#General Update
horrorhot-line · 4 months
So Uh
i’m back again after my long hiatus partly due to writer block, mostly cause i’ve had no time and finally i’m settling to a good routine. i will still be writing saiki k fanfiction but wanted to know if anyone was interested in love and deep space? (if you don’t know PLEASE do yourself a favour and look it up, you won’t be disappointed i promise). i’m planning on writing fanfics based off of the characters (xavier, zayne and rafayel), anyone excited or have requested? lemme know <3
(shamelessly asking for requests because your ideas give me motivation)
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unorthodoxx-page · 1 year
So did you get burned out on Tale of Spirits or is the next chapter just really fighting you and giving writers block.
It’s been a mix of things if I’m honest. Health, work and like most people have guessed, general writers burnout. That’s basically why my chaptered fics are on hiatus. I’m also trying to focus on my personal writing, but even that’s been a fight. I don’t really have the energy for anything other than one-shots.
It’s been a creative struggle on all fronts. I’m working on things now, trying to get back in a better space, but expect one-shots for a while, if anything. Sorry for the bleak update, but I’m slowing trying to get back into things.
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elysianfiction · 1 year
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The twine release for the prologue is done!
Play it here and a full disclaimer under the cut!
While it doesn’t include new content, I shall now work on updating the game there instead of following my original dashingdon plans.
Please note that I’m very new at this and there’s a high chance (read 99%) that something won’t work properly. In fact, the main reason as to why I decided to publish the prologue without waiting for chapter one was exactly to receive some feedback/fix any bugs early (which helps me understand coding better, that’s my learning process.)
As of now the game has a light interface, but I plan to add a toggle switch for a dark theme as soon as a figure out how to do that (somebody save me orz) and some side menus are empty, since I really need to work on the text before doing anything else.
The game is better played on desktop, sadly I need to figure out how the mobile interface looks. Coding wizards, save me. orz
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ramonag-if · 1 year
Quick IRL Update
Hello lovely people 😊
This is really just a heads-up that I'm going to start working daily for the next month (possibly longer) for my actual job aka being a lawyer from tomorrow. That means I likely won't have Chapter 7 ready by April due to being at court and doing lawyerly things 😆
I will still be working on stuff for my Patrons and doing other fun stuff planned, and hopefully I can work on the game when I get time during the weekends.
For now, Chapter 6 will still be released as normal and once I get into the hang of balancing real life with my writer life, I should start getting back into things.
As ever, thank you for being so supportive and kind 😊 I really fell in love with writing again after years of writer's block and in part, it is because of your lovely comments and words of encouragement 💖
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nmikaelsonimagines · 8 months
Jumping back on here for a hot minute to let you all know that I'll be at Liverpool Comic Con this weekend and will be meeting the below peeps:
Love of my life JENSEN ROSS ACKLES
Queen of Hell RUTH CONNELL
Badass blonde SAMANTHA SMITH
Werewolf cutie DJ QUALLS
Inspiration for this blog JOSEPH MORGAN
I know it's been a while but I needed to get it out of my system. I hope you're all good - those of you still here.
Love you all xxx
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madhatterplushies · 3 months
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Trying to remember to post more haha
Working on a bunch of gastly charms today :D These ones are the pastel version and there's a handful of classic colour charms just out of frame.
For news generally- I've been working on a new website/shop!!
I really haven't been super happy with my emailing or webhosting services and I've been struggling with shopify's 'app store' labyrinth for a good while. On the advice of a friend I decided to check out squarespace and I'm loving the website building so far. They explicitly included my highest demand features built right in and I really hope the shop back-end holds up the same standards 😭🙏
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awkwardgtace · 14 days
Small update. Working on something for mermay. Hope to have it done soon. It might be late. Also melody and kyrie Kaiju au is probably gonna be put on pause this year too, but i might give you a sneak peek at it in june!
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androidboy · 2 months
EX roomie’s room is a disaster even with all her stuff gone. gonna be moving into it and it’s holes and stains in carpet that remained despite us spending the night cleaning it. she texted me from her boyfriend’s phone because she blocked my number again
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tightjeansjavi · 3 months
I’m not gonna have chapter 7 of the rite of movement finished for today like I planned 🥲
I’m not even halfway through, and I just feel deeply unmotivated and I’m afraid that it’s not gonna turn out the way I have envisioned it to be thus far 😔
My new goal is to have it posted by the end of the week and I am still working on my plus!sized readers masterlist to have that posted sometime soon :)
I’m seeing love lies bleeding tonight w a friend and I’m super excited and I leave for Virginia in 4 days!!!
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garmadaddylikey · 4 months
Totally not me starting a Tumblr war with my EX-General #3!!!
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For all of you wondering why I am planning to fire @wisteriixa, here's the post: THE UTTER DISRESPECT
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bestfurryhusband · 4 months
A quick note about georgesquares
Alright I keep seeing in the notes and elsewhere so I'm going to say something about it.
I am aware of the controversy surrounding The Smoke Room writer georgesquares (here's a twitter thread detailing some of the allegations against him. tw: abuse)
Characters from the smoke room being a part of this poll is not an endorsement of georgesquares nor do i want to defend him in any capacity. This poll is simply just a fun way for us to talk about our fav furry husbands.
If george was the only person to have worked on the smoke room then i would have removed his characters from this poll without hesitation.
Ultimately I am making this post to say that I am aware of the controversy around the smoke room and i am not attempting to defend or platform georgesquares by including characters from something he has worked on
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kaygee-doodles · 11 months
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First things first: Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who reached out, who bought a commission, who gave without asking anything in return, and those who just checked in to see if I was okay. I am genuinely shocked and humbled by the support I received.
Good news: Thanks to all of you, I managed the down payment for a new compressor, and no longer live in a 86F + humidity sauna. I've spent the past week and a half laying under the various A/C vents around my house and basking in the artificially cooled air and making sure my reptiles are none the worse for the temporary indoor heatwave.
Now, for where we are and where we're going: Commissions!
I have a lovely list I'm using to keep up, and the roster is as follows:
G&D Chapter Sponsor: 1500 words Currently In Progress
A doodle of a creachur of my choosing
A Dust doodle
A doodle of a personal AU version of Red Currently In Progress
A swapfell (fellswap?) (emotional)hurt/comfort, NSFW story : 2500 words.
I've never had to juggle a list of commissions before, so I sure hope I'm doing this right!
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chordsykat · 4 months
I think I might of missed the new Dethkomik update, but I love that your doing Varulv again! Keep up the comics Miss Kat!
Thanks, bud! Glad to have you back for the new comics :) I thought it'd be a little longer, but at this point, I think I'm going to release a new VARULV update sometime around next weekend. Currently, there is no new dethkomic happening, but that's not going to be the case for long.
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Our engineers (me) are hard at work, gearing up to bring you a very special dethkomic one-shot, the first update of which will drop on Valentine's Day, with the rest of the story to follow in rapid-fire succession, thereafter. If you've been wondering what Baen-Shee were doing during AotD, then this will be the story for you! At present, it's about 18 pages total, so expect it to be almost the size of a single issue of regular-Dethkomic.
I haven't announced a release date for Dethkomic III yet, but that will be coming as well, at a later point this year. :)
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palettepainter · 10 months
As well as the Mayhem posters coming sometime after the holidays are over (fingers crossed!), I’ll also be opening up my commissions again!
It’s been a long time since I opened up my commissions and I want to try and get back into the swing of accepting a few every month. 
There’s also a chance I might have to save up for a new tablet. I use a Wacom tablet and have done for a long time now (ever since I started digital art), and recently it’s been having issues sensing when I’m using the pen. The tablet registers the pen is there and that I’m using it, but the cursor doesn’t move on my laptop screen
This might be an issue with my tablet cable rather then the table itself, but regardless saving up some extra money doesn’t hurt!
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crepuscular-coyote · 5 days
Recently I was diagnosed with PTSD which isn't much of a surprise. But something interesting that my therapist told me is that he thinks the werewolf part of me is a result of severe dissociation and depersonalization.
I don't really know how to feel about that.
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madhatterplushies · 2 months
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Working on some Makar plush today ☘️
Finished up a ton of the keychains I had prepped, still working on the website/shop and finishing taxes 💀 (but none of that makes for good pictures lol)
For personal news, I also got my official name change papers today :D
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