#Dragon age grey warden
jjthebunbun · 1 month
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“Nothing happened in the way I wanted”
“Every corner of this house is haunted.”
Amell really going through it.
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kashkadavr · 2 years
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In February, I wanted to start a series of art with my most favorite game romances. But on February 24, after russia started a full-scale war in my country, I didn't feel like drawing for a very long time. I still like the idea, but I'm not even sure I can go back to this style to make it look like a series of works. But I still really love what I managed to draw then and I want to share it with you
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nath-ryd · 1 year
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Hey I’m alive - kinda My Dragon Age phase came back so I decided to do my Warden and Alistair. Their story is kinda depressing, because no one needs a happy end - am i right? Hah...oof ________________________________________________ EDIT - I wrote down some facts about my warden - enjoy :) ✧ Diana Cousland has never been one to worry much about responsibility. This reason also made her stand against Duncan when he wanted to recruit her as a Grey Warden, which is why he imposed the Right of Conscription on her. ✧ She doesn't talk openly about her feelings and keeps a lot of things bottled up. She has a tremendous fear of failure and tries to compensate for this by being enormously helpful to others. She never loses her smile, even if it is faked most of the time in order not to burden others. ✧ The first person she revealed her true feelings to was Alistair, who was struggling with loss himself.  ✧ Even though at the beginning of her journey she always seemed to have an open and pure heart, this gradually changes and she becomes more bitter, which is not only noticeable, but also visible, as she loses her usually sweet smile.   ✧ Diana not only loses contact with her closest friends (in this case Leliana) and allies, but also gradually with Alistair, who doesn't know how to deal with her suddenly dismissive nature. He nevertheless tries to defend and support her actions, even though he knows inside that they are mostly wrong. ✧ She has the specialization of the Reaver, which allows her to draw power from dead bodies. This also makes her allies consider her actions, as her greed for power is constantly growing and sees no end. Diana develops more and more a kind of god complex, which she justifies with the fact that Ferelden and eventually the world is dependent on her. ✧ Diana's corrupt deeds and massive consumption of blood making her visibly ill, which is only exacerbated by the side effects of the blood of the dark spawn.   ✧ Remorse quickly catches up with Diana after she realizes how much the person who meant the most to her turns away. The thought of being left alone trumps her, but she can't look back because the damage she caused was too great. This led her to the decision to sacrifice herself in the fight against the Archdemon, in order not to hurt more people than she already did.    ✧ She never threw away Alistair's rose or allowed anything to happen to it, no matter how much she changed, inside there was still faith in something good, even if it was little.
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velnat004 · 5 months
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Taresia Stuart, the future of Ferelden. A mage that has been seeking to leave the Circle to seek a cure for her tranquil twin.
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kittymama01 · 7 days
Can I point out something interesting between Solas and Flemeth?
Maybe I don't have to spoiler warn about it but I will. If you haven't finished Dragon Age: Inquisition- go past this post.
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So, big reveal about Flemeth is that she is herself but also the Elven "Goddess" Mythal. They're not actually Gods, just extremely powerful mages.
Another big reveal is that Solas is the Dread Wolf. And he and Mythal know each other, they were close.
What I want to talk about is the views these two have on Grey Wardens.
One powerfully being has been asleep most of the time and has watched most things happen in dreams. At least I think, I don't know what he was doing during his long ass nap.
And the other powerful being has been awake and lived on Earth for a long time.
... Solas acts big. But, even though most of his life was in the Fade, he hasn't really lived in this world. Mythal has. She's watched and truly experienced what Thedas has gone through. And she sees the importance of Grey Wardens, she's the reason the HoF and Alistair even did what they accomplished. If it wasn't for her, Thedas... Or, really, Ferelden would've been lost.
But, to Solas... Grey Wardens aren't necessary. He thinks they're pointless. He says there's a way to defeat the Archdemon and shit and it's like... Okay... Do it, dude.
Mythal has been here watching all these Blights happen and she couldn't do anything. And we've seen how powerful she is and if she says "let's rely on the Grey Wardens". What does that say about the Blight?
Like, seriously, this just adds on to Solas being a know-it-all. And by that I mean- he doesn't actually know shit. He's been asleep all this time and comes out acting as if he's the man with ALL the answers.
Not gonna lie, it would be interesting if a Blight does happen in DA4 and Solas tries to stop it himself. Only to look like the world's biggest fucking idiot when he fails.
I might be seeing this differently, if anyone else has an opinion on this, I'd be happy to hear it. This is just something I noticed between the two and I think it says a lot about Solas. He hasn't actually lived in this new world and experienced everything. Flemeth, or Mythal, has.
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belleropheon · 6 months
Do people have to go through severe trauma to survive the Joining?
Cousland saw his whole house murdered
Tabris had to save themselves and their cousin from a sadistic noble who would torture and murder them
Brosca was awaiting a brutal death of themself, their homie and their sister before escaping
Aeducan got the worst knife in the back from that little shit that is their own bro and left for dead
Amell/Surana was basically kidnapped as a child and had to watch their mentor basically luring their best friend into a trap
Mahariel not only was orphaned, got tainted and lost their bff but they had to leave their clan behind
I am not even going into the Awakening Crew. Just look at them, trauma all around
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haven-in-her · 1 year
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"oh, grey warden,
all is undone,
ash in the sun,
cast into darkness,
the light we had won."
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bloedewir · 10 months
Dragon Age 2
Bloody Deep Roads
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no matter how much I love Bethany, Carver is my precious little brother and journey to the Deep Roads breaks my heart (even though he finally stepped out of Hawke's shadow and started to live separately)
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eirasummersart · 1 year
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I completely finished Dragon Age Origins yesterday (I was missing the DLC) so I finally did a full drawing of my warden Nessa :D She's a silent and intimidating warrior who'll punch anyone who's racist against the elves hahaha
I plan to do another drawing of her with Zev, but that'll be another day~ I hope you like her C:
Oh, and I used the basic Grey Warden's outfit because my friend told me about it (she played all the games already), even if it's not an option in DAO~
I almost forgot! Pose ref by @jookpubstock
Commissions are open, check out my pinnned post if you’re interested~
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cryingdebdeb · 1 year
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I'm sorry but this meme is literally them.
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darhknight · 1 year
The Ianos Siblings
For the picrew oc maker once again. @tessa1972
Thought Hey. I need a little backstory for Adonis so this is what my brain decided.
Involving Adonis and his some basic facts about his two older siblings.
I will make an advanced one later.
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The Eldest
Name - Ekko Ianos
Is highly protective of Adonis along with Evelyn. Became a member of the Grey Wardens around the same time Alistar did and fought alongside him in the fight against the archdemon. Unlike his other siblings has no magic whatsoever and fights with two longswords.
Was with the Warden-Commander and the King of Ferelden when the rift tore open the sky and the conclave destroyed.
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Second Oldest
Name - Evelyn Ianos
She has little memories of Adonis but is very fond of the ones she has and especially fond of the ones she has of Ekko. At the age of 8 her magic manifested and she was given to the Circle of Magi in Ferelden. She was there when the hero of frelden came for help. Evelyn helped but afterwords left to look for her siblings and clan.
Was with the Lavellan clan when the rift opened in the sky and conclave destroyed.
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Name - Adonis Ianos
Unlike Evelyn, Adonis was not given to the circl of magi when his magic manifested. Instead he was kept close o the clan keeper for the boy unknowingly attached himself to a spirt of hope. Many knew the Templars would accuse the young boy of being an abomination and kill him. The keeper then decided to keep him safe and Sent him to the conclave to learn and see what the fate of magic or tmplars would be.
He was in the conclave when it was destroyed and the sky ripped open. He's also only one who lived.
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the-greyest-warden · 1 year
Yo I was literally on the verge of being asleep when I had this thought so I apologize if it isn’t coherent. But like. I was thinking about how funny/tragic it is that like, Templars like Samson and Cullen and others are literally leashed to the chantry by their Lyrium addictions when Alistair in Origins is straight up like “Lol I never took lyrium and I can do the Templar abilities just fine, watch” and he can teach a Warrior Warden, who also does not have to take lyrium.
My thoughts were “Wow so Cullen’s entire addiction arc was COMPLETELY unnecessary for anything but a leash”, but also it FEELS like BioWare wants to overlook that because it seems to emphasize a lot that Tevinter Paladins(who do not receive Lyrium) do not have Templar Powers/have much much less power.
So I was trying to come up with a way to reconcile that in a Lore Friendly Way, and at first I was thinking “Maybe it has something to do with Alistair’s Elfblood(since the chantry has no Elven Templars) or the weird Unwardening that happened to Fiona.” But again, Alistair can teach The Warden Templar Talents, including Cousland.
So then I reasoned it’s got to be the WARDENness of Alistair and The Warden. After all, Alistair became a warden fresh out of Templar training.
That got me remembering the theory(it is it confirmed??) that Lyrium is Titan or Old God blood, since it IS alive. If Arch Demons are Corrupted Old Gods, and Wardens drink Arch Demon Blood, are Wardens and Templars similar creatures?? (NOT in morality; the chantry and the Templars fucking suck, but I mean in terms of what they actually ARE, what they’ve transformed into)
Both Wardens and Templars hear a song; are Red Templars essentially Bootleg Wardens??
If Red Lyrium is Lyrium that’s contracted The Blight, and Wardens harness the power of the blight and eventually succumb to it, is the biggest difference between Wardens and Red Templars the fact that Red Templars KEEP INGESTING IT?? Where as for Wardens it’s a one and done thing?
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morguesalad · 10 months
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I’ve been a bit in my brain about dragon age. Here’s some doodles of my main play through characters for origins and 2
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(Sorry to the folks who followed me for disco elysium stuff just wanted to doodle my children)
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gamergirlmaia · 1 year
If Alistair has million fans, then I'm one of them.
If Alistair has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE.
If Alistair has no fans, that means I'm dead.
Song-your face by Wisp
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velnat004 · 5 months
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AAAND THERE SHE IS! My main warden, Taresia Stuart Amell. She was a Circle Mage before the whole blight thing occured
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paridoxpower · 1 year
I need to know this for a project!!
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