#Carol took Captain Marvel Monica should take Valkyrie
craperonipizza · 3 years
✨MCU women (with powers) that should top me✨:
• a.k.a reasons why I may NOT be asexual. Also my critical thinking brain does aknowledge that women should not be viewed as objects and should be respected. But monkey brain like hot woman who could and probably would kill me
1. Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)
I am not above admitting that I do in fact see her hand movements and think.
She's also just fucking gorgeous. The color scheme? Everything is 👌😍
Me, banging on Westviews' border: LET ME IN. LET ME INNNN-
Seriously Wanda I'm sexy and good with kids I'm better than Vision I'm not a robot <3 I'm a warm human and pretty sure I'm immortal at this point
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2. Photon (Monica Rambeau)
I loved her even BEFORE she got her powers seriously
Her telling off Hayward??? Damn girl hell YEAH
She just took Woo's gun in that one scene and then beat up some S.W.O.R.D agents and <3333
Smart and strong as hell I'm whipped.
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3. Valkyrie (Brunnhilde)
She. Muscles hhhhhhhh
QUEEN of Asgard 😌😌😌 and my heart
Yes I AM jealous of Loki because she slammed him against a wall
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4. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
I fucking love her suit
Her attitude is amazing I love it she takes no shit and is funny and beautiful <3
Ma'am PLEASE blast me into next week
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Not actually MCU but she is ON MY LIST:
5. Psylocke (idk her actual name or much about her in general I just know she's badass and hawt) from X-Men: Apocalypse
The 👏 color 👏 scheme 👏
Also her suit is 👌👌👌
Hot DAMN her fucking mutation is badass
Literally everything like hhdjjfjfhhh brain go brrrrr 😍😍😍😍😍
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Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Yes, I will be making another post for non-powered women. ❤️
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Hypothetical story outline and casting for Captain Marvel 2
The year is 2001, six years after the events of the first movie. With the help of Carol Danvers, the Skrulls have found a new home world. But just because they have a home doesn’t mean they’ve found peace. The Kree Empire is still hellbent on eradicating the Skrulls once and for all. Despite Carol’s best efforts, the Kree remain headstrong in their goals. 
One day, the disgraced Yon-Rogg arrives on the Skrull homeworld and is arrested immediately. Carol asks what he’s doing and Yon-Rogg says that he comes in peace. He says that he came to the Skrulls to find Carol in order to ask for her help. 
Carol laughs him off and says she’s not interested. Yon-Rogg says that if she doesn’t help him, Hala will be destroyed by “her”. Carol asks who he’s talking about and Yon-Rogg says, “you weren’t the only one we brought back from C-53″.
We learn through a flashback that there was a backup Tesseract power source developed by Mar-Vell, in case the Lightspeed Engine failed. This was much smaller and packed into a small gem which she called the “moonstone”. A few weeks after Carol was brought to Hala, disturbed psychologist Karla Sofen found the moonstone and unintentionally absorbed its energy. In the process, she became just as powerful as Carol, but the energy drove her even madder than she was before.
Like Carol, as soon as the Kree traced her power signatures, they brought her back to Hala. However, they could not control her, resulting in Karla breaking out and wreaking havok on the Kree. Yon-Rogg’s crew was then ordered to kill Karla and in the ensuing battle, they thought they killed her. 
But Karla wasn’t dead and now, a decade after she went missing, she’s come back, somehow even crazier than before and wanting vengeance on the Kree. Despite her reservations, Carol agrees to help when Yon-Rogg says that after Karla destroys Hala, she will destroy everything else in her way.
That’s the basic premise of the movie; Carol and the Skrulls form a shaky alliance with the Kree in order to stop Karla Sofen / Moonstone from destroying everything around her. While Carol fights her equal, she must also figure out a way to get the Kree and the Skrull to work together for the greater good. 
(tried to go for as complete of a cast as I can possibly do. Obviously, a real life movie would have a lot more roles cast)
1) Brie Larson as Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
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2) Ben Mendelsohn as Talos (Ben gets an upgrade here since he’s Carol’s new travel buddy, like how Nick Fury was in the first movie)
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3) Jude Law as Yon-Rogg (while Jude was the main villain of the first movie, here, he’s more of an anti-villain. Still a bad guy but reluctantly on the heroes side) 
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4) Michael Rooker as Yondu Udonta (Yondu appears as an ally to the Skrull who opposes Kree rule due to his past)
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5) Emma Stone as Karla Sofen / Moonstone (the main villain of the movie)
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6) Rowan Blanchard as Talos’ daughter (it’s been six years, his daughter should be around Rowan’s age) 
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7) Liam Hemsworth as Genis-Vell (Mar-Vell’s estranged son who comes to the Skrull homeworld seeking Carol since Carol was the last person to see his mother alive)
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8) Javier Bardem as Kl’rt, the Super Skrull (the secondary villain of the movie. He’s a Skrull leader who opposes the idea of working with the Kree and suggests letting Moonstone burn Hala to the ground. He’s also Talos’ nemesis)
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9) Kerry Washington as a Kree commander who took over Yon-Rogg’s spot after he was defeated by Carol. Appears in the movie as Yon-Rogg’s new boss (so we get a role reversal, where it’s Yon-Rogg being ordered around).  
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10) Sylvester Stallone as Stakar Ogord (in the timeline, Stakar is still Yondu’s captain at this point, so he appears as the head of the faction Yondu is in)
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11) Cara Buono as Karla Sofen’s mother (she appears in hallucinations that only Karla can see. We learn that Karla murdered her mother, which is the only murder she ever felt guilt over, hence the hallucinations) 
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12) Chad Coleman as another major Skrull leader who supports Talos’ leadership but is mixed on the idea of working with Captain Marvel and the Kree. The internal feud between the Skrull leaders is a major subplot of the movie.
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13) Peter Serafinowicz makes a cameo appearance as Denarian Garthan Saal (going by GotG, the Kree also had a war with the Nova Empire around this time, so it makes sense to have someone from the Nova Corps appear, even if it’s a short appearance) 
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14) Lashana Lynch and Akira Akbar briefly appear as Maria and Monica Rambeau (since I pictured this movie taking place entirely in space, Maria and Monica can only appear in flashbacks, hence why their appearance here is only brief) 
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15) Tessa Thompson makes a minor appearance as Valkyrie (I pictured the opening scene to be on Sakaar, with Valkyrie helping Carol save some Skrull refugees from Kree forces. After the battle, Valkyrie asks Carol to stay on Sakaar but Carol says she has to leave to help the Skrulls) 
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