#Cold Lazarus
justplainmels · 2 years
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1.06 | Cold Lazarus
science twins 🤓
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate SG-1 "Cold Lazarus" & Stargate Atlantis "Doppleganger"
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sun-lit-roses · 2 years
Cold Lazarus
I’ve been warned this one will put me through the wringer (thanks @tabbyofwisdom!), so I’ve gathered my emotional support kitties on the couch. I’m ready to go - Season 1, Episode 7:
New planet!
It's very... yellow.
Are the bright blue bits supposed to be tents?
Nope, crystals! Very pretty. And I possibly need to update my eye prescription.
They're going to be evil crystals, aren't they.
Uh oh Jack found All The Crystals.
Is it watching him?
Whoa! Heck of a defense mechanism.
Is he having an out of body experience?
No wait, that's another him! A copy? A clone? A shapeshifter? So many disturbing possibilities.
Wait how's Real!Jack going to get back?!
I guess he could just dial too, surely the whole team knows the codes. That'll cause some confusion.
Fake!Jack isn't doing great at not acting like it's his first time on the base. Unless he always comes back, stops on the ramp, and stares at everything in confusion.
So does Jack always just wander around the room during a briefing and not contribute? Cause everyone seems pretty okay with it.
How'd he know Jack's locker combo? How much info does he have?
Hm, not so much that he isn't snooping through this pencil box.
Is he having flashbacks? I guess not exactly, since he isn’t really Jack. Flashes of Jack’s memories?
Men and women share a locker room, they just have different shifts for it? That seems less efficient than just having two locker rooms.
Sam has moved from subtly trying to get him to leave straight through to giving up over the course of about two minutes 😂
Oof. Even forewarned, that’s a heavy bombshell to hear. Poor Jack, loses his son and then his wife.
Rifling through family photos, blowing off Teal’c, he’s not doing great at this ‘keeping a cover’ thing.
Not an EM field! That’s never good in scifi.
I can’t keep hopping back between wacky alien mystery and shattering personal facts. I’m getting whiplash.
Losing his son is terrible enough - Jack knowing it was his own gun? That must have been devastating.
I’m willing to bet the crystal was cut with a weapon, deliberately, because these things are dangerous!
How did Fake!Jack find this house with just a photo?
I can only watch this by peering through my fingers. We’re just not going to talk about the traumatic parts of this episode, ‘k?
Oh no, Teal’c, don’t learn about the Earth from cable news! That is a good way to assume the world’s about to implode.
Him plugging one ear to escape the rock music was funny though 😂
These two seem like they’re Up To Something. But they’re cute when they’re Sciencing!
Oh no, back to Jack.
‘You received permission?’ ‘Oh yeah.’ Those little shits 🤣 I knew they were up to something! When Real!Jack gets back he’s going to have to lay down some Sciencing Rules.
I guess they’re called ‘staff weapons’ not ‘fire sticks.’
I’m probably still going to call them fire sticks, to be honest.
Even the Gou’ald don’t like them! Although that makes me wonder if I’m being too harsh on the crystals. I mean, they did make Fake!Jack, but maybe there’s a good reason??
Or the Gou’ald could be right about some things, if I have to accept that, I SUPPOSE.
Oh no, Fake!Jack is talking to the Real Wife.
Daniel has the correct and right response to a crystal suddenly growing a face.
Sam and Teal’c at the embodiment of ‘....y’okay, dude?’ at this moment.
Hm, it’s asking for help. Albeit very creepily. Maybe the Gou’ald are evil and were trying to wipe out an entire alien civilization of shiny blue crystals! That would track. And I wouldn’t have to believe that the Gou’ald are right about anything!
REAL!JACK !!! He survived! And he’s coming back! Which is probably going to create a lot of confusion.
Yeah, that’s a whole lot of confusion going on.
Wait, does he not remember??
If so, I can’t imagine his thought process waking up on an alien planet to find out his entire team apparently just left him behind unconscious and went back to Earth.
Hey, it’s our old pal the jail cell set!
Meanwhile, back on Planet Angst.
Oh shoot! Strobe!Jack probably wasn’t supposed to happen.
I’m not sure a normal hospital is really going to be equipped to deal with this.
Yep, it was the Gou’ald! Aw, the crystal people were just trying to welcome visitors and they were murdered because of it.
SG-1 to the rescue! Glad they found out about the Fake!Jack in the hospital thing before they started running all over town.
Love that the plan to hide Teal’c is a baseball cap 😂 He and Spock should share tips.
Oh no, Strobe!Jack again!
That poor woman has to be so confused with multiple Jacks running around.
Ouch. Radioactive aliens are a real pain in the neck.
It was trying to heal his heart 😭
OKay, we’re going to save the incredibly sweet alien, right guys?? RIght?!
...I’m not sure seeing her dead son is going to be of help to Sara.
Don’t mind me. Just over here sobbing.
I liked Sara a whole lot, just for the record. Though I suspect she probably won’t be a regular on the show.
Yay, the alien is going to be okay!
Rating: 🔘🔘🔘🔘
4/5 Gates This was a tough one to get through - I definitely watched it over the space of a couple of days, but it was good! Solid story beats, Jack’s background is fleshed out, the rest of the team has some good comedic bits. The whiplash between the drama and the Sciencing was a bit rough in the middle, but I’m not ruling out that this was intentional to highlight the emotional weight of Jack’s history or maybe break up the heaviness a little. Here’s hoping the next episode is more of a fun romp! Can we just shoot the fire stick a little more, guys?
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rjdent · 2 years
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My latest short story, Buying a Leather Jacket from Doctor Watson from the 24th Century is now available to read here: https://www.booksie.com/posting/r-j-dent/buying-a-leather-jacket-from-doctor-watson-from-the-24th-century-680821
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skunkes · 5 months
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almost fell asleep on my parents bed in front of the heater after coming back in from the cold so i drew talon doing the same
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dannyphannypack · 14 days
i’m curious how fic ideas come to other people because they usually come to me in still images that i have to then build a plot around. i think my brain was built for me to be an artist and i said no fuck you and became a writer instead
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liv-ask-tians · 6 months
Welcome to the Livastia Universe, meet the muses!
Kelly Segal
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A war veteran and an equal rights activist in his youth, a multi-linguist, a husband, a woodworker, a doctor of many fields for both the living and mechanical, this guy is probably one of the most interesting MAI alive. His eagerness to try new things and his generally soft-spoken nature make him quite easy to approach.
Aristophanes Freling
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It's hard to best whatever Kelly has going on, but Ari is on pretty equal footing. With a ID of TG1-0001-0, he was the first Livastian Military AI ever produced. He left the war as a Major General, got arrested a few times for his activism alingside his wife, and in the present day works as a prosthetics engineer for both humans and LAI. Might be a little tired of it all, but he knows what he's about.
Lazarus Sasaki
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Another pioneer of his clade, Lazarus was the first X-Class intelligence ever made, and operates as the head representative of the Livastian Alliance. Kelly and Ari were activists, and Lazarus was the one to heed their calls and orchestrate drastic change among all reaches of the alliance and the world beyond. Being an X-Class Intelligence, it also means that this guy is vastly larger and more advanced than most, with his walking body being little more than a puppet to interface with people.
Paris Amspoker
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Youngest of the bunch is Paris, a spry little guy 17 years of age taking up an art conservator's apprenticeship in France. This is a little funny; having a French name despite having been raised in the Northeastern US. To put it frankly... he's a little stuck up. Not in an asshole kind of way, but Nothing bad happens to him Ever, and he absolutely revels in it.
There's plenty more characters that have the possibility of showing up for interactions and questions on this blog, but these four are the primary figureheads! If you're familiar with the world and want to ask questions to other characters, you're more than welcome to.
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misskattylashes · 10 months
Controversial conspiracy theory
Princess Alex is told 'no your husband can't play Glastonbury, it's too high profile and your fake girlfriend is going to be side-stage, it'll be too weird'
Princess throws a strop, even though the powers that be have agreed for his husband to appear at the last London show.
Princess is a heavy smoker, and like most smokers, he gets sore throats. Princess thinks he can use this to his advantage. 'ooh we can say I have acute laryingitis so I can't do the Dublin gig, maybe I can get them to agree for us to do four smaller gigs in Dublin and Belfast, then hubby can join me and we can go home together afterwards'
Princess gets his own way and lo and behold, even though most people take at least a fortnight to get their voices back after laryingitis, the Princess goes on stage at Glastonbury that Friday with a perfectly recovered voice.
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hakuryuu · 4 months
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my boy and all his scars
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justplainmels · 1 year
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1.06 | Cold Lazarus
“Let me put it nicely…get me the hell out of here!”
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jadelotusflower · 8 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x06 Cold Lazarus
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It’s crystal doppelgänger time!
We have abandoned the helmets entirely, now Jack in his cap is the only one with headgear.
Jack’s locker is next to Ferretti’s, do we assume he took over command of SG-2 when Kawalsky died?
In Jack's Van Dyck cigar box o' secrets: a b&w photo of two kids, his wedding ring, a culturally incorporate coin pouch, a picture of Jack with what we can assume is his mother, Jack in military getup, and lots of pics of Charlie at different ages.
Ok we get a timeline clue - Sam says she’s known Jack for “months”.
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Oh hey, there’s a female scientist in the lab! Who talks to Sam! Is this the show’s first official pass of the Bechdel test? Okay Daniel is technically present, but the exchange is with Sam about EM fields. Checking the cast list she’s only credited as “laboratory assistant” but I’m going to go ahead and say it counts.
Poor Teal’c’s room is so sparse, and the way he reacts to the tv indicates that it’s new.
Teal'c: "You received permission for me to fire my staff weapon in the gateroom?" Sam: "Oh Yeah." Daniel: "Absolutely!" Hee.
Sam and Daniel are really paired up a lot in these early episodes, not only doing their science twin thing, but for the character moments.
Daniel is wearing surgical gloves to examine the crystal, seems prudent.
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I don’t ship Jack/Sam, but I am amused by the physical resemblance between her and Sara. This is a cute outfit too.
You may remember Harley Jane Kozak as Susan (with the bulimia) in Parenthood or Helen (Harry’s ex) in When Harry Met Sally. She’s really great as Sara, she and RDA have a nice chemistry and sense of history and there's a palpable difference in her interactions with crystal!Jack here and real!Jack later.
“Holly Hannah!” Hee, I love Sam.
Teal’c rattles off the sports teams of Chicago - guess he was doing a lot of reading before he got that tv. Jack tells him not to forget the Cubs - earlier we saw a photograph of Charlie in a Cubs shirt so that’s a nice touch.
“I did not understand your injury.” This whole scene hits me, I feel so bad for poor crystal!Jack, just trying to make things right.
Sara is going to need a boatload of therapy after this. I know they intended this episode as closure to Jack/Sara and his grief over Charlie, but I would have liked to have seen her again.
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I hope they sent the other crystal back too!
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starlooove · 7 months
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the-dance-of-italy · 1 year
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WIP sketch of Yeshua n Eleazar just hanging out definitely not on a date 👀
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theart-dragon · 1 year
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It toke three tries but I think I finally am happy with Lazarus design. Only the colors may need work.
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saturnisfallingdown · 9 months
im soooo sick. castielllelllllllll
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The Smell of Home
Damian had noticed the new student in his school.
Not because he was new or how he looked
no, not any of the usual reasons someone would grab peoples attention.
Weirdly enough it was his scent, which was really weird. He usually didn't take notice of how people smell besides the usual just like anyone else.
But something about the smell that seemed to emanate from this new student who he had learned his name was Danny Fenton, just would not leave his mind.
He knew the smell but couldn't remember from where and it was just at the tip of his tongue, it was driving him crazy.
His family seemed to notice him become more irritable from usual.
But not around Fenton, he seemed to unconsciously calm down in his presence, which just made him suspicious and more irritated.
It wasn't until he woke up from a dream of memories from when he was little and still living with his mom that he realized what he was smelling.
The Lazarus Pits.
He grew up with that smell, it used to hang around the entire area and buildings.
He hadn't realized how long it had been since he had smelled it
He unconsciously related it to the smell of his childhood home.
But why would this random boy give off that very same odor?
Some investigating needed to be done.
Danny had noticed one of his classmates a boy he learned was called Damian seemed to act ...odd?
But only around him it seemed
With everyone else he was normal if a bit cold.
He would seem to relax an then suddenly tense up and send him a suspicious glare.
Also he was pretty sure that the boy seemed to be sniffing him?
Did he smell bad or something?
Why was he the only one who he seemed to act weird with.
Oh God, maybe he thought the smell of ecto was weird?
But that's not something he could control and most people never even seemed to notice the smell of ecto he produced since he became a halfa.
Damian glaring at Danny every time he realizes he's relaxed
Danny: "What did I do!?"
Batfam notices Damian being extra grouchy :" Ah, he's going through his rebellious phase"
Danny: "Did you just sniff mE!"
Damian: *scoff* "Don't be absurd"
Damian stealing Danny's clothes to analyze
Danny: " Who keeps taking my stuff?!"
Batfam: "Damian we know you're growing and experiencing new things, but stealing the things especially clothes from your crush is crossing boundaries"
Damian: "This is a misunderstanding, I don't have a crush on anyone!"
Bruce: "Son I think it's time I give you 'The Talk TM', I have an entire slideshow and docume-"
Damian: "This family is a nightmare!"
Just an Idea
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