pinkydoggy83 · 2 months
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🌺🌿 — Sketches based on @/socalirific in Instagram footages of Poppy and Branch in the UniversalStudio park
It was too cute not to draw! I want to do a proper redraw but for tonight just sketches
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hydravns · 25 days
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TOOTHLESS in HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON (2010) Dir. Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders
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kookies2000 · 6 months
Me when I was 5 years old. Jamming out to "I Need a Hero" scene in Shrek 2 and feeling my soul ascending to heaven as I dance and sing.
18 years later.
My little sister having the exact same experience with Trolls 3 "Mount Rageous" Their souls ascending to heaven with Velvets vocals as they sing and dance to "Sweet Dreams."
Velvet and Veneer took lessons from the Fairy Godmother, I swear!
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foragewitch · 8 months
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Smoke cleanse for dreamwork: Mugwort Marigold Jasmine
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eloctodecay · 4 months
Fall sleep on wife's lap. Life good!
Tiktok/ YouTube / Instagram / Deviantart
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So you watched trolls I see. I haven't seen band together. Who are your favorites?
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them of course. drew these goofballz before but i dont mind making art of them again for the sake for this question
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anasui-at-disneyland · 10 months
I absolutely adore your version of Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken and your rewrite of Chelsea. In fact, I've deleted the canon from my brain completely, your version is the canon now. If you released a full-fledged rewrite of the movie as a fanfic, I'd just accept it as a stand-alone book. Ruby and Chelsea belong to Tumblr now, get outta here Dreamworks
Glad to hear you liked it!
I don´t really think that I´ll be writing a fanfic about it tho, I don´t have the time nor the talent to make a whole movie re-write on fanfic form, so if anyone wants to take my Chelsea villain re-write as a base for their fanfic, it´s there for the taking (just mention me in the credits, maybe, or don´t).
And as for that part about Ruby and Chelsea belonging to Tumblr now... yeah seems like it, I have the feeling this movie will run into the same fate as Rise of the Guardians, as in the movie performing not that well as expected BUT a side of the internet loving it so much they decided to adopt one of the characters as their own (i.e. Jack Frost). So congrats Tumblr, now you have 2 new fish daughters.
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psychicreading-live · 1 month
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phoenixlionme · 5 months
Who Would Win? Battle 103
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Last night I had a dream where, at some point, I looked up to the Moon and could see her so vividly. Just as if it was a picture taken by a huge telescope; so close, so big, so full of details and textures I could somehow decipher and appreciate from where I stood on Earth. I was captivated. I woke up afterwards, which was around 4am, and thought of Selene. I easily went back to sleep with comfort in my heart after it.
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prismonautic · 3 months
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read the document in its entirety and make a decision if you want any spiritual information to be discovered in your sleep / astral travels.
once you have chosen to have truths revealed to you in your dream, repeat the incantation - “ivaliem” (ee-val-ee-ehm) before you go to sleep. when you repeat this incantation, you agree to having the astral energies surrounding you read + translated into symbolism that your conscious mind will understand within your dreams. your dreams are a window to the astrals, and what’s happening astrally is bound to happen in your physical reality. instead of being blindsided by stealthy attacks, get some intel with this spell and stop them in their tracks.
ivaliem is a one-word-spell. when you activate it via chanting it intentionally (whether it be inside your head or out loud), all of the commands i’ve embedded into “ivaliem” will be embedded into your subconscious, manifesting into your reality. i like to call my one word spells “.exes,” since they’re comparable to executable programs that your computer (your subconscious) will open and run in your reality.
this clarity spell is good for people seeking confirmation regarding people/environments/energies that they’ve been feeling suspicious about lately. the dream that follows after casting this clarity spell will be the confirmation message of your inquiry.
the spell is designed to get the energy signature of who you’re dealing with EVEN if they intentionally cloak themselves energetically + give you a clear and direct link to them and their workings against you. this makes it easier for you to accurately target them in your shielding/protection/return to sender rituals.
from experience, i’ve learned that the more that this one word spell is repeated, the stronger its energy becomes in your life. if you really want to have one-word-spells pack a punch, repeat it more than 20 times. i’ve found 10 to be the bare minimum to get some effects from the spell.
if you want the spell to be stronger, affirm it in your head until you completely fall asleep — AVOID THIS IF YOU’RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH VERY VIVID DREAMS, ESPECIALLY WITH HEAVIER TOPICS!
IF YOU ARE INJURED IN A DREAM / HAVE DESTROYED VALUABLES IN YOUR DREAM / EAT ANYTHING IN YOUR DREAM: make sure to establish protection against this person and prioritize healing any damage you’ve experienced from this person’s works.
the symbolism below is what ivaliem will show you if applicable entities are connected to you astrally (e.g best friend talking shit? ivaliem will show them with black lipstick on in your dreams — and whatever else happens in the dream is additional context on top of that symbolism).
the list of correspondences below will be updated periodically. for those who want to regularly use ivaliem in your protection spell routines, it’s a good idea to check back here for updates every once in a while :)
☆ a person with black lipstick / a black mask over their mouth / a black mask covering their entire face.
black lipstick indicates that the person is spreading gossip against you in the dark, and it’s strong enough to affect anything revolving around your energy. if it’s black lipstick, it’s rooted in pure prejudice, malice, and/or envy that makes them act out against you. it’s a THEM issue, and you haven’t done anything to justify anything they’ve done to you so far.
if you’re getting a person in black lipstick as opposed to a black mask, you’ve already had some doubts regarding their position in your life. this dream is also telling you that you need to trust your intuition regarding how people feel about you in life — if you have a bad feeling about someone and something is telling you to distance from them, DO IT! it will later be revealed to you why you felt that in the first place. listen the first time in order to avoid finding out the hard way.
when you perceive an opponent in your dream realm who has black lipstick, the best course of action == a transmutation, return to sender, and truth spell bundled together to
A) stop the gossip and its effects in its tracks
B) remove any damage inflicted upon you towards the caster
C) have your name cleared of any slander if applicable to your situation.
a black mask around the mouth indicates that someone you wouldn’t expect to go against you is speaking against/looking down on your goals in silence.
for a lot of you, this is a long-term relationship in your life — whether it be a partner, colleague, friend, or family that you believed would support you no matter what. if this applies to you, it’s likely that you’re being blinded to the true character of this person by all the history you have with them.
just because someone has been around you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have your best interests in mind. just because someone has been in proximity for you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have the quality characteristics they need to even deserve being connected to you.
this correspondence will be most common for people who have big dreams that people would naturally cast doubt on / project their limiting beliefs onto you.
for those who get a person with a black mouth mask, you might wake up from this dream feeling betrayed and in disbelief, and possibly even guilty — you might end up in denial about their status in your life too. questioning their character is a wake-up call.
the best course of action for a person who has a black mouth mask in your dream:
A) a return to sender spell that transmutes all the negativity that they sent towards you in the dark into a situation that exposes their true feelings and intentions for you.
B) once this exposing situation manifests, you will know how to go about this connection. however you go about it, make sure that you are prioritizing having genuine MUTUAL connections in your life that respect you for who will stick with you with REAL love through thick and thin. you need to surround yourself with more integral people.
C) until that situation manifests, be watchful towards that person’s character, not just how they operate around you. just because they do things for you don’t mean they someone of upstanding character. look for where their authenticity lies, and if they’re someone who really stands on their values, or just goes to people based no how much someone’s presence benefits them. are they here for you through the thick and thin, or do they disappear the moment things start to get hard?
when you’re working against someone with a black face mask that covers their entire face, it’s a severe and intentional version of having a black mask cover their mouth.
this person knows their negative feelings towards you and still intentionally acting on their malice towards you. THIS IS NOT YOUR ALLY. they’re only seeking to get something out of you then discard/betray you. this dream will be more common for the people who are very giving, even to the point of being over-giving and stretching yourself thin for others — often for the sake of approval.
the best course of action for a fully masked person:
A) cast a general banishing of people who are actively working against you and your goals / leeching off of your energy for their own selfish purposes.
B) after the banishing, look at who falls away from your life. note that it’s a good thing they’ve fallen away, because their presence would end up being damaging to your path in the future.
C) whatever voids they have left in your current life after being banished, fill the voids by planting the seed of attracting more integral and authentic people into your community.
NOTE: your social circles will experience a heavy purge if there’s a lot of people just using you and keeping you around for the sake of convenience. walk into the dark fearlessly - you’ll come out of it a newly healed person.
• someone spreading a disease to you that affects your appearance / sense of sight, hearing, and balance
• an ambush against your home
• you getting put in prison
stay tuned!
if you have any questions, please message me.
if you like this work, access my other works through my linktree!
last updated: 2/5/2024
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pinkydoggy83 · 2 months
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🌺🌿 — Just playing out with denim band-like outfits
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hydravns · 1 month
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HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON (2010) Dir. Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois
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kookies2000 · 6 months
With Wish out, people are trying to defend the animation by saying it's supposed to look like a fairytale book. To me, it looks like a painting that's moving in a creepy way. Especially in the daytime. It looks ok in the nighttime. But you want to know what a fairytale book looks like when it comes to life?
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Maybe if Wish rendered it more and dropped frames like The Last Wish did, it would've looked better? I don't know much about art.
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kestynqueena · 9 days
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Best KFP Villian Movie 🐆🦚🐂🦎
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sidewalkchemistry · 10 months
'𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘' 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊
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Dreamwork is a powerful mystical practice for enhancing your perspective of reality, quality of your life, and imaginative abilities by bringing awareness to the content of your dreams.
This challenge intends to bring each participant into greater attunement with their dream worlds. This, then, allows increased ease in trusting your intuition, being bold enough to dream and manifest, creating more beauty and mystique to your life, catalyzing the healing of inner traumas and limiting beliefs, as well as just to developing an understanding of your own multidimensionality. (For more on developing your imagination/3rd eye, see here).
The challenge will span from July 21st to September 14th 2023 (offering 2 full months of skill development), and it is open to the public. However, I'm sharing details and guidance are available exclusively on Patron, such as a downloadable dream journal (cover page pictured above) & nighttime routine tips. Of course, you may take on the challenge at whatever date you like.
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The Challenge Tasklist (see the more detailed version here):
Week 1: Recording Your Dreams: This is to gain a sense of familiarity with your dream worlds. Notice what kinds of themes come up. Notice how you tend to act. Notice what kinds of characters come up. Notice the locations. Each morning or after each slumber (naps included), your task will be to immediately write down your dream with as much detail as possible. Dream log pages are provided in the downloadable dream journal.
Week 2: Enhancing Your Inputs (Part 1): Emotional constipation, or blockages in your astral body, can be caused by lifestyle. You will be encouraged to approach your choices of food, music, pastimes, entertainment, etc. in a way that will let the energy in your astral body thrive. For example, signs of a healthier astral body include a slower (low stress) lifestyle, healthy communication, greater mindfulness, positive self-talk and self-esteem, healthy detachment, restful sleep, and, of course, more lucid dreams. Tasks will include certain meal upgrades, because digestive situations can be a major hindrance to optimal sleep quality, dream recall, and emotional processing (due to the gut-brain relationships).
Week 3: Moment to Moment Awareness: One of the major reasons why we are unable to continue consciousness into our dream states is that we lack true consciousness when we're awake, particularly of our emotional states. Remaining aware of how your emotions shift and how you're being emotionally affected by your perspectives & circumstances will allow you to remain in present moment awareness. The daily task will be to develop your awareness, just in the way that children tend towards, never attached too long to your emotional circumstances, without dismissing them.
Week 4: Dream Herbs: Certain herbs are able to enhance dreams, relax the nervous system, and strengthen meditative awareness. These will be employed in our challenge so that we can experience this relationship. Tasks will include different ways of working with the herbs, such as implementing a tea time.
Week 5: Visualization Boost: A large component of dreams are the visual component. Many people lately, with their constant attention to screens and stories in visual form (TV, videos, movies, etc), struggle to realize what their imaginations look like in particular. The tasks will include a series of meditations and methods of connecting to your own imaginal realm.
Week 6: Enhancing Your Inputs (Part 2): Further emotional/astral blockages will be able to be relieved by more lifestyle shifts. Tasks will include spending time on more fruitful hobbies, choosing & creating habits that fill your cup rather than deplete your energy, and working with the elements daily.
Week 7: Digital Detox: Eliminate some aspect of technology in some way. Maybe you will refuse to use your phone for the first two hours of the day, take a break from social media, take a rest from social media overall, or use the internet purely for uplifting content. A serious period of meditation may even be implemented. Whatever you do, that will be your task of discipline so that you can connect deeper to your imaginal realms.
Week 8: Constructing Your Imaginal World: You've gotten a good picture of your dream worlds now. It's time to integrate that so that you thoroughly bring up the value of your dreams. Tasks will encourage you to bring a deeper sense to your imaginal world, so that you have a deep interest of navigating it and learning from it, just as the physical world we're already all aware of. You may find that, in the process, you get a deeper sense of who you are multidimensionally, based on your skills, actions, and interactions in the astral plane. You may find communication with benevolent spirits, ancestors, elemental beings, creatures, pets, and so on.
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