#Derek hale fanfic
writersmess · 1 year
Hello, how are you? I hope you're doing okey so I see that you are taking request again I wanted to know if you could do a Derek Hale x reader when they have Eli and he is at the stage where he's learning how to talks and he only knows how to say his last name so when Derek and reader leave Eli on peter's watch and at one moment Eli is missing his parents so he goes to Peter and says his last name and Peter just don't understand why he is saying that and Eli ends up crying so Peter calls Derek because poor uncle Peter don't know what to do, just something funny and chaotic please ( sorry if this long and if you don't understand everything it's because english is not my first language so I might have confused everything ).
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Pairing: Derek Hale x fem!reader
Summary: While under Peter’s care, baby Eli wouldn’t stop crying. Until everyone found out why.
Warning: none
Word count: 1.4k
a/n: hey sweeties! Thanks for the request! I loved it so much! I hope you enjoy it!!! I apologize for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
“did you get this on tape?” you asked excitedly and Derek agreed in a murmur. You looked at him and your eyes automatically filled with tears as you saw him with a few tears streaming down his face. he was completely dazzled.
It was baby Eli’s first word.
You were playing with the child when he randomly dropped the word. Derek was filming the moment unpretentiously as he always did to keep all possible memories of his little family, and he got to record this moment. It was magical.
“of all the words, he had to chose Hale” Derek said as he hugged you from the side and looked fondly at the baby carefully positioned on the floor with his toys.
“what can I say? He is just like his mama” you joked, hugging him back while laying your head on his shoulder.
You knew exactly why Eli chose that word.
You were Scott and Stiles’ classmate and when the supernatural world began to take over the town, you found yourself in a pack full of scared and inexperienced teenagers. Scott and Stiles took you in and explained what was going on, after you were caught in the middle of the crossfire between hunters and werewolves. Suddenly this bunch of teenagers were best friends and together they were fighting supernatural and human threats.
And there was Derek Hale.
A sourwolf who after so many losses, had to deal with these teenagers full of doubts and fears.
The moment you laid your eyes on Derek you knew your heart was his. And he knew that too, he wanted to love you. But you were too young, it was totally against his morals. And then you went away to study in another state, all of you did. Derek would never admit it but he missed you, missed your irony, missed your passionate glances, your contagious laugh.
He didn’t expect that after a few years you would come back to the city, but your father was sick, he needed you. And it was supposed to be for a while, until you decided to stay. You got a job, got your own apartment, and settled in.
You never imagined that your story with Derek would unfold, indeed you never thought that he would even look at you with second thoughts. The way you looked at him. But you decided to give each other a chance. And it worked, you were perfect for each other. Until a few months after you started to get involved, you found out that Derek’s one-night stand had resulted in a baby. It happened way before you moved back to the city, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It did.
But you learned to deal with it and you were willing to help in Eli’s upbringing. You loved him as if he were your own.
Since your school days you have never been able to call Derek by his name. He never really understood why, but you were too embarrassed to address him by his first name so you chose to call him by his last one. Hale. And everyone got used to it, at one point it even became cute. And even after you were together, you didn’t lose that habit, what you didn’t expect is that your son would use that as his first word.
“morning sunshine. the party is about to begin” you exclaimed excitedly as soon as Peter opened the door and he let out a grunt. He had just woken up.
“jesus, i don’t remember arranging that so early”
“what better way to start the day if not with your adorable nephew”
You said, passing the baby into Peter’s arms, and you could see how his face lit up with the baby’s presence. A smile immediately broke out on his face.
“this is not the first time, so I don’t need to remind you of the rules, also I am very eager to enjoy the day with my boyfriend, so I’m gonna get going” You let out a mischievous smile and Peter rolled his eyes.
“first of all, gross. Second, the Hale’s men are ready to take over the town” you laughed leaving them alone.
“okay pal, it’s just you and me and a whole day ahead of us. You have to help me” Peter talked to the baby as if he was understanding. It was comic.
He was preparing breakfast when Malia and Parish arrived at the house.
“check it out, looks like we have company today”
Malia said, changing her voice tone and moving towards the baby. She absolutely hated pda, but when there’s a baby as cute as Eli in the house, she couldn’t help herself.
“thank God you arrived. He is here for like an hour and has cried at least three times” Peter spoke and the couple could see the desperation in his eyes, making them laugh.
“he’s a Hale, it’s not like he’s easy to deal with” Parish said and both Hale’s looked at him with deadly eyes. He laughed and went into the kitchen, trying to get out of they sight “Sorry”
“did he just say Hale?” Parish asked as the three looked stunned at the baby playing on the floor.
“i guess so” Malia replied and they could see how Peter was smiling. “look at this, uncle Peter is getting emotional”
“shut up” Malia and Parish couldn’t hold their laugh.
What they could not imagine, was that from that moment on baby Eli would not stop crying and repeating his last name for the rest of the afternoon.
“I think he’s broken” Malia said as she shook some toys in front of the baby on Parish’s arms, trying to get him to stop crying.
“dont be stupid, Malia” Peter said with his hands on his head, he couldn’t stand to hear the child’s crying anymore “okay I’m gonna call Derek”
“he’s gonna get crazy, I don’t think it’s a good idea” Malia warned.
“well I don’t know what else to do” Peter said desperately as Eli continued to mumble the word Hale non-stop. “then I’ll call y/n I’m sure she won’t want to kill me”
You and Derek were in the middle of a make-out session when the phone started ringing. You declined the first time, but the fourth time it was impossible.
“jesus christ Peter, what happened? Is everything okay?” You answered preoccupied and you could see Derek’s watchful eyes. He was listening to the conversation.
“Ok don’t go crazy about it, the baby is fine, I’m the one who isn’t” This only made you even more worried. Derek was already starting to get out of bed and look for his clothes.
“why? What happened?”
“there’s the thing! I don’t know! Eli started to cry and hasn’t stopped for at least a couple of hours”
“did you try-“
“yes I did” he cut you.
“but the-“ you tried to say and he cut you off again.
“i tried absolutely everything that you can imagine”
You could sense the tiredness in Peter’s voice and the baby crying in the background.
“he’s not in pain. I tried that too”
“okay we’re coming to rescue you” you said as you finished getting dressed and noticed Derek grabbing the car keys.
“thanks” he mumbled and you laughed.
“he’s okay baby, don’t worry” you said comforting Derek already in the car and he sighed.
“yeah I know”
As soon as you opened the door, you could see what a mess the house was. Toys everywhere, Malia and Parish sitting on the couch and Peter pacing up and down with a crying baby on his arms. Peter was defeated. Eli had swollen eyes from crying and you could see that he was desolated.
“Hale” Eli muttered and stretched his arms out the second Derek entered his field of vision.
“oh hi baby boy” Derek said walking towards him.
The moment Derek held him in his arms, the crying ceased. His little head rested against Derek’s big shoulders and he was now letting out little sighs.
Your heart melted watching that scene and the urge to cry was huge.
“really?” Peter said and the three of them watched the scene in disbelief.
“so hale is Derek? He kept saying that all afternoon” Parish commented and you nodded.
“I can imagine why” Malia said sarcastically looking at you and you felt your face turn red.
“Well what can I say if he’s just like his mama” You joked and let out a laugh.
All this time the baby was just missing you guys, especially Derek.
He really was just like you.
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Oh Monique I have another one for ⏰WE WON'T BE SLEEPING- (IM SORRY YOU KNOW IM ONLY GONNA BE REQUESTING FOR DER😭) but I’m in such a soft mood for this not sleeping but in bed maybe on vacation (it’s ok if not) with Der and it’s all cold outside and it’s just all intimate cuddling under the covers shdjfh🥺
word count: 1k (didn't I say baby blurbs? smh)
warning: age gap, part of our little dilfy derek world, they're like unclothed after previous activities, definitely a little more suggestive than you wanted sdgh
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The room of the quint motel room was quiet, the only sounds filling the air were the combined breathing of you and Derek as you stared at the paint cracks in the ceiling. His finger was brushing up and down your arm from where his hand crawled up from beneath you, your hand drawing the faintest shapes on his bare chest as you tried to swallow a smile, the content that filled your body making your nerves vibrate with happiness.
It was Eli's idea to send the two of you away for a little romantic getaway once summer break rolled around, he was left in the loving and teenager-friendly hands of Melissa while the two of you booked into a motel upstate, closer to the forest, just like you preferred it. Your relationship had been developing far quicker than either of you expected and though you were happy with the little instant family you'd found, it was definitely good to have some alone time again, even just for a little while.
"Do you think Melissa is doing okay?" you pondered out loud, having spent a few too many minutes worrying about Eli being too much for her to handle, she might have survived a Scott, but surviving an Eli was a different story. "Like do you think we should call to check in?"
"I think she's fine," he breathed, the smile on his lips was a familiar one, one he couldn't control as easily as the others, it was because this family thing came so easily to you that it made his heart soar every time. "We can call him tomorrow if you want," he knew you would want to, knew that as new as being in Eli's life was to you, it was a role you filled perfectly.
"Sorry," you were shy in responding to that, shifting to lean onto his chest more, taking the sheet with you to create a layer between your bodies, cheeks warming and making you feel slightly silly as he raised a brow at you. "I just feel a little bad stealing his dad from him for so long," he cupped your cheek, always eager to have a hand on you in some way, basking in the look of bliss that you couldn't hide even if you tried.
"I'm sure he doesn't mind," he noted, thumb brushing a fallen lash from your cheekbone, humming when you leaned into the touch, a little hint of pride circling his stomach that you reacted to him so naturally. "As I know him, I don't think sending us away was just for our benefit alone," fair enough, you thought, he was a teenager after all. "Now why don't we stop worrying about things back home and enjoy our time together instead," his suggestion was paired with a soft smirk, far too little of a gesture to make your spine tingle as it did. "You tired yet?" you shook your head, but he could tell it wasn't completely true, your heartbeat gave you away.
"Maybe a little," your admission was followed by a small yawn, his eyes softening as you brought a hand up to cover it, never failing to look absolutely adorable doing the most mundane little things. "I don't want to go to sleep yet."
"That's risky," he teased, squeezing your waist gently, forcing you closer, practically moving you right on top of you as you rested your elbows on his chest to prop you up. "If you don't get enough sleep we risk having a grumpy girl in the morning."
"I think we should risk it," you replied quickly, stealing a quick kiss and smiling instantly when he smiled against your lips, not surprised when he stole a few more in return, pleased when you groaned lightly at him pulling away, head pushing back into the pillow to see you.
"You take many risks then, sweetheart?" he had a feeling that he knew what the answer would be, but he was eager to hear you say it even if he knew. You shook your head, raising a hand to his head, dragging your finger through his hair slowly, and thoughtfully, humming to yourself as you took him in.
"None," you admitted and you wanted to kiss him again he looked so sweet, so concentrated, taking in every word or lack thereof as he waited ever patiently for you to finish. "My biggest risk was saying yes when you asked me out," you explained with a smile, just the thought of everything the two of you'd faced since then was enough to make your heart skip around in your chest. "Dating an older guy with a kid and a reputation?" you shook your head in faux seriousness. "Risky business."
"You think it paid off?" his arms circling your body were answer enough, the sheet slipping away in the process leaving you chest to chest and earning yet another flash of heat in your cheeks.
"I'm not sure yet," you bit your lip to hide the smirk that begged to tilt into your face, managing the perfect look of innocence as you locked eyes with him.
"Oh?" he caught onto what you were doing right away, a smirk of his own on his lips as he flipped the two of you over, almost breaking when your giggles filled the room, hands grasping his shoulders as your eyes softened even more, if possible. "Guess I need to show you what I'm good for?"
"Well, trouble, you said you didn't want to sleep," your giggles grew louder as his lips brushed over your jawline, lowering in their well-known torturingly slow pace down your neck and taking a little detour across your shoulder blade, a sensation that tickled through your entire body. When he looks up with a devilish grin hidden behind the kindest and most loving eyes, you knew, though you'd never doubted it before, that the risk most definitely paid off.
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softspiderling · 10 months
how you get the girl | d.h.
summary: it's been six months since derek stopped replying to your texts, so why was he suddenly standing in front of your door?
pairing: derek hale x reader, nickname "brooklyn"
word count: 3,2k
warnings: cursing
author's note: hello hello and welcome to the first fic of series inspired by taylor swift's 1989! we're starting off strong with how you get the girl. all the fics a part of this series are connected, but it's not necessary to read all of them to understand the plot though it is recommended by me. also i think you should know that i have adopted a way of avoiding the use of Y/N by giving my readers a nickname (courtesy of the top gun fandom) which is brooklyn/b. hope it's okay!! tagging @stilinskiderek bc i know she's been waiting for this. title is from taylor swift's how you get the girl
You had almost missed the tentative knocks on your front door with the endless rain pelting against your roof and all your windows, until the knocks became louder and more incessant. “I’m coming!” you shouted, wrapping your cardigan tighter around your frame as you padded to the front door. As you swung it open, you had to stop yourself from slamming the door shut again when you saw who was standing on your front porch. Derek lifted his head, his hair wet and stuck against his skin. If you hadn’t known that werewolves were basically a walking furnace, you’d guess he was shaking from the cold rain and invite him in. But alas, he probably wasn’t even cold and there was also the thing where you were super mad at him.
“Are you insane?”
Derek blinked at you and then had the audacity to give you a small smile. “Hey. It’s been a while, huh?”
Really? Six months of radio silence and that was the thing he decided to open with? You let out a sigh of disbelief and moved to shut the door in his face, before Derek put his foot in the gap, his hand pushing it back open.
“Wait, wait! I’m sorry!”
Reluctantly, you slowly pulled the door open again, glaring at him.
“What do you want?”
Derek gestured inside your house, small rain droplets flinging from his sleeve.
“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
“Can you give me a reason to?”
Your eyes were hard and Derek realized how serious you were being. He sighed softly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I can explain, okay? Can you just let me in? Please?”
Contemplating, you were quiet for a second before you opened the door wider for him to come in.
“Stay. I’ll get you a towel, don’t need you to track your muddy paws into my house,” you said, heading to your closet to grab him a towel. You knew the dog jokes were a low blow but you didn’t really care. Grabbing a spare towel from the shelf, you returned to Derek who apparently had taken his shoes off. His jacket was hanging off a coat rack and he was standing by the dresser, holding a picture frame. You knew exactly what picture it was. Instead of trying to find an excuse you tossed the towel at him, fully intending to sock him in the face with it, but he was still a werewolf, catching it easily with one hand. He put the picture back and dried himself off.
You forwent an answer and instead picked up the picture frame, putting it in the back; the image of you kissing Derek on the cheek being obscured by pictures of Isaac, Kira and Stiles. You could feel Derek’s eyes on you, but when you turned back to him, he was hanging his jacket on the coat rack, the towel around his neck.
Giving him a brief once over, you noticed that he looked good. Well-nourished and healthy. At least he wasn’t being held in some rotten basement. But that meant he didn’t really have an excuse for why he ghosted you.
“How long have you been in town?”
“Just got in. I just checked into the loft before I came here,” Derek said, toweling his hair dry with a frown.
“What, didn’t you have to announce your presence to the Alpha for breaching his territory?” you said, somewhat mockingly and Derek gave you a look. You just rolled your eyes at him, growing impatient.
“You said you were going to explain.”
Derek nodded, but it was clear that he was struggling to find his words. So much for that explanation.
“If you don’t have anything to say Derek, you can just leave,” you sighed, exhausted and disappointed at the same time. “That’s what you’re best at, right?”
Without waiting for an answer, you walked over to the couch, sitting down, but Derek was hot on your heels, clearly agitated.
“You knew I was trying to get Cora out of here, I was trying to keep her safe!”
“Yeah, but that was before you completely went AWOL and stopped returning my texts,” you interjected, glaring at him. “Six months, Derek. I didn’t even know if you were alive or not.”
Derek scoffed, glaring at the floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t-” he broke off with a frustrated huff, dropping down on the arm chair across from you. “I’m sorry I made you worry. That wasn’t my intention… I wanted to text you. I did, but I didn’t now what to say or how to explain myself… When I dropped Cora off with her old pack I envied her that she was able to start new after everything that happened. And I guess seeing her so happy and burden free… It made me wonder what I wanted out of my life.”
And it apparently wasn’t you?
You crossed your arms, burrowing deeper into the couch, not really liking his explanation so far. Did he just come here to insult you and make everything worse?
“Would you let me finish explaining before you plan my demise?” Derek asked dryly and your eyes snapped up at him, realizing that he could smell the anger coming off of you. You jerked your chin, telling him to continue.
“At first I stayed with Cora for a while, thought I could settle with a new pack but I didn’t feel right. Not really.” Derek rubbed the back of his neck. “I flew back here and picked up my car, started driving. I guess I just felt free for the first time, which I didn’t mind, but I really missed you so that’s when I started writing you letters.”
Wait, what?
“Hold up,” you said, waving your hands around for good measure. “Letters? What letters? I didn’t get any letters.”
Derek stared at you for a good minute, the tips of his ears turning pink honest to god. With a small exhaled stood up, disappearing into the hallway. For a split second, you were actually scared that he’d leave again, as you scooted to the edge of the couch, ready to jump up and follow him as soon as you heard the front door shut but Derek returned, a small brown package in his hand. You allowed yourself to sink back into the couch and Derek pretended not to notice as he unwrapped the paper wrapper slowly, revealing a stack of letters. He put the stack on the coffee table, pushing it in your direction as you stared at it. It had to be about 20 letters, all addressed to you, stamped and everything, just not mailed.
Mouth agape, you looked at Derek, who was resolutely staring at the floor.
“At first I felt stupid. But then I just thought about what I would tell you if this letter was addressed to you and then it just got so much easier writing it all down.” Derek glanced at you, face guarded. “You don’t have to read them. It’s not an excuse for not texting or calling, but-”
“I’m gonna read them.”
Derek raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“I mean, I don’t forgive you.” Not yet, at least. “But I will read them.”
Derek huffed out dry laugh, sounding amused. “That’s fair, I guess.” He took another deep breath. “About two months after I left, something started changing in me. I felt like I was losing my abilities, my strength. I felt weaker.”
“What? What happened?”
“I don’t know. I met up with an old pack that my mother used to know. They helped me figure out what was going on,” Derek explained and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“And? Don’t leave me hanging, what happened?”
Derek grimaced. “I think it’s better if show you.”
You had no idea what he meant, watching him intently as he got up. When he started taking off his shirt, your mouth flew open. “What the hell are you doing? Stop taking your clothes off!”
Derek glared at you, tossing his shirt on the arm chair before he disappeared behind the book shelf. You heard his belt hitting the floor and there were about a hundred thoughts racing through your head, trying to find a logical explanation for his behavior when a huge black wolf came out into the living room. Your eyes widened and instinctively you backed up against the couch, even as the wolf somehow gave you a look.
The wolf flashed his eyes, a brilliant blue, the ones you loved so much on Derek, and you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Holy shit!”
The wolf, Derek, came around the couch and padded towards you, nosing his snout on your knee. You patted his head gently, fingers diving into the black fur, that was surprisingly soft. For some reason you had expected it to be hard and coarse. He let out a soft whine, pushing his head closer into your hands.
“Who’s a good doggy?”
You knew the dog jokes were so old but Stiles would’ve never forgiven you for not using this opportunity. Derek growled, snapping his teeth at you playfully before retreating behind the couch. For a second he stayed still then somehow shifted back into his human form. Wincing, you kept your eyes on his face as he walked back behind the book shelf, presumably to put his clothes back on.
“That’s insane, Derek,” you told him when he came back around, pants back on. “Your mother and Laura could turn into a wolf, too right? So, is it like a Hale gene thing, or?”
Derek shrugged, picking his shirt back up to put it on. “I don’t know. There’s not really a record of werewolves that can fully shift, but there are others who can do it. It’s unclear as to what triggers the transformation, though.” He sat back down on the arm chair, somewhat uncomfortable. Clearly he was much more open with his emotions as a wolf.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not really. It’s a bit uncomfortable, but it’s not like I can actually feel my bones changing.. I’ve always felt like I was… Incomplete. But when I fully shifted for the first time, it was so freeing. Like I finally achieved what I’ve been working towards my whole life.
“So, you finally got your life in order, huh? Got everything you want?”
Derek shifted nervously on the chair and you knew what he was struggling with. You didn’t know yet if you were going to make it easy on him.
“I called you every day.”
“I know and it took everything in me not to pick up.”
“You’ve got a lot of amends to make.”
And he did. Not only with you, there were people he hurt even before he left and you didn’t even have to say a name for Derek to know who you were talking about. He must have known as soon as he stepped into the house.
“Yeah. That is mostly also why I didn’t want to let him down again, I wanted to be able to protect him before I came back.”
Even if you could forgive Derek and take him back, you couldn’t promise it would help salvage Derek’s relationship with Isaac. Their bond was different and you didn’t want to intervene in it. It was Isaac’s decision to whether he would forgive Derek or not. You knew Derek cared a lot for Isaac, but he hurt him. It wasn’t something that Isaac could easily get past.
“I know I hurt you,” Derek started. “And I know it’s going to take a lot of work for you to trust me again not to leave. But I promise, I won’t leave again. Ever. You’re it for me, Brooklyn.”
You startled at the use of the old nickname. It has been a while since he called you that.
“I’ll wait for as long as it takes for you to trust me again. And even if we only stay friends, that’s fine with me. I’ll take you in any way you’ll have me.”
Your mouth was open, but you couldn’t find the words. While you’ve know how Derek felt for you, he had never actively said it, like you said, Derek was a man of little words.
“Are you seeing someone else?” Derek’s tone was mostly neutral, but you could tell there was an edge to it. Wolves have always been kind of jealous, and Derek wasn’t really an exception.
“Didn’t you just say you’d be fine with being friends?” You asked sharply and Derek clenched his jaw, lowering his head. You let him simmer in disappointment for a while before you sighed.
Derek lifted his head, frowning at you. “Okay?”
“Okay, I’ll give you another chance.”
The smile that appeared on Derek’s face was almost worth all the pain he’d put you through for the past six months. Almost. He stood up and walked over to you, slowly, as if he was scared you’d change your mind. Lowering himself in front you, he took his hands into your, holding them tightly, but not so much that it hurt.
“If you’re gonna leave again, that’s it, Derek, you hear me?” you warned him and he nodded quickly, intently.
“I’m never leaving again.”
You huffed. annoyed, but appeased. You knew it took a lot for a born wolf to be kneeling in front of a human like this. Not that he had a higher rank than you. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“I’m not,” Derek insisted. “Didn’t you hear what I said? You’re it for me. I love you.”
Rolling your eyes, you flushed. “Shut up.”
Derek opened his mouth to say something, but he tensed, stopping. You were about to ask what was wrong, when you heard the door open.
“Hey, I’m home!” Isaac called, shutting the door behind him. That explained Derek’s tense shoulders. “Shit, it’s crazy out there.”
You could hear him shaking his jacket out, cluttering in the hallway.
“Hey, why does it smell like-” Isaac’s footsteps came closer, until they stopped and you looked at him, frozen in the door way.
Isaac's presence was a comfort to you, and you appreciated the way he didn't make things awkward between you and Derek. But you also knew that Isaac was hurt by Derek kicking him out, of the pack and his loft.
"You smell like wet dog," you teased Isaac, trying to lighten the mood.
Isaac grinned, "Yeah, it's been raining cats and dogs outside."
Derek cleared his throat. He squeezed your hand before he got up, walking over to his first beta. Isaac’s eyes flickered to you, but you shrugged your shoulders. It was his choice.
“I’m sorry for the way I handled things with you after- after Boyd died. I was trying to protect you and I know I went at it the wrong way. Im not sorry for trying to protect you, you’re pack. I care about you. But I should’ve done it differently,” Derek said, grimacing. He looked like he about hit his word limit of the day.
Isaac didn’t reply and you could tell he was conflicted as his hands curled into fists. You held your breath, knowing this could go either way, with Isaac being loyal to a fault and Derek was the first person gave him the chance to get away from his father.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Isaac then said, gently, and you exhaled slowly. He didn’t really acknowledge Derek’s apology, but you knew that was going to take time. This was a good start. He gave Derek a small smile, it was guarded, but it was a smile. Isaac’s eyes flitted over to you and he pointed towards his bedroom. “I'm gonna go change. I'm soaked. Can we do pizza for dinner?"
”Sure,” you agreed and Isaac bobbed his head twice, before going towards his room. When you heard his door shut, you turned to Derek, lifting a brow. “You’re lucky. Isaac has a big heart.”
Derek breathed a sigh of relief, looking at you with gratitude. "Yeah… I know I still got a long way ahead of me, but I’m glad he’s giving me another chance.”
As the rain continued to pound outside, the three of you settled in for a quiet evening of pizza and movies. Even though the three of you acted like this was just like before, it was obvious that everyone was walking on egg shells around each other. It was going to take longer before things would really get back to the way it was before.
“Hey, did you just pick the pepperoni off my pizza?!”
Or maybe not that long.
Dear Brooklyn,
I miss you more than words can express. It's been three months since I left and I still can't shake the feeling that I made a mistake. I am sorry for not responding to your texts and calls, but at the time, I just couldn't bring myself to talk to you. I was going through something, something that I didn't understand and I didn't want to burden you with it. But now, I realize that I should have at least told you what was going on. I'm sorry for shutting you out.
Something's happening to me, Brooklyn. I don't know what it is, but it feels like I am losing my strength. I wonder if it’s punishment from the universe for leaving you. I'm trying to figure it out, but it's difficult. I feel like I'm running out of time. I know you and Stiles would hit the books as soon as you find out about it, but I don't want to trouble you. I'm trying to get in contact with my mother's old allies to see if they can help me. That's why I'm in New York.
Being back here without you or Laura is hard. Everything reminds me of you both. I miss you so much, Brooklyn. You were always there for me, even when I didn't deserve it. And I'm sorry for hurting you. I know I have a lot of making up to do. But I promise you this, I will make it up to you. I will never leave you again.
I hope you're well and happy. How's Isaac? I know he's probably still mad at me, and I don't blame him. I messed up. But I'm glad you two have each other. Maybe you can both be mad at me together. I hope I can fix things when I come home. But even if you don't want to take me back, I'll understand. I just want to be in your life, Brooklyn.
Please take care of yourself.
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hedwig394 · 1 year
The First Meet
Derek Hale x Sarah McCall
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"You lost your inhaler, Scott?" I scoff as I trudge along the woods with him and Stiles.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I should never have come here." He muttered.
"Damn right, you shouldn't have!" Sarah said and rounded on Stiles, "Investigating murder is your father's job, Stiles. Not yours."
"Relax Sarah, just because we didn't take you doesn't mean you have to be so sour about it," Stiles says casually. I shake my head in dismay.
"Just find the damn inhaler and let's get out of here," I mutter, crunching dry leaves beneath my feet and looking amongst them for Scott's inhaler.
"I don't know what's happening to me, CeeCee," Scott says softly, and I look at him. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that I can smell your perfume from 20 feet away from you, and I can hear you and Stiles from 100 feet away." He explains.
I pause in my tracks and look at him. "What?"
"I swear I'm not lying. I can smell the bubblegum wrap in Stiles's pocket right now." He says. Stiles scoops it out of his pocket and throws it away.
"It was gross." Scott says and Stiles replies, "It was definitely gross."
"Since when has this been happening?" I ask. "Just this morning." Scott says, "There's a new girl in our school right now, and she was talking to someone outside the classroom, and I could hear what they were saying while sitting inside the classroom." He explains.
"Are you hallucinating, Scotty?" I ask worriedly. Dad leaving us had taken a toll on all three of us, and I don't want to see Scott trapped again in that vicious cycle.
"I'm not hallucinating." He sighs. Stiles chimes in, "I know what that means."
"What does that mean?" I ask him.
"He's caught an infection," Stiles says, "A particularly bad one. Only once a month will it trouble him though." Scott doesn't seem to understand but I do. I try my best to not laugh.
Stiles howls and Scott hits him on the arm. "Shut up dude."
After walking for a while, Scott stops both of us and says, "Wait, this is where I had seen the body."
"Well, there isn't any body over here right now," I say.
"The killer must've moved it!" Stiles says. "Well, I hope they didn't take my inhaler. That was for 80 dollars." Scott sighs.
Before I can reply, we hear a voice. "What are you doing here?"
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I spin around and come face to face with the handsome Derek Hale. I had been in school with him, but he only hung out with the popular and sporty kids. Since I was neither, I doubt whether he knows I existed or not.
"This is private property." He says, glaring at us. I pass him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, we're just looking for an inhaler. My brother lost it here somewhere-"
"Here." He throws it at us, not letting me complete my sentence. I have the urge to grab the nearest stone and throw it at him, but I control myself. This is private property after all. Guess Derek didn't grow out of being a jerk, after all.
I don't thank him and look at Scott, who has caught the inhaler. "C'mon Scotty, Stiles, let's go."
"Thank you, for that," Scott says to Derek awkwardly and we start to walk away, I don't spare him a second glance.
"That was Derek Hale, right?" Stiles asks. I nod. "His family was burned alive in the Hale house fire. Stroke of luck that he survived." He says.
"I went to high school with him," I say, looking back but he's gone. "He was a jerk back then, nice to see that he hasn't grown out of that stage."
"Sarah on fire!" Stiles exclaims and laughs.
I tell them that I have the hospital to get to, and we bid each other goodbye. As I unlock the door to my car, I feel someone's presence behind me and I spin around and lose my balance.
Instead of plummeting facefirst to the ground, two strong arms stop me from falling and I find myself encased in Derek Hale's arms. He draws me to his chest and says, "Be careful, Sarah."
I push him and stand two steps away from him. "What are you doing here?" I don't take the liberty to be gentle. He needs to know that having a tragic past doesn't give him a free pass to treat other people like crap.
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"You dropped something back there." He says casually and draws out my golden bracelet from his pocket. It wasn't made of gold, just plated by it. It had been Mom's gift to me. I cursed myself for losing it. "I came here to return it." He says, breaking my self-cursing chain of thoughts.
"Well, thank you for that," I say and extend my arm to take it from him. My hand brushes his slightly and he gently holds my wrist and ties the bracelet around it.
I pull my hand back, trying to forget the lingering effect his touch left on me. "Thank you." I clear my throat.
"No problem," He shrugs, "Be careful, Sarah." I look at my car and when I look back, he's gone. He has super speed or what?
I try not to think about him, but I can't help but think about how his fingers had felt on my wrist. And how would his lips feel if they were at the place of his fingers?
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writingkeepsmewhole · 8 months
If I wrote a Stiles x Reader x Derek would anyone read it? Like the Reader is with both Stiles and Derek. Let me know what you think.
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haletwfic · 2 years
Inspired from Teen Wolf Teaser Trailer.
(this is just for fun and I’m so sorry my grammar is the worst of the worst.)
You were on a Lacrosse game between Beacon Hills High School and Devenford Prep School to see your son playing. You, Derek, Scott, Noah and Talia, your daughter sat together on the bench. Eli, your son waved at your direction and you waved back and so did Derek.
“You know he waved at me right?” You asked him.
He shooked his head. “No, he clearly looking at his dad. Look he’s waving at me again.” You turned your head and saw Eli laughed.
You ignored him and watched Eli on the field. Everyone yelled and cheered when BHHS made a strike.
“Go Eli!” Scott cheered. “Look, he is so good, just like me.” When you heard that, you just rolled your eyes and smiled.
Not a minute after Scott’s talk, Eli’s body hit the ground because the opposite player bumped into him so hard.
“Derek!” You yelled Derek’s name and he ran away to save Eli. He got injured on his leg and Derek carried him to the locker room.
“Mom is Eli gonna be okay?” Talia asked. Then you nodded. “He said he still can’t focus on his ability.”
You stroke her hair. “Don’t worry darling, daddy is teaching him how to do it. And soon, you’ll learned it.”
When you still talk to Talia, you noticed Scott is sat in silence. Like he was thinking hard.
“Scott? Everything okay?” You asked softly.
“Someone’s coming.” What the hell he talked about? “Someone shooting an arrow. Derek! Eli!” Scott ran fast to the locker room. You start panicking.
“Talia, you stay here with Grandpa.” You demanded. “Please don’t let her go anywhere.” Noah nodded.
You followed Scott by running fast. When you arrived at the building, you saw Scott growling at the entrance door and then he ran inside. Oh shit, something happened. Where’s Derek and Eli? Without thinking any further you followed him and you saw Scott fought a woman. Wait, she looked familiar. You kept looking them until you noticed someone lie around. Is that??
“Derek,” you called his name. He looked at you while he held his neck. “Oh God.” You sneaking towards Derek so that woman couldn’t noticed you help your husband. “Derek can you walk? Please we need to get out of this place.” You carried him and slowly walked to the exit door.
You looked back and saw Scott still fought the… Alison? Alison Argent?
“YN get out of here.” Scott ordered. You just nodded and walked quickly with Derek. After you managed to get out, you looked around to see if there was any sign of Eli.
“Mom!” Eli called you from other building. You sighed in relieved when you knew he was fine and he could ran. And then he helped you carried Derek to the car.
When you managed to reach the car and put Derek on the seat, you took your phone and slightly move away from them so you could call Noah.
“YN, what happened?” he rushed you with a question.
Your tears started to falls down. “Derek was injured. And he bleeding so bad and it hadn’t healed. And the one who hurted him was Alison. Or someone looked like Alison. But it’s Alison.” Your voice start shaking. “Please take Talia to your house. I’ll call you the details soon.” you hung up the call and get back to the car.
“Mom, dad hadn’t healing yet.” His blood still streamed down from his wound.
“Press the wound.” You said while gave him a towel. “Derek did he cut you with knife? ah arrow. She must be shot you with an arrow.”
Derek nodded while you looked at him by rear mirror. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll healed in hours.” He coughed. “YN, where was Talia? did she left with Stilinski?”
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First Christmas
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pairing: derek hale x gn!reader
summary: you convince derek to spend christmas with you.
a/n: so this is obviously late, i just had a lot on recently and completely forgot about it. but i hope you like it! <3
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"Come on." You whined, folding your arms across your chest as you attempted to plead your case. "It's not like I'm asking for much."
Derek was glaring at you like you'd just asked him to commit murder for you, although he would probably be more agreeable to that apparently. "I already told you, no. I don't do Christmas."
"Only because you've never had anyone to spend it with."
"I have people."
"Alright, who?" You challenged, cocking your head at him.
"Cora." He answered, a proud smile on his face as he looked at you now.
"Yeah, but it's not like she's here much. What about Scott? Has he ever asked?"
He released a deep sigh then at the mention of that name, indicating that clearly Stiles had proposed the idea multiple times. "He asked once if he could...bring Christmas to me...and then he kept asking."
"And you never said yes?"
"Have you met Stiles?"
"Oh come on, he's not that bad." You countered, your lips twitching into a smile as you uttered your next words. "And besides, he is your cousin."
His face paled then, his eyes widening as he stared at you. "How do you know about that? Did he tell you that?"
"Okay, okay, just...calm down. If you won't spend Christmas with them, will you at least just spend it with me? I promise it'll be fun."
"I'll make it worth your while." You offered, stepping closer to him with a small smile on your face.
"You're lucky I like you." He finally sighed, giving in.
"Then I guess I'll see you Christmas Day." You grinned, before planting a light kiss on his lips. "And don't be such a sour wolf."
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[Main Masterlist] [Derek Masterlist] [12 Days Of Christmas Masterlist]
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bamby0304 · 1 year
She Howls III: Alpha
Summary: Angela had spent the last year growing as a person and a werewolf, learning how to control herself and manage both her ordinary and supernatural life. Finally, it seemed as if things were settling down, allowing her to have a moment to breathe. That is until a pack made entirely of alphas, and a mass-murdering stranger came to town and start tearing everything apart.
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Ch.6 Plan B
Story Masterlist
A/N: It's my birthday! :):)
By the time Isaac and I got to the bank it was too late. Sure, Derek and Scott were still alive, but things had still gone wrong.
Turns out they'd been locked in the vault by mountain ash. I'm not sure why, but Allison had been inside the bank and had saved Derek and Scott by breaking the line, but that also meant she realised Boyd and Cora- the girl who'd been with him. Now there were two wild and uncontrollable werewolves running around. But that's not all. When we got to the bank we found Derek… carrying Erica's body.
She was dead. I hadn't wanted to believe it, but now that I'd seen her body with my own eyes there was no denying the truth.
Mourning her death would have to come later, though. Right now, we needed to find Boyd and Cora before they killed someone innocent.
We'd all split up in the hopes of finding the faster. But in the end Scott and I were both drawn to the growls and roars of Boyd.
It didn't take much longer before we both found him, right before he was about to attack two little kids. Fortunately, a swarm of fireflies began buzzing around his head, distracting him long enough for Scott and me to grab a kid each and run.
There was no way we stood a chance against him, especially not with two kids at risk as well.
"You lost them?" I heard Derek through Scott's phone as my brother spoke to him while I took care of the kids.
"Yeah, I kind of had to," Scott answered.
"Wasn't exactly the plan," Derek commented.
"I know, which is why I think that we should stick together. Trust me, he's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've got to do this together," Scott told him.
Derek sighed, "Look, I'm at the trails by the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me here?"
"Yeah." Scott nodded. "We just got to drop something off first." He looked to me as I stood between the boy and girl, both of them clinging to me, shaking with fear.
Running through the reserve with Scott and Derek, we came to a stop as Derek found some tracks. Not just the one set we'd been following… now there were two sets.
"Is it them?" Scott asked.
"We're not the only ones that decided to stick together," Derek noted.
Scott sighed. "Is that gonna make it easier or harder to catch them?"
"I don't know," Derek said, telling the truth.
Glancing at me, Scott looked worried as he spoke again, "Derek, we saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart… are they gonna do that to everyone they find?"
Looking to each of us, Derek answered honestly yet again. "Everyone and anyone."
The sound of scream had Scott, Derek and I running faster. By the time we reached the screaming young woman we found Cora already there. But, luckily, Isaac had beaten us there and had stopped her from attacking the woman.
Cora attacked Isaac instead, throwing him away from her with insane strength.
Scott didn't hesitate as he pounced towards her, kicking her down and away as I hurried over to make sure Isaac was alright. Once he was back on his feet we moved to stand with Scott, Derek doing the same, the four of us creating a border between Cora and the woman.
Knowing she wouldn't be able to get through us, Cora growled and roared before turning and running off. Derek and Isaac were right behind her. Scott and I stayed behind though, needing to make sure the woman was okay.
Turning to her, Scott moved gentle and carefully, so as not to spook her more than she already was. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"What?" Her voice shook with fear and confusion as she backed away.
"Are you all right?" Scott repeated.
When she nodded, letting us know she hadn't been hurt or anything, I relaxed a little. "You need to get out of here, okay?"
"Get out of the woods," Scott added. "Get out of here as fast as you can."
Not having the time to see if she would listen, the two of us turned and ran after the others, hoping we could catch them in time before they ran into any more trouble.
Derek and Isaac had lost Cora. They couldn't find any more tracks. Boyd was nowhere to be seen. Things were just getting worse with each passing second. Now, to top it off, Scott was on the phone to Stiles, who was with Lydia… who apparently found a dead body.
"Are you sure?" Scott asked. If Stiles was right Boyd or Cora had already killed someone, and we were too late.
"Yep," Stiles answered shortly. "Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the freakin' Shining over here. Two little twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised."
"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?"
"Make sure it was them? Scott, who else is going around ripping throats out?"
"Please just do it," Scott told him.
Stiles sighed on the other end as he did as my brother asked.
I stood with Derek and Isaac, behind Scott, waiting and listening. I was really hoping he had it wrong and it was just a random dead body. I didn't want to think about what we might have to do if Boyd or Cora had killed someone.
"Scott… it was them."
"Okay," Scott nodded as he turned to us. "Thanks Stiles." He hung up then.
Derek shook his head. "This doesn't make any sense. The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there."
"Derek, they killed someone," Scott noted.
But Derek wasn't listening. "How are they moving so fast?"
"But they can't be that fast on foot!" Derek exclaimed.
"They killed someone!" Scott snapped. "Some totally innocent kid is dead. And it's our fault."
Arms folded over his chest, Derek shook his head again. "It's my fault."
"Hey, no." I turned to him. "It's no one's fault, okay? We can't start all that crap. What's done is done. Now, can we focus on the task, please?"
"We need help," Scott noted.
"We have Isaac now." Derek gestured to the Beta in question.
But that wasn't enough for Scott. "I mean real help." When Isaac looked to him, slightly offended, Scott went on, "They're too fast for us, for all of us. They're too strong, too rabid."
"We'll catch 'em," Derek insisted.
"What happens if we do?" Isaac asked, having a good point. "We just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up?"
Sighing, Derek looked down at the ground with a guilty shrug. "Maybe it would be easier just to kill 'em."
"That is out of the question," I told them all, voice stern. I needed to get the through each of their heads. We weren't killing anyone tonight.
"Killing them isn't the right thing to do," Scott agreed.
"What if it's the only thing to do? If we can't even catch them, what else do we do?" Another good point from Isaac.
"Find someone who knows what they're doing," Scott suggested.
"Who?" Derek asked.
"Someone who knows how to hunt werewolves."
I sat in the front seat of Derek's car, he was behind the wheel, while Isaac was in the back. We were currently parked in the local supermarket's parking lot, watching and waiting as Scott confronted Mr Argent in the hopes he might help us.
"Do you think this is gonna work?" Isaac asked, his head popping into the front from between Derek's and my seats.
"Nope," Derek and I answered at the same time.
"Me neither." Sighing, Isaac moved back into his seat. There was a moment's pause before he spoke up again. "So, your, uh… your sister…" he started, talking about Cora.
Derek had filled the two of us in on the way here. Apparently, Cora was his long-lost sister. He thought she'd died in the fire all those years ago, but here she was, in beacon Hills. It was just one more reason to make sure neither her nor Boyd died tonight.
At the mention of his sister, and the tone in Isaac's voice, Derek turned to give his Beta a warning glare.
"Sorry, yeah, it's- it's bad timing, I'm sorry." Isaac cleared his throat. "I'll ask later. It's fine." But Derek just glared again. "Or never. Yeah, yeah, I'm good with never."
Nodding, Derek turned back to watch Scott and Mr Argent again.
I reached over to rest my hand over his as it sat on the gear stick. His eyes fell to our hands before he turned his over, intertwining our fingers.
Despite all the issues with Boyd and Cora, I couldn't deny the fact that I was grateful. If Allison hadn't been in the bank Scott and Derek probably wouldn't have made it out of there alive. I owed her everything for that.
When we both turned back to Scott and Mr Argent we saw them heading into the latter car.
Isaac shifted in his seat as Derek turned on his car "What is your brother doing?" Isaac asked me.
"Plan B," I answered. "If Scott can't convince Mr Argent we needed his help… then he's going to show him."
We'd followed Chris Argent and Scott around town. The plan was for Scott to ask to be dropped off somewhere, which Mr Argent would of course agree to. Little did he know, my brother had led him straight to the crime scene of the boy Cora and Boyd had killed.
That had been enough to convince him to help.
Mr Argent dropped a bag of supplies on to the dirt ground of the reserve. "You're tracking them by print?"
"Trying to," Scott answered.
"Well, then, you've been wasting your time." Chris crouched down by two sets of tracks we'd found. "There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints, and that's man. And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print is Boyd's," he gestured to one set of tracks before pointing to the other's next to them, "and these-"
"Are Cora's," Isaac finished for him.
"Nope," Chris sighed. "They're yours. You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here." He stood again, looking to each of us. "Listen, I know the four of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully given in. They put the pedal to the floor where you three are barely hitting the speed limit."
"So, what do we do?" Derek asked, his arms folded over his chest. I could hear the annoyed tone in his voice. He hated the fact he was getting help from an Argent.
"Focus on your sense of smell," Mr Argent told him. "Actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred Miles a day by scent. A trained hunter can use scent to track them. If the wind is with them, wolves can track a scent by a distance of two Miles, which means we can draw them to us. Or into a trap."
Reaching into his bag, he started to pull some things out. Ropes, hooks, cables, things we could use to make traps. He handed them to the rest of us as he continued to talk.
"Full moon does give us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature, which makes them easier to spot with infrared." Pulling more stuff out of his bag, he handed each of us infrared goggles.
"Thanks," Derek handed his back, "but I've got my own." He flashed his ruby red Alpha eyes at the former hunter.
"Just remember, we're not hunting wild animals." Chris looked to each of us. "Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed, but it's there, reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, how to survive."
The five of us walked up to edge of the reserve cliff, from here we had the best vantage point of the whole town. We could see it all.
"When's the last time you saw your sister?" Chris asked Derek.
"Nine years," Derek answered. "I thought she died in the fire."
"Do you feel like you have a lock on her scent?" Derek shook his head at Chris' question. "Scott, Angela," Chris looked over his shoulder to us, "how confident are you in your skills?"
Scott and I shared a look before he spoke, "Honestly, most of the time, I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell."
"Same here," I added.
"All right." Chris turned back to town then. "The problem is when they breach the woods and hit the residential area. Once they're past the high school, they're right in the middle of beacon hills."
"They're not gonna kill everything they see, are they?" Isaac asked, genuinely worried and concerned.
"No." Chris shook his head. "But there is an important difference to recognise. Wolves hunt for food. At a certain point, they get full. But Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill, for some primal apex predatory satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds. And who knows when that need gets satiated?"
"We're not killing them." I needed to make that clear.
Derek looked to me, unsure. "What if we can't catch 'em?"
"Then maybe we just need to contain them," Chris suggested. "There's no one in the school at night, is there?"
Looking away from me, Derek turned to Chris. "You want to trap them inside?"
Chris gave a short shrug. "If there's somewhere with a strong enough door, no windows or access to the outside."
"What about the boiler room? It's just one big steel door," Isaac noted.
Pausing a moment, Chris thought about the options and risks of what we were about to do. There was a big chance one or some of us could get hurt doing this Hell, we could get killed.
But innocent people were in danger. People who couldn't take care of themselves were at risk of crossing Boyd and Cora's path. They needed us.
"You're sure the school's empty?" Chris asked, needing to be sure.
"It has to be." Scott looked to each of us for confirmation. "There can't be anyone there this late, right?" His eyes landed on me then.
Honestly, I had no idea. But I hoped it was empty…
Crouching, Mr Argent stabbed a stainless-steel stake into the ground. "These are ultrasonic emitters. It's one of the tools we use to corral werewolves, pushing them into a direction we want them to run." He pressed the button on the top of the stake, turning on a light and emitting a high-pitched noise. "Gives off a high-pitched frequency that only they can hear." He grinned.
Derek, Isaac, Scott and myself had our hands covering our ears as the noise surrounded us. It was a painfully high noise, one that was ringing my eardrums to the point I could feel them vibrating.
"God, no kidding!" Isaac exclaimed.
"Turn it off!" I snapped. "Turn it off!"
Doing as I said, Chris turned the emitter off before he stood and moved to the trunk of his car which was just a few feet away. Opening his trunk, he showed us the other dozen emitters he had with him, before he started to hand them out
"These are gonna drive them to the school?" Derek asked, sounding a little doubtful.
"And then it's up to you to get them into the basement," Chris told him, handing the last few emitters to me.
Isaac looked to the emitters he was holding, not too sure about the plan either. "Does anyone else want to rethink the plan where we just, uh, kill 'em?"
Turning to him, I gave a pointed look. "We're not killing them."
"It's going to work," Scott assured us. "It'll work."
After scattering the emitters around the reserve in a way that would lead Boyd and Cora to the school, we opened the place up before moving to get ready for their arrival. Derek was inside, the rest of us out, standing in areas where Boyd and Cora were luckily to come through.
It didn't take long.
We heard their howl first. Then we saw them. I was close to Isaac, keeping watch, waiting, when we both felt them near.
"Oh, great," Isaac sighed.
Turning, we saw both Boyd and Cora standing there, claws and fangs extended, the look in their yellow eyes telling us exactly what was coming next.
Despite the fact that they could very well kill us in an instant with very little effort, we stayed where we were. Getting into a stance that might help us fight back or run away, our own claws extending as our eyes began to growl, we waited.
A car came speeding around the corner, the horn honking, the bright lights shinning on the two rabid wolves. The turned to it and growled before making a break for it, heading towards the school building. Heading straight for the door we had open for them.
So far, it was all going according to plan.
Suddenly, as they reached the door and looked in, they stopped. They didn't enter the building, instead they spotted Derek and jumped. Before any of us could react, they started to climb the wall of the building…
Guess I spoke too soon.
"They're not going through the school," Scott noted. "They're going over it."
Derek came rushing out as the rest of us hurried towards him and the open door.
"The red doors, someone has to get them open," Chris started. Derek turned and ran off to go do exactly that.
Scott looked to the rest of us, panicked. "Someone has to drive them inside."
"I'll go," Chris offered, but Isaac quickly stopped him.
"No. I'm faster."
I nodded. "We'll go. You two just make sure you can actually get them into the boiler room," I told them before both Isaac and I hurried off in an effort to catch up with the other two werewolves.
When Isaac and I ran around the corner we found both Boyd and Cora there, stuck. They were being cornered as something continuously exploded with bright flashes… bright flashes I recognised.
Moving towards the wild werewolves, I didn't waste the moment. Using their distraction as an advantage, I managed to push them in the direction of the doors as Isaac opened them. With the bright flashes and new threats, they didn't bother putting up a fight. Instead, they took the bait, and ran inside.
Isaac and I threw the doors closed, pressing ourselves against them just in case they tried to get out again. After a moment of nothing we both turned and looked up to the roof of one of the busses. Standing there, bow in hand, was none other than Allison Argent.
To say I was surprised would be an understatement. But before any of us could say anything she was already turning and dashing off, disappearing without a sound. As much as I wanted to go after her, to make sure she was okay, to ask what the hell she was doing, I knew there were more pressing things to deal with in that moment.
Things like the two wild werewolves that were still on the loose.
I ran. I ran so hard and fast everything was a blur. I'd left Isaac behind. I felt an urgency deep in my gut. There was a foreign panic there, like something somewhere knew I would hate whatever was going on. I had no idea what was wrong, I just knew the circumstances had changed.
Running around the corner, I spotted the next doorway up ahead. I could see the decent of the stairs, the light, I could sense my brother, Derek, the other werewolves. I could sense the tension in the air. It was thick and suffocating… it was wrong.
When I reached the stairs and started down them, my heart sunk with each step. The lower I got the lower my heart sunk.
Scott was alone.
I came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, breathing heavily, my eyes wide, the panic in my stomach and chest rising to the surface. "Where is he? Where's Derek?"
All Scott did was look to the locked boiler room door.
No. No… no, no, no, no. No. No. No. No!
Acting out of pure instinct, I reached for the door. But Scott was right there, stopping me.
"Someone else is in there," he tried to explain. "He had to go in. He did it to save them."
None of that mattered to me though. "They're going to kill him!" I could feel the tears brimming, my throat clenching, my heart shrivelling up into nothing. "Scott, you have to let me through. Please. I can't- I can't lose him!"
He stayed strong though, not letting me pass. "If I let you go, they'll kill you."
"If you don't let me go and he dies… I'll die, too."
Nothing in that moment felt more true than that. Derek meant so much to me. He meant more than I could comprehend. There was something between us, something more than what anyone could see. There was a connection that ran deeper than the bond we had with our own wolf sides.
The words couldn't be said… but the feelings were there.
"Scott? Angela?" Isaac's voice rang through the school. "The sun's coming up. Guys! The sun's coming up!"
With one more look at Scott, an understanding being passed between us, we both then moved.
The door was thrown open before I hurried in first, Scott right behind me, Isaac following closely. We rushed through the boiler room, down a few stairs, around a couple of corners, before we found them.
Derek was kneeling on the ground, torn and cut up. Cora and Boyd lay by his sides, both passed out and back to normal.
Once again, I reacted out of instinct. It pushed me forward.
Running up to Derek, I fell to my knees and threw my arms around him, holding him close. He was out of breath, tired, sore, but he still managed to wrap his arm around me as he turned his face into my hair and neck before he breathed in.
Pulling back a little, Derek looked to Scott and Isaac. "There's a teacher. I'll take care of her. Get them out of here." He gestured to Cora and Boyd.
They got to work, doing as he said, leaving Derek and I to turn to each other once more. There were things to do, but in that moment, we needed the reassurance of this embrace.
We scented each other without really thinking about it. The panic melted away as relief washed over us.
He was okay. We were all okay.
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leeenasstuff · 2 years
does anyone know there was this one derek hale fanfic on Wattpad and it was written quite well. I’m trying to find it but I can’t and I’m frustrated af. Let me know if anyone knows what I’m talking about, this is all I remember.
The FMC was called Maya Argent, little sister to Allison and she had an abusive ex boyfriend which is why the argents had moved to Beacon Hills. Her and Derek were mates. Her personality was very innocent sweet little baby type and like everyone was protective over her. At one point when Allison goes full on hunter because of gross Gerard, Maya doesn’t want to be a part of that and she’s locked in her room and treated like shit by all the Argents.
That’s pretty much all I remember tho someone help me out I’m trying to find it.
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bi-slut-buck · 10 months
How i read fics
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writersmess · 1 year
Pairing: Derek Hale x fem!reader
Summary: you and Derek never really argue, but when it happened, it was not pretty.
Warning: just a fluffy family
Word count: +1k
a/n: hey barbies, here i am again, at this point im not sure if i am living or just dreaming about Derek 24/7. Just to remember, english is not my first language so sorry if there’s any mistakes.
You’ve been dating Derek for some years now.
Neither of you was looking for love at the moment. Derek had just received a newborn at his door with a note that it was his son, he was completely lost.
You had been friends for some time before that, after all you were part of the pack. When you realized how desperate and clueless he was, you had no doubts, you had to help him.
Derek had no idea what was going on with him, but every time he caught a glimpse of you with the baby in your arms, putting him to sleep or simply cuddling him, it was as if something inside him became so restless to the point where he felt the need to stand in the doorway watching you, until he was caught by your loving gaze.
A few months later, you decided you should give it a try, you got along so well. In fact, at some point in all of this, you didn’t even go to your house anymore, little by little your things took over some of the empty spaces in the once so empty and lifeless apartment. That place was becoming a home and suddenly a family was being formed.
A few years has passed by, you decided to move to a bigger house so Eli could have more space while growing.
You and Derek learned to love each other, at the point that you could no longer live apart. You completed each other, needed each other.
It was so funny to imagine that one day that lonely wolf would have a family. A happy one. That every Sunday Peter, Malia and even Parish would gather at his house for family lunch, that they would be in the backyard together chatting and watching little Eli run around and have fun with his toys.
Everyone could see the love you felt for each other and the respect you had. You rarely fought, and when you did, it was over Eli’s upbringing and that you soon came to an agreement for the good of the family.
But that was until two days ago.
Derek heard that some hunters were prowling the town in search of some supernatural creature. The pack was no longer around, at least most of it. The Alpha and his friends had left town to go to college, so Derek felt the need to check out the threat.
Without even leaving a note for you.
You only found out when he came home all bruised late at night.
You could not believe your eyes when you saw him like that. You’re so pissed.
He didn’t dare to say a word, he just stood there while you took care of his wounds that was taking time to heal.
What brings you to the present day.
You were having lunch with the Hale’s and Parish, and somehow Derek started bragging about having defeated the hunters all by himself.
That was not like him.
“you must be out of your fucking mind” you couldn't stand it anymore and dumped in the middle of his superheroic stories.
“excuse me?” He looked at you in astonishment and suddenly you had the attention of everyone at the table.
“you have a three year old waiting for you everyday at home, and yet you decide to go out and save the world all by yourself? That was fucking stupid and reckless, Derek” without noticing you were raising your voice as the words were getting out of your mouth.
“oh im sorry if i saved your life, and everybody’s life”
“for fucks sake, are you listening to yourself right now?” you gasped and everyone looked at you in shock. No one had ever witnessed a fight from you before. “im sorry if you’ve only had crazy girlfriends who never cared about you, but I fucking do”
“or maybe you are becoming exactly like them”
“okay that’s enough” Peter got up and broke up the fight, but before he could reach you to get you out of the room you were quicker and got out of there.
Not before Derek noticed the look you gave him. A look he had never seen in your eyes before.
Malia followed you but also gave him that disappointed look.
He knew he had screwed up really bad.
“that was fucked up even for me” Peter said still surprised for what he had just witnessed.
While he was mulling over everything he had said, you were in the room with Malia by your side, trying to comfort you in her own way
“i can just punch him in the face if that’s okay with you, or Parish can just do his fire thing and scare Derek a lit bit, or maybe-“
“im okay sweetheart” you smiled at her, but the smile never reached your eyes. And Malia noticed it.
“no! He can’t say these things and leave it like that. Not to you. Especially not to you.” You felt your eyes watering and hugged her, leaving Malia with no reaction.
“thanks” you meant it.
You let her go and decided it was the moment to take all the doubts of your head.
You left the house with the excuse that you needed to cool down and passed the men in the living room ignoring all their calls.
A few hours passed and you couldn’t get out of the car that was in the parking lot of your old loft. Your hands were shaking, tears were falling from your face, and you felt completely lost.
You didn’t even imagine, but Derek was almost getting out of his mind searching for you. He was so afraid something has happened to you. When he drive past your old loft and saw your car, it was like he could finally breath.
You heard the knocking on your window and when you looked at him and he saw your teary eyes he became desperate.
“what happened, are you okay? Are you hurt? Who hurt you? I’m gonna kill th-“
“Im pregnant”
He froze.
You both were definitely not expecting this to happen right now. Not when Eli was still just a baby.
“i am pregnant” you repeat. Hearing these words getting out of your mouth for the second time ever.
Derek kept looking at you. You didn’t know what he was thinking, you couldn’t read him this time.
“I’m pregnant and you think I’m like your crazy ex girlfriends, how amazing is this”
You left out a muffled laugh and Derek slid into the passenger seat. His eyes never leaving yours.
“im sorry baby, I’m so sorry” he grabbed your face, forcing you to look into his green eyes. “im so sorry I hurt you, I never meant to do that, quite te opposite, I was only trying to protect you. I am nothing without you guys, you gave me a reason to live again, to dream with a family that I didn’t know I could have. I could not just be there waiting for things to happen, I couldn’t leave you unprotected, I had to do something, I had to protect you and now...”
He paused and put his hand on your stomach.
By now you were sobbing your eyes out.
“by the time Eli was at my door I had no idea what I was going to do, how could I be a father to him, or even how to have a solo parenthood and suddenly you were there to help me, to love me, to love us. And now I am here, to show how loved you are, and how good you are as a mother and will be again.”
“i love you” you said in tears.
“i love you so much baby”
You could see his eyes shinning with tears.
“We’re gonna make it, like we always do.”
And you did make it.
You had a perfect little girl, she looked so much like you. Derek couldn’t take his eyes off her.
Again, he never ever imagined he would be in this place, a father to two beautiful kids, with the love of his live by his side.
Derek Hale was completed.
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Monique at this point idk what associates with dilf!derek cuz he basically is now with Eli so😆 would you be up for something like Der picking you up from a night out all drunk and he’s all sweet and patient with you?
word count: 1k
warnings: reader being a lightweight, mentions alcohol consumption- I included your idea of reader meeting eli as well, fem!reader, age gap
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Derek was surprised, to say the least when you told him you were going out for some drinks with Malia, for many reasons but the biggest was the fact that he knew without a doubt that you were a lightweight and in comparison to Malia who quite literally couldn't get drunk, he knew the night wouldn't be ending all that well for you. So, when Malia called saying you refused to let her drive you to her place because you insisted that Derek pick you up, he wasn't surprised and didn't waste much time driving over to the bar to get you.
He heard Malia lovingly reprimanding you before he even turned the corner to see you sat on the curb, twiddling your feet to the beat of the music streaming out from the bar, looking a lovely mess as you hummed along. He couldn't help a small grin at the sight of you, already expecting a rough ride home when you jumped up and stumbled, caught by a very frustrated yet not any less caring Malia who was just as happy as you were when he stopped in front of you.
"Bear," you cooed, excitement earning a little hiccup from you as you reached for him, his arms ready to catch you as you hugged him, hands snaking around his torso as you brushed your face up and down his shirt, unintentionally mimicking a cat, delighted by the fact that he came.
"Hi, honey," he purred right back, a warm hand resting on your lower back as he shook his head, knowing the use of the pet name would keep your dazed mind busy long enough for him to turn his attention to his cousin watching the whole scene play out. "You were supposed to watch her," he reminded her and looked down at you, eyes fighting to stay open as you brought a hand up to fiddle with the zipper of his jacket. "How much did she have to drink?"
"Not enough to have her this drunk," Malia argued and she was right, you'd have defended her if you were more yourself, you truly only had a few cocktails, maybe a few more than you should've but definitely not enough to have you pushing a little past tipsy. "She only had a few of those sweet drinks, she clearly just can't hold her liquor."
"Okay, thank you for calling me and for staying with her, I'll take her to my place," you were happy with that, looking up at him with big eyes and your chin on his shirt as he brushed some smudged mascara from the side of your eye. "You like the sound of that?" he teased and when your smile grew he simply had to kiss your nose, it's boyfriend taxes for having to witness such cuteness without warning.
"Is Eli home?" now, were you sober that question would not have made you excited, were you sober you'd have been completely terrified to officially meet Eli for the first time in this state. You'd heard all about him and him about you, greeted each other over voice notes, or waved at him over facetime before he headed to school, but never the big deal first meeting.
"He is," you gasped, and pulled away, wiping at your face, then softer than a second ago you brought a hand up to wipe at his as well, fixing his beard and nodding when you approved of your work.
"Now we look pretty," you explained and turned to Malia who had assumed you'd forgotten that she was there, to begin with. "Do you want to come to meet Eli too?"
"I think we've had enough Malia time tonight, don't you?" Derek was already searching for his keys in his pocket, a little nod telling Malia that he owes her for looking out for you, the girl giving you a quick side-hug and pretending to ignore you very loudly saying goodbye to her.
It was a mission getting you into the car, you insisted on walking yourself and failing horribly at the act, you'd never really mastered walking in heels sober let alone a little drunk but Derek humored you. However, when you were trying to buckle yourself in with shaky hands and pouted lips he decided to step in.
"You all settled in?" he asked, looking around to make sure you were comfortable, a stray jacket he'd left in the car already propped behind your head and legs folded rather uncomfortably under you.
"Almost," you breathed and he raised a brow at you, curious about what you needed, trying to think of something to use in case you were feeling sick but you simply pouted your lips more, lifting a red-painted finger to point at your lips. "A kiss," you demanded and he would be cruel to make you wait, he wanted to cave instantly, but of course, he didn't.
"You want a kiss?" his hand was still on your stomach from where he held you back to buckle you up and he was happy for that because it gave you an excuse to touch him, both hands gripping his as you nodded. "Alright, since you asked so nicely," and he didn't make you wait any longer, brushing a quick kiss onto your impatient lips.
"Okay, now you can take me home," he laughed lightly at that, squeezing your hand before closing the door and walking around to the other side of the car. You took hold of Derek's hand again as soon as the car started, twisting yourself so you could watch him, the smile not leaving your lips as he drove, not even when you started falling asleep.
Derek carried you into the house, trying to be quiet in the living room but it wasn't much use when he bumped a lamp with your legs, cursing under his breath when the light in the hallway turned on a few seconds later, a tired and confused Eli stumbling into the room.
"Dad?" he was barely awake, looking around for context clues until his eyes landed on you, fast asleep in his dad's arms, snoring lightly and Derek quickly reminded the boy to be quiet. "Is that Y/n?" he asked, much softer this time, with many more questions on the tip of his tongue after his dad nodded. "Is she okay?"
"She's fine, I'm going to get her into bed and then I'll explain," and that's what he did, cooing softly when you moved around after he tucked you in, mumbling incoherently but cuddling further into his pillow, entirely unphased by your surroundings now that you were surrounded entirely by his scent.
"You have a girl in your bed," Eli noted from behind the kitchen counter, a smirk on his face as he took a long sip from his glass, the now empty jug of orange juice standing next to his fisted hand.
"I've never done that before," Derek replied, looking back to make sure he closed the door before joining his son in the kitchen. "I didn't want it to happen like this, I know she didn't either. We had a plan and I was supposed to talk to you about it first."
"It's fine, dad," he sighed, and Derek was surprised to see the smile on his lips, the boy looking rather smug from where he stood. "It's not like it's just some girl, it's Y/n," he stated very lightly, and he'd never say it out loud, but it was annoyingly obvious how much happier his dad was since meeting you and it was even more obvious how much he cared for you. "Your Y/n," he added and Derek wasn't sure his heart could be filled with so much pride because of such a simple sentence but he was wrong, very wrong.
"You'll love her," Derek beamed, in thought really, trying to figure out how to make the next morning as perfect as possible, for you and for Eli. "She's so special, Eli, you'll love her."
"I'm sure I will," he agreed and they shared a light laugh, them having a heart-to-heart was a foreign concept in the Hale house, foreign but entirely welcome. "So should I bring up her being drunk at breakfast?"
"Not if you enjoy living," and Eli knew the man was not kidding.
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softspiderling · 10 months
softspiderling masterlist
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collection of EVERYTHING I’ve written so far. Everything that is on this blog. the fandoms are chronologically ordered, most recent are up top.
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we always find a way (to make it out alive) | read here beacon hills holds a lot of bad memories for you. you’re still not sure how you let yourself be persuaded to go back.
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boy you write your name (I can do the same) | tba
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how you first met (and how you became more)
you're dating (but no one knows)
you're married (but in secret)
you pick him up from the airport
songs about girls (like you) | read here Jake has finally returned from his mission.
how do you love somebody else? | read here the one where you and Jake are exes.
get like me | read here the one where you defend Jake's honor.
five kisses | read here five kisses with Jake
never knew (that I could fall so hard) | read here You and Jake are friends. Just friends
wingman’s best friend universe
all the fics below are part of the same universe, but can be read as stand-alone fics!
hooked from hour one | read here the one where you share a mutual friend, but are unaware of it
baby, you down? | read here your best friend is a naval aviator, but apparently so is the guy you've been dating? Yeah, funny how life works.
cruel existence | read here you get hurt at work and Jake spirals
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you're married (but in secret)
summer days (drifting away) | read here Bradley bumped into you at the beach and then just keeps doing it
speak now (or forever hold your peace) | read here it’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
cross my heart (hope to die) | read here it’s easy to fall in love with Rooster. It’s a bit harder to be in love with him.
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natasha "phoenix" trace
you're married (but in secret)
pete "maverick" mitchell
he likes you (but in an annoying way)
pete "maverick" mitchell
do you believe in love at first sight (or should I walk by again) | read here the one where you keep running into Maverick.
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x jake "hangman" seresin
period troubles | read here their daughter gets her first period and Bradley and Jake lose their minds
spinning out (waiting for ya) | read here the one where Kinsley gets stuck at school and Bradley struggles trying to calm Jake down.
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you mocha me crazy | READ HERE Summary: an encounter at a coffee shop leaves you with more than a cup full of coffee
summer days | READ HERE Summary: it’s just one of those rare summer mornings. They were Tom’s favorite
five signs you’re too close to your boss | READ HERE you liked being the personal assistant of the CEO of Holland Enterprises. But sometimes you wondered if you were too close to your boss.
dance your worries away | READ HERE Summary: when you signed up for a beginners ballroom dancing class with your boyfriend, you hadn’t expected to be standing without a dancing partner. But then again, life has a funny way of working out
things you left unsaid | READ HERE Summary: having casual sex with Tom despite having feelings for him? What could go wrong?
put in love and don’t give up | READ HERE Summary: honestly, you never pegged Tom for the kind of guy that ghosts people, but here you are. Ghosted.
will you find me (afterlife) | READ HERE Summary: the five stages of grief start with denial and it didn’t seem like Tom was going leave that stage anytime soon.
honest feelings and bad timing (COMPLETE) | Teaser | One | Two Summary: It’s always been you, Tom and Harrison. A package deal. But sometimes things change.
swanky fortune (in progress) last updated on 31st of October 2019
Teaser | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight| Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven
Summary: When you clicked the ‘donate’ button on the GoFundMe page, you never would have expected to actually win. But are you going to take advantage of the opportunity or will you embarrass yourself in front of your celebrity crush?
of broken promises and heartbreak (COMPLETE)
Playlist (with songs including: Crazy To Love You, Rescue Me, Sucker and Never Really Over)
Summary: It’s been six years since you and Tom broke up, six years since you’ve last seen each other. A lot has happened, Tom got insanely famous, making countless billion dollar movies, attending one red-carpet event after the other. But now he was attending one event, he wasn’t sure he was ready for. Your wedding. And he wasn’t attending as your groom.
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need a ride? | READ HERE Summary: just because you were at a country club, doesn’t mean you had to behave well
Talk To A Stranger! | READ HERE Summary: you liked talking to strangers. Well, when it’s not in real life, that is.
no air | READ HERE Summary: Short breath, panic flooding through the veins, sweat trickling down the sides. Peter knew the symptoms of a panic attack just all too well after a fight with a certain villain from space. Didn’t mean he knew how to prevent them, though. Luckily, you were by his side to help.
heavy burden (Silk/MCU AU) hiatus
Teaser | Part One | Summary:you liked to live your life like you want it, but there was always someone who stood in the way of that. Always.
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hedwig394 · 2 months
Derek Hale x Sarah McCall Masterlist
Summary - These are one shots of Derek Hale/Original Female Character(Sarah McCall, who's Scott's older sister)
NOTE - These don't need to be read in any order. Choose any one you want, it does not follow the chronological order of the Teen Wolf series. I'll add a summary wherever it's required. Thanks!
The First Meet
Rescuing Him
Are You Still Here?
The Piece That Doesn't Fit
I'm Not Yours
The Big Sister
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writingkeepsmewhole · 4 months
Loud and Heavy
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This is part 1 of my why choose Teen Wolf Fic.
Fic Summery: Harper McCall falls for both Stiles and Derek and has to choose one. Or dose she?
Part Summery: Harper goes with Stiles and Scott to find a body in the woods. What happens when she gets separated and bitten by something.
Warnings: None?
Let me know if you wanna be tagged.
I stood in my bedroom soft music playing from the computer as I tried to pick out what to wear tomorrow. It was the first day of school. The first day of the rest of my life. Both me and my brother Scott decided that we were going to be who we wanted to be in school this year.
He was going to play lacrosse and I was going to do well…something.
Problem with me: I had no idea who I wanted to be. No big dream I wanted to have in high school. This was my last year to live the high school dream but what even was that?
Be asked to prom? I don’t know, haha. Parties. I always wanted to be invited to one of the parties more for curious sake than hanging out with a bunch of drunk teenagers.
I guess me and Scott were different. Well I was. I wasn’t the girly girl, or the nerdy goth. Sweet and shy or bubbly and outgoing. No, I was always in the middle, always being pulled in two different directions.
So here I stood staring at my bed trying to decide what style I was going to wear. Who was I going to become?
Why was I worried about my clothes so much? Because I had to have something that told others who I was.
I was just as much in the middle on the outside I was on the inside.
Everything about me was average. Average height. 5’4, average weight at 170. I have brown eyes only a few shades lighter than my brothers. Brown medium length hair that has just enough body it wouldn't stay straight and not enough waves to hold a curl. Like I said I was average.
My thoughts were cut off by a strange sound coming from outside. Glancing out the window I didn't see anything making me leave to go find Scott.
I jumped, seeing him in the hallway holding a bat.
“Did you hear something outside?” Both of us ask at the same time, making me giggle and Scott look unamused.
“Let's go check it out. I'm right behind you.” I say, holding on to his hoodie.
He smiles and shakes his head at the thing I've done since we were toddlers and starts walking towards the front door and outside.
Rounding the corner of the house my heart nearly stops when someone hangs from the roof Scott yelling along with the culprit until we all realize it's Stiles.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Scott says, sounding annoyed as he puts his bat down.
“You weren't answering your phone. Why do you have a bat?” 
“I thought you were a predator.”
“A pre…what?” Stiles says, the look of confusion and shock on his face makes me giggle.
“Hey Harper.” He says smiling at me.
“Hi.” I say, tucking my hair behind my ear and smiling back.
I'm sure it was no surprise that I had a crush on my brother's best friend but it was kinda hard not to. He was funny and just the sweetest person.
“Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called-- they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police.”
“For what?” Both me and Scott say that at the same time but with opposite reactions.
Where Scott had a frown on his face I had a look of curiosity. I guess you could say I got my rambunctiousness from Stiles, us always getting into trouble together.
“Two joggers found a body in the woods.” Stiles says, the glee of mischievous clear in his eyes.
Stiles lifts himself untangling from the trellis and drops to his feet in front of us. 
“Like a dead body?” Scott asked, confused and horrified.
Stiles moves to lean on the railing of the porch looking at Scott like he's dump.
“No, a body of water.” He says, sarcastically, making me snort out a laugh which he smiles at making me look down to hide my blush.
“Yes, dumbass a dead body.” He says rolling his eyes and climbs over the railing to join us on the porch.
“Were they murdered?” I ask, the nosy side of me coming out.
“Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties.”
“That's horrible.” I say, frowning. 
“Hold on.” Scott says, both of us looking at him.
“If they found the body, then what are they looking for?”
Stiles practically grins, tickled with the drama of the night.
“That's the best part- They only found half.” He says, his face growing serious.
“We're going.”
“I'll grab my shoes.” I say turning towards the house.
“What? No you're not going and neither am I. I have tryouts tomorrow.” Scott says grabbing my arm to stop me.
“Oh come on Scott it's the last night of summer break let's do something fun.” I pout, sticking out my bottom lip.
“I got this. Go get your shoes.” Stiles says placing a hand on each of our shoulders.
“Thank you.” I say, moving back into the house.
I jog up the steps not worried about the noise. Mom was working tonight so there wasn't anymore in the house.
Ignoring the tightening of my asthmatic lungs I start to grab my shoes until I see myself in the mirror.
I was in pajamas. No makeup, not even a bra on.
Blushing, realizing Stiles saw me like that I quickly moved to my bed to fix the situation.
I grab the first thing my hand touches and get dressed. I didn't really care about the no makeup thing but I at least needed a bra on.
Pulling on my shoes I grab my inhaler and rush back downstairs seeing the boys getting in Stiles' jeep.
“Wait for me.” I call out to them, my lungs already bothering me.
“You okay?” Stiles asks, looking me up and down.
“Fine. Just outta shape.” I laugh climbing into the back of his jeep and taking a puff of my inhaler.
Getting inside Stiles starts the engine and away we go.
Pulling up outside of the beacon hills preserve Stiles stops the car tuning it off.
“Are we seriously doing this?” Scott asks, looking over at his best friend.
“Come on brother, live a little.” I say grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.
“How many energy drinks did you have today?” He asks, looking back at me.
“Umm three why?” I ask, holding up three fingers.
“I told you I planned on pulling an all-nighter so I could work on my style.” I say, waving my hands down myself.
“I think you look great.” Stiles says, giving me a once over then turning back to my brother.
“Of course we are doing this. You're the one that's always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town.” He says but I'm not really listening.
My heart flutters my cheeks hot as I look at what I'm wearing.
I was in jeans, a T-shirt and a flannel. My hair was in a messy bun. A few stray hairs fell around my face and I had on my glasses instead of my contacts.
I was definitely rocking the nerdy look at the moment but plus one for it if Stiles liked it.
“I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow.” Scott says pulling me back to the convention.
“Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort.” Stiles says, almost rolling his eyes.
“No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line.”
Stiles looks at Scott in disbelief then turns to look at me. Him asking if he's serious with his gaze.
I blush and shrug not knowing what to say 
“Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one.” He says smacking Scott on the shoulder and turning to open the car door.
“We're going to get in so much trouble.” Scott says, looking at me.
“It'll be fun, come on.” I say, turning to hop out of the Jeep and head towards the woods.
We all three walked in silence for a little while. It was a clear night letting us see how to move through the woods without tripping over our own two feet.
“Just out of curiosity, what half of the body are we looking for?” Scott asks, mimicking Stiles' sarcastic tone from before.
“Huh? I didn’t even think about that.” Stiles says, glancing at me with a sheepish look on his face.
“And Uh…What if whoever killed the body is still out here.”
“Also something I didn’t think about.” Stiles says flat out embarrassed.
“You two are going to get me killed.” I say looking at them.
“Me? You were the one who wanted to live a little.” Scott says.
“Well yeah, but…” I trail off not having an answer. We were also starting to climb up a hill. No way would I be able to talk and climb at the same time.
“It’s comforting to know you planned this out with your unusual attention to detail.”
“I know.” Stiles says through labored breathing.
Reaching the top of the hill I bend over holding my knees, my ears ringing as if I've been holding my breath for too long.
I close my eyes not listening to the other two, just focusing on my breathing.
When I lift my head I’m alone. Looking around I see no flash light and I don’t hear anything other than my ragged breathing.
“Guys?” I question, walking forward to catch up with them.
“Scott? Stiles?” I call out my heart rate starting to pick up at the thought of being alone out here.
Hearing a snapping twig I turn to head towards the noise knowing they can’t be too far away from me.
Walking around a large tree I freeze when I see something glowing red in the distance.
Thinking it’s a police car I duck behind a tree not wanting to get in trouble. Stiles Dad would know I was out here with him if he caught me.
I blush at the thought of having to explain that to him.
Hearing rustling leaves I stay perfectly still scared of being found. When the sound stops I let go of the breath I was holding.
Peaking around the tree I see the same red glow yet it’s closer. Right in front of my face and its eyes. A pair of glowing red eyes are only inches from my face.
Them set into the face of a very large animal. I don’t get a chance to look at it before it lunges at me. 
I scream as it tears into my skin biting down hard into my shoulder. I try to pull away from it, hitting it as hard as I can.
It lets go and takes off running leaving me there. I jumped up and pushed myself in the opposite direction, scared that whatever it was would come back and finish the job.
I go as fast as I can ignoring my burning lungs scared the thing was right behind me. I don’t slow down even when it starts to rain.
Fear piping through me drives me forward. I don’t stop until I run out into the road the sound of screeching tires and a horn fills the air.
Headlights blinding me as a car stops inches from hitting me. I stand there shaking as the driver door opens and someone walks up to me.
“Are you okay?” Asks the man who got out.
He is taller than me, his broad shoulders making him seem a lot bigger than me as well.
“I…It..something is out there.” I say my eyes burning as tears start to run down my cheeks.
He doesn't say anything, his eyes jumping to my shoulder. I could feel the warm trail of blood running down my back. 
I let out a hiss when he lifts what’s left of my ripped flannel off my shoulder.
“What happened?” He asks, looking at me, his jaw clenched.
“I don’t know. Something bit me.” I sniffle out.
“Okay. Come one I’ll give you a ride home.” He says, wrapping his arm around me.
I let him, feeling scared but not as scared as I was in those woods moments ago. He opens the passenger door and helps me get in.
I wrap my arms around myself as he jogs around the front of the car and gets behind the wheel.
We don’t speak as we drive back towards town. I sit there shaking the heat cranked up.
“Do you, uh, want to talk about it?” He says, clearly not used to comforting people by the tone in his voice.
“I don’t even know what happened.” I say, staring at the dash.
He didn't say anything, the ride to my house was silent after I told him the address. I should have gone to the hospital but I didn’t want to worry my mom or get any one in trouble.
I get out of his car when he pulls up the crack of thunder sounding overhead, the rain only increasing.
Wrapping my arms around myself I head towards the door surprised when he gets out.
“Thank you.” I say looking at him.
He nods, handing me a paper with scribbled numbers on it.
“I’m Derek.”
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haletwfic · 2 years
New Life
Derek Hale x Reader
Inspired from Teen Wolf Movie Teaser Trailer.
This is just for fun. My grammar is very bad bcs english is not my language.
Everything went great right after you graduated from high school. You applied job at local restaurant, Stiles became an FBI agent, Scott worked full time at Deaton’s animal clinic, Lydia went to college alongside with Malia. Derek? He moved to New York before you graduated. Actually the last time you saw him when you all at Mexico. He left with Braeden and leave you without a goodbye.
Oh, you still lived with Noah, Stiles’ father. You felt you owe him everything right after your parents death, he took care of you and let you live with him and Stiles. And you working instead of went to college so you could gave him some money as a gratitude for everything he did for you.
Everything hasn’t the same. You barely hang out with Scott, almost lost contact with everyone, but still manage to call your cousin to check him out. And it’s been three years.
You closed the restaurant because it’s already 9 PM. You walked out and you found Scott stood beside his motorcycle.
“YN!” He looked so happy when he saw you. He approached you and wanted to hug you. You smiled and hugged him immediately.
You pulled the hug. “How’s Deaton?”
He frowned. “I came far away from clinic just to get to you and that was your first question?”
You laughed and so did he. “I know you’re doing good. How’s your parents doing?”
He smirked. “Felt so different having my dad living in my mom’s but I’m happy they’re back together again. What about you and Noah?”
You sighed. “He’s getting old you know. He’s missing Stiles so bad. And that’s why i still live there so he wouldn’t be lonely. At least his nephew got some spark on that house.” “You got something to say to me? Because I’m going home and I’m bringing my car.” You glanced at your car.
“Oh about that…,” he looked so nervous. “Derek is back to town.” He paused. “He still live on that loft, in case you want to know. Alright, see ya YNN!” He left you, and you walked to your car. Damn. Derek is in Beacon Hills?
You immediately drove your car to the haunted building that Derek lived in. You didn’t know why you wanted to get there. What if he lived there with Braeden? You might look fooled if you saw both of them. But you didn’t care. You just want to make sure that Scott wasn’t messing with you. You need to see Derek so bad.
You arrived at his door. Very heavy sliding door. You knocked it softly and he must have known you’re here since he could sense you.
He opened it and kinda startled when he saw you. “YN?” He stood there and made eye contact with you for like a minute. “Come in.” He finally let you in. You notice his loft much brighter than before. And smell fresh like he put some perfume. And also you hadn’t seen any sign of Braeden here.
“How are you?” You asked him a very basic question. Of course you didn’t want asked him about him and Braeden. Stop thinking about her.
“I’m good, what about you?” He asked and gave you the sweetest smile.
You rolled your eyes. “3 years you have been away from Beacon Hill and now you’re back and asking me how am i doing?” You didn’t answer his question and hugged him. “Are you married with Braeden?” That question just came out from your stupid mouth.
Derek laughed. “It’s not funny.” You said it with a flat face. “Because the last time i saw you, you ran away with her.”
“I’m not… married to anyone.” You sighed in relieved.
When you and him were silenced, there was a sound of someone crying. “Who is that? Is there a someone here? Are you watching a movie with someone and there’s a scene?”
Derek didn’t answer and run upstair immediately and you followed him. You shocked when you saw him hold a toddler. “Am i seeing you with a kid or it just a doll?”
He came approached you. “This is Eli, my son.” Your eyes widened when he mention ‘son’ word. “Not with Braeden. I had a girlfriend, Delena, but she died on childbirth.” He definitely could read your mind. But your heart kinda break when he mention he had a girlfriend. “You know where i could find a babysitter?”
You punched his arm. “You just back to your hometown just to asked me where to find a babysitter?” And then you both laughed.
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