mootangg · 4 months
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An Eren fanart (more sketchy than normal) that i did for one of my friend's birthday... DON'T ASK (⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)‼️‼️‼️‼️
(love how the hand came out, im also trying new brushes on the hair !!)
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aofikofi · 1 year
accidentally watched a scary video so now im jamming to sewer cats trying to unafraid myself hghsgdshg
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scattered-stardust · 10 months
Anyone want to hear about the terrible awful brain melting thought i had?
So i saw this picture:
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and had thoughts: #prev tags yes but only after he has gotten Kim naked do he’s just wearing that and he has Kim standing in the middle of the room as he#kneels with his hand behind his back. chay’s still fully dressed btw and when he has his mouth on it he looks up at Kim and Kim actually#feels his knees tremble. oh and when Chay pulls it of. there’s still a light pink line on his thigh that chay can’t stop touching (for clarification prev tags were Chay pulls it off with his teeth)
To make matters worse i saw this
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had more thoughts: #okay but first pic: Kim wearing chay’s hoodie and nothing else#taller Chay. this hoodie is already big on him. so when kim wears it. it almost falls to mid thigh
and euhm yeah... once my brain is back ill write it
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t4tdanvis · 4 months
I can write a paragraph on this but I'll keep it short. (I retrospect I did write a paragraph, euhm)
One common anti-Kim argument is that she's useless, yet she played a big part in defeating Michael with her spell.
Also anyone who would replace her would be about just as useless as her.
Actually, dare I say I'd argue having Laurance there would be an inconvenience to the plot. Adding him COULD work, but he'd make things more difficult. Specifically; Garroth and Zane bonding and getting closer would have been way more difficult had Laurance been here.
Also, I once heard someone say that Laurance should've gotten Garroth out of the potion control, and it fuels me with anger. Not EVERYTHING has to be about your dumb ship. Why can't there just be an emotional scene between brothers?! I don't care if it mirrors minecraft diaries. It replaces one of the only genuinely good scenes in mss6.
Unless they mean Laurance should've gotten Garroth out of the potion the second time, as after he got out of the control of the potion he got in it later again through Michael using a vision of his mother against him. But I doubt it since not many people seem to remember this happening, and them still there wouldn't be enough time for another emotional scene since there is the Aphmau Travis fight.
UR LITERALLY SO REAL FOR THIS if i have to see one more person say some shit like "she couldve been easily replaced by (insert male character here)" im gonna start strangling someone
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weird-cato · 23 days
i guess i have an anon tag euhm
i was actually the person who sent the "chomp" thing :P
meant it in a way of chomping your art... eating your art... yum...
-anon who almost wrote their name as sayori
ohhh Im dumb i thought of thoses big dogs in mario
also what,,what is going on?
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 2 months
“Uh no. Phones don’t really get euhm, that thingy-“
“Yeah, that” Silvie answers back, before looking over at Evan in surprise “Oh you’re still here. Hm”
“You didn’t actually care whether I asked about your job did you?"
Silvie shrugs “I wanted my gift” he says simply, giving his new little frog all his attention as Evan hangs his head in defeat, hiding a small amused smile of his own
He’d forgotten how silly his former time in the circus had been. The running around, the vagueness, the silly
It was Silvie’s normal here
Silvie who was digging in his pockets for a piece of paper “Here slap this on your phone. It should absorb the thing ya wanna send me” he says
"Uh... okay." Bing does so. "Oh, shoot, wait, Evs I'm in normal clothes! When the heck did my dino costume go away?"
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toaster-selfships · 2 months
hi kane ! i wanted to ask, do u have different s/is for ur cars f/os or is it just one with multiple aus? 🤔 id love to hear abt ur insert !! (@dmclr)
I'm. I'm. You??..EXSQUEEZE ME?????
Okay euhm..buckle up!! It's like a 50/50 for whether this turns into a really really long tangent or not..I suppose whether the finished post has a read more bar will be telling XD
I kinda interchangeably refer to my S/I as me, so throughout this post I switch back and forth between first perspective of saying "I" and the third perspective of saying "Kane". Hope it's not too confusing😅
Hi, future Kane here, this gets quite lengthy and paragraph-y, so I sectioned the post with bold headers of sorts, to hopefully make it a little more clear and less overwhelming.
Really though, regaurdless of if you read this all or not, cause it's certainly a lot, thank you for asking such a question! I deeply appreciate it and am thankful for it, felt great to be able to share this and get this all out of my system.
So, I kinda mentioned this when going over that ask game, and a longg while ago I every now and then bring it up, but!! Technically, it's just one self insert with multiple AUs. My self insert is always basically just..me, except with a different job, and occasionally slightly more stamina/talent(typically fighting talent or such, funnily enough) for running and.. things and climatic things!! I typically refer to my self insert just as, well, me! I'll say I did blah blah with whatver F/O, and only really change it up for the sake of clarity(like this post) or sometimes when writing fics I'll do it from a 3rd person POV so I'll refer to my own name and such instead of it being written from my perspective.
As mentioned before, the role my self insert plays changes depending on who I'm currently imagining myself with. Typically either as a spy(or reformed spy, in the story with A.xlerod, Kane actually quits being a spy as a big gesture to basically be like "I don't actually want to hurt you", since Kane was given the job as a spy to..."put an end" to A.xlerod, to put it lightly), or will be a pitcrew member to one of the racers. The only one who I don't have a clear backstory role is with F.rancesco, but that's mostly because it's not really a necessary/needed part of the plot that I have with him.
Basically, whenever I imagine me with my F/Os, I typically imagine it as a one on one thing, where it's just me and them and kinda ignore the other characters that I have relationships with. The only exception to this is with Grem and Acer, who are a packaged deal, and I headcannon them to be together, so it's like a little triad thing.
--My S/I's Roles--
But most of my stories with my F/Os don't actually really follow the plot line of the movies at all, it typically takes on a much more day-to-day or domestic sort of perspective(my weakness for domestic things is showing). The only one where it follows a narrative of the actual movie is with L.ightning, where I'm a pitcrew member for him(really the only one, since I got there in his rookie days and he kept firing everyone so his only team member was really just Mack), and end up getting lost with him on the way to R.adiator Springs, and the whole plot with him is really just a looser version of the original C.ars movie, with some alternate twists and plot points and endings.
I've also mentioned this before, but technically my story with each F/O can actually be chronologically put together like some big G.ame/F.ilm Theory thing, where it goes from me having this job and meeting [x] and then getting other job, and it goes from there.
--Meeting Them--
For my insert with other racers, it's typically from the perspective of them just doing..their usual racing thing. Like with F.rancesco, he's just doing his usual typical F.1 races and Kane meets him through that. My self inserts role here though is typically a more laid back one, usually as a fan or maybe someone that got hired to take photography/recordings for the race or such(typically as an eager F.1 fan, with F.rancesco being one of his favorite racers), but the backstory for my S/I doesn't matter so much with F.rancesco.
For C.ars 3 characters though like C.al and J.ackson, it's in a scenerio where none of them end up getting replaced/fired/etc. And they just all end up racing together, basically the start of the C.ars 3 movie in a sense, except C.ruz is also included in the mix. Though, instead of my self insert being a pitcrew member for L.ightning, he's actually one for C.ruz instead.
--Meeting Finn--
With A.xlerod, Kane starts out as a spy and is hired to investigate and maybe put an end to A.xlerod for good. After getting caught snooping around and trying to flee just to get the daylights knocked out of him by essentially some gaurd, A.xlerod takes some sense of strange pitty on Kane and ends up dragging Kane back to his place and tries to fix him up. There's a lot of trust building that ends up happening and them oddly having some soft spot for each other(which ends up getting demonstrated several times, typically through them accommodating or protecting each other out of the blue), and since Kane most certainly isn't going to continue his mission of ending A.xlerod, he quits his job as a spy(which, Kane working for a rather questionable spy company, has to go on a slightly elaborate event to fake his own death and get some non-spy affiliated clothes). Kane ends up realizing how cozy he's gotten to just staying at A.xlerod's place, considering he never really left it when A.xelrod dragged him back to fix him up, and just..never leaves so he kinda moves himself in to living with A.xelrod. A.xlerod, being a billionaire that he is, Kane doesn't really ever need to get another job or anything.
Finn and A.xlerod by far have the most complex stories of how my self insert meets them, and the most thorough and thought out ones, cause I typically imagine them a lot more and such. With Finn, my insert is also a spy, and ends up getting to work with him and L.eland, and meets them on a rather dubious sort of mission, where Kane has to get rather close to Finn quite quickly(in a personal sense and in a physical sense, they have to do some cheeky ballroom dance((a waltz ,really)) together for a split minute), and when they start to come to an end of completing their mission, Kane kinda has a bit of a crisis of "This is probably the greatest time I've had in my life and I'm probably never going to see them ever again" and Leland catches him looking a bit broken and so sad and torn up that Kane confesses his whole predicament and Leland is like "You moron, just give me your phone number". And Leland, being the witness that he was to the very clear feelings between his best friend(Finn) and a potienal very close friend(Kane), he offers to Kane to tag along with him some time when he visits Finn, and at some point Kane ends up staying at Finn's place for a night and is over there so much that it turns into a question of "do I really even need a house. Why am I paying rent for some other house if I practically already live here and eat all his food".
--Meeting A.xlerod--
In both scenerios with Finn and A.xlerod though, Kane, an American sent from the US over to the UK for a mission, ends up moving and staying in the UK permanently.
--G.rem and A.cer--
How I meet G.rem and A.cer is a lot more of a shits-and-giggles thing, I actually have no clue how I came up with the idea because it is so silly and completely irrelevant to what they do, but also feels really oddly fitting for them. But basically Kane is working some low end job like as a grocery clerk or such, and since he works the closing shifts, he ends up stopping by some shop that was the only nearby one open at such a late night so he can get some food. It's some pizza parlor that G.rem and A.cer work at, and for whatever reasons they're the only ones that really work there(maybe they're the only two that work the closing shift as well, I haven't put too much thought into why yet), and Kane basically makes it a routine that every time he gets off of work he swings by their shop and pretends he's only coming in for food when it's really to hang out with them. G.rem and A.cer are still as wild as they are in the movie, they're just not really in many positions now for it to be shown that they'd kill and go to extreme ends for things. It eventually reaches the point where they start hanging outside of their usual routine and such.
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incorrect-splatoon · 2 years
<Knock knock>
Pearl: Come in.
[Marie ane callie enter the living room while pearl prepare breakfast]
Pearl: Marina is still sleeping.
Callie: Oh, I see ! Marina favorite Football team won yesterday, that's why she is so sleepy, she party all night.
Pearl: Yeah, you were watching the match too ?
Callie: No, you are actually wearing Marina Football shirt of her favorite team, which can only mean one thing. You... euhm...
Marie: You "Celebrate" their victory together after the match and end up taking her shirt to welcome us this morning.
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wally-franks · 1 year
hiii hi im here with my liddol hcs for u... looks up at u with my big sad wet eyes. this is my silly little au ,,, i love urs tho n would love to hear the angst bcos. theres so much angst i left out too fjrjfhie
ok so WALLY- little guy but absolutely not stupid. like he knows whats going on BUT hes just. a little silly sometimes. low braincells but can piece stuff together and is careful. carries a knife with him. does not want to get into trouble (excluding pranks ofc. loves them) uh. 147cm, transmasc, and pan. his hat is very important. i actually just finished making his hat but thats a different thing fhjrjf
talks a LOT and has a gossip group with norman n susie. but its all in good fun. n u know thomas is him boyfriend. they pretend to be Mortal Enemies but at home they r so so soft... they must put up a front at work because they are scared of how they'll look in front of other ppl. if only they knew that probably like 2 ppl total in jds were cishet fbjrj,, he has that audhd and his silly little catchphrase is everything ok.
thomas- too tall bites him. i mean. ahem. 183cm and bisexual. very closed off from people but will not hesitate to confront people. very touchy about the machine cos its his "best creation" or whatever. ok stupid college boy but go off ig. (i love him sm)
basically just there to get work done. he acts smart, looks smart, but hes "stupid"... not in the way of logically stupid, he is just very silly sometimes. also he smokes. i mean have u HEARD his voice (affectionate) he has 5 older brothers n his family is very sweet i think. gnaws on the thomas plush part twenty million
and finally SAMMY- very very stressed so he yells a lot BUT he does a softer side in private. he just needs to front as mean and irritating with everyone to keep his image up :(( grr squishes him very hard. transmasc and gay bc. he just is. does not like joey but then again in my au nobody really does but thats ok<3 back to sammy the babygirl. he is 168cm and his "partner" is jack... but we all know... the silly... also probably helped johnny learn the organ/piano. because it needs to happen
if u want 2 know more or have any questions my dms are open >:3c sorry for th ramble!!! fjrjeh
Hii!!  I'm so sorry this took so long to get toooooo. I had to inhale this text for a bit and let it sog into my brain xD I always need a bit to take in muchhhhooss information (nothing bad btw just me being me hehe)
AND YEAHHH.. I should maybe talk more about angst. But at the same time I'm like. Naurrrr... Naurrrr... I really live by "there's always so much negativity and sadness in this world, no need to add more to it" SO I ALWAYS HESITATE SHARING ANGST AND SAD THINGS!! CUZ I'M LIKE!!  WHY BE SAD IF I CAN HAVE FUN STUFF WITH STUFF THAT MAKES ME HAPPY </3 + most of it is just killing and torture anyway and euhm. Those tend to trigger ehm negative stuffs in me anyway :') Mostly just hallucinations and shit thoughts but!! You know, when there's a good time to share some of that stuff, I will!! :3 or maybe I share more about my toon Alice. She's a bit more tame about with that stuff. Anyhow. This is about YOU and not me. Soooo I'll go now through your stuff >:)
Wally being like that is true, that really fits to him!! He's just a silly that takes his his time to piece stuff together and that is okay :3
And OMG, mine also carries a knife around :D I just think it makes so much sense for hi to do so.... He's encountered moving ink puddles before, might just aswell carry a knife til. I feel like it also makes more sense after we saw his hat and a knife at artists rests (+ the April fools video hehe). Also, him being transmasc and pan is so funny because my old version of wally used to be exactly that aswell!!  :D I changed that though, but again something very fitting for him. I loev your wally. He's so silly. AND SMALL!!!???  like damn OMG I didn't expect him to be that tiny. I could just launch him /lh
(Wally being a little gossip girly pop is so funny and real HAHAHA )
Thomas's and Wally,s relationship being like that is exactly how I envisioned it xD I love that for them so much.
And.. DAMN!! IM ALMOST AS TALL AS THOMAS BOY!! I thought yours would have been MUCH taller. Guess I was wrong. That's so interesting.
Also yeah... He definitely smokes. He smokes so damn much, probably several packs a day LMFOA. It's not to miss with a voice like that xD. You'd have to be insane to not think that.
SAMMY BOY!!! SAMMY BOY!! I've been so keen on hearing about him!!!!! Wa'hh!!  We love publicly intimidating and soft at home Sammy I love that so so so so so much waghahahhhh!! And he's also way smaller than I thought,!! Another suprise here :D but nothing bad. Just me being like woah??  In taller than him. ALSO, HIM AND JACK BEING A THING?? YAY!! I LOVE SAMMY AND JACK TOGEZHER WJAJAJAJ AND OHOHOHH JOHNNY MOMENT. JOHNNY MENTIONED *POINTSSS*
AND YEAH I'LL LET YOU KNOW IF I WANNA KNOW MORE. AND DON'T BE SORRY I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.. ERMMMM. IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK MORE ABOUT YOUR JOHNNY *twirls hair* I'd love to know what he's up to in your AU. Where he's mostly at!! Mine is first at the music department but then gets moved down to lacie and Bertrum, so I'd love to know where yours at!! And his personality too. That's the thing that interests me the most!!! Giving a character who has no info at all jngame a personality is always so cool and interesting to see :D everyone has like their own way of seeing and imagining characters.. I'd die to know how yours is!!!!
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gummraa · 1 year
Tagged by @buggoogly :D
Relationship status: very very single
Fav color: RED
Song stuck in my head: nothing right now actually but a bit ago it was fucking. Hedgehog stew
Last song listened to: the Hacklers - Kick it down
3 fav foods: this one schupfnudel pan meal I always make, sushi, strawberry yogurt 👍
Last thing I googled: "Veronaville ancestors" I’m working on an uberhood again and needed Claudio and Olivia to make viola
Dream trip: genuinely not sure. I don’t really care much for going places…
Anything I want rn: FOR IT TO BE NEXT WEEK PLEASE and for the weather to stay good. Please I got PLANS
Euhm I’m supposed to tag 10 ppl
@streetofvampires @cake-nastyy @beau-broke @lazyislays @obsoletepixels @jacethegaymer @petz5 @twoleafsimmer @ciniga @hyperthinks
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homuras · 2 years
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Euhm... Jessica something happened with your description DD: !!! Just letting you know >w<!!!
Oh yeah, that's the freehostedscripts counter script I have on my blog. It shows up fine on my actual blog theme, but the tumblr description box doesn't seem to handle it well. Might end up just moving it somewhere else. But thanks for letting me know!
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mikerooksi · 3 months
lmk headcanons
wukong has the most fluffiest longest hair ever but its always TANGLED AND/OR TIED UP BC HE DOESNT TAKE CARE OF IT... he also pulls on his hair sometimes when he's stressed. but y'know him he's never gonna be stressed in front of people
macaque used to have long hair but then he cut it all..... ☹️ (he was tryna separate himself from wukong since ykk....) also he has a scar on his eye (he's like.. lowkey blind bc of that scar..) and uhm uhm white hair because of LBD
red son is blasian. y? BECAUSE !!!
mei is a girl kisser (AND BOY KISSER !!!!!! shes bi)
MK says 'real' to everything he picked it up from mei YOU CANT TELL ME OTHERWISE (he picked everything up from mei)
red son is aware of his goofy accent and he lets mk and mei tease him for it sometimes (if hes not in a bad mood)
red son looks more like his dad w his horns and tail bc i said so
sometimes when macaque looks at MK, while MK is in his monkey form, his eyes trick him and he sees wukong instead. he has to remind himself that he's not in the past anymore.
macaque is real jealous he cant draw as good as wukong can, but hes never gonna admit that and he's NEVER gonna ask for tips from wukong either.
macaque gets on red son's nerves because macaque can see through the 'distant villain' act that red son plays, which is ironic because thats exactly the same act he plays too. he plays it a little better, though.
MK doesnt have a music taste,, he just listens on shuffle or whatever the gang recommends him to listen to and then he puts those songs into his favorites.
red son is... actually idk. he don't really care about their gender and they js use whatever pronouns, soo... yah !!!!!
update: wukong has dyslexia too i forgot to add that here
and uhmm final headcanon that I can think of right now:
they're all zesty in some way (red son, macaque, and wukong all very much)
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littlebit--psycho · 1 year
Where do I sign up!?
Damn that's actually a good question.
Euhm. My dm's?
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"that's why we need them to tell us first, so we can know what the fake sighting is gonna say and not to trust it. just to know if they'll post it."
That's what I wanna know as well 👀 Dying to know this actually. I love a little experiment 👩‍🏫
Btw, I often used to send questions to deuxmoi about a celebrity and she literally never answered me. I mentioned this on their Instagrampage under a post and she answered that I can ask whenever there is a q&a or send in an email. Euhm... that's what I was doing the whole time 🤷‍♀️I tried again and guess what... never gotten a response. So I stopped sending them asks.
oh really? i never have asked any them any questions. interesting :/
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ninalanfer · 1 year
Make 9 2023
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Make 9 2023
We all know a make9 is more of a hopes and dreams and inspiration going into the new year than it is actual plans. But it gives you something to look forward to don’t it? So here we go.
Julia Hjärtvärmare by Maria Gustafsson One of those projects that have come with me from 2022. I have the yarn for it, I’ve even spun for it. It’s been ready to go for almost a year now. But... One of the first steps is to cast on 567 (actual number) stitches and euhm... Yeah. That’s more than a little daunting.
Poet Socks by Sari Nordlund I usually don’t put things as socks or mittens or hats on this. The small projects will happen when they happen anyway. But Poet Socks are something of an undertaking. Really they represent a whole list of more complex knitted socks (both lace, structure and stranded) I have that I’d like to knit. Last Socktober I really went sock crazy and I’m still kind of on that high. Ofc the craziness was more that I found and dreamed of knitting all these socks. A week or two into October Arjin got sick and all my energy was diverted to that. So I never got the chance to knit all the socks. One day.
Martall by Maja Karlsson I might’ve been gifted Maja’s newest book, Koftor, this past holiday. There’s several cardigans from that book that I want to knit. But on the top of the list is Martall. I’m partial to the round yoke and simple, sensible cardigans. (And I love the lore surrounding Martallar). I also have a hole in my wardrobe for a long one. Had for a while. Had a lot of plans for one, but never gotten around to it. So in a way, Martall represents that need. Maybe it ends up being a neon rainbow on black as have been on the drawing board before. Or maybe a modified Harvest (tincanknits) in hand-dyed, handspun. We’ll see.
Vintersol by Jennifer Steingass This is where the yarn for my former plan for the Maja Cardigan will go. I have a few of Steingass’ patterns (who doesn’t? They’re all gorgeous), but this is the only one of them that uses this weight of yarn. I’ll probably also want to knit it as a cardigan/jacket (because I don’t tend to wear this thick sweaters) and I’ll knit it flat. Stranded knitting on the purl side really isn’t that difficult. Not when you hold both strands in the left hand. (Or two in the left and one in the right as a few of the rounds in this is three strands). There also isn’t that much colorwork in this sweater, so it fits. I’ve already swatched for it, it’s gonna be really pretty. This’ll also go into Garnhärvan Podcast’s knitalong #ghdrömmenkal because if I don’t start now I’ll never start.
I Dina Händer Skirt by Emma Josefsson The picture here is of my shawl from the same pattern. I plan to modify it to knit into a skirt. I’ll probably end up either putting buttons down the front or grafting it together in the end. I’ve yet to make up my mind. It’ll go more towards greens and autumn orange/red and such, but in the same yarn (Alpe form Järbo). Cuz I’ve used the heck out of that shawl and the fabric is really nice at a looser gauge. I only have one knitted skirt and I use it pretty much all the time. It’d be nice to have something to change it out with.
Silva by Ivar Asplund This had been with me since last year. I now own the yarn for it. Only waiting for my 3mm needles to be free.
Goldfern by Jennifer Steingass I will not give up on a handspun Goldfern. It will happen I tell you!
Suolaulu by Jenna Kostet I was also gifted Jenna’s newest book Knitted Kalevala for the holidays. (And let me tell you it’s been difficult to not fill this entire make9 with knits from either books I’ve been gifted! The more I read them, the more of the patterns I wanna make...) I want to knit like five of the patterns in it already. But Suolaulu is in the top spot (the original sweater, not the yoked version). A really magical book in it’s own right, on top of the stunning patterns. And I’ve yet to decide if I want to do the dropped shoulder or if I’ll do a plain round yoke like I know fits me. I imagine a dropped shoulder would create a lot of bulk under the arm? I’m not sure if that’s true but we’ll see I suppose.
Batgirl Crop-Top Hoodie by Me And lastly, the batgirl hoodie. I still dream about this sweater. A thin, light fabric in the heather colorway from Rauma (Finull). The hood will drape nicely over my head or shoulders (the bat ears is another problem I haven’t solved yet but we’ll get there) and the sleeves will be tight and long (maybe even with a thumb hole?). And since it’s cropped it’ll be perfect to wear over tight tees indoors. I need this in my wardrobe!
So some want, some need, some dreams for this year. I’m excited for it at least!
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 2 months
Chuckling a bit in embarrassment, Evan gives Bing a pat “Yeah I’m sorry, I kinda just dragged you along- euhm I kinda just ran after you because I-well-wanted to know why you looked so familiar, and I got that answer, heh” Evan begins, swaying on the sides of his feet as Silvie simply stares amused
“But now that we have you, euh, okay. You know everything about this place, I remember you do” he says more seriously as Silvie crosses his arms “You were here before my first visit even. You know the ringleader, and his deals” he continues as Silvie takes a deep breath
“Yeah, I know pretty much everything sure. Which also means you remember the fact I can’t tell you everything either. Just because I’m not a fae doesn’t mean I can ignore their rules. I work here Evan. You know what that means” he emphasises as Evan gestures
“I, remember. I know, I know, but. You’re not tongue-tied like the rest here. I remember that too” he says, seeing Silvie glance away, as if spying at the shadows “Just, are we in trouble Silvie?”
“Not any more than any other dealmaker” Silvie mumbles, chewing the inside of his cheek, clearly debating his words
"Are our fam? They haven't made any deals but like, bad luck follows us a lot... I guess maybe some of them could've, actually. Can I show you a group photo and you tell me if you recognize anyone? Doc kinda went off on hisnown for a while and like, we dunno Host's full history and like... Wilford is just everywhere all the time..."
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