#Giant bolt plush
toyarchive · 27 days
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Disney - Giant Bolt
Features: A huge high quality plush dog with embroidered eyes, eyebrows and pawpads. He has a fabric collar with a shiny soft name tag.
Size: 76cm long (Jumbo plush)
Date: Unknown (I think either 2008 or 2010)
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sakuramoussy · 10 months
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I honestly can't remember if my earliest Pokemon game was Pokemon Heartgold or if it was Blue Rescue Team, but the mystery dungeon series will be forever one of my favorite game series in existence.
I mostly remember my playthrough where I played a Skitty named Mittens with her partner, Charmander (unnamed, I think), though I decided to use my first ever team for this artwork instead. I remember the first time I played; imagine me as a little girl doing the PMD quiz to decide what pokemon I am and getting... Machop. LOL.
Little kid me REALLY loved Pikachu, like I had a Pikachu pillow from ToysRUs that was very well loved. That said, my bestie and I both reset our games to get ourselves to both play as Pikachu. Her partner, Bulbasaur, and mine, Charmander.
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lustylita · 3 months
Un-Comfort zone headcannon idea w/ Alastor:
Gender-neutral Reader as well! ♡
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Picture this, if you will; You're walking into the foyer of the hotel occupied with reading/ jotting down ideas for Charlotte and Vaggie for the next rehabilitation group activity. You're not exactly paying attention to the direction you’re walking in, Angel-Dust and Husk notice this; but choose not to say anything, really wanting to see how it plays out.
Alastor is sitting on one of the many plush couches in the room, calmly reading the paper while indulging in his routine coffee break. Looking up from the paper, Alastor notices you approaching him rather quickly. Not yet releasing that you're not aware of him, he goes to say hello but is stunned into silence as he watches with wide eyes, mouth slightly ajar – you stumble on your own feet and fall right into him.
After tripping you’re frantically trying to stabilize yourself before you fall into Alastor’s upper chest, you quickly find purchase on one of Alastor's shoulders with one hand and the back of the couch by his head with the other, you're so focused on not face-planting into his shoulder that you don't even realise you've caged the overlord to you. Finding the courage you look up at him - inhaling sharply in shock as your nose brushes against his own.
Staring wide-eyed at Alastor for a few moments, you take a hasty step back and pick up the discarded clipboard quickly throwing it at a laughing Angel-Dust in pure embarrassment, a red hue rising from your neck and settling over your cheeks and ears as they fold back against your head. Husk gives you a sympathetic look as you immediately turn-heel and bolt out of the foyer towards the main staircase, all while frantically screaming rushed apologies at the still-tense sitting overlord.
Paper and coffee long forgotten, Alastor's suddenly sprinting after you with a giant strained smile. Which, in all honesty... makes you scream with pure terror throughout the hotel, it also motivated you to run at speeds you didn’t even know you could achieve.
A/n: Listen, I think this would be hilarious, and I also don't think he'd kill you either... If anything, I think after Alastor calms down and thinks about the situation again, he'd make a point to burst your comfort-bubble frequently after this. Just appearing nose to nose with you, his sly grin widening as he deeply enjoys your surprised screams. I can also see this becoming a regular thing after both you and Alastor get used to each other. You actually get the courage to try and throw him off sometimes, keyword here being 'try'...
I'll let you guys decide who's who:
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bimbosanddolls · 2 months
Hello! Assuming biology, physics, reality/realism wasn't an issue, what would your ideal bimbody look like?
Ooh, good question! I'd def have tits bigger than my head, like impossibly perky plastic funbags bolted onto my chest. Probably some super plush lips that people couldn't help but fantasize about kissing or having used other places. Amazing long lashes to make my eyes look nice and big (and dumb)
I'd want a soft, athletic body. Not a lot of definition, but smooth and doll-like. Paired with a giant bubble butt and yummy thighs. Oh, and probably some long pink hair, probably in waves or cute twintails?
Lemme share like, a mood board of pics that would make the perfect Kiki.
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queenendless · 6 months
💜❤️‍🩹Because You Live (Toji Fushiguro x Adult!Fem!Reader)❤️‍🩹💜
A/n: It finally happened ... wtf? Blame Sage's Rain on YT and his Toji video for making me feel so bad for Toji.
Its my first time writing just Toji stuff and it may not be the best but I got inspired and needed to put something out so there!
Also why is Because You Live by Jessie McCartney seems like the theme for Megumi's parents? Listen to it while reading this if you want.
Credit to yeagernx on Pinterest for these edited pins.
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Toji's rough heart pounded against his sturdy chest.
In their small urban apartment family room, his giant burly form leaned against the archway as he peered down, his narrowed eyes softening at the sight before him.
The decent sized TV screen played lowly in the background, showcasing a random movie, serving as the only light he used to move through the room. The family room's floor was draped with comforters and blankets of the plush variety. Many fluffy soft pillows accompanied them. His two kids noggins used you as their personal pillow.
Tsumiki's cheek nuzzles your side as she squeezed her white dog plushie in one arm while Megumi was tucked against your other side as he pinned his black dog plush between you and himself.
You were on your back, your mouth slightly agape, as you softly snored, drool trailing down the side of your mouth.
Toji snorted out a dry chuckle.
For most of his life, he was the Invisible Man.
To topple the society that his family prided on to the point of abusing and torturing him over for not amounting to their standards and beliefs, he became the Sorcerer Killer.
After losing his wife; the first love of his life that made him believe he was worth so much more than what his family's hatred conditioned in him, he felt himself succumbing to those very demons of his former life.
Barely able to sustain a suitable life for his son; his blessed gift from his late mother.
Having a daughter now to add to the family bundle; her mother dumping her on him when she had the chance then bolted.
Taking any job he could to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, stuck in a shitty neighborhood with no other options.
So how …
How did you wind up smack dab in the middle of it all?
From an infamous disturbed creep stalking and following his kids on their way home from school one afternoon to you reporting the incident before as his attempts to nab Tsumiki resulted in Megumi's shadow technique nearly swallowing the bastard alive when you knocked them out by a smack with that stray metal pipe you scrounge up by the litter around.
Tsumiki trusted you, feeling indebted to you for saving them. A skeptical Megumi didn't sense the same inkling of dread from you that the now arrested man had.
But when you saw Toji Fushiguro stroll up through the apartment door, he was a bit baffled to see you in their cramped living room, sitting on the floor while braiding Tsumiki's hair as she and Megumi watched anime on their small TV.
You were smitten by the giant burly man as you explained what occurred and the short version of your backstory.
Your father bailed on you and your mother recently passed away in her sleep, which forced you to sell the only home you've ever known. Wandering the streets with all you could take with you. Saving two kids you didn't know at all but knowing a monster when you saw one that day.
Toji offered you to live with them as thanks for saving his kids when he couldn't as well as in exchange for watching over them when he was out doing whatever money making task was available to him.
Why would he take a chance on you, a practical stray?
Well …
Obviously he had Shiu do a background search on you over the phone that very same day to double check your story. When it all does check out, he feels a bit of weight lift off his broad shoulders.
Plus …
He saw glimpses of his first love in you.
Even your smile gave him glimpses of his late wife. But you weren't her.
He thought no one could fill in the void she left behind.
Making it that much harder to live the simple life and raising kids that he felt was out of his element.
But at that moment, seeing your relieved overjoyed smile breaking out across your face when he said you could stay, it already began filling in the cracks his heavy heart bore.
He noticed the endeared affection you bore in your gaze for his rugrats as trickles of sunset hit your figure through the slips of the blinds and curtains.
He wouldn't admit it straight out at the start of this new journey, but you glowed like an angel.
Over time, as days turned to weeks then turned to months, those hard kept emotions within him became unbridled at the seams.
Walking his kids to and from school, making their lunches, cleaning up around the place, finding part time jobs here and there that helped pay the bills, being greeted warmly by you every time he came home, finding you winding down after tucking the babies to bed.
One late night of such endeavors leading up to it found him spotting you laying on the couch, partially awake to the sound of his heavy footsteps when you felt warmth overtake you as he kissed you tentatively on the lips.
Watching your e/c eyes fluttering open up at him made him want to press further. To feel you slowly, tenderly returning the kiss only drove him to get down on his knees as his burly arms wrapped around your waist, pressing his strapping chest against your soft chest, submerged in your sweet scent and you drowned in his overwhelming warmth.
Your hands weaved up those sculpted arms and brushed his nape to his shivering delight, your fingers curled through his hair, bringing his face in closer as your heavy sighs and flustered whimpers made the growling beast want to nip on those lips before his tongue clashed with yours, swallowing you whole.
In his once clouded, now desperate eyes, he didn't want to let you go. To him, you're beautiful, inside and out. Literally, the beauty to his beast.
“I want you, angel. Be mine.”
You could barely think coherently as you pulled away from those addicting lips of his.
“Only when you quit the gambling and get your act together. Help me find a better place to raise them. Be there for them … do it for them … please?”
Unlike Shiu's stern lectures on quitting his gambling routines because he was just that bad at it when it comes to luck, the way your pleading eyes and pouting lips made a long forgotten sensation rise in him.
The willingness to forsake his pride.
To do what was best for all instead of dwindling it all away.
What was best for his kids … what he wanted … if you wanted that too —
His deep, breath stealing kiss made your toes curl and your form fit perfectly with his own as he laid down with you, moving about until he laid flat on his back with you splayed out on top of him on your tummy.
On that night, he gained a new light in his life, cocooning you in his brawny grasp, nodding off together on the couch.
In this cursed world, he had been giving a new blessing.
A second chance.
Flash forward back to the present.
In your new shared apartment; finding one with help from Shiu, in a safer part of the urban setting, just a stroll away from the kids school, and with a great view of the now starry sky.
Brushing back your loose hair strands, your quiet whimper at the sensation made him smirk before kissing your forehead. “Hey.”
You yawned a bit. “Welcome home.”
“Now what's going on here?” Toji asked as he grabbed the remote to turn off the TV.
“Slumber party. Fushiguro Edition.” You mumbled, knowing his superhuman hearing could pick it up.
Toji snorted before ruffling Megumi's head gently. "Ya want to get them to bed or …?”
“Too comfy … and sleepy … to move.” You quietly whined.
“Then make room for Papa Bear, Mama Bear.”
You giggled at his gruff response, cradling Megumi as Toji carefully lifted Tsumiki out of your grasp to lay her on his chest instead of having her crushed between you both. With his veiny giant hand resting on the small of her back and his other jacked arm wrapping around your shoulders to bring you flush against his side.
Seeing Tsumiki smile and snuggle into his chest made you softly cooed to which a blushing red Toji shushed you despite his grinning face.
“Go back to sleep, you.”
You leaned in to smooch the scar on the side of his mouth. “Night Toji.” Using his shoulder as your pillow now, you easily fell back asleep.
The moonlight trickled through the gaps of the curtains, serving as the only light now. Eyeing his small family in his hold, Toji felt himself unwinding, his sleepy head plopping against yours.
He pressed a drawn out kiss to your forehead, yawning as well, welcoming a good night's rest. With all of you.
“Night … Y/n.”
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elryuse · 21 days
Can you do a yandere story with all the aespa members meet the reader at an event and they become friends, but the members slowly start to get obsessed and dominate towards the reader?
Lose My Breathe
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The afterglow of the charity event still buzzed in my veins. Meeting AESPA, the hottest girl group in Korea, wasn't on my bingo card, but here I was, sprawled on their plush dorm room floor amidst a chaotic sleepover. It all started innocently enough. We clicked at the event, laughing over shared jokes and discovering a surprising mutual love for obscure horror movies. Next thing I knew, they were insisting I crash their sleepover.
"Come on, Y/n, it'll be fun!" Ningning chirped, her voice like a siren song. Fun felt like an understatement. Karina, the fierce leader, was already draped across me like a giant, possessive koala. Winter, the usually stoic rapper, kept stealing shy glances, her cheeks dusted pink.
The movie night devolved into a cuddle puddle of limbs and nervous laughter. Karina, still clinging to me, buried her face in my shoulder, her warm breath tickling my neck. Winter, emboldened, rested her head on my lap. A playful look flickered in Giselle's eyes.
"Looks like someone's popular tonight," she teased, her voice a husky purr that sent shivers down my spine. "Don't worry, Y/n, there's enough of you to go around."
That's when the playful teasing started to morph into something… unsettling. Every time I tried to adjust my position, a hand would brush mine, lingering a beat too long. When I attempted to stand, a chorus of whines erupted.
"Where are you going, Y/n?" Karina pouted, her eyes wide and doe-like. "We were just getting comfortable."
Comfy soon turned into scorching. Giselle, ever the firebrand, brazenly leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear. "You know, Y/n," she whispered, her voice laced with a dangerous sweetness, "we wouldn't mind sharing you, but only if you share something with us."
My heart hammered against my ribs. The playful atmosphere had vanished, replaced by a suffocating possessiveness. My eyes met Ningning's across the room. Gone was her usual bubbly energy, replaced by a chilling intensity.
The night continued in a haze of stolen kisses and whispered threats. Winter, usually reserved, surprised me with a searing kiss, her tongue exploring mine with a desperate hunger. Karina, her once playful demeanor gone, pressed her body against mine, her moans echoing in the dimly lit room.
As the night wore on, inhibitions crumbled. With each touch, each stolen kiss, the line between affection and obsession blurred. Giselle, ever the seductress, led me to her bed, her touch both playful and possessive. The air crackled with a dark energy as we explored each other's bodies, a twisted dance of fear and arousal.
Morning arrived, a pale sliver of light peeking through the curtains. The girls slept soundly, their faces serene, their possessiveness momentarily forgotten. Yet, the weight of the night hung heavy in the air.
Looking at them, I realized this wasn't a sleepover gone wrong. It was a descent into madness, a horror movie starring me as the terrified protagonist. They weren't just obsessed with my presence; they craved me with a twisted intensity.
The front door was locked, the windows bolted shut. A shiver of fear ran down my spine. The girls had become my captors, their dorm transformed into a gilded cage, their love story a chilling nightmare I couldn't escape. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I whispered a silent plea, a prayer for escape from the twisted paradise I'd so naively entered.
Days bled into weeks, a grotesque parody of a love story playing out within the confines of the dorm. The playful affection of the first night had morphed into a chilling possessiveness. Kisses weren't stolen anymore; they were demanded, enforced with a terrifying intensity that sent shivers down my spine.
A single glance lingered a beat too long, a smile deemed too friendly, and I'd be met with a barrage of lips on mine, each kiss a desperate claim of ownership. The playful teasing had been replaced by a chilling possessiveness. Any mention of leaving, even a veiled attempt, was met with a chorus of whines and veiled threats that sent a cold dread coursing through me.
One day, a frantic knocking shattered the tense silence. My heart hammered against my ribs – a lifeline, a chance at escape. It was their manager, Seulgi, worry etched on her face. Relief flooded me, a fleeting spark extinguished as quickly as it ignited.
The girls' playful demeanor vanished. A feral snarl contorted Karina's face as she flung open the door, the others flanking her like a pack of hungry wolves. Seulgi's eyes widened in horror as she saw me, a prisoner in their twisted fairytale.
Before she could utter a word, a sickening crunch echoed through the room. Ningning, the seemingly innocent maknae, had launched herself at Seulgi with inhuman speed. Screams were cut short, replaced by a horrifying silence. The scene that unfolded was a nightmare come to life.
When the last vestiges of life drained from Seulgi's eyes, the girls turned to me, their faces devoid of emotion. Then, a horrifying giggle escaped Giselle's lips, a sound devoid of its usual playful lilt.
"See, Y/n," Karina purred, her voice laced with a chilling sweetness, "no one gets to take you away from us."
The horror of the scene was punctuated by a chilling laugh that echoed through the room. Winter, ever the stoic one, surprised me by cupping my face in her hands, her gaze intense. Before I could react, she leaned in, her lips meeting mine in a soft, almost tender kiss.
It was a grotesque parody of affection, a stark contrast to the violence they had just unleashed. The taste of blood mingled with the sweetness of her cherry lip gloss, a constant reminder of the brutal reality of my situation.
The others followed suit, each kiss a chilling claim of ownership. Karina, with a possessiveness that sent shivers down my spine. Giselle, a dance of dominance and desire. Ningning, a whisper of innocence forever stained by violence.
I was trapped. Not just in their dorm, but in a twisted nightmare fueled by their obsessive love. The once vibrant colors of the dorm room seemed to lose their vibrancy, replaced by a grimy gray, a reflection of the horrifying reality I was forced to endure.
There was no escape, no help coming. I was a prisoner, a plaything in their twisted game of love, forever traumatized by the horror they had unleashed and bound to them by a love as dark and deadly as the blood that stained the floor.
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Hoarding Behavior #3
Warnings: nudity (non-sexual), objectification (non-sexual)
“Oh my god,” said Kit. The dragon tilted his head, grinning at him. He picked up a torch from a holder bolted to the wall. The dragon spat a stream of fire, lighting the torch.
His captor grabbed him firm by the arm and onward they went.
The cavern got smaller and smaller, until they got to the end of it. The dragon blew out the torch and it was pitch black and cold.
Until the dragon pushed him forward, but instead of hard stone, he stumbled through fabric. It was a false wall.
Kit’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the sudden light. 
The room was an enormous circle, with a high ceiling big enough for the dragon and his massive wingspan. In the center was a pit twenty feet across, lined with furs and fabrics. Giant stone pillars held glowing lanterns, and the room had a plethora of rugs, furniture, bookshelves, chests, and more. A stone fire pit was off to the side, and a cauldron of something steamed over the smoldering fire. The whole room was warm and dry, nothing like the cave they had just left.
The dragon let him take it all in before shoving him forward. He kept pushing Kit until he stumbled into the pit. He sank into it, and it was soft and plush like a giant mattress. 
His captor took his wrists in hand, and with a clawed finger, sliced through the rope like it was nothing.
But he didn’t stop there. He cut through Kit’s clothes, his shirt, his pants, everything until he was completely nude. 
He cupped his hands around his junk and flushed. The dragon snorted in amusement while inspecting him. He loomed over him, and Kit regretted not sitting up as soon as he fell into the pillows.
The dragon took hold of Kit’s chin, tilting his face back and forth. His golden eyes roamed over him, and Kit fought the urge to squirm.
He traced over Kit’s skin with the tip of a claw. Goosebumps broke out on his body. 
“You are so pretty,” said the dragon. “Such beautiful green eyes.” His voice was like velvet and buttery smooth.
“Th- thank you, Master.” the dragon paused. He tilted his head to the side.
“Master…” said the dragon, grinning. “I like that.” He tapped the point of his claw on Kit’s chest. “Up,” commanded the dragon.
They got up, and the dragon- Master- pulled him along by the wrist, across the warm stone floor.
Master led him to a tunnel, an offshoot of the main room, and he could sense a change in the air.
The temperature became a touch warmer and the tunnel was humid. 
It was a short passage, and it opened into another spacious room. A rectangular pool took up most of the length. 
Master unbuttoned his red silk shirt and pulled it off. Patches of red scales glimmered in the dim light. Master stripped off his black trousers, and Kit had the sense to look away. The dragon picked up a bar of soap and a cloth.
“Come,” said the dragon, and he guided Kit into the water. 
“I can’t swim,” he said as they waded into the warm, steamy water.
“I will not let you drown,” said Master. His voice was so sure, Kit believed him.
The pool was sloped, and gradually the water rose to just under his chest before he stopped. Master dipped the cloth into the warm water. 
“You need a bath,” said Master, rubbing the soap and the cloth together. He set the soap down the edge of the pool. “Hold still.”
The dragon began to wash him.
It was… embarrassing to be bathed by another person. Master was painstakingly gentle, unlike before, like he was glass and could shatter.
The dragon was thorough and it genuinely felt nice when he washed Kit’s back and hair. He did, thankfully, let Kit wash his own bits.
After their bath, Master ordered him to sit in the nest, still nude.
The dragon (who had unfairly gotten dressed) dug through his various chests and drawers, pulling out a rainbow of assorted fabric. He dumped the pile next to Kit, and one by one Master held up each scrap to his face.
“Wha- what are you doing?”
“You will look better when I have decided what colors compliment you instead of choosing blindly,” said the dragon, matter-of-fact.
He tossed several yellow scraps to the side, dissatisfied. Apparently yellow was not Kit’s color.
After several minutes, the dragon had a sizable pile of ‘acceptable’ shades. And then Master fetched a few small boxes. He opened the lids, and Kit had never seen so much gold and silver in one place before.
“I should display these better,” muttered the dragon as he dug through the pieces. He huffed, smoky, as the rings caught on his clawed fingers. He upended the box of gold out of frustration, shaking out bracelets and earrings and who knew what else.
Eventually Master settled on a few pieces. Silver ‘washed out his skin’ or whatever that meant, and he decided on no gemstones because they ‘distracted from his eyes’. 
Kit felt like a doll in the hands of someone playing dress-up. The dragon slipped on delicate golden arm cuffs on each arm and wide, snug bracelets for each wrist. He clipped an anklet on his left leg.
The jewelry only seemed to emphasize his nakedness, and Kit didn’t like it. He may have snuck a glance in between Master’s legs in the bath, but the dragon was smooth down there, like he’d magically tucked away what was supposed to be visible.
Logically speaking, the dragon probably wasn’t interested in him sexually. They were different species after all, but they looked too closely compatible for Kit’s comfort.
Sex was never Kit’s job before. He usually cleaned or worked in the kitchen. He always felt bad for the poor souls expected to pleasure their owners. 
Thank goodness the dragon looked at him like an object and not a mate.
Master hid a yawn behind his hand, and Kit had to wonder what time it was. There were no windows in the cave obviously. He was exhausted, but that meant nothing. He wanted to go to bed since the trek into the woods.
The dragon scooped up the excess jewelry and fabrics, putting them away. He handed Kit a set of soft, luxurious blue pajamas.
Master watched him dress, and seemed pleased with the result.
“I am going to call you River,” said Master. “It suits you well. I am Noct.” It wasn’t the first time a master changed his name (‘Kit’ was a leftover), but River had a feeling this would be the last.
“Yes, Master. Thank you.” Noct smiled at him.
“Would you like some dinner? I have some spiced stew ready.”
“Yes, please.” River hadn’t really eaten since that morning.
Noct ladled the bubbling stew into a ceramic bowl. It smelled heavenly, and the warm combination of spices and tender fall-apart meat and soft potatoes comforted him.
Noct ate with him, and River took the time to really look at his new living conditions. 
His expectations were all wrong. Master had not eaten him. The cave was not dirty and cold, but clean and warm. The expected smokiness of a dragon didn’t affect the air. Even the cooking fire and lanterns were smoke-free. Perhaps that was just how dragon fire was.
Master finished his meal first, and wandered off to dig through his things again. River helped himself to a second bowl as he thought. It was really good, and there was plenty in the pot.
The dragon definitely had a vast collection of finery, but no giant pile of coins like in fairy tales. 
A huge bang shook him out of his head. Master was in the center of the nest, a hammer in hand. What was he doing?
He ate while he watched Noct hammer something into the stone. The vague curiosity turned into a wariness as Master picked up a coil of metal chain. He couldn’t see exactly what Noct was up to, but he could guess.
He shoveled the stew into his mouth. 
Master attached the end of the chain to whatever he’d bolted to the stone, and began to walk to the exit. The chain clunked to the floor as he walked.
He was measuring how long River’s freedom of movement would be. 
Noct stopped a few feet before the exit. He marked the chain with a claw. The nest was dead center in the dragon’s den, and River would be able to reach everything except the bathing pool and the entrance tunnel once he was attached. 
At least there was that.
Master glanced up at him, and River looked away.
From the corner of his eye he saw Master spit fire, heating the iron red-hot, before taking it in hand and snapping off the desired length. Holy shit.
Master put away the rest of the chains. River heard a few clinking noises as Noct fidgeted with his project. 
River finished his bowl, setting it to the side. He wasn’t hungry for thirds. 
Noct came over, a shackle in his hand, the chain trailing behind him.
“I won’t run,” said River. “You don’t need to worry about me. I promise, Master.”
Master looked at him. “I know,” he said, locking the cuff around his right ankle. Master had padded the iron with fur, and River thanked god for small mercies. 
“This is more for me than for you,” said Master. “I keep a close eye on my things. I would not want you to wander off. Try leaving.”
River walked to the opposite end of the den. The chain stopped him from even touching the false fabric. He tugged, just to prove to Noct he couldn’t do it.
“Very good,” he said. A strange sound came from Master’s chest, and River realized he was purring. 
“Time for bed, treasure.” River followed Noct back to the nest. Master went around the room, dimming each lantern until the entire den was a very dim red. River made himself comfortable, which wasn’t hard. The nest was just a giant bed, and he was spoiled for choices for pillows and blankets.
Noct settled on the opposite side of the nest, curled up like a cat. His tail swished around to his side, and he was still purring. 
River struggled to get to sleep. He was no stranger to chains or rope or even a cell.
But something about being trapped inside the earth, with only his Master for company unnerved him.
He already missed the sun.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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blinddreams24 · 27 days
A Mermay Prompt
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Orcas liked toys right?
Would it be offensive to get a siren a toy?
You walked through the marketplace. It sat right by the docks but high enough above sea level to keep away from the tide. There was a reason for that, as half of the town had been swept away by a violent storm decades ago. That’s what you could piece together at least. Everyone told you a different story. The prince of the sea was angry at a sailor for doing him wrong. Two giant leviathans had gotten into a fight and caused the storm. Someone was selling the wrong fish on the wrong day. A few poachers had come through and “caused the storm??”
It was all nonsense to you.
You learned quickly just how fast gossip spread in the little town. With all the superstitious sailors and fishermen, something casual like seeing a crow eat a berry could turn into a blown out of proportion omen of death, plague, or murder. Anything and everything had to have a reason. You stubbed your toe on the way to work? Bad omen. Two fish swam around your feet when you went swimming? You’ll find your soulmate soon. Waves crashed against the rocks twice in a row? Big storm coming.
Absolutely ridiculous.
You entered the shop you were looking for, the bell announcing your arrival.
“Oh! Hey, y/n! Long time no see!” Greeted the clerk with a wave.
“Hello, Mister Ron.” You answered and turned to look at the displays.
There were a lot of toys to choose from. The beach balls, volleyballs, footballs, and frisbees were built to float on the water. Then there were the things that didn’t float. Buckets and shovels for sand castles, custom shoes with fun patterns on the soles to leave in the sand, and those fun torpedos and rings that sank to the sea floor for you to find again. Last but not least, there was a rack of plushies, all different sea creatures. Absently, you grabbed an orca plush and, after a moment’s hesitation, grabbed a shark plush as well.
“Anything I can help you with?” Ron asked from the counter.
You gave him a smile. “No, thanks.”
“You got family coming over?” Ugh. He was looking for gossip. Just like everyone else.
“No one is coming over.”
“C’mon, y/n! Don’t leave me hanging!” He teased.
Flashes of Killer saying something very similar made you pause. The teasing voice. The way he grinned at you as if nothing was wrong. Begging for information… and willing to kill you over it.
C’mon! Don’t leave me driftin’!
Do you know how easy it would be to sing those last notes?
You grabbed the closest thing and went to checkout. You had to get out of here. Ron gave you an odd look but didn’t pry as you bolted out of the shop. Your car was cranked and you sped home.
On second thought…
You turned to head to the beach instead.
Waves greeted you as you entered your alcove. Cross was nowhere to be seen. You groaned and sat on the rocky beach, the bag from the store still in your hand. Thankfully, you’d left the plushies in the car, but somehow still grabbed the bag. You reached in and pulled out a red ringed frisbee. Like the glowing thing Killer had on his chest.
You sighed and flopped onto your back. You really didn’t want to think about the shark siren but everything was reminding you of those encounters. The clerk, the shark plushie, the frisbee, even staring up at the sky reminded you of how he’d stargazed with you, his eyelights twinkling at the sight. He’d looked so harmless for a moment. Just a boy that got to see the stars for the first time.
“Ugh!” You stood up grabbed the frisbee and launched it at the horizon. The wind carried it further than you expected before in finally landed in the water.
Dang it, you could still see it!
You snatched up the plastic bag and stuffed it in your pocket. You weren’t going to litter, even if you were upset. Casting one last look, you hoped Cross was okay, you turned you back on the water to head home.
With a scratching sound, the frisbee landed next to you.
“That was fun! Do it again!” Came the familiar voice you didn’t want to hear.
Speak of the devil and he shall come.
You turned around slowly to see Killer propped up on a rock, his tail wagging behind him. The red thing you’d noticed before was floating boldly in front of his rib cage in the shape of a target. Wasn’t it a heart before?
His brow rose as you continued to stare. “Like what you see, y/n?” He grinned.
You looked at your feet where the frisbee still sat. “You want me to throw the frisbee again?”
“Frisbee.” He tested the word. “Can you throw it farther?”
“I didn’t even think it would go as far as it did.” You admitted.
The red rings above his chest twisted. That looked painful. “Then I’ll be able to catch it before it hits the water.” He challenged.
Something in you clicked at the challenge and you looked back up at him with a grin on your face. “Bet. You’ll never get there in time.” You picked up the frisbee.
His face lit up. “Oh! It’s on! Throw it, frisbee master! And watch me teach you a lesson!”
You threw it and a giant splash announced Killer’s scramble to catch it first. He got under it in record time and shot you a smug grin across the water. You smiled back and crossed your arms as the frisbee glided closer and closer to the siren until…
It arched sideways and hit the water several meters away from him.
You laughed at his look of confusion. After a few seconds of flabbergasted staring, Killer angrily snatched the frisbee out of the water and swam back to where you were laughing on the beach.
“What was that!? What did you do?!” He demanded, tossing the frisbee at you.
“I didn’t do anything!” You giggled. “The frisbee does that by itself!”
His grin widened. “Again.” He growled.
You nodded and sent the frisbee flying again.
And again, it arched to the side out of his reach.
“Why does it keep doing that?!?!”
Several failed attempts later and you had to dodge the frisbee he launched at you.
“This is stupid!!” Killer snapped, his tail thrashing in the water. “Why does it do that?!”
“Will you let me explain?”
He glared at you. “…Fine. Explain.”
You held up the frisbee. “This bottom side is made to hold air under it while it flies. As long as it’s spinning, it won’t have a problem holding itself up. But,” You tipped the frisbee. “If it stops spinning, it becomes unbalanced and the frisbee will fall off the pocket of air it made and swing to the side. That’s why it keeps doing that.”
“Why does it stop spinning?”
“Because it was thrown too far with nothing to make it spin. When I throw it, I try my hardest to make it spin for as long as possible but over the water it has nothing to do but glide until it can’t spin anymore.”
“Well, how do I catch it?”
You smiled. “You have to over prepare for it to change course. Watch the way it wobbles before it falls.” You threw it without warning and he was gone.
His dorsal fin sped out to where the frisbee hovered and his head poked out of the water. He watched as it wobbled, arched, and hit the water without making an effort to catch it. He brought it back and repeated the process three more times.
On the fourth try he brought it back with a grin on his face.
“This time.” Was all he said.
The frisbee went flying.
His fin circled the area below it when it started wobbling. He shot to one side and came out of the water as it arched towards him. He stretched for it, it went over his head and…
He caught it.
“WOOOOOOOO!!!” He screamed in triumph, holding the frisbee above his head.
You watched him pump his fists into the air as you laughed and realized;
You’d just spent the entire day with Killer.
He hadn’t even threatened you.
And you’d laughed.
Maybe you’d just gotten off on the wrong foot.
Or fin.
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nostalgic-woodwind · 8 months
Ming, It's Okay
CG! Jin Lee and Regressor! Ming Lee 🍼
Plot: Ming has a nightmare after the Pandapocalypse of 2002.
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"How could you let this happen? She's out of control!" Grandma Wu berated Ming after Mei escaped her ritual.
Except Ming didn't mean for any of this to happen. She tried to stop Mei and didn't know what came of her.
Ming was on the ground, tears rolling down her face. She was tearfully catching her breath.
Jin, Ming's husband, knelt beside her and tried to comfort her while Grandma Wu and the aunties scolded her.
"How could she...? How could she do this to... her own... mother?!" Ming growled.
Ming's panda escaped from her shattered pendant. The panda then caused Ming to transform into a giant-sized red panda. After the transformation, Ming stormed to the SkyDome and almost destroyed everything while fighting with her daughter.
Right before Mei headbutted Ming...
Ming bolted awake in a cold sweat. She looked around and saw that she was a human, not a panda. She was in her bedroom. Jin was asleep in bed beside her. Her panda, sealed in Mei's Tamagotchi, was sleeping soundly on her nightstand. The clock read 4:37 AM. The calendar on the wall had the month August 2002 on it.
Ming sighed as tears began to form in her eyes. Even though she apologized to Mei and healed her relationship with her, along with her relationship with Grandma Wu... even though she was currently trying to make things right by raising money for the SkyDome... she still felt ashamed. She was ashamed at herself... ashamed at being a terrible mother in the first place, even though she vowed to never be like Grandma Wu... ashamed for pressuring Mei to be perfect... ashamed for everything.
Ming sniffled as she got up and walked over to the dresser. She then grabbed a plush Celine Dion doll her husband got her for her birthday from the top of the dresser and held it tight. Ming went to therapy after the Pandapocalypse. She remembered telling the therapist about her emotions and the trauma she encountered, along with unintentionally passing it on to her daughter. The therapist understood this and gave Ming a coping mechanism to cope with all the trauma she faced, and to help her cope with her big feelings. The coping mechanism was age regression, meaning that an individual regresses to a younger headspace to cope with anything they went through, such as mental illness, PTSD, etc.
Ming was sniffling and hugging her Celine Dion doll when her headspace started slipping. Jin then woke up.
"Ming, are you okay?" Jin asked as he rubbed his eyes and sat up.
Ming looked over, not really saying anything.
Jin saw the saddened look on Ming's face and walked over to her. He held his arms out, inviting Ming for a hug if she wanted one.
Ming accepted the hug and began sobbing softly.
"Shhh, it's okay. I'm right here," Jin whispered as he rubbed Ming's back.
"Daddy, I had a bad dream," Ming hiccuped.
"I'm sorry you had a nightmare, sweetheart. But you're awake, you're safe."
"Daddy... I shouldn't have been a monster..."
"Ming, listen to me," Jin said as he gently cupped Ming's face. "You are not a monster. You are perfect, just the way you are. You are not bad. Whatever happened happened. The important thing now is that we're making things right together."
Ming sniffled more as tears continued falling down her face.
Jin wiped Ming's tears away and kissed her forehead.
"Come on, let's get you back in bed," Jin said as he escorted Ming back to the bed. "I'll get your little stuff if you want."
"Yes, please," Ming said softly as Jin tucked her in.
Jin walked over to the closet. He pulled out a backpack, which contained a purple baby blanket, some pacifiers and paci clips, teethers, touch-and-feel books, a battery-operated nightlight, coloring books, and crayons. He returned to the bed and handed the bag to Ming.
Ming pulled out her blanket, the nightlight, and a light blue pacifier.
"Thank you," Ming sniffled once more.
"You're welcome," Jin smiled as he turned on the nightlight and set it on Ming's nightstand. He then popped the pacifier in Ming's mouth and wiped more of Ming's tears. Ming slowly calmed down as she sucked her soother.
Jin set the backpack back in the closet after pulling out a touch-and-feel book about baby animals and returned to bed. He gave Ming a hug and began reading.
After the story, Jin looked to see that Ming was asleep, her blanket and Celine Dion doll still in her arms. Jin smiled and kissed Ming's forehead goodnight.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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Her Cupid's Bow
👤 Gary - 🎲 Huddle for Warmth -🪐 Friends to Lovers
S2 - Gary/MC - 4700+ words - @mrsbsmooth
Oh deer.
Read on Ao3
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“I swear to God, Rennell, if we’re lost, I’ll kill you.”
Gary laughed, shaking his head as their feet crunched on the gravel beneath them. “We’re not lost, we’re somewhere up the back of the deer fields. Just because I don’t know which one doesn’t mean we’re lost. Have a little faith, yeah?”
He shot her his best grin, and Mads rolled her eyes. They had plenty of time before it was dark, and they never really bothered giving Dicky a time that either of them would arrive at his new house. It was how it’d always been; showing up at each other’s houses either unannounced or ‘this afternoon’ or ‘next Saturday.’ It’d been that way since they were 11. 
What was the rush? It was a bright, sunny late afternoon, if not a little on the chilly side, but he regretted bringing his enormous down jacket all the same. He only brought it because Mads would always end up getting cold, and she’d inevitably end up with her feet wrapped up in it while the three of them sat on the couch. 
“Faith, right. Like I had faith when you drove us from Portsmouth to Bath, and we ended up in fucking Wales?”
He scoffed, his mouth hanging open, “There was road works on the M5!”
Mads raised an eyebrow at him. “It happened two years in a row, mate.”
He gave her the finger, and she laughed, pushing him gently into some bushes. 
He kept his balance, sticking his tongue out at her, occupying his mind by walking in comfortable silence beside Mads. 
He spotted a particularly plush-looking hedge coming up, and bided his time, falling into opposite step with hers. 
And he pushed her into it. Hard.
She screamed as she went almost all the way through it, and he took off in a sprint, roaring with laughter as she freed herself and came bolting after him. 
“I’ll fucking get you, Rennell!”
He was fast, but she was much, much faster, and she had momentum on her side. She took a running leap and kicked his legs out from underneath him, sending him face first into the hedge, leaving a huge dent in it, and making them both tear up with laughter. 
But he had never in 13 years of friendship let Mads beat him.
And now, it was his turn. 
She saw the evil glint in his eyes, and took off, vaulting a fence as she screamed loudly over her shoulder. He almost caught her, but she shrugged him off as she bolted across the open field, looping the back of a giant oak tree. But as she rounded the next hedge, she suddenly stopped. 
“Ha, you fuckin’--” 
But he froze. 
They were face to face with a herd of deer, alert and alarmed, dozens of eyes ready to bolt in the opposite direction. 
And not ten feet in front of Mads, an extremely angry looking stag.
Gary shuffled closer to her, and she squeaked in fear. He didn’t blame her. This stag looked fucking mad. And it was far, far bigger than either of them. 
Gary stayed as still as he could, and slowly tugged Mads behind him, putting his body between her and the stag. She shuffled in, inch by inch, pressing herself into his back, making herself as small as possible. 
The stag took a step toward them, and Gary’s instincts took over. He raised his hands in the air, screaming at the stag, making as much noise as possible as he tried to scare it away. But instead of backing off, it lowered its head, and charged. 
Gary grabbed Mads’ arm, pulling her toward the only possible shelter anywhere nearby - the tree. 
He pushed her up into the lowest branch, and jumped up, but the stag’s antler caught his jacket. He heard a rip, but ignored it, clambouring up after Mads as she climbed higher into the tree. 
As soon as they were high enough, they paused, sitting on a branch halfway up, both shaking like the leaves that surrounded them.
“What the fuck?” Mads gasped. “Why did you SCREAM at it!?”
“It was coming at us!” he spluttered.
“So you screamed at it? It’s a fucking deer, not a tiger!”
“Oh yeah? You seemed pretty willing to let me be your human shield?”
She glared at him, but he didn’t care. He was raging too strongly on adrenaline and her audacity to give a shit about hurting her feelings. His heart was pounding in his chest, his hands scratched from how fast he’d scrambled up the tree. 
“And you’re fucking welcome, for that, by the way,” he spat. 
They sat in silence, not as comfortable this time, panting heavily. 
“Did it get you?” she asked, quietly. “I thought I heard something rip.”
He glanced down, and saw his pocket completely shredded. But other than his ripped jacket, he was fine. They were both fine.
They waited there for a few minutes, before Mads glanced down. 
“Why isn’t it leaving?” she asked. 
“How should I know? What am I, the fuckin’ deer whisper?” he seethed. 
Mads furrowed her brow. “Nah, I think you made that pretty clear already.”
Gary glared at her, annoyed at the fact that it kind of made him want to laugh. Until Mads did an exact imitation of his scream, and he fucking lost it. He roared with laughter, and Mads cracked up so hard he had to hold her steady on their branch. 
Gary glanced down at the stag, and found it madly pacing around the base of the tree, even more infuriated by a second instance of the noise. 
“Fuck, we’ve seriously pissed it off,” he laughed. 
“You’ve seriously pissed it off. It didn’t attack me!”
“You’re the one that hopped the fence!” he laughed. 
“You were chasing me!”
“You spear kicked me!”
“You pushed me in a hedge!” she gasped
He pointed at her. “You pushed me first!”
Mads crossed her arms, sulking, and pouting at him. “Yeah, but you deserved it.”
“And you deserve to be stuck up a tree while a stag tries to kill you.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m calling Dicky. Give me your phone.”
“Use yours?”
“I left it at home. Give it.”
He reached into his pocket, and his hand went straight through it. He glanced to the bottom of the tree, and spotted his wallet, phone, and keys in a heap on the ground.
Mads groaned. “Fuck. So we can’t even call Dicky for help? We just have to what… wait it out? It’s going to be dark soon!”
Gary shrugged. “I’m sure it’ll get bored soon.”
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The stag did not, in fact, get bored soon. 
They had absolutely no fucking idea how long it’d been, but the sun was well and truly down, and judging by his grumbling stomach, it was almost teatime. 
“I’m fucking starving,” he groaned. 
“And I’m fucking freezing.” 
He glanced at her, and opened his arms, and she shuffled closer to him, leaning in for a cuddle like she had a thousand times before. 
It was almost their default position. Most people thought they were dating, which usually prompted a look of disgust, and coordinated vomit sounds from both of them, and an eyeroll from Dicky. Jokes about bickering like an old married couple were a daily occurrence, just like their hangout sessions. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gone a day without speaking to Mads. In fact, she was the main reason he couldn’t keep a girlfriend. 
Every girl who met her was suspicious of her, but he had absolutely no idea why. They threw around words like stunning, and the hottest girl I’ve ever seen, and holy shit, who is that? 
And he guessed he got that. Her makeup and hair were always flawless, and her outfits were always amazing. She always put in effort when they were going out, almost like she was showing off. She was the ultimate wingwoman.
But unlike the girls he dated, he always thought of Mads the way she was now; zero makeup, hair thrown up in a bun, in her favourite fleece-lined leggings and the too-big jacket she’d stolen from him years earlier. A part of him would always see her as a gangly pre-teen, just like he’d been once. Acne-covered, awkward, and way, way too into science fiction. She’d changed a lot, that was for sure. But so had he. 
Ever since he’d started in the gym, he’d gone from local loser to absolute fuckboy; the girls forming an orderly queue to try their luck at locking him down. 
But then, he’d introduce them to Mads.  
They’d throw around accusations, starting fights about her ‘flirting’ with him. He really did have a knack for attracting the crazy jealous types. And every time a girl started shit with him over it, he sided with Mads. 
He always sided with Mads.
“Oh, god, you’re always so fucking warm,” she chuckled, as she shuffled into his arms. She never wrapped her arms around him, though, she always liked to be held. To have his arms wrapped completely around her, her shoulders squished into his chest, her head resting just below his collarbone. It was just comfy to stand like that.
It was just their thing that they did.
It pissed off the guys she brought round, too. He’d gotten in a tiff with the last one who’d tried telling Mads not to talk to him. She hadn’t listened, of course. 
She always sided with Gary. 
“Every single time, you’re surprised,” he laughed. “I thought you knew how hot I was.”
“Ew, gag, vomit,” Mads laughed, as she snuggled in closer. “I wish this deer would fuck off, though. If we miss teatime, I’ll rage.”
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They would, in fact, be missing teatime. 
Gary had tried a few times to climb down the tree and fetch his phone, but to no avail. In fact, the most recent time had resulted in the stag getting so close that it stepped on his phone, seemingly snapping it mostly in half. 
They were absolutely, positively, stuck.
And just when it couldn’t get any worse, Mads started shivering. 
“Is it just me, or is it way colder than normal tonight?” he asked. 
Mads said nothing. She had that look on her face, and he knew it well. She was worried about something, and the something wasn’t small, so he knew better than to ignore that look.
“Mads… what is it?”
“This is bad, Rennell. We could be in actual danger out here.”
“Uh, yeah, did you not see me almost get disembowled by a –”
Her eyes begged him to be serious, and he sighed. 
“Fine, you’re right. I know you meant the cold. And it can’t even be 8pm yet.”
She nodded. “We’ve both got boots on, and we’re dry up here, but I feel like we should zip our jackets together. At least it’ll give us a little bit more insulation.”
“Body warmth.”
He nodded, unzipping his jacket, and she unzipped hers. They zipped her left side into his right, and vice versa, and he immediately felt the warmth from her body radiating into the space between him
She tried shuffling back into him for another cuddle, but her arms had nowhere to go. They wrestled with their positions for a while, before she finally just gave up, and pulled her arms inside their jacket cocoon. 
He chuckled, and wrapped his arms around her, as she snuggled against him.
A beautiful, soft fragrance floated from her hair, and he closed his eyes, smiling at it. Mads’ hair always smelled nice, but this smelled a little different. 
“Did you change your shampoo?” he asked, and she laughed into his chest. 
“Fuck off, you did not notice that.”
“You want hugs all the time, Mads. I can’t help it you’re short and your hair gets in my face.”
Another age went by, and what felt like another bloody five degrees, and his fingers were starting to hurt. 
“My fingers are going numb,” he shivered. 
“Pull them inside here, it’s much warmer.”
She reached down and held the branch while he struggled with his jacket, cursing how much effort he’d put into his biceps that made them so impossible to pull out of sleeves. He eventually got them inside, and Mads recoiled as they touched her. 
“Rennell, they’re like ice!” she gasped, immediately sitting back, and shoving them under her arms. 
“What are you doing?” he laughed, but god, it felt good. 
“Armpits are warmer than most parts of the body. I’m already pretty warm. This’ll warm you up faster.”
But having her sit back so far had created a gap around their middles, and air was quickly flowing in. 
She sighed as he pointed it out. 
“Okay. Well, the other option is this.”
She shuffled forward a little, and lifted her legs over his, sliding herself into his lap and straddling him. 
Mads pursed her lips, and took his hands, sliding them in between both of their thighs.
He hesitated for a second, but sighed. “I’d make a joke about you trying to crack on to me, but it actually is really warm.”
She nodded, and slipped her arms upward slightly, pulling his chest directly to hers. 
Gary froze. 
Not literally, but figuratively, as he felt Mads’ tits pressing into his chest. They were… substantially bigger than he’d ever noticed. And they felt unbelievable. Warm, soft, just the perfect amount of perky and squishy… his fuckin’ favourite. He closed his eyes, willing, begging, pleading with his body to not take notice. 
But the combination of her tits against him, his hands under her thighs, and her sitting on his lap… there was no fighting it. 
He scrunched up his face, and groaned, cursing with embarrassment as he felt it.
And Mads felt it too. 
“Oh my god, Rennell, are you fucking hard?”
He cringed. “I can’t help it!”
“You can help it! Stop… stop it!”
“I am a red-blooded, heterosexual man, Mads. You’re sitting in my lap with your tits pressed against me and my hands between your legs. I would’ve thought you’d be offended if I wasn’t hard.”
Gary chanced a glance at her, waiting for the joking response, but what he found made his eyes widen. 
“Madeline, are you fucking blushing?”
“No!” she gasped. “No, I’m not fucking blushing. Don’t be daft. I don’t blush.”
“You are!” He teased, “Awww, I made you blush, how cute.”
“Shut up. My face is just cold.”
“Come here, then.” He chuckled, pulling her back into his chest. Her tits pressed against him, but she seemed far less awkward about it. She laughed, and snuggled into him, wrapping her arms around his middle. They fell back into a silence, and his body calmed a little, but she took a deep breath.
“Thanks, by the way. For, um, pulling me behind you. You didn’t have to.”
He cleared his throat, and felt his own cheeks warming a little. “Well, yeah. Chivalry and all that. Nan would’ve killed me if I let something happen to you.”
Mads laughed. “Yeah, she’d disembowl you herself.”
They both sighed.
The silence felt awkward now, and his mouth started to panic on its own, desperate to fill the silence with something. Anything.
“Besides,” he grumbled. “I didn’t want you to…”
“I dunno, get hurt?”
Mads leaned back, studying his face. “What do you mean?”
“I wouldn’t want you to get hurt, that’s all.”
“Why not?”
“What do you mean, why not? I care about you, I don’t want you to get trampled by a stag. You’re meant to die with me, drowning in a beer flood.”
Mads beamed at him, shaking her head.
Another awkward silence, and she chuckled. “Ew, you care about me.”
“Oi, don’t laugh, I’m allowed to have feelings.”
“Oh you have feelings for me now, do you?”
Gary laughed. “Feelings about you, not feelings for you.”
“Awww, shame,” she laughed, snuggling her head into his shoulder. He held her close, his hands around her properly now that they were warm, hugging her tightly. With anyone else, this would’ve been uncomfortable. 
But nothing was uncomfortable with Mads.
Well, one thing was uncomfortable. 
Her head was turned in to his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder, and every time she breathed, her exhale hit him in a sensitive spot right on the back of his neck. 
Every inhale filled with anticipation, as the exhale hit him again and again. Each time, it sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. That, combined with her tits in his chest, had him hard as the trunk of the tree they were leaning against. And yeah, it was quite uncomfortable. 
Gary dropped his head slightly, trying to avoid her breath, but the only thing he could do was turn his head into her neck. But after a minute, he felt her arching her back slightly, as she shuffled a little closer. 
“Are you doing that on purpose?” she whispered. 
“Doing what?”
“Nothing, never mind.”
“Tell me!” he laughed. “What?”
“Just… stop breathing on my neck. Okay?”
The realisation hit him in a wave. “Oh God,” he laughed. “Was it turning you on?”
She punched him as hard as she could given how close their bodies were, which was pretty hard, and he groaned with pain. 
“Shut up!” She groaned. “Just… urgh. Stop it.”
“Why do you think I moved my head? You were doing the same thing to me!”
“No I wasn’t!” She gasped
“Oh yeah, why am I hard then?”
“‘Cause you’d fuck a dead tree stump full of squirrels.”
“None of them around. Try again.”
“Because you want to fuck me, and you always have.”
“Pfffft,” Gary scoffed “I couldn’t fuck you. It’d be weird.”
“So you’ve thought about it?” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
He hesitated a second, unsure of why the thought of that was so funny to her, or why it hurt his feelings. 
“Why do you care?” he asked, a little annoyed. He didn’t want to tell her, and he was sure she didn’t know. Yeah, he’d thought about her a few dozen times, wondering what it’d be like. But he never acted on it with her, so what was the harm? It wasn’t ruining the friendship for him to picture what Mads would look like wrapped up in his bedsheets. 
She rolled her eyes, looking a little hurt. “Because. I want to know!”
“You want to know what? If I’ve thought about… us? Like you and me?”
“Well…,” Gary sighed. But his hesitation said more than any confirmation ever could. She grinned victoriously, and he sighed. “Come on, Mads, you being my mate’s way more important than that. But shit, I won’t lie and say I’ve never pictured it….”
“Yeah, I get you,” she laughed. “I’ve thought about it too.”
She said it so offhandedly that he almost didn’t pick up on it, but it smacked him around like a crane with a broken strap as she snuggled back in to his arms. Gary found himself in contemplative silence as he tried to let it sink in. His heart was absolutely pounding in his chest; stag at their feet be damned, it’d never beat this hard in his life. 
Mads had thought about… it. But the way she’d said the words left him with zero answers on what it was.
Did she mean she’d thought about fucking him? He supposed he had a reputation for being halfway-decent in bed. The mental image of Mads spread out on the bed beneath him sent a pulse of blood rushing south faster than he could stop it. There was no denying it. The girl was fucking hot.
But what if she’d meant… being together together. He was pretty sure he’d never thought about that before. What a terrible idea. They were best mates, and nothing more. Gary & Mads were like fish & chips. Tea and toast. Bed and breakfast. They were a package deal. They did everything together. 
Imagine if he dated Mads, and it went tits-up, and he lost her? He would never forgive himself, and neither would Dicky. Or his Nan. Pretty much the whole of Chatham would disown him if he hurt her, and he did not have a good track record of staying friends with his exes. 
He couldn’t date Mads. 
Could he?
He tried to push it out of his mind, but couldn’t. There was something about it that kept pulling him back. It wasn’t like it’d be different from how they were normally - no one would think twice about them standing around cuddling. He could hug her all he wanted. Kiss her, even. 
The thought of kissing Mads formed a small knot in his stomach.
Oh wow, that was something. 
If they were dating, he could kiss her whenever he wanted. All day, every day. He could wrap her up in his arms, and kiss her, and run his hands through her hair. He could hold her around her waist, and wake up next to her, and hold her hand, and have her smile at him. And he’d introduce her to people, saying ‘this is my girlfriend, Mads.’ His eyes widened as he stared off into the leaves around them, as the words struck him like an arrow, right to the face. Almost as if she could feel things change, she shuffled in closer to him, sighing happily as she pressed her cold nose to the base of his neck. 
It was odd, really, that it would happen here. Up a tree, being stalked by a stag, on a night that felt five times colder than the forecast predicted. 
But he supposed you didn’t really get to choose where you were, the moment you realised you were head over heels for your best friend. 
13 years, 13 years of spending damn near every day with her. And when they weren’t together, they were still together. Calling. Texting. Missing her. Missing being around her. Missing how he never felt like himself when she wasn’t wrapped up in his arms. Their default position. He felt her hand shift, and she pulled back a little, stroking her fingers through the hair on his face as she turned it toward her. 
“What’s on your mind?” she smiled, softly casting her eyes over his face. And he let his fall over hers, too. 
Over the bump on her nose from where she broke it, trying to tackle him. The scar below her chin from when she’d insisted he learn to ride his bike with her on his handlebars. The hairs on one eyebrow that stuck up straight, and always annoyed her. Over the mischievous hazel eyes and glowing skin. The soft brown flecks of freckles across her nose. 
The sharp dip of her cupids bow that he suddenly couldn’t tear his eyes away from. 
It would be so easy. 
It would be so easy to love her. 
And right now, it would be so easy to kiss her. 
He rolled his lips together as he stared at hers. Fuck, he wanted to, so badly. But he didn’t even know if that was what she meant. She could’ve been talking about sex. Maybe she’d just been messing around. Maybe she’d…
And right as he was about to look away, he saw it. There was a light in her eyes that he’d never seen before. Maybe it was just because he’d never spent this long staring into them before, but there was something there. 
Had it always been there? Or had he just not seen it until he’d actually looked?
He didn’t feel her move, but it sudenly seemed like their lips were only centimetres apart. He could feel Mads’ breath on his lips, and he moved so slowly he thought he’d stopped completely. But he hadn’t. 
The corners of their lips met first, so softly it almost tickled. He lifted his hand, cupping her face, and held her steady. 
And he kissed her. 
Her body practically melted into his hands, and even he was a little surprised at how fucking incredible it felt. She fit him like the hoodies they swapped back and forth when they were the same size. She fit him like she fit in to his family dinners.
Thirteen years of friendship. Thirteen years setting the groundwork. Thirteen years of growing, of sanding each others' edges, of bickering and bantering. Thirteen years of shaping and sculpting and fitting.
And not once realising they were already moulded for each other.
Her arms were around his shoulders, exposing their hips to the cold, but he didn’t care. All he could think was her. Her lips, her hair, her legs over his, her waist under his hands, and her tongue flicking his as they wound themselves tighter together.
“Gary,” she whispered. “This is fucking insane, right?”
Her voice was shaky, almost as if she was afraid of the answer. His stomach flipped, and he swallowed, hard.
“No,” he whispered.
He took a deep breath, willing himself to have the courage to say it out loud. He pushed every memory he had with Mads to the back of his mind. Every beautiful, beautiful fucking memory, knowing the next words he said could risk it all if she didn’t feel the same way. “It’s not insane, Mads. Not to me. I don’t think I’ve ever been less confused about anything in my life.”
A small, almost shy smile curled on Mads’ face, and she looked up at him how she always did. Every time he’d made her a cuppa. Every time she’d rub his wrist while they watched TV. 
Every time he brought her toast when she was sad.
“In fact, I think I should’ve done this a long time ago.”
He pulled her back in to him, kissing her harder, and she moaned at his assertiveness. She rolled her hips against his, his jeans frustratingly tight, making him gasp with pain and need at how hard she had him.
“Mads!” he groaned, and she burst out laughing. 
“God, I can’t believe we only just figured this out,” she laughed. “It seems so obvious in hindsight.”
He pulled her closer, pressing his lips to her forehead. “It does. I should thank Bambi for making it happen.”
“Yeah, he’s just your wingman.”
“D’you reckon he’s still mad at us?” he asked. “I’d kind of like to get you back to mine as soon as possible.” Mads smacked his chest playfully, and he shot her a cheeky grin. “You know I’m joking.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Nah, I’m not,” he agreed. “But seriously, I just want to have you to myself for a bit before everyone finds out and loses their minds.”
She nodded, snuggling back into his arms, kissing his jaw. “That sounds really nice, actually.”
And if at any point Gary believed in fate, it was then, because off in the distance, a small torchlight appeared. 
“Is someone out there?” a voice called, and Gary and Mads locked eyes. 
“Yes! Yes! We’re up in the tree!” Mads called. 
“Careful, mate one of the deer’s gone crazy!”
The farmer shone a light up in their faces as he approached, seemingly without fear. He tutted and laughed at their predicament, calm as anything as the deer nudged and nuzzled at him. Gary looked down in absolute horror as the farmer scritched the big stag between the antlers. “They’re harmless! Promise, they’re my pets. You can come down.”
Gary and Mads unzipped themselves, and climbed down, thanking him profusely as they explained how they happened to end up there.
“I just can’t believe we got held hostage by a deer!” Gary laughed. 
The farmer grinned. “These aren’t just any deer, mate, they’re reindeer. They just get a bit aggro this time of year.”
He shone the torch at some of the reindeer, clearly proud as punch of all of them as he stroked one of the smaller deer under its chin. “That there’s Donner, this lovely lady is Blitzen.”
“What about the big grumpy one?”
“Your new best friend, you mean?” Mads laughed, slipping her hand into his. He smiled, pulling her into his arms. 
Gary could’ve sworn he saw a small smile curl on the old man’s face, as he swung his torch to illuminate the tall stag.
“That’s Cupid.”
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mordenheim · 3 months
Larger Than Life Dating
A little birthday gift for the wonderful  https://www.tumblr.com/ask-twizilla
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Cloud Sweeper preened his gray wings nervously. His electric blue mane was standing up in spikes as he fidgeted in the chair, waiting for his appointment. A heavy bag of golden bits, most of his life's savings, sat in a bag on the floor in front of him. The pegasus actually started rocking the chair side to side, the legs thumping on the floor a little bit.
"SHHH!! Will you STOP that?!"
The stallion sat bolt upright, forehooves in his lap as he blushed, embarrassed as he was chastised by the receptionist. He sighed and looked up at the clock. His appointment was for half an hour ago.
The phone rang and the red-maned receptionist picked up the phone, chewing her gum. "Yeah? Yeah? Yeah, okay. Gortcha boss."
She hung up the phone, looking over her glasses at the waiting room, empty except for Cloud. "Clod Hoppah? Is there a Clod Hoppah waitin'?"
"Uh, it's... Cloud Sweeper."
"Eh, close enough, go on in." She pushed a button under the desk, unlocking the door with an electric buzz.
Dragging the heavy bag of coins, he pushed his way through the door. The pegasus blinked as he saw a tall pale pink alicorn with a flowing blue mane kicked back in a plush office chair, he hind hooves propped up on the top of a fancy looking mahogany desk.
"Welcome to Larger Than Life Dating, where we make your wildest dreams come true! You must be Cloud Sweeper! You bring the money?"
Nodding, he hefts the heavy bag up onto her desk where she sits up and drags it off into a safe behind her in one smooth motion. "Alright, Mister Sweeper, I actually have a blind date all set up for you."
"A blind date? Three hundred golden bits for a blind date? You must be kidding me Miss.. uh..."
"Dissonance. Miss Dissonance."
"What in the world makes you think that a blind date is worth it?!"
"Trust me, we guarantee you'll remember this date for the rest of your life. Let's see. Looks like her name is Lunar Light"
He rolled his eyes, not noticing the slight rumble in the ground as he snapped at her, "You really don't know what you're doing, do you? The whole point of a blind date is to not know WHO you're dating!"
Suddenly, the rooftop slides sideways like it's on rails as a snarling deep blue pony with a wild seafoam green mane glares down into the building.
"Ah! Miss Light, your date is right here!"
Giving a guttural roar, the giant pony reached in to grab Cloud Sweeper, who let out an earsplitting scream, "This wasn't what I had in mind!!"
Lunar roars at the tiny stallion in her hoof, silencing him before giving him a gentle lick and nuzzle, snuggling his tiny body to her cheek. He blinks, completely confused and still half scared to death as the giantess backs away from the office building.
Dissonance smiles as she trots over to the window. Instead of backing out towards the forest, the giant mare was roaring and rampaging her way straight through the middle of Ponyville. Homes were destroyed, businesses ruined and ponies scattered everywhere as she cuddled her little blind date. She settled back into her chair, breathing in deep to take in the scents of smoke and destruction, almost seeming to feed on it. "Business is GOOD..."
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wandering-ghost · 1 year
Atomic pets au propaganda!!
Writing propaganda for the @tmnt-crossover-polls in happy to have finished this, it was fun and I want to do more! \*^o^*/
The portal that opened under mikey was not the familiar blue he was used to, but a part of him still blamed Leo for being unceremoniously taken away from his spray paint and being plunged into an unknown location.
He landed on a soft plush chair with a small ‘oomph’ and a small letter slowly drifting down onto his lap. He picked it up and read through it.
‘Welcome to the tmnt-crossover-poll, you have been selected to be one of the lucky contestants to be in the competition! The theme will be musical based, so pick a song with your teammates and practice practice practice! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy the competition!’
“Teammates?” He mumbled, at that same moment his brothers landed in a chair of their own, some more gracefully than others. “LEO!!!!” Donnie screeched, glaring daggers at the red eared slider, “It wasn’t me this time I swear!!!” Leo squawked, flailing his arms as Donnie bolted towards him.
“Ok that’s enough!” Raph roared, grabbing Donnie by the shell as he hissed and tried to claw at Leo who was now hiding behind Raph and blowing raspberries at his twin. Mikey did his best to stifle his laughter as Raph threw his head back with a sigh, already tired of their shenanigans.
“Hey guys! Look at this!” Mikey quealed, holding out the letter for his brothers to read. They skimmed through the letter before finally taking in their surroundings.
They stood in the middle of rows filled with many seats, some oddly big and others more regularly sized. The walls were lined with lights that illuminated the area in a royal yellow. Across from them stood a giant theater with its curtain drawn open to reveal its participants.
They stood in silence for a few seconds, absorbing their current situation.
“WE’RE IN A THEATER?!?!?!?!”
“Hey, do you guys know where the plug is? my phone is about to die.”
The three looked at Donnie with a deadpan expression, he looked up at them from his phone with a shrug before going back to look at his phone, “my phone is about to die and it needs charging asap.” He simply said. Raph immediately dropped him, getting a startled yelp out of donnie before quickly returning his attention to his phone.
“Soooo… What do we do?” Raph asked, Mikey and Leo looked at each other before looking at Raph and shrugging. “I don’t know… we could…-” before Mikey continued he noticed a sticker on Raph’s shell and inspected it closely. “Atomic pets?” He mumbled, “but we don’t have any OH ME GOSH PICO!!!” Mikey screeched, flailing around the seats and hopping over some in hopes of finding his beloved pet lizard.
“PICOOOOO!!!!” Mikey screeched off the top of his lungs, Raph covered his mouth with his hand to shush him. “Leo help Mikey find pico, you guys check backstage and me and Donnie-” “but my phone-” “me and Donnie,” he gritted out, “will check the lobby, got it?” Leo nodded along with Mikey, Leo removed Raph’s hand from Mikey’s mouth and grabbed his hand, “come on Angelo, let’s go find your weird dog.” Leo said, pulling Mikey to the stage, “he’s not a dog.” Mikey mumbled, “well he sure acts like one.” Leo said, his voice fading with distance.
Raph sighed, “ok, let’s go check- what?” He looked around him, Donnie nowhere in sight. “What the-? Donnie?!” Raph checked around the chairs before finding his purple obsessed brother leaving to the halls. He sagged a bit before chasing after him.
This was going to be eventful.
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dumbgothbunny · 2 years
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Bless @loki-hargreeves for my nathan asks. I smoked some weed and wrote up some shit
Okay but Nathan keeps a cage for bunny reader- but he orders a bigger one, and he lets his sweet bunny personalize it all to her liking. It’s lavender colored, a soft pastel. Pastel blue and pink fairy lights and iridescent sheer fabric are interwoven through the bars. Instead of a hard flooring there’s pillows and plush fuax fur blankets. You’ve got a few of Nathan’s shirts and a pair of his boxers (you’d stolen them from his clothes pile- you can’t help it he just- smells so nice) all nice and built up It’s your perfect little space. Just for you.
Nathan buys you a Polaroid camera. You begged and begged and he told you he could get something better, but you insisted the girls in the videos you watched had them and they were so cute. It’s pastel blue. He even took care in buying you colorful trimmed film packs. You’ve got a few pinned up in your crate- photos of you and Nathan hung with care.
At first you try to sleep there, but you don’t last a night. The first night you’re with him there’s a big scary storm and you’re so badly frightened that you pass out as a giant bolt of lightening flashes and thunder rattles the house. Nathan luckily is there to catch you. He sighs and takes you to his room. He pets your ears as you come too, shaking his head. “Such a scared little bunny.”
He totally lets you cling to him all night, his fingertips gently stroking the patches of fur along your sides and underboob. Sometimes when the thunder is loud you flinch, making him coo to you.
The stormy season isn’t letting up- he decides to try something with you. He’s got you straddling his lap, hands on his chest. “Just open up bunny. Like we kiss.” You nod, doing as he says. “Now when I inhale this in your mouth take a deep breath and hold it.
You cough and sneeze and it’s so cute. He does it a few more times, tears rolling down your cheeks from coughing. And then you’re relaxed- the storm no longer bothering you. However Nathan discovers that weed not only makes you silly, but also very horny. He’s not had sex with you, but he has been cuddling and petting and kissing you. He’s slowly teaching you things, and finding out things about himself along the way.
Nathan can be sweet- but he’s still Nathan. He gets angry when you act out- he will punish you and he will take it seriously. He has a quick temper, especially when working.
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dr-hidden-paradise · 2 years
Himari’s Dorm
Himari’s dorm has hot pink walls with bright yellow stars all over the walls, fading into the trim. Her bed has a fluffy pale blue throw blanket covered with multi-color flower outlines. The floor is pale and wooden, appearing to be oak, with a small white furry rug near one side of the bed. Her desk is painted a neon orange, hiding any idea of what it was made of, a bowl of chewy candy upon it, with a rainbow-painted wooden chair sitting beside it. Alongside all of this, in the corner of the room is a giant pile of plush animals and other various toys, including three foam guns, the associated foam ammo, and a slingshot. On the searingly bright desk, there are also bolts of fabric and a sewing kit, alongside bags of stuffing and buttons of various forms.
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
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A Spam-Email Supervillain? Click Below To Learn More About The Missing Link Of [Hyperlink Blocked]
I was doing some digging around characters from Monica’s Gang (gave it a basic rundown here when discussing it’s biggest villain, Capitão Feio / Captain Fray) and I found a character I completely forgot existed.
Doctor Spam is one of the main villains of Monica’s Gang, usually the go-to character for any storyline that uses computers or technology. He’s not used quite as often as the others thanks to his niche but still a character they bring back a reasonable amount. He is the evil alter-ego of a man Professor Spada, the gang’s kind-hearted computing teacher who was based on creator Mauricio de Souza’s son (Mauricio Spada, who passed away in 2016). 
Debuting in 2005, Doctor Spam first emerges when Professor Spada is called to install a computer in Monica’s room, and she accidentally hits him with her plush bunny (named Samson). Because Samson is a weapon of mass destruction in her hands, the good professor Spada gets knocked away and zapped, transforming into his alter-ego Doctor Spam and trapping the gang inside the computer, only reverting to his “good self” when hit with an anti-spam program. Later appearences would state that he transforms when struck by lightning, or under stress, transforming into his alter-ego intent on taking over the world via mind-control, who usually spends a lot of time waging digital warfare against children and hitting them with lightning bolts.
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Doctor Spam has a bunch of different powers revolving around computers and viruses and games, so varied that he’s basically omnipotent so long as you don’t have an anti-virus system or find a way to disable his power source. Among said powers includes the ability to transport people into the computer world he rules, infect computers attached to a network, freely create a “score” currency that transforms those who eat them, flood you with damaging forms of spam email and ads and messages, mind control people with specialized roots, etc.
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At some point he also decided dressing in white labcoat was for weenies so he tried to switch out for a black outfit. He can also turn himself into a giant robot form called MegaSpam, with purple-black hair and a pointier nose.
And doing further research also showed me he got another redesign circa 2014 when he showed up for the Chico Bento manga and okay now you’re just fucking with me
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this redesign was also part of a story where we get to learn a bit about how Doctor Spam has always been engineering Professor Spada’s transformations by altering his brain chemistry via electricity, and that Spada’s well-intentioned attempts to create a supercomputer capable of helping prevent grasshopper plagues eventually were utilized by Doctor Spam in order to engineer a plague of electronic grasshoppers that would systematically wipe out all vegetation and trapping people in coccoons to reprogram their minds and have them build his perfect world, a plan he explains with a handy dandy “Spamographic” and a drawing of the great cyber city he wants to create called S.P.A.M.I.A
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I’m sure none of this [ring-ring-ring]s any bells whatsoever, but man, maybe Doctor Spam was never gonna really take off into big pop culture stardom, even disregarding the popularity of Monica’s Gang overseas. I mean, a spam email-based villain? With that wacko hair and goggles and nose and grin and big showoff personality? And he’s both friend and enemy at once? With him being a hard-working young man with big dreams and ambitions that get tragically dashed, and he winds up becoming this deranged cartoon of himself who schemes for power, and rampages when he has it, and needs to be stopped and saved from himself by the same group of kids he's trying to destroy? 
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Eh, too much of a long shot, I'd say.
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remidyal · 1 year
A snippet I daydreamed about or was really looking forward to writing. Hmm, well, I don't have any of those in the bank (stuff like this gets written pretty quickly!), so this is actually going to be something that's already written and published, and probably the scene that absolutely most was fully formed in my head before even starting the fic and I was REALLY looking forward to getting to - this is as spoiler free as I can get from this section - from Lunacy Chapter 31 (which chapters 29-31 as a whole are a sequence that fits this description):
Adaine knew, immediately, that something different had happened than was supposed to happen with Detect Thoughts.  Whether it was for weal or for woe, she was uncertain.
She was standing on the edge of a city that had been at war, in winter.  Everything looked destroyed, fragmented.  Cracks in the ground and pavement below, no life anywhere...  There were free floating clouds of toxic-looking gas hanging in midair.  Even as she looked out, another brick fell from the husk of the nearest building.
This place must be Aelwyn's mind, but if so, it wasn't exactly promising.
Adaine walked forward, glancing up.  It was the brightness of daylight, but it was the moon hanging overhead, a waning half-moon that matched its current state in reality whether by luck or as an indication that even out of her mind Aelwyn had the same sort of awareness of the moon that Adaine and Tracker and Jawbone did.
There was a flash of motion in the corner of her eye, over near one of the ruined towers.  "Aelwyn?"  She called over, cautiously.  Something had to be left of Aelwyn in here, something that at least knew Adaine's name and seemed to know that she should be sorry for something.  Adaine approached, reaching a hand out and touching the tower to steady herself along the way, and...
She was in a place that she did not remember and yet was somehow familiar.  It must have been huge, anyway - the halls were enormous, the doorways wider and taller than even a giant, the carpets plush beneath her bare feet.  She was not in control of this body, and she was not the one feeling everything, and yet she was.  A passenger, for this moment.
An infant was crying, through the nearby doorway.  Adaine felt herself moving to peek through it, hands holding to the doorframe to keep on her surprisingly unsteady legs.  There was a crib there, enormous, and an infant with pufts of blonde hair was screaming out for anyone to come and look at her and help her.
Adaine felt a hand on her shoulder, tugging at her roughly away from the door.  Angwyn Abernant was there, enormous but otherwise looking just as he had right before she had thrown a lightning bolt at him not too long ago, and his expression was neutral.  "Aelwyn, love, you mustn't reward Adaine with attention when she's being unreasonable like that.  Your mother's unseen servants check on her regularly; she has everything she needs."
But I want to see her was the thought that Adaine could feel as though it were her own, knowing for certain that it wasn't but that it was Aelwyn's, even as she gave a nod, and a quiet "Yes, father" instead.  At absolute most Aelwyn was three and she was already talking like that and somehow sounding so polite and walking away after Angwyn instead of doing what she'd wanted and looking to make certain Adaine was truly okay.
A flash of light, and Adaine found herself back in control, back in her 'body', such as it was.  A projection of her body, somewhere else in this ruined city, no longer along the outskirts but instead surrounded by ruined buildings on all sides, the ruins forming a maze.
Aelwyn was there, next to her.  Sort of.  She was maybe ten, in the lower school uniform for Hudol that Adaine had worn and then worn a knockoff for for her first few weeks at Aguefort, before she'd been kicked out of home.  Thick scars covered her arms around her wrists, and her legs near her ankles, matching the ones she had in reality.  "Oh."  She said, eyes wide as she looked at Adaine.  "You're alive, after all."
"Did you think I wasn't?"  Adaine asked, uncertainly stepping forward, trying to approach the kid version of her older sister.
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