#He’s so bbg frfr
chrollosnenfish · 11 months
Just a little bit of Stanley Snyder (bc I’m obsessed)
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I legitimately love him so much. He is one of, if not the most, attractive characters in Dr. Stone. I think it’s the eyes, just everything about them is pretty. He also has really pretty lips and just UGHHHH!!!! Everything about him is such a turn on. God I love the Dr. Stone character designs
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skeleton-mischief · 3 months
Dust "Serrif"
Shhhh shhh shh, it's all just a bad dream. It's just a bad d r e a m... But when you wake, remember that it is all your fault.
*Dust Sans cannot escape his fate
To Note: I keep the Bad Sanses and the Roommate Universes separate. So if I mention Killer, for example, it is in the Bad Sanses universe. Mostly, both versions are quite similar to one another, but the interactions he has with others influences slight changes of how he grows. If you have further questions, don't be afraid to ask! (I'll go crazy/pos)
- Official height is 5'5
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Drinks Ketchup, but rarely nowadays
- Intuitive, pessimistic, cynical, overthinker, observant, responsible, sarcastic, serious, assertive, quiet, dedicated, untrusting, overprotective, secretly jealous, cunning, ruthless, manipulative, reserved, blunt, and bitter
- His brother's dust fused with his soul when he killed him, and that is why he can see his dead brother and talk to him, so he can see him almost constantly
- Almost always the only one who sees his brother. Very rarely, however, if the magic is strong enough, a faint and hazy outline of Pap can be seen
- He reads as a hobby, usually involving old literature. When everyone was dusted, the Library was somewhere he frequented out of boredom
- He would have horrible dissociative issues, zoning out worse than most even without provocation. He struggles identifying what is real, where he is, who he's around, and what place he's at. He can be catatonic
- He cares for every papyrus he comes across, and he ends up the most gentle to them and the most patient. After all, even if he killed his brother, that doesn't mean he wants to kill others. When he's disassociated, however, he can sometimes be a danger to Cyperus and often tries to stay away from him as a result since he can forget that he's not his Papyrus
- Good friends with Powder and Saint
- He used to resent Vanilla specifically, as he envies him in so many ways
- strangely, he is friends with Red, and while the dynamic is similar to Vanilla and Red, the dynamic is tilted and often enough Red can be a little off put by him
- He can be outright nasty to others, apathetic to them, but as time goes on he's just exhausted and reserved
- He is willing to let things happen without involving himself, unless he deems it necessary to do so
- He's picky with those he's friends with, he doesn't get close to other Sanses easily and in fact tries to actively avoid making close friendships
- He won't admit it, but he sometimes argues with his brother and he looks crazy. He could be muttering at the wall and next thing you see his him strangling the air while angrily muttering
- The most hateful to Frisk, he refuses to be around any au of Frisk or Chara. Even if he got the help he needed, it just isn't possible for him to forgive them
- (This would be if we go by the Bad Guy Sanses rather than the Skeletons in one universe/house) He would despise Killer Sans specifically in the beginning of their work relationship, but as time went on they became close friends
- He wears a hood and hat since he does not want other people to see his face. It wasn't just to keep his identity stifled, he just also doesn't like to see his own face and associate it with himself. Mostly shrouded in shadow except for his eyelight or teeth sparingly, I like to think that once he starts to heal you can see more and more of his face as he starts to either forgive himself or at least can associate his face with who he is
- He can mimic Vanilla practically in every way, but he only does this to hide his identity in public or if someone confuses the two somehow. The only issue is that something just seems...off when this happens
- An erratic and violent fighting style, he's unpredictable and doesn't follow a pattern like Vanilla does
- He's jittery and when stressed he is more snappish and anxious as a result, constantly paranoid and on high alert
- He struggles with fight or flight responses when confronted or even in situations that don't require a large response. however, this usually ends with fights
- He enjoys cooking from anybody, complimenting them and eating all of it. He doesn't waste food, and he is always appreciative of someone making something. He especially loves it from the Papyri
- Talks to himself sometimes (it's actually Papyrus)
- An angry crier, but he becomes unresponsive or too frustrated to calm down easily when he's really distressed
- He picked up smoking when in the Junkyard area, finding a hat there and a mostly empty pack of cigarettes. He finally lights one when he just finishes dusting Papyrus
- Because the food supply at some point dropped, Dust ended up crossing Grillby's side of the counter and found hidden stashes of alcohol. He ends up drinking and often pretending that everyone in the bar is present when shit faced, but it ends up with him usually breaking down
- There are little times Papyrus is not with Dust since they share a soul in some ways, but it's possible
- He would call his lover Angel
- His brother had always nagged him to wear glasses, but he was always too lazy to do it. Nowadays, he can be seen wearing them when reading
- He finds comfort in forests when above ground, as it helps him clear his thoughts. Rarely though, he can't stand being around them when he starts to hallucinate the voices of those he once loved in the absence of Papyrus. If he's in the forest, he tries to at least have someone to talk to, even if it's just Pap. He hates silence.
- He's extremely patient, almost to a concerning extent. He is willing to play the long game, and so a hobby he interestingly tuned in on is chess
- He is one of the best Sanses when it comes to playing poker, you would have to be careful when making bet with him
- Is a fantastic liar when he chooses to, something about his voice is....trustworthy. If you have wonderful intuition, however, you can just pick up that odd tone he has
- No one is allowed to wake him up early, he stays up late as it is and ends up sleeping the most out of all the Sanses as a result. He is extremely grumpy otherwise. Of course, this would be if he trusts those around him. He actually ends up avoiding sleep and doesn't trust others enough when he first interacts with them. Powder or Red will fight others on waking him up once they pick up this fact
- Does crosswords when possible. He loves to do Junior Jumble because Pap used to love them. He can be seen muttering to himself and even...at ease, when he does them.
- Loves thunderstorms, he's reminded of when Pap used to need comfort as a babybones. He often can be seen watching outside a window or even standing in the rain to get those memories to be fresher in his mind
- Extremely touch starved, but often feels that he doesn't deserve to ask for it. In fact, if he really trusts someone, he leans into them if they initiate touch. If he doesn't like someone however, he'll forcefully remove them. The presence of those he cares about is enough most of the time though. Rarely, he actually will initiate touch. This is reserved for those he's extremely close with though
- Frequently has night terrors, Saint has them too and sometimes they need each other since only both can calm the other. In truth, it was something both ended up being useful for, and it was one of the things that really strengthened their bond. If we talk about the Bad Sanses, he actually was surprised to find Killer sitting beside him and even stroking his skull when he's freaking out one night. Killer knows what it feels like, and even if he knows that Dust was going to be mad, Saint wasn't present and he oddly felt that he had to take initiative. Dust ended up not complaining and actually laid his skull against Killers lap that night
- He can't sleep without hugging something. Pillow, blanket, stuffie, person? Doesn't matter, he has to have something at any point. Even if he ends up sleeping in a laundry basket, he can be seen cuddling something such as a scarf or shirt
- He buries his face in his brother's scarf when cold, or when he wants to breathe in his scent as a soothing and comforting coping mechanism
- Doesn't trust anyone with Pap's scarf, and only washes it sparingly or if he allows it since he wants to remember the scent of his brother. He uses the same soap that Papyrus used
- Will let any Papyrus clean his room, but no one else, not even Powder
- He likes photography, he ended up being closer to Stretch when he was gifted a camera from him
- He doesn't care too much for his health mentally or physically, but works on himself overtime if he's in a safe environment
- Usually doesn't speak unless someone else prompts him to, but he'll sometimes do it unprompted on rare occasion
- Magic smells of leather and slight tobacco, magic tastes of vanilla
- Due to starving underground after the genocide, he now has ash tinted bone and is in fact quite scrawny. Similar to Saint, he has chipped bone and sometimes dust can be seen flaking off. His situation was different though, so he didn't physically change too much like Saint did
- He doesn't seem like it, but he actually enjoys certain puns even after everything. He's a hard skeleton to crack, but with the right joke he can ease up around someone almost as in approval. Depending on who he's connecting with, the joke can be a lame pun, or seeing someone make a fool of themselves
- He is not prone to listen a lot of the time, more spiteful and petty. Like Vanilla, he won't do something well or at all if he doesn't like someone, but he's less subtle about it than him. He won't enjoy scoldings either, since he's used to being scolded a lot more anyways from Pap
- He likes to provoke people at times, and can even actively be passive aggressive or nasty to them as a result. He won't apologize either, and only will apologize if he really deems that person worthy of it
- He's really secretive, and in fact if he's in the roommate timeline it would take awhile for others to REALLY know what happened. Even then he doesn't like talking about it
- His clothes are covered in dust, so that's what he often smells like if he's not using magic. It faintly can remind someone of a dusty attic or library, but for a monster it's very unpleasant and disorienting
- He will threaten someone in a rather calm manner, not bothering to raise his voice. He detaches himself, and if he's really angry he can become what he was like with Frisk: manic and unhinged
- He has a high pain tolerance, so he can have someone smash his face with an object and he'll stumble sure, but he won't react to it much
Closing Notes: oh my STARS bro he's one of my favorites to work with, I actually have a lot of fun when talking about him and exploring his character. I didn't care much for him when I was younger, but that's because I was crazy or something🤭
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading! I feel weird when people interact but I appreciate when you guys do. Thank you for reading🫶🫶
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jasongraceenthusiast · 11 months
u guys like dr who right smirk emoji (have not watched but. it seems cool and i think i have some random little kaychain from it)
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closedrop · 1 year
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Miguel Fckin O’Hara. That’s it.
That’s it. Just Miguel fckin O’Hara.
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bryceslahela · 2 years
ur a beckett romancer?? jade..
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drysdalesworld · 5 months
ducks, ducks, ducks
jamie drysdale x fem!hughes!reader
social media au set before injury & trade! (still salty about it)
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by adamfantilli, uoregon, yourbestie, and more
y/n.hughes: ducks, ducks, ducks 🦆
tagged: yourbestie, anaheimducks, uoregon
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yourbestie: ducks!!
userone: the best duck there is
usertwo: fr!
userthree: who? jamie or y/n?
userone: y/n 100% userthree
trevorzegras: i’m still petty over the fact that you didn’t hug me first
y/n.hughes: i would’ve if you didn’t take forever to leave the locker room
jamie.drysdale: you were too slow z
trevorzegras: ☹️
userfour: trev being petty over the fact that he wasn’t one of the first people to hug y/n after the game has me ROLLING 😭
userfive: fr!! i love how jokingly possessive he is over the hughes siblings. it’s too funny
usersix: esp over jack and y/n. it’s hilarious 😂
yourroommate: how much sleep did you get this weekend?
y/n.hughes: none ☺️
yourroommate: babes
yourbestie: she literally brought her suitcase to the party so she could immediately go straight to the airport afterwards
userseven: stop!! that’s so cute!!
y/n.hughes: worth it tho
jamie.drysdale: loved having you at my game baby 🤍
jackhughes: is that why you ignored my facetime earlier 🥲
y/n.hughes: yes. i had other priorities
jackhughes: wow. so your older brother isn’t a priority? i see how it is 😒
y/n.hughes: dramatic ass
jackhughes: i’m telling mom!
usereight: y/n knows where her priorities lie lol
_quinnhughes: hope you had fun sis!
y/n.hughes: i did! thank you quinny <33
lhughes_06: take notes jackhughes
jackhughes: i’m being attacked at all sides aren’t i
colecaufield: when are you going to visit 😖
y/n.hughes: bake me your moms homemade cookies and then we’ll talk
colecaufield: done ✅
anaheimducks: the best duck we know!
markestapa: visit us next!!
tyler_duke5: on my knees begging
alexturcotte: hope oregon’s treating you well girl hughes!!
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by trevorzegras, rutgermcgroarty, and more
y/n.hughes: why do i have to be such a studious gf that’s pursuing her college degree and not a stay at home gf 😫
tagged: jamie.drysdale
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trevorzegras: just drop out. problem solved
userone: that’s not
jackhughes: are you encouraging my sister to drop out of college z 🤨
trevorzegras: just saying j. it’s an easy fix
lhughes_06: that’s what you get for double majoring in english and communications with a minor in political science girlie
usertwo: did luke just refer to his sister as girlie?
userthree: yes, yes he did
y/n.hughes: at least i’ll have a degree in my name & not just on the back of a jersey
y/n.hughes: same goes for you trev
userfour: oop
jamie.drysdale: because you’re a smart and hardworking girl baby ☺️
y/n.hughes: awww jimmy!! i love you so much ❤️❤️
userfive: are we just going to brush over the fact that y/n is a double major with a minor?? babes is getting NO sleep
y/n.hughes: ZERO
y/n.hughes: sleep is for the weak!
usersix: praying for your health & sanity bbg
userfive: get some sleep girl!! it’s important for your health!
yourbestie: get that degree babes!! be the most studious wag ever!!
yourroommate: FRFR
anaheimducks: getting the jack ready rn
luca.fantilli: the smartest hughes
lhughes_06: offense taken
y/n.hughes: thank you luca <3 speaking the truth fr
rutgermcgroarty: speaking of the smart hughes, can you help me with my essay y/n.hughes 😖
y/n.hughes: ofc rut! i’ll call you at 9
rutgermcgroarty: bless thank you 🙏
elhughes: so proud of you baby 💚💚
y/n.hughes: thank you mama!! i love you so much 🤍
jackhughes: the smartest sister i have
_quinnhughes: she’s the only sister you have idiot
jackhughes: okay and ???
userseven: the pic of jamie tying her shoe 😭😭
masonmctavish23: the most studious person i know!
trevorzegras: idk why but i feel offended
y/n.hughes: babes, we all know you practically have an iq of a grape
jackhughes: she isn’t wrong z 😂
y/n.hughes just posted to their story!
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caption: last date night with lover boy until thanksgiving break jamie.drysdale :(
trevorzegras replied!
finally! i no longer have to deal with you and jimbo’s lovey dovey grossness 🤢
jk! love you 🫶🏼 you make jimmy more tolerable
jamie.drysdale replied!
i’m going to miss you baby! :( study hard & take care of yourself lovey 🤍
lhughes_06 replied!
since when were you NOT coming home for turkey break??! 🤨
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thirstyallmightfan · 3 months
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If we ignore his insanely long neck
He's so wife material
Bbg frfr
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
hi! vash the stampede for the “put me down, i can walk” prompt? 🥹🙏
𝖕𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓, 𝖎 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖐! (vash the stampede)
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pairing: vash the stampede x gn!reader
content: fluff, reader being carried, a little bit of bridal carry, vash being a bbg
a/n: i loved writing this! this prompt is so perfect for vash!! he’s so 💕💕💕 bbg frfr! i love that silly man sm 😭😭 might have to make him my pfp tbh 🙏🙏 also this is the first prompt i am posting for my followers event! <3
☁️ 1k follower event
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The heat was unbearable. You should be used to it at this point but you doubted it was anything anyone ever could get used to.
You’ve been walking for what seemed like hours, dragging your feet through the sand as the sun was burning down on your head, slowly cooking your brain from the inside.
Vash, your companion, seemed unbothered by the heat for the most part, it only seemed to get to your head and body as your muscles started to feel heavy and your strength keeping you up and going slowly left you with every step.
This was exhausting. You were getting tired.
You felt awfully slow, the heat muddling with your thoughts and perception of time.
So it took you longer than you’d liked to admit to process what was happening.  How your feet were suddenly dangling in the air, your view was upside down and your body was swaying steadily with every step Vash took…Vash!
You started to wriggle in the man’s grip. Because for some reason, one you’d hoped he’d explain soon, Vash had just taken it upon himself to throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“Vash!” You cried out, some of your energy flooding back into your body in favour of letting you feel embarrassed.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you!” Vash promised sincerely as if he thought you were worried about him dropping you.
Which was not the issue!
You said his name again, lowering your voice into what was meant to sound like indignation but ended up sounding more like whining.
You started kicking your legs.
Vash swayed in his step, his cybernetic arm that was holding you by your waist on top of his shoulder tightening its grip.
“Please calm down, my dear, we’ll fall.”
“No, Vash! Let me down.”
“Oh?” The man slowed his step, voice dropping “Is my shoulder uncomfortable?”
The genuine concern in his voice made you want to hit your head against his back. That was not the issue!
“No…Yes…I don’t-“ You groaned, pushing your face into your hands “Put me down, I can walk!”
“You said you were tired,” Vash echoed back, sounding confused.
Oh…you hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“I’ll carry you until you’ll feel better.” You could almost hear the soft smile in those words and could actually feel the gentle pat he gave your calf with his other arm.
Your leg kicked out on reflex and you heard Vash’s pitiful whine as your foot collided with his thigh.
“Don’t kick me,” he complained with a sniffle and you felt instantly bad, you might even have apologised if Vash would let you down already.
“Just put me down already.”
Vash came to a stop.
“I don’t want you to over-exhaust yourself,” he explained gently.
Your heart warmed at his words and you let out a sigh. It was annoying how stupidly charming and sincere Vash was. It made it hard to deny him anything. Thankfully your feelings of embarrassment won over your affection for the blond…at least for now.
“That’s…nice and all but…did you have to throw me over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes?”
“Oh!” Vash called out, sounding embarrassed himself now.
He quickly manoeuvred you around before you could realise what he was doing. You slid down his shoulders and into his open arms as he adjusted you until he was holding you in a bridal carry…
“That’s better then?”
You blinked up at the man’s face. He smiled down at you, eyes closed and head cocked to the side. The sun behind his head made it look like he was wearing a halo.
The heat in your cheeks couldn’t be blamed on the sun this time.
“Vash, just let me down please,” you whispered, afraid your voice would break.
He obliged this time, setting you down on both of your feet before taking a step back to give you some space.
When you turned to look at him, Vash stood with his head bowed down and his back curved, eyes lowered to the ground. He looked like a kicked puppy. Oh no.
“I’m sorry!” He apologised, bowing deeper and you could hear the sadness in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, a soft smile tugging at your lips. How were you so lucky to meet such a sweet guy as him? It was almost unfair.
You closed the distance between the two of you.
“Head,” you ordered gently.
Without questioning you, he lowered his head more to make it easier for you to reach up and pat his head, fingers softly ruffling through his strands.
“I’m not mad. Next time ask first.”
Vash lifted his head a little and glanced up at you through his glasses. When he saw your soft gaze his expression immediately brightened again.
“Everything you want!” He promised, before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your cheek with a loud ‘mwuah’.
You bit your lip to hide the goofy grin that action brought to your face.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
I have a request! Can you do Eddie gulskin,brahms hellsire and Billy lenz (idk I'd you do the twins from outlast but if u do them to if not is chill) with a S/O who has an anxious attachment style?
- like there s/o asks If they hate them and kinda follows the characters around like a shadow!!:>
Ong! I love it!! This s/o is so me😭 also why i got 3 eggie gluskin requests at once i never even played outlast! But he seems like goofy fellow!
They/them, sfw, mostly meowmeow fluffy. Requests are closed for now due to huge numbers in my inbox
Slashers with s/o who has attachment issues
Billy Lenz
Oh me oh my they are sure something else
He is the one that usually walks behind his parnet like stray cat so he doenst really know how to react?? Especially if s/o asks him stuff "do you like me?" And is clearly worried about Billy abandoning them. Billy will be like ??? Bestie why would you even think like that!! S/o is great he would never!
He stares at them when they sleep, like it would help him figure out how to feel them more loved
Pls dont vent to him tho! He cant take this type of stuff sirously
Eddie gluskin
His guy will blush so hard
When they fallow him, his ego will grow so much! Oh darling what you worried you'll get lost? Huh o- well of course i love you! Your my wife!!!
He can spend as much time with them as possible! As far as they don't mind gory backround and screaming people
Like somone acually cares about him?? Frfr?? With consent?? Gee didnt know s/o was chill like that
Once he found them crying in one of hospital beds, he though somonr attacked them but when he realised they were worried about him, Eddie promised to him self that he will never leave them
Asa emory
Bbg wym??? He spends huge amount of money on them and they still think he doesnt like them??? I mean yeah he spends a lot of time away but like😔😔no no s/o you cant go with him to his workplace nono its too gory for ur lil mind
Alrightttt if they ask him nicley he might allow them to sit in his saferoom there for few hours. But dont try to explore this place pls!! S/o gonna explode in real time irl if they leave saferoom(agressive escape room)
Also if they ever feel bad, he has few dogs so im sure s/o can vibe with doggos if they feel bad
Bro asa really doenst know how to make them understand HE LOVES YOU PLS TAKE HIS MONEY AND DOGS AND STOP BEING SO SAD OML
Brahms Heelshire
Vice versa
This guy sometimes doesnt sleep at night because hes worried that they accualy dont love him, and they are just too scared to leave
But his worries fade away as soon as they snuggle to him while sleeping
He would love s/o that fallows him around!! He has attachment issues too!
Oh please dont worry love! He totally loves them
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mmichog · 1 year
umich pinterest finds😜💗🌷🌸👛
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i giggled when i saw this
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ultimate duos frfr🤞🤞
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he’s so bbg
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what the actual fuck is going on here
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skeleton-mischief · 3 months
Cyperus Serrif
It is only fair that I get to show off my headcanons for the skeleton that was my favorite character from the beginning. OG Papyrus
- Official height is 6'5
- He/Him
- Pansexual
- Has the most control of his magic and will adjust to match his opponent.
- An excellent cook for everything except pasta, it's why he's hyperfixating on getting it right
- Likes puns but thinks there has to be tact
- Hard worker, overachiever, kindhearted, empathetic, optimistic, cheerful, confident, sassy, impulsive, loud, stubborn, blunt, and charming
- Pacifist
- No pet preference, but has beef with the white dog that terrorizes him
- Does not curse often but will
- Magic smells like citrus, magic tastes like sugar cookie
- loves high fives
- Bear hugs all around
- Will remember everything someone tells him and uses it to his advantage
- Takes on emotional and physical burdens from others and gets burned out because of it. Wants to make everyone happy
- Takes care of himself physically, but struggles to do it emotionally. Hides it from others of course, but sometimes it's hard to hide from yourself
- Cries frequently if he's sentimental and not afraid to show it. Goodbyes, shows, etc. He only is practically silent if he's genuinely upset
- Would call his lover "Sunshine"
- Admires Vanilla and encourages Vanilla to rely on him
- He was the one to come up with the idea of using different names for everyone when the AU's clashed
- Unintentionally brutal when insulting someone, he also can make someone's jaw drop if he comments on something
- Hyperfixates on making good puzzles, it's a special interest of his
- The "Date" in Undertale was actually just him doing a playdate with Frisk. I think he would be good with kids, and he gets to get this little human to smile and befriend him and his brother. It would explain why he is so cartoonishly crazy about it, and why at the end he only wants to be friends
- He would call you all the time, face times, texts, all of it. He has so much to say and loves speaking, loves talking to you. You haven't grown tired of him? Well, because you haven't, he's secretly so happy to know that
- Admires Undyne and feels that he's not allowed in the royal guard due to something he's doing wrong
- Mettaton is his celebrity crush, but he'd never date him if they ever met. The "celebrity life is just not for him. His only true love is himself..."
- He is good artist who makes hero comics as a hobby, I think that because he has so many figurines he'd practice drawing since it's clear they're good poses and he's friends with Undyne. Clearly, comics and manga go with anime
- Cries in his closet when underground. In the game, he comments there are no skeletons in his closet, except him sometimes. I think this shows that it's a good place for him to cry without getting caught since it's a private spot
- Will make grand entrances often, including jumping through windows or throwing his hand out in a grand gesture before announcing himself
- Owns a red car, a sleek fancy one that he had to work to get a driver's license for. Otherwise, he would've crashed it
- Loves to try different styles above ground, since he didn't have many options Underground where most monsters don't even need clothes!
- Will carry Vanilla around and refuses to let anyone else do it because they "do it wrong."
- His favorite food is dinosaur oatmeal
- side eyes his friends, the others pets, even strangers, often. It's a silent judgment and he's super cartoonish or slick about it
- Doesn't remember Gaster except sometimes in his dreams
- He doesn't have anyone that outright dislikes him. for some they don't care for him, or even mock him, but no one dislikes him or even goes so far as to HATE him
- Is quite lonely, when the others arrived it was what he considers a gift
- Intimate, platonic relationships mean a lot to him
- He is in truth not as judgemental as he can come across, trying his hardest to be open minded about serious topics. Otherwise, expect him to call the old man at the grocery store and old prune for taking the last of the noodle brand he uses
- He doesn't believe that there is such a thing as "Evil" per say, or at least anyone being fully capable of being evil. It's one of the reasons he actually gets along with Flowey, who he doesn't know is also a kid and just naturally is able to be kind and patient enough for him
- He's self reflective, and a lot more intelligent than some people give him credit for. His theatrics do not deter him from being serious and deeply considerate when times matter
- He has never flattered someone out of manners, and so you can expect him to really mean it when he compliments you
- He has such control of his magic that he can bring you down to one HP, that's something that requires patience but he's capable of it
- He does gaming rarely, it's only something he does with family or if it's a puzzle game, opening his mind to fun things
- Rubic cubes are a thing of the past for him, he understands patterns and he can solve them way too quickly. Vanilla actually taught him when he was younger
- He acts more "motherly" when the other versions arrive, he has a desire to take care of others as a result
- He will gossip and even talk shit when it comes to shows, don't even get him started on it. The moment his TV show comes on, he's entirely wrapped up and invested. Just wait until reality TV gets discovered by him
- He's hard to anger, but frustration comes to him easily. He'll be frustrated at his failures, and he suppresses it until alone. Anger, however, isn't often a problem for him. You'd have to push him, and only then does he truly become something else. He doesn't like that version of himself though
- Very touch oriented and an active soul, he likes to work out and get up stupid early
- Sleep? HAH, not for this workaholic! There's so much to do!
- Wouldn't hesitate to be supportive of others, throwing out all the things you need with pom poms and everything
- Was it always this hard to get noticed by his brother? Sure, he's super supportive and present. But doesn't he see that his distance hurts? He actually is acutely aware of how much Vanilla hides himself away, and he wishes he got to be there for him the same way Vanilla is there for him
Closing Notes:
I actually thought that he was the best brother out of the two there are, I owned so much stuff such as a beanie, a hoodie, a poster, and all that jazz when I first got into Undertale. I sadly gave that stuff up after I just dealt with a very unhealthy friendship, since we bonded over it. Years later I got back into it though, and learned to appreciate Sanses all around. Papyrus will always be my #1 bbg though
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svefs · 11 months
Definitely the better Suzuki ever 👍
TW!: Cursing and mentions of alcoholism, NOT incest FFS, we love Iruma, IruAzz shipper reader frfr, I support other ships (not the bad bad ones y'all calm down)too don't attack me, im high and it's 3am, Fem!reader, hey bbg you look kinda cute
Summary: You're Iruma Suzuki's younger sister cause yes. Not really known by most of his friends since you're like 10 years younger than him (basically a kid that still can't attend school). That is untill you followed your older brother to Babyls secretly (how? Idk why are you asking me im defo no the author 🤷‍♀️)
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"Shichiro" said Kalego surrounded by an ominous aura while the misfits are sweating buckets in the background.
Balam Shichiro was only trying to help a toddler. Getting a lecture by co-worker was definitely not in list.
"BAT!" you screamed on the top of your lungs as if you were a drunkard
Uh oh
Few hours earlier
"Pera! upsies,"you babbled wanting to be carried.
"Y/N-sama, please forgive me but I am a bit busy here," Opera said while carrying the dirty laundry.
You huffed and walked away pouting at the fact that Opera was busy. It's childish but your still a kid so do whatever you want 🤷‍♀️
Unfortunately, a bright idea sparked into your mind. Your adoptive grandpa is the principal of Babyls, the school your big brother goes too. So if we're to go on a little adventure you'll be able to get your older brother and maybe your grandpa to play with you. It's basically child's play (how ironic), but you're a human child so it's fine.
So the journey begins, with you leaving Opera in a state of panic while you're following your carefree brother and his two friends while they walk to school. Of course it is harder for you to catch up to them since you can barely walk but you can crawl your way through hell if you wanted to.
Once you reached the school entrance it was basically empty, meaning you weren't fast enough to play with your brother before his class starts. As you were about to enter through the door, a deep voice startled you.
"A child?"
You look behind to see a tall man with chicken feet and short white hair. Iruma has told you about a white haired tall teacher with chicken feet named Balam Shichiro that is intimidating but kind nonetheless. So what do you do? The only logical thing duh.
you shouted rendering him speechless.
"You know me?"
he asked while picking you up while you answered by nodding.
Few minutes after (he finally got the memo)
"So.... you want me to bring you to Iruma?"you nodded in response as he started walking somewhere. You were completely relaxed in Balam's hold which made him question your identity even more since he was used to people being scared of his appearance.Getting to Iruma was not really that hard. You can tell where he is all the time especially with the people he hangs out with. Poor Iruma, can't even live his school life quietly without drawing attention. But since class already started, he's definitely in the Royal one. He wouldn't be the type to skip class at all.
Back to the present
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA BIG BAD BAT!!!" you started shrieking definitely startling half the class from your sudden outburst.
"Y/N! Calm down," your brother takes you away from Balam's hold inorder to try and calm you down. Did it work?
Lol no.
Cause seeing a certain pink haired male, made you think of all the times your brother would come back home just to rant to you about him. Oh the burning pain, hearing your brother talk about his oh-so obvious crush that he has yet to realise. Almost felt bad for this Azz guy if it weren't for the fact this Azz guy has also yet to realise his feelings. This is too much bs for you to handle. Definitely too much.
Meanwhile Opera was still panicking at the mansion lmfao
You have no idea how bored I am
Request are finally open tho
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whyse7vn · 11 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
y/n: hi
tae: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
y/n: ?
tae: holy fuck ur so fucking funny😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭☠️😭
jimin: i BEG you let that man hit
at this point it’s embarrassing
tae: pls
jk: i think ur funny too
namjoon: shame is free
tae: idk what that’s supposed to mean
jk: it means shame is free i think
y/n: is that why you’ve been at my house for the last 2 weeks??
cuz you wanna hit??
yoongi: 2 weeks??
jin: down so fucking bad
jk: i thought tae was here cuz he missed us?
but if y/n let me hit in the time i was here i wouldn’t be mad
y/n: ur sick
hobi: why have you let tae stay in ur house for 2 weeks?
y/n: he FORCED his way in here
tae: not true jungkook willingly let me in
jin: jungkooks not even a real person so that doesn’t count
jk: i’m real
i think
jimin: i’m telling you he needed that 100k for rent
yoongi: taehyung homeless era
y/n: ur not acting like it
tae: home is where the heart is
and my hearts with you bbg
y/n: leave
jk: am i real?
tae: are you a construction worker?
jk: no
tae: cuz ur a building
namjoon: what?
tae: 😉
not you namjoon or jungkook
y/n: it’s hard
the life i live
hobi: hard like a criminal hard like the beat
tae: my rizz is out of this world it’s actually insane
jimin: do you know what rizz means?
bcs you can’t be fr
jk: isn’t rizz a type of cheese?
yoongi: this is my competition…
y/n: ur thinking of swiss cheese kook
jk: I AM
how did you know that??
y/n: can one of you guys come a get tae from us pls im begging you
jimin: i can’t read sorry
jin: i’m literally blind
hobi: 🫣
y/n: i fear his stupidness is rubbing off on jungkook
yoongi: i think he’s just naturally dumb as hell
jk: who
yoongi: see
y/n: plS my biggest fear in this life is waking up to furry jk
tae: ummm
that would have nothing to do with my influence
yoongi: call animal control maybe they’ll help you with tae?
tae: ??????
namjoon: i’m not here
jk: he’s great
i’m gonna kill myself in front of you all in the most horrific way and change ur lives forever and NO amount of therapy will help you forget or move on
jk: ok i’m ready
tae: i’m leaving
y/n: god bless 🙏🏽
tae: ur obsessed with me get help
i hate you all
fucking bitches the LOT of you
lone wolf era
jimin: what the fuck
namjoon: are you done?
tae: yeah :/
y/n: do you feel better now??
tae: as better as i can be in a situation like this :/
hobi: what situation?
tae: wdym?
jin: he has to be brain dead or something
tae: right hoseok stupid as hell
jk: i think jimin is talking about you bro
tae: jungkook ur young i wouldn’t expect you to understand
jk: ur right
y/n: they changed the korean age system isnt that crazy
jimin: it’s a sensitive topic for him cuz he’s still old no matter what
namjoon: please
jk: i’m 25
y/n: yikes
hobi: jungkook has been 25 for like 10 years
jk: that’s not true that makes no sense
hobi are you bad at maths?
hobi: don’t speak to me
tae: jimin you smell the best in the group
y/n: why are you smelling people?
hobi: furry
tae: after the loml ofc
jk: jennie?
tae: SHUT UP
jk: did you break up again???
jimin: what do i smell like?
tae: like vanilla i love it soOOOO much
it’s like a sweet vanilla but not so strong it overpowers ur senses it’s just right
i could eat you
jimin: i wish bitches i wanted said shit like this
but it’s just you
thx ig
tae: ???????
jin: that’s frfr creepy as hell tbh
why is he actually sniffing people is that not insane
jimin: don’t be mad you don’t smell like sweet vanilla
jin: i’m actually glad
look at what ur attracting
hobi: furries
jin: right
tae: 𝖘𝖍𝖚𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖚𝖕
jk: WOAH
jimin: again what the actual fuck
tae: ur right i’m sorry i didn’t mean to get like that guys
jk: it’s okay
namjoon: they’re actually insane oh my god
y/n: i have seen a real decline in jungkooks mental state since the arrival of tae at our home
yoongi: again i think that’s just jungkook
y/n: no i know jungkook
jk: yeah she knows me
i know her
we have a connection you wouldn’t understand yoongi
y/n: and i know for a FACT he’s not that dumb
hobi: dumb dumb
jk: right i’m not that dumb
jk: wait
namjoon: tae go back to therapy
jimim: begging you
jin: awoman🙏🏻
tae: NO
you can’t make me
it’s a free world
jk: you can buy the world??
yoongi: what do people see in you?
jk: whom?
namjoon: jungkook are you high rn?
jk: am i what?
namjoon: high
jk: hello
work on ur spelling joon
jimin: who tf is supplying him with this shit
jin: bet it was tae
tae: NO LOL
yoongi: so it was tae
namjoon: this explains a lot
hobi: this is why he’s been messaging shit to my phone at like 2 in the morning
jk: who
tae: NO
jimin: right you dumb as hell tbh
namjoon: does it not smell??
jin: namjoon drug expert
yoongi: why are you giving ur self away like that
you really are stupid
jk: yeah stupid
yoongi: don’t ever agree with me again
jk: in y/ns bed rn
hobi: fight fight fight
yoongi: been there multiple times
jk: um ur lying
im here every night
i haven’t run into you in the last 4 months
ARE YOU FR .:’sk
jk: i’ve never hit a woman in my life
it’s not right pls don’t hit y/n
y/n: he comes to cuddle sometimes
yoongi: he does?
jk: everyday actually
she’s lying
jin: i’m gonna kill 14 puppies in-front of taehyung and see what happens
tae: why me
jin: you’re n need of a personality change
tae: i’m fine the way i am??
love urself and others will love you for you
we made a whole album about it?
jin: i’m not loving you for you tbh
and a LOT of people would say the same
tae: you guys are lucky i’m not sensitive
y/n: i’ve always been a lucky girly
hobi: you literally live with jungkook?
jk: yes?
hobi: nothing
jk: if you remember lmk ^^
tae: y/n do you have ugly man syndrome or something?
y/n: ??
tae: idk you just seem to enjoy being friendly with ugly men
y/n: never once have i said i’ve enjoyed ur company
y/n: you said it not me…
tae: anything jungkook can do i 110% do it better
unless it’s lack common sense
i’m pretty full of common sense
jimin: that’s actually not true
y/n: maybe that’s what gets jungkook cuddles?
jk: when?
yoongi: being stupid?
y/n: yeah maybe he’s a loser and i find it endearing
yoongi: lol
hobi: me when i’m jealous
namjoon: the biggest!
hobi: i feel the need to kick him every time i see him type of loser
jin: he’s such a loser actually i still bully him to this day
tae: not too much now
hobi: okay i can’t do this anymore let’s address the elephant in the room
jimin: namjoon…
namjoon: wtf?
y/n: don’t be mean
jk: are you guys in all in a room without me?
tae: u-um >.<
jin: did he just stutter through text?
y/n: pls stop
jk: where is the elephant??
jin: jungkook go to bed or something ur pissing me off now
jk: sleep well jin
namjoon: gn jin
jin: don’t feed into his shit namjoon
jk: y/n are you with the elephant?
yoongi: y/N aRe yOu wItH tHE eLepHaNt
jimin: what the beef omg?
tae: what is this elephant hobi-senpai ?!!!
i’m sitting on the edge of my seat
♡ (⇀ 3 ↼)
jk: me 2
hobi: tae you need to learn how to get a fucking grip and shut the fuck up
the rest of the members have their own houses and are lonely losers
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dilucsfav · 1 year
SUBBBB DILUC BABYYYYY pls like a really good bj or anything 🙏
HI GORG, SAW THIS ASK N I HAD TO DO IT LIKE IMMEDIATELY IM SORRY HSSKKDHSH (usually i do them in order but i’m so sorry i couldn’t resist bbg diluc)
i’m sorry for not really posting any new writing for a little while- i hate pulling the mental health card on y’all literally every time but that’s honestly the reason for my breaks and i’m so sorry </333 im really really trying LMAOO and i love writing sm so i hate how i can’t write well when my brain hates me and overwhelms me
sub diluc is so hot, so so so everything we need and didn’t ask for frfr— i wrote him so submissive, so patient n so desperate at the same time, so down bad for the reader and and and and
I HAVE SO MANY ASKS I FEEL SO HAPPY CUZ THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES (there are still so many cyno ones, i’m sorry cyno lovers i’ll feed you soon)
but tonight,, instead of making smart choices, such as sleeping, i have decided to write a one shot of my fav bbg ENJOYY
Plead (sub!Diluc x dom!reader)
warning(s): nsfw!!
words count: 779
“A-Archons,” Diluc’s eyes wandered up and down your body, his hands running down your legs slowly, savoring the way your skin felt against his fingers. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
He was practically drooling over you— staring up at you, eyes shamefully taking any glance of your body that it could possibly receive, his breath almost stopping at the sight he was practically blessed with; his partner, dressed in inviting and suggestive clothing, eyes narrowed down at the begging man, barely a curl on your lips. You fought a chuckle as you gracefully held your wrist out, giving nonverbal permission for Diluc to kiss you.
His eyes widened, taking the kind offer you gave him. Holding your forearm, carefully, slowly, almost cautiously; the man started to kiss you. A small peck on your wrist that gently guided up your arm. Your heart practically fluttered as his lips pressed against the fragrance on our skin. You almost allowed yourself to fall short of the plans of spoiling him for the night.
You moved your hand away from him, his eyes showing disappointment as your arm lay back at your side. His fingers were at a loss on where to go, if not met by the texture of your skin and the comfort of holding your body.
“Stand up,” you commanded, gazing down at his flustered face and engaging trance locked onto you. His body immediately stood, staring down at your figure sitting on the bed expectantly, waiting for you to say something.
You looked up at him, almost cracking a smirk as you laid your hands on his hips. You slowly bit your lip when you saw his expression turn into shock, your fingers meeting the button of his pants.
“Are you comfortable, Luc?” Your eyes scanned his flushed expression, your thumb pressing against the button.
“Yes,” he practically choked on his words, his eyes pleading and pupils dilating with intent, “please. Please, (Y/N) darling.”
The loud unzipping of his pants coated the silence. You took your time pushing his pants down, narrowing your eyes up to his expression that started to get needy.
You gave his erection one look and then your eyes met back with Diluc’s again. His eyes never left yours, drool threatening the edges of his lips. His brows furrowed in confusion at your sudden stop.
“Did- did I do something?” His weak voice asked, a nervous edge in his words. You barely smirked, your pointer finger tracing his hips.
“Oh, no, no. Nothing like that,” you assured him, sighing deeply and whispering, “want you to beg for it, love.”
As embarrassed as he already was, he wasn’t expecting a command such as that from you. But nevertheless, he didn’t hesitate in his cries.
“P-please,” he started, his voice barely audible, “please touch me, (Y/N). Wanna- need to feel your touch…” he trailed off, the desperation and grogginess in his voice filtering his pleads. “Please don’t make me wait.”
You gave him a satisfied smile, closing your eyes and leaning forward to kiss his tip, expressing what a good job he had done. You took his dick in between your fingers, your mouth meeting it as you went straight to work.
Diluc’s large hands gripped the roots of your hair, his groans already meeting your ears. He pulled your head forward even more, allowing you to take even more of him. You gagged, grabbing his hips and pressing your fingernails into his skin, almost to tell him this is going at my pace, not yours.
The grip on your hair loosened after this. You smiled and started sucking at his cock, your eyes meeting up to him innocently.
His expression was picture-perfect; he already looked so fucked out, his brows creased and his jaw hanging open. Even as lustful his thoughts were, he still stared at you in absolute admiration and love.
With a few more pumps of your hands and movements of your tongue, you swallowed down the cum that was released in your mouth, his pants and heavy breathing slowly tamming.
You wiped your mouth, taking his hand and kissing his scarred knuckles. “You did wonderful.”
“Thank you, darling.” He smiled, his tired eyes looking at you as he zipped his pants back, sitting next to you. He took your hips, picking you up and straddling your legs around his waist. He held your lower back, pressing your body against his on his lap.
He closed his eyes, rocking you back and forth almost like you were a baby. You smiled, the sappiness in his actions melting your heart as you wrapped your arms around him, holding the man you loved dearly.
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taifenggg · 2 months
i need to stuff mams in a locker /affectionate
he’s such a lame dumbass i love him so much he’s my bbg. need to do so many things to him (and for him)
for a single shot at having domestic and cozy and cute vibes with him for one night i would kill a man, a demon, literally anything.
i see him and my one neuron activates. i need to see him every which way. all ways. any ways. yes please.
GOD. i am normal. he makes me normal.
(also i’m the one who requested the #5 in the list LMAOOOOO)
You 🤝 Me
"saying 'thats gay' affectionately"
ALSO YOU ARE SO REAL FOR THIS ME TOO LMAO. Mammon is so goofy, like bro i wanna pick apart his brain(not that I havent already done this)
hes so sweet too and tbh it makes me so sad that I'll probably never find someone like him but its okay im here writing fics thats my copium.
dude ur just like me frfr
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