cryptidlover17 · 9 months
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Your mom's bf in the 2000s
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Could you kindly report this asshole's profile? As you can see she is not only transphobic but she also called a lesbian woman "bisexual" just because she is in a relationship with a trans woman. Pride Month just started today, so please help me teach this dirtbag a lesson she'll never forget.
Also please, reblog and share this post.
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gutcutz · 1 year
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I won't even miss u tomorrow
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surfergrl25 · 3 months
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dirtbag spring
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bettsfic · 7 months
directors cut on dirtbag, im begging
i don't know what i was on when i wrote dirtbag but i'd kill to have it back.
initially i didn't plan to write anything for hellcheer because, yk, 3 minutes of on screen interaction and i don't actually like stranger things. but i got an ask about if i would ever write for them, and that got me Thinking* and then i slipped into some kind of fugue state where i wrote sick part of a sick thing across 8 days.
if you ever want me to write for your ship, send me an ask asking what i WOULD write for them (assuming i know canon), and i may say i dunno or i may write a 50k multichap
sick thing was not satisfying to write on a craft level because i relied heavily on the same cheap moves stranger things employs to create conflict, namely totally flat antagonists that exist only to propel the protagonist into action.
and so after i wrote sick thing, i thought i would try the exact opposite, a fic that takes place over a long time where every character has some degree of nuance.
and that challenge was...challenging. i've never worked harder on a fic, but it was worth it i think for what i learned in the process of writing it. i think it made my characters stronger and my story structures more complicated and interesting. it reframed my perspective of developing tension through context rather than chronology.
i re-read it recently and it made me really sad because i don't think some of the things i admire about it can ever be replicated. i'd love to be able to put that degree of loneliness and longing in an original work, but i've tried and i seem to lose something along the way.
i remember while i was posting it being very happy about the response, because there weren't a whole lot of people reading it, but the people who were reading it really seemed to be engaging with it. it's one thing when people enjoy a story, but it's another when they allow the story to move them. i got a lot of really insightful asks and comments. so it was hard to write and it was a huge struggle, and there's at least one chapter that i re-wrote like 5 times, but overall it was very rewarding.
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blissfuldirtbag · 2 months
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anglowrongn · 2 days
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Dirtbag check in?
She's not going on the Mexico trip so she and Mapi are hanging out again. Dirtbag's drawing some of her designs onto Mapi's skin to demonstrate what it would look like as a tattoo
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Phoenix x Dirtbag
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Me and my damn love for female dog-male cat pairs.
Yes, another ship has joined my collection and I doubt that anyone will ever attempt a story between them.
Phoenix and Dirtbag, the Greens' pet dog and cat from Big City Greens.
I'm too devoted to other ships similar to this, but like the others, this has that protective queen-loyal assistant vibe to it.
But what are YOUR thoughts?
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presidentdubstep · 9 months
would anyone want a non-influencer perspective on seasonal work? Bc I genuinely am worried about how many people are getting into this industry/lifestyle because of pretty Instagram pics or TikToks whatever. And yeah I’m gonna be a hater whenever someone tells me that’s why they got into it, because my experience with those people is simply THAT bad. Anyway. May post more about my time working and living in the parks from a normal perspective.
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gutcutz · 1 year
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c0kewh0re6969 · 5 months
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Dirtbag icon
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asktadckrew · 5 months
My name is Noel 😃
In gym class I mostly duck 🦆
And I kinda smell 😅
Puberty really sucks 😭
I like this one guy 😍
But he’s pretty shy 🥺
he doesn’t know who I am 😔
And he doesn’t give a darn about me ☹️
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autumnonapoea · 5 months
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Please let me stay in bed and do nothing for a few more weeks, I was just getting really good at it
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stickydeliciousbanana · 7 months
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If I had land in the backwoods, you know I'd be riding hard and free. When you call me, call me by my name. Call me Luigi.
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showerbong · 7 months
josh hutcherson bicurious (im paraphrasing)
i'm drinking miller and pirating contagion again on my laptop, which is overheating, and the fan is kicked on so high because i'm using all my available RAM with all the pop-up porn adds on this foreign streaming site called ww7.soap2day.co, and i am too lazy to try to close the titty pop-ups so i just let them loop, jiggling their tits over gwyneth paltrow's face as she hacks up a lung in the kitchen and keels over at matt damon's feet. i always forget that gwyneth paltrow has this insanely cunty and extraordinarily short-lived character arc as patient zero where shes in the movie for like 11 minutes and then next thing you know shes getting her head sawed open for an autopsy. the fan and the pop-up porn are so loud that i have the subtitles on and they just say [SAW BUZZING] and gwyneth's sort of stunned open-mouthed face is taking up the whole frame just staring slightly off screen. i feel like this has been said before but i love her character work here in contrast to the goop vagina rocks and pussy candles. me and jamie have been taking these quizzes recently to get our seasonal color analysis and i think gwyneth is a soft spring here. she's like pasty and bloodless but also so pastel while shes getting her brain dissected. me and jamie keep getting all four different seasons when we take all these different mommy blogger quizzes but i am just going to keep taking the quiz until i get what i want, which I think would be winter because its chic and classic and im so absolutely bored of midwestern people. i've only been to new york three times but i feel like its not too late to at least delude myself for a month or two that i'll move there next fall.
i keep seeing all these online debates about this new hunger games movie and something about the katniss / anti-katniss female lead character archetypes but i always scroll past before i have any sense of what they're talking about. i went through like 11 years of icloud photos tonight to show jamie because it got too complicated trying to explain all of the different phases & aesthetics i've cycled through. its so embarrassing to admit but in college literally everyone called me 'peen' for four whole years as some sort of extended callback to a weird comment i made freshman year about being team peeta & katniss and how i was team peenis. i really never set myself up for success and it was never mean spirited but it did feel particularly TARGETED, even when i came back to school in the fall one year incredibly TANNED and TONED from just working all summer and going to the gym like twice a day to avoid awkward one-on-one time with my mom. there was even this one dude that i fucked like three times or so, and we were like good friends but when i'd see him walking around campus he'd be like 'hey peen' and then proceed to text me to hang out a few hours later. classic that this would happen to me but again i did kind of bring it on myself in a moment of needing to just be the loudest, biggest breath-sucking striver in the room. i almost always succeeded, though, in captivating and maintaining.
you know years later i did finally succeed in reinventing myself as a cool fun party coke girl, but like one who also knows every pavement song and went to post-bar sex parties at this one allston dj's house. i think i fucked at least a couple guys who had josh hutcherson vibes but were considerably uglier. i think josh hutcherson once said that katniss & peeta & gale should have a threesome or something. in my personal experience, during this time i did have a threesome with this guy who i must have thought looked vaguely josh hutcherson, kind of stocky but with a nice jawline, but in reality this dude had a weird fupa and carried himself with a sort of an all-around, prematurely-aging affect. once after we boned he asked me to take pictures of him for his tinder account, and everything was just so boring then so i said sure yeah im game, and i truly had nothing else to do, so he had me take a bunch of shots of him laying completely naked on top of the bed with a copy of infinite jest folded open on his lap covering his crotch. you can see like a sliver of ballsack in every single picture. this, along with a few additional reasons, is why i think gwyneth paltrow's lobotomy on steriods speaks to me. i think a lot of my problems in life would be solved if i was just team gale
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