#Even with time travel involved you couldn’t be related to your own clone
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CLAMP are still playing the long game with this. The glacier slow drip of information around Watanuki’s name is MURDERING ME ONE WORD AT A TIME. 
Because like, this is CLAMP. We’re served this moment with the attention and drama that the mysterious connection it surely deserves, with gorgeous panels and swirling petals to really drive home the fact that it’s a moment that’s important to both THEM and US at the same time. 
BUT - and here’s the interesting part -
Everything they say here is information we already have. 
AND it’s worth noting that Watanuki’s birthday took place ON SCREEN two chapters before this moment in xxxHolic, which really drills down on the repetition of it coming up in the storyline being important. 
So as beautiful as these moments are, I don’t think there’s any particular reason to draw them out so beautifully UNLESS it was a piece of information they wanted us to remember AND dwell on in the upcoming chapters of both manga. 
I don’t think they would have had the characters slowly making the connections between each other themselves now, and so beautifully, unless it was ENTIRELY RELEVANT, if not VITAL, to an upcoming story beat. 
Which makes my head spin. Both because I desperately want to know what it is but also because I can’t pin down what it could BE. 
The fact that all three protagonists share the same birthday is such a cute fun detail on the surface level, but Clamp have been telling us from chapter 1 that coincidence isn’t real and everything is on purpose hitsuzen, so there’s a Serious Reason for their birthdays aligning too. 
And like, I’ve already been dancing around what I think Lava Lamp’s connection to Watanuki is (shh no hints) but what about Sakura? As much as My MYSTERIOUS AND SUBTLE guesses about Watanuki and Syaoran’s connection would absolutely explain why they have the same birthday, it doesn’t make a natural connection with Sakura in any way that I can tell. 
But the way Sakura so fondly tells the story of how her and Lava Lamp(or Syaoran?) share the same birthday, it almost makes me think… that, like… 
It’s not impossible for someone to be NAMED AFTER a connection like that, is it? 
Which (in relation to Watanuki) would potentially answer one question only to immediately blow up a dozen others. 
The mystery of Watanuki’s name has never looked more complicated and I’m just like 
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BUT NO, OF COURSE NOT. None of that would make logical sense. 
BUT… BUT COULD IT??????????
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
AKA we combine several types of time travel for maximum Soft Chaos, let’s go
EDIT NOW THAT I’VE WRITTEN THIS UP: jfc this ended up much angstier than initially intended uhhhhhhhhhh sorry
So a common enough thing I’ve seen in time travel fics is characters getting de-aged when tossed back physically, to neither the age they should be in that time, nor the age they were from the time they left, but whatever is most convenient. This is usually de-aging OT Obi-Wan into his TCW self, for reasons relating to, chiefly, removing the damage of Tatooine absolutely destroying his body alongside PTSD-driven alcoholism, but also because fic writers are horny, and Ewan McGregor playing a late-thirties negotiator is on average more appealing to people than Alec Guinness playing a vaguely feral desert hermit.
So, here’s how it plays out:
We take Luke and Ben from some point in the OT. There are a variety of options depending on how angsty we want it to be. My first instinct is ‘right after Owen and Beru die’ but I want to have that sweet angst where Luke knows that his dad is Vader and that Obi-Wan was trying to convince him to kill his own father without telling him that.
We’ll go with shortly after Bespin, and then they end up significantly before TPM. The Obi-Wan of the timeline proper is, eh, let’s say eighteen. Not really ready to be a knight, but old enough that we don’t have to worry about “if we go save Shmi, do we somehow wipe out Anakin?” which is absolutely a worry. Anakin is a toddler, and is in no place to be evil, on account of being literally two years old. He can’t even explode people with his brain yet.
Now, Ben finds himself mid-thirties, as is traditional. He’s not upset at this, because his joints hurt so much less than they used to! His knees aren’t exactly teenage-perfect, but by the Force are they better than they were in the years before he died! His hair has color! He doesn’t have arthritis! And, goodness, no physical withdrawal symptoms! The psychological aspect is still there, but nonetheless, he’s in much better shape than he last remembers being.
Luke looks like he’s about six. He was recently twenty-two. This is not an upgrade. Ben keeps having to carry him. He can’t see over the counter when they enter a bar for information. He can’t enter the bar in the first place. He’s very annoyed by all of this.
Ben is not annoyed. Ben is having a lot of emotions, actually, but annoyance isn’t one of them. He didn’t get to help raise Luke the way he might have if Anakin hadn’t lost his shit, okay, he sees a small Luke and he wants to hug him and cry.
Luke would like to be able to purchase a speeder part without the lady at the stall asking him if he needs his “dad’s” permission.
Once they figure out when and where they are, they need to decide where and how to leave. There are general shenanigans to gamble their way into enough money to hire a ship. They are in the ass end of nowhere, but definitely not Tatooine. There appears to be a jungle. There appears to be a significant variety of man-eating creatures. There appears to be a temple to the Force of questionable origin. None of this is actually helpful, except for the moment they find a “baby’s first lightsaber” in the temple.
Luke only has one hand and, being a six-year-old, his body is growing too fast for him to bother with getting a wired-in prosthesis the way he could as an adult. He can get a more basic prosthesis, but nothing that attaches to the neurons. He’ll outgrow it too fast.
He’s tiny and he’s not used to doing things with just one hand. He uses the Force to do what one hand can't, and every time someone tries to tell him he's misusing the Force he whaps them with the empty sleeve.
So, you know, they find out what year it is. Ben has a breakdown. Luke is upset that he left behind his friends. Ben admits to him that Leia was his twin. Luke stares in horror because dude, she kissed him, you couldn’t have mentioned this earlier???
Ben points out that Beru and Owen were keeping Luke away from him for nineteen years, and then they had about three days of awkward travel to find Leia in the first place, and then Ben died. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to figure out how to tell him.
(This sparks an argument that lasts several days. All onlookers assume that Ben’s son is throwing a tantrum. He doesn’t correct them, even though this is a very valid reason to be upset, because the truth is much harder to explain.)
Sooooo they travel. Mostly, Ben plays Sabacc, cleans house, and pays their way towards Coruscant. Luke still really wants to learn to be a Proper Jedi, even though Ben is pretty sure that Luke would have... a lot of difference of opinion with the Temple, but sure. Coruscant. They can at least stop by, and see Qui-Gon, and Mace, and Quinlan, and Bant, and everyone else that’s still alive and not tragically deceased in the horror following the start of the Clone Wars and then the birth of the Empire, and Ben can have a nice sob over all his dead friends being alive again.
Ben is only barely holding it together while Luke is in the room with him at any given point. But it’s fine! It’s fine. He’s fine. All of his loved ones have come back to life! It’s great! HE’S FINE.
He is not fine.
Luke is also grieving all the people who haven’t been born yet, but he’s... significantly more okay than Ben is.
The closer they get to the Core, the more often people just assume Ben is Luke’s father, and then look shocked and uncomfortable when Luke flatly calls him by his name, and they just... compromise. This is the point at which Luke starts calling him “Uncle Ben.”
Ben cries in his bunk later that night. Luke overhears it and wonders how the HELL Ben is more unstable now, when there’s a chance to fix things and no Vader or Empire trying to kill or capture both of them, and all his friends are alive.
(Luke will later learn a lot about PTSD and realize this is actually a fairly normal situation, to process significant events and emotions only after gaining safety or catharsis.)
(Twenty years on a ball of sand with an alcohol addiction and debilitating fear of the man you raised as your own brother is not, in fact, safe or cathartic.)
At any rate, they’ve settled into that pattern by the time they reach the Inner Rim. The Inner Rim is the part of the galaxy at which they’ve collected enough money (and mental stability) to travel a little better, and to take a few more risks.
Risks like “manipulate people with those baby blues.”
Ben tells Luke that he’s a menace, after he pouts so cutely that he gets a free scarf added on to a purchase that Ben makes. Luke responds that Ben has no room to talk, since he flirted a free breakfast out of that one inn owner.
Also, Luke is currently physically six. That is objectively a situation that sucks. He deserves to use it for all it’s worth if he’s stuck like this.
“You know, if you keep wearing all-black and looking longingly at the velvet cape and Space Chanel boots, the temple is going to worry that you’re a darksider.”
“Uncle Ben... you told me, yesterday, that I sparkle so brightly in the Force that it’s almost blinding.”
“Yes, but the gloves--”
They don’t agree on this, but Ben relents. He does actually understand good fashion, unfortunately, and he’s not unaware of how much Leia taught Luke about such things.
Luke’s about forty years ahead of the curve, of course, but Skywalkers are prone to such things. It’s usually in regards to technology, granted, but...
They get to Coruscant. Ben is very obviously a Jedi. He knows all the right words and walks like a Soresu master and feels warm and comforting in the Force. They let him in with minimal questions. They note down “my first padawan left the order to have a child, but died shortly after; I consider Luke here to be my nephew, and have raised him as such,” and move on.
Luke is vaguely annoyed because he already had an uncle (and aunt) that raised him, but he admits that a person can have more than one uncle. He can live with this. Ben was more family to Anakin than Owen was, in some ways, so it’s kind of true. Luke is even working on feeling more childish affection for Ben instead of the complicated mess of emotions that come from being lied to about some very large and important subjects, and then seeing the person saying those lies have regular emotional breakdowns due to something as small as Luke saying he likes the curve of the hull on that freighter.
(Apparently he sounds just like his father did as a child. This is almost heartwarming.)
The thing is! The thing. The thing is, they almost make it to the Halls of Healing to get looked over for weird viruses, or Outer Rim Parasites, or whatever the hells needs to be happening. They almost make it without Ben having a flashback to dead younglings or brainwashed troopers or the declaration of a Sith Empire. They almost make it without incident.
Then Ben sees Qui-Gon, and freezes, and does not move again.
Luke cannot get him to restart.
People are staring.
They haven’t even made it to Medical, Uncle Ben, come on.
Young, local Obi-Wan comes over and asks if there’s something he can do to help. Or maybe this “Ben” knows Qui-Gon? Master Jinn doesn’t recognize Ben, but maybe Luke knows more?
Luke does know more, but what Luke actually says is “he probably needs a mind healer.”
(Ben will not appreciate this.)
(Ben is unfortunately standing in the middle of the hallway and completely unresponsive, and is unable to argue with this assertion.)
(Ben is pretty much proving this assertion entirely correct, actually.)
Obi-Wan is helpful, if a little bitchy in the manner of most late-teens individuals, and offers to help get Uncle Ben down to the Halls of Healing. It involves Obi-Wan gently pushing on Ben’s shoulders, and Qui-Gon offering to carry Luke so he can be in Ben’s sights (because Ben is a Mystery, and Qui-Gon is quite fond of those, so he wants to stay involved). Ben kind of just... shuffles on down.
There are medical tests. They ask about how Luke lost his hand. He refuses to talk about it. They ask how Ben got all his scars. Luke says he doesn’t know. They ask if he knows why Ben looks like he’s been through a war. Luke says it’s because he probably was.
They check for foreign viruses. They find evidence of thus-far-unpatented vaccinations. They ask Luke if he knows what he’s vaccinated for.
“How would I know? I’m six.”
They agree that this is a good excuse.
(It is not. He’s lying. They do not know this.)
They do some more tests. They find a lot of questionable medical bullshit in Ben’s body. Most of this is from the clone wars, but they don’t know this. Someone realizes they haven’t gotten a ping back from the Shadow Network regarding “do we have permission to pull the medical file of a Jedi that isn’t in the normal database? We’re assuming you know who he is, since we don’t.”
The Shadow Network does not know who Ben is.
The healers, of course, go “huh, that’s weird, but maybe the name he gave his nephew was fake. We can’t exactly ask ‘Ben’ for more details right now. We already had to sedate him. Let’s check the DNA!”
The DNA pulls up as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The padawan who brought this guy in two hours ago.
“Huh, that’s weird. Let’s call in Kenobi and ask if he knows what’s going on.”
Obi-Wan absolutely does not know what’s going on.
They ask Luke.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he says, lying through his teeth and not even pretending otherwise.
“You’re not a very good liar,” teenage Obi-Wan tells him.
“I’m not trying to be,” Luke says. “Can you get Master Yoda? I feel like we’re going to need him.”
They normally wouldn’t get Yoda on the request of a six-year-old, but they also normally don’t have a catatonic thirty-something Jedi who looks like he’s been through a war popping up in the medical database as the pimply teenage padawan that broke his pinky trying to do a Badass Ataru Flip last week.
Or... whatever Luke i... is... oh dear.
“Young one,” Qui-Gon asks, while people whisper-shout behind him, not realizing he’s cutting the Correlian Knot and just asking the kid himself. “Do you know why your midichlorian count is so high? It’s almost unheard of.”
“Uncle Ben said my dad was the Chosen One,” Luke says, because he is capable of being a little shit and is actually really eager to let Ben deal with some of the fallout. He feels for the man, really, but he’s also tired of being the one to field every single question.
Also, the expressions that pass on Qui-Gon’s face are hilarious.
(Luke may or may not be more affected by his six-year-old brain than he would like to admit.)
“Thank you,” Qui-Gon says, sounding more than a little strangled about it.
It takes another three hours for Ben to wake up.
He listens to the questions. He hears what they say his ‘nephew’ said. He looks at Luke.
“Is this revenge for not telling you about Leia?”
“It’s not revenge,” Luke does not lie. “I just don’t know how to explain it.”
“It’s pretty easy to explain.”
“It’s not my secret.”
“This is revenge for the Leia thing.”
“No,” Luke says. “Revenge for the Leia thing was when I ate a live frog in front of you.”
This is the point at which someone interrupts and points out that they appear to be stalling.
“Oh, he is,” Luke tells them. He gestures at Ben. “I can’t tell you more, because it’s more his story than mine.”
“I’m afraid, Master, that I am very likely to have an emotional breakdown if I allow myself to consider the reality of this situation for longer than the fraction of a second I already have,” Ben reports, full of false cheer. “Suffice to say, I am far from stable and have only held out this far for Luke’s sake.”
“Can you explain why you have my DNA?” Obi-Wan asks, as the person who’s most concerningly involved in this situation.
“You can,” Ben says, smiling like there is absolutely nothing wrong in the slightest, ever. “I’m you, from the future. I actually died and spent a few years dead before coming back. I’m not sure why I’m younger than I was when I died, but I appreciate being able to put on my shoes without my knees attempting to mutiny.”
“He needs a mind healer,” Luke reiterates, in case the strained grin hasn’t made it clear. “So do I, but not as much.”
“I have felt literally every person in this Temple save for Luke and Yoda die,” Ben reports, looking a shade more manic than a few seconds earlier. “It’s very overwhelming to feel you all being alive again. I may be approaching a mental breakdown, and I’ve been rather strictly advised against using alcohol to treat my traumas again.”
Luke kicks him in the thigh. It’s not a very hard kick, because he is very small, and he does actually like Ben. “I’m not letting you turn into an old drunk again.”
After several seconds of silence, a healer quietly suggests that everyone clear the room, and asks if someone could fetch Master Yoda as the youngling requested.
(THIS IS ALMOST THREE THOUSAND WORDS. I started it less than two hours ago. Why am I like this.)
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iwritethat · 4 years
Dick Grayson: Fine Cuisine
Summary: Fluff
• Dick is unprepared for a family meal but your offer your fine expertise and have the whole family asking questions about you.
Warnings: Mature language
A/N: Hello lovlies! I’ve missed you all so much, I hope this helps a bit and there’s so much more I could add onto this so please enjoy and lemme know how you all are~
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It started with a family dinner.
As many curious situations do in retrospect, but with a family of vigilantes whose relationship ties have frayed, intermingled and been resewn makes for more interesting get-togethers compared to most.
One thing they could all agree on though? Dick Grayson cannot cook.
"I can't believe that, they just assume it's going to end in a takeout?" Came your amused voice as you placed a coffee on your kitchen island that Dick was currently seated - or rather slumped at.
"It's because the last two times I've hosted something like this, takeout has saved my ass." The ravenette embarrassingly clarifies, voice trailing off toward the end and did his best to avoid looking at you.
Dick Grayson was technically a neighbour, albeit living a few floors below your more lavish (and expensive) apartment suite. After moving into the complex on the same day, you quickly excavated the common ground to build a solid foundation for friendship - as such, meet-ups like these became a regular thing, switching apartments each time.
"Then, I'll help you out." You proudly confirmed, gesturing to your grand kitchen which was the sole reason you’d brought the place - one of the many things Dick envied about your luxurious living area compared to the standardised version of his own, though on an Officers salary he couldn’t afford something like this.
"Ah (Y/n) no, I can't let you do that!” Came his instant reply, hands waving defensively as he adamantaly brainstormed another excuse. “Plus you'll be working that night."
"True, but that doesn't mean I can't set you up beforehand. We'll start tomorrow, I'll teach you a recipe."
As previously planned, Dick turned up at your door rather nervously even though he’d been around you many times - not once had he demonstrated a serious negative flaw to his character in order to impress you, but cooking was one of them and you were about to witness chaos that’d likely dispel any romantic inclination he hoped you held for him.
With a playful laugh, you rolled your eyes and pulled the male into your kitchen noting how he was likely tired from his shift at Blüdhavens Police Department earlier that afternoon so a good meal should do wonders. Maybe it’d give him a better nights sleep too? The acrobat never seemed to obtain many of those for some unknown reason, apparently it’s ‘too noisy’ in the city.
“Oh and you can host in my apartment, it’s bigger and I’ll have all the equipment you need. You already have a spare key anyway.”
“You’re really amazing, I don’t deserve you - y’know that?” There were deeper feelings involved in that seemily offhanded thank you, ones relating to his role as Nightwing and his past mistakes which all remained a hated secret from you.
It started well, Dick following along with ease and you concluded that he picked things up fast with how observant he was which sped up the process. The main course he’d nailed with your guidance and so, you decided to move onto dessert.
“Now we add cocoa powder to th-“ You’d froze, mouth open out of surprise with the substances dusting your lips, cheek and part of your left collar bone - the offender in question mirroring your expression, albeit holding back his laughter due to his colossal misjudgement.
“I - I didn’t think it’d go everywhere when I ripped the packet open...”
“You don’t ever rip the packet, you tear it gently!” Came your dangerously mischievous correction, licking the sweet substance from your lips before flicking the currently non-chocolate brownie covered spoon at him with flecks landing on the side of his face.
“Oh, it’s on!”
This ensued an all out war, the two of you ducking and dodging oncoming attacks as you danced around the kitchen island with varying results of accuracy until Dick decided to slide over the marble surface and capture you in his arms.
His embrace faltered slightly as your back hit the island during your feeble attempt to get away, finding yourself trapped between him and the cool surface too enthralled in the carefree antics to notice the proximity. A beat of silence passed once the atmosphere had settled, Dick releasing a breathy chuckle with his grip around your waist loosening slightly as you looked up with a victorious smirk - he took the opportunity to lean forward slightly as if testing the waters and careful to note any kind of reaction you replied with.
However, there was a lack of trust as all is fair in love and war, hence your devious reasoning to close the gap some more and with the softness of his warm breath dancing on your lips you swiftly leaned past his whilst dragging your tongue across his cheek. Dick pulled back instantly, a mix of disgust and offence in his eyes as you spoke.
“Needs more sugar.”
“I’m sweet enough as it is thank you, you’d know that if you’d have just kissed me instead of betraying me like that!” Dick wittily snapped back, admiring the melodious laughter that escaped you at his response.
“I’m sure you do, speaking of - these brownies should last until the dinner so you won’t have to make them again on the day alright? I’ll get everything ready so you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
“I guess you’d taste pretty sweet too.” Though referencing your kind nature, you couldn’t help but lightly punch him in the shoulder.
Regardless of Dicks wistful prayers, the deadline had finally arrived and his family would be sporadically arriving in a matter of hours - so help him.
"All the ingredients are on the counter - do not use anything else - and I've detailed the instructions on the whiteboard in case you forget anything." You pointed to each item as you spoke, donning a jacket before barely making it past the kitchen doorframe due to your neighbours dramatically desperate pleas.
"Can't you just stay? And do it with me?"
"I have to go to work." You laughed at his antics, the man looking like a lost puppy amidst your vast collection of kitchen utensils.
"Work will survive without you, c'mon you wouldn't lose out on much - I'll even pay for the trouble."
That, truly caused you to hesitate with a look of sheer bemusement, a mischievous glint dancing in your irises that mocked his claim almost as much as your sardonic tone.
"If you truly knew my job and paycheck then you'd take that back.” With that, you were quick to flip to a more cheerful voice as you waved goodbye to a pouting Grayson. “Anyway, you'll be fine and tell me how it went once I get back~"
"Wait (Y/n) h-"
The slam of the front door echoed your departure leaving a Dick feeling more lost than ever, the kitchen seemingly quadrupling in size now.
Bruce arrived first along with Damian, Cass, Duke and Alfred. Then there was Tim who’d apparently travelled from Titans tower and finally Jason who’d sauntered in fashionably late as predicted but only by 5 minutes. Each baffled by the sudden change of location which only intensified when the host brought out plates of home cooked dinner.
"This... this isn't take out..."
"No, it's actual food.” Dick confirmed almost offended and words laced with a hint of underlying sarcasm. “That I made myself."
"Okay, so uh - is it edible then?" Jason quipped back, smirking at his elder brother in a smug manner that only he could achieve.
"Would you just eat it? I went through a lot of stress and effort for this."
Dick encouraging everyone as he sat down, the action only bemusing the members of his family more as they complied to his wishes with varying degrees of hesitance from each of them. Damian trusted Dick the most, but he patiently waited for his father to finish his mouthful before even touching his own dish.
"Wow, this is incredible, the flavour and everything - Dick what happened to you?!" Duke enthusiastically mocked and continued to devour the meal with a sense of radiance which contrasted to Cassandras pure silence as she savoured every tasteful mouthful.
"Grayson, there is no way you are solely responsible for this cuisine." Damian suspiciously raised a brow at the older hero, tentatively laying his cutlery elegantly on the now clear plate.
"Thank you, and maybe I had some assistance from my neighbour."
“Thank you for dinner Dick, it was surprisingly delicious and please give our thanks to your mysterious friend too.” Bruce knowingly added, proud of his protégés accomplishments - though minor in comparison to Alfreds glowing exterior.
“I told you there was hope Master Bruce.”
"Bro, they left a whole list of instructions so you wouldn't mess up and hey, call if you need anything. Sounds like a plan -" Jason, who had waited until everyone was finished explored your kitchen in hopes of finding some evidence as to who their saviour was.
"Jason no! They're working!"
"It‘s an emergency, you’ve been replaced by a clone with adequate cooking skills!” Tim wittily added once leaning against the kitchen doorframe to observe the scene with Damian inspecting the whiteboard before questioning it’s purpose.
“Why leave this if they couldn't answer then?"
"That's the point, she will answer and I don't want to disturb her right now. They've done enough for me already." Dick painfully sighed, strategically slapping Jason’s phone into the air and catching it with his other hand in one swift motion much to the irritation of the latter.
"Hold up - she?" Duke cut in now, holding his hands out for emphasis and subtlety fishing for elaboration.
"Are you dating...?” Jason hummed, taking a moment to analyse Dicks reaction prior to cementing his assumption. “No, but you want to, right?"
“We are not -“
“You want to date someone?” Cass innocently inquired now walking in with a pile of plates, Bruce and Alfred following in afterwards with clean up of their own.
“I mean I -“
“I’ve seen enough of your crushes to know you have one, you’re already flustered by thinking about them romantically.” Bruce effortlessly deducted, Alfred nodding in agreement whilst commencing the washing up.
“You can’t just call me out like that Bats, after everything with been through too.” Dick feigned betrayal, a hand on his heart whilst Bruce shook his head.
“Oh yeah, how long did he wait for Starfire and Barbara though?” Tim jokingly nudged Jason who chuckled at the small dig, though charismatic and charming - when real feelings were involved, Dick Grayson wasn’t one to straightforwardly act on them.
“Real mature guys.”
“I think you should tell her.” Was the sincere voice of reason, Cassandras kind smile enough to silence the devilish remarks of his brothers who now shrugged in defeat.
“We could help...”
Miraculously, you'd attained reservations at the most eloquent restaurant in Gotham, located in the more luxurious district of the wealthy. As a result, it served only the finest gourmet cuisine and had waiting lists longer than any other, so much so that even Bruce Wayne had yet to successfully book a place at the establishment.
You had given him the news when he’d recounted the events of his family dinner (skipping over certain discussions) and how they were grateful for your generosity.
Now, you'd asked Dick for how many he'd like seated at the table so you could finalise the arrangements - he knew you worked there, meaning staff privileges were likely applied in this situation but he was still left speechless.
Gawking at the skyrocketing prices, Dick now understood how much missing one day of work would seriously cost you - he definitely couldn't have afforded your time that night after all.
"So, you say you're paying for this?"
With a painstaking hum of agreement, the eldest nodded with a hint of concern detected on his features, fortunately Bruce had come prepared with his own credit card (just in case). Although his family could be provoking and frivolous toward one another, they were also respectful in situations like these and wouldn't run the bill up too high like certain members would if Bruce had been footing the bill. Dick had a charismatic bond with all of them in that sense.
Meanwhile, you handled everything in your kitchen of organised chaos as the orders came pouring in, including that of Dicks table who you had yet to formerly greet.
"This is cereal..." The head waiter meant it more of a question than a statement, looking to you with upmost uncertainty due to the simplicity of the dish compared to those on your signature menu.
Did they even stock Lucky Charms with the ingredients? The answer was no, you’d intentionally bought them purely for this very day and scenario.
"I know, I know - please serve it to my neighbour on Table 12, he'll get it." You humourously assured the man who seemed to have more to say but didn’t wish to argue with higher authority.
"Ah, Chef..." Your sous chef called moments later, overlooking the scene with mild skeptism before realising the nature of your scheme.
"You do realise he is currently seated with Mr Bruce Wayne, don't you?" Upon processing that unprecedented information you immediately bolted - hot on the trail of the waiter with a weak promise in your wake.
"What?! I thought he'd bring his friends along not his- oh god, I just sent them cereal- shit, I'll be right back!"
With strategy and precision, you carefully intercepted the tray only seconds before it’d be placed in front of the empty seat of Dick Grayson - the man in question probably taking a bathroom break.
"Aha, pardon me, this was an incorrect order on my part, please forgive the interruption." You bowed with an apology, disappearing in hopes the remainder of the party hadn’t the time to fully decipher the mistake.
Of course, unbeknownst to you, this was a table full of detectives who constantly observed even the most trivial of details.
"Was that... cereal?"
The night followed on as planned, yourself wrapped up in cooking and supervising throughout the night with the only interruption coming from the waiting staff informing you that Table 12 would like to meet the Chef. Such a gesture was commonplace for you, customers regarded as strangers being much less intimidating than your neighbours family - you couldn’t comprehend why, it’s not like you were dating him or anything but their auras just radiated strength.
"Good evening, I'm glad to hear you -" Arriving at the table, you weren’t given the chance to finish before Dick had stood to greet you with a warm smile gently brushing your upper arm once deciding against hugging you out of habit.
"Hey, (Y/n). You didn’t come over this morning, everything alright?"
"Yeah, it's fine Dick I just had to readjust a menu." You waved his worries off with a grateful nod, hands on your hips in accomplishment as you expected to resume natural conversation with him.
"Okay okay, compliments to you, the food was immaculate - but how do you know our brother?" A youthful male bearing a white streak through his hair cut in, genuine sincerity in his tone when offering his praise before incredulously gesturing to Dick.
"He's my neighbour."
"I - he's a what now?" Duke shook his head in disbelief, looking between you both rather unconvinced.
"Are you kidding me Grayson?!" Tim was next, the most exasperated out of the whole table as he pinched the bridge of his nose whilst Dick quizzically scanned each of his company for insight.
"You got cooking lessons from one of the top Chefs in the whole damn country, you're friends with her, and you didn't even know who she was?!" The slimly built youth exclaimed, apparently knowledgeable in regards to the culinary world and had read of your famous reputation.
“(Y/n) (L/n) owns this restaurant Dick. Also, thank for the other week, the recipe was lovely.” Bruce politely added, nodding to you with a smile.
“You didn’t say that, you only said you worked here.” Dick turned to you now, in a feeble attempt to justify his lack of acknowledgment to your renowned status.
“Well, I do. In my defence you never asked, I mean my apartment and kitchen are rather fancy - that didn’t come on minimum wage.” You replied a matter-of-factly with an air of confidence to your voice.
"Are we forgetting that this is also the chef who was going to serve Richard cereal?" At the remark from Duke, a heated flush adorned your skin due to the embarrassment of being caught - the whole table breaking into collective chuckles.
"You were? - Wow that's such a dick move!" Dick was openly laughing at your failed attempt at humour, lightly nudging your side as you pushed him away in playful defence.
"Shut up! I didn't realise you were with your family, or else I wouldn't have done it."
Jason immediately waved that claim off, cheekily smirking at you as he spoke. “Oh no, I'm so glad you did, honestly it's the main reason I like you right now."
“That and you spared us the horror of Graysons cooking.” Damian conviently inputted, conniving grin sent to his favourite brother.
“You’re welcome, ah I apologise but I should get back to work so please excuse me. It was a pleasure meeting you all.” Taking a calculating glance over the expanse of exquisite tables and order exchanges you thought it best to return to your duties with a gracious smile and started toward the kitchen.
“Can I drop by tonight, I won’t be able to afford any thank you gifts after this but I’ll bring you a coffee?” Dick cheerily inquired, causing you to spin on your heel with a shy laugh and confirmation of his proposal.
“Don’t worry, this is my treat. You guys don’t have to pay for anything so enjoy the rest of your evening.” With that you were once again swept up into the busy atmosphere beyond the kitchen doors.
The table remained quiet for a few moments, Dick sitting down and looking to them almost as if searching for their impressions of you only to be met with bemused, impressed and mischievous gazes.
Not for you, oh no - these were shamelessly directed at a now enamoured Dick Grayson.
“Please marry her.”
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yubsie · 3 years
Hand Me Downs
Breha gives Hera baby gifts. Which means she can pass them on to Leia for her child. (AO3 if you prefer)
No one had warned Hera that being a high-ranking member of the Rebel Alliance was going to involve ruffles. She was prepared for overwhelming odds, to risk her life against an enemy who gave no mercy. And in the early days, that was exactly what she got. A lot of sneaking around and flying and getting shot at and  wearing a flightsuit . Then she’d worked her way up through the ranks and found herself having to attend formal dinner parties that covered for high-ranking strategy sessions. The perils of being a general.
If she had a choice, she would have gone for formalwear with a bit of slink to it. But her rapidly expanding midsection didn’t lend itself well to that at all. The only dress she’d been able to find in... whatever her current size was took the philosophy that the bump could just blend in with the rest of the floof. Her attendance in her condition would surely fuel all sorts of gossip about her and the man Breha had chosen to sit her next to. Gossip was useful; it meant that everyone was speculating about her personal life instead of what they might actually be discussing. The trouble was it also meant they were speculating about her personal life and the child who hadn’t volunteered for this. It wasn’t even the worst thing to happen this week, but it felt so incredibly alien.
She wished she could talk to Kanan about it. He would have delivered some sort of over-the-top compliment. And then Ezra would have somehow still not noticed. At least she could still hope to explain to a very baffled Ezra where her child had come from.
But neither of them were here. Now she had the new constant figures of her life: Mon Mothma and the Organas. She trusted the high-ranking members of the Alliance; it would be disastrous if she couldn’t. She even liked them quite a bit. They were good people. Friends, even. They just weren’t family, and she wanted so much of that around right now.
Her glass represented their current target in the makeshift map they were drawing up on the dinner table. The fact that she was the only one currently restricted to water set it apart conveniently from the wine glasses representing rebel units. She tapped Bail’s glass. “If we bring the demolitions team in from the west, they’ll have the sanitation droids as cover.” Sabine would be thrilled, she was sure. Garbage had so much artistic merit.
Mon Mothma nodded. “And that will help minimize the collateral damage to the surrounding citizens.”
Ierlin Allston, head of their fledgling public relations department, nodded. “The benefits of that are pretty obvious.”
They probably didn’t need to consider it from the public image perspective. It was enough that it was right. But it was still a useful angle. Anything to win hearts and minds over in the fight against the Empire. While also winning key weapons factories. They had a solid plan that was sure to go out the window and require extensive improvisation, but at least they had something to build on now.
It was also as far as the plan could possibly go before that first engagement with the enemy. They were still waiting on several key intelligence reports Mon Mothma had hoped they would have in time for this session. There hadn’t been a way to postpone the dinner party that wouldn’t attract suspicion when the information. So they would have to fill the remainder of the dinner party with actual dinner party activity. Definitely not Hera’s specialty, that was more for those who had come here from the senatorial side of things.
“General Syndulla, a word?” She didn’t actually know enough about the etiquette of these sorts of parties to know if it was unusual for Breha to break away from her carefully balanced seating arrangement. They’d eaten most of the courses at this point, so perhaps mingling was entirely normal.
At any rate, when the Queen of Alderaan requested a word, one gave a word. She didn’t need to know anything about royal etiquette to realize that much. “Yes, of course.” How was she supposed to address her? They were on friendly terms, and in a flightsuit she would probably address her by name without a second thought. She really was out of her element in all these bolts of fabric. Who had bought out the store to construct this ridiculous dress? “Your Majesty?”
The queen smiled. “It can still be Breha.” She paused. “This is absolutely a personal interaction.”
Hera had almost forgotten what those felt like in recent months. They were always for family, but even the ones she could locate were scattered. Zeb and Kallus came by often, but they had their own work. It was often just her and Sabine, since Ezra vanished. And she didn’t want to put too much pressure on the girl. It wasn’t fair. “It is?”
“You know, Leia was rather unexpected.” It was obvious enough where that was coming from. No one had to be told that she hadn’t planned this. Even if Kanan had lived, they were in the middle of a war, and she still wasn’t quite sure how she was going to balance the baby with all of that. How she was going to keep him safe. He would need her to step back, especially at first, but he would also need a safe galaxy to grow up in. She had to find a way to give him a mother and a future at the same time. It would have been easier if Kanan were here to help. But she’d tried to stop dwelling on things that were well and truly impossible. She had to deal with the situation as it was.
“Wasn’t she adopted?” That was the sort of development one usually tried to plan. It didn’t just happen like having strange symptoms weeks after losing the love of her life and realizing that the Force apparently wanted more little Jedi running around. Or something like that.
Breha laughed warmly. “She was. The last days of the Clone Wars were the strangest.”
She’d only been a child then, but old enough to realize how quickly everything was changing. The galaxy suddenly looked completely different and as dangerous as ever. That was just never going to end, it would seem.
“We had talked about it, but I wasn’t expecting Bail to come home with a baby that day.”
Hera couldn’t even imagine. She was already struggling to prepare for her baby with months of warning. Having one just show up was a logistical nightmare. But she wasn’t sure where this was meant to be going. “You seem to have managed quite well. She’s remarkable.” The princess was involved in more missions of late. And she didn’t disappoint.
“There are... certain advantages to a hereditary home. The attics have more than anyone could possibly use in a lifetime. So it was easy to prepare a nursery.”
That wouldn’t really help on the emotional front, but sometimes logistics were the easiest thing to focus on. Their supplies had never been so well documented as right after the liberation of Lothal.
“I was wondering how you were doing on that front?”
“I...” She’d been trying to figure out how to care for the child. “Our usual suppliers don’t tend to trade in infant goods.”
“That’s what I thought.” She would never have expected a queen to be so practical before she met Breha. But what was government if not a giant exercise in logistics? She’d seen quickly that Princess Leia Organa had not been routinely handed off to nannies. They probably would have attempted to exert some sort of moderating influence to keep her out of the Rebellion. “Bail and I wanted to give you a few items. Some clothing, a travel bassinette. We have more spares than we could ever need. Leia could be a great-great-grandmother before we had to reuse a single item. It will go to so much better use with you, I think.”
“I...” She suddenly pictured items from a royal palace tucked into one of the Ghost’s empty rooms. The image was strange enough to bring laughter instead of the usual sadness at the state of those rooms. “That’s so generous.”
“Alderaan favours simplicity.” Translation: don’t worry, I’m not handing you something jewel encrusted to furnish a freighter. “The craftsmanship is excellent.”
Hera rested her hand on her belly, taking a moment to imagine her future. “He’ll be the most elegantly dressed baby at the spacestop.”
No one had warned Leia that victory would involve quite so many Functions. She should have been prepared for them, growing up in a royal palace, but after fighting a war for so long, she’d let herself forget. Now they moved more and more toward an actual government, and she had to learn an old role all over again. She’d gotten used to her days involving more strategy sessions than dinner parties.
Of course, she still had military officers approaching her. They just wore the notoriously unpopular dress uniform now. They had barely had a uniform at all when her parents first let her get involved in the Rebellion. Now there was a dress variant, and the people who wore it had no end of opinions. Even if a general would, of course, never breathe a word about it. “Senator, a word?”
Leia maneuvered herself around carefully. That was the only way she could actually move these days. Her small stature made her increasing bulk feel all the more unwieldy. “Of course, General.”
“It’s really more of a Hera conversation.” They’d known each other too long to always stand on ceremony. Right now, Leia didn’t much care for standing at all. “Can you handle the walk to the Ghost?”
“As long as there are chairs at the end.” At least they had enough history that she could admit that.
Hera nodded and started to lead the way. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” she said almost automatically.
Automatically enough that Hera immediately raised an eyebrow.
“Tired.” It was a completely different brand of exhaustion that the sleepless nights in a battle zone. Not necessarily worse, but unique. She’d never grown a human being before but it was taking more out of her than she was eager to admit. Especially when she was trying to convince her staff she wasn’t an invalid. “Exhausted, really.”
Hera smiled. “It’s like that a lot. I’m not going to lie and say it gets better, but it’s a nice sort of exhausted. Most of the time.”
“How’s your son doing? I hope he’s well.”
“He spent this last deployment with Zeb and Kallus. He’s amazing, even if keeping up with a Force sensitive child is more work than three full starfighter squadrons.”
More of a preview of her life than she meant it to be. Deep in her heart, she knew that was true, but she hadn’t had anyone who’d knowingly experienced that to talk to. She couldn’t have been that bad a child, could she have?
She probably had. “Just regular squadrons, I hope?”
Hera shook her head. “All of them are Rogue Squadron.  All   of them.” Current reports indicated that the general they were currently attached to was rapidly balding. Also making remarkable progress through former Imperial territory but in utterly exhausting and unexpected ways. “Of course, I don’t really have a non-Force sensitive child to compare him to. Sabine was already a teenager by the time she was in my life.”
She could handle it. At least she had some amount of Force sensitivity herself. Poor Han, she should warn him. Maybe have him talk to Hera, if they could stop arguing about the relative merits of their ships long enough to discuss anything else. This might actually be important enough to manage that.
Hera keyed in the sequence to open up the hatch and led the way into the common area. Which had some remarkably comfortable chairs. Well chosen. Maybe she could get Han to install something like this on the Falcon. At the very least she had to find out where these cushions came from. Maybe she could even sneak one for the next Function...
Once she was suitably settled to relieve her overtaxed feet, Hera tried several times to open a conversation. Finally, she managed, “It can be hard to stop thinking about who you desperately want to be there, with a child.”
Leia’s hand drifted to her belly. “Han’s the important part.” She’d worried a lot when he was off dealing with Kashyyyk. But he was back now and ready to be part of their son’s life. It wasn’t like what Hera had had to deal with when her son was born. She had so many others around her, it wasn’t fair to wish for the things she couldn’t have.
“A baby can never have too much family. The whole crew helped me with Jacen.” She reached over and took Leia’s hand. “And so did two people who would be the most delighted grandparents anyone could ask for.”
Hormones were completely unfair. She was a senator; she couldn’t go crying like this. “I keep thinking of all the traditions I always thought any child of mine would participate in.” There was a lot involved with being the heir to the throne of Alderaan. For all that she’d complained, she couldn’t have imagined back then things going another way. Her child wouldn’t be the heir to anything— only a field of rubble.
“I had no idea what I was going to do without Kanan. But your parents were so kind to me.” She’d been busy with her own missions and a certain amount of teenaged tunnel blindness, but she did remember General Syndulla being around more often in the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. She’d assumed it was all about the Rebel Alliance getting more established and the longtime leaders having more work to do. But of course, a pregnancy would change the day to day activities of a general. For all that she told her staff she wasn’t an invalid, she did occasionally have to slow down.
“They were always like that.” That was why it hurt so much. The galaxy needed people who were that kind. She tried to carry on their legacy, but she could only do so much. It would never be enough.
Hera pulled two crates forward and opened the first to reveal an assortment of baby clothes. She handed Leia the top onesie to examine. It wasn’t the sort of clothes she would have expected an active rebel to pick out, but these must be Jacen’s old things. They didn’t get a lot of babies in the Rebellion, after all. She ran her hand over the fabric. “This is beautiful.” It almost felt like rannasilk. But the only place to get that was... “It can’t be...”
Hera handed her another piece of clothing. The same craftsmanship. The same material. “Your mother said she had more than she could ever dream of using.”
“I remember. We had more than we could ever need, but no sense letting perfectly good things sit by, even if they were a little bit too luxurious.” It wasn’t what most people expected of royalty. But Alderaan wasn’t like anywhere else in the galaxy.
“She told me you could be a great grandmother before they ever had to reuse any baby things.” And then all of that had gone to waste when Tarkin said fire. Except for these boxes.
Leia held the onesie to her heart. Any connection at all.
“The other crate is a few items of furniture. I assume you have something permanent set up at home, but they knew I was mostly going to be travelling.” Settling down only became a real possibility for any of them in the past year. And even that was slow going. “It would make a good shipboard nursery.”
She’d been surprised that Han was willing to make changes to the Falcon. Putting in a galley. If he’d do that for her, surely their baby would also be worth it. They weren’t going to leave any permanent marks, and there was that strange room that Lando kept referring to as his cape closet. There wasn’t much in there but junk now. They could sort through all of that and make space for the baby. Space for... she opened the crate.
A perfectly crafted travel bassinette. Just like she would have slept in for all but her very first trip to Alderaan. Artfully carved, solid craftsmanship. Though the straps attached inside didn’t look at all Alderaanian. A practical addition, but added with respect for the aesthetic. She tugged on them. Solid, that would keep a baby from going anywhere even if his father decided it was a good idea to go into an asteroid field. But also quite lovely.
“That was Sabine’s work. Alderaanian royal politics don’t tend to quite rival an active rebellion for excitement.”
“If you go far enough in our history...” There was a reason Alderaanian royals had found themselves drawn to rebellion. She’d like to think it was all about justice. But they didn’t come from a tradition of sitting quietly, no matter what her tutors had tried to convince her of at the time. “I hope they’re never necessary.”
“That’s what we all hope for our children. And we actually have a chance at giving it to them, thanks to the work your parents started.” Started. They’d all continued it. And now, her child would have more of a link to that than she’d ever dreamed.
“I don’t know how to thank you enough for this gift.” She didn’t expect anything from family for the next generation. It would have been a foolish hope. That was all lost years ago in the worst moment of her life. Except, it seemed, this one gift. Because her parents had taken the time to care for someone else. They couldn’t have known this would come back to her; they were expecting her to use the rest of the excess in the palace’s vast storage.
She would have to teach her child to be like them. Dreaming cradled in this gift they didn’t know they were giving him.
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bedlamsbard · 3 years
fascinated by the distinction drawn between "audience member" and "fic writer" bc I think I know what you mean in regards to kind of re-writing it in your own head not as the secondary way of interacting with it but as the first. But I would not have thought of putting it that way!
A lot of it has to do with the specific fic genre I write in, which is long plotty AUs that I’ll probably be working on for years -- to some extent I can set aside everything in canon that occurs in in-universe chronology after the span of my story; Backbone and Crown doesn’t have to take into account the events of the OT and ST because they haven’t occurred yet.  On the other hand, I can’t totally set aside major set piece events that involve causes and players outside of whatever characters and timeline I’m working with, because depending what I’m working with things are still going to happen whether or not my characters are involved.
And I make compromises all the time about whether things are going to make it into the story -- there’s a whole discarded Backbone subplot about Zare Leonis that I considered really carefully before not including, even with the knowledge that leaving him and his interaction with Ezra out of the story meant that his arc in the Servants of the Empire novels will be completely changed.  Backbone covers about half the span of S1, maybe less; I was always running out the timeline of S1 to figure out what events would be happening that would or would or not be affected by the Ghosts’ changed circumstances and if that merited being included in the story.  Rebels S1 is very small-scale; going further into the timeline of the show means that opens up further and further and a lot of other factors are in play.  The earliest version of Backbone was also quite different; the Free Ryloth fleet didn’t exist, Cham and Alecto were members of the Rebel Alliance, a number of other Rebel Alliance characters were there; I reworked it after Siege came out and it was revealed that the Rebel Alliance wasn’t yet a thing.
With Gambit, otoh, there were a lot of galactic-scale repercussions; I was always running the timeline back and forth and figuring out what the originating events were and how those would play out in the altered timeline of this single-point divergence AU.  But the crucial difference is that for Gambit (and Wake), I was working is that I was working with a closed canon -- I didn’t have to worry about something down the line adding something to the in-universe chronology, and a lot of it was heavily altered by the divergence point anyway.  (Actually, that canon reopened partway through Wake when The Lost Missions dropped in a way that was relevant; the chip scenes were somewhat shoehorned in because I couldn’t leave that out.)  Crown is working in a tighter timeline but one that comes a lot closer to the set piece events of the saga; I have “where is this in relation to Rogue One?” running through my head when I’m working through any of the Rebel Alliance scenes.  There are a number of small-scale changes that aren’t immediately clear (because the story’s not finished) that have come about because of the story’s divergence point that would have a much greater influence on galactic events than they did in canon.
When it comes to out-of-universe chronology, the added canon that comes out after I’ve already started working on a story, it can be a lot harder to deal with.  95% of the time, if the additional canon deals with the character/setting of my WIP, I’m going to ignore the bulk of it but occasionally integrate details here and there as relevant (such as the name of the Tann Province in Backbone -- you may note it doesn’t show up until quite late in the story, after the S3 ep aired).  I didn’t change the names of the Inquisitors -- in fact, I made the decision early on that however I named the Inquisitors it would be different from what canon did, as that was prior to them being called “Seventh Sister”, “Fifth Brother,” etc.  5% of the time it’s something that I cannot ignore, like the clones and the chips -- that’s pretty rare, tbh, but it happens.  (I’ve scrapped a story because of additional canon; I had a chunk of Kanan/Hera time travel written where they both got thrown back to the Clone Wars, but the Kanan - The Last Padawan comic coming out threw me too badly with their clones as opposed to my OCs.)  To some extent, I try to only work with the canon that was available when I started writing that story; that’s not entirely sustainable with canon coming out so rapidly, and sometimes it can throw out a reader.
The worst part, as a fic writer, about dealing with additional canon isn’t trying to integrate it into an ongoing story: it’s that it may change how I feel about Star Wars, or if it’s done poorly, I may end up in the kind of mental place where I get very “why am I doing this when the canon doesn’t even care.”  There’s a scene in the Darth Vader comics where the Inquisitors are doing shots after killing a Jedi and stealing his baby.  When that particular issue came out, I was working on the big Inquisitors vs. Kanan & Ahsoka fight scene in Backbone, and I was so badly thrown by the disconnect that I had to step away for a few days.  I hated the Rebels finale so much that I couldn’t work on Backbone for a while even though it’a completely different universe.  A lot of what canon did with Ahsoka post-S2, and the way she gets idolized by both fandom and the PTB, has messed with my perception of her so much that with Crown Ahsoka and the backend of Backbone Ahsoka I didn’t trust myself writing her and had to have multiple beta readers just for her characterization, something I have never worried about before.  (This is one reason I did that deep dive the other week to figure out what the hell was going on in the writers room about her, and honestly?  I feel better about it now that I’ve rationalized what was going on in a way that makes sense to me.)  I had to stop reading the Doctor Aphra comics because Hera was so out of character there that I was getting really, really upset (and also the animal harm), and then I just stopped reading all the SW comics because they were making me mad and I wasn’t enjoying myself.  Sometimes you get big universe consequences stuff that doesn’t deal with your main characters (looking at you, TROS) and it’s frustrating if you don’t like it!  Then I have to sit down and try to decide “hey, am I going to use any of this Palpatine stuff?” -- this was actually a problem for Crown, because the Palpatine scenes weren’t written yet when TROS came out, and I was so badly thrown by TROS that I didn’t know how to deal with that in Crown even though it’s mostly not relevant.  Would I be happiest if I was working in a closed canon, or if at least I knew (or thought) my main characters weren’t going to get any more canon stories about them? GODS, YES, THIS IS WHY I STARTED WRITING PREQUEL FIC BACK IN THE LATE 2000S.  (Ironically, I started writing PT fic before TCW came out, then flipped fandoms and came back in 2012 -- but all my 2012 PT fic only used the closed canon of the EU Clone Wars/Republic comics, not TCW.)
Mostly as an audience member I don’t want to see my writing characters on the screen anymore -- there’s a certain amount of hypervigilance that comes with having your writing characters or settings active in canon, even if you don’t intend to integrate any of that.  I watch and read Star Wars very differently than I watch and read anything else; I mostly don’t find it relaxing because I’m always aware of the fact that the stuff I care about could pop up at any moment, or because I’m concentrating so hard on characterization/nuance/worldbuilding that my brain is going 150 mph, or because I have very specific deal-breakers.  (I do find reading in the EU relaxing because bro, that is CLOSED CANON.)  I would like to relax!  If canon finally contorts itself to the point I can relax again that will be a relief, tbh, even as frustrating as it would also be.
...this is probably a much longer response than you expected.
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se-ono-waise-ilia · 3 years
Hinata’s New Toy Chapter 2
Summary: Kiba has some new thoughts about his beloved kunoichi after her breakup with Naruto. Hinata has new thoughts about Kiba too. Mature & smutty content, NSFW.
Read chapter 1 here on fanfiction.net
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Incessant knocking sounds startled Hinata as she lifted her head from her pillow. The need to squint her eyes indicated it was a sunny day, and the pounding of her head indicated she was extremely hung over. Reaching for her clock, she noticed it was 7am, Who on earth could that be?
Lifting her fingers to perform byukugan, she felt a wave of pain that went straight to her forehead, I suppose this is what peep holes are for.
Bracing her hands on the bed to push herself up, she noticed her beloved new toy was still there. Unwashed. The almost always appropriate heiress crinkled her nose in shame at the white crusty bits clinging to the silicone.
The awful sound of her door being beaten continued. The person behind it did not demonstrate the common courtesy of announcing oneself. Thinking it best to not clearly indicate she was home, she silenced the groans of discomfort she yearned to make, and tip toed to the door.
"Open the door, Hyuga. I'm here on behalf of Naruto."
It was Uchiha Sasuke.
Hinata thought ill of very few people, but the one person she could say that she truly wanted to call crude and inappropriate names was Uchiha Sasuke. She never liked the way he looked down at others as a child, and envied how easy most skills came to him. After he joined Team 7, she was concerned about the way he treated Naruto, and jealous that he soaked up all her crush's attention.
Now she understood that the intense relationship between them was just a precursor to, well, their current relationship.
Then of course he betrayed the village, joined a terrorist organization, then reconnected with Naruto and was announced "good" again, but went traveling, and then came back to steal her boyfriend.
Ex-boyfriend, she was still correcting herself.
"Hinata," was the only explanation she got through the door.
Fortunately, there was a mirror by the door that told Hinata to re-do her bun, which she quickly did as the admittedly afraid kunoichi opened the door to the ex-terrorist/ boyfriend thief, "Uchiha-s-s-san."
Oh, how she hated how meek her voice was when she felt insecure.
The blast of cold wintery air was warmer than his presence. He look extremely inconvenienced, "Naruto said I need to apologize to you."
Hinata couldn't decipher if it was the pounding hangover headache or the audacity of this entitled man that had her internally fuming, Apologize?! For telling me to "get out" so rudely when I arrived to see Naruto. Or stealing him from me. Although, it's not like Naruto was completely innocent. He LET you act that way and it only took him over a week to decide something should be done about it. Where's Naruto then?! He's the one who was complicit in your rudeness and didn't respond to my break-up note in any way, shape or form. As if us breaking up was nothing worth discussing. Why isn't he here now, apologizing alongside you. The fucking nerve!
Alas, Hinata didn't say any of these rational thoughts. All she could muster was a simple, "Oh."
The 25-year-old wasn't one to say what she really thought regarding uncomfortable and negative situations. Avoiding personal confrontations was a key part of her social strategies (work related confrontations were another matter, the structure of the ninja work culture made her feel more comfortable voicing her opinions). And when involved in a social confrontation of the harsh sort, her strategy was to say or do anything to deescalate the problem at hand to make the entire confrontation go away as quickly as possible, even at her own expense.
So no, she regrettably did not demand answers regarding Naruto's absence in this matter, nor did she call Uchiha Sasuke the asshole that he was, is, and will forever be.
He seemed irritated at the awkward silence that he likely thought was her fault. Hinata tried to inhale the heavy lavender scent that always permeated her apartment, but was startled to find her apartment had many other contrasting smells to it that weren't entirely calming.
Memories of last night flooded her hurting head. Feelings of embarrassment, shame, and anxiety went straight to her nervous system.
Sasuke must have notice her nose twitch amongst her other symptoms of freaking out. He sniffed, and looked repulsed, "Your apartment smells like lavender, female genitals, and dog."
The blushing nin couldn't help but nod her head in a shocked, mortified daze. She wanted to breathe heavily (three count inhale, six count exhale), but Uchiha was right. Her usually spa-like apartment did smell like ... those things. The lavender and dog notes actually weren't new. But the middle part, how embarrassing!
Scrambling her known social strategies for a way to deescalate, she chose to change the conversation to focus on someone else, "N-naruto's place smells like stale ramen and sweaty men's clothing."
It wasn't intended to be a dig, but Hinata found herself proud that it came out with that tone.
For her efforts, she was gifted the response of an agreeable scoff.
To keep this remarkably successful change in conversation going, "It's worse when he makes clones. That one time he did sexy no jutsu in the apartment, it was overwhelming."
It came out so fast she didn't even stutter. It also came out so fast, it took her a moment to realize what she had implied. With significant terror, she looked into Sasuke's eyes to see accusatory confusion, "Explain," he demanded.
Vigorously shaking her poor hungover head, "I-I-I should air out the ap-p-partment and put on proper c-c-clothes."
Suddenly, one specific memory from last night came to the forefront of her mind. She squeaked with an even higher level of mortification as she patted her shorts, No underwear, oh no, "Kiba!" she squeaked and started to fan herself as a hot flush of embarrassment took over.
She was sure Sasuke was still looking at her with unnecessary critique, but no longer cared. The fact that she gave Kiba not just her panties, but her worn post-vibrator panties, with the implicit specific purpose of him smelling them while he...
Hinata leaned against the doorframe as she started rubbing the spot in her hand that was an anxiety reducing pressure point.
"If I get Inuzuka, will you convey to Naruto I apologized... and will you explain the sexy no jutsu incident?"
She found herself staring into his mismatched eyes, blinking in confusion. He nodded, then teleported away.
What just happened? Did he leave? Or is he going to get ... oh no!
Slamming the door in a panic, she used chakra enhanced speed to open all the windows in her apartment, put all used laundry into a basket with a blanket covered over it as at least some form of scent containment, sprayed an obscene amount of perfume on it (peony scented), put the still unwashed vibrator and lube into her nightstand drawer, and rushed into a shockingly cold shower with her toothbrush. Not knowing if she'd have enough time to wash her hair, she left it up as she hastily brushed her teeth sans paste, and scrubbed herself raw with lavender & vanilla scented soap.
The aggressive knocking at her door minutes later startled her, resulting in her hair getting an unplanned rinse, Maybe it's just Sasuke. He'll have to wait at the door.
"Hinata!" shouted a voice that was absolutely not Sasuke's, "Are you OK?! This asshole pulled me out of bed and said you needed me. I'm coming in!"
Informing Kiba of of the location of the emergency key was now a deeply regrettable decision.
Hinata managed to hastily throw on her luckily modest bathrobe before Kiba burst through the door. Then the bathroom door. Only garbed in pants.
He sniffed her, gave her a quick body scan, turned off the shower, then grabbed her cheeks with his warm hands to aim her face up towards his, "Are you OK?"
Even though her cheeks were already flushed with the exertion of prepping her apartment and the cold from both the open windows and the freezing shower, Hinata knew she was likely turning a strange mix of blue and beet red, Kiba cares about me and he's so handsome.
These observations weren't new to Hinata. Kiba has always cared for her safety, and he was objectively a ruggedly handsome man with an intentional curation of impressive muscles. But since last night, Hinata all of a sudden felt attraction to these qualities.
"Hinata-chan?" Kiba asked again, rubbing her loose wet tresses out of her face with his gentle fingers.
Gulping, she managed to nod. Her shirtless friend let out a sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, He was actually worried something had happened to me. It was just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry you felt scared on my behalf, Kiba.
She felt herself sink into his warm and dry body, feeling the dusting of chest hair tickle her cheek.
"Our deal?" Sasuke interrupted their moment. Hinata truly hated that man. As much as she loved that this weird situation brought Kiba to hold her, the poor nin had to run through the cold without shoes nor a top in fear that something was wrong.
I never agreed to any deal with you, you presumptuous rude man. You never even actually apologized. And I have no desire to discuss your sex life now or ever. I hope Naruto spills boiling hot ramen on you. A whole bowl, she mentally insulted him with all her might.
Alas, she kept it all inside. A growl vibrated from Kiba's chest as he tightened his grip on Hinata. Honestly, the flushed girl was more than happy to allow Kiba to demonstrate anger and resentment on her behalf, as he often did, "What the actual fuck, Uchiha?"
Hinata also appreciated that while she had extensive internal private thoughts describing her more negative expressions, Kiba was able to edit it down into concise and direct phrases.
"Tch," the awful man emoted, "Naruto sent me here to apologize-"
"And did you?!"
Sasuke paused, then directed his eyes to Hinata, "I apologize."
Kiba rolled his eyes, "Asshole."
Hinata couldn't help but nod in agreement against Kiba's delightfully firm pecs.
"Hinata, please explain the other part now."
"What's this fucking deal?" Kiba barked at him, tightening his hold on her. Possibly in a protective manner, or affectionate. Or both. Either way, Hinata was in heaven being held by a shirtless Kiba who was also talking back to the scariest ninja in the world without a hint of fear.
Sasuke narrowed his mismatched eyes, "She accepts my apology and gives me information, in return she indicated a need for you."
"Me?" was the detail he prioritized. Burying her head into his chest seemed like the best response. Her hands may or may not have found a comfortable resting position on his obliques.
"I have places to be, Hyuga," it sounded like Sasuke was gritting his teeth in annoyance. In Kiba's arms, she felt safe ignoring him.
Kiba growled during most conversations, but he was particularly consistent in this one, "No, she does not accept your apology. Not like yours matters to her anyway. Naruto's the negligent ex-boyfriend who didn't appreciate her, and let his new boyfriend toss her to the curb on his behalf. Fuck you, Uchiha. Go deep throat Hinata's ex."
Kami, did Hinata want to drag Kiba's face down to her face and give him the hottest kiss of her life, like the ones she reads about in romance novels. And her robe would just happen to fall off during this steamy kiss.
The aroused girl wanted to keep this fantasy going, but she knew if her body reacted, Kiba would definitely smell it. So she finally looked to Sasuke, and felt all sexy vibes disappear.
Sasuke didn't seem affected by Kiba's excellent speech, nor did he leave. He was doing that thing where he glares at people while thinking through his next move. Always intimidating, even when he's simply thinking.
Kiba had no time for that, "Kami Uchiha, what will it take for you to not be a prick to Hinata and leave?"
Folding his arms, "For the information I seek from Hinata, I will use more courtesy in the future."
Then he scanned Kiba's body with a look of ... appreciation?
"Is there any practical application of exercising your body to feature that many abdominal muscles?"
Kiba must have been surprised, as Hinata had to restrain a whimper of loss when he separated his sinewy body from hers to look at his own stomach. Not growling for the first time in this conversation, "Ninjas don't really benefit that much more from them, I just do the extra exercises and diet to make them look this way," he eyed Sasuke mischievously, "You checkin me out, Uchiha? What will Naruto think of that?"
Sasuke blushed, and it was Hinata's absolute favorite face he had ever made. And then he pouted, pouted, as if his pride withheld him from saying what he really wanted to say.
"Full offense to your pride intended, I'll teach you the exercises some other time if you leave," Kiba grinned as if he was absolutely confident in his ability to win this confrontation.
With extreme reluctance and minimal eye contact, Sasuke nodded.
Kiba made a shooing motion, but not before Sasuke looked to her with expectance.
Covering her face with her hand, "Just have him do the jutsu, but stay in his male form."
Sasuke only blinked with a "Hmm," before teleporting away.
"He's the actual worst," Kiba sighed, "but having him check me out was the weirdest ego booster. Is it OK if I hate him slightly less for it?" He looked to Hinata for approval.
She embraced the chance to blatantly check out Kiba's body herself.
Kami, he is ripped. In her line of work, she's exposed to fit men all the time. But Kiba...he did the most creative sorts of crunches to sculpt his body.
She felt her mouth salivating as her eyes drifted further down to where a V shape made an arrow to his manhood. The trail of hair helped guide the way, but that V...
She noticed he shivered, and realized all her windows were open and wintery air was coursing through her apartment. Shaking herself out of her inappropriate staring, "C-c-ccould you c-c-close the w-w-w-windows while I-I-I get-t-t dressed?"
Her stuttering was doubled by the clattering of her teeth as she felt ice-like hair penetrate her skin and frigid air wrap around her exposed skin.
He shook his head in a dog-like manner, and left to do her bidding.
The freezing girl shuffled and shivered to her bedroom and closed the door. The need to be warm overcame her sexual cravings that had dominated this past week. Ripping through her dresser, she donned her warmest shirt (dark purple), leggings (light purple), and socks (sparkly dark purple). The long-sleeved shirt clung to her curves in a flattering manner, so she resisted to the urge to cover herself with a heavy sweater for the possibility of ... does Kiba like my body? I don't quite know if he covered his eyes last night, oh Kami, why did I do that?
Her hair was an inconsistent mess of wet and dry, so she restyled it into the thousandth messy bun of this week.
Worried for the comfort of her half-naked teammate, she went to the travel section of her closet to pull out an extra change of clothes for Kiba. He used to have this endearing habit of forgetting climate changes when they traveled as genin, and Hinata brought backups for such occasions.
But that was when they were still teenagers. Before Kiba filled out. With broad shoulders and a trim waist. Unsure if the old black sweater and socks would fit, she hesitantly exited the safety of her bedroom in her warm monochromatic clothes.
All her windows were secure, and Kiba was in her kitchen with the kettle on the stove and his face buried in her tea box.
"I don't know if this still fits, but..."
He smiled smugly at the sweater, "You can have that, Hinata-chan," as he took the socks.
Her half-naked friend seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her and her body. Feeling slightly rejected, she chose to use a tactic she often read in her favorite steamy novels: putting on the male's clothes. She tugged the black sweater from Kiba's younger years over her head, and found it snug around the chest.
Alas, her tactic seemed to fail as he swiftly turned back to the kitchen without a second look, and brought his face unnecessarily close to the tea box. Why was he taking so long to pick his tea? Hinata then felt shame at her previous thoughts, Oh no, I'm so desperate for him to give me the savoring look I gave him earlier. Does he feel awkward about last night? We did drink a lot, and I said a lot, and I seduced him maybe a little, took off my pants and panties...
Holding her groans of embarrassment within, she used her social strategy of picking a neutral topic of conversation, "Where's Akamaru?"
Holding a bag of chamomile tea extremely close to his face, he continued to avoid eye contact, "He'll be along soon enough. I yelled to him to bring my travel bag to your place while he was growling at Uchiha," he scrunched his eyes closed and ran his non-tea-bag hand though his gorgeous bedhead, "Kami Hinata, when he showed up, I thought the worst. Uchiha is an asshat, but the missions he deals with are serious shit. More horrifying than ANBU shit. Seeing him and hearing your name..."
Hinata went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. Forgetting her attraction to this man, she simply held her teammate of near thirteen years in the most soothing manner she could think of, "I'm OK, Kiba. It was a misunderstanding. A very strange misunderstanding. I'm so sorry."
He covered her arms wrapped around his middle with one of his. Speaking with almost a whisper, "You're important to me. So important," and he gently squeezed her wrist.
Tears lined her eyes. She felt touched he cared this much about her. Hinata returned Kiba's squeeze around his middle, "You're important to me too."
The moment was sustained until the tea kettle whistled, as did Hinata's anxiety that always found ways to interfere with beautiful moments.
Her anxiety brutally made her realize she should be ashamed for desperately throwing her body at one of her dearest friends last night and earlier in her bathroom.
Kami, last night she treated him as a ticket to her next orgasm. Not the kind and caring teammate she held in her arms.
Letting go of her friend, she moved to the couch to smother her face with one of her less embroidered pillows, I did that awful thing I read about in books when the self-serving girl treats the man who's crazy about her as a dick to ride rather than a person. How shameful.
And where her anxiety failed to punish her, the miserable hangover picked up the work. In addition to the pressing headache, her stomach growled with an uncomfortable hunger for greasy and spicy food.
Fortunately, Kiba was one of the few people who was familiar with hungover Hinata. She heard a mug being set on her coaster on the coffee table, followed by the clamoring of pans and cabinets. How on earth was Kiba the better host out of the two of them? Not only has he spent years adding decor to her apartment with gifts, he also cleaned her kitchen last night for Kami's sake.
Not feeling quite closed in on by all her mental, emotional, and physical feelings, Hinata dragged her weighted blanket on top of herself and curled up into a ball.
The next thing she knew, she felt a tentative hand rubbing her back through the heavy blanket, the smell of spicy fried rice filling her nose. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up, Did I fall asleep? Was it a dream?
Upon clearing her eyes, she was treated to the site of a shirtless Inuzuka making the table with two bowls of steaming fried rice with lots of red chili flakes decorating the surface, "Kiba?"
"You fell asleep. Itadakimasu," he chuckled at her before shoveling rice into his large, oh so large mouth.
Might as well be a dream, she mused, forcing herself to have a sip of tea and sit properly for a meal, "Itadakimasu."
The scrumptious mix of fried rice and egg with spicy seasonings allowed Hinata a period of peace she hadn't known in the longest time. Meals from these past few months have been overcome with unresolved tension, the pain of denied and buried emotions, or the misery of loneliness.
But not with Kiba. Although he didn't have the most sophisticated culinary skills, he made the basics with that laid back feeling that all too often eluded Hinata. He balanced her so remarkably well.
With that thought, about halfway through her bowl, Hinata actually did succumb to her emotions. Dropping her bowl on the table, she attempted to cover her face as hot tears poured down her cheeks and her body shook with the waves of loud sobs.
A pressure dropped the couch cushion under her as warm and safe arms enveloped her.
She didn't know if the break up had finally sunk in, that the man of her dreams was an underwhelming disappointment as a boyfriend. Or, if it occurred to her that the artificially inspired orgasms this past week via her vibrator and unrealistic romance novels had been empowering and delightful, but also a fantasy unlikely to come true.
Or, the terrifying realization that Kiba meant everything to her.
And she didn't want to treat him as eye candy, her next orgasm, her rebound, or anything of the things that she had been treating him like since last night.
She wanted him to officially be her everything. But she already fucked that up with her impulsive, drunk, and lust clouded actions.
Needing to atone, she turned her body around and wrapped her arms around his neck with a possibly suffocating hold, "Kiba!" she cried. Sorry wasn't a word worthy of his heartfelt ears regarding the way she had treated him. So she cried his name over and over again into his hair as he held her with a proportionally tight grip, his face also buried in hair. She might have considered loosening her strong grip if it weren't for the encouraging way he cupped the nape of her neck, as if telling her to stay as long as she needed.
So she stayed, and cried until her sobs regressed into deep breaths, until her tears had stained her cheeks and she found herself blinking away the few remaining, until she realized Kiba had been rubbing her back with soothing circles, until she realized his other hand was squeezing the back of her neck in an effort to ease tension, until she was able to focus on Kiba's heartbeat as a calming beacon.
She felt herself melt into his arms as the last of her tears fell. And that's how they stayed for an unmeasurable amount of time.
When she felt stiff from the way she had been clinging to him, Hinata slowly released her arms and sat back on her haunches to fix his tear stained hair. She met his eyes and was surprised to find they were lined with silver, as if he too had needed an emotional release of his own.
Hinata brushed a lone tear from his eye with her thumb, and he leaned into her touch. She felt herself breathe shakily at the intimacy of his reaction.
Kami, she wanted to kiss him. But...
Wiping her cheeks and nose with the sleeve on her other arm, "Kiba, last night was ... I don't want you to think," he looked into her eyes with the wary search for something she couldn't identify. Hinata needed to finish a sentence, so she chose the one thought that truly counted. Not an apology, a truth: "You mean everything to me."
If felt good to finally voice a vulnerable thought. Kiba had always been a safe place for those.
Kiba's animalistic eyes pierced hers, as he remained as still as she had ever seen him. And Hinata wasn't afraid to stare right back.
She felt a shiver pass through him, not unlike the one from this morning, "You are everything to me, Hinata, and I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner."
Her heart soared out of her chest.
As if he realized what he had said and implied, he retreated his hands and began to shift away from her, nervousness painting his face.
Hinata had never kissed with such urgent instinct before.
It wasn't until she felt Kiba's lips moving against hers that she came to and realized what she had done.
Retreating with an embarrassed squeak, she felt heat rush up to her ears as unfiltered thoughts poured out of her, "Kiba you mean everything to me and I don't want you to feel like a rebound because you are so much more than that and I know you caught me staring at you so many times because you have such a beautiful body and you are so handsome but that's not all you are, you cooked such a lovely breakfast and you take care of me by buying me treats for my anxiety you are the sweetest man I've ever met and I hope I didn't ruin anything by my actions last night, I can't believe I gave you my panties but I wanted you to think of me the way I began thinking of you and I would never do such a thing for anyone but you and that's because I see every part of you and adore every part of you and want to please your nose as much as I want to please the rest of you and-"
Her rant was cut off by his mouth. He kissed her as she only thought people in books could be kissed: with passion and hunger and desire. She returned in kind as she held his face with her hands.
As Hinata wondered where his hands could be, for they weren't on her, Kiba broke the kiss with heavy breathing and his own unfiltered rant, "Fuck. Wait, no, I don't mean it like that. Hinata, I'm wild about you. You mean so much to me and I don't want to fuck this up by going too fast. You're too damn good for that. I feel like I need to court you and romance you like they do in all those slow burn erotic books I privately read too. I want you, Hinata. I need you."
Hinata found her face dangerously close to his again. She finally noticed his hands were destroying two of her lovely embroidered pillows with his claws. Then her eyes followed the trail of devastatingly tendons and veins bulging from his strained forearms, to his chiseled shoulders, and sculpted chest, "Fuck, Hinata, when you look at me like that, it makes me want to touch you. I know I shouldn't say this, but...I want to..." he bit his tongue to hold back.
Nothing in the world existed but Kiba and his evident desire for her, and she hadn't even looked down yet.
Taking it slow sounded like a practical idea. In theory.
In reality, she desperately needed to know what he wanted. Leaning forward and again cupping his face in her hands, she simply kissed him, lips against lips, no movement, inhaling via the nose, heavenly. Parting with barely any space between their lips, "Tell me," she ordered.
His eyes roamed to her mouth, to her neck, her her chest, to the place between her legs. Her sitting position on her heels kept her legs closed, keeping the scents on her arousal safely trapped. For now.
He seemed to only be capable of vocalizing a defeated whine.
Hinata knew this was a moment to prove she could take it slow, to make Kiba feel like he meant more to her than a spontaneous fuck. If Kiba and her were serious about this, which she knew in her heart they were, she could take it slow. She would.
As she placed one foot on the floor, opening her legs. She heard the fabric of her long gone decorative pillows rip even further as Kiba's pupils dilated and he snarled. Snarled.
Daring a look down at his pants, she saw the physical evidence of his desire. And she wanted to snarl back.
She didn't know if she launched herself to straddle his lap or if he finally released the pillows to pull her onto him and tightly grip her backside, but the reality was that they were now breathing each other's air as their bodies ground together. The barrier of clothes didn't stop the wondrous pleasure and excitement that coursed through them.
This rubbing was so intense it had Hinata's jaw loose and fingers weak as she rode her man. Kiba's strong and controlling grip had her moving up and down his length at just the right pace. His teeth were bared as his forehead almost touched hers, and Kami did it turn her on.
"Kiss me," she moaned. She felt his mouth capture hers, hot and claiming. It slid to her jaw, her neck. Then she felt claws pierce the fabric of her leggings with an erotic pressure against her skin.
Then she felt it. That crawling sensation through her body starting from her core that indicated she was on the edge, "Inuzuka," she whimpered. His face arrived in her line of sight, and his eyes were full of lust and adoration as she came undone.
Everything stilled except the hands that continued her movements against him, as she felt her brain connect to her center in a burst of pleasure that had her gasping.
Draping her arms over his shoulders as the glorious sensations lessened, the instinct to please him took over and she leaned in to bite his earlobe and whisper, "Inuzuka, cum."
She found herself on her back with his arms wrapped tight around her. He thrusted into her, hard. He tilted his head to gaze at her, eyes half-lidded, and she watched him experience his own mind blowing orgasm.
When his body ceased its jerking motions, he shifted his weight to the side to rest his head on her breast as they both just breathed. She lazily played with his hair. He slowly rubbed her hip bone.
Then there was scratching at the door with a recognizable bark.
Neither of them made a motion to move.
Another bark. Kiba half heartedly shouted, "Give me a minute."
He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at her, a goofy smile plastering his face. She giggled back at him, and leaned up to meet his lips with an appreciative and happy kiss. She felt him grinning as he nearly collapsed his body on hers, if it weren't for the third bark. Kiba ignored it as he peppered her jaw with kisses.
Feeling exceptionally happy yet also concerned for her dearest canine friend, "Kiba, Akamaru might be getting cold!" She chided while her fingers betrayed her, weaving their way through his messy hair. His mouth found one spot at the juncture of her jawbone that made her want to squirm.
"The Hokage wants to see us," A flat-toned Shino said through the door, immediately quelling their affectionate activities. She motioned for them to get up, and he pouted.
Slithering off the couch, she made her way to the door as he covered his stained pants with her blanket.
The mirror informed her that her already messy hair was officially a disaster, especially the back part that had rubbed against her couch cushion. But it was just Shino, so she took the hairband out as she answered the door to let her two teammates in.
"There's been a change in our mission squad, and we are to report to Hokage-sama," Shino greeted them in his usual business-first, mannerisms-second style, "Good morning. Did Kiba sleep over?"
Hinata was attempting to fix her hair by brushing and braiding it, "No, he arrived early this morning for unexpected reasons."
Kiba held the travel pack Akamaru gave him strategically over his front as he made his way to the bathroom, "I thought Hinata was in trouble. False alarm. Uchiha Sasuke's an asshole."
"Kiba stayed to make me breakfast, and then..." She felt herself blushing. Should Kiba and her remain discrete? But Shino is their teammate, and deserves to know about the change in their relationship for a variety of reasons. Yet, the idea of announcing their confessions and activities so casually didn't seem quite right.
Fortunately, Shino's blunt perceptions saved her the hardship of handling the situation, "I see. You two are good for each other."
Smiling shyly, she put on her ninja sandals as Kiba came out with his usual ninja garb. They made eye contact, and the tension between them brought her to him. She felt her face smile widely without her consent as he leaned down to nuzzle their cheeks together and he whispered in her ear, "We'll talk later," she felt his nose twitch, "As much as I adore this scent, I won't be able to focus around the Rokudaime."
"Oh, of course!" she squeaked as she took off her sandals and dashed into the bedroom for fresh panties and pants. Speaking of which, she was reminded that these leggings now had claw marks in a quite noticeable place. Biting her lip, she put them and her panties to the side to give to Kiba later.
Fuck, was it hard to focus on the Hokage when Hinata was fiddling with her braid oh so cutely.
The memories of last night at her place, last night when he was in his room, and this morning on the couch flooded his brain. Most significantly, the confession of how much they meant to each other.
But that's the part he's trying to comprehend with as much maturity as possible: she cares about him on an emotional level, but her body is pretty much in heat.
Kiba knows what he wants with absolute certainty: Hinata.
But he doesn't want a fling, or a short term relationship. He wants her for the long run, and he wants it to be romantic as fuck.
Here's the problem: although she doesn't want to treat him like a rebound, her body is showing all the signs of a person who's craving some fantastic fucking.
Could Kiba do that? Yes, but it would ruin his long game strategy of the cliche slow burn plan. He wants his relationship with Hinata to be like one in his romance books. Which he realized he admitted he reads to Hinata during his rant this morning.
Yes, he reads romantic and erotic novels. They are very entertaining and educational. As a teen, is mom and sister not only gave him the talk about safe sex, but also a talk about how to have good sex. And reading about it via these books was his favorite way to up his game.
Admittedly, their dry humping this morning threw off his plan. But damn, it felt amazing. He also owed Hinata some new embroidered pillows.
"Hinata is to be removed from your upcoming mission. We will place another sensory nin on your team to compensate," The Rokudaime's words shocked Kiba into focus.
"Why the sudden change? We leave tomorrow," Shino questioned.
Kakashi sighed, "Apparently, the Hyuga clan have been invited to the Winning-of-the-War anniversary event in the Cloud a month early. As a gesture to make amends for past conflicts, among other agendas," he stared as the ceiling, avoiding eye contact with his subordinates.
Kiba looked to Hinata, who was staring back at him. Her face indicated she had no idea about this invitation. She blinked her eyes at him with a hint of disappointment.
She was going to miss him.
Then her eyes drifted further down his form, and she let out a wistful sigh.
...And his body. Kiba never thought there would be a day when he wanted to shake Hinata out of her sex-crazed state. But here he was. Simultaneously turned on and resentfully objectified. Is this how girls feel when he hits on them with hookup intentions? Now he gets it.
The day progressed with Shino and Kiba working with their replacement team member, Yamanaka Ikuyo, while Hinata went to her father discuss her family vacation to Kumo.
Kiba hoped she started the conversation with, "What the fuck?"
He chuckled and continued his day dream while Shino went over their usual team formations and adjusted them to the Yamanaka's sensory style. Ikuyo seemed to be a seasoned pro, and was excited to have a detective style mission, so her motivation made her easy include on their plans.
The sun was setting after a long day of planning, so Ikuyo parted from them to independently study the mission scrolls and her new teammates strengths. Kiba didn't understand such a level of discipline, but appreciated it as it gave him an excuse to invite himself over to Shino's for dinner. Bug boy didn't mind.
Even though they all had clan households they could reside in, modern Konoha culture had this new trend of adult ninja taking a few years to live on their own before settling back into clan households for good. Kiba was the first on Team 8 to get his own place, Hinata followed suit with tremendous encouragement. But Shino didn't lean into the trend. He hated feeling left out of social things with his friends, and the possibility of being left out of family events made him even more depressed. So he happily resided in the Aburame household.
Which was the safest place for Kiba to go. Hinata and Kiba would only be in the same village for one more night before her trip. Such a one-night-only situation was the ideal vibe for a steamy and desperate sex-fest. Which sounded spectacular and like the night of his dreams.
Unfortunately, it would not only ruin his long game of romancing Hinata properly, but it may also ruin their romantic potential entirely. And that idea scared the shit out of Kiba.
What if after a glorious night, Hinata felt like she got-it-out-of-her-system? What if they didn't talk afterwards, and she went to Kumo thinking they are now just casual fuck buddies? What if it enabled her to see him as only a sexual object, and not a viable romantic partner? Or what if she did what she said what she wouldn't do: treat him as a rebound, and then after a month apart, she just wouldn't be interested in him?
These insecure thoughts plagued him every time he drifted into a day dream of all the ways he wanted to touch her, and all the ways he fantasized about her touching him. Instead of playing attention to Ikuyo's explanation of her skills (he would figure it out in real-time), his thoughts alternated between sexy images, the consequences of them sleeping together too soon, and then the best part: what if he stuck to his plan and he truly had everything.
Visions of endless handholding in the village, cuddling in her spa-like apartment, walking Akamaru together at sunset, buying her fresh flowers, moving in together and taking care of her, cooking for her his greasy friend rice whenever she wanted, saving money to buy her a very special and very dainty piece of jewelry...
Those were the fantasies that made Kiba feel invigorated, motivated, and most seldom seen: disciplined. He would stay with Shino tonight as an extra measure, maybe write Hinata a romantic note, and dream about her for a month until he could truly have his shot with her.
Maybe this month apart would be a good thing. She'd have a respectable amount of time to get over the break-up with Naruto, simmer down her rebound seeking sex drive, and then he could commence with his ultra-romantic slow burn plan. Just like in the books.
Just as Kiba was feeling confident in his fantasies and plans while drinking tea with Shino on his porch, all was foiled when Hinata landed in front of them.
"Tea?" Shino offered without a second thought. Kiba was clenching the edge of the porch, trying not to mouth breathe as he stared at the woman of his dreams, who was wearing a lovely yukata reserved for clan meetings. A yukata that had fallen off one shoulder with the abruptness of her landing.
"Yes, please," she replied in a frustrated manner. Not frustrated at them, but by the the undoubtably disagreeable meeting she had with her family. She took her graceful body to lean against a nearby pillar, and stare at the night sky.
The silvery light of the moon bounced off her milky skin, and Kiba wanted to confess all his desires to her in that moment.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Shino helpfully offered as Kiba unhelpfully gazed at his angelic beauty.
Said angel shook her head, "I'd rather not,"
Her eyes then met Kiba's, and the tension from this morning snapped into place. It felt like slow motion when she stood up straight, walked to him, and offered temptation, "Walk me home?"
Yes, of course. He'd do anything she asked. He'd walk her home, kiss her forehead goodnight at her door. Kiss her neck goodnight her living room. Kiss her lips goodnight as he languidly made love to her under the moonlight streaming through her bedroom window.
He found himself falling into these fantasies as he stood in front of her, staring into her twin moon-lit eyes, showing how much she yearned for this as much as he did.
"Kiba requested to stay here tonight," Shino interrupted. The emotional nin wanted to simultaneously throttle him and shower him with thanks.
Hinata's eyes drifted to Shino, then back to Kiba's in confusion.
Shino, never failing to bluntly insert his perceptions into awkward moments, "I don't think he wants to be your rebound hookup before you leave for a month. That would hurt his feelings."
Even though every word out of his friend's mouth was the truth, it made Kiba lower is eyes in shame that he couldn't find those words for himself. Hell, if it weren't for Shino, he might go home with her to avoid telling her how he really feels.
Then an unexpected pain hit Kiba's chest. She didn't deny any of Shino's words. No matter how much they meant to each other, the reality was that the timing of their feelings of affection overlapped with Hinata's desires of needing a validating night of sex.
Kiba went to Akamaru, who was lounging against the house. He sat cross legged next to his beloved partner, and pet him in a self-soothing manner.
Shino didn't stop being blunt, "Hinata, although you and Kiba are good for each other, perhaps now is not the time to kindle such a serious relationship, considering you and Naruto only broke up a week ago."
He could feel her grow uncomfortable with the unwanted observations and advice. Kiba wanted to pummel Shino for saying such cutting truths, "Shino, enough," he growled under his breath.
But Kiba couldn't face this anymore. Now was the time to wish Hinata well, give her a platonically affectionate wave, and leave to the guest quarters.
Standing up and forcing his face into his classic arrogant look, "We have a mission first thing, Hinata-chan. Shino and I are a bit caught off guard not having you with us. We'll miss you."
Whistling to Akamaru, "We'll say goodnight, and see you in a month after you show those Cloud nin how badass the Hyuga clan are," he forced out a wink and a toothy grin.
But then he noticed her eyes were welling with tears, and he felt his own eyes begin to water as well. They would figure it out after her mission. Dropping the inauthentic arrogance, he allowed himself to use a more affectionate tone, "See you later then."
Oh, how he wanted to hold her. But he knew if he did, he wouldn't let go without revealing his most vulnerable thoughts. So, he turned away from her with a wave.
"Kiba!" she cried before her scent surrounded him just before her arms did.
His hands instinctively covered hers as she held him from behind as she did this morning. After telling her she means everything to him. He interlaced their fingers together and squeezed. He felt tears through the back of his shirt, "Kiba, I-I-I didn't mean to treat you like that. P-P-Please forgive me."
He didn't know how much more his heart could take today, "It's OK, Hinata. I understand," he found one of her anti-anxiety stress points on the inside of her arm, and rubbed it gently.
She pressed harder against his back, and he wasn't going to let go of her arms until he knew she had recovered.
"Kiba, maybe when I've returned, you and I could..."
Before he knew what he was doing, he used one of her arms to bring her to his front, one hand cupping her cheek, the other holding her hand against his heart, "No way am I gonna let you say that now. When I get to Cloud for the celebration, you and I are gonna party our asses off and drink all their good sake," He saw a hint of smile on her face, "And when we get back to the Leaf, I'm gonna ask you out on a proper date. It's gonna be romantic as fuck."
She leaned her cheek into his hand and gifted him with a lovely smile. For the second time today, he brushed residual tears from her cheeks with his thumb. He wanted to end it there, but he sudden'y realized that there was one important thing that she should know, "And while you are in Cloud," he took a shaky breath and stepped away from her. He couldn't hold her for this next part, "You recover from ... that guy... however it makes sense to you. It's OK."
In other words, he was encouraging her to find a rebound there. The details of what that would mean made him sick to his stomach. But it would be OK, because he would ask her out in a month and they would have their chance then.
That's at least what he told himself.
Her eyes did that thing where she looked concerned with eyebrows scrunched together and up, eyes big and blinking, lower lip jutted out in protest. Yet she managed to nod in understanding.
He wanted to run away and destroy something. But he couldn't let that be their last interaction. Grounding himself with the thought of their first date to come, "What kind of flowers would you like?"
Oh, the things those fluttering lashes did to him. His angel smiled up at him, "Peonies."
Not trusting himself to say anything else, he nodded and returned her smile.
"I'll walk you home, Hinata," Shino's timing was often too on the nose, and Kiba was grateful.
She nodded to him, then looked back to Kiba. After a moment of thought, she grew on her tip toes to lean into him. He didn't dare move as she gave him a tender and warm kiss on the cheek. And then, the new light of his life was off with Shino.
He didn't know how much time had passed between when he was standing and when he was on his knees. At some point, Akamaru sat in front of him and pressed his head against Kiba's.
It was probably only 24 hours since she gave him those perfumed panties. And somehow a day later, he felt like he had given her his heart. Kiba shrugged against Akamaru's fur, "Not quite the romance in the books seen in books, but we'll get there."
Akamaru gave a bark of agreement.
A/N What a day in the life of Kiba and Hinata!
So, this story might be longer than the originally intended three chapters. Oops. I have the next chapter half written. The smut tho... yeah.
Also, the way Sasuke checked Kiba out?! The thought of them being work out buddies brings me so much joy. It's like a bro-style crackship.
Reviews please!
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norcumii · 5 years
I get to blame @dharmaavocado for this. See, the tags here:
god look at his little smug face see this is why time travel aus fascinate me because just imagine cody adn rex going from dgnified jedi master obi-wan who is a hot mess but like a stately hot mess to this shit with his babyface and his sass come on COME ON I need it sw: galaxy far far away
....Yeah, so I couldn’t help myself. Under a cut because it ended up longer than intended, and only accomplished with the cheerleading of the ever amazing @dogmatix and @deadcatwithaflamethrower. <333
Gen time travel (I know, I was shocked too) under the cut, mostly just the setup for shenanigans, plunnie is TOTALLY up for adoption. ^_^
Cody had once thought that Rex making friends with Kenobi was one of the most frustrating things to have ever happened to him, and he was responsible for most of an army in a galactic wide war. Somehow, all the weird shit in the whole damn war seemed to happen to either the 212th, the 501st, or both.
Cody knew this for a fact: most significant incident reports passed by his desk at least once – the joys of rank, and effectively outranking even most Jedi. That was due to a certain ridiculous Jedi taking on leading more of the damned war than he actually could, but that was why he had Cody around.
Sometimes he wondered how the Order had even survived before they had clones around. Probably not well. 
He shook the mental bitching off, because as entertaining a distraction as it could be, it was probably time to get worried about their actual situation. He and Rex had gotten separated from everyone else - Rex chasing after Skywalker, Cody having paused to grab someone’s lightsaber and robe that he’d dropped, again, and in the process he’d fallen far enough behind he’d just gotten swept up in Rex’s...thing. 
He hadn’t even grabbed Kenobi’s shit due to the Jedi not being able to get them: the ability to rub someone’s nose in the moronic behavior was all the reason he’d ever need. 
But then the Seps had sent in some kind of bombing run, forcing him and Rex to take cover in what he’d thought was a cave, but a few feet in it was more obvious that it’d been carved and reinforced by sentients once upon a time. Probably good, given they’d had to retreat further in as the bombs got closer. 
Helmet lights picked up nothing moving beyond dust and spiders, nothing strange pinged on their HUDs, and the only weirdness was that both of them had fuzzy interference on visuals for the same 2 seconds. They came out the other end of the tunnel awhile later, long enough for sounds of fighting to have died off, leaving nothing but that peaceful, too quiet air that made hackles rise because shit had to be going down soon. 
That quiet was broken by two figures hurtling out of the trees and blurring past them at Force-enhanced speeds, dark cloaks billowing out behind them. Cody swore, wasted a moment to share a look with Rex, then they took off after stupid fucking Jedi. 
After all, if the Jedi were running like that, there was either something very nasty with lots of teeth and/or explosions right behind, or something very fun with lots of fighting ahead. Always best to follow Jedi going hell bent for leather. 
They didn’t even make it a few meters before the shorter figure skidded to a halt, whirled, and ignited a lightsaber. The taller one kept going, as the Jedi in an unfamiliar battle stance called out with a very familiar voice, “Friend or foe?”
Oh what the FUCK. Cody stared, trying to squelch down a kneejerk flare of anger at a ridiculous babyfaced Jedi. Last time he’d seen the General clean-shaven like that had been after the Hardeen fiasco, and he was still very pissed about that.
Thankfully Rex was in front of him, less personally furious about Hardeen-related bullshit, and holding up his hands. “Friends,” he called out, though he sounded more than a little off. Cody didn’t realize why until the General eased up, lightsaber less pointed in their direction and better illuminating his face.
Oh FUCK. ‘Baby-faced’ was right. This wasn’t the General. He was young, somewhere in the twenty range maybe, though Cody had never been good at sorting out ages for natural borns. There was a scrawniness to him that was bizarre, a softness that he’d honestly never even imagined for all that he knew the General hadn’t sprung forth, fully aged and already being....Kenobi. He’d been a padawan at some point, and judging by the long braid hanging over his shoulder — 
....Oh no. Cody moved on autopilot, punching Rex in the shoulder. “I am never auhorizing your stupid gods-awful bullshit reading material ever again,” he hissed across a private channel. He allowed himself a moment to wallow in resentment of a fucked up galaxy, ridiculous Jedi bullshit, and the unfairness of the worst holonovels in the entire GAR getting dumped on his head. 
Then he pulled himself together. “We’re with the Order,” he called out, shifting to show both the robe he carried and the lightsaber at his hip. 
The shiny that was Kenobi straightened up further, but damned if he didn’t look miffed. “I thought they couldn’t spare any backup.”
“We’re not backup,” Rex said before Cody could stop him. “We have no idea why we’re here.”
“Less socializing, more running!” a woman’s voice called out from where the other Jedi was, though it didn’t sound right to have been that person. Kenobi leveled a glare in that direction, huffing a sigh. 
“Easy for you to say, you’re getting carried the entire way,” Kenobi muttered, then gestured. “Come on!”
This, at least, was familiar. Charging headlong through entirely the wrong kind of forest for the planet they had been on, chasing after their damnfool Jedi, following their lead to just miss trees and other obstacles. 
By the time they ducked into the crumbling, roofless walls of what had once been a small house, Rex was showing signs of Skywalker’s more aggressive fighting style that involved less running around all the damn place. Cody had spread the word that most 501st should be getting in more practice with endurance running, but he was willing to admit that everyone needed to sleep sometime. 
Didn’t stop Rex from giving him a knowing glare from where he was leaning against a wall, catching his breath. 
The taller Jedi finally held still long enough for Cody to get a good look. Older human, long brown hair starting to go gray, typical Jedi Master beard, entirely too tall, and carrying some woman. She was around Kenobi’s...new age, blonde hair in a braid — 
Oh no. Cody’s brain tried to short out again, because he recognized Duchess Satine Kryze when she was glaring him in the face. The big Jedi let her down, and she just ramped up the hostile look at them. “You’re dressed like Mandalorians - what kind of Jedi would do that?” she asked, suspicion practically radiating off of her. 
In the end, the problem was that ‘with the Order’ apparently didn’t translate as ‘affiliated with the Jedi’ instead of ‘Jedi.’ But they were a lot more likely to deal with weird shit like blasted time travel than the ordinary person, had more authority than two random clones-who-shouldn’t-exist-yet-if-this-did-involve-time-travel, and had reason to be carrying around a random lightsaber and Jedi robe. 
He allowed a second to consider the headache about trying to explain that, and instead answered, “Corellian.” He’d heard plenty from the General about how that branch of the Order basically did what it damn well pleased, most often accompanied by Kenobi’s polite, genteel version of whining ‘why do they get away with all this shit while I get yelled at for it?’
All told, there wasn’t even a noticeable pause. However, at the exact same moment Rex chimed in with “Agricorps.” They shared a look — the Jedi probably couldn’t read the body language to suss out Cody’s glare, though Rex sure as hell could — and Cody cleared his throat. On the plus side, it did explain only the one lightsaber.
“We’re trying to blend in,” he tried. Habit had him removing the bucket, Rex following his lead. It was interesting to watch the reactions: no recognition, which was probably a good thing; mild curiosity on the older Jedi’s face; a funny, unidentifiable blink from Kenobi, and surprise for Kryze. 
“You’re twins?” she asked, getting a twitch out of Rex.
“Same father,” Cody declared, staunchly not making eye contact with him. 
“I didn’t think the Corellians sent many to the Agricorps,” Kenobi said, and it was starting to get under Cody’s skin that he couldn’t tell what was off about the General. Kid. Whatever. But something had turned odd about how he’d been looking at Rex, who just lifted his chin in challenge. 
“Nothing wrong with the Corps, and nothing shameful about making sure everyone gets food and taken care of.” Great. Now Rex was sounding odd - not defensive, but...cautious. Like he genuinely cared about farming and the like. Cody had nothing against logistics and those who made sure the army kept marching, but the way Rex sounded it was — 
Oh. Rex had to have intel he didn’t: given the chain of command, Cody tried to maintain a bit more distance from Kenobi. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the man, he just didn’t need to know his life story. If nothing else, he didn’t have time to be confidant and amatuer counseling along with everything else. Was one of the reasons the frustration from Rex making friends was worth it. Let him deal with that sort of thing, with the bonus that there was enough difference in rank that Rex could call him on his shit without it causing issues later. 
Cody coasted through introductions (“No titles, please. Like I said, we’re trying to fit in.”), paying more attention to potential plans. They were indeed on Mandalore, there was still a civil war going on, and Jinn and Kenobi were trying to keep one of the last members of House Kryze alive - in spite of some of her own best efforts, given how she didn’t have a solid grasp of tact quite yet. 
They either had to find some way back, or find some way to sabotage the war to keep it from ever happening in the first place — that would be harder, since they couldn’t just assassinate Dooku and consider it a done deal. There were politics involved, galaxy wide politics that weren’t in Cody or Rex’s skill sets, and he’d never made any kind of study about the history involved. Rex might know things; he read anything that held still long enough for him to download it onto a datapad, but it wasn’t like that was common reading material sitting around the barracks. 
There was the uncomfortable thought that once Kryze was an established power — or figurehead — she might be a useful ally. 
Meanwhile, they just had to stick to pretending to be Jedi — less the moving things with their minds Jedi, more the good at fighting and intuition type. It wasn’t like the Jedi would be able to do more than suspect things were hinky without a blood test, after all, so it was just a matter of avoiding that. 
He knew Kenobi had spent a year running around Mandalore protecting the young Duchess, and given what they did know about history and combat, they could handle this. Whatever weird fuckery their Jedi had inadvertently dragged them into, they could handle this. 
“So how long have you been on the run?” Rex asked, dragging Cody’s attention back to the mess at hand. 
Kryze let out a melodramatic sigh and flopped back against the wall. “Two entire weeks.”
…no, no they were pretty well fucked. 
(Though you KNOW that at some point Obi-Wan loses his lightsaber, and Cody just sighs in resignation and passes him the one clipped to his belt, because that’s just how things go. Obi-Wan, however, Does Not Know What To Do With This.)
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mystech-master · 4 years
Annon-Guy: What are you personal thoughts on Nu-13 and Lambda-11 In terms of gameplay and personality? You can talk about their character designs too id you want too.
Okay, I need to first summarize what I know of Nu and Lambda at the moment before I give my personal thoughts. A lot of shorthanding and maybe some errors may be involved so plz forgive me.
long post bellow, beware.
Nu-13 and Lambda-11 are both Prime Field Devices, artificial humans made for the purpose of exploring the boundary. Specifically, they are Murakumo Units: PFD’s outfitted with the Nox Nyctores Lux Sanctus: Murakumo as full-on weapons.
When Ragna’s siblings were captured, because of Saya’s innate gift with seithr, she was used as the basis for creating all of these Units. There are usually referred to as “clones” which means everyone treats them as either the same as Saya or also sisters, leading to a lot of incest jokes and rants in the fandom. More on this later but I feel like it has to be brought up.
we first meet Nu-13 as the final boss of the first game Calamity Trigger, where we learn that this is technically the 3rd time she and Ragna have met, since before this Ragna was blowing up NOL branches and cauldrons to stop more Murakumo Units from being made, as they are all just fake copies of his sister who was tortured for their creation.
Nu-13 has a full-on yandere crush on Ragna due to 2 factors I believe, 1. she is constantly viewing him through the lens of the fragment of Saya’s soul saying “Ragna is the big brother who loves me”, and 2. Ragna killing her again and again. This causes her to see Ragna killing her as loving her. Not helping is her being made in the Boundary which completely fucks up your mental state when near it.
At the end of almost every ending in CT, Nu defeats Ragna, skewering them both on her sword, they fall into the Cauldron and travel back in time 100 years to become the Black Beast that ravaged the world in the Dark War, creating a time loop. As when a Murakumo does an imperfect fusion with an Azure Grimoire (or at least a piece of the Azure) it becomes a Black Beast, with a perfect fusion resulting in a Kusanagi: the God Slayer (which is what Noel becomes and what the villains were trying to do to take down Amaterasu (the god of Blazblue world). Fitting as a Murakumo, with the Kusanagi being a super version of it, has a Nox capable of resisting Phenomenon Intervention, which is the Mater Unit’s main Power. So when they say God Slayer they do not mean gods in general they mean a SPECIFIC god. Just need to say that).
Anyways, Nu kills Ragna every now and again for like 725 loops before Noel steps in during the true ending and manages to grab Ragna before he and Nu fall into the Cauldron.
In Continuum Shift, the second game taking place right/ a week after the first game, Nu’s body is recovered from the bottom of the Cauldron (yes those things apparently have a bottom they aren’t just portals) by Sector Seven and Kokonoe proceeds to ake Nu’s soul and put it in the body of another Murakumo Unit, Lambda-11 to use as a puppet and fight for her. Her weapons are made of titanium alloy instead of Hihi'irokane (the mythical Japanese metal which is also in the Susano’o Unit and is also the name of a Soul cutting sword in Blazblue), and she is outfitted with an IDEA Engine, an improved version of the Artificial Causality Phenomenon Weapons: a scientific counterpart to the Nox Nyctores using Atomic Power rather than souls.
Lambda’s memories are still in there and she recalls the torture she had to endure by all the scientists creating her, which I assume all Murakumos underwent including Nu, so Kokonoe has to erase her memories to make her an effective tool, even if she regrets it.
They don't really explain where the soul starts and the mind/memories begin and vice versa though, this is another thing I will tackle later.
She sends out Lambda in the second game to do things, she like Tager for the most part just acts as Kokonoe’s proxy, until the climax of the true ending where Ragna is fighting Terumi at the top of the NOL branch. Just as Terumi is about to kill Ragna, Lambda takes a lethal blow for Ragna, and in her final moments, Nu’s soul comes to the surface and is glad she got to see Ragna again, him having recently gone through the character development of not seeing Murakumos as things but as people after interacting with Noel. As she dies and fades into sparkles, weird for a science thing, she grants Ragna her Idea Engine, giving him the power boost he needs to defeat Terumi and later save Noel who was smelted into the Kusanagi.
Now in the third game, because Ragna and Nu have a Life Link, which means one cannot die permanently without the other being killed in a short time frame, Nu is now able to come back as she couldn’t before with Kokonoe shoving her soul into Lambda. She mostly just acts as the villains' combat android until she copies Noel’s power to summon the Master Unit (as both are Saya fragments and also fragments of The Origin, the first PFD who made contact with the Master Unit and sort of.....became it?). Then in the climax, the villains summon Take-Mikazuchi, a giant titan satellite laser thing, and make Nu the core of it. Once the body is destroyed Ragna goes inside to deal with Nu. She proceeds with her usual shtick of telling Ragna they will “become one” and to kill her and all that, saying the backstory of pretty much every Murakumo about how she was made to be a weapon and how she was tortured and shit, this is also her saying Noel’s backstory since Noel ‘Observed” Nu as her which is SORT of true since they are both Saya but not really, it’s confusing as hell. But, basically, she is saying the shared Murakumo Backstory and Ragna sees this as her cries to be saved, while Nu, who only sees her and Ragna’s relationship as a mutually sadomasochistic one, goes bonkers and tries to kill Ragna, not out of yandere lust, but actual anger and hatred. Ragna wins and brings her out of Take-Mikazuchi, where Izanami takes control of her and makes her stab Ragna and he goes berserk and loses control of the Azure Grimoire.
the fourth game Central Fiction is a mess so I know the least here but from what I recall:
Nu is now growing to be her own person, she is less robotic but that means Yandere Ragna mode is on all the time. She is going around absorbing Nox Nyctores to get power so she can kill Ragna and do the merge. Near the climax, she is fighting Jubei and when she almost kills Tsubaki, Hakumen steps in and wrecks her shit. (In a previous time loop Tsubaki was killed by Nu b/c Noel didn’t exist and wasn’t Jin’s secretary instead of Tsubaki, so she went after Jin in the first game who was going after Ragna, she got caught in the crossfire, with Nu’s yandere mind hating any female in the same room as Ragna, and dies. Jin then falls into the cauldron after Ragna and Nu to become Hakumen during the Dark War. More time loop BS).
Meanwhile due to the Embryo, BS plot device, Lambda just.....comes back to life. Even though her soul was technically never a part of the story as it was NU’S soul in the body during CS. Anyways she is basically “good Nu” she is fighting the villains through sheer Power of Love and just wants to see Rgana again, she is pretty unimportant in the overall scheme of things.
After the world is remade Noel and Lambda move into the rebuilt church where Ragna and the siblings grew up and became nuns, looking after the comatose Nu who is kind of a vegetable with her sole reason for existing, Ragna, now no longer existing and all memory of him being erased.
Okay so after that lengthy summary, here are my thoughts.
1. the sister thing.
In spite of them being “clones” of Ragna’s little sister Saya, that hasn't stopped a shit load of ship teasing with the Murakumos by both the writers and the fandom.
Part of me thinks it’s because they go too far in the “They are their own unique people, they aren’t just fake copies of Saya” to which the fans mostly agree, but that just means while they aren’t Saya they are still related/connected to her. It isn't like Ragna can only have ONE sister.
Also, the reveal of Izanami being Saya at the end of CS also factors into this.
My only way to do mental gymnastics around this is saying that by “clone” they just mean copy/looks like her and has the same abilities, but genetically they are different.
I mean, we have no idea how Murakumos....work. They can't have any mechanical bits because we see them get zapped in-game and they have no metal, Noel CERTAINLY would've known she wasn't human if she didn't grow like a normal human or eat, sleep, produce waste, etc.
To me, Murakumos seem to be like software/computer programs given physical form via seithr. More like the Valentines in Guilty Gear, “robots” made up of information.
Plus, the story only ever points out the sibling connection with Ragna and Noel, and that’s in the LAST game and until then she’s just a stranger to him, with Lambda and Nu NEVER being treated the same.
And before anyone goes “BUT THE SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION OF CONE MEANS ‘HUR DE DUR, SAME DNA’ AND THEY USE THE WORD CLONE TO DESCRIBE THEM IN CANON! MEH!”, that could just be an over-simplification as to what they are, and I feel like a lot of series just rely on an oversimplification of terms. Like how Black Holes mostly work in fiction is NOT how they work IRL.
Now, does this mean I would’ve wanted Ragna to get with Noel or Lambda or Nu? Fuck no. I can appreciate cute little one-shots that have nothing to do with canon, but in terms of looking this train wreck of a story and trying to fix it they have other issues that make me not want to ship them.
I might go into why I wouldn't want Ragna x Noel in another post later, but I’ll stay on topic with Nu and Lambda.
Both are kind of boring
Lambda is basically Nu with less personality and is just a plot device for the most part.
As for Nu, even if you redeem her and keep her loving Ragna qualities without the yandere murder, it is still boring. because all her interests are Ragna she has nothing else going for her. Outside of the most generic romance shit what can you see Nu doing with him? it’s a bit upsetting because Nu seems like the type of person who’d have Ragna’s back and punch Jin in the dick if he insults or threatens Ragna, which is something I would LOVE in an S.O. for Ragna.  But without her own interests and character, she is just......boring. And yeah you could theorize that she gains an interest outside of Ragna post-redemption but that is too broad of a statement that I can’t really do anything with it.
So frankly, even IF we ignore the sister thing or do weird mental gymnastics about it, Ragna/Nu and Lambda would just be BORING as they are in canon outside of the most generic BS.
2. The connection between Nu and Lambda
Really Lambda was just made to keep Nu’s gameplay in while killing her in canon, that is a dumb excuse.
Some people like to see Lambda s Nu but redeemed temporarily but then come to CP and it’s like none of the Lambda stuff mattered. You’d think that at least Ragna would use Lambda’s death as an ace for his argument on using the Azure Grimoire as when he wasn't able to use it he got his shit kicked in and someone had to DIE for him because of that. But NOPE.
Then she is revived for bullshit fanservice reasons in CP Extend and is barely a thing in Story Mode
A while ago I made a post showing 3 ways they could've gotten rid of Nu that would’ve made good character moments. I will be focusing on number 3 here: Have Nu and Lambda be the same person.
Instead of Lambda being brought back via Embryo Bullshit, have Nu and Lambda be a split personality deal. Like Nu is the CS Mu to Lambda’s Noel. Say during Ragna’s Arcade mode or Nu’s Arcade mode Nu slightly hesitates when about to kill Ragna, reality flickers a bit revealing Lambda’s color scheme on Nu, showing that Lambda is within her. Nu’s soul spending time in Lambda has given her an alternate identity.
This doesn't just have to affect just Ragna, maybe Lambda remembers that Kokonoe mind-wiped her and tried to make her into a puppet thus making her no better than the villains.
During the climax, instead of Nu’s yandere rage, we have that mixed in with Lambda’s hysterical cries begging for death due to the torture of Nu’s memories. Both side tr and kill Ragna out of rage or trying to force him to kill them in self-defense. Ragna, of course, doesn’t and saves them, thus allowing Nu-Lambda to be brought back to Kokonoe and redeemed.
Maybe her hair is a mix of Nu and Lambda’s making it a Platinum Blonde (making it a mixture of Nu’s white hair and Lambda’s blonde hair), and the tanner skin complexion and red eyes further separate her from Noel.
3. Story roles
The first two games are fine for the most part but I have some ideas for the last two.
For the 3rd game, an idea I had was instead of Nu being the one to summon the Master Unit via stealing Noel’s power, have Amane do something important in this game instead of having him chase Carl.
he is said the be the “Uzume” like the god who stripped and made Amaterasu come out of the cave after her sibling fallout with Susano’o. Simply have Amane be the “herald of Amaterasu”, possibly being a being similar to Terumi, a spirit of a god unit. maybe not AS powerful as the Sankishin, but just under. This means that Nine’s Hino Kagutsuchi would fall under this category as well. Or maybe he simply has a story connection with Noel in accepting the part of her connection to the Origin and the Azure or something.
To go off of the shipping thing above, maybe to at least use the Saya soul thing, she is struggling with her feelings towards Ragna because how much of these feelings are her own, and how many are born from an isolated sibling’s misplaced love? This is probably something a villain taunts her about
I kind of theorize that Saya’s fear of other people instilled in her during the siblings’ days as lab rats and Ragna protecting her made her develop an unhealthy sister crush on him, this, of course, isn't helped by the Origin (who she is based on) wanting Ragan to be her knight in shining armor.
Again, more on this later possibly.
Anyways, so Lambda can get her own feelings in order and prove that she isn’t just a copy of Saya or Noel, she tries to make her own identity. maybe cutting off that large Murakumo ponytail in the process, b.c that’s an Asian culture thing about cutting hair to symbolize the beginning of a new stage in her life. Maybe after forgiving Kokonoe, she joins Sector Seven not as a field agent like Tager, but as Kokonoe’s new assistant and friend, showing that she isn't going to be used as a tool or a weapon.
I still need to get on with drawing Lambda in a lab coat styled after her Murakumo cloak.
As for at least Nu’s connection with Ragna. It is weird because I generally either hate or have enormous contempt for almost everyone Ragna has interacted with for the pettiest reasons. For Nu, while she is crazy towards Ragna and tries to kill him, it's due to her own psychosis and insanity, which is partially Ragna’s fault. Everyone else who gives Ragna shit is either a villain (in which case it’s fine because it is a VILLAIN, which Nu sort of counts as), or an arrogant asshole who KNOWS what they are doing for the lols. So I SORT OF give Nu a semi-pass. But like I stated above I can’t see what she would be if she were redeemed, so I do feel like if she wasn't going to be used as a way to bring Lambda back, she should've been killed.
 The point is, the Murakumos have a lot of potential for smaller things but they are incredibly mishandled in a lot of ways too, including showing up where they really shouldn't a lot of times. Shipping is okay so long as you are capable of doing mental gymnastics to ignore the sister shit, and don’t look at a whole lot of other issues.
These are just my thoughts and maybe I didn’t explain things enough, or I did it weirdly, or I have some different opinions, IDK. This series gives me a lot of feelings
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Does Spider-Man NEED to be in a shared universe?
As of right now it seems as though Peter Parker is going to be out of the MCU and in his own entirely separate universe.
Most people have reacted negatively to this and one of the most frequently cited reasons for that is the inability of Spider-Man to interact with the wider MCU.
We can talk a lot about whether from a production and audience interest POV, there is any steam behind the idea of Spider-Man in his own separate universe again.
However I want to take a different angle with this and talk more broadly about the character rather than strictly just the movies.
Essentially I want to address whether or not Spider-Man truly NEEDS to be in a shared Marvel Universe at all or not?
Now look I’m not advocating Spider-Man pull a Transformers or ROM Space Knight and be pulled out of the Marvel Universe.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut from a creative POV strictly speaking...he really, really, really does not NEED to be in that universe.
There are advantages and disadvantages to that.
In a shared Marvel Universe Peter operates as the ‘heart’ of that universe as was the intention with Civil War 2006. He also has close ties to the F4, the First Family of the Marvel Universe and to Captain America who is more or less THE leader of the whole Marvel universe. His kinship with Daredevil in particular is a joy to behold and has rarely been used badly. His status as an outsider in the eyes of the more publically accepted Marvel heroes like the Avengers offers a great parallel to his initial life as an outsider in high school and helps to highlight part of Lee and Ditko’s conceit with the character, that he was atypical of the heroes who’d come before him.
On the other hand though...The Marvel Universe of the comics at least demands a shitton of suspension of disbelief because you have all this huge concepts co-existing with one another but also within a context of trying to keep the world relatively similar to our own, the world outside your window.
Sooner or later though this presents a challenge to the suspension of disbelief for guys like Spider-Man who’re not merely supposed to exist in a world relatively like our own with heroes, but in fact be relatively normal within it besides the fact that they are heroes.
But if Spider-Man is a superhero, lives in a world of heroes, and has interacted with so many of them inevitably you have to wilfully ignore the obvious facts that so many of his relatable problems in life could be fixed through the fantastical elements of the universe he lives in and is aware of.
Just one example would be if Aunt May was dying there would be at least half a dozen solutions to that problem. Magic, clones, suspended animation, time travel, healing factors, transferring her mind to a robotic body, extra terrestrial medical care and if all else fails resurrection and higher deities are a fact of life in the Marvel Universe and Peter knows it.
Now the way around this stuff is, in the context of the story you are telling, to simply treat such things as not existing and thus side step the issue.
Suspension of disbelief might stretch to ignoring all the older appearances of Reed Richards or Doctor Strange in Spider-Man’s history, but if they show up in an issue where Aunt May’s death is also a factor then having Peter ignore their abilities to obviously help is nonsensical.
All of this is leading me to saying that, for the most part, Spider-Man is actually able to be MORE realistic and cohesive if in his own isolated universe than if he is in the same universe as magicians and aliens.
When you watch the Raimi movies or the Spec cartoon you never really have to scratch your head over why Spider-Man couldn’t just do this or that to solve his problems because other than his own fairly grounded cast and villains those other solutions don’t exist.
Even having other heroes exist but still be fairly grounded presents problems as you always have to ignore or contrive a reason for their lack of help when Spider-Man needs it.
Moving on, let’s talk about Spider-Man’s ability to team up with other heroes.
Of course there have been whole ongoing series specifically about that...and they mostly suck.
Don’t believe me?
Okay, ask yourselves this, how many New Avengers, Avengers, Marvel Team Up, Avenging Spider-Man or Superior Spider-Man Team-Up stories starring Spider-Man make it into most top 10 or even top 20 Spider-Man stories of all time?
Not many if any at all.
How many of the top 10-20 Spidey stories could be regarded as team ups, as in Spider-Man himself is actively interacting with figures from the wider Marvel universe as opposed to people introduced in his own series? And we aren’t talking cameos either.
Again, not that many.
ASM #1 perhaps.
Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut, but that’s just giving Spider-Man someone to fight he’s not really teaming up with anyone, a juiced up Rhino could’ve done basically the same thing.
The Alien Costume Saga arguably
The Death of Jean DeWolff
Spider-Man vs. Wolverine.
Spider-Man/Human Torch
MAYBE ASM #500, though that was mostly a background feature a means to an end (sending Spidey time travelling) that could’ve been achieved by numerous other means.
Arguably the first Carnage story though that was also a background feature, the main focus was Spidey fighting Carnage and teaming up with Venom.
...I honestly can’t think of any more off the top of my head.
You see what I mean. Sure, providing villains for Peter to fight is a real advantage the wider Marvel Universe holds for Spider-Man but actually milking great stories from his ability to interact with other heroes, not so much.
In fact Daredevil and the Human Torch or F4 are the most reliable examples of Spider-Man team ups working out but not for nothing there are quite a few similarities between them and Peter.
It doesn’t help most of these stories happened so Marvel could grant exposure to lesser selling characters by having them show up with their A-list hero.
I think more significantly the reason there are so few great Spider-Man team up stories is because of the core concept powering Spider-Man as a character and a lot of his appeal.
He was created in large part to be the hero who could be you, the average joe, the character for whom Peter Parker and his regular life was as much, if not MORE, of a draw than the superheroics of Spider-Man.
The nature of superhero team ups though are that they emphasis the costumed identities over civilian identities. This is a limitation of page space a lot of the time, but it’s also because the characters look iconic when they are dressed in their outfits and seeing them together in their outfits is really the main ticket draw of team up stories. How many people want to see Cap, Iron Man and Spider-Man interacting but it’s just in their civilian identities? Not many I’d wager, it wouldn’t make for a very eye catching cover that’s for sure.
The end result is that at best you focus upon an explore merely one half of who these characters are (and in Peter’s case it is arguably the less interesting half) or it becomes incredibly generic, it’s just heroes with different outfits, powers, maybe speech patterns hitting each other or hitting bad guys together with no exploration of their personalities bouncing off of one another.
And hey that is fine as a change of pace but not as the default setting, hence MTU usually was the lesser of the Spider-Man titles.
If you look at most of the team up stories I listed, noticeably all of them DO explore who the characters (or at least Peter) are and involve a lot of page time to them out of costume, their personal lives and such.
This brings us back to Spidey’s appeal. Like I said a huge part of it is his regular life and a huge part of what makes that appealing is his personal life dramas with his amazing supporting cast. He is said to have the best supporting cast in comics and that’s absolutely true, but when combined with one of the best rogue’s galleries in comics is it any wonder he was so successful?
Because Spider-Man has such a robust group of characters to interact with in both his identities his world is already pretty populated and can already do a lot of character exploration. And honestly when you have so many options to explore the human condition in a way so similar to the lives we lead are you really worse off if you can’t also have Spider-Man go on wacky adventures to the Negative Zone too? Are you really going to tell me that any of the psychedelic crazy scenes from Doctor Strange 2016 are as impactful or as meaty as May and Peter just talking at a table in Spider-Man 2?
 Whether in the movies or in other media so long as Spider-Man has supporting cast and a strong villain pool to explore he’s got a universe to play in no matter what. This isn’t the case for a lot of Marvel heroes. Iron Man for instance does not have a great rogue’s gallery or villain pool, it’s why in every TV adaptation of the character he is either lumped in with other heroes so that collectively they have a lot on offer or in his solo shows the wider Marvel Universe plays a significant part. In Iron man’s 1990s cartoon Force Works were regular characters, in Iron man Armored Adventures Nick Fury and SHIELD were recurring characters and the finale of the show involved them, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Hulk and others working together. The consistency of this with Iron Man points to his own series not being able to sustain itself without the wider Marvel Universe to support it.
 In contrast the majority of Spider-Man adaptations (which are much more numerous than any other Marvel character’s) either don’t feature characters outside his own series or they are relatively minimal. Even the 1994 Spider-Man cartoon which did feature a lot of guest characters and even did a Secret Wars adaptation, didn’t have most of it’s episodes involving guest stars.
 To return to the topic of Spider-Man’s concept and appeal, because the character was supposed to be more realistic and relatable, smaller scale more street level stories have been the preference by writers and fans and indeed his most celebrated outings have usually been cut from that cloth; even a lot of the well regarded team ups.
Because of this doing more personal stories works better for the character and a wider Marvel universe hurts that. Having Spidey be the ONLY hero in NYC and the scale be citywide creates if anything much greater dramatic impact in a story than saving the world or saving the universe. Big fish in a small pond situation I guess you could say.
Finally I’d add that Ditko himself didn’t really care for Spider-Man being in a wider universe.
In conclusion the notion that it would be inherently bad for Spider-Man to be ‘stuck in a smaller’ universe not connected to anything else is wrongheaded.
At best it simply offers some advantages but also some disadvantages.
However you wanna slice it though it’s absolutely not something Spider-Man NEEDS
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countessofbiscuit · 6 years
The clone trooper had been captured on Coruscant at great peril and locked in long-term medical stasis after rigorous interrogation. Apparently, the clone had been the last being to speak to a well-known Republic traitor and was believed to be in possession of vital information – not that he had been willing to confess said information to his droid interrogators. So under strict orders from Count Dooku, the clone had been frozen in stasis, and no one else, not even the droids, were to speak with him further. Not until Dooku himself could question the clone directly. That had been the plan. But something – B1-CC14 didn’t really know what – had gone wrong. It didn’t really matter. The end result was that the ship had been detected and was attacked by an overwhelming Republic force, and all the droid’s attempts to escape the destruction had failed. Now there was only one command left that mattered. Count Dooku had been very specific. The captive was not allowed to escape, no matter what the cost. [....] Reveth quickly moved to help the trooper to his feet. It was a mistake; despite decades frozen in stasis, it was clear the clone's fighting instincts were intact. 'You don't understand!' the trooper yelled as he shoved Reveth backward. The clone looked panicked. Feverish. He was babbling. 'I’m a medic,' he said between gasps of air. 'And I … I learned something … something horrible. Fives knew…. He’s the one who figured it all out after Tup … and it got him killed. But I kept investigating. They said it was a virus…' The Corsair gestured subtly to Squeaky and Pendewquell, and the two pirates began circling to either side of the sick clone. 'A chip in our heads. In all the clones’ heads! And an order. A command to betray … kill … and it comes from the Chancellor!' The clone grabbed Squeaky's outstretched hand and flung him into the advancing Pendewquell. The effort was too much though, sending him staggering. 'The Seppies… captured me.' The soldier was speaking fast -- almost too fast to follow. It was as if the clone was unaware he was speaking out loud.   'Interrogated me to find out who else knew.' The clone was sweating. Shaking. He looked sad. 'I never had a chance to tell anyone else what I learned. I didn’t know who I could trust. But I wouldn’t tell them anyway… 'So they said...' The pirates were quiet, listening as the sick and delirious clone continued. 'They said they were sending me to someone I couldn't keep secrets from ... to the Sith ... The cold ... the freezing, burning cold...' The clone slumped to the ground. His eyes were rolling into the back of his head. 'Stasis poisoning,' whispered Reveth. 'He was trapped in there for too long.' 'No...! I can still save them. Skywalker...' the clone whispered intently. 'Get me General Skywalker! He'll help. We can save ... save the Jedi ... save the Republic!' 'What's your ID, trooper?' Quiggold asked the recently unfrozen soldier. 'CT-6116.' The trooper coughed. 'Kix. They call me ... Kix ... sir.'
The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku by Landry Q. Walker
The whole short story is worth a read, but these are the scenes which explain how Kix came to be frozen in a stasis chamber for nearly 50 years. Kix was so ready to help Fives in the fresher at 79′s, and that’s still the first thing on his mind here, doing something. Like, we laugh at Kix admiring himself in the mirror in that scene, but by the end, he’s torn apart.  
Fives: “So, I guess the 501st is back on Coruscant.”
Kix: “Oh yeah, we just got back from Ringo Vinda. The strangest thing happened out there.”
F: “Yeah ... I know.”
K: “Fives!? Woah ... what’s going on? They said you tried to assassinate the Chancellor and that you’re infected with that virus that killed Tup--”
F: “I don’t have time to explain right now. All I can tell you is ... is that I’m being framed. All of us -- even the Jedi -- are in grave danger.”
K: “But -- wh-- what can I do, Fives? How can I help?!”
F: “I need to talk to Rex. Or ... or General Skywalker.” 
K: “Well they’ve been tasked with finding you. Just turn yourself in!”
F: “NO! No. I’ll never get to them. You don’t understand ... what I’m mixed up in. It goes all the way to the top. The highest levels are involved in the conspiracy. I have to talk to General Skywalker and Rex -- directly, alone!”
K: “Look, I can contact Rex, but I can’t guarantee he’ll bring the General.” 
F: “Good, good, good. Thanks Kix. I appreciate it. Here -- here are the coordinates. Just make sure he meets me there.” 
K: “Right ... Good luck, Fives.” 
Why isn’t Kix apprehended sooner, when Palpatine knows Kix spoke with Fives while the latter was on the run?
Meta, half-baked thoughts, and More Questions than Answers Below the Cut: 
Presumably, Anakin mentions offhand in the debriefing after the warehouse incident that he and Rex were directed there by Kix -- and Kix himself is probably interrogated in an official capacity in the aftermath (although he must not let on very much...). 
Many months must pass before Kix is captured ‘at great peril’ on Coruscant. 
He goes with the 501st to Anaxes during the Bad Batch Arc (which would have been the opening of Season 7). Dooku wasted no time trying to get his hands on Tup, but Kix is left alone for some time ... long enough to grow suspicious of the disturbing parallels between Tup and Fives’s deaths; long enough to do his own research and to do it successfully; and long enough to convince Rex of the truth -- although, judging by how morose and withdrawn Rex looks in that ray shield when Fives mentions the chips, he was probably half-way to taking a knife to his own head, with or without Kix’s help or research. They must have colluded. And then it becomes a chicken-and-egg conundrum: does Kix remove their chips before he knows their purpose, or does he learn the nefarious truth and then cut them out? Because it’s been 45 years and Kix is still in a panic about needing to tell Skywalker what he’s discovered, his big Eureka! moment about the Triangle of Tragedy that is Chips-Sidious-Order-66 must come when he can’t immediately get hold of Anakin... 
So. Hold that thought. 
There are plenty other clones present on Ringo Vinda who witness Tup’s breakdown, others who listen as Kix first posits a virus as the cause (which he must feel terribly guilty about after the fact). But Kix is targeted specifically by Sidious/Dooku. Why? Because a) he is confirmed to have spoken to Fives while the latter was on the run and b) he must do *something* to convince Sidious/Dooku that he knows more than he should ... because otherwise, why wait? 
One would think Kix would be easy enough to capture, it wouldn’t have been difficult for Palpatine to make him disappear and spirit him off to Dooku. So something tells me this is all done during the Battle of Coruscant ... judging by the “at great peril” line. Why would it have been dangerous to capture a single trooper from Coruscant? Massive upper-atmosphere battle perhaps? But why then? Because it would be easy not to miss a single clone in all that confusion? Or because it was absolutely vital that he be captured *at that moment*, as soon as possible, battle or no battle? 
So we come back to the timing of Kix’s Eureka! moment.
It doesn’t take place before Anaxes -- regardless of whether or not they’ve  removed the chips by that time -- because Kix and Rex and Anakin are all there, and Kix isn’t running around with his hair on fire about this terrible conspiracy. The next canonical events are, simultaneously, the Siege of Mandalore and the Battle of Coruscant. Rex is on Mandalore with one half of the 501st; Kix is on Coruscant, presumably with the other half (probably planetside, but how exactly prepositions are understood in relation to celestial bodies may be a bit different in a galaxy where interstellar travel is the norm; he and the rest of the 501st might have been on one of the ships during the battle itself, rather than stationed on the planet’s surface); and Anakin is ... somewhere in the middle (in the EU, he was on Cato Neimoidia when Grievous captures Palpatine, but new canon says he is “called back to Coruscant” from where he was seeing Ahsoka and Rex off to Mandalore when the battle breaks out). 
So Kix either does/learns something during this crucial period -- i.e. when Sidious is sensing the game is nearly up -- when Anakin is away that triggers alarm bells for Sidious/Dooku. They then send Dooku’s minions to capture him ... or Dooku decides -- perhaps while he and Sidious are chatting on the Invisible Hand during the fabricated hostage crisis before the Heroes™ show up? -- to tie up some loose ends: “Remember that problematic medic that that meddling, rogue clone talked to in a dive bar a few months ago? Seeing as my forces are in the neighborhood, why don’t we kidnap and question him so our Super Evil Plan That’s Decades in the Making doesn’t fall apart when we’re not looking?” 
IDK feel free to weigh in, but I need Super Sleuth Kix Breaks into the Supreme Chancellor’s Office and Downloads 100TB of Sidious-Dooku-Lama-Su Group Chats about How to Manufacture Brain-Control Chips for a Secret Army and 1001 Ways This Could Go Wrong written, like, yesterday. 
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sumigakure · 6 years
Staring at the Sun
Happy Holidays!
To: @rezelis
From: @miss-fandoms-shakespeare
Title: Staring at the Sun 
Rating: Teen (for swearing)
Wordcount: 2000
Prompt: So I wrote a time travel fic but it got really long and sad and it was kinda awful so I reread your wish and latched onto the supernatural creatures bit and ran with it. 
Warnings/Notes: I have never written Gai ever before and I tried my best not to make things too awkward and cringy since you said that stuff wasn’t a thing for you. I hope this is something you like and send holiday wishes!
Summary: This had a working title of “Kakashi no don’t do that you’ll end  up…. it’s too late isn’t it?” and that is the best summary for this. Feat. Gai to the rescue and incorrect assumptions of clan heritage. 
When Kakashi opened his eyes before the sun had risen over the Hokage monument, he expected it to be another one of his more tiring days. He couldn’t remember the dream that woke him so early, but if it had been bad enough he wrenched himself out of his unusually deep slumber, then it was probably better he didn’t remember. Maybe, for once Gai wouldn’t harass him into another foolish challenge. Or maybe he hoped that Gai would, the challenges did have a way of making him feel far more rooted in Konoha, more wanted. For a moment he thought about just not going to meet his team, yeah, that’s it. He’ll make them wait for a few hours, choosing instead to go stand in front of Obito’s grave and apologize to the Uchiha he’d been best friends with before poking a little fun at him, and then by–Kakashi’s thoughts screeched to a halt. He didn’t have a team. Sasuke had run off to Orochimaru, Naruto had run off with Jiraiya, and Sakura had run to Tsunade. He was most certainly proud of each of his students, Sasuke for progressing so quickly (he saw far too much of the grieving toddler he had been), Naruto for getting his head on his shoulders and really doing something to help him reach his goals (he felt a pang every time Naruto used the Rasengan, knowing it had been Minato’s strongest magic), and Sakura for not taking anyone’s shit and quickly becoming a shinobi of notability (he felt so awful every time he remembered how he had ignored her training in favor of her male teammates.) But he missed them. They gave him something to do with his days, allowed him to take missions that didn’t involve killing and blood. He saw his own team in them, for the little bit of time he had been part of one. He longed for Minato to be here, to still be alive, but alas, he couldn’t let his head wander to silly fantasies.
Kakashi was a shinobi, a magical person or creature that swore to use their powers to protect humanity from the darkness of the shadow realm. They could be all human, werewolf (like his father had been, as well as many powerful fighters like Jiraiya), seelie (like the infamous Hyuuga clan), vampires (the Uchiha), or other non-human or partly non-human magical beings. And while they were all technically on the same side, that did not stop anyone from establishing territories and engaging in minor, petty rivalries. Especially for long-living proud clans. (*cough cough* Uchiha *cough cough*) They had a leader or group of leaders, often an assembly major figures in the human realm of politics. At the moment they were led by a council of Kages. They bickered and sometimes [read: always] got territorial, but they ran the world relatively fairly and kindly, at least, they didn’t actively start too many major wars. Those were almost always caused by non-magical political leaders.
Kakashi finally sat up with a weary sigh and pulled in the mask he always wore. It was a habit he picked up as a toddler and never thought to change. He pushed himself out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen-living space that was the main room of his small apartment. His dogs, all right of them, looked up and started wagging their tails, excited to see him up. He flicked the coffee machine on, grabbed a random sweatshirt from the rack next to the door, took a few of the leashes and then opened the door. His dogs followed after him obediently, Pakkun in the lead. He clipped the leashes to a few of his more troublesome dogs and then led the small caravan to the local park. Kakashi has not looked too closely at the sweater he pulled in and had not really thought about running into anyone. So when he got to the dog park and let his army of hellion loose, he did not expect to see another man there with his own rather impressive group of dogs. The man was clearly a vampire, from the way he kept carefully out of the rising sun, and nets were he was an Uchiha. A trickle of an idea formed in Kakashi’s mind.
It should be stated that Kakashi did not actively seek out Uchiha to annoy. It’s just that after having Obito as a teammate and Sasuke as a genin and working with Itachi before his desertion and fighting a number of the clan, he’s developed a certain…habit for getting in their nerves. And after the melancholy of his morning and the dream last night, he could use a little [mostly] harmless fun. And so, with a mostly formed plan in his mind, Kakashi casually walked over to the bench the vampire was sitting on and slouched down into the seat. Now to bide his time and wait for the perfect moment.
It took about five minutes before the vampire started side-eyeing Kakashi. Which he was sort of impressed by. Most people only lasted a minute before getting squirmy. Kakashi smirked inwardly and was glad for the mask. They were approaching the point he found so amusing, when the Uchiha broke. The other man lasted another five minutes before turning to face Kakashi. This was going to be good….
“I don’t know who Tobirama said I was but I am the Uchiha clan head and you can tell your boss that if he keeps sending god damn surrogates just to piss me off I’ll have his head! It’s even worse than the fucking clones! At least those didn’t reek of animal like you do.” The vampire bellowed, voice very clearly carrying across the whole two feet between them. He was loud and also insulting. That last shot about animal hurt. Well, Kakashi had not intended to annoy Madara, but if this was the result he might understand why Tobirama Senju routinely got into petty spats with him. Kakashi blinked his visible eye once.
“I don’t work for the Senju at all. And I certainly haven’t been sent by Tobirama-san” Kakashi protested lightly, careful to keep his voice calm. It had infuriated Obito when they were kids, but he also did not want to piss off a Head Vampire. Not while he was unarmed and had no proof of his shinobi status. Madara looked utterly disbelieving and was slowly growing a nice red.
“Of course you work for the Senju! You smell like their blood and look like Tobirama’s twin for heaven’s sake!” Madara shouted back. Kakashi knew that they had the same silver-white hair and had his face been visible they would’ve had similar noses, and that the Hatakes were related to the Senju distantly, but that didn’t mean he was a Senju. In fact, Kakashi was pretty sure he was about as far from being a Senju as possible. He hadn’t even slept with someone from their bloodline, no way did he smell like them.
“I’m telling you, I’m not a Senju.  I’m a shinobi, yes, but I’m from a different clan.” Kakashi insisted, hesitant to reveal who he was. He wasn’t sure what the Uchiha thought of him and didn’t want to get his ass handed to him by Madara. Kakashi was a powerful shinobi, but Heads had more power than anyone else. And to be entirely and completely honest, the vampire scared him. On instinct he started to call chakra to his hands, feeling his fingertips tingle with the promise of power and lightning. Kakashi didn’t really want to fight in public, but it wouldn’t be his first (or second or third or fourth) run in with an Uchiha in public and the park was empty except for them. Right when Madara opened his mouth, eyes narrowing into a glare, fangs elongating, no doubt to berate Kakashi and further try to prove he was sent by Tobirama and possibly seconds away from going for his throat, a bright green blur appeared in front of Kakashi.
“My eternal rival! It is so good to see you out and about on this youthful morning!” Gai, a very green, very spandex-y shinobi who liked to wax poetic about being youthful. Kakashi had been dulled to the strangeness of it all over the years of knowing and being good friends with the man. Madara, however, has had no such exposure and was rather appropriately shocked out of his goddamn mind at the almost magical appearance of what surely smelled like a human. The vampire made a choking sound and thumped a hand against his chest. His fangs made an audible snick as they retracted. Kakashi was so  glad he was here to witness this. A flustered Madara not about to kill him was highly amusing. He let his chakra fade into the calm state it was usually in.
“Who is this?!” He spluttered, still recovering from the shock. Kakashi smirked under the mask, but the smugness must have transmitted through because Madara glared at him again. Kakashi gulped a little, but didn’t let the look phase him. After seeing Madara surprised he was far less terrifying.
“I told you I wasn’t a Senju. And definitely not one sent by Tobirama-san to antagonize you.” Gai beamed.
“My most honorable comrade here likes to poke fun at people sometimes!” The beast of a man exclaimed. Madara fumed, but relented and stood up before giving a flustered attempt at…something. Kakashi couldn’t actually understand what the man said before he called two of the dogs Kakashi’s pack had been playing with and walked away, muttering to himself about “useless shinobi, gonna kill Tobirama…” Kakashi let the feeling of a little fun wash over him, completely cleansing away the feeling from earlier this morning. Gai clapped him on the shoulder. Kakashi chuckled slightly and Gai gave Kakashi a Look ™.
“He was the one who started it. I simply sat down here.” Kakashi shrugged. Gai beamed again and struck a Nice Guy pose, thumbs up and feet planted wide.
“My eternal rival! How I wish I could emulate how cool you are!” Gai exclaimed. Kakashi let out a long sigh, but even as he brushed off the other man he let a hand drop to Gai’s shoulder.  Kakashi knew he’d regret his earlier wish for more Gai, but right now his presence had saved him from a situation and he was really glad to have such a good friend. Gai opened his mouth, with the look in his eyes that meant a challenge was coming and Kakashi acted quickly.
“Sorry to bail on you so early, Gai, but my dogs have been out for a while and I need to take them back home to eat. I’ll see you later, okay?” As he spoke he called his dogs over with a flare of chakra. They all came running, even if they were reluctant to leave their doggy friends. Gai’s posture didn’t droop and his smile became more genuine.
“Of course Kakashi, you cool, cool man! I shall find you later to issue our daily challenge. Until then!” Then Gai sprung off into a sprint and Kakashi sent up a prayer for whatever unsuspecting jogger was about to be blown over. He attached the leashes and then started walking back towards his apartment, taking the route that would lead him past the grove of trees the contained the Memorial Stone. Kakashi no longer felt the drag on his insides and knew that while he’d definitely not be able to blow off Gai’s challenge today, he would also have time to write a few emails to his former students. Maybe even see if there were any short missions. He gave a smirk. Maybe there would be a mission where he’d get to work with a vampire. Especially a red-eyed vampire, if he was lucky. Smiling to himself, Kakashi walked peacefully back, pleased with his morning and looking forward to the day ahead of him.
If you enjoyed this piece, why not take a look at other pieces written by the same author on AO3.
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klaudiafmp · 4 years
Space Empires / Colonisation
A part of the story in my comic will involve an alien race mass attacking another alien planet, for that stereotypical Independance Day alien take over. Then the aliens getting attacked will make first contact with Earth to warn them of what’s comming to them. And basically I thought to myself about all the sci-fi alien things I’ve ever watched and came to the conclusion that if they are invading like 9 /10 times in movies or shows there will be an empire behind them, and they usually attack in the first place to either harvest Earth as in either kill the people and use the planet as their own or steal our resources. Something like that. Also very often the aliens have a fatal flaw of a mothership or a mother alien creature and if she dies all the aliens drop dead all of a sudden, and I know that I definitely want to avoid this trope. I probably won’t have enough time to even explore it in the first place as I’ll only draw few pages of the comic. But anyway I wanted to take a look at some of alien races and their space empires to get a closer look of their stereotypes and what makes them different from each other and what cliches ( like the mothership) they all follow.
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The most obvious space empire I can think of is the Star Wars Galactic Empire. And being honest it doe’s follow the trope of a mothership via Death Star and does have a singular leader - The Emperor, but being honest unlike a lot of science fiction movies their entire empire did not collapse after the destruction of the first or the second death stars. And neither did they stop after the emperor got killed, which is quite interesting because a lot of movies don’t explore what happens after the main story events, and by a lot of other movies logic when the death star got destoyed the empire would be no more. Meanwhile here no matter what happened there would always be people that were loyal to their cause and did not immiediately switch sides or see what was wrong with what they were doing. 
The way of control this empire has is not your stereotypical alien invasion, mostly sending soldiers onto the planets, giving them a choice of you either join us or we’ll make you join, and potentionally blowing up the whole planet if they couldn’t be bothered to deal with them. They were also shown to take slaves and kill their own soldiers if they had to. 
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The Galra Empire from Voltron Legendary Defender is kind of similar as in they have a singular leader figure - also an Emperor and a single base, and here too after the base got destroyed and their leader was killed the empire did not fall apart. They actuall had this cool trial like ceremony where the stronges general that would prove his strengh by defeating all the other generals in combat would become the new emperor, and even though the next emperor won fairly in that trial he was infact the son of the old emperor which kind of hints that the empire has a line of succesion and isn’t as democratic as it claims to be. 
I really like how here the empire isn’t really brainless like in a lot of science fiction media where the heroe’s have to defeat a faceless army because ‘evil’. Here a lot of the generals admirals and even plain soldiers are shown to have personality, have names and relations to other character which makes the viewer sympathetic towards them even if their overall trait, as in the entire empire is fascism, proven by the fact they destroy planets and take slaves from them as well as on many occasions claim other alien races are lesser than them, even towards people who are mixed species of their own race and another alien type.
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“The Harvesters are a race of sapient, spacefaring aliens which travel from planet to planet like a galactic swarm of locusts, devouring each world's natural resources before moving to the next one, bringing their entire civilization in massive ships. “
“The Harvesters are little more than nomadic looters. They do possess far superior technology, including enormous fleets of ships; defense fields to prevent missiles from reaching their ships' hull; highly destructive weaponry and protective biomechanic suits. When invading an inhabited planet, the aliens' military tactics consist of large-scale attacks, destroying the major cities around the globe simultaneously and then heading to the next largest, presumably going on until there is nothing left.”
The Harvesters are your very typical, cliche alien race made up of a faceless army of aliens in disposable quantities, and a death of their space ship or even the entire colony has no meaning to the viewer, the plot or even their fellow aliens. They also have a queen who serves as their mother who is a lot bigger and stronger than they are (a lot like Aline) and once she dies they all die. And although the aliens have technology much more advanced than the humans do they also follow the cliche of ‘the ship has a fatal flaw’ as well as ‘it can only be destroyed from the inside out’ that happens in so many movies and shows. Overall this alien species is so clich and stereotpical you might say this one is what people base their own cliche aliens of off.
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“The Horde was founded by Horde Prime at some point in the ancient past, though its exact origins remain somewhat mysterious. Using an armada of spaceships, the Horde traveled through space conquering world after world and expanding their empire.  Horde Prime used clones of himself as soldiers in his armada. A clone who was Horde Prime's greatest general was declared defective by Horde Prime so the clone was send on a suicide mission. “
I wanted to also have a look at examples of this space empire trope in different types of media like cartoons for example, because here it follows the exact same cliches as I layed out before and in fact is a total mix between the more believable realistic empires like the ones in star wars and voltron meanwhile having all the flaws of alien empires like the Harvesters and the Chitauri.  I get this is a cartoon but everything is so toned down here that it makes no sense t the point where the reason for this empires galactic conquest is ‘because space evil empire’ which is definitely something you want to avoid as a cliche. Like lets be honest the alien empire are always the villains, no mater what sort of movie, show or cartoon it is from, just always the bad guys it’s basically a rule by now. But who would want the villains to be as boring as being evil for the sake of being bad like come on that’s not very compelling story telling. 
For my story I will most definitely not have time to explore why my ‘alien empire’ is doing what they doing but i want to at least mention some sort of thing to as why not just they are attacking these guys becaue I need a villain in my story.
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“The Chitauri are a sentient species of cybernetically enhanced beings operating under a hive mind intelligence. Subservient to Thanos, they were most notable for being the first major threat to Earth that required the formation of the Avengers when they attempted to commence a planetary invasion as part of an alliance between Thanos and Loki. “
I won’t say much about this empire as its basically a copy and paste of the harvesters with every single cliche there could be. Army of brainless faceless soldiers the audience has no care or connection to - check, a mother ship that makes ass the aliens die after it’s destroyed -check, although here I’ll give credit because at least they dont have a mother alien figure that had to be killed for them to die, it is made pretty clear that they are technologically enhanced so if they are controlled by lets say an AI or something along these lines it makes sense they wouldn’t be able to use their technology anymore but I can’t really buy the fact they all just drop dead. Like that’s just way to convenient.
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I already made a movie review for The War of The Worlds so I won’t say much here either. This is once again your very typical alien invasion movie but there’s a few things I found really col about this alien species one of which is we actually get to see what they do with the planet: which is change the ecosystem to better suit their needs. And I thought it was really cool because most movies when they have aliens show up to earth to kill all the humans, the movie doesn’t really look into why they want to do this, viewers usually just assume either they are just evil and want to take control over the Earth or they are just getting rid of the humas so they can live here instead or use our reasources I don’t know. But unlike those here we see the aliens actually change and shape the Earth to suit what they need which is cool because not every alien will breath oxygen, it might be poisonous to them as far as we know, and this is even more supported by the fact that the aliens never leave their ships and we only get to see one right at the end of the movie which does infact die the second it leaves the ship. Also another thing I really like about this alien species is the fact it wasn’t humans that defeated them, because thats the most obvious thing like 90% of alien invasion movies do. Humans defeat them, but here the entire movie it’s shown the aliens are far more advanced and have been planning this invasion since our ancient times so it just wouldn’t make sense for them to all be killed by some guns and drones. I really love that they died from bacteria because it makes a lot of sense actually, not the most obvious thing but to an alien species that did not take into consideration and simply overlooked the details it’s actually quite interesting.
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esonetwork · 4 years
What Star Wars means to me
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/what-star-wars-means-to-me/
What Star Wars means to me
I’ve written plenty of blogs about Star Wars over the years, and by this point, I’m pretty sure that anyone who knows me is fully aware of the fact that I am completely obsessed with this franchise.
I’m not even really sure of how it all began, of why Star Wars in particular made such an enduring impression on me. There are plenty of franchises that I enjoy, but Star Wars is the one that I love the deepest, and always keep coming back to.
When I was a kid, I was really interested in outer space, and I loved learning about stars and planets. I was particularly interested in NASA and the Apollo 11 moon landing. I also really, really loved fiction and using my imagination to make up new stories, so I suppose it’s sort of a marriage between these two interests that sparked my passion for Star Wars.
I’m embarrassed to admit I can’t even remember which Star Wars movie I saw first (I think it was “Empire Strikes Back”), but of course, it was love at first sight. High school and college is about the time I started to think of myself as a hardcore Star Wars fan, and it just stuck. I’d binge-watch the movies with friends, and read all the expanded universe (EU) novels. I think at one point I calculated that I’d read 60-70 different Star Wars EU novels…but hey, who’s counting?
Now, I’m sure I would have gone on loving Star Wars even if there weren’t any new movies beyond Episodes I-VI, but Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm really kicked my fandom into high gear.
I’ll never forget that moment in 2012 when I heard the news; I was sitting at my desk at work, just going about my day. My memories of the event are a little fuzzy (unfortunately this seems to be a theme for me), but I’m pretty sure my dad texted me to see if I’d heard the big announcement. I was so excited I had to excuse myself from my desk for a moment to process the news, and yes, I’m sure I got a little misty-eyed. New Star Wars, imagine that! I once feared we’d never get to see another Star Wars movie, and now we were getting a whole bunch!
Going to the local movie theater in 2015 to watch “The Force Awakens” on opening night is one of my favorite geek experiences. I spent a lot of the film’s runtime just marveling that I was watching a brand-new Star Wars movie on the big screen. I was still so excited when I got home that I didn’t sleep much that night, just replaying the movie in my mind and imagining what might happen in the next episode.
I feel fortunate in that I’ve enjoyed pretty much everything Lucasfilm has put out since being purchased by Disney, and you’d think that being a fan during this time would be a great experience for me. And it has been…mostly. However, as much as I love Star Wars, I don’t always love the Star Wars fandom.
When I was in high school and college, I felt like I was just enjoying Star Wars in my own little bubble. I’d talk about it with friends, but I wasn’t super involved with the wider fan community. In the Disney era of Star Wars, I started getting more engaged in online fandom, and sadly, it wasn’t always a positive experience.
I’ve learned that people have really, REALLY strong opinions when it comes to Star Wars, and sometimes they’re not very nice when it comes to expressing those opinions. Some people don’t care for the Disney era of Star Wars, and I can respect that. We’re all passionate about this franchise, and we have different feelings about what Star Wars should (or should not) be about.
But I’ll admit, by the time “The Last Jedi” celebrated the first anniversary of its release in December 2018, I was getting really tired of interacting with the Star Wars fandom. If I had a dollar for every time I’d witnessed someone being rude, nasty, condescending, gatekeeper-y, or otherwise participating in negative fan behavior in relation to the Star Wars franchise, I could probably buy myself a huge pile of Star Wars memorabilia.
It’s hard to know what to do about that kind of behavior. Sometimes I’m tempted to just disengage from the fandom, which I’ve done a little bit since “The Rise of Skywalker” came out. I loved Episode IX, but I haven’t really felt up to participating in many discussions surrounding it, so I’ve been quietly enjoying it on my own.
However, I also don’t want to fall into the trap of just creating a little echo chamber where I’m insulated by my own opinions. One of my firmest beliefs as a geek is that it’s vital to engage with other people who think differently than you, and to learn to respect alternate takes. I’m still trying to figure out how to limit the negativity I encounter while also being open to deep, challenging discussions. Anyway, it’s a work in progress.
I will say that one of the things I’m most thankful for about the Disney era of Star Wars is that it genuinely has helped me to grow as a person.
I’ve really latched onto Rey as a character, in an even deeper way than I had with any other Star Wars character in the past. I’ve made not one, not two, but three Rey cosplays, and dressing up as this character brings me so much joy (and also plenty of hairspray to keep those iconic three hair buns in place!)
Now that “The Rise of Skywalker” has come out, I’ve also decided that the sequel trilogy is my favorite era of Star Wars. In the past I would have been super nervous to admit this, because in some circles expressing your love for the Star Wars sequel trilogy (particularly “The Last Jedi”) is enough to make some fans choke on their blue milk.
I promise this is not a dig at those who didn’t like “The Last Jedi” or the other sequel trilogy films. “The Last Jedi” is my personal favorite Star Wars film, but it took a lot of creative risks that didn’t work for everybody. And that’s okay.
What I’ve gotten tired of is being treated like a second-class fan because of how I feel about Star Wars, or worse, getting “fan-splained” by people who want to explain to me why I’m wrong for loving the Star Wars the way I do (and yes, this has happened both online and in person).
But a lesson I’ve learned over the years, is that when a geeky thing brings you joy, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Like Rey letting go of her fears and embracing who she is as a Jedi, I’ve learned to be proud of who I am and what makes me different and special. It seems like such a small thing, but as someone who spent a large portion of my 32 years feeling bad about myself and assuming my opinions were dumb or wrong, this was a huge step for me. And I’m thankful to Star Wars for helping me get there.
One of my favorite fandom memories was traveling to Star Wars Celebration in Chicago last year. I went all by myself, something I couldn’t have imagined years ago. Was I nervous? Sure. But I felt so empowered planning this trip all on my own, and I had the most amazing time.
The future of Star Wars seems a little uncertain right now, especially with how the COVID-19 pandemic has upended our world. I don’t know when we’ll get the next Star Wars movie, and what Disney+ shows we may or may not get. I’m also sad because at the end of April my husband and I were supposed to visit Galaxy’s Edge (a.k.a. the new Star Wars land) at Disney World for the first time, but we had to cancel the trip because of the pandemic. Although we’re planning to try again in September, I don’t know what the world will look like then.
However, Star Wars continues to bring me joy in this strange, unsettled time. I’ve been re-watching the sequel trilogy movies, and I’m excited about “The Mandalorian” documentary series on Disney+ and the Clone Wars finale.
I could probably keep writing on and on about Star Wars and what it means to pop culture, but I know there have been plenty of articles already written about the endearing impact of Star Wars and why it’s remained popular for 40+ years. It’s like the modern version of the King Arthur myth; it’s an epic, timeless tale of hope, love, and courage.
Maybe not every episode or TV show works for you personally, and that’s okay. Star Wars means different things to different people. I hope that as time goes on, fans are able to let go of the parts that don’t work for them and celebrate the ones that do.
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