#Data Lake Storage
rajaniesh · 3 months
Unlock Data Governance: Revolutionary Table-Level Access in Modern Platforms
Dive into our latest blog on mastering data governance with Microsoft Fabric & Databricks. Discover key strategies for robust table-level access control and secure your enterprise's data. A must-read for IT pros! #DataGovernance #Security
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a-guy-or-something · 2 years
Data Lakes
Data Lakes are just storage drives for computers where you can put files or data for tables or whatever without bothering to organize it or make sure it’s readable. The intention is to compress as much raw data as possible in as small a space as possible.
I hate this, because it’s a concept that’s existed since the dawn of computing. But marketing departments rebranded it in 2015 to make it sound like a modern, daring, revolutionary take on data storage to sell services that actually have LESS features and are HARDER to use than usual, that have existed since forever.
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mytechnoinfo · 11 months
Unlock the potential of Azure storage solutions by comparing Data Lake Gen2 and Blob Storage. Discover their unique capabilities, such as hierarchical namespaces, scalability, durability, and security, to harness the full benefits for your data analytics needs.
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martblogs · 1 year
Data Lake Storage Market Research Report 2022 to 2028: Industry Trends, Regional Wise Outlook, Growth Projections and Opportunities
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of current Global Data Lake Storage Market based on segmented types and downstream applications. Major product development trends are discussed  under major downstream segment scenario.This report also focuses on major driving factors and inhibitors that affect the market and competitive landscape. Global and regional leading players in the Data Lake Storage industry are profiled in a detailed way, with sales data and market share info. This report also includes global and regional market size and forecast, drill-down to top 20 economies.
 According to this survey, the global Data Lake Storage market is estimated to have reached $ xx million in 2020, and projected to grow at a CAGR of xx% to $ xx million by 2028.
 Get Request Sample Report @ https://martresearch.com/contact/request-sample/3/16950
 Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the supply and demand status for many industries along the supply chain. Global Data Lake Storage Market Status and Forecast 2022-2028 report makes a brilliant attempt to unveil key opportunities available in the global Data Lake Storage market under the covid-19 impact to help readers in achieving a better market position. No matter the client is industry insider, potential entrant or investor, the report will provide useful data and information.
 The Global Data Lake Storage Market has been exhibited in detail in the following chapters
Chapter 1 displays the basic product introduction and market overview.
Chapter 2 provides the competition landscape of global Data Lake Storage industry.
Chapter 3 provides the market analysis by type and by region
Chapter 4 provides the market analysis by application and by region
Chapter 5-10 presents regional and country market size and forecast, under the context of market drivers and inhibitors analysis.
Chapter 11 analyses the supply chain, including process chart introduction, upstream key raw material and cost analysis, distributor and downstream buyer analysis.
Chapter 12 provides the market forecast by type and by application
Chapter 13 provides the market forecast by region
Chapter 14 profies global leading players with their revenue, market share, profit margin, major product portfolio and SWOT analysis.
Chapter 15 conclusions
 Segmented by Type
l On-premises
l Cloud Based
 Segmented by Application
l Large Enterprises
l SMEs
 Get Enquiry Report @ https://martresearch.com/contact/enquiry/3/16950
 Segmented by Country
   North America
       United States
   Asia Pacific
       Southeast Asia
   Central & South America
   Middle East & Africa
       South Africa
       Saudi Arabia
 Get Discount Report @ https://martresearch.com/contact/discount/3/16950
 Key manufacturers included in this survey
l Zaloni
l Teradata
l Tencent
l Snowflake
l Red Hat
l Oracle
l Microsoft
l Informatica
l Google
l Cloudera
l Amazon
l Alibaba
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ibarrau · 1 year
[Azure DataLake] Métodos para dar acceso
Hay muchos artículos que hablan sobre la creación de una plataforma unificada de datos, donde equipos de Analítica (bajo diferentes nombres) arman un data lake con ETLs y procesos de ingesta tomando datos de múltiples fuentes de información, almacenando y organizando datos para alimentar modelos de Business Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, y otras ramas relacionadas de la analítica.
En este proceso de crecimiento, tanto en volumen como en fuentes de datos a considerar, siempre llega el momento en el que hay que compartir datos que tenemos en nuestro data lake con personas/equipos que desean usarlos y accederlos, externos al equipo que desarrollo la ingesta y transformación de datos. Este es un punto que muchos saben que eventualmente habrá que hacer, pero como no es vital al comienzo de un proyecto entonces se saltea (la conocida “deuda técnica”) y luego cuando aparece la necesidad, ¡estamos en un apuro por resolverlo! En este articulo voy a mostrar algunas de las opciones que tenemos para dar este tipo de permisos sin que esto sea un peligro para todo el trabajo que venimos realizando.
1- Azure Data Share
La primera opción que vamos a ver es Azure Data Share. Este recurso (distinto al data lake), nos va a permitir compartir snapshots de determinadas carpetas dentro de nuestro data lake. Esta opción es práctica pero tiene varias desventajas, la principal es que estamos replicando datos fuera de nuestro data lake (quien recibe el Data Share, debe mapear el snapshot a su propio data lake), esto da pie a que haya diferentes “versiones” de los datos y quien desee consultarlos no estará usando los datos actualizados, además de estar pagando por almacenamiento que no debería con otras opciones.
¡La segunda opción que veremos es más directa que la anterior! El único requisito es que nuestro data lake debe tener activada la jerarquía de carpetas (Hierarchical Namespace en un Data lake Storage Gen2). Si tenemos eso deberíamos ver la opción en el portal para activar SFTP (preview por ahora). Esta opción nos permitirá levantar un servidor SFTP (ssh file transfer protocol) que leerá directamente desde nuestro data lake. La configuración es bastante sencilla, simplemente se crea un usuario (local al FTP, no será parte del Active Directory), se selecciona el contenedor que queremos compartir y los permisos (el mínimo sería READ y LIST). ¿Desventajas de este método? El permiso elegido en el FTP será independiente de la configuración de permisos RBAC, ABAC o ACLs que tengamos dispuesto en nuestro data lake, y los permisos rigen para todo el contenedor, no solo una carpeta. Otras desventajas son: esta opción no permite que el usuario lea directamente el data lake como otras opciones, y este servidor SFTP no es accesible por Data Factory (por ahora, ojalá cambie esto en un futuro).
Muchos clientes son capaces de conectarse a un servidor SFTP como si se tratase de una “carpeta remota” para descargar o subir archivos, de modo que es una opción practica para compartir datos con usuarios de todo tipo (negocio o técnicos). Los clientes clásicos para windows son WinSCP o FileZilla, pero ¡hay muchos más! (ni hablar para linux)
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3- SAS
El tercer método que veremos para conectarnos es mediante un SAS (Shared Access Signature) y este sí que nos permitirá conectarnos y leer directamente el data lake desde cualquier software que pueda hacerlo (por ejemplo, código Python, desde Databricks, u otros servicios de Azure como Data Factory). Un SAS es básicamente una cadena de conexión, generada a partir de las Access Keys del lake, que permite que nos conectemos al data lake con determinados permisos que son elegidos al momento de crear esta SAS. Crear un SAS es muy sencillo, vamos a la opción homónima en el portal de Azure, elegimos que servicio deseamos habilitar (por lo general Blob), completamos las siguientes opciones según nuestras necesidades y finalmente damos click en Generar. La desventaja de este método es que los permisos que definamos valen para TODO el data lake, no solo para un contenedor o una carpeta, por lo que es fácil caer en dar demasiados permisos con este método. Arreglarlo es sencillo, ya que como los SAS son creados a partir de las Access Keys, renovando estas últimas todos los SAS que la utilizaron quedaran sin efecto.
Desde el explorer del lake, podemos generar SAS para una carpeta o archivo especifico, con lo que ganaremos mucho en seguridad sobre el método de creación de SAS anterior. Les dejo una imagen, no es para nada complicado, simplemente navegamos hasta la carpeta que queremos y damos click con el botón derecho:
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Recordemos que los permisos mínimos para poder conectarnos y ver que archivos hay dentro de la carpeta son READ (obvio) y LIST. Este último es fácil de olvidar, pero si no lo agregamos el SAS podrá leer los archivos solo si le indicamos el nombre y la ruta exactos del archivo que queremos leer.
4- Service principal
El cuarto método que veremos para conectarnos es mediante un Service Principal. Esto es crear un usuario de servicio (App Registration) y luego asignarle los permisos necesarios para conectarse y leer el data lake. Este método es el recomendado por ser el más seguro de todos, ya que podemos definir los permisos de este usuario como lo haríamos con cualquier otro, mediante RBAC, ACL o el nuevo ABAC. 
SPOILER: Si no sabes que significan estas siglas, atentos porque habrá un artículo sobre esto próximamente. 
Básicamente, este método es el único mediante el cual tendremos un control más granular sobre los permisos que estamos dando dentro de nuestro data lake.
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5- Autorizar usuario AD - ¡NO recomendada!
Este método es prácticamente igual al anterior, solo que en lugar de autorizar un Service Principal, lo haremos con un usuario de AD. La razón por la que no es recomendado hacer esto es porque no ofrece ninguna ventaja sobre hacerlo con un Service Principal y compartir sus credenciales (secret key o certificado). Además, como regla general y buena práctica, ningún proceso automatizado debería estar autenticándose con un usuario de AD.
Con esto concluye el artículo, por supuesto que ¡estas opciones no son todas las disponibles! Siempre hay muchas formas de lograr el mismo resultado, y decidí dejar afuera los requisitos específicos de algunos recursos como Synapse por ejemplo, que requiere que asignemos permisos RBAC al MSI del workspace, pero eso puede ser tema para otro post 😊
¡Espero que les sea de ayuda! Nos vemos en la próxima.
Escrito por Martin Zurita
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prisonprocess · 10 months
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The Adventure Begins
Brendan M. says:
These days, everything happens online.  After I sold my company and took the profit, I lived at the lake house and basically didn’t need to go anyplace or see anybody.  After 12 years of corporate meetings, that was fine with me.  And there were plenty of online buddies to chat with.
My favorite was Blake.  He was into all the hot prison photos, sites, and stories.  We’d spend hours late at night, talking about how great it would be to “do prison,” as he put it, actually instead of virtually.  “No more role play.  Just real steel—the real deal.”  Nothing but uniforms, restraints, cellblocks, and being transported in big ugly buses (“diesel therapy”).  “Nothin but a number, Jack!  And you know what?  There’s an outfit that can put you there.  Just saw it online.”
That’s when he told me about Your Prison Profile.  A hot idea, of course—expensive, but they’d find a place for you in prison, and nobody would know how it happened.  When I contacted them, they put me through to Cody, a chill young guy who made everything easy.  I didn’t mind that he kept telling me to think about this or that, and we could talk about it tomorrow.  I really got off on thinking about my “requirements”: “which level of security is necessary for you,” “are you looking for hard labor,” “single cell, double cell, pod, or dorm,” and so on.  We did it all by online video, and I liked the look of Cody sitting at his desk and talking in a calm, level voice about what I wanted to “get out of” my “prison adventure.”  Blake and I spent every night imagining our way through the various options.  Next day I’d talk it over with Cody and click on the one I wanted.
Then in a couple of weeks Cody came online and told me, “Hey, based on the data you’re giving me, I found you a prison.  It’s the same security you wanted, same labor options, the whole nine yards.”  I was excited; I wanted to hit Blake up right away and tell him.  The problem was—this looked like my last visit with Cody.  He needed to know if I’d click on the box that said, yeah, I accept the offer.  Which I’d never intended to do.  I’d just wanted the fantasy.
I made up an excuse to go offline, and I got back to Blake.  “What do you mean?” he said.  “You don’t want to go through with it?”
I was ashamed to admit that I didn’t.  But I was so excited, I couldn’t let it go.  “Maybe for six months,” I said.
“Don’t be a wimp!” he replied.  “Besides, you can’t go to a real prison for six months.  They won’t let you in.  It has to be for at least a year.  You know that.  And what else are you doing that’s so important?”
“All right,” I said.  “I’ll tell him a year.”  By that time, I barely knew what I was saying, I was so turned on.
But when I got back to Cody, he said, “I’m sorry.  This is a serious facility.  They don��t do one-year sentences.  Try three.”
“Three?” I answered, like a dumb ass.
“Three years.  Or you can sign up for five or ten or fifteen or twenty.  But listen, if you’re having trouble making up your mind, you can do two to life.  That’s for first offenders who, like, did something pretty bad, but they’re still first offenders.  So if you’ve got a good record in the facility, they’ll let you out in two.  Otherwise, they can keep you.  You understand how that goes?”
“Right.  I understand.  I’ll get back to you.”
“Thanks.  But I gotta tell you, this offer won’t last long.”
“What do you mean?” Blake said.  “You’re not gonna turn that down, are you?  Two years from now, you’ll still be sittin on your deck, growin your fat ass, wishin you’d had enough stones to click that box.”
I spent a worried, sleepless, and very excited night, and the next day I got with Cody online and clicked the box that said Two Years to Life. 
After that it was easy.  I sent a check for 50K, and 5K more as a tip for Cody.  I made arrangements with my lawyer.  I leased my house.  I put my stuff in storage.  I waited for my order to report to prison.  When I got it, there were two weeks to go.  I spent them chatting with Blake and alternating between excitement and fear.  But I couldn’t deny what he said: “In fourteen days you’ll be livin the dream.”  Then it was ten, then five, then one, and I went online to say so long for the next two years.  For some reason, Blake wasn’t on.
Next morning I left the hotel where I’d been staying and took a taxi the 50 miles to the Regional Headquarters of the Department of Corrections, where I was supposed to turn myself in.  I don’t know what I was expecting, but all I saw was a dumpy little building with a walk-up window and a sign saying REPORT FOR IMPRISONMENT.  OK, that was straightforward.  I wished I’d seen that sign years before.  A twenty-year-old with ear rings was sitting on the other side of the glass.  “Driver’s license-Order to Report-cellphone.”  I’d never thought about that, but yes, I’d lose my phone.  I slid everything through the little slot in the window.  The young man tossed my phone to one side of the counter, where I could see it land on a pile of other cell phones.  Then he compared my license with my Order, pushed the Order back through the slot, and said, “Give this to the officer at the gate.  Next!”  I turned and saw that I was part of a line of other men, there to REPORT FOR IMPRISONMENT.
The officer at the gate, a fifty-something with a big gut, took my Order and beckoned me through.  “Face to the wall,” he said.  There was a brick wall on the left, and I put my face to it.  “Hands on your head.”  I put my hands on my head.  Then I heard the double click of the shackles being attached to my legs.  This was the moment I’d been waiting for, and I almost lost it right there.  Even more when he turned me around and cuffed my hands together.
“Transport cage over there.  Get in and line up.”  A younger officer who might have been hot but wasn’t opened the second steel gate and let me in silently.  It was a cage, all right—concrete floor, and steel fencing all around.  It looked like they’d spent twenty bucks on it.  There were about 40 guys in the cage, lined up in their go-to-prison clothes, which must have cost then about ten bucks.  So these were my fellow convicts . . . .
Note: All stories by prisonprocess are purely fictional and have no relation to real persons or institutions.
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ultimateaclrecovery · 4 months
Checking in on my 2023 goals!
23 things for 2023
1. buy 1 horse
Done!! Bought Luna!!!
2. Knit a pair of socks
I knit a sock, that I finished today. But I mostly decided I wanted to knit other things instead so this is fine
3. Three camping trips
went to mt of the holy cross, and New Mexico for two camping nights, plus a day hike in winter park. So technically no but pretty close!
4. Plant four pumpkins
…..no. I bought seeds and did nothing and I don’t feel that bad about it
5. Handstand (five fingers) press
Lol no. Did nothing for it. Never made a plan and so did not achieve
6. Kill side yard weeds (because weeds are the devil 666)
Success? I paid a Gardner to pull them all so yes! Feels like a failure because I didn’t really deal with them or the yard in general, but they are all gone now.
7. Go to Loyola social justice meeting (7th heaven)
I went to a meeting! And baked cookies for an event. (And then never went back oops)
8. Mail 8 letters to mates - birthday cards probably
Success! (Rebecca birthday, Sarah birthday, Clare get well card, Callie birthday, Alison birthday, clare birthday, Callie wedding, clare kt recipe card)
9. Research 9 hours of getting a cat (9 lives)
Decided a horse was enough so stopped researching 🤷‍♀️[ read complete guide to adopting a cat 3 hours]
10. Do ten full pull ups
Total yes, in a row like intended absolutely not. I can do like 2.5 in a row. Made haphazard progress, but now I have a pull up bar so hoping for better next year!
11. Buy 11 things off of my to buy eventually list
Success! This was easy and I did it! (air fryer, air mattress, nice soap dispensers, office mat, thermometer, fire extinguisher, white tank top, little plates, shower cleaner, plastic drain pipes, sheet pan organizer, bonus: back door light bulb, rainbow flag and holder, more bras)
12. Go on 12 dates
Success! I thought this would be really hard but then I just got my boyfriend by like February and it ended up being the easiest ny resolution ever. He even asked me out to start.
13. Run a half marathon 13.1 miles
Success! (Okay this was a gimme because I signed up for it and had a training plan in 2022 but still)
14. Hike a fourteener
Success! mt of the holy cross and it was terrifying and very long but we did it!
15. Read 30 (15x2) books
I read 27 and have three in various states of completion. I kind of wanted to power this one thru but it wouldn’t have been fun and then what’s the point. This one is hard because I abandoned so so many books this year. Like I made it at least one chapter into like 40 and a couple half way thru. So close but no cigar but I refuse to read things that aren’t fun just to hit a goal so I feel fine about it.
16. Host 8 things
Hosted 3, organized a couple others so partial credit. I would like to do better in the future. ( galentines, whimsy brunch, birthday, organized brunch at watercourse, organized lake day)
17. Go out dancing (must be more dancing than drinking, dance class counts.)(dancing queen only 17)
Nope. But also that’s fine.
18. Upgrade phone and deal with all photos. Upload belize to fb and save others. Data management
Mostly. I got an external storage for Christmas so I can finish when I get home. So solid partial credit. (uploaded some. Upgraded phone plus new battery, still need to get data off of it) [email protected] [email protected]
19. General contractor for house cracks plus install air conditioner
Success. Installed ac. Got the cracks looked at once and they were fine and then they got worse and now I’m getting foundation work done. So success I guess.
20. Get 20 layout ds
… I did not count. I def got some but probably not 20 so partial credit. (4 from leiout)
21. Go to frisbee Masters regionals
Success! Another bit of gimme but we went and qualified to nationals!)
22. Buy purple navel jewelry (I’m feeling 22)
Success! (And I love it)
23. volunteer for 23 hours
No and I feel bad about it. I need to find something to volunteer with. I feel like I should have the time/be able to make time but it also feels like I never have time and also never want to. But I think it’s important.
So overall full success on 11 of the goals, happy partial on 5, annoyed partial on 2, abandoned 4 and failed my last one and feel bad about it.
But overall pretty good success!
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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New research finds that more water is evaporating from lakes each year than previously estimated, that reservoirs may play an outsized role, and that the evaporation rate is increasing.
Earth is truly an ocean planet. Only 3 percent of Earth’s water is fresh, most of which is locked up in ice. Of the fraction of remaining fresh water, more than 87 percent resides in lakes. The amount of water lost from lakes by evaporation is a critical component of Earth’s water and energy budgets. (About 75 percent of the energy, or heat, in the global atmosphere is transferred through the evaporation of water from the Earth’s surface.)
Now, researchers have found that the amount of water evaporating from lakes is significantly more than previously thought, and that reservoirs may play an outsized role in the process, according to a new NASA-funded study published in Nature Communications.
The team, led by hydrologist Huilin Gao of Texas A&M University, used Landsat data to measure the surface areas of 1.42 million natural and artificial lakes (reservoirs). Previous studies on global lake evaporation have used basin-scale measures or gridded cells rather than individual lake areas.
The researchers then estimated the evaporation rate based on meteorology data and other factors, including how much heat is stored in the lake. Heat storage is an important driver of evaporation that hadn’t been accounted for in previous studies. The researchers next used the area and evaporation rate to calculate the volume of evaporative loss. They found that annually 1,500 (+/-150) cubic kilometers of water are lost worldwide—the equivalent of three Lake Eries.
“This suggests that lake evaporation plays a larger role in the hydrological cycle than previously thought,” said first author Gang Zhao, a global ecologist at the Carnegie Institution for Science, in a statement.
The map at top shows the spatial distribution of evaporative loss from lakes worldwide. Note the higher levels of loss in the north, where most lakes are located. “Even though the evaporation rate in these regions is small, the total evaporative water loss is substantial,” Gao said.
The researchers said the results underline the importance of using evaporation volume, rather than evaporation rate, to assess how climate change affects lakes. “Knowing that volume of evaporative loss is larger than previously estimated can also help us to better understand the role of lake evaporation in the hydrological cycle,” said Zhao.
Each year, roughly 450,000 cubic kilometers of water evaporate from the world’s oceans. An additional 71,000 cubic kilometers evaporate from the land, largely from soil and plants, but lakes play a role too. According to the new research, while lakes only account for 1.57 percent of the global land area, they contribute 2.37 percent of the water evaporated over land each year.
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The above map shows the ratio of evaporation from lakes compared to total evaporation from the land by region. The land portion of the total evaporation was adopted from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration product. Darker red and orange indicate that lake evaporation is a significant source of evaporation in those areas. This occurs in arid regions or areas with large lakes, such as the Great Lakes Basin.
Additionally, the team found that the rate of water loss accelerated by 3.12 cubic kilometers per year between 1985 and 2018. The increasing volume loss was driven by three factors, all influenced by climate warming: an increase in the evaporation rate, a decrease in ice cover, and an increase in lake surface area. The latter includes the construction of new reservoirs, which have increased the amount of open water by more than 500 square kilometers per year over the 34-year study period.
“Both climate change and the construction of new reservoirs have contributed to increased lake surface area,” Gao said. “For instance, the lake area in the Tibetan Plateau has been increasing due to glacier melt and increasing precipitation.”
The researchers also highlighted the data on reservoirs. While reservoirs account for only 5 percent of the volume, and 10 percent of the surface area, of all lakes, they contribute 16 percent of the evaporative loss. Additionally, while evaporation is increasing from lakes overall at a rate of 2.1 percent per decade, the rate of evaporation from reservoirs is increasing at a rate of 5.4 percent per decade.
“From a global perspective,” Zhao said, “the total reservoir evaporation can be larger than the combined use of domestic and industrial water,” not including agriculture, the largest user of water. “This suggests that reservoir evaporation is an indispensable factor in water management, especially in times of drought and global warming.”
The global lake evaporation volume (GLEV) dataset is the first long-term, monthly time series with data on such a large number of individual lakes. It is publicly available as an Earth Engine App.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, using data courtesy of Zhao, G., et al. (2022). Story by Sara E. Pratt.
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physicsiguess · 7 months
I'm nervous about the future of experimental high energy physics
Every talk about a future collider (FCC, ILC etc) is like "oh we definitely reach new physics if you let us build the comprehensively big accelerator (do not think about the environmental impact from making a 90 km tunnel that will span two countries and a massive lake). Once we have an FCC we could collect so so much data (do not think about the storage and computing resources that will be expended)..."
The most sustainable accelerator is the one that is already built
sure maybe we might be reaching the limits of the lhc but if we build the fcc we would reach that limit too. what's next? a collider the size of the earth?
Also we should be working on making the experiments and accelerators we have now more efficient, precise and sustainable! I feel like the physics community is brazenly going forward with a project that will have a massive environmental and social impact (so many rare minerals will be mined by people in terrible working conditions and worse)
It's a bit disheartening.
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divorcingjimmatthews · 10 months
i couldn't really find the kind of prompt list I was looking for (kind of like those OC development guidelines but for ship dynamics? do they exist?) so i made my own ‼
meet my (canon x OC) ship — jade and diane aka his girlfriend that he found in the trash🌲🚁
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pictured: jade talks about the symbols while diane wonders what is wrong with him worries for his mental state
🌎 how they met: jade finds diane the morning after her helicopter got trapped and was forced to land in a clear in the woods during the night. severely sick and delirious from having spent most of the night in the lake to escape the nightmare creatures, she believes that jade, marielle and kristi have kidnapped her which makes her very difficult to help. jade has a strong interest in making sure that she recovers for the valuable information that she can provide, so he puts in a lot of effort into nursing her back to health and becomes extremely attached along the way <3
👀 who fell first: jade definitely became attached first because of the emotional investment that he had in her recovery, and dianne quickly followed as soon as she started feeling better. but they only started romantically liking each other after they got the opportunity to hang out in "normal" circumstances once diane was out of the clinic. she was listening to him talk about his science theories one day and thought 'oh wait, i don't just trauma-like this guy, i actually really really like-like this guy...!'
💚 how do they make each other feel: basically? safe. diane is a naturally closed-off person but jade is honest and open enough to make her feel safe to do the same. meanwhile, jade deeply appreciates the way diane is always quietly watching out for his mental state
⚘ one thing they like about the other: diane collects every single peak autism jade moment in her heart like they're very cool rocks that she found, and jade can't get over how cute she is when she smiles and how hot it is that she can do badass flying kicks
💫 one fun moment they had: diane didn't have any of her own clothes with her save for her pilot gear, so jade takes her to the storage room and tells her to pick what she wants to wear. diane flashes a lil playful smile and tells him to pick what he wants her to wear. he passes on the chance to be horny about it and just starts picking the worst possible outfits he can find for her to try on, and she has the time of her life trying them on for him to rate how well she managed to pull them off. she manages to convince him to try on a few of her own picks too. jim walks in on them and jade throws him a fancy shirt for him to try on but tragically he's anti-fun and his wife has been missing for two weeks but that's clearly irrelevant here /jk
🍂 one angsty moment they had: jade basically ended up investing his last thread of sanity into helping diane recover so when she takes a turn for the worse and it looks like she might not make it after all, kristi and marielle start worrying for jade's mental state if the worst ends up happening. diane tries to draw some diagrams for him so he can know how to repurpose the instruments from her helicopter and read the data she gathered about the terrain but he wants to hear none of it and just tells her to save her strength
i could talk about them for hours so i'm going to end it here... sorry to inflict my OC on y'all. if you read this far we are basically married, i love you forever and i owe you my life /lh
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Lake Powell Still Shrinking The second-largest reservoir in the United States now stands at its lowest level since it was filled in the mid-1960s. The view from above is sobering. Lake Powell, a key component of the western U.S. water system, is currently filled to just 26 percent of capacity, its lowest point since 1967. On August 22, 2022, the water elevation of the lake surface was 3,533.3 feet, more than 166 feet below “full pool” (elevation 3,700 feet). The natural-color images on this page show portions of Lake Powell in the summers of 2017 and 2022, as observed by Landsat satellites. The Operational Land Imager on Landsat 8 acquired the 2017 images, while the Operational Land Imager-2 on Landsat 9 acquired the 2022 images. Lake Powell straddles the border of southeastern Utah and northeastern Arizona; most of the area shown is in Utah. The August 2017 images were chosen because they represent one of the highest water levels from the past decade. On August 16, 2017, the water elevation on the lake, as measured at Glen Canyon Dam, was 3,633.04 feet. On August 6, 2022, it stood at 3,535.38 feet, nearly 98 feet lower. The animated line plot below shows water levels at the dam since 1980, when Lake Powell was nearly full. The red line marks “minimum power pool elevation”; below that water level, hydroelectric turbines at the dam can no longer generate energy effectively. The Colorado River basin is managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and other agencies to provide electric power and water to roughly 40 million people—most notably the cities of Las Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, and San Diego—and to 4 to 5 million acres of farmland in the Southwest. River water is allotted to states (including tribal lands) and Mexico through laws such as the 1922 Colorado River Compact. Downstream from Lake Powell, water storage at Lake Mead on August 22 stood at 28 percent of capacity, and the entire Colorado river system held just 34 percent. At the same time, roughly 86 percent of the land area across nine western states was affected by some level of drought, according to the August 16 report from the U.S. Drought Monitor. After three years of intense drought and two decades of long-term drought in the American Southwest, federal water managers have been forced to reduce the amount of water that will be portioned out to states around the Colorado River watershed in the 2023 water year. According to an August 16 announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior, Arizona will receive 21 percent less water from the Colorado River system next year; Nevada will receive 8 percent less; and Mexico will get 7 percent less. Based on August 2022 modeling projections, USBR expects total inflows to Lake Powell to be just 62 percent of average for the year. Hydrologists predict that Lake Powell levels could drop to about 3,522 feet by January 1, 2023. In an August 16 status report for Glen Canyon Dam, USBR noted that “two separate urgent drought response actions...will help prop up Lake Powell by nearly 1 million acre-feet of water...through April 2023. To protect Lake Powell, more water will flow into the lake from upstream reservoirs and less water will be released downstream.” Specifically, more water will be released from Flaming Gorge Reservoir, about 455 river miles upstream of Lake Powell; and less water will be released from Lake Powell downstream to Lake Mead. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey and lake elevation data from the Bureau of Reclamation. Story by Michael Carlowicz.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 months
Ryan Gray Backstory
My version of his backstory is a combination of both stories from Another Code R : A Journey Into Lost Memories, and it's remaster in Another Code Recollection, as his backstory is completely different from one game to another. So I decided to combine both backstories into one in my AU.
Decided to do that because in my AU/Headcanon, it's his birthday today ♥
Note : The writing is inspired by the official page from the Cing Wiki.
To see the original page, click here.
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Full Name : Ryan Gray Fitzgerald
Race : Earthling (speculated)
Human (formerly)
Age : 27
12 (at "death" in 1992)
Gender : Male (Apogender)
Birthday : March 12th 1980
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Blood Type : A-
Home : Lake Juliet, United States
Dislikes : Crying
Relatives : Judd Fitzgerald {Father} (deceased)
Unnamed Mother (deceased)
Occupation : J.C. Valley Employee
Affiliation : Ashley Mizuki Robbins (Sayoko & Richard's daughter)
Richard Robbins (Acquaintance / Now Colleague)
Sayoko Robbins ("Murder Victim")
Bill Edward (Former Coworker / Acquaintance)
Sofia Callaghan (Coworker / Acquaintance)
Rex Alfred (Superior / Acquaintance)
"I think everyone has a grand design like that at one point or another. I suppose that's what they refer to as a dream. It's interesting to see how you think about the future. Your eyes may be your mother's. But on the inside, you're just like your father."
Ryan Gray (born as Ryan Fitzgerald) is a major character in Another Code R : A Journey Into Lost Memories and its remake Another Code Recollection.
He is a scientist employed by J.C. Valley, and a scientific prodigy who has been working since his teenage years.
Background :
Ryan was a child of two scientists, his father being Judd Fitzgerald. His mother died when he was young boy, which emotionally broke him. It is explained that she saved Ryan from being hit by a vehicle, unfortunately she died doing so when he was three years old. This event occured around 1983. As said above, this left a deep emotional wound in his heart and he closed himself off, no longer allowing himself to feel happiness. He stopped speaking as well.
In 1992, Judd used the Another, which was still a prototype at the time to heal that wound. Judd wanted to erase Ryan's memory of his mother and her death. Plus, his son became the first test subject at the age of 12. Sayoko Robbins, Rex and Judd were there to see this experiment unfold. Sayoko was aware that the experiment was dangerous but Judd was obsessed with "bringing back his son". Richard Robbins and the other workers, except Bill Edward, whom Judd trusted blindly, and therefore told him about it, didn't know this because the experiment was conducted in total secrecy because of Judd's orders. Unfortunately for Ryan, he became paralyzed and later died (because the Another was incomplete). The experiment was a failure and Judd was emotionally hurt by this. Ryan's memories were extracted during that experiment. They were recorded through liquid memory and stored in a tank in the J.C. Valley's basement storage. After Ryan's death, his body was buried in an island and a gravestone was placed there. It is shown that he has the surname Fitzgerald on the gravestone. Ryan was then misled to believe that Judd was not his father, only his mentor.
Ryan was a child prodigy ; he attended university at the age of 10, and became scientist at 16. Ryan was recruited into J.C. Valley. He received a cherry blossom kaleidoscope as a gift from Sayoko when he was 9 around 1989 ; Sayoko's mother originally owned it.
At one point, Sayoko noticed that a "conscious life-form" was born from Ryan's memory data. A construct version of Ryan remembered that they had the feeling of swimming through a sea of memories and they read their memory, learned and slowly grew. Sayoko reported her findings but Judd quickly dismissed them. He states that self-propagation of memory data is impossible and he never tried to understand him unlike Ashley's mother. Once she left, he would glance at the tank every so often. One day, he started talking to it. He said "I'll find a way to revive you, Ryan". Judd continued developing the Another alone and he started a new experiment which involved overwriting memories using the Another. He began writing Ryan's memory data onto other subjects in an attempt to revive his son. Carrying out these experiments recquired him to create many copies of Ryan's data. He extracted his test subject's memories and accumulated them all into liquid memory. Judd's experiment was a failure since it wasn't possible to complete the Another without Sayoko. The ability to overwrite memory never came to fruition. He abandoned its development and sealed up the lab using the Another.
Six years prior, a "terrible" storm tore through Lake Juliet. J.C. Valley lost electricity and the building was destroyed. The tanks storing the liquid memory were damaged and they leaked into the lake. These are the ones that contained not only Ryan's memories but many others'. It became one with the water, so in a way it felt like that this lake had become their brain. Overtime, the construct of Ryan was able to access J.C. Valley's network, specifically in Judd's computer, this allowed them to access all sorts of informations, but nothing about Ryan's story itself.
At some point in time, Bill told Ryan the truth about his "death", his childhood memories being erased and of Judd's biological relationship to him. Enraged, Ryan then wanted revenge on Judd, and planned to use Bill as a tool to enact his revenge, pretending to ally with him. Ryan planned to kill all of Judd's successors, such as Sayoko, as his form of revenge. Ryan also orchestrated the funding disaster that befell M.J. Labs. It is also possible that Ryan had plans to murder his own father after.
In 2006, he sent Richard an anonymous e-mail, calling him a blissfully ignorant fool and claiming Sayoko's death was orchestrated and that there was more to it than he knows.
Ryan first appears at the campsite, far from everyone at the back, and has a brief exchange with Ashley about her interests, why doesn't she want to be a scientist like her parents, what it's like to grow up with a scientist as a father, and memories of Sayoko. Once the conversation is over, Ashley briefly turns around and he disappears.
He is a trusting figure to Ashley Mizuki Robbins who enjoys having lunch with him. Unaware to her, he previously aided Sofia Callaghan in stealing Ashley's bag and can be seen briefly as the one driving the black car after Ashley gets off the bus.
Ryan appears at the Robbins cottage and tells Ashley she should not be friends with Matthew Crusoe due to the history between Crusoe Resort and J.C. Valley. He invites her to his cottage so they can discuss more about it. Matt, who overhears the conversation, comments that Ryan has a "cold" and "unfriendly" voice, although Ashley dismissed him as just being a calm scientist. Once Ashley arrived at his house, Ryan tells her more about the history. They talk more about Sayoko and how she helped Ryan when he was going though some "treatments". He also gives Ashley the kaleidoscope he received from Sayoko.
Once Ashley reaches J.C. Valley, Ryan is seen interacting with Sofia, revealing they have been working together on leaking information about the ANOTHER project. Ashley mentions Ryan to Ian and Gina, but none of them seem to know him despite supposedly being colleagues.
When Sofia is discovered and Richard confronts her, he sends Ashley to the exit through the elevator to ask for help. Ryan stops the elevator between floors and takes Ashley to the ANOTHER lab, which had been sealed off by Judd years ago.
Near the end of the game, it is revealed that Ryan is essentially the game's main villain. It will soon be discovered that Ryan is a cold-hearted manipulative lying sociopath. First, Ryan erases 17 years of Ashley's father's memories. When Ashley became visibly upset by crying, Ryan snaps at her to stop crying. He coerces Ashley into a memory overwrite experiment in which she will replace her memories with her mother's, but it fails when Ashley does not want to replace any of her important life memories, with the help of Sayoko's "ghost", who prevents this using the R.A.S.
Ashley awakes and find Ryan besides her. He first calls her Sayoko, thinking that the overwriting process has been successful, but Ashley corrects him and explains how Sayoko protected her and rejected her memories using the R.A.S., and that she doesn't want her daughter losing her memories to come back, causing Ryan to become frustrated.
Ryan reveals he intended to break a promise with Ashley and orders her to leave. When she becomes emotional again, Ryan taunts her but Ashley shouts at him she won't cry in front of someone who does not know how to feel and does not understand basic emotions. Ryan hears Ashley has her T.A.S. and claims he will use it to recover her father's memories, but Ashley refuses as he already betrayed her trust, prompting Ryan to hold her and Richard at gunpoint. The two are saved by Rex Alfred who tackles Ryan ; Rex ends up being shot in the shoulder before Ryan flees. Rex takes them to his office to reveal a series of things :
Judd had a son named Ryan, who passed away years ago. Judd used the Another prototype to try to erase Ryan's memories of his mother's fatal accident, which had traumatized him.
Judd erased Sayoko's memories with Rex's help when she decided to quit in order to focus on being a mother. Rex gave her the pendant with memories of the day Ashley was born.
J.C. Valley was responsible for the pollution of the lake. Years ago, there was a storm that badly damaged the labs. It broke tanks that contained mnemonic fluid and it filtered ro the lake, causing its contamination. Judd used Another through the security cameras to manipulate the residents of Lake Juliet so that they turned on Crusoe Resort and blamed them for the contamination, causing their bankruptcy.
Richard and Ashley give chase to Ryan on a small island in the middle of Lake Juliet. There, they discovered the source of the lake's water, and Ryan's grave. Upon being confronted, Ryan reveals he encouraged Bill to kill Sayoko and steal her research on Another back in 1994, and that he was the one who lured Richard to Lake Juliet. Ryan intended to manipulate Richard into completing Another, and then sell Another to a company Bill also dealt with. Ryan tries to kill himself by asking Richard to kill him and even passes Richard a gun and orders him to shoot, but Richard can not shoot Ryan as he is "not physically real".
Making Richard unconscious, Ryan explain how he was formed to Ashley, and to reveal that Sayoko knex about him. Ryan then reveals that the water from the island is cleansing the mnemotic fluid from the lake and that he and the other memories that were leaked to the lake during the storm will soon disappear. Ashley promises that he will be remembered and will be alive in people's hearts, much like she did with D. With peace and regret of mind, Ryan spended some time with the others as an act of repentance before he would eventually pass away.
Personality :
Ryan is intelligent, but he is also essentially a sociopath, and perhaps a psychopath, who diminishes the value of human emotions. He is very bitter and resentful towards his father, and he mentions he has never really cared about Judd once in his entire life. He is also shown to be manipulative and able to hide his darker and very dangerous side, gaining the trust of people such as Richard and Rex, hiding behind a facade.
There is also a good amount of evidence suggesting Ryan is depressed, unable to find much hapiness or meaning in life, besides his work. He also appears to be quite lonesome with no evidence of any close friends. He lives in a modern-looking house with lots of gray walls and furniture. When Ashley asks him about his choice of interior decoration, he admits he does not care about any of it as he barely lives in it, showing he is far from being materialistic. However, this could also serve as a hint of Ryan not being attached to "earthly things" or the "human realm". Ashley remarks his house is eerily clean, but not in a "it has been cleaned" sense, rather a "it has not been used" sense. Ryan also appears to be a drinker as Ashley finds a bottle of wine in his kitchen. His house also lacks personal items, though it does have some abstract art and lots of science textbooks, as well as Sayoko's kaleidoscope.
Ryan can be somewhat condescending, although it is unclear if he is aware he comes off this way. For example, he makes some comments towards Ashley that can be interpreted as backhanded, as if he views Ashley poorly and a simpleton. When Ashley comments she is 16, Ryan explains to her, "Which means that thirteen years ago, you were three". He explains to her that flashbacks are sudden memories from one's past. He bluntly asks her if she has any traumatic childhood memories. When Ashley tells him she wants to be a musician, he attributes it to her young age, saying, "although it is rather unlikely to become reality, one is free to dream as one pleases". After a conversation about how brilliant Sayoko was, he says that while Ashley resembles her, she is just like her father. When Ashley asks what he means, all Ryan can initially say is a "hard worker", despite not asking Ashley about her work ethic. He later says, "He's the exact opposite of Sayoko and myself".
Ryan is smart and even manipulative since he was told the truth by Bill, and his vendetta against his father or Sayoko led him to the sociopath path that he is now, going as far as to orchestrate Sayoko's murder at a fairly young age. Ryan is not afraid of using others and even see them as tools (including Ashley), so he could finish the Another. Additionally, he had an existential crisis since he questioned his purpose and birth.
As a child, Ryan was seemingly a joyful person. However, he became emotionless, mute and closed himseld off after his mother's death.
Quotes :
"To this day, I have yet to meet someone that could even hope to surpass her." (regarding Sayoko)
"Honestly ? How can you say that ? I don't understand you, Ashley. I don't understand why you wouldn't be willing to turn your back on your father."
"Ashley...STOP CRYING ! NOW ! Don't make me repeat myself. i don't like seeing people cry. I believe that the emotions that trigger crying are unnecessary for humans. In fact, crying is more of a defense mechanism. Nothing more. When the weak believe they will be subject to emotional distress, they always resort to tears. They pour their stress into these eye secretions in an attempt to expel it from their own bodies. It is a defense mechanism, designed to protect people from their own feelings. And even if those emotions are misguided, these weak-hearted people justify them with tears. The foremost example is small children whining and crying. From this, it seems fair to conclude that tears are nothing more than a sign of weakness. And thus, I despise crying."
"Never. Not once in my entire life." (when Ashley asks if he has ever cried)
"This is unfathomable. You've rejected all of Sayoko's memories ? Ashley, I really thought that you were smarter than this. Hasn't it occured to you that the memories of your mother, a true genius, are more important than your trifling, pathetic recollections ?"
"That promise was made to be broken, Ashley."
"Ashley, I have no more use for you. Leave. Oh, are you going to cry again ? I wonder which emotion will overwhelm your heart this time. Sorrow ? Anger ? Regret ?"
"A drive for knowledge. I have always felt that, too. Why was I born ? What is my purpose ?"
"I've never encountered someone like you. Someone who wished to know me."
Trivia :
Ryan's theme can be considered to be Spring of Memories due to it often playing whenever he appears.
Ryan can be viewed as Ashley's foil ; both have scientist parents and their fathers distanced themselves from their lives and fabricated lies. Their mothers died trying to protect them when they were only three years old. Ashley was said to be a crybaby after Sayoko died, while Ryan was severely affected when his mother died. They have also been quite lonely for most of their lives. Their hairstyles are also somewhat similar. The difference between Ashley and Ryan, however, is that Ashley learned how to forgive her father while Ryan sought vengeance.
Although not explicitly said, it can be speculated that Ryan's lack of emotions and sociopathic tendencies are the side effect of the experiment on the prototype Another. The formula affected Ryan's brain in order to make him forget, so it may have affected the region regulating emotions as well. If this theory is true, then Ryan could be viewed as a victim of a tragic upbringing due to matters outside his control, just like Ashley was.
It can be speculated that Ryan may have been the one who burned down Judd's villa recently, given Ryan' resentment of Judd, though the true cause of the fire is never revealed.
I will eventually do some headcanons about him later on, and what happens after the story of Another Code R : A Journey Into Lost Memories / Another Code Recollection. ☻
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sonicasura · 1 year
Diarbbitmon (Digimon, Storage: Data/Elec.Devices)
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War Rock Meteoragon (Yu-Gi-Oh, Storage: Card/Charm)
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Thanatos (Persona, Storage: Tarot Card/Mask)
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Hisuian Samerott (Pokemon, Storage: Pokeball/ Charm)
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Harumitey (Spectrobes, Storage: Data/Crystal)
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datavalleyai · 7 months
Azure Data Engineering Tools For Data Engineers
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Azure is a cloud computing platform provided by Microsoft, which presents an extensive array of data engineering tools. These tools serve to assist data engineers in constructing and upholding data systems that possess the qualities of scalability, reliability, and security. Moreover, Azure data engineering tools facilitate the creation and management of data systems that cater to the unique requirements of an organization.
In this article, we will explore nine key Azure data engineering tools that should be in every data engineer’s toolkit. Whether you’re a beginner in data engineering or aiming to enhance your skills, these Azure tools are crucial for your career development.
Microsoft Azure Databricks
Azure Databricks is a managed version of Databricks, a popular data analytics and machine learning platform. It offers one-click installation, faster workflows, and collaborative workspaces for data scientists and engineers. Azure Databricks seamlessly integrates with Azure’s computation and storage resources, making it an excellent choice for collaborative data projects.
Microsoft Azure Data Factory
Microsoft Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a fully-managed, serverless data integration tool designed to handle data at scale. It enables data engineers to acquire, analyze, and process large volumes of data efficiently. ADF supports various use cases, including data engineering, operational data integration, analytics, and data warehousing.
Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics is a real-time, complex event-processing engine designed to analyze and process large volumes of fast-streaming data from various sources. It is a critical tool for data engineers dealing with real-time data analysis and processing.
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage provides a scalable and secure data lake solution for data scientists, developers, and analysts. It allows organizations to store data of any type and size while supporting low-latency workloads. Data engineers can take advantage of this infrastructure to build and maintain data pipelines. Azure Data Lake Storage also offers enterprise-grade security features for data collaboration.
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics is an integrated platform solution that combines data warehousing, data connectors, ETL pipelines, analytics tools, big data scalability, and visualization capabilities. Data engineers can efficiently process data for warehousing and analytics using Synapse Pipelines’ ETL and data integration capabilities.
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed and server-less distributed database service that supports multiple data models, including PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Apache Cassandra. It offers automatic and immediate scalability, single-digit millisecond reads and writes, and high availability for NoSQL data. Azure Cosmos DB is a versatile tool for data engineers looking to develop high-performance applications.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Database is a fully managed and continually updated relational database service in the cloud. It offers native support for services like Azure Functions and Azure App Service, simplifying application development. Data engineers can use Azure SQL Database to handle real-time data ingestion tasks efficiently.
Microsoft Azure MariaDB
Azure Database for MariaDB provides seamless integration with Azure Web Apps and supports popular open-source frameworks and languages like WordPress and Drupal. It offers built-in monitoring, security, automatic backups, and patching at no additional cost.
Microsoft Azure PostgreSQL Database
Azure PostgreSQL Database is a fully managed open-source database service designed to emphasize application innovation rather than database management. It supports various open-source frameworks and languages and offers superior security, performance optimization through AI, and high uptime guarantees.
Whether you’re a novice data engineer or an experienced professional, mastering these Azure data engineering tools is essential for advancing your career in the data-driven world. As technology evolves and data continues to grow, data engineers with expertise in Azure tools are in high demand. Start your journey to becoming a proficient data engineer with these powerful Azure tools and resources.
Unlock the full potential of your data engineering career with Datavalley. As you start your journey to becoming a skilled data engineer, it’s essential to equip yourself with the right tools and knowledge. The Azure data engineering tools we’ve explored in this article are your gateway to effectively managing and using data for impactful insights and decision-making.
To take your data engineering skills to the next level and gain practical, hands-on experience with these tools, we invite you to join the courses at Datavalley. Our comprehensive data engineering courses are designed to provide you with the expertise you need to excel in the dynamic field of data engineering. Whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your career, Datavalley’s courses offer a structured learning path and real-world projects that will set you on the path to success.
Course format:
Subject: Data Engineering Classes: 200 hours of live classes Lectures: 199 lectures Projects: Collaborative projects and mini projects for each module Level: All levels Scholarship: Up to 70% scholarship on this course Interactive activities: labs, quizzes, scenario walk-throughs Placement Assistance: Resume preparation, soft skills training, interview preparation
Subject: DevOps Classes: 180+ hours of live classes Lectures: 300 lectures Projects: Collaborative projects and mini projects for each module Level: All levels Scholarship: Up to 67% scholarship on this course Interactive activities: labs, quizzes, scenario walk-throughs Placement Assistance: Resume preparation, soft skills training, interview preparation
For more details on the Data Engineering courses, visit Datavalley’s official website.
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haripriya2002 · 8 months
Azure’s Evolution: What Every IT Pro Should Know About Microsoft’s Cloud
IT professionals need to keep ahead of the curve in the ever changing world of technology today. The cloud has become an integral part of modern IT infrastructure, and one of the leading players in this domain is Microsoft Azure. Azure’s evolution over the years has been nothing short of remarkable, making it essential for IT pros to understand its journey and keep pace with its innovations. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey through Azure’s transformation, exploring its history, service portfolio, global reach, security measures, and much more. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of what every IT pro should know about Microsoft’s cloud platform.
Historical Overview
Azure’s Humble Beginnings
Microsoft Azure was officially launched in February 2010 as “Windows Azure.” It began as a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering primarily focused on providing Windows-based cloud services.
The Azure Branding Shift
In 2014, Microsoft rebranded Windows Azure to Microsoft Azure to reflect its broader support for various operating systems, programming languages, and frameworks. This rebranding marked a significant shift in Azure’s identity and capabilities.
Key Milestones
Over the years, Azure has achieved numerous milestones, including the introduction of Azure Virtual Machines, Azure App Service, and the Azure Marketplace. These milestones have expanded its capabilities and made it a go-to choice for businesses of all sizes.
Expanding Service Portfolio
Azure’s service portfolio has grown exponentially since its inception. Today, it offers a vast array of services catering to diverse needs:
Compute Services: Azure provides a range of options, from virtual machines (VMs) to serverless computing with Azure Functions.
Data Services: Azure offers data storage solutions like Azure SQL Database, Cosmos DB, and Azure Data Lake Storage.
AI and Machine Learning: With Azure Machine Learning and Cognitive Services, IT pros can harness the power of AI for their applications.
IoT Solutions: Azure IoT Hub and IoT Central simplify the development and management of IoT solutions.
Azure Regions and Global Reach
Azure boasts an extensive network of data centers spread across the globe. This global presence offers several advantages:
Scalability: IT pros can easily scale their applications by deploying resources in multiple regions.
Redundancy: Azure’s global datacenter presence ensures high availability and data redundancy.
Data Sovereignty: Choosing the right Azure region is crucial for data compliance and sovereignty.
Integration and Hybrid Solutions
Azure’s integration capabilities are a boon for businesses with hybrid cloud needs. Azure Arc, for instance, allows you to manage on-premises, multi-cloud, and edge environments through a unified interface. Azure’s compatibility with other cloud providers simplifies multi-cloud management.
Security and Compliance
Azure has made significant strides in security and compliance. It offers features like Azure Security Center, Azure Active Directory, and extensive compliance certifications. IT pros can leverage these tools to meet stringent security and regulatory requirements.
Azure Marketplace and Third-Party Offerings
Azure Marketplace is a treasure trove of third-party solutions that complement Azure services. IT pros can explore a wide range of offerings, from monitoring tools to cybersecurity solutions, to enhance their Azure deployments.
Azure DevOps and Automation
Automation is key to efficiently managing Azure resources. Azure DevOps services and tools facilitate continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), ensuring faster and more reliable application deployments.
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Monitoring and Management
Azure offers robust monitoring and management tools to help IT pros optimize resource usage, troubleshoot issues, and gain insights into their Azure deployments. Best practices for resource management can help reduce costs and improve performance.
Future Trends and Innovations
As the technology landscape continues to evolve, Azure remains at the forefront of innovation. Keep an eye on trends like edge computing and quantum computing, as Azure is likely to play a significant role in these domains.
Training and Certification
To excel in your IT career, consider pursuing Azure certifications. ACTE Institute offers a range of certifications, such as the Microsoft Azure course to validate your expertise in Azure technologies.
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In conclusion, Azure’s evolution is a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to cloud innovation. As an IT professional, understanding Azure’s history, service offerings, global reach, security measures, and future trends is paramount. Azure’s versatility and comprehensive toolset make it a top choice for organizations worldwide. By staying informed and adapting to Azure’s evolving landscape, IT pros can remain at the forefront of cloud technology, delivering value to their organizations and clients in an ever-changing digital world. Embrace Azure’s evolution, and empower yourself for a successful future in the cloud.
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sidewalkscienceguy · 1 year
Hey everyone, I run a science education nonprofit in Florida called Sidewalk Science Center. I created SSC back in July 2018, and to this day, host FREE sessions of science experiments, telescoping, and other forms of science outreach 3-4 days per week. We do this at playgrounds, parks, beaches, outdoor malls, and other public spaces.
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The mission of SSC is to provide regular and reliable access to educational tools and resources in public spaces. As of this writing, I have personally hosted free sessions of SSC a total of 390 times, as well as more than five dozen private events for families, the Girl Scouts, schools, and other organizations. In mid-November, I saw my 50,000th visitor!
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We're in the middle of our end-of-year fundraising campaign. We have a goal to raise $5,500 by December 31, 2022. These funds will cover all of our expected business operation costs for 2023. As of this writing, we have raised $1,932.54, which is 35% of our goal. This amount alone covers all of our website, email, insurance, printing, and data storage costs for 2023, plus some of our physical and online marketing costs for the upcoming year.
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One of our larger purposes for doing this is to increase scientific visibility, literacy, and overall engagement. Science is often relegated to schools and museums, but where else do we encounter it on a day-to-day basis, actively thinking about and practicing it? By placing SSC in spaces where people already visit and congregate, we hope to help improve the interest, support, and ability in science literacy throughout all levels of society.
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In 2023 we will also start gathering volunteer educators to operate standard SSC sessions. We will also offer paid positions through our volunteer base, as a significant source of our revenue comes from paid private events. All educators will take our self-designed training courses that cover performing public science outreach, public science communication, and how to navigate and maintain civil discourse with pseudoscientists and misinformation in public spaces.
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Going forward, we want to open regular SSC locations around the state of Florida, the US at large, and eventually, the world. Creating these spaces has been an incredible experience that truly impacts the communities we serve, and levels the playing field for underprivileged communities, allowing everyone to use resources and have experiences they otherwise might not have access to at home or even school.
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Please consider making a donation to help cover these 2023 expenses (viewable on the donation page). A minimum of $5.00 is required using the DonorBox.org form, but you can also support us on Patreon for any amount.
Disclaimer: while recognized as a nonprofit in the state of Florida, Sidewalk Science Center is not yet federally recognized as a 501(c)(3) corporation. We are actively working to achieve this designation. As such, any contribution you provide is NOT tax deductible at this time.
Website: www.sidewalksciencecenter.org
FEIN # 92-0360191
Facebook | Instagram
Thank you for your support. One day, you might come across a Sidewalk Science Center in your own town! Right now we are headquartered in Bradenton & Sarasota, Florida. We are in the works to create a west coast tour in October of 2023, with plans to go through Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego during our trip to watch the October 14th Annular Eclipse at Crater Lake. Maybe we'll see you there!
We have a future to create.
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