#Homeopathic Remedy
nipcohomeo · 2 months
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kidneytreatment01 · 2 months
Natural Remedies: Homeopathic Methods for Maintaining Kidney Health
Homoeopathy is a different treatment for kidney problems that focuses on natural therapies and the body's capacity to recover itself. A customised treatment plan using homoeopathy is developed following the patient's past symptoms and health, as well as general health. This holistic approach concentrates on the root of kidney disorders resulting from imbalances in the body rather than treating symptoms. The homeopathic remedies are selected carefully to trigger the body's healing processes and restore balance to the kidneys to improve the overall condition and function of kidneys. Through gentle but efficient therapy, Kidney Treatment by Homeopathy offers a unique view of the individual.
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Homeopathy kidney treatment
Homoeopathy is an exclusive treatment for kidney problems that is based on the concept of "like cures like." Homoeopathy remedies use highly diluted substances from minerals, plants or animals to increase the body's healing capacity and help restore the health of the kidneys. This holistic approach is based on the person's health in general and works to tackle the main reason for kidney issues rather than just treating symptoms. Homeopathy Kidney Treatment is a safe, non-invasive alternative for those looking for alternatives to conventional treatments that could help prolong life and improve overall health.
Acute kidney injury treatment
Acute Kidney Injury Treatment seeks to treat the root of the problem and improve kidney function. One option is to address the root cause that caused AKI or any other issue, such as managing blood pressure or infections. The balance of fluids and electrolytes should be maintained and monitored to stop further kidney damage. Certain medicines are prescribed to help improve kidney function or treat problems. In the most extreme cases, it is possible to require dialysis to get rid of excess fluid and waste products until the kidneys can recover. Generally, treatment for AKI requires a careful treatment plan that focuses on the root of the problem, improves kidney function, and addresses the complications.
Homeopathic remedy for kidney infection
A homeopathic remedy for treating kidney problems is available, and the highest-quality, diluted ingredients are utilised to increase the healing capabilities of our bodies. This alternative treatment method focuses on the cause of the disease and helps improve overall health. Homeopathic Remedy for Kidney Infection is believed to be specific to the kidneys' health. The dosage is typically determined according to the patient's symptoms and general health condition, as homoeopathy is a custom-made treatment. Consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor is crucial to selecting the most effective dosage and treatment to treat your condition.
Homeopathic medicine for kidney failure
Natural remedies for kidney disease may offer an alternative to conventional therapy. These treatments are founded on the notion of the idea that "like cures like," which means that a chemical that can cause symptoms in healthy people is considerably diluted to treat the same symptoms for those who suffer from kidney failure. Homeopathic Medicine for Kidney Failure aids your body's healing capacity and helps restore the balance of kidneys. By addressing the root causes and signs of kidney disease, homeopathy is regarded as a holistic approach that can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment to improve overall health.
Homeopathic treatment for kidney failure
Homeopathic treatments are effective in treating kidney problems. Homeopathy assists our body's natural healing capabilities to help restore balance and improve general health. By addressing the root cause of kidney diseases, the homeopathic treatment aims to enhance kidney function and slow the progression. The treatment is safe, non-toxic, and customised to meet the unique requirements of each patient and indication. Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure is an all-encompassing treatment that isn't restricted to physical signs but is conscious of the mental and physical aspects that impact the overall health. With the help of a qualified homeopath, patients suffering from kidney failure might consider this alternative therapy to help improve their lives.
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reality-detective · 3 months
Russian man cures his stage 4 cancer by using simple methods on the internet 👇
A glass of Baking soda and water 30 minutes after eating.
For breakfast Oatmeal honey and cannabis oil.
And for lunch he takes 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide in 6 ounce water (35% food grade)
And then not eat anything after 6 o'clock
If you found this information useful, share it with your friends. 🤔
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How Stress Can Affect a Dog’s Health | Homeopathic Remedy
A change in routine, such as moving to a new home, can cause a lot of anxiety in pets. Even if the change is for their own good, dogs develop accustomed to a routine and become stressed when it is disrupted. If, on the other hand, the circumstances of the dog improve, the body's stress reaction will return to normal sooner or later. Loud noises (thunderstorms, fireworks, construction), boarding or kenneling, and even travel are all typical stressors. Pets might be stressed when they meet new family members, whether they are people or animals. So how stress can affect a dog’s health? Homeopathic Veterinary Medicines, according to recent studies, may help your pet deal with stressful situations more quickly and effectively.
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In dogs, stress frequently manifests itself as hostility. There's no denying that pain or disease can be stressful. They could feel agitated, frustrated, or enraged. Our dog's behavior changes, such as lethargy, hiding in calm places, hunger, vomiting, and other associated indicators, indicate that he is not feeling well. Even a docile pet can become aggressive due to common diseases like hip dysplasia. As a result, individuals may react strongly to anything that reminds them of their agony or suffering. The dog may only be agitated for a short time due to illness, but the lifestyle impact lasts a long time.
STRESSZA for PETS is a one-of-a-kind homeopathic veterinary preparation that helps pets cope with stress. It works on the premise of homeopathy, which is "Similia SimillibusCuranter," which means "like cures like." As a result, formulations that mimic the symptoms of an ill animal in a healthy animal are employed to create this miracle medicine recipe, which can alleviate stress caused by a variety of factors. It's a recipe created by a prominent Indian veterinarian after consulting with numerous homeopaths and undertaking advanced field testing with constant monitoring and training over many years.Goel Vet Pharma is a Chittorgarh-based approach to homeopathic solutions for veterinary problems. Goel Vet Pharma Private Limited provides homeopathic solutions to the various sicknesses and conditions for cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and cats. With more than 10,000 professionals in the team of Goel Vet team, the company prescribes its products to over 10 lakh animals and treats various diseases with their Homeopathic Veterinary medicines in Cows, Buffalo, and pet animals. They are also known for introducing homeopathic supplements for pets for pet parents who are concerned about the weak condition of their pets. Goel Vet Pharma is available online and also has a Goel Vet Pharma application on Playstore. Goel Pharma is ISO 9001-2008 certified, FDA approved and certified in production, consultation, and distribution in the arena of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine all over India. Goel Vet Pharma company is set up by Dr. R K Goel who was a scholar and pioneer in homeopathic services for animals. He had come up with various formulations for diseases like mastitis, FMD, HS, meningitis, etc with high success rates during his 33-year long service. He has compiled all his work to form the Goel Vet Pharma for dedication to building a strong homeopathic reign in the veterinary sector.
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danielflemingart · 3 months
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The Natural Remedy series.
Acrylic on canvas. Various sizes.
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owlpellet · 1 year
every day i grow more tempted to make an infographic explaining the difference between terms like "organic" and "plant-based" and "holistic" and "homeopathic" because literally none of these words have even vaguely the same meaning but holy shit do they get used interchangably by my customers
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i don't talk about my mom's anti-vax/anti-doctor phase a lot because it's not something she's proud of, and because some of the medical trauma from that time is hard to make silly hahas about. but. y'all. i gotta.
i was diagnosed with scarlet fever when i was very young as part of a gauntlet of illnesses that had me largely bedridden from ages 7 to 9. i never really thought anything of it, but i am reading about strep throat (currently recovering from an infection) and apparently, scarlet fever develops in a small number of patients with strep whose infection goes untreated.
i would get strep minimum twice a year as a kid. i never got antibiotics. not once. of course i was going to eventually get scarlet fever! my god!
and if y'all are curious, no, i did not get antibiotics for the scarlet fever either :) and now that i'm reading about how untreated strep and/or scarlet fever can result in rheumatic fever, the symptoms of RF sound an awful lot like how i would feel for weeks and weeks after each strep infection :)) but was always told to stop being a dramatic whiny faker because nobody else was still sick so how could i possibly be :)))))))))))))
wonder if that is a contributing factor in the weird heart shit i have always experienced but has lately been getting worse! who knows! each day is an exciting new adventure over here!
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laniidae-passerine · 20 days
permanently associated the song ‘espresso’ with pushing daisies in my mind because of the lyrics
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gas-stxtion · 11 months
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@modestmuses said: Does Jack believe he has had any personal encounters with ghosts, the occult, aliens, or the supernatural?
//would be incredibly funny if the answer to this was a flat-out no, considering the series we're talking about. but, i don't think the answer is exactly a definite *yes* either.
i was originally planning to answer this ask by talking about a specific experience jack had, the first time he ever personally talked to the bathroom cowboy, but i think i'll just discuss his thoughts on the supernatural in general.
so jack, by this point, has completely and comfortably accepted the reality that supernatural shit exists. he's not so stupid and stubborn as to pretend otherwise, even if he has a hard time believing in a lot of things. (ex: he does not believe psychics are a thing.)
in general, jack tries to keep an open mind when it comes to the supernatural, even if there's a lot he had a hard time believing in. what gets to him is when people present this stuff and expect him to believe it at face value or belittle him when he has questions. if you earnestly believe you have psychic powers, he'll probably be confused and doubtful but ultimately accepting as long as you're not a huge asshole to him.
because really, reality is subjective, and jack is very used to not totally trusting his own experiences and perspective on what's *real* and what isn't. so who is he to dictate what's real to another person, even if it's something he has some doubts about, as long as they're not insisting on their superiority?
the old woman at the very beginning of volume one was a creepy asshole who invaded his personal space right away and refused to respect his boundaries, so he disregarded any and all prophecies she spouted. someone who had a different approach may have gotten a different and more open-minded response.
aaand just for fun, some thoughts on the specific things mentioned in this ask.
ghosts - jack believes ghosts can do whatever the fuck they want and he doesn't really get a say in the matter either way. him not believing doesn't mean the bathroom cowboy isn't still scaring people who just want to shit in peace.
the occult - this is a bit dicier, but for the most part jack does still keep an open mind here. still, though, he's a lot more likely to tell you he thinks you're a dumbass to your face if you come at him insisting you alone have the secret occult knowledge of the universe.
aliens - aliens are real and jack has definitely seen them, but as long as they don't bother him he doesn't care.
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diseases1 · 5 months
Is dandruff the biggest problem of hair? How to avoid this problem?
Dandruff is one of the most common ailments affecting the scalp. Dandruff is nothing but excessive scaling of dead cells of the skin of the scalp. As we are aware, the body undergoes constant but gradual renewal every 24 hours. However, when it is a much faster renewal of the skin, it becomes visible in the form of scales, which we call dandruff how to avoid this problem click here
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nipcohomeo · 3 months
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kidneytreatment01 · 3 months
Navigating Kidney Disease: An Understanding of Renal Dysfunction
The prevalence of kidney problems and renal cysts is a significant health concern that affects a large portion of the population. Although conventional medicine has many treatments available, an increasing amount of people are turning to alternative therapies such as homeopathy to treat renal cysts and kidney-related issues, including kidney infections, acute injury to the kidney, or kidney failure.
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Understanding Renal Cysts
Renal cysts, fluid-filled sacs in the kidneys, can cause discomfort and complications when left untreated. homeopathic medicine for renal cyst is an alternative to conventional medicine, which typically recommends surgery or drainage.
Homeopathic medicine for renal cysts
The homeopathic practitioner will consider the health and constitution of each individual when treating renal cysts. The remedies are prescribed according to specific symptoms, such as pain, swelling, and urinary problems. Some remedies are prescribed for stinging, sharp pains, and swelling. Others may be recommended for burning sensations when urinating.
Homeopathic remedy for kidney infection:
It is essential to treat kidney infections quickly and effectively to avoid complications. Homeopathic remedy for kidney infection addresses the underlying cause of infection while supporting the immune response. Some of these are commonly used to treat kidney infections. Some are used for kidney infections.
Kidney Cyst Treatment by Homeopathy
The homeopathic kidney cyst treatment focuses on reducing the symptoms and preventing growth. Some remedies are recommended for slow-growing cysts, while others can encourage expulsion or cystic material. Some remedies are well-known for relieving pain caused by kidney cysts.
Homeopathy for Kidney Health
Homeopathy kidney treatment focuses on holistic health to maintain kidney function. Selecting constitutional remedies based on the unique characteristics of an individual can be crucial in preventing kidney issues. Here are some examples of constitutional remedies you may consider for kidney support.
Homeopathy for acute kidney injury:
Acute kidney damage (AKI) can be a severe and sudden condition that requires immediate attention. Homeopathic remedies complement conventional medicine's focus on supportive care by targeting the root causes. Acute kidney injury treatment remedies may be used to treat trauma-induced kidney damage, while others target inflammation and urinary symptoms.
Homeopathic medicine for kidney failure
The renals can no longer function properly. Homeopathic treatment for kidney failure aims to improve the quality of life, manage the condition and slow the progression. The remedies can be chosen based on each patient's symptoms and constitutional factors.
Homeopathic medicine is a holistic, individualised treatment for renal cysts, acute kidney injury and kidney failure. Although more research is required to determine the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for kidney-related conditions such as cysts, many people report positive results and improved quality of life through this alternative treatment. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional with expertise before using homeopathic medicine, particularly in cases of severe kidney disease. Homeopathic medicine for kidney failure can be a great alternative to or complement to conventional kidney treatments.
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reality-detective · 3 months
1 Cup will CLEAR UP Mucus & Phlegm in Sinus, Chest, and Lungs 🤔
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thevibranthomestead · 6 months
From Spice Rack To Wellness Wonder!
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Natural Remedies For A Healthy Wholesome You.
Read More Here: 
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danielflemingart · 2 months
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Acrylic on panel SOLD
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