#Holy Cross Church
medievalart · 5 months
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St. George
* Holy Cross Church, Hattula
* Early 16th century
* wood
Hattula, July 2022
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descendinight · 24 days
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The Reverend - “ 我为了你放弃了天堂!”
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Crucifixion with darkened sun by Egon Schiele
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annaslapek · 2 months
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Cappella Maggiore della Chiesa di Santa Croce, Firenze, ITALIA
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k-martins · 11 months
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N.A: I've been thinking a lot about writing something quick and cute itafushi so I found this list of @novelbear and couldn't resist writing something about these two. Good reading! :D
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Adorable wasn't exactly a word attributed to Megumi.
At least, Yuji never heard anyone call him that - maybe Gojo sensei , but to the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer anything that looks threatening must be adorable or comical.
Yuji 's experience , Megumi had many adjectives that were the complete opposite of cute. Cold, scary, stoic, a tired bitch, grumpy and boredom personified – thank you, Todo.
Of course, it wasn't for less.
Megumi's face seemed to have been molded to carry that poker face forever , his features relaxed, but still firm and confident. The emerald eyes stared seriously at the viewer, almost as if reading the poor person's own soul – One or two girls already shuddered when Megumi glared at them, even though he just wanted to buy popcorn for the movie session they were going to. It also didn't help that Megumi rarely laughed, had a prickly neutral tone of voice, and perhaps a dark aura that even normal humans were able to sense.
It wasn't exactly the kind of thing most people found cute or adorable.
But, looking at the raven-haired boy now, Yuji was sure that everyone was sorely mistaken!
Wrapped in a big, heavy blanket, a steaming cup of ginger tea in hand, wearing slippers with dogs that resembled his shikigami – these were truly, undeniably adorable – and the black threads shooting in various directions made Megumi the most adorable thing Yuji had seen in a long time. He looked so small and fluffy, like a big sulking burrito . It didn't help that the only visible part of his body was his face pressed into the soft, warm fabric of the blanket, making his red cheeks and nose that much more prominent.
The sight made Yuji melt like jelly on the sofa where he sat with his legs up and a forgotten issue of the manga he loved in his lap.
How could anyone call Megumi scary when he looked like a walking cinnamon roll?
It looks like Yuji was taking too long looking, as the other boy raised an eyebrow, puzzled.
"What it was?"
Oops .
"Nothing. Just thinking..."
"This is dangerous."
In another moment, Yuji would have exclaimed a “ hey ” with mock indignation, but now he could only laugh a little. Megumi sipped some of the tea, the steam making his cheeks even redder. It is still surprising to Yuji to see how easily Megumi blushes, whether from the cold weather or embarrassment. In either case, it's cute.
After almost a minute of silence, Megumi puts the mug down and gives him a hard look.
“Do I have something on my face by any chance, Itadori?”
Yuji just laughed some more, looking admiringly at that expression torn between confusion and anger. He looked like an angry kitten.
“No, that's not it. It's just that…” He took a deep breath, trying to force the words out of the laughter. “You look so cute in that blanket, Megumi.”
Megumi's long eyelashes flutter as he blinks, mouth pulling up in a shy pout. His cheeks get a rosier tone, which makes Yuji 's own smile open a little more.
“I'm not cute” He snapped, sinking into the blanket, getting exactly fluffier.
"Yes, you are!"
“Stop it, Itadori.”
“But you look so adorable.” Yuji got up until he was close to the other boy, reaching out to cup Megumi's warm cheeks, squeezing them affectionately. He grew the two centimeters that differentiated him from the other boy in the summer, now being able to look him straight in the eyes. “It looks like a burrito . A very fluffy burrito .”
Even redder, Megumi raises his fist to hit Yuji 's head , the blow causing nothing but a fit of laughter from the pink haired boy.
“Stop calling me cute, idiot!” Megumi groans. “I'm not adorable. I am a jujutsu sorcerer .”
“And should that be exclusionary?” He hums the question, leaning in to where the boy's fist rests on his head. When Megumi doesn't respond, Yuji smirks. "There is! Got you!"
"Shut up."
But Yuji ignores this, quickly slipping one arm behind Megumi's knees while the other holds him behind his back, carrying his bridal style with ease. The sorcerer gasps, focusing on balancing his hot tea which still spills a few drops onto the blanket.
“What the fuck…?”
"I said..." Yuji brings his face close to Megumi's, bumping his nose. “I got you, my fluffy burrito .”
"Do not call me like that. It's stupid.” The other complained, but still sank against Yuji's chest, the pout still stuck in his face. Then, intent green eyes rise to meet Yuji 's , one brow arched behind bangs. “Where are you taking me, kirby?”
Again, Yuji melts into a puddle of jelly, delighted at the discovery of Megumi's hidden cuteness .
A cuteness that only he has the right to see.
That's enough to get you drunk.
“Oh, since you're a burrito …” Yuji laughs when Megumi punches him in the chest, but continues anyway, pressing his lips to his boyfriend's soft red cheek until she narrows his eyes. The scent of ginger and vanilla dances around your nose. "I think I'm going to eat it."
Megumi blinks in disbelief, lips parted in a silent 'o', and Yuji runs to his room, where the heat will be off and they can snuggle together under the heavy, warm blanket.
He couldn't want more.
Or maybe yes...
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jameslmartellojr · 4 days
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meegan420 · 1 month
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Faith Love Peace and Hope
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gothic-christcore · 4 months
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catholike · 8 months
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Mother Mary, thank you for your prayers and the prayers of the saints today. I love starting my morning praying the rosary. Although the evil one prowls like a roaring lion, you are always there to intercede on my and my families behalf. If only they knew how much you love them, and if only I knew what eternity was, maybe I would be able to truly do as your Holy Son said and sin no more.
Unfortunately, my Mother in Heaven, I struggle with many things in this vale of tears. Just like you did. Only I sin and have sinned. Tomorrow is a new day though. Some are bad some are good. I'll talk to you again soon.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners now,
And at the hour of our death.
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medievalart · 5 months
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St Anna
* Holy Cross Church, Hattula
* 1400
Hattula, July 2022
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theprayingteacher · 7 months
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momentsbeforemass · 4 months
Do the right thing
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Most of us can handle doing the right thing when it’s obvious.
Not just in those moments when the contrast between good and evil could not be more stark. We’re good. We’ve got that one.
But also when it’s presented to us like today’s first reading (“Today I have set before you…”). As a monumental life choice moment. Where there’s no way that we could miss its importance. We’ve got that one as well.
We’re always going to put ourselves on God’s side when it’s that obvious.
What you and I struggle with? When it’s not. When it’s not obvious that this is one of those moments.
So let me help you with that one. I figured out the easy way to tell if this is one of those moments, and I want to share it with you. Here it is,
They all are.
They are all life choice moments. Wait, what?
Here’s what I mean – there are unmistakable life choice moments. Moments when you have the opportunity to make a real difference.
Like when someone who is being abused and isolated is finally able to call for help because their abuser is passed out. They’ve made the choice to escape. And they’re calling you for a ride to the domestic violence shelter. Right now, before he wakes up.
And you’re thinking, “That’s pretty obvious. That’s a life choice moment.”
Right. But what makes you someone who will drop everything to help them? What prepares you for that moment? 
All of the little life choice moments of everyday life.
The countless moments of daily living when you and I can go with God, can do the right thing. Or not.
No one of them is monumental. By themselves, they’re not that much. But taken together, they shape our lives. They shape us. More than our handful of monumental moments ever can.
Saying something encouraging when you see someone struggling. Or not.
Helping someone who needs it. Or not.
Making time for someone who needs to be heard. Or not.
Deciding to treat them like you want to be treated. Or not.
They’re all life choice moments. And they’re yours for the taking every day. Or not.
Taken together, their cumulative effect on you makes it possible for you to do the right thing in those monumental moments.
Every one of them takes you a step closer to God, a step close to who God made you to be. Or a step farther away.
The countless, practical moments for holiness.
The everyday moments that we are given to get over ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him.
Today’s Readings
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cctvarchive · 8 months
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7finalgirl8 · 1 year
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My friends know that the best way to cheer me up is... Their wonderful drawings! So they often draw my OC or my sons and... Well, my weird church!au with slashers is no exception either.
Heh. I like to think that if Sparrow were attached to Billy as his, shall we say, PERSONAL NUN, it would be the greatest friendzone of his life... Or-...
💖 Author: RuBear666 💖
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rottendust · 9 months
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More trinkets ^^
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