#Definitely A Book Club
the-blaze-empress · 2 years
the syndicate but with a sticker chart.
hear me out hear me out okay? cniki gets a sticker sheet of gold stars and starts handing them out at syndicate meetings as a bit of a joke but phil and techno especially just go absolutely feral for the gold shiny thing that means theyve done well. ranboo loves them too hes just not fistfighting anyone to physically acquire a sticker.
niki starts handing out the stickers for actual reasons when the others have done something good/well. like ranboo gets a sticker for practicing his breathing exercises, phil gets one because he went to bed before passing out from exhaustion, and techno gets one for killing a man.
the three of them start trying to get as many stickers as possible, theyre all ridiculously competitve and thus they actually do the things on the list of ‘things that earn a gold star’ and they do them properly because then they can get more gold stars.
they start a sticker chart to organise it all because at least one fight has broken out about who has the most stickers (ranboo is the only one who properly knows because he’s been writing it down in his diary) (he also has a whole page dedicated to his own gold stars). niki makes the chart for the three of them, and doesnt see much point in putting herself on the chart.
the boreal bois, though, immediately protest this and maker her her own row on the chart with another piece of paper tacked up the top of the chart and her name written a little wobbly (phil did the honours). none of them have any gold stars to put in her row but that doesnt discourage them.
phil sticks a small feather on because niki gave him a sticker, ranboo digs around in his basement and finds some holographic, garishly coloured love heart stickers (there was also a sheet of smiley faces, he throws those ones out) and puts two of them on niki’s row because she was the one to teach him the breathing exercises, and techno smudges a bit of leftover blood from the aforementioned killed man onto the paper and refuses to elaborate.
connor gets a row on the sticker sheet when he joins too, but he fills his up on his own almost immediately with both sonic stickers, and letters which he uses to spell mostly swear words with.
in short, niki has managed to bribe two centuries old war lords and an anxious enderman into self care with only a sheet of shiny gold stickers
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finchers-ipad · 2 months
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minnow-doodle-doo · 1 month
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'This was before Jason, before the fire, before Bruce would discover exactly how difficult it was to dig his own grave with the bones of his son.' -The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi
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communistkenobi · 5 months
reading the intro to decolonizing trans/gender 101 this morning by b. binaohan and one thing that has been particularly insightful for me is their description of the closet as a place only white people get to inhabit - not only because it is premised on having access to a private sphere (whose origin lies in the private property relationship of colonialism & capitalism, a type of ownership only white people have historically had access to), but also that the body itself can be private, a site of individual expression that you both 1) have control over and 2) a desire to assert a liberated, enclosed, individual agency separate from the social fabric of your life (a privilege that, again, only white people have full access to).
I think this diagnosis is very helpful in revealing that a lot of white discourse about transgender identity is, if not outright biologically-, then bodily-essentialist - that gender is expressed and mediated through the individual, that the decision "to come out as trans" is a decision that an individual makes, that being transgender is a wholly private revelation disconnected from the history of gender as a social system of control, that being trans is really not a social relationship to gender, that if you don't "come out of the closet" you are not "doing gender." it reinforces cisgenderism as a natural default, something you don't do but rather simply are, in contrast to transgenderism, a type of gender expression you can only do, and only do alone by emerging from a private realm into a public one. this is in contrast to, as binoahan puts it, "being a non-white person in this world, is to immediately be rendered available for public consumption."
This is not to say that white trans people (or any trans person who engages in the practice of "coming out") are making up the social exclusion, harassment, and violence they face by publicly transitioning or announcing their transhood, but that this imagined white universal trajectory of transhood is one of individual self-actualization, a breaking away from the world to be your own individuated self - to be liberated from the world around you, to forsake an original set of (insufficient, backwards, hostile) communities for a liberated, individuated queer one. This is, again, the product of a white imaginary and a trajectory of identity only white trans people have access to. Again returning to binaohan, "because my experiences in either the trans or queer community have made it very clear that the 'community' is hostile to my existence. and so the request to sacrifice my current communities, the communities to which I properly belong, just to fulfill some (imaginary) obligation to a community that regularly lets me know how much i don't belong, seems ludicrous. but it is not just that: it creates a situation whereby not only is the white trans/gender narrative normalized but your value/goodness as a human being becomes dependent for how well you are able to locate yourself within that narrative."
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carg0-toad · 5 months
this was supposed to be something serious but then the worm eating my brain said "remember that one scene from the book"
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dawnthread · 1 year
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i’m no fanartist, but i couldn’t help but get in on the dracula book club hype with a knitalong after finding Dracula’s Bride by Renee Linville on ravelry!!
my wonderful datemate gifted me a gorgeous gothic-lit-inspired skein pack for christmas last year, and this is the PERFECT project for it. after a lot of winding, a little math, and a few rounds of swatching to test-drive the needle size and gradient technique, we’re off to the races to the tune of our boy jonathan’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad business trip to transylvania - played to perfection by ben galpin in @re-dracula‘s audio drama production!!
i meant to post these earlier to properly track my progress, but i forgot XD
further updates to be posted as work progresses~!!
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is anyone even listening to the shit mal is saying at this point. this mf is so corrupted it isn't even funny anymore. where's my side quest: force mal to go to therapy. im going to climb the walls
and like yeah mal is an adventurer and all but if anything he's the opposite of an adrenaline junkie. like someone pointed out last week, he's a survivor through and through. and throughout book 1 he is almost hilariously afraid of danger. he is scared of fucking threep and convinced he would eat their faces. he didn't want to get on the objectively cool drakes because he was afraid. even threep makes fun of him for always running at the first sign of danger in that diamond scene with the voxper. mal enjoys adventuring, yes, and he's got a knack for it and he's quick on his feet and good at escaping difficult situations, but he was never the kind of guy who enjoyed taking risks
and with the way tyril talked about him last chapter like he's been making an habit of taking bigger and bigger risks.... i know we've all said that already but im just really worried about what this means. the least sinister option is that this is the only way he's managed to feel alive lately (bad), but i feel like it goes even deeper and is likely related to whatever sort of shadow shit he has going on and I'm afraid
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jamiesfootball · 6 months
Beautiful Damned You has got me on the ropes just from the idea of it
This one is further down on the priority list but very much alive in my head!
Some highlights I have mentioned before:
Jamie does not throw away The Beautiful and Damned
He reads it
He has strong feelings about it
He starts coming into practice with a nastier than usual bite towards Ted, who is rapidly losing ground and can't figure out why
Jamie accidentally keeps recreating that scene in The Office (US) where Michael is watching The Devil Wears Prada. Jamie keeps quoting parts of the book at Ted (or attempting to quote- look, he's paraphrasing, ok, but these are lethal strikes)
Ted takes a while to figure out what's going on because spoiler alert he has not actually read that book since like. Ninth grade.
So all of this is culminating and in the midst of it all the gala happens. Which, Ted in his Ted-wisdom is still optimistic. He thinks he can still work things out with Jamie. He also still needs Jamie and Roy to work things out with each other, so despite Beard's warning he goes ahead and seats them all at the same table.
That turns into the most epic of shit shows you could possibly imagine.
Because it is one thing for Ted to insinuate via literature that Jamie is like Anthony, the protagonist from TB&D, but to then insinuate that Keeley is anything like Gloria, someone shallow who only sees their value in their beauty and who looks down on other women? Or that Jamie would treat her like Anthony does?
Fuck you, Lasso.
And also, if you want to talk about shallow- he didn't even want to do this stupid gala in the first place. It's disgusting, and he's not gonna be putting out for any old ladies. He doesn't care if Ted kicks him off the starting line at this point - he's not doing it.
Keeley does not know what has gotten into Jamie, but she's officially concerned now. And poor Roy- he did not sign up for this. Ted was the one who stuck him at this table under the guise of making things work with Tartt. Now Tartt's stormed off, Keeley's flustered and upset and a little embarrassed, Ted's sitting there like looking someone's whacked him with a shovel.
It had to be Roy to go talk to him, didn't it? Couldn't be anyone else.
That didn't mean Roy isn't annoyed when it turns out all of this drama started because of a fucking book.
Roy ends up talking Jamie down by telling him he'll read the fucking book, because it's clear to him that part of what's got Jamie so riled up is that no one's really listening to his side of things or taking him seriously when he says that the gaffer just- doesn't fucking like him? And when Roy tries to pivot that actually Jamie is kind of a prick so it's probably not just the book, Jamie gets more upset, so yeah, Roy will read the book, and then Jamie can explain to him what's got him so twisted up about it.
So Roy reads the book.
Huh. Turns out he might be on Jamie's side of this after all.
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brother-emperors · 7 months
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Dante's Divine Comedy (Inferno, Canto VIII. trans. Robert M. Durling) / 10 December 1513 letter from Machiavelli to Francesco Vettori, trans. Alan Gilbert
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iris-drawing-stuff · 9 months
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Just Shidou
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moonoftiamat · 9 months
hello THOR????
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the-blaze-empress · 2 years
i am so normal about the boreal bois tonight you have no fucking idea
i just. them yknow?
three people with little other places to go, three people who’re trying to escape the binary good and bad that others are forcing onto them, three people who just want to be left alone and for the people they care about to be safe.
when phil offered ranboo a place to stay so casually, god, top 5 dsmp moments ever. he saw this scared, lost child and just. took him in. didnt make a big deal out of it, but he took him under his wing and gave him the safety and security and net to fall back on that he’d lacked.
and techno did the same, he may have been more gruff about it but he gave him resources, he let him build, he came to check on him to make sure he was alright. he cared. he layed his life on the line for him without question, and there is only one other person techno does that for and its phil. he layed his life down because he knew ranboo would do the same for him.
ranboo, trying so hard to be ‘deserving’ of this care, trying so hard to pay it back. not realising no matter what, he’s getting the kindness of two people who tend to give that away very rarely. he doesnt have to repay anything, he can just... be. he doesnt have to try to prove anything, existing is enough.
and just. the headcannons. the quiet moments.
ranboo being gifted a matching cloak, a crest he doesn’t really recognise and a history lesson that sounds much more like a personal story than anything else. techno refusing to admit he cares about ranboo, phil knowing it anyways. ranboo scared to open up but being met with nothing but endless kindness when he does. the little family they become, out in the arctic, out with only the dogs and the foxes and the bears and each other to keep them company.
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msmargaretmurry · 4 months
my dirty little secret* as a noted rat boy girlie is that when matthew and brady play each other i'm usually rooting for brady. like i dont REALLY expect the sens to win because they are a notably worse team than the panthers and i'm not mad if the panthers win but as a middle child i just have too much sympathy for the plight of the middle child to not root for brady lmao
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communistkenobi · 1 year
I think when people describe dark hallways or all-grey office cubicles as “liminal,” they’re using it as a synonym for creepy, which is not really accurate. What’s being reached for is a sense of dislocation, of being in a place that is not meant for you or is otherwise hostile to you in some way. “Liminal” is limited in its ability to describe those feelings, because the word is typically meant to refer to a place that exists only to get you somewhere else (like an airport, for example, or an interstate highway). “Liminal” isn’t synonymous with “a place of horror,” but I think it’s become that in the tumblr lexicon.
I think a much more robust term for what people are trying to describe is ontological (in)security. Ontological security in geographic scholarship means “a confidence that the world exists as it appears to be.” To give a very basic example, there are handles on doors because the function of a door is to act as a gateway to another space, and the handle is there to open that gateway. You trust that doors with handles are meant to be open and stepped through, and you also trust that door handles will always be placed at a standing person’s waist height - if you’ve ever seen a character try to open a door that leads nowhere in a story, it’s playing with your ontological security. Likewise, you see a flight of stairs and understand implicitly that it exists to facilitate pedestrian traffic to and from a specific place. It’s not a place to have a party with your friends, and you wouldn’t think to go to a stairwell to socialise.
To be ontologically insecure, on the other hand, is to exist in a place that is built for purposes that are not available to you. This is most commonly used in disability scholarship to refer to inaccessible entrances or stairwells - these things exist for able-bodied people only, and the structure of the built environment is now acting as a mechanism to divide people into groups who can use the space and groups who cannot. This is part of the way that ableism essentialises disability, which is then reproduced in the built environment - urban structures are taken as neutral, and if you can’t navigate them effectively, something is wrong with you individually (which of course is not true).
But this idea can be deployed for a variety of contexts - suburbs once built for the wealthy car-driving middle class typically do not have sidewalks in them. And now in many places in North America, suburbs are being inhabited by much poorer families (who are much less likely to own a vehicle), who are being driven out of the city core because now that same wealthy middle class has decided a condo is more fashionable than a detached house. This leaves people to live in places that aren’t built “for them,” to walk in the middle of roads or on lawns because there’s no space for them to walk, forcing them into hostile situations to either be hit by cars or yelled at by neighbours for walking on their grass. These spaces produce ontological insecurity, a sense that you are inhabiting a place that is not meant for you, and because of this you are frequently made less safe as a result.
This is where the critique that cities are structurally ableist, or racist, or misogynistic comes from. Urban environments are usually built by the ruling class, whose interests and aesthetic sensibilities get reproduced in the roads they build and houses they erect, and if you don’t happen to fit the profile of the ruling class (ie most people), some parts of a city are always going to be less safe for you. This is why in extremely spread-out, low density cities (LA for example), public transit is difficult to implement on a structural level (on top of all the political pushback), because these spaces are structured in such a way to be hostile to certain modes of travel or behaviour (eg any mode of transit that isn’t a car). They are built for a specific ideal archetype of person, and if you don’t fit into that, you’re much less safe and much less secure.
So if you want to use this in fantasy settings or horror or whatever, you need to approach the built environment as a historical process the same way that a government or law is. Office spaces are not “liminal,” but they can be sites of horror because their physical structure compels certain modes of social behaviour, and trying to work against that grain can make you feel “out of place” - i.e., ontologically insecure.
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dizaryswrites · 14 days
I have a confession to make!
I don’t know how obvious it is, but I actually haven’t read any comics 😅 I know, I know haha, it’s just I haven’t had the time! Luckily, I mostly follow blogs that I know are comic readers so I know what’s fanon and canon mostly. But since I will have free time in the summer, I was wondering if you have any recommendations on what to read and where to start?
Oh man I WISH I could be one of those blogs who snaps out the long scroll that just rolls down the hallway with a concise cross referenced list of top hits from every era and where to start with each character! But I am a book hoarder with not enough time on my hands so I haven't even read half of what I have, let alone all the back issues 😅
Here's some stuff that I really enjoyed as a new-to-comics-and-DC reader and in general (in mostly chronological order because that's how I arrange my comic books):
Batman: Dark Victory
I really enjoyed the mystery and early Batman days, plus Dick Grayson's debut! He is a delight. I didn't read Long Halloween which comes before this so I missed some context but I picked it up easy enough (also according to some reviews the mystery can be repetitive if you have read Long Halloween sooo win for me ig?)
Robin: Year One
I am determined to read this one soon. I've heard great things about it though so it's being added
Batman: Prodigal
I read this without reading a single page of Knightfall because I was getting interested in Nightwing and this was the earliest book that my library had available (I have given up on a chronological reading order since those early foolish days). I knew nothing and still really enjoyed Dick!Bats and Robin!Tim together. I need to reread this soon
Formerly Known as the Justice League
A limited run, 6 issues I think. Honestly I should just say Justice League International in general but I started with this mini for Booster Gold and Blue Beetle after seeing some funny panels online and I fell in love with that whole cast of losers (affectionate). It's not BatFam but so so fun to read (and JLI has some really poignant moments too)
Young Justice: A League of Their Own
SO FUN. Tim and friends dealing with just ridiculous scenarios LOL I'm only halfway through but it's great
Batman: Hush
I haven't read a lot of just Batman titles but I enjoyed Hush. It had some good character moments for Bruce that helped me understand the way he thinks a little more. I also hear Bruce Wayne: Murder/Fugitive is very very good but I haven't gotten around to it yet (a running theme)
Batgirl: Point Blank
Cass is a treat. This was the first volume I found of her's, haven't read the others yet, but even lacking context I really enjoyed her as the main character and her interactions with Steph, Babs, and Bruce.
Teen Titans (Geoff Johns)
This was one of the first series I started reading and it was a good intro for me, a completely new DC fan. It's Tim and his friends but more serious than YJ. I've read vol 1-2 and part of 3
Under The Red Hood
Classic for good reason. I haven't finished it yet (teehee) but the first half has been entertaining. Jason has had some um... interesting writing in his time. But I really enjoy the way he's written here. It's a good baseline imo. I've heard Lost Days is also good
Nightwing (Tomasi run)
I love Tomasi and this run was a lot of fun. Dick is funny while not losing his serious, capable edge, he interacts with people in his circles, and has some interesting introspection moments. There's a weird part of the plot about midway that definitely uses bad Asian stereotypes which is so disappointing. But after that it gets normal again 😅
Batman & Robin
This comes right after Tomasi's run and it's a mixed bag for me. It's definitely interesting seeing Dick and Damian learning to work together but I was still new to DC with little context for things and was also *so* put off by the art style that I don't remember it well. But I thought I'd add it anyway since it's an iconic moment for Dick!Bats
Batman and Robin (Tomasi)
I adore Bruce and Damian struggling together to discover what being father and son looks like for them. I adore Damian having growth. That's volumes 1-3. 4 is post Damian's death (and damn issue 1 is a well written look at grief), I haven't read 5 or beyond yet.
Nightwing (Rebirth)
The first Nightwing title I read. Looking back, the characterization is a bit weak in some areas, doesn't quite match how he's written in older runs, but it had good moments and kept me entertained. Especially!!! In vol 3 with Humphries's Judge arc
For more current runs, I'm really enjoying World's Finest. Waid's writing is good and Mora's art is just *cartoon heart eyes*. Bats, Supes, and teenage Dick Grayson are a fun trio. Amid other runs that had me tearing my hair out in disappointment or frustration, WF is a breath of fresh air.
Titans United: Bloodpact is a 6 issue limited that was also a really nice read. It's Dick's Titans but Tim is there too and I enjoyed everyone's writing.
The Human Target (Tom King) but honestly I was just losing my mind over Greg Smallwood's art and paneling the entire time. A masterpiece. I want to frame every page. I cheered when he posted inspiration threads on Twitter.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
It's not Batfam but hear me out!!!! This comic had some of the sweetest moments between Supes and Jimmy and I wanted to grab literally anybody by the shoulders and shake them until they looked at the Lois, Clark, & Jimmy in the helicopter panel and GOT IT!!! Also it is so delightfully wacky and funny, I was genuinely laughing out loud. Steve's Lieber's art is the perfect pairing with Matt Fraction's writing.
This isn't DC at all but it's the series that made me (and so many others) really love comics and their storytelling potential. Matt Fraction's Hawkeye run, volumes 1-4. Between his writing and David Aja's artwork and color theory (and Steve Lieber's guest issue that literally gut punched me and changed how I saw later parts of the story, it was never just a filler issue to me, Steve) you get a great story that says so much with so little (in the best way) and is a visual treat as well. Chef's kiss.
Some other non-DC comics I really enjoyed are Die (imagine Jumanji but D&D and novels and oh look the consequence of your actions has grown up), Something is Killing the Children Vol. 1 (I am not a horror girly but I really enjoyed this, in no small part because of Dell'edera's art), Eight Billion Genies (the world population hits 8 billion and now everyone gets a genie, what could go possibly wrong), and Paper Girls which I'm about 2/3 through (picture stranger things but with time travel, spaceships?, and oh shit is future me lying??)
Damn, I guess I really did have a scroll's worth. 😭 Anyway, my recommendation for where to start with this list is...what does your library have available? Don't forget about the Hoopla app too, that's where I read some of these digitally. Or the used bookstore which is where I got 90% of my comics from.
But seriously! Just pick whatever sounds the most fun or has the character(s) you're the most interested in and go from there. Skip around on the timeline or go in chronological order. Whatever floats your boat! I think that's the really unique thing about comics. Plus if you can't figure out the context of what you're missing or what is happening simultaneously (because writers & editorial used to care a little more) you can do a quick google or (and I wish I had this with Batgirl) @cephalog0d has a pinned timeline master list. Incredible.
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benkyoutobentou · 1 year
Language Learner’s Book Club
Are you interested in reading books in Japanese with other language learners? Do you enjoy light novels? 別次元の図書館 (Library from Another Dimension) is a Discord based book club made by and for Japanese learners. This book club was made to encourage learners to read light novels, but the definition can be stretched for book selection.
Book club books are submitted and voted on bimonthly by book club members, so if you have a light novel series you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to give it a shout out!
There is no reading schedule! Feel free to read at your own pace, join in on older discussions, and read without fear of not being able to keep up. Typically, a large number of volumes will be officially part of the book club for each series chosen, but no one is under any obligation to read more than what you want, or are comfortable with.
All participation is text based. Don’t worry if you aren’t comfortable reading aloud, no one will expect you to!
July and August book club picks:
No. 6 - あさのあつこ
One stormy night in a dystopian walled city, the sheltered young Shion meets a mysterious boy intruder, who changes his life forever.
心霊探偵八雲 (しんれいたんてい やくも) - 神永学
When there's a ghostly disturbance in a school, a psychic detective is recruited to get to the bottom of the mystery
Past book club picks (still open for participation, just may not be as active):
無職転生 〜異世界行ったら本気だす〜
Come join me and a bunch of other Japanese learners in reading a bunch of fantastic novels! I’ve already read more than I ever could’ve hoped for with the help of this book club, and I always look forward to the interesting picks and recommendations.
Note: The server is 18+ but this is only for maturity’s sake. Nothing inappropriate goes on within the server.
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