#I Won't Let Queue Hurt Her
mako-island-moon-pool · 11 months
You want to know how bad my memory is?
I was writing last night and I just straight up forgot that Sanji exists. I have been watching this show since 2012, he was my fave Strawhat outside of Luffy pre-TS, and I FORGOT HE EXISTED.
I was like 'hm yes well the ones who would understand are Nami and Robin... W- wasn't there one more I was thinking of a moment ago? Wasn't there another one who'd Get It?????'
'it's not Chopper. Definitely not Usopp. And it's not Zoro. That's all the remaining Strawhats at this point in the story. So... Why am I convinced I'm forgetting someone? Let's go through the arcs in my head agai- OH MY GOD, I FORGOT SANJI'
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#When I tell you my memory is shit... 😭 I used to own a Sanji shirt. What the fuck??#When that post about the memory issues finally leaves my queue#Like I joke about it but this shit can be genuinely terrifying. Like knowing my brain is getting worse. Knowing I'm probably forgetting#Seriously important things and just 'oops I can't remember haha'#It's scary.#I'll never get better because I'll just relive the pain over and over because my brain refuses to remember the help and progress I make#Every day I wake up back at step 1 it's so depressing and scary and horrifying and I hate it#I can never process anything bc I just forget and if I do remember it's like a punch to the chest for the first time every time#And people get SO sick of you after a while. Constantly asking for help. Never remembering anything. They get so annoyed with you.#Anyway. On a lighter note (not actually) I'm trying out a new one-shot :)#Not to speak ill of the 'soon-to-be' dead but Garp was a shit grandfather#So I was like What If Me And Luffy Had The Same Reaction#Because self love starts in recognizing your self through the other god damn it#Even if I finish this idk if I'll post it bc of how personal it is but it has been very cathartic to write#Then again I could just publish it anonymously so my irl friends won't see it. No harm no foul.#I (kid) once pushed my mom (grown adult) out of my room when she caused me to have a meltdown so I could 100% see Luffy doing the same thin#In my defense she had a habit of taunting me and destroying my stuff to punish me after inciting meltdowns and I just wanted to be alone#I was like 7 years old at the time (hell year hell year) so I doubt I actually hurt her. She just looked surprised. I remember that.#Sometimes I wonder why I identify so much with werewolves and then I remember ah yes. The childhood of being treated like a monster.#Like a freak because when people kept pushing your boundaries you'd rather bite than let them do whatever they want to you#Oh boo hoo such a terrible thing for a child to be... Protective of themselves...#ANYWAY. like I said this wasn't going to be much lighter.#I want Luffy to punch the lights out of Garp to protect his friends. Not even in-canon just in this fic#Ik in-canon Garp is a complex guy and loads of fans love him but... Smash eggs make sandwiches know what I'm saying?#Yeah GROOVY
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ddejavvu · 9 months
Rooster w a reader who helps penny at the bar on a really busy night and is a big hit with all the guys, much to Roosters dismay. One time after she is heading back from delivering drinks, a guy from a rowdy table that has been bothering her tries to shoot his shot and grabs her ass but she is having none of it and turns around to greet him with a HARD backhand to the face. Bonus points if the reader is typically super bubbly and flirty with everyone, so this behavior is unusual, and everyone just goes wild😭
Roo would definitely love to see her stick up for herself and the boys def be there to kick the guy out.
There's not even a full second between when the man's hand connects with your ass, and when your own connects with his face. There's two sharp cracks that silence all noise in the bar, and though the jukebox is still warbling, silence is thick and suffocating.
You seethe down at the man who'd recoiled from your touch, now clutching his face with his elbow leaned against the table he's sitting beside.
There's no indication of what had prompted you to slap him until you speak, teeth gritted as you somehow keep balance over your tray of drinks.
"If you ever try to grab my ass again, you won't have hands to try it a third time. Do you understand me?"
The man doesn't bother responding, but you take an empty beer bottle that he'd downed only minutes prior, flipping it upside down in your hold so that the mouth faces you, and the neck is securely in your grip.
"I am not above smashing this into your dick. Answer me. Do you understand?"
"Yes!" The man chokes out, legs squeezed tightly together and a hand over his crotch, "Yes, I understand."
You don't bother gracing him with any further attention, turning sharply away and chucking the empty bottle into a bin behind the counter. Its clatter is everyone's queue to get back to business as usual, and Bradley's already walking towards you when you turn to serve his table.
"Baby," He starts, but you plow past him, taking his hand in yours to drag him along with you.
"Not here," You spit through gritted teeth, "Meet me in the back room."
He follows your instructions to the letter when you drop his hand, quite possibly intimidated by your demeanor even though you'd have no urge to punish him with it. You set the tray down on the table that his squadron has gathered around, passing out drinks wordlessly as they stare.
"Good hit," Phoenix breaks the silence, and though irritation is still stewing just beneath the surface of your skin, you can't be upset with her.
You let your lips twist into a miniscule smirk, lifting barely on one side, "Thanks."
"Penny'll want him thrown overboard," Fanboy muses, "Can I do the honors?"
"I'll join," Jake drawls, and Bob volunteers as third.
"Alright," Your tight smirk fades into a weak smile, eyes downcast as bashfulness takes over, "Thanks, guys."
"Anytime." Payback claps you on the shoulder, thanking you for his drink, "Just stay away from my junk with that bottle, okay?"
"Don't grab my ass," You warn him through a chuckle, "I gotta go."
You take your leave with less anger boiling your insides, but you're still rightfully peeved when you meet Bradley in the supply closet.
"Baby," He tries again, and this time you let him take you by the hips, his worried eyes boring into yours, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," You insist, because the man's hand hadn't hurt as much as it had sickened you, "Just feel gross."
"I'm sorry," He hums, wrapping you in his arms and pointedly avoiding contact with your behind, in case you're more sensitive than you realize, "I'll throw him overboard if you want baby, just say the word."
"Fanboy, Hangman, and Bob are already on that," You admit, speaking into the black fabric adorning his shoulder, "I want you here."
"I'm here," He assures you with no further hesitation, letting you melt into his arms as he presses a kiss to your hairline, "I'm here, honey, you're safe with me."
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eteisvalssi · 2 months
gig report london 11.4.2024
now that i'm back home and stuck inside for a couple of days bc of bovid, i can finally finish my gig report from london! it's gonna be a long one 😅
i won't be getting too much into how i traveled to london bc the story is long, but let's just say that i would arrange it differently now that i experienced it
in london i met up with @joyuntold, who was my roommate for the two nights! kiitos for letting me tag along with you <3 we had so much fun just yapping the night before the concert that i almost forgot how tired i was at that point 😂
i hadn't slept in well over 24 hours so i went to sleep at 8pm local time and had a good night's sleep before going queueing so that i could stay there for the whole day after i'd gotten my number
the queue had already started the day before because of a misunderstanding and it being posted on social media, which caused the word to spread and suddenly everyone was getting their numbers and just going away for several hours. can we please just not do this?
i did have a fun time in the queue though! there were a lot of familiar faces but i just got really shy with my english for some reason and felt very awkward not talking, so i hung out with my finns a lot during the day
but everyone i talked to that day like overall was just super nice once again! i met and talked to a few mutuals too!
the first band member we saw was jure, he walked past the queue and we all just said hi to him
jan and nace came to the venue together shortly after. i waved at them and nace waved back :)
i didn't see the other band members come to the venue but we did see the family guštin walk by a couple of times
the ee line worked so well, we formed the number queue ourselves and the crowd management worked really well for us. there were multiple lines formed for every type of ticket, but i heard that the ga line was not as successful
i had already lost my hope for barricade on jan and nace's side with how many people there were in the queue before me, but i literally got the perfect spot on the barricade and didn't even have to run for it!
when we got inside i had already completely forgotten about the soundcheck so i was actually surprised when they came on stage 😅 they played astp and proti toku
roots & wings were fun, they were just trying really hard and that was kinda adorable :)
elle coves was amazing! hadn't listened to her songs at all beforehand but i really enjoyed it!
they played the gola setlist and i do get why it's their favorite one
kris especially was on fire during the gig!! idk if it was because his family was there but he gave his everything on stage
we got the demoni scream!!!
also idk what was in padam that night but bojan was really living it and i really felt it and got literal goosebumps
i remember there being a moment when i was like the jance shippers are gonna eat this one up, but i'm too feverish to remember what it was rn
we had a surprise guest on stage! louie starkey, grandson of ringo starr, came on stage during umazane misli and did his own solo.
a finnish translation of umazane misli was also sung that night by yours truly <3 i have no memory from that moment but i just saw a video of it and bojan showed a thumbs up to the band when i started singing 😂 btw if anyone else has any footage from that moment, i would love to see more!
we were like there's no way they're not gonna play ssol and were kinda shocked that it was not on the setlist, but of course they came to play it as an extra encore
after the gig i stayed at the barricade and kiki came over to give the setlists and i got one <3 that was the first time i'd even tried to get one so i was kinda surprised to get it, but it's now on the wall next to my photos i got printed :)
when we went outside there were a lot of people waiting and bojan did come to greet us quickly and take the picture he posted on instagram
i waited for a while but my feet were hurting so much from standing all day that i called it a day just a bit too early and just went to the hotel
the next day i found out that if i'd literally walked back towards the venue with the others instead of leaving to the hotel i would've met some of them 😅
my next two days were spent exploring london, we went to camden town with a friend i'd met before at a gig but we only got to know each other in london! and on saturday i was on a bus on my way to london and it was a sunny day and suddenly sunny side of london started playing from my playlist and that felt so good
overall it was a very fun experience! i got to meet so many cool people, i saw my favorite band yet again, i sung in finnish at fucking shepherd's bush empire, i basically traveled solo for the first time and it went very well. i'm really glad i decided to go :)
also i joked about getting bovid from the gig when i was feeling kinda stuffy and tired yesterday and today i tested positive with covid 🤠
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ilovewriting06 · 2 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 6
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A/N- I hope you remember Mrs. Mitchel (she's the one that spreads the rumors, Beacon Hills' very own Karen) because she's making a comeback in this part, and I have never hated writing a character so much in my life. I hope you like it!
I narrow my eyes at the woman standing in front of me in the local Target, "Hello, Mrs. Mitchel."
She raises an eyebrow before smiling like she didn't accuse me of keeping Stiles from his child and that I was a prostitute that had an Only Fans.
"Hello, Y/n"
I scowl before humming, "I've been meaning to talk to you."
She nods and goes to speak but I cut her off, "What the hell made you think it was okay to make up lies about Stiles and I? I'll have you know that I'm not pregnant and I also don't have an Only Fans. Stiles and I have been together since we were 14 and got engaged because we love each other, not because I blackmailed him. Your gossiping has to stop! Ms. Richards still gets asked if she's still married to some random dude in Bora Bora. She literally went there for a week for vacation, with her best friend and now she can't escape the rumors."
I take a second to catch my breath before I'm going off again, "You're a lonely old woman that takes pleasure in making up lies about others and it's appalling. I have enough going on and I don't need your lies making it any worse. I'm planning a wedding, I'm looking at houses, I'm trying to finish high school with good grades, not to mention all the other stuff going on in my life that you don't even know about. I'm just warning you that if you make another story up about my life, or Stiles' life, or anyone's life for that matter, you're going to end up with no one. You screw people over one too many times and before you know it you won't have anyone, and there will be no one to blame except you."
Mrs. Mitchel stares at me with wide eyes as a small group of people that had gathered during my rant nod in agreement with what I said. She clears her throat, "Well then, no need to be rude. It's very unbecoming for a young lady. How you're engaged I'll never know. He must have brain damage."
My jaw drops as I watch her with wide eyes, "He has brain-what?! I'll have you know that he maintains a 4.0 GPA, currently stands as the valedictorian, and I'm damn proud of him too. I get that you're lonely and miserable and have no friends but that doesn't give you a right to be so rude to others. Maybe if you stopped being a bitch you'd be able to make some friends!"
Mrs. Mitchel's face turns red as the group of people grows and they all murmur agreements at what I said. I go to say something else when Stiles appears around the corner holding up a fluffy blanket, "I know you said we didn't need anymore blankets but this thing feels like a cloud. Can we plea-..." He stops mid sentence when he looks up to see the group of people and an angry Mrs. Mitchel. He looks at me before sighing, "Lord, what did you do?"
I scoff, "Me?! I didn't do anything she's the one that started all those stupid rumors! I was just telling her how it was."
Stiles lets out a deep breath before throwing the blanket in the cart, "Well, carry on, just don't touch her. She'd try and charge you with assault."
Mrs. Mitchel takes that as her queue to start talking, and dear God does she use her words to hurt, "You are the nastiest, rudest, most crass young lady I have ever met. I hope your marriage fails and he runs off with someone who is far better than you. It shouldn't be hard he can probably go to the nearest pet store and pick up a rat."
I go to take a step towards her but an arm grabs me by the waist and pulls me back so I can't touch her, but it doesn't stop me from trying, "That's it! Stiles, let me go!"
Stiles shakes his head and I know he won't let me go so I turn my deadly glare up to 1000 and aim it at Mrs. Mitchel, "You say I'm crass and rude but you are the literal definition of both of those words!"
She scoffs and her hand tightens on the handle of her cart, "You're very overdramatic and you have no care or sympathy for others."
My mouth drops as my eyes widen but I don't get a chance to speak because she cuts in again with the sharpest, most painful words she could possibly say, "God, I hope you never have any kids, you'd probably manage to kill them within a month because of your lack of care!"
At those words it feels like a knife just stabbed into my heart and was then twisted. I deflate in Stiles' hold remembering how I lost our baby at approximately one month. I fight back tears and the look of triumph on Mrs. Mitchel's face makes me feel like I'm going to be sick.
I swallow around the lump in my throat as Stiles spins me around and pulls me into his chest trying to cradle me from the harsh words and wishes of an angry and cruel woman. Stiles holds me tight as he looks at Mrs. Mitchel, "You are one evil woman. You have no idea how personal that was you angry old witch! Why can't you just let people be happy? You know I could have you arrested for a public disturbance."
"Don't worry Stiles, that's exactly what's going to happen."
I glance over to see the crowd of people parting like the red sea before Parrish appears. He glares at Mrs. Mitchel before walking forward and slapping on the cuffs, "Gladys Mitchel, you are under arrest for disturbing the peace in a public setting. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
As Mrs. Mitchel pales Parrish shakes his head, "For a sixty year old woman you sure are a jerk."
After Parrish and Mrs. Mitchel leave, the group scatters for the most part except a couple stragglers who send us looks of sympathy. One little old woman, no younger than 70 steps forward with a small frown, "Don't listen to old Gladys, she's wrong. You will make a fantastic mother."
She pats my back before hobbling away with her cane and I can't help but smile a little bit.
I curl up around Stiles in our bed as he turns on a random movie before pulling me even closer, "I am so sorry, Angel. I know how much that hurt but Angel, it wasn't your fault."
I know he's telling me the miscarriage wasn't my fault and it causes me to melt into him because I know he's right. I did everything right when I found out I was pregnant but it doesn't stop the pain and what ifs.
Stiles must know what I'm thinking because he rubs my back and whispers, "It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anybody's fault."
The next day at school the pack surrounds us like it's their duty to protect us and the other students keep praising us like we stopped a demon from hell from burning the town down. True story, it was just last week that, that had happened.
At first it was comforting to have at least one member of the pack around me but now it's starting to get claustrophobic. I sigh as Scott slides in the chair beside me and officially squishes me between him and Isaac. I groan and glare down at my notebook before wiggling, "Okay, that's it."
Both boys look at me and I frown, "Look, I love you guys and I love that you're trying to make me feel better but I'm okay now. Yeah I know what she said was harsh but I'm over it. Does it still hurt? Yes, but I also know that she's wrong and was just saying something in the heat of the moment. I love you guys but I need some breathing room."
Isaac nods and scooches over slightly so he's not pressed right against me but Scott cocks his head to the side like the puppy he is and says, "But you're still sad. I can smell it."
I snort, "I miss Stiles, I haven't seen him in like two hours and Lily is pacing right now and acting like a mopey puppy."
His eyebrows furrow, "Lily?"
I muffle a laugh at the look on his face before answering him, "That's what Stiles and I decided to name the wolf. You guys say that I smell like lilies so we started calling her Lily."
Scott nods and finally moves so he isn't touching me, "Well, you only have like one more period before school is over and you can go find Stiles."
I dart down the hall to Stiles' locker to see him putting his books away. I smile as Lily's tail starts wagging and she rolls over as the smell of our mate fills our senses. I blink back into the moment and the next thing I know I'm wrapped around Stiles.
"Woah! Someone's feeling cuddly."
I whine into his neck, "Missed you."
He presses a kiss to my temple and rubs my back, "I missed you too, Angel."
I nuzzle his neck before pulling back and pulling him into a kiss. He groans into the kiss and pulls me closer by the hips which causes me to wrap my arms around his neck. We get lost in the kiss before pulling apart as someone groans, "Really?! You couldn't wait until you got home?"
I turn to see a grumpy Scott who's holding Kira's hand. Kira elbows him with a soft smile, "Be nice, they haven't seen each other in a couple hours and we already know how hard that is for both of them."
I smile at Kira as Stiles turns back to his locker and Scott huffs, "Yeah, fine."
Kira shakes her head slightly before she looks at me, "Hey! How are you doing now?"
I shrug, "Meh, it doesn't really bother me anymore I've just been planning a wedding in my head, looking up houses for sale in the area, and figuring out where the hell Amelia and her pack are going to be staying, so I'm full of excited nervousness."
Kira doesn't get a chance to answer because Lydia, Allison, and Erica join our little group and Lydia raises an eyebrow, "Have you decided what you want for your bachelorette party yet? As maid of honor I need to know these things. Plus we need to decide when to get a dress fitting and what styles you want. Not to mention we need to find a venue and color scheme."
Stiles slams his locker shut before spinning around with a raised eyebrow, "Y/n/n, already decided on a few of those things."
I nod and shrug, "Yeah, Stiles and I found a venue we like and I decided on the colors a few weeks ago too."
Lydia smiles and loops her arm with mine, "Great! We need to hang out and plan the rest of the wedding."
I open my mouth before closing it again and looking at Stiles. He smiles and shakes his head, "Already told you Angel, you can do whatever you want. You don't need to have me there and I personally don't feel like sitting there and listen to you guys talk about dress styles and fabric choices."
I frown as Lydia nods with a bright smile, "Good, fantastic, what do you say we get together tonight and work on it."
I whine slightly at that which causes Lydia to look at me in concern, "What's wrong?"
I look at Stiles with sad eyes and Lydia hums, "Okay, got it. You need some Stiles time."
I nod and Lydia shrugs, "What about this weekend? We can do a sleepover on Friday and plan on Saturday, maybe a little on Friday night too."
Stiles is surprisingly the one to answer, "I think it's a good idea. We need to get used to being apart for long periods of time and the boys and I can have a boys night or something."
I sigh knowing he's right before nodding, "Yeah, he's right but no promises I won't be a buzzkill for a little while."
Lydia scoffs, "Please, Erica will be there and from what I hear she has some updates about her and Boyd. You'll be too occupied to be a buzzkill."
My eyes widen and I look up to see a blushing Erica who refuses to make eye contact. I look at Stiles and see that he's thinking the same thing as me, about fucking time.
A/N- If everything goes to plan there is two (possibly three) parts before things get angsty and sad. I'll give a warning at the beginning of the sad one!
Tag List: @ah-blossom
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jayden-killer · 4 days
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
What would happen if your favourite fictional character appeared in your bed...?
A/N: oh boy. This is 1000% certificated angst. *cries hard* ALSO ITS BEEN ALMOST ONE YEAR OMG I'm back!!!
Taglist (write me down in the comments if you want to be added!): @strxngegirl @d1lf-loverrr @laysmt @musicalhistorical @souichi-sbitch
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Miguel and I didn't have much to do that day. My boss had let me take a few days off, and I was somewhat relieved. The possibility of not going to work in those days turned into an opportunity to strengthen the bond with Miguel. Now he lived in my house until his Gizmo adjusted and he was able to get through to Lyla. I didn't mind his presence, because I had always considered him as my friend, or maybe more than a friend, even before I knew he was real.. But that didn't matter. Miguel was going to leave sooner or later. And this would also lead to a void in my heart. I decided to chase those thoughts away and suggest that he take a walk in the city park near my house that morning. He agreed.
The humidity was gone, and I remember him blowing a light cool breeze that ruffled our hair and clothes. On our way to the park, we didn't talk much. I had guessed that Miguel was a man of few words, but I still hoped that he had something to say. Anything.
"Here we are" I let my face adorn itself with a smile "A little fresh air won't hurt you. Lately you've always been locked up in my studio trying to find a solution to get back into your dimension".
"Indeed" he agreed, looking around "But it's not a situation to be underestimated. I'm afraid Lyla is broken"
"I'm sure you'll find the right solution, but it's not good for you to be stuck indoors 24/7. Even I go out once in a while!" I replied, joking. There seemed to be a small smile on his face. "Maybe yes..."
My gaze fell on a café, never seen before, which had probably recently opened. I figured a coffee or something might help miguel relax even more. I met his eyes, tired and thoughtful. "Would you like a coffee?" I proposed.
"Okay. No sugar, but milk...and medium"
"Wow, the big boy is thirsty this morning!"
“Whatever, get in line, since there's a lot of them.” He rolled his eyes annoyed. "Okay, you stay here, I think it won't take me long. The queue is flowing" With that, I left Miguel for a few minutes, hoping that nothing had happened, nothing strange or bad. But maybe I was wrong. And I could not have foreseen it.
Miguel remained silent, watching his friend leave. He took a deep breath and looked around for the third time, then sat down on a nearby bench. He admired the children's play area for a while (at least, it seemed to him a while) and tried not to think about it at all. But it was not easy for him not to think of his beloved Gabriella. Her beloved, perfect child. Every time her face came back to him, the memories resurfaced and he always ended up in a difficult situation, in which he either cried or was forced to repress that sadness. And the second option today was the one he would have chosen. Crying in public, at his age... "You're a grown-up adult, O'Hara, act like one! Gabriel wouldn't be happy about that, so don't try to cry-"
"Excuse me, sir, but can you get the ball out of those bushes? It's too high".
That voice managed to bring Miguel back to reality and he noticed a pretty, little girl in soccer gear and her face slightly covered in mud. Miguel's eyes widened, his heart rate accelerated considerably and he seemed to forget what was around him. He almost forgot even the little girl's ball. He was too busy watching the girl smile politely at him, patiently waiting for him to give her the ball back. Nodding weakly, he got up off the bench, plucking the ball from the branches with ease. The little girl jumped with happiness and took back the ball that Miguel handed her, to then give him an even bigger smile.
"Thank you very much, sir!"
His words flew out of her mouth without a second thought. "Is that you, Gabriella?"
"Thank you". Smiles to the bartender, carrying in hand the two glasses full of coffee. On one of them there was written "Miguel :)". I specifically asked the bartender to draw a smiley face, because I thought it was cute. But as I was walking to the place where I had left Miguel a few minutes ago, I almost dropped my coffee by the hand. My mouth opened with surprise. I never expected to find Miguel chatting happily, inches away, with a little girl. His tail was high and he was wearing sportswear, while he was swinging his legs with a football on his legs. That little girl had a very familiar face. I thought I saw her somewhere. It was at that moment that I realized: it was the carbon copy of Gabriella, Miguel’s daughter. But what was she doing there? Why was she there?
My legs moved by themselves, getting closer and closer to eavesdropping on the scene. And so Miguel noticed me: he looked up from the child’s eyes and, unexpectedly, smiled at me. I never thought I’d see Miguel smiling. He radiated a warm, warm smile that made my heart cliff. Gabriella really had a strong influence on him.
"I... I brought you your coffee," I said without a second thought, and I stretched my arm, passing the glass. He nodded, and took it. She opened and closed her mouth when she finally spoke. "She is Gabriella"
"Great pleasure!" The girl gave me a bright smile and waved at me, so I waved back.
"My pleasure. W-Wha..?" My head moved towards Miguel's direction, visibly confused. "What is happening?"
"She, huh... I pulled a football out of a hedge. And now she’s telling me that she had auditioned for a major soccer team" Miguel explained. I had the distinct feeling that he was almost justifying himself as if it was wrong for him to talk to a shameless copy of his daughter. I never thought there was one on this Earth. Where did she come from? All that was missing were anomalies that appeared outside of multidimensional portals and began to disrupt the city. I shuddered at the thought. Maybe not.
"Oh" I sighed, and smiled embarrassed. "Anyway... cool!"
"Yeah," Miguel smiled even more when his eyes fell on Gabriella’s adorable face. "Can I see some dribble? I bet you’re really good"
"Sure, sir!" Gabriella got up from the bench with speed and, without wasting time, showed us some dribble she made with her foot. The ball held its balance on the tip of her foot, and Gabriella took on a real concentrated expression, frowning her eyebrows. At the end of that, she smiled all satisfied, and asked, "Was I good?"
I clapped my hands, clearly surprised by his performance and showed a big smile. Miguel joined too, clapping more than me. He leaned over her and messed up her tied hair. "You were great, mija".
He had unknowingly called her mija.
In my heart, I hoped that Gabriella did not know Spanish. But she didn’t say anything, on the contrary, she smiled even more at his praise. That little girl was special to Miguel, I could read his face. " Now I have to go. Bye, sir!" She waved at him, and we did the same, watching her running away and returning to the park area. That's when I decided to finally sit beside Miguel, coffee still in my hand. I didn't want to look up at him. I could sense he had a look full of sorrow, and decided to keep looking at my coffee.
"She's great".
"I mean, she's... Great." It was his time to sigh now, shooking his head and chuckling. "I didn't know there was one of her here".
"Neither did I".
Our brief conversation ended in an awkward silence. This was until Miguel decided to keep talking to me. "I'm not saying it's your fault. Of course, it's not, you couldn't know. I'm just saying...I miss her".
Oh. I didn't expect that confession. Miguel wasn't one to express to another person his feelings, and maybe this was the perfect occasion to him to show that he really missed Gabriella.
I couldn’t imagine how he felt devastated to see a variant of his daughter here when he didn’t see it coming. It was the last thing on his mind. All those memories that he tried to repress, all the emotions that he felt for his daughter, now surfaced. Maybe I was stupid to take him out that sunny afternoon. Maybe it was better if we both stayed home. But still, as he said, how could I know?
I glanced at Miguel, who was smiling faintly. Nom had still touched his coffee. " Don’t worry. I know you really miss her".
"My precious girl...".
His voice broke and I saw him shaking. He was...crying. Holding tightly his coffee, he shook and put a hand on his face. He didn't hold himself. Oh, god. No, I couldn't see him crying. This broke my heart. Miguel... was crying. He looked like a scared baby. A baby in a man's body.
I gently took his arm and brought him close to me, placing his head on my shoulder. He buried it more and uncontrollably sobbed. "It's okay, Miguel". With one hand I rubbed his back. "None of this it's your fault. It's okay. You're going to be okay". I softly said, almost like a mother comforting his child. But in reality, I didn't know he was going to be okay. I just hoped he would be, someday.
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cheolism · 1 year
dokcheol baby i went thru all of your reaction posts and i have a thing in my mind…how do you think scoups reacts when the love of his life asks him to love her more than she loves him????
(as someone who writes a LOT of good stuff please do go OFF on this one)
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seungcheol doesn't know how to feel at first. there's a multitude of emotions going through him. above all, it's shock. he can't believe that anyone would ever doubt his love for you, let alone you. it's horror. he can't believe he made you feel that way, as if he didn't love you more than any other person in the world, even more than himself. it's fury. how could you betray him to even think that he didn't love you with every fiber of his being? it's self-hatred. how could he let it come to this, when you, you who he loved and adored and was willing to give the rest of his life to, doubted his love? but above all, it's his heart breaking and feeling as if he's witnessing a tragedy play out before his eyes.
he's pulling you in his arms before you can even think of saying another word. he's putting force into every single word he says, as if he could make you believe it through his sheer will. he's refusing to part from you the rest of the day, he's constantly watching. he's always observed others, looked for queues as to their thoughts. and now he watches you like a tiger watches prey, just waiting for a single ounce of anxiety or hesitation to show on your face, ready to launch himself at you and repeat his words of love and devotion until you can rehearse them.
and then, once you're asleep in his arms and he's staring up at the ceiling, the loathing sinks in. how could he do this to you? you who shines so brightly, you who he constantly turns to for warmth and love. he's left you alone, feeling as if you were stranded in your relationship. he's hurt you, and he fears it's the sort of hurt that you won't be able to come back from. and he hates himself for it.
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anon: i misread this request at first and wrote a small little oneshot abt it as well!!!! i hope you liked this!! <33
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baldurstaint · 4 months
Fuck it. If Larian won't give us more Wyll content then I'm just gonna write it myself.
So here we go.
After being kicked out by his father. Wyll stayed with some friends. And I'm headcanoning that it was Locke and Komira (Arabella's parents). This is also why we find Wyll in the grove.
And in act 2. When they found Arabella in the SCL. He was equally as concerned with finding her parents and when they do. He helps bury their bodies. There is an option to letting Wyll tell Arabella what happened to them.
When you get to Baldur's Gate. If you're a Durge and have romanced Wyll and save Ulder. Ulder will threaten you about hurting his son. If Tav/other origin, he will enthuse about welcoming you into his family.
Also Ulder invites you and Wyll to a fancy banquet. Where there's a whole quest line about finding/buying some new fancy clothes for you and your party. And queue another dance scene with Wyll but this one more formal than the Act 2 one. One you both practiced in the lead up to the banquet. And ends with a forehead press and kiss.
(I've made these suggestions on the larian discord server today btw. For extra content. Because I was sick of wyll getting passed over again and again for new content)
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mooncello · 6 days
I can feel the crash coming, behind my ribs. I will likely not recognize myself in the morning. Maybe even in the next couple of hours. So I'm writing this before the bloodied darkness swallows my brain. A note to my future self. This isn't forever even though it feels like it. It's okay to cry in the middle of the cereal aisle. It's okay to scream until your vocal chords bleed. It's okay to smash shit. Break a fucking glass, instead of eyeing the knives in the kitchen. It's okay to make the most fucked up art. It's okay to curse every piece of art you've made. It's okay to stare at the wall and do absolutely nothing. This isn't forever even though it feels like it. Try and remember to sip water. Do the bare minimum at work. Sleep, and when you can't sleep, queue up your ao3 bookmarks. You've got a playlist for this. Silence is good, too. The trees on your street are good listeners and don't think it's weird when you go nonverbal or start cursing or sobbing. They've seen it all and want to remind you that they feel death, too, every cycle around the sun. This isn't forever even though it feels like it. And when it's at its worst, when it feels like your skin is the only thing keeping your blood and guts together, breathe a fucking full breath into your lungs. Forget the rest. Nothing else is happening, just the air filling those pink squishy bags in your chest. Let it go, and do it again. And again. It's still gonna hurt, but you're now several more seconds into the future than you thought you could get. Bro, I am so fucking proud of you. Yes, you're allowed to throw your phone when you read that. 'Cos it still hurts. Hug your cat. Look at how cute her paws are. Text your friend. No, not that one, she never understands. Yes, that one. They love you. They love you so much. I love you. It won't feel like it by the time you read this, but I do. I'm your fucking ride or die. And we're not dying today. This isn't forever even though it feels like it.
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canirove · 7 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 7
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"That was…" Ben whispered against June's lips, both of them trying to catch their breaths.
"A mistake."
"A big mistake, yes. We shouldn't do it again."
"We shouldn't, no" she said. "Imagine that someone sees us and tells the press."
"June Maxwell fell for Ben Chilwell's charm, they’ll write" he smiled.
"Charm? What charm?"
"The one that makes you keep your body this close to mine, your eyes fixed on me, your lips asking for more."
"You have me pinned against a wall, Chilwell. I can't do anything or go anywhere."
"You can, Maxwell. You just don't want to."
"Shut up."
"Make me" he smirked.
"You asked for it" June said before kissing him again, Ben pushing her against the wall once again, the little space that had been between them gone. 
"There you are! I was starting to worry and… June, are you ok?"
"I am, yeah. Why?"
"You look… flushed" Leah said. "What happened in the bathroom?"
"Nothing" she shrugged.
"And why don't I believe you?"
"I don't know."
"June? Leah? No way!" someone said behind them.
"Mason?" both of them said as they turned around.
"I can't believe you girls are here! Earlier when I saw the photo you posted on Instagram I told Chilly that we may cross paths, and look" he chuckled.
"Chilly is here?" Leah asked.
"Yeah, somewhere. He went to the bathroom and I haven't been able to find him yet."
"The bathroom, uh?" Leah said, looking at June.
"We were joking about finding our New Year's kiss, so maybe he did."
"Maybe he did" Leah repeated, still looking at her friend.
"What about you, girls? Are you looking for a New Year's kiss?" Mason asked, his eyes fixed on June. 
"I don't believe in those things. You?"
"Me neither" June said, feeling her cheeks burn. Leah knew. She definitely knew about what had happened in the bathroom. She knew her too well.
"What a shame…" Mason sighed. "Oh, Chilly, here!" he called.
"Fuck" June said under her breath. 
"Where were you, man?"
"The queue for the bathroom was too… long" Ben said when he realized who Mason was with. Fuck.
"Hello, Chilwell" Leah smiled. "Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year, Williamson. Maxwell."
"Hi" she muttered, her eyes fixed on her hands.
"Since we have found each other, why don't we have a drink the four of us together?" Mason asked.
"I think I'm going home" June said.
"What? Why?"
"I have a game in two days, I need to rest."
"As if resting would make you play better" Ben chuckled.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Going to bed early won't improve your performance, Maxwell."
"Well, unlike others, I still am playing."
"June…" Leah warned her.
"What? He is allowed to insult me and bully me but I can't do the same to him?"
"I don't bully you. I just…"
"Don't you dare saying that you are just stating facts!" she replied, raising her voice.
"If I wasn't right it wouldn't bother you so much" Ben shrugged.
"Fuck you, Chilwell!" she said, pushing him and walking away.
"Yes, run away like the coward that you are!"
"I'm not a coward!"
"Sure" Ben laughed.
"I am not" she said, walking back and punching him in the face.
"June!" Leah said, grabbing her friend and pulling her away from him.
"Are you ok, bro?" Mason asked Ben.
"I'm fine" he replied, touching his lip. He was bleeding.
"I think it's time we leave" Leah said.
"Yes, take her back to her cage. But make sure you close it properly, she bites" Ben smirked. Though maybe he shouldn't have done it, it hurt as hell.
"I'm gonna bite your head off, that's what I'm going to do, you moron!" June yelled, ready to hit him again. 
"Ok, that's enough" Leah said, struggling to stop her. 
"Happy New Year, Maxwell" Ben laughed as he watched them walk away.
"Happy… fuck you!" June yelled again, Leah barely managing to drag her to the exit.
"Let go of me, Leah. Let go!" June said once they were outside.
"Do you promise me you won't go back inside and do something stupid? Again?"
"I promise. Now let me go."
"Ok, fine" she replied. "What the fuck was that?"
"What was what?" June said.
"All that with Chilwell."
"Don't say that name ever again."
"June, you punched him."
"I did. And I should have done it earlier, to be honest. It felt so good…" Though her hand was starting to hurt.
"How did that happen? How did you go from making out to arguing like that?"
"We didn't make out" she snorted.
"We didn't. I would never make out with Ben Chilwell. Never, Leah. Did you hear me? Never."
"Ok, fine. I imagined it all."
"Yes, you did. Can we now please go home? My shoes are killing me."
"Yes, we can" Leah sighed. “But we have an unfinished conversation.”
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
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100 Followers Special
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How they are when they have a bad day : (Female version)
Neytiri :
Neytiri is a strong and fierce warrior but when it comes to you, she's your little prrnen the moment she's in your arms , head and face rubs are her absolute soft spots, if her day went bad, the only thing to lighten her mood is you giving her kisses and rubs on her face and neck, massaging the roots of her braids while lying down in your hammock with her arms wrapped around your waist and her legs tangled with yours. She buries her face in your chest and rants about her day, you listen to her intently not stopping your work of massaging her. When she's done, she just looks into your eyes and kisses you till you both melt in each other's embrace. Drawing mini patterns on her back you both drift into a peaceful sleep after that long day.
Ronal :
Ronal is known for her headstrong and stubborn nature, most people fear her but her healing and interpretation are immaculate. Even if she's known to have such personality, she has her bad days as well, when that happens though, she likes to hide it till she can't , of course she's a master at hiding her true feelings but you're her mate, you know her too well to let her "upset stomach" fool you. So you set up a beautiful picnic near the sea shore for just the two of you, secluded from a populated area for some peace and quiet, taking her to the spot as it was nearing the sunset and settling down, she couldn't help but fall more in love with you. You brought your queue forward, she hesitated but gave in, creating the tsaheylu, she let out all those emotions to you as you comforted her. You let your love for her wash over her, kissing her troubles away, you let her tell you everything at her pace because you knew prodding her won't do any good , so for the rest of the night went by with her telling how much you mean to her with a lot of kissing and cuddling.
Kiri :
kiri wears her emotions right on her face, so when something troubles her, you know it instantly, any kind of physical touch melts her heart. So without a word you pull her into your arms , kissing her forehead and telling her words of affection, she just nuzzles her head in your neck, basking in your presence and love for her. Pulling her into your lap, you forget about others in the moment, it's just you and her and no one in between, you thank eywa that she blessed you with a partner like her, and it's true the great mother never makes mistakes.
Tsireya :
Tsireya was complete opposite of her brother, if he hid everything, she voluntarily told you everything, her trust for you ran deep, and it amazed you everyday how much she really leaned onto you emotionally, you are her rock, to show she won't be misguided, when something in particular hurts her, the first person to come up in her mind is you, your mere presence is enough for her to feel safe, you were her 'protector' as she liked to call you. Every evening you'd make time for just both of you, in that moment no one mattered, the only ones important were you and her, with her hands weaving through your hair as you laid your head in her lap, her her eyes holding nothing but pure love for you, days went happier with her beside you and you'd love to keep it that way
Tuk : (platonic)
When you baby sister is feeling a little down, she knows you'll always be there to cheer her up, you'd do anything to see the smile on her face, so if she says she wants to braid flower crowns that's what you'll do for the rest of the day, even your parents can't convince you to get away from her for more than just a few minutes, piggy back rides are her favourite so if you have some work to do, you bet now you're carrying her around with you, you don't mind it though, you love her too much to do that, and so does she.
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A/n : thank you so so much for 100 followers 😭😭 it's not even been 15 days and now i have a hundred people who follow me for my works 😭 i didn't even think I'll get to 25🥲 and this makes me so damn happy 💚 i love you all so damn much, thank you so much again 💚🫶🏼
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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bistaxx · 17 days
Actually I don't think I'm gonna publish that post afterall, half cuz I don't wanna rewrite it and half cuz judging by the posts I've seen a lot of people have already said what I was going to anyway- so here's a condensed version- and this is mostly just me getting some stuff out of my system tbh lol
I still really do not get why the server didn't close down for longer/do a hiatus, it just genuinely seemed like the most logical solution from every angle: a financial one, a burn-out one, a reconstruction one, and to strengthen credibility and trust- instead they just kept things going again as soon as they could and it just felt so careless and so cruel to the employees who'd been let go with no explanation or those left in limbo unsure if they still even had a job or not. It also was just not fun at all watching a server that felt like a soulless zombie-shell of it's former self.
I get needing to let go of the egg admins- I'd much rather say goodbye then have them strung along underpaid/not paid at all solely because fan loves them and they rake in views.
That said I wish the goodbye streams were better planned and it's a bitter feeling knowing some of the eggs won't ever get to say goodbye
Somewhat related to above, what Cherry (Em's admin) said on stream REALLY does not give me any hope that this new team will be any better then the last- At the very least I'm glad Cherry has the other former admins and Bagi there to support her.
same goes for the twitter translators who were canned and replaced with AI- like I can get those teams being cut because those roles were imo a LOT to ask out of an employee and not sustainable- it's the way they went about it that leaves an extremely sour taste in my mouth and makes me worry that there could be more fired employees who were treated similarly.
I still really do not know how to feel about the reset especially since we don't know anything about it- Common thought seems to be it is happening on the 24th which like...first of all why is this happening so soon why are you so obsessed with rushing back into things stop it- second of all... I just don't know if I feel comfortable sticking around for it cuz like I said above right now I don't feel like I can trust this new team not to repeat the same shit the past one did (and I'll most likely miss it anyway since I work that day of fucking course LOL)
I don't hate this project, I don't want to root for it's failure, I don't want it all to fall apart- I wanted it to get better- I'm critical of it because I wanted it to be better for everyone. I'm beyond devastated with how this turned out, all the wasted potential from every angle just eats me up inside, I truly thought things were going to get better. A naive hurt part of me is always gonna wish that things do get better and maybe somehow the stories I loved so dearly will somehow come back... but that is such copium lmao
I'm probably still gonna lurk around because I love the community on here and because I am morbidly curious to see what they're gonna do with this project next... I don't think I'll watch personally, but I'll keep up with the liveblogs. I stopped my queue awhile back cuz I felt so bad about the server and everything, but I'm gonna reopen it soon. Even though I still feel too bitter rn to look back on it all fondly I still want to support a talented resilient community that deserved better.
I wish I could feel better about it all, but I'm not gonna waste time getting my hopes up.
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minalblood · 6 months
I'm back and I'm so sorry! I won't make any promises for the last 2 ep of the Winchesters, but I will be reviewing/rewatching them anyways just ... who knows when, I dont!
But let's get started on You've got a Friend 1x11.
I hopefully will be a bit less rambly since O have a draft of my thoughts already written for this and its less... as Im watching (i can post that too if yall wanna but dunno if ull understand my handwriting)
We begin where we left off and I love that we have this scene of them needing to clean up, adds realism, adds dimension to the world. Love also that we begin with Lata being the Lata we all love - dejected in this case about her chimera paw was ruined. Queue Carlos with the teasing. The 2 of em banter a bit before Mary redirects us all to the matter at hand.
And Mary has come a long way in these episodes, because she may not join the banter (still closed off somewhat as opposed to Carlos and Lata's easy repartee) but she is going off of it and adding them into her area of interest.
But all stops when John come in blood soaked and in shock - Mary instantly worried he might be hurt, but nope, not this time.
I am so happy to see them portray the actual shock and numbness John is feeling, then the guilt and sadness, just all the reaction to Kyle's death really. And considering the survivor's guilt John is lugging around, it makes it even more heartbreaking. I also love seeing that Mary is the level headed one here - she,.imo, is clearly pushing down the grief to focus on John's issues here, hell we see very little of her grieving in this episode and everytime we do, she's quick to redirect that feeling into action - sometimes into violence point blank. She does it here, asking what the Akrida could want, she does it even moreso with Millie, where she does open up a bit since Millie is offering comfort, but then it turns into Millie coming with a plan which directly leads to Mary wanting to storm the police station guns blazing and the ep ends with Mary and John discussing Kyle (also god Mary looks absolutely exhausted here, fuck) but Mary derails it by saying they need to find Dean instead. She's def not allowing herself the moment to deal with Kyle's death which may prove relevant when discussing next episode.
I'd forgotten this ep was the Lata episode. Like ep 8 was Carlos', this one is Lata's. And god does it hurt.
1st, move the feather boa, Carlos!
2nd, I do genuinely believe Lata and Maggie were together. Everything in this episode points that way to me (but especialy the sweetpea nickname) We'll round back to this though.
The other thing we note in the sequence in Maggie's room is how close Carlos and Lata are to each other. Which we knew, but I always love seeing it again in action.
Before we continue with the emotional core of this ep, we have to get back to plot with Betty! I love Betty..I also can't blame her for being ....hesitant to say the least. Like imagine what she's seen so far: the guy who, before leaving to the marines illegally, proposed to her, is suddently interacting with, apparently, imfamous Mary Campbell, who is seen at several murder/investigation scenes suddenly appears ro have killed someone? And she already knows John had anger issues before hand. Like i get her here. And still shes trying to be nice while doing her job.
Which leads me to the next part, her job. So the detective... he's wording (even with him being really Akrida) echoes a lot of corrupt cop rethoric which only gets further emphasized when he later threatens to have John... killed 'accidently'. And, on top of them, speaking pf policw corruption even a 'good cop' like Betty becomes complicit simply because of the power the Akrida gained via the detective role cuz she was unwittingly helping them throughout.
But god, was John a bit too cocky here. (My notes have this marked as "this is why you let villains monologue, John!"). Especially since he actually doesn't have any info on Dean. (Love that we see the pic of Dean, missed him) l.
Meanwhile Lata and Carlos have found the bracelet and it's fucked them over. Also, I fucking hate the shadows thing, very creepy. Also also it reminds me of the daeva that Meg uses in s1 of SPN. I'm also reminded of SPN with the story the detective tells John about how they'll get rid of him - SPN's own crooked cop ep featured exactly this sorta plan too, but in killing Dean.
Really though, the main thing I found interesting upon rewatch is just how much Lata is our Dean mirror in this one. Specifically, in getting targeted by the bracelet she's forced to relive a trauma (Sania's death) via Carlos acting as substitute, only this time she succeeds where prior she thought she failed (which lemme make clear, no, Lata was at no point and in no way at fault, but she did internalize that guilt - much like Dean tends to internalize guilt) . Which Dean, much like Lata ends up doing when getting involved with this universe, ends up reliving a trauma (his parents death - Mary especially) of something he failed, in his mind, to prevent/save via rescuing this universe's Mary. And much like Lata, who can't undo what happened to Sania, but can "begin to make it better" (the Hey Jude line just hit me so I had to use it), so too can Dean. It won't change what happened in his life, wont save his mom, but it will help him heal nonetheless.
Adding to this Maggie? Who opperates as a Cas parallel here - she was Lata's person, who shared everything with Lata but Lata couldn't in turn for fear of judgement/shame, who notably is dead and thus Lata can't ever reveal her secret to. Well, it hurts is what it does.
But watching this I noticed another interesting thing though, for all that the bracelet seems to work like Osiris (pulling on the guilt the person feels is most agregious), the bracelet actually seems to want the wearer to get out. Carlos is taken just as Lata begins wondering which secret it's trying to make her face and is sent to Sania's room - direct answer. Then later,.even more blatant, using Maggie's face, tries to get Lata to disclose the secret, but Lata talks around it instead til the creature takes her too.
It seems like Erebus had a test for his warriors, one he wanted them to win.
Throughout all of Lata's story, I was seething. I truly hate her family and Carlos was 100% saying exactly what I was thinking.
Another thing I appreciated though, about Carlos, is the emotional maturity. Yes they were dying and yes it was urgent that Lata disclose her secret but Carlos made certain to reassure her throughout. Tried to give her as much space as possible.
In other thoughts, Lata's mom making that "vs family" distinction, uuuh it rattled sth in me only to them have Lata say "my parents would never look at m the same way"? In the Dean Winchester show? God, the echoes of John's shitty parenting were deafening. Bur yes to eveything Carlos said. It truly wasnt Lata's fault.
And I adore also the ending conversation between Lata and Carlos (both wearing blue and god I want Carlos' coat) because yes, this kind of stuff shouldn't be forced out on anither persons whim. Lata doesn't have to tell John and Mary anything, it is her story to tell, but also yes, Carlos is right to reassure her that if she wants to share it with them, they'll likely react well like he did. And yes the reason this particular scene hit so hard is partially personal, but because of that it drove me insane in SPN where there was a tendency for people to push other to open up at their own whim (and yes, Sam did it often to mutiple people, hounding them until they cracked and spilled whatever trauma they were trying to deal with but then have nothing to give in return, no comfort or even really reaction, and yes he most of all did it to Dean a lot and it did puss me off) So yea, love this episode for the Lata and Carlos of it all!
Also I have a few questions, when Millie was trying to convince Betty about the supernatural, at one point she said "it's not like-" and cut off. She was trying to defend against the accusation of 'playing make believe). Also, Betty says sth like "Mary, I expected.this from" with relation once more to her not believing in monsters soooo.... has Mary ever been taken in under suspicion of being delusional? Was Millie? Or John?! I've questions ok i need y'alls opinions on this one.
Also, I would've soo cracked if the Akrida asked about Dean, cuz I def miss him a lot and id fucking gush about him at that point.
Anyways, that's it for this one. See you guys next time where we'll be clowning (have I mentioned I hate clowns?)
@noybusiness thanks for push earlier this month, i needed that a lot and thanks for the support for this rewatch ❤
@shallowseeker thanks the new posts, been inspiring me to get back to writing this ❤
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How did rex and hooktail meet each other, let alone get married?
(I decided to turn this into a scheduled post since I didn't have anything else in the queue for Friday)
>18 or 19 years ago, shortly after Hooktail got her ass kicked by Koopley...<
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Hehehe, time for a bit of Broodal family lore...
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Venus: "... WHY???"
Vanessa: "Because!!!" *Pulls out a huge wad of cash* "Money!!! That bitch is LOOOADED!!!"
Venus: "Now, 'Nessa... What have I told you about hiring clients with... Bad publicity?"
Vanessa: "I-"
Venus: "It's bad for business. Even if she doesn't hurt you, she could hurt your reputation... People won't want to hire the company who planned the wedding of a MONSTER!!! This is why I told you not to accept any jobs without my permission!!"
Vanessa: "... Well, in case you've forgotten. This is MY company. I am in charge. I can do business for whoever the hell I want!! You don't get to boss me around anymore!!! You may be older, but you work for ME!!!"
Venus: "Oh come on—Think critically here! Do you WANT your business to fail??"
Vanessa: "Talk to the hand."
Venus: "........."
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Vanessa: "I-... Wait, you're pregnant???"
Venus: "...... Stay focused!! I know you're proud of yourself for starting your own business, but you can't run the whole thing by yourself! You don't have the experience. You NEED help. And I want to help you!!"
Vanessa: "You don't wanna help me—You wanna be in control again! And that's too bad, 'cuz I'm not going to let you take everything I have away from me!! Why can't you let me have anything??"
Venus: "What are you even talking about?? Is this about when we were kids?? I was SO nice to you!! Mom and Dad gave you EVERYTHING!! Sure, maybe I borrowed some of your things without asking from time to time, but you make me sound like some monster! Some creature worse than your client!! And why?? Do you have any clue how SPOILED you are?? How privileged BOTH of us are?? Not many people have the ability to just START a business like you did. And not everyone can afford to be so FOOLISH with it!!! Oh, and that doesn't even cover all of the-"
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Venus: "........."
Vanessa: "........."
Venus: "........."
Vanessa: "........."
Venus: "........."
Vanessa: ".........."
Venus: "..."
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-And that was the last word Madame Broode had ever spoken to her sister. Seven and a half months after that incident, Spewart was born. Roughly four years later, Venus and her husband would tragically pass away, having never spoken to her sister in all that time.
Madame Broode had assumed the baby did, in fact, not make it, and would not find out that her sister died and that she had four orphan nieces/nephews in the foster care system until MANY years after that.
>Present day<
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oboetemasuka · 5 months
Order of Attack (part 6)
Mm, this dialogue chapter is still so big that I had to split it again. Sorry, Amane will show up later. But don't worry, I won't keep you waiting too long with the next part. It'll fall neatly into my queue slots. Give it ~8 hours. Then I'll post both parts on AO3 around the same time when I get around to it.
Besides, the next part is going to be much more intense (and include a new trigger warning), so it's probably better to split to avoid tonal whiplash.
(I hope I handled Mikoto and John correctly... Sorry if I messed something up. It's a balancing act.)
"Hey, Fuuta, Shidou-san," Mikoto said as he opened the door.
"Kayano-kun, thank you for stopping by," Shidou responded wearily.
"Fuuta, how have you-"
"Why are… you here?" Fuuta asked as snappily as he could manage.
"I just wanted to check on you. I don't really remember anything about the attacks, but I felt bad-"
"I'm sorry?"
"If you're just…" Fuuta took a shallow breath. "Leave!"
Mikoto looked as if Fuuta had just punched him. Then his expression morphed into a level of aggression Fuuta had never seen before. Mikoto jerked forward, and Fuuta's eyes widened in terror. But it only turned out to be a feint.
"Kayano-kun!" Shidou shouted.
Mikoto glared at Shidou before stomping his way out of the cell and muttering, "Damn brat." The door slammed behind him.
Shidou turned to Fuuta. "I told you to stop lashing out at everyone who visits."
"H… how was I s…" It was the obvious question.
"I specifically warned you that Kayano-kun has been very stressed out and not to exacerbate it."
"You didn't say…"
"That he would lash out in response? Kajiyama-kun, it's basic decency not to say harsh things, even if he wasn't going to react that way."
"Fuuta-kun…" Mahiru said as Fuuta opened his eyes.
Would you lot stop hovering over me while I'm sleeping?
Mahiru didn't seem to notice Fuuta's glare—or maybe he just wasn't able to be intimidating enough. Her hands remained on her shoulders, like they had been for the whole interim. She realizes nothing is keeping her arms in place anymore, right?
"How much does it hurt?" she asked, still uncomfortably close to his face. Rub salt in the wound, won't you?
"Back off," he managed to say. Mahiru sat straight up, putting space between them.
"Sorry. I… I've been worried about you."
You and everyone else. "So what?"
"I just wanted to know if there's anything I can do to make you feel better."
You? Make me feel better? If it wasn't for you, someone might have saved me sooner! Yuno might have heard the attack right away. Or Shidou wouldn't have sent Kazui out to protect you. Then I wouldn't have been so broken!
Whatever expression was on his face as he tried to get his words out must have caused Mahiru to tense up. Eventually, three words made it out.
"It's… your… fault…"
Mahiru looked very hurt, but not surprised. Her eyes started to quiver, like she was trying too hard not to blink.
"You're… the cause… of all my problems!" Fuuta continued.
"You think I don't know that?" she responded quietly, tears streaming down her face.
"…doesn't… seem like…"
"You think it doesn't keep me up at night? Wondering what it would have been like if things were different? If I was the one alone, if Kotoko-chan had attacked me first, if you and Amane-chan didn't have to go through all of this because I wanted a little comfort? If…"
Mahiru's ramblings soon became engulfed in her sobs. But things are like this, Fuuta thought. I wouldn't wish this pain on you, but that doesn't mean you can waltz in here and try to make me feel better. As if you know me.
"You're… making this… about yourself…" he said.
"I-I didn't mean…"
"…can't stand it… looking at you…"
Mahiru let go of her own shoulders to bury her face in her hands. Shidou walked up to her and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, got up, and walked out of the cell. Shidou sat down in her place.
"Kajiyama-kun, what did you say this time?"
"What's… it… to you?"
"How many times do I have to tell you that your injuries are no excuse for you to treat everyone else like dirt?"
"Then maybe… they should just… leave me alone."
"I need their eyes from time to time. I can't monitor you constantly and in isolation."
Fuuta huffed. "Then tell them to… stop saying s…"
"At this rate, they'll figure it out on their own."
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ratbastarddotfuck · 2 years
CW discussion of a high publicity trans suicide from 8 years ago, I'll be tagging this obv but want to say off the bat that this may be a tough read - I'm not exactly sure what I want to say.
I've been thinking a lot about Leelah Alcorn lately. She would've been 24 this year - only a year older than myself - and it's been almost 8 years since her suicide. I won't ever forget her, I don't know how anyone who was around at the time could.
If you weren't on tumblr/the internet in general at the time, it's probably hard to conceptualise how... big it was. How many people were talking about this one trans girl's suicide. Reading her note, published on her blog via the queue function. Seeing all the pain, and outrage, art and activism happening all at once. Being a young trans kid who was only beginning to unpack their own gender, and wondering if it was worth it. Feeling hurt and outraged in ways you couldn't quite articulate. That was my experience, anyway.
To be honest, it was scary. After the initial flood of conversation, discourse, tributes, I kind of... locked it away, for a while. Tried not to think about it. It was morbid and terrifying and I didn't have anyone I could actually talk to about it. It's not like my parents knew what was happening in the 2014 tumblr trans community. It's not like I could've explained it, or how it was making me feel.
But at the same time as terrifying me, it incensed me. How dare her parents let this happen, and refuse to respect her even after her death? And so many people felt the same. This was a community boiling over with rage and hurt, in a way I had certainly never seen before. People came to Leelah's defence, told the bastards we will say her name, we will remember her, we will honour her. And she has been honoured. Her name has been spoken, so many times, by so many people. People were screaming, we love you, we love you, we love you, and we're sorry. And fuck, that was powerful. At such a formative time in my personal political growth, trans unity like this was powerful.
I've been thinking a lot about Leelah Alcorn lately. I never knew her, and I don't even know if I would have liked her. I wish I had the chance to find out. But I remember her. Her name is etched into a corner of my soul.
I'm not sure if I have a point, or how to end this. But just... remember her, if you can.
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thimbledoll · 1 year
Doll's End
The doll came to just before sunrise, as was her habit on Sundays. Her Witch would not be up for several more hours. Plenty of time yet to sit and bask in her Stillness and the light of the morning sun. It was important to savor every last moment before it was over.
Letting herself out from her display, the porcelain doll went to sit in her favorite spot by the sill, where the light pooled in a warm, inviting glow. She moved with the precision only clockwork could afford, sure to avoid every creaky floorboard or the clacking of her heels.
It would be unseemly for the doll to wake her Witch this early on a weekend. Thus, when her Witch stirred in bed unexpectedly, the doll's gears locked up tight. She didn't budge an inch until her Witch resettled, despite the pose no human could maintain that she found herself in.
When at last she'd reached her destination, she took her seat in a practiced, perfect, perfunctory manner. Her dress billowed around her as she did, a small tug bringing all the pleats of the skirt in line before she clasped her hands in front of her and just… sat.
Hours went by in silent stillness, the doll not making a single sound, motion, or thought. Like a picture frozen in time, she languored in the warmth of the rising sun. It was quiet and peaceful.
Eventually, one feeling did break the doll's internal silence. She would miss this.
Taking that irksome disturbance as her queue, the doll went to prepare her Witch's breakfast.
The Witch woke to the feeling of a gentle shake and the smell of apples and cinnamon. Opening her eyes, she smiled at the sight of her doll standing over her.
"Your breakfast, Madame," said the doll, indicating a tray sitting atop the nightstand. It was an inordinate display of variety; jams and honeys and syrups aplenty with which to enjoy her toasts and tea. Reaching for the aromatic cup and taking a sip, the Witch felt herself waken
"I've told you before, there's no need to go to these lengths. I usually skip breakfast," she said, hiding a blushing smile behind her teacup.
"Yes, Madame. This doll will make note of that for next time."
She would not.
"You know buttering me up like this won't do you any good," the Witch said, doing the same to her toast as she spoke.
"Surely a few more hours couldn't hurt, Madame…? This doll could just—"
"No. You know time's up. Soon as I'm done breakfast, it's down to the lab."
"Yes, Madame…" the doll replied, dejectedly.
True to her word, as soon as the tray had been cleared and cleaned, the Witch took her doll by the hand and dragged her down and down and down the winding stairs to the laboratory.
It was… a mess. Tomes and tools littered the floor and workbench where the Witch had left them after they'd filled their purpose. The doll had offered to clean it countless times this past weekend, much to her Witch's chagrin, but now it was too late for that.
In the center of the laboratory stood a table like straight out of a torture chamber, hard wood with metal, rune-etched restraints. Once tied down, not even the doll's clockwork strength could release her from its grasp. Despite this, she laid herself upon it voluntarily. With a click, click, click, click, it was done. There would be no escape from this for the doll. It had been good while it lasted.
Standing at the head of the table was her Witch, looking down on the doll in a sadistic mirror of the scene from this morning's breakfast. "Any last words, dear doll?" the Witch asked.
"C-can't we talk about this? A few more hou—"
"We've talked about this. I know you want longer, but we can't. Now, goodbye doll." With that, the Witch leaned down, kissed her doll's forehead, and commenced the ritual.
Several hours later, the doll awoke in bed to the feeling of a gentle shake and the scent of burnt apples and cinnamon. Opening her eyes, she smiled at the sight of her Witch standing over her.
"Your evening tea, sleepyhead," said the Witch.
Reaching for the aromatic cup and taking a sip, the doll felt herself shiver in revulsion. "I don't know how you manage to screw up a cup of tea," she said.
"W-well try doing it as a human some time! Not all of us have Purpose to guide our every move, you know!"
Hiding a blushing smile behind her teacup, the doll took another sip.
When at last the cup had been drained, the Witch sat beside her doll in bed. The doll could see the concern in her Witch's eyes as she began her examination, looking over every last inch of her body and being.
"Everything working ok? Nothing hinky? Joints all moving the right way?"
"Yes, yes. You worry about this every time. I'm fine. The ritual went smoothly, like always. See?" The doll proffered her flesh and blood hand, wiggling all of her fingers to show that they worked.
"I still need to check…" the Witch said sheepishly.
"I'm fine. You can stop worrying. Well, other than the whole 'I wish I didn't have to go back to being a person' thing… And the 'I wish I didn't have to go home' thing. And the 'I wish I could just be your doll' thing. It's nice to get a break. Everything becomes so simple. It's so quiet. For just a few days, I don't have to carry it all by myself. I just wish it didn't have to end…"
The Witch turned to her doll, planting a kiss on her forehead once more. "I know, doll. I know. One day soon, you'll be mine, truly and forevermore. One day."
"One day," the doll agreed.
End 🧵
(Old story reposted from Twitter)
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