#D-> I try and avoid thinking about the latter half
conservedlythunderous · 10 months
Surprised you dislike humans since they can produce milk
D-> I have never said I disliked them.
D-> Only that I do not know what to make of them. And have had little contact with them.
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chaerybae · 4 months
take a picture now – shin yuna of itzy 𓆩❤𓆪
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synopsis: after you requested a room change, you were put in the last available dorm. just one problem... you can't figure out your new roommate. does she want to be close to you? or does she want to vaporize you on the spot?
cast: yuna, ryujin of itzy, haewon of nmixx, lily of nmixx
genre: roommates, enemies to friends to lovers, fluff, college au
wc: 2.9k || warnings: cursing, eating/food, yuna is just a little mean
a/n: this is my first fic here! feedback is welcome :D also might make a part 2 more about the photos later. lmk if you’d read that!
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“Are you sure this is the right room?”
“I’m sure, Lily. Do you think Seungmin would mark the wrong dorm?”
“Oh, just come on!”
You and Lily were bringing your belongings into a new dorm, part of your escape from Ryujin, your former roommate who just had to bring her pet spiders to college with her. Now don’t be mistaken, you love Ryujin, after all, she persuaded Yuna to let you move in with her. Although, it’s not like Yuna had much of a choice.
Yuna had been given a two-person dorm, even though she wasn’t assigned a roommate. Seungmin, the ra, had told Yuna someone might move into her dorm last minute, but she was willing to take the dorm for the luxurious possibility of solo living. After hearing about your predicament from both Ryujin and Seungmin, she had two choices: let you become her roommate or get rid of Ryujin’s tarantulas. And it’s not like the latter would happen anytime soon.
At midnight, your best friends had finally gone back to their own dorms. Only five minutes later, Yuna herself arrived, probably coming from hanging out with her own friends, it was a Friday after all. She looked perfect, like she had just come back from the salon. Although if you looked closer, you would have seen the exhaustion in her eyes.
“Hi, Yuna! I’m your new roommate. Ryujin probably told you about me alre-”
She had walked straight to her room and closed the door before you could even finish speaking.
If you’ve learned anything about Yuna in the past month and a half it’s that she’s an art major, and you don’t need to ask her to know (even though, in an effort to have a real conversation with her, you did ask about her major). With the Halloween season fast approaching, Yuna had already decked out your dorm in the latest Halloween fashions, while looking the happiest that you had ever seen her.
She even spoke to you without a scowl on her face as she started to carve mini pumpkins on the kitchen counter. You took this as a sign.
“Could I… carve one?”
“A pumpkin?”
“Yea. If you don’t mind.”
“No no! Here take this one.”
Maybe she just really liked Halloween. Yuna had rarely spoken to you like this before, with a huge smile on her face. It was probably because her pumpkin was turning out really cute, but you pretended that your roommate was smiling because you had finally made her happy enough to be around you for more than five minutes.
You and Yuna began to talk more, run errands together, and you even started to eat breakfast together before morning classes. If anybody saw you two skipping to the convenience store after late study nights, they wouldn’t be able to tell that your friendship was nonexistent a couple weeks prior. But they would be able to see the way you clung to her– with your eyes, with your hands that were trying to hold onto her arm. They would see the way she avoided your gaze, and the way you eventually just put your hands in your pockets, choosing to simply walk by her side.
Finally, the long awaited day you two had been preparing for arrived, but your roommate was nowhere to be found. Yuna had left early Halloween morning and you hadn’t seen her all day. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little bit disappointed. Looking at the paper bats hung in the living room made you wish that you could turn back time and carve pumpkins with her again. You had spent so long moping around your living room that Haewon and Lily almost kicked down your door before dragging you to their dorm to have a movie marathon.
When Yuna finally came back from Yeji’s place, she was surprised to find the dorm empty. She crashed onto her bed immediately, too tired to question why she correlated the emptiness of the dorm to your absence, instead of the living room's pitch-darkness.
The next morning, Yuna exited her room to find your room closed. She guessed that you had come back from your friends’ dorm after she had fallen asleep. Yuna knew her flurry of morning preparation might wake you up. Did she feel a little sorry? Maybe. But she had begun to grow used to walking to class with you, and how could she do that if you were sleeping? After ten minutes of Yuna sitting in the kitchen alone, you finally walked into the kitchen. The way Yuna’s face lit up when you appeared was a complete contrast to the cold-shoulder Yuna of early September. Surprised flashed across your face when you saw her smiling at you, only to be quickly replaced with a pink flush and a shy smile of your own.
“Do you want to get breakfast with me?”
“As in … going somewhere?”
“Well, just the vending machine.”
“Oh, well… lead the way!”
Yuna ended up following you as you skipped down the hall with your tote bag to the vending machine. To Yuna, it had begun to feel like she was actually living with you, instead of just living in the room next to yours. But to you, your friendship still felt… incomplete. As Yuna put your soon-to-be shared three packs of poptarts in her bag and pulled you into the elevator, you wondered if you were beginning to over-analyze things.
You decided that you could forget the way that you wanted to hold her hand as Yuna pulled you by the wrist, like she always did when she decided you were walking too slowly. Maybe you walked slowly on purpose, but she didn’t need to know that. It's not like you wanted to spend more time with her or anything. Now outside her department’s building, the absence of Yuna’s hand on your wrist snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Can you drive me to the museum later? Ryujin’s busy, and well…”
“You failed your driver’s test… again?”
“… I’ll buy you dinner after.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll see you after your last lecture then.”
She let out a little scream of excitement. “Thanks a million, babe,” Yuna turned to walk into the building, “what would I do without you?”
Yuna walked slowly through the building’s door, so she could turn back around at the last second to watch you walk into the library on the other side of the street. She had meant what she said, fuck the solo living shit she told herself over the summer, if you hadn’t become her roommate Yuna would have been dreadfully lonely. And, of course, she wouldn’t have gotten to know you outside of being Ryujin’s friend.
Now, she woke up earlier so you had more time to walk together. Now, she stayed home more often, so you could go out together on the weekends. At one point, Yuna had even wished she shared your major so you could have classes together.
Oh, but what could a girl do? It seemed that this girl could only survive the day's classes and wait for you to pick her up for your museum trip.
While Yuna suffered through art history lectures, you suffered, not from the increasingly boring textbook sitting in front of you, but from your own internal dilemma. The two of you were alike in thoughts and feelings.
You had long abandoned your studying in favor of overthinking. Friends always walked to school together right? Maybe some did. Roommates drove each other around town right? That’s normal friend behavior. Roommates overthink all their past interactions with their roommate before it’s even 9am right? Probably not… Friends who call each other “babe” think about it hours after the fact right? No… oh. oh.
Neither of you mentioned their thoughts to the other. And regardless of your inner turmoil, you happily drove Yuna to the museum, the latest hits blasting on the way. The museum was within walking distance. You didn’t even know why Yuna needed someone to drive her. But you’re willing to ignore that, after all you’re getting some time with Yuna outside of your now outdated Halloween dorm.
Once in the galleries, you were really questioning why Yuna asked you to come along. The only thing worth looking at, in your completely unbiased opinion, was Yuna. These strange paintings were really not your cup of tea. Your feet hurt from walking through the same few exhibits in the back of the museum. Your head hurt from all the talking children, middle-aged people muttering nonsense, and all of your own thoughts. Worst of all, Yuna didn’t even pay attention to you, only speaking to ask for your opinion on the pictures she was diligently taking. You guessed she had an assignment to do, being an art major or whatever, but–
“I can see you out of the corner of my eye, you know. Why aren’t you appreciating the art?”
“What do you mean?” you knew you had been caught staring.
“You’ve only been looking at me.”
“You're prettier than these paintings…” you whispered to yourself.
Yuna faced away from you, unsuccessfully trying to contain her blush. “You can look at me later…” Her blush must’ve been contagious, since you became quite rosy as well.
Needless to say, you two left the museum ten minutes later. You walked next to Yuna and got in your car, all while avoiding eye contact. “Do you want to get dinner now?” Yuna said, breaking the silence. You had completely forgotten about the promise of dinner, since that’s obviously not why you agreed to drive Yuna in the first place. “Yeah, where do you want to eat?”
By the time dinner was over and you and Yuna were back in the car, the awkward air had left, and been replaced by a different feeling. Dinner had consisted of both of you making small talk, that occasionally delved into deeper topics like your classmates or the strange freshmen in the dorm below yours. Not awkward, but not quite comfortable. You could feel that Yuna had something to say, and questions to ask, but neither of you said anything of importance on the trip back to your dorm.
Once the door was locked, you headed straight for the kitchen, sitting down on top of the counter. Maybe it was stress eating, but you told yourself that you just needed a little treat for being normal around your roommate today. You devoured a pack of oreos as Yuna opened her computer on the other side of the kitchen island.
“What were the pictures for?” you said, anxious to keep the somewhat meaningless conversation alive in the weird atmosphere.
“It's an assignment for Professor Hwang,” she replied, like she was asking a question, “we're doing a special unit on contemporary paintings soon, so– um– we need pictures of our favorites for the next unit.”
Flustered Yuna was cute. But Yuna getting flustered over being asked about paintings? Still cute, but strange.
“I'm going to take a shower. It's already 11, and I have an 8am tomorrow,” Yuna hastily said. She left so quickly that she forgot about her laptop, leaving it open on the counter in front of you. And upon the closing of the bathroom door, you got up to take a look.
I'm not being nosy at all! I'm just looking to see… oh.
The picture left on the screen was a beautifully photographed painting, but a different folder was also opened. And the majority of the other pictures in the folder weren't paintings. How had you never noticed? In that folder, there were more pictures of you than you could count. You lean over the kitchen counter, curled up on the couch, posing next to one of your pumpkins, in the hallway, mid-bite into a poptart. You walking to the campus library… driving your car… and you, in the museum, staring at the floor with a subtle smile on your face. You closed the computer, quickly turning around to resume stress eating your oreos. Those last couple of pictures were taken today? How had you not noticed, when you were staring at her the whole time?
Do friends take pictures of each other while they're driving? While they're absentmindedly staring at the museum floors? No. But you already knew that. All you had to do was find out if Yuna knew that too, if only you could find the courage to take that risk.
Yuna thought she understood you. So why were you acting so unlike yourself? Did you lose your taste for vending machine poptarts? Or, even worse, were you bored of her company?
No! Yuna wouldn't allow herself to think like that. You had begun to leave earlier for school, leaving her to walk to class by herself. Yuna treated the occasional dinner with you like a blessing from heaven, but, even though you two shared a dorm, she was still seeing less and less of you. But she always knew that one day you might get bored, that you'd drift away before Yuna could tell you–
“You know, I don't think they would ever want to stop being friends with you, Yuna.” Her thoughts faded as Ryujin, a totally certified relationship expert and best friend, talked away. Yuna had gone to Ryujin’s to get her dilemma out of her head and into words, so the two were having a sleepover. The beloved spiders that had triggered this whole affair were in a terrarium behind the two.
“You really think so?”
“I know so. Why don’t you just ask them why they've been spending less time with you! Or better yet, tell them about your absolutely enormous crus–”
“I do not! I only see them as a friend!!” Liar.
“Being louder doesn't make you right. Go to sleep and just talk to them tomorrow.”
Yuna fell asleep, knowing her last words of the day were a complete lie. But she would only admit Ryujin was right after she went home to you and tried to do something about it.
You were asleep, after all it was Saturday, and the fact that it was past 2pm was irrelevant. As it had been for the past several weeks, Yuna was not in the dorm. She was probably at Ryujin’s again; she never seemed to be home anymore.
But as you poured yourself a cup of orange juice in the kitchen, Yuna walked in.
“I have something to tell you.”
“You're not at Ryujin’s?”
“Well, I was yesterday, but um- I wanted to talk to you before you left…”
“We don't have school on Saturdays, Yuna.”
“Oh… right.”
Well, this was getting awkward. You put away the orange juice, all while trying to maintain eye contact with Yuna. The girl across from you desperately looked anywhere that wasn't you, finally setting her eyes on a lone pack of oreos.
Yuna moved to sit on the counter, eating oreos as she waited for something to happen, for you to say something so she wouldn't have to.
“Weren't you the one who wanted to tell me something?”
Oh right. Great job, Yuna.
“Yeah, well um- I just wanted to ask you why you've been… avoiding me. Did I do something or… do you not want to be friends anymore?”
You moved closer to her with every word, trying to come up with a response, until you were close enough to grab an oreo yourself. Yuna’s words got slower and quieter the more she said. You were motionless, stuck at what couldn't have been more than an inch away from her face.
But it's not like you just wanted to see her up close. Liar. It's not like you wanted to be this close to her all the time. Another lie. Or like you wanted to feel her lips on your forehead. Your cheeks. Your-
Lips. Yuna grabbed the front of your shirt and kissed you.
It was quick, but it was enough to make you blush profusely. But before you could even say anything, Yuna had ran out of the kitchen, with bright red ears, to sit on the sofa.
“Yuna…,” you said quietly, after walking over to Yuna and sitting on the floor so you could see her face. “Come on, babe. You can’t just run away after you do something like that.”
Her ears turned redder, if that was even possible, and she looked at you through her fingers, not moving from her place on the couch. You got up from the floor and took a seat next to her, wrapping your left arm around her shoulders to get her to face you.
“I have something to tell you too.”
“Oh… what is it?”
You smiled softly at her, cheeks still flushed from Yuna’s kiss, her lipstick could be seen on your lips. It only made her cover her face to hide her blushing cheeks more. You were definitely riding the high from finally kissing her, but this confidence boost wasn’t going to last forever. You took a deep breath and forced the words out of your throat.
“Does this mean you’ll let our next dinner date be an actual date?”
Another deep breath. “Let me take you out on a date, Yuna.”
At this, Yuna finally took her hands off her face, putting them on yours instead, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Safe to say that’s a yes,” you said through giggles.
“That’s a yes.”
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© chaerybae 2024. please don't repost, modify, or translate. thanks for reading!!
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coquelicoq · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
i was tagged by @littleragondin! mci mon ami.e !
3 Ships You Like: in a kim dojka & yoo sangah platonic life partners phase rn. god. they would get married but not because they particularly care about marriage, just to bypass the hoops the government makes single people jump through in order to adopt kids, but kim dokja would seriously hesitate for the sole reason that him marrying yoo sangah would make all three of his parents very happy in a way that he would find incredibly annoying.
ok i'm doing another platonic one: moon & ember! i have read the few existing moon & ember fics so many times i can no longer separate them from canon. their dynamic is everything 2 me. bodyguard & anger translator. damaged hottie with trust issues & naive little pretty boy who just wants to go home. moon sees ember as not just a romantic rival but also a threat to his place in the colony, and of course being moon, his reaction to that is not to challenge ember but just to assume that he's been replaced and that he has to start over again alone. ember is everything that moon is not, everything he's convinced he's supposed to be, but ACTUALLY they're both perfect the way they are and there's room enough in this court for the both of them. they are so powerful when they combine their complementary skillsets for the good of the colony. plus i love that every time he interacts with anyone moon is probably thinking, "ugh, i bet EMBER wouldn't be fucking this up"…but also he's defending ember when stone makes fun of him and offering to challenge the reigning queen on ember's behalf! he's protective of ember even as ember embodies everything that makes him insecure. meanwhile ember thinks moon is the coolest person to ever exist and also. extremely cringe. probably 25% of his pillow talk is him subtly trying to convince pearl that moon is just a little birthday boy who should be allowed to be a hugely oversensitive weirdo, as a treat.
people have been rbing some of my cherry magic posts recently so i've been thinking about kurodachi again. i miss them! they're so well matched, so complementary in the ways that they need to grow, and it's lovely to watch them help each other do that. the way that adachi is inspired to make an effort by kurosawa's continuous striving for things he thinks he'll never get, and the way that adachi's apathy for perfection frees kurosawa from his need to be worthy…like ok fine whatever i am listening!!!
First Ship Ever: i have been sitting here trying to think of an earlier ship so i can avoid embarrassing myself, but if i'm honest it's probably ron/hermione. moving right along.
Last Song You Heard: one week by barenaked ladies! what a banger.
Favorite Childhood Book: when i was a kid i had meticulously curated my top ten favorite books, but now i can only remember half of them: island of the blue dolphins, the witch of blackbird pond, ella enchanted, walk two moons, and mrs. frisby and the rats of nimh. can you tell i had one of those bookmarks that listed all the newberry award winners and was working my way through it? lol.
Currently Reading: i just finished my reread of maskerade, the discworld book about the opera, which i had put on hold after reading le fantôme de l'opéra. it wasn't one of my fave discworlds as a teen but i think i'm now in the right headspace for it. enjoyed it quite a bit!
i'm near the end of both the traitor baru cormorant by seth dickinson and par amour by valérie tong cuong. the latter is about a family in le havre during wwii and is very hard to put down. i have honestly no idea what will happen in the remaining two chapters except the nazis are going to lose the war. the traitor baru cormorant is well done, but i don't think i like it enough to read the sequel. (i still am pathologically unable to stop a book that i've started, but i've just discovered that i am capable of stopping after book 1 of a series. life hack!!)
Currently watching: natsume season 4 dub! i just watched the moon-splitting festival arc and the baby nanase episode yesterday. next up is the one about natsume's picture of his parents which. like. let's just say i am marshaling my emotional forces for that one.
also it is about to be march madness! selection sunday tomorrow babey!!!
Currently consuming: the great thing (sarcastic) about living alone is that you spend four hours making this quinoa black bean dish and then have to somehow eat all of it before it goes bad. luckily my neighbor and i have been doing this cute thing for the last ~6 months where we share whatever food we make with each other. this has been working out extremely well for me, because when he cooks i get to eat without having to do anything whatsoever, and when i cook i don't have to worry as much about quantity. i feel like i tricked him into it somehow even though he is getting exactly the same thing out of it as i am.
Currently craving: a baked good i made for the first time recently and then made again two times in rapid succession because i (and my neighbor lol) liked it so much: gingies! okay technically the recipe calls them gingerbread cookie bars, and i just looked up "gingies" (to make sure it's not an offensive term for redheads that i don't know about) and apparently it's frequently used for gingersnaps, but MY use of "gingies" is right and correct and all these other people are idiots. the reason is that they're basically brownies (texture/structure/technique-wise) but with the gingerbread flavor profile instead of chocolate. and "gingeries" sounds stupid, so gingies it is!
tagging @treecakes, @joelletwo, @qserasera, @defeateddetectives, @ctl-yuejie, @deimos-the-wolf, @stupid-lemon-eater, @loreofcardigan, and @dangerliesbeforeyou if you feel like it! no pressure obvi!!
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Scene Analysis: Reflecting on the Past
Something I find notable is that there’s no sense of duress at the end of the flashback scene. For example, Bruno doesn’t fly into a panic and leave. His expression takes on that look of determination as he holds the vision tablet. This is not a half-assed decision, but still one that makes him turn back toward his fading door with such mournful eyes.
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The transition between these moments [previous and next images] is beautiful and seems packed with meaning. I really love it.
“So... so...”
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The look on his face in the above frame: This has to be the first time he’s ever explained out loud what happened, or at least to another human*. For ten years, he’s been virtually alone in his mind, not only overhearing his family actively not talk about him but also rationalizing his decision to leave/stay in the walls.
*(I like to think he didn’t lean on Dolores, as she was a child.)
His expression here feels like an echo of the mournfulness from the flashback scene. It reflects the act of finally getting all this out. A sense of reminiscence, and dawning, too: The past, and past ten years, weighing heavily.
Moreover, I wonder if, as Mirabel begins to speak, his thoughts shift over to, ...What have I done? (Not necessarily in terms of why did I make that decision, but why did I tell her?) or ...How (bad) does this sound?
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Because he only starts to look over when she speaks. He lowers his eyes and grimaces. Like he’s steeling himself. For a rebuke? For anger? Blame? ...
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“You left... to protect me?”
...I’m not sure if Bruno expects, or is quite relieved, to hear that second part of her statement (he just looks sad again [frame below]). It’s like he doesn’t want the “credit.” I imagine he doesn’t want his choice to be perceived as something so noble (even though it was well-intentioned, done out of love and self-sacrifice, and other compounding reasons). But also, no one was supposed to see that vision, Mirabel’s appearance in it, at all. Throughout the scene in Bruno’s room, he deflects, deflects, deflects, trying to avoid answering Mirabel’s question about why he left but didn’t leave.
I feel he wants to avoid burdening her too... which is why I think he attempts to downplay the vision with his, “Or maybe I’m wrong. You know, it’s a mystery, it’s a mystery. That’s why this vision is *raspberry noise*.” (But he underestimates her stubbornness.)
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And I think it’s interesting from a story-telling and character point of view that the detail Mirabel latches onto, her takeaway, is that her tío left for her sake. In that moment, at least, it’s what stands out to her.
A scene like this reminds me that there’s still a lot we just don’t know, canonically. Like how bad things were before Bruno left, that would tip him toward leaving and not even say anything to his family or ask for their help. (Though with the latter, I’m honestly not surprised: the whole family is terrible at communicating, and listening as well... it’s one of the points of the film!)
We also don’t know what life was like for Mirabel between the ages of 5 and 15 (for what it’s worth, though, the Junior Novel does hint that “the pain of being blamed was worse than what she’d felt the night she didn’t receive a gift” [I don’t know the page number, but here’s the citation :D]). Or what and how much Bruno was able to hear behind the walls. While I love to speculate along with the fandom, and have my own headcanons, I never want to get too attached to any one headcanon or stray too far from what (little) seems to be canon/shown in the movie. And I love these scenes: the subtlety of emotions in the animation, the different interpretations they can offer.
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gaycavendish · 1 year
Mml time travelers trio au is sooooo good! No thoughts head empty just thinking abt how cute it is... <3 actually now I'm somewhat curious as to like what Sara is up to, or how they got started with it, or if it's set in the far off future too... !!! :^D
HEHE thank you :] !! Under a Read More, i got chatty!!!!
Sara may occasionally join them, especially when they first start, but ultimately she prefers enjoying time travel from the safety of the TV LOL. She for sure has hours long conversations with milo about their adventures though, keeps a log of differences between time travel in doctor zone and the real world. I think she and milo probably made the doctor zone parts of his costume together :]. Milo brings her trinkets and such from the future & past when she doesn’t join them!
For how they got started, Melissa and Milo already have interest in time travel and, coincidentally, contact with the guy who invents it! One step closer to being queen of the universe for Melissa (also that ep where she goes on a mission with Savannah lives in my mind rent free as proof melissa is good at + enjoys time traveling), and a possible career choice for milo, where hes able to do all sorts of things and go all sorts of places (and, most importantly, help people + hang out with his friends!), since he wasn’t sure during the career day episode, and at the time hadnt known Time Traveler to be a viable option LOL. As for Zack, I think he likes the adventure + the glamour! Still a little bit of lumberzack left in him, plus he likes to hang out with milo and melissa of course, and theyd get in too much trouble to handle without him. Melissa is their sort of mission finder, since she has a good word put in for her at the time bureau and can get information. Milo of course taking the time travel expert role, and Zack being their damage control + honestly communications expert. This is entirely headcanon zone for me but i think he has a knack for talking to aliens and people from nearly every time period. Our charismatic boy!!
Its not terribly far in the future! If i remember right, doofenschmirtz is supposed to invent time travel 12 years after the pnf effect, and i sort of picture him, maybe in the latter half of the 12 years, having prototypes that he lets milo test out (it ensures durability, no? ahaha). Milo is in pretty big trouble with the time bureau for. being Milo and in contact with the literal entire spacetime continuum, so they try to avoid going too close to the bureau during any times where Mr. Block is, well, alive. (guy is Mean! and milo doesnt want to get cavendish and dakota in trouble, since god knows block would assume it was them that gave milo access to time travel)
I hope this answers your questions : D!!!!! thank you for asking HEHE they have been bouncing around in my brain foreverrr
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thewirewitch · 1 year
I've always wanted to ask you this, but who is your absolute favorite character ever? Like THE character of yours if you will!! You could even say an oc if they're your all time fave, I just wanna give you an excuse to gush about 'em!! 😄
Sorry about replying so late! This question is a bit hard for me to find one answer for, but I finally did settle on one character. Also, happy belated holidays to you as well! :D
I'm going to put this all under the cut, because it's gonna get pretty long. Also I'll try to avoid any spoilers!
I must say that of all characters that I've been rotating in my brain over the years, one that I think about most often (that isn't one of my own) is Gundham Tanaka from Danganronpa. Quite the backstory for how I found out about this guy. It was basically favorite character at first sight with him. The very first time I ever saw him was back in the days when I used DeviantArt (around 2016-2017). I was browsing the "New" art tab and I came across a drawing that was really good (him sitting by a stream). I could tell right away by his design that he was from an anime or something. I thought he seemed interesting and decided to check the tags to see what he was from. I will say seeing a long untranslated name gave me some apprehension for looking into what "Danganronpa" was exactly (and if you're wondering apparently it means "Bullet Rebuttal"). I thought it was going to be a long anime series (I was half right; It's a long game series) so I decided not to look into it since I don't really have enough patience to watch a long show.
Not too long after (several months maybe) I tuned into one of TheCrayonQueen's art livestreams where she was drawing a print/poster design for the 2nd game in the series, which is the one he's from. I noticed him in the group and was like, "Oh hey, it's that guy again." Someone in chat asked what the series was, and it turns out it was a murder mystery visual novel. After I heard that I decided I'd look into the series. Later on I got on Steam, saw the games there, and decided to ask my dad to get me a Steam gift card and ended up buying the first two games. It took me a few years to get through them, and I did end up getting the 3rd main game and finishing that one was well, but throughout all three of the games, Gundham did end up being my favorite character of the whole series (and I doubt any of the characters from the spin-off game or anime would outrank him on my list judging by what I've heard/seen).
Finally onto him as a character! Despite being human like the rest of the cast (aside from the robotic talking stuffed animals that show up now and again), Gundham claims to be some evil being created by the union between an angel and a demon. The "Overlord of Ice" who will one day rule the world. His companions? The Four Dark Devas of Destruction, which are four hamsters who hang out in his scarf when they're not up to anything. That's to say, he's very dramatic and also a bit eccentric.
Despite his evil persona (and a few insults here and there), he does show hints of kindness throughout the game, especially later on. As well as this, despite a certain other popular character acting pretty irrational (to say the least) he still takes time to try and understand their motives, though he doesn't condone their actions. Despite being one of the most "crazy"/deluded characters, he's also one of the most rational and understanding, though he doesn't show the latter often. He tries not to show much care towards his fellow classmates (except for one) despite his actions saying the opposite (I would go into this but there are some spoilers). He also has a very clear soft spot for animals which is shown in both his extra dialogue and how he interacts with the Devas. Side note: Each character has a special "talent" and his is animal whispering.
Man this is a lot longer than I thought it would be, and I still have a lot of other things to say! Alright, speed round (and where I'll put a few things I relate to):
Something I never noticed until it was pointed out is that Gundham is the only character to not have any voicelines or dialogue (despite showing up on-screen) before you go around and interact with each character for introductions, which is around 10 minutes into the game give or take. This reminds me of myself in a way since I probably wouldn't talk to others unless they spoke to me first. I'd definitely listen and observe what was happening, but I wouldn't voice my thoughts unless asked.
Going to get into some of his backstory here. During his optional interactions, you get to find out that as a child he would fake having a sickness in order to get out of group work or avoid activities that involved physical contact with others. It's heavily implied that physical contact is uncomfortable for him, which, it also is for me, unless I'm used to the person and expect/engage first (hand on the shoulder, hug, whatever it is, even a poke can be very uncomfortable to me). If you get to the end of his optional interactions, he does hold the main character's hand for a moment, being the one to engage first (however it soon becomes a grip contest).
At one point he says he trusts animals more than humans because, "Anything that talks will betray you" (not a direct quote, but very similar). This, as well as describing one of his parents as a "demon" possibly indicates that someone close to him, possibly a parent, betrayed/hurt him in the past. Sadly, I can relate to this in a way, but instead of a parent, it was a supposed "best-friend." I won't get into here since it's a rant on it's own, but I will say she was actually my worst bully and it took me years after to realize it.
Another bit of backstory we get is that when he was a child his mother was not a very good cook. She would cry if he didn't eat her cooking, so to not upset her, he'd put up with it anyway. Because of this he claims to have poison running through him.
Going to get into some more speculation here, but going by what he says about his backstory, me, as well as several others, believe that he comes from a broken home. Most believe the "angel" parent to be his mother, who he does address and seems to show sympathy for, and the "demon" to be his father, who he never speaks about. He also doesn't speak of any siblings, so he seems to have been an only child.
Small trivia time!
The "scar" over his left eye is actually a tattoo, as stated in his character reference/concept art.
Despite wearing only one earring in game, he actually has both ears pierced, shown by the anime.
He always wears his scarf even if he's wearing a swimsuit (presumably so he can safely have the Devas with him).
The creators stated he as "Eighth-grade syndrome" which explains why he acts the way he does and believes he's a greater being than his classmates.
In his room in game, he has a rocking chair (good choice).
Unlike most other characters in the series, he only has one "beta design" that's been shown to the public.
Not really trivia, but during an important discussion in game, this one dude who's jealous of him threatened to put him and the Devas "six feet under" to which he responds by threatening to set the guy on fire and I find that interaction absolutely hilarious.
I feel like I'm forgetting something but it's almost 3am and this is long enough so I'm calling it here!
Also, if I had a nickel for each time I liked a male character from a Japanese game who's mysterious, associated with the color purple, eccentric, is my favorite from their respective game, has 2-toned hair, no eyebrows, wears a long coat, and has a name starting with the letter "G" I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice! The other guy is Garry from the game Ib.
Anyway, thank you for the ask and I hope I gave a satisfying response! :D
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verdanabditbackup · 1 year
Tag masterpost & Info
First and foremost: To try to get around Tumblr's auto-flagging system that would get me shadowbanned, I'll be censoring all d☆rty words, and all mentions of the terms SS/FF/WW and NN/SS/FF/WW will be substituted with the rot13 equivalents "FSJ" and "AFSJ". FSJ and AFSJ will have separate tags because I personally prefer being able to filter out the h☆rny sometimes. I don't use nicknames for AUs very often, so mind the tags to figure out which I'm talking about. (Sometimes it's vaguely either-or)
All of these are same-universe brother/brother inc☆st. Please block me and the tags if they trouble you.
If any give the result "Page cannot be found", it probably means that I just haven't posted anything with that tag yet, rather than the hotlink being broken.
Undertale (All)
Undertale (FSJ)
Undertale (AFSJ)
Underfell (All)
Underfell (FSJ)
Underfell (AFSJ)
Underswap (All)
Underswap (FSJ)
Underswap (AFSJ)
Swapfell Red (All)
Swapfell Red (FSJ)
Swapfell Red (AFSJ)
Swapfell Purple (All)
Swapfell Purple (FSJ)
Swapfell Purple (AFSJ)
Fellswap Gold (All)
Fellswap Gold (FSJ)
Fellswap Gold (AFSJ)
Horrortale (All)
Horrortale (FSJ)
Horrortale (AFSJ)
Underlust (All)
Underlust (FSJ)
Underlust (AFSJ)
G (All) (? Whatever it is where Sans and Papyrus have fused with Gaster?)
Vague pairing (All) (Vague enough that it could be any of the above, usually referring to them as energetic brother/lazy brother. Will still be tagged as fontcest for visibility.)
Vague pairing (FSJ)
Vague pairing (AFSJ)
Pairing traits Separated into both character specific and personality specific for your tastes! I know the latter half aren't grammatically correct but I don't want to disrupt the grammatically correct tags. These are mostly for avoiding the ones you don't like, as they aren't in use on FSJ posts or posts where it doesn't specify who has what role.
Dom Sans
Sub Sans
Dom Papyrus
Sub Papyrus
Dom Lazy
Sub Lazy
Dom Energetic
Sub Energetic
Post types
Open prompt / Imagine (All)
Open prompt / Imagine (FSJ)
Open prompt / Imagine (AFSJ)
Observations & headcanons (Usually can be read platonically)
Unfinished fanfic (All)
Unfinished fanfic (FSJ)
Unfinished fanfic (AFSJ)
Finished fanfic (All)
Finished fanfic (FSJ)
Finished fanfic (AFSJ)
Info under Read More / Keep Reading.
I'm reposting things from my Twitter because Twitter is constantly on the verge of collapse, and I got frustrated with how difficult it was to find other peoples' posts on Twitter. I wanted to be able to easily find their prompts, imagines, daydreams, etc. but it's pretty impossible once an account has like 20,000 tweets. So I wanted to collect all of mine in one place, since it's what I would have wanted others to do too. (Let it be encouragement, maybe? I want to read all your fontcest thoughts.)
I would just move here from Twitter, but Tumblr banned the you-know-what in 2018 and all the real activity is on Twitter. If the ban never happened, I would have never left Tumblr in the first place. And they're never going to un-ban it. But because I'm not posting AFSJ in a visual medium, I should be alright to post here at least.
If any of my silly little thoughts inspire you, please use them. I can't write much, so they'll do nothing but sit here. If the same prompt inspires more than one person… then let there be as many cakes as everyone wants to bake! No credit necessary, but appreciated.
I don't think anyone here would really want to talk to me, but if you ever send me a message and I don't reply for a long time, you can probably safely assume that Tumblr ate it or shadowbanned me, so I never actually received the messages. You can send anon messages on curiouscat, or message me on Twitter. I use the same name everywhere, so if Twitter goes under, I'll still be easy enough to find.
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miengsol · 1 year
🍵, 🎱 & ✂
romance? romance ( ft. shipping ooc meme w/ @bloodxhound )
🍵 – Is your muse a gossip? Do they like to meddle in other people’s relationship business? Do they like to play matchmaker? Would they let someone match-make for them?
i don't think calum is necessarily nosy, but he does have that kind of personality and vibe where his friends would naturally confide in him....and so more often than not, he unintentionally is THE PERSON to go to if you want the insider information sjfklsjdf :'D
this often happened back in high school and college to the point where if there was drama between people he knew, he would have to just...step away from the entire thing, bc if he divuleged any information, he accidentally look like he's taking a side. basically he likes being helpful to his friends and in the past, that has landed him in hot water as he has divulged that PROBABLY should've stayed private :'D
basically, what i'm trying to say cyan is that calum did more or less learn the hard way that gossiping about other ppl is not the way to go. he tries to avoid it when possible. that and he takes patient confidentially very seriously....
in terms of matchmaking though- while he is a great observer, he always goes by the assumption that he doesn't know ppl nearly as well as he would assume he does. and therefore, he can't guarantee that the match will work out. after all, he and mana on paper don't look like they would work out well. honestly, he prefers to let love take its course with his friends.
as for any attempts on his friends' part to matchmake him?? i don't think he'd be receptive at least in his main verse since he's still very much grieving mana :'D
🎱 – Does your muse believe in serendipity or fate, when it comes to relationships and love? Do they have good or bad luck in relationships? What have they done to try to turn bad luck around?
kind of. calum believes it was a lucky chance that he happened to meet daniel and mana, but if he looks at the relationship of both holistically, he would say that he had a choice in staying connected to the both of them...especially the latter since there was a period time post daniel's passing that he and mana were not speaking with one another and calum didn't know if they ever would again </3
as for luck, i'd say his luck is actually pretty good although he might say otherwise- just speaking from experience i think when he was younger and more naive about how the world worked, he could've easily gotten into some uncomfortable friendships/relationships but bc he had more discerning friends like mana and daniel who were looking out for him, he's able to circumvent these types of dynamics...and now as an adult, he knows what works for himself and sol and what won't :'D
✂ was answered! I'll do 🔮 – Does your muse believe in soulmates? How do you feel about writing Soulmate AU’s?
some degree there is some yearning on his part that they do exist bc it would mean there is a guarantee that he isn't destined to be lonely....but ultimately, for him, no because the idea of a soulmate takes away his free will in the matter- he chose to stay in a relationship with mana, he chose to be friends with daniel, and opposite of the way his own birth mother abandoned him, calum chose to stay and be a father to sol.
( calum's story, while it is one of grief and moving forward, it is ultimately also one about change and therefore, choice. )
as me, i usually don't write them or at least the ones where like one has a mark or something of that nature, indicating the other person is their other half. however, one of my other muses does have a soulmate dynamic with another muse ( alex r u reading this, this is 4 hyurick ) that neither of them are completely aware of, but the lines between those two have the platonic and romantic lines blurred so maybe it's more like, i don't write soulmate aus if it's like, in ur face if that makes any sense ^^'
( that and i do more or less consider calum and mana to be soulmates, but again, that's also because i won't write any au where calum and mana have not gotten together 😌 )
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not allowed, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader; established relationship yoongi x reader
summary: The love of your life, BTS’s very own Min Yoongi, tells you he has a gift for you. But he also says you’re not allowed to refuse. What’s that supposed to mean, hm? Surely not... wild hot sex with the Golden Maknae himself?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship with Yoongi (takes place after his surgery); smut (fem reader, m-receiving oral, dirty talk, penetrative sex, doggy, spanking); idol!BTS; it’s self-indulgent and I’m a little ashamed but it’s too late now, whoops
Just... just looking through the Twitter tag couldn't hurt, right?
You scrolled through the pictures slowly. They performed really well these past two days. Received all the awards they deserved, because BTS were the best. Still, it depressed you seeing the empty space where Min Yoongi was supposed to be. 
But that was because Yoongi was beside you, propped up in the bed with pillows, scrolling on his phone with his right hand. Occasionally, he would lower it to use both hands, since his left arm was still in the sling. You two had watched the MMA and MAMA 2020 performances together. You knew he wanted to be there. You could hear it in his voice when he called in. 
Oh, that’s right, were you supposed to be in his apartment?
But you didn't care about rules and neither did Yoongi. 
Were you dating? Well, as much as dating could be when it came to a relationship with the most loved 'lil meow meow' in the whole world. 
Yoongi always gave you this look of disapproval when you called him that, but you would always just smile and say it again, slower. 
It was the kind of thing that simply fell into place and neither of you wanted to convolute it with too many other opinions or thoughts. What happened, happened. You weren't going to make yourself known or ask for impossible things. When he told you that he was getting surgery for his left shoulder and wouldn’t have schedules for a long while, you cashed in on all those sick hours you accumulated at work, stating you had to take care of a loved one. 
No one knew your loved one was Min Yoongi. And that's way you two liked it. 
Yoongi leaned over to the long straw of the water bottle tucked in the crook of your arm. 
"Staring at our maknae again?"
You stiffened. "I'm looking at all their pictures, Yoongi. Just happened to stop on Jungkook."
He took a short sip.
A few seconds past. You stared at Jungkook’s intense dark eyes, his long hair flying about from dancing, his clenched jaw as he focused. Looking sinful in all white, tempting you to save the photos.
"You're not changing the screen."
"I'm admiring the stylists' hard work."
Yoongi hummed. "You're a bad liar."
You would have thrown your phone at him if it wasn't the special edition BTS S20+, complete with a Shooky phone case. You swiped past, seeing the image of Jungkook lifting Jimin in the Black Swan performance.
"I should tell him."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Sick of me?"
"No." He pointed to his left arm. "Can't take care of you either."
"I don't want to be the reason you need more months of physical therapy. I'm fine."
Yoongi placed his phone in his lap and placed his right arm around your shoulders. "We could risk it," he purred. 
You chuckled. "I don't think that's a good idea." You leaned your head against his shoulder. "I want to see you preform again."
"But you still want to bang Jungkookie."
A muscle in your eyebrow twitched. "I'm only looking at the pictures, Yoongi. You know you're the only one for me."
"You wouldn't try? Even if he begged you?"
You turned to Yoongi and his crafty smirk. "No." You stared at his lips and leaned in, kissing him lightly. You smiled against them. "I love you, Yoongi." Your smile turned into a smirk. "I worked too hard to sneak in here. Even outsmarted Dispatch. You can't get rid of me so easily."
Yoongi smiled back. He leaned against the headboard.
"What if I was okay with it?”
You blinked at him. "Why would you be okay with it?”
Yoongi shrugged. "You're mine, no matter what, no? Not even Jungkook's dick is going to change that."
"... Hah?"
Yoongi held up his hand, long fingers spread out. He ticked them down as he spoke. "Pros: my woman gets to satisfy her little crush, gets the fucking she wants, and will be happy."
You felt your ears burn. "Yoongi..."
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, wicked smile on his lips. "Cons... none."
You rolled your eyes. "You'd be pissed off."
He tilted his head. "What do I have to be pissed off for? Are you saying there's a reason I should be worried?"
You frowned. "No. Even if it did happen, which it won't, you will always be number one."
Yoongi nodded. "There you go."
You let out a puff of air. "I don't think Jungkook would agree anyway. And I wouldn't do it, because it's not the right thing to do."
"Who decided it's wrong?"
You made a face. "I don't know... society?"
"And we trust that societal rules are just and moral?"
"I mean, no..."
Washing your hair was always a pain in the ass.
You had to blow-dry it upside down, add five products at different stages, brush it super carefully with a special brush to avoid breakage, collect the fallen hair and throw it out, blah blah blah.
You shrugged on one of Yoongi's shirts after the shower – the black-and-white checkered one he wore during his VLive. Running your hand through your hair, you finally picked up your phone. Yoongi was at physical therapy, so he wouldn't be back for a while. You had some messages from him, probably before he had to put his phone away.
I sent you a gift. It will arrive today. You are not allowed to refuse.
You raised your eyebrows at that. 
P.S. Merry early Christmas. 
Was it jewelry? You pursed your lips. You always told Yoongi not to buy you things. Firstly, because you felt bad you could never reciprocate the amount he spent. You didn't make the money he made, after all. And secondly, you weren't that interested in owning expensive things. The only expensive items you loved were technology-based. Yoongi and you bonded over the newest Samsung products and always kept an eye on the latest tech. 
Maybe that was it? Maybe you had to collect a package. You mused, brushing your teeth. You were going to borrow Yoongi's pants, but you had to go hunt for some. After the teeth brushing. 
You spat and gargled some water.
The front door opened. 
You frowned. Was physical therapy canceled? Yoongi didn't have people come in and clean the apartment, because he didn't want anyone to find you. You weren't supposed to be here and no one knew you were here – except for his members, of course. But they didn't have the key, so it had to be Yoongi. You waited, in case there was someone outside. You didn't want them to hear your voice. The door closed and relocked.
You spat and rinsed out your mouth before turning off the light and going to the hallway.
"Yoongi, was physical therapy can–"
The head of long black hair lifted and turned around. He was in the middle of taking off his black sneakers. He pulled down his black face mask.
It was not Yoongi. 
"Hey, noona."
You backed up. 
The mischievous maknae grinned. 
"I'm the gift."
Your eyes widened. You whipped your phone to your face, nearly dropping it, juggling it for two seconds before slapping it between your palms and rereading Yoongi's messages. Rereading them way too many times because what? What, what, WHAT?
"D-don't you have p-practice?" Why were you stuttering? You never stuttered. But you never had that conversation with Yoongi until a couple days ago either. 
"I have some time, but I have to go back, yeah," Jungkook replied, far too cheerfully for how flustered you were. He was probably trying not to laugh at you. 
"How did you get in? And what do you mean, y-you're the...?"
You felt like your world was spinning. Did Jeon Jungkook just announce he was the gift? What? You're not allowed to refuse. Of course, you were going to refuse! This was Min Yoongi you were in love with! The cutest in the entire world! 
Jungkook brushed back part of his long hair and tucked it behind his ear, revealing half of his forehead and his silver hoops. Smirk on his pink lips, the mole underneath his lower lip winking at you. Skin tan and glowing in the hallway light.
Okay, yes, Jeon Jungkook was very handsome, but it didn't matter because–
"Hyung and I had a talk. He gave me the key," Jungkook said, dangling it. 
"Hahaha, why would be do that?" you laughed nervously, still crab-walking backwards because maybe if you just fused with the wall then you were be spared from those penetrating dark brown eyes.
Jungkook stepped into the apartment, following you. “I was surprised too.” He smiled somewhat apologetically. “I guess he overheard me telling Taehyung that I would totally fuck you if you weren’t hyung’s girlfriend.”
You blinked rapidly. “P-pardon?”
Jungkook held up his hands. Oh dear. His pretty, large hands that reminded you of Yoongi’s, but his right hand was tattooed. “But I wasn’t going to do anything though. Promise.” His eyes shifted upwards and then he looked back at you, his rueful expression turning into one of slyness. Shit. “Well, until Yoongi-hyung asked me to, that is.”
You stumbled in the doorframe of the bedroom. To be honest, you kept backing up because Jungkook advancing on you was making you uneasy, hot, and bothered. With emphasis on the latter two. You still couldn’t believe Yoongi would do this to you. This was Yoongi! Mild-mannered, sweetie with swagger, SUGA of BTS!
Then you had a thought.
You were always very good at teasing Yoongi. Either to annoy him or sexually in public situations. You could imagine Yoongi’s smirking face now. Knowing he got the one-up on you. Knowing he’d finally shocked you.
You’re not allowed to refuse.
The back of your knees hit the edge of the bed. A hot shiver went up your spine. Jungkook was right in front of you. Black parka, black jeans. Jungkook unzipped the parka, shrugging out of it. Black dress shirt. You knew Jungkook did not like wearing button-ups. Why was he wearing it? He unbuttoned the first one, revealing his collarbone. Then the second one. Open-mouthed smirk completed with his tongue between his teeth, dark eyes on your shaking form.
The maknae was going to fucking striptease you?
You held a hand up. “Hold on a second.”
Jungkook’s fingertips paused above the next button.
“You’re doing this… for fun?”
Jungkook tilted his head. “No. Not really for fun.” His voice was low, deep. His eyes trailed down your body, then back up to your face, lingering all over you. You swallowed. “I’m doing this because this is the only chance I’ll get.”
“What if I say no?”
Jungkook lowered his hand. “Hyung said you weren’t allowed to refuse.” His voice was softer now, almost pouting. Ouch. It actually pained you. You wanted to give in to him just like that. You loved Yoongi with all your heart, but the maknae’s charms definitely worked on you. They worked on everyone. Everyone loved Jungkook and wanted to give him everything.
“Jungkook,” you breathed, trying to reorient yourself, trying to find the right words. “I’m not saying I’m not interested. I definitely am.” He observed you carefully as you groped for the right words. “But this is a little crazy. And… you could get anyone.”
“I couldn’t get you.”
You slowly, slowly made eye contact with him. Jungkook took a step towards you. You didn’t move, transfixed by his chocolate eyes.
“The way you slowly fell in love with Yoongi-hyung,” he whispered, getting closer and closer. “You didn’t even notice. You still don’t notice. The way I stare at you, you and the beautiful shape of your eyes.” His finger came up and traced your eyes, rooting you in place. “Your cute nose. The shape of your lips.” His fingertip brushed against your lower lip. “So full. I watch you kiss him, wishing it was me.” He caressed your cheek. “The dimples that appear when you smile. So cruel.”
Jungkook’s breathing shallowed. His eyes flickered downwards to your hands, still clutching your phone. He reached for it and took it from you. Threw it onto the bed. Then his hands wrapped around yours, clutching them tight. You stopped breathing. Jungkook’s voice dropped several octaves.
“I watch your hands. Touching him, resting on his thigh, tracing up, palming him right in front of us.”
“I didn’t… think anyone would notice.”
Jungkook leaned in even more, still holding your hands tightly, as if they were going to disappear. You could smell his clean scent, like fresh laundry.
“I always notice,” he murmured. “Whenever you’re there, I can’t help but have my eyes on you. I couldn’t touch, but I could look. I thought that was all I could have.”
Jungkook let go of you. Hand dancing up your neck, cupping your cheek. Tilted his head, eyelashes lowering. Breath against your lips. Eyes pleading you, waiting for the heartbreak.
“Please let me kiss you.”
You’re not allowed to refuse.
You pressed your lips against Jungkook’s, eyes closing. It was impossible to say no. He was sweet and soft. You could feel his nerves and his fear in his kiss, not trying to ask for more, not wanting to ask for too much. It was you who hooked an arm around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Right, wrong? That didn’t matter right now. The only thing you cared about right now was taking Jungkook’s fear away.
You pulled him onto the bed, arms around his neck, mumbling his name against his lips. His breathing hitched, hands circling your waist, holding onto you.
“Call me by name, Jungkook.”
He gulped, shaking his head. “I can’t.” He gnawed on his lip anxiously. You smiled, and took his hands, placing them by the buttons of his shirt.
“Weren’t you in the middle of giving me a show?” you teased. “You’re great at putting on a show.”
Jungkook’s lips curved into a smile. “Oh yeah?”
You settled down into the bed, looking up at him from in between his thighs. You could tell Jungkook was still nervous, but there was something else too. His mischief was creeping back into his sparkling eyes. You cocked an eyebrow, smirking. He undid another button. And another. Carefully, playfully pulling the fabric apart, revealing a little of his skin at a time.
“Hyung told me you like staring at my pictures.”
You shrugged, licking your lips. “They’re nice photos.”
“Were you satisfied by just looking at pictures?” he purred, already reaching lower, lower. You could see the contours of his muscular torso, the top of his abs. Ugh, Jungkook was so attractive. Scratch that, so fucking hot. He reached the bottom of his shirt and placed two fingers under your chin, pushing it back up to his face.
“My eyes are up here.”
His fingers under your chin made you realize how hard you were breathing.
He tilted his head at you, long hair covering part of his face.
Yoongi’s words came back to you. My woman gets to satisfy her little crush. At the time, you thought those words were referring to your crush in Jungkook. But perhaps it was the other way around. Maybe Yoongi was referring to you satisfying Jungkook.
“Don’t hold back.”
And then you got up from the bed, grabbing the collar of his dress shirt and yanking them down Jungkook’s shoulders, kissing him again, but harder this time, tongue sliding into his mouth and thrusting into it, taking his breath away. Jungkook’s eyes went wide, gasping against your tongue, struggling to get out of his sleeves before he scrambled for the buttons on your shirt, moaning as you sucked on his tongue, gripping his upper arms.
“Call me by name or nothing at all,” you growled dangerously.
His dark eyes bored into you, daring you. You nipped at his lower lip, grinning.
“You think you’re the only one who’s horny here?”
Your hands danced around his arms, reaching around him, and your nails scratched him down his broad back, hissing as he moaned, tipping his head back, Adam’s apple shaking. Fuck, it felt so good. It felt so fucking good to drag your nails down that back, seeing Jungkook lose some control, falling more and more into the moment. You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around him, shuddering as his hard body was pressed against you and your half-open shirt.
“I want it all,” you breathed. “I’m so greedy, but I want it all, Jungkook. Give it to me.” Voice dropping, inhaling his delicious scent. “Please.”
He growled deep in his chest and grabbed the bottom of your shirt, yanking up and revealing your bra clasp, undoing it easily. Pushed you back, swiftly pulling your shirt and bra off together, tossing it aside to the floor.
“Fuck, your tits are as pretty as I thought they would be.”
And then Jungkook’s mouth was on you, furiously kissing down your neck, licking your collarbones, biting your shoulder, his hands roughly squeezing your breasts. You moaned, your nipples pressed against his thumbs, pinching them against the side of his hand. His lips travelled down, down and then they latched around your nipple, flicking it with his tongue. Your hands flew up into his hair, gripping it tightly.
“Fuck, they even taste good,” he whined. “You taste so fucking good.”
Your back arched as he began to suck, running your hands through his hair, whimpering his name, telling him how good he was, how nice it felt, lost in the feeling of his tongue and his strong arms around your waist. He switched to the other nipple, saliva dripping. Licking it all over and then breathing on it with his hot breath. Your entire body trembled in his arms from the sensation.
“I’m drooling; that’s how fucking good you taste,” Jungkook mumbled, sucking hard and tight, dark eyes on you as you cried out softly, holding onto his head. Your fingers curled into his long locks, grasping them tightly. He raised his eyebrow, but you began to rock back and forth into his mouth, tugging your nipple with his lips. Jungkook’s fingers dug into you, erotic groans vibrating in his throat as you fucked his face with your tits.
Wetness soaked your panties, the scent of your sex getting stronger and stronger.
Jungkook removed his lips, sucking in a tight breath. Your name slid out of his mouth in a tight hiss, no honorifics. You felt your pussy throb hearing your name come from his lips, saturated with desire. You grinned.
“Took you long enough, Jungkookie.”
He chuckled, grabbing your hips and shoving them up into his jean-covered crotch. You gasped. You could feel his erection straining against the thick fabric, grinding against your soaked panties. Fuck, you couldn’t stop staring at Jungkook, him and his sharp jawline and his beautiful eyes and his playful smirk on his damn lips, infuriating and arousing you.
“You’re so fucking irresistible,” you whispered, rolling your hips into him hard. It was his turn to gasp, his turn to shudder at your movements. The way you could turn him from smug confidence to those submissive doe eyes was turning you on way too much.
You wanted to ruin him and be ruined by him.
You grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him onto the bed. He yelped as you slid down, nails racking down his torso, whimpering in your wake. The front of his jeans was wet with your juices. You undid the button, zipping them down.
“How are you going to explain this?” you smirked, gesturing down to the giant wet sport at the front of his pants.
“They’re black,” Jungkook panted. “It’ll be fine.”
You laughed, pulling them down his legs. Jungkook’s hand flew down, reaching into his back pocket, pulling out a condom. You tilted your head.
“Only one?”
He looked down at you, startled. “W-well… I don’t know if you want more….”
You raised an eyebrow and reached over to the nightstand, opening it and taking out the whole damn box.
“Er… I cannot cum that many times. In one sitting, anyway.”
“Ah, well, let’s just see then.”
You peeled his jeans and boxer briefs off, licking your lips as your hungry eyes landed on his cock. Half-hard, pre-cum glistening at the tip. Jungkook swallowed nervously, but you crawled on top of him, immediately licking a fat stripe down his entire length. You moaned with him, feeling the blood rushing to his cock, pulsing against your lips. You hadn’t had sex in a while, trying not to tempt Yoongi or aggravate his injury. His recovery was too important to not only you, but the nation and the world. So, you kept your need to yourself, but now Jungkook’s cock was right on front of you.
And there was nothing to stop you.
You pressed your lips against his balls, licking them all over, playing with them with your tongue. Jungkook groaned above you, grabbing fistfuls of sheets as you began to suck on them, bobbing your head up and down. He was panting your name breathlessly, helpless as you pulled your head back, his balls slowly slipping out from between your lips.
You kissed up his length, tongue swirling around the head before taking him in, all the way, softly but firmly. If there was anything Yoongi’s tongue technology taught you, it was how to apply his technique to giving head, much to his surprise. You were good at extrapolation. You pressed the head into the roof of your mouth, raking it all the way to the upper part of your throat and tightening. Jungkook gasped, eyelids fluttering as your tongue assaulted the bottom of his cock, from the bottom of the head to the base.
You heard something between the lines of, “Holy fuck”, “What the hell”, and “Oh my fucking God.”
You retreated for a second, wrapped your tongue all the way around the head and teased the thin skin right where the head and length connected, repeatedly rubbing your lips over it before going all the way down again.
Now Jungkook was absolutely incomprehensible as you began to suck him off, fast and tight, lips soft compared to the vacuum of your mouth. Was it unfair? Yes, it was, giving him soft and hard, rough and wet, scraping the head against the back of your throat and choking it with your muscles. Jungkook was whimpering and cursing, his thighs flexing under you, tasting so fucking good that you were dripping between your own thighs.
You didn’t stop.
Faster and faster, holding his hips down, watching Jungkook unravel under you, hands in his long hair and slamming his head back into the pillows, covering his mouth as he screamed your name into his palm. You felt his cock spurt his cum into the back of your throat, your muscles constricting as you drank him up, your moans added vibration along his length.
The first orgasm was always the most and tasted the best. So much, coating the entire inside of your mouth, your tongue swiping around his cock to collect it all. You lapped it all up, encouraging his cock to get hard again. Smirking as you succeeded, popping your mouth off gently.
“What position do you want me in, Jungkook?” you murmured, throat a little hoarse, taking the condom and opening it, rolling it onto his cock.
He moved his palm from his mouth, panting hard, hair all over his face. His intense brown eyes locked with yours and you knew the dynamic was switched.
“On your back. Want to watch your face when I fuck you.”
You could relent, rolling onto your back, removing your soaked panties, chest heaving in anticipation as Jungkook got up, towering over you. His hands gripped your hips, adjusting you to the correct angle. You could play the other part, with one small caveat. His eyes found yours, glaring at you.
“Wipe that smirk off your face.”
“Make me.”
Jungkook thrust into you, hard, and you kept the smirk on your face as he forcefully stretched you out, pushing your limits.
“Hurts?” he taunted.
You licked your lips. “It’s not good unless it hurts.”
The slight irritation that flashed in his eyes spurred you on. You tightened around his cock, exhaling with a hiss. Fitting him to you, bringing out the dominance in him. Jungkook gritted his teeth and slammed his hips into yours. You had the audacity to chuckle.
“Did you really want me that bad, Jungkook?” you teased. “Or were they only pretty words? Are you a tiger or just a cute little bunny?”
Jungkook snarled low in his chest.
Then he began to fuck you, lifting your legs onto his shoulders and pressing down, smacking your ass with his hips. The position made you tighter, gravity making him pound you harder, forcing you to feel all of him as drove his rock-hard cock into you. Your hands flew up, one pressed against the headboard, the other clutching a pillow for dear life, eyes squeezing shut at the fullness and harshness.
“A-ah, fuck, yes,” you gasped. “So fucking good…”
Jungkook brought his face close to yours, hitting you deeper and just as hard. “Where’s your smirk now? Can’t give me one when you’re being punished by this cock?”
Your heart jerked in your chest at his dirty words, becoming even wetter with the dangerous edge to his voice.
“Listen to you, fucking dripping down my thighs with how wet you are for me,” Jungkook hissed, inhaling sharply as you throbbed hard around him. He groaned, clenching his jaw. “Fuck, I can’t help myself, I just have to fuck you like an animal.”
You snickered dryly, jerking your hips up to meet his. Not saying anything, letting your pussy do the talking because you were so close to orgasm that you roughly massaged his entire length, throwing your head back and moaning as you came around him. The squelching sounds between your connected hips got louder, drenching the air with the scent of sex and lust.
Jungkook sank his teeth into his lower lip, grimacing. “Fucking unfair how good you feel,” he ground out, squeezing his eyes shut, ramming his hips into you, muscles in his arms and shoulders tense. “Can’t even last, fuck.”
He crashed his hips into yours and growled your name in his throat, cock smacking against your walls as he came, swelling the condom full. You whimpered in ecstasy, back arching, clenching around his cock.
“Yes, Jungkook, oh, yeeees…”
It wasn’t enough.
Neither of you had had enough.
Jungkook gripped the end of the condom and pulled out, hissing at the sensitivity as he took it off. You tossed him a spare towel from the nightstand drawer and he cleaned himself, gasping.
“Hands and knees.”
You rolled over, flinging the box of condoms at him, and he caught it, dark eyes glinting.
“Spread that pussy for me.”
You reached back and planted your hands on each ass cheek pulling your wet slit open. Jungkook hissed and you could hear skin on skin of him jacking himself off to get hard again. An idea popped into your head.
You flexed your vaginal muscles, opening and closing your hole for him.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “You’re so damn sexy it’s illegal.”
You heard him get onto his knees. The sound of a condom being ripped open. His groan as he fitted the condom over his aching cock. His strong hands gripped your hips, the head rubbing against your entrance.
“Don’t know how long I can last,” he murmured. “I’m just going to go as hard and as fast as I can.”
“Do it, Jungkook,” you panted. “Make me feel you for days.”
He whimpered at your words and sank into you. Both of you moaning, your hands clutching the sheets, his fingertips bruising your skin, imprints of lust. Jungkook was pure, glorious power that threatened to overtake you, his cock throbbing and digging into your walls as he fucked you hard, muscular thighs slapping into yours. The poor bed could barely take it, but neither of you noticed, lost in the feeling of being filled and doing the filling.
His hand came down on your ass, a sharp, harsh sound that echoed off the walls and made your pussy clench. It barely hurt. You had felt worse before.
“You like that?” he panted.
“Fuck yes I do,” you gasped hotly. “Spank my ass, Jungkook.”
He did, thrusting into you and slapping you repeatedly, making your ass jiggle. You squeezed him each time, now rolling your hips back into him, arching your back as you came with a satisfied sigh. Your skin stung, your pussy was pulsating with abuse, and Jungkook’s cock hit all your deepest spots.
“Fuck, Jungkook, you’re so fucking good at fucking me,” you breathed, feeling him wind you up again.
He couldn’t even reply, only loudly moaning through the convulsions of your pussy radiating up and down his length. Good thing the walls were pretty soundproof, because it was a goddamn porno in the bedroom at the moment. It was obscenely lewd with the wet slapping of his hips into yours.
“So close, so close, squeeze me, fuck, choke my damn dick,” Jungkook rambled in between breaths, hissing as you did as you were told, gripping him every time he slammed into you. He came with a half-scream, half-moan of your name, whining at the sensitivity as you pulsed around him, leaking down his thighs and yours. It smelled so strongly of sex that you weren’t sure how you were supposed to clean this up before Yoongi came home.
Your phone buzzed loudly on the bed.
You grunted, clawing for it as Jungkook remained inside you, softening but refusing to leave your warmth. He wrapped his arms around you, burying his face into your back.
You checked your messages. From Yoongi.
Your gift needs to get his ass to practice before he gets yelled at.
“Jungkook, you’re gonna be late.”
He groaned in annoyance, squeezing you tighter. Another message popped up.
Tell him there’s plenty of time before I fully recover. If he works hard and does a good job, maybe after I recover too.
You poked Jungkook. He lifted his head, pouting, eyes changing to excitement when he read the message.
part ii “You’re not allowed to leave until your noona is satisfied.”
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svchengss · 3 years
king of hearts | d.sc
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PAIRING. dong sicheng x reader
GENRE. high school!au, fluff, slight angst, kind of e2l
WARNINGS. none (lmk if i missed any!)
SUMMARY. sicheng’s subtle flirts are not working effectively but it only motivates him to try and woo you more. the devil sure works hard but dong sicheng works harder.
PLAYLIST. king of hearts
TAGLIST. @floraljae @clovdless @mashiihearts @ndr1271 @kunrengui (shoutout to mashi for being a major help in the process of writing this <3)
// just to let you guys know, reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !! thank you for reading :D
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music was blaring through the multiple loudspeakers scattered around the school grounds, booths of various interests that were set-up by the clubs being swarmed by visitors and ecstatic oohs and aahs from the ones playing games can be heard intermittently. the annual school festival of redlands high, an event that is looked forward to by every single student there. or maybe not, you’re quite unsure of the self-made data.
you immediately made a beeline to the dance club booth which is managed by yangyang, the president also holding the title of your best friend. a cartoonish grin crept up on his face when he spots you walking towards him.
“so, what do you think? looks legit, huh?” he crossed his arms together, observing the design of the booth with a proud smile. the set-up is definitely eye-catching, not much decorations going on, adding to the simplicity of the white theme with gold touch-ups. you browsed through the plastered posters on the board, inviting people to sign up for their upcoming audition. looking up to the signboard hanging outside, you showed a thumbs up towards him, muttering a quick ‘perfect’.
“so what exactly is your booth doing? there’s not much… activity going on?” you scratched the non-existent itch on your left eyebrow. the boy in front of you gave you an eye roll before explaining that there will be mini dance games - or just dance as he worded. an amused sound left your lips as you bent down, dropping your signature in the guestbook on the wooden table.
“are you coming to the stage shows tonight? i heard there’s a new band performing,” your ears perked up instinctively upon hearing the words. after your sister graduated high school, nobody paid any attention to keep the band going. the zikas, a trio that made the music club strive back then. either the newer batches were too lazy to make an effort or too scared if they weren’t up to the already high standards of the school.
“i’m going if you’re going,” you simply stated, which made yangyang flash you the same grin from before. you said your simple goodbyes when people started lining up to try the just dance game at his booth. after he reminded you to wait for him by the statue, you went off to check out the food sales, eager to fill your growling stomach since this morning.
you can do this, sicheng. you can do this.
he made sure to double check the tuning of his guitar for one last time before joining the rest of his bandmates on the stage. his tall and slim physique surely left an impact, seeing that some of the audience suddenly became more invested in the performance compared to the others. he’s wearing some band’s shirt - probably green day since it’s quite similar to your sister’s posters in her room, black leather jacket and his black hair middle parted. not to miss the silver pendant necklace on his neck, sparkling under the spotlight.
the moment he struck the pick through the strings of his electric guitar, the drummer and bassist followed after, producing a melody that is pleasing to your ears. he held the microphone closer to his mouth, singing the lyrics as you bobbed your head up and down to the covers they sang - american idiot and helena are the ones you recognized since you’ve heard the songs so often. yangyang on the other hand kept on sipping the chocolate milkshake in his hand, vibing with the music as well.
the next song was a sentimental one which you assumed is a self-composed one, since you’ve never heard this song before. before you know it, the performance is over and the audience have started packing up their belongings to hang out somewhere else or go home.
“good job everyone, we did well,” yuta, who played the bass earlier, high-fived the rest of the band with a sly grin on his face. guanheng chugged the mineral water down his throat before stashing his drumsticks into the bag while sicheng was lost in his thoughts. he doesn’t know why but you stood out from the crowd, only able to see you just now. he wouldn’t say it’s a crush, not knowing anything about you but it definitely made him feel something. a trigger in his heart, not knowing where it leads to. but what he does know is that you caught his attention.
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“and you know what he said? i’ll come back crawling to him just like his other exes. what the heck is even that?” you took out the binders from your locker while listening to ningning rant about her love life. since you haven’t had any relationships before, you’re not really a professional in this aspect of life so you just kept your mouth shut to avoid giving useless advice.
“that sounds so rude, he’s such a jerk,” you commented, taking the first bite of your sandwich afterwards. the tea-spilling session eventually came to an end when she reached her class first and you kept walking to mrs. walker’s, english being your first period. nothing exciting really happened in that class except someone got their phone confiscated for texting in class - just the usual things. classes later, it’s finally recess when you met up with ningning and yangyang in the cafeteria.
“first of all, cut him off. block him. everywhere,” yangyang emphasized the last word, knowing how much of an idiot the guy can be. you just scrolled through your socials, double tapping on certain posts that caught your eye. owning a cat looks fun, you made a mental note to bring the idea to your parents later. the bell rang which signals that classes are starting back soon and the same cycle of events continues before it’s time to go home.
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you observed yangyang’s sharp moves, following to the beat of the song echoing in the dance room. it’s currently half past seven and he’s still here, beads of sweat running through his hair. and why would he stay in school so late, you may ask? obviously, he’s here for a reason and it being an upcoming dance tournament is the most accurate one. while you’re here, sitting on the floor, back against the mirror and legs straightened out with your phone in your hand. it amazes you how the goofy boy transforms 360°, being all serious when he’s in his element.
“let’s go home, i’m tired already,” he panted out breathlessly, using a cloth nearby to wipe his sweaty forehead. you wait for him by the glass door as he packs up his things when the lights in the music studio also switched off. you wondered it must be the band guys so you paid no attention whatsoever. of course, your predictions were right when you saw two lads stepping out.
since yangyang is taking too much time tidying up the dance studio and the music studio seems unoccupied, you decided to check it out for a bit. it’s been a long time since you last entered the room, always accompanying your sister for her extra practice when you were younger. not much has changed, except some additions of instruments can be seen. not seeing anything in the dark condition as the room is only illuminated by the faint lights from the hallway, you pushed the switches down only to be met by a gasp.
“what are you doing here?” the tall boy approached you, a stern look visible on his fine features. your eyes scrambled around the room in an attempt to find any logical excuses for your ‘break-in’ but to no avail. your tongue was dry, not a sound escaping your throat when you heard yangyang’s voice, signalling your cue to exit the room and escape from the tension building between you and the boy. he just shook his head, the black hair bouncing left to right as he finally caught on.
it’s you, you’re the girl from the crowd. and your name is y/n.
the walk home was filled with one-sided conversations where yangyang kept on babbling about how he should improve the choreography he created earlier while you only added small comments. your mind is filled with embarrassment, too much that you feel slightly mad at yourself. why didn’t you say anything earlier? now, you look like a complete idiot with communication issues in front of that boy.
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“yeah, and remember that pasta? we should definitely try it again, it’s like, so good,” yangyang said, earning a nod from you when you saw the boy from last night’s music studio tragedy approaching your table. you tried to look away but it was too late.
“dude, just wanna let you know that mr. park is seeing us after school,” your grip on your fork loosens up when you realized he wasn’t talking to you. maybe he forgot about the incident? you really hope so.
“yeah, totally. thanks sicheng,” yangyang playfully winked at the latter, earning a disgusted look from him who started walking away. he glanced back at you with a smug smile on his plump lips, making you freeze up again.
he didn’t.
“are you okay, y/n? feeling sick?” ningning furrowed her eyebrows upon seeing your sudden change of demeanor. you shrugged her off and continued to consume the macaroni placed on the tray in front of you, mentally cursing at yourself for the poor life choice you’d made. well, at least you know that his name is sicheng, right?
oh boy, you’re in for a long ride.
you can’t wait to go home and snuggle under the covers, today has been a long and tiring one for you. you had three pop quizzes as if all the three teachers intended so, your class had to run multiple laps during p.e. and so on. you’re already planning your routine in your head, trudging your way to the lockers when you saw him leaning against yours, scrolling down his phone.
“crap,” you muttered under your breath.
there it is, the smirk on his face returns when he spots your figure approaching. oh, how you wish you could wipe it off his face. he moved a couple steps backwards to give you some space to arrange your things before locking it, turning your head towards him.
“i’m sorry, why are you here again? and if it’s because of last night, then i’m sorry if it bothered you or anything,” you huffed out.
“what? i didn’t really care, it’s not like you were stealing anything, right?” he squinted his eyes, eyeing you up and down suspiciously, laughing shortly after seeing you get riled up.
“damn, you really need to learn how to take a joke. y/n, right? i’m sicheng, nice to meet you.”
“why exactly are we having this meet-and-greet or whatever this introduction is?” you crossed your arms, waiting for his response. but he didn’t, immediately turning on his heels and making his way towards the stairs, probably going to the studio.
“jerk,” you cursed under your breath, walking out the school building.
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“what? you got accepted? seriously?” ningning’s voice echoed against the cafeteria walls, earning surprised and annoyed glances from other students who were either satisfying their grumbling stomach or simply having conversations. yangyang softly nudged her elbows using his, asking her to lower her voice down before telling you to go on. you were quite surprised as well, the acceptance email was not what you expected to receive. when you filled in the application form, it was just a mere shoot-your-shot agenda to see if you’d make the cut. although this is just a camp, you’re still unsure of what lies ahead.
“yeah, it starts next week. but i’m so nervous though,” you sipped the iced coffee in your hands. you’ve only watched videos of people producing their own music from scratch which you start to take an interest in. however, you’ve never done it hands-on before, only having basic music theory knowledge thanks to the piano lessons your parents signed you up for when you were young.
“you’ll do awesome, i promise,” yangyang gave you a reassuring smile, making you release some tension from the overthinking you’ve had since you received the email last night.
“thanks yang.”
now, here you are on the first day of attending the internship camp. you stood in front of the tall mirror hanging on the wall, straightening your cardigan and applying some makeup onto your face as touch-ups. it’s currently 7:40 in the morning, the earliest time you’ve ever woken up on a saturday. your siblings are still swallowed in their states of sleep. you double-checked the contents in your tote bag, making sure that no important things are left behind. you totally don’t intend on leaving a bad first impression on your first day.
after bidding a swift goodbye to your parents who just woke up, you drove your mother’s old honda to the completely new destination - mbyte studios. the tall building with light grey and blue painted walls definitely made it stand out, a futuristic look catching the eyes of the passersby. taking a deep breath, you entered the main lobby before being escorted to a room on the second floor. you assume it’s a waiting room for all participants of the camp, scanning that majority of the occupiers might be college students. you thanked god that the camp takes place on weekends so your high school senior life won’t be interrupted that much.
your eyes widened when you spot sicheng with the same white and blue tag you’re wearing, seated on the sofa. what the hell is he doing here? you avoided acknowledging his presence, trying to make yourself as unnoticed as possible heading over to occupy the seat farthest from his. after quite some time staring at the paintings hanging on the wall, a middle-aged lady with a petite figure entered the room, making you sit up straight.
“welcome to mbyte studios! i’m the assistant director, mrs. hwang. first and foremost, congratulations on being accepted. it’ a pleasure to witness the start of your musical journey embarking here. i believe that we should know each other first?” she gestured for any volunteers. sicheng stood up from his seat, charisma evident in his stance which left quite an impression on the others. the strong confidence in the way he speaks made the woman smile amusingly.
some names later, it was your turn to introduce yourself. the moment you stood up, he immediately recognized you and you were sure you caught him making some faces. the ice-breaking session went well thankfully, mrs. hwang elaborating on the social rules and the itinerary throughout the whole six days. one that caught your attention was assisting the producers on making a track from scratch, just like you had dreamed of.
when it was finally time for lunch break, you shot up from your seat to get away from sicheng as fast as possible but to your dismay, he beat you to it, jogging up towards your standing position.
“i didn’t know you were into music, what’s the sudden occasion?”
“it’s none of your business actually,” you sneered back, obviously not favouring his attention.
“woah, relax. you’ve got quite a temper, don’t you? by the way, we’re having lunch together,” he placed his phone onto a nearby table, pulling a chair for you.
“just eat on your own, i don’t have the appetite,” you flash a sarcastic grin before disappearing into the women’s restroom. he just laughed bitterly at your response before walking towards the food counter, joining his newly made friend, jaehyun. being the same age, they’re easy to click.
“today, we’ll be focusing on the recording process. you’ll be assigned into groups that will have a tour of the whole department. our staff will facilitate each group,” the manager said loud and clear. you remembered his name was johnny. the tattoo on his shoulder really stands out, considering the fact that he’s always wearing a sleeveless shirt.
but what are the odds when your groupmate is none other than the guy himself, sicheng. it’s like the universe truly resented you for having to be associated with him at any event. your group was escorted to the farthest recording studio on the floor. to say that this was a great experience is truly an understatement, making you observe the gears used in astonishment. you hate to admit it but sicheng has a handful of knowledge on this particular topic, always correctly answering the questions directed by the staff. maybe it wasn’t quite surprising upon knowing that his career choice is a singer, not that you care anyways.
again, nothing out of the ordinary happened today, except that you and sicheng had lunch on the same table. of course, it’s not that you accepted his offer but he welcomed himself to the spot. being the quickly favoured participant among the rest, obviously they welcomed him with open hands. he placed himself among the two guys sitting at the right corner, eyeing you whose eyes are still not leaving the article you were skimming through. with the last spoon of food shoved into your mouth, you quietly excused yourself from the group. sicheng just watched your movements in subtle signs of annoyance.
with the final task of doing microphone check-ups, day two of the camp ended with a breeze. you can’t wait to go home, get into a warm bath and spend the night watching netflix. it was a tiring one indeed but you’re not one to complain. pushing the car keys into the ignition slot, the sound of the engine starting is still nowhere to be heard even after a couple of retries. you rested your forehead onto the steering wheel, cursing silently in your head, having to get a taxi and call your mother about this incident. you’re sure to be receiving a handful from her, not to mention her soft but stingful remarks.
“hey, are you okay?” a deep voice interrupts your stressful state of mind. looking up, it’s sicheng with a concerned look on display. you hesitantly shared your problem, making him press his lips together probably thinking of a solution.
“you know, i don’t really know how to fix your broken engine or whatever but i know someone who can. let me just ring him for a sec. and you’re coming home with me.”
and that’s how you ended up in the front passenger seat, sicheng steering with one hand and the other rested on the windowsill. the faint music from the radio can be heard, probably a song by jon vinyl. you’d steal quick glances to see his other hand dancing in the air, enjoying the rhythm of the song playing. besides that, it was silent as both of you are preoccupied with your own things - sicheng on the road while you on your phone. he tried to make small talk but you would say it’s unrequited, only replying with short sentences. after a good ten minutes drive, the sight of your brown painted gate becomes a sign for him to stop the moving car.
“your car is safe with my friend so you shouldn’t worry about it or anything. also, what’s your number? it’ll be easier for, you know the car business of course,” he reached over to unbuckle your seatbelt, handing over his phone to you after. the close proximity made your breath hitch, the dewy scent of his perfume diffusing into your nose. not too strong, he has a good taste.
“thanks and um, i’ll buy you a drink later. just for today.”
“are you asking me on a date?” there it is, the significant tug on the side of his lips making its presence once again.
“stop being so narcissistic and move along please,” you rolled your eyes before giving him a small wave, stepping into your property. sicheng stared at the numerals on his phone screen, a small, proud grin etched on before driving off the lane.
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“how was the camp? met any cute boys?” the first thing you hear in the hue of the blue monday morning is ningning’s chirpy voice. sometimes you wonder how she gets all boosted up at this hour of the day. yangyang is the polar opposite, his appearance as if he just got out of bed, the hood of his denim jacket resting on top of his auburn hair.
“it was good and no, no cute boys. but sicheng was there,” you replied nonchalantly, a mischievous grin crept onto her lips. you can almost predict the words that are going to spill out of her mouth.
“what’s up with her?” yangyang yawned, his eyes lazily gaze at you. you just lifted your shoulders, having no idea whatsoever. a ping sound was heard from your phone, notifying that a new message is received.
unknown: hey sicheng here
unknown: ur car may be ready tmr. want me to drive u there?
listening to your heart, you were about to type ‘no’ but remembering the fact that your parents will be busy the whole day tomorrow and yangyang is coming home late once again, you have no choice but to accept the lad’s help.
now you’re back in his vehicle, the same spot as before. you’ve only noticed now that a musical note charm is hung on the rearview mirror, a semiquaver to be exact. you’d say that it looks authentic, gold specks shining when sun rays hit the surface. observing the interior of his car, there are quite a number of small decorations.
“can we get coffee first? my treat for the car and the ride,” you suggested, looking at him whose eyes are focused onto the road. the traffic is quite pleasing today, nobody honking mindlessly at the other drivers and flipping each other off with the famous middle finger gesture. his side profile does look charming, some type of earrings dangling from his ears. if you’re going to be honest, his appearance does seem to be your type. you’re not one to say about his persona though, always managing to bother you at any time of the day.
“sure, wanna go to the new cafe? i heard it’s good,”. you just nodded while he skillfully steered the steering wheel, moving the car to the new destination. you turned your eyes to look outside from the car window, seeing the one hundred and one manners of the citizens. a mother struggling to take her child who’s having a tantrum out of the toy shop, a young couple having their romantic meal in the french cafe. the motion of the car stopping awakened you who was being distracted by your clouded mind.
from the moment you stepped into the place, the interior caught your attention. the light brown painted walls with black furniture complementing each other perfectly, making a retro-like appearance. the funky song playing faintly in the background surely is a mood-setter, just how you like it. even the barista serving you is being friendly, making a couple of small talk in the midst of operating the machines.
you would say that it was a pleasureful day for you. the exquisite taste of latte washing down your dry throat, getting your car back without too much babbling from your dear mother and the gap between you and sicheng closing in for a little.
the last sentence baffled you for a second.
sicheng’s eyes shot open from the short slumber he was trying to get - failing miserably even, upon spotting you enter through the door. he pulled the chair beside him in hopes for you to get his message and take the seat. a frown made its way onto his face when you just waved at him, making your way to another spot a few chairs to the front. he scoffed, head tilting slightly before approaching you instead. you shot him a puzzled look, roughly translating to ask him what he’s doing here.
“i just want to be close to you. now focus,” he redirected his eyes onto the muscular man who just entered the room. he’s a songwriter - the best one in this company to be exact. you were focused on each point he explained, making small notes on your laptop. it’s not always that you’ll get a chance to be guided by a four-time award winning songwriter, might as well gain some benefits from it.
“another tip i have is to use all types of chords. remember, do not stick to the same ones, you’ll lack creativity. for instance, use major, minor, dominant, diminished, and augmented. i promise you, more ideas will be flowing and better quality songs will be produced. you got me?” the questioned, earning buzzing sounds of positive responses from the hall.
another day of group work, you’re given the task to create a melody according to the themes given - for your group, it’s love. looking at sicheng, he’s already on his electric guitar, strumming mindlessly to find the perfect note to start on. the rest of you are now juicing out some thoughts on this particular sense of human nature.
“love gives us thrill, the feeling of excitement, the feeling when you’re uncertain about something but when you have that special someone with you, you’re sure to wing it all,” jaehyun suggests, earning nods of approval from the rest of your groupmates.
“you’re a pro at this, mr. romantic,” you teased him, earning a soft chuckle. a dimpled smile is etched onto his features, rosy cheeks and his eye smile making you fawn. prince-like visual and a sense of humour? a two in one package, totally.
“not really. i guess i’m a sucker for romance movies,” he rubbed the back of his neck. your small conversation came to a halt when you heard a crooked, loud sound coming from the rough strum on the guitar strings. you turned around to see sicheng gazing directly towards the both of you, a sharp one even. jaehyun just blinked his eyes before catching onto the situation unfolding in front of him while you’re still being completely oblivious. you tilted your head in confusion, unsure of what’s gotten into him.
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it’s the day that yangyang has been looking forward to since the past few weeks, his dance tournament. you’re seated with ningning on the bleachers, music from the loudspeakers echoing through the walls. with the cheers of the bewatchers whenever someone captivated them with a trick or dance move, usually the risky ones, it truly is a loud atmosphere.
“now, welcoming contestant number 43 to take the stage,” the host announced, you and ningning clapped with all your might, shouting words of encouragement as well. yangyang took a deep breath before lifting his right hand up, cueing for the music to start playing. just then, there’s the sound of someone plopping down on the hard surface next to you - sicheng. he’s looking casual today, a light yellow hoodie replacing his usual dark clothings.
“what are you doing here?” you shout whispered while ningning raised her eyebrows at you.
“didn’t yangyang tell you? i’m here to watch him dance,” he countered your question before darting his eyes back to the boy who’s busy popping on the dance floor, tinashe’s song playing in the background. he ended his routine with a moonwalk, making his way to the end of the stage. you’re confident that he’s going to win the competition, looking at how precise and clean his moves were. all the late night practices he had eventually paid off when he’s announced as the second placer. nonetheless, he’s still proud of himself, not to mention you and ningning who have been with him throughout his whole journey.
“you did well,” sicheng welcomed him with a fist bump which he reciprocated back. you didn’t know that they were this good of friends.
“i’m starving,” he rubbed his hand onto his stomach, making you remember that your stomach has been rumbling since you only ate a cereal bar that morning. you were about to catch up to yangyang and ningning who were walking fast ahead when you felt a tug on your shirt, looking down to see sicheng crouching down to tie your loose shoelaces.
“you might fall,” he placed his hands into the pockets of his hoodies, waiting for you to come along.
“um, thanks,” you muttered out before catching the glances given by your friends, later teasing you about the scene.
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roars of students can be heard coherently, filling the basketball court. the basketball captain, a tall one with black charcoal hair is shooting a three-pointer. the players are then called over to their respective sides for whatever strategy their coaches will be implementing in the third-quarter. the home team is currently leading by five points, knowing that the players wearing the significant red and black jersey have been training their asses off for a while now.
but why exactly did you come to the game tonight? besides from the main event happening in the moment, the other reason is now standing in his position, strumming his electric guitar producing a funky sound that vibrates through the walls - a cue for the start of another buzzing stage. sicheng has been bugging you about watching him perform tonight and after quite some time evaluating, why not? when he finally caught you among the crowd, he flashed you a flirtatious wink. right before the band bowed as gratitude to the audience, he gave you a gesture to wait for him at the back of the gym.
“you came! but seriously, thank you,” he rested the sparkly white guitar against the wall, enveloping you into a hug. this is new, you tried to hide the flustered state of yours as you reciprocated his movement. from the corner of your eyes, you can see a black-haired guy approaching the two of you, followed by one with long, white hair and a bandana nicely keeping the fluffy strands in tact.
“ooh, who’s this?” the first one wiggled his eyebrows, later introducing himself as guanheng, the latter named yuta. to your surprise, the bond between you and them are quick to form with guanheng piloting the conversation. not to mention his subtle jokes making you giggle at times.
“well y/n, your little boyfriend here is getting jealous so we’ll excuse ourselves for now. see you whenever,” guanheng banging his drumsticks into the air while yuta gave you a quick wave before disappearing into the store room of the gymnasium. the nickname they gave sicheng surely made you a bit shy.
you’re seated in front of the computer screen, your chin resting on the palm of your hands and the tabs of different colours left untouched. you redirected your gaze onto the projector screen, the words ‘arrange, mix, edit and master like a pro’ on it. a long sigh leaving your lips, you try to remember what the producer said earlier.
don’t make the song sound too repetitive
a good buildup promises a good melody
you can have a certain instrument playing only on one part for cinematic impact
“i’m hyo and you’re,” she moved the wheels of her chair to the back a bit to take another look at the clipboard resting on the desk, “sicheng, y/n and jaehyun, right?” the three of you nodded in harmony, anticipating for the next order that will be given.
“okay cool, we’ll be brainstorming first,” and she proceeded to explain what the requirements for this project are. you mouthed out the important points she gave, soft rock, heartbreak and drums. you’re on a roll today, contributing your countless ideas during the first few minutes of the discussion. sicheng just looked at you discussing with hyo, your lips pursed slightly. his gaze seems full of adoration, even jaehyun said so.
“any objections?” hyo looked over to the rest.
“i think she made some great ones. i’m sure this project will come out fresh,” jaehyun voiced out his opinions, sicheng nodding after. he went straight to handling the instruments , you and jaehyun collaborating for the mixing process. hyo eventually chimed in on some times, giving small advice whenever you seem stuck in the brain. with the hours ticking by, you’re feeling more satisfied than ever with your earphones in, listening to the final product created.
all of the participants are then assembled in the hall again, waiting for a final speech by the director which formalizes the end of the camp. sure, you’ve earned worthy knowledge throughout the six days. but if you’re being brutally true to the sound of your heart, it would be how you came to learn sicheng’s true antics. he might be the cocky guy who thinks they have the power to do anything but in truth, he’s just some guy with an honest heart, honest intentions to know you better.
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summer break, your most anticipated event for the past few weeks. the moment the last bell rang, that scene in high school musical 2 kept replaying in the back of your head, the students doing a parade in front of the lockers picturing how your little heart is doing backflips in your chest right now. all the beach trips ningning planned is making you feel dizzy. you turned around to a voice calling out your name from the end of the hallway, your eyes catching the sight of sicheng jogging towards your spot. he stopped in front of you, hands on his knees catching his breath.
“are you free tomorrow night? there’s a party at guanheng’s and you know, it would be really cool if you join,” his fingers tracing onto each other, waiting patiently for your response.
you didn’t even have the time to process his invitation when ningning crashed her body against yours, yangyang following suit.
“a party? y/n would totally love to come, right?” ningning nudged your arms softly while yangyang tried to stifle a giggle. you were about to mouth out a ‘what?’ before sicheng cut you off.
“cool, you guys should come too. tomorrow at 10,” he and yangyang exchanged finger guns gestures before leaving the three of you. you just stood there in disbelief, eyeing them up and down before ningning dragged you to the parking lot. a stringful of grumbles escaped your lips, making the guy laugh obnoxiously.
“i can’t believe you guys did that,” you extended the seat belt, buckling it to the slot beside you.
“please. but you do want it, right?” you can’t deny, what she said was true. plus, you should have some fun and distress before having to go back to the usual dull routine of yours.
“how do i look?” you turn around, revealing the baby pink crop top and flare pants on your legs. it’s not your best outfit but giving the cliche excuse - you have nothing to wear, the two articles totally complements each other
“you look hot, that’s all i gotta say. right, yang?” ningning lifted her head from the headboard, glancing over at yangyang who’s going over his messages.
“yeah totally,” he lifted his hands, giving you a thumbs up. you threw a jacket onto your shoulders and grabbed the black purse on your dresser, glancing at the wall mirror one last time.
from the moment you stepped into the venue - guanheng’s place, smells of alcohol lingered around your nose, a group of people cheering ever so loudly over a game of beer pong, some already passed out on the couch. not to mention a brownish stain on the carpet - probably from someone throwing up. the mess would take a whole day to get rid off, you note to yourself. your friends are no longer to be found, both of them getting affiliated with god knows what. your eyes scanned the living room for sicheng but his presence is still nowhere to be found.
you decided to step towards the kitchen bar, pouring a drink for yourself. the mixed sweet and sour taste of it remained on your tongue for a couple of seconds. looking over at the snacks served, you grabbed a strawberry flavoured lollipop from the clear bowl. the crowd is cheering loudly for some type of incident happening at the back of the room, the music has been turned up to be a little louder than the volume before and you’re suddenly getting a little bit overwhelmed. you grabbed your purse and stepped out, inhaling some fresh air and looking up to the starry night sky.
“y/n? where have you been?” sicheng approached you from behind, making you a bit startled.
“sorry, hanging out outside can calm me. where did you go?” you popped the lollipop into your mouth.
“some jerk decided to throw up in front of me,” you pinched your nose with a disgusted expression, making him roll his eyes.
“do you want me to accompany you out here?” he offered. you just nod your head, placing yourself on the patio with him following suit. the sweetening flavour empowering your senses. it’s definitely much more calm out here, allowing you to clear up your mind. it’s not that you hate the atmosphere in the house right now, you’re just not in the mood.
“you know, you look pretty,” you turned around to meet his face. his brown eyes brimming with unconfessed love.
“shut up, stop with the jokes,” you lightly land a smack on his arms.
“what if i say i’m not joking?” he looked straight into your eyes, trying to find any emotion inside you. the sudden seriousness is making you feel much more awkward so you forced out a laugh, turning your attention right back upwards. the stars are shining brightly tonight, you can almost spot a constellation.
“i know what you’re doing, dong sicheng. just stop it already, it’s not working on me.” denial, that’s what you’re experiencing in the hot minute.
a gentle tug can be felt on your wrist, his eyes still not leaving yours.
“didn’t anyone tell you before? you’re really pretty. like, i can’t even describe it to you. you’re just,” he leaned over to caress your cheeks, “pretty,”.
what jaehyun said on the other day is true, after all.
love gives us thrill, the feeling of excitement, the feeling when you’re uncertain about something but when you have that special someone with you, you’re sure to wing it all.
your heart is beating so fast, it could fall out of your chest at any moment now. even the faint music blasting through the speakers inside the house can’t flush down the sound of your heartbeat. you’re not used to this, the sudden need of the significant skin to skin contact that symbolizes love between two individuals.
“can i?” his face in a very near proximity from yours, whispering into your right ear with his honey-like voice. you pulled the candy away from your mouth and nod, giving him the approval he needed before he dived in. heat rose from your stomach to your chest. you could only focus on how soft his crimson lips felt on yours, invading your privacy by all senses. you felt the kiss expand beyond your bodies, whirling you round, swirling you into the stars. he pulled away with a soft smile, you thought you could melt right then and there.
“wow,” that was the only word escaping your throat. your jumping heart still hasn’t settled down yet, your very first kiss still feeling surreal. you could see that sicheng is very much mirroring your emotions, his slender fingers grazing over his lips - the one that has come in contact with yours.
“the strawberry lollipop is sweet,” he commented, making the both of you laugh.
a ping from your phone awakened you from the gushy eye contact with him, unlocking it only to find yangyang’s text message. the second part of it made you fluster.
yang: yo r u coming in or what? and congrats for the kiss, we thought we’d have to wait longer for this
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tartagilicious · 3 years
sun and moon > xiao
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happy (late-ish) valentine’s day yall! thank you, mihoyo, for once again reminding me that i’m easily attached to emotionally unavailable pretty boys. the "I hate everyone but you" trope is real here, I wanna be his friend and gain his trust like this is a mf otome game. to anyone still pulling for him, good luck~ don’t worry, you have a little bit more time and more free rewards are also on the way!! have some soft xiao for good luck >:D // w.c 1.9k // not a request 
also a big ty to @seerie​ for being my beta reader, bc I don’t know what I’m doing 🥴
summer sky by asking for a friend
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You hiss softly as Xiao runs a damp cloth over the gash adorning the length of your cheekbone, face scrunching as his eyes narrow in concentration. It feels somehow wrong to have him taking care of you, much less sitting in front of you and dressing your wounds himself.
A majority of the bleeding had stopped not long ago, but there's still another fear that plagues you more -- your agreement with the yaksha adeptus, or rather contract, specifically trying to combat injuries on your behalf.
You aren’t sure if chickening out on calling him in the midst of the situation you were hurt is grounds for breaking the contract somehow, though either way, Xiao has always seemed to be quite serious regarding his promises. You remember his first and only instructions to you weeks ago being clear and concise,
“If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name; adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call.”
Surely a small wound like this wasn’t serious enough?
Xiao pulls the fabric away from your face and silently notes what must be the mess of blood covering it, lips turning up in a grimace. His standards of emergency are usually as one would expect, though lately for whatever reason, even the smallest of your wounds tend to put him in a bad mood.
From such a standoffish person, it’s a bit hard to get used to or understand -- but a part of you is only happy to know that there’s a chance he might care more than he lets on.
“...The abyss mages, they just came out of nowhere,” You try to explain but the silence is deafening. Eyes downcast to the stool beneath your legs, you mumble, “It’s not that big of a deal.”
Xiao doesn’t give any more of a reaction than an arched brow and a slight gesture with the gruesomely dyed cloth. You half expect him to be irritated; to give you a lecture on keeping an eye on your surroundings or to take better care of yourself, but he doesn’t. Instead, he looks away and shakes his head, spiking your nerves with a low sigh.
He looks back at you as he rests his elbow on his knee and thrusts out the cloth again, almost in exasperation. “Why didn’t you call my name?”
You feel the blood drain from your face as the words leave his mouth, and suddenly, you’re terrified to answer honestly. As already long-established, Xiao is someone who despite thousands of years of trauma, remains as hard as the rock of the nation he watches over. Compared to his lifespan, you’re relatively immature, so the last thing you want is to give an embarrassing reason to make him think that you suddenly don’t trust him enough to help.
“I-I don’t know,” You stutter and curse pitifully inside your head as you return his eye contact. “But I can’t just call you every time I’m in trouble, especially when I think I can deal with it myself, right?”
He scoffs as if you’ve just said the most ridiculous thing.
“This shouldn’t have to be a discussion. Your capabilities don’t lack anything, but your hesitation may very well be the death of you.”
“I never hesitated,” Though your voice is more steadfast, any illusion of confidence is shattered by the way you fidget with your hands. “I only misjudged. I make mistakes sometimes, but I think you forget that I’ll heal even after the worst of these injuries.”
Xiao sighs and crumples the bloodstained cloth in the palm of his hand, caging himself in his arms before speaking again -- just as he always does.
“Don’t be outrageous, I haven’t forgotten anything.” He averts his gaze and for a moment, you swear that you notice the tips of his ears flush. “It’s only ignorant to assume that I want to see you injured.”
Your brows knit as a similar knot slides down your throat. “I just, I just don’t get why you’re so worried about it.”
He stares at you, once again, as if you’ve just said something completely outlandish -- as if it wasn’t as hard to tell what he was thinking beneath such a guarded personality as you made it out to be.
“What?” You ask, slightly exasperated as you sit up straighter. You had still been sitting as if he were cleaning your wounds. “Is that not a valid question? It seems like you want nothing to do with anyone, but then turn around and worry when I’m hurt?”
“How could you do that and still not know why I hesitate to call for you?” Exasperated, you exhale and shut your eyes for a moment, deliberately avoid seeing his reaction to these words.
“...All I mean, is that sometimes it’s hard to tell what you’re thinking -- I feel like I’m bothering you, even if it might be in a situation where I really do need you.”
For a moment, Xiao is blatantly surprised by your reason for not upholding the contract you’d made. It almost gives you the impression that in your spiel, you’ve said something completely idiotic. A gradual flush of embarrassment flares up beneath your skin, but thankfully, you contain yourself before you have the chance to blurt out anything you’d regret.
His lips twist ever so slightly, as if he’s combing through things to respond with in his head. Obviously a bit flustered to hear your reasoning, it’s odd to see him in such a way, albeit while somehow remaining so uniquely him
“You… really are incomprehensible.”
Turning his head to shield his expression, he discards the cloth by tossing it in a nearby basket and stands. Your eyes follow him up until his own turn back towards you, golden irises glinting with a sort of hesitant concentration. You blink.
“If you trust me enough to enter a contract where i very well might decide between your life and death, do well and also trust me as someone who doesn’t break their promises.” Xiao’s brows fold delicately, as if mulling over the words coming out of hisin real time. “___, I don’t want to see you hurt like this.”
Your heartbeat briefly stutters, lips opening and closing as if to say something even when no thoughts are formed. Eyes trailing back down to your hands, you let out a small sigh. Before you can say anything, though, a gloved hand takes your chin and gently guides your eyes back upwards.
“So don’t hesitate.” His touch is soft as he maintains comfortable eye contact with you despite the straight-forward words. “I won’t allow you to die because of me.”
Blood pumps wildly through your ears as you suck in a breath of apprehension. As hard as you try to break away your gaze, something in his face keeps you anchored even when your chest begins to seize; a face that has been hardened over a millenia of suffering stares back at you with the improper care of a hopeful innocent, as if you are something that is worthwhile in the purest sense.
You swallow, Xiao’s hand’s position above your throat making it painfully obvious to him how caught off guard you are. Though naturally, if this action of yours makes him falter at all, he does so unnoticeably.
“I won’t,” It’s said slowly, as if you can’t comprehend what exactly you’re saying just yet. “You said I don’t lack anything, but in the moments I do--”
Your lips rest parted as anxiety cuts off the last part of your sentence, but Xiao’s patient expression pushes you forward.
“...I trust you to help me.”
Those words echo in his mind for a moment, ricocheting and hitting even the most unfamiliar parts of himself that he’d long buried. Feelings and memories that have since collected cobwebs begin to resurface and remind him of a more simple time he treasures dearly.
Xiao’s thumb ghosts over your jaw, slowly wiping across the skin as he’s propelled deeply into thought -- fortunately too much so to notice the rising pigment on your cheeks.
He himself places his trust in people far and few. You might be different, well acquainted to human customs and the world around you, yet those words from you somehow feel just as special as if the roles are reversed. Your honesty and courage to accompany him has always dug at the cavity in his chest, but to hear you voice the metaphorical fruit of your labour so clearly is an entirely different sense.
All this time he’d blindly protected you, warned you about monsters lurking in the darkness, he’d fallen too far to even realise that you were beginning to change him. He no longer ate alone, nor did he adventure or sleep as he once did -- you had stuck onto him like a stubborn thorn despite, in your words, tending to feel as if you were bothering him. Regardless, he had somehow still earned your valuable companionship, and with it, commendable words that he could accept from you alone.
But there were times where he despised feeling such a way. He battled over the reasons he felt so inflicted when it was you who was injured, or you who chose to stick by him even after he tried so desperately to push you away. It was frustrating, dealing with a gentle care so foreign. Once he was used to your considerate nature, though, it became a different story.
Seeing you hurt began to shift from an expectable casualty to a blow to his own chest.
“...Xiao,” Your voice is hesitantly quiet, and suddenly, his eyes come back into focus. You’re staring at him with hesitant concern, setting his heart abuzz. “Are you okay?”
It’s when you reach up to wrap your hand around his that his mind finally completes his thought.
I love her.
As an Adeptus, he’s lived thousands of lives and outlived many more, and has taken the role of slaughterer before protector throughout many of them. In a way, the latter ways of his previous life have been ingrained him, regardless of those he manages to save in the more current centuries.
He imagines the figures of the spirits of those he’d wronged watching him in this moment, screaming a sound of contempt that he would never hear. They’re right to do so. They have no reason to pray for his happiness, much like he has little reason to pray for forgiveness.
Yet looking down at you, for the first time in a long time, none of that seems to matter.
With little thought, he grips your hand a bit tighter before letting go, his own hand travelling the length of your jaw to bring himself down to you. You remain completely still as he places a gentle kiss above your brow bone, breath hitching.
“I’m okay.” He reassures you quietly, resting there for a moment and sighing a small gust of air onto your skin. You mumble his name softly, hand reaching out to grab a hold of his shirt. The thin layer between your skin and his sends a sudden shiver down his spine, but regardless, he hums in response.
Your voice comes out in a whisper. “Are you sure?”
He nods, for the first time completely certain.
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spindlebeforesunset · 3 years
Pranksters and the Pranked
(because it is April Fools at my place already)
Ace Trappola - prankster
• got their other two roommates to participate in pranking Deuce
• set the room clock 3 hours later than usual
• while the two roommates were "busy preparing for the school day" at 2 am, Ace flicks open the lights and starts turning them on and off and shouts "OI DEUCE WAKE UP, WE'RE LATE"
• he finally yeets a pillow at Deuce's face to wake him up
Deuce Spade - pranked
• a very confused Deuce wakes up, sees that the three of them are already dressed, looks at the clock, and panic dresses himself
• "wheresmyhomeworkwheresmyhomework-"
• only when he runs out in the rose garden does he finally see that, it's still nighttime, no he isn't late, and yes, his sleep was ruined
• trudges back to the dorm room where he finds them all cracking up
• he chucks a pillow at Ace before promptly flopping back on his bed
• with his shoes on (n a s t y)
Cater Diamond - prankster
• has a plastic cockroach toy in his pocket as he is to serve Riddle tea again on this fine day
• Riddle is having a nice time admiring the roses and often sticks his teacup out for Cater to fill
• while Riddle is inspecting a rose, Cater pours the tea and slips the plastic cockroach inside the teacup as well
• he doesn't change his expression when he hands back the teacup
Riddle Rosehearts - pranked
• Riddle sips the warm tea and feels something solid touching his lips
• he looks down
• immediately drops the teacup starts screaming there's a fucking cockroach in the teacup
• he realizes that Cater is doubled over laughing so he takes the opportunity to whoop Cater's head before storming off
Trey Clover - pranked
• he's bored and decides to make cookies
• he double checks the chocolate chips bag to ensure that they were not replaced with chocolate covered raisins like what Che'nya did last year
• no raisins, so he shrugs his shoulders that Che'nya had really ran out of ideas after many years
• takes out the ingredients necessary for the cookies and starts to mix the ingredients
• the process is going fine until he cracks an egg
• there's no liquid yolk pouring out
• he looks at the insides and finds that the egg has been fully hardboiled
• "... I should've known better," he sighs
• somewhere in the kitchen, an invisible RSA student laughs
Ruggie Bucchi - prankster
• gives Leona a package that appears to be from Cheka as there is a letter written in crayon and with childish handwriting
• stands near Leona's bed when he opens it
Leona Kingscholar - pranked
• he doesn't expect anything except maybe a small zebra toy
• but when he shakes the package and heard nothing he immediately thinks it is sus AF
• he glares at Ruggie, but even Ruggie doesn't appear to know anything
• he tears the wrapper, opens the box, and reads the words written ddirectly at the bottom: when will I get paid :(
• "Nice try Ruggie, I'll think about it."
• before he crashes back to his pillow, he sees Ruggie face droop along with his ears
Jack Howl - the only safe one
• by some miracle, the only student in school who did not fall into a prank
Floyd Leech - prankster
• beware Floyd and his pranks, because he will prank just about anybody
• he started with Azul, sneaking in Azul's bedroom (with the latter still asleep) and replacing Azul's glasses with glasses with lens he colored in black marker
• next, while Jade is in the bathroom, he replaces Jade's usual school tie with one that shifts colour and pattern every hour or so (now, it currently looks like the regular school tie)
• set up buckets full of water in the first year classrooms (Epel was dowsed in one, Sebek too, the last being Grim)
• handed Divus a blank assignment (written in invisible ink), but before Divus can even scold him, he passes the paper near a fire where the answers finally appear where Divus takes it with a huff
Azul Ashengrotto - pranked
• he wakes up and puts on his glasses by the bedside table
• how come he can't see
• it takes his sort of sleepy self two minutes to put two and two together
• instantly groans, knowing that Floyd definitely has his real glasses
Jade Leech - pranked
• he puts on his tie as he normally would and walks out the room
• when Ruggie asks him why his tie looked so funky in the middle of the day, he takes it off and finds that it has a silly banana pattern
• facepalms
• h a r d
• that he walked around with who-knows-a-probably-weirder-pattern around the school
Kalim Al-Asim - prankster & pranked
• harmlessly pranked by Jamil when he believed the milk was coconut juice (was kinda disappointed though)
• has slapped whoopee cushions everywhere underneath all the seats in Scarabia just for the heck of it to the chagrin of practically everyone
• asks Silver what's up with his blazer because what even is that
Jamil Viper - prankster
• he started with Kalim and the cocount juice
• knew full well that the seats were full of whoopee cushions and avoids sitting on all of them
• managed to trick Grim that he had tuna cans and when he gave Grim one, he excused himself that he had somewhere to go
• he watches hidden behind a pillar as Grim opens the tuna can and finds nothing but sand inside
• has to kick himself to stop his laughter from seeing Grim's disappointed face
Rook Hunt - prankster
• he was going to prank both Vil and Epel, but after hearing how the latter was dowsed in water for first period, decides to just prank Vil
• slaps cake icing inside an empty and expensive lotion bottle and wraps it with a ribbon
• he runs to Vil in the dormitory after classes and says it was left near his doorstep so tue sender must've mixed the rooms up
• unfortunately, Vil's door is closed on him
Vil Schoenheit - pranked
• after deciding not to scold Epel with the water fiasco, he takes the lotion bottle from Rook and takes it to his room, not seeing the "and I oop" face
• he squirts out a small amount of lotion on his palm and finds that it smells... weirdly fruity
• suspicious now, he rubs it with his palms and (despite all what he knew about beauty products) licks a tiny bit of it to confirm what it was
• blueberry icing
• "... well, it could have been worse."
• ends up tripping where he uses his hands to break the fall and realizes what a big mistake he's made with his sticky palms
• internally groans
Epel Felmier - pranked (can we get an F)
• as soon as he feels his clothes get wet and the bucket land on his head, he knew he was fucked for the whole day and goes through classes with a sheepish expression
Idia Shroud - pranked
• he decides to go outside and get something from the vending machine for once
• takes one step out and slides on a rug by his doorstep that was never there before
• "This is a warning, so maybe I'll just stay inside as always."
• gets back to his room where Ortho asks if he was just pranked as today was April Fools
• "...yep, I'm staying here the whole day."
• "Brother, no."
• unfortunately, they don't know who set up that rug
Lilia Vanrouge - prankster
• the only person who can and will prank Malleus Draconia
• he hides a small and cheap speaker at full blast (connected to his phone) inside Malleus' closet the day prior
• plays the end part of In the Hall of the Mountain King in a loop at exactly 3 am and everyone hears it in the halls
• tricks Sebek to believe that his crappily made cake would give whoever ate it additional strength, claiming the recipe was well-known back in his day
• swaps the black coffee powder with powdered chocolate milk just because
• swaps Silver's blazer with a seemingly normal one, but the back reads: If lost, return to Malleus
Malleus Draconia - pranked
• that music is straight up panic inducing and hurries to find it
• ends up finding it half an hour and yeets it out the window because he can't turn it off
• he's annoyed but goes back to sleep
• is huffy that he can't have coffee
• promptly confused why Silver is brought to him near lunch break until he sees what's at Silver's blazer at the back
• "Did he just..."
Sebek Zigvolt - pranked
• additional strength from the cake you say? THE BETTER TO SERVE WAKA-SAMA
• does not see the already facepalming Silver preparing the morning coffee
• takes a mouthful of it and starts chewing it before realizing something was not right
• "Sebek, I didn't think you would actually eat it. I made it bad on purpose."
• now that's a way to add insult to injury
• if he thought his morning was not already humiliating enough, he gets dowsed in water by Floyd's bucket
• him the whole day be like (;*△*;)
• poor Silver already knew full well of Lilia's antics, yet he still has no way out of it
• he puts on his blazer, not expecting anything wrong
• the powdered milk instead of coffee did annoy him though
• however, when Kalim shoves him to Malleus near lunch, he's shook
• until Kalim tells him to take off his blazer to show the both of them what was embroidered at the back
• "You mean I went out like this?"
• "It appears so," says Malleus
• "Oof," from Kalim
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healpeony · 3 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 | 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐭. 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; After having that little talk with Armin in the party, Y/n just have to remind Eren who he belongs to.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 + 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠; mature, 18+, series, fanfiction.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; Profane, reader gets called mistress, slapping, degradation, vaginal penetrative sex, hand job, edging, pet names, alcohol, sub Eren, dom reader.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 3.5k
Notes; this took longer to write than I expected, I wanted to try and use new words and not the same ones each time so it was a little difficult xd. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. sorry for any mistakes.
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THE RESTING BITCH FACE THAT YOU HAD wasn't caused by the loud music that was going on in the party busting loud through the speakers, it was the fact that Armin was speaking to Eren making those lovely (and lust) filled eyes that the brunette failed to notice. You hated how the blonde looked at Eren, couldn't Armin understand that Eren was yours?
"Y/n, are you listening?"
The sudden sound of your name coming out of Eren's mouth took your attention away from Armin — who you realize was making eye contact with you returning the same look you were giving him — Eren of course not noticing. Turning towards the teal eyed boy, you stared at him with an apologetic look for not having heard him.
"Sorry, what was that, love? I didn't quite catch it"
"Armin was asking if you would like a refill of wine?" Eren asked putting an arm around your smaller frame
"Sure, Armin!"
You smiled, a little too sweet. Armin returned the same smile before looking at Eren "What would you like?" his voice as soft as a feather
"I want a glass of whis-"
"I think that is enough Eren, you have drunk way too much already"
Eren was about to protest, but when you gave him a stern look it made him shut up immediately. Armin didn't fail to notice this, softly humming at the realization — Eren was submissive towards you despite his stubborn and dom energy infront of others.
"I'll get the drinks for us then" Armin said before leaving the you both alone
"Y/n...." Eren whined "Why can't I drink?!"
"Because I said so, don't get started with that bratty attitude"
"But I just had two glasses of whiskey! That is not even a lot.." he continued "You can't always tell me what to d—"
You didn't bother to look around to make sure nobody was watching — before you grabbed both side of Eren's cheeks squeezing them with one hand. You were already angry enough and here Eren was making that emotion grow with that attitude of his.
"If you don't stop right this instant, you're going to be punished right here" you told him through gritted teeth
Eren immediately shut up, only opening his mouth to let out a submissive "Sorry mistress" hanging his head low when you let go of his face
"Good boy" you murmured, taking his face in both of your hands more gently than before and kissing him sweetly on the lips
"I'm going to check if Armin needs any help"
You were absolutely not going to let that happen. The thought of Eren alone with that man made you feel something so pathetic and childish, Jealousy why would you feel that, when the blonde can't never take Eren away from you.
Eren did not feel the same for Armin. That was what you kept telling yourself.
"I'll check, you stay here"
You stood up walking towards the kitchen passing by a lot of the drunk young adults. The smell was disgusting, you obviously expected that since the party have been going on since the afternoon and it was already night outside. Sasha sure loved planning long lasting parties, it has happened two times this month.
As you neared the kitchen you caught a glimpse of the unmistakable blonde man, he was pushing people out of his way with just a glare to get to the cabinet where the wines were located, the sleeves of his button up shirt were pushed up to his elbows.
Armin Arlert was an attractive man, anyone was lying if they said he wasn't, including you. Most of the time half of his blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail, some strands falling on his face making his beautiful — yet intimidating to some — ocean eyes stand out, his signature colors being black and dark blue, those colors did made him more handsome then he already was, always making even the smallest of his features stand out.
"Are you going to stand there and glare at me forever or what?"
You rolled your eyes at the man, walking around to the other side of the kitchen counter where he was pouring some whiskey for himself while your already filled glass of wine seated in the counter. You took it bringing the blood red drink towards your lips while looking right into Armin's eyes.
You loved drinking wine, you had always liked the bittersweet taste it had and no matter how much glasses of wine you drank, it never made you that drunk. You were used to it by now.
"So what are you doing here?" he rested his hip against the counter, one arm crossed around his chest with his whiskey in the other hand
"To help, well Eren wanted to come. We both know you didn't need help bringing Whiskey and wine"
You knew exactly what Eren really wanted, you know your brunette lover like the back of your hand. For you he was an open book, It was stupid on his part to assume you didn't know why he wanted to go into the kitchen.
When the boy wanted something he was way too stubborn to let anyone tell him no, including you. He wanted to come and drink the whiskey in the kitchen while you waited for them to return in the living room couch.
Armin studied you while you were lost in the sea of thoughts, you were so easy to read even when you thought otherwise, he knew how much you disliked him and how you wanted him far away from Eren — that obviously wasn't going to happen, he knew Eren first, if anybody had to leave it was you — sometimes he would notice how you would get scare of his intimidating aura, and then cover it up with a comment.
That couldn't make him more satisfied, knowing how he can easily get a reaction from you.
"Yeah, pretty smart guy huh?" Armin said sarcastically, a chuckle coming out of his throat before drinking from his whiskey and continuing with a taunting look while gazing at you "tonight he looks really handsome, don't you think?"
He had done this many times before, he would wait until you both were alone and would tell you what he thought of Eren's looks. It was irritating and made your jealousy grow, but you always kept yourself as calm as you could just like in this situation.
"Yeah, he really is. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are jealous that I have him. Don't you think?" you smirked at him, mocking his tone
"Yeah, I'm sure. But Eren isn't an object, you don't own him and you don't have him. He's a human being" this time his voice had gone back that innocent one that made your blood boil and the intimidation seem to have disappear from his eyes
"Please tell me you two aren't fighting again"
You felt stupid. of course that was the reason of his sudden change of demeanor, Eren was there. Armin did this frequently, be talking to you in his “true self” then put up the timid and good boy facade whenever the brunette walked into the room.
"I thought I told you to stay in the living room"
Your voice was low and Eren could clearly hear the anger behind it, you didn't do this often, you would always keep your cool and never let him know about your negative feelings. It was like you wanted him to hear the anger in the tone you used, and that did nothing but scared him.
"Yeah, but you took too long..."
Eren was beginning to regret coming to the kitchen, the glare he was receiving making his knees weak, he wanted to drop down on the floor and humilate himself by apologizing to you over and over like you were his god, but his pride was too big. You mentally smirked in satisfaction when you noticed this, but your eyes remained in a glare, you loved the effect you had on him.
"I think it's getting late, we should go back home right, baby?" you had walked closer to you poor baby, playing with his key necklace
"Y—yeah, I think we should" he anxiously said, Eren knew he couldn't say no to you anyways
"Armin, it was a pleasure to talk to you" you said turning to the blonde and hugging him, whispering in his ear "Don't worry about Eren, he's going to have an incredible time for the rest of the night" you pulled away giving him a smile
You grabbed Eren's arm not giving him a chance to properly say goodbye to Armin, walking him out the kitchen and living room, making sure to avoid any of your friends on the way.
Armin stood in the kitchen holding the glass of whiskey tightly, his lips pressed hard together. Words couldn't describe how much he disliked you, from the moment he met you — since Eren had already told him, he had a crush on you before you two met — to this moment now. But there was something about you that was intoxicating, he found himself doing things that annoyed you on purpose, innocently flirting with the oblivious Eren for example.
The blonde couldn't deny the fact that he felt an attraction towards you, he wanted nothing more than to fuck that attitude out of you, to see you falling apart on his arms — moaning, screaming, crying his name while he fucked submissiveness into you —he wanted to see you begging for him. But he also wanted Eren, the boy looking at him with his teal eyes full of tears, needing his cock, just imagining the boy following his every command made him go hard.
But again, Armin could only imagine what you were going to do with Eren tonight.
Meanwhile you and Eren were already in his car, you in the passenger seat while the latter was in the drivers seat. The ride as been filled with a silence in it, so far only the soft music coming from the radio — which Eren was too nervous to change — made the car ride comfortable, but the tension was still there.
That was until you started humming, which you only did when you needed to calm yourself down.
The two hands Eren had in the steering wheel tightened their grip on it.
"Do you know why I'm mad Eren?"
Your voice was firm, no emotion detected in it. That trait of yours never failed to make him feel small, but he loved the sound of you voice, he found it soo graceful, he felt so lucky to have you as his girlfriend. The fact that he knew what was about to come after they have this conversation, where he explains what he did wrong — made his cock stand up for attention in his pants, he was so ready for you.
"What about Armin?"
He had no idea on how to answer that correctly, you would always complain about the blonde accusing him of acting differently when Eren wasn't there even to the point of saying Armin wanted to fuck him. Of course he didn't believe that, Eren was aware that Armin was an adult, but the blonde would never think of doing that with him — his best friend — he was sure that it was only your overpossesiveness and jealousy.
"He made you mad" the brunette said truly hoping you would like his answer
"How did he made me mad?" you kept pushing, leaning back on your seat vicious eyes looking right at him ready to jump at him at any second while his knuckles became white
"He made you feel jealous, mistress" he elaborated, although he didn't quite understand how him speaking to Armin made you jealous
"Yes he did, what else did you do?"
"I disobeyed a direct order"
"That's right. Now tell me Eren, what happens when you break my rules or make your mistress mad?"
"I get punished."
"You have been such a bad boy, Eren."
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"I thought I told you that when I came back from the bathroom that I wanted to see you naked"
You had your hands on your now unclothed hips, a lingerie being the only thing you had on. Eren was laying back on the bed with his underwear still on before he heard your voice and rapidly sitting up.
"I'm so sorry, mistress!"
You tisked shaking your head "What's wrong with you today? You're being soo disobedient..."
Eren stood up from the bed, walking towards you and dropping to his knees, tears in his eyes, he didn't want you to not let him cum tonight.
"I promise to be good for you, I'll do better!"
You bend over grabbing his chin softly stroking it with a sadistic smile, "I'll be soo happy the day I see you being a good boy"
Your teeth made contact with his bottom lip pulling it, Eren moaning at the feeling and smiling up at you when you let go.
"You're so pretty. I love having such a pretty looking thing all to myself.."
"All yours, Eren"
That was the end of the little moment, because of the slap sound coming from your hand making contact with the brunette's cheek.
Eren felt tears already forming in his eyes, but he wasn't going to give you the satisfaction of crying too fast. Hiding his teary eyes from you was useless though, since you took a hold of his hair squatting down behind him.
"Don't think the that would've gotten you a way out of your punishment. You're pathetic" you whispered in his ear, your hot breath fanned over his skin making shivers go down his spine "Take those off for me, kitten" you told him motioning to his underwear while getting back up
Eren stood up taking off his underwear as fast a he could, his cock slapping his pelvis, excitement shooting through his veins for what was about to come.
You looked at him up and down making his cheeks go red, even though you have already seem him like this many times.
"Aww, is my baby blushing?" you pouted taking a hold of his cock making him let out a surprised gasp
"Y—Y/n" he moaned when you started moving your hand up and down, from his tip to his balls
"What was that? What did you called me?" you asked, the pace of your hand being painfully slow, glaring daggers at him while pushing him towards the bed making him sit down
"Mistress, I'm sorry..."
He wished your pace would be faster, you of course continued to torment him keeping the same pace for a while.
"Why are you being like this, Eren?"
"I don't — ahh — understand, mistress."
"Breaking rules, letting Armin flirt with you, everything that you have done today..."
With each said word the pace increased, your hand moving faster making Eren let out loud groans that echoed on the walls of your bedroom.
"Quiet! I have heard your stupid voice more than enough today."
Eren nodded, if you wanted him to shut up you obviously didn't want him to answer verbally.
You were the love of his life, the one person who knew how submissive he actually was. Someone who could give him the relief he needed, but also the one who could add more pressure to him. Someone who showered him with kissed, but also punished him for his bad actions.
You were his balance. The reason behind his now stable life. No matter what happened or how much you two argue, you were always there for each other.
Just like he was there for you to take out your frustrations, by obeying you and comforting you.
Your hand were still on his cock, and your lips were now rather occupied. Biting, sucking and kissing the soft skin of his neck, making sure to leave the marks on places that were noticeable.
Eren was a whimpering mess, gripping your left arm trying to pull you closer, but you ended up freeing your arm and pulling his hair to make him stop from doing it again.
Even though he was a sub, he never submitted completely, always tried to have some control over you thinking that he can just do whatever he wants whenever you're punishing him. He knew it was a lost battle, you never let him feel any power over you. You had the control of his entire body — you decide when he cums, you decide what he calls you, you decide when he should or shouldn't masturbate, you decided what he was going to be looking at, you decided what he should wear.
You were his mistress and he was there to obey you.
"I'm close.." he moaned, his head thrown back
You immediately pulled away, standing up with your tongue licking your fingers taking the remaining of pre cum into your mouth. Eren led out a whine, looking up at you, now he had let the tears fall down freely.
You chuckled shaking your head.
"You seriously didn't think it was going to be that easy, kitten"
"please" he begged "I'll do anything... I will be good, I promise!"
"sure, sure. I don't believe that words speak better than actions crap, Eren. You have to show me that you are going to do better"
You smirked before saying "In the mean time, you should face the consequences of your own actions, don't you think?"
Eren let out a sob as you edged him for the fourth time of the night, his hands and legs were shaking. Tears were running down his faces, some were dry, and some were being kissed away by your lips.
You were now sitting on his cock your hips moving at a agonizingly slow pace, one of your hands was on his cheek caressing the soft skin under his eye with your thumb.
"It's ok now, baby. You can cum” you smiled down at him while the pace of your hips kept getting quicker
“Thank you, mistress... thank you...” he breathlessly keep murmuring the two words while his cum painted the walls deep inside of you
You threw your head back moaning getting off at the feeling of his cum in you. slowly you came down from your high letting out little pants, while Eren did the same trying to catch his breath.
“Are you ok?” you asked pulling yourself off of him, missing the fullness of his cock in you as you did
“Yeah, thank you.” he lazily smiled, his voice husky and eyes fighting to stay open
“Eren, you won't sleep with all that sweat and cum on you. I'mma run you a bath, don't fall asleep” you commanded before standing up from the bed feeling his cum tripping from inside of you and onto your thighs
You look back towards the bed and chuckled when you saw that Eren had closed his eyes most likely already sleeping.
You of course weren't going to allow him to sleep like that still.
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Armin looked at the blonde girl under him, the movement of his hips making her boobs jiggle. He didn't even remember her name, he had seen her talking to you a couple of times, she was soo feisty and not easy to get, refusing to even flirt back with him — his manipulative persona did wonders on people, and that's what changed her mind — in some way it reminded him of you, that might be the reason why you two have spoken before.
Maybe that's one of the reasons why he choose her to get his dick wet.
Her pussy was tight barely letting him move and he could only guess that she didn't do this often. He was unsatisfied.
However everytime he looked down at her it wasn't her face he was seeing, it was yours, the moans of his name that she led out were replaced with your own moans — the ones he created in his head when trying to imagine how you sound like — when she scratched his back all he could imagine was your pretty hands and nails doing that to him. And that made him feel good enough.
This has happened before, but what he said next has never occurred and it shocked him as much as it shocked the girl.
he had moaned your name.
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©healpeony 2021
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠; @mallang @namrekcaivel if you want to be added or removed let me know!
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
A Lesson In Romance #3: The Cast
Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.5k
Plot: Reader keeps getting caught in rom-com situations with Spencer Reid. This time, the team figures it out.
A/N: I'm guilty of writing too much Morgan and Garcia but I can't help it — they're so much fun! I think them plus Emily would have the most dramatic reactions to Spencer in a (potential) relationship, though I'm excited to write about the rest too.
(Also, the reference at the end is from Lord of the Rings, because I love Lord of the Rings.)
Masterlist | All chapters here!
If you've learned anything from rom-coms, it's that every romantic lead needed a supporting cast. Whether they were siblings, parents, or childhood best friends, the main character needed somebody who would drop everything to talk to them — preferably showing up at their doorstep with face masks, nail polish, and a bottle of wine.
In your life right now, you suppose those people would be your teammates from the BAU.
Of course, this hypothetical scenario didn't require your potential love interest to be from work, but let's say for the purposes of the discussion that they were. Then you hoped, at least, that they would have an IQ of 150 or higher and a propensity for wearing mismatched socks.
But you were getting ahead of yourself. You were simply imagining the hypothetical scenario where your life was a rom-com. Hypothetically, you would need a love interest, and hypothetically, you kind of already had one.
“Hey,” Spencer waved you over from across the coffee shop. It wasn’t difficult to spot him when the place was nearly vacant. Everything was slow and quiet this early in the morning, and you weren’t going to make an exception.
“Morning,” you greeted softly as you sat down, relaxing into the smell of freshly roasted coffee and baked goods.
“I already ordered yours.” He smiled, tucking his book away in his messenger bag. “They had bagels this morning. Yours is cream cheese, but mine is strawberry jelly.” He looked overly pleased with himself, and you couldn’t help but crack a sleepy smile.
You eyed the spread in front of you, before lifting your gaze to meet his. “So your theory that you can predict my taste in desserts seems to be getting better.”
"Yes!" He shout-whispered, silently raising his fists in victory. “I knew I was right.”
You giggled at his overexcitement over something as small as getting your dessert order right. Although, he did once spend ten whole minutes explaining to you why dessert for breakfast was an underrated concept, so you couldn't say this was beyond your expectations for Dr. Spencer Reid.
You propped your head up with your arms, a smile plastered over your face. “Have I ever told you that you’re a weirdo, doctor?” You teased.
“Why, yes. Yes you have.” He replied with a smile, gesturing at you to try the bagel. His own was almost-gone, so they must be good.
And it was. Your eyes fluttered shut as the heavenly combination of carbs and cream woke up your taste buds. It was made even better with a sip of the perfect cup of coffee.
"Perfect," you sighed happily, digging into your breakfast further as Spencer quietly caught you up on the latest news in classical art.
Two weeks ago, you wouldn't have guessed that you would talk to Spencer alone, much less spend your mornings together with him. But as it turned out, a lot could change in a few days.
After the initial awkwardness between you had passed, you found that the two of you shared a lot more interests than interdimensional doctors and space opera. You both loved coffee, obviously, but you also had a mutual love for desserts, classical literature, and history.
It didn't take long for these interests to seep into the weekend, resulting in a suspiciously date-like afternoon with Spencer at his favourite museum. But you tried not to think too much into it. After all, the day had ended with a "see you at work", and not a "would you like to come in?"
Still, your dance between friendship and something more continued to grow wilder as days passed, until it reached a point where it inhabited your every waking thought. The only time it didn't, ironically, was when you were spending time with the person in question and every stray thought seemed to fall away.
Your mornings with him brought a necessary reprieve to the dark realities of this job, and some days you almost had to drag yourself out of your seat, knowing that you were straying from the calm of his company straight into the lion's mouth. But duty always called.
Your sudden hesitance to be apart from the resident genius hadn't gone unnoticed by the rest of your team either; ever since the two of you walked into office one morning with matching coffee cups and smiles on your faces.
At first you enjoyed Spencer's company too much to care, but you knew that it was going to bite you back one day. And today seemed to be that day.
You could tell, because the lift doors to the BAU opened to one very determined Penelope Garcia with her arms folded across her chest. "Spit it out, you two," she said sharply without any greeting.
You and Spencer looked at each other, confused, before looking back at Penelope. "Spit out what, Pen?" You asked, a frown starting to form between your eyes.
"You know what I mean!" She squeaked, dropping her stern facade for a brief moment. "Are the two of you dating? The entire team has been dying to know, and I mean, d-y-i-n-g because there's a huge pot of money with my name on it if you are."
"Ah— No— I mean, you think—" Spencer stammered, his face instantly turning beet red in embarrassment, while your face began to grow red for another reason entirely.
"I think what he means is 'no', and what I mean to say is— what do you mean the entire team?" You half-yelled the question, while Penelope raised her hands defensively.
"What I mean, sugar, is that the two of you went from avoiding each other completely, to coming into work together everyday — and I know you spent last weekend together too, because you couldn't stop talking about it the next day at work and everybody noticed." She stated, pushing up her glasses.
"Not to mention, Dr. Reid here started wearing brighter colours subconsciously." She continued with her observations. "I know this, because in the almost four years I've worked with this man, I've never seen him wear anything brighter than violet. Or white. Or beige. But those don't count." She shook her head, getting back to her point.
"You get what I mean— and you," she pointed her pen in your direction, causing you to jump slightly. "You finally stopped doubting yourself as a part of this team. I knew this when you started talking more often during briefings — which I have nothing against, B-T-W, I totally support any effort in self-care and personal growth — but you also stopped shifting in your seat which you used to do when you felt nervous."
Penelope took a deep breath, preparing for the climax. "So all I can assume, is either you've been attending one of the 52 self-help classes that happen every weekend in Virginia, or somebody has been helping you find some serious zen."
"And my money's on the latter because every time you think nobody's watching, you're making eyes at Reid. But you're wrong. Garcia is always watching." She concluded triumphantly, raising one finger to point at herself.
"You might make a good profiler yet, doll." Derek remarked, walking up to the group with a smirk firmly affixed to his face.
"Expert at all things romance, and Cupid of the Behavioural Analysis Unit, Penelope Garcia at your service." She smiled, graciously curtseying to your other teammate.
"I know you're smart like that, babygirl," he grinned, draping his arm around her shoulder, "but you also don't know pretty boy as well as I do, because they aren't in a relationship."
He turned to you questioningly. "Are you?"
"No." You replied, glancing hesitantly at Spencer for his response, but his face simply looked blank with shock.
"See? Now it's time to collect my payout." Derek grinned at the tech analyst, making the motion of raining dollar bills.
Penelope tailed behind him grumpily as he walked into the BAU office, surely to share the "good news" with everybody else.
You hesitated to follow, imagining what teasing and looks would follow regardless of the outcome. Then you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, Spencer gestured back at the empty lift with his head and you smiled, realising what he meant.
"That is the best hypothesis you've had all morning," you said. The two of you shared a laugh as you got back into the lift.
Even behind glass doors, you could hear a muffled "What?!" that you guessed came from Emily. "There's absolutely no way those two aren't together already. Have you seen them?"
There was a brief pause, then a loud groan.
"I know, that's what I told him!" Penelope's high-pitched voice was clear. "You know I'm going to be right about them eventually—"
The lift doors finally closed, blocking out the rest of their conversation. You looked up at Spencer, your gaze meeting his clear hazel eyes. He looked at his watch briefly before saying the next words.
"We've got time. Are you up for second breakfast?" He asked, referencing a movie from a conversation two weeks ago. He remembered. Of course he remembered.
You cleared your throat before replying the next line. "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper?"
He laughed, and you felt a familiar peace return to you.
Whatever your teammates were yelling about, the two of you could deal with it later. Together.
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@blue-space-porgs @nobutalsoyes @lady-loves-a-lot
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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fonulyn · 3 years
Perhaps a sick/fainting Leon to accompany sick and fainting Chris? I can't imagine Leon being a good patient even barely conscious!
so he doesn't faint but he is sick :'D
warning for descriptions of vomiting? not super descriptive tbh but if it's a thing that upsets you.
Something made Piers stir awake in the dead of night, and for a moment he was too disoriented to even pinpoint what it was. He shifted from where he was lying on his stomach in the middle of the bed, squinting at the room. Chris’ arm was warm and heavy wrapped around his waist, and by the sounds of it Chris was fast asleep. That made Piers smile to himself, as he knew how much trouble sleeping Chris had had lately. It was good he caught up on some of it.
There was no sign of Leon, and for a moment Piers waited as he figured Leon might’ve gotten up to use the toilet or get a glass of water or something. The minutes ticked by, though, and Leon still was nowhere to be seen, so Piers decided to go investigate. As carefully as he could he extracted himself from the embrace, trying his best to not wake Chris up if he could avoid it. Thankfully all Chris did was shift and bury his face into the pillow, his breaths slow and even, and Piers let out a sigh of relief.
Yawning Piers padded out of the bedroom, and the first thing he noticed was that there were lights on in the bathroom. So he headed that way, stopping in the doorway as he found who he’d been looking for. “You okay?”
Leon was sitting on the floor, practically hugging the toilet bowl. Either he hadn’t thrown up yet or he’d flushed it in between, there was no telling, but he seemed exhausted. He was unnaturally pale, his hair sticking onto his sweaty forehead, but he still attempted a grin. “Don’t worry about it,” he waved aside. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be right there.”
“Bullshit,” Piers huffed, moving closer. He placed his palm onto Leon’s forehead, and although his skin felt clammy to the touch he was still clearly burning up. “Have you been throwing up? Or just waiting for it?” he asked, brushing a few strands of hair off Leon’s forehead before straightening and stepping past him to the medicine cabinet. They didn’t have much he could give Leon for nausea, really, but he could at least find the thermometer and see if he had a fever.
“I’m fine, I—” Leon started, but he didn’t get any further before he was leveled with a look, and he gave in with a sigh. “Yeah I threw up. Multiple times. I don’t think there’s anything left to throw up, anymore.” His shoulders slumped and he pressed his forehead against the cool porcelain. “I was trying not to wake you.”
“Uh-huh.” Piers moved back close, arching an eyebrow at Leon. “Think we can take your temperature? Or do you need to…” He nodded towards the toilet.
“I don’t need to, it’s—”
“Fine.” Grumpily Leon opened his mouth, although for all intents and purposes he looked like he really wanted to bite the thermometer in half. He let his eyes fall shut, obviously not feeling very great, and in an attempt to make him feel a little better Piers crouched down next to him on the floor and gently rubbed his back in slow circles.
That was when footsteps approached, and a squinty-eyed Chris appeared in the doorway. He yawned widely and ran his fingers through his hair, before trying to take stock of what was going on. “What’s going on?” he asked, voice coarse from sleep, but then he already connected the dots in his mind. “Food poisoning or a stomach bug?”
“We all ate the same thing yesterday,” Piers pointed out. “So probably the latter.”
Leon only made a whiny, annoyed sound from next to him. Suddenly he scrambled to grab the thermometer out of his mouth and blindly handed it over to Piers, before doubling over the toilet bowl and throwing up once again. There wasn’t much to come up anymore, mostly it was bile and dry heaving, but it lasted for a while and Piers kept on stroking his back throughout it.
Worried, Chris moved closer, and as Piers handed him the thermometer he took a look at it. “A bit high. Not too bad,” he said, obviously trying to come up with the best course of action. They probably had nothing they could offer Leon to eat once he felt like trying to keep something down, and other than that they needed to wait until morning before calling in sick on his behalf. “We only have leftovers,” he said, “best go get something that’s easier to keep down.”
Leon had stopped heaving over the toilet by then, slumping back against Piers heavily. Piers held him with an arm around him, and reached out to flush the toilet. “I can go,” he offered, “I’m actually properly awake,” he flashed Chris a teasing grin, and Chris rubbed his sleepy eyes with one hand while flipping him off with the other.
Piers turned his head to press a soft kiss onto Leon’s temple. “You feel like you could try get some sleep?”
At first Leon seemed torn about it, but then Chris hurried to cut in. “We can grab a bucket by the bed in case of emergencies.”
Slowly Leon nodded, and Chris stepped closer, and together they helped Leon upright. Once in the bedroom, Piers set the red bucket down next to the bed, while Chris settled in bed and pulled Leon close against his chest. Obviously exhausted, Leon slumped against him, eyes closed although he wasn’t yet asleep. “I’ll just say sorry in advance,” he mumbled, “in case I puke on you.”
“Well,” Chris chuckled, obviously not minding. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Fuck you,” Leon said, but he hid his grin in Chris’ shirt.
“Try to behave,” Piers griped, good-naturedly rolling his eyes at them. “At least until I get back.” He gave Chris a small wave, while Leon seemed halfway on his way asleep already, before heading out to grab his keys and his wallet. It was an immense relief that he didn’t need to leave Leon alone while he was obviously feeling like shit, but nevertheless, he tried to be as efficient as he could.
Later, when Piers got back from the store, he found Chris and Leon both fast asleep. Carefully he climbed in bed, curving against Leon’s back, and wrapped an arm loosely around his waist.
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