#Buffy's last love
liam-summers · 2 months
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Bangel + Taking a Stroll 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻
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juicysnoop · 7 months
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watched like 7 seasons of buffy in half a month something is wrong with me anyway ... him
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julykings · 9 months
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by candlelight
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lucy-moderatz · 3 months
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mycatismyfriend · 6 months
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You beat up Willy? Sure! Well, actually, let's just say I applied some pressure. Or more accurately, that I asked politely, and then, uh... - BTVS | 3x17 "Enemies"
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theseventhveil1945 · 2 years
it’s insane to me how little sympathy nancy gets wrt to s2. like she was dealing with the guilt of feeling like barb’s death was her fault and being 17; struggled to relay how much it was killing her to steve who, when she did try to express these feelings, told her to keep her head down and pretend. so she gets drunk and lashes out, blows up the relationship, and gets involved with someone who she feels like does understand her. yes it was messy and she did break steve’s heart but like? so what. i don’t want to watch a female character whose main concern is whether or not she’s hurting some dude’s feelings
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the i believe in you spike speech i am not crying you are but also the you are a better man you may not see it but i do... i do (the voice as she repeated i do my heart can't do this) i love s7 spuffy
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tsnbrainrot · 1 year
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if it's my last chance to say it
power politics, margaret atwood | your love finds its way back, sierra demulder | deathbed confession, wikipedia | the papa & mama dance, anne sexton | 7x22: chosen, buffy the vampire slayer | lighthousekeeping, jeanette winterson | 2x13: doomsday, doctor who | bob newhart | 5x13: the diamond of the day part 2, merlin | merlin series 5 commentary, katie mcgrath & julian murphy | 5x13: the diamond of the day part 2, merlin | forever - charli xcx | 15x18: despair, supernatural | call me by your name script, james ivory | 15x18: despair, supernatural | everything grows, aimee herman | 15x18: despair, supernatural | invisible planets, hao jingfang
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Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer Special: Buffy making fun of Spike’s pants -> Buffy wearing what I’m like 95% sure are Spike’s pants
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greensaplinggrace · 7 days
people in the btvs fandom will act like angel was buffy's one eternal true best love and nothing else compares like ok can we stop with the heteronormative allonormative completely jilted monogomous take on love for like two seconds... different forms of love exist at different strengths and none of those loves are the lesser for it. calm down
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l0veisntbrains · 9 months
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my favorite married couple
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reuptakeinhibitor · 5 months
i love stobin working retail jobs and sharing a resume so much but consider this. steve follows robin to bloomington, indianapolis, west lafayette, wherever she decides to go and they get a little apartment. maybe they decide to go out of state but i think they stay in the midwest. then st takes a page from buffy and steve works construction while robin goes to school.
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I know this has been talked about a lot but just been thinking about how Something Blue is like a fanfic writer going “haha what if I shipped this wouldn’t it be wild jk” and then it spiralling wildly out of control. It is a crack ship eventually treated seriously and I find that hilarious. 
And also just, how does the Will Be Done spell even work. The parameters. I’ve been thinking about it, and Willow only said “why doesn’t she just go marry him” (or something to that effect) not “why don’t they fall hopelessly in love with each other and get married.” They could’ve easily had it where they both maintained their enemy dynamic and been very confused and angry the entire way to getting a marriage certificate, and I think it’s that the concept of marriage and the action of it have to align with the person’s internal logic in some way. Buffy does not believe she will get married, she is the Slayer, she can fantasize but she will most likely die young. So marriage in her head is a Big Fantasy Thing that should only be done if you are Truly In Love and it must require all the wedding planning and the beautiful white dress and all the bells and whistles because the improbability of it happening just fuels the abstract fantasy. She comes across as So Happy and it’s the happiest she’s ever been because on some level she cannot imagine herself being that happy and she cannot imagine a wedding without being that happy, so it’s designated into this little Buffy Fantasy Box Scenario. 
And Spike has loved Dru for a hundred years and never needed a wedding or marriage because that is a Human Concept that he probably also fantasized about as a human but hasn’t really thought of since (and has probably had to abandon). Their love doesn’t need a silly paper, they are having a wedding everyday, they celebrate their love everyday, it’s about the constant displays of devotion. So in this made up marriage scenario, Spike can only imagine himself as initiating a proposal if he is In Love and Devoted (and probably secretly wishes he and Dru did have some kind of wedding but would never admit that. Thinking about Angelus telling him: “you can take what you want, have what you want, but nothing is yours. Not even her [dru].”)
Basically, Spike and Buffy as they are would only consider marriage if they are truly in love with someone and they both have a little tentatively abstract Wedding Fantasy that lives rent free in their brains that they would never admit exists there in the first place. And it’s why both of them act like a CoupleTM and do all the Wedding Planning ThingsTM because that’s what a wedding should be, right? 
They shouldn’t be a Thing [couple/in love] and yet they are meeting each other halfway in indulging this Thing [wedding/marriage/”normal” life] that can never be.  
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skwangly-fingers · 5 months
Tobey and Becky from WordGirl have the same dynamic vibes as Spike and Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Discuss
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petpluto · 1 year
I’m thinking about the Kennedy discourse, and I think along with the racism toward her, she’s harmed in the narrative by the fact that no one dates casually?
Buffy has Epic Loves (and Riley).
Xander has Tragic Loves.
Willow has Enduring Loves.
Giles has One Love.
And none of them ever just… date someone without that person being obviously meant for Long Term Romance. Even when it’s a Riley relationship, it ends with a run to a helicopter. No one dates just to see where it goes. No one dates casually. No one even breaks up amicably. Buffy and Angel come the closest. Buffy and Angel come the closest to an amicable break up, and that happened in a sewer before senior prom. (Unless you count Willow and Oz in New Moon Rising, but their break up really happens in Wild at Heart).
So here’s this girl who calls *herself* a brat, and she’s coming in on the heels of Tara. And instead of being able to say, “okay, where is this going?”, the audience immediately recoils because she isn’t good enough to be one of Willow’s Great Loves. When one, why not and two, who said she had to be?
These people (aside from Giles) are in their early 20s. You know how many people I know who are still with the person they were dating in their early 20s? It’s me and my husband, and 2 other couples. I’m not saying it’s impossible for Kennedy and Willow to make it, but I am saying that it’s cool if Willow (or Kennedy) wants to have a fun sex filled relationship without the pressure of forever attached to it.
Kennedy saw a cute girl and went for it. And Willow can mourn Tara and still get some (and still love Tara while loving someone else - what she said about Oz applies here too). She may always be longing a bit for a life where Tara didn’t die - but if Kennedy is good with dating someone who is essentially a widow, we should be good with Willow dating while a widow.
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gh-0-stcup · 8 months
One of the worst things about season 7 is Buffy saying she'd kill Dawn if she had to make that choice now.
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