nyashykyunnie · 6 months
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Happy eating mwa~
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"we all agree that there's no non-shippy explanation for this scene right" and it's literally one character calling another son/kid/bro/sis/any moniker typically used to signify platonic affection
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hayaku14 · 2 years
Actor!Kaito au where Kaito has put down the mantle and became a great magician as himself but then decided to pursue other things alongside magic.
Kaito is notorious in the industry for never breaking character in front of the camera. Every single cast member could be breaking out in laughter and Kaito would just look into the camera with a deadpan stare. His co-actor is already on the floor dying of laughter but Kaito continues with his lines, even improvising which makes his co-actors laugh harder and everyone else in the room breaks. He's always in the blooper reels but it's never him making the mistake. It's always his co-stars in tears, choking, and out of breath.
It's not like he doesn't smile when everyone's practically breaking their backs laughing. But he doesn't just smile, he grins. There's a twinkle of mischief in his eyes and playfulness on the upturn of his lips. Because, ah! Of course this is a game to him, of course. Kuroba Kaito commands you into a fit of giggles and considers it his win.
After a while, it becomes some sort of challenge to try and make Kuroba Kaito break out of character, to make him laugh. On shoots, his co-stars will try and fail every time. This man is unflappable.
But there's one man who also wanted to challenge the great Kuroba Kaito. Always had, even when he was tiny and less than half his age.
Kaito seems pretty smug about the whole thing so Shinichi decides to show up on set one day with no warning, determined to wreck havoc.
He was sooo gonna mess with Kaito.
shit shinichi does whilst directly in kaito's eyesight while he's filming:
puts on that one blue sweater kaito loves to see him in (cause it makes shinichi look soft and it makes his eyes pop, but most importantly, because that sweater belongs to kaito).
starts sucking a lollipop. it's sweet but it's also coffee-flavored. he came prepared. kaito, however, was not.
blatant eye-fucking, real sultry, seeing kaito flub his lines unexpectedly turns him on, he's gonna visit sets more often.
lots of lip biting and lip licking. are his lips dry and cracked? yes. is he gonna keep biting and licking anyway? if the way kaito can't stop staring at him continues then of course he's gonna keep doing it.
winks at kaito. actually winks at him. kaito trips over air.
drops something behind him accidentally which leaves him no choice but to turn around and bend over. kaito actually chokes.
When Kaito walks up to him red-faced, supposedly annoyed, but looking more begrudgingly pleased, Shinichi knows that Kaito knows exactly what he's doing.
Shinichi summons his best Conan act and cutely feigns ignorance. Kaito is sulky but the pout is cute. He understands now why Kaito loves to pull shit like this on him.
He decides he's gonna do it more.
He brings out the banana.
(alternate version under the cut lol warning it’s corny)
there was a different version of shinichi making kaito laugh lol
it’s still about kaito being an unflappable man but this time shinichi doesn’t purposely make him laugh. 
anyways, i wanted them to laugh at something stupid that kaito’s chuckles carry over to the scene he’s filming
kaito is filming overseas and shinichi is on a visit. they’re in his waiting room where kaito practices his lines and shinichi reads a book. kaito has a line where he goes, “...his chin caught...” or something like that and shinichi snorts out of nowhere, trying to stop his giggles but ultimately fails.
kaito asks whats so funny and shinichi still can’t stop laughing. 
he then reveals that the line sounded like “chinko” or dick and it made shinichi laugh
it’s so dumb and stupid but shinichi has been hearing english everywhere for days and suddenly he hears kaito say something that sounds like ‘dick.’ he just couldn’t help but laugh.
kaito looks at him unimpressed. doesn’t particularly finds it as funny as shinichi does but seeing shinichi laugh so heartily pulls the giggles out of him easily.
later on when kaito is finally filming the scene, he gets to the ‘dick’ line and he can see from his peripheral vision that shinichi is trying to stifle his laugh. kaito is caught off guard and he can’t fight off the giggles suddenly bursting out of him. oh he is fucked.
they try some more takes but kaito cannot stop laughing. can’t even start the line without bursting into laughter anymore. shinichi is dying trying to hide but can’t help his laughter.
“SHINICHI! I’M SERIOUS, STOP IT!!” Kaito yells as he tries to stifle his laughter and profusely apologizes to the director and his co-actors.
“O-okay..pfft- sorry! I’m leaving now.” He leaves giggling all the way out.
Kaito can’t help but smile.
(This alternate version was cause I watched this compilation from Uramichi Oniisan where miyano’s character was laughing at dumb dick puns and it made me think of kaishin doing the same. just kaishin laughing at dumb things and inconveniencing the entire staff lol)
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wanukilppari · 1 year
The fck you mean we have to pay 4000 euros to get my article published?!?!? And extra 1000 euros just because it has colour pictures? You are online only journal for the fcks sake!!!
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writingmeraki · 19 days
project : get the guy — enha hyung line smau.
project #2 : fuck the correction he don't deserve that
synopsis : chaos ensues when you're assigned to do a project with the four supposed "cool kids" of the university and even more chaos when apparently one of them likes you, just that you have no idea who. warnings : cussing.
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a/n : fck blr pic limits ( i saw someone having 30 pics 😭 PLS HELP HOW DO YOU DO THAT 😭😭) but you'll get more updates hahhahaha so the short in short smau probably won't apply 😁😁let me know what you think! they'll all be meeting soon heheheh will be posting the rest in a few!
taglist ( open ) : @strxwberry-skiess ; @whippedforbeomgyu ; @urszn ; @cha3w0n-hearts ; @cassie6392 ; @nicholasluvbot : @xiaoderrrr ; @eleanorheartschishiya ; @wonunuwoo ; @antonsgirlfriend ; @aygotnobitches ; @dimplewonie ; @hoeinthehouse ; @belovedsthings ; @cookiesandgravy ; @deffnotnia ; @winuvs
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
links : main navigation | enhypen masterlist | info
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pillowdrawz · 1 year
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'I would like to apologize for what i did It was very wrong and I am very sorry Even though Im not really sorry'.
Context: Rise tmnt Turtles transported in the One piece universe in the Alabasta arc. LUFFY found them and decided to Make them part of the crew. "He refuse their refusal" Rise boys realizing how fck up the government is and decided to join the crew.
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s-4pphics · 4 months
first vi brainrot
… heyyyy arcaners 😋
getting back into writing after like a month LOL art by lottie-lot :3 @trackinglessons
fck you free palestine. 
WORD COUNT: not eem 1k just some plotting 
CONTENT: rugbyplayer!vi, femcel!oc… is she deranged or is she in love who knows fr, a lil horny, brief mentions or familial death/grief
rugbyplayer!vi who’s loved dearly. . . 
shines brighter than the sun whenever she enters the room; makes every person she comes across glow with her charisma, her laughter. she’s so polite and gracious. people can’t help but gravitate towards her radiance. 
no one would’ve ever guessed the turmoil she experienced before moving to her college town. loneliness was no longer comforting. the silence she was once eased by brought forth distress she couldn’t control. 
rugbyplayer!vi who moved through university like a ghost who never crossed over. only left noticeable tracks in the smiles she gave people before vanishing to nothingness in her room. 
rugbyplayer!vi who had no idea what rugby was. only got introduced to it at a bar where matches played on the tv screen above as she sipped her drink in silence. it seemed like watered-down football and made her nose turn up. 
who would’ve thought she’d be at her university’s rugby tryouts a few months later. one poorly made sign with every single one of her crushes in shorts and she ended up with her heels in the wet dirt, nerve wracked in front of both coaches. only then did she realize how out of shape she’s gotten. sports were her escape in high school, but the loss of her sibling destroyed her. crumbled every aspiration she ever had into dust that buried her baby sister. 
when she first got recruited, she was fearful. how would she ever be able to focus on practice when she’s surrounded by people she’s desired to emulate? they’re strong and resilient and quick; she’s leagues behind them in terms of skill and she knows it. her brain discourages her like no other. 
rugbyplayer!vi who was relentless the first few months of training. the aches in her thighs and the salt leaking from her pores and into her eyes did nothing but motivate her, distract her, drive her to do more. to reach where her peers sat comfortably at the top. she pushed so much that she called out of class multiple times; she couldn’t fucking walk. 
it took seven ruthless months to get where she wanted to be. seven months of self-doubt, of quitting and forcing herself to retry. her teammates believed in her more than she believed in herself. whenever she struggled, they were right behind her, carrying whatever weight her limbs couldn’t support. 
her teammates swiftly became her family. . . not a day goes by where she doesn’t miss her sister. 
it’s been a year since her recruitment. . . her exhaustion finally paid off in wins and meticulous tackles of her opponents. the sport aids her aggression, keeps her attention off of her damaged past for hours as she rides the high of a successor. whenever she walks onto the field she’s cocky, ego blasted to the clouds because she knows people are there for her; every time her cleats sink into the dirt, she’s home. 
it’s a rush she can’t explain. she loves this fucking game. 
. . . but you love her more. 
it’s not an obsession. you’re observant. you enjoy watching people. . . do things. you feel socialized whenever you study the joy, the grief, the yearn individuals exude through their behavior. you don't feel as lonely. almost connected to yourself through other people. 
when you first met rugbyplayer!vi, it was through a window during sophomore year. 
sat on a beanbag on the second floor of the library, completely distracted from your coursework, you gawked down as she conversed and smiled and laughed with people you didn’t know but wished to. rugbyplayer!vi captivated you like no other. education be damned. you’d drop everything for her at that moment if she asked. 
you’re not stalking her. it’s not your fault that wherever she is, you are. call it fate. you never say a word. simply stand off to the side and crave and think and fantasize. your mind is sinister. 
rugbyplayer!vi is the sun. you’re a moth, shadowing wherever light trails. 
witnessing her rugby career develop was a blessing. you’re always in the stands, hiding in plain sight from her. the muscles in her legs and arms are much larger than when she first started; they flex whenever she snags and throws the ball. pummels other women to the ground. lifts her shirt to wipe her sweat. clenches her fist when she’s angry. what you'd give to ease her tension. 
how can you not love her? everything she embodies is perfect. every cell that crafts her being is godsend. 
you crave to be in her presence. but you can’t. 
people are turned off by you. you’re not sure why, but you’re always alone, comforted by the repulsive compartments of your brain. the voice that encourages you to detach. 
so, you go where there’s no judgment. dump all your thoughts of the love of your life where no one can find you. where she can’t find you. forever undiscovered. forever anonymous. 
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imnobodysbaby · 7 months
that can't be it. srsly?!?!?! but no, yes i am MAD that we didn't get to see Sylki kiss but i am even more madder that we didn't even got the chance to hear out how Sylvie feels, BECAUSE SHE FEELS A LOT AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE! WHY?
Just the way she looks at Loki when she found out that Loki had the choice to kill her and the universe will be saved, but he didn't. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE HOW SHE FELT WHEN SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THAT?
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When Loki goes out to the Loom, we can see how Sylvie is frantic and says "I need to get out there" so she can be with him, but she can't and all she can do is watch, not even knowing what will happen to him. YOU CAN SEE ALL THE CARE AND LOVE IN HER EYES
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this one shot of everyone being just silhouettes and we can see the light center at her only for a while but we can clearly see the look on her face. her hand on her mouth just shows how fckng worried she is
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also THIS
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“for you” (FCK I AM WRECKED 😭😭😭)
Sylvie is new to this kind of feelings, that's why it's hard for her to let it out, BUT WE CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT SHE DOES CARE FOR HIM SO MUCH AND I HATE IT SO MUCH THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN LET HER EXPLORE IT OUT MORE.
SYLVIE IS LITERALLY THE HEART OF THE WHOLE SERIES. Everything Loki does boils down to her/for her (and ofc for his newfound friends and family) and to think everything started because of her and we didn't even get a chance to see what she'll do now. YOU ALSO CANNOT TELL ME THAT SHE WILL JUST LIVE ON WITH HER LIFE AND NOT THINK OF LOKI BECAUSE SHE WILL OKAY?! SHE CAN GO AFTER HIM IF SHE WANTS (she still have He Who Remains tempad bracelet thingy soooo)
ALSO LAST THING I am also MAD that we finally see how Loki is when he falls in love that he literally sacrifices EVERYTHING, GOES OUT OF HIS WAY, GOES BACK TO HIS VILLANOUS HABIT JUST TO FIND HER AND IT ALL ENDS UP LIKE THAT?!?!??! I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT!
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changetyre · 1 year
Not the last time
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SUMMARY: You're stuck in a complicated love triangle with 2 of your closest friends, you decide that you're not gonna pick either and that's how you'll get out of this situation. Except it seems it only takes one night to change everyone's minds. Daniel Ricciardo x Reader x Max Verstappen.
WARNINGS: Terribly written intense smut, threesome, fem!oral, male!oral, face fck, PinV, an*l.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Smut so forgive me for the mess but hope you enjoy ;) Also this isn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes.
Realizing that you could in fact be in love with two people wasn't as fun and dramatic and interesting as it appeared in the movies. And what makes things more complicated is that the two men you're in love with completely reciprocate your feelings.
You, Daniel, and Max had been best friends ever since the boys become teammates. You were Max's new P.R. manager and you hit it off with Max straight away, both realizing that although you should get along, what you had was a little more special than that.
Given your proximity to Max, you quickly began forming a friendship with Daniel too, what made this all the more fun was the fact that you were in between them both when it came to ages which meant you connected with them both on different levels.
It didn't take long before you three became inseparable, even after Dani left Redbull and even after you'd been offered a better job in a different team and took it.
However, the feelings between the three of you started becoming clearer as the increased time apart became more apparent. And it all came into understanding when you realized how much you despised seeing the boys being way too friendly with any woman and the boys felt exactly the same way about you with other men.
You were never one to wallow around with your feelings, being the kind of person to just face them up front so pulling the boys aside at the club one night after they were both practically throwing daggers at you for dancing with another man you finally revealed your feelings.
You were in love, with them both. BUT you didn't want anything to be ruined between the three of you. The boys revealed they felt the same way about you and you agreed the best approach would be for everyone to ignore the feelings and they would eventually go away. That way non one would get hurt. Right?
2 weeks later:
You'd be lying if you said things between the three of you didn't get slightly awkward. There was now a weird tension in the atmosphere and you all took notice of the lack of contact with the opposite gender from all sides.
You thought the best medicine to get you guys back to being your usual selves would be for one of your movie nights like you had in the old days. You got the boys to clear their schedules for a weekend so they could spend 3 nights at your place, a slumber party if you will.
After scrolling through countless movies for too long and not coming to an agreement you decided to simply close your eyes and scroll until you landed on a random movie.
Secretary (2022), was the title of the movie. None of you had seen it and you decided to watch it.
It all started out okay, until you started realizing what this movie was about. Was this some kind of cruel prank form the universe?
You were at what was maybe the 4th sex scene in the movie, you were extremely horny at this point and little did you know the boys felt exactly the same.
The tension in the room was almost making it hard to breathe. You squeezed your thighs together and your mind wandered to the last time you had sex only now noticing how long it had actually been and now realizing how much you need a relief right now.
The boys take notice of your shifting and almost imperceptible whimpers as they start shifting uncomfortably in their seats trying to tame their need for you.
You can't take it anymore.
"I can't do this I'm so f*cking horny, I need one of you to fuck me right now." you blurt out, knowing damn well there's a possibility you might regret it later but all logic is out of the window right now, your wet core doing all the thinking right now.
Although the next thing that came out of Max's mouth took you by surprise.
"How about both of us?" he asked.
You looked at him waiting for any sign of a joke to which you find none. You turn to Daniel who already had a smirk on his lips.
"I've never been one to turn a threesome down baby." He bit his bottom lip already undressing you with his eyes. That's all the confirmation you need of what you're about to do.
You get up and start walking to your room the boys exchanging confused looks. "What the hell are you waiting for?!" You turn around to ask them both.
They jump up immediately following behind you.
You're not sure where to start but to yours and Max's luck Daniel chooses to take the lead. He pulls you in kissing you softly as he starts pushing your clothes off you fumbling with his belt.
Max stands awkwardly unsure of how to follow but Daniel finally unlatches from you starting to kiss down your neck, and then your body nods for Max to come over.
This time you're the one taking the lead as you grab Max's collar pulling him into you with desperation to get your lips onto his. You're so distracted kissing Max and trying to undress that you don't realize when Daniel had left you completely exposed from the waist down now wearing nothing but your black lace bra.
The next thing you feel is as Daniel has found his way in between your thighs gliding his tongue over your folds making you tremble with surprise and let out a moan into Max's mouth.
You look down grasping onto Daniel's hair and pulling him back in between your legs indicating for him to keep going. His tongue covers you whole licking back and forth in slow swipes before he starts picking up the pace and occasionally sucking on your clit making you moan loudly.
Max getting incredibly turned on hearing your moans of pleasure. He guided your hand to his now exposed dick and you begin stroking him. Max starts kissing your chest, unclasping your bra before he starts sucking on your already hard nipples, showing equal praise to them both.
You bring your hand up gathering spit and licking it before bringing your hand back down to Max's shaft as you kept stroking him at a good pace hearing him groan in pleasure.
Once Daniel had given you your first orgasm all gentleness seem to go out of the window from there. Daniel picked you up throwing you down onto the bed before climbing over you.
He scooted all the way up before hoovering over your face, tapping his dick on your chin indicating for you to open up which you gladly do. You take him and Daniel lets you go at your pace at first.
Max now has full view of your dripping wet core, he wants a taste of it too. He kneels down between your legs locking his arms over your thighs as he takes his turn eating you out.
Your strangled moans being enough indication of how much you're enjoying this as well as the fact that he has to use a slight bit of force to keep your legs open for him.
Daniel grabbed the headboard behind you as he angled himself slightly to start thrusting into your mouth, the glint in your eyes letting him know you're more than okay with this as you open your mouth wide for him to face fuck you.
You're taken by surprise when Max has now lined himself up with your entrance and started thrusting into you causing an overwhelming amount of pleasure to course through your body.
You bring your hand down rubbing circles on your clit as the boys keep their pace going.
"Fuck y/n!" at this point it's hard to distinguish which of the men it's coming from with how much they've repeated the phrase tonight.
You all uncoil at the same time, Daniel cumming into your mouth, Max spilling all over your folds and you trembling at the 2nd orgasm of the night.
The boys take turns fucking you in different positions, you have your 3rd, 4th, 5th orgasm and you're not sure how much longer you can go.
Max is now under you as you bounce on his dick, barely able too from your trembling legs but the need for pleasure being enough strength for you to keep bopping.
Daniel licked your ass adding to your enjoyment and takes a step back as he takes in the view of his best friends fucking. But now he can't resist his urge to fuck you too watching as Max's dick thrusts deep into your pussy.
"Sweet," he whispers.
"Hmm." You only hum in response as your breathlessly moan.
"Can you can take us both?" he asks as he's rubbing circles over your asshole.
You've never tried it before. The question takes you by surprise.
But you accept being in a high unlike anything you've ever felt before and knowing if anyone's going to take care of you through this it's them.
"Yes." You finally give him a vocal agreement.
Daniel approached you and Max slowed down his pace giving you time to adjust to what was about to happen. Daniel lined himself up with your second hole starting to push in slowly as he can feel you clenching.
The stretch from their both massive lengths had you wincing at first but as Daniel kept pushing in slowly you almost felt your body shut down at the new and immense pleasure that filled your body.
"Faster!" You tapped Max's chest feeling a new feeling arises in the pit of your stomach that needed to be explored immediately.
Daniel didn't move until you indicate to him to and it doesn't take long before you're also reaching back and tapping Daniel's arm telling him to speed up.
You thought the pleasure these boys had already given you couldn't get any better but oh how wrong you were when they were both thrusting into you at the same time making you completely lose control of your body.
It only took a few minutes of this before the wave finally hit, fireworks in your entire body, seeing starts, ringing in your ears, collapsing atop Max's body trembling in complete ecstasy letting out loud cries of pleasure.
Both boys moderately slowed their pace letting you ride out your explosive orgasm.
Daniel gave you a few seconds then was the first to start pulling out of you and as he did you squirmed over Max's chest as he rubbed circles on your back. Max then gently placed you beside him as he began pulling out too, making you squirm once more.
The boys had literally fucked the living daylights out of you as you were still trying to catch your breath occasionally shaking at the remnants of pleasure left in your body, barely able to move at how weak they'd left you.
You were barely aware as Daniel went to the bathroom starting a warm bath as Max lay next to you still rubbing soft circles on your skin, your back, your cheeks, and your legs which had you letting out soft huffs at how sensitive your entire being felt right then.
A few minutes later Max got up and scooped your naked body into his arms, you're too weak to even protest at wherever it is he's taking you so you only loop your arm around his neck knowing damn well you trust the man to take you anywhere anyways.
He carried you into the bathroom where Daniel was adding oils into your bath before Max very slowly with Dan's help started placing you down into the bath letting your body adjust to the very warm temperature of the water.
The bath certainly helped you relax especially after the boys started helping you wash up. Max massaged and washed your hair while Daniel gently scrubbed your body.
You had asked the boys to join you needing to feel them with you. Max sunk in behind you spreading his legs on either side of you as you leaned your back against his chest. Daniel then sank in front of you as he picked your legs up placing them over his, you comfortingly rubbed circles over Dan's chest.
"Please don't let that be the last time boys." You hummed as your head laid back into Max's shoulder in comfort.
You felt so at peace in their arms conscious of the fact you were completely vulnerable. Naked and raw in front of them but they were your safe place, your happy place. You were completely surrounded by love.
Max and Daniel shared a smile, not answering you right now but knowing they could get used to making you feel like this. Being so head over heels madly and deeply in love with you they couldn't let you go.
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ny000mdraws · 11 months
I will contain my thoughts with a bulleted list.
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- i love the decepticons getting redemption/ doing good/ getting understood instead of being beaten up
- nightshade was the mvp. they deserve some science-y gadgets after this
- when jon said “rescue bots to the rescue” I GASPED
- my god, mandroid was ugly after that transformation
- good riddance karen is gone but JFC THE WAY SHE DIED???
- i love how all the terrans are getting adopted 😭
- that one scene where soundwave and swindle are getting a ride from hardtop. they’re friends now
- starscream growing a liking for hashtag (and the other terrans) is not what i expected but i need it to stay that way 🥺
- i also like this version of star A LOT
- like yea, he is still cowardly, but there’s a lot more to his character if you watch
- like he automatically assumes nova and sky would leave him :( maybe it’s a defense mechanism for him so that he won’t feel guilt for trying to survive
- him protecting twitch and hashtag- *cries*
- the one time i got mad at megatron was when he hurt starscream. but when hashtag told him to back off? yes girl, tell him what’s up!
- also im glad megatron let him go, which shows his character. he knows him as dangerous yet when he saw star protecting the kids, he knew he had the capacity to be good
- fck mandroid and karen
- we stan dot, alex, and jon
- also fck that guy who called in ghost when the terrans subdued shockwave?? like they literally took him down in front of you?? YOU BUFFOON!!
- idk why but im so into grimlock’s voice
- i wish tarantulas showed up :(
- since the energon depletion ray/ healing ray was worldwide, this is enough reason for me to believe tracks exists in this universe
- yes, i am delusional. shut up
- some other characters i hope will show up are prowl, jazz, blaster, perceptor, and thundercracker
- really any old character that never get used in animated media would be awesome like inferno or hound
Okay, I think I’m done.
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ayypapiarmour · 1 year
I might have underestimated how insane 8H Synastry is
I have this peculiar connection with this person. So the back story is I just finished my internship 3 weeks ago and me being me an astro maniac, checked our synastry and to my knowledge we have
- 8H Venus
- Pluto - Sun
- Pluto - Moon
- Pluto - Asc
- Mars-Pluto (double whammy)
- Venus - Asc and
- 4 planets in my 10 house
And in this case as y’all already figured I’m the house person.
Not gonna lie that 1 week after the internship ended, not seeing each other was tough, I bawled my eyes out lol. Because I really really liked them! How the hell did I not? We spent most of the time together, touchy w each other and other many things. But now I’m good!
And recently I just got a job at a dif company at WK, and so did they (at my former internship place). And I told them about the job out of being friendly and days later, guess what, the supervisor at my former internship workplace informed the group chat that it’s collaborating with WK (the job that I’m currently in) and mind you I told nobody about me being recently employed except THAT planet (Pluto) person.
And I asked the planet person if they told anyone at their workplace about me getting employed at the company they’re collaborating with and they said no. Then I texted them if they know anything like what is the purpose of the collaboration Yana yada and they just simply redirected the conversation to “it’s confidential” and I understood and respected that feedback but then they were like “nah it’s not that confidential, I only said that as an excuse to hang out with you, I will further explain about it when I meet you”.
See the pattern? Being in Plutonian synastry is quite karmatic and might feel like you are fated with the other party and…it’s obsessive.
It’s either the planet or the house person will find many ways to be together with you. You definitely feel each other! It’s like you two can’t be separated from one another.
Had this type of synastry never happened, I couldn’t give 2 fcks bc internship is just…internship, it’s temporary and I always have this mentality where i just move tf on and I ll never take the colleagues at my former internship workplace seriously cause it’s not like I’m gonna ever see them again . But boom, universe works in mysterious ways and I got humbled real quick.
Idk y’all maybe I’m delusional but i just feel like sharing my experiences of this synastry 😂
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itonashi · 1 year
alhaitham birthday... thinking of child him with mom reader. "why do you always make platonic one" BECAUSE IM SINGLE. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT. FEBRUARY TO ME IS EQUAL TO SPREAD NEGATIVITY TO COUPLE. FCK COUPLE 😡😡😡. btw happy birthday my guy alhaitham (he's not real.). HEAR ME OUT WHAT IF I MAKE THE READER FROM THE HONKAI UNIVERSE AND THEY'RE MARRIED TO SU AND THEY SUDDENLY DIED IN THEIR UNIVERSE BUT THEY TRANSPORT TO TEYVAT. To sumeru specifically.. and child alhaitham was the first one to see reader or aranara perhaps hehe
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm
- chapter 0.2
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"what even am I to you? your rival, your lover, an obstacle or am I supposed to be your coffin?"
about two thieves who can't live with nor without each other. and a joint past that comes back to threaten them.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, very flirty jimin, friends/rivals/exes to lovers (it's complicated, ok?!) f2l e2l ex2l all members play a role in this story!
It wasn't difficult to spot the car where Arabella was held captive in.
There were solely ten other cars in the parking lot and only one of them had tinted windows.
Jimin cleared his throat before he casually walked over and leaned against it. Knocking three times at the back window. His signature smirk never leaving him. "Hello, hello! Anyone there?"
He heard a click and the glass began lowering itself. Revealing Araballa with a surprisingly calm expression despite the gun held against her temple. "You came!"
"Sure, darling. Couldn't let you call somebody else after all."
"You got the document?" a deep voice from behind her asked. The man in his dark gray business suit leaning a bit forward. Revealing his stone-cold face.
Jimin rolled his eyes, sighing. "Never heard of small talk, did you?" he tutted and took out the folded piece of paper. Holding it further away from the window. "Here it is. Now would you be so kind and let her go?"
"First the document."
"Hm, not sure you'd keep your promise though," Jimin grinned. The man not seeming amused at all though. He lowered his gun from her temple, pointing at him instead. "How about I just kill you and take the document instead."
Jimin huffed unimpressed, tossing it through the window then.
Satisfied, the man opened the car door and pushed Arabella out. Her landing on her knees. "Hey! Rude!" she frowned as she took Jimin's hand that was reaching out for her. She stood up, brushing the dirt off her legs. 
The door closed again and the car's engine started. Arabella turning around in panic. "Wait, what about this?!" She frantically pointed at the bomb around her neck. "You said you'd take it off of me!"
The man, however, just cranked the window up again without saying another word. And they watched him drive off. Leaving her in disbelief. "What the fck!" she yelled upset, turning to Jimin. Her jaw trembling. 
"Hey, hey," he tried talking her down, grabbing her hand. "We'll figure it out." And with that he tucked her towards a minivan in the back that he had spotted earlier. After all, they didn't have any time to waste. Having to take care of the issue immediately.
Picking up locks had never been an issue to him. He had practiced his skills ever since he was eight and his grandfather had forced him to learn all the great tricks and secrets of thievery. Especially cars were rather easy to get opened. Even with their supposed alarm systems. It was all just a few wires after all. Once they were cut, it was easy.
As they sat inside, he inspected the collar closely. Arabella growing anxious and impatient under his stare. The silence killing her. "You can't deactivate it, right?" she eventually laughed out dryly. Squeezing her eyes close. "It's okay, Jimin. Just admit it."
He sighed, sitting back in his seat. "I could try, but I'm afraid it could trigger it and detonate earlier."
She nodded. "Alright." Her voice not above a whisper. That was it apparently. She had always been able to get herself out of any situation, except this one it seemed. Well, they said there was a first time for everything after all. "I guess that means goodbye then."
"Don't be silly," he said and in a swift move pulled the lever of her seat, reclining it all the way back. And he hovered above her with a smirk.
"Are you an idiot? Go, run away. Or do you wanna die?" she quietly mumbled, looking away with furrowed brows. He didn't bulge though. The corners of his lips curling up even further.
"Going to the afterlife with you, wouldn't that be the best?"
Arabella laughed under her breath and glanced at him in disbelief. Her lips parting when sensing him so close to her. Their lips almost touched as his eyes smiled into hers.
Her and Jimin's story went far back. And it was a rather complicated one.
They had been through a lot together and usually it was pretty dangerous not to say threatening situations they always ended up finding themselves in. Came with the profession of being thieves and travelling all around the world for known and unknown treasures. Because usually, they weren't the only ones after them.
Still, they always managed finding a way out in the end. Now, however, it seemes they had found themselves in one they couldn't so easily get out of. Well, he could but chose not to. Which she still found idiotic and careless of him. And sweet. But that was how he was. That was the guy she loved, something she'd never admit it though. Especially not to him as it'd only get to his head. And she didn't want to appear easy to get.
However, there was an exception to the rule. And that was when she believed they wouldn't make it out alive. And it seemed to be one of these rare moments.
"Jimin, I.. I-" she began but was interrupted by a sudden clicking noise. Both looked at each other in shock, eyes growing wide. The noise came from the collar. And suddenly it clicked open, falling from her neck to the ground. "What-?"
"Huh," Jimin picked it up. Inspecting it from all sides with knitted brows. "Guess it got deactivated?" Remote access. Of course.
Arabella began fuming, seeing red. Pushing Jimin aside, she got out of the vehicle. "This asshole will pay!" she yelled. Stomping away. 
"Hey, wait," he stumbled after her and grabbed her wrist. "Don't worry, the guys are already on it," he calmed her and pulled out his phone. Dialing a number. "Yeah, Tae? It's alright, it got deactivated. You can strike."
Arabella blinked. "Wait, did they-"
"Drive after them? Of course. After all, they robbed us!" he smirked, "And it doesn't leave us with a great reputation if we, the greatest gang of thieves, get robbed from some paper pushers."
Biting down her lips, she giggled. Of course they had a plan b. "Alright then, adios!" she waved and walked away. Leaving him dumbfounded.
"Wait, that was it? We still have to finish what we started!" he whined, making her giggle as she located a motorbike that she hopped on and hotwired. Starting the engine, she let it warm up for a moment. "Maybe next time." And with that she drove off. Leaving him once again alone.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, he kicked the air. Shaking his head then, he looked into the direction she had disappeared to with a fond smile. "This woman will be the death of me." 
Several days later
Interpol branch office South Korea - Seoul
"Agent Kim!"
Jungkook made his way hurriedly to his supervisor's desk. Unintentionally slamming the piece of paper he was holding onto it, making Seokjin jump up in his seat. This boy surely had to control his strengh sometimes. 
"A new note," he announced nervously, stepping away and holding his head low. Embarrassed by his unintentional gesture.
The older guy perked up, grabbing the plastic bag with the piece of torn paper. Holding it up in front of his face.
'when the zeros line up on the 24-hour clock
on the 24th this month
I'll get the most precious of the three ikjgauo.
"Do you have any idea what he could mean, sir?"
The leading agent folded his hands in front of his lips, thinking intensely. "Where's Blake?"
"Uh," Jungkook blinked, his eyes quickly looking around. "She was here a few minutes ago."
"Alright, when you find her I want you both to search everything about monkeys."
"M-monkeys, sir?" The younger agent was simingly confused by the random request. His eyes round.
"Yeah, monkeys," Seokjin laughed, repeating his order, "Search for any expensive monkeys. Artifacts, antiques, any objects of vitru."
He bowed. "Y-yes, sir. Sure."
Seokjin leaned back as he watched him walk away with unsure steps, looking for his partner.
This damn thief and his little notes. How conceited iforming them beforehand about a heist just because he was so confident and smug that he'd still get away with it. Unfortunately, he usually did. But this was another topic. And it surely wouldn't happen this time again.
Thought he was so clever by using a cypher to tarn his message. Although this was an easy monoalphabetic substitution. Moving every letter several steps back in the alphabet -in this case five. And suddenly this jibberish creates the word 'monkeys'.
However, they had no clue what 'monkeys' he was referring to. Not yet. Hence Jungkook and Skylar's little research task.
This time he was sure they'd get him.
next chapter: 0.3 here
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wolfvmin · 2 years
blipped: before the snap (preview)
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title: blipped: before the snap pairing: brother’s best friend!yoongi x female reader genre: major angst !!, fluff, brother’s best friend au, unrequited love, set in the marvel cinematic universe (mcu), slow burn?, implied age gap, heavy themes, the blip is kinda fucked up if u think abt it, brother!namjoon, bestfriend!taehyung warnings: manipulative and abusive mom, family issues, y/n has a careless one night stand, no smut for this part yet, this part is a bit boring i'm really sorry. word count: 19k (bruh,,) teaser word count: 695
At the age of 21, you confessed your feelings to your brother’s best friend, Yoongi, which he rejected. One day later, Thanos snapped, turning fifty percent of the world population to dust, leaving the other half lost, confused, and mourning–including you. Five years later, Bruce Banner snapped everyone back to life, including Yoongi, who doesn’t really know you anymore.
a/n before i wrote it: it’s okay to read this if you aren’t into the marvel movies. i just think that the concept of the blip is a really interesting (very traumatic and sad) topic for civilians. imagine the adjustment of your loved ones disappearing and then they just come back. a/n after i wrote it: holy shit i thought this was a fun idea but this is just pure devastation writing about the blip is no fun at all. so i'm not really happy with this one but it's looooong overdue so fck it i'll just post it and get it over with.
release date: October 30, 2022 playlist: blipped.
It won’t show up in the tags but you can READ IT HERE NOW
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Silence filled the air for a few minutes. It’s always like this with Yoongi. Silence, comfort, and safety. It was never quiet with you. Not in your life. But whenever Yoongi come into it, it became quiet. He has made you feel at peace. He has made you feel warm.
The warmth he offered sometimes hurt, you admit. But it was not his fault. You are greedy. You want more of the warmth than what he can offer. But you would take this hurt everyday than go back to the chaos and noise that you have known before him. And tonight, you feel you can allow yourself to be more greedy.
“Do I look pretty tonight?” The words come out of your mouth before you even think. The beating heart in your chest seemed to want to run away from your brain with how fast it went.
“What?” Yoongi undoubtedly found the question unusual as you have never asked him questions like this. You weren’t one to worry about your appearance. They know that you’re definitely insecure about a myriad of things but you refrain from letting people know about it. Indulging the people you care about your problems is just not you.
“I’m asking you if you think I’m attractive.” You repeat, cheeks blushing and eyes set in the other direction. Where you’re getting your confidence right now, you’re not sure where.
“Tsk.” He cocks his head and began to remove his jacket. “You are attractive.”
“No.” Your hands are now by your stomach, fiddling and playing together. “I’m asking if you think I’m attractive.”
There was a pause in the air for a few seconds. It seemed like he was thinking. “Come here.”
When your eyes lift up, you find him offering his jacket to you. He was holding it by its shoulder part, the back facing him and ready for you to slide your arms into the empty sleeves. A black long sleeve shirt was left on him, complementing his growing ebony hair that was reaching the back of his neck. He was yet to get a haircut and you’re thankful for that.
“My arms are gonna die, get in.” He pleads and you comply. You’re disappointed he doesn’t answer the question but you decide not to press into it further due to sudden embarrassment.
You step in and turned around, sliding your right arm first and then your left. You fix the jacket on you as you look straight ahead the empty sidewalk. This was his favorite one. The black one adorned with white details of dragons on the chest and the sleeves.
“Put your hand in the right pocket.” He instructs and you did. You feel something box-like and fish it out of the garment.
It was a rectangular black velvet box not bigger than your palm. “Wha–”
“It’s your present.” He interrupts your confused reaction.
Inside the box was a gold necklace with a pendant not bigger than half an inch. It resembled a butterfly. The wings were carved by horizontal lines but was connected to four tiny diamonds on each wing’s inner part.
“Is this real?” You ask, eyes squinting at the necklace now in your hand.
“Are you saying I’m cheap? Of course, it is. I had my friend from work get it. That’s where I stopped by before going in.” He answers and takes the necklace from you from the back.
Before you knew it, his arms were in your peripheral vision, ready to put the necklace on you. He clasps it around your neck and you feel the cold pendant on your hand, admiring it.
Cold hands turn you around by the shoulders, making you face him.
“You look beautiful.”
And he smiles. His hands are still on your shoulders, literally making him an arm length from you. The smile on his face is the cutest you have ever seen. It’s toothless and his cheeks more fluffier than ever. The way his eyes sparkled competed with the street lights and the present stars the night sky above the two of you.
He looked so beautiful.
You’re so fucked.
You’re irrevocably in love with Min Yoongi.
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© wolfvmin. please do not copy, translate, claim any of my works. thank you.
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What are some roles or fictional characters you’d like to see Arnas play?
One of mine is super cliché, but I can’t help it, it would be a sort of Prince Charming role. 🤴🏻💖
tbh I am dying to see him portray a psycho/serial killer, but one you root for you know? like in those classic horror movies. In general I'd love to see him in a horror/psychological thriller, either as the slasher or as a person who is (for example) taunted by spirits (think Conjuring).
One of my ultimate fave characters/comics/movies is The Crow. I am stoked (and anxious) to see Bill Skarsgård take on that part, but I firmly believe that Arnas would be one hell of an Eric Draven. (the thought of him with long hair and that face paint is 100% my biggest kink, will never deny that, will probably show up in another halloween themed fic lmao). Other than that, I can totally see him in the John Wick universe too (another kink? probably) as a fellow hitman who just wants to get rich, having some sick as fck fight sequences.
but I could see him as a prince charming, yeah, I get why you can imagine that! I think he would do great, I just don't feel much for that personally haha give me the brooding, bloodlust types and I'm down on my kneesssssss
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
found a great analysis of Kaveh and Alhaitham friendship on reddit and I just had to share
(contains some referencs to leaks under the cut. avoid if you don't want even minor character background spoilers)
"i knew Kaveh was going to be sad, but holy fck. I think what's telling is that everyone who has a voiceline about Kaveh mentions how he's a genius and how formidable he is, and even how idealistic he is. Yet Kaveh himself, feels jaded. Like his experiences have not completely crushed his ideals, but they've gotten him in pretty shtty situations. And through it all, when he needed someone the most, Alhaitham appeared before him once again.
I think what's telling is not only how deep his friendship with Alhaitham goes, but what it means that they now live together. Alhaitham's character story says that he likes living with Kaveh because Kaveh is a genius equal to him with different views. He gives Alhaitham insights on things that Alhaitham has never even considered before. Kaveh doesn't know this though. He questions why Alhaitham would let him in despite not being able to give him anything yet. But what's important is that they call each other MIRRORS.
At first the mirror motif between them was said by Alhaitham. Though it could've just been chalked up to reference the real person Ibn Al-Haytham, the father of modern optics. But this motif of mirrors is now being shared by both of them.
In character story 3, Kaveh's mom finally remarries in fontaine and leaves him all of her property in Sumeru. Yet he said that he feared going to an empty home and that it tormented him with solitude. Which makes me think that probably played a big part as to why he keeps living with Alhaitham and why I think they're going to be roommates for a long time. Alhaitham and Kaveh are both geniuses, but they're also pretty lonely dudes.
It makes sense why they keep being around each other, like it's destined by fate. In his 2nd voiceline about Alhaitham he even says so. "It's like the universe was playing a prank on us...it's hard to make sense of it all."
I mentioned earlier that something stands out about Kaveh. Everyone talks about him that he's intelligent or that he's idealistic. But Kaveh sees himself as jaded and even pathetic. It's such a huge contrast. Throughout his entire character stories, there's this guilt that never actually leaves him. He's felt it his entire life starting from his father dying, his mother stricken by grief, and leaving his best friend. And yet, the only person who ever got to see the guilt that he tried so hard to leave behind was Alhaitham.
Alhaitham, the only person who ever got to understand Kaveh. Kaveh, the only person who ever got to understand Alhaitham. how ironic that they would push each other away, only to be stuck together, but both are too stubborn to admit that they care because without each other, they would be lonely.
This is long but I just love how deep Kaveh's character is and how flushed out it is. And I love seeing his character bounce off of Alhaitham, enriching his and Alhaitham's lore without the need of traveler. It makes Teyvat feel more alive and that it exists outside of traveler's own pov. I just really didn't expect they would go so hard for Kaveh's story, especially with how dark it would be compared to how happy he looks and is perceived."
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