#Emily is chubby and usually ok with that
aph-oklahoma-46 · 4 years
I’m back, fuckers!
Have a short lil thing. Tw for body positivity issues and fatphobia. Emily=Oklahoma, Heni=Kansas, Miles=Missouri, Angel=Texas, Alex=Louisiana
“What’s wrong?”
Emily looked up at the sound of Heni’s voice. Heni had peeled her head around the door to Emily’s room and was watching her with a look of concern.
Emily sat up from where she lay on her floor. “Nothing’s wrong. Why would anything be wrong?” She adjusted her leotard and leggings. The frustration was more evident in her voice than she had wanted it to be.
Heni stepped into the room and over to Emily as they spoke, “You’re worried. Is it the recital?” They sat on the bed and patted a spot next to them for Emily to join. “Angel said you’ve been practicing more than usual for this one.”
“I always practice more before big recitals, he knows that. That’s all this is: a big recital. I’ve been dancing for years! Why would I be worried about this one dance?” She sat next to Heni.
“I don’t know. Why are you worried about this one?” Heni asked. Emily had been practicing a lot more than usual for this particular recital. By now, Heni wouldn’t be surprised if she could do then steps in her sleep. But according to Angel, she’d also been spending less time with him and Nonose in favor of dancing, and she’d seemed more critical than normal of her own performance in rehearsals. None of that was normal.
Heni wrapped their arms around their girlfriend and rested their chin on her shoulder, before saying, “Love, you know this dance by heart. You’re going to do amazing at the recital and people are going to love it. What has got you so worked up over this?”
Emily sighed. “I know I’ll do good… but I have to do perfect. I can’t mess up during the recital because I’m not-,” she cut herself off before her voice could waver. Emily took a breath to steady herself and wrapped her arms around her stomach, over Heni’s.
“I’m not a ‘ballerina’ ballerina. I’m not little and pretty and thin and… I have to do better than good. I have to be just as good as the other dancers, because otherwise, I’m just the fat ballerina. The other girls can slip up every now and then and it’s fine, because ‘everyone makes mistakes,’ or they aren’t as experienced. But If I mess up, it’ll be because I’m not ‘built for it.’” Emily paused and covered her face as she rested her elbows on her knees. Feeling Heni’s hand rubbing up and down her back, she again tried to steady her breathing.
Next to her, Heni had been listening quietly. It’s better for Emily to be able to get out everything she needs to say before Heni offers advise or comfort, based on the situation. As Emily finished speaking, Heni stayed silent and stroked her back to help her calm down. They were confused; Emily had talked about things like this in the past, both about dancing and in other parts of life. She was chubby, and she had been given grief over it before. Still, Heni hadn’t heard Emily worry over her figure or weight in a long time, least of all in regard to dancing. What had happened that had brought up old fears?
“Em, why are you worried about this now? I thought your coach was supportive about stuff like this. That’s why you guys picked them, because they were good with kids who aren’t skinny, white, cis girls… Did someone say something to you?” Heni bristled at their own question. Emily was (in their mind) the sweetest person alive, and they couldn’t understand anyone going out of their way to make someone like her feel bad about themselves.
Emily peeked up from where she hid her face in her hands and muttered, “It’s stupid, I know it is. There was just some girl that made a comment about… I don’t even know, being top-heavy? I didn’t hear it, Jamal told me after practice. I guess this girl’s been saying stuff like that about a few people in our group.” She sat back up and leaned on Heni. “I’m sorry. Stuff like this usually doesn’t bother me anymore. I don’t know why this has me so upset.”
Heni reached up to undo the bun Emily had put her hair in. “Maybe it’s because it was said about something you like doing? So, what if some asshole on the street or in the store thinks you’re to big to be pretty? You’ve already got a badass girlfriend who thinks you’re awesome in every way.” They smiled at the giggle they got for kissing Emily’s nose. “And your friends… brothers… bro-friends think you’re awesome and like to give Angel and Alex gray hairs with you. But this chick implied you couldn’t dance as well, or that you had to be even better at dancing than most other people, because you’re fat. Which is stupid, because you’re already like, way better than anybody I’ve ever seen.”
“You only watch me dance, you dork, you wouldn’t know if I’m better than anybody else because I’m your only yardstick!”
“Well, I’m still right! You are the best I’ve seen. So, I’ll go with you to your next class and I’ll sock this bitch in the eye. Just point her out, I do it.”
Emily giggled again and shook her head. “You can get in fights with the other dancers, Heni, you’ll get in trouble.”
“I am trouble! My middle name is ‘Trouble!’”
“I thought Miles’ middle name was ‘Trouble?’”
“Fuck Miles. But seriously, you’ve got more talent in your pinky than whoever this girl is has in her whole body. And Jamal probably does, too, whoever that is. You are going to be the best dancer on that stage next week, and when it’s over, I’m gonna give you a ton kisses to prove it.”
Emily craned her head back to smile up at Heni, who had finished one decent braid in her hair and had started a second. “How many kisses?”
“So many… like, five.”
“That’s not a lot of kisses, you dork!”
The two giggled as Heni leaned down and kissed Emily’s forehead repeatedly. When they stopped, they finished braiding Emily’s hair and the two laid down together on the cover of the bed, Heni wrapping one arm over Emily’s shoulder. After a minute, Heni pressed their foreheads together.
“Do you feel better?”
They felt Emily nod.
“Yeah, a little.”
“That’s good enough for me.”
    “Gross, you could at least shut the door!”
“Fuck OFF, Miles!!”
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cheyningdiamond · 3 years
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First off!!! Adam!!
Adam is an angel resurrected by Jeb himself after being turned into a zombie. After begging resurrected, he wanted to be trained to become strong to help others and himself in need.
Adam is sometimes a timid soul but in a tough situation will snap out of it real fast. He's stronger than he looks. His relationship with Jebediah is very close, looking up to Jeb as a leader, a father, and a God pretty much. Adam's thoughts on Hank and his friends are very positive, despite Jebediah fighting with them in the past. He sometimes prays that Hank and Jeb wouldn't hate each other so much.
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Next up, Dallas!! Dallas is a vulgar and rather promiscuous incubus who spends most of his time flirting, drinking, gambling, anything bad, you name it. Once summoned by the Auditor due to getting the wrong summon, he and his gang worked for Auditor against Jeb and Hank until the Auditor got sick and tired of them constantly failing and throwing them to the curb.
That was when Jeb brought them to his hideout. Finally talking sense into the three, they work for him and pretty much make his life hell lol. But they made themselves useful.
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Roxxie is a small chubby female succubus who works along side Dallas. She's not the smartest but boy she is the sweetest! She shows that no matter what your body has, that there's always beauty in you somewhere. She mostly gets kinda rowdy with Dallas which leads to Diesel having to break them up.
Diesel is the brawns and the brains of the group. For being a strong looking guy, he's very intelligent and is the least flirtatious of the three. Probably faved by Jeb due to his calmer and smart behavior. Out of everyone in the team, Dallas has been known to be the hot-headed one.
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My adoptable baby boy Sunnyyy!!! He's a pineapple grunt I adopted from Twitter. He's a trans lifeguard who makes sure things are ok on his beach in Nevada. He absolutely does NOT condone bullying and will personally throw bullies off his beach. He is known for protecting children and adults who have been bullied even going so far as being abused.
Constantly uses words like "Bro, Tubular, Radical, Siiiiiiiiiick, Awesome-sauce'
He's a goof but he's a sweet goof.
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NemNem or Emily, is a childhood best friend to Skittles. She was once very timid and shy. Living in a family with a divorced mother and father, she mostly spent her time at Skittles' home. She looks up to Tricky as a father figure in a way. Growing up, with a lot of persuasion, Tricky trained her to be a stronger person so she could protect Skittles.
Emily met her now girlfriend Lilah in college. Skittles already was close friends with her so he got them to know each other and that's how they fell in love :)
Lilah is the girl on the right in the right photo. She's a goth gal who does witchcraft. She's actually from the UK but moved to Nevada when she was 5. Her mother left for a mission and unfortunately never had returned. She is presumed dead.
Lilah still wonders and even tries searching to find any sign of her mother.
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MAG AGENT: GEODE is another MAG-nified soldier of the Auditor. Being once a spy was captured by an agent and tested on until she became what she is now. She usually just spends time roaming the old abandoned facility crying and covering her face. When injured, Geodes will form where she was injured, healing herself in a... monstrous way.
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Next up is,oh boy, Gunk. Gunk is a failed clone of Hank, being the laughing stock of the A.A.H.W. Being a weird slime thing, he can't physically hurt anybody as much as he desperately wants to. Wants to watch the world burn. Hates Auditor and everyone in A.A.H.W and even Hank because he blames them for his existence. Isn't familiar with kindness and compliments so he'll cry if complimented and unlike Hank, he is PETRIFIED of blenders and grinders.
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Throw my sona here cuz why not. Pansexual ass lady who loves Sloths and is a fucking baby when it comes to pain. Probably gets killed a lot and somehow comes back as a butt of a joke.
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builder051 · 5 years
Everything that kills me
A commission for an anonymous client.  Criminal Minds.
take that money
 watch it burn
sink in the river 
the lessons I learned
everything that kills me 
makes me feel alive
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The plane ride is uncomfortable.  Usually JJ has no problem reading or writing while in motion, letting her eyes and hand move gently with the turbulence, but today, the legal pad in her lap seems to be swimming.  The green lines fuzz over and disappear into a blur of the yellow paper, leaving her pen marks looking stark and dreary.  A subtle throb has developed behind her right eye and invited a streak of bright aura with it.  Some of her letters stand out in three dimensions while others seem to retract into the page.
“The local PD is still calling him a serial rapist,” Hotch says, flipping around his iPad to show the battered faces of four young women.  “But with one found dead at the scene and one failing to survive her injuries, we’re probably looking for a serial killer.  His time between victims is short, bordering on a spree.”  He glances around at the other members of the team.  “Time is really of the essence here.”
JJ nods and copies down the note.  She scans over what she has so far, as if reading it again will press the bit of information into her brain.  She only gets a moment, though, before her vision starts to cross again.  JJ rubs her eyes with her knuckle and brings the butt of the pen up to tap against her teeth.  
Come on, she tells herself.  Concentrate.
It’s been like this on and off for a while now, not that she wants to admit it.  If anyone asks, she’s fine.  No problems.  She’s good to work.  And truly, she is.  She has more good days than bad ones, sleepless nights notwithstanding.  The insomnia probably isn’t even related to post-traumatic stress.  JJ lies awake next to Will as often as she does when she’s away on a case.  The migraines are a different story, but not one she’s ready to tell anyone else about.  At least not yet.  
She blinks hard and starts over, re-reading the first line on the page.  Her forehead throbs before she finishes the first line of text..  
Four young women, raped and battered.  Patsy Michaelsen.  Age 22.  Found at the mouth of a bike trail with two punctured lungs, a miraculously non-lethal slash across her throat, and a used condom in her mouth.  The scar will show for the rest of her life; the raspy whisper of her voice is supposedly temporary.  The BAU has a file of notes from an interview with local law enforcement, but it’s none too enlightening.  A man.  A dark hood.  A knife.  JJ could have guessed the details.  She imagines the specter of the unsub leaning over her; large, sweaty hands finding her neck.  It makes a line of cold sweat run down her spine.
Then Lydia King, a 24-year-old grad student with a UK passport, dead and buried in a pile of leaves just off the road in front of a playground.  Kids found her on their way out to play.  Not that she was much more than a kid herself.  JJ examines Lydia’s photo, taking in her unblemished chubby face.  If she didn’t know better, JJ would have pegged her for an innocent 16.  She finds herself wondering if Lydia was a virgin.  Then her stomach knots as she feels guilty, so instead hopes the abuse was at least post-mortem.
Jersey Jones was found fewer than twelve hours later.  Technically it was the next day, but the accelerated timeline between victims two and three means a spree.  The unsub is unravelling.  Possibly getting sloppy.  He left semen in the vic this time.  He’d forgotten the condom, or disregarded it.  The 27-year-old Jersey looked closer to 30, another departure from the previous MO.  They won’t know for sure it’s the same perp until DNA results come in, but JJ has little doubt.  
Then there was Sarah McQueen, the one who got away.  She managed to pick her way across six lanes of traffic and into a 24-hour diner where the owner called for an ambulance.  The authorities thought she’d been hit by a car until she started vomiting up strips of latex.  Local PD put two and two together and called the feds within the hour.  Hotch accepted the case as soon as Penelope finished downloading the files, and the team was on the jet before Sarah was out of surgery.
“She’ll be in a delicate position.  Traumatized and probably having trouble expressing herself.  She has head injuries in addition to slashes on her torso and neck,” Hotch warns. 
“That’s another difference from the last three,” Emily points out.  “Are we sure she’s not number three?  Is this all the same guy?”
“Lexington isn’t that big of a city,” Spencer supplies.  “It’s unlikely to have more than one active at a time with that population density.  Killer or rapist.”
JJ nods absently in agreement, still scanning her notes. 
“Anything to add?” Hotch asks, looking at her. 
“Um.”  JJ struggles to focus for an uncomfortable moment.  
“You ok?”  This time, it’s Emily, glancing her way with a concerned expression.
“Yeah.  Of course.”  JJ clears her throat and swallows.  “Looks like he’s escalating.  Jersey might have been a victim of opportunity, but things didn’t go as expected, so he went after Sarah before he cooled off?”
“Sarah does have more defensive wounds,” Spencer says.  “And the blows to the head might have been an attempt to incapacitate her.”
JJ nods again, glad the spotlight is off her.  Focus, she tells herself again.  What is with you?  You’ve worked while feeling this bad before, no problem.
Hotch starts to lay out plans.  As soon as JJ’s instructed to visit the victims in the hospital with Spencer, she lets her mind wander.  She taps her pen again, absently counting the dull clicks of the plastic against her teeth.  
Five.  The number of Patsy’s broken ribs.  
Twelve.  The number of hours between vics two and three.  
Eighteen.  The age of Sarah McQueen. 
JJ jumps, instinctively bringing her hand to her chest.
Spencer appears at her shoulder.  “Sorry,” he says.  “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine.”  JJ smiles and drops her defensive position.  “Want to compare notes?”  She looks back to her tight cursive spread over the first page of her legal pad.  As usual, Spencer’s written about five times as much, his untidy scrawl marching across several crumpled-edged sheets.
He quickly reads over her shoulder.  “No, I think you got everything important.”
“Good.”  JJ runs her fingers through her hair, embarrassed of being put on the spot, even though she and Spencer are close.  Her nails catch and pull on a few strands, making her wince.
“You ok?”
“Oh, yeah,”  JJ repeats.  For a second she thinks considers saying headache, but she thinks better of it.  All that’ll do is put another worry in her friend’s mind, one that he certainly doesn’t need.
Spencer pauses and squints slightly.  “Tell me if you’re not?”
“Of course.”
JJ’s glad when the pilot’s tinny prep for landing announcement sounds.  Spencer sits beside her, and she’s relieved to be taken off the spot.  He can’t look at her now without being awkward. 
The silence between them still feels odd, though, so she takes a bottle of water from her bag.  JJ makes to unscrew the cap, but finds her hands trembling too hard to hold it steady.  Luckily the jet hits a patch of turbulence to cover the movement, but she feels caught either way.  Her mouth is full of thick saliva, and she isn’t thirsty anymore.  JJ settles for picking distractedly at the label until the plane touches down on the runway.
The drive to the hospital is downright painful.  JJ’s knees ache as she pulls herself up into the front passenger seat of the shiny black SUV.  She’s not sure how she wound up riding shotgun, but she’s grateful for the bit of good fortune.  The stiff leather seat feels hard and lumpy behind her back, and the air conditioning all but makes her teeth chatter.  Clammy sweat gathers on her forehead, but she wipes it away before the local detective behind the wheel has the chance to notice.
“How far to the hospital?” JJ asks, swallowing hard and trying to smile.  Her stomach twists uncomfortably again as her mind flickers backward to other times she held pain between her teeth like this.
It’s nothing like those other times.  No one is hissing in your ear.  No one is holding you against your will.
“Fifteen, twenty minutes?” the detective says, his voice thick with an Appalachian accent.  “Not too far.”
Not long for you, but a long time for those girls.  A long time when you’re the one tied up.
JJ shakes her head to clear it, but all it does is reignite the throb.  “Good,” she says, though her voice sounds anything but..
Spencer asks a question from the backseat, taking control of the conversation.  JJ silently thanks him, though he probably has no idea.
Or does he?  Guilt joins the noxious brew churning in her gut.  They aren’t supposed to profile each other, but they’re not supposed to keep secrets, either.  However she puts it, JJ knows she’s in the wrong. 
But what’s wrong about hiding a headache? she asks herself.  That’s all it is.  Just a little headache.
The hospital smells of antiseptic.  One whiff practically makes JJ’s eyes burn.  Cold discomfort rises in her stomach again as she picks up something else, something like salt and copper hovering just under the pervasive curtain of alcohol-based sanitizer.
The local cop leads them through a maze of hallways to Sarah McQueen’s room.  Through the window JJ sees her on her back in the bed, a layer of bandages wrapped tightly around her head, giving the impression of a snowy white ski cap pulled over curtains of icy blonde hair.  It looks like a dye job to JJ, maybe even one of those at-home bleach kits.  She makes a mental note to check the details of the other girls’ hair and see if that’s part of the pattern.
You should already know, the voice in her head tells her.  You’re falling behind.
JJ sighs and shakes her head slightly, her own blonde waves moving on either side of her face.  Her eyes feel wet, and she blinks a few times to get a handle on herself.  A pool of tears threatens to loose itself down her cheek, so she quickly swipes her thumb across her lower lash line. 
When JJ lifts her head, Spencer’s staring at her.  He narrows his eyes to a concerned squint, but Sarah begins to cough, and he focuses his attention on her instead.
“Hi, Sarah,” JJ says.  She clears her throat, bursting what feels like a bubble of mucous blocking the top of her esophagus.  “My name is Jennifer, and this is Spencer.  We’re with the FBI.” 
The girl doesn’t even have her eyes open, but if the doctors and local PD are letting them question her, JJ assumes Sarah is up to the challenge. 
“Mmph.”  The girl makes a little groaning sound.  Her lashes flutter slightly, but other than that she remains motionless.
JJ swallows.  She can’t decide if she needs to cough again.  Her vocal cords feel tight, as if an invisible hand is pressing down on the front of her throat. 
Spencer picks up where she left off.  “Do you remember how somebody attacked you?  When you were—Were you walking last night?”
Sarah’s eyelids move again as she squints up at them.  A litany of facts and figures flick at the back of JJ’s mind.  Don’t walk to your car by yourself.  Don’t go out alone after dark.
Don’t give up information no matter how hard you’re questioned.
Don’t let men have their way with you.
Sarah starts to say something, her voice low and raspy.  Only a few sounds come out before she moves her head painfully to the side to hack and sputter into her shoulder.  A few flecks of blood spatter on the pale green fabric of her hospital gown.
JJ can taste the copper from across the room.  She swallows quickly, but cold sweat gathers on the back of her neck as her gag reflex moves jerkily up and down.  She practically feels thick fingers reaching for her shoulder, then her throat.
“It—“ JJ starts, desperate to shake the feeling.  “You’re not in trouble.” 
Too much spit froths under her tongue.  Of course Sarah’s not in trouble.  Why would she even think that?
Maybe you’re the one in trouble.
Guilt bubbles in her stomach again, combining with something hotter and angrier that sends sickly tendrils up into JJ’s chest.  She crosses her arms in front of her, hoping the pressure will at least give her a momentary hold. 
“Just, anything you remember can be helpful.”
Sarah opens her mouth.  It makes a wet sound, and somehow that’s the last straw for JJ.  Oh god, she prays silently, please no.  Please not now. 
Sourness rises in the back of her throat, and not the kind that can be swallowed back down.  Her jawline prickles as her gut presses upward into her chest.
“I’m—excuse me—“ JJ delicately touches her lips with the tips of her fingers, then turns on her heel and hurries from the room.  There has to be a bathroom, a trash can, even a mop bucket.  Something she can get to before she completely destroys her dignity. 
There are emesis basins stacked neatly on the counter at the nurse’s station.  JJ snags one and hurries down a deserted hallway.  She slows, her breathing ragged, as a heave makes her stomach contract and her shoulders jerk forward.  She holds the basin against her chest and backs into the wall, slowly sliding down into a crouch.  Stars flicker in the corners of JJ’s vision.  Nausea rises up in her, and sourness blossoms across her tongue as she vomits, bringing up bitter coffee and orange juice along with the remnants of last night’s dinner. 
The basin trembles in her grip, sending ripples through the disgusting fluid.  A drip runs to the end of JJ’s nose.  She sniffles, getting a good whiff of the odor of her own sick, and gags painfully again. 
She hears her name from the end of the hall.  It sounds miles away, echoing and hazy, but it brings an icy jolt of panic over her anyway. 
“No,” she says in a choked whisper, but whoever it is doesn’t hear her. Either that or he doesn’t listen.  
Footsteps approach.  Spencer’s hand drops onto her shoulder, and JJ jumps, the basin sliding from its loose position in her arms and clattering to the floor.  She swears under her breath as the pool of vomit seeps into her shoes.
“I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to—again, you know,” Spencer stutters, grasping at her arm to keep her from falling.
“I—it’s—”  JJ can’t control the retch that bursts from her chest, and she throws up a third time, bile dribbling in strings hanging from her lower lip.  “Oh my god.  Sorry.”
“It’s ok,” Spencer says quickly.  “It’s ok.  You’re alright.”  He pauses, cringing, to correct himself.  “Well, you’re not, but, it’s fine.  You have to breathe, JJ.”  He pats her on the back a few times, the soft percussive movement forcing air into her lungs. 
JJ’s throat burns with acid.  Her mouth waters, and she goes through the motions with a fourth, tiny heave.  She stands bent at the waist with her hands on her knees, her hair obscuring her burning face.  Spencer tries to help her upright, but JJ resists.  “No,” she murmurs.  “Just—just a second—”
“Of course.”  Spencer gently touches the back of her neck.  “I—you feel really warm,” he says.  “Do you think you have a fever?”
“No,” JJ says automatically.  She whips her hand behind her head to catch Spencer’s wrist.  His touch is nothing but soft, but she still can’t stand it.  “I’m sorry.”  She slowly begins to straighten, retracting her hand into her sleeve and dragging it across her lips. Tears prickle at the corners of her eyes again.
“Don’t worry about it.”  Spencer’s eyes are huge and glassy with concern.  A soft wrinkle forms between his brows.  JJ wants to reach up to smooth it out, but that would require touching him, and she isn’t ready for that yet.  “You’re really sick.”
“I’m…”  JJ plans on saying fine, but she knows she can’t continue to lie.  “Yeah.”  It comes out as the tiniest whisper, quiet and crackling with the physical and emotional strain of pushing out the word.  “I guess.  Yeah.”
“Should I get a doctor?”  Spencer glances around.  “A nurse, maybe?”
JJ shakes her head.  They are in a hospital after all, but she can’t accept help.  She can’t let the team see her like this.  Fever be damned, she’s been through much worse.  She isn’t supposed to fall apart.
“No, I just—”  JJ pauses to swallow.  “Let me just—back to the hotel.  Or the police station.  If I just lie down for a minute, I’ll be fine.” 
Speaking leaves her fatigued and short of breath.  JJ feels herself sway on her feet, and Spencer gently catches her shoulders.
“Please don’t…” JJ murmurs.  She can’t stand his touch anymore; it’s as if his long fingers are leaving red-hot furrows that burn away her sweater and blister her delicate skin.  “I’m sorry.”
“Ok.”  Spencer slowly nods.  His face blurs, and JJ isn’t sure if it’s the vertigo finally taking over or a fresh round of tears.  “Should I call someone?  Hotch?”
“Emily, then?”  It’s clear what he’s not saying.  JJ hates to admit it, but she would feel more comfortable with a woman.
“I—”  JJ wavers.  “I don’t know.  I guess.” 
“Alright.  Here.”  Spencer reaches for the disgusting basin she still has clutched to her chest.  “Are you, uh, done?”
“Yes, I think so.  Sorry, that’s…”  She shakes her head, reigniting the nauseating pain throbbing behind her eyes. 
“A natural process of the human body,” Spencer finishes.  “I won’t give you any more facts, I promise.”
JJ tries to smile, but her face feels heavy and frozen in a pained expression.  “Thanks.”
They drop the basin on an abandoned nurse’s cart and slip out a back door, then down the steps to the parking lot.  As soon as Spencer helps her into the car, he dials Emily and puts the phone on speaker.
“Prentiss,” the other woman answers on the first ring.  “Did you get anything from Sarah McQueen?”
“Oh.”  JJ’s practically forgotten about the girl.  Another swoop of guilt rises in her stomach, and she has to swallow hard to keep it from turning into something worse.  “Um…”
“You have any luck with the victims’ online presence?” Spencer asks, covering for her effortlessly.
“Actually, yes.  Garcia’s pulled what she can from all their accounts, and it looks like they were all into fitness.”
“What, same gym?”  The words sear on the way out of her throat, but JJ’s desperate to participate.
“No, more like trail running.”
“That’s really dangerous,” Spencer pipes up.  “Women going out alone after dark.  Probably wore their hair up.  Ponytails are easy to grab, making them more appealing targets…”  JJ sees the cogs turning in his head. 
“Could it really be that simple?” Emily asks.
“Talk to their friends.  See if you can recreate their running routes,” JJ suggests.  The last word sticks, and she covers her mouth before the resulting cough can turn into a gag.
“You ok?” Spencer reaches for her again, but retracts his hand quickly.
“I’m fine, I just—”  Nausea rises in her, sending sweat trailing down from her temples.  “Oh god.”  JJ scrambles to open her door and hang her head out of the car.  She barely frees herself from her seatbelt when she throws up a weak stream of bile, almost all of it running sideways into her hair. 
“What was that?” JJ hears Emily ask, panic plain in her voice.
“I, um,” Spencer waffles.  “Actually why I was calling.  JJ’s sick, and I was wondering if you could meet us…  I don’t… I just…” he loses steam and begins to stutter.
“What’s wrong?  What happened?”
“An anxiety attack, maybe?” Spencer guesses.  He undoes his seatbelt and scrambles out and around the car.  “She’s vomiting, and I think she has a fever.”
“You’re still at the hospital, aren’t you?  Try urgent care—”
“No!” JJ says firmly.  She wipes her mouth with a shaking hand and uses the car door to push herself upright again.  “I just spooked.  I’m fine.”
“If you need a rest, you can take one,” Emily says.  “Hotch will let you—”
“Please don’t tell him.” JJ presses her fingertips into the corners of her eyes.  “I can’t let this get in the way.  What if someone else gets attacked tonight?”
“That’s not on you.”  Spencer shakes his head emphatically.  “We need you at your best.  Even just a little sleep will help.”
JJ sighs.  Guilt and sickness weigh heavily with the excess saliva running under her tongue.  He has a point.  She’s not at her best.  She hasn’t been at her best for weeks, and a nap isn’t going to make much of a difference.  “I’m sorry.”  JJ shakes her head.  She’s not even sure what she’s apologizing for, but she feels she needs to.  Badly. 
“JJ…”  Spencer looks from her to the phone.  “I know there’s something you’re not telling us.”
She shoots him a venomous look, and he quickly continues with, “You don’t have to say anything.  And I promise I won’t profile you any more.  But, just, you have to know we’re here for you.”
JJ swallows.  Her throat feels tight, and she isn’t sure if it’s more or less comfortable than it was before. 
“That’s,” she rasps, “I mean, thank you.”  She wants to explain more, but at the same time, she’s glad to remain silent.  “I will.  Sometime.”  A hiccup forces its way up, and she covers her mouth.  “Sorry.”
“Forget the police station, ok?” Emily says.  “I’ll meet you at the hotel.”
“Don’t—” JJ starts
“No, I’ll have Garcia load up some files.  I’ll look at them while you rest.  Then maybe we can put our heads together once you’re feeling a little better.
“I…”  JJ knows she can’t protest.  “Thank you.  You’re… Just, thank you.”
“You’re just welcome,” Spencer says at the same moment Emily says, “Of course.”
Spencer drives back to the hotel.  He appears to do his best to move the car smoothly, only skidding through one dangerously short yellow light.  “Ok, here we are,” he says after a few minutes of silence.
Thank god, JJ thinks.  She opens her door with trembling fingers, pausing to breathe through a queasy hiccup before attempting to exit the vehicle.
“Let me help you--”  Spencer runs around the back of the car and meets her on the passenger side.
“No!” JJ squeals before she can stop herself.  “I--I’m sorry.”  She covers her mouth with one hand and holds the other up to stop him.  “I just--I can’t.”
“That’s alright.”  Spencer stops in his tracks and holds the car door open instead.  “I won’t touch you.  Is it fever aches?”
The kid has to know that isn’t it.  He’s offering you an out, JJ thinks.  Take it.
“Um.  Yes,” she says with more formality than she means.  She wraps her arms around her chest as she stands up, a shiver wracking her thin frame.  
“Here.”  Spencer holds his hand an inch or so off the back of her shoulder, ready to catch her should she fall.  “We have rooms on the ground floor this time.  No elevator ride.”  He offers a wan smile.
“Good,” JJ manages.
They walk to the end of the hall.  Spencer taps on the last door in the row, and Emily opens the door.  “Oh, my god,” she says upon seeing them.  Then, “I’m sorry.  That’s--you look--”
“Dead?” JJ suggests with a dark smile.  It’s so inappropriate that she wonders if she’s getting close to delirium.
“Well, that’s not what I was going to say, but now that you mention it…”  Emily trails off, shaking her head.  “Get in here and take your shoes off.”  She points to JJ’s vomit-covered loafers.  
“Looks like you’ve got it from here,” Spencer says.  He lifts his hand in thanks to Emily, then gives JJ a hard stare.  “Take care of yourself, ok?  We’re all here for you to lean on.”
“Yes, exactly,” Emily echoes.  She looks to Spencer.  “Hotch wanted you back at the police station.”
Spencer nods.  “Ok.  See you later?  Hope you feel better, JJ.”
“Thanks,” JJ whispers.  
Now that she’s in a room where she can relax, her energy seems to be draining out of her along with her guard.  She divests herself of her shoes and gingerly moves toward one of the beds.  Emily helps her sit, then slips into the bathroom to run a washcloth under the tap.  
“Did you bring files from the station?” JJ asks.  “I thought Penelope was putting some on a laptop for us.”
“Yes,” Emily answers.  “But for me.  You need to rest.”
“I--”  JJ starts, but her train of thought leaves her as a wave of exhaustion crushes over her.  Tears prickle at the corners of her eyes as she feels tired and frightened and thankful all at once.  
“Hey.”  Emily sits on the edge of the bed and begins to carefully sponge JJ’s face.  “It’s ok, you know?  We all have our days when we need a little help.”
“Hm.”  JJ nods and presses her lips together.  “Yeah,” she whispers.  “Thank you.”  
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Best Friends for Life
So this is my first fic ever and i poured everything into this so hopefully you all like it
Warnings: none just pure fluff
Word Count: 1700+
Summary: You and your best friend(who married your husbands best friend) get the nursery ready for you and Joe’s second child.
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The loud patter of pouring rain slams against the new nursery window. The cloudy weather prevented the shining sun from blinding you as you painted the boring walls a faint hue of yellow. You and Joe decided that you wouldn’t find out the sex of the baby until it was born and you loved how excited Joe would get about the thought of another perfect mix of the both of you running around the house.
Your first born was a spitting image of his father. Elliot had the brightest auburn hair with huge chubby cheeks just like little Joe in one of his earlier movies Unspeakable Acts. Of course he had your eyes and puffy lips but he would always be your mini Joe no matter what. Ever since Joe got his new role as John Deacon, it’s been pretty lonely but Elliot would always fill in to cheer you up when daddy was gone.
The yellow walls were nowhere near close to being finished and Joe was going to be gone for the rest of the week so you decided to call up your best friend Emily.
She was a life saver especially when you had your little 3 year old running at your feet. As much as you loved Elliot he was completely exhausting and you had another one on the way. Emily has a little girl of her own, Arya, which definitely helps entertain the little toddler. The best thing about Em besides your amazing friendship was that she was married to Joe’s best friend and co-star Ben Hardy which made date nights that much more interesting. Their little girl was absolutely adorable and had the smallest blonde curls to compliment her huge green eyes. She was only a year younger than Elliot which made them being friends that much easier.
When Em came over soon after you called, (god that woman is amazing) it didn’t take long for the toddlers to run off and start re-enacting Jurassic Park with all of Elliot’s stuffed dinosaurs Joe insisted he needed. Em figured you would be hungry with being 6 months pregnant and all which made you very emotional (thanks pregnancy hormones). After she laughed for 3 straight minutes of you crying over take out, you both quickly ate and resumed the regular nursery assembling duties like planned.
Joe had already ordered a few things like a crib and the changing table which was a huge help. So Em started putting those together as you finished painting the main accent wall pale yellow, trying to keep the nursery as gender neutral as possible. As much as you wanted to know the gender, you held back and left the life changing envelop from your doctor taped on the fridge.
After about 3 more hours of painting and assembling the main items of the room, Em and you decided to call it a day and just watch a movie with the kids but when you walked out of the room you saw both Elliot and Arya cuddled up together with their preferred dinosaur. As cute as they looked, you still had to move them from the middle of the living room floor, so trying to be as quiet as possible and holding back both of your giggles, you put the kids to bed in Elliot’s room. Elliot got a little fussy so Em went back into the living room to pick a movie while you finished putting Elliot to bed. Even though Joe wasn’t here to sway with you and your sleeping son you still loved moments like these. The hum of the sound machine in the faint background lulled your little one to sleep and you finally placed him next to Em’s little Ben look alike.
When you were walking back to the living room, you couldn’t help but stop and gaze into the bedroom where you wish your husband was sleeping. You missed every part of him so much as the week went on. He only left a week ago and would be back by Saturday but you still missed his little snores. He would usually call by now seeing as it was 9:30 which worried you but you knew he was probably with Ben seeing as Em didn’t get a call from her husband either.
As you not so gracefully plopped onto the couch, your huge belly acting as a table for the snacks Em got for the both of you to share, you both quickly got invested into the movie. I wasn’t surprised that she picked X-Men Apocalypse considering she missed Ben just as much as I missed Joe.
It was about 10:45 now and the movie was half way through. You noticed yourself dozing off when your phone starts to vibrate on the side table. The dim screen showed an image of you and Joe at your wedding 5 years prior. You quickly scrambled to pick up the phone.
“Hi Honey, I miss you.”
“Hi babe I miss you too. How was the set today?”
“It was great! I got to play Another One Bites the Dust live and they said they were gonna use it in the film!”
“That’s awesome babe. We are so proud of you.”
“So how’s my little munchkins. Hope little Elliot wasn’t causing to much havoc today.”
“He was pretty good actually, Em came over with Arya today so he was pretty occupied to say the least.”
“And what about my love, our mystery baby giving you any trouble?”
“None at all, just kicking me like a soccer player in there. Baseball might not be the sport for this one.”
“I beg to differ. Mazzello’s always play baseball.”
“Well this Mazzello has a major punch. Might be a feisty little girl in here.”
“You didn’t look in the envelope did you?”
“No of course not Joey.”
You wanted to look so bad but you knew how much the secret meant to Joe. Joe didn’t know but you told Em to look in the envelope just so someone knew. You couldn’t bare the thought of no one knowing.
“I’m surprised you answered this late babe. I figured you would be asleep by now.”
“You know I can’t go to bed without telling my favorite guy I love him.”
“But I thought Elliot was with you?”
“Babe, you know who my most favorite guys is.”
“It’s Ben isn’t it. Does Em know?”
“I know, I know. I just miss your laugh. Heck I miss everything about you love. I miss you so so much.”
“I miss you too Joey. More than you could ever know.”
“Joe what did you do this time?”
“Open the door and find out.”
“What do you mean open the door?”
“Just do it.”
“Ok, ok just give me a second to get my huge belly off this couch.”
You get off the couch trying not to wake Em who you covered with your favorite throw. Walking to the door you couldn’t help but wonder what Joe had planned this time.
Did he send flowers again? But at this time of night, that doesn’t sound right.
You reached for the doorknob and slowly cracked the door open only to find your sexy, jet lagged husband on the other side.
“What are you doing here!”
“I couldn’t stand not seeing you for another day! Oh and I brought Ben cause he wouldn’t shut up about how much he missed Em and Arya.”
“Do you blame him? I mean you’re standing here too silly.”
“I never said I wouldn’t shut up about you three either.”
“He’s right it was way worse than me.”
While Joe and Ben were bringing there stuff inside Em heard the door shut and instantly jumped off the couch. She literally fell into Ben’s arms because of how quickly she got up. Joe and I tried to giggle as quiet as possible but it was no use. Joe heard Elliot’s cries from down the hall and went to go get him and calm him down so he didn’t wake Arya. When he came back, Joe was holding little Elliot in his arms with his favorite dinosaur hanging from his grasp and the green blanket Joe’s mother made him draped across his back. It was like you fell in love with Joe all over again. You told Em that her and Ben were welcome to stay in the guest bedroom for the night considering it was almost midnight.
After everyone was settled and almost everyone was asleep in the house again, you couldn’t help but watch Joe as he held your sleeping son by the large glass window that overlooked the city. You could feel a tear slip from your tired eyes as your heart flooded with happiness. These were the moments you never wanted to let go of. You waddled over to Joe and leaned into him as you both now looked at the sparkling skyline of New York. His kisses varying between you and your now snoring son.
“I never want to leave this. You both are my absolute world.”
“Joey we love you so much you don’t even know.”
“I love you both with my entire heart and more. Y/N you are my love. My everything. You have given me this beautiful family. Only to add one more and however many more after that.”
The tears were flowing from you eyes at this point.
“Joe you don’t even know the joy you give me. Our beautiful children. Your love. Trust. Everything. You gave me a purpose. You gave me your heart and love. You are my world. My soulmate.”
As you now lay in bed next to the absolute love of your life, tears running down from each of your cheeks, you knew that life was only gonna get better. Even through the ups and downs Joe was your person. Your one true love. And your best friend for life.
@queens-n-roses @sevenseasofky @onehystericalqueeen @soberandfurious
I hope everyone enjoyed this little fluff fest, I worked so hard on this and plan on writing more soon!
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chuffyfan87 · 4 years
Hiding. Part 53c
“I’m not.” He paused, “I’ve known for years she’s had distorted eating issues.”
"Why didn't she come to me about it? I'm her mother for goodness sake!"
“Because until last night she never admitted she had a problem.”
"Well looking at the state she's in today that's clearly not exactly done her much good!"
“She was willing to eat until someone commented on the size of her plate.”
"So this is all my fault is it?!"
“I’m not saying that.”
"Then what are you saying Charlie?"
“I’m not accusing anyone of anything.” He sighed. “I just wish I could do something.”
"Aren't there treatment programmes or something? Seeing as how you're convinced she has a problem that needs fixing."
“She won’t go to them.”
"Can't you make her?"
“No I can’t. I wish I could.”
"Aren't there ways you can force her medically?"
“Forcing her won’t change anything.”
"Obviously I'm not suggesting that you have my daughter sectioned or anything that dramatic..!"
“Duffy has to do this on her own terms.”
"How did you let things get this serious?"
“Me?” Charlie laughed slightly.
"What's so funny?"
“You think this is all my fault?”
"Well you claim to know her better than I do..."
“I can’t do anything to force her.”
"So how long has this been going on for then?"
“I don’t know. A while I assume.”
"Is this because of what Andrew did to her?"
“I don’t think Andrew helped matters.”
"He rarely did!"
“He used to force her to eat and then taunt her for it.”
The thought hit Kate like a ten tonne weight. "I never considered that was why..." She murmured.
“What was why?”
"She gained quite a lot of weight after Jake was born and then a little while later suddenly lost it all. Then it happened again, twice maybe three times more. I told her she needed to get a grip."
“She hates her figure. Prefers it when she’s skinny to being fat. Because she thinks she’s fat when she’s curvy.”
"Why would she think that? I mean there's been a handful of times where she's been quite overweight but most of the time she's just a bit chubby cheeked. But she's been like that since she was a little girl."
“Because she feels men take advantage of her when she’s curvy.” He explained and sighed.
"Oh well that's just nonsense! She's only had a handful of boyfriends over the years."
“It didn’t have to be her boyfriends that took advantage of her.”
"What are you saying Charlie? Did someone hurt my little girl?" She added in a whisper.
“I can’t tell you Kate. I promised Duffy.”
"I'm her mother!"
“And I promised my wife.” He replied back.
Kate sighed.
“I’m sorry Kate. I’d tell you but I made a promise. And I take my promises seriously.”
"I respect that." She sighed, knowing Charlie wouldn't budge on the matter.
“I will look after her. But she doesn’t make it easy.”
"She never has. She's stubborn like her father."
He nodded, “Stubborn is one way of describing her.”
Charlie and Kate decided to take the kids out for a walk to give Duffy a chance to rest without interruptions. Peter wasn't especially keen as he was concerned that there was more going on than they were being told but eventually agreed to go along.
“Please don’t worry about your mum, Peter. She’s just having a rest.”
"Shouldn't someone stay with her?" Peter suggested as they began to walk away from the house.
“No, your mum just needs to sleep.”
Duffy woke up a little while later, confused to find the house empty. Feeling a little stronger after her nap she went through to the kitchen and made herself a sandwich and a glass of water.
The children were playing in the park. There was a note on the kitchen counter.
“We’ve gone to the park, left you to sleep. Love you xxx”
After eating the sandwich she decided to take a walk to the park, hoping the fresh air would do her some good.
It was a nice day, slightly cold but the rain had held off for now. Charlie watched the children as they played.
Duffy crept up behind him. "I thought I'd best come to you to have my obs checked." She whispered cheekily in his ear.
He laughed softly hearing her voice. “Hello gorgeous.”
She smiled as she held out her wrist towards him.
He placed his fingers on her wrist and took her pulse.
"Satisfied now?"
“Hm, for now.” He replied with a smile as he met her gaze.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine!"
“I believe you.”
"Mummy!" Tilly squealed as she came running over. Reaching her parents she jumped up, forcing Duffy to lift her up.
“You ok, mummy?” Tilly asked.
"Yes princess." She smiled, giving Tilly a kiss.
“Good.” Tilly giggled and kissed her mum back.
"Why don't you go play with your sisters?" Duffy suggested as she placed the little girl back on the ground.
Tilly giggled, nodded and ran back to her siblings.
"Is Emily OK?" Duffy asked Charlie, purposely keeping her voice low.
“Emily’s fine.” He reassured with a smile.
"This needs to stop though doesn't it?"
He nodded, “Yes baby.”
"I can't do this alone."
“You’re not on your own.”
She nodded. "I'm scared." She admitted softly.
“Scared of what?” He asked.
“You won’t fail.”
She lent her head on his shoulder. "I'm guessing from the looks my mum keeps giving me that you told her?"
“Yeah I did.” He sighed, “I told her that you had problems with your eating.”
"What did she say?"
“Nothing really.”
"She didn't suggest you have me committed then?"
“Sectioned? No, she didn’t want that.”
"You do surprise me! That's her usual solution to anything she doesn't understand - hide it away and pretend everything is OK."
“She just wishes she could help you. A bit like me really.”
"She tries to help but at the same time worries too much about what others think of her. Why else do you think she calls herself 'mrs'? For years she told people my dad was dead."
“It was a different generation back then.”
"Yeh, better he was dead than having abandoned us without a care."
He sighed sadly and rubbed her arm. “Sit down?”
She sighed and let him lead her over to a nearby bench.
“I’ll help you as much as I can, ok?”
"And I'll try to let you help me."
“Thank you.” He kissed her cheek.
They stayed in the park for another half an hour or so before the younger children started to complain they were getting cold.
“Hot chocolates all round?” Charlie asked.
"With arshellows?" Emily asked.
“If you want marshmallows, you can have them.”
"Yay!" She giggled.
They went to the cafe near the park and ordered hot chocolates with marshmallows for the children.
"Yum, yum!" Tilly giggled as she got cream all over her lip.
Charlie smiled as he watched her.
Lottie and Emily began to giggle as they copied Tilly. The giggles grew louder as Tilly decided to try and balance a marshmallow on the end of her nose. The girls and boys laughed hysterically. Tilly was certainly the clown of the family and lapped up the attention. She did really well at balancing the marshmallow at the end of her nose.
Duffy noticed that Kate had been very quiet since they'd entered the cafe. "You ok mum?" She asked, leaning over.
Kate nodded and then sighed.
"Everything is fine. It was just a minor blip. Nothing to worry about." Duffy reassured her mum.
Kate nodded again, but still couldn’t help but worry. Duffy was her only daughter.
"Mother say something! Please."
“I’m just worried Lisa.”
"You don't need to worry. I'm not a little girl anymore."
“You’ll always be my little girl.” Kate replied.
Duffy rolled her eyes but couldn't help chuckling.
“You’ll say the same when your girls are older!”
"I'm sure I will." Duffy looked over at the counter. "Do you fancy sharing a biscuit with me?" She asked nervously.
“Sure why not?” Kate smiled.
Duffy returned to the table a few minutes later with a cookie. "The shortbread looked lovely but I couldn't resist this!" She blushed.
Her mum smiled. “You wanted the cookie instead?”
"Yeh." Duffy giggled. "Hope that's OK?"
“Of course it’s ok.”
Duffy broke the cookie in half and placed the two pieces back on the plate.
“Which half are you having?”
"I don't mind. You pick first."
Kate took the smaller of the two cookies.
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littledemonix · 5 years
Demons (short story)
(A Doki Doki Literature Club inspired short story)
I was walking through the shopping centre with my trolley full of food, people all around me but as usual, I took no notice.
It's not often you see a girl my age shopping without her mum or dad, but honestly, I should be taking more control of my life. After all, I am turn 15 in a few days.
Preoccupied with my thoughts I reached up to grab a can of soup when a hand next to me reached for that same one. I looked over and saw a girl that looked about the same age as me. Her golden blond hair swept over her shoulder she looked at me in surprise with her sky blue eyes.
"S-sorry!" She mumbled everting her gaze.
"It's ok" I reassured her taking the can next to the one she had been aiming for.
She gave me an awkward smile taking the can and turning her eyes back on me. There was something wrong with them, but I couldn't put my finger on it, that wasn't the first thing I noticed though.
"What happened to your arm?" I asked before I could stop myself.
She seemed to freeze for a split second then looked back at me with a bright smile which kinda surprised me.
"Oh, I just got into a fight." She said still smiling as she reached with the same arm for another can on the shelf.
The scars on her arm shown bright purple and red like they were fairly recent.
"Against who." I said putting my hands back on the trolly ready to move on to the next ill.
She gave me another weak smile doing the same.
"My demons." She said sadly.
And still with that same smile she turned and pushed her trolly down the ill till she disappeared around the corner and left me still standing there.
I'm not exactly sure why I just kept standing there, like I was frozen. When I snapped back to reality nilly a minute had passed. I shook my head and continued on.
The next day I saw the same girl. She was laughing with to people I assumed to be her parents. I little toddler was holding her hand. The father picked the little boy up and spun him around in the air. The little boy started giggling uncontrollably waving his little chubby arms around in the air.
His blue eyes just like his mothers and sisters. From the looks of it, the girl seemed to have gotten her hair colour from her father as well as eye colour and features from her mother.
I thought about the words she had said yesterday but looking at her now she didn't look like she had a worry in the world. Her father put his arm around her and she leaned tenderly into his imbalance. Her mother smiled lovingly at her and she returned the gesture just as warmly if not more.
I scanned the scenario trying to find something wrong with it. I happen to be pretty good at reading people and situations, it's one of my, ah, not very many talents. You could say it's the only thing I'm really good at. Studying people and situations I can usually predict a correct answer from what I'm trying to work out.
Abuse? No, nobody could look at there parents like that and not love them unconditionally. Maybe there poor? No that can't be it either. Yesterday her shopping cart was full of food and the place we were shopping isn't exactly cheap either.
I wondered whether she went to my school. Funnily enough a few days later I saw her walking down the corridor of lockers with a bunch of people that I could only assume to be her friends. One of the boys that happened to be holding her hand was running his fingers down the front of all the lockers as they walked past. He lended down and whispered something in her ear, she giggled and they looked at each other like they were sharing an inside joke. The girl on her other side nudged her teasingly and my mystery girl rolled her eyes still smiling.
I decided to watch her throughout the week, not in a creepy way or anything but to see if I could work out what was making her so sad.
What could be so traumatic that she was cutting open her own skin in deep, bloody lines.
Maybe she was being bullied?
A week passed, then two, then five, nothing.
It was frustrating, so frustrating that it almost turned into an obsession. eventually, I gave up. I was at a loss of what to think. I headed to my next class feeling defeated. I've always been able to read people so well but apparently, I'm not even good at that.
Even now, years later I think about that girl. At the age of 39, I finally know what she was going through. Or I had a pretty good guess.
I walked into my office, the white walls, the table and chairs under the tinted glass window, summer sunlight seeping through it but I made sure to turn the air conditioner on. As I sat down in my chair at the computer in the corner I heard a knock on my door.
"Didn't have to wait very long for this new client." I thought to myself as I got up and made my way across the room. If only I could have helped that girl back then, if only I knew. I opened the door to see a woman that looked around my age with a teenage girl standing next to her.
"Hello, um, sorry to bother you but is this Ms Scott's office, the psychologist?"
I cursed silently to myself in my head.
I forgot to put the sign back on my door.
"Yes I'm sorry for the confusion but you can call me Emily."
I opened the door up wider as to let them in and with a shock, I recognised the mother. Her blond hair now cut short and bright blue eyes that now seemed to sparkle in the sunlight unlike they had done so many years ago. It was the same girl, older, a mother now but definitely the same girl. They walked past me into the room and I tried to regain my composure hoping they wouldn't notice.
Following them to the table I sat down in my chair across from them.
"So you two what seems to be the issue." I asked politely with a smile changing to my psychologist frame of mind.
"Well as you know my name is Audrey and this is my daughter Sayori who I scheduled this appointment for." The mother said smiling down at her daughter warmly. Her daughter Sayori smiled weakly at me.
"And we're here cause recently Sayori has been feeling really down, not being able to get out of bed, lacking motivation, even distancing herself from her friends. Audrey continued on with all the strange occurrences in Sayori's behaviour so I gave Sayori a sheet of paper and told her to answer all the questions honestly. Once she was done I added up the numbers and set the sheet of paper down on the table with one hand.
"It seems," I said apprehensively. That Sayori is developing the beginnings of Depression.
Hey guys 👋 I hope you liked my Doki Doki Literature Club inspired short story! I know this is serious stuff but I believe it should be more talked about in society as a serious problem. Anyway I hope ur all having an awesome day or night!
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necrofox · 7 years
Esper and the towns folk
So here's how each of the towns folk react/interact with Esper. This will be the last background post before I jump into actually posting some stories. Thanks to those of you who are reading! Alex- dislikes her, judges her for her body type but is not outright rude to her. Evelyn taught him better than that. He keeps his opinions to himself but doesn't interact with her. Haley- is a mean girl. Often makes cruel offhanded remarks about her weight. Doesn't understand how someone who works on a farm all day can still be so big. Chides her sister for taking "pity" on her, tells her its good motivation to lose weight if the clothes don't fit. Elliot- is kind to her, chats in passing about writing, but other than that doesn't have much interaction with her. Leah- heard her singing once and was very impressed. Feels bad for the way some of the town folk treat her but doesn't go out of her way to interact. Harvey- cares about her as his patient and worries about her health. He's secretly hurt she avoids him so adamantly. Maru- sees her sometimes when she comes to see Sebastian. Politely chats with her and is happy her half brother has another friend. Sam- easy going Sam is friendly with her, sees how she gets treated by some people and makes a point to invite her along when the trio hangs out. Is a little confused as to why she doesn't seem to like him as mich, but doesn't let it bother him. Penny- penny is her usual withdrawn self, rarely talks to her but will be friendly in interactions. Secretly compares her self to her, thinking how lucky she is she hasn't "let her self go" Sebastian- genuinely likes her. They have similar tastes in a lot of things and he thinks she creative and funny. He may be developing a crush on her and isn't quite sure how to deal with it. It's a dilemma for him because he isn't sure how other people will react to them and he waffles back and forth on weather or not he cares what others think. He's afraid others, especially his mother may judge them harshly for their size difference if he were to act on his developing feelings despite his independent attitude. He sometimes gets jealous when she spends a lot of time with Shane, but won't admit to himself why. Abigail- they get along swimmingly. Abigail considers Esper her best female friend. They have a lot of similar tastes and share the same group of friends. Sometimes they get together to play the Ouija board. Shane- he sees her as a fellow underdog or outsider and has a soft spot for her. They chat often and hangout sometimes. Their interactions are easy and genuine despite his usual gruff demeanor. Emily- likes her a lot, doesn't think twice about her weight, to Emily people are people. Likes to see her happy. They meet weekly for coffee/tea and to exchange materials. Caroline- treats her nicely and likes her as Abby 's friend. She feels she evens out her rebellious side nicely. Clint- thinks she is a good miner/smelter, asks her for advice about Emily. Demetrius- sees her sometimes when she comes by to see sebastian, is nice to her but will mention to Maru that she's a good example of why healthy eating is so important. He doesn't always wait for her to be out of an earshot but this is not on purpose. Evelyn- is always sweet, sends her sweets in the mail and treats her kindly. George- will make comments about her weight outright and expect to get away with it because he's old and crochety. Gus- likes her and is kind, but he is nice to everyone. Jas- like little girls do, she will ask her about her weight, why she is squishier than the other women. Means no harm, is just curious. Jodi- makes well meaning comments about healthy eating and gives her tips about weightloss. She is blunt but well meaning and doesn't realize that her comments can hurt sometimes. Kent- not much interaction. Will sometimes send her bombs for mining. Lewis- is professional and nice, checks up on her often. Remembers her as a little girl when she would visit her grandfathers farm. Linus- not much interaction Marnie- as the only other chubby-ish person she feels a kinship with her. Is grateful for her friendship with Shane. Pam- treats her like she treats everyone else, doesn't care about her weight. Pierre- treats her kindly as Abigails friend. Behind closed doors he expresses concern that Abby doesn't pick up habits from her. Robin- genuinely likes her, enjoys that Sebastian has made another good friend and despite her son's worries she doesn't judge her at all. Sandy- doesn't see her much except at the start of each summer for starfruit seeds. Vincent- to him, she's just another geownup, he acts accordingly. Willy- is disapointed she's not a better fisherman, is friendly none the less. Wizard- treats her like he would treat anyone else, standard interaction. There we have it, a little bit of background for the way each character reacts to Esper. If I left any minor characters out it's because they aren't relevant to Esper's story and since this is purely self indulgent fan fiction im ok with that. I hope those of you who are reading will continue to stick with me as I begin to post chapters, im having fun with this :3
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rode57rode-blog · 6 years
Sex Institutions 'No Perk For Gals'.
These books are greater than only windows into fascinating locations and also lovable personalities. Among the girls is actually Ella, she is a poor woman when this relates to outdating; she recognizes ways to obtain the men going and will carry out anything to obtain just what she really wants. Like I claimed, I really loved reviewing Beth as well as George (perhaps considering that I might e I liked this book a great deal wherefore it was actually ... completed it in one lengthy time at the beach front pretty much. http://elegance-etbeaute.info that thought that seeking, seeking or even sportfishing did this. One more individual decided he was fed up along with remaining on sand as well as began making benches. Describing to young boys that strengthening their analysis is like sporting activities instruction or playing a guitar can possibly do the secret: they acknowledge the attempt that has to enter these sort of activities; recognizing the human brain feels like a muscle mass that may be qualified can easily usually help. The substitute is to go on asserting men are in a slough of despond owing to a conspiracy theory from feminists and also liberals. Edward was rapid soaking up a tremendous amount of biographical info concerning the best well-known men and women from his time, as well as he was compiling a collection of sign letters that the papers had made famous throughout the country. A teen gal called Elegance, which was actually assaulted, yet no person believes her and a teen young boy named Ian, who is best friends along with Zac, the This manual was actually inspiring as well as fascinating. Omega Guys is actually a comic book set that resides in the noise in between exactly what people mention they strongly believe as well as how that belief informs the method they really live their lifestyles. Human brain & Brain, a husband-and-wife duo who formerly made the beloved Doggins, accurately poured a lot of love as well as focus into making Beefy Male at Sea think not just initial, yet additionally instilled with coziness and rapture. When the vital personality from Theodore Roosevelt turned down the nationwide road, Bok was one of countless young men who really felt highly the attraction from his character. But isn't it simply possible that the ideal mix could possibly provide for 12- to 14-year-old young boys what Loaded, FHM, GQ etc when created for detained adolescents (ie make them purchase magazines, not validate their wish to recognize females as underwear models simply being nauseated to become fucked by loutish oafs along with bad breath and belly). The technique the males acted upon that isle is actually exactly how (good) employee cooperatives work - everyone is personally responsible for the entire however works separately. Words like blue, environment-friendly, sporting activities, disrupting, being bodily, science, arithmetic, writing, computers, property, getting in issue, risky habits, distressing, battling, aggravating, owning quickly, creating, as well as looking into were ones the majority of people said defined a kid. Best projects all still head to men, and women generally are actually paid out a 5th lower than men. He continued to provide me a container from all his awards and also dog tags, which he definitely would not give to my father, his child, when he was actually a little child. The gender trend is detailed due to the review that in the majority of situations where standing matters, males are more probable in comparison to females to utilize high-status settings; if all other factors are equivalent, gender itself is actually a hierarchical body in which guys are deemed possessing greater standing. Separation court and also kid safekeeping hearings are actually easily controlled against males relevant a mommy shown to have actually munchhausen through substitute will be given total safekeeping. The Steven of the title is actually a chubby little bit of young boy being actually brought-up by a solitary father as well as the Crystal Gems - buddies of his unusual mommy tasked along with sparing the world. Especially the ones that are actually a little bit of child ridiculous:-RRB-. And also there are actually some balmy components! Historically, men that were referred to our center along with issues with erectile dysfunction were actually older males whose concerns were actually associated with diabetic issues, MS, as well as cardio vascular condition.. This can easily play all the games for the original Activity Kid along with the Game Young boy Shade and Video game Kid Innovation - you merely need to have the containers. . Nintendo ended up being the business to trump in the portable market after that introduced the Activity Boy. I assume that guide must possess had some even more sensible points, like in ways that our team teenage girls can easily relate to. I imply, i guess we could connect in some ways, but not for alot of us. http://elegance-etbeaute.info 'll ponder just what type of individuals hide beneath their 'excellent' or 'pretty' or 'well-read' characters and also smiles-you'll challenge exactly what kind of world you live in that this fictional tale might also exist. On the day from the murder the young boy took blades to institution and a bottle from Port Daniel's whisky in order to commemorate after that". The whole Boy 21 area junior things had not been completely enticing to me, however, and his shift to all of a sudden verbalize as well as quickly ok because of basketball takes place as well quickly as well as almost convincingly to me. Yet I do like Finley, and also the book seems to rise above expected YA when that one thing happens to Erin I will not inform you about. I presume Dangerous Girls is actually more astonishing yet this one is undoubtedly equally screwed up. Frankly, wow. Emily as well as Liz take a peek right into the Lesbian Sponsor Handbook and also offer you the HONEST TRUTH on seducing straight girls.
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'Try being skinny for a year and you'll understand how hard it is': Young woman slammed for candid essay
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  Leslie Magallanes (Photo: Facebook)
Leslie Magallanes is tired of people commenting on her body. Like many others who have publicly posted about body positivity, she has had strangers as well as people close to her openly talk about how much she eats, and she often has trouble finding clothing that fits her properly. She doesn’t feel like her natural body conforms to what society calls beautiful. The difference between Magallanes and many “bopo” bloggers out there is that she feels criticized because she is skinny.
“We don’t have it easy,” Magallanes wrote in a post on Facebook that went viral and has been picked up on the website Love What Matters. Though she is grateful to be able to eat whatever she wants, she laments, “Being called ‘anorexic,’ people telling you that ‘you need to eat more cause you need meat on your bones,’ ‘do your parents feed you?’ ‘you look hungry,’ people CONSTANTLY measuring your wrist with their hand calling you skinny like you don’t know it already, people asking you where is your butt or where is the rest of your chest.”
Magallanes says she tries to find clothing that won’t make her look “like a walking stick with clown feet,” but she still gets comments in public. She says she understands that “thick” girls get a lot of negative commentary about their bodies, but wishes they wouldn’t in turn criticize women like her.
''Skinny girls can wear whatever. Skinny girls have it so easy.' Yeah, OK, try being skinny for a year and you'll understand how hard it is.' – We don’t have it easy. Yeah, we can eat whatever and not gain weight. That’s a pro of being skinny. Other than that, there's not much else positive out of being skinny. Full story on LoveWhatMatters.com ❤️ #LoveWhatMatters #SelfLove #weight #skinny #Beautiful #Family #Love #InstaLove #LoveWins #LoveAlwaysWins #BelieveInLove #Jeans #LoveEachOther #Kindness #Hope #Joy #Compassion #Skinny #LoveIt #ShowLove #GiveLove #Giving #BeKind #SmallActs #LoveAlways #ChooseLove #SpreadLove #LoveMore #SelfCare#Motherhood ❤️
A post shared by LoveWhatMatters.com (@lovewhatmatters) on Jul 16, 2018 at 10:33am PDT
“But at the end of the day no matter if your skinny, thick, chubby, fat, or short we all still have beautiful bodies,” she concludes.
The kind of commentary Magallanes has received doesn’t surprise Karen Tenreiro, a psychologist who specializes in eating disorders.
“People would feel more open to saying something negative to her because it wouldn’t be perceived as insensitive,” Tenreiro tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Somebody grabbing her arm and saying, ‘What are you eating?’ or ‘Why aren’t you eating?’ That would be judgmental. That would be assuming something before you asked more questions.”
As you might expect if you’ve been anywhere near social media, Magallanes has received mixed responses to her post. Many identified with her complaint.
“For the longest time I felt less of a woman for being smaller and not having a fat a** etc, mostly because it’s all over that bigger women are perfect, curvy woman are more beautiful, and don’t say it’s not cause IT IS!” Emily Nicole Hart commented on Facebook. “In the process of making bigger women feel confident, they made skinny girls feel completely disgusting and less of a woman. This post is 100% how skinny girls feel about the constant body shaming towards them.”
“I was teased all through school about being skinny, being told boys don’t like skinny girls, being told I looked unhealthy,” @atxbrockwell wrote on Instagram. “So, yeah, being skinny and being teased for it can leave lasting marks on a person.”
Some appreciated that this was about the fact that all kinds of people feel the effects of commentary on their bodies.
“Whether you’re too big or too small, everyone has these struggles. Just change a few of the insults,” wrote Kyrstie Lyn Gosselin Morrison on Facebook.
But a good chunk of readers took offense at the notion that it’s just as hard to be thin as it is to be fat. “Cry me a river,” more than one commenter said.
“Try being at a weight where people automatically think you are lazy, smell bad, dumb, unworthy, or a punchline,” @butnotquite wrote on Instagram. “The world caters to slim people. Seats on planes, buses, and other forms of public transportation — and even movie theaters — are made for a specific size and weight. You don’t get a ‘special’ section at stores because you fit into a regular size. You don’t get judged when ordering food. The things you take for granted every single day are nightmares to overweight people. Movements for fat acceptance is ridiculed, and people who are attracted to bigger men and women are called fetishists. You tell me try to be skinny for a year? I challenge to be fat for a week.”
One person hoped to be the voice of reason in the debate that has inspired 3,000 comments on Magallanes’s Facebook and over 100 more on the Love What Matters Instagram: “It shouldn’t be a competition for who is the most marginalized,” @sunnyvee87 said. “This post is calling for people to respect all shapes and sizes. From the sound of it, this girl is correct in feeling like she doesn’t fit in because her body shape is slender.”
From her professional perspective, Tenreiro agrees that it’s probably best to take Magallanes’s post at face value. “What seems like her conscious intention is really just to say that she shouldn’t be commented on, just like someone else in a different situation.”
Whether she should have taken this gripe to Facebook is another matter. For anyone else who wishes others would stop making comments on their body, Tenreiro says there are some easier options: “If this is a complete stranger, you ignore it and get away from there … because I’m not sure it’s helpful to start an argument with somebody that you don’t know.”
If it’s someone closer, like your own mother, you may choose to stand up for yourself and say, “Mom, you know what? You are always commenting on my body, and I would like you to stop,” Tenreiro suggests.
Some might think that lighthearted teasing that someone is too skinny might help them out of a possible eating disorder. This is not the case.
“You can privately say, ‘Are you OK?’” Tenreiro says. “It’s not usually OK to comment on people’s appearance. What people look like is based on so many different things.”
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