#Foreign names are tough my dude
noyzinerd · 1 year
Eli's Name Headcanon
Now, I'm not the biggest fan of the "Eli being named after Stiles' abusive grandpa" theory, and the whole "Eli comes from s-t-'I-L-E'-s spelled backwards" feels like a big stretch to me.
So, here's what I suggest:
Instead of Elias, Eli is actually short for a crazy-long, Polish/Spanish-mishmash name--a combination of Stiles and Derek's roots--(either by a single-parent Derek, who had been pining for Stiles like crazy, or by Stiles who wanted to carry on his family's tradition of naming your kid a mouth-nightmare). Maybe something like:
Iljuszeczkamierz "Eli"(Stilinski-) Hale
(I would like to think that Stiles would probably make a convincing argument about wanting Eli to experiment around with his name to find what truly suits him, like how Stiles had his "Mischief" phase as a kid before settling on "Stiles". Eli probably went through an "Illya" phase, an "Illy" phase, maybe he even tried "Zack" and "Amir" for like a day, before the name "Eli" just clicked into place and he got that excited, giddy feeling of "Yep. That's the one. That's who I am.")
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
My brain has decided that it wants to start a new fic even though I’m currently writing one 🤷‍♀️
A Captain America AU popped into existence in my brain today and I will be writing it but for now, here’s the character list
Steve is Steve Rogers: this feels self explanatory but only child with a desperate need to help others, pushed into the spotlight with a forced persona, deeply lonely
Eddie is Bucky Barnes: this is mostly because of the Kas theory but also because Bucky is headcanoned to use a lot of pet names too
Chrissy is Peggy Carter: there won’t be any Steve Peggy romance but Chrissy feels like such a perfect match for Peggy
Vecna/Henry is Redskull: duh
Robin is Sam Wilson: I was torn between her being Nat or being Sam but I decided that her personality matches Sam better
Nancy is Natasha Romanoff: see above reasoning
Jonathan is Clint Barton: I’ve decided to just make a big polycule so I can have all my marvel ships be happy
Argyle is Laura Barton: see above lol
Hopper is Tony Stark: dude was held captive by a foreign power for information, that feels like enough
Joyce is Bruce Banner: she just has the vibe I guess
Murray is Thor: vibes
Brenner is Alexander Pierce: duh
Dr. Owens is Nick Fury: this one was tough but it feels like a good match as both of them compartmentalize a lot
I don’t know if I’ll include the kids at any point but I do have them casted
El is Wanda Maximoff: again, duh
Will is Pietro Maximoff: I couldnt separate the wonder twins
Max is Yelena Belova: she just fits so perfectly
Dustin is Peter Parker: he’s such a nerd
Lucas is Kate Bishop: this is entirely because of the slingshot
Mike is the only one I can’t pick a specific character for so any suggestions would be helpful
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Do u have any headcanons or ideas for Sidney Pointdexter?
@dnpanimationstudioclone of course! I love my broski, Sidney Poindexter. So strap in;
Given the length of my previous response I’ll try to keep the ideas and headcanons short for easier reader digest. So bullet points time!
Sidney was huge into sci-fi and fantasy media back in his past life. Comics, movies, books, cartoons and shows you name it he loves it especially foreign works like J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series to the first Godzilla movie at the time in 1954. Others book wise from Tunnel in the Sky by Heinlein, Judgement by C.L Moore, Triplanetary to the works of Orson Wells to classic monster movies the 50s spurred before the 60s. And a lover for cartoons of the Looney toons variety and newspaper funny pages of Dick Tracy and Charlie Brown.
Sidney was a nerd because of his interests but he was smart nerd due to both of his parents being teachers. His mom was an English teacher and his father was a math/pre-calc teacher. Seriously, Poindexter’s dinner time would involve having to figure out three new sentences with a vocabulary word you’d learn in high school and breakfast was doing two or three long division polynomials on the page before the newspaper’s comics/funnies section which his father would make him finish first in order to read it. All of this repetition learning placed Sidney a year or two ahead than most in his class as a result.
Sidney’s parents cared for him a lot but we’re quite strict to a point in his education and use of his free time. It’s understandable in some way as I hc Sidney’s grandparents or parents were Jewish immigrants and Sid being first generation with more opportunities than those before him. His parents loved him and were trying to help him prepare for the road ahead, but they seemed to neglected their efforts and positions had as teachers in the Casper/Amity School systems. I think another factor to Sidney’s bullying is that a lot of high schoolers or middle schoolers took out their aggression on his dad’s tough math/pre-calc classes on him. That whole having to bully Poindexter as a graduation requirement thing started bc his dad was the last class you had to take to graduate as a senior.
I love the idea Sidney and Lunch Lady knew each other back when he was still alive in middle school and a young Laurie (LL’s real name in my hcs) started working as Casper’s lunch lady. Sidney being such a frail and small pre-teen, Lunch Lady couldn’t help but give him and extra helping of food (especially when others would either take his money or food). Even before the bullying got worse, Lunch Lady would let Sidney help in the mess hall to avoid being mistreated. She’d lie and say Sidney had to work first before he could earn his meal if any other staff member asked why he was there. It helped a lot, Sidney considered her to be his only friend at the time when he was alive.
If Sidney didn’t die so young or survived his suicide attempt, his parents would said enough is enough and change schools immediately after that happened. Sidney would restart his third year in junior high and avoid further bullying or gossip about his incident. It was welcomed but he was upset still over having to restart 11th grade again when he was almost done. But more importantly not being able to say a proper goodbye to Laurie/Lunch Lady when it happened. He sent her an emotional thank you card though which she kept in her important belongings until she died of a heart attack in the 1980s or 1990s.
I felt that Sidney was a late bloomer given the lack of eating meals at school, general genetics to general depression, Sidney would of been very tall in his third year in high school. I think he would of been a basketball guy but honestly I definitely think he would of been the best mascot ever in the school he was transferred to like legendary dude. Also, he’d make a risk to join a his new school’s newspaper which led to him meeting new people and socializing with new people who he’d make friends with. But most importantly it allowed him to pursue his interests by drawing cartoon/comics in the school’s papers that led him to his profession as a famous Cartoonist in his adult life.
Ok, enough new life Sidney back to ghost Sidney. Sidney found out about his ability to connect to his old Locker 724 when he got pushed in it again in his lair replica of the Casper High and saw through the mirror another kid like him met the same fate and was crying just like he did alive. It sent him off in a rage that made him press his hands to the mirror phase through and possess the kid in his enraged state to wreck havoc on the bully responsible for it. That bully literally got sent to the ER once they got their hands on them and the school knew this was a ghost possession situation when it happened, the pre-exposed GIW got involved and the locker was decommissioned until the 2000s with new staff and a bigger student body came to reclaim as much available space possible for students to use locker wise. Rumors be damned is how that went, poor Danny.
Sidney didn’t knew about Lunch Lady’s death until after the first episode when she got sent to the ghost zone. He thought she past away peacefully even if it was a heart attack or something else that had her died suddenly. Before Walker got to her/arrested her, Laurie was roaming the zone and had fast whiplash as soon as she found the old Casper high in black and white. Even more so when she entered and her appearance changed back to her look in the 50s again and the moment Sidney saw her again he broke down crying and hugged her as his loss those memories of spending time/being friends with here at the school after so many decades with being treated like crap until Danny changed everything to be treated as an equal.
Sidney is a strong advocate for Danny ever since the debut episode for him. Danny is probably the only person Poindexter actively stood up for against the other ghosts as shown in Reign Storm with Skulker and such. He isn’t fond of traveling the zone alone, at least in the school he knows what to expect with the torment he receives or used to receive. It’s familiar, he’s used to it, out in the deep green it’s unpredictable and unknown which is something Sidney fears even more.
Speaking of Reign Storm, LOOK AT THEM!!!!
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WHY DOESNT GET TALKED ABOUT MORE?! Sidney and Dora being best buddies during and after the events of Reign Storm. Sidney’s love for fantasy and old British/medieval literature too (thank his mom on that one), it’s likely Sidney can hold a good conversation and maybe understand his middle ages dialect. Even more so that both of them were bullied and tormented by their peers most of their lives that they have more in common than they thought. And yes, if Sidney would visit her and see how his outfit changes to a knight or jester outfit he would go nuts about it bc that’s his dream there and boy he is living it. Ok overall, they’re best friends I’m not accepting anything else at this time.
Danny and Sidney chat in the locker mirror on a biweekly basis. He’s Danny’s man inside as a thank you for changing his memories of Casper high so he can be the person he could of been in high school with Danny. He helps out by being part of writing the school’s newspaper club and they get other newspapers of the ghost areas as a result. Sidney can only share the newspaper through the mirror which still works out for Danny with taking a picture on his phone for reference later. Plus Sidney is a good enough storyteller that he doesn’t have to read the whole thing if he asked Sidney to share the highlights. Also, during the week or Friday before winter break Danny, Tucker and Sam make sure to wish him a happy holiday and Hanukkah. Same story for each other Jewish holiday since Sam is very adamant about letting Sid know they’re thinking about him during those times.
Danny and Sidney really hit it off after Splitting images once they talk Sci-fi, space and everything under the sun. Sidney flexes that he was able to hear Sputnik 1 late one night when it first launched in 1957. Danny is jealous about it but he gets the benefit of sharing all the new space stuff that has happened since the late 1950s. Sidney is happy to hear every word and finally have someone to share and relate his favorite things to for the first time in decades.
Ok that’s all in the hc/idea tank, @dnpanimationstudioclone thanks again for the awesome asks btw! Sorry this was longer than normal I just love my bro Sidney Poindexter.
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vamphrt · 1 year
i do NOT want people to see this.
“Hey.” A familiar voice calls from behind you as a warm hand graces the small of your back with it’s residency. You’re at a party, in a room full of frat dudes and naive girls looking to impress someone. The friend who dragged you here is probably in a room upstairs, locking lips with some stranger whose name she won’t remember in the morning. You’re not even sure how she got invited, your friend group runs small and you don’t see any familiar faces here. At least not until you turn around and see who the voice from earlier belongs to. Jude Bellingham. A face you never thought you’d see around here again.
“Hey?” Your breath hitches, eyes widening, and he can tell by your reaction that you never thought you’d see him again. “You’re here?”
“Yeah, I’m here. It’s been a while, right?” He flashes you a cheeky grin and you can’t help but to wonder what he’s doing at some college frat party.
“Yeah, it has. Thought I wouldn’t see you for a long time.”
“Well, I haven’t been scouted yet. It’s in the works, should be gone within the next few weeks. Depends on which team I wanna go with.”
“Wow, jude. You haven’t been bought yet? I thought you’d be picked up off the market quick, guess you aren’t as in demand as you say you are.” You say this with a big grin, nudging his shoulder playfully.
“Bought? What do you think I’m an indentured servant or something?” He ponders for a moment, like he’s thinking of a comeback for the second half of your statement. “And I am in demand. You want me, don’t you?” His lips curl into a sly grin as he returns the nudge you offered to him just moments before. You’re taken aback by that comment, and you can’t help the fact that your gaze drifts to the floor. Tension rises in your throat. Your smile fades away, as him seems to grow bigger. Even after you’ve looked away, you can feel that he’s still looking at you, his gaze hot and unwavering.
“Uhm…” you clear your throat, hoping to ease some of the tension. “Why exactly are you here?”
“Oh, wow. Is that your way of telling me you’re not happy to see me?”
“No, no, I’m thrilled to see you.” You tease, your tone littered with sarcasm. “Just wondering.”
“People like me, y’know?” You doubt that. “And I have some friends I wanted to say goodbye to, so.” You find that hard to believe, figures he’s lying about something. Sure, he has many friends on campus, but not friends who would find themself at a party like this. You’ve seen Jude’s friend group, they’re all sports-oriented douchebags with goals to become household names, basically tough guys on steroids. Not people you’d see enjoying themself at a party like this.
“You plan on staying the whole night?” You figure it’s unlikely that he is, you know he’s been caught up in training, working his hardest to get scouted by some football coach. Which is why it doesn’t make sense that he’s here, wasting his time on some meaningless college outing, in a room full of faces he won’t recognize in a few years. “Nah, I’m leaving. I actually have to head back to my room to get something. If you want to come with me.”
“Are you just trying to lure me to your room?”
“No, I swear.” With his tone of voice, you find that hard to believe. He tilts his head in the direction of the doorway, and you can’t help but notice the glint of mischief in his eyes.
But you follow him anyway. You go with him anyway. You trail behind him through the sea of foreign bodies drunkly piled on top of each other. You follow him through the night, the streetlights lighting up your path behind him. You follow him to the dorm hall, to his dorm room.
As soon as he welcomes you into his room, you find residency on his bed. You take in all the decorations, the posters on his walls, his family photos. The room looks different since the last time you were in it. There’s now half filled boxes scattered across his floor. There’s less clutter on his shelfs, less decorations on his walls. You find sadness in the fact that soon, once he’s scouted, this room will be vacant and everything related to Jude will be gone. You’re so lost in thought that you don’t even realize he’s frantically looking around his room for something.
“What are you looking for?”
“Uhm.. a condom.”
“You said-”
“I lied. Let me make it up to you?”
It’s funny how fast things happen. One moment, he’s standing there rummaging through a dresser and the next he’s pumping in to you. It didn’t take long for him to rid you of your clothes.
It starts off slow. Starts off with him kneeling at the edge of his bed, your legs thrown over his shoulders. It’s starts off with him teasing you. He trails kisses up your thighs, ignoring the part of yourself you so desperately need him to pay attention to. “Jude.” you have to urge him to hurry up, to stop playing around. Partially because you need him and partially because as much as you’d like to stay in this moment, you feel that time is running out. That he’ll be gone before he came, and you’ll have missed your chance.
“So needy.” His words are spoken through a chuckle as his gaze drifts to the most sensitive part of you. “I should make you beg.” He wants to make you beg, but instead he obliges. Instead, he gives you exactly what you want. He presses a kiss against your clit, totally unfazed by the layer of fabric keeping him from viewing you in all your glory. He waits a moment before pressing another kiss, as if he’s relishing in the hints of your taste. As if he’s preparing himself for the main course. Getting impatient, you begin pulling at your underwear. He quickly grabs your hands and shoots you a glare. “Not until I say so.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t be so impatient. You don’t have to rush me. Let me enjoy this, and I’ll make it all enjoyable for you. I promise.” You nod, because you’re trusting that he’ll leave you plenty satisfied. He shifts his focus to your core, pulling at your underwear and ridding you of them. He begins to swirl a thumb around your clit, gaze connecting with yours in search for approval. Approval he doesn’t need because he can have his way with you whether you like it or not. He chuckles at the thought of that, and you adore the charming smile that lights up his features.
You’re growing tired of the barely there friction that just his thumb is giving you, and he can tell. He ups the ante by pressing his tongue flat against your clit, and you moan out in pleasure. He’s lapping at your clit, and you feel the pressure brewing in your core grow stronger. The feeling is becoming so strong that you can’t help but to throw your head back and cry out his name. Jude takes notice of your growing pleasure, and before you can reach the top of the hill, he stops. He pulls away, lips glossy and covered in remnants of you, staring at you with that sly grin of his. “Please.” You whimper out, grabbing a handful of his curls and pulling him back towards your core. He grabs at your wrist and pull its away, unaware of how much strength he’s using. “Ow, jude.” You wince at the pain of his hand gripping around your wrist. “You pulled my head.” Is all he says, and you hate how unapologetic he is about this whole thing. Even though his constant teasing is becoming annoying, you admire the fact that your juices are embedded into his beard.
“Up.” He says as he regains his footing. And you immediately oblige, pressing yourself off of the bed, ready to receive whatever command he throws at you next. “On your knees.” You obey his command and he pulls down his pants, his dick springing up to make contact with his stomach. You look up at him in confusion, but you know exactly what he’s asking for. “Don’t look at me like that.” He says with a slow head tilt, and he bends down some so that his hand can cup your chin. “You can do it, you’ve done it before.” You continue to stare up at him, and he taps your cheek twice, commanding you to open your mouth. You oblige, because how can you really say no? He thrusts into your mouth, hard but slow. He doesn’t push all of his length into you, going at a pace that he knows won’t hurt you. You find your rhythm, allowing him to push in and out of your mouth repeatedly. He throws his head back, the pleasure beginning to overwhelm him. You grow wetter at the sound of his moans and cries of your name. “Yes, yes. God, like that.”  He stops pushing into you, taking a moment to peer down at you. “Wider, you can fit more of me, I know you can.” He thrusts all of himself into you, not even preparing you for the sudden amount of length that enters your throat. You greedily welcome more of him into your mouth, and his tip begins to rhythmically hit the back of your throat. There's tears forming in your eyes, and you think there's some forming in his too. You can tell he’s getting close to his finish, his quick pace of breaths give that away. Usually, you’d be willing to take him all the way there. But now? After he’s denied you of your first orgasm? You figure you should deny him of his too. You pull away wiping the string of saliva that connected his member to your lips, remnants of his taste still present in your mouth. “Don’t be petty.” He demands, but you just shake your head with a smile. “I’m not being petty.” He furrows his brows, and you rise up from your knees, your gaze unwavering. “I just don’t put myself in win-lose situations.”
“I’d be the winner and you’d be the loser?”
“Something like that.”
He smiles, figures he knows where this is leading. He knows how this will end. “So how do I make this a win-win situation for you?”
“You tell me.” He doesn’t tell you anything, instead he shows you.
He spins you around, so that your back is pressed up against his chest. You can feel how hard he is, he makes sure you can feel how hard he is. Jude presses down against your back, causing you to bend over.
“What about the condom?” You remember the very item that got you into this predicament.
“We don’t need it.”
“Are you-” You can’t even finish asking your follow up question, because he catches you by surprise. He positions his member at your entrance, and takes no time thrusting into you. He finds his rhythm quick, pressing into you with all of his might. You’ve had sex many times before, you’ve had sex with him before, but it’s never felt like this. This feels rushed and rough, and everything bad but everything good at the same time. You feel stinging every time your ass makes contact with his pelvic bone. The sound of your skin roughly making contact with him fills the room.
“Slower, Jude, please.” you breathe out, practically begging for him to have mercy on you.
“Shhh, baby, just take it.” he takes no heed to your request, continues putting all his strength into forcing himself inside you. He reaches his arm around your waist so that he can rub your clit, and you can’t prevent the guttural sound that escapes your lips. He pulls you up by your hair, so that your back is pressed against his chest once more. “See? You like it.” He whispers into your ear softly, taunting you, because he knows there’s nothing you can do about it. You don’t even have a rebuttal for his sly comment, instead you can only reply with the soft moans that your mouth produces on it’s own accord. It's all becoming overwhelming, and a wave of pleasure washes over you. “You’re doing so good.” He reassures, wrapping his hand around your throat, while the other continues to rub at your clit. You feel yourself get closer and closer to the top, closer to the bliss of an orgasm. All of your senses are so overwhelmed, it's hard to acknowledge the fact that he's moaning into your ear. A shock runs throughout your body. He fucks you through your orgasm, and you can tell by the way his pumps get progressively slower that he came too. It feels hard to stand and your legs start to cramp up. Jude wraps his arms around your waist to help you stay balanced, how gentlemanly of him.
It takes you a moment to come back your senses, you're only brought back to reality when Jude whispers in your ear: “Let's get you cleaned up, okay?” Even that sounds far away. You hardly realize what he's doing, you don't take notice of the fact that he's kneeled down in front of you, until his tongue makes contact with your clit.
“W-wait, Jude.” You immediately grab a handful of his curls and pull his head away from your most sensitive area.
“What?” He peers up at you, feigning innocence. “Isn't this what you wanted?”
“I'm sensitive now. It's too much.” Your breath is shaky and it feels hard to form words.
“You'll be fine.” He reassures, resting his hands on the back of your thighs. You shake your head, but he's too focused on tasting you to even notice. He begins lapping at your clit in a way that makes things too hard to comprehend. He doesn't even seem turned off by the fact that his cum is dripping down your thighs, he greedily licks it all up. He ups the ante by inserting his middle and index finger into you, and you can feel yourself getting closer to the edge. If this were a cartoon, there'd be stars circling around your head right now. Your moans fill the room, and if they couldn't hear you before, everyone in the dorm can surely hear you now. “S-stop.” You cry out, but he holds no regards for your cries. He just chuckles against your clit, and the laugh reverberates throughout your body. You’re pushed over the edge once more, as he continues to stimulate your most sensitive area. He only stops when he feels you losing your balance again. Your legs become so weak, you nearly fall on top of him. He just looks at you with a glint of mischief in his eyes, and a sly grin present on his features.  
“See? That wasn't so bad, was it?” He teases, rising up off of his knees. You notice the drops of sweat that have formed on his forehead, but he isn’t tired or out of breath at all. He seems very satisfied with himself, and you wish you could wipe off the smug look that’s embedded into his features.
“Open up.” He commands, his gaze lingering on your lips. You obey him like a puppy, what else are you meant to do? He presses his fingers inside of your mouth, the ones that were just used to push you to your second orgasm. You gently suck on them, and he watches you with a satisfied smile printed on his lips. His fingers are stained with a mix between your juices and his seed. You feel like you can taste where you end and he begins. 
His fingers exit your mouth with a wet pop, and he looks at you in content. “Let’s shower. I won’t try anything while we’re in there, scout’s honor.”
He keeps his word, he doesn’t try anything in the shower. He just watches you attentively as you scrub yourself clean. You tease him a bit by asking him to help you wash your back, and he refuses at first but eventually gives in.  He sticks to minimal touch, keeping the cloth flat against his palm so that his hand won’t make contact with your skin, only allowing his fingertips to briefly graze your back. You can tell he’s holding back. 
Now, you’re laying on his bed, tangled in a position that resembles cuddling, but he’d never let you call it that. 
“Will we ever get a moment like this again?” You say as you run your fingertips along his jawline.
“I don’t know,” He says with a shrug, “Probably not. You won’t see me for a while.”
“You think you’ll be over me by the time we see each other again?” 
He chuckles at that, and his laughter lights up the room. You wonder if things could have been different. If your relationship with him could have turned into something more than just a few meaningless hookups.
The two of you sit in silence for what seems like eternity, his arm wrapped around your waist and your hand tracing circles over his jawline. You feel like everything is perfect, because even though he is leaving you know that he won't forget about you. You hope that he wont. You hope that your nights of hooking with him have caused the thought, feel, and taste of you to be embedded into his mind.
“I came to the party to see you, by the way. You’re who I had to say goodbye to.” He kisses you, and you wonder if that was what everything tonight was leading up too.
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yashaslionett · 1 year
Thank you @omniscientwreck for the tag. Here are my 15 Questions for 15 Mutuals!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Birth name? No. The name I go by now: hell yeah☀️
2. When was the last time you cried?
Well I’m reading Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters right now and I cried this afternoon when I got to a certain point in a character’s flashback.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, almost never. I speak very genuinely and have a tough time discerning when other people are using sarcasm.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I’m not gonna lie- I am way too freaked out about making sure I’m staring at their eyes the proper way to notice much about them.
6. What’s your eye color?
As it was called when I was younger: poop brown!
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Not a huge scary movie fan so Imma say happy endings. My real preference is sad foreign movies or movies where they beat up Nazis (Inglorious Basterds my beloved).
8. Any special talents?
I used to have relative pitch! My piano teacher would have me turn my back, then he played a note/chord, and I could guess what it was (for example: F# minor.) But I haven’t had access to a piano in a while so I don’t know if it still holds true. :(
9. Where were you born?
Copying in the fashion of the person who tagged me- 600+ miles from where I live now.
10. What are your hobbies?
D&d, gay yearning, rock climbing
11. Do you have any pets?
Nope, but I have been researching getting a snake!
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Basketball and softball, and I suppose rock climbing if that counts?
13. How tall are you?
5’9” (in true dude fashion, I am rounding up ever so slightly 😉 but I would have been an inch and a half taller than 5’9” if I didn’t have a Seriously Fucked Up spine.)
14. Favourite subject in school?
Math and english. Which is hilarious because I did not study either of those in college.
15. Dream job?
Doing whatever I can to make the world a better place. It would be fun if that was through my music or my writing. Making a positive impact on the people I care about is also a priority. 💕
Any mutuals that want to- consider this your tag!
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Hetalia: World Series Episode #40 Transcript
This episode has Chibi Lithuania and Chibi Hungary hanging out, America discovering the TV dinner, and Romano and Spain becoming surrounded by turtles.
Chibi Lithuania: Hello there! I’m Lithuania, on the Baltic Sea. Heah…heh…
{Caption #1: Baltic resources}
{Caption #2: Poland}
{Caption #3: Here}
{Caption #4: All of England}
Chibi Lithuania: The Grand Duke Mindaugas was grand; he united all our foreign tribes in 1236. That’s when we became a countr---heheah! Heheah! Heheeah…these days, all I seem to do is fight with everyone around me!
Chibi Prussia (Teutonic Knights): YAHAHA! Using your head, huh? YRRAAAAHHH!
(Chibi Lithuania: Hm mm! Hm! Hm!)
Chibi Lithuania: Hm! Ohah!
Chibi Prussia (Teutonic Knights): Pagans must convert or be tortured!
(Chibi Lithuania: Heaheaheaheah…)
(Chibi Prussia (Teutonic Knights): Hahahahahahaha!)
{Caption: [Lithuania] United by Mindaugas in 1236. At this time, the number of pagans was still high, so the Teutonic Knights didn’t like him}
Lithuania: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Chibi Hungary: Crap! Huah huah huah! That jive Turkey! He had no right to beat me senseless like that! Hueah!
{Caption: Working Working}
Chibi Hungary: What’s up with him? Whatever he’s doing, it looks like he probably shouldn’t be. Huh? Hey! I remember you! You’re Lithuania, right? Why are you working so hard in the middle of a forest?
Chibi Lithuania: Huh? Uh…well…I make arrows for doing war on things. I’m new country, so peoples take shots at me, and I have to be able to shoot them back!
Chibi Hungary: Oh boy, someone who’s anal like Germany. Okay. I might as well. I’m a really experienced fighter. I can at least give you some info on the other guys you might face around here.
Chibi Lithuania: Ahuh? You don’t mind?
Chibi Hungary: Let’s start with Turkey, the Ottoman Empire. He’s been gettin’ really strong lately, so be careful.
Chibi Lithuania: Okay.
Chibi Hungary: Then there’s Wallachia. Personally, I don’t like him.
Chibi Lithuania: YOU KNOW HIM?!
Chibi Hungary: Also, Tatar’s Ulus of Jochi is one tough cookie. If you see him, he’s going to stomp you bad. They also call him The Golden Horde. That’s too cool!
Chibi Lithuania: Mmhm! Someone who’s working for Tatar came to my place the other day!
Chibi Hungary: Is that right? I feel sorry for that guy. Also, there’s this really weird guy you should look out for. He’s got a totally cool sounding name. He’s the Teutonic Knights.
Chibi Lithuania: Hmmm!
Chibi Hungary: I hired him once and it was a total nightmare!
Chibi Lithuania: I know exactly what you are saying.
Chibi Hungary: AAAAAAAHHHHH!
Chibi Prussia (Teutonic Knights): Hahahahahahaha!
(Gilbird: MAAP! Maap maap!)
Hungary: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
{Caption: Japan and America}
Children: Japan and America!
America: Dude! This has to be the most awesomest food thing ever because it’s, like, all sections and stuff! We totally need to get some of these in New York! We need convenience stores open 24/7. New York is really nice, well, except for this one thing.
(Japan: Sluuurp! Slurp! Sluuurrrrp! Sluuuurrrrrpppp! Sluurrp!)
America: The good delis are always closing down.
Japan: Slurrrp! What is a deli?
America: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Romano: Gulp, gulp! Ah…this suuuucks! Hic! My favorite football team lost again, you jerk! Hic!
Spain: Hey, how about I treat you today so you can stop looking so gloomy for a little while? Cheer up, okay?
Romano: Ehuahuahuah…everything changes; nothing stays the same.
Spain: Hahahaha! Check it out! The turtles are all coming to see you because they don’t want you to be so sad, Romano!
Romano: What? Turtles? This is a restaurant, right? Ahuah! They’re not just after me; you’ve got one on your head too! Holy crap, this is so insane! Your entire body is covered in turtles!
Spain: I guess even the turtles like to worship me as their supreme leader.
Romano: Yeah, good for you, man! But right now, we’re surrounded!
Narrator: In August 2008, a rare incident occurred at a seaside restaurant in Calabria, Italy.
(Romano: Ehahehaheaheaheah!)
Narrator: It became inundated with baby sea turtles that wandered inside, unlike today where they just wash up dead.
Romano: Gaaaahhh…
Narrator: You see, the town had spent so much time protecting the sea turtles that they became an infestation, which proves my point. Babies are useless.
(Spain: Hahahahahaha!)
Romano: That’s fine; I’ll return them.
Spain: What should I name her?
Romano: You can’t name things that you throw back!
0 notes
seijorhi · 3 years
Part 2 of Always - another soulmate au with extra angst!
Oikawa Tooru x female reader, Miya Atsumu x female reader
TW toxic relationships, implied abuse, blind reader
“Stay here,” he murmurs, soft lips brushing briefly against your cheek before you feel his warmth retreat.
It’s an effort to quell the fleeting panic that rises in his absence. Japan is your home – was your home – but Tokyo… You’re not supposed to be in the village. Only the athletes, trainers and the support crew for the national team were supposed to stay there. It kept out distractions, made it easier for security, gave the athletes the space to focus on what they’re there for; to compete. To win. 
You don’t know how he did it, what strings he had to pull, but somehow he’d managed.
A room for the two of you. Just the two of you.
“You’re staying with me,” he’d told you when you’d brought up the possibility of going home to Miyagi to visit your family, or even spend a few days with Makki and Mattsun. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
The words had been whispered, a soft, teasing purr as lips curled into a smirk at your neck, but you know what he’s like when he’s competing. The focus and obsession he’ll throw himself into. 
Especially when you both know who he’ll be competing against. 
Nevertheless, you’re here. Alone now, standing in a sea of strangers talking too loud in a cacophony of foreign tongues while Tooru left to go find his team–
Strong, familiar arms encircle your waist, a kiss pressed to the top of your head. 
– but only for a moment.
“C’mon, cutie. Let’s get going – Coach gave us twenty before he wants us at the gym.”
You know one or two of the players on the national team from San Juan. They’re friendly enough, and they’ll stop and chat with you on the odd nights you venture out into the cafeterias dotted around the village for dinner. But for the most part they’re focused on other things and Tooru–
Tooru’s possessive enough of your attention at the best of times. 
Which means that you’re either with him, tucked carefully under his arm as he guides you around the village, or you’re stuck in the room, bored out of your mind waiting for him to come home to you. And for lack of anything better to do, you have the games playing on the TV.
Just for the sound of your mother tongue filling the room around you. Just so you won’t be alone with your thoughts for too long.
It’s different, back home in San Juan. But you understand it – why he brought you. 
“Where I go, you go, always.”
And the loneliness is worth it, you think, when he sinks down into the mattress beside you after a long day’s training and pulls you close, nuzzling into your side. This is better than being left behind. You’re here to support the man you love. Your soulmate, the name on your arm be damned. 
His good luck charm, he hums, kissing you in the early hours of the morning before slipping away. 
But even you can’t just sit around the apartment all day long. It’s good to stretch your legs, even when you’re in strange, unfamiliar territory. You tell yourself that what Tooru doesn’t know won’t hurt him, forgetting just for one blissful moment that your soulmate and his team are not the only ones who might catch you wandering. 
Of course, that realisation doesn’t sink in until broad shoulders suddenly barrel past you, knocking you off your feet. And you would have fallen, awkwardly probably, had a pair of strong, lean arms not caught at your waist, steadying you.
“Jeeze, Bokkun! Watch where yer goin’, wouldja!”
The first voice, the thick, drawling Kansai dialect isn’t familiar, but the voice that follows is impossible to misplace.
“Thought I told you two–”
It cuts off abruptly, and in some distant part of your brain you register that the stranger’s still holding you, the warmth of his hand still braced on your hip, but all you can really focus on is the owner of that second voice.
Tooru had told you he’d be here, Hinata too and Kageyama. And of course Ushijima, but you’d assumed that – at least up until they played against one another or team Japan got knocked out of the running – they’d be busy and you wouldn’t cross paths.
There’s a surprised intake of air from your left – ‘Bokkun’, you imagine – and he asks, “Wait, you know her, dude?”
And still, the warm body holding you doesn’t move an inch. Not until a familiar, irritated huff sounds, “Get your hands off her, dumbass.”
The body behind you tenses for a split second before obeying, hands ripping themselves away from you as if he’d been scalded. “Shit, sorry!”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine,” you murmur with what you hope is a polite smile, only half paying attention because you can hear Iwa striding towards you. In one breath, he’s knocking back your saviour and pulling you into a one armed hug.
“Shittykawa said he’d be bringing you,” he says quietly as you squeeze him back. It’s been such a long time since you’ve been face to face with him. Tooru calls him to catch up most weeks, more often than putting him on speaker so that you can say hi, but it’s not the same. “Didn’t think he meant to the actual village, though.”
You’ve missed him, you realise. Him and Makki and Mattsun, and suddenly there’s a lump in your throat, emotions welling that you can’t name. There’s so much you want to say to him, things he knows but should be said anyway, but–
“Aren’t you gonna introduce us to your pretty friend, Iwa?”
Your cheeks heat as the two of you part, yet it’s Iwa who answers for the both of you.
“No. You two need to get your asses moving,” he says. “Back to the gym, now. Unless you wanna stay back after everyone else finishes up to run extra drills?”
It’s a clear dismissal, and the two only pause for a heartbeat before grumbling their assent – and one sheepish apology – and heading off to continue their run.
“Let me walk you back.”
Some things never change, you suppose. “Iwa, you have an Olympic team to train,” you tell him with a wry grin. ”I’m not going to risk being accused of sabotaging the Japanese national volleyball team just because you feel the need to be gentlemanly.”
It’s clearly meant as a tease, but instead of the good-natured huff you’re expecting, he sighs. “C’mon. You almost got knocked on your ass, let me walk you back.”
It’s not a suggestion, and as he takes you by the hand and starts leading you back the way you came you’re reminded of high school - he used to do exactly same thing any timeTooru wasn’t around. There’s a slight flicker of irritation at your first breath of fresh air without Oikawa’s overprotective hovering being snatched away, but you know he means well.
He always does.
So you shove those feelings down and offer him a smile. “You know I’m stupidly proud of you, right?” you tell him. “Both of you.”
And something in Iwa relaxes and he laughs, “Yeah well I’m just glad you’re gonna be here to witness me wipe the floor with Shittykawa’s ass.”
It’s late, and Tooru isn’t back yet. 
And it wouldn’t bother you except that lunch had been hours ago, and your stomach is starting to growl, hunger settling in. 
Tooru works hard, he pushes himself and stays late when he should be home resting, you know that, but even if you did want to go and find him, pull him back so that he won’t push past his limits days out from competing, you wouldn’t have a clue where to find him – not in this sprawling maze of a complex.
What else can you do but wait, as fifteen minutes turns into half an hour, then an hour, and suddenly it’s almost nine. 
He won’t be happy that you’ve left without him, but either he’ll meet you at the cafeteria, or you’ll get home before he’s back and you’ll have dinner waiting for him. At this time of the night it’s likely to be empty anyway, it’s not like you’re running off in the middle of the dinner rush.
Most of the athletes’ll be back in their rooms, you’re not gonna get knocked around in the mad scramble for food, nobody’s going to pay you any mind.
But once again, you’re proven wrong. 
It’s not quite the roaring din that you’ve come to associate with the dining hall, but you can hear a few quiet conversations scattered throughout the room. At least none of them pay you any heed as you slowly wander the buffet, shyly asking one of the servers to help you pick out something for you and Tooru both.
It’s not until you move to take a seat, hoping that Tooru will get there before you have to try and cart his dinner back to the room that you hear the unmistakable scraping of a chair being dragged back beside you.
“Ya know, Iwaizumi never did end up telling us yer name,” a familiar voice states, settling down into the seat. “He did end up making me ‘n Bokuto run extra laps as punishment for knockin’ into ya, though.”
Out of habit, your fingers fiddle with the sleeve of your jacket – Tooru’s actually – warmth flooding your cheeks. He doesn’t sound pissed off by the fact, and you suppose he probably wouldn’t have sat down beside you if all he wanted was to pick a fight. 
“Oh, I’m… sorry?” It comes out sounding more like a question than anything else. 
He laughs at that, the sound surprisingly warm and pleasant. “Nah, not your fault. Iwa’s a hardass at the best of times.”
“Sounds like he hasn’t changed much since high school,” you muse.
Oikawa might’ve been Captain back then, but that never stopped Iwa from slapping him upside of the head whenever he did something particularly stupid. He was a hard ass, but he was also incredible at keeping the rest of the team in line and motivated, and he kept Tooru grounded. He kept you grounded. Aggressive, tough love was simply a part of that. 
You wonder distantly if his new team realizes just how lucky they are to have somebody like him in their corner.
“High school? Ya knew him back then?” he prods.
He’s a stranger. Not just a competitor, but ‘The Enemy’ just like Kageyama and Ushiwaka. Out of all the teams that Tooru might go up against during the games, you know that they’re the ones he’s most determined to defeat. And you don’t necessarily buy into the whole ‘destined rivals’ thing – Kageyama was never anything but polite to you, but you know you’re supposed to back your soulmate up on this. You know he’d be pissed to find you casually chatting away with any one of them, except maybe Hinata. 
But it’s nice just to indulge in a conversation – even meaningless small talk – with somebody who doesn’t know you as Tooru’s. You can’t help but relax a little, the tension easing from your shoulders, a small smile creeping across your face. 
“I’ve known Iwa since I was six years old. He’s one of my best friends.”
The man hums a little, his chair creaking as he leans back, “Really? He’s never mentioned ya.”
And it’s clear from the sharp intake of his breath that he regrets the words the moment they’re said, but instead of feeling offended, you simply laugh, the sound bubbling up before you can stop it. 
“It’s fine,” you say when he tries to backtrack. “Do you often have deep and meaningful’s with Iwa about his childhood friends?”
He snorts, “Yeah, point taken, I guess. So how come yer here then? Didn’t think they allowed cheerleaders in the village, even the cute ones.”
Something flutters in your stomach at his tone; it’s warm like honey, just a hint of teasing. He’s flirting, you realise, and in an instant you know you should shut it down. Harmless small talk is one thing, but you’re–
You have your soulmate. 
“What makes you think I’m not staff?” you ask instead.
“No uniform,” he counters, and you can’t argue with that. It’s not your fault that you can’t see what everybody’s wandering around wearing. “And you don’t really strike me as the ‘athlete’ type, no offense.”
You don’t really know how to respond to that, so you just shrug somewhat self consciously. He’s not wrong; you don’t really belong here, but you find yourself reluctant to tell him the truth.
The only reason you’re here is because Tooru cheated the system, because he couldn’t bear to be without you.
Or maybe because he knows how much of a mess you are without him. Blind and helpless without him to guide you, even here, back in the country you’d both left behind all those years ago.
“I’m here to support my soulmate,” you tell him instead, and it’s not entirely a lie. No matter what, you’ll always support Oikawa – here, back home, to whatever ends. That was the promise you’d made to each other long before you’d ever left Japan.
There’s a short pause, and you take the opportunity to turn back to the plate of food in front of you – you’d forgotten about it entirely. You half expect that he’ll take it as the perfect opportunity to politely bow out of the conversation. 
You might’ve been blind, but you’re not naive; you know exactly what athletes get up to after the sun goes down in the village. There’s a reason that your welcome packs were stuffed full of free condoms. 
And you’re not interested in that. You have Tooru and he has you. If that’s all that this guy is after; some quick, meaningless fuck, then–
“Volleyball?” he asks, and you almost roll your eyes.
He’s not wrong, of course he’s not, and you suppose considering your connection with Iwa it makes sense that he’d make that leap, but still. One track mind, all of them.
“If I tell you, you might not like me very much,” you say in lieu of an answer.
He leans closer, the chair creaking once more. “So I’m right.” He sounds so smug about it, you almost wanna tell him he’s wrong just to mess with him a little. “What position does he play?”
Not what team, what position. That, more than anything else, mattered to him – and again, you understood it. The pride players took in their position within the machine.
 “You first,” you shoot back instead, because you feel like you have a sneaking suspicion. 
And with a little huffing laugh, he confirms it, “Setter.”
Of course.
And the smile on your face tugs wider, a strange trill running through you, “Ah, and here I thought Kageyama,” you draw the name out, “was Japan’s starting setter.”
He scoffs, dragged in by your teasing jab, “Yer kiddin’, right? Tobio’s talented an’ all, but he ain’t half the setter I am.”
Cocky and smug. You wonder if he has the skills to back it up. Yet just as you open your mouth to pry further, you’re interrupted by a voice.
Several actually. 
“Talking shit again, Miya?”
“Who’s she?”
“Oh hey – Iwa’s friend!”
And your heart skips a beat, your body tensing as those voices close in, more chairs being pulled out, trays of food dumped on the table as his teammates settle down around you. It’s just a name, one name. It doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t–
“Atsumu, why don’t you shut– oh. Y/N, hey. Didn’t realise you'd be here. Isn’t the village restricted to athletes only?”
Kageyama’s blunt greeting isn’t intended to be antagonistic, but it washes over you regardless. You’re frozen, heart pounding, a sick, twisting feeling settling into your gut.
Atsumu, he’d said.
Miya Atsumu. 
Two words, and your world stops spinning. 
You’d promised him – Tooru – years ago that the name on your arm didn’t mean anything. It was all just a cruel cosmic mistake because from the moment you met him, you were his, and he was yours and nothing else mattered.
And you’d told yourself that, repeated it like a mantra until you started to believe it yourself. Because Tooru loved you, you were his soulmate and what kind of horrible fucking person would you be to take that gift, that bond and shove it back in his face.
Tooru isn’t perfect, and he’d freaked out and lied to you, but he’s your soulmate. 
The name on your arm didn’t matter, it didn’t matter that you didn’t know whose it was, because you had Tooru. It should have been his.
And you told yourself that for six months, until some blowout fight had Tooru storming out, you following in his footsteps. 
It was a stranger, some random passerby in the street. You can’t remember what prompted you to stop her and ask, why it suddenly mattered when Tooru had all but convinced you that it didn’t, but you had.
Miya Atsumu. The pronunciation had been unsure, her tongue clunky over the foreign syllables, but in that moment when you’d heard his name every lie you’d convinced yourself of had fallen apart.
It was like you’d been drowning without ever realising it, and the second you’d heard that name a hand was dragging you up to the surface and suddenly air was flooding your lungs.
Miya Atsumu.
There are voices surrounding you, somebody laughing uproariously, but it’s all just white noise. 
“Y/N,” a choked, hoarse whisper that shouldn’t have been heard, but it pierces you like a knife, cutting through everything else. It’s too much. 
On shaking legs you stand, knocking your chair back as you grab for your cane. 
The name hadn’t mattered, until you’d heard it. He hadn’t mattered, until he was standing right there in front of you.
“I– I have to go,” you mutter, not entirely sure if they heard you, or if they even cared. You leave your food untouched on the table, stumbling as you step back.
And again, you hear that whisper of your name. There’s a hand that reaches for you – his or somebody else’s you don’t know, you shrug it off regardless. “I have to go.”
Nobody stops you as you skitter back towards the entrance, but for once the cafeteria is silent. The moment you burst out through the double doors, the brisk, summer night air hits you like a slap, and you don't realise that your cheeks are wet with tears until the breeze cuts through, the damp skin prickling uncomfortably. 
And the sob that follows rips through your chest like a knife.
This isn’t what you wanted. 
If there’s a god out there, he must have a cruel sense of humour, because your name is being called again, and suddenly there’s a hand on your cheek brushing at your tears, an arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you close. “Cutie, what’s wrong?”
The scent of him, all citrus and summer, invades your nose as you clutch at him tighter. You can’t speak, can’t find the words to tell him, so you just squeeze your eyes shut and burrow into him. 
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he repeats, not asking this time. 
You take a deep, shuddering breath. “I want to go home,” you whisper, clutching at his jersey. “I wanna go home, Tooru.”
A kiss brushes against the crown of your head, and you almost miss the sound of footsteps pounding on the pavement behind you – at least until the interloper speaks.
“You–” Atsumu breaks off, his breath ragged and raw, and you don’t miss the way that Oikawa stiffens, his grip tightening, fingers digging in. “Yer my soulmate.”
Three simple words, and everything, everything just falls apart.
Tooru snarls, taking a step back and dragging you with him. “She’s not your anything, Miya. Fuck off.”
“You can’t leave me! You can’t - you’re mine!”
It hurts, the grip he has on you. He’s trembling, from rage or fear you honestly don’t know, but you can feel his heart pounding a vicious beat as his arms lock around you like a cage.
“Yeah, that’s why it’s my goddamn name on her arm. Let ‘er go, yer hurting her,” he snaps. 
“She’s my soulmate, so mind your own business and run off back home.”
You can’t breathe.
“Not when yer hurting her.”
It’s like the floor’s suddenly disappeared from beneath you, and you’re in free fall, hurtling back towards god knows what. Your head’s spinning, your legs feel like jelly, and if Tooru wasn’t holding you up against him, you’re not sure you’d still be standing. 
You can’t breathe. 
“Leave, right now,” he hisses. “She’s mine. She always has been, and always will be mine!”
You’d promised him that much, hadn’t you?
“Ya don’t scare me, and I don’t give a flying fuck if yer wearing her name on your arm. That’s my soulmate, and you’ll take yer fucking hands off ‘a her.”
You can’t breathe, not as the shouting gets louder and Tooru’s grip gets tighter. 
He takes another step back, pulling you with him, and another hiccuping sob catches in your throat. You try to speak, to stop this before it gets any worse, but the words won’t come–
“You’re hurting her!”
“I LOVE HER!” he screams. “I would never, ever hurt her!”
“T–Tooru, please…” you beg. It’s little more than a whisper, and neither one of them seems to hear it.
But somebody else does. 
“Hey, hey! What the fuck are you dumbasses doing?!” 
Iwa, always your second protector, your best and oldest friend, wastes no time in getting between the two of them, shoving Miya back.
“What is wrong with you both?!” he snaps, grabbing you by the wrist and ripping you from Oikawa. And you don’t fight it when he tugs you towards him, a protective arm wrapping around your waist. 
You cling to him, like a scared child with tears streaming down your face. 
“No, shut up. I don’t wanna hear a single word out of either one of you! Not a goddamn word!”
He doesn’t bother berating them in front of you, though you know that’ll come later. He doesn’t say anything to you either, but his hand doesn’t leave yours all the way back to his apartment. Not the one in the village, but the one just outside of the city.
“You knew, didn’t you?” you ask quietly when he drops his keys on the counter.
There’s a beat of silence, and he sighs. “Yeah, I knew.”
It’s hanging in the air between you, like a dark, stormy cloud about to unleash. “Iwa,” you whisper, your bottom lip trembling once more. “What the hell am I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know,” he answers, as honestly as he can. “But you’re gonna stay here tonight, and tomorrow I’ll call Makki and Mattsun and they’ll come and take you back to Sendai for a little while if that’s what you want. You don’t have to see either one of those assholes, not until…” 
Not until you figure out how you’re supposed to make this impossible choice. 
He squeezes your shoulder as you sniffle. “It’s gonna be alright, whatever you decide to do.”
Neither one of you truly believes that, but what’s left to say?
He hugs you again before he leaves, makes you promise to call if you need him, but you both know you won’t.
Not tonight, not when he has other priorities. 
And then you’re alone, sitting on his couch surrounded by blankets with a mug of hot chocolate warming your hands. You know you should try to get some sleep, you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, but every time you close your eyes, you can’t stop thinking about it.
About the way Tooru’s voice had shook, how you’d smiled for Atsumu, that familiar warmth blooming in your chest when the two of you talked and you’d teased him.
And you remember how it was the day Tooru first told you that he loved you, the butterflies in your stomach the first time he’d kissed you, spinning you around and laughing as his lips met yours again and again and again. 
How he’d yelled and screamed and fallen apart in your arms that night, begging you not to leave him. 
You love him, for better or for worse, you love him. 
A loud knock echoes through the apartment, shaking you from your thoughts.
It’s almost 2am, and nobody but Iwa knows you’re here. Nobody should be knocking, and so you sit, frozen in the dark listening as your heart hammers uneasily.
One beat, then two, and then–
“I know you’re in there, just– just please. I need… I need–” he breaks off with a frustrated huff, and there’s a low thud, like his head’s fallen against the door. “Please,” he begs, quieter this time. 
There’s another thud.
“I need ya. Don’t lock me out, I’m beggin’.”
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mizunetzu · 3 years
iwaizumi finding out hes gay and having an extreme gay panic when they get their new manager in aoba johsai and the team teases him to hell and back for it (iwaizumi x male manager!)
Nice to see you again, boke saiikai~~ also look at iwa freak out in this gif AHAHAHA
Iwaizumi x reader - Iwa-chan, Panic!
⚠️warnings - none
Pronouns - male, he/him
Tumblr media
Iwaizumi lazily scratched the itch on his stomach, not caring that his shirt was slightly lifted up and people could see his stomach if they looked. Eh, it’s not like people were around anyways.
He was already running late to practice, so he might as well reserve his energy and take a detour to the gym. It’s not like anything important was happening anyways.
“Yo.” Iwaizumi yawned, pushing the door to the gymnasium open. He slipped through, only now realizing that no one answered his greeting. He also noticed everyone was gathered into a loose semi-circle, apparently looking at something Iwaizumi couldn’t quite make out.
“What's...goin’ on guys?” Iwaizumi neared the huddle of Seijoh volleyball players. Matsukawa turned around, seemingly the only one who heard Iwaizumi in the first place. Mattsun nudged his head towards the middle of the circle, the clearing, where someone was standing.
“New manager.”
Iwaizumi’s ears perked up. Oikawa was complaining about ‘having at least one manager before he graduates’ but also ‘one that’s not one of my fangirls, because they wouldn’t take good care of the team.’ As insensitive as it sounded, having a manager drool and follow Oikawa for the majority of practice instead of doing their job does sound pretty frustrating. Iwaizumi scratched his head.
“Don’t tell me Shittykawa finally found a girl who doesn’t fawn over him.”
Matsukawa shook his head.
“Not girl.” He pointed to the boy standing there awkwardly, moving out of the way slightly so Iwaizumi could see. “It’s a boy.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes trailed from his feet, up to his firm-looking torso, and trailing around his nice-looking arms and hands. He couldn’t help himself from checking this dude out. Maybe he was just curious as to why this boy joined as a manager and not a player-
Iwaizumi’s eyes finally met the boy's glass-like (e/c) ones. He realized now that as he stared at this boy's mesmerizing eyes, his own (e/c) eyes began to stare back at him. Stare with his eyes growing wide, a cute doe-like expression on his face. But all he could see was his breathtaking, iridescent eyes.
“Uh, earth-to-(L/n)-chan?” Oikawa, who was standing next to ‘(L/n)’, waved his hand in front of his deer-in-the-headlights-face. He visibly jumped, blinking a bit, and turned his head quickly, pretending he was staring at Oikawa the whole time.
However, it wasn’t the same for Iwaizumi. He continued to stare with his mouth parted slightly, absolutely mesmerized by this guy’s handsome face. It seemed so...holdable. Like he wanted to walk up to him and hold his face in his callused hands and just...stand there. Forever. Squishing his cute face in his hands.
Cute? Cute? No. No. No. Not cute. Iwaizumi Hajime was not finding a man cute. No, not in a million years.
So why was his heart pounding in his ears so much?
His heart wouldn’t calm down. His everything wouldn’t calm down. He couldn’t tear his eyes off the new manager boy in front of him, immersing himself in conversation with a blush to shake off the fact he was totally staring back. He couldn’t help but feel confused. For once, he felt jealous of Oikawa. Not because he wanted to be popular or stalked by fangirls or anything, but because this boy’s full attention would be on him, and not Shitty-Crappy-Stupidkawa.
Matsukawa snapped his fingers in front of Iwaizumi’s face, smirking when he threw his head back in surprise with the reddest face he’s ever seen him with. Iwaizumi blinked, blankly, trying to process what just happened, before somehow exploding into a deeper shade of red.
“Are you sick or something?” Matsukawa placed the back of his hand on Iwaizumi’s forehead jokingly. “Oh. Nevermind.”
“You’re just gay.” Matsukawa wiped his hand on his practice shirt. “Super gay. Super highschool level gay. You were totally checking out Manager-kun there.”
Iwaizumi grabbed Matsukawa by the collar, shaking him around in hopes of shaking the truth out of him.
“I-I’m not!”
“First symptom: denial.”
“Shut up-!”
“E-excuse me…?” Iwaizumi stopped dead in his tracks. Matsukawa was one second away from bursting out into cackles at Iwaizumi’s impossibly pale face. They both slowly craned their necks towards the foreign voice. Iwaizumi suddenly forgot how to breathe.
He, ‘Manager-kun’, seemed more utterly breathtaking up close. He was standing right infront of Iwaizumi, looking directly at him with his attractive (e/c) eyes. He didn’t even realize when Matsukawa wormed out of his grasp.
“(L/n)-san, good afternoon.” Matsukawa bowed slightly. “My name’s Matsukawa Issei, by the way. Thank you again for being our manager. We look forward to working with you.”
“Ah...thank you.”
When Matsukawa looked back at Iwaizumi, expecting him to introduce himself, he caught Iwaizumi staring at him with goo-goo eyes and an equally confused, frozen-stiff expression from Manager-kun himself. They stared at each other, one from awkward silence and the other from pure, unadulterated gayness. Matsukawa rolled his eyes.
“Dude!” Matsukawa jabbed Iwaizumi in the side, making him snap out of his trance with a grunt. “Don’t be rude, introduce yourself to Manager-kun!”
Iwaizumi broke into a cold sweat. He turned back to ‘Manager-kun’, attempting to look as cool as possible.
“Y-yo...the name’s Iwaizumi HaJIMe-” Iwaizumi’s voice did not want to be on his side today. The betrayers that were his vocal cords cracked mid sentence, making Iwaizumi cough horrendously in hopes of covering it up. Mattsun looked like he was going to die holding in his laughter.
“Nice to meet you, Iwaizumi-kun,” Manager-kun grasped his hand in his own, and held it for a moment. “My name’s (L/n) (Y/n).”
He, (Y/n), flashed a small, friendly smile, and Iwaizumi was taken. With the way (Y/n) held his hand so tenderly, he could probably faint. He’d rather die than let go. It was so warm, his hands were so warm. God, he felt so soft inside.
“...Y’know, if you aren't feeling well, I can take you to the nurse’s office-”
“No-! It’s-it’s fine! I’m fine!” Iwaizumi sputtered, and he silently whined when (Y/n) pulled his hand back. He stepped back, and gave a small wave.
“That’s good, Iwaizumi-kun. Well, I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. See you later, Matsukawa-kun. Iwaizumi-kun.” (Y/n) smiled again, and left to introduce himself to another teammate. Once (Y/n) was out of earshot, Matsukawa erupted into a fit of cackles.
“Pfft-ahahahahaha! Dude! Y-you-! Ahahahaha! You need to chill man! At this point everyone’s gonna know you went all-“ Mattsun mimicked Iwaizumi’s wide-eyed expression, bringing his hands together and pretending he was a moe schoolgirl. “Kyaaah! (L/n)-senpai is soooo handsome!”
“SHUUUUUT UPPPPPP!” Iwaizumi started kicking at Matsukawa’s shins and hitting his back, trying to silence his cackles and hope (Y/n) didn’t hear that. Or see the huge red blush on his cheeks.
Oikawa side-eyed Iwaizumi and Matsukawa from the net pole. His hands were still moving on setting up the net for practice, but his eyes were examining the two fellow third years roughhousing with each other. More specifically, the red that engulfed Iwaizumi’s face. Oikawa turned his attention back to the pole.
‘Just do it!’
Those three words played on repeat in Iwaizumi’s mind for the past 2 weeks. And they seemed to get louder when Iwaizumi arrived to practice.
‘Just do it, Hajime!’
‘No!’ Iwaizumi thought back to himself, watching as (Y/n) greeted everyone who came through the club room door. He was standing outside, holding a box with supplies stuffed in it. Iwaizumi dreadfully neared the club room.
‘Do it! Now!’
‘No! Fuck no!’
“Ah! Hello again, Iwaizumi-kun-“
“No!” Iwaizumi blurted out. He was quick to cover his mouth, but the look of confusion that knitted (Y/n’s) face was enough to tell he had heard Iwaizumi loud and clear.
“Uh. I mean. Good mor-uh good afternoon, (L/n). Sorry bout’ that.” Iwaizumi trudged into the club room as nonchalantly as he could. But once the door closed, he slumped down to his knees.
“Something wrong, Iwa-chan?” Oikawa mused, slipping on his blue practice shirt over his head. “You look like shit.”
“Y-you’re one to talk, Shittykawa! Go die!”
“Uuu! How mean! Mean Iwa-chan!”
“Yeah yeah.” Iwaizumi hastily slipped into his practice clothes. Oikawa watched his face closely. It was redder than usual.
“Hey, Iwa-chan?”
Iwaizumi looked up from his knee pads, halting temporarily as he threaded them through his leg. “Mm?”
Oikawa opened his mouth, then glanced to the door where (Y/n) was standing outside of. Not yet. He didn’t have enough evidence yet.
“Never mind.” Oikawa rubbed the back of his head cutely.
Iwaizumi slumped down on the steps of the gym, heaving like he ran 13 miles. Well, he did. He watched as everyone came trickling back, Oikawa yelling praise as they all collapsed in front of the gym. Training runs across the block were tough. Especially after an exhausting practice match against each other.
“Good job, everyone!” Oikawa clasped his hands together. “Get some water, go rest, do whatever! We’re gonna do some serving and receiving practices, then we can take a break!”
The tuckered-out team choursed out a “Yessir!” before scattering about and doing their own things. Iwaizumi let his head loll back onto the concrete steps he was sitting on, closing his eyes and catching his unsteady breath.
Iwaizumi jolted up harshly, a blush adorning his features as his eyes snapped open. (Y/n) looked down at him with a small white towel in his hand and a water bottle in the other.
“I figured you needed some water or something so-I got you some stuff-!” (Y/n) promptly set the things down on Iwaizumi’s lap, though he’s not sure he noticed with the way he was staring at him so...strangely. Huh, that’s been happening for a while now.
Iwaizumi’s dazed look suddenly dissipated, his consciousness coming back to his eyes as he fumbled for the items slipping from his lap.
“Oh! Thank you...dude…! You’re…you’re...cool...f-for that…!”
Iwaizumi shot finger guns at his (Y/n). His crush. Fucking finger guns. He wouldn’t mind if he took his finger guns and shoved it so far up his a-
“It’s no problem!” (Y/n) shot finger guns back, before flexing an arm and patting his bicep. “It’s what a manager is for! Makin’ sure you boys are alright.”
“I’m gonna go fill up some more water bottles...l stopped and filled one up for you first because you looked thirsty…”
(Y/n) ran off. “See you!” He called from a distance, before disappearing from sight. Iwaizumi waved back with a blank expression on his face.
His legs felt like jelly. Not only because he ran 13 miles non-stop, but because of how whipped he became for manager-kun (Y/n) in the span of only a week or two.
Oikawa hummed to himself knowingly, watching Iwaizumi slump back onto the concrete steps with a hand in his heart.
“Iwa-chan, Iwa-chan, Iwa-chan!”
“No! No! No!”
“But why?!” Oikawa exasperatedly yelled, dramatically blocking the door leading outside the club room. It was just him, Iwa-chan, Mattsun, and Makki. Makki and Mattsun sat on the floor of the club room like they were expecting Iwaizumi to come in, and from the way they didn’t try to stop Oikawa from blocking the door, they knew the same things he did.
“Let me out shithead!” Iwaizumi clawed at Oikawa’s arms. Oikawa, as twinkish and childish as he seems, was actually stronger than he looked.
Eventually, Iwaizumi stepped back to take a breather. Matsukawa and Hanamaki took that as their chance to secure him, as Hanamaki grabbed Iwaizumi by the torso and wrapped his whole body around him.
He held him as secure as he could while he thrashed around, waiting till Matsukawa hurriedly set up a foldable chair and brought out some rope. Hanamaki dragged Iwaizumi to the chair, ignoring his pleads of “Let me go!” or “Y’all will pay for this-I swear!” As he forcefully sat him down.
He held his hands to the back of the chair as Matsukawa tied him up as quick as he could.
“Oi! What the fuck!” Iwaizumi kicked at Matsukawa as he circled him with the rope.
“It’s for your own good, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa piped up from his spot blocking the door. He didn’t want to move from the door until Iwaizumi was fully immobilized, just in case he tried to run for it.
“Like hell it is-ack!” Matsukawa tightened the rope. “Ease up, will you! God damn!”
“Sorry, sorry.” Matsukawa, in fact, did not ease up. He tied the rope into multiple tight knots, making it virtually impossible to somehow slip out of them. Iwaizumi squirmed around in his restraints as the chair was rotated facing away from the door, and towards Hanamaki and Matsukawa.
Oikawa sighed triumphantly, and backed away from the door. He clasped his hands together.
“So nice of you to finally join our discussion, Iwa-chan.”
“Literally suck my dick then go practice receives on a nearby building and fall to your death.”
Oikawa feigned offense to Iwaizumi’s words. Hanamaki chuckled, while Matsukawa shut Iwaizumi up by tugging at the rope’s end he was holding in his hands.
“Isn’t this illegal? Like-somewhere in the world?”
“It isn’t right now~” Oikawa sung, before becoming laughably serious. “Now! We need some answers!”
“More like you couldn’t contain your curiosity or ask Iwaizumi like a normal person.”
“Makki! You’re supposed to be on my side!” Oikawa blurbed, before coughing and regaining his cool integrator vibe. “Anyways!” Oikawa snapped harshly at Iwaizumi.
“You! Have a! Crush! On Manager-chan!”
Iwaizumi choked on his own spit. He turned away dumbly, with a coy look on his face.
“Dunno what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb! We all see the looks you give him! ‘Fess up, Iwa-chan! You’re absolutely totally whipped for (Y/n)-chan!”
Iwaizumi stiffened. “Since when were you two on a first name basis-!”
“See?! You got mad when I called (L/n)-kun by his first name!”
“That doesn’t mean anything!” Iwaizumi barked. He was starting to sweat now. Were these restraints always so stuffy? “I was just wondering why you called him that!”
Oikawa stuck his tongue out. “Just say you like him we’ll let you go~!”
“Never! No way in hell!”
Oikawa gasped. He pointed dramatically at Iwaizumi. “So you do admit it! You’re totally in love with Manager-kun but you don’t wanna say it!”
“Wh-?!” Iwaizumi sputtered. He kicked around in his restraints, making Matsukawa tug at the rope again. He was thrashing around so much he didn’t hear the door open. “When did I-“
“When did I ever say I had a big ass fuckin’ crush on (L/n) that it made me question my whole sexuality?! But that I couldn’t care less since he’s so...so nice and cute and-fuck!”
Matsukawa and Hanamaki paled. They seemed to be looking at something behind Iwaizumi. Oikawa was still listening intently to Iwaizumi’s confession, not noticing whatever it was those two were staring at.
“Fuck! Fuck! I wanna grab his stupid face and kiss him all over! Fuck! Why is (Y/n) so cute! I wanna call him by his first name too! I wanna hug him and do things boyfriends do too! Fuck! I’m so-“
Oikawa’s eye eventually trailed up from Iwaizumi. He locked eyes with whatever was there, then immediately copied the same panicked ‘we’re dead’ look Hanamaki and Matsukawa had. He looked back at Iwaizumi with a sweaty, pale face.
“H-hey, Iwa-chan, that’s enough-you proved your point-“
The three boys flinched, looking behind Iwaizumi with the same look you’d give when you got caught doing something bad. Iwaizumi was breathing heavily, slouched on his chair after his whole explosion of a confession. He looked at the three third years, who weren’t even looking back at him.
“...what? This is what you guys wanted right? To admit that I like (L/n-“
“I-Iwaizumi, you might wanna shut up…” Hanamaki said, his voice trembly. Matsukawa and Oikawa nodded.
“No! Why are y’all acting so weird! You guys were all up my ass about it, and now you’re telling me to shut up?!”
Matsukawa silently spun his chair around slowly, towards the door so he could see what they were all staring at.
“Honestly, if y’all weren’t expecting me to actually…confess…t-to…yooouuu…”
Iwaizumi’s voice progressively died down as he locked eyes with (Y/n), standing by the door with the reddest shocked face he’d ever seen. It was Iwaizumi’s turn to go pale.
“Uh...I-I heard...screaming...f-from the club room and...and I wanted to see if you guys were ok...um.” (Y/n) awkwardly swung his hands around, before letting them rest behind his back. “So…”
“Do you...really wanna ‘kiss me all over’ and do boyfriend-y stuff together…? With me…?”
Iwaizumi said nothing. He started squirming madly in his binds, trying to look anywhere else but (Y/n).
“Let me out let me out let me out let me out-!“
Iwaizumi only wriggled and kicked harder when (Y/n) started approaching him.
(Y/n) balled up his fists, resting them rigidly on Iwaizumi’s lap as he clumsily pressed a kiss to his lips. His eyes were clamped shut, unlike Iwaizumi’s, who were wide open. He felt (Y/n) push closer, to which he let his body give in and relax, closing his eyes and tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
Matsukawa wolf-whistled, while Hanamaki yelled things like ‘Get it, Iwaizumi!’. Oikawa smiled triumphantly once more, clapping quietly. “Bravo! Yay Iwa-chan!”
Iwaizumi’s eyes were half-lidded as began to pull away. He let out a shaky sigh, watching Iwaizumi take breathless breaths in. Oikawa was still clapping in the background.
“Yay! Yaaaay Iwa-chan! Iwa-chan is happy and I fulfilled my promise! (L/n) will be Manager-kun for forever!”
Iwaizumi snapped out of his dazed trance to glare at Oikawa in confusion. “Huh?”
“Ara?” Oikawa tilted his head. (Y/n) caught on, and started violently shaking his head ‘no’, as well as flailing his arms around trying to shut him up.
“You don’t know why (L/n)-kun decided to join the club?”
Iwaizumi shook his head. (Y/n) whimpered slightly and covered his face in his hands.
“I told (L/n)-kun that if he became our manager, I’d find a way to get you to fall in looove with him. But it looks like I didn’t need to do anything~”
Oikawa chuckled. “He really only joined for you, y’know. When I went up to talk to him about being a manager, his eyes lit up and he said, and I quote: ‘I’ll do it if you set me up with your friend Iwaizumi-kun and get him to fall for me-! Kyaaa! Iwaizumi-kun is so tall dark and handsom-ow!”
Oikawa was abruptly cut off when Iwaizumi kicked him in the leg, as it was the only thing he could reach while he was still tied up. Iwaizumi turned to the side with a blushy pout.
“Y-you’re embarrassing him, idiot.”
“Aww look. He’s enjoying this.” Matsukawa snickered. Hanamaki chuckled as quietly as he could, both trying not to get kicked in the leg like Oikawa did. (Y/n) sank to the floor, defeated.
“Why did you tell Iwaizumi-kun...that’s so embarrassing…” (Y/n) groaned from the ground. He was still covering his face, so he didn’t notice when Matsukawa started untying Iwaizumi, or when Iwaizumi squatted down and placed his hand on top of (Y/n’s) head.
(Y/n) made a noise of surprise as Iwaizumi patted his head with a blushy scowl.
“S’ only fair that I know… I was pretty embarrassed too when you heard all those things I said about you... Eye for an eye and shit…”
(Y/n) said nothing as Iwaizumi continued to pat his head. They said nothing for a while, before Matsukawa silently whispered to Oikawa.
“Wait, if you knew that (L/n)-kun liked Iwaizumi, why did you look so scared when he walked in? You knew they liked each other.”
“Ah.” Oikawa rubbed the back of his head, watching as Iwaizumi and (Y/n) shyly exchanged phone numbers.
“I was scared that Iwa-chan was going to murder me.”
Wanna know what makes my day? When people comment on my fics 💖 especially when they reblog and go crazy in the tags or even say something IN the reblog itself 💖💖💖 makes me feel all warm inside ✨
-Mr. Mizunetzu
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violetnotez · 3 years
hi! may i pls make a request for bokugo, todoroki and midoriya hcs on what they would do if they had to vs their secret crush in the 1v1 ua sports festival arc? i hope you have a great day!!🥺
Hi babe! Im so sorry it took so long to make these, but I literally couldn’t stop thinking about this idea cause it was so fricking cuttteeeeeeeee
I did headcannons as well as a short one shot right after, I hope thats alright! <3
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Bakugo, Shoto, Izuku
Warnings: cussing
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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This dude right here ^^^
Sorry but-hes not gonna be too kind
Bakugo most deifnitely is denying every single damn sign that he has a crush on you
He deifnitely doesn’t stare at you for way too long during class, or doesn’t smirk to himself when you got past this first round, and his heart didn’t drop to the floor when he realized he would have to fight against you
Nope, deifnitley not
😑😑😑 Bakugo stop being a shit and admit you have feelings
Kirishima was the one who first recognized his crush on you, and you know damn well he noticed Bakugo’s demeanor instantly changed when he saw your face flash against his in the versus round
When Bakugo saw that on the screen, his shoulders instantly stiffened, his eyes steeled, and he stuffed his hands into his pockets so no one could see how tightly his hands were balled up
Only Kirishima noticed the change in his best friend as his freinds cheered at the line up
“Hey-you okay dude?” He asked, his voice full of concern as he tried to place a hand on his shoulder
Of course, Bakugo being the little shit he is, shoved his hand away with his shoulder, standing up quickly
“I’m gonna go get ready for the 2nd round,” he grumbled, giving his friend a side eyed look and he turned his back on the stadium and going to the hallways to chill
Now, even though he was rudeeeeeeeee af, this dude is freaking the hell out internally
He wants to win so badly, but-at what cost? Something was different with you-he was okay with putting his all into each and every fight
If he had to hurt himself, or hurt his opponent to come out on top-that’s all that mattered right? But for some reason, the thought of hurting you made his body feel queasy and made him feel like shit-
this never happened to him, this possessive want to protect someone and keep them safe-this was such a foreign feeling that it kind of scared him
Was he getting soft? Was he not tough anymore?
He didn’t know what to do-go easy on you and potentially let you win, making him look weak? Or go all out, making sure he wins to the point that he hurts you-which would make him feel like shit after. Would you hate him after? Could he handle that idea of you despising him for hurting you?
These thoughts were making him so conflicted to the point of rage , and Bakugo being Bakugo, he was just fuming internally,
his digits were tugging at his strands, his fist colliding with the table as a curse slipped through his lips
He didn’t know what to do and it was fucking annoying to him
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚:* ✧
“So I guess we’re paired together huh?” your voice echoed through the deathly silent room, the sound sending a cold shiver down Bakugo’s back.
He quickly looked up, his chest tightening at the mere sight of you leaning against the door frame.
“This is my fucking room-get out,” he grumbled, his crimson red eyes squinting at you at an attempt to look intimidating.
You simply rolled your eyes, a small smirk playing on your lips.
You had known Bakugo for too long and too well to get scared at his harsh words anymore.
“I don’t see your name on the door,” you quipped back with a grin, “and besides, it might be good Im in here. You’re so loud somebody’s gonna think you’re talking to yourself.”
Shit-was he really starting to talk to himself now?
Bakugo swallowed a clump of saliva, a pit growing in his stomach. If he was talking to himself-did you hear everything he had said? Did you know he was actually thinking of going soft on you?
You noticed how he stiffened at your words, a gruff exhalation of breath leaving his lips.
“Don’t worry, I was just joking around-“, You simply chuckled, shaking your head as you sat down next to him. “-but you still are really loud though.”
“And you’re still fucking annoying, as always.”
“Ouch!” You smiled, scrunching up your nose in mock hurt.
Bakugo pursed his lips, hating how cute he found you when you made that expression.
You didn’t seem to notice the way Bakugo was affected by your movement, taking a deep breath.
Something in your expression had changed-you no longer looked so carefree and relaxed. You gave him a concerned look, your teeth gnawing at the side your cheek.
“So is something on your mind? You’re usually always cussing someone out, but cussing at the air isn’t usually your thing.”
His feet shuffled under the table, his hands way more clammy than they usually were. So he really was being too loud- he needed to think of soemthing to tell you. And something realllllll fucking quick.
But he couldn’t-he felt like his was gasping for air, just staring at your waiting face. God, why did he have to actually like you like that? Now as he’s looking at you, something in his heart hurt-he couldn’t hurt you. He just-couldnt. He’d feel like a dick after and he’s never be able to forgive himself if he laid even a scratch on you.
Why was this so fucking hard?
You sighed, your tongue swiping your bottom lip as you look down at your hands.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine,” you looked up, your eyes piercing to him and making his lungs feel shut off. “But-dont let it affect you. I want you to come at me with all you got-“
You gave him a devilish grin, your eyes sparkling.
“-I wanna rub it in your face that I actualy beat you in front of a whole ass crowd. Might be good for you ego too,” you gave out a laugh at the last sentence, Bakugo’s shoulder softening slightly.
“Tch-,” he grunted out, his crimson eyes rolling in their sockets, “-like you could ever fucking beat me.”
You gave him one final look, your eyes quitting at him with a mischievous glint.
“We’ll see about that,” you gave him one last smile, standing up from your chair.
“I’ll see ya later.”
Bakugo heard your feet walk out the room, that tell tale click of the door closing softly reverberating in the room. He let out a sigh, something about your words making him feel like a huge weight just left his shoulders.
If you wanted him to go all out-then he’d do it.
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Dude, this poor baby
He’s actually freaking out. Like HARD.
Izuku wants to win pretty badly to prove it to himself, his family, his mentor/role model...but at what cost? Hurting you?
Hahah well that’s funny cause that ain’t happening
He’s legit thinking of just going easy on you-what’s the harm in that? Sure he might lose, but at least he wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt-
This dude is not very good at hiding his feelings for you, so of course Iida and Ochaco already know of this infactuation obsession Izuku has for you
They kinda have to explain to him that’d it be really really stupid to just let you beat himjust because he didn’t want to hurt you
Iida basically explained that it’d hurt the “pride and prestige quality of the games” if he didn’t “fight to his fullest” and “y/n’s honor would be incredibly diminished” as the fight “wouldn’t be fair nor honest”
Which basically translated to just fight her Midoriya
Uraraka told him that you could hold your own, and you wouldn’t ever get mad at him cause like-it’s the point for everyone to fight their all to win
So Izuku kinda took a chill pill
Until he stepped into that arena
Cause ohohoohohoh it is wayyyyy different from talking about fighting to actually doing it
He’s kinda nervous at first-cause it’s happening. He has to actually fight you like this. In front of everybody.
Damn fate really did not like him right now did it?
You come at him full force-and holy CRAP did it throw him off
But it kind of woke him up to the situation-if your going to try your best, then he felt a little bit better forcing himself to do his best as well
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t wanna scream “Sorry!” And run over to you everytime he blasts ya with OFA, but it’s all good
Your fight was a little bit longer than the others, but in the end, you lost to Izuku
You two were seriously burnt out though-you got cuts and bruises everywhere from falling (and a big ass headache), and Izuku’s arms looked like burnt fried chicken
Deku felt pride in himself, cause damn you were really strong and he actually fought you off but-he hurt you AND made you lose
Looking at your face, he feels like shit-cause of course you look really beat down knowing you won’t be advancing to the next round
His foot stumbled forward, wanting to go see if you were okay
But the teachers quickly usher you two to go see the nurses, so he just had to give you an apologetic look until he could actually talk to you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚:* ✧
Izuku sat on the make shift bed, every movement he made setting off a plethora of crinkling noises from the paper overlay.
Everything seemed to be okay with him-he was actually surprised to hear he wasn’t as beat up as he thought he really was. Over course, Recovery Girl scolded him for taking such a risk on his body with his quirk, but with a big smooch on his cheek he was ready to go.
He heard a click of a door opening, expecting to see Recovery Girl come hobbling over to check his vitals one last time-until he looked up and his heart stopped on his chest.
There you were, banged up and bruise, your stance favoring your right side.
You seemed to be pretty surprised to see him too-your eyes widened in shock, and your shoulders stiffened at the sight of him.
Izuku’s head was going on overdrive-how were you feeling? Where you okay? Did he hurt you that badly? did you hate him? Was he invading your space just being present?
The thoughts were coming a mile a minute, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish as he kept watching you with a stunned, blank expression.
To his relief, your shocked expression turned into a small smile and your eyes softened as you looked at Izuku’s shy gaze.
“Hey,” you simply said, breaking the awkward silence of the room.
Izuku quickly cleared his throat, repeating a “hey” back to you as he watched you sit down, his toes scrunching in his battered red shoes.
Guilt was bubbling in his stomach, his brows knitted in pain as you tred to sit down on a hospital bed. You were practically limping your way to sit down, the unmissable look of pain knitted in your brows.
God, he did that? To you-out of all the people in the world, you were one of the last people he would ever want to land a finger on. Of course, you had messed him up pretty badly, but it just felt strange to know he had caused you this discomfort.
“Are you-you feeling alright?” He asked quietly, his voice meek and hesitant.
You gave him another strained smile, using the table next to you to support your weight.
You weren’t going to deny it-Izuku really did a number on you. In the fight, your adrenaline was kicking in so much that the pain was barely even noticeable to you. But now that you were calm and collected, the throbbing pain that seemed to be everywhere was coming out in full force.
“Yeah, I’m doing okay-I guess,” you gave a small chuckle, trying to hide the grimace as a zap of pain pierced your bruised rib cage.
Izuku immediately noticed that look on your face, his feet touching the cold linoleum floor.
You felt hands gingerly circle around your sides, the pressure reassuring yet light, heat from another person radiating onto your back.
Midoriya was supporting your battered body, leading you to the closest bed and setting you down gingerly.
To say the feeling of Izuku holding you was making you flustered was an understatement-you were freaking the hell out. But something about him holding you was so comforting-even with him beaten up, and him being the reason you were in this portion- he still somehow was able to make you feel safe and protected.
“ ‘Zuku,” you asked, your heart thumping a mile a minute, “what are you-you doing?”
He set you down gingerly, his hands light and feathery against your skin.
“I-Uh,” He have you a sheepish grin, his cheeks red and his voice a stuttering mess from that nickname. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-to offend you, you just seemed like you were hurting...”
You tilted your head with a grin, your hand wrapping around his wrist for support.
“Don’t worry-you didn’t,”
His face light up, a warm relieved grin on his lips.
“Oh good! I was worried, cause after the whole match and everything, and you looked so hurt, I just, I don’t know, I was worried maybe you wouldnt want me around but I just didn’t want to-“
For some reason, that relief that you didn’t hate him had released the stuttering of poor Izuku, his brain going once again at a pace much to fast to comprehend.
You could barely catch a word, but you were able to stitch his thoughts together, a giggle escaping your lips.
He couldn’t be more adorable, could he?
Your heart pounded in your chest as your digits wrapping around his freckled cheeks. The sensation of your skin so close to his made his mouth stop in its tracks, his emerald eyes wide with shock.
“You really think I’d hate you ‘Zuku?”
God-he love that nickname. Your voice sent a shockwave if electricity through his body, his mind helplessly numb and in control by you.
Even with you cradling his cheeks, he couldn’t bring himself to look at you.
Izuku heard you sigh, your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip.
He know it would look strange to anyone walking in, with him standing in between your legs and your hands wrapped against his cheeks. He knew he should move, just in case of the off chance somebody could walk in, but-he didn’t want to. He was in love with the feeling of your body so close to his, finally able to drink in every beautiful feature of your face, put every perfect sensation into his memory....it was nerve wracking yet soothing and he never wanted this moment to end.
“Deku, I could never hate you,” you smiled gingerly, your mind fighting your digits from tracing each adorable freckle decorating his face.
He looked at you with wide, confused eyes, his bruised lips parted and mind blank.
You said-you didn’t hate him?
He felt a rush of relief completely envelope his body, feeling on top of the world. You didn’t hate him for fighting you-and you even said you could never hate him. Was he really that lucky to have such a sweet crush like you?
He felt so happy he just had the undeniable want to just kiss you-you we’re close enough after all, he could just lean in to you....
“Oh-uh,” he quickly stuttered our, terrified he would actually act on what he was thinking, “Thats-thats great, thank you,”
You chuckled at his flustered ness, his cheeks a raging red from his thoughts-he definitely wouldn’t ever stop being a nervous wreck around you.
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Honestly, you would never know Shoto had a crush on you
hes just SO HARD TO READ
Also this boy would be the last person to realize he had a crush in the first place
very very oblivious poor baby
anyways, because of this oblivious part of him, he’d probably figure out he had a crush right then and there
Like, as he sees your face flash against his, and theres a big VS symbol in between you two
He gets this terrible, sinking feeling
like OH SHIT I have to fight them 
He knew something was different this time around, because with everyone else he was fighting agains,t he could give two shits about them
but with you, the person he was actually fighting against felt important now
He just didn't want to fight you
So that through him off- big time
*queue a shoto todoroki internal monologue
this guy is really having an epiphany rn
Like dang- all those times I would stare at them, or get angry when somebody hurt them, or my face would get really hot when they told me “hi” meant I liked them!?
This pooor thingggggggggggggggg
 Shoto isnt egotisitical-
 hes just practical
So he knows that he would probably win this match-
 he saw you as a great fighter, yet his quirk was alot more flashy and powerful than yours
So he had either two options:
one) was to just go all out and try to finish the match ASAP, or
two) prolong it, so you could get some exposure to the heroes watching
(spoiler alert- he goes with number two)
But what he doesn't realized is how FLUSTERED he gets when hes fighting you
He’s never been close to you like this before, even if you are fighting-and damn he didn't realize he had been craving this 
He was making more mistakes than he usually would make in a match like this, so it was harder for him to keep the upper hand like he thought he would
But, of course- this is Shoto Todoroki we’re talking about
He finally zaps out of this love sick puppy phase and he starts to fight you for real now- 
anddddddd he manages to push you off the stage boundaries
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ 
Shoto took a deep breath, his lungs feeling icy from his quirk and his body heavy with fatigue.
Damn- that was a hard ass fight.
The sound of a roaring crowd was piercing his ears, Present Mic’s booming voice echoing the results of the matchup.
“Todoroki” seemed to be echoing throughout the stadium, his last name a mantra in the speakers.  He won the match after all- he’d be advancing.
Shoto licked his lips, the tang of blood sparking in his mouth. Shoto didnt really feel much in these moments, as he could never really appreciate the achievements he had under his belt at such a young age.
But right now, something different was bubbling in his stomach- Shoto turned to look at you, your knees digging into the gravel and your fists balled into the dirt, your head laying low.
It wasnt rocket science to tell you were feeling down about loosing the match, and Shoto could see you were frustrated by the circumstances- he won, and you didnt.
Watching you struggling to get up from the icy ground he had made, your body beaten and bruised....he felt-guilty.
Suddenly, he felt his feet walking towards you, his heart beating a mile a minute in his chest.
His head was swarming with nerves as he held out his digits, his palm stretched out in a peace offering.
“Here,” his voice was smooth and deep, sending a shiver down your spine as you looked up at his outstretched digits.
You gave him a quizzical look, almost as if to say “what are you doing?”
Shoto bit his bottom lip, looking at the side as his cheeks flushed red.
“Take my hand-you’re injured.”
His tone was placid and calm, his bi colored eyes boaring into yours. It was just so confusing....he won the match, so why did he want to help you?
“Why?” you asked, your voice groggy and thick.
“Because-you’re hurt, and I’m certain my old man wouldn’t want me to be doing this. So I want to do it.”
I small laugh escaped your lips, the sound so sweet that it made Shoto’s face even more red and his heart beat faster in his chest.
“Shoto Todoroki being a rebel-“ you joked, shaking your head as you laughed, “I wouldn’t expect that from you.”
You looked up at the Todoroki son, a smile on your lips as you took his hand.
Ah crap-Shoto was really over heating at this point, his mind going haywire as he tried to figure out why it was so hard to keep his right side at bat as he pulled you up from the floor.
He found something so endearing about how small your palm was compared to his-it fit almost perfectly in his, the skin soft and warm against his.
Shoto cleared his throat, his eyes dancing nervously, trying his best to get his nerves in check.
“Is that-a bad thing?” He asked, feeling slightly sad that you had taken your hand out of his to dust off your tattered PE pants.
“Nope,” you said, popping the “p” in the sentence, “I think it’s a good thing-I like it.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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billysahoe · 3 years
(I feel I’m) In The Mood Also on AO3
Steve goes into a corn maze to find Billy, they get high, they hook up. 
Steve felt like shit. Nancy had called him bullshit and broke up with him, out of nowhere. Steve didn’t get what he had done wrong. They were supposed to go to Tina’s halloween party together tomorrow, but now he didn’t want to go anymore. He couldn’t show up without a date, right? No, he couldn’t. He needed to clear his head. Going for a drive would help.
Steve got into his car, pushed his Foreigner tape into the player and turned up the volume. I Want to Know What Love is started playing. Steve turned it up even more. He drove with the windows open, not really knowing where he was going. He kept pushing the pedal, singing along to the music. he was probably going too fast, but he didn’t care. it was late and the roads were basically empty. Suddenly Steve noticed a car parked further ahead, nearly in the corn. He slowed down when he got closer to the car. It had Californian plates. Inside there was a red headed girl sitting in the passenger seat, looking upset. Steve had never seen the car or this girl before. Tourists maybe? Steve parked his car behind the Californian car and got out. He softly knocked on the passenger side window. “Are you okay?” he asked the girl. She didn’t hear him, obviously. She opened the window a bit and gave him a mean stare, not saying anything. “I said are you okay?” Steve repeated. The girl rolled her eyes. “I’m waiting for my step brother. Leave me alone.” Steve could see she was shivering. “Is your brother in the maze? How long have you been sitting here?” Steve asked. The girl shrugged. “A while. My step brother is an asshole, he won’t be back before he thinks I’ve learned my lesson or something dumb like that.” Steve felt sorry for the girl. “Do you want me to go look for him?” he offered. The girl looked away. “Don’t bother.” she mumbled. Steve decided to do it anyway. He went back to his car and grabbed his flashlight. He then noticed his bat. Should he take it? Maybe the girls brother was still out there because he was being chased by some upside down shit. Maybe the guy was just an asshole like the girl had said. Steve grabbed the bat. Before going into the maze he walked up to the girl one more time. “What’s your brother’s name?” He asked her. “Billy.”
Steve turned on the flashlight and stepped into the maze. It really was dark in there, how could that guy -Billy- see anything? “Billy? are you here?” he called out. No reply. Also no creepy rustling in the corn. Steve took it as a win. He got to the first split and decided to go left. How big was this maze even? Steve took a right turn the next. He called out for Billy again but no reply. Maybe the guy could hear him but just decided to not respond. It was probably kinda creepy to be in a maze and then hear a stranger shout out your name. Stupid. “Billy, your sister sent me!” Steve tried. Still no response. He kept walking through the maze for what felt like hours. The maze seemed really big. Or maybe he had just passed the same spots multiple times already, but everything looked the same so Steve had no idea. What if he couldn’t find his way out of the maze? What if he couldn’t find his way out of the maze and there was a demogorgon in the maze? Steve shivered. He came to a dead end with a pile of corn in the middle. Someone was laying in the pile. “Billy?” Steve tried. The guy sat up. “Who the fuck are you and why do you keep calling for me?” He groaned. Steve pointed the flashlight at him. Billy was tan, blonde curls and bright eyes. He was dressed in a leather jacket and tight jeans. Steve had to admit, the boy looked good. “Don’t fucking shine that at me.” Billy growled. He got up from the corn pile and slapped the flashlight out of Steve’s hands. it turned off when it hit the ground. “Dude, I needed that! And your sister is waiting for you. She seems kinda cold. You should head back.” Billy snickered. “The little bitch couldn’t even come out and get me herself, huh? And she isn’t my sister.” Billy pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. He looked at the bat in Steve’s hand. “So, you’re saying my sister asked you to look for me and you decided to bring that creepy ass bat? Wow, she must have said some really nasty shit about me.” Steve scratched the back of his head. “Not really, just eh, precaution.” He picked up the flashlight and tried to turn it on, but it was dead. Neither of them said anything for a while, the only sound being the wind softly blowing through the corn.
“Well, you found me, you can now leave me alone and tell that shitbird that I’m not coming until I feel like it.” Billy said to Steve. Steve shook his head. “I didn’t go in here for that. At least give me your keys so your sister can turn on the heat.” Billy cackled loudly. “I’m not giving you my keys. And my STEP sister is not getting them either. She will just drive off. Hell, maybe you will kick her out and drive off in my car. I don’t even know who the hell you are.” Steve figured that was fair. Billy didn’t know him after all. “I’m Steve Harrington.” he said. Billy didn’t reply, just sat down in the pile of corn again. “I’m not going anywhere, Harrington. And you’re going back to wherever the hell you came from. Leave me alone.” Steve shook his head and sat down next to Billy in the pile. “What are you doing out here anyway?” he asked him. “None of your business.” Steve nodded. “Alright. Well I’m out here because I went for a drive. To clear my head, you know? I got dumped.” He could hear billy huff. “That sucks.” he said. Steve hummed. They sat in silence for a bit again. “I had to clear my head too. Maxine, my step sister, is driving me crazy. She keeps blaming moving to this shit town on me.” Billy softly said. it was now Steve’s turn to say that sucks, and Billy’s to hum. “So Harrington, do you smoke?” Steve nodded. “Yea but I left my cigs in my car.” Billy laughed at him. “Not what I meant. I got the good shit, from California.” Oh, Billy had meant weed. “How good is it?” Steve asked with a grin.
Billy had rolled the joint while Steve had held up a lighter so he could see what he was doing. The joint didn’t look so bad and it smelled great when Billy lit it. Steve hadn’t smoked in a while, and the last time he did the quality wasn’t even that great. he was excited to try Billy’s Californian weed. Steve coughed after the first drag. Billy laughed at him. Steve took another drag, and it felt less irritating on his throat this time. He passed the joint back to Billy, who took a drag like it was nothing. Billy was going to have a tough time finding weed this good here in Hawkins. “I appreciate you sharing the good weed with me. You’re not gonna find anything this good around here.” Steve said. Billy passed him the joint. “Well, guess you owe me then.” “Owe you what? good weed? Because I just said we don’t have that around here. He passed the joint back to Billy again. “You just owe me, Steve. I don’t care what.”
They finished the joint in what felt like minutes. Steve’s toes were getting a bit cold though. How long had they been sitting here? “Maybe we should head back? Maxine is waiting.” Steve tried. Billy groaned. “Don’t ruin it now, pretty boy.” he said. Pretty boy? Steve sighed. “It’s cold out here, you know.” A chuckle from Billy. “Yea, it fucking is. California was better.” Steve stood up and held his hand out for Billy. “Come on then, let’s go.” Billy grabbed Steve’s hand but then pulled him down. Steve planted his hand above Billy’s shoulder just in time, before crushing him. “You should plant your feet.” He grinned. Steve huffed. “I’m high as fuck, let me be.” Billy licked his lips and stared up at Steve, not letting go of his hand yet. “Me too. And I have a good idea.” He let go of Steve’s hand and Steve rolled sideways to lay next to Billy. “Is it actually a good idea?” Steve asked. Billy nodded and rolled on his side to look at Steve again. “I know a way that will get you warm, AND get you over your ex. Two bird, one stone!” Steve raised a brow at Billy. Was Billy going to summon Nancy and set her on fire to keep them warm or something? Steve laughed at his own thought. “What’s funny?” Billy asked, seeming slightly offended. Steve shook his head. “I just imagined you setting my ex on fire.” Billy started laughing too, what triggered Steve and made him laugh even louder. They laughed so hard they actually had to catch their breath after they quieted down. 
“So what’s the plan?” Steve asked. Billy moved his lips close to Steve’s ear. “We could fuck.” He whispered. He softly bit Steve’s earlobe after. Steve nervously giggled. Billy had to be fucking with him, right? “You’re playing a dangerous game, Billy.” Steve warned him. Billy looked him in the eye. “Why?” he asked. Steve couldn’t read his expression. “Because Hawkins is a small town with close minded people.” Billy swallowed. “Are you close minded, Steve?” Steve shook his head. “I’m not, but you can’t just ask boys if they want to have sex with you, Billy!” Billy nibbled Steve’s earlobe again, and Steve had to admit he quite liked that feeling. He liked Billy being close to him. “I didn’t just ask any boy tho, I’m asking you, pretty boy. Do you want to fuck me?” Steve needed a second to think about it. “Please, Steve.” Billy moaned in his ear. Steve’s dick kicked with interest. “You might have to convince me.” Steve said. If Billy was joking -which Steve didn’t think he was anymore- this was the moment he could admit it. But Billy didn’t laugh or make fun of him. Billy didn’t say he was just fucking around. Billy sat down on top of Steve and bent down to kiss him. 
The kiss felt like fire. Billy was immediately all tongue and teeth and he even moaned. Steve had never been kissed that dirty before. Billy softly bit Steve’s lip and pulled at it before letting go. “Have you done this with a guy before?” he asked Steve. Steve shook his head. “I’ve been with plenty of girls though, I will figure it out.” He then winked at Billy. Billy pressed his hips against Steve’s and rolled them, pulling a moan out of both of them. “Have you?” Steve asked while putting his hands on Billy’s hips and grinding up against him. Billy bent over to whisper in Steve’s ear again. “Yea, I have. I just love having a cock up my ass, Steve. So get on with it and unbuckle your belt.” Billy stood up and Steve let out a little whine. He watched Billy pulling down his own jeans. The boy had a fine ass. Steve grabbed Billy’s sleeve and pulled him down to his knees. “Are you a bit kinky, Harrington?” Billy asked while laying his head on his arms and pushing his ass up in the air. Steve swallowed. “I- I don’t know.” He started unbuckling his belt. Billy had his dick out, it was only fair if Steve undressed right now too, right? “I want you to pull your belt out completely, and then fold it in half.” Billy told him. “And then you’re gonna spank me, alright Stevie?” Steve’s cock felt impossibly hard. God, he wanted to spank Billy. He pulled his Belt out of the loops and then pulled his jeans down so he could free his own cock. He stroked it a few times before folding his belt. “Say please, Billy.” He said. Billy moaned loudly at that. “Yea, just like that baby. Please hit me!” Steve did as Billy asked and let the cool leather hit Billy’s warm skin. The sound of it was loud. Billy’s moan was too. “Please, Steve, again.” Billy begged. He sounded so needy. How could Steve say no to him? He swung the belt again, and he could see Billy’s ass jiggle a bit after impact. It was too dark to see if his ass was getting red though. Steve didn’t know why, but he hoped so. “Again, please.” Billy sounded like he was crying. Steve hit him one more time, as hard as he could. Billy cried out. Steve got on his knees behind Billy and bent over him. “Do you like that?” he whispered in Billy’s ear. Billy sniffed. Steve was sure the boy was crying now. Shit, did he go too far? “Yes. please give me more. I want your cock.” Billy whined. Steve felt a bit confused. Did Billy get off on pain? Steve didn’t just want to hurt the boy. He put his hands on Billy’s asscheeks and Billy hissed at that. “Sorry, I know my fingers are cold.” Steve sheepishly said. “It’s okay.” Billy mumbled. Steve spread Billy’s cheeks and licked a stripe between them without warning. Billy jolted, crying out again. “Fuck Steve! Fuck fuck fuck!” Steve went back in and messily licked Billy’s hole again. Billy pressed his ass back against Steve’s face. Seemed like pain wasn’t the only thing that got Billy off, luckily. “My god Steve you’re so good at this. Don’t stop, please!” Billy babbled. Steve did as requested and kept eating Billy’s ass. He had done it once before with a girl because she asked him too, Steve had figured boys would like it too, and he had been right. Billy’s thighs started shaking and his moans got higher and breathier. “Fuck fuck fuck, Steve I’m gonna-“ Billy didn’t finish his sentence and let out an obscene moan instead while pressing his ass even harder against Steve’s face. Billy was coming. Steve hadn’t even touched his dick. And speaking of dick touching, Steve was in desperate need of touch too. He sat up and wiped his mouth. “I’m close too.” he said while gripping the base of his dick tightly. Billy rolled over so he could look at Steve. “Fuck, just cum on my face.” he said while trying to pull Steve closer. Steve moaned. “Are you serious?” he asked. Billy nodded. “Please please please, Stevie please.” And Steve couldn’t say no to that. He moved closer to billy and started rubbing his dick. “You’re so fucking huge.” Billy said. “Let me have a taste, please?” Steve nodded. He carefully slid his dick between Billy’s lips and moaned at the warmth. it felt really nice. Billy moaned around Steve’s dick and started bobbing his head. Steve was so close already. “Fuck Billy you’re so hot you know that?” he told the boy. He grabbed him by the hair and started guiding him. Billy followed Steve’s rhythm. Steve carefully tried going deeper and Billy didn’t resist. He just seemed to open his mouth even wider. Steve could see drool sliding down Billy’s chin. It should be gross, but instead it turned Steve on. “You like choking on my dick, don’t you?” Steve hummed. Billy moaned around Steve’s dick in response. Steve took it as a yes. Steve thrusted into Billy’s mouth a few times and then pulled out. “Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He grunted. Billy opened his mouth wide and closed his eyes, ready to receive. Steve stroked himself two more times before shooting his load all over Billy’s face. Some got into his mouth, some stuck to his lashes and some dripped down his chin onto his chest and jacket. Steve moaned at the sight. he flopped down next to Billy and rubbed his face. “Fuck, that was amazing.” he smiled. He heard Billy snicker next to him. “It sure was, pretty boy. But my step sister is waiting for me in my car and I have nothing to wipe my face with.” Billy replied. Fuck, Steve had totally forgotten about that. How long had they been here?
They walked back in silence. Steve had offered Billy his sweater to wipe his face. He still looked like a mess after. Steve almost said something about it a few times but then decided not to. Billy had been whiny and needy, but as soon as it was over he was back to the guy that told Steve to fuck off and leave him alone. Steve didn’t want to risk getting punched in the face or something. 
When they exited the maze Billy went straight to his car, not saying anything to Steve. Steve gave him a little wave even though the other boy wasn’t looking at him anymore. Steve got into his car too and drove home.
“Jesus christ, Billy, what took you so long!?” Max shouted when Billy got into the car. “Does it matter?” Billy asked. Max studied him closer, from the way his lashes clumped together to the stains on his knees. “You’re a whore.” She said, face scrunched up in disgust. “First day here and you already fucked the first guy you came across.” Billy turned towards her. “You shut the fuck up, Maxine.” He hissed. Max pulled back. “Don’t get so close to me with your fucking dick breath!” She screamed. Billy groaned and started the car. “Shitbird.” “Slut.”
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coldmilkcreamery · 3 years
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awkward liaisons
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: osaki shotaro x male reader 🌹💋
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1290
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: both shotaro and y/n are set to debut soon, but neither of them speak korean. they decide to help each other learn korean—and things get spicy.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: none
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: omg first of all, even before you start the fic i am warning u that it’s CRINGY !! that’s why it’s called awkward liaisons LMAO and also,,, hibiscus is korea’s national flower 😋 you’ll see why 👀 also i’m so fucking sorry this took so long, day by day i’m just losing motivation. i am so so so so so sorry and will make it up to all of you !! thank you for requesting anon!
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Being a trainee in SM is tough.
Being a foreigner in SM is tough.
Being able to only speak a morsel of Korean is tough.
But being a foreign trainee in SM, almost unable to speak Korean is even tougher than anything imaginable.
So, when Y/N, 19, a trainee of SM entertainment—fluent in English but illiterate in Korean—is set to join NCT in a few months’ time, all hell breaks loose. In his mind, at least.
“So…” Jaehyun says, confused, “you’ve been training for 2 years but can't speak Korean?”
“And you're set to debut as a new member of NCT in a few months.” Jaehyun continues, cutting him off. “Sorry man, but who in SM actually thought you were ready enough to debut?”
Admittedly, Y/N was a little bruised by the words hurled at him. And admittedly, Jaehyun was right. And with that in mind, all Y/N could do was drill holes on the floor.
Jaehyun scoffs as he makes a 180° and turns his back from the mess that is Y/N.
Unable to walk away, speak even, Y/N leans on the wall, slowly sliding down with his hands on his face, groaning. He feels like shit, and being the naive trainee he is, he believes that he does deserve what he’s feeling.
“Hey,” Y/N looks up, feeling a warm hand on his shoulder, “are you okay?” Y/N is met with one of the most beautiful faces he’s ever been graced with, and much like when Jaehyun broke him down just a few minutes ago, he froze.
“I— uh” The mystery boy says, stammering, “I’m a trainee too and uh, I think—wait, you’re Y/N right? If you are then uh, I think we’re gonna be NCT’s new members… Along with Sungchan of course!”
Y/N doesn’t even know this boy’s name and he’s already met with yet another name, Sungchan. His memory is terrible. Which is also probably why he hasn’t learned Korean yet.
Breaking free from his icy restraints, he speaks up. “I— yeah, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you..?” He questions, raising his palm for the boy to grab.
“Shotaro.” Y/N nods, shaking his hand, “Osaki Shotaro.”
The sound of machines whirring and stirring filled the café’s cold air, only adding to the shop’s aesthetique. The smell of coffee beans lingered and entered Y/N’s nostrils as he heard a name being called. “Two Pumpkin Spice Lattes for Shotaro!” The barista says in Korean, Y/N only catching the word ‘Shotaro’. He mutters a ‘thank you’ in Korean as he holds the beverage carrier tightly, walking out the retro shop, careful not to spill them.
“Pumpkin Spice Lattes? Seriously?” Shotaro asks, more amused than disappointed.
“What?” Y/N says, not looking at the boy as he sets both cups on the table, laying the tray on the wooden bench beside him. “It’s fall! You gotta have one of these.”
“You sound like a white girl.” Shotaro chuckles, earning a scoff back. A swift gust of wind blows the tissue paper away from the top of their to-go-cups, landing the thin sheets on the floor, which, Shotaro stoops over to retrieve.
“Well this white girl has you bending over.”
“Wait… what?” Shotaro says, fluttered.
“Cuz you…” Y/N says, surprised at himself, “The tissue… and… oh my god never mind, I’m sorry”
Sitting in silence, the awkwardness in the air is so suffocating to the point that Shotaro actually starts coughing, Y/N still cringing, thinking to himself that nothing could get even more awkward than this.
Boy, was he wrong.
“Well…” Shotaro says, a tiny idea popping into his mind, slowly manifesting into a plan, “Why don’t we… help each other?”
“Excuse me?” Y/N says, looking around the empty bedroom, then back at Shotaro, who, didn’t immediately notice the sexual innuendo he came up with.
Upon realizing, he stutters. “Oh. Oh! Oh my god, no.” Shotaro says, burying his face in his hands. “I meant,” He continues, voice muffled from his sweater paws, “You said a while ago that you needed help learning Korean… and so do I.” He unburies his face and locks eyes with Y/N once again, “So… I thought we could help each other.” He says, not forgetting the key word, “Learn. Of course.”
“I- uh, yeah, sure, I guess.”
With only a week or two left before their debut, both Shotaro and Y/N have been working diligently trying to learn Korean. There have been ups and downs, some waves of laziness hitting them here and there, but just like Gloria Gaynor said in 1978, they would survive.
“Wait… so 입술 means nose… right?” Shotaro asks, confused.
“No, you dummy.” Y/N says, lightly smacking the other with the thin language book, “It means lips.”
“Oh. Well, 너의 입술 너무 예뻐.” Shotaro says, boldly.
“Dude.” Y/N half chuckles, half blushes, “My lips are not pretty.”
“They are.” Shotaro replies, nonchalantly.
“Prove it then. Kiss me.”
“What?” he replies, chalantly this time.
Y/N chuckles. “That’s what I thought.” He says, turning away from him and facing the creme-colored pages of the Korean book he held. “So, 입술 means lips but the root word ‘입’ means mouth. So when we p—“
His words get cut off as he feels the older’s hand snake up his shoulder, elevating itself until it grazes his cheek. Y/N, surprised, looks to his side as Shotaro leans in and plants him a kiss, right on his lips. Startled, Y/N stays frozen for a second or two before his brain finally registers the fact that Shotaro was kissing him.
Osaki Shotaro was fucking kissing him.
Shotaro’s lips were ecstasy. It tasted sweet, like pure, thick nectar oozing from his mouth—couldn’t get enough. As they made out, it felt as if the gods above have answered their prayers, as if Venus shone her light on them. And as Shotaro pulled away, Y/N found himself leaning towards him too, indirectly indicating that he wanted more.
Both of them sat there, staring at each other, the feeling of blankets and comforters wrapped around their legs. Y/N felt like he was sinking, being sucked in the bed frame, the soft mattress pulling him in.
“I…” Y/N says, slowly, “didn’t… expect you to actually…”
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.”
Y/N locks eyes with him, frozen, his mouth slightly agape once again. “Then…” He says, the syrupy taste of Shotaro’s saliva on his lips, “Do it again.”
The feeling of sugar glacé hit his lips once again, Shotaro closing the gap between them. His lips were addicting, like a dirty sin he couldn’t stop himself from committing, like he was Eve and Shotaro’s lips were the apple from the Garden. It was inevitable.
And with the sounds of wet kisses filling the quiet room, both of them wondered if they would ever even debut properly, not being able to fluently speak Korean. But they weren’t even studying it. Rather, they were studying each other’s lips. And to be honest, it excited both of them even more so.
But they did. They ended up debuting, along with Sungchan. Of course, their Korean wasn’t as great as the latter. There, but very weak. There were even times in their careers when they questioned if they would’ve learned Korean faster if they weren’t distracted during their study sessions.
When they first started helping each other out, they thought they had planted just one, single hibiscus seed, which bloomed, giving them the ability to learn Korean.
But maybe that wasn’t the only thing that blossomed. Maybe something else had sprouted from their awkward liasons.
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 01.23.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
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tiptapricot · 3 years
I’ve been having a lot of Evil Robo BnT thoughts recently, so here’s a bunch of them! This ended up pretty long just as a forwarning djjdjd
Post DeNomolos, Evil BnT are forced to do a lot of self exploration and discovery
They’re two robots from the far future, stuck in the past with each other and the two humongously important historical figures they were not only sent back to kill, but also physically made to look and sound exactly like, with no way back to their own time and no further reason to carry out the mission they were created for
It’s a lot to adjust to
(Three uses of the f-slur near the end in a canon compliant/reclaimed usage context, and implied sexual content, but extremely mild)
It still doesn’t have much of an impact on them at first though, besides some anger and annoyance. They don’t feel emotions in the same way or to the same depth that humans do, so they kind of fall back on: this sucks and that guy was a dick, guess we have to live in the stupid past now, and that’s the extent of it
But they’re also AIs, and AIs learn and grow
They hide out in a cheap apartment for the first few months or so back, going out to steal money to pay for rent and to pick up movies and stuff, but it’s exposure to the world, it’s living. And the more they interact with people, the more media they consume, the more the rigid walls of their programming break down and expand
And that’s when things start getting complicated
Because that’s when things like morals, sense of self, purpose in life, and, to their horror, real emotions start coming into play
Their evil edges start corroding, things stop being as straightforward, and they start developing into their own complex people
Being Bill and Ted with a few glorified descriptors stuck on the front starts feeling… weird, especially when they inevitably end up running into them again and being around them more
Because they’re supposed to be Bill and Ted, but they aren’t, and yet they can’t completely deny the parts of themselves that are….. it’s frustrating
As a first step in both asserting and exploring their individuality, they choose their own names
Evil Bill chooses Willis, or Will for short, and Evil Ted goes with Theoneous, Theo for short
It’s different enough to feel like their own thing, while still appeasing the ingrained itch to take BnT’s place
There are gaps like that, a disconnect/mental dissonance between their consciousnesses and the knowledge that they’re robots, circuitboards and wires and code, like a separation between what they feel is them and what they feel is the robot
That’s an experience that continues as they grow, especially as they try and figure out what to do with their lives. It’s tough sometimes, to figure out where the programming ends and where their own wants and drives begin
They’re the only ones familiar enough with future tech to help each other when they experience technical issues or need repairs, and the only ones they feel comfortable being that physically vulnerable with
It leads to them being kind of codependent, but it’s warranted in a lot of ways
They also naturally stick closer to each other, because even though they grow to have emotions and are able to care about people, they aren’t totally mushy
They don’t get as upset about things, or as excited, and while they form their own kind of love for the people they end up caring about (without admitting it), they’re still never able to connect with humans in the same way they connect with each other
It’s this inherent wall, a difference in how they experience the world
Their forms of affection are machine based, just like how humans are human based. They’ll give each other cold packs when it’s hot or they’ve been moving a lot, they’ll do evening maintenance on each other, chatting while one of them has their hand in the other’s chest cavity, and they jump on each other or bang their shoulders together super hard, because they can’t feel a thing and they’re durable enough for it, and that’s fun to them
That doesn’t really carry over to human interaction though, and a lot of times they end up coming across as cold or mean
They generally have a rougher seeming relationship than most humans. There’s a lot of teasing and insults and slapping, which turns most people off from them, but that’s how they show they’re comfortable (it’s also how they show they don’t like people, but there’s a subtle and meaningful difference there, AKA that they won’t purposefully try to harm the former party)
Robots process sound differently too, for them it’s more of a physical experience than just listening
Will’s guilty pleasure is that he likes to listen to piano (secretly), especially Debussy and other classical that sounds similar. Something about it makes his circuitry feel good and fuzzy and calms him down
He doesn’t feel comfortable telling Theo about it, it still feels like a dumb pussweed thing to be into (plus it continues to make him have some most non metal thoughts about kissing and That’s DEFINITELY not something he can share)
They also both really like death metal. Though they were loosely programmed with the knowledge of BnT’s music taste, it’s not quite their style, and they lean towards the more intense stuff
They do that in most fields though, since it usually takes higher energy stuff to get them going/excited/into something
That’s why they roughhouse a lot, and mess things up, and drive recklessly, it forces their mechanics to process more things more quickly, and as a result gives them their own form of dopamine/adrenaline
Sometimes things backfire, they’ve fucked themselves up accidentally on more then one occasion when stuff goes too far or isn’t what they expect, but they’re always there to patch each other up
When their synth skin gets ripped or torn they don’t always bother to repair it, and underneath there’s a layer of see through hard plastic and their bodies look like those clear case electronics that were popular in the 90s (idea cred to @juiceboxfrog !)
They also have inspector gadget-like telescoping stretch arms at their wrist and ankle joints, but they don’t use those much because they’re unsettling to most humans. Definitely a leg up when they want to climb places the shouldn’t, though (idea cred to @showbiz-za !)
Theo is more prone to needing fix ups than Will, since the extra wiring that was installed for the time and space spanning camera DeNomolos gave him made him more susceptible to short circuiting, over heating, and other glitches
After awhile he just takes his left eye out and leaves it like that, keeping his hair in his face to cover it. It doesn’t do anything for the internal parts of it he still has, but it’s not like it’s a loss. The connection port kept sparking, and it was uncomfortable and kept fucking with his vision, so it wasn’t worth it
Plus he didn’t really like that it used to be a camera… or still could be
One of the things Will and Theo both have to get used to is actually valuing their own privacy and autonomy
When DeNomolos was around they were just his tools, tools that he didn’t even like
They honestly grow to resent him pretty fast, both with his treatment of them, and, when their emotions are especially out of control, his creation of them
They don’t talk about it much, or when they do it’s mainly anger, not addressing or showing the more raw parts they do feel, because that’s still foreign to them, and their circuits weren’t designed to process or understand more complex stuff
Complex stuff like how being around Ted more makes Theo develop a certain… insecurity
It’s not like the connections are hard to make: he looks like Ted, he sounds like Ted, he was meant to be Ted, Ted has a dickweed of a dad, and Theo had a dickweed of a creator, Ted has Bill and Theo has Will
But Theo doesn’t have Deacon
And while he doesn’t want to be exactly like Ted, part of him also does (it was made to). Part of him wants to be human, to have those natural connections and someone to watch over
But he doesn’t and it’s weird*
He tries to ignore it, chalks it up to his drive still attempting to put him on his original track of replacing Ted, and therefore making him more aware of the family roles Ted has
For all he knows that is what it is, he’s just a robot after all
Even though they aren’t really ones for mushy love, Will and Theo do love each other
You can’t not when you know the other person inside and out, literally
They joke a lot about that when they’re doing repairs (“Dude you’re holding my heart, pretty faggy of you.”), and though they laugh, there’s an unspoken intimacy to it, something that sits warm in their wires and goes beyond platonic; something (though they would never describe it as such) loving about getting to take care of each other, and getting to get taken care of
The jokes also stop being jokes after awhile and take on a charge, morphing into unofficial flirting
Eventually that charge sparks, and their relationship becomes a different kind of physical. That’s new, too, a type of exploration neither of them are familiar with, but it’s nice, it’s good, and it’s easier to write off as casual and not meaningful than anything else (for the record I do think this works/plays out different for them than it does for humans, but I will nOt get into that here or anywhere lmao)
That arrangement doesn’t last forever, though, because one night Theo has a bad malfunction that cause him to completely power down, and it sends Will into a panic
It takes him almost an hour to fix the problem and for Theo to reboot, and when he comes back Will can’t stop touching him and checking in and it’s weird
“Why are you so worked up dude, this’s happened plenty of times.”
“Yeah I know you just… you fritzed out and went limp and it freaked me out dude.”
“So? You know this is nothing to worry about. I don’t get why you’re kinda acting like such a pussweed dude.”
“I didn’t know what was wrong! That’s plenty of reason to be fucking worried!”
“Not for you! Not for us! Why the hell do you care so much this time?”
“Because I love you, asshole!”
And then there’s silence, and staring, and then Theo cracks a smile
“Heh, fag.”
Kissing after a confession, as it turns out, makes both of them short circuit, and they wake up three days later still tangled up on top of each other, half falling off the apartment couch
“Y’know… I think we’re both fags now dude,” Will whispers, and they chuckle in the space between their mouths. “I did it first though.”
*he does get this later with Billie and Thea, but that’s a whole separate post
(As one last thing wanted to add that Love Came Along by Pansy Division perfectly encapsulates the vibes of Will n Theo’s relationship to me, AKA something casual and almost humorous while still being super intimate and emotional, so def check it out if you’re ok with suuuuper explicitly sexual lyrics bfgjgfdfg)
Headcanons masterpost
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Zero to Six ~ First Impressions Count - Edited Version. Part 4.
Characters: Four X Zero (OC)
Summary: Zero was the first person to be ‘saved’ by One, she was his first honorary Ghost. Her knowledge in tech meant she got the role of ‘Hacker’ she recruited new team members, looked for missions and locations and made sure every security measure was looked at. You know normal hacker spy stuff. But her tough up bringing meant that if needs be she could fight, she was maybe even better than some people on the team knew. But due to One’s protectiveness over her she had to stay hidden, she was more of an actual ghost than the rest of the team was. This didn’t mean she couldn’t have her fun though, over the months of being with the full team she had formed quite a passionate love/ hate relationship with the handsome Four. Who knows what sparks would fly if they were ever to meet.  Warnings: Slight swearing, some suggestive flirting in later chapters.
Tagg list: (I know this is a edit of my original story but if anyone wants to be tagged let me know.) @raylan-c 
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“Earth to Lilly.” 
Zero barley saw the hand in front of her face, she was too busy trying to not look around the room for Four that her assigned name for the mission didn’t register with her. But when she finally noticed the movement in front of her she looked up to see Five accompanied by the man she entered with. 
“Hi, what would you guys like to drink?” She praised herself for saving it, the guy probably just thought she was having a bad day or something, it didn’t really matter as he stumbled away from the bar, probably too drunk to notice any thing that was going on. 
“You okay?” Five leaned on the bar so she was closer to Zero. She looked towards the back of the room where Four stood now with a pretty blonde on his arm. “Scrubs up well doesn’t he?” 
Zero looked from Four to the beautiful woman in front of her. “You nervous?” 
Zero shook her head, letting out a short laugh. “Why would I be nervous? It’s not like he’s going to ever know who I am, even if he does come over to the bar. He’ll never know he talked to Zero, the infamous hacker.” 
“You two clicked so easily the first time we all met, I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen the same way in person.” Zero picked up a glass and started drying it just to distract herself. 
Suddenly more people came up and crowded the bar around Five, Zero stood up straighter and got back into character. “What would you like to drink Ma’am.” 
“A Tequila on the rocks with a lime would do just nicely.” Five smiled at her, putting her arms onto the bar. Zero just raised her eyebrows but smiled and got started on the drink. 
She finished the drink and slid it across the bar to which Five caught and took a swig, “Keep the change sweetie.” She winked as she threw a few dollars at Zero.
She scoffed as the woman pushed off the bar and made her way back to the sleazy guy who now had his arm around another woman.
“Hey Lilly, will you go change barrel 2, cheers darling.” Her manger for the night tapped her on the shoulder. 
Maybe a trip to the cellar would clear her head of any thoughts of Four, she’d need a clear head to be able to concentrate on the mission in hand. And not to be drooling over Four.
This was the only time she wished she could have her coms on her, the sound of Three’s accent would definitely calm her nervous. She knew there was a chance Four would come up to the bar at some point and with only her and another dude working there was a 50/50 chance he’d come to her to be served.
As she reached the top of the cellar stairs and started to make her way down the hall, the sounds of party goers got louder, and as she turned the corner to go back to her spot behind the bar she stopped dead in her tracks.
Leaning against the bar right where she was suppose to be serving was Four, he was looking around the room analysing who was the best person to get information from no doubt. She couldn’t help but fight for breath as he ran his hand through his slicked black blonde hair, why did this man have to look so fine?
She only snapped back to reality when her bar mate slightly shoved her to move out the way so he could get to the liqueur behind her. She finally worked up the confidence to make her way over to Four so she could take his drink order, when a very beautiful blonde woman walked into his arms, wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his neck. Zero almost froze again out of shock but she was distracted by another man in front of her demanding a drink.
Guess you could say saved by the bell? Once she had served the man she finally made her way over to Four and the woman. She could tell as she got closer that they were flirting, she felt a sudden irritation that, that woman wasn’t her but shook it off when she remembered this was a mission and One would kill Four with his bare hands if he ever started any sort of relationship outside of the ghosts.
“What can I get you both?” The Irish accent was so foreign to her, one of the other things that her and Four had bonded over was that they were both British, so I guess you could say the change in accent was vital to not giving away her identity. She played it off though as Four placed his order without even looked her way. Too distracted by the blonde that was now sucking on his neck like a vampire, this made Zero gag in disgust.
She got to making the order of a big glass of rosé wine and a beer, it distracted her from the rated R scene unfolding in front of her. As she placed the wineglass on the counter the woman finally looked up and saw her alcohol was ready to consume.
“Are you trying to get me drunk sir?” She giggled and leaned into him again.
Zero just rolled her eyes, she placed the beer bottle a little too hard on the counter. A drop of beer flew out over the rim of the glass and splashed on his jacket sleeve and hand. Four’s eyes instantly snapped up to Zero’s, she was taken aback by how deep the green of his eyes were.
She had to take a step back. “Whoops.”  She titled her head, raising a eyebrow as Four just stared at her in shock. Her eyes were momentarily directed to the blonde by his side as she scoffed in disgust at the interaction, or the loss of attention she was now getting.  
Zero just smiled at the woman, then decided to let Four mull over the tiny interaction for a bit as she made her way a little down the bar to serve other people.  All the time she worked she could feel Fours eyes burning into the side of her head, she couldn’t help but laugh at how she knew the blonde was reacting when she caught him staring. She knew there was definitely a connection between herself and Four, It was strong just talking over coms but here right in front of him she felt like she was on fire. The worst thing being that she couldn’t do anything about it, it pained her greatly that he was sat there, right in front of her and he didn’t even know who she was. 
She wondered if he’d felt it too, the electricity between them. By the way he kept looking over at her she had a feeling he had, but she couldn’t rush to conclusions not when One wouldn’t hear any of her pleas to meet the team in person. He either shouted at her or just completely ignored her. As she made her way back to the couple she noticed the blonde woman walking off, she highly doubt she’d leave Four’s side for very long. She probably left to go to the little girls room, Zero took this as a sign to go see if he wanted another drink and if not this was her chance to talk to him without his annoying friend. 
She’d only took two steps in Four’s direction when a hand grabbed her upper arm, she looked at it with a bored expression. Her eyes trailing up the arm to find a very drunk old man, with a red and blotchy face looking back at her.  This is the one thing she didn’t miss about social interaction, the creeps that think they can just lay their hands on woman without permission, she was going to enjoy messing this guy up. 
He leaned over the bar as far as he could. “Get me a drink wench.” He slurred.
She turned to face him calmly. “I suggest you get your hand off of me, and act a bit more respectfully. Do you know where you are sir?” She tried not to show in her voice just how irritated she was. This guy was so drunk he couldn’t even look Zero in the eye without going cross eyed. 
She sensed movement to her right. “She asked you to let go of her mate.” She turned to look at Four who just winked at her.  The cheek of this guy. 
But Zero could handle herself, she’d had two years in seclusion with no fun what was causing a little chaos? Sure One would have something to say about it but she wasn’t scared of him.  She suddenly covered the mans hand with her free hand and pulled his arm until his full body crashed against the bar, it was hard enough to shock the man back to his senses but not enough to make a big scene. He started to struggle and pant against the hard wood, Zero bent down so the guy could see her. 
“When a lady asks you to let her go, you let go.” She let go of him, he shot up and gave her a cold stare. “Learn some manners, or the next woman you piss off won’t let you off so kindly.” He stumbled away but not without muttering a ‘Bitch’ in her direction. 
She knew that Four was still off to the side, she looked over and saw the entertained look on his face. “I’d say thank you but I did all the work, so I won’t.” She said as she cleared some glasses to be washed off the bar. 
“Hey, I was enjoying the show, plus I wouldn’t have stopped you from hurting that ass-hole. Besides, it looked like you had it all under control I was just going to jump in if things got ugly.” He sat back in the stool right in front of where she started cleaning the glasses. 
“Still it wouldn’t be a good night in a bar without a fight would it?” She smiled up at Four only to find him already staring at her in awe, she didn’t know when they had lent in so close to each other. But the moment between them was ruined when the high pitched shrill of the blonde was heard over Four’s shoulder. Zero sighed and moved back again.
“Baby.” She slurred more than she had earlier, Zero was in no doubt she’d taken something in the restroom. “Grab me another wine and come cuddle with me in the booth.” She rested up against him again and give him the ugliest puppy dog eyes Zero had ever seen. 
‘I hope she’s worth the information Four’ Zero thought to herself. The best way of getting information on old rich men was getting his sugar baby drunk and send in a younger more handsome man to seduce her, that was Four’s tactic anyway. 
As soon as Zero put the wine glass on the bar the blonde snatched it up and took a big gulp, she then started to pull Four off to a booth in the back.  Zero wished for more time talking to Four, hell she even wished it was her pulling him off to a dark booth in the back. She shook her head, she’d never have that but it’s okay because she knew One wouldn’t approve anyway.  
Before the blonde could pull Four completely away from the bar he turned to Zero and mouthed a ‘sorry’ paired with a charming smile that made her heart sing.  To her surprised the blonde also turned to look back at Zero, she gave her the slimmest of grins. Like she knew she’d ultimately won Four’s affections, Zero’s only response was to flip her off. To which the blonde scoffed and disappeared into the darker corner of the room. 
Zero’s mind wandered to what Four thought she looked like, if he thought she was like the blonde he would be sourly disappointed. She wanted to ask One if Four had ever enquired about her but she knew the answer she’d get if she ever asked anything about Four. 
Zero served for another hour or so, and it was just her luck that right as her shift was about to end a fight broke out. She thought this was suppose to be a classy place, but then again where there is booze there’s going to be fights.
 She leapt over the bar to try help the other people break it up but in the process she got sucker punched by one of the guys who totally missed his mark.  She fell to the floor but was quickly helped by a nice woman how offered to look at her wound, she declined. Convincing the woman she’d be fine and promising to put ice on it when she got home. 
Zero was making her way to the back exit when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, she stopped just outside the fire exit. It was One calling for a debrief in one of the hotel kitchens. The text must have been meant for only her and Five, so she made her way out of the exit and found the backpack with a change of clothes she’d hidden as she’d come in.  She changed into some black leather pants, a black top with long mesh sleeves and a leather jacket. She took the wig off, ruffling out her naturally short hair and stuffed it in the backpack with everything else then tossed it into a nearby dumpster. 
She set off and rounded the front of the building, entering the main lobby like a normal guest she was supposed to be.  When she finally entered the back kitchen she was relived to only see Five, who turned and looked at Zero when she closed the door behind her. Her face soon fell to shocked, like she wasn’t expecting her to be there Zero was about to ask what that was all about but Five rushed forwards. 
“Zero your lip!” It was only in this moment that Zero felt the wetness on her chin, she reached a hand up only to pull it away and see the crimson liquid on her finger tips. “Here take a seat.”  Zero did as Five asked and hoisted herself up on a counter top. 
Five turned and walked away, only returning in front of Zero when she had located the medical kit.
She was cleaning the blood off of Zero’s chin with what she assumed was a septic wipe when One appeared in the kitchen, he took one look at Zero then went feral.  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” 
Taken aback at his sudden outburst, Zero held her hands up. “Woah! what do you mean what am I doing here? You sent me a text to meet in the kitchens!” 
“What! no I didn’t, I only sent that to the rest of the team.” Zero held up her phone to show One he definitely sent her the text. 
He swore under his breath and proceeded to barrel towards her. “You need to leave! right now!.” But before he could get her off the surface of the work top they all heard laughter and talking coming towards them from the hall.
One backed off, run his hand through his hair, nervous at the events that were about to unfold. 
“I’m telling you! you should have seen it, it was like she was sucking the soul out of his body. She was literally eating his face.” Three laughed as he held the door open for Two and Four. “Poor Four didn’t know what to do with himself, the only action he’s seen recently is over coms with Zero!” Three poked a red faced Four in the chest while laughing at his discomfort.   Both were blissfully unaware of the three people standing behind them panicked, this wasn’t suppose to happen, Zero was never meant to be the same room with the full team, she didn’t even have time to process how happy she was to see her only family finally in front of her.
As his laughter died down, Three and Four turned to the middle of the room. Three hosting himself up on a counter and Four leaning on the door frame. Two had been seizing Zero up the moment she stepped into the room, typical of an ex spy always fully alert. Zero thought to herself that she wouldn’t be at all surprised if Two knew exactly who she was. 
When it finally registered, the whole room went silent the whole team just stared at Zero, even Five had stopped patching Zero’s lip up, she looked at her for help but Five suddenly found the floor to be extremely interesting. The only person not looking was One, who was leaning over a table most likely trying to come up with a solution to this disaster.
Out of everyone in that room she had expected Two to be the one to make the first move, she was however shocked when it was Four who spoke up. “Are we just not going to discuss the stranger in the room? Why is the bartender here?” So he recognised her, he tilted his head cutely as they stared each other down. This little shit also had the audacity to smirk at her. “and why is Five giving her first aid?” 
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taytocrispy · 3 years
hello bnha tumblr, meet my new oc :))
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Management Course Student, Romi Ibesen
Quirk: Mountain Sheep [mutant]
it doesn't leave much to the imagination!
some characteristics of his quirk include,
incredibly tough skin around his hands, arms, legs and feet. he doesn't have any feeling in his fingers, nor his toes or soles of his feet. the rest of his body is rather thick-skinned as well!
horns: he has the horns of a mountain ram! these horns are also very tough and require regular maintenance.
he grows out a thick coat of wool, which he keeps short during the summer to avoid heatstroke. he lets it grow out for the colder months, and some of his peers (jokingly) reckon he could survive the arctic winter
of course, he has the tail of a sheep! there's baby pictutes of him when he still had a lamb's tail; he gets a lot of attention whenever the baby pictures are revealed :)
those eyes. look at those eyes. they mean no harm. until you bother him, maybe.
minor detail. he has the head of a sheep
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General Information :
Name: Romi Ibesen
he is a foreign exchange student from northern Europe! he still has some trouble with speaking Japanese coherently, but he's steadily improving!
Age: 16 years, first year student
he applied for the management course with the ambition of establishing two successful agencies; a hero agency, and a support agency. he is studious and dedicated, but he is very much a social butterfly, a trait that furthers his potential immensely.
Birthday: January 21st. yes. he missed the dates of Capricorn by one day.
although his coursework subjects don't demand any physical input, suchlike the hero course or support course, he maintains a healthy physique and generally relaxes by going for a run or listening to music.
stronk arms
he is 6'0½" ! tall boy :)
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Random Headcanons! :
he prides himself in creating good friendships and ties between his class and students from both the hero course and support course! and of course, some of the business class and general studies student body are fond of him also
he has an entire wardrobe of woollen/knitted jumpers that he brought from home, his notable favourite being an Aran Jumper (not quite from his homeplace, but further west of Europe). you will often see him wearing them during the late autumn months, and all through winter, and maybe until early spring. he has an undying love for his origin country's culture
it comes without shock that he has become close friends with class 1-b's Pony Tsunotori! along with sharing products for the upkeeping of their horns, they like to discuss the cultural differences between America and Japan, vs Scandinavia and Japan. Romi is confident in speaking fluently in English, and Pony adores his accent :)
he is often calm-natured, despite his sometimes intimidating and outwardly appearance. he's often very direct when speaking, although he does have a habit of rambling when he becomes unfocused. noticeably, he also has a habit of using his hands to gesture while speaking! especially when he's excited!
dont get on his bad side. please. he will assert himself and he will make his point. and it will be very clear to you that you have annoyed him.
bakugo hasn't seen anything before he's seen this dude. things are going to be ironed out straight for this mf when Romi gets his hands on him
he will appear to look even fluffier when he's angry, or even sometimes when he's proud of himself. it's like gravity disappears from his wool. you know how a frightened kitten would puff up its fur? just imagine that with wool
broths and stews. he loves them. also, soups and warm drinks
it goes without saying that his favourite season is winter,, he enjoys autumn very much too 🍂
dont let him go near an oven. or a microwave. not even a toaster— actually, just don't let him go near any cooking appliance. there will be fire.
he can actually play the guitar! he prefers acoustic guitar, but he also has experience on electric :) no feeling in your fingers means no learning barriers, and apparently he took that to heart. unfortunately, a string on the acoustic he has in his room broke while he was playing a couple months ago, and procrastination has stopped him from repairing it and playing. these management students have busy lives...
that being said, it is true— against popular belief— that he is typically messy and unorganised. not so much that he's scrambling for a hold on every aspect of his life, but he does struggle with punctuality and remembering arrangements and events. timed/deadlined assignments are the bane of his being.
he would die for contact. he is very keen for hugs and general human (hah) contact, despite (once again outlining) his tough appearance and low baritone voice. you have not experienced a hug before you've been held by Romi <3
he is stubborn. very headstrong. he rarely wavers from his desires, and is stone-set sure on his dreams. you will need to push him very hard to get him to admit he's wrong. he means well,, but don't break his temper.
you hear a loud clatter from the kitchen, and a string of Norwegian curse words are shouted and sworn in vengeance. he caught his tail in a drawer. poor boy
he will do anything for his class. you better watch your back if he hears you criticising one if his classmates. he's not the only person who feels like this in the management course student body. management students together strong.
physically unable to whisper, unless he is relaxed and/or half asleep. he is loud, putting it simply! you could probably hear him from one end of campus to the other if he put his vocal chords to work. (not really, that's an exaggeration lovie—)
he fucking dies in the summer. he shears off most of his wool just before the warm weather starts, leaving some around his neck and upper chest, and cuts it short around his waist. he would never shear his tail. it's a serious once-a-year job, and you best believe he will be depressed for the entire summer if he ends up looking like a rat that had cotton glued to it
no, shearing does not mean going completely naked. it's just shaved down to be short enough to not trap heat, but he would still be soft to the touch.
shorts and tank tops. life savers. he will sometimes break out the sleeved poncho, it's as light as a cape, but it covers almost everything. the sleeves are a bit short for him, since it's typically a feminine article of clothing, but he will forever be grateful for his classmate that suggested it
(he wears ponchos often in the autumn too. the poncho in the first + second images is not the long one i just talked about. maybe we'll see it soon c: )
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oh boy. he must have encountered a bakugo
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cherriesink · 3 years
Suwa - Murmurs
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Murmurs are snippets of character reflection earned by increasing Explore Points during Exploration. They usually include 6-7 monologues about other characters and 3-4 monologues about things important to the specific character.
These lines are taken straight from the English translation of the game, so fair warning of bad grammar.
About Yatsufusa “Yatsufusa is a lucky dude. Those like him die instantly when they turn into a vampire. I know that from experience. We rescued him, Tenman-ya sheltered him, and Ishikawa showed him the way. An extremely lucky one. He’s like Kurusu how he doesn’t want to kill anyone.
But Kurusu is an A-Class after all. Most vampires avoid him in the first place even if he whines. But Yatsufusa is a C-Class like me... He can die if he lets his guard down.
Well, it’s none of my business. We both like watchin’ plays, so it’s not like I don’t wanna help him out. Only I can teach him hoe to fight as a C-Class. Ambushing and sneak attack is my style. Kill them cold with a cunning, silent, calm attitude. It’s best if the vampires don’t even realize that they’re dead. 
Though, I did mess around with them when I was young. That was when I got the nickname “Vampire Hunter.””
About Kurusu “Dear Kurusu is physically A-Class but naïve on the inside. I bet he never went through things like being attacked by a human being, or takin’ shelter in an abandoned house and freakin’ out to a ray of sunlight comin’ in from the cracks. Not even... having to kill anyone for their blood...
A vampire that’s cushioned by the military the moment he got infected and has blood supplied to him without killin’ anyone, huh...
I’ve been alive for some time, but I’ve never seen a vampire like him. He’s no vampire. He’s a complete human inside. I don’t mean to nag him sayin’... “Young ones these days.” Coz those are for geezers that are good for nothin’. Live as long as me, and naggin’ at new things and era becomes stupid.
An era where vampires fight for the government- then so be it. That’s all.”
About Maeda “You bump into guys like Maeda when live long like myself. Most of them die miserably. Guys like him are prepared to die even when they have the privilege to live. Not even a samurai in the Edo period was so bold as him. 
After all, Japan lived in peace for 300 years. Most of them died without havin’ to risk their own lives for somethin’. I haven’t seen those strong determined eyes in so long. If you wanna know the secret to longevity, that is to avoid any trouble with that kind. Even if you’re above them, they might turn on you with somethin’ outrageous. 
I battled a guy like Maeda once, but he almost chopped my head off. He was a famous swordsman... but I forgot what his name was.”
About Yamagami “Yamagami is useless. His vampire detectin’ skills are even useless. Cos we have Kurusu on our side. They sense us by the time Yamagami detects them. Not to mention that- I’m quite famous between vampires. 
So, Yamagami has to be on his own. But even if he detects a vampire, he’s unranked... meanin’ he can’t fight. He clings to things like honor and human kindness. And even to his wife... Kurusu can’t perform at his best because cos he covers up for Yamagami.
Can’t say we need Yamagami on our team as Code Zero. It’s not like he can do experiments behind the scene like Takeuchi so... just make him be our janitor.”
About Takeuchi “I’ve lived for quite some time but never met a vampire like Takeuchi before. Most of us fall into despair right when we become a vampire. The reason is simple. Being told that we can only consume blood, not being able to go under the sun, and end up sinkin’ in water. Just when you think it can’t get worse- we cannot die. That’s where most of us lose it and scream our heads off.
But him, Takeuchi- I heard that guy rejoiced. He yelled, “I can research forever!” I never heard of a vampire like that. Forget about all the nonsense about young ones being so spineless. He’s probably a subspecies of humankind IF he was human to start with...
Anywho, I wish he’s stop usin’ his skunk ball. Even the deodorize mask can’t block the smell if he uses it too much. 
But I like these daggers. They fit my style. Who knows how he makes them, but they’re durable and the best.”
About Defrott “Defrott- I haven’t seen a foreign vampire in a long time. My hair stood on end when I first met him. It was my first time seeing an S-Class and also an underaged vampire surviving for hundreds of years.
...He must be intelligent. Stayin’ young stands out so we can’t stay in one place for a long time. Judging by his appearance, people will start noticing him if nothin’ changes about him for three years. So he has to change his hideout every three years with a decent reason for a kid to be on his own...
A lot of underaged vampires will act with a grown one or threaten humans to act as their guardian- It’s a derogatory term, but we call those kinds “Parasites.” 
But Defrott chose to parasite on theater. A theatrical company will go on tours from one place to another. And he can disguise with makeup. Smart choice. But the smartest decision is that he doesn’t attack humans for whatever reason.” 
About Tenman-ya “Tenman-ya is like a sanctuary for vampires that wanna live as normal people. I heard vampires also have national traits. It’s said that Japanese vampires are quiet... but maybe they’re just timid. They’re probably hesitant of attacking people. 
I never cared, but some bragged that they’d only attack criminals... But there aren’t that many criminals out there, so they ended up attackin’ innocent people. 
During the end of the Edo period, there were those that impersonated Sonno Joi and attacked the supporters of the Shogun. It was entertaining watchin’ them take advantage of politics.
...Well, vampires made different excuses in order to get blood. But I guess the way Tenman-ya does it by payin’ vampires with blood suits Japanese vampires the best.”
About Code Zero “Vampires don’t act in groups unless they exceptionally get along with each other. They’ll stand out, and it’ll usually end up in a fight if you’re with someone for hundreds of years.
But it seems that vampires act together nowadays. They must be afraid of the Taisho era... the era where everything changes in a spilt second. That’s why they lean on each other. 
Well, I don’t blame them... I’m livin’ with a group of vampires under the roof of Code Zero myself. Which I never would have imagined 100 years ago. But lifestyle changes with time.
But man, it was crazy after the Edo period came to an end. I enjoyed it, but it must’ve been tough for those who saw it differently.”
About the Past “How old am I- I have no when I was born. There weren’t newspapers back then or a custom celebrating birthdays. It became easier when the western calendar came in. Peasants and merchants weren’t familiar with the names of eras either. 
When I told Takeuchi that I was tortured to death by vampires that snuck in with the missionary, he said, “That must be the Azuchi-Momoyama period.” So I just go with what he told me.
Kurusu asked, “What was it like in the Edo period?” but... I have no idea how long the Edo period lasted. Besides, I didn’t read newspapers so it’s not like I knew about what went on in the human world.
But there were many fires in Edo. Vampires can’t stand the heat so, there weren’t many vampires in Edo. Vampires at the time only had the choice of livin’ in the mountains. Cos people live in villages. If not, it’s under the temple’s jurisdiction according to what I learned in temple school...”
About the Height “My height... I’m fine being a vampire, but couldn’t they have wait for another two, three years before they bit me? The length of your limbs do impact in a battle. Takeuchi was sensible enough to make these boots with thick soles... but I can tell he also sees my height as a disadvantage. It’s the only pain I feel.
...Edo was a good time for me. There were less watchmen on patrol. Now, the Imperial Capital is full of police, and I’d get questioned if they see a kid like me walkin’ around at night. It’s annoyin’. The Special Forces Unit 16 and Code Zero are top-secret units, so they still suspect me even when I tell them where I belong to...
Oh, I can just have Yamagami tag along with me! Finally, he’s useful at somethin’.”
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wingsofackerman · 4 years
Sooo this might be a long request if you’re down?? Maybe where reader is transferring/ studying abroad and is from murica and shes kind of a bad ass. Resting bitch face, idgaf attitude, doesn’t let herself get yelled at so when bakugo yells at her she yells right back and he’s like ???? And ends up liking her. (Also a plus if you add that she’s curvy asf and has that 🍑🍑) 😌 Tysm I love your writing 😌
|| Hi there!! You're my first ever request! Thanks for requesting, and I hope you like what I wrote for you~ ❤ Sorry for the grammatical and typographical errors. ||
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Everybody in Class 1A is thrilled once they hear that a new student will be coming for today, but Bakugo doesn't seem concerned and was nonchalant in his seat. Not like it matters- Will it even contribute for him to achieve being the number one hero? Definitely a no.
Once Aizawa entered, everyone settled back to their seats- giddy of meeting their new classmate. Mineta was already imagining perverted things about meeting whoever this new classmate will be. 
"Alright. Settle down..." He mutters sluggishly, leaning against the teacher's table, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'm sure you've heard about our new student, and I want you to behave." He instructed. "She's from America but she's no different to us. Do you understand?" 
Everyone answered positively, aside from Bakugo who just grumbled under his breath- "Just get this over with..."
Aizawa called you in with a nod to which you entered inside the class without any hesitation. Everyone looked at you in awe- well, aside from Bakugo who was too busy looking out of the window. You look really good- so foreign yet so beautiful. You have beautiful [h/c] hair, a pair of [e/c] eyes, and some pink plump lips. Your body was to die for as well- so thick, so curvy. It definitely caught Mineta and Kaminari's perverted attention. 
"My name's [y/n] [l/n]." You introduced yourself monotonously, chewing on a gum. They immediately thought that you were the cold type. Well, you really are. Despite how beautiful you are, you always had a resting bitch face on, and you never really gave a fuck about your surroundings. You have a tough personality, proving yourself to everyone that you aren't weak, and you won't just let anyone drag you down. 
The tone of your voice definitely caught Bakugo's attention. His crimson eyes glancing towards you with his chin propped against his hand. 
"Alright [y/n]. There's a space right beside Bakugo, you may seat there." Aizawa instructed, pointing towards the spot right beside a boy with blond spiky hair and a big frown on his face. He was attractive actually- just that, he doesn't seem approachable. (Not like you're approachable as well, but you're definitely friendlier than him) 
Your classes were great. Despite seeming like a bitch, everyone still approached you and introduced themselves excitedly. Of course you find it really nice and sweet, thinking that they might hate you with the way you introduced yourself. 
Over time though, you befriended Mina and Ochako. You expected that you'll be able to befriend your seatmate, Bakugo- but no. As expected, the asshole is unapproachable. You don't talk to him though, so that's that. 
But one day after lunch, you and Mina were teasing each other- pushing each other while laughing when you accidentally bumped onto his table. 
"Oh! I'm sorr--" 
"Watch it, bitch!" He snapped before you could even apologize, glaring at you. You were baffled by his reaction. Of course you didn't let that slide. You won't let anyone lash out at you just like that.
"I said, I'm sorry asshole!" You snapped back, glaring at him. 
He was completely taken aback, furrowing his brows as he stared at you. No one dared to snap back at him- well, not one of the girls that is, so he was really surprised. 
"Fuck you." He hissed, turning away from you. 
You rolled your eyes, huffing. "Fuck yourself."
Ever since then, both of you had been bantering against each other- yelling and taunting each other that the class had gotten used to 
One time though, Kirishima was teasing Bakugo. "Aye, Bakugo... At this state, you might start liking her." His friend nudged him, smiling teasingly. 
It's already expected that Bakugo will glare at Kirishima, even hit him with his quirk but, what's unexpected was the way his face turned red. 
"Watch what you're saying- Its disgusting!" He retorted, rolling his eyes. "As if I'll like that dumbass." 
Kirishima just laughed- knowing so well that he got him right on the spot. 
It only took days for you to settle down thanks to your classmates. Bakugo might be a pain in the ass, but you also find it fun bantering with him- most especially when he's the one losing. Through bantering with him though, you slowly started getting to know him, spending time together (not really in peace though, but still- ) sometimes finding him adorable when he blushes whenever you retort something embarrassing. Plus, he looks really charming when he’s quiet or whenever he’s studying.  You could see how determined he is with his studies and goals. 
Weeks passed by, and aside from Mina and Ochako, you got close to Todoroki as well. He's a nice and calm dude, unlike a certain someone. There are times where you and Todoroki will have study sessions together- sometimes joking around as well. It was fun actually. 
Bakugo noticed how you and Todoroki get along so well- and for some reason, it was pissing him off. You spent less and less bantering with him which was kind of new to him? Everyday both of you will be at each other’s throat, but now, you’re with that half and half bastard. Were the two of you dating? The thought made Bakugo groan, rolling his eyes- He doesn’t care if you do. Or does he? 
Back at the dorm, you were on your way to your room. You were busy fiddling with your phone that you didn't notice that Bakugo was standing by the hallway. 
"Oi, shit-face!" He called out. You were surprised by that booming voice, immediately turning around to see Bakugo glaring at you. His crimson eyes boring into you. 
You glared at him once you realized what he called you. "Piece of shit." You stuck your tongue out childishly before turning around to walk back to your room when he suddenly grabbed your hand and pinned you against the wall. 
"What the fuck? Bakugo!" You gasped, attempting to push him away with all your strength but he didn't budge.
His arms were caging you between the wall and him. The way his eyes intensely stared at you and the proximity between the two of you made your cheeks heat up. What was he doing? Is he going mad? Is he really going to kill you now? You've called him worse nicknames than 'piece of shit', and this what made him sensitive? 
"Are you and that half-and-half bastard dating?" He asked. His voice harsh and sharp. His glare was almost slicing you to pieces. 
Now you totally didn't expect that. You didn't know how to react and just stared at him in disbelief. Then, only for you to realize that this guy must've been jealous whenever you and Todoroki spend time together.
A smirk slowly creeps onto your lips while looking at him. "Why? Are you jealous, Bakugo?" 
His eyes widened, and his cheeks and ears turned red. "The fuck you talking about?! Of course not!" He yelled, stepping away from you and covered his face with his palm. 
You cocked up a brow in amusement, shrugging nonchalantly. "Alright then~" You were about to go again, when he immediately grabbed your hand. There was a satisfied smirk on your lips before you turned around to face him. 
"What?" You asked, trying to look as innocent. 
"Fine! I am jealous! Happy now, bitch?!" He snapped- his cheeks turning even redder as he gripped your hand tighter. For some reason, you wanted to giggle and laugh- finding him so adorable right now. 
"No. I'm not dating Todoroki. Happy now, asshole?" You retorted teasingly, smirking at him. He looked at you-- staring at you. Something definitely stirred inside you that almost made your heart leap out of your chest. The way he was staring made you feel a little self-conscious so you pried your hand off of his hold. 
"Now that you know… Let me go have some rest." You told him before you started walking towards your room. You only took a few steps when he called you again. 
"[y/n]!" It was the first time that he called you by your name which made you smile. You turned around, looking at him. 
"Be my girlfriend."
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