#Bruce Wayne x Danny Fenton x Clark Kent
Death Warrant!Au
When the rejuvenating, life-extending effects of ectoplasm to the dead and dying was discovered by planets across the stars, it triggered mass conflicts that left several systems obliterated beyond repair. Hundreds of Billions had migrated to the Realms in numbers that were never seen before by the residence of the dead. They had various forms of damage and disfigurement on their new forms as a result of the ectoplasm being weaponized and used on them. Their very beings were corrupted beyond repair with their minds significantly altered with highly specified obsessions.
• Peoples from the destroyed worlds being so afraid that they lashed out, ripping anything that saw them to pieces out of fear of being attacked.
A serpentine creature of the Realms eagerly stalking them and fed upon their cores to grow stronger.
• Soldiers of these races were hell-bent on continuing to fight and proceeded to attempt subjugate this dimension that was new to them. Their rage guiding them blindly as they left paths of destruction throughout the realm.
A beast, wrongly slaughtered in the early madness of an delicate fledgling world that happened to be rich with ectoplasm followed the warpath and basked in the rage.
Eventually, more creatures like them came to prominence as a result of these strange new victims. Being aspects of emotion that were born from the masses in the war.
The Ghost King during this time period could not sit idly by and watch these newly born ghosts run rampant and terrorize his kingdom. With a heavy heart and a weapon in hand, a call to arms was called and the purge of these beings began. It tooks thousands of years, but when the last corrupted ghost was destroyed, the King took to the realm of living and wiped away all traces of the Realms from the minds of the survivors with all recollections of this terrible war for ectoplasm erased from history.
As his rested his eyes one final time, before the Tyrant would cowardly claim his life, made a major, sacred declaration that all citizens was made:
• If any hostile, mutant ghosts were to be found, they were to captured and examined by the king's council to await judgement. If they are too dangerous to restrain and seek bloody violence, they are to be destroyed.
• Any scientists trying to use ectoplasm for endangering life were to be have their memories erased and put to the sword for their crimes.
• Anyone foolish enough to Defy Death using ectoplasm, the greatest violation of the laws in the infinite Realms, they were to be put to death as and immediately given their Second End.
~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~
When Pariah Dark, the Cowardly Tyrant King, is defeated and Danny fianlly takes the throne after a few centuries of training, the Observers hand him a compiled a list of names who violated these sacred laws.
They have him start with Earth and Danny's jaw hits the floor with what the charges he was seeing. He can already hear the chaos in the meeting room.
• Amanda Waller, Vandal Savage, Darkseid, Granny Goodness, a court of owls(?)...the list is long, and that's just Earth alone!
• Jack "The Goddamn Joker" Napier and a few of the more violent Rouges of Gotham are charged with Veil Destabilization.
Even Jason Peter Todd Wayne...the Red Hood!? Danny can probably work something with Jason, force him into therapy sessions (along with the whole damn family) with Jazz and a couple cleansing sessions and supplements from Frostbite...the others had to go...
The continued slaughter of the innocent, combined with the suffering they endured and the misery felt by Shades who couldn't move on was making the veil deteriorate at dangerous speeds. New pits would form across the city eventually as a result.
Lady Gotham has done everything she can to keep the madness from happening but she can't hold it back any longer. Her core is ready to shatter under the stress and is constantly in agony, but she won't abandon her knights, despite Danny's pleas to save herself.
There's a certain brigade of furry's who may or may not like this news but said brigade had no choice but to take it on the chin. They have children who Defied Death in their ranks and the Realms are not afraid to destroy anyone foolish enough to stop them.
• Lex Luther is charged with crimes against humanity. And several other violations in regards to unethical experimentation.
One sticks out to Danny.
Lex used Danny's stolen DNA from a stray core shard from the Guys in White, who he was was funding in secret, even after they were disbanded, to create a clone comprised of the Earth's resident Kryptonian, the bald bastard, and himself to kill and replace said Kryptonian...the guy who literally helps save the earth time and time again from doom.
...Yeah, Lex is undoubtedly, fucked beyond total comprehension. Anyone defending him was risking all-out war with the Infinite Realms.
But hey, at least Danny was finally having child of his own! The little tyke is only a few years old in the tube, Ellie's visits are far and in-between and Danny's status as a Halfa made him sterile and develop an embarrassingly strong case of baby fever.
He's sure the ghosts from Krypton would love to help out in raising Conner in case Kal-El wasn't really planning on being around the boy. After all, being cloned himself, Danny knows the emotional baggage that comes with being violated to this degree by your enemy.
He just hopes the guy can come around and accept the little guy...
#dp x dc#dc x dp#dp x dc prompt#dp x dc crossover#justice league#danny phantom#my prompts#Death Warrant!Au#I've seen fics were Danny Time Travels to fix things#I've also read were he gains amnesia so he accidentally lives in the past until he remembers who he is#Lex Luthor is a bitch with a very slappable bald head that Danny is gonna smack the soul out of#Danny is gonna hook up Jason with therapy from Jazz and cleansing sessions with Frostbite#When Damien is finally born and with Bruce is the day everyone in the League of Assassins is gonna get wiped off the face the fucking Earth#You don't fuck with the abyss because it'll do more than simply look back#Eldritch Mama Bear!Danny#Conner is gonna be spoiled rotten#If Damien is also partially Danny's kid he wont wait and waste the League the second he can grab him#Being the 'Demon's Head' doesn't mean jackshit when the ectoplasm youve been uskng is the equivalent of used toilet water#Bruce Wayne x Danny Fenton x Clark Kent#Clark was worried his many times great grandfather was hitting on him#But Danny told him that he helped save krytpon and found the house kf El so there no blood relation#Due to amnesia inflicted during his time traveling Danny accidently created the embodiments lf Emotion from each Lantern Corps#Danny's first anniversary gift is bringing Bruce and Clark's parents to Earth to spend tkme with them#Bruce is afraid this will be the last time he gets to see them but Danny tells him he and Clark can tag along for Jason's treatment#Alfred is happy for his boy and is happy to see Thomas and Martha#Conner and Clark bonding with Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van about Krypton culture
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fandomfuntimem · 1 month
Dp x Dc
Clark got an invite to visit is cousin Maddie in Amity park! He always enjoys visiting them. Its a wild time, Maddie's kids are nice, and he gets to be the coolest cousin in the world. Impressing his little cousins with tricks that could only be explained by magic (he has litteraly crushed a rock to dust to make is "disapear").
But when he arrives this time, maybe bringing a few friends with him (i imagine the main group is Bruce, Clark, Lous, and maybe Damian, Tim, Conner, and Jon), the Town is chaos. Rouge government agents running around, magic undead creatures wreaking Havoc, and a young superhero barely holding it together. Even worse, Maddie and her husband seem so wrapped up in their work that they don't even notice their kids half the time! AND WHY DOES DANNY FORGET TO BREATH????!?!?!?!?!?
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impyssadobsessions · 3 months
DPXDC Prompt: Supersons + 1
What if Jack became friends with Clark and Bruce. And Danny accidentally becomes apart of the Supersons.
Jack takes Danny with him on a trip to visit his friends- just for it to turn into a playdate. But it isn't long for the cat to come out the bag especially since Danny's rogues can sniff him out.
So now all three are trapped in the ghost zone and this is way more than Danny wanted to reveal with day one "friends" . (maybe its walker)
And their dads having to come find them. Jack leading the charge because he has no idea Clark and Bruce are superheroes LOL But he knows ghosts when he sees them >:U
Could also be a good moment to have good dad Jack- one that once he knows Danny's phantom is immediately wait.. that's my son… MY SON? IM COMING DANNO!
Imagine just very heartfelt. Jack learns to reconnect with his son- Danny has more connections and now protection. Jon is happy to have a flying friend. And Damian still appalled Danny's bad at his identity. "It works because most people wouldn't think I'm dead." "Except for other ghosts?" "I told you that's not something I can avoid >:T." And be even funnier if Clark and Bruce had to go along with Jack WITHOUT being super. Even Jack doesn't find out about them. Which Danny is fine with keeping secret. So they have to work off of limited unsettling tech and still pretend they're a good shot because of other reasons.. or hits. Imagine Jack is like sensitive to Bruce's parents death like OH WAIT- sorry Clark you take these. Brucie, I got the boo-merang and the anti-ghost staff somewhere. That's my wife's favorite. uwu Jack also the reason they couldn't slip away into hereos because he dragged them along shouting FLITHY SPOOK! GIVE ME BACK OUR SONS!... in the Fenton RV... so imagine they had... Quite a ride.
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determined-ghostworm · 11 months
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This based on a fanfic or tumblr post… not entirely sure which one.
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p0ssym1lker · 1 year
Danny has a job at the daily planet and clark is all work-dad around him
of course Danny eventually gets invited to eat at the kents, surprisingly, he and kon get along great
So Danny keeps getting invited, until one day both him and Tim get invited
And Danny? He immediately pings up on tim's "new sibling" radar, like a bright flashing point and tim asks him how he feels about getting adopted by a billionaire
"I have personal beef with any rich man, especially those guys that have an underground cave underneath their mansion, so if anyone fits either of those criterias? I'm out"
Tim silently cursing because damnit bruce, you check of both
Clark internally sighs a breath of relief, he did not say anything about him-
"Oh, I also don't like people who don't like clones"
Goddamnit Kon stop side eyeing him, he improved okay?
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doodlesforfics · 2 years
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Two for One Special by @halfagone is a freaking hilarious one-shot.
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satoshy12 · 27 days
Danny is missing son of Lois and Clark Danny is same age As Dick That made Dani their Grandchild
After a fight against one of his villains, Superman's son was kidnapped by them. He wasn't able to find his boy, so he and Lois thought for years that he was dead.
Amnestic Danny was found by the loving Fenton parents, who took him in. The magic attack made his kryptonian DNA weaker, but he was still strong. Jack said he was as strong as him! His new dad seems to be a meta. Danny loved his new life in Amity Park, and after the portal, he was turned into a Kryptonian/Ghost Hybrid. 
Danny Phantom was born. The years are going all normal. 
Bruce looked at the computer as he called Clark.
"This is about Damian's new friend; she is weak to kryptonite, and the DNA test shows she is related to you."
Clark:"A new Clone? I got better after Conner."
Bruce. "No, she has your and Lois DNA; you know what that means."
Clark:" He is alive, and I and Lois are grandparents." We missed so much." 
A/N Kryptonian/Ghost Dani and Danny
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spacedace · 10 months
Had a dc x dp brain worm, feel free to use as a prompt <3
Sidenote, I decided to get fancy with the Ancients titles because of course I did lol
Shifting Where = Space (Danny)
Eternal When = Time (Clockwork)
Ever Onward = Speedforce (Ellie)
Bruce watched the footage again.
And again.
It didn’t make sense.
A week ago every television, radio, computer, phone - even the LED billboards - had been taken over to deliver a message. Across the United States. In every territory it held. Every military base. Down in the depths of the oceans where American submarines tried to creep past Atlantian patrols. In the endless cold white of Antarctica. Even far above in the International Space Station. Any place the United States Government had control over, any place one of its citizens found themselves. There was the message.
The face of an entity, human in shape but not in form. Hair as gleaming white as starlight, eyes bright as the twisting dance of the Aurora Borealis, skin as cold and blue as the tail of a comet. The entity wore armor as black as the depths of space with a crown to match, the later glinting and shifting with the twisting birth and death of galaxies. A cloak of nebulae danced down his shoulders, eclipsing the world beyond the entity entirely.
He named himself, jaw tight, expression serious.
High King Phantom of the Infinite Realms.
The Shifting Where. Son of the Eternal When. Father of the Ever Onward. His Epitaphs many and ever growing. The True Balance. The Bridge Between. The Devourer of Dark. The Last Child of Between. The Great One.
King of the Dead. King of the Infinite Worlds. King of so much more than Bruce had ever even known was possible.
King who had declared war. Who marshaled his endless armies. Who spoke of warnings, of efforts to reach a peace, of trying again and again and again to find a way to not plunge into violence and bloodshed. All things living come to call him King in time, he had no want or need to go out and hurry that along. But there were no options left to him now. He had tried for peace. He had been denied.
He would not see his people suffer any longer. Would not see those he’d sworn to lead and protect imprisoned by fools who had sworn themselves enemies to all the afterlives. Would no longer permit the vicious cruelty to continue.
The message was a final warning.
A final offer.
Three days, Phantom said. The United States government would have three days to release their prisoners, to begin the process of dismantling the laws that made death itself an illegal act.
If they refused, he would lead his endless armies personally in the war to come.
It had not been an idle threat.
Three days after the message, after Bruce and the rest of the Justice League scrambled to try and figure out just what it was it was all about, after Justice League Dark’s members shakily took turns explaining just how powerful the being that had gave that message was and how much danger the world was in should he and his armies march upon their world, war came.
Of all places, it began in a town in Illinois.
The sky shattered like broken glass above, Lazarus Green beyond, and the Dead poured out.
It started in Illinois.
It did not end there.
Bruce watched the footage of it all, eyes burning as he watched every second of CCTV footage, every shaky phone camera video, every news broadcast.
Most of them looked human enough. Changed in death, but recognizably human once. A pair of glowing teenagers on a motorcycle, a writhing shadow twisting about at their command sweeping chaos upon the battlefield. A young woman dressed to perform with hair a literal flame, burning bright blue and snapping furiously as she played devastation upon her enemies with her guitar. A child with corpse gray skin and luminescent green hair, flickering in and out of Bruce’s ability to see as if fighting against a law of existence to be visible, screaming orders to a skeleton crew from his place on deck of a 1700s ship that sailed through the sky, disappearing into clouds before raining down attacks from above.
There was more. Glowing skeletons dressed in the fashions of war spanning every culture going back millennia. Robots with weapons far beyond the technology they had even in the League. Creatures of myth and legend. Things of nightmares.
Leading them all, as he had promised, was Phantom.
He looked younger, smaller. Just a boy, really, a gangly teenager that hadn’t quite finished growing into himself. One holding power beyond anything Bruce could ever imagine, but still just a child as far as he could see, no older than Tim who’d just graduated high school. Frantic research found Phantom appearing as far back as human history, but those sightings had to have been after his death. Bruce can’t help but wonder how young the boy had been when he died, how much of that youth still clung to him through all these eons.
It wasn’t something he’d let him self consider normally, not with something like this.
A dangerous unknown appearing without warning and attacking with unimaginable power and seemingly endless forces. It was something that would normally eclipse everything else. Something that would make Bruce put aside the ache at seeing a face so young twisted in rage.
He watched all the footage.
Civilians were put in the crossfire. Were shot at and endangered. Were left terrified and scrambling for safety in buildings that were rapidly being torn away by stray artillery.
But never by Phantom or his armies.
The dead, in fact, went very far out of their way to ensure civilians weren’t harmed. Sweeping people up out of the way of falling debris. Shielding them from attacks that would have most certainly killed a normal human. Some dead even helped evacuate, ushering a frightened and panicked populous to safety as gently as they were capable of. Some of the less human creatures - giant bear-like beings with horns and fangs and ice edging their burly frames - even rushed forward to offer medical aid.
When the sky shattered open and the armies of the dead swept in, they ignored the town below. They focused instead on what was discovered later to be the base of a secretive government agency. The dead’s fight focused on those individuals in sharp white suits, bearing weapons capable of actually injuring King Phantom’s people.
It was these agents that brought the fight to the streets to Amity Park. That fired recklessly and without thought or care to the casualties they could inflict. That didn’t seem to care if they killed a hundred civilians if it meant hurting just one of Phantom’s soldiers.
Bruce watched all the footage.
And again.
Phantom had declared war.
Phantom spoke in his message of being out of options, of attempting peace. Phantom gave three days time for the release of captives. Phantom lead armies who fought viciously but never once willingly harmed civilians.
Phantom declared war, but he didn’t want it.
“Amanda Waller has reached out.”
Bruce didn’t turn his attention from the screens before him, eyes burning as he followed Phantom as the King dove away from the middle of locked combat to shield a child from a pulse of green energy from something like a grenade another agent in white had carelessly thrown. The child was crying but unharmed. The left pauldron of Phantom’s armor cracked and shattered from a direct shot from the enemy he’d just been fighting that he’d turned his back on, a glowing green liquid uncomfortably like Lazarus Water dripped down from a smoldering wound.
Clark stepped up to stand beside him as he watched, face worn and tired. The League had missed the first battle, but they’d been quick to appear at the rest. Phantom and his army ignored them unless they put themselves purposefully in the way of the fight. They were, as Justice League Dark had warned, vastly out powered by the entities fighting. A hulking giant knight made of shadow riding a nightmarish steed had driven Clark six feet down into the dirt when he’d attempted to make his way to Phantom directly to try and talk to the king.
The depth Clark had ended up felt like a warning of what would happen if he tried to get close to the king again.
It probably was.
“She said they have intel for us.” A faint twitch of fingers, jaw clenching, voice flat in that way that told Bruce his old friend was fighting back anger with everything he had. “That she has options for how to deal with the insurgence.”
Bruce shut off the monitors.
He’d seen enough.
Now was time to get answers to just what, exactly, Amanda Waller and the US government had done to cause the Dead to rise and rage.
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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itshype · 1 year
Mansplain Yourself (DC x DP)
Danny decides that attending college and defending the entirety of Earth from ghosts is too hard to maintain alongside a job. He should just get paid to do his hero work!
He shows up on the watchtower with a PowerPoint and printed portfolio proving he's been doing hero work for years. He fought a king from another dimension. He wants some of their money.
"We don't really have a budget? We can't really pay you." Says Superman.
"I am standing in space right now. That guy has a bat-themed submarine, private jet and fleet of automobiles. If you guys aren't rolling in that sweet, sweet USA defence budget cash, how are you affording all of this?"
"Uh, okay, we'll pay you." Says Batman (It's Nightwing subbing in for Bruce tonight and he panics!)
Constantine is cranky. This is a ghost. Ghosts are dead. Why the fuck would he need human money?
Danny's first paycheck clears. He moves out of his parents house and it's all good!
And this is when the trouble begins. Real Batman has noticed the money moving, and questions about the paperwork for the Justice League's 'new employee'.
Constantine is still crank though, and when Danny comes in for a skills assessment he steamrolls the poor guy. Talking over him, correcting him etc.
Danny is tired, he has a paper due before midnight and he doesn't even know what this guy's problem is. So, Danny lets him mansplain his own powers to the Justice League.
The Justice League paperwork for Phantom the Infinite Realms Ghost reads like this:
Senses others of his kind (see appendix 5a)
Self-sustained flight
Knowledge about Infinite Realms (see general database - dimensions, subsection 52), and it's inhabitants.
Danny figures he'll get payback for all his colleges listening to this cigarette-smoking hack over him the first time any of them see him actually fight. But the first fight he's in with them is an easy one, he only really needs to fly and lift some heavy-ish stuff. Then the next one is a false alarm. Then they keep giving the hard jobs to Superman.
Then, about 6 months in - Danny's file now has Super Strength (see appendix 12f) - added. Kal-el goes down. Hard. A single, brutal hit.
…And Wonder Woman takes his place in the plan with ease.
How long is it going to take before Danny gets to (legitimately) show off for once?! He can't wait.
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 7 - "Do you recognise this?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
"So, who did it?" Bruce asked, eyes narrowed at the children before him. Clark was next to him trying once more to persuade Bruce that it was unnecessary to go after the kids like this.
The 'kids' in question were the assembly of three of his children, Clark's child and clone and a couple of their respected friends.
"Father, I do not know what you are talking about." Damian piped up offended and crossed his arms. Next to him Jon scratched the back of his head in mild confusion and Dani despite not knowing what was going on but still glaring in defiance at Bruce.
"If this is about our prank war it was definitely not necessary to interrogate our friends too." Tim added looking every bit like he would be somewhere else than here. Kon and Bart were with him. Kon looked rather unsure while Bart had gone and gotten himself popcorn for whatever was going to happen.
"Look old man, how was I supposed to know Replacement would trigger the glitter bomb inside the Batmobile. I already cleaned that up!" Jason put in his two cents, Roy eyeing the other with a raised eyebrow.
Bruce stared at them quietly, not saying a word as Clark continued to fuss next to him to not make it a big deal and that a deep clean would surely fix everything.
"It's not your prank war I am talking about. Alfred will deal with you about the chaos you caused." The three respected batkids swallowed audibly while their friends chuckled. "No, what I am asking is which one of you decided it was a good idea to dye Clark's hero suit and my cape pink."
"Wait, someone actually did that to Dad?!" Jon piped up wide eyed as Dani broke out laughing causing Damian to eye the ghost girl with narrowed eyes and suspicion.
"Who would…" Tim started but didn't finish as his mind came up with possible suspects. Kon on Bart next to him went onto their phones, trying to search up pictures of Superman in a pink hero suit.
Jason and Roy broke out laughing too, voicing their respect to whoever managed to do that.
Bruce's eye twitch at the children's reaction. He then proceeded to pull out an opened can of pink dye and placed it on the table in perfect view of everyone. "Do you recognise this? Jason? Tim?"
"WHY ME?!" They both cried out in protest and Bruce narrowed his eyes on the two. "Jason, your last prank on Tim involved a glitter bomb with pink dye, the Batmobile's seats are still strained pink. Tim, you dyed Damian's shirts pink a couple days ago at the beginning of your prank war."
"So it was you Drake! You are going to pay for this!"
"And I will do it again if you ever touch my laptop again, Demon Brat!"
"How does that even prove that one of us did it!"
"It doesn't!"
"Do you think there might be someone else that fell victim to the pink dye in the JL?"
"Why would someone even go after Clark? He has nothing to do with our prank war."
"Jason, my friend. You are indirectly admitting that you would dye Batman's cape pink."
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose as the children before him (he ignored that at least two of them were over 20, they were children period) started to argue among themselves while Damian's newest friend the Daughter of Phantom, who recently joined the Justice League Dark, was by now rolling on the ground laughing.
Not far from the interrogation Danny sat by a table next to Alfred snacking on some of the best cookies he had ever gotten to eat. He had originally come by to hang out with Tim, Kon and Bart but now he was threaded to some A+ entertainment, Dani was clearly enjoying.
"You recognize the can, don't you Mr. Daniel? I believe you accidentally left it behind in the cave." Danny side eyed the butler next to him and grinned into his next bite of a cookie. "Supes deserved it."
The man hummed and Danny smiled as he was offered another cookie. "I believe I know why but would you please elaborate on why Master Bruce also got targeted? I will most likely be the one who will have to wash out the cape."
The half ghost didn't say anything at first before shrugging. "Kon wasn't the only one who deserved some Justice for how he had been treated in the past. I know they get along now but still… a little pay back for past mistreatment wouldn't hurt anyone right?"
"Ah, so it was for Mr. Conner and Master Jason." The butler smiled in understanding, pushing over a box of take away cookies to Danny. "May I suggest that next time you seek out justice for the boy, that there are other -embarrassing- ways to achieve it."
Danny only gave the man a feral grin as he hopped off the chair with the box in hand. It was time to release the children of Bruce's interrogation. He would just put the blame on Constantine somehow, like a spell gone wrong instead of actual dye being the cause. The man owned him anyway since he had gotten most of his soul back aside from a couple of pieces he was still negotiating over in the Ghost Zone.
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kettlefire · 1 year
DP x DC Death Train edition
Bruce awoke with a start, eyes sweeping his surroundings to reveal a train. A train filled with three other members of the Justice league. All in civilian clothing.
Clark Kent. Barry Allen. Oliver Queen.
His first action was to attempt to wake the three heroes, all attempts failing miserably. Next order was try to figure out where they were and why.
The sight outside the windows was a deep, dark void. No light or shapes among the darkness. An ominious feeling grew stronger the longer he stared into the empty void.
He then worked to check the cargo holds above him. All of which were stuck shut and closed.
He quickly shifted his focus to the two doors on either side of the train cart. He had absolutely nothing on him that could be helpfully. Still dressed in the Pj pants and a shirt he had gone to bed in.
He moved to the one he thought might lead towards the front of the train. Giving a quick glance towards he's sleep comrades before making his choice.
The second cart was completely empty. The cargo hold was just as seal as the others.
He moved swiftly towards the next cart, softly cracking open the door and peering in.
This one wasn't empty.
Instead there stood a terrified man. Pale skin covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings. An impressive handle bar mustache paired with a bald head and leather jacket.
He wasn't the main focus though. Instead it was the shadow being that stood before him. The dark shape was humanoid, however it seemed to wisp and shift around the ends.
The being itself looked more ominous then terrifiying, but there seemed to be a recognition in the man's eyes.
"Please, please, I'm begging you! I'm sorry, if I had a choice I would never have done the things I did!"
The man's deep voice raised in octaves as the being took a step closer. He took a step back, pressing into the seat behind him.
Bruce barely refrain a flinch as a strange static noise left the being, seeming to echo in the empty air.
"No! No, that wasn't on me. You don't know the full story! Just hear me out, you'll understand, and-"
The man's pleas were cut short as the static sound filled the air again, this time louder. Sounding more hostile.
"No, she was asking for it! Please, look, I know what it looks like but-"
The being seemed to have enough of his pleas, pressing a dark, twisted hand onto the man's shoulder.
Bruce watched with wide eyes and baited breath as the man seemed to melt before his eyes. Screams filled the still area as the man's skin bubbled and dripped.
Starting at his legs and rising up with every second that passed. There was no flame. No reason for his skin to bubble and peel away from him.
In almost a blink an eye, the man was nothing more than a scorched puddle on the ground. Bruce quietly worked to move back into the prior cart, trying to close the small gap he made as quiet as possible.
The shadow being barely moved, but Bruce swore he felt eyes on him. It was looking straight at him. It knew he was there, there was no doubt in his mind.
Throwing caution to the wind, Bruce clicked the door closed and made a fast retreat back where he came.
Glancing over his shoulder to see nothing but the empty space. If that being wanted him dead, there was no doubt in his mind it wouldn't be hard to do.
Not in this state. Not when he had no clue what they were dealing with.
When he flung the door back to his original cart open, he almost ran straight into a sturdy chest.
Clark. He was awake. A quick glance around confirmed that everyone else was as well.
Bruce gave them a quick rundown of what he knew, shifting from Bruce Wayne billionaire to Bruce Wayne Justice League member.
After a brief debate on what to do, the team settled for moving the over way. The further from that thing they could get, the better their chances.
All hope relying on the being not being able to teleport between carts.
They catiously moved their way into the other carts. The others just as empty as the one he was in prior. Every cargo hold sealed shut, not even Superman's strength could pull them open.
Abilities didn't seem to work past the carts walls. Clark could only hear the heart beat of those around him, but nothing further passed the doors. X-ray vision was of no help, either.
It wasn't until their third cart that they ran into someone else. A shocked teenage boy staring back at them from the ground. Wide blue eyes and tossled black hair.
"You aren't supposed to be here." The teen mumbled, taking in the new crowd of four. "How-How did you get here?"
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snaileer · 1 year
Dare to Live (Part 1/2)
The first they see of the mysterious figure is barely a flicker above the battle. Only a few of them really spot it and the rest only see it due to footage from the bat plane.
Any other footage after it is the equivalent of child’s colorful finger-painting regarding the figure.
Superman doesn’t even pause to evaluate the flicker in his peripheral before he goes back to trying to push the newest alien ship away from Metropolis.
Why was it always Metropolis?
Why not St. Louis? Or, or Fountain, Mississippi? Or literally anywhere in Canada! He has nothing against Canada, he would just like to go farther than his city borders to stop an alien invasion, just once. For some variety, you know?
Just as Batman’s plan starts working, and they’ve finally got the mothership on the edge of Metropolis, Clark’s grip goes light.
For a moment, he panics, worried they have kryptonite or some shield or repelling ray, but when he’s still able to fly backwards he realizes that’s not possible.
Instead, he stares in awe at the figure stationed above them, above the heroes, the ship, all of it.
The man is large, at least as big as Clark, with one hand stretched out to the ship, and there’s just enough time for Clark to see a large skulled ring on the man’s hand before he swipes downwards and Clark watches as the entire mothership crashes downwards with it. Hull crushing inwards as if gravity itself has increased upon it.
Clark looks back up at the man, taking note of the large glowing green crown above his head, and the starry black cape that sways gently behind him despite the winds that sheer against Clark’s face. His hair flows gently as well, giving off the same glow as the crown, even though it shouldn’t be visible in the midday sun.
In fact, the man’s entire figure seems to glow, only getting brighter as he holds his arms out and streams of sickly green light seem to stream towards him from around the city, around the battle site, all absorbing into the man with a green flash.
Clark only spares a glance to Batman to get an affirming nod to check it out before he’s flying up to him, hesitance growing as he watches the figure survey the damage with eyes of pupiless green.
The figure smirkes as he approached, meeting him in the middle but saying nothing, only serving to increase the tension in the air around them.
When they were even, Clark chose to take the first step of diplomacy, “I am Superman, Protecter of Earth. Thank you for helping us, But..Who are you?”
The figure stared at him for a long time, eyes boring into his skull with an intensity not unlike Batman’s. The feeling of judgement being passed weighed down on his shoulders before, finally, they spoke,
“I am High King Phantom of the Infinite Realms of the Eighth Dimension,” Power radiated through his voice, “The Great One, Feller of the Tyrant Pariah Dark, Tamer of Vortex, Conquerer of My Future Now Past, Keeper of Death and Life, Wielder of the Ring of Rage, Bearer of the Crown of Fire and The One True Balance.”
Superman felt an icy grip around his heart as he took in everything those titles could mean. And if his experience with extra dimensional beings was anything to go by…
“You are well met, Superman, Protector of… Earth.”
The king seemed to hesitate on the planet, indicating maybe an unfamiliarity with it, but then why would he be here?
Superman composed himself, remembering the diplomatic training of the league, “And.. Your Majesty is here because…?” Words seemed to escape him as he stared into those eyes.
Silence reigned between them again, tense and still, not even the king’s cape seemed to move anymore until the his voice broke it.
“You will find out all in due time, Superman of Earth,” He paused and glanced around them, eyes suddenly clarifying to just two Lazarus green irises, “But for now, I am here simply to observe.”
Without pausing, the king began to fly down to where Clark could see the other heroes congregating.
Superman followed just in time for Batman to step forward and ask him for an introduction and more importantly, information.
Clark jumped in to avoid the amalgam of ominous titles, simply saying, “Batman, this is King Phantom of the Eighth Dimension. He’s.. visiting?”
Batman raised a patented bat glare at him, “Eighth dimension, is that at all related to your troubles with a certain fifth dimensional imp?”
That’s exactly what he’d thought but by Rao he hoped not. Just as he was about to reply though, King Phantom cut in with a flare of his glow.
“Watch your tongue, Man of Bats, accuse me of being a fifth dimensional pest again and we shall see how long you last in no dimensions at all,” the king paused to look down at him, “Mortal.”
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dyinggirldied · 1 year
danny fenton: superbat’s illegitimate son conspiracy
Danny, who is so bad at hiding his powers (flying, super strength, glowing beams, etc) and looks like Bruce when he was a child.
Everyone else: Danny, are you secretly Bruce and Clark’s illegitimate son?
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goddessofbees3600 · 27 days
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@i-steal-bones based off of this post
Artemus is just Match that I gave a name for legal reasons, they all clones
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vyheris · 2 months
DPXDC Prompt #6
When Danny decides to explore the many doors leading to alternate dimensions in the Infinite Realms, he did in fact consider that he may run into an alternate version of himself. What he failed to consider was that his alternate self may be a little more recognizable than he anticipated.
Have your pick as to which of the bats or supers Danny just so happens to looks identical to ^^
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noctidoodles · 4 months
John Constantine sighed as he made his way to the JL meeting room . He had stopped in front of the door when a shiver ran up and down his spin and he felt breathless. He felt such a heavy force the felt like he was being crushed, almost like he was drowning. he glanced around the hallways unsure if a powerful demon was sneaking up behind him or not before he shook his head and took a deep breath before opening the door. He steps in and sees the team had already taken their seats and batman stood at the front of the table. The feeling intensified and John froze again.
"Bloody hell! It feels like death in here!" He hissed glaring towards batman. He heard a small gasp  and a small head poked its way from next to where superman was seated
"Take that back!" A white glowing haired child said appalled pointing a finger at him
"What the fuck? Are we babysitters now too?" John rubbed a hand over his face, today was really not his day and he just wanted to get drunk already back in the house of mystery
"Take it back john" batman said shortly after, not looking up from a tablet he was holding. The flash stiffled a giggle and wonder women folded her arms
"What? Your not being for real right now bats?" John said reaching for a seat and sitting in it heavily as the feeling in the room didn't ease up
"It feels like damn death in here! You lot can't tell me you don't feel it!" John said glancing at every team member, the boy had sat back in his seat sheepishly hidden behind supermans massive form again
"It's a sensitive topic at the moment" superman said with a small smile as he seemed to move to pat the boys head
John groaned, so ready to go home.
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