acti-veg · 13 days
It is just so funny to me to see popular posts making fun of climate change deniers, alongside similarly popular anti-vegan posts engaging in the kind of denialism that would make a flat-earther blush. But who needs a source when you have confirmation bias?
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jhoumous · 2 months
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Emotional people are attacking me
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ginstermoff · 8 months
Super unpopular opinion but I actually think it's veganism and lab-grown meat. I may not like it, but there's probably always gonna be people who want to eat animal flesh and if we can find a way that's at least somewhat better than what's currently going on we gotta take it.
Again, personally? No, thanks. Ethics and stuff. But it may be the more realistic option in the long run.
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oediex · 2 years
Saw this reblog on a vegan post recently that said
"hot take, I don't think eating animals is immoral"
and I just thought: darling, that's not a hot take. That's the status quo
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thatveganwhiterose · 2 years
Only on tumblr dot com can “leftists” who claim to care about minorities viciously attack users for simply bringing up veganism in any capacity, ignore their lived experiences and identities, and then scream that they are racist.
Anti-vegans literally embody right-wing reactionary actions and talking points as soon as veganism or animal rights is brought up in any capacity.
Even the “leftists”.
You guys aren’t cute or original or funny. You are literally doing damage to a movement whose goal is to reduce harm as much and as practically as possible.
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maklodes · 2 months
I've seen @aksemmi talking about being disturbed by all the Dungeon Meshi stuff and for the most part I'm pretty indifferent to it, but then I see that someone has actually made a recipe-cum-TTRPG called "How to Cook Your Mortal Enemy" in which the narrative is that you've slain some mortal enemy and are now eating the body, but the gameplay is that you're literally cooking and eating a chicken.
So, like, I think I see where she's coming from more now.
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estraven-ai-2022 · 7 months
Wayne Hsiung has been convicted of felony trespass by a court that barred him from including any evidence of ongoing animal cruelty within Sunrise Farms, one of the US's largest egg suppliers. Reports from government investigators showed inhumane conditions, cannibalizing, and chickens that were rotting alive. None of this was allowed to be included in his defense.
Wayne is the founder of the Simple Heart Initiative, you can read more his conviction and what you can do to support him jail while he awaits sentencing there
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theonlinevegan · 10 months
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vegandude72 · 8 months
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zenosanalytic · 1 year
If you've ever wondered why meat-eating is so ideologically important to US Conservatives, watch this new essay by Atun-Shei films. Some truly wonderful research into the intellectual history of fascist carnivorism here, and much more besides.
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acti-veg · 7 months
something interesting about people arguing that boycotting mcdonalds is really easy and how you don't need mcdonalds is that these are the same people that argue that being able to buy mcdonalds meals is necessary for the survival of poor people. like I regularly see people argue that their dollar menu is cheap and makes it possible for poor folk to eat 'well'. so like if that was true (which, lets be honest, the people arguing this have never been poor a day in their lives are you kidding me I couldn't afford to spend a dollar on only 6 nuggets that's not even a full meal and has limited nutritional value. I would rather spend a dollar on a pack of pasta and at least get multiple meals out of it. but that's besides the point) then trying to tell people that they are being selfish if they can't afford to eat something other than mcdonalds (again, we know that mcdonalds is not the poor persons paradise they want us to think it is but I'm using their logic) is so messed up. shaming people who (by their own arguments) cannot afford to eat anything else for not giving up their (theoretical) only source of food.
the contradiction of their world views is so confusing like they are out here arguing that vegans are classist for demanding people give up mcdonalds for the sake of others then turning around and doing the same thing. I'm all for voting with my money but unlike these people I actually apply it to all aspects of my beliefs and activism not just when it's convenient for me/my message damn.
I've been doing this for a long time but it is still quite jarring to see this play out, over the past few weeks especially. The sudden widespread acknowledgement of the power of boycott, the rapid development in understanding of what it's aims are, and the frankly miraculous sudden realisation that asking someone to boycott a brand to the extent that they're able to is not actually classist, or racist, or whatever else they've decided boycotting animal products is for the last decade of discourse.
I am also depressingly certain that as soon as the current boycotts leave the media cycle and people stop talking about them, they'll go right back to 'no ethical consumption under capitalism tho' and insisting that individual purchase decisions or collective boycotts don't make any difference.
This is something we should be used to, we have all observed the fact that people (and especially leftists) don't apply their existing logic or values to animal agriculture. So much of it really is just talk, because as soon as you ask someone to examine their own beliefs and how they themselves may be contributing to worker exploitation, animal exploitation and environmental destruction, they slip about six grades in basic comprehension and go back to spewing rhetoric that they themselves would laugh at in any other context.
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jhoumous · 2 months
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Whatever you eat ...
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 2 months
Where the fuck are all the animal rights activists and vegans in the genocide Israel is commiting?
Where the fuck are all your 'exposed' posts on the war crimes?
Where are your posts advocating for human rights and a ceasefire in Gaza?
And even if you don't want to acknowledge the human lives being lost in this genocide, its not just humans living in Gaza, there are dogs and cats and birds and horses and donkeys and cattle, yet instead of advocating for any life to be protected in Gaza you're choosing to whine about the "carnists".
Israel isn't just killing human animal lives either, they are destroying the environment in Gaza as well, do you think all those bombs being dropped aren't going to have an impact on the environment? You think all the tanks and planes and drones and helicopters and ships that Israel is using are eco friendly? You think they aren't contributing to the climate crisis? Do you think Israel cares about the environmental impact of their genocide?
Why the actual fuck are almost all of you so silent?
I don't care what your reasons for opposing Israel are at this point (unless its purely racism/antisemitism), I just want more people to be talking about it and putting more pressure on everyone to do something about the genocide. I need to people to care, I need yall ARAs and vegans to actually do something that benefits EVERYONE for once.
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offscreendeath · 11 months
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oediex · 4 months
We often assume that only vegetarians and vegans bring their values to the dinner table. People may ask people why they are vegetarian and what they won't eat and accommodate them accordingly. (...) However, it's not only vegans that display their values with their food choices. Most meat eaters eat pigs or cows but not dogs, and this is purely because they have a belief system when it comes to eating animals. As Melanie Joy says, "When eating animals is not a necessity, which is the case for many people in the world today, then it is a choice - and choices always stem from beliefs". The belief system about eating animals is called "Carnism".
Clare Mann, Vystopia: the anguish of being vegan in a non-vegan world, 2018, p. 16 (my emphasis)
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thatveganwhiterose · 2 years
Anti-vegans are cowards.
They post in the vegan tag on a public website and then when they are called out for their dipshit takes, they cry and scream and block instead of “owning” those criticizing them despite claiming vegans are “too stupid” to do so.
They are especially cowardly little shits when the marginalized groups they were putting on a pedestal to use against veganism and animal rights (or other social justice issues like climate change, human rights, the environment, politics, etc.) come out of the woodwork to educate and/or criticize them.
They then proceed to ignore, argue with, block, berate, or *accuse those people of not being part of the groups that they are*. Because it’s so much easier to sweep them under the rug then to have hard and nuanced conversations or takes.
These people have fake morals, fake ethics, and are fake leftists.
We see you. We see your bullshit. It isn’t edgy, or cute, or funny. It’s misinformation just like that of right-wing conservatives. It makes y’all sellouts and grifters.
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