Lives AU where Fives makes if off Kamino with AZI, but not without discovering Omega, and rescuing her as well. Here is an excerpt from my rough draft of chapter one:
The supply closet is too small for a full-grown clone and a medical droid to fit comfortably. And yet, here he is, knees practically hugged against his ears and AZI’s chassis gouging into his shins. The droid put himself in low power mode to conserve energy and hide his signature just in case they were still searching for them in the city. Which is unlikely after their very public and very fiery “deaths.”  “What are our next steps, CT-5555?” AZI asks, his audio volume so low that Fives has to strain to hear him.  “For the hundredth time,” Fives hisses irritably, “my name is Fives.” “Apologies,” AZI says. “What are our next steps, Fives?” “We’re going to wait until the graveyard shift, stow ourselves away on a ship, and get out of here.” “You mean we are going to leave Kamino?” “Well, we aren’t spending the rest of our lives hiding in storage closets if I have anything to say about it.” There is a long pause. Fives thinks he might literally be able to feel the gears turning in the medical droid’s head. “I am afraid I am unable to leave Kamino at this time?” “What? Why?” Fives fights to keep his voice temperate, but panic rises like bile in his throat. Without AZI, all of this will be for nothing.  “I cannot leave Omega,” AZI responds promptly. “She is my primary directive outside of the patients assigned to my care.”  Fives stares into the dim, yellow eyes of the droid. “Who’s Omega?”  “She is an unaltered, enhanced clone.” Fives vaguely remembers the rumors and stories that had been whispered through the barracks, a clone boy whose age wasn’t accelerated, who had been adopted by the host, Jango Fett as his son. “You mean like that Boba kid?”  “Precisely! Omega is the female counterpart of Alpha…or Boba, as he was renamed by the DNA source, Jango Fett.” As much as Fives enjoyed this little history lesson, it is not the point. The point is that AZI is refusing to leave with him because of this clone girl. Fives hates how frantic his voice sounds, that he is pleading with a droid. “If you stay, AZI, Nala Se will have your memory banks wiped. You won’t remember anything we learned about the inhibitor chip. You won’t remember how to remove them. I need you. Without you, my brothers will stay enslaved by whatever entity told the long necks to put these chips inside us. Without you, no one will believe me. Without you, people will die! My brothers will die! I need you, AZI, please!”  The droid tips his head thoughtfully, unmoving features surprisingly expressive. “I suppose, an alternate course of action would be to bring Omega with us. We have already determined that Kamino is not safe for those who have proven difficult. Omega’s life could soon be in danger.” Fives’ mouth drops open, and it takes him a moment to formulate words. “Are you crazy? We will be on the run! We’re wanted criminals, AZI. That’s no life for a kid.” “I will not leave Kamino without Omega,” AZI reiterates as firmly as his programmed bedside manner will allow.  Fives presses his forehead against his knees. This changes everything. He doesn’t even know how he’s going to take care of himself, let alone a kid! He looks up and AZI is staring down at him, waiting for the only instructions he will accept. Fives sighs. “Fine. We bring Omega. Do you think you can get her here without getting caught.”  “I am certain of it,” AZI says, voice tripping on the edge of excitement.  Fives nods. “Then the new plan is as follows: save Omega, save ourselves, then save the entire clone army.” He smiles grimly. “Sounds easy enough.”
I have vague plots for several stories for this AU, but probably won't get to finish this one until I get through a few of my other WIPs 😅
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constantlymisspelled · 10 months
Mandalorian Armour Colours
Armour Colour meanings and Classifications
Perhaps it's a little ridiculous, but with more and more fans wanting a full comprehensive guide to colours, and my own frustration at not being able to find the fanon colour charts of old, here we are. For both your sake, and mine, please don't be upset if anyone doesn't utilise this guide, it is after all a guide, and only a fanmade compilation. If anyone has any criticisms, that's what edit is for, and if you want further definition, do not hesitate to let me know in the comments.
The Classicly Accepted;
[This section is the clolours accepted by Canon Media, both Disney and Legends. I will include a colour swatch and the Taubman's pallet code for ease of use. If there are colours you wish to see evaluated, or meanings you wish to infer, let me know.]
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[The tiles above are literally the closest I could find to Jaster's colour, and to Boba's visor colours. The left is Red Alert, T12 26.H5, and the right is Crossfire, T15 196.6.]
Red - Ge'tal
'Honouring a parent.' This colour has been seen on the edge of Boba Fett's visor for years, and has been a staple Mandalorian colour for a long time. Honouring a parent is considered acceptable in most forms of Mandalorian Society, hence its widespread use. Honouring does not have to mean morning, and when some Mandalorians move past the grief of a lost loved one, or parent, they move to change the greys to reds, or oranges, in remembrance not of their death, but the life that family member - usually a provider in this case - had lived.
White - Cin
'A new start/Clean slate.' The literal translation for the phrase describing white on armour (Cin Vhetin) is 'White field,' or 'Snow Covoured Field.' It creates the notion that you are starting over, as winter has come, and it covers all that you used to be, allowing you to completely restructure yourself before spring arrives to thaw it, as a totally new person, with new honour and oaths to fulfil. Often associated with adult adoptions, or redemption vows completed, signifying new life.
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[The image above features Jaster as he was in the first issue of Jango Fett - Open Seasons. It is accessible (the pic) on wiki, and I'm pretty sure the comic is available on most comic archives. Jaster's colour are, famously, dark grey, black, red and the yellow Haat Mando'ade Crest.]
Black - Ne'tra
Justice - the colour of Mandalorians whose moral code is unshakable. A notable wearer of this colour is Jaster Mereel himself. Most kute are often this colour, or dark blue (navy) and in most cases that is for cost reasons, and to prevent staining. However, black is the colour of night, and of Death - an important concept to all Mandalorian Sects - and creates a sense of uniformity amongst even the most visually different individuals. Justice, Death, and all that this might entail is a corner stone of Mandalorian culture and perception. One cannot live if they do not accept that Death is a possibility. Black can denote serving of justice, seeking justice, or preserving it.
Grey - Genet
'Honouring lost love, or mourning a lost loved one'. The separate shades of Grey have meaning in some Clans and Houses, but across most of Mandalorian Space, Grey is to signify the passing of a loved one. It can even be worn if either a Clan has been lost, or if a member has been excommunicated. There are also occasions of possible ven'riduur wearing the colour when another warrior gets there before them.
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[The above image is the reverse of the New Zealand Free State of Niue's reverse coin. Gold does not promote prestige in Mandalorian culture, but danger. If dressed in gold, one is to be weary.]
Gold - Ve'vut
Vengeance, a common place, and important part of Mandalorian Culture and Law. Methods of vengeance are protected and controlled by Mandalorian Law. Acts that go from vengeance to Revenge can face serious consequence. Outsiders that meet warriors in this colour are warned to practice caution. A Mandalorian's wealth is not decided by the colour of their armour, but of their actions, and gold denotes a thirst for vengeance, in a control, personal manner.
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[The image to the left is Nocturne Shade, T15 139.6, and the image to the right is Bright Cerulean, T15 138.7. I included a vivid and deep blue to show the scope of what is considered baseline, before entering Light Blue, Sky Blue, or Navy. I chose as close as I could to Jango Fett's armour, and both Paz Vizsla, and Vizsla House.]
Blue - Kebiin
Reliability, a warrior and Mandalorian who is secure in who they are, what they are capable of, and what they have to offer the galaxy. Warriors in their prime often wear this colour. It is often taken as a show of subtle faith and loyalty to whichever leader these particular Mandalorians serve. Blue is also often worn by mercenaries and Journeyman to create a sense of calm and trust between them and their charges. Blue is often seen as a solid, and dependable colour, and associated with leadership, and their support. Blue is the colour of the Mandalorian Protectors Universal Sigil. Parents who are raising children alone also wear this colour, as a way of reinforcing the belief that they can care for their child alone - a rare occurrence in Mandalorian Space.
Orange -
lust for life, shereshoy
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[The colour to the right is literally as close as I could get to Boba Fett's armour. The image on the left is Irish Stone, T15 164.7, and the right is Deep Veridian, T10 54F-2.]
Green - Vorpan
Duty - often considered the workers' colour, green represents hard work, and deep commitment to a cause, a task, an ideal, or an action. Many members of the Fett House predominantly wear this colour as a nod to their humble beginnings, and many farmers and tradespeople wear some small segment of green to denote their occupation. The kind of green, and the way it is worn can also denote different trades and employment types, although like with most colours, each mandalorian is ultimately able to make decisions for themself on what their colours mean to them.
The Observed and Official Greater House uses;
[This section is for Fanon, or non-official colours. The Mandalorian Mercs and other cosplay groups have commonly accepted colour codes, as do some sections of the Fanfic writing community. If anyone has any colour ideas, do let me know, and feel free to leave a link to other colour charts in the notes! It's my ambition to make sourcing knowledge on Mandalorian culture easier and easier for newer fans.]
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[Image for Beskar Silver was taken from the Etsy Adds for Beskar Ingots. There are multiple companies and craftspeople that make these - vey cool! I can not let myself buy any. I can not!!!]
Silver - Beskar
The Colour of unpainted beskar, the associated meanings are either that you have not had the chance to paint it, or if you are in full, evidently in use armour, that you have no right to wear paint. It is the assumed non-colours of the Silver Children (An Elite Group of Mandalorian Ori'ramikade) and the Naasaade (the Nameless Society, a group of Mandalorians who have either been put towards the path of redemption by order, or by choice) and of many bounty hunters of the Outer Rim who seek to keep their clan affiliations a secret. It is widely believed that if any Mandalorian is to have honour, it is one in silver, as it infers that this particular Mandalorian will do all that is possible to be seen as honourable once more by themselves, others, their clan, and the Ka'ra.
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[The image on the left is Blue Booties (I know right?), T15 142.1, and the image on the right is Reflection, T15 142.2. I included an eggshell blue, and a powder, almost greenish pale blue. I even checked the definition of Cyan for you. Essentially, really light teal, like, really light.]
Cyan, or Sky Blue -
'New Love', often used as the symbol of engagement. Most Mandalorians cannot afford to exchange and modify pieces of their armour from one partner to another, and so instead of this practice from the eras of battlefield weddings, most unmarried warriors are encouraged to carry a small vial of this colour paint instead. This is a practice seen more amongst the traditionalists, who believe in earning armour on your own merit, and not upon the backs of others. Other methods of using this colour is in Cyan Beads upon your kute, or the addition of decorative cord upon a warrior's shoulder to denote engagement, or new marriage.
The Two Shades of Purple
[Purple is a difficult colour. Caught between red and blue, and having so many varied shades and meanings across both Mandalore, and the fandom, I've done my best to create the general feel of what purple means to a culture obsessed with living life to the fullest, and honouring your oaths.]
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[Image on the left has Imperial Violet, T15 211.4, and the image on the right has Purple Statice, T15 210.5. I grabbed both a warm and cool variety for those of you with colour schemes to match. Purple is a colour often associated in fandom with chance, hope, and luck.]
a) Lavender, or Violet
The colour of luck and chance, Violet and Lavender are supposed to be a sign of recognition and faith to the old Mandalorian God and Spirit of Luck, and although belief in the Gods has long since faded, folklore still holds most shades of lighter purple as the colour of chance, change, and good futures. It is a common colour for new parents wishing to do right by their children.
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[Image on the left is Imperial Purple, T15 213.7, and the image on the right is Royal Indigo, T15 130.7. Again, I have used both warm and cool shades to allow as much versatility as possible with colour palletes.]
b) Indigo
Often considered the colour of hope, Indigo and its shades are often used to mean the same things as other shades of purple, and when paired with colours such as Cyan, and Teal, or even most forms of blue, is meant to inspire a sense of gratitude, or gratefulness for victory, present peace, currently good fortune and such, whilst lighter shades are meant to bring said fortune.
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[Image on the left is Tapestry Teal, T15 153.6, and the image on the right is Lagoon Teal, T15 153.5. Both Teals are on the lighter side, but you can absolutely go darker in this colour and have the same meaning.]
Teal -
Considered the unofficial colours of the New Mandalorians, the colour was originally worn only by medics, emergency workers, and those who had retired from active combat. It was supposed to be the colour of those who had seen violence, and stood up to atrocities in the name of peace. It is now considered a cowards colour amoungst Kyrtsaade circles, and New Mandalorians forbade its application in armour as a falsehood and a breaking of the Healers Code. However, Traditionalists and Way Followers still view it as the colour of choice for more reserved, shrewd verde who fight as a last resort.
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[images above are to the left, Minty Green, T15 165.3, and to the right, Sherbet Lime, T15 167.3. Once again, included a warm and cool option.]
Light Green -
'Lust for peace', 'The Guardian', or 'Peace Keeper's Colours'. Often used by warriors who practice non-lethal forms of combat - guards that utilise stun batons and blanks instead of live ammunition. Under the New Mandalorians, it became indistinguishable from Teal and its meanings, but in all other forms of Mandalorian culture, Light Green is used for warriors and guards of sacred r special places, such as schools, hospitals, or the water ways. Light Green is a deeply respected, and widely used colour, even if its meaning has been watered down and misinterpreted by the galaxy at large.
Yellow - Shi'yayc
Dark Green
Dark Blue
Maroon and Burgundy
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[I couldn't pick one... Image above contains Baby Girl, Pigtail Pink, River Rouge, Spring Pink, Jaguar Rose, After the Dance, Flamenco Fire, Turkish Delight, Pink Flambe, Pink Clay Pot, Bold Flame and Strawberry Splash. The codes are found on Taubmans website.]
Pink -
Respect, Knowledge, and Respected. Interestingly, pink in Mandalorian Space is a colour of status, as a unification of white and red, it combines the ideas of horouring those that raised you, and your new beginnings, and the outcome became the colour pink. Different shades mean different things in the more secular coverts, but it is important to note that field archivists, officers, and journalists have a tendency to wear at least some pink.
Additional Colours and Varieties;
Mattes and Gloss
Symbols of the Mandalorians;
The symbols used in Mandalore are vast, and complicated, and often the colour can change the meaning of the symbol. Colour is, as always, up to the discretion and particular tastes of the Mandalorian in question, but there are common associations, and symbols mandated for use by specific beings.
[Extrapolation will be added]
[Wrote this for my own use, and as a guide on mainstream Mandalore and the subsects we might actually see in Disney media (can you see me distancing their bizarre writing from myself? can you??) after all, the official website lists Din's armour as grey? What?? Bro, no.]
The only copy of the old Fan Canon List I could find:
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[Fanon List in image is as follows; Purple - Luck, Pink - Respected or Respecting Someone, White - Purity, Brown - Valor, Maroon - Power, Light Green - Lust for Peace, Scarlet - Defiance, Silver - Seeking Redemption, Yellow - Remembrance, Teal - Healing.]
Found on Pinterest. It used to part of one of the cosplay forums, but I can no longer find it. It runs off old canon. There are some issues with the list, but ah well.
Mandalorian Mercs Forum; [here]
They're rather official, and a great deal of their stuff is incredibly helpful, but I find their website hard to navigate. Probably just me though.
Mandalorian Wikipedia Colours; [here]
It doesn't have any of the extended fanon colours, but it dos have an in depth expose on what colour canon and EU Legends has provided us with.
Mando'a Translator; [here]
Not entirely sure how well it works, but it does simple words fine. Its sentence structure is terrible, just like all translate apps, so be warned.
Mando'a Dictionary and Forum; [here]
This Mando'a dictionary has got to be the most comprehensive I have found, however there are still mistakes. The only reason I know that is I printed the whole thing and read it like some kind of nerd.
Mandalorian Colour Definition found on Tumblr;[here]
This one is made by another user, I am unsure of their sources, but it matches closely with a great deal that I have found, so it’s pretty accurate so far.
Another Handy Mando'a forum; here
If there are any other helpful websites and links you can think of, let me know. The Codex will have reference to this chart at some stage, but I'll get to that later. I'm just religiously ignoring the Mandalorian Cookbook I started whilst sick last year. You never hear of it, it never existed.
[I will update this as I make further research.]
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seven-oomen · 9 months
No but seriously I cannot get the idea of the clones as space cowboys out of my head.
So here's an idea I have to continue the saga of Cal Kestis and the clones.
After the clone wars end, the nightmare doesn't fully end for the clones. They don't have any rights, they're not considered citizens, they only have each other as a people, and public opinion of them isn't very high.
Mandalore doesn't want them. They're not welcome on many planets, despite the clones giving everything to protect them.
Sure Palpatine is dead, order 66 has been stopped in its tracks. And the jedi order, while dealing with horrendous public opinion, still stands.
But then there's the Koboh system, largely unexplored and uninhabited except by a few prospectors and raiders. As long as you contribute, you're welcome there.
So what do many clones do? They move to Koboh.
Obi-Wan and Cody take Cal (12 years old at that point) and bring him to Koboh. Several members of the 212th like Waxer, Boil, and Wooley went with them. Along with the bad batch (hunter, crosshair, tech, wrecker, echo, and 12 year old Omega), Fives (because he's not leaving his Podtwin Echo), Jango & Boba Fett, Bly & Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti and several cadets of varying ages, Plo Koon and his wolf pack, Commander Mayday, and Greez Dritus.
Together with Doma they build the Ramblers Reach outpost to a lively little town where the community thrives.
Meanwhile Fox escapes to Alderaan with his corrie brothers. And he gets to live out his life with the Organas and their adopted daughter, who calls Fox buir.
Rex lives his life on Naboo, aiding Padmé in the fight for clone rights in the senate and setting up a system where he finds suitable planets for his vods to inhabit.
Anakin and Padmé are still married, they live on Naboo with the twins, Luke & Leia, and with Ahsoka. Who is adopted into the family as Anakin's little sister. Anakin never goes Darkside.
Meanwhile Cal, Boba, and Omega live out there best lives on Koboh creating mayhem and being around so many of their bavodu'e. The sheer chaos these three can create is known planet wide.
Obi-Wan and Cody enjoy their married life. Cody, along with several ex commanders and Crosshair have taken the responsibility of town protection on them.
Hunter hunts with Mosey when he can.
Wrecker watches the gremlin triplets, which doesn't really work because they rope him into things. But it's still better than when Fives watches them. We do not talk about the Rancor incident.
Bly & Aayla marry and have a few children of their own.
And that's what I have for now..it's almost 2 am, I need sleep.
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the-starry-seas · 5 months
jango fett is the kind of character that just fucks me up he's perfect truly nobody is in my brain like he is and then to think about BOBA?
jango's outlived everyone and killed for them and his life is vengeance and loss. that's what he remembers when he thinks about his family. when do you stop living with a wound? when the wound is what you become. when the earliest memory you have, any more, is your family dying (loss) and your adopted father asking how you feel about killing the man who killed them (vengeance). the father who stepped in to protect you and you remember everything he did for you but mostly you remember him dying in your arms (loss).
you tell your son about the family you once had (loss) and he asks why they're not with you any more and you have to tell him about how cruel the world can be (loss) and he asks what happened to the people who killed them and you have to tell him what you're capable of (vengeance). he's not afraid of you even though you know he should be. he asks why you're making an army for jedi if you hate them so much and you don't have an answer for that because you don't know if it's hatred or fear and you don't want to live but you haven't killed yourself yet so apparently you also don't want to die.
so you're stuck in the middle and it's so fucking stupid how so many people see the world in black and white when all you've got to work with is greys. you took a job because the alternative was probably going to be getting killed for saying no, but when's the last time you saw someone pointing a blaster at you and thought about getting out of the way?
sure you can trust your armour to take the bolt but maybe this time it won't. your father's armour couldn't stand up to a tank, and maybe enough blaster bolts will start wearing a hole through your shell to the nothing underneath it. maybe that's the legacy you're meant to have. you get shot like your father and you die like your father and you have - what?
you have a son and you want him to be jaster's legacy but maybe you wonder what that legacy is supposed to be exactly. you wonder if leaving your son alone is part of the legacy. if it's the point. the only way to get a legacy is to inherit it and you can only inherit things from murdered fathers. what happens when the story won't stop haunting you? when you know what the end is - because it's the way you want it to end, whenever you're alone long enough to think about it.
what happens when you realise too late that you're part of a cycle and your son is too? when you realise that everyone you love is dead and there's so many people killed in so many ways and you're the only thing they all had in common?
are you proud when he tries to shoot a jedi? is it a good thing that you see yourself in him? is that your legacy, dying in front of the only thing you want to protect? do you see the future? do you see the past? do you realise they're the same thing? do you realise it too late?
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Would anyone care for some unsolicited fanfic recs in this trying time?
Star Wars (because I have no other life):
(Re)convene by Nightfall_1409:
10 years after sacrificing himself for the Rebellion, Ezra Bridger is offered the chance to turn back the clock and alter the course of history forever- the Force sending back with him a ragtag band of heroes, all whom have proven themselves worthy of the chance, all of whom have the drive to prevent the events that turned their lives into living nightmares, all of whom have the chance to save their loved ones from their fates.
Now 35 years in the past, returned to the era of the Republic 6 years before the rise of the Empire, 3 years before the start of the Clone Wars, he has to unite his scattered allies- Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin, Boba and Omega Fett- and put together the puzzle of what caused the galaxy to fall, or they'll all be doomed to watch it happen again.
Personal Thoughts:
I really like this one. Time travel is my favorite trope. It’s well written, it draws you in, and the author has done an excellent job of mashing up Legends and Canon in fun and unique ways.
It has everything: Force Sensitive Omega, Tired Space Dad Din Djarin accidentally becoming a main character, Ezra and Anakin as chaotic besties, no Jedi bashing, and much more that would be spoilers.
The author tries to update twice a month. It’s really good. Also this is the only one I’m including the summary for because I’m lazy.
Time-Traveling Artoo by SpiderMansUnfriendlyNeighbor
Crack fic go brrrr. Seriously though, it’s just Artoo fucking with Sidious and then kidnapping children to matchmake. I was laughing the whole way through.
A Means of Survival by LessAttitudeMoreAltitude
In which Ursa finds a half dead Jedi Padawan named Caleb and the Mandalorian Adoption instinct activates. Listen, Sabine has decided the Jetti’ad is her favorite person, they can’t just not adopt him
The Time Heals ‘verse by jessicas_pi
Force Sensitive Sabine travels back in time to the Clone Wars, accidentally bonds with a Force Entity that I’m 99% sure is the Brother, becomes Obi-Wan’s Padawan, and keeps accidentally-on-purpose bringing people back to the past.
Also Quinlan Vos is there.
It’s Sabezra if that’s a turn off for anyone.
You Either Die A Hero… by RennyBanette
The 501st gets trapped in a time loop on Umbara. Delightful crack full of Krell murder and fire.
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
This is the Star Wars time travel fic. It’s so good. 4 years after the fall of the Republic Obi-Wan gets caught in a sandstorm, and when it passes he’s back in time when Anakin’s just a three year old clinging to his mom’s skirt.
Naturally, Obi-Wan frees the Skywalkers, changes his name to Ben Naasade, takes his younger self as a Padawan, and gives Mace Windu so many headaches.
Featuring: Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Pong Krell getting his shit wrecked, Legends stuff, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Mandalorians being awesome, Alderaan being awesome, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Obitine, the Sith being evil and creepy, and most importantly, Jedi Knight Shmi Skywalker
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procrastinating school work so let me talk about my starwars (Anakin) aus
There's that lion!Vader Au, if I named it I don't remember the name but basically, either Anakin doesn't tell Padme where he's going or she doesn't go to Mustafar. might actually have R2D2 with Padme as her bodyguard or Anakin just didn't want r2 to know what he did to the separatist leaders. anakin doesn't come back from Mustafar because when he leaves the planet, the force decides 'okay, enough atrocities for the next... two decades.' and transforms him into a lion and sends him to a green planet. Sidious finds him a year later and decides to just build a gladiator ring and throw him in there to execute the people he wants dead on television.
19 years later Luke, Leia, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Padme, Cody, and Rex all get captured and are sentenced to be executed as a group with some other non-important people. Anakin eats the non-important people and vaguely recognizes some but tries to kill Luke and Leia because he doesn't recognize them.
SITS au - sith in the senate au - me trying to explore my favorite arc (mortis) and what would have happened if Anakin left with the son (and the daughter) and the father let Ahsoka and Obi-wan go thirty minutes later but Anakin is nowhere in sight when they go back to the real world. this is also the au where the Tusken massacre is really addressed in this au, in others it didn't happen, obviously in lion!vader it did since it only changes in rots. i don't know if it's really a character study that I'm doing for this au but I'm actually writing an essay on Anakin for my writing class and I'm so using elements from this for that and from that for this.
(please- someone stop me from making Barriss run away from the Jedi and Anakin adopting Barriss after she ends up on Tatooine and Anakin gets over his initial feeling of 'YOU D:<')
14!au. i have no other name for it as of right now.
anakin gets found by Palpatine and Shmi dies (i think) but surely its not you Pal Friendpatine's fault :0
Anyway, Palpatine finds Anakin at like... 5 and adopts him and brings him on his path to becoming chancellor and then the clone wars start at the Naboo blockade, Palpatine started cloning **early**. no, I have no idea how old Jango Fett is, why do you ask? anakin befriends some of the clones and takes an interest in politics because he thinks he can convince then senate to stop creating clones and just recruit normal civilians to the army.
this au is inspired by Hazbin Hotel song 'you didn't know' and some brave group of clones tries to plead their case to the senate, ankin watches in on it, nala se mentions the chips in the kaminoan rebuttal of clone rights and Anakin FREAKS. palpatine tries to calm him saying 'they are to control them, they're dangerous otherwise' and basically dooms himself. also, Anakin specifically has wings. see, I subscribe to the thinking of 'Anakin can shapeshift due to his unstable DNA' Edit: I Found it! @thewildballyntynesgrow or mballyntyne on Ao3 with their series 'A Wild Thing to Tame'. Anakin leaves taking a majority of the coruscant guard with him and goes back to Tatooine and starts freeing a whole bunch of planets over the years. the meeting in the senate takes place when he is fourteen, the empire starts when he is seventeen. Anakin adopts Boba and Galen Marek. anakin and the freed outer rim either hide rebel bases or use their revolutions as distractions for the empire.
Retconned rebel Anakin Au. aka, Barriss is the same age as Anakin and befriends him and Ferus eventually befriends him, and Anakin is closer to those two and some others than Obi-wan and Ahsoka (who is Obi-wan's padawan) Barriss never bombs the temple, the empire rises but the original empire dies like a year into the reign and another emperor rises.... Emperor Obi-wan Kenobi and his daughter Ahsoka how are both overly attached to rebel leader Anakin Skywalker and are both trying to adopt him and turn him to their side... by kidnapping Anakin's family. (rexanidala). anakin adopts so many kids, most of them are force-sensitive and want to fight so he lets them reluctantly but those not young enough to choose or fight are sent to live with Rex, Padme, Luke, Leia, and their grandparents; Dooku and Plo.
Ventress and Anakin Swap au, sort of. anakin got nabbed from his mom by Dooku. Dooku never found Ventress, Obi-wan does instead. Obi does not train Ventress but they are friends forever after. ventress tries forcefully redeeming the seventeen-eighteen year old Sith lord and it only sort of works. he defects but really only after he finds out about the slavery in creating battle droids. Anakin isn't really a separatist general, he just has a specialized group of droids that he rebuilds after fights with Jedi. he never fights clones with droids.
after defecting Anakin plans with Ventress and decides to free the outer rim then take the former slaves that will join him and start up a third party to the war. inspired by 'blood oath' by the art of pleasing princes.
okay so for this next au, named Anakin Umakkar, The rain storm. sources are ADragonsFriend and @fialleril or fialleril on a03, and @clawedandcute or ClawedandCute (Adi_Fire) on a03. and songs this au is inspired by for this au is (and in order) Puppeteer, Done For, Hell is Forever, There are Other Ways, What Did I Miss? and Respectless.
Umakkar was a name I first read about in a book called 'Elder sisters' by ADragonsFriend. I first heard about Ekkreth in Fialleril's books. the concept of Anakin staying on Tatooine was inspired by ClawedandCute's book and au 'The Accidental Sith'
Anyway, Qui-gon and the queen's ship never stops on Tatooine, but the clone wars do not start early. a solid two months into the Clone Wars, it is revealed that Jabba the Hutt has been dead for a year, and Tatooine has freed itself from the huts. Senator Padme Amidala and Jedi Obi-wan Kenobi (and Padawan Ahsoka Tano) are sent to Tatooine to try to get Tatooine to align with the republic. now please listen to Puppeteer and Done For (no, Anakin does not turn any clones into pigs, just like any non-clone serving in the army ). once Obi-wan draws his lightsaber on Anakin, Anakin just swipes it away, unhurt, and has him and other... three (Cody, Padme, and Ahsoka)locked up until he decided to hear them out. (cue hell is forever, the last lines being, "the freed outer rim has found both the separatists and the republic to be the enemy" ya know due to their armies) then when it looks like Anakin is gonna do something to them to send a message to the republic, Obi-wan pleads with him and mentions the Sith Dooku mentioned and any evil smile on Anakin's face slips away into annoyance "Sidious, huh?" and in 'There are other ways' fashion tells obi-wan about Mortis and other wells in the force that might be better for the Jedi to focus at. when asked why he had that reaction to the 'Sidious' character, he implies that Sidious has reached out to him to join either side of the war, like once per side.
he sends Obi-Wan and the Clones that want to return on their way and a year later decides that enough is enough and heads to Coruscant under the pretense of negotiating. palpatine sets up a committee to welcome Tatooine to the republic only for 'respectless' to happen and Anakin starts arguing with Orn Free Taa, then Palpatine himself and once Palpatine leaves, turns to the Jedi in the room and says "yeah, you might want to look into that..." and leaves.
Detached Mortis god au: inspired by the ocean saga
switching up the timeline here, Rako Hardeen happens, the Wrong Jedi arc happens, *Then* mortis happens. Anakin is alone on Mortis, he decides to stay, Padme is pregnant, the empire rises, Padme survives and joins the rebellion, Ahsoka becomes Fulcrum. Obi-wan joins the rebellion to help train Luke and Leia. Luke, Leia, Han, Ezra and some others start on a mission, but it starts off rough. Ezra decides to pray to a Force Diety he or Ahsoka met once and the diety appears and decides to grant them safe passage to the actual start of the mission as long as they keep Ahsoka, who they meet up with later on the mission, safe. if they accept and fail, another god is going to have a really big problem with them. they accept and all goes well until the last day of the mission, everything falls apart and Ahsoka is separated from the group and captured. the gang decides they need to go back to base to think and plan. on their way back their ship is seemingly attacked but they cant tell by what, they crash land at base and get out of the ship, not the falcon, only to meet two dragon-like-creatures, and a portal opens and a very pissed Anakin steps out. he kidnaps a bunch of rebels and puts them in the world between worlds and tells them they only get their people back when Ahsoka is safe. Obi-Wan and Padme only make it to the hangar this goes down once Anakin has stepped back through the portal.
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tinky-dinky · 7 months
About Jango Fett
So I've been having a lot of thoughts and feelings about Jango recently, and I want to talk about him.
Fair warning: This is almost entirely my own headcanons. It is based on canon, but is not canon and should not be taken as canon. Having said that, though, if you want to borrow my ideas for your own headcanons or fanfics, go ahead. Just credit me, please.
Let's talk Jango Fett.
It's difficult to reconcile the two halves of Jango. The loving father from a culture that puts heavy emphasis on protecting children and the cold man who allowed innocent children to be enslaved, tortured, abused and killed.
I think there are multiple ways we can explain this dichotomy. The obvious reasoning is that Jango simply doesn't view the clones as human, as anything more than meat droids. He compartmentalised them in his mind so they didn't come under the Mandalorian cultural protection of children. Boba, under this rationalisation, doesn't count as a clone because he's unaltered.
I don't particularly like this explanation, as it makes Jango an asshole. It's probably the most likely answer, but it's the least interesting.
I think Jango is a very broken man. He grew up in a civil war, watched his bio parents be murdered in front of him when he was 8 years old, then watched his adopted father be betrayed and killed when he was 14. It's worth pointing out that by this time he was already fighting in battles.
By the time he was 15, Jango had lived through a war and watched three parents be murdered. Then he's put in charge of his people, when he's way too young to handle that kind of pressure, and only manages to lead them for seven years.
Then Galidraan happens. His people are slaughtered, and it's partially his fault. The bulk of blame is on the Governer and Death Watch for setting the trap and the Jedi for being easily manipulated, failing to do any kind of research or investigation and actually being the ones who carried out the slaughter.
But Jango did fire first. It was technically him that started the violence, although given the Jedi approached with drawn lightsabers, one could argue some kind of violence was inevitable regardless of what Jango did.
This is all made worse by Jango's inability to grieve or process the loss of his people, because he was sold into slavery. I cannot imagine an unhealthier way to recover from trauma.
It's interesting that Jango never seems to have sought out any remaining True Mandalorians after he escapes slavery. Some must have survived; it's very unlikely that every single one of them went to Galidraan. In Legends canon, at least, there was one other survivor of Galidraan, a Mando named Silas. Dooku captures and tortures him for information on Jango.
So why did Jango never seek out any of his people? It could be that he felt they blamed him for the slaughter at Galidraan and wouldn't want him around, or may even injure or kill him. It could be that he didn't want anyone around him, was afraid to get close to people again, because everyone he's cared about has died. His parents, his sister, Jaster, all of his people, they all died. It could be that Jango thinks his people might want him to be their leader again and he doesn't trust himself to lead again. He fired first at Galidraan, and it got his people massacred.
I think it was probably some combination of all three.
I also think the second reason, the fear of getting close to people in case they die, is part of the reason why he doesn't acknowledge the clones. He's desperate not to lose more people he cares about, and he knows the clones are made to die.
But, then, what about Boba? Why did he insist on having Boba?
Legacy. But not his. I think he was thinking about Jaster's legacy when he decided to have Boba. Jaster was a good man, a reformer with the desire to make Mandalore a better place and a beloved leader. Certainly a better leader than Jango believes himself to have been.
Between Death Watch and the New Mandalorians, Jaster, his reforms and his people have been largely forgotten. Pretty much everyone who knew Jaster is dead, the True Mandalorians are almost all gone and his reforms have been ignored.
Jango wants someone to know about Jaster. To remember him and his legacy. And deep down somewhere, in a part of him he's repressing, he longs for family too.
He's fiercely protective of Boba, because he's desperate not to lose anyone else.
This brings us back to the clones. Why would Jango agree to make them? Especially when the man who recruited him is the same man who led the slaughter of his people?
I'm unsure if it's ever confirmed that Jango knew that the man he was working for was Dooku before Geonosis. I don't think it's likely he did. Again, why would he ever agree to work with him? No, I think Jango found out he had been working with Dooku when he arrived on Geonosis.
Maybe that's why he decided to go for Mace Windu, head of the Jedi order, of all the Jedi on Geonosis. Maybe he realised he'd spent a decade doing the bidding of the man who slaughtered his people. Maybe that led to other realisations, about how awfully he'd treated the clones, what he'd allowed to happen to them. Maybe he wanted to die.
All in all, I don't think Jango was a terrible person. He wasn't an especially good person, but he also wasn't an especially bad person either. Just a very broken man, struggling with a heavy amount of trauma in a galaxy that clearly lacks any kind of mental health support or treatment.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Star Wars AU Masterlist: Time-Travel
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
Currently this list is separated into:
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs masterlist
Disaster Trio (one or more, exclusing Ahsoka solos or Vader solos)
Original Trilogy cast
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs or Big League posts:
* Fake Spontaneous Training Bond
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
* Sandstorm Verse
* Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies
* Rex and Anakin Raise a Family
Commander Buir: an excuse to let Cody be dad-shaped
* Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse
Fake Sith TCW Trio (7.5k words)
Ghost Vader Shows Up To Help
Time-Travel Bosoka AU
The King the Soldier and the Spy
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies
Fett and Fulcrum
Crack Ship Ahoy: Jango/Ahsoka
* Sugar, Spice, and a Heart to Entice (4.7k words)
Rex Cockblocks Jangosoka (it’s more depressing than it sounds)
Accidental Mand’alor Ahsoka
Jangosoka scarring Obi-Wan for life
Go away, Skyguy!
Something that’s... approaching analysis
The nature of time-travelers and Jango
Jango gets catapulted to “The Book of Boba Fett” and refuses to believe that Boba is Boba, so Ahsoka gets involved
Ezra and Fulcrum’s Wacky Adventure
Rex and Ahsoka are two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist
Breaking into Kamino
The Girl Who Died at Mortis
Ahsoka/Depa ft. jealous Bo-Katan and jealous Jango
Naming Conventions for time-traveler Ahsoka
Ahsoka’s Terracotta Army, which is honestly mostly @epicmusic42 and @graylinesspam - A wee addendum - New Mando Archaeologist
“On her way to fuck your dad” Ahsoka/Jaster, Jango staring in horror from the background
Ahsoka claims her mom is Daughter from Mortis
Disaster Trio (non Ahsoka-solos)
A Knight, a Padawan, a Captain... and Boba, tagged as “Boba and the Torrents”
Obi-Wan adopts Jango by accident - Obi-Wan even lectures Jaster
The Future Assistant Dooku Didn’t Ask For
Are you done talking yet? (now with ficlet by @nevertheless-moving​)
Obi-Wan and Anakin as twins
The Nature of Time-Travel Romance (absolutely sucks for you)
My Obi! AU - Addendum
Obitine + Baby Anakin
Inconvenient Crushes - Arguments with Adult Obi
Faustian AU: Anakin and Ahsoka go from TCW Mortis Ep. to TPM-era Kamino, and somehow become the AI that controls Tipoca city
Fulcrum and Old Ben
TCW Anakin ends up Dooku’s care between Qui-Gon and Komari since the Council can’t just give him Knighthood when there’s not a war
Physically time-traveled Anakin ‘kidnaps’ mentally time-traveled toddler Obi-Wan
Other Prequels/TCW Travelers
Time-Traveled Clones Give Anakin a Mental Breakdown
Time Travel to Release the Zillo Beast
Bo-Katan is here to ruin fix change everything
Conservation of souls retroactive clone eggs, Thumbelina/Momotaro/Kaguya style
Padme dies and wakes up fourteen again, goes for Sidious’s throat
12yo Shmi Skywalker, with memories of the next 35 years, hijacks a ship and finds Obi-Wan’s parents (one of whom is pregnant)
Cryo Kix wakes up, spends two weeks in the ST, and then falls backwards into TCW
Time-traveler Dooku (trying not to be evil, this time), mostly by @epicmusic42)
Dooku, who is older than Palpatine, travels back far enough that he can grab Young Palpatine for the Temple before Plagueis gets him
Dooku gets punted back to Galidraan. So does Jango.
Totally the Real Jango: some clones lie to bb!Jango’s face and claim to be him, from the future
Fox and Vader’s Excellent Incredibly Stupid and Homicidal Adventure
Future Emotions AU
Anon suggests Vader shows up in that short period between Amidala’s election as Queen and Palpatine’s election as Chancellor
Why we love Vader time travel fics
Vader and baby Anakin body swap through time
Vader time travels to be baby Anakin again, goes full vegetarian
Another Vader time travel (along with links to a misskirby au that is no longer available on her now-defunct blog)
DarthFett, possibly body swap
The one where Darth Vader travels back in time as a Kitten
Vader Swears Loyalty to a Clone Toddler - With fic on AO3 written by @delightedlymisinformed​
Vader lands on Rattatak
Baby Vader (Raised a Sith, mental time-travel) finds padawan Obi-Wan for Help (also Maul is there) - Maul is also an uncle for the Twins
Original Trilogy Cast
Time Travel ft. Leia and Vader
Han & Boba bumped to pre-TCW - Addendum - There’s more now - A bunch by @uh-oh-its-bird
Luke Collects Last Names
Luke brings a porg
Ghost Aunt Leia
Leia Antilles, Senator of Serenno - Addendum
Leia/Jango (Concord Dawn & Alderaan destruction comparison)
Time-traveled Boba, also this
Han shows up in pre-TPM, accidentally starts Being Dad at his pint-sized father-in-law
Fulcrum is how the twins know their pragmatism was justified even by pre-war standards
Somewhat Estranged ST-era HanLeia and pre-AotC Padme end up on Melida/Daan
De-aged Mandalorian cast (Din, Boba, Fennec, Luke) tossed into the months leading up to AotC
Leia when meeting AotC Anakin
Rey Gives No F*cks About the Grandfather Paradox - Palpatine Tries to Arrange a Marriage - Addendum
Maul: Motherfucker Unlimited
Artoo and Threepio cause problems
Rey ends up in the PT, then Qui-Gon’s new apprentice
Baze/Chirrut messing around with Jinn&Kenobi
Tarre Viszla is reincarnated as Bo-Katan's baby
Cal Kestis drops back to TCW, accidentally derails things because he didn’t know he was Obi-Wan’s bio kid
An ask I got about Obisoka and Anisoka
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