#Don’t worry though
kizzer55555 · 8 months
The power of hotdogs
Danny is running to Gotham to escape the GIW. As he’s running into an alleyway, he crashes into non other than condiment king who proceeds to attack and hits the GIW goons behind him. This absolutely terrifies them due to the fact that their prestigious white clothes will be stained. The fact that he has people running in terror gives Condiment king a giddy feeling so he proceeds to chase them around Gotham.
Thus starts Danny’s constant exploits of running to condiment king when he’s being chased and the rogue scarring the living daylights out of the GIW. They develop nightmares and Condiment king starts developing new concoctions that will specifically stain clothes and never come out. Mwa ha ha!
Eventually, Danny gets adopted by the rogue and becomes his sidekick. Now, when people learned that condiment king got a new sidekick, they laughed. Who in their right mind would want to mentor under him. They believed that this was some poor sob who was down on their luck and truly desperate. That or some weirdo like the ‘king’ himself.
But they didn’t understand.
They didn’t understand that they should never have let Danny Fenton (known as Phantom) become Condiment King’s sidekick.
Danny knows how to animate hotdogs and other foods to create an army. Danny knows intimately about the secret nasty burger sauce that is capable of powerful explosions of you heat it up. Danny has knowledge in the usage and how to build various weaponry designed to shoot or even be powered by green sludge (which can easily be replaced by ketchup, mustard, or relish).
And he hasn’t even shown Gotham his power-set yet. No one knows why he calls himself phantom. For all they know, he’s just a normal (terrifying) human.
Everyone blames the GIW for this mess.
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ghost-bxrd · 8 months
The rumor that Robin is a mischievous spirit following in the Batman’s wake isn’t as exaggerated as people outside of Gotham tend to believe.
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xx-sketchy-xx · 7 months
Congrats to you and your mom for getting noticed by Clown themself!
I can not even correctly express through drawing the emotions and how they were displayed when we found out. A dying squirrel gets close to describing it, except like, we were happy lol.
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bleedingichorhearts · 4 months
𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 II
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: Somehow, this got fluffy? I blame February(fluffuary) Don’t worry though. :)
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams
TW // Curse, Yandere thoughts?
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‘Do not feed wild Astartes.’ The website said as I looked up from the porch, the dirty Alpha Legion staring back at me from my front lawn. Giving me one of his cute, little head tilts.
Well sh*t, that would have been nice to know before then! Unless it was just common sense to know? Like when you’re not supposed to feed the feral cats within the neighborhood?
Either way, now I have an 8 foot Astartes that refuses to leave the property with no way how to take care of the guy. The websites provide nothing about caring for an Alpha Legion. They just say “They cannot bond.” Or “Never can bond.” Which annoys me more.
Well maybe, it wasn’t the bond that counts? It’s not like most humans can bond with each other anyways. It was the process of trust, and the will to love.
So what, if the Alpha legion couldn’t bond? That doesn’t make them any less than any another Astartes. They both hold the potential to protect, and care, whether it would be “real” or not. Some humans act the same way too.
In fact, these Astartes were probably more human than we realize!
Just- What do I do with this hydra?! I can’t just abandon him right after he followed me home! Poor guy looked so- so lost. Heartbroken, even.
A low rumble took me out of my frustrating thoughts as I looked up at The Alpha legions helmet, his murky smell reaching my nose again. Reminding me why he wasn’t allowed in last night.
This hydra needed a bath.
“You alright there buddy?” I asked the hydra, lifting myself off the porch, and walked around the house with him following a step behind.
Words coming out of his helmet that I didn’t understand while I crouched down, and twisted the faucet that connected to the house.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hydra, but I do not understand your language.” I apologized, an intrusive thought coming to my head as the Alpha Legion grumbled. “But! I do understand you need a bath.”
Shooting a stream of water at the Astartes. A surprised sound came from the hydra while I waterboarded him with the hose. The muck coming off him more easily than I expected. His armor coming off way brighter than it was as he stood there dumbfounded.
“I bet that feels a lot nicer without that extra weight on you.” I observed, watching some chunks of dirt come off him. Some of the water turning into a murky red. Was he wounded? I didn’t see any indentation that he was?
Stepping closer the hydra, I gently dug some of the more stubborn pieces off of him while looking for any possible wounds. Keeping the water running on him as the smell of whatever swamp he has been rolling in, came off strong. I wanted to gag so hard, but I swallowed it down.
“There! That should be way better. I would have cleaned off your armor properly, but this will do.” I said, throwing the hose to the side. Thankful that I didn’t see any wounds on him. Or smell that god awful swamp water.
The hydra spoke in his language again. Cooing at me while picking me up, and pulling me close to his chest plate, purring and nuzzling. Some of the water still stuck on his armor damping my clothes.
“Y-you’re welcome, buddy!” I managed to breathe out. Tapping his armor twice as it didn’t feel exactly nice to be smushed upon some armor. “C-can you let me go n-now?”
Something similar of a whine came out him. His form slowly lowering me back down to the ground. Yet not really letting go.
“You, okay there?” I asked, brushing my hand on his pauldron, wiping some mud off of it. Watching as his helmet observed the area, before he leaned slightly over, grabbing the hose.
Catching on quickly, I wiggled out of the hydras grasp. His form rising almost menacingly when I looked back at him.
“No, no, no, no!” I tried to stop the Alpha legion from stalking forward, taking my own steps back. Adrenaline coming forth. “I don’t need a bath!”
“I DON’T NEED A BATH!” I yelped, his form launching forward. “NO! I’VE ALREADY HAD ONE!”
That’s how I ended up absolutely drenched in water, smelling like an wet dog with the Hydra purring rather contently on the side line as he wasn’t allowed in the bathroom.
“Touched starved much?” I mocked lightly at the cyan Astartes in my home. Not entirely mad at the Alpha legion for spraying me down. It was only payback for waterboarding him too.
However, the smug thing just purred louder! Very comfortable with his actions.
Sticking out my tongue at him in response. I headed my way up stairs to my streaming room. If he wanted, he could explore around the house since he was much more cleaner than he was from last night. I’ll just have to trust that he doesn’t go and try to eat raw meat again from the freezer.
Closing the door behind me. I sat down in my seat, and set up the steam properly. Launching it when everything deemed itself working. Watching as a good ten people, and Astartes joined immediately.
-Xavusnova927: It’s good to see you back!
-MarsSolor42: Hello, my lady.
-SpiderS1ayer: Horror?
“Hello there chat.” I greeted. “No, we will not be doing a horror game tonight. Sorry Spiderslayer.”
-SpiderS1ayer: aaaaaaaggggh
-baneSshadom: eeeeaaas
-Bloody_Shrimp: Hellooooo efbjyssvnhd.
“Hello there Shrimp. I see your vocabulary has improved nicely since last time.” I congratulated, swinging back and forth in my chair.
-Bloody_Shrimp: Tank yooou.
-Croissantweb: That autocorrect got you good.
-MarsSolor42: What are we doing today, my lady?
Weird, usually “Xavusnova927” asked that question at the start of every stream.
Why was that suddenly weird?
“I think today will just play a bit of some adventure games? Do some talking, you know? The original stuff.” I responded, keeping my eye on the chat.
-SpiderS1ayer: adveeeetur?
-SpiderS1ayer: eeeeuuuuhk
-Croissantweb: They are not that bad man.
-Xavusnova927: Adventure? I like the sound of that!
“Sometimes these adventure game’s like to surprise you. So yeah, not all are bad.” Agreeing with the one of the users. Watching as more joined the stream. Suggesting games already.
-muffinvally36: Slime Rancher?
-Pretty_Fly_Alligator: Ark Survival
-AevarWings: hdgrhhrdb
“Well, while we are deciding on a game. Does anyone know how to care for an Astartes?” I asked the chat. Instantly seeing a lot of messages.
-Croissantweb: You planning a getting an Astartes?
-muffinvally36: I recommend an Ultramarine! They are like sweet, little blue berries!
-Bloody_Shrimp: sonverhvfe?!
-baneSshadom: Huh?
“I’m not deciding on anything. It’s just been on my mind recently.” I disclosed, clicking onto the most mentioned game. Entering its loading screen. “Especially for an Alpha Legion. How does that work?”
-muffinvally36: An Alpha legion? That’s a complex one, hmmmm.🤔
-Croissantweb: I would think they would be a rather easy one to care for. Since…well they supposedly don’t have bonds.
-Pretty_Fly_Alligator: I have a Salamander! But his care mostly consists of affection. He’s almost like a German shepherd in a way?
-Pretty_Fly_Alligator: Just got to keep up with maintenance here and then with em’! Just like any other pet.
I hummed in thought. It didn’t sound like it was too hard to do? Maybe I should go to an apothecary for more information? Maybe even an library?
“Thank you for the information, chat.” I thanked them, scooting my chair up more. “If there’s anything more, let me know.”
Was their darling getting an Astartes? That was not something they have been prepared for. Nevertheless thought about.
What if she rejects them? What if she moves farther away? What if—
No, she can’t reject us! She can’t reject me! I’m her protector! Her guardian!
…What if… I show her my strength? Show her how much strength I can provide? How much food, and protection I can give?
Oh, darling! Why do you run? Not that I mind the chase, but it’s getting truly tiring. I- We just wish to protect you!
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ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 III
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 I
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥: “𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗” 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙
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actiniumwrites · 2 months
i think i’m gonna go on a hiatus for a little while, i’ll see you guys in a bit :)
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lizhi-art · 8 months
people really like faith the unholy trinity huh
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starseers-garden · 1 year
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Character progression? How about some character REgression?
Yeah Mordremoth and Jormag weren’t good for him
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nicos-oc-hell · 7 months
Clouds and flower tornadoes?
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Sunday, 3pm, Astéri Bakery, New Zealand
A blonde boy with curly hair slightly covering his eyes was standing in front of his father as he was on the phone taking an order from some lady. Anatoly looked down at his son and looked at him for a couple of seconds before he mouthed what. “When are we going back to Scotland?” The boy asked with a tilt of his head, he was about to continue on his questions but Anatoly held up a finger to stop him.
“Yes ma’am, would you like that for pick up or delivery tomorrow?” There was a pause for the lady to answer before Anatoly wrote something down on the notepad in front of him. “And what time would you like to pick that up ma’am? 1pm is ok on our end as well. You have a good day too, ma’am.” He set the phone back down and handed the notepad to his other son, Jebron, so he could give it to Henry, the other owner.
“Alright finally!” The blonde, Sinncere, exclaimed as he rounded the corner of the counter. “When are we going back to Scotland? No offense but I don’t want to spend my summer in the bakery again.” He stood on the step stool so he could be closer to his dad’s head rather than being eye level with his chest. Anatoly turned his head and started to trace his finger along the calendar that had a bunch of messy writing on it. He tapped his finger on a day and picked up the phone that was ringing once again.
Anatoly immediately tuned out Sinncere’s whines of them not leaving until Saturday in favor of answering the phone, “Hello, this is Anatoly at Astéri Bakery, how may I be of service?” Sinncere dramatically hopped off the step stool and walked out of the bakery claiming to be going back home. Anatoly rolled his eyes at his son's antics and continued taking the order on the other line.
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Saturday, 12am, Perphyra-Lestrange residence, New Zealand
Anatoly lifted his head when he heard the pitter patter of feet walking around downstairs near the bedroom door. He turned his head to the alarm clock and slammed his head back onto his pillow when he realized what time it was.
“Go tell your sons to go back to bed.” His wife, Ashley, mumbled into his chest and rolled off of him so he could go do that.
Anatoly rolled over to sit up but he didn’t have to get up because both Sinncere and Jebron suddenly burst through the door fully dressed, ready to leave when they stopped in their tracks and both tilted their heads to the side. “And why are the two of you still in bed? You told me that we could leave on Saturday, it’s Saturday…get up and let's go.” Sinncere said impatiently and went into the dresser and started pulling clothes out for them. Jebron flicked the light on and started to help Sinncere.
“Why are we leaving at 12 in the morning?” Anatoly mumbled through the pillow he had pulled out from underneath him to put on top of his face. He lifted the pillow off of his head when he felt something thrown onto his chest. “What did you just throw on me?”
He didn’t get an answer but instead the sound of a door shutting. He heard a groan come from behind him before Ashley mumbled something that he couldn’t quite hear. “Alright,..................your terrorist children.”
“They are your children as well” He added sarcastically and got up so he could see what one of them had chosen for him to wear.
Twenty five minutes later the two of them walked out to the living room to see the twins were sitting on their trunks arguing about something. Sinncere climbed off of his trunk ready for his mother to shrink it and walked over to his cat and put Fluffy in his crate. He picked up his trunk and put it in his pocket, he walked over to the fireplace and Anatoly handed him the floo powder. He was immediately reminded to pronounce the address clearly.
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Friday, 1pm, Perphyra Estate, Scotland
Ayas lept back from the fireplace he was cleaning when it turned green and one of his 2x great grandchildren walked out. Sinncere stumbled over Ayas foot, not expecting someone to be directly in front of the fireplace. The two of them silently stared at each other before Sinncere scrambled off of Ayas with a thousand I’m Sorry’s rapidly falling out of his mouth.
Jebron came out of the fireplace and stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed his grandfather on the floor with a raised eyebrow. He glanced over to his brother who was also sitting on the floor and decided to ignore them in favor of letting Sniffer out of his crate. Jebron looked down at Mr. Fluffy who was left abandoned on the floor and let him out as well.
“I’m going to my room, y’all have fun on the floor.” He stepped over Ayas and whistled so that Sniffer could follow him upstairs. “Tell dad to let Tigger out his crate when they come through!” He shouted whilst he was already halfway up the stairs. Ayas grabbed onto the arm chair next to him and pulled himself up while Sinncere stayed on the floor with Mr. Fluffy sitting on his chest.
Anatoly and Ashley walked through the fireplace together with Anatoly holding a crate in his arms. The two of them stopped their conversation as they had noticed Sinncere on the ground but quickly got over the confusion and walked around him. “Grandfather.” Anatoly bowed his head at the old man sitting in the armchair.
“Anatoly, Ashley.” Ayas bowed his head in return and gestured towards the crate that Anatoly was holding, “Your son said to let Tigger out of his crate when you got here. Also I thought you were coming on Saturday?”
“It’s Saturday in New Zealand. It’s also 12am in New Zealand so I’m going to sleep. Don’t forget to tell Henry we won’t be back until next week, Ana.” With that Ashley walked up the stairs so she could go back to bed.
Anatoly had a sheepish look on his face because he was supposed to do that yesterday but forgot. He let Tigger out of his crate and went about tidying up the mess that had occured from before he got there. He tapped Sinncere with his foot so he could get up off the floor but Sinncere had already made himself comfortable and was reading some animal book.
Anatoly walked into the kitchen and straight over to the fridge to grab himself a drink and something to eat. He took a brief glance at the note taped to the fridge what you think is orange juice is not orange juice before he grabbed the first drink he eyes landed on and took out ingredients to make a sandwich.
There was an annoying clicking at the window and there was an owl there with something strapped around one of its legs. “Like clockwork.” Anatoly mumbled around a mouth full of sandwich as he pushed himself off the counter and grabbed a piece of ham from the fridge to offer the owl.
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Jebron’s room
Jebron raised his head up from its position on Sniffer's stomach to another loud argument between Sinncere and Dotta. “There are about what…thirty rooms in this damn house?”
“Thirty six to be exact.” Sinncere said, not bothering to turn his head away from the floating cloud in front of him.
“Whatever, why out of ALL of those rooms, you choose to be in my room?” Jebron asked, annoyed as he threw a pillow through the cloud, disconnecting the call between Sinncere and Dotta. “Not to mention you have your own room!”
Sinncere turned his head around angrily as the pillow had also hit Fluffy who was sitting on top of his head before going through the cloud. He picked the pillow up and threw it back at Jebron, hitting him square in the face. “You hit my cat! It took me a while to find one of those coins, asshole! Now I gotta go find another one!” He picked Fluffy up off the chair where he had scurried away too when the pillow hit him.
“I didn’t hit your cat, your cat hit my pillow.” Jebron rolled his eyes at Sinncere and dodged the tornado of flowers that were chasing him around the room. “Hey! What the hell! Get this thing away from me.” He scrambled out of his room and tried to shut the door on the tornado but the door was instead added into the tornado.
Sinncere immediately ran downstairs whilst laughing but that quickly stopped when he ran straight into his mom. “I’m sorry mom!” He picked her up off the ground but didn’t stay long enough so she could scold him for running around the house. It didn’t matter anyway as she and Jebron were chasing him soon after as the tornado had started to get out of hand.
“Sinncere Lucas Perphyra! You put an end to this nonsense right now!”
Sinncere quickly started to form a lie that was a rather obvious lie. “I didn’t even start it! I’m an orc, not an elf! Jebron is trying to pin this on me because he can’t control his powers!” Sinncere kept the little onslaught of lies going before he ended up in the maze with a huge tornado of anything and everything behind him. 
Oh I fucked up he thought to himself as he stopped and just stared at the tornado that had also seemed to stop moving as if they were having a mexican standoff. He took a step backwards as the bushes of the maze had been picked up so he had a lot of room to run now. The tornado as if it was following Sinncere moved forward. Well that was before the tornado seemed to disintegrate and suddenly everything was back to the way it was before the tornado had ripped it from where it was.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
Hey, so, it’s been… awhile. Yeah. I know.
It’s been a rough couple of months for me, and I had to step away from everything for a bit to reorient myself and focus on school and other things that came up in my life. Things have slowed down for a bit, so I have a chance to come back and get back to posting about Rise.
I’ll admit, I actually wanted to come back about two weeks ago, but I had this overwhelming sense of guilt for leaving my blog unattended for so long. People sent me asks that I never answered, and there are many drafts I’m not sure what to do with anymore. I was hoping to return with this big post or the oneshot I’ve been working on but no matter how hard I tried, it never came together in a way I was happy with. So I’m throwing in the towel and saying fuck it.
I’m back. Full stop.
I have a few things in the works but I want to remove the pressure I’ve put on myself and at least tell the few people who care about my blog that I’m sorry it’s taken so long. I really really really hope to post some fic and analysis stuff, buutttt I want to do something easy so I’m going to post some gifs in the meantime. Start off with something light, you know? I think I’ll take some requests too, so let me know if there are any ROTTMNT gifs you’d like to see (I’m also down to do some LMK gifs as well).
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h00nerz · 8 months
taking the spots on link out of my nav hurt so bad…
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My reason for living at the moment you ask??
Oh idk just the unreasonable many hours used on AO3, Tumblr and Pinterest.
But hey :D at least I’m alive right!!
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mightbesmall · 10 months
I have not been alive these past few days, sorry about that bbg😩
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I’ve been feeling sad and shit, I’ll write something… soon… maybe…
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
I’m already back with more Hunchback AU stuff.
Starting with this glowing lamp with remnant inside (this’ll be explained later, don’t worry)...
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And a quick little doodle about Judge Glitch, the lantern, and a certain someone talking about potential names..
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(Extra fun fact: Glitch can see what the guy’s supposed to look like, as does the other. Consider it a special ability these two in particular have.)
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sea-me-now · 1 year
saw the haunting of night vale tonight and had an amazing time!
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^ i went dressed as a member of the night vale transit authority, you know, those guys who are in literally 1 episode
anyway, loved the show, great story and message + really solid opening act/weather
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roosterbox · 1 year
My love-and-affection-starved ass, when faced with irrevocable proof that, yes, my friends really do like me:
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owlgirl495 · 2 years
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best girls :)
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