foxstens · 2 years
this game is so hard :)
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paladincecil · 4 months
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I did my first grandmaster quest in osrs tonight :)
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crowcryptid · 2 years
Once in a while I am hit so hard by the urge to play WoW and it has been plaguing me since I was like 7 years old.
Will it ever go away
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lelianaslefthand · 2 months
accidentally found out what happens if isobel dies at last light…
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adhdvane · 2 years
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0(:3 )~ =͟͟͞͞(’、3)_ヽ)_ i wanted to see how far i could get on a galleon raid without using elixirs. the absolute danger...
honestly it wouldn’t have been as bad if i hadn’t FRCKED UP TWICE AND HIT FIGHT WITH THE WRONG GUARD SETTINGS. first time i ACCIDENTALLY ONLY HIT GUARD ON MYSELF instead of everyone (except seven who had an unchallenged) so Fryer and  Maya took big hits they really didn’t need. The second time I HIT GUARD WHEN NO ONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN GUARDING BC A WAS A NON-ATTACK SPECIAL AND IF I HADN’T GUARDED FRERY WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIS SACRED SWORDS BACK AND COULD HAVE DISPELLED THE PLAIN DMG RUBBLE BUFF GALLEON GOT. honestly thought i was done when i fucked that up. but i made a choice to have maya sub all the plain dmg one turn to herself as a sacrifice so i could get judgement revived frery out for one last dispel chance and then prayed to rnjesus that the plain dmg spreads out okay and seven doesn’t get shit on completely (bc he had some real low hp for a while bc of that) (as much as i love to see seven get the shit kicked out of him... he was apparently the dps mvp of this fight). tbh tia and katz really did help pull it together at the end, katz healing boost and charge bar consumption = healing + tia’s delay and Sky-Rending Lament were live savers wwwww, the dmg output when down but survivability went up...
0 notes
pearlfeline · 6 days
peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 2k
tw: none
a/n: i used to write for hp and i tried to start anew with this blog but it failed lol. (might still write for hp if i feel like it) but i luv peter and wanted to write for him so bad. i kinda didn't know how to end this but i thought it was fun to write anyway. thanks for reading.
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"What can I getcha?" You attempted a decent smile, though Peter could tell you were tired. He knew tired. He IS tired.
Peter, blinking that thought away, snaps back into reality. He is in a small diner, and he took too long deciding outside the door if he wanted to go inside, so to avoid looking stupid he shuffled inside and sat down.
"Banana wheat cake... Is it any good?" He lets out a dry chuckle.
You press your lips into a thin line. "I know I work here but..." You bit your bottom lip, tucking your pen behind your ear. You drew closer to Peter so he could hear you. "It sucks. Get the breakfast combo." You winked, tracing a circle around the menu item. Peter unintentionally takes in a whiff of your perfume, giving him a hard time remembering what you just recommended.
"It comes with a free coffee." You flip open your notepad again, and as you grab the pen from behind your ear, a piece of hair falls to your face.
"I-I'll get that then." Peter closes the menu handing it back to you.
"Great. Bacon or sausage?"
Peter catches a lump in his throat. Almost as if words were filling to the brim and he couldn't say a word.
"Bacon." He smiles but keeps his gaze on his hands. They were almost uncontrollably fiddling with each other.
"Got it. I'll be right back with that."
Peter watches as you quickly let go of your charm to catch up with refills of coffee. You worked hard every day just to make rent but you never complained. Peter was never a customer until today, yet he could tell so much about you. His eyes couldn't help but follow you wherever you went.
His eyes followed you around the counter, grabbing a tray and putting his food on it. You were trying to keep him from waiting any longer and picked up the pace approaching his booth.
“Oh!” You slip, losing grip of the tray holding Peter’s breakfast.
Before you could react to the impact of the floor, you were pulled up. You opened your eyes and find Peter’s arm over your waist, successfully maneuvering the tray to grab everything that flew.
“Great reflexes.” You looked up at him with bewilderment.
“Thanks.” He shyly loosened his grip on your waist. You pull down and flatten your apron. “Whew. That was incredibly lame of me but surprisingly cool for you.” You let out a chuckle, making sure nothing was ruined on his plate.
“Why surprising?” He replied. “Do I look like a loser?” He suppressed a small smile.
“No you just look more… smart cool and maybe a possible ninja? I don’t know what else to call what you just did.”
Peter lets his smile crack a little, taking a sip of his previously airborne coffee.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’re not lacking physically because you’re a book smart type of guy.” You give him a quick once over cheekily.
Before Peter can panic and come up with a mess of a response, a disgruntled old man cuts the moment short. “Coffee! Hello?” He slams his mug on the table.
“Duty calls.” You gave him a small wave, quickly making your way to the opposite side of the diner.
Peter spent the remainder of his time quietly finishing his breakfast, stealing quick glances at you.
Watching you smile even though you’re probably overwhelmed and exhausted. The hardest part was deciding when to leave. He had to go eventually to avoid being a creep. He had finished his food ten minutes ago. Before he leaves, he folds a $20 dollar bill into an origami heart, leaving it on the table.
The next morning, Peter walked a little faster, posture a little straighter, and smiled a little more.
Peter wanted to see you again. He knew not to tell you about the past, but what would be so wrong just talking to you? He attempts a nonchalant glance through the windows, making sure you were inside before walking in himself.
Peter gives you a shy head nod, making his way to sit at the counter instead of a booth.
"There's the generous tipper from yesterday. Hi, I'll be right with you." You got up from speaking to your coworker and greeted Peter.
"Was my service that good?" You flip open your notepad.
"The best." Peter pretends to study your name tag. "...Y/N."
"Well, thanks..?" You tilted your head slightly.
"Ah, Thank you, Peter."
"I won't be her for long, I just wanted a coffee."
"And you came here?" You snickered. You only half meant that statement. You didn't know why, but seeing him a second time was making your dreary work day go by easier.
"Yeah, in case you decided to fall again today."
You gasp, being dramatically 'offended'. "I'll let that comment slide... Since you gave me that nice tip. Even though I was struggling to unravel it for a while in my car." You grab a pot of coffee, pouring it into a cup that says 'print design here'.
"Thanks." Peter chuckles.
"No sugar?" You asked.
Peter's gaze slowly reached yours. "How did you know?"
"Know what?" You raise an eyebrow innocently. "Nobody here drinks black coffee unless they're over fifty or a pretentious student. Oh, were you afraid to ask this whole time? Hold on." You reach and dig into the pocket of your apron.
"N-no, it's fine. I don't really drink sweet coffee anymore." Peter's face falls in defeat. Of course, you wouldn't remember his order. Peter had to remind himself that he was a customer and a customer only to you.
"So, you're a pretentious student huh? No wonder I got a big tip. Let me guess you're studying tech?"
Peter shakes his head. "Biochemistry. Though, I do have somewhat of a tech background. I-" Peter almost rambles on but catches himself. "I'm poor. Not really enough money to be pretentious." He sinks into his seat, taking a sip to cover his face.
"Dude, do you know how tipping works? You can't be poor and tip me $20 after a breakfast combo from a dingy part of the city."
"You work hard." Peter scratches his neck. "...At least from what I've seen." He sighs.
"Are you actually poor?" You start wiping down the counter to keep your boss off your back for being unproductive.
Peter sheepishly avoids your eyes.
"...I'm poor too." You smiled. "If that wasn't painfully obvious by how I look."
"No. Not at all." Peter took this opportunity to take in your appearance. You looked exactly the same. Even though it had taken months for him to face you again. It's like your eyes were waiting right where he saw them last, inviting you in.
Unknowingly, you take his one-sided reunion with you as innocent flirting.
"I get off at 5." You blurted out. Why were you so inherently flirty all of a sudden?
Peter straightens his posture as if that would help him hear you properly. He blankly stares at you as you do the same for a response.
“…Are you free..? Or interested?” You throw the towel over your shoulder.
“YE-yes. Yeah. I have no classes today I can come get you of course but I don’t have a car I just walked here but not from far.” He rambles.
You visibly relax your composure as that alone was enough evidence that Peter was just a nerd without the rich snob part. Though he kept the physique of someone who would visit his rich dad’s personal gym.
“Here's my number. I’ll get you an actual good meal.” You shyly look down at your feet, ignoring your ugly, work-approved kitchen shoes.
“Deal.” He pays for his burnt diner coffee, and leaves an appropriate tip this time.
You sneak in one last wave before he disappears around the street corner.
This shift couldn’t have gone any slower for you. The wait from 4:00 to 5:00 was the most excruciating pain of consecutive boringness.
When it was time to clock out, you rushed out the back, shoving your work shoes into your book bag and trying to fix your disheveled hair that had been put up by a pencil this entire time.
You rushed to the front of the diner while putting on your wrinkled sweater to mask the smell of butter off you at least a little.
You waited. And waited. And waited some more. 5:15. Why was he late? Did you scare him off? Is he never coming back to the diner? Was that big tip an accident? Maybe he took out the wrong bill and played along today just to avoid being awkward.
“Shiiit.” You groaned. You looked around the intersection. “Maybe he’s rushing towards me?” You thought. “He’s gonna come around any second and say sorry frantically like the nerd he is.”
He didn’t. He never showed. You waited for an hour more and just decided to walk home.
As you were walking along the dark and wet sidewalk, you were internally thanking yourself for bringing that sweater, but cursing because you wanted to take the scenic route and walk to work today.
“Hi miss.” A voice called from behind you.
You turned around to see Spider-man.
“Oh wow, hi?” You’ve never seen him this close before. The rainy afternoon gave his suit an exaggerated glimmer and despite his bug eyes, he didn't seem scary while approaching you.
“Why would a pretty lady like yourself be walking alone?” He starts walking beside you holding out an arm for you.
“Well, I was supposed to leave work an hour ago.. Something came up.” You take his arm cautiously. “I usually walk home anyway, nothing different today.”
Peter feels a lump growing in his throat. Even when he ditched you, you don’t insult him.
“Except… it’s an hour later. That means it’s an hour’s more worth of danger out here.” He jokes.
You nod, not really the response he was expecting. Spider-man was not getting the same treatment as Peter.
“Something wrong?” He felt wrong asking immediately. Yes something’s wrong. He was wrong.
“I just.. I’ve been feeling empty almost. Recently it’s like… It’s like I’m missing something. Not completely empty, but enough absence to feel hopeless. I had a date today and he didn’t show.” You almost continue until you looked up to realize you were talking to a bug man.
“Sorry. It’s dumb. I don’t expect you to understand or help.” You chuckled dryly.
Peter wanted to tell you everything so badly. He was already pushing it by seeing you again. Giving you a second taste of danger. But he burned for you. Maybe the first time was a sign. This was a new opportunity to keep you safe and he blew it. He crawled back to you desperately just for a glimpse of you. To see that you were okay. Now he’s knees deep in a new relationship with you and you didn’t even know.
“It’s not dumb.” He quietly answered. Peter on his way to get you, was leaving his apartment when he saw someone being robbed. “Maybe he ran late?”
You scoffed. “For an hour? More like he forgot.”
Peter knew convincing you to forgive him was bad. He knew doing the opposite was for the best. To tell you to forget Peter. But he couldn’t. He had you right here. Like he used to.
“Things happen.” He shrugged. “What if he got robbed?”
“Wouldn’t you have helped him?” You replied, unimpressed.
“Oh. Well I did help a really handsome dude and he got robbed. Was he like an attractive guy or..?”
“He’s cute." You admitted.
Peter blushes under his mask. Though you had said more affectionate things to him before, apparently he still gets giddy.
"Well, I'm sure he didn't forget someone as pretty as you."
You let out a scoff. "Did you drop down next to me to take me home safely or be stupid?"
Under the mask, Peter had a huge grin. He was proud of you. Still the same in how you always know how to avoid trouble. He rarely ever had to save you. You were too smart. No stranger was safe from you, not even Spider-man.
"Sorry." He says cheekily.
You both eventually reach your apartment though Peter had to act oblivious that this was your home.
"This is me. Thanks Spider-man." You tug on a zipper from your bag, reaching for something in the bottom. Gummy worms
"I don't know if you take payments but uh, I was going to share these with my date. It's my lunch I forgot about. Don't judge."
Peter feels a pang of guilt hit his chest. "Th-thanks... you really don't have to." He slowly takes the bag.
"It's okay really."
Peter sighed. "Look, if that guy is actually stupid enough to ghost you, just call me."
"How do I call you?"
"Like this; SPIDER-MAN SPIDER-MAN AGHHH THAT IDIOT NEVER CALLED ME BACK!" Peter ran around in a circle mocking a girl's voice.
"And you'd help me from wherever you are?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I have pretty good hearing." Peter comically dusts off his shoulder.
"Alright man, no excuses. Even if you're fighting off a giant monster or something you have to help me."
"Something tells me I won't need to. Y'know? One of my powers is basically a gut feeling that's always right." Peter puffs up his chest proudly.
You let out an amused exhale. "You're a nerd. See ya." You went inside, waving without looking behind you.
"See ya." Peter says quietly. As soon as he saw you disappear around the corner, he zipped to the top of a random building.
"hey y/n, so so so so so so sodsdo sorry for ditching you. PLS FORGIVW ME!!! had family emergency. wanna meet tmrw???" Peter mumbled along as he typed, two gummy worms stored in the side of his cheek.
"I sound so lameee haha." Peter thought. He goes to delete but presses send.
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moonlightspencie · 10 months
isn’t it?
Description: Years after the battle at Hogwarts, reader runs into an unlikely old friend. A simple invitation to tea leads to much more.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, slow burn babyyy, draco talking about traumatic events in the hp series, me being an american writing about folks in the UK (do not come for me),
Word Count: 10k
A/N: im a draco apologist, what about it. anyways, he gets a redemption arc in this. they’re like 20-23 in this. also had to make my own gif cause most malfoy girlies are 14 year olds from tiktok & don’t appreciate tom in his 20s. logging off forever now
check out the playlist!
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Winter was one of my least favorite times of the year because of how horrifically frigid it got. I was never a fan of the cold months. At least not when it was so cold that my fingers would be numb from standing outside for a couple of minutes.
But, it could also one of my most favorite times for the days like this one.
I stepped into the bookstore, glancing around in the soft lighting at all of the cheery decor. They hadn’t yet taken down their Christmas decorations, so twinkling lights were still wrapped around the bookshelves. Snow fell gently outside, making the warmth inside that much more cozy.
I walked around the small shop, looking up and down various shelves until I found the section I was looking for. I started sorting through the various history books, picking out a few that piqued my interest. I slid down a little further, stopping only when I saw that I was encroaching on a stranger’s space.
I turned my head, making sure I hadn’t already gotten too close, when I saw a familiar, bright, blonde head of hair.
“Malfoy,” I breathed out.
His head turned quickly, wide eyes searching for the person who had accidentally called his name. They somehow widened even more when he recognized me and muttered my name, more to himself rather than as a greeting. I found myself walking towards him almost on instinct.
The last time we’d seen each other was years prior. His father had called his name from across the ruins of Hogwarts to join them. He’d stood still and unmoving, up until the point his mother’s voice finally convinced him. He glanced at me briefly before he walked away from the rest of us, and I had assumed I’d never see him again.
We always had a complicated relationship. Even more, it seemed Draco had very complicated feelings about me.
We were friends, for all intents and purposes, but it was a secretive kind of friendship. He was a Slytherin, from a very prejudiced family, and was quite frankly a bully much of the time. I was a Gryffindor, friends with Potter, and though I was a half-blood, I didn’t care for the idea that blood purity had any say in the value of a wizard. That had caused some tension early in our friendship before I knocked a little sense into him. Though, it still caused some problems for us. Especially after his parents heartily disapproved of me in our fifth year.
We’d been friends for nearly a year at that point. He had, rather foolishly, decided to introduce me to his parents over holiday, assuming they would also be willing to love me despite my disdain for blood-purity ideals. We’d left in uncomfortable silence, and, soon after, Draco had explained that his father had instructed him to stay away from me.
Of course, he hadn’t listened.
We still spent time together when we could, even when I’d begun to notice his increasingly tired eyes and gaunt state of being in sixth year. He never let me find out what the matter was until it was too late, however.
I hadn’t seen him after the night Dumbledore was killed until the battle at Hogwarts. Now, I was seeing him in a bookshop in London. A muggle bookshop.
“What…” I started, unsure what to say now. “Wow. It’s good to see you.”
He was silent, staring back at me in shock.
“I’m sorry, um, how’ve you been?” I asked.
He cleared his throat. “I’ve, uh— Fine. I’m fine.”
“What are you doing here? In London, I mean?”
“Searching for something to read,” he said, the ghost of a chuckle leaving him.
“In a muggle shop?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I know, it’s probably strange to see me here.”
“It’s strange to see you anywhere. It’s been…”
“… A long time.”
I nodded in agreement. He looked down at the books in my hands.
“I see you’re still interested in muggle affairs.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, looking at my books. “After leaving Hogwarts I wasn’t really interested in becoming an auror anymore, so I started writing. I do a lot of writing for wizards interested in muggle history. I generally write a lot of magazine pieces, and I’m working on a book now.”
“Wow,” he said with brows raised. “That’s incredible.”
“Thanks. Are you doing anything… I don’t know. Like, for a job?”
“No. That was never really on the table for me, anyways, with my family’s—“ he sighed. “You know. All of that.”
“Right,” I nodded with half a smile. He’d always been raised with the idea that he’d be living off of the generational wealth. “What are you looking at here?”
“I still need hobbies, so I’ve taken up a lot of reading. Muggle fiction books have been particularly interesting to me lately.”
“Huh. Never expected that to come out of your mouth.”
He raised his brows quickly, nodding along slowly. He looked back to the book in his hands.
“They tend to think that witches are evil, mythical creatures. They also don’t believe that giants or dragons or werewolves exist. They’re all viewed as freaks to the muggles,” he said, looking back at me. “Most of the time, we’re all seen as the villain in their stories.”
I shrugged. “Yeah. Everyone sees things differently. Usually the hatred comes in when they don’t care to learn about people who aren’t like them.”
He swallowed, looking down once again.
“I’m beginning to realize that much more, now.”
We both went quiet for a few seconds as a question was formulating in my head.
“Would you like to come over to mine for some tea?”
His eyes snapped to mine. He furrowed his brow, obviously not expecting the invitation.
I nodded. “Of course.”
He just stood there, unmoving like I was going to burst out laughing at him at any moment. He watched me with wary eyes, not responding.
“If you want to,” I added at last. “I don’t want to pressure you.”
“Uh, that would be nice. Yes.”
“Okay. Um, I’m going to go buy these now.”
I held up my books, then turned for the register. I finished after a few minutes, lingering near the door until he followed after with his own bag.
“So, where you do you live?” he asked as we walked out into the cold.
“Guildford. In Surrey.”
“How do you usually—“
“Take my hand,” I said, holding out my free hand.
He switched his bag over to the opposite hand, putting his cold one in mine. In a flash we were on my street. He looked up at the street lamps that were starting to turn on as the sky dimmed slowly. I let him take in his surroundings for a moment.
“Ready?” I asked after a beat.
He looked at me, snow sticking to his eyelashes.
“Ready,” he confirmed.
We started forward on the sidewalk, heading in the direction of my building.
“Are you still in Wiltshire with your parents?”
He nodded. “Yes. Though, I don’t see them much anymore. I’m usually out for most of the day if I can help it.”
“You don’t get along much anymore?”
He shrugged. “They disagree with a lot of my choices.”
“I see.”
We stepped into the foyer of my building, walking up to the third floor and wandering through the hall until we got to the door of my flat. I suddenly turned, his brows raising slightly as I looked at him.
“I feel like I need to tell you that I don’t live anywhere particularly… Special.”
“I don’t mind,” he shrugged.
I nodded, a small smile on my face as I unlocked the door.
It felt strange to have anyone in my flat, let alone someone I hadn’t seen for years after they’d betrayed my friends and myself. Usually, I only had over a few very close friends every few weeks. I wasn’t exactly prepared for company, and I felt that it showed as I pulled down two mismatched mugs. He lingered in the kitchen with me, looking entirely uncomfortable, his hands repeatedly clenching and releasing as if it would relieve whatever anxieties he was facing. I gave him a soft smile after setting the mugs on the counter near him.
“This cabinet here,” I started, pointing at the one next to the oven, “has all the teas. You can choose whichever one you’d like.”
He nodded, moving forward towards the cabinet as I filled the kettle with water. I set it on the stovetop, turning it on. He nervously looked through the various tea flavors for a few more seconds, then turned to me.
“Which one would you like?”
I looked at him, noticing that he hadn’t picked for himself yet.
“Are you asking in earnest, or do you need a recommendation?”
His cheeks flushed slightly as he gave me a small smile.
“I’d love an earl grey. I’ve got one that has some lavender in it as well, and it is delightful.”
He nodded quickly, pulling down two tea bags.
“That sounds nice.”
I smiled to myself, a little out of sorts at how polite he’d become. We waited in a strange kind of silence until I heard the water beginning to bubble in the kettle. I pulled it off the heat, filling the mugs Draco had popped the bags into earlier. He looked at me curiously.
“You know,” he began, pulling my attention to his amused face, “you’re supposed to wait until the kettle whistles.”
I shrugged. “I prefer to get to it before it starts up. I’m almost never too busy to have to listen to that horrible whistling.”
He laughed softly, nodding his head in understanding. I led him to the small table in my kitchen, and much to my surprise, he took the seat next to me rather than across the way. It was quiet for a minute or two, neither of us really sure what we were doing in my kitchen together.
“Can I ask something?” he blurted out.
“Sure,” I replied with a nod.
“Why did you invite me here?”
I shrugged. “I thought it might be nice to talk. It’s been a long time.”
“But I haven’t spoken to you since… You know. What’s the use in trying to talk to me now?”
“You agreed, didn’t you?”
He smirked, but it was a more gentle kind than what he would usually pull back in the day. Not full of cocky disdain for others, and more a way to tell me that I’d bested him with the simple phrase. It was nice.
We sat quietly for a few more minutes, each sipping our tea. I suddenly realized, only after inviting him into my home, that I had no clue what to talk to him about. I let out a soft breath, looking at him to find him already looking in my direction. I gave him a soft smile that he returned. Though, it quickly fell, and the both of us tilted our heads down again.
“I’m sorry,” he said suddenly, “for leaving that day. When my mother called me over.”
I looked at him in surprise, staring up from my teacup.
He continued, “I should’ve stayed with you. With all of you. I was just in so deep at that point, and I couldn’t say no to her. And I know that isn’t an excuse, but I didn’t know what to do anymore. I was sure that the second something went sideways again, after all that I’d done, I would probably be the first one to die. I don’t know why nobody killed me in the meantime before V-Voldemort and the others came back with Potter.”
“Where did you go? After the room of requirement was set on fire?”
“I hid,” he mumbled, looking down at his tea. “I’ve always been a coward. I think I’ve deserved everything that’s happened to me after all of that.”
We sat after that, sipping our tea like nothing had been said to begin with. I looked back at him. He’d changed so much in the few years he’d been gone, and yet he was so different. He looked practically the same. Maybe a little healthier. He acted like a new person, though. All of that youthful bravado was gone, and what was left was quiet and remorseful and entirely not like the Draco I’d known in school. It shocked me more and more the longer we sat.
I sighed softly. “Draco?”
He looked at me with wide eyes.
“You haven’t called me that in forever.”
“I haven’t seen you in as long.”
He nodded. “I know.”
“Can I tell you something?”
“Yeah. I suppose so.”
I took in a breath, watching him a few seconds longer before I spoke.
“You know it’s never too late to change things, right? I know that you and your mother both made some decisions we never would’ve expected you to at the end, there. Harry told me.”
“That means nothing. I’ve always despised Potter. I was cruel to him every day, but he still saved my life. You all fought. You were all brave. Not giving him up one time was nothing compared to what all of the rest of you did.”
“You can still change things now, Draco.”
He shook his head.
“It’ll never be enough. I walked away from all of you when we thought Potter had died. I know you saw me doing it, too, and I know you were disappointed in me for it. Probably hated me,” he said, a humorless chuckle leaving him for a moment. “You were standing there by Granger and Weasley, and I looked at you right before I started across the courtyard, and you were already looking back at me. Looked like you could’ve killed me yourself.”
I swallowed, not taking my eyes off of him the entire time he spoke.
“I wanted better for you. I’d always hoped you would really, sincerely change for the better at some point, and it just never seemed to come,” I mentioned with a half-hearted shrug. “When I saw you walking out just in front of Luna, I hoped it meant you would stay with us. That you’d changed sides after Harry had gotten you out of the fire. Watching you leave after that…”
“I know. I’m shocked you even spoke to me in the bookshop.”
“I was shocked to see you at all. Especially in a muggle bookstore. I know you’d gotten off the hook after the war because of what you did for Harry, but honestly, I never thought you’d change. Not really, anyways.”
He nodded, looking away from me again. He only glanced back up once I continued speaking.
“But you have, now. That much is clear. You’re kinder now.”
“I don’t think I am.”
“You agreed to have tea with me. You willingly had a conversation with me in that bookstore rather than walking away from me. I thought for sure that you would when I saw you there.”
He shook his head. “I might have if it was anyone else. I wouldn’t do that to you, though. You were the only person who was kind to me in school. You’re the only one who really cared or noticed something was wrong in sixth year.”
“Do you really not see it?” I asked, laughing incredulously.
He furrowed his brow. “What?”
“You never would have told me any of this before. Draco, I know that you had done some horrible things, but it’s not too late to be different. And you’re already so different.”
He merely stared for a moment or two.
“I think I should go,” he said quietly. “Thank you for inviting me.”
He stood abruptly, walking off towards the kitchen door. I followed after him, just barely reaching him as we reached my entry way. I reached out, grabbing his wrist. His eyes were wide as he turned his head towards me, casting his gaze towards where my hand held him from going any further.
“Just…” I sighed, putting on a smile. “Don’t be afraid to send an owl sometime.”
He nodded, his voice small, “Okay.”
I finally let him go, watching him take his coat and bag of of books, and walk out the door.
A few weeks later I sat at my desk at home, unable to get past a terrible bout of writer’s block. I hadn’t considered when writing a book that it wasn’t simply writing a long article. I had to craft each chapter in a meaningful way, and unfortunately, that meant that I had to get anything at all on paper. I sighed hard, needing an outlet for my dramatics. Suddenly, an unfamiliar owl was at my window. I opened it up, and the owl dropped a letter right on my window, staring almost curiously at me.
You requested that I send an owl sometime. I hope that you meant it, otherwise you can feel free to ignore this letter. Assuming you did mean it, I’d like to invite you to lunch on the thirteenth of February. I hope you’re well.
I looked up at the owl on my windowsill.
“Just a moment,” I said to it.
It chirped lightly in response. I quickly picked up some new parchment and a quill, scribbling out a response before I folded it and put it in an envelope. I reached into my bottom desk drawer, giving the owl a treat before handing off the letter.
“Thank you. Go home, now.”
The owl flew off into the sky, leaving me with a smile and an even emptier brain.
The date he’d suggested was less than a week out from when he’d sent his letter, and it arrived much sooner than I was expecting. He’d sent another letter soon after mine had arrived, telling me the time and location, and soon enough I was pulling on my shoes in order to leave.
I showed up outside of the café. Surprisingly, another muggle location. I walked inside, being greeted by a hostess.
“Hi, I’m supposed to be meeting someone here, um…”
“She’s with me,” Draco said, coming up near the hostess stand.
I smiled at him gratefully, my demeanor obviously edging on discomfort. He led me back to our table, pulling out my seat for me.
“Thank you,” I said, scooting in a little closer. “So, why this place?”
“Easier to make reservations and avoid judgements eating at muggle restaurants. They’re not exactly familiar with the Malfoy name.”
“Ah,” I nodded in understanding. “Makes sense. Well, it’s nice here.”
“It is. They have great soup.”
I laughed, looking down at the menu.
“What?” he asked with a smile.
“It’s just weird. Being here with you, and… talking about soup.”
“We could talk about sandwiches if you’d like.”
I laughed again, finding him doing the same. The afternoon ended up delightfully strange. We finished our food, and found ourselves on a walk around town, chatting about what we’d been doing in the years since we’d last seen one another.
In the final moments, I’d convinced him to visit another bookstore with me the following week.
It started to become a bit of a habit, really. We’d keep finding new places to bring one another to, and, for me, new excuses to keep seeing him. I didn’t necessarily have feelings for him, but I couldn’t deny that I found myself enjoying his company much more than I had as a teenager.
One chilly night in March, I’d come home from dinner with a friend absolutely wiped. I was more than ready to head off to bed after sitting around on my couch for a rerun of an old favorite show.
Though, halfway through the episode, there was a knock on my door. I walked over the front door, wand in hand as I wasn’t expecting any visitors at night. I looked through the peephole, hiding away the wand when I recognized the face outside the door. I opened it right afterwards.
“Hey,” he greeted, standing just outside my door.
My brows raised on instinct as he looked a little inebriated.
“Hi,” I said mindlessly. “What are you doing here?”
He looked down to the floor, shrugging a little. He rubbed at his face before he looked back at me.
“I might’ve been at the pub down the street. I thought about you there,” he swallowed. “Thought it might be nice to see you.”
“Do you want to come in?”
He nodded silently, stepping past me into my apartment. I shut and locked the door, turning to see him looking around the space. He looked back at me after a moment, a confused pout coming across his face as his eyes dropped to my outfit.
“Were you busy?”
I shook my head. “No, I just got home a bit ago.”
“Where’d you go?” he asked, toeing his shoes off to leave them near mine.
“Got dinner with Luna Lovegood.”
“Oh,” he nodded. “She still… Herself?”
“Draco,” I scolded.
I helped him take his coat off as he started struggling with the sleeves.
“Luna’s still an absolute sweetheart, as she’s always been,” I mentioned as I draped his jacket on a coat hook.
He wore a sage green sweater under the jacket, and it brought the slightest smile to my face that he still preferred his house colors when he wasn’t decked out in all black. He started wandering into my flat, looking around the living room.
“I like your home,” he said at last.
“Thank you,” I replied with a small laugh. “I’m going to go get you some water. Probably some ibuprofen too. It might help prevent a massive headache tomorrow.”
He nodded, not quite paying attention as he started walking around again. Once I gathered the cup of water and the medicine, I was at a loss. He’d escaped the living room. I walked around, checking the bathroom first, before finding my bedroom lamp on. I stepped into the room, finding him plopped down on my bed. This time, I couldn’t help but laugh fully.
He lifted his head with a quirked brow.
“You. Laying there like you’ve just had your very first drink.”
“You’ve got a comfortable bed.”
“I’m aware,” I nodded, kneeling on the mattress next to him. “Come and drink some water, now.”
He sat up with a groan, accepting the ibuprofen and the cup from me. He drank down the water quickly, letting out a sigh as he handed back the empty cup.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, dropping back down.
He was quiet for a few seconds as I set down the empty cup on my nightstand, just staring at the ceiling.
“Is it okay that I came here?”
I furrowed my brow, laying on my back next to him.
“I’m happy you showed up here rather than going and causing trouble someplace else.”
“You’ve always been a good person,” he said with a sigh. “Why were you ever friends with me? I was awful.”
“Seemed like you needed someone good in your life. You were surrounded by some truly terrible people,” I mentioned with a chuckle. “When we ended up seated next to one another in potions and you actually laughed at jokes I made that weren’t at the expense of another person, I realized you might not be totally hopeless.”
He laughed. No— he giggled, covering his face with his hands.
“You know, my other friends hated you,” he said, voice muffled.
I reached over, pulling his hands away from his face. He smiled softly as I did, watching me as he continued talking.
“They all thought I went crazy for being friends with you. Blaise told me I was going to get kicked out of Slytherin if I kept it up, and Parkinson was really upset because she wasn’t the only girl around me anymore.”
“I always thought she had a crush on you.”
He hummed. “Yeah, I think so. It was kind of annoying, to be honest. At first I liked the attention, but it got old very quickly.”
“I can imagine.”
“You know what I always thought?”
I shrugged. “No clue.”
“I thought for forever that Potter had it bad for you. Up until he started crushing on the Weasley girl, I was convinced.”
“Mhm,” he nodded, looking back at the ceiling. “Either him or Longbottom. They were always around you.”
“Because we were friends,” I said with a laugh. “I still see them sometimes, you know?”
“You do?”
“Wow. I haven’t seen my school friends since, well, everything happened.”
“You’ve seen me, at least.”
He smiled a little.
“That’s true. Nobody else, though. Maybe that’s a good thing.”
“I think it probably is.”
A silence fell over us for a few moments. I stared at the sheets in between us, brushing my fingers across them.
“Why are you so nice to me?” he asked, voice just above a whisper.
“Why would I be cruel?”
He sighed dejectedly. “I deserve it. I was— I’ve done terrible things.”
I sighed softly. “I know what you’ve done, Draco. I was kind of there for much of it.”
A smile tugged at his lips, though he shoved it away just as quickly as it appeared.
“There’s still a lot you don’t know,” he said at last. “You wouldn’t stick around if you did.”
“I would.”
“No, you wouldn’t.”
I fell silent again for a minute or so, milling over what to say next in my head. I heard him let out a soft breath, and turned my eyes to watch him. His hair was messier than usual, with his natural waves sneaking their way out of the gelled constraints they were usually stuck in. His skin glowed in the soft lighting of my bedroom, especially now that the constant dark circles he’d worn for the past few years were gradually fading away with time.
He called my name in question. I hummed in response, turning my body to face him, listening as he started speaking again.
“I just,” he sighed, taking a moment. “I wonder if things would’ve been different if I told you back then. Or anyone.”
“It might have changed things a little, but at that point, do you think you would’ve been able to avoid what you had to do?”
He shook his head. “No. It just might have been nice for someone to know.“
“I think you would be too stubborn to tell anyone, though,” I said with half a smile.
He smiled back, looking down at the mattress as he nodded.
“I definitely would’ve been. That’s part of the reason I never told you in the first place.”
I raised a brow. “What was the other part?”
He swallowed, looking at me again.
“I was worried you might put yourself in danger.”
He snorted a laugh. “If you think I was stubborn, you have got to know that you were much worse. You probably would’ve tried helping me at the worst possible moment and gotten yourself killed.”
I scoffed. “I’m not that dumb.”
“You could act like it sometimes.”
My eyes widened as he hid a smile.
“Oh, so you do still like to make fun of me, huh?”
“Old habits are hard to beat.”
“You still secretly like dancing?”
His smile fell a bit as he thought it over.
“I haven’t really had a reason to since… Everything.”
Whatever came over me in that moment to drive my actions could possibly be instinct to comfort an old friend. It could’ve been the need to reach out to someone clearly in pain. It could’ve just been that I wanted to touch him. I scooted closer, resting my head on his chest. My hand rested on his stomach, and I felt him sigh softly through it. He didn’t say anything, but I did feel him go a bit rigid.
I lifted my head up when I noticed the stiffness in his body.
“I-I’m sorry, I should’ve asked first,” I rushed out, “Is this okay?”
His cheeks turned slowly pink as he stared back at me, nodding.
“I, um,” he let out a quick breath, “Yes. I just don’t really ever—“
Understanding dawned on me. “Oh. Well, it’s just like a hug.”
He stared back once again, unmoving for a few moments. I furrowed my brow in question as he looked away from my face.
“The only person, um, who ever really hugs me is… mum.”
I watched him quietly, unsure what to say. It had always been evident that he never had a shot at a normal childhood, but I hadn’t considered how much of that normalcy was completely stripped from his life. He closed his eyes.
“I don’t know why I said that,” he said quietly. “That’s so humiliating.”
“No, no,” I said, brushing some of his hair from his face before quickly pulling away. “Not at all. That isn’t your fault.”
“If I wasn’t such a horrible child…”
“It may have helped to make real friends, but you were raised in an echo chamber of hatred. For the longest time you didn’t know how to be anything but mean. Clearly, if your own father didn’t even hug you as a child.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, nodding slowly.
“Plus,” I added, “things are so different now. I saw you starting to change a little back then. I wasn’t the only one to notice either, you should’ve seen my friends’ faces when you smiled at me in passing on the way to classes the first time. Since then, things have changed tenfold. Why not lean into that?”
He nodded again, giving me the faintest smile imaginable. I settled back against his chest, finally feeling his arms carefully wrapping around me. They just barely rested over top of me, not dissimilar to how an adult would try to hug a toddler. I let one arm stretch across his torso, holding him tightly, and, eventually, he held me just as tight.
I opened my eyes to sun-washed sheets, and a breathing pillow under my head. I tilted my head up, seeing him still absolutely passed out. His breathing came soft and steady, and he looked utterly at peace. I only looked away from his sleeping form when he started stirring. He let out a soft little groan, his arms tightening around me slightly. Only after he gave a sigh did I have the nerve to look back at his face.
“Good morning,” I said.
He smiled softly. “Morning. M’sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.”
“That’s okay. I don’t mind,” I looked down at our clothes. “Just a bit unfortunate we fell asleep in these clothes. Not the most comfortable.”
He laughed. “Yes. Maybe next time it would be better not to be wearing trousers. I think I’d personally prefer some flannel pajamas.”
“I’m partial to sleep shorts.”
He let out another small laugh, as did I. His cheeks were tinged pink as he looked back at me, though I can’t say I didn’t feel the heat rising in my face as well.
“How are you feeling?”
He shrugged lightly. “Surprisingly fine. Thanks for taking care of me last night.”
“Any time, Malfoy.”
I reluctantly pulled myself out of his arms, sitting up in the bed. I stretched out my arms above my head, then turned to him once again to announce I’d be back in a moment. I found myself doing my usual bathroom duties in a kind of haze. There was a smile stuck to my face that I couldn’t quite get rid of. I chose not to look into it too much, especially as I reentered the bedroom to find him rubbing at his sleep-ridden eyes.
“There’s an extra toothbrush I left in the bathroom for you. It should be the yellow one next to mine,” I mentioned.
He gave me a small smile, nodding his head.
I hummed in response. “I’ll be in the kitchen. Tea and toast sound okay?”
“You don’t have to do that,” he said, standing up.
I merely raised a brow at him as he drew closer. He silently conceded, following me out of the bedroom in order for each of us to get to what we needed to. I filled the kettle, put the bread in the toaster, and somehow managed to spill my entire cup of water all over the floor after setting out the mugs. I grumbled to myself, getting down with a towel to clean up my mess.
“Clumsy one, aren’t you?” he asked with a laugh as he found me crouched down on the floor.
I looked up to where he stood near the sink, feigning annoyance at his cheery state. I stood up, crossing over to wring the towel out.
“Wait,” he exclaimed, though too late.
I stepped forward, not seeing the bit of spilled water I hadn’t cleaned up. I slipped and, in an attempt not to tumble to the floor, grabbed onto his arms. He laughed at me as I regained my balance, earning him a furrowed brow and a hidden smile of my own.
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“It was funny,” he defended. “You should’ve seen your face.”
I squeezed his forearms briefly before beginning to drop my hands. Though, the way his face dropped as I did so kept me from completely breaking contact.
“Are you okay?”
He swallowed. “Yeah, I’m— It’s fine.”
I quirked a brow, unbelieving.
“I’m not buying that. What’s wrong?”
He looked down, his eyes quickly darting to where my hand was placed on his left arm. I took in a breath.
“Oh,” I said quietly. “Do you… It’s still there, isn’t it?”
He nodded slowly. “Yes.”
I firmed my hold on his arms again, gently rubbing my thumbs against the fabric of his sweater.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s my own fault.”
“I’m still sorry. I’ve never thought about the fact you’d always have to hide it.”
He breathed out slowly, shakily, still looking down.
“Is there any way to rid yourself of it?” I asked after a beat.
“No,” he shook his head. “There are some charms I can use temporarily to hide it if I need to, but nothing permanent works. It’s forever.”
I nodded, looking back at his face until he met my eye. He cleared his throat, pulling his arms from out of my grasp.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
“I’m used to it. I haven’t forgotten your little attitude every time you spotted me with Harry or one of the others.”
I reached down to grab the towel I had dropped.
He rolled his eyes playfully. “I couldn’t help it. You were so likable, and they were just...”
“My friends. So watch it, Malfoy,” I scolded with a smirk.
“Right,” he nodded, fighting a smile himself. “Everyone has their flaws.”
I scoffed out a laugh, lightly slapping his shoulder with the back of my hand. He laughed, leaning against the counter.
“Right then, you can pour your own tea,” I noted as I wrung out the towel.
“You’ll still get the toast though?”
I furrowed my brow as I tossed the towel down, turning to him.
“Only because you don’t know where I keep the plates or else you’d be on your own.”
He gave me a knowing smirk, taking the kettle just before it began whistling to fill both of our mugs. I took down the plates, setting the toast on each of them before getting the butter and jam set out. We set to work, side by side, on preparing our breakfast. It felt oddly normally as we went about our business, putting everything away before we sat at the kitchen table.
We found ourselves laughing over nothing in particular before we knew it, and, eventually, it was dark outside once again. The surprise on his face told me all that I needed to know as he looked out the window and declared that he should probably be going on his way. I walked him to the door, watching as he gathered his things again, and as he apparated away.
Our owls were sent back and forth over the next few weeks, and though we saw each other frequently, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander on the days we didn’t have much communication. Frankly, it wandered a great deal even when we were together. Usually to his eyes. The way he’d look at me when we’d stop talking. Or the way he’d smile when we did some silly activity together. Or his laugh when I’d make a stupid jokes. Or his hands.
May came quickly, and with it came warmer weather. It was nice to have my windows open whenever it wasn’t raining, and it was absolutely wonderful to have lakeside picnics or nighttime strolls through the nearby park as the month bled into June. Those little outdoor escapades started to become a habit. A way of being out in the world together with nobody else around.
Not that alone time was necessarily important to us. It certainly didn’t make my cheeks flush with heat every time we sat completely by ourselves on a picnic blanket with favorite snacks of mine that he’d somehow remembered and brought along when he showed up at my door. I most definitely hadn’t made a habit to lie to myself about the entire ordeal.
“Walk?” he asked after we’d finished playing a game of wizard chess.
I nodded. “Of course. It’s a gorgeous night, we may as well enjoy it, right?”
He smiled, standing and taking my hands to help me off the ground near my coffee table. We pulled on our shoes, and headed out. It was warm, and the most gentle breeze went through the new leaves on the trees as we passed them. He made silly conversation with me as we kept on, so much so that we’d lost track of the time. I could only tell it had been a while when my legs started growing a bit tired.
We sat on a bench nearby after our walk through the park, relishing in the warm night air of the summertime.
“The moon looks beautiful tonight,” I commented.
He hummed in agreement.
“It does,” he said, suddenly putting on a small smile. “That’s one benefit to me staying out all hours of the night with you.”
I laughed. “Oh dear. You may just have to stay over again. How horrible. It’s not like you can apparate home at any moment.”
“This is your fault, you know? You just have to live so far away,” he said in feigned annoyance, ignoring the last sentence I’d spoken. “Maybe I should just make friends elsewhere.”
“Yet, you still accept every time I suggest some kind of activity for us to do rather than finding new friends. Why’s that?”
“You’re… Different,” he whispered, like it was some miraculous secret.
He sighed softly. “People back home, what I grew up with— It’s nothing like this. Everyone is cold. They all care so much about the wrong things.”
“You think I care about the right things?”
He smiled softly. “You care about me. That’s enough.”
“Who would’ve guessed Malfoy would become such a softie,” I mentioned with a smirk. “Oh, how things change.”
“Some things don’t,” he said with a shrug. “You still somehow choose to be my friend.”
“All that childhood bullying and teenage depression captivated me.”
He furrowed his brows, an unbelieving laugh passing his lips. We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, looking around at the park as it was washed in moonlight. I felt his fingers brush against my hand, and I willingly opened my palm to him. He slid his hand into mine, lacing our fingers together and giving a gentle squeeze.
“Look up,” he said quietly, and I obliged. He pointed up at the stars in the clear sky. “There’s a constellation there. Just between the… It’s right by ursa major, the plough constellation.”
“Mhm,” I hummed along.
“Right along here,” he traced a line of stars in my vision. “Do you know what that constellation is called?”
“Can’t say that I do, no.”
“Draco. It was called that because it kind of resembles a dragon. I don’t know for sure if my parents named me because of the constellation, but I like to think so.”
I smiled, glancing at him rather than the stars. He looked at peace as he stared up into the sky, his thumb gently rubbing against my hand. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye after a minute, at which point I looked back into the night. The stars really were beautiful that night. They looked brighter than normal, and the constellation patters I did recognize were easy to spot. Now, there was a new one I wouldn’t soon forget.
I heard him sigh next to me after a few minutes, and turned my head slightly to find he was already looking at me. This time, neither of us looked away.
“You’re my best friend,” he said, almost too quietly to hear.
Unsure of what to say in that moment, and wanting to do more than offer a smile, I leaned my head against his shoulder. He let out another soft breath, dropping his head against mine. I brought our connected hands up, pressing a soft kiss to the back of his.
“When was the last time you were in Hogsmeade?” I asked quietly.
He gave a soft chuckle to that.
We walked down the street the next day in the afternoon, everything looking quite different now that the weather was quite warm.
“It’s strange not being here in the wintertime,” I noted.
He nodded. “It is. I haven’t been in years.”
We walked up to a familiar building, and I reached out to him. I grabbed his hand, pulling him into the pub. We were offered a seat, but not before receiving several stares.
“You might not want to be holding my hand in front of everyone here,” Draco leaned in to whisper.
“I’m not terribly worried about being seen with you, you know?” I whispered back in reply. “Anyone who knows me is already aware that we used to be friends.”
We sat at the table, placed our orders, and were left alone once again. He let out a breath, looking a bit uncomfortable.
“Seriously, don’t worry about all of them,” I said, leaning on the table. “Half of everyone in here were secretly on the wrong side anyways. They just fly under the radar because they don’t come from a powerful family.”
“Still. I don’t want to drag you down with me.”
“You aren’t. Besides, I’m used to people judging me for being around you.”
He deadpanned. “That doesn’t make me feel better.”
“My point is that I don’t care about being seen with you. Okay?”
He swallowed, sighing softly.
“You make it terribly difficult to try and protect you.”
“Probably because I don’t need to be protected. Stop worrying about me so much,” I stated with a laugh.
“Can’t help it,” he replied, a small smirk on his face.
Our drinks were brought to the table, along with some assorted appetizers.
“Just don’t tell your parents that we’re friends this time,” I joked, hoping that wouldn’t strike a chord.
He snorted. “I already have.”
I straightened in surprise, looking at him with curious eyes. He glanced at me, a partial smile on his face when he saw my shock.
“And you’re still allowed to live with them?”
“It’s been a long time since they’ve tried to make decisions for me like that. After practically forcing me to become a, uh—“
He nodded, thankful he didn’t have to say it.
“After that happened, my father laid off. Mother still worries for me, but she knows now that at least I’m safe. That’s all that’s ever really mattered to her.”
“They still hate me, though?”
“Pretty much,” he said with a curt nod.
I smiled to myself, sipping at my drink. He shook his head.
“You look pleased with yourself.”
“I’m sorry to say, but I don’t really feel too terrible that they don’t like me.”
“I know,” he said.
I looked back up to see a small smile on his face as well.
“Also, most of that smile is because I haven’t had a butterbeer in a terribly long time.”
Two months flew by after our visit to Hogsmeade. Though, it was filled with almost daily visits with one another. Usually, he’d just show up and keep me company as I wrote. Sometimes, he’d even give input when I asked for it, or let me read him chapters to see how it sounded. His sleepovers even became more frequent, and part of me had to wonder what on earth anyone would think of it if they knew.
I’d told my friends bits and pieces of what had been taking up so much of my time over the last eight months, but not quite the whole story. Luckily, they hadn’t been too angry with me for it. Most of them were rather indifferent, especially after I’d told them about how he’d changed. I never expected them to forgive him, though. I wouldn’t believe how different things had become if I hadn’t seen how he’d changed for myself.
But he truly did. And it was incredible.
During the breaks I’d take from writing, he was usually excited to tell me about the muggle books he’d been reading. Sometimes out of surprise at the content, and sometimes just because he appreciated the writing.
The icing on top was being with him and running into Ron and Hermione. The looks on their faces when he was gentle and kind in their interaction was absolutely priceless. She’d written me days later to ask if I’d found his long-lost twin, not quite believing that he was capable of being anything but who he used to be. But, as I’d repeatedly told Draco himself: it’s not only possible for people to change for the good, it’s probable for those who care to.
So, our days passed comfortably. He only became more kind and, frankly, affectionate, as time went on.
It was on a beautiful August evening when he knocked on my door, our plans already set in place.
I tugged the door open at the sound and took him in, my brows raised slightly. He was in a white button-down and a black sweater vest. There was a messenger back slung across his chest, one hand with a silver ring adorning it held the strap. His cheeks were slightly pink from the weather outside, and he practically glowed. For lack of a better word, he just looked pretty.
He furrowed his brow, looking back at me.
“Everything alright?”
I nodded fast. “Yeah. You just look really nice today.”
“Oh,” he replied, cheeks suddenly flushed. “You also look nice. I like your blouse.”
“I brought something,” he said, giving me a shy smile.
“Okay,” I said curiously. “Are you going to at least take off your shoes?”
He shook his head. “No. In fact, you should probably put yours on.”
I furrowed my brow, though I listened anyways. I started pulling on my shoes.
“I thought we were going to have dinner here first, and then go to the cinema.”
“Change of plans,” he shrugged.
“Alright,” I laughed, still unsure.
He pulled a small object out of the bag he carried, unfolding the cloth around it to reveal a small stone statue. I quirked a brow, looking down at the little object.
“What’s this?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course.”
“On the count of three, reach out to it and hold on.”
“Draco, is this a portkey?”
“Is this one even legal?”
“You’re insane.”
We both held onto the small statue, and in an instant we were in some alleyway. I took in a sudden breath, feeling out of sorts from the transport.
“Where did you get that?”
“My family has had it forever,” he said, wrapping it back up and tucking it into his bag.
“Where are we?”
He smiled at me, taking my hand. I followed him along blindly, until he lead me into a building. I looked around at the tall ceilings and the beautiful chandelier that hung in the middle.
“Wow,” I said, mostly to myself.
He walked us up to the front desk, greeting the clerk in French. My eyes widened as they continued a conversation, ending only when he took a key from her. He then began leading me towards the elevator, still not loosening his grip on my hand.
“I didn’t know you spoke French.”
He smirked as he pressed the elevator button.
“I brought a few things with in my bag, but I didn’t bring any clothes. I thought we could get whatever else we needed here.”
I quirked a brow as we stepped into the elevator. He hit the button for the right floor.
“How long were you planning on staying?” I asked with a laugh.
“Just tonight and daytime tomorrow. We could stay longer if you want to?”
“No, that’s plenty,” I replied, a smile stuck to my face. “This is crazy.”
“Is it?”
“Practically clinically insane.”
He laughed, pulling me out into the hall. He walked us down the hallway, opening the right door when we arrived, and letting me walk in ahead of him. The room was huge. It had a beautiful sitting area, and judging by the height of the curtains, I was sure the windows would be gorgeous. He called me over as he entered the bedroom through large double doors, and I took it all in. He dropped his bag and flopped down onto the huge mattress.
“Whoa,” I said finally, shaking my head. “I don’t know what else to say.”
I fell down next to him on the bed, smiling over at him when he turned his head to me.
“You like it?”
“This is too much, Draco. Really,” I began. “But, it’s amazing.”
“I have one more thing to show you before we get dinner.”
“What else could there possibly be?”
“You’ve seen the eiffel tower before?”
I shook my head. “Only in pictures.”
He stood quickly, and I sat, watching him circle the bed. He grabbed the tall curtains, pulling them apart with force. I stilled before scrambling to my feet and meeting him at the window. I looked out the practically-floor-to-ceiling windows to see the tower glittering against the night sky. I sighed, absolutely wonderstruck.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? One thing I’m sure the muggles got right.”
I laughed, unbelieving, turning to throw my arms around his middle. He held me against him, resting his head on top of mine as we looked out the window again.
“We’ll have all night to stare out the window if you’d like to, but I don’t think the restaurant we’re eating at will wait as long.”
I looked at him, a smile still stuck to my face. He smiled back, just as gently, tucking some hair behind my ear. I felt my heart beat a little faster then, especially as he didn’t look away from me this time. Usually at this point, one of us would have come up with some clever distraction from whatever tension laid between us. It was silent, but not uncomfortable. There was almost a whisper of ‘tell the truth’ floating there, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to open my mouth to speak. He moved forward the slightest bit, though before anything could happen, he did speak.
“We really should go,” he said as a whisper. “Our reservation is in five minutes, and I’d feel horrible if we missed it.”
He gave a boyish smile, one that I couldn’t help but to return, even if I’d secretly hoped for a different outcome. I nodded silently, accepting his hand again once we walked to the door. We apparated near a relatively quiet street, stepping out onto the sidewalk in order to integrate into the other pedestrians. We walked into a small restaurant hidden through a wall. I hadn’t expected him to take me to a wizards-only restaurant, but especially not one that had me forcefully closing my jaw after it had involuntarily dropped.
“Dray, this is incredible, but it might be a little above my pay grade,” I mentioned, leaning in a bit to speak quietly.
He hummed. “That’s why instead of splitting the bill how you like, I’m just going to pay for it.”
I rolled my eyes. “That’s not fair.”
“Just let me be nice,” he said, turning the tables to scold me for once.
“Are you sure I’m not underdressed?”
“You look beautiful. Quit worrying.”
I attempted to drop my hand from his as he spoke with the hostess, though his grip only tightened a bit. I felt my cheeks flush a little when he flashed me a knowing smirk and the raise of a brow. We started walking back into the restaurant behind the waitress after a moment.
I spoke quietly as we went, “What, are you trying to romance me now, Malfoy?”
He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
“Maybe I am. Are you opposed?”
I hid a smile. “No.”
“Thank Merlin for that,” he muttered under his breath, earning a laugh from me.
Dinner was beautiful, and wildly delicious. It definitely helped that I wasn’t terribly worried about the bill. I also can’t say I hated the idea of his family’s money going towards the meal of a wizard who was against practically everything they stood for. It felt like a small victory. Though, it was a bit strange to be surrounded by wizards who weren’t preoccupied with staring at us.
We stepped out of the restaurant, and rather than zipping someplace else, he was determined to walk to our next destination. He held my hand in his like he was afraid he’d lose me if he didn’t, swinging our arms along without a care.
“You seem happy,” I commented.
“I am,” he affirmed, bumping into me slightly. “I’m with you, for one. Plus, we haven’t received a single sideways glance from anyone around here. It’s nice that you’re the only person who knows me.”
I smiled to myself at that, letting him start swinging our arms again. He grinned over at me as we walked past crowds of people that grew increasingly larger. We probably looked ridiculous, but I certainly didn’t care. Not when I’d never seen him happier.
“So, I’ve got a question for you,” I said.
“Go on, then.”
“Why did you bring me to Paris?”
He glanced at me again, eyes a little wider. I raised one brow in question. He cleared his throat.
“Uh, I don’t know if you remember, but we were in some class. I don’t know which one, I think it was in second or third year,” he shrugged with a slight laugh.
“Oh,” I said, drawing his attention away.
We both looked up, suddenly seeing the peak of the tower come over a building. He made a decision to table my question, instead opting to tug me along as he started running ahead. We bolted forward, avoiding tons of people as we came up on the glittering structure, out of breath from both the run and the laughter at how silly we’d become over a hunk of metal. We walked the rest of the way until we were close enough to really look up at it. I held onto his arm with my free hand, resting my head against his shoulder.
He let out a heavy breath. “Yeah.”
We stood quietly for a few moments, just to take it all in. The only thing I could really hear was the beat of my own heart and indecipherable conversation being had by the other people nearby. I finally looked back at him, and somehow he was still more gorgeous than everything else I’d seen that night.
He looked at me, a glimmer in his eye as that same old sweet smile showed on his face.
“So, what was the rest of that story?” I asked.
“Ah,” he said with a curt nod. “Well, in that class, someone had asked about portkeys. But before the professor had started to explain it, they called on you to pick anywhere in the world you’d like to go. I guess to demonstrate that a portkey could be enchanted in order to get to that place. You said you’d want to go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower.”
“You remembered that?”
He merely nodded. I tilted my head.
“How did you possibly keep that in mind after all this time?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve… I just remember when it comes to you.”
“That’s crazy,” I laughed. “I don’t understand how you could remember something that happened in a class almost ten years ago. We weren’t even friends then.”
“Well, I,” he began, eyes going starry and somehow prettier than they’d ever been, “I suppose I’ve always loved you.”
I fell completely quiet, about one billion thoughts speeding through my head. Only one rose above the others: I love you. But I still wasn’t saying it. Why wasn’t I saying it? Why wasn’t I saying anything at all?
“Sorry, that was too much to—”
I interrupted what would surely be a lively rambling session from him, and threw myself at him, our lips finally connecting for the first time. As soon as the shock wore off for him, he kissed me back. His lips were soft and careful against mine, his arms wrapping around my middle to pull me in closer, and my hands pressed against his chest. I smiled into the kiss, leaving a few lingering pecks against his lips before we broke apart.
I looked at him, taking in everything that I could about that moment. I sighed.
“You’re so pretty,” I said softly.
That definitely wasn’t what I meant to say.
He laughed. “Yeah?”
“Sorry,” I groaned with a laugh of my own, leaning my forehead against his chest.
He lifted my face with one hand under my chin, pressing one more soft kiss to my lips.
“I love you, is what I meant to say,” I noted.
“I knew this trip was a good idea.”
“So this was the plan from the start, hm?”
He smirked. “Not the plan. Just a hope.”
We went back the hotel room, thought not without my genius idea to grab a cheap bottle of wine first.
It felt more fitting than champagne given that we’d spend the rest of the night staring out of the window and laying lazy kisses on one another.
We found ourselves back at my flat a week later, almost as if nothing had changed. But really, everything had changed. Completely and totally.
We sat on my couch, our tea cold from sitting without any attention on the coffee table in front of us. He talked to me about nothing for hours, and there’s nothing else I’d wanted to be doing than wasting away the day with him. It had quickly become my favorite activity.
“You know,” he started, “inviting me over for tea that day after I’d made quite the reputation for myself was probably a stupid idea.”
“But?” I prodded.
“But,” he said, pressing a kiss to my lips before continuing, “I am utterly thankful you did.”
“Aww. My pretty boy,” I cooed, earning a groan from him.
“You can’t keep calling me that.”
He grabbed my hand as I reached to pinch at his cheeks, kissing my knuckles softly.
“Yes, I can. You secretly love it.”
He blushed. “I love you. There’s a difference.”
I sighed, cuddling into his side. “Does this mean you’re going to take me home and introduce me to your parents as your girlfriend, now?”
“I’m pretty certain I’ll have to.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, I’m going to inherit the manor one day.”
“And?” I questioned, laughing.
He kissed me again, speaking quietly against my lips.
“You won’t be my girlfriend forever,” he said with a smirk. “Gotta make sure you’ll like the place.”
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sunlightsilence · 4 months
If you see this, you don't have #side order or #side order spoilers blocked. .
. I'm about to spoil things all the way to completion, so this is your chance to look away! .
. Last chance to hide this post!! .
. Okay, here we go!
So. Side order's gameplay is fantastic to me, I've completed it with all 12 palettes now. I love splatoon and I love roguelikes so this was sort of a match made in heaven for me.
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Creating the OP builds, the final boss, the general colours and music and vibe of the game is amazing! Everything to do with Pearl and Marina are *amazing* and they're so hella gay it's adorable :D And I love that they're not even hiding the queer representation now. Marina having a sprawled out Pearl as her desktop background is so cute, even seeing an elevator scene where they gush about eachother, and another one where Marina worries that Acht is hitting on Pearl.
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And... cannon They/Them Acht! I remember all the people on Reddit being like "it's just the marketing team mistranslating their pronouns in a tweet!" NOPE, it's in game too!
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Hell yeah :D Smollusk is adorable and I love him, and maybe we finally have a splatoon villain tumblr won't turn into a tumblr sexyman since he's a literal infant xD
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And Pearl Drone is so hecking cute, I love her so much!! If you spin around in the lobby she spins too, and if you stay still she falls asleep :D
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I did my first run with Brella cause it's my fav and it has my beloved inkstorm kit from S2! It took me three tries before I beat the tower for the first time, but then every run afterwards with different weapons I've always cleared it (I was got bounced off the tower for that first death and the second I was caught offguard by how fast the reefslider spam is)! Brella was definitely my favourite run, but I also really enjoyed the roller and brush runs. My roughest run was with the Splatling. I had dreaded doing charger after that, but charger turned into my fastest run!
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I could see myself unwinding in this mode hundreds more times. I am saying this all to demonstrate that I really love this DLC, it might be my favourite of all the single player modes so far, either that or S2 hero mode. So my following criticisms are out of love for it because it's close to perfect. So the big one is... "the dlc is too short!" I hear that a lot on both tumblr and reddit and someone inevitably chimes in with "You don't play a lot of roguelikes, do you?" I mean... do YOU? I've done over 100 runs in Wizard of Legend, and thousands of hours on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Etrian Mystery Dungeon. Yes it's made to be run multiple times, but when a run is only 20-30 minutes it's still only about 6 hours of content if you do all the palettes. And these could be fixed with the assets they already have! Like imagine an Endless mode where the difficulty (enemy speed and hp values and number of spawns) kept ramping up higher and higher each floor, with the leader board being kept track of on the app. Or a daily tower run to save a random cephalopod from being grayscaled - the daily inkling/octoling's palette giving you a random weapon/sub/special for that day that followed the rules of 8's Octoshot (more hacks = less chip slots). Or like a super hard difficulty mode - imagine a mode where every floor had a danger modifier, and maybe a Parallel Cannon spawns into the stage to try to hunt you down (maybe it's even invincible so you have to run away from it while doing the stage objective?) I know the Octoshot is kind of the "hard mode" (it's still not too bad though since it's basically just like starting from the beginning without hacks), but it's not fun being limited to just the one weapon type. Especially for it for people who find the regular shooters boring. I don't feel like this is an unreasonable request either, Wizard of Legend - a roguelike made by *two* people - for instance has a few options for post game challenge runs (a randomized mode, a mode where the enemies start from the highest difficulty from floor 1, an extra long run that touches on all the bosses, a BOSS RUSH mode, Curses - basically one thing gets massively buffed while a second thing gets massively debuffed). The Mystery Dungeon games tend to have unlockable MASSIVE dungeons that start you off from having nothing. (like imagine a 99 floor floor tower where you started with no hacks, and a basic shooter with no sub/special and you had to earn new weapons/subs/specials/hacks as you go). Could do the Curse style idea with extra special Marina hacks. "Hey 8, I just figured out a hack that turns everyone's Max HP to 1 - both yours and your opponents!" "This hack will make you much faster but the floors will always be dark!" Or those Bonus challenges, imagine if there was an option to do conditional runs with them. Like "Beat the Tower without using your special, unlock a specific splat tag banner" Again, I am only criticizing because I love it. It's just also the easiest and shortest of all the single player campaigns we've gotten I feel, and if they were going to lean into the roguelike genre, I wish they looked into how other roguelikes reuse assets to lengthen the gameplay and provide extra challenges to keep players interested for a long time.
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AND I AM STILL MAD YOU CAN'T PLAY AS A SQUID AND THEY REMOVED THE PLAYABLE SQUIDBEATZ (half joking. Not really upset, but I do find it odd now that there's more campaigns you can play as an octoling than an inking on the switch now despite inklings being the mascots...... rotm/oe/so vs just s2hero/rotm. And I don't see why we can't just have minigames back, they remove more minigames each entry and paying to listen to music now is frustrating...) Haha... But yes, overall, I loved it. It's a 9/10 from me. Adding squidbeatz and some post game longevity / challenge modes would have made it a 10/10. I can't wait to play more, I can't wait to visit Inkopolis Square again next splatfest :')
Now, onto random observations!
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The lobby has jump ramps on the back corner pillars. I don't know why!
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You can turn Color Lock on in the main game and it *does* affect Side Order. It gives you permanently Blue+yellow or Blue+green ink, even in the hub area.
So with this boss, it uses the hairstyle from your S2 hero mode data to get their appearance... But I swear mine is using the feminine voice here and when being splat, despite that hairstyle being locked to masculine inkling voices in Splatoon 2? I do use it with the feminine voice in Splatoon 3. Or maybe the voices are just mixed into one here, I can't quite tell? Well it made enby me happy to see. I do kinda wish we got a challenging superboss fight with 4, these felt a bit weak.. but it seems to imply they aren't specifically 4 but Order made them based on their data... So...where is the real 4?!!! Did she never show up to work? Speaking of that boss....
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Around the room are these white pipe like structures...
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That will be instantly recognizable to anyone who dabbles in japanese model kits - they're sprue trees, like the kind used in Gunpla.
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The robotic boss has robot model kit building pieces in the background :D
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I still don't quite get the intro scene where everything goes digital on the train.... So it's implying either A) your character got Grayscaled.... But your character is fine when you go back to town... you don't even see any characters standing around suffering it's effects, they could have had some npcs spacing out or acting weird ala Persona 3... or B) you're getting pulled into the memverse too, but there's no sign of your S3 character *at all*... (though this would have been a good way to let us play as an inkling too nintendo >:l *angry woomy noises*)
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Honestly I felt kinda like Acht's inclusion was sort of superfluous at first... mostly their role felt like "Pearl & Marina: *does something gay* Acht: wow these two sure are hella gay right 8? i feel like we're third wheels". I kept waiting for some kind of...reveal? Their memories are pretty much fully restored instantly rather than rolled out gradually like I was expecting...I was thinking maybe they'd, like, link them to Paul, or follow up on the recognizing Pearl somehow or being linked to the engineers that created Order or...SOMETHING, but it never came. Other than maybe dropping a hint about the person who instructed them and Marina when they were in school? Their role was really just "I'll hold the elevator and jump in for a song"... But maybe that's okay, eight and Acht are trauma victims and this was meant to be a place to heal them. Maybe it's okay that we take it slow getting to know them.
Okay that's all that's brainworming away at me for now, I'm sure I'll think of more later. Again, I really love it, definitely a 9/10 for me. I hope yall enjoyed it too :)
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thathomestar · 3 months
dragon's dogma 2 thoughts so far, roughly 7 hours in:
out in the field, performance is mostly fine. it dips for me sometimes but it stays around 60 fps for the most part. being in the big city is rough, there's like 150 npcs all walking around doing their own thing and it makes the game chug, on my pc it drags it down to 30 fps average, sometimes 20 fps at the lowest points. they really need to clean that up.
i've just been playing fighter so far, and i'm enjoying the new combat system. it feels a lot looser than dd1, the soft lockon from dd1 is even softer. getting staggered and stunlocked by enemies is a real threat, you take much longer to recover from getting knocked over than you did in dd1. the revamped heavy attack button being more used for dealing decisive high damage hits on staggered or stunned enemies is such a good idea.
they swapped the buttons for block and special sword attacks and that kept throwing me off at first lol. perfect parry timing feels about the same as it did in dd1. you can actually use your heavy attack while mounting a monster without instantly jumping off, it's great. my pawn is an archer and honestly i think she does more dps than me sometimes, she's come in clutch so many times already.
the main kicker i've been feeling is the how they treat your health pool. in dd1 you could just spam consumables to cure your health back to maximum at any time, but they've changed how it works here in dd2. now, whenever you take damage, you lose a tiny bit of your max hp. whether a mage casts a heal or you drink a potion, you can't get all the way back up to full until you rest at an inn or a campsite. so now you play a longer-term game of "do i go find a camp and rest to full or do i go fight this ogre at 50% max hp". i enjoy being stupid so i tend to not rest until i absolutely have to lol.
you can actually preview which vocations have what augments now, which saves a trip opening up a browser and searching for that info. you do have to unlock warrior and sorcerer as well as the other new vocations, but warrior and sorcerer was literally "go to a cave, kill some goblins, get the stolen weapons back, ok you're good to go now". took like 30 mins after reaching the big city.
i have encountered every single microtransaction item within the first 5 hours of playing. they mostly either cost gold or rift crystals, and are relatively cheap. i got a camping kit for free for reaching the first oxcart. i got the harpy lure for free by helping a random person out and about. i've gotten four wakestones already. the microtransactions are stupid and so obviously mandated by some dinosaur executive but you're an even bigger moron if you think any of this stuff is meaningful or locked-off content.
uhh what else. turning your lantern on and off is nice and quick. your pawns actually talk amongst each other now. i don't know how different the inclination system is yet so i don't know if doing the d-pad pawn commands changes them. those commands seem to actually work properly now though. ran away from a fight and told my pawns "to me!" and they actually disengaged the fight and ran with me, so that's nice. don't like the music as much as the first game so far, we'll see how it fares once i actually fight a monster bigger than a cyclops.
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ritasalami · 1 month
Amidst the current Yuu hype (which is only natural considering we´ve been teased for like 4 years now) I want to return to a new mechanic that was released not too long ago: Brand new personal memoria given to us in the Alinas Atelier event.
You´ve probably seen them around before: Ren can burn her HP down to 20% and gain enough MP for an instant Magia, Shizuku carries 50% chance to crit and Natsuki gets permanent MP regen and so on.
Now this opens up a lot of opportunites for older units to gain new power (that and the possibility to go beyond 100 SE). As I was thinking about which units could be next for this treatment I started thinking about possibly the most deserving squad there is: Mikazuki villa.
Aside from maybe Yachiyo who is a beginner friendly mirrors unit they serve very little to no purpose beyond very early play. (For example Tsurunos magia spam evade cheese is outdone by Oriko). So I think those girlies should get the next set of powerful memoria.
Before I get into my ideas of new tools for them girlies I want to talk about Iroha first. Iroha was promoted to a faction leader in arc 2 and all of the faction leaders have aura buffs which provide them and their teammates passive buffs for up to 5 turns. (e.g. Himena providing aqua attack up or Rabi providing damage up and damage cut etc.). Iroha as we all know does not carry an aura buff (the only non 4* unit to actually carry said buffs is Mayabu with damage cut to all).
So I think her new personal memoria should actually be an aura buff for the entire team that works similiar to the SE nodes from other leaders. I was thinking about something like Ailment res up + MP/HP Regen to all as nod to her protective and inspiring personality (plus having a unit provide passive mp to her team will give Iroha some usage for people with limited or no mp batteries). Now as far as the other girls I´m not sure if they should get selfish effects or be given aura buffs too in an attempt to breath some life into them.
Tsuruno could play into the luck idea. She could give her team something like attack/damage up or damage increase while also giving them chances (like chance to crit or to evade, maybe some anti-evade) for some fun rng. Otherwise I could see her pull up with attack up at full HP and a generous chance to evade similiar to Vampire Nagisa and Chisato.
As for Felicia I could see her gaining a generous amount of damage against witches up since she used to get super focused on witches and going on rampages. Other than that I have no clue what to give her so hit me up with any ideas.
Idk what to with Sana. Should we repeat the Sasara treatment and give her access to a turn of taunt and endor adept (MP when hit)? Honestly I´m just gonna skip this one tho it would be funny if she got some super agressive memoria in homage to her doppel.
Yachiyo is super basic but whether selfish or team wide - give her blast MP. Actually her granting blast mp to her teammates would be funny since all of Mikazuki villa have at least two blast discs. But that would be lowkey busted since it would also stack with pre-existing blast mp.
So yeah that was my unstructed ramble rant about the potential of the new personal memoria for our beloved Mikazuki Squad.
Also please give Hazuki and Ryo permanent MP regen too thankz bye
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fillingthescrapbook · 23 days
Let's Talk About: Fantasy High Junior Year and Ragenarok (Part 1)
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I shouldn't have watched the teaser for next week's episode prior to writing this because-- Well, now I'm even more pumped for the finale and my thoughts for this episode were already very jumbled to begin with--
But begin we shall!
"Fabian, is there anywhere you want to live?" is a hell of a line at the start of the episode--especially with the context of a Bad Kid needing to steer the fall of Fabian's house to anywhere in Elmville.
Lou and Emily going all in on a bit in the background while Ally, Murph, and Brennan were figuring out the logistics of something was funny as heck. Ally really has gone far from the Freshman Year where the allure of a bit would have certainly derailed them from the more serious figuring-out-the-stuff talk with button-up boys.
But the most important revelation this episode? SQUEEM HAS FINALLY REACHED ELMVILLE! They still have some distance to cover but they're here!
And, can I just say, Siobhan rolling quick for the group roll just before Murph could was clutch as fuck. I must admit though that I also felt sad that we missed out on a possible addition to the collection of "I have just as good a chance as any of you to roll good" bits. It did allow the Bad Kids enough time to squeeze in a short rest though, so, hats off to you, Siobhan!
Now, onto the battle itself:
A Rat Grinder going down QUICK got me in my suspicious era. Like, what is going on with these rat grinders? Why do they have such high level attacks and yet--
Oh, never mind. The others' HP are more robust.
Brennan clustering his bad guys is always funny to me. Especially when you see an Intrepid Hero fight the urge to moustache-twirl as they see Brennan unconsciously giving them an area of opportunity. And it happens twice this episode!
Zac--not Gorgug--being so angry at Mary Ann passing her saving throw was hilarious to me. Especially because another Intrepid Hero tried to stop her from saving--only for Mary Ann to be naturally resistant anyway.
Riz going full maniac, saying "make sure to cut his head off so he can't be revivified--" and then Murph pulling back… Murph, the actor that you are! Chef's kiss.
My absolute favorite part of the episode though was when Zac had to reroll a bunch of dice. Ally asked why, and Zac cited one of Gorgug's feats. Having Ally say "I thought we were honoring something" absolutely broke me.
It's funny to me how Kipperlily was created to be the foil of Riz--but she's not really Riz's nemesis. She's Murph's.
And I rejoiced when Brennan, pulling the Box of Doom out again, got a stern "put my partner down" from Ally. It's been a while since they returned to this bit. I thought they had forgotten their relationship.
With this season coming to a close… I have to say that it's really one of the most enjoyable seasons of Dimension 20 for me. Is it my favorite Intrepid Heroes season? I think A Starstruck Odyssey and the first season of The Unsleeping City are still fighting for the top spot… But Junior Year is definitely following those two.
Especially with Brennan finally gifting Ally with Ice Feast--not realizing the implications of said spell to his finale battlemap.
And lastly… the way Brennan said "reincarnate" at the top of the episode? Saying "re-ANKARNA-te Porter?" The yelp I yelped.
I can't believe the season ends next week.
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scriberat · 2 months
tagging @thydungeongal since you're the one who got me thinking on it.
the post regarding severity of HP and hits and depth of damage on the body in ttrpgs has got me thinking about airships again (what doesnt)
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on a watership, there are a few layers of differing severity for an attack to land on: below the waterline, above the waterline, the masts, and the powder room. here, ive outlined how immediately fucked you are based on what gets hit. - mast, whatever, steering is screwed (also goes for the rudder, youre not done for but your steering is.) the bottom part specifically is highlighted because thats the part most likely to hit the deck and deal additional damage when it does - above the waterline, way worse as that is a hole in the ship itself. structural integrity is down but overall, it's not the end of the world and you can limp without really limping until you get to port to fix it, and things might collapse from above but youre still in good shape - below the waterline is... obvious. while it can be patched, someone has to be there to do so within a few minutes or youre going to sink where you are, and the larger the hole, the less time you have. a badly wounded ship means fewer fighters as you need to dedicate the bodies to fix the issue before everyone goes under - powder room. if you've got cannons you have a powder room which means an entire central spot full of explosives <3 one hit here and you're looking at a catastrophic event. best case scenario, you lose half the ship in a kaboom.
now, of course, not a lot of people are going to be aiming for the powder room, as a captured ship is a solid 40k in your pocket, 20k after repairs, and since most crews dont even number a hundred, thats a hefty sum in your pocket post-sale, or you can increase your own sea strength for higher payloads along the way. worth it to box the crew and save the boat.
airships, on the other hand, seem to have that in reverse, in which the hull itself is mostly expendable as long as you have the mode of locomotion and standing room. the integrity of an airship comes down to how it floats and how it propels. traditionally on that front, there are balloon types and sail types with engines. - with balloons, popping that balloon will result in the entire airship sinking. the balloon is "below the waterline." - with a sail-and-engine, the engine is akin to the powder room, a OHKO spot
to roll this well, the dice master in question would need to roll a die per cannon. if the ship being attacked takes up 10 squares and you have 5 cannons, each cannon would have a chance of dealing damage. the cannonballs should be able to pierce about 50 feet, so the closer you are the further the cannonball can go. then you have to consider if the cannons are on the gunwhales or gundeck for the elevation, and the further they are away, the more likely theyll hit the next layer down, though the power is also reduced.
nat 20 roll on the cannon that's facing the powder room will cause an explosion. anything less won't as it's difficult to ignite powder with a lump of iron.
so basically: roll for each cannon involved, calculate based on map distance, account for any armor that the ship may have (plate the sides), and you can make the ships themselves into players in a battle, and each table player can handle a part of it, from steering to loading and firing, etc.
grappling and boarding are also a part of this, but i havent gotten to that yet. itd shrink the focus lens from the ships (environmental) to the decks (stage) though
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pocket-lin · 4 months
Hey!! 💕 for the fandom ask game, 5, 9 and 20? 🤩
hi!!! thank you for sending me this ask!! once again apologizing if the format for this is all janky, assume I have no clue what I'm doing 80-90% of the time!! also I found out so many of these writer's have tumblrs that I wasn't following so that was exciting!!
please note: this is all about the harry potter fandom so if you don't follow me for that, please look at my pinned post!! tldr is fuck jk and fuck terfs, I won't let her steal our joy!!
5. something I see a lot in fics and love
hmmmm... this is hard to narrow down!! so here's a few things I've been enjoying in hp fics I've read lately!
harry potter who is just so fucking earnestly in love. like, he's tripping over his feet so he can hold the door open for draco and looking at him with big heart eyes from across the pub. harry's got draco's order memorized from that takeout place he loves and he's been pining for draco for years in such an embarrassing way and all his friends are rolling their eyes and placing bets on when harry will finally make a fucking move.
adult ron weasley taking after his mother!! he makes delicious food and makes people scarves and shows his love through his actions!!
draco being absolutely rocked when he finds out that harry is queer! especially when harry is confident and completely unashamed of his sexuality. also throat goat harry
magic being tangible in some way!! like, a strong spell giving off the smell of ozone, being able to feel it in someone's hands, everyone's magic having a unique vibe.
harry as the ultimate dad. like, that dude 100% has so many complicated feelings about family and his kid(s) would be everything to him.
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
I've been dipping into alllll kinds of ships lately. I love to just go look at individual ship tags on a03 and read the stuff with the highest kudos and then some of the most recent fics. I think you gotta do both to understand the ship!! here's some I've been vibing with lately (also realizing how many of these are drarry+someone else hahaha)
harry/draco is my otp BUT harry/ron and harry/ron/hermione are tied for second. that's harry's family!! they were his first friends and the first people to show him love and they literally went through war together. they know each other!! two favorite harry/ron fics of mine are Sun Kissed by @static-abyss and A tangled mess by @orange-peony! two harry/ron/hermione favorites are nineteen years later by wendydarlings and try to fix you by @maesterchill!
snarry - I was sooooo not into this in my early fandom days because so much of the ship stuff I saw was underage teacher/student stuff and that's very much not my thing. the first dip into this ship was actually through @writcraft's harry/draco/severus fic, A Life Worth Remembering, which is almost a complete subversion: Severus gets de-aged to 25 through a potions accident and has to stay with draco and harry, who are middle-aged and in an established relationship. its a gigantic change for everyone involved and the way their all find their way to each other is sooooooo good. from there I read all their snarry stuff. one of their other snarry fics I love is How We Were Warriors. I've actually been back into this ship the past few weeks and have loved On the Deficiencies of Translation Spells and old fires and phantom limbs by @liladiurne, as well as A Turn of the Page and Severus’s Story (or, A Hero’s Tale) by avioleta!
neville/harry and harry/draco/neville - I think about @kittycargo's Love to Give soooooo often. also absolutely love When it Returns by @academicdisasterfic and Touch Your Lips Just So I Know by @saxamophone!!
harry/draco/charlie - everyone go read Licurici by @lou-isfake and tell me you aren't a changed man!!!
ron/draco/harry. I can't even begin to talk about this one because we'd be here for a million years!!
20. your very first fandom!
I started doing irl fandom things for harry potter with my mom and sister when I was a little baby (I learned to read with the harry potter books!!) but my first solo (and almost exclusively online) fandom was the the teen titans!! I was obsessed with the marv wolfman and george perez comics from the 80s and completely lost my shit when they announced the teen titans animated series. that show cancellation still hurts 😭
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glitcheslikeslego · 2 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 2)
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Chapter 2: Recover
Recover restored up to 50% of the users maximum HP, rounded down, and gas 20 pp. 
“Hello? Can I help you?” Sandy looked at you, puzzled. He worriedly took in your dishevelled appearance. 
“Are you the ‘Sandy’ everyone talks about? The one with the therapy cats?” You ask, and he brightens. 
“I am! What can I do for you?”
“I had… a jarring experience. I heard from the locals that you’re a trusted person to talk to, so…” 
Sandy nodded vehemently. “Yes, yes. Come in, sit.” He herded you in happily and sat you on the couch before retreating into the kitchen. “I hope you don’t mind some chamomile tea?” He called out. 
You nodded, but then remembered that he couldn’t see you. “Sure.” 
A few moments later, Sandy returned with a tray of tea, the cups and pot being a cute cat theme. 
“Here you are.” 
“Thanks.” You were rather quiet for someone who actively sought out Sandy to talk to, so he decided to break the ice. 
“I haven’t seen you around before, are you new?” 
You gave him a wry smirk. “You could say that.” 
“Where are you from?” 
You asked. “Not from here, that’s for sure. That’s actually what I came to talk about…”
You then went into explanation about how you were in your home, ready to go to bed after a long day at work, before everything went black, and you woke up in this strange alleyway in a random city in a totally different country from where you’re from. 
Not the whole truth, but not a complete lie either. 
That worried the man immensely. “That’s really concerning.”
“Tell me about it.” You mutter from behind the cup. 
“Do you know anyone who would try and do that?” He asked and you shook your head. 
“Looks like we got a mystery gang.” You mumble reflexively. Sandy looks over to you in confusion and you wave him off. “Sorry, reflex.” 
You then went into talking about what you knew about your ‘kidnapping’ only for everything to begin unravelling into a two hour long conversation regarding your biggest fears and regrets. 
Two bottles of water, seven cups of tea and a sob session while holding Mo later, you were feeling much more refreshed than you’ve ever been.
“You said you were employed, but since you have no way home so far, you’re unemployed now?” Sandy started and you nodded. “How about you come work for my tea shop? I kinda need some extra hands, and I think you’d be perfect. You get great pay, and free tea.”
You looked like you were thinking over the idea in your head, when reality, it was a big, fat, “Yes! Thank you so much!”
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villadiodatis · 3 months
Bad Kids level 12 breakdown!
Returned from the Vulture Dimension and on a roll academically, the Bad Kids have hit level 12. We've got some simple updates and some complex choices, so let's break it down. In case you missed my level 11 update, check it out here!
Adaine: Wizard 12. She's increased her intelligence by 2, taking it to 20 (the max it can get without magical objects) and making her modifier +5. This increases her spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and all INT-based skills (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, and Religion) by 1. She can now prepare 17 spells per day (previously 15), and learns two new spells, which can be 1st-6th level.
Fabian: Fighter 6/Bard 6 (was Bard 5). He learns a new bard spell, which can be 1st-3rd level, and gets a third 3rd-level spell slot. He also gets a feature called Countercharm, which allows him to use his action to give allies within 30 ft advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. He would also get Extra Attack as a level 6 Swords bard, but he already has it from being a level 5+ fighter.
Fig: HOOOO BOY FIGUEROTH FAETH. Fig is now Bard 9/Paladin 2/Warlock 1. She's lost a warlock level and gained two paladin levels. With that, she loses whatever eldritch invocations she got last level, 1 1st-level warlock spell slot, and 1 known warlock spell. She gains Divine Sense 6 times per long rest (which we saw her use this episode, German Shepherd-style!), 10 points of Lay on Hands healing, Divine Smite, an unknown fighting style, and paladin spells. Multiclass spellcasting gets a little complicated, but the basics of it is she gets a second 5th-level spell slot and can prepare 6 spells from the paladin list per day, in addition to the bard and warlock spells she knows. She can cast any of her spells with any of her slots, and only the 1 warlock slot recharges on a short rest.
Gorgug: Barbarian 6/Artificer 6 (was Artificer 5). He learns two new artificer infusions, bringing him to 6 total, and can have 3 infused items at once. His tool checks now have expertise, so double his proficiency bonus. In addition (and this happened a few episodes ago, so I apologize for missing it!), he's changed his subclass from Alchemist to Battle Smith. He loses proficiency with alchemist's tools, subclass spells (Healing Word, Ray of Sickness, Flaming Sphere, Melf's Acid Arrow), elemental elixirs, and the damage bonus for spells that deal acid/fire/necrotic/poison damage. He gains proficiency with smith's tools, subclass spells (Heroism, Shield, Branding Smite, Warding Bond), can now use INT instead of STR/DEX for weapon attack and damage rolls (his strength is higher than his intelligence, so this may not come into play), Extra Attack (which he already has), and, biggest of all, Clobica, his Steel Defender.
Kristen: Cleric 12. Kristen has taken an unknown feat--we can rule out any that increase ability scores, but beyond that no clue. My baseless guess is War Caster, which grants advantage on maintaining concentration checks, and is a very solid choice for any caster, particularly clerics, who have a lot of concentration spells. She can also now prepare 17 spells per day (previously 16).
Riz: Rogue 12. Like Adaine, Riz increased his intelligence by 2, bringing it to 18, making his modifier +4. This increases his spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and all INT-based skills (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, and Religion) by 1.
And across the board, everyone's HP goes up and they get another hit die. Let's see how this unfolds, please let me know if I missed anything, and see you next level!
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lqtraintracks · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @maesterchill @danpuff-ao3 and @nv-md for the tag! <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter is the big one. I've also written some Captive Prince, Locked Tomb, and one Call Me By Your Name fic
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Right Hand Red; Hung Like a Horntail; Slip Into My Lover's Hands; Weeds or Wildflowers (written with the very talented @unmistakablyoatmeal); and check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try. I'm seriously behind. The truth is, I'll never get around to replying to them all. I will someday die with a thousand unanswered comments. But I do try. And I read each and every one and they touch my heart. I'm so very grateful for all the wonderful comments I've received and continue to receive!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof. I hardly ever end things badly. But there was one wee ficlet; lemme go hunt it down. (*plays elevator music*) Ah, here it is: Not-Forever Is Still Forever. It's not MCD or anything. Draco just leaves for Argentina for two years. *shrug emoji* But I like to think I've gotten pretty good at baking some realistic angst into the middle of things, if not writing angty endings. I prefer it that way.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them except for Burning the Ground, which is an open ending. I'll be honest, I don't like the word fluff. I'm never trying to write fluff, which, to me, denotes a level of uncomplicated sweetness. Maybe others define it differently. But I don't think happy endings are necessarily fluffy. I want my happy endings to put tears in your eyes, to move you. I want to evoke different things with different sorts of happiness for different phases of life. RHR's ending is about a feeling of freedom mostly, of getting to face the next part of their lives without dread. Take You Home has a similar vibe but with them a bit older; they've experienced the painful and mundane disappointments you have to weather in this life that have nothing to do with fighting a dark wizard and everything to do with existential questions about who we are, how we go on, what do you do when it doesn't work out, when you've changed and you don't know who you are anymore. I loved ending it with all their friends, at a march for trans rights. Heart Like Neon has an ending that makes *me* the most happy. I modeled it after an episode of Grey's Anatomy where you find out at the end of the ep that two important characters got married. The whole ep, none of their friends know, then at the end they play 'Bones' by Josh Record, and you go back in time by a few weeks and you see it. When I wrote the end of HLN, I had that song playing in my head from the end of the party at the Weasley's, to jumping three months earlier, to Harry and Draco in Paris. That's a pretty goddamned happy ending. It makes me cry. <3 (Also the art that @bluebutter-art made for it makes me bawl happy tears!!!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I was going to say hardly ever but then I *just* got some last week! LOL. Still, I'm very lucky that it's not even once in a blue moon. That stuff is so arbitrary too. I'm going to quote my good friend @elrhiarhodan: People... they're fuckin nuts. :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL yes. A lot of different kinds? I want to try a little of everything as a writer.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I mean, I probably have a couple times over the course of my literal decades in some fandom or other, but they're not worth noting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several, and into multiple languages. I think that's so cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Definitely! In HP I've written with sdk, @the-starryknight and @nv-md, plus I once did a wild round robin with a big group of people. I'm not good at round robins, I've realized. Too much of a control freak.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Drarry, totally. But right up there is Harry/Teddy and Harry/Teddy/Draco. Then Ginny/Pansy, Charlie/Teddy, James Sirius/Albus Severus (with Teddy too sometimes). In CaPri, I love Damen/Laurent, but @linecrosser had totally made me ship when Damen lends Laurent out to Nikandros for a threesome and also Auguste/Laurent. I also hardcore ship my own original characters from my novel. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't do WiPs really.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oof, this is tough. Pacing? Interpersonal relationships? Smut, for sure. LOL. I think I do well writing things that are transgressive or maybe even filthy with a lot of tenderness and compassion and deep, deep love mixed in. And I think I'm getting really good at making people cry when I want them to. Readers, that is. :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Convoluted plots. Can't do them. I wish I could. I can't write a mystery to save my life. I'm also pretty bad at heavy angst. I also wish I could write something nonlinear, but my brain just doesn't work that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's interesting that this is a question because it's meaningful to me not because of fic but because of my novel. I have a Spanish-speaking character, fluent in English, but sometimes he says things in Spanish. I'm very VERY lucky that @capiturecs read my novel both as a sensitivity reader for Latinx/Latine/Latino aspects but also to correct my Spanish and make it realistic and conversational! I'll be forever grateful! I also now really REALLY want to learn Spanish! <3
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sorry, I don't share this publicly.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh this is mean. This is cruel. I can't possibly answer this! RHR has got to be in there. Heart Like Neon. Blood and Fire. Phoenix in the Fire. Take You Home. Wonderful Electric (cover me in you). A Pain of Our Choosing. My Name in Your Mouth. Bloom. collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart. I'll stop there!
Okay, this was fun! I'll tag @corvuscrowned @ruinsplume @floydig @sweet-s0rr0w @lettersbyelise @magpiefngrl @skeptiquewrites and Elr! <3
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