#I can’t wait to read all the devious things he has to say
enchantedwolfoon · 6 months
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In light of recent news, a Bill doodle
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oh-stars · 3 months
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Speculating Specters
a Stobin Month 2024 prompt | 672 words | CW: talks of afterlife and ghosts | Rating: G
Ghostbusters is playing on the little TV above the counter. They’ve done everything possible until closing and Robin doesn’t get paid enough to scrape the gum off the shelves, so she’s laying back in the one chair they're allowed and watching it. 
Steve’s standing with his hands on his hips just outside the boundaries of the counter, squinting up at the TV. He was supposed to be putting the cart back but he stopped about three steps away to watch with her. 
It’s the scene with the little green guy in the hotel, the ghost is shoveling food into his mouth when Robin turns to Steve. “Do you think ghosts are real?” 
“I mean–” 
She snaps quickly. “Yes or no, dingus?” 
“Yes,” he says, shrugging. 
“Really?” She leans forward. 
“Uh, yeah, Rob,” he says with a laugh. He lets his hands fall to the side as he rounds the counter to hop up next to her. “You’ve seen some of what I’ve seen,” he says, emphasizing his words with raised eyebrows and wide eyes, “after all of that, I don’t think ghosts are a stretch.” 
She considers this. “Fair point.” 
They watch until the Ghostbusters save the hotel before Steve continues with a, “Would you want to be a ghost?”
“No,” she says. 
“Why not?” 
“We don’t know ghost rules,” Robin says, spinning to face him instead of the tiny TV. “What if my ghost has to stay in the room I died in? Or do I get attached to an object? What if we can’t roam and interact with the world? Can we even see what’s going on in this plane or would we be stuck reliving our death over and over again in one of those loop things?” 
Steve’s brow is creased as he stares at the floor. It’s his processing face, the one she has to wait to see the crease smooth out or else he gets a migraine or very, very lost in the conversation. 
She waits patiently as the words soak into the folds of his brain. When he looks back up at her, hazel eyes clear and attentive, she continues. “I just think that wouldn’t be a very fun afterlife, ya know?” 
“It could be fun,” Steve says with a shrug. “Think of all the people you could haunt.” 
Robin sits up. “Who would you haunt?” 
“The boys,” Steve says with a smirk. “It’d be fun to mess with them.” 
“You’ve thought about this,” Robin says with a gasp. 
“A little.” 
“Please share your devious, spooky haunting plan with me, dingus.” 
“I just feel like haunting Henderson and Wheeler could be fun. I wouldn’t do anything to, like, scar them for life or something,” Steve says with a small smile and a shrug, “just be a nuisance in their lives like they are in mine.” 
“Such as?” 
“Twisting Henderson’s cap around when he’s studying and not paying attention,” Steve says. “Or moving Mike’s shit around in his room the tiniest amount where it’s noticeable but not enough to tell anyone. And I’d probably just try and spook Sinclair for Erica’s benefit.” 
“And Will?” 
Steve shakes his head. “I’d be a very helpful ghost to him. He’s the nicest out of the four and been through the most, I’m not going to make that worse.” 
“You do know the girls would be pissed that you’re not haunting them, too,” Robin says. 
He frowns. “I wouldn’t mess with them, though.  Max and Erica would be liable to somehow kill me again if I tried to haunt them.” 
Robin grins. “They wouldn’t kill me, though.” ‘
Steve raises an eyebrow. “Want to bet?” 
The door opens with a ding and both of them roll their eyes with silent, internal groans. Without saying a word, they do a quick round of rock, paper, scissors. Robin loses, her paper crumpling to Steve’s scissors. 
Her haunting plan will have to wait. She heaves herself up and out of her chair with a cheery, “Welcome to Family Video. May I help you with anything?” 
Thank you @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
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4pfsukuna · 5 months
Prof. Nanami puts his two smartest students together for a research project and you just can’t help teasing him…until he teases back.
Black coded reader, cause black af.mdni.
Tapping my long red french tips on the library table i let out another long sigh irritated with my (not chosen by me) partner.
We had been sitting here in silence a dimly lit corner in the back of the library our only exchange was “hey” so what could he possibly be typing.
“So i was thinking we could do our project on—“ i begin to speak taking my hand out of my leather jacket pocket only to be cut off by the dark eyed assailant. 
“No. I’ve already decided” he mutters out not moving his attention from the screen. Resting my chair forward so im no longer leaning i scrunch my nose.
“Theres no way you decided because i didn’t agree” and from the slight view i have of his face i can tell hes rolling his eyes.
This was exactly why i didn’t want to work with him… or anyone. He was quiet, closed off, known as a loner and had these deep dark eyes that felt like he was stairing into the pits of your soul.
“Are you going to do all the work?” I ask with a raised brow before noticing not once has he even looked at me. Pushing even more forward to see what he was typing im unaware of our proximity until i notice the slight red blush covering his cheeks right under the mark on his nose.
Ive completely invaded his space my boobs nearly pouring out of the top of my black crop top and im pressed completely onto his arm.
“Am i making you uncomfortable” i tease and i couldn't help it when you grow up with step brothers like Sukuna and Yuji (our dad wanting to step out of his marriage and explore with an american woman actually explore his kink for black women which in all actuality he had a poor taste in women their mothers who decided it was time for her to live her dreams so she just up and left and mine who shipped me off as soon as she had the birds and bees talk which is all irrelevant since choso is storming out of the library laptop in tow and the last thing i need is to fail this final paper.
Grabbing my oversized purse and slinging it over my shoulder i chase after him and catch him in the hall.
“Wait wait wait” i huff out of breath because these heels were not made for running and he turns around facing me with a bored expression, you wouldn’t even think i offended him.
“Alright that was completely inappropriate and i shouldn’t have joked like that, but i also don’t want to fail or push all the work on you. I want to work on this project together” i breathe out standing infront of him blocking his path but as large as he was compared to me im sure he could step over me if he seen fit.
“What makes you think i want to work with you” he bites out and i let out the arrogant smile that solidified i was Sakunas half sister.
“Do you actually think professor Namami would place  the smartest person in the class with a idiot and have them do all the work? Come on now its Nanami he would put his two smartest pupils together to challenge another and write a final paper hes actually happy to read” i say as if its common sense cause it is. 
I watch the debate in his eyes as he thinks over what i just said before his shoulders drop in defeat. I grin widely sticking my hand out as a form of truce which he painfully takes.
I force myself to bite back the smirk at his clamy hands knowing it was all my doing and use the grip to yank him closer.
“And i would love if you could send me what you have so far so i can begin doing research” i utter lowly licking my lips watching his glare never falter almost as if he's painfully keeping his eyes avoiding my mouth before bidding him goodbye a devious plan forming in my head.
The next afternoon when we meet in the library i offer sweets from a local bakery as an official truce which i can hardly read his expression at.
“Im sorry now that i think about it you dont seem much of a sweets guy” i feel foolish of course he didnt like sweets— my train of thought is interupted by him picking up a creme filled chocolate pastry.
“Shouldnt judge a book by a cover, every smart person knows that” he quipps quickly and my lips twitch in a smile. Ah so he does bite back. 
“Did you call me dumb?” I scoff playfully dropping bait which he quickly takes.
“Does the shoe fit?” He bites back and when i dont respond only send a playful glare i watch as the corners of his lips twitch up feeling proud i could get a smile. “Come on show me your work” 
And we spend the next two hours talking theories and sharing ideas conspiring every concept as his long fingers type away my thoughts later to be put into essay format.
Its not long before he lets out a yawn breaking our silence and i look up at him noticing the bags forming under his eyes slowly being covered by his bangs.
He was actually begining to look disheveled. Two signature buns drooping from running his hands through them bangs more full from the pueces of his buns and the bored expression— actually that was very on brand for him.
“Come on let’s wrap up your tired” i say softly twirling a stand off his bangs around my finger and i knew it was when he was too tired to cover his blush he was exhausted. 
Yup, still got it.
He swats at my hand sending me a pointed look to which i innocently bat my eyes up at him from the seat next to him.
And thats how it goes for the next few weeks smart remarks met by his even more quick witted remarks sometimes followed by a half smirk, my harmless flirting/ teasing which i may have taken too far the day i rested my palm on his inner thigh and he flew out of his seat claiming he needed to use the bathroom only returning 10 minutes later saying he had to leave.
Or the day he asked me to proof read a page leaning away from his computer so i could take it instead i lean forward hand resting on his shoulder unaware just how close his face was to my—
Both occasions i had to bring apology pastries.
And the more time we spent together the more i learned about Choso. How smart he is, what makes him tick, his favorite foods, what makes him blush the way i thought he was a boob man but ive caught his gaze on my thighs several times and i may purpousely wear shorter skirts on days i know were going to be together.
Today was no exception.
The only thing i hadn’t planned on was the air conditioner being on full blast. Probably my karma from the universe wearing the tiniest of clothes to tease him.
“Oh no were going to have to finish another day its freezing in here” i shiver crossing my arms over another trying to huddle into myself for warmth. The black (extreme)  mini skirt with short sleeve white shirt that had bows tying the back together with Sukunas red varsity jacket was such a cute look until he realized i was wearing his jacket and took it . He was now my least favorite brother and yuuji was in the lead, which he typically always was given his competition.
“What?!” Choso nearly begins to foam at the mouth. “Its our last day and were so close to being done we can actually submit it now and im sure we would get an A still” he quickly rambles out dropping our stuff on the table we usually took up. The library was nearly empty so him being loud was no bother at all to anyone probably because most students didnt know where the library was.
“So submit it, I dont do the cold” i shrug ready to grab my bag when he begins taking off his jacket placing it on my shoulders pulling my hair from put under the collar and going to his work.
“Probelm solved, now sit” he bites put and id never seen this side of him but it was kind of a turn on and probably karma rearing her head into me again because through all the teasing i developed a tiny crush on Choso. Like tiny though.
Super tiny.
Extremely tiny.
So tiny i couldnt help but flirt with him every chance i had and notice all his favorite things and Damn did his jacket smell good.
So tiny i knew every detail of the scar on his face and how it swerves slight over the bridge of his nose not just cause it curves but—
Damn his jacket smelled… good wasnt a strong enough word. I was feeling intoxicated from how sensational his jacket smelled.
My crush was so tiny i made sure to bring his favorite pastries every tuesday and thursday because the way he smiled could brighten up my whole day.
My crush was so tiny i wasnt thinking about using my rose tonight to the smell of his jacket and the way he demanded me to sit down.
Imagine hearing that in the be—
Feeling a tight grip on my thigh my head snaps over to him and his eyes give me that bored yet slightly annoyed expression. 
“Stop fidgeting, its driving me insane and just let me finish typing the rest of what you wrote” he says like he cant wait to be done and i pout knowing this would be the last time we’d get to spend together. My crush would stay just that.
My eyes trail down noticing his buff arms veins sticking out something id never notice before. Has he always worked out. Going down even further i notice the silver rings spread across his fingers and almost choke.
I was going to need 10 minutes in the bathroom if he didnt move his iron grip. I just had one question.
“Have you ever fingered a girl with all your rings on?” I blurt… and this time it was a genuine mistake. Of all the shit ive said this was the one i completely wish i didnt.  I was actually okay with us never speaking again, Sukuna says we should never have shame but i bet he would never do something like that.
Ok yes he would.
“Do you want to be the first?” I hear and nearly fall off the table if it wasnt for his iron grip on my thigh. I thank God for my brown complexion because my cheeks feel hot and I’m lost for words completely. Its when he begins to chuckle that i realize he was just giving me a taste of my own medicine. The weeks of comments and sexual innuendos id thrown at him and couldn’t handle one.
I feel the proud smile grow on my face and unknowingly squeeze my thighs together slightly squirming the idea still playing in my mind. 
“What if i said yes” i retort watching as he becomes flustered and that adorable blush comes back to his cheeks.
“Would it make you stop… moving your thighs so much” he struggles his hand moving to my other thigh squeezing  and i grin knowing he had a thing for them and he can no longer hold back. His eyes meet mine until i lean forward placing a few soft kisses on his lips.
Ok that was a lie. It was all a lie.
Sitting on his right leg, my back pressed up against his chest and 2 of his fingers buried inside me the squirming absolutely hasn't stopped but it doesn't seem to affect him one bit as he edits the last bits of parts i wrote for our project.
“This is so good sweetheart, how about a third finger?” He ask rhetorically lips brushing against my ear and i'm so close to cumming at Dom!Choso cause whewwwww what a turn on. He curls his two fingers up as if he’s trying to pull the orgasm from inside of me and my legs clench together trying not to make too much of a mess.
He chuckles right against my ear and I'm losing myself at the stimulation, Biting my lip as he uses a third finger on my clit. My vision begins to blur and I feel myself about to cum for a second time.
“Look at you trying so hard to hold back those gorgeous moans after you spent the past month teasing me, fucking with me… mmm so wet” he groans in my ear spreading my lips causing the squelching sound to be louder. His fingers brush a particular spot deep in my core making me fall apart as I bite my lip harder cherry lip gloss mixing with the iron taste of blood.
“I love every little sound you make Why try and hide it from me, would you really deny me?” He kisses up my neck using his other hand to pull my bottom lip from my mouth releasing a string of curses, his fingers never stopping their exploration of my walls.
He did show mercy, slowing down other hand snaking up my shirt cupping a boob until his fingers found my nipple. 
“You're so wet for me… just me” he groans his teeth leaving marks down my neck to my shoulder and the idea of him being slightly possessive wanting to mark me so everyone knew i was his? My insides clench and he hums at the feeling.
His fingers pick up the pace once more and I have to close my eyes to hold on to every drop of restraint I have left between the way his fingers are moving expertly inside of me, the contrast of his warm hands to the cold rings on his fingers. I could stay here forever, one hand clutching his bicep the other on his thigh.
“Ch-choso i—mmmmm” i try to get out feeling my hips have a mind of their own grinding down on his fingers needily unaware of how he had me completely wrapped around them. He bites onto my neck and my release follows earning a groan from him as im left panting in his lap. What i dont expect to hear is the wet sound of him licking each of his fingers and the sight has me wet all over again my heart racing.
He chuckles pulling my chin toward him as he places his lips on mine i instantly kiss back gently sucking on his bottom lip earning a groan from him. He doesnt hesitate as his hands rub my thighs gripping and squeezing our tongues dancing together until he slowly pulls away lips and cheeks both red. 
“Lets go” i murmur placing another soft kiss on his lips only to receive a confused look.
“Yuji and Sukuna both are going to a party so they wont be back until 7am… i have a free house where i dont have to worry about being quiet”
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Sunshine (Jesper/Wylan)
Summary: Jesper has a dumb nickname for Wylan. Wylan insults Jesper’s nicknaming skills. Jesper can not stand for such an injustice. Fluff ensues. (Based on an anonymous prompt. I haven’t read the Six of Crows book, only watched the Netflix show, so I hope I got their characterizations right. I actually went and read the scene where Jesper calls him “Wylan Van Sunshine” in the books so I could understand the context. Hope y’all enjoy!!)
The nickname had begun as a joke, a dig at Wylan’s habit of expressing the negative consequences of their plans, but ever since its first utterance, Jesper finds he can’t stop saying it.
Thus, his boyfriend is oh-so-fondly dubbed as “Wylan Van Sunshine” and it makes that said boyfriend blush each time.
“I don’t know why you call me that,” Wylan grumbles, carefully placing chemicals back in their proper place before turning to face Jesper, something like a pout on his face.
“Because you are my sunshine,” Jesper replies. “The light of my life, always keeping me happy and warm…You know, all that cheesy nonsense.”
Wylan’s blush doesn’t disappear, but the answer seems to soften his features. “You’re a sap.”
“Only for you,” Jesper says, reaching out for his boyfriend, and Wylan steps forward to allow himself to be pulled into a tight hug, Jesper’s lips pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Wylan sighs, content. “I suppose it’s one of your better nicknames. You’ve come up with some quite horrendous ones in the past.”
Jesper lets out a gasp of mock offense. “How dare you! I’m great at nicknames.”
Wylan looks up at him with a look that just screams ‘seriously?’ and Jesper pouts. The position that they’re wrapped up in makes it easy for him to maneuver them back onto the bed in the corner of Wylan’s workspace.
“And what’s so wrong with my verbal expressions of love, hm?” he asks, holding both of Wylan’s hands and slowly maneuvering them upward, wrists pinned above his head.
Despite the vulnerable position, Wylan only looks mildly nervous, a touch more jittery than he usually is, and his lips are curling into a smile that he’s trying to bite back. “You say some of the sappiest, most ridiculous things,” he replies. “I love it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make fun of you for it.”
Jesper can’t keep up the act of offense, and breaks into a smile of his own. “And that means that I can still punish you for being cheeky, sunshine.”
Wylan’s mouth opens to argue or barter, but all that comes out is a squeal of laughter as Jesper’s fingers dig into his side.
“Wait, wait—”
“Wait for what? Because I’m not hearing an apology.”
Wylan is giggling too hard to give some sort of witty reply, and he certainly isn’t going to apologize, and so he just squirms in his partner’s hold and laughs, a high-pitched and
Jesper grins like a madman, all devious eyes and flashing white teeth, as his fingers crawl from Wylan’s right side and over to his belly, sliding beneath the loose sleep shirt (one he’d stolen from Jesper) and scribbling against pale skin,
The laughter only grows, as Wylan’s stomach has always been a weak spot, and his wriggling grows more desperate. “Jesper, please!”
“Please what, darling?”
“Stop it!”
“But your laugh is just so sweet,” Jesper coos in his ear. “I just can’t get enough of it, sunshine.”
Wylan splutters in embarrassment, clearly wanting to argue with the claim but laughing too hard to form a coherent sentence. They stay like that for a few moments longer, Jesper’s fingers dancing across Wylan’s skin, both of them giggling like mischievous children, until there is a loud thump! from above their heads.
It’s followed by two more rapid bangs: Kaz’s cane, signaling for them to shut up. They look at each other with equal parts mortification and amusement. The giggles don’t stop quite yet, but the tickling has ceased.
“He’s going to kill us one of these days,” Wylan rasps.
“Oh, Kaz? Nah, he’s all talk,” Jesper replies. “He loves us under all that grumpiness.”
Wylan looks at him as if to say, ‘you’re joking, right?’
It makes Jesper snort and snuggle close, pressing his lips to Wylan’s temple. “You’ll start to feel it eventually. He’s quite fond of you. I mean, how could he not be? Look at this sweet face!”
He pinches at the other’s blushing cheek, and Wylan bats him away with a fond roll of his eyes.
“Let’s just go to bed before we piss him off any further. Or else he’ll make you even older on the next passport.”
Jesper chuckles but is already tucking himself beneath the blanket, tossing it over Wylan’s legs and snuggling closer to him.
“Goodnight, sunshine,” he mutters. “Goodnight, sap.”
It seems as though that nickname is here to stay, and Wylan isn’t going to complain.
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bisexualpercyjacksons · 5 months
no wait wait wait hear me out about how the four beads is a truly devious and smart addition
so starting off with four beads from the dryad establishes a few things:
1. getting out of the underworld wasn’t something they really thought about yet (too many steps ahead, I also have ADHD I get it)
2. poseidon HAS thought of that problem and has made the beads in preparation to protect them
3. poseiden thought about rescuing sally when planning how to get everyone back safely, not just percy and his friends
2 & 3 plant the seeds (a long with the dryad’s words and hermes’ comments) that poseiden really does care about percy (and sally!). yes I know I know, bare minimum to care about your kid etc. but considering this is a show and we don’t get percy’s internal monologue it kinda makes sense to have a little more details that make poseiden seem better to the audience
[read more break to not clog up the tag. I promise I get into the angst shortly]
all these little bits that imply poseiden really does want to be there for him but can’t, that he’s been watching from afar because he didn’t want zeus to find out he broke the pact and take his anger out on his son and former love (yes, love! this is the man/god that wanted sally to be his queen with him in his underwater kingdom!!!). I actually really like the idea of those posts about how he has been helping out in little ways over the years because. let’s be real for a second. NO WAY does sally afford that apartment AND have the ability to send percy to specialized boarding schools with the salary of a CANDY SHOP EMPLOYEE. I get it I get it, the gods are deadbeats, but I’ll admit I kind of like the idea that he’s been doing what he feasibly could without getting caught by making extra money appear in sally’s bank account or sm
making him seem (and possibly be) more sympathetic is another reason that fuels percy to change the system rather than join luke to tear it all down. he knows the system is bad but he sees hope and truly believes it can be changed for the better. that is something that can be saved, not destroyed
4. this is kinda irrelevant but I like that it is the dryad that agrees to give percy the pearls after poseiden says for him and his friends to go back to camp because she wants him to have a chance to change things. gives her a little bit more agency. (also y’all she’s SO pretty in gay but moving in)
so. four beads.
if we want to keep the dilemma and character growth that comes with there only being three beads and someone having to make a sacrifice, something needs to happen: one of the beads breaks or someone loses it
is it percy? who has realized they need four beads for EVERYONE to come back and is horrified that they now only have three, meaning either he himself or one of the most important people to him has to be left behind in actual hell in order for the world to be saved? think about the dread and self-loathing that would come from that
or is it annabeth or grover? where the horrifying realization is the same but now there is a gut reaction from percy to be upset with the person who loses/breaks it. he loves his friends and can’t stay mad at them but now they are in this impossible dilemma to choose who stays behind and it’s killing all of them. the impossibly guilt of the person who breaks/loses it knowing that it’s their fault someone doesn’t get to go home, someone has to stay behind in the underworld
and when does this happen? early on, and we spend the episode watching them all try to figure out the dreadful problem of who gets left behind. looking at each other thinking, I can’t leave them behind, I can’t. they’re my family. but we can’t leave percy’s mom behind either.
or does it happen right before they have the chance to go, and they all think everyone is going to make it and sally is in percy’s grasp only for everything to fall apart and now everyone is looking at each other thinking, who is going to have to be left behind? who has to be the sacrifice?
anyways, I think there is something truly devious about them KNOWING there NEEDS to be four beads and HAVING THEM only to have something happen and the option of everyone going home safe being ripped from their grasps
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britany1997 · 1 year
Paul and Fishy: Jokes On You
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A little surprise April Fools day fic with everyone’s favorite besties🥰
Dwayne sat on the lip of the fountain while he waited for Marko and David. His arms were crossed, his brow furrowed, and his lips twisted downward.
As Marko walked into the main alcove of the cave, he didn’t look much happier.
“What’s up?” he asked, “why’d you call a meeting, and why couldn’t we tell Paul?”
Dwayne’s frown grew, “take a wild guess,” he grumbled.
Marko rolled his eyes, “you too huh?” he shook his head, “he’s out of control.”
Dwayne grit his teeth, “he welded training wheels onto my motorcycle,” he spit, “it was hell to get ‘em off”
Marko scoffed, “you think that’s bad? He replaced my swim trunks with the kind that dissolve when they get wet.”
Dwayne’s eyes widened.
“We were tailing these girls at the beach, chattin’ ‘em up you know? So we could eat right?”
Dwayne nodded as Marko continued.
“Well they wanna go in the water so I say sure, because I’m fucking starving, next thing I know I’m naked from the waist down,”
Dwayne groaned, “he needs to be stopped.”
Marko nodded in agreement before his jaw dropped at the sight of David strolling into the living room, his hair neon green.
Dwayne mirrored Marko’s shocked expression.
“Not. A. Word.” David grit.
Marko growled, “this is ridiculous! We have to do something! We can’t just stand by and let him terrorize us!”
Dwayne stroked his chin thoughtfully, I think I know someone who can help us out.
Paul woke up late in the evening and began to flit around his room. He grabbed a bottle of shaving crème, bright pink hair dye, and motor oil as his lips morphed into a devious smile.
The boys’ greatest nightmare had become his new hobby, and he couldn’t wait to unleash everything he had planned.
He moved to salute Fishy and head out his door, but what he saw in Fishy’s bowl made him stop in his tracks.
The little goldfish usually floating in his glass bowl had seemingly transformed into a measly goldfish cracker.
Paul’s jaw dropped and he rushed over to Fishy’s bowl. “Fishy?! Fishy! Talk to me!”
Fishy the goldfish cracker rested on the rocks at the bottom of the fish bowl, not moving or responding to Paul’s questions.
Tears gathered in the corners of Paul’s eyes, but he held them back. He had to be strong for his friend.
“We need to figure out what’s happened,” he decided, “don’t worry bud, I’ll fix this, I promise.”
Fishy returned Paul’s concern with silence.
Paul’s heart clenched in his chest, but he swallowed his fear to try and save his friend.
“The only thing that I think could have done this is a spell! Someone must have hexed you Fishy!”Paul exclaimed, “unfortunately I’ve pissed off a few witches in my eternal life,” he shook his head, “they just get too clingy you know?”
The goldfish cracker didn’t respond.
Paul’s eyes grew wide, “we better hurry,” he said as he gathered Fishy’s bowl in his arms.
Paul ran to Dwayne’s alcove, Fishy in tow.
“Dwayne,” Paul whispered as his head whipped around for the brunette vampire, who appeared to be nowhere in sight.
“Perfect,” Paul said as he sped to Dwayne’s bookshelves.
He set Fishy’s bowl down next to him, “if anyone’s gonna have the book to fix this, it’s Dwayne,” Paul explained, “that man has more books then the Santa Carla library!”
Paul scoured Dwayne’s shelves, reading aloud to himself, “let’s see, Pride and Prejudice? no. As I Lay Dying? no. War and Peace?” Paul scoffed, “nerdy much Dwayne?
He kept looking, “Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals? Non-fiction! Now we’re getting somewhere.” Paul whispered to himself.
Paul searched through books on history, philosophy, and political thought before finally finding the books he needed.
He pulled out all of Dwayne’s books on witchcraft and wizardry, until they formed a mountainous pile on the floor of Dwayne’s room.
Paul breathed out, intimidated by the thick stack of books. But as he turned back to look at his friend, he knew what he had to do.
Hours passed as Paul thumbed through the spell books. As he came to the last couple of texts in the stack, his resolution had begun to wear thin.
Paul gasped holding the last book in the pile, “reversing hexes to third parties!” He cried as his face snapped to look to Fishy.
As Paul read his excitement vanished, “no, no, no! These are all to reverse hexes on people! It doesn’t say anything about Fish! No!” Paul yelled as he threw the book in frustration.
Paul placed his hands on his hips and sighed, “I’m getting nowhere, I’m gonna have to ask the boys to help.”
Paul sighed and picked up Fishy bowl as he walked into the main alcove of the cave dejectedly.
To Paul’s surprise, the other three boys were sat waiting for him around the fountain.
Paul’s mouth gasped when he saw the plastic cup containing his goldfish best friend.
“What?” he gasped in disbelief, “WHAT?!”
David crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrow.
“Fishy you’re ok!” Paul exclaimed, tears of joy rolling down his cheeks, “ah this is such a relief,”
“Wait,” he started, “if this isn’t Fishy…who’s this??” Paul asked holding up the fishbowl.
Marko shot him a look of disbelief, “are you serious? It’s just a goldfish cracker Paul.”
Paul gasped as he pulled the cracker out of the bowl and tossed it away.
Dwayne moved forward to pour Fishy from the plastic cup into the fishbowl. Once Fishy was back in his bowl and tucked into Paul’s arms again, Paul breathed out a sigh of relief.
“What’s wrong with you guys?!” Paul asked exasperated as he shot the other vampires a nasty look.
“It was a prank,” David said as he ran a hand through his neon green hair.
Paul scoffed, “well it wasn’t funny,”
Dwayne raised an eyebrow, “it wasn’t was it?”
“It wasn’t!” Paul agreed, “I was freaking out! I spent all night trying to find a cure!”
“Not too fun being pranked,” Marko piped up as he shot Paul a knowing look, “is it?”
Paul cringed, “no…I guess not,” he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down, “I’m really sorry guys. I’ve been goin’ too far lately.”
Marko sighed, “we forgive you dude, you know we love you.”
Paul smiled softly, “I love you guys too,” he assured them.
The other three vampires smiled and returned to their rooms, leaving Paul and Fishy alone in the lobby.
Paul peered down into Fishy bowl, “traitor,” he whispered.
Fishy shook his fin and swam in a circle.
Paul’s lip turned up into a half smile, “I get it bud, I was totally out of control, I want to be the best me I can be too.”
Fishy blinked three times.
Paul beamed and hugged Fishy’s bowl, “thanks bud, you’re the best friend I could ever ask for.”
Paul cringed as he heard his name echo through the halls of the cave in Dwayne’s booming voice.
Paul turned to Fishy, “I guess he saw all his books.”
He picked up Fishy bowl and raced to the ladder, “c’mon Fishy, I’ll start being the best me possible tomorrow.”
@misslavenderlady @dwaynesluscioushair @dwayxluvs @pixielostboy @paulistwistedsister @paperbackfangs @solobagginses @ghoulgeousimmaculate @6lostgirl6 @mickkmaiden333 @its-freaking-bats @gothamslostboy @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @feardot-com @riz-coolgirl @groovyspock @flower-crowned-lady @honeybedo @warrior-616 @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @lostboys1987girl @henhouse-horrors
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katia-dreamer · 2 years
Percy’s face is a bit pink as he approaches her. She’s unsure if it’s from the exertion of fetching his coat or nervous excitement, but she likes it either way. 
“Hello again, darling.”
“I apologize for the delay, but I had to give Cass an excuse for my departure,” he says as he pushes his glasses up his nose. “Unfortunately, I don’t think she believed me, so we should use a covert exit route.”
“Wait,” she gasps with delight, “are we sneaking out?” 
“Yes,” he answers with a smile. 
“How devious of you. This park must be something special.”
“Well, it’s not a park in the strict sense of the word. It’s a clearing I occasionally went to as a child.”
“That sounds wonderful, Percy.”
Getting out of Whitestone takes time. But Vex hardly notices because Percy regales her with facts about the castle and his family. It’s endearing how excited he is to share his home with her.  She’s also distracted by the fact that he is moving ever closer to her.  When his arm touches hers, golden warmth unfurls in her chest.
But the mood bursts as they descend into the dungeon.  Percy tenses beside her, and his breathing turns sharp and shaky.
“I did not think this through.”
“I'm here, darling,” she says as she takes his hand. 
Walking in relative silence, Percy never lets go of her. After several long moments, they finally step outside. The warmth of the day is a welcome reprieve from the damp cold. 
“Let’s not take that way back,” she says. 
“Well, fearless leader, lead,” she encourages.
He gives an understanding nod; the motion makes his glasses glint in the sunlight. “This way.”
As he leads them away from the castle, the haunted look in his eyes remains. Vex slides her fingers between his, giving Percy’s hand a tight squeeze. The sound of their soft footfalls on the grassy path and birds singing in the trees is like a warm embrace. Gradually, some of the tension eases out of Percy’s body.
When they arrive at the clearing, her chest pulls tight with emotion. There are new growth trees, scraggly bushes, and flowers that haven’t bloomed. It’s a scarred place that is only just beginning to heal. 
“There’s a lot of work to be done,” Percy sighs. “But Keyleth has promised to come when she’s able. I remember everything that grew here, and we hope to come as close as possible.”
“That doesn’t surprise me at all,” she says fondly. 
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
Vex imagines a young Percy reading in the shade of a tree or laughing with his siblings. However, the image breaks when she turns to look at the man whose hair has turned prematurely white. But then she recalls his radiant joy when he made her things. Perhaps, the excited little boy still existed after all. 
“I remember once, when I was about eight, I took a fall while Julius was with me. I was uninjured, but he made sure to assist me home.”
“Does it hurt to remember?” 
“There is pain, but there is joy too,” he says. “Although, I’ve forgotten what happened next. Isn’t that odd?”
“You’ve forgotten something? You?”
“Hush now,” he teases, pulling her hand so that it rests in the crevice of his arm. It’s a small gesture, but it makes her heart flutter. Then he suddenly gasps.
“Percy? What is it?”
He increases their pace to almost a run, stopping in front of a fallen tree. “I can’t believe it’s still here.”
She’s about to ask what he’s talking about when she sees words carved in the bark above the roots.  Percy lets her go so she can kneel to read them. 
“It was Cass’s idea. As most things were,” Percy says as he squats beside her. “She was such a hellion.”
“You’ve mentioned that,” she replies. 
“I wish she had convinced the others to do it as well.”
Percy sits down on the ground, his back against the tree, stretching his legs out in front of him. She follows his lead, pressing close against his side. 
“I like it here. It’s peaceful.”
“It is.”
She rests her head against Percy’s shoulder, and he leans his head against hers. It’s a moment made all the more precious for its simplicity. She closes her eyes, memorizing the feel of the grass against her hands and the warmth of Percy’s body. 
“What are you thinking?” he asks.
“That you are a bit bony even with your coat on.”
He laughs, and his breath ruffles her hair. “Sorry.”
“I like it,” she says. “I like you.”
Percy shifts a little, bringing his hand to her chin, tipping her face upward. She wonders if he might kiss her and is slightly disappointed when he doesn’t.
“I feel the same about you.”
Now she’s much less disappointed. “Oh?”
“Vex’ahlia,” he makes her name sound so sweet.“I-”
Percy pulls away so fast that he nearly hits his head on the tree. Keeper Yennen is standing in front of them, eyebrows raised.
“Keeper Yennen, please forgive me,” Percy starts to stand, but Yennen just smiles.
“Don’t bother getting up. You look comfortable there. Besides, I should be on my way.”
“Yes, of course. Are we still meeting later this week?” Percy asks calmly.
It’s amusing to hear Percy arrange his schedule while they are practically snuggling. 
“Yes,” Yennen answers. “And Percival? I’m glad you found a brighter path. The Dawn Father was right to find life in you.”
“I don’t know if I agree, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
Keeper Yennen mutters about owing Cass money while turning to go.  As soon as they are alone again, Vex laughs.
“I think it’s safe to say we’ve been found out.” 
“Is that agreeable to you?” Percy asks.
“Yes,” she says while resting her head on back on his shoulder. “Yes, it is.”
Percy lays his head against hers, whispering, “I was hoping you’d say that.”
They sit like that for a long while, soaking in the quiet comfort of each other.  And if they eventually fall asleep, that is their little secret.
A/N: This started because @burr-ell and I were talking about Percy and Vex going to a park. I <3 you, friend. Thank you for all your fantastic ideas.
Thank you once again to @maybemagpies who listened to me scream about this and gave me wonderful input. This wouldn’t be what it is without you. 
This piece of art also inspired me too, especially for the ending. 
I listened to Your Hands Are Cold by Dario Marianelli while writing this. If you’ve never heard it, I encourage you to change that. (Listen here) 
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autumnshighlady · 8 months
ok this is so stupid but i really want to see neris and reader interactions,, like the small things, the comfort, the protectiveness,,,, ughh love what you've done w the story man, desperately waiting for the next part fr. (go on your own pace tho) glad to know i've shifted you a little bit on a azriel thing (devious smile) - ithink he's a good character for most people because he barely had a personality in the books and so we can usually make up stuff yk, like he's mostly just broody in the books and we're told stuff abt his personality but not shown it. can't wait to see what happens next! ohh also the dragon interactions!!! i wanna see those too!!! eris has hounds right,,, it wld be cute for them to protect nes and r tooo,,,, ahhh sorry this is literally just me ranting lol, obv feel free to ignore the reqs,,, i really want to let you know that your writing is good bc you seem to get less interactions than you should!! and a weird amt of hate lmao like whats w the people being rude about ialtpwf and wanting guys my age so badly, like i enjoyed it despite not particularly liking the daddy kink partbut like. really,, why so rude??? want to see how reader fares in front of beron too, i assume word of her power will reach him too/. anyway, how long are you planning on pushing the beron overthrowal thing (im being curious not being like ugh when are u plannign on ending it,, in case thats what it sounded like,, idk man im overthinking). oh also! want to see court relations with all of them after berons gone. before berons gone. all of it, i want them to be better leaders/people to the court people yk. oh!! also lucien-reader friendship!!! love that!! we havent seen much of it but hes def the kind of guy to tease r abt eris when they start actually flirting and getting near a relationship yk. eris-lucien brotherhood too tho, obviously. also the lady of the autumn court!! watching them bond w her!!! ahh jfoisfkjmdofikndfvg ium sorry have a great day today1!! hope you rest well after that long ass shift. oh yeah i agree w you on the feyre thing, she's def just mostly like a pawn to rhys yk, i think she was better as a char when she was w tamlin tbh, altho obviously i dont want her to be with someone who kind of abused her without any groveling at least/ cant wait to see more interactions fr!!!! oh when i said in the story, i meant the actual books, well and yourss but the actual books mainly! anyway i think you've managed to be realistic w all of them in a way that is good. bye! oh same anon as last time. should i give myself a name, is that fine,, i'll choose * anon. sure.
i can’t wait for you to see more of the neris x reader interactions! you’ll love it. i feel like i’ve done a decent job of their dynamic so i’m super proud of it so far.
Azriel’s journey is one i have planned out - it’s going to be complicated because yk he’s been loyal to rhys for 500 years and that’s not suddenly going to change, but he will continue to play a role.
you’ll see more of the dragons for sure! and the hounds will be involved too so fear not ;)
yeah idk why people got so weird about guys my age like i’m glad they enjoyed it of course but i kinda did everything i wanted to do with that fic so i don’t feel i have anything else to add to it if that makes sense
beron will play a bigger role soon! as far as them overthrowing him, prob within a couple chapters maybe a bit longer. im still playing around w the details of how exactly it’s going to happen
expect a LOT more lucien and lady of autumn in the later chapters! i love love love writing for lucien so i’ve got special stuff for him planned hehe
tons more interactions to come. more lucien, azriel, gwyn and emerie, cassian, etc. thank you for your message angel and NEVER apologize for rambling - nobody has taken the time to say this much about my fic so far in one go so i LOVE reading these. send as many as you want <3
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baronfulmen · 2 years
Conefession: Discworld is one of the fandoms that I stumbled across fic for without ever having read the source material. And I still haven’t gotten around to doing so. Although I’ve read a ton of fics. As such, my perception of Discworld is entirely shaped by fanfic fanon. And, believe it or not, Vimes/Vetinari is the most popular ship in fanfic. It’s number 1 on AO3, Vimes/Sybil is number 2, and the OT3 Vimes/Sybil/Vetinari is number 3. All of which I enjoy.
After your post, I can’t help but be reminded that I just LOVE fandom and all of its randomness. I love that people will take a single piece of art and using that as a base they can make a billion different random artistic things with it like they’re just throwing paint at a wall and seeing what kind of Rorschach Test-esque work of beauty they can make of it. Like “does it make sense in canon, I got no clue, but I know it makes for some beautiful art and some fun fics that can make me smile, so Why not?. Y’know? Why not?” 😄😄😄😄
It's beautiful, isn't it? Yeah, for sure I love that people will just latch onto whatever and run with it and make more art whether or not they know what's going on or if it makes sense or anything.
I'm a little surprised that Vimes/Vetinari is so popular because as I said I just... I can't wrap my head around it. On paper you could have some fun friction there because one is the self-proclaimed tyrant and the other has an anti-authoritarian streak a mile wide. Sure, that dynamic could be fun. It's fun in the books, to the extent it's explored.
But in the actual books they don't spend a lot of time together - Vimes gets called into Vetinari's office at the start and end of most of the books with him in them but it's basically this:
Vetinari: "Vimes, I need you to do this thing that sounds simple when I say it but which we both know is actually very complicated. Don't get into trouble, don't anger anyone important." Vimes: "Sir yes sir, I would certainly never want to upset (insert super thinly veiled insult towards the aforementioned important people)" Vetinari: "See that you don't." ... Vetinari: "Well, you seem to have caused widespread panic and destruction of physical property and everyone is demanding I have you executed." Vimes: "Yessir. But I did that simple thing you asked me to do." Vetinari: "I suppose I'll have to take your word for it since everyone involved has fled the city." (quietly checks everything Vimes did off his 'to-do' list since he's a chessmaster that always planned for all this to happen)
It's fun! But as a relationship of some kind? Vimes isn't smart enough. Don't get me wrong, he's very intelligent and even devious when he wants to be - but Vetinari can't be in a relationship with anyone that's not also a mastermind. It would instantly be a super unhealthy relationship, because how do you have a healthy relationship with someone you can manipulate so easily? Vimes less easily than most, sure, but he still knows exactly where to apply pressure. Worse, Vimes is smart enough that he'd be watching for it! Every time something went Vetinari's way would he be thinking "wait, did I agree to go out to dinner because I want to, or because he made me THINK that I want to?"
Honestly, that would maybe be an interesting fic. Write it from Vetinari's point of view, and have the whole thing be him realizing that even when he decides NOT to manipulate Vimes he's already planning sneaky ways to let Vimes know that he's not being manipulated which is, itself, manipulative.
So as I said, no judgement to anyone even if it's something I have trouble picturing. Just threw me for a loop.
And if you DO start reading Discworld, good luck dealing with the many many conflicting guides to where to start.
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theartofshizzy · 20 days
This is a story I been trying out and soon to make into a comic so let me know how I can improve 😌!
The Alien Life
' The Crush'
“Augh, i don't know what to text baaack..”, said Buggles as she worried over a text from her long lasting crush (only from the 3rd grade). She looked back over at her bestie, Jubie, “TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” she cried at him. Jubie rolled his eyes at Buggles and snatched the phone from her hand, intensely reading the DM that was sent. He chuckled at the text then looked up at Buggles, “Permission to have full control over the cellular device in this occasion?” Jubie asked her, smiling in such a devious voice. Buggles thought it over and eventually agreed, “sure, just don’t be mean and at least try to sound like me this time..” Buggles asked Jubie, looking away in shame. “THANK YOU” Jubie said excitedly, he started to text profusely. Humming to each type, Jubie finally finished and sent his text, “DOOOONE!” he excitedly yelled before handing Buggles her phone back; looking at the text, Buggles jaw dropped and her face flushed. As Buggles' crush texted her ‘ what's up with you tonight?’ Jubie responded for her with, ‘waiting around for some fun tonight’. Jubie had no problem being front up with situations like this, in fact it intrigues him, “ what? Now you’ll get what you wanted from him riiiight?” Jubie asked Buggle, chuckling in between words. Buggles huffed at Jubie, “Of course not Jubes! I wanted to take things slow this time..” she cried before shoving her face in her soft pillow. 
A ding came from Buggles phone, she squealed before instantly opening her messages up only to find out it was her mom texting, Buggles sighed and read the text out loud, “remember i’m coming back home within the next 2 weeks…please have the house cleaned…love you.” she sighed and threw her phone too the side. “What’s wrong now Buggie?” Jubie asked her while getting all of his paraphernalia packed into his biggie bag. “Nothing, just mom coming home in 2 weeks..” Buggies rolled her eyes before helping Jubie get his things together, “Want some food on the way back?” she asked him. “Nah, i'm sure, i think  you’re trying to fatten me up at this point” he chuckled before giving Buggles a hug, saying their goodbyes and heading out. Buggles closed the door behind him and headed back to her room, she closed the door behind her and started to blast some hard metal music, plopping on her bed Buggles closed her eyes and started to daydream of her and her crush. 
On the other side, Jubie walked out of her home and started to head to his own. Between the two’s living areas it was about a 45 minute walk back, in the dark, at midnight with no light but the stars and moons. Jubie naturally didn’t care as it was a regular routine for him and Buggles, he would spend the night or week at Buggles when her mom was away and when she was home, naturally out of resentment, Buggles would sleep over at Jubie’s home until Buggles mom would complain to her about when she’ll be back. Jubie was strolling through the roadway to his house checking his feed on Domagram, only seeing acquaintances loving relationship posts, “bleh…love is dumb…and gross, can’t believe my bestie is gonna become one of these fakers and leave me to shrivel up and die!” Jubie said dramatically. He shoved his phone in his pocket and took out a pack of blunts from the other, taking one out and sparking the long awaiting green giving it a good huff and puff. Jubie sighed, he wasn’t mad at Buggles for wanting love just never understood the concept of it that made love that special to people, either way Jubie wasn’t going to let some alien come in between their friendship. After all he has enough broken relationships to deal with in the time being.
Eventually Jubie got to his apartment, he sat his things down and himself to sort of take in from what a day it’s been. Hearing a ding coming from his phone, Jubie picked it up to see it was Buggles, she texted ‘he wants to see me WHAT DO I DOOO’ he chuckled seeing her text. He insisted on her going to see the guy but somewhere public to be safe, “she can take care of herself….i hope” saying to himself before starting to overthink the situation she’d be in. He texted her again to see where they’d be meeting up at just so he knew where she’d be at, Buggles responded telling Jubie the Acebucks where he usually works at. Jubie’s eyes rolled as he sighed over the location that he knew she picked. He texted her back with, ‘just don’t worry too much if you need help im just a zap away’ he tried to insist that things will be fine while he starts to look up every inch and detail he can uncover and find about her crush. “Hmmm….okay Kinny Webber...what do you want with my bestie Buggie?” Jubie said to himself in a suspicious tone, for some odd reason he couldn't get his finger on it but Jubie couldn’t trust this alien Kinny, his family is well known for their wealth and owning half the city's retail chains. They’ve also been accused of hiding dozens of murders, the case was never finished but dropped for anonymous reasoning, no one ever truly found out why they would ever do or be accused of such a thing. Jubie eventually took it upon himself to start making his way to his job, not to spy but to make sure Buggles is safe he thought to himself while putting on his Acebucks uniform.
Buggles walked into Acebucks, scanning the room to eventually find Kinny patiently waiting for her to accompany him, Buggles walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, “h-hey!” she excitedly said. Kinny turned around and smiled, “ Hey Buggie” he greeted her, getting up from his seat and hugging Buggles with all eight arms, it made Buggles nervous but she gave a light hug back as she was too intimidated by his touch from all eight of his sensual arms and hands. They both sat in the booth across from one another, Buggles was fiddling with her fingers as she was unsure how to start the date off. She kept thinking to herself why her, why take the one girl who’s family is in the mafia, ‘as if he would even know that’ she thought to herself; the two knew each other from school and even from then Kinny Webber had no interest in Buggles or any girl, some even thought he was gay but Kinny never said either way he just kept moving along being the perfect grade A student any school would ask for. Though there were the occasional times where Jubie would see him at drug parties selling or buying and sometimes even stealing others drugs, it was like he had a whole second life no one really knew about. 
Kinny was looking at his phone seeming to be texting someone, Buggles noticed this and just when she was going to ask kinny about his family a Acebucks worker had come over to their booth, “Can i get you loving aliens anything?” asked the worker. Buggles then looked up at the worker when suddenly her jaw dropped, it was Jubie! ‘He had taken it upon himself to come here and spy on me!’ Buggles thought as she closed her mouth, seeming very pissed off at this point. “No. I’m fine. Thanks.” she told Jubie, trying to keep it short, hinting she doesn't want him here, “yea no i'm good, not unless you have any type of chocolate cover flies by itself?” Kinny had requested if it was even possible. Buggles face scrunched as Kinny said his sentence, “r-really?” she had mumbled while her antennas wilted over worried like, “uhm…let me see what we have i guess..” Jubie said uncomfortable then walked away curiously to the back to even see if they actually do have chocolate covered fly’s. Kinny nodded and looked back over at Buggles, “So Buggie, would you go out with me..if you had even a chance?” he asked in a slight snooty way, Kinny had some sort of scheme he wanted to play out but Buggles didn't know this. Instead of acknowledging the snootiness in Kinny’s tone, Buggles was more ecstatic to know her crush wanted to potentially be with her forever. Buggles always obsessed over Kinny, she even had her own shrine for him that no one but Jubie knew about, she’s always waited for the day he would ask her even if it was in a rude way, “OF COURSE I WOULD, i would show you how much i could care and support you not to mention your family and support even your friends if they need it. I’ll help with your dreams and desires maybe be a desire one day oh i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you Kinny!!” Buggles kept rambling on and on about how she would be a great house wife or business wife and was ready to basically sign her soul away to this alien. She couldn't help herself, all Buggles wanted was her dreams to come true and they were through her eyes. Kinny’s expression on the other hand said everything, he was almost disgusted on how obsessed someone could really be for him, “ugh, would you SHUT UP?!” Kinny shouted at Buggles, rolling his eyes before telling her, “If you're going to act like a pig then dont even worry even worry about it, i don’t even make deals with pigs ugh..” Kinny started to get up until Buggles grabbed his arm, “ No, please! i-i …i’ll listen and do whatever it takes just please give me a chance?” Buggles begged, her first love wanted her and she couldn’t mess this up especially all the times she stalked his socials and updated herself to know new knowledge on the family business. Buggles wants to be a great asset to Kinny and his family, “Fine. but no talking unless i ask, got it?” Kinny told Buggles, she nodded and sat back letting go of his arm, “Good, now my mother has arranged a marriage for me to insure another heir for the family, I could honestly give a damn and rather do my own shit, getting it?” his hand rolled in a circle motion as he talked. Buggles nodded and she did have one question, “but wouldn’t you want another spider…rather than a bug like me..” Kinny scoffed in annoyance, “NO, i want her to exile me out of the family so why not have a bug girlfriend than just killing her right?” he said so nonchalantly sitting back in the booth. 
Eventually Jubie came back with teh chocolate covered flies, “ Here you go sir, it was hard to find but we have them somehow..” Jubie sat the cup of chocolate flies and looked over at Buggles nodding slightly to insure she’s okay. Buggles nodded back, she knew she was more than ok and was just about to make a deal of her life time, Jubie stood up and walked away going back to the shift he sadly had to pick up to be there. “So you’re telling me if I pretend to be your lover..i mean girlfriend then you’ll actually help me stop the mafia Bingz?” Buggles eyes lit up as if her dream finally came true, “yes, no questions asked but i'll help only after my mother throws me out from the family you hear me?” Kinny said to her in a stern tone, he wasn’t playing around with Buggles and in fact hoped she would follow through as she is the only one who can actually stop the Bingz for good, it was a win win on his side for he has a different deal to be dealt with. Kinny started to get up, “W-where are you going?” Buggles asked if she still had tons of questions on being his girlfriend, “Home silly, mother thinks i'm out studying with a group for college, i’ll see you tomorrow Buggie” Kinny chuckled then walked out, Buggles face blushed as she watched him leave. She couldn’t believe they’re together now, even if they are just pretending Buggles think she’ll be able to convince him to really love her. Jubie came back over and sat across from her, “so? What’d he say?” he was curious to know, “i’ll have to talk in private, your house after work?” Buggles asked him, he nodded but sighed as he really didn't want to be there. Buggles started to think and instantly gave Jubie THE look, he shook his no but it was too late Buggles twisted her leg till it broke! She cried in agony as all the workers and customers stopped and looked over at the two, Jubie instantly picked up Buggles and shouted to his coworkers, “Tell boss I have to take her to the hospital!” everyone nodded and told him to go ahead and go, Jubie left running out the door and about 5 miles down the street from Acebucks before setting Buggles to the side, “ARE YOU CRAZY?” he shouted at her. Buggles rolled her eyes and snapped her leg back into place, “calm down, i need you right now they’ll understand” she chuckled, standing up and giving the upset Jubie a hug, “thank you i appreciate this” Buggles said. Jubie sighed and hugged her back, the two started to stroll their way back to Jubie’s house, “so what happened anyways?” he asked Buggles, ‘Well let me start from the beginning” she responded and wrapped her two left arms around his waist resting on him as they walked and talked.
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raverin-2 · 10 months
Years Later We Fit Together
Summary: Squad Nights are held at Shouto and Hanta’s house, emotions get high as they play game after game, truth or dare spilling admissions off liquid heady tongues. Izuku and Hitoshi have talked about it often enough that a dare to kiss an old crush only has them feeling giddy, but they hadn’t expected the reasoning to be the same for Eijirou and Katsuki when the same dare falls onto them. It’s been years of feeling these things for more than their significant others, and Hitoshi, Izuku, Eijirou, and Kats finally do something about it.
Sidenote: This is a polyfic and ends with ShinDekuKiriBaku getting together!
It’s squad night at Shouto and Hanta’s house, and Izuku and Hitoshi are cuddled together as some of their friends come join them and form a circle on the floor. Eijirou and Katsuki plop across from them, and Katsuki’s hand lays on Eijirou’s thigh, thumb rubbing in the same rhythm as the thumb on Izuku’s waist.
Mina starts them off, daring Kyoka to send a TikTok video about how her soulmate’s name starts with M to Momo who is at home because she has an early patrol. Kyoka’s cheeks are red when she pulls Denki into telling them that he has a crush on TetsuTetsu. They go round and round until Izuku finally chooses dare.
“Holy shit, you meant to say dare, right?” asks Denki in a giddy way before a smirk curls his lips at Izuku’s nod. “I dare you to kiss one of your old crushes, from UA, if they’re here, but it can’t be Hitoshi.”
Izuku hums, tilting his head back to meet the eyes of his boyfriend of three years, and he asks, “Which one should I kiss? One or two?”
“Go for two, bunny.” replies Hitoshi with a knowing grin as Izu pouts at him for a moment.
“Wait-Hitoshi, y-you- Are you actually gonna let him kiss an old crush?” asks Denki in shock as he looks at Hitoshi, drawing their friends’ attention.
“Of course, I am. We’ve talked about it before, and that’s all I have to say about it. Go on, bunny.” replies Hitoshi as he gives everyone a half-glare, daring them to test him, before nodding at Izuku.
“Hey, Eiji, can I kiss you?” asks Izuku as he switches to his knees, leaning back on his legs as he talks to Eijirou, looking solely at Eijirou despite knowing he and Katsuki have been dating going on five years.
“What’re you waiting for, Izu? I’d love a kiss.” replies Eijirou with a wide grin before he winks at Izuku.
Izuku crawls across the circle until his knees meet Eijirou’s crossed legs, then he brings his hands up to cup Eijirou’s cheeks lightly. Eijirou’s hands settle at his waist, and he leans up to meet Izuku in the middle. Their lips slot together easily after a moment, and Izuku melts into the warmth of Eijirou, hands slipping back until they sit in strands of red hair. The kiss stays innocent, only hesitant brushes of tongues over lips, as their heads tilt, and their lips move together lightly. It’s slow and sweet, completely unhurried.
“Alright, I’m pretty sure your boyfriends are jealous enough.” comes Mina’s voice loud, and a bit panicked.
“Not jealous, pinky.” sneers Katsuki with a knowing look, a smirk appears as Izuku and Eijirou pull apart.
“Definitely not jealous. How was he, bunny?” asks Hitoshi as he leans back on his hands, smirking as Izuku crawls back over to him, plopping in his lap happily.
“As amazing as we thought it’d be. Ei is an amazing kisser, Kacchan’s bragging was as it usually is. Impeccable spot on.” replies Izuku in a giddy tone, bright smile pointed at Katsuki before it goes devious. “Denki, truth or dare? No reverse takes.”
“Wait, you can’t… I swear I said-” argues Denki as his brows scrunch together.
“Sparky, you forgot to say no reverse takes. Hanta was right, that’s a fun rule for revenge.” says Katsuki with a smirk that matches Izuku and Hitoshi’s grins.
“Ah, don’t forget Sho’s addition, it’s fun too. The target who forgets to say no reverse takes has to pick the choice of the one asking.” says Hanta as he passes his blunt over to Katsuki.
“Wha-? We didn’t agree on that.” says Denki in a high-pitched voice that tapers off as everyone turns to give him the look, “Don’t lie to us.” Denki visibly deflates in his place between Mina and Kyoka. “Alright, alright. Dare it is.”
“I dare you to put on a blindfold and try whatever concoction Kacchan and Hanta come up with. Drinks only, of course.” replies Izuku innocently as his head lolls back almost into Mina’s lap so he can look at Denki.
“And if I choose the punishment?” asks Denki suspiciously yet curious as he narrows his eyes at Izuku while Mina’s hands run through green curls.
“Then you’ve gotta call and tell Pops that you short-circuited the station in the middle of his serenade to Dad on his birthday.” says Hitoshi with a devilish grin while Izuku giggles.
Izuku guides Hitoshi’s face to his, leaning up for a slow kiss, and when he pulls back, his pride shines in his eyes as he says, “And that’s my kitten. All up to you now, Denki.”
“Fine, I’ll- I’ll do the dare.” grumbles Denki with a petulant pout that has Kyoka and Mina cuddling up to him.
“Don’t worry, Denks, I won’t let him disintegrate your tastebuds through a drink.” says Hanta with a cheeky grin as he and Katsuki stand.
“I’m never gonna taste again.” whines Denki pitifully and Izuku can’t help his giggles. “Oh, I’ll get you back for this, Izu.”
Ten minutes later, Denki’s got a jug of milk and heated cheeks while Izuku’s giggling and Katsuki’s smirking like he won the lottery, or number one hero maybe. It’s Hanta’s turn after he chose dare and had to do the spiderman kiss with Shouto per Mina’s dare request.
“While it would be fun to go after Mina simply because she didn’t say not to, Katsuki hasn’t been in the spotlight yet. So, bro, truth or dare?” asks Hanta with a sharp grin that has Katsuki smirking for some reason.
“Glad to have a chance, tape arms, I’ll do dare.” replies Katsuki with that same smirk and a knowing tone as Eijirou snorts.
“I’ll take a page out of Kami’s book for you. I dare you to kiss one of your old crushes, but it can’t be Kiri. And no reverse questions.” says Hanta as he grins wide and lifts his cup up to his mouth.
“Hey! Why am I in trouble?” whines Eijirou as he leans forward to pout at Hanta.
“Because you were on drink duty tonight, and you forgot the whiskey!” huffs Hanta as he scowls playfully at Eijirou.
“I told him no because Mina can’t handle it, yet somehow she never manages to stay away from it. Now, babes, who should I kiss?” asks Katsuki as he nudges Eijirou with a curious tone and an excited smirk.
“I’d say the other one since I kissed him.” replies Eijirou brightly as he leans up to lightly kiss Katsuki on the cheek, excitement brimming in his red eyes.
“Yo, eyebags, you good for a kiss?” calls Katsuki as he tilts his head at Hitoshi, an arched brow daring Hitoshi.
“Sure, Blasty, I’m down. But are you coming over here or do I gotta come to you?” asks Hitoshi with a smirk as he leans back on his hands.
Katsuki chuckles before he unwraps himself from around Eijirou, and he’s moving across the circle until his knees hit Hitoshi’s crisscrossed legs. He’s in a similar position as Izuku was in, but he takes it a single step further by bringing Hitoshi’s legs out flat and straddling his knees.
“Does that answer your question, Mindfreak?” asks Katsuki, smirking as he sits on his lap and pulls him closer by the hand he’s wrapped in his shirt.
“Seems to answer it perfectly, Explosion Murder.” replies Hitoshi with a smirk as his hands come up and rest on Katsuki’s hips.
Katsuki rolls his eyes before slipping his hands up to cup Hitoshi’s face and leaning in to press their lips together a bit harshly at first before Hitoshi tilts his head and slackens his mouth to ease the kiss. It becomes a delicate thing. Their lips are slotting together lightly as Hitoshi’s hands slide up his back, and the only difference between the kiss between their significant others and this one, is the innocence of it.
It’s like just pressing their lips together is everything they need, and Katsuki makes a needy little mewl, almost silent enough to be ignored, as he presses closer and wraps his arms around Hitoshi’s neck, leaning up until he’s just slightly taller than Hitoshi. Katsuki forces himself back, but his eyes stay closed as his chest moves with the almost panting breaths leaving his lungs.
“Well, damn Blasty, that was one hell of a kiss.” says Hitoshi sweetly, and Katsuki’s eyes flutter open as he half-heartedly moves to glare at the purple haired man.
Only, Katsuki’s caught off guard by the softness in those eyes, this ease that Katsuki only sees pointed at Izuku from those amethyst eyes. One of those warm hands that are still resting on his back skims around to the front and reaches up to cup one of Katsuki’s cheeks, making him feel like melting.
“Fucking mindfreak… you aren’t that bad, I guess.” mutters Katsuki as he tries to growl at the man, feeling too soft to make it a real threat.
“Eiji, I think you’re gonna have to come get Kacchan. He wasn’t ready for my kitten’s kisses.” giggles Izuku from where he’s leaning over onto Hitoshi’s arm, fondness in his eyes that Katsuki almost mistakes as being meant for him.
“Fuck you, Deku.” growls Katsuki as he pushes himself off of Hitoshi’s lap, and Eijirou comes up behind him as he pouts grouchily.
“Well, hot damn… That was almost as hot as Eiji and Izu’s kiss… And that’s saying something.” says Denki loudly enough to break up the weird tension between the four of them, pulling everyone’s attention to him.
“I can’t believe you four are actually okay with your partner kissing somebody else. Couldn’t be me.” calls Mina, sounding faraway almost like she’s in the kitchen, which is highly likely.
“We’re secure in our relationships, and what we want is our business, nobody else’s. Anyways, I think it’s time for movies and sleep. Who’s with me?” asks Izuku brightly as he changes the conversation focus to their last plans for the night, a sleepover.
“The guest rooms are where they always are, but Izu and I gathered blankets and pillows for everybody as well. They’re stacked over by the archway for everybody to choose what they want!” announces Shouto as he takes the bait and helps Izuku move things along, pointing over at the two large stacks of sleep necessities.
“I still can’t believe your dad bought us this house as an engagement present. But it makes squad nights so much easier. We’ll stay out here for a movie or two, but then we’re so retiring to our rooms. I’m feeling exhausted already.” says Hanta softly from his side, looking blissed out and absolutely stoned.
“You are toasted tape-arms.” chuckles Katsuki as he falls to lay on his back, head tilting back against the floor to look at his friend, ignoring the fond smile he sees on Eijirou’s face before he goes to get them some blankets and a pillow or two. “I’m down for at least one movie, but I am not dealing with all of you idiots staying in the living room when there are like six guest rooms in this fuckin’ place.”
“Don’t worry! Me and Kyo decided we were taking a guest room already, and Denks is coming with us because we all want cuddles when we drink.” calls Mina happily as she skips into the room with a bottle that looks suspiciously like whiskey.
“Who the fuck brought whiskey?” yells Katsuki as he rolls to his stomach and glares at Hanta.
“I didn’t do it, I swear! And we didn’t have any here, that’s why I asked for some.” says Hanta in a panic, hands raised in surrender as he looks at Katsuki.
“It’s not whiskey, you buzzkill. It’s rum, and I’m drinking it. But I’m heading to the room, not really in the mood for movies.” replies Mina as she sticks her tongue out at Katsuki.
“We’ll come with you!” exclaims Denki after a moment as he interrupts Katsuki and Mina’s stare down.
“Yay! We’re gonna have a mini party while you guys enjoy your movies!” cheers Mina as she turns with a wide smile on her lips, and she, Denki, and Kyoka escape down the hall giggling as per usual.
“We’re definitely taking a guest bed, but only because we both have to go to the Comic-Con tomorrow.” says Ochako with a roll of her neck before she lets Tenya pull her up, slightly stumbling into him before she flings her arms around his neck. “Our panel is at noon, and I have to go to UA before it for a sparring session with dadzawa’s class. They decided to talk shit, so he told me I could come handle it.”
“You gonna rock their shit, cheeks?” calls Katsuki with a snort as he sits up on his knees.
“Damn straight I am. Don’t worry, I’ll save some for you Blasty.” replies Ochako with a smirk that matches Katsuki’s terrifyingly well.
“Good, ‘cause I’m coming for ‘em in two days, and I’m going to make ‘em cry.” huffs Katsuki proudly as he pushes himself into a standing position.
“Alright, anyone else planning to take a bedroom, or are you four staying out here?” asks Hanta as he interrupts their little smirky stare-down.
“We can take the pull-out couch, as long as Kacchan and Eiji are okay with sharing so none of us have to be on the floor.” calls Izuku from where he and Hitoshi had already migrated over to the couch, his chin hooked over the edge of the couch.
“Sharing a bed with you and Toshi will be fine so long as y’all aren’t afraid of being hot. Kats runs hot, and I do too.” replies Eijirou with a grin as he lightly nudges Katsuki with his knee, blanket and two pillows stacked in his arms.
“Hey, we’re both cold individuals. Trust me, I used to love sharing a bed with Kacchan for that exact reason. Heat is just what we’ll need, otherwise we have to have at least three thick blankets over us both.” says Izuku cheerily as he holds up a corner of the blanket that’s covering him and Hitoshi.
“Well, shit, we should sleep on the outside then. We always end up with space between us anyways, this way we won’t also be drenched in sweat. The nerd always feels like a fuckin’ ice cube, and you and I both know that Eyebags is just as bad.” says Katsuki as he takes a pillow from Eijirou and shakes his head in amusement.
“You’re definitely right, KitKat, then we can all be the perfect temp!” exclaims Eijirou brightly as he turns and heads over to the couch. “Who’s sleeping by who though?”
“Well, you and I cuddled and fell asleep together pretty regularly at UA. So, maybe it’d be smart for tonight to do something we’re used to?” offers Hitoshi thoughtfully as he kills his head back to look at them, tired smile curving his lips.
“Sounds fucking perfect. So, who’s staying out here for the fuckin’ movie?” asks Katsuki with a raised brow as he moves over to the couch as well, slotting himself on the outside of the Hitoshi and Izuku cuddle pile on the pulled-out bed as Eijirou plops down next to Hitoshi.
“Mmm, warm.” murmurs Izuku with a soft, almost silent, moan as he snuggles closer to Katsuki to soak up the warmth bleeding through his grey tee.
“It’s heaven.” whimpers Hitoshi as he pouts conflictedly, looking between Izuku and Eijirou. “Now, hold on a minute. I want Eiji and bunny, what’s with the moving?”
His whine has Katsuki snorting before he’s slightly scooping Izuku up, hand under those thick thighs and around his back. He shuffles over so that Izuku is pressed tightly against Hitoshi, and Katsuki pulls his hands back to himself. He lays one arm along the back of the couch, so he can play with Eijirou’s hair. His other arm rests on his bent right knee, fingers tapping against his kneecap to avoid touching Izuku.
“You realize everybody left, right? Do we still wanna watch a movie or do we wanna sleep?” asks Eijirou with a chuckle as he reaches his own arm to lay over Katsuki’s, fingertips playing with his tee shirt.
“I figured those losers would fuck off to have their alone time. Assholes.” grumbles Katsuki, rolling his eyes before he breathes in sharply through his nose.
There’s a hand on his thigh, on top of the blanket, and it’s slowly moving until it tugs at his forearm. Katsuki’s brows scrunch together as he lets his arm fall over his right leg to lay on his left, and that hand is quick to lay over his. That hand curls around until fingers interlace with his, and Katsuki turns wide eyes on Izuku only to soften at the sight of that smile that Izuku is hiding in purple hair.
“So, I’m thinking no movie.” starts Izuku nervously as he stares at the hair his nose is buried in.
“Because we definitely need to talk about what happened here tonight.” finishes Hitoshi as he carefully lifts his head to unearth Izuku’s blushing face, showing that his own cheeks are burning red.
“W-Who wants to- umm- to start?” stutters Eijirou as he turns to look at all of them before those slightly panicked red orbs lock on Katsuki’s.
“Well, I’ll lay out the facts cause Eiji babes is nervous.” says Katsuki in a low tone before he turns to stare at the TV, his nerves getting the best of him as he lets himself ramble like he does with Eijirou. Katsuki lets himself be comfortable with the other two men that he’s wanted. “According to the dares we had tonight… Izuku had a crush on Eijirou back at UA. I had a crush on Eyebags back at UA. I also had a crush on Eijirou then too, which is why I said yes when he asked me out after graduation. Of course, stupidly, I had feelings for the damn nerd too, but our whole thing was too complicated then for me to even entertain the idea of being good enough for him at the time. Anyone else want to fess up anything?”
“Well, since Kats went first. I’ll follow him, especially since he slightly called me out.” says Eijirou lightly, his nerves raking through his deep voice as he swallows hard and continues. “I definitely had a crush on Izuku back then, which is why I didn’t say no to the kiss offer. I liked Kats from the first day at UA, I was just drawn to him. And Hitoshi, well, I realized I was beginning to gain a crush on you when we started our late-night cuddle sessions after the war.”
“I liked Izuku first, but then I had a study session with Katsuki.” starts Hitoshi as he turns, and Katsuki can feel his eyes on the side of his face before a slender, cool hand comes and forces him to meet those eyes dead on. “Those kinda made it easy for me to realize I was attracted to you. It didn’t take long after joining the Bakusquad for me to start to like you too. And Eijirou, you came out of left field for me. I didn’t think I could like more than the two idiots who were too competitive for their own good. And then I managed to actually fall asleep with you that first night, and it happened more. Realized I liked you too, and that was a messy conversation with dad and pops.”
Hitoshi snuggled backwards into Eijirou as he finished talking, leaning his head back against Eijirou’s shoulder. Katsuki watches those soft lips brush over Eijirou’s jaw, and he chuckles at the wide, red, eyes that meet his.
“Don’t laugh at me KitKat.” whines Eijirou as he pouts at Katsuki.
“It’s hilarious seeing you all wide-eyed about Hitoshi showing you affection because I haven’t seen you like this since the first time I held your hand. Well, aside from after you and Izuku kissed and while he was moving back to his place, you couldn’t stop smiling.” chuckles Katsuki as Eijirou’s face goes red before he hides it in Hitoshi’s shoulder.
“Well, I have a feeling you’ll be in the same predicament when Izuku gets his mouth to work again.” says Hitoshi slyly, a knowing smirk on his lips that has Katsuki narrowing his eyes at him.
“I highly doubt tha-” starts Katsuki lowly before Izuku clears his throat and shuts him up, drawing their attention to him.
“I liked Hitoshi from the sports festival too, that’s I asked him out when he got back from his undercover assignment. But I realized I liked Eiji not long after that, we’d been at the heroes museum, and he was the only one who kept up with my Crimson Riot facts.” rambles Izuku brightly, skimming over his love for Hitoshi because he knew he’d be coming back to it. His thoughts were finally in order, and his hopes for what might come next was building more and more. “It was nice, and we talked for the entire trip, just sitting against a wall in the Crimson Riot hall while everyone else roamed the museum. But Kacchan… I loved Kacchan before I knew what love was. Kacchan was my first love, and I was going to ask him out after the war. But then I overheard Eijirou talking about wanting to ask him out, and I always thought you’d be adorable together. It sucked, knowing two of the people I’d fallen for were going to be together, and I looked into it after that. Then Hitoshi came to me like two weeks before graduation because at some point he’d heard about Eijirou’s plans too, and I knew he’d liked Eijirou, he knew I liked Kacchan. We actually kissed that night, and things got tense, and awkward, before we talked at graduation. We didn’t get together until a year and a half later because he went under.”
“Wait a damn second, babes, why didn’t you tell me you wanted to ask me out after the war?” asks Katsuki quickly, sounding indignant because why the hell didn’t he know that. “Don’t worry, Deku, I’m coming back to you in a second, but this asshole knew I wanted to ask him out then too. He was holding out on me!”
“Same old Kacchan.” giggles Izuku as Katsuki glares at Eijirou who looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
“I-I thought I did tell you that! I swear I told you after you told me! Did I really not tell you?” argues Eijirou weakly, confused at himself as he looks down with scrunched eyebrows.
“No, babes, you didn’t. But I’ll forgive it because Deku told me.” replies Katsuki with a snort before he turns to Izuku with narrow eyes and insecurities welling in his head. “Now, Deku, you’re insane. Eiji’s great, love him, okay, and Eyebags is good too, attractive as all hell. So those two being on your, I love ‘em, list makes perfect sense. However, I treated you like shit for practically our whole lives. And I’m a dick to you still to this day, so like… why?”
“So, you accept that he has feelings, but you don’t understand why he does?” asks Hitoshi softly, head tilting to lean against Eijirou’s.
“That would be it, yeah. I’m an asshole. I still have a hard time understanding why it is that Eijirou loves me, but I’m so fucking grateful for it.” explains Katsuki as he lightly scoots back, crossing his arms around his body, holding himself as he lets himself be honest. “I don’t get why you do either, but it’s Izuku that has me confused as all hell because I don’t think I’ve ever been nice to him. You’ve at least been on the other end of my niceness once or twice.”
“Kacchan, you know you’re a nice guy. You just have an asshole exterior. But you’re nice!” argues Izuku quickly as he turns around and pokes a finger into Katsuki’s chest. “You get me in a way our friends don’t, the same way Toshi is learning too, and you protect me and let me protect you when we patrol together. We have a messy history, sure, but you’ve changed a lot since then. And you care, Kacchan. Who else is gonna make me lunch when I forget about it? Who else is gonna sit with me and help me deal with the stupid paperwork? And who else is going to deal with my stupid nightmare sparring? Toshi does really well, but he’s usually gone when they hit. He handles the comfort afterwards, but you- Kacchan, you help me break it down and get that fear out. You remind me that you’re still here, we’re still here.”
“I knew those fucking nightmares were about the war. The fuck did I tell you about talking to the goddamn counsellor about this? Talking to Eyebags is good too, but Cheri has been there since the war too. She isn’t going to judge you for remembering that bullshit.” growls Katsuki as he poke Izuku in the forehead turning it back on him.
“I do talk to Cheri, I told you I would!” whines Izuku with a pout as he rubs at his forehead lightly.
“I’m gonna kiss Hitoshi while you two work this out, okay?” asks Eijirou loud enough to draw their attention, but quiet enough that it’s only for the four of them.
“Enjoy it!” replies Katsuki as he looks just slightly past Izuku’s curls to smirk at his boyfriend.
“Wait, only if we agree to go on dates when we can this week.” says Izuku quickly, brightly as he turns to look at Eijirou and Hitoshi.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing I have three days off this week. All of us can have dinner one night too and really talk about this.” replies Hitoshi easily, seeming surprised by the outcome of this situation.
“We can talk more after Kats and Izuku talk this situation out. I’d like to at least figure out what all of this means before we go to bed.” suggests Eijirou shyly as he rubs a hand over his neck.
“We’ll absolutely do that, Eiji. I’m going to talk to Kacchan while you two enjoy yourselves!” exclaims Izuku happily before Hitoshi turns around to look at Eijirou.
Katsuki and Izuku watch as Eijirou leans down to press their lips together, and there’s a heat of arousal spreading through them at the sight. Rather than jealousy, it’s excitement and attraction because those feelings they’d had back then, they never went away.
“Kacchan, I love you a lot.” rambles Izuku as he turns and straddles Katsuki’s hips, cupping his face as he forces their eyes to meet, holding Katsuki’s attention as he talks. “I love how competitive you are in everything you do, the way you make me want to do better just so I can stand on the same level as you. I love how you stand up for us, especially when the media runs with hate. You’re crass and stubborn, but you’re honest and brave. And I love that about you.”
“Why do you always know what to say to make me melt? Like I can’t call myself an asshole without you trying to ease my words.” grumbles Katsuki as he averts his eyes, unable to twist his head out of the hold. It only lasts a second before his sight is filled with flushed, freckled cheeks and shining emerald eyes. “Makes me wanna kiss you, wanna hide you from the fuckin’ world. How does Eyebags let you go out into the world knowing you see the good in people no matter what they might have done or even have done in my case.”
“You wanna kiss me, Kacchan? I really wanna kiss you, but only if you wanna kiss me.” says Izuku softly, the want shining in his eyes as he gets shy, tilting his own head down.
“Always wanna kiss you, don’t know how I managed not to for this fuckin’ long. But I don’t wanna overstep anymore tonight than I already have.” grumbles Katsuki as he averts his eyes again, locking them on their boyfriends as Eijirou kisses down Hitoshi’s neck.
“Not overstepping for me, so if he wants a kiss, I’d say give him one.” groans Hitoshi as his hand latches in red hair, slightly panting as he looks up and meets Katsuki’s eyes.
“KitKat, it’s not overstepping if you’re being given permission and enthusiastic consent.” says Eijirou as he twists to look at his boyfriend, smiling understandingly and nodding encouragingly.
“Enthusiastic consent given, Kacchan, please kiss me.” whines Izuku as he tries to pull Katsuki’s attention back to him, his wanting unable to be ignored.
Katsuki takes a minute, tearing his eyes away from his boyfriend and one of the other men he’s fallen for to look at the vision in front of him. Izuku’s eyes are glossy, his lips are bitten red, and the want shines as he cups Katsuki’s face tightly, a single hand reaching back to thread through spiked blonde hair. Izuku who is looking at him and seeing him, seeing a person he wants as much as he wants Hitoshi, seeing a person he loves.
Katsuki leans forward, nudging Izuku’s nose with his own before slowly brushing their lips together. He pulls back after a moment, eyes flashing open to look at green eyes that fill with more want. Izuku’s diving back in to kiss him again, and Katsuki lets him slot their lips together, his hands falling to hold Izuku’s waist as Izuku sucks on his bottom lip, pulling a groan from Katsuki. It feels right, the feel of Izuku pressing his chest against Katsuki’s, the light tugging of Izuku’s hands in Katsuki’s hair, the heat of Izuku’s back against Katsuki’s hands through his thin t-shirt. Izuku’s letting out quiet mewls, and Katsuki can feel the want surging through him way faster than it should as their tongues meet, as he bullies his way into Izuku’s mouth to memorize the feeling of his mouth. Izuku pulls back this time, only to slip his lips down to Katsuki’s chin, trailing barely there kisses down his neck.
“I don’t want to rush us, especially because we haven’t talked about anything really, and we’re at our friends’ place. But you’re so fucking hot, Kacchan.” murmurs Izuku against his skin, pulling a quiet whine out of Katsuki as he zones back into the heated room, hearing the panting next to them from their boyfriends’.
“We- uh- We stopped for the same reason but fuck you two are hot.” breathes Eijirou from his place around Hitoshi, and Katsuki lolls his head around to look at his boyfriend, smirking at the arousal he sees shining in those eyes.
“Oh trust me, Eiji, Kitten, you two were hot as hell too.” says Izuku as he grins against Katsuki’s neck, his green eyes locking on the image they make just sitting together, chests moving rapidly as they practically pant.
“Can’t get enough of you three, fuck this has to be a dream.” mutters Hitoshi almost too quietly to hear, but Katsuki catches it and sees the way Eijirou’s eyes go wide with worry as Izuku tenses in his lap.
“You three are mine, and I don’t fucking share. So, you’d better realize this isn’t a dream, it’s our reality, Hitoshi.” growls Katsuki seriously as he locks eyes with Hitoshi, trying to convey his honesty through the stare down.
“Are we all going to do this, for real?” asks Izuku as he pulls away from Katsuki’s neck, settling a bit more comfortably on Katsuki’s lap, the distance seeming to ease some of the heated tension in the room. “Are we really going to be together, all four of us?”
“I’d rather like that, if I’m being completely honest, I’d hate to not have this if we all want it.” says Eijirou almost shyly as he answers Izuku quickly.
“Izu and I have been talking about this for ages, so of course, I want it too if we’re all on the same page.” adds Hitoshi vulnerably as he meets each of their eyes before looking down at his lap.
“It sounds like we’re all on the same page because I want all of those things too. We can discuss more over breakfast because we have to talk about boundaries and expectations. For now, we should get some sleep because it’s late, and you know cheeks and speedy aren’t going to be quiet when they leave.” replies Katsuki quietly, a somber tone of sincerity speaking volumes around his nervous words.
“Sleep sounds like a good idea, and we can go to one of our apartments to talk everything out and have breakfast.” cheers Izuku happily as he slips off of Katsuki’s lap to get comfortable on the bed, moving down until he’s lying on his side, back to Katsuki.
Hitoshi and Eijirou hum in agreement before laying down as well, Hitoshi curling into Izuku, their foreheads pressing together a moment before Izuku murmurs, “Go ahead, I know you need it, kitten.”
Hitoshi’s smile is tense and nervous before he exhales harshly through his nose and gives in to Izuku’s encouraging murmurs. Hitoshi rolls to press his back to Izuku’s chest, fitting them together like puzzle pieces as Izuku’s arms wrap around Hitoshi’s body to hug him tightly. Katsuki watches Eijirou lay down next to Hitoshi, curling closer to him, their legs easily getting intertwined as Eijirou cuddles close and lays his long arm across both Izuku and Hitoshi’s waist, hand reaching for Katsuki. Eijirou’s looking at Katsuki expectantly, and Izuku and Hitoshi turn to side-eye Katsuki as well until Katsuki curses under his breath and grabs blankets to cover them up. After they’re all covered, Katsuki fits himself against Izuku’s back, breathing hotly against his neck as he reaches his arm across to hold all of them as best as he can, fingertips lightly gripping Eijirou’s elbow the same way Eijirou’s fingertips are digging into his own. They fall asleep curled together like a perfect puzzle finally pieced together in the right way, it’s easy and comfortable, warm in the best way as they hold each other.
Thank you for reading, I hope you've enjoyed it!! Lemme know what you think!!
You can find it on:
~you can read my other fics ~two weeks to a month~ before they go live on my patreon.~
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cattatonically · 1 year
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The Vanishing Stair - Maureen Johnson (Truly Devious series, book 2)
All Stevie Bell wanted was to find the key to the Ellingham mystery, but instead she found her classmate dead. And while she solved that murder, the crimes of the past are still waiting in the dark. Just as Stevie feels she’s on the cusp of putting it together, her parents pull her out of Ellingham academy.
For her own safety they say. She must move past this obsession with crime. Now that Stevie’s away from the school of topiaries and secret tunnels, and her strange and endearing friends, she begins to feel disconnected from the rest of the world. At least she won’t have to see David anymore. David, who she kissed. David, who lied to her about his identity—son of despised politician Edward King. Then King himself arrives at her house to offer a deal: He will bring Stevie back to Ellingham immediately. In return, she must play nice with David. King is in the midst of a campaign and can’t afford his son stirring up trouble. If Stevie’s at school, David will stay put.
The tantalizing riddles behind the Ellingham murders are still waiting to be unraveled, and Stevie knows she’s so close. But the path to the truth has more twists and turns than she can imagine—and moving forward involves hurting someone she cares for. In New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson’s second novel of the Truly Devious series, nothing is free, and someone will pay for the truth with their life.
My Thoughts
After the cliffhanger that ended Truly Devious, I couldn’t help but dig into The Vanishing Stair right away. And I’m so glad I did.
Stevie’s mind works both for and against her. As someone with pretty severe anxiety, watching Stevie go through her anxiety/panic attack motions was very, very familiar. I feel for Stevie – she’s where I was at when I was her age. Granted, she’s also smack dab in the middle of two very, very convoluted mysteries.
Where Truly Devious left us with a lot of questions, Stevie is very keen to use her skills to find the answers. And she does – with gusto. It was truly fascinating to watch Stevie at work. She is so organized, logical, and detail-oriented. (A lot of key points to put on a résumé, honestly.)
Stevie does what she needs to do to find the answers she’s looking for. And I can really admire that about a young woman – she’s a go-getter, and even if she doesn’t necessarily want to, she’s going to raise hell to find the answers she wants. I kind of wish I had more of her gusto both at her age, and at my age now.
Again, I really loved the dual timelines in this book. I loved seeing how things played out between 1936 and 1938, compared to Stevie putting the pieces together in modern times. While we got far more detail in the flashbacks, there are still quite a few questions left to answer. Some things may be falling into place, but there’s still so much left to discover.
And every step the way, Stevie can rely on her friends. This is something I truly adored about this book – how Stevie, socially anxious and awkward Stevie, took steps to healthily learn to rely on her friends, and ask for help. She may have the ulterior motive of solving the entire care, but she’s also growing as a person, and adapting, and I love that for her so much.
I am still determined to read this to the end. I need to know what happens next. Honestly, this mystery series has me absolutely captivated, and I can’t seem to let go. I’m in it now, and I won’t let go until I have all of the answers I seek.
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donald4spiderman · 3 years
hii can i request a fluffy pining blurb where the reader realizes that spence is touch starved so she is always affectionate with him and he wonders why?
sorry this took so long to get to! i’m so excited for this request because everyone LOVES touchstarved!spencer.
TW: so cute, & a little bit of spencer being sad n insecure
When Spencer says he doesn’t want to shake hands, hi-five, or hug, people usually take that to mean he doesn’t like any physical affection at all.
And for a few months, you were under the same impression— you must keep your distance with Spencer Reid. No sleeping on his shoulder on the jet, no ruffling his hair playfully, and no slinging your arm around his torso.
But then, you did your job. You observed his behavior, essentially profiling him. It doesn’t take a genius with an IQ of 187 to see that Spencer wanted, nay, needed physical touch. The sad face when everyone else would receive a hug but him during parties was enough to kill you; and you hated the hesitancy of others to invite him anywhere just because there’s a possibility of physical touch, which means spreading germs, which means absolutely no Spencer allowed.
So you start asking: asking if he could use a hug, or if he wants to lie with you on the jet’s couch, or if he wants you to play with his hair. And then, he opens up. He starts asking himself (in his usual timid and polite way) if you would like a hug or a snuggle.
It becomes your thing with him— physical affection. For a moment, everyone on the team is bewildered at Spencer Reid holding hands as you fall asleep on the jet, along with the greater implication that sort of action has, especially when done with him. But they leave it be, for now, so that you two figure it out on your own.
Spencer absolutely adores your company. He feels so loved and protected when you’re with him as if nothing horrible could ever happen; no tornado or earthquake or tragedy could ever disrupt this perfect moment. He doesn’t know when the sudden physical affection from you began or why he’s grown so dependent on it, but it doesn’t matter. Spencer’s the happiest he’s been in years.
Paperwork drains the life out of you almost as much as actual cases due. Reflecting on all the gruesome details of a fresh crime wrenches your heart. Spencer finishes his paperwork hours before you and spends the rest of his time playing with various Rubix cubes hidden in his desk. He could’ve left hours ago, but he’s waiting for you to finish so you two can head to your apartment for a viewing of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
You bid the team goodbye, ignoring the devious little smirks on their faces and the fact that they’re going to gossip about you and Spencer the second you leave the bullpen.
“Are you excited to watch the most inaccurate depiction of a special agent mission you’ve ever seen in your life?” You ask playfully as you sink down onto your sofa. “I hear Angelina wears lingerie as she shoots an M-15 from the 30th story of a building.”
Spencer scoffs, “Sounds accurate and most importantly appealing.”
“That’s the spirit.” You smile as he joins you, sitting flush against you on the couch, his thigh touching yours.
You welcome his touch, allowing him to lean into you. You knew he’d eventually settle his head onto your lap so you could play with his hair, so you place a pillow over your thighs in anticipation.
You press play, and the opening credits of the movie begin. Spencer hums as you wrap your arm behind his head, allowing you to twist and tug at his hair.
“You comfortable?” You ask him.
He nods, a content smile on his face. “Yes— of course. I’m always comfortable when I’m with you.”
You can’t stop the large grin that creeps onto your face. “Good. I’m glad.”
He goes to say something, but you sense the hesitancy on his face. “I— never mind.” Spencer shuts his mouth, turning his head to face your TV.
“Ugh, none of this never mind crap. Tell me.”
He dismisses your concern with a wave of his hand. “I-It’s not important, plus the movie’s starting.”
You roll your eyes, “It’s not 1965, grandpa. I can pause it.” You press the button on the remote, stopping the movie. “Now, what’s up.”
“It’s just— I d-don’t— It’s dumb.”
“Nothing you could ever say is dumb, Spencer. I promise.” Your features soften.
He sighs, “I just don’t know how to word this without it sounding like I’m complaining— I’m not complaining!”
“Okay. Go on...”
Spencer sucks in a shaky breath before speaking. “W-why are you so nice to me? L-like why do you touch me and, you know... p-play with my hair and stuff.” The embarrassed blush on his cheeks is evident. The poor boy is so nervous.
“Spencer,” You pull him tighter against you. “I’m so affectionate with you because you’re the best man I know. The hugs, the snuggling, everything— you deserve it. You deserve to be taken care of.”
“T-thank you, (Y/N).” Spencer looks so relieved, so grateful.
“It’s nothing.” You place a kiss on top of his forehead, relishing in the way his breath hitches.
You’d never admit it out loud, but over the months of being attached at the hip, your feelings for Spencer have blossomed. He went from a shy profiler to an adorable genius, and you could hardly suppress your feelings around him.
But, you’re not worried. You’re a profiler; you can read behavior and body language like a children’s book, and you can tell that Spencer’s desire for your touch isn’t purely platonic either.
But that’s a conversation for another time. There’s no rush. For now, you’re content with snuggling your best friend and watching a movie.
For now.
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ssplague · 3 years
Alpha Bakugou & his late blooming Omega girlfriend 🌬🥀
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Honorable mentions: @jazzylove @bakugoismisunderstood @koreylive
Okay since so many of you seemed to really enjoy this “Just thinking about”, I’m turning it into a short story. I’m thinking it will have four parts all together (including the original post). So I know I’d said that I’d give you a nice big dose of Scumbag Suki this update, buuuut that was before I knew this was going to take off like it did 🙈 The next one is entirely his POV so you’ll get your fill then!
Part 3
“Suki, did you really have to be that harsh towards Izuku when we left the playground earlier? I know you dislike him now but….”
You trail off as you get settled on the plush, blanket lined floor of the small tent you and Bakugou had set up in your backyard. Supposedly there was going to be “A shit load of shooting stars tonight!” acording to one of your classmates. You were excited and insisted on staying up to watch, and as usual, Katsuki inserts himself into any and everything you do. Therefore; The two of you had rushed home after school, asked both your mothers and pleaded to spend the night together out in the yard. Deciding that you two were still at the age where anything other than star gazing was unlikely to happen, they allowed it.
Battery operated fairy lights were strung along the roof of the tent and a small lantern illuminated the center, giving the inside a pink and orange glow.
“Hah?! No way was I about to let stupid Deku come and ruin OUR sleep over! This is for me and you ________, no one else….just…us” a light breeze blew in through the open tent flap and treated Katsuki to be briefly overcome by your scent.
The two of you had your scent glands come in around the same time and still weren’t entirely used to it just yet. All both of you knew is that you favored each other’s scents over anyone else’s. It was kind of getting embarrassing how much you were beginning to enjoy your temperamental best friend’s spiced caramel aroma. So much so you had to make a conscious effort not to lean into him and sniff at his neck from time to time. He was subtle about it, but certainly didn’t mind bumping into or brushing up against you more often than ever to get a whiff of your intoxicating fragrance. Even getting hit with a face full just now had his brain feeling sluggish as beads of sweat began forming along his hairline.
A voice inside his head started incessantly growling “touch her, touch her TOUCH HER”. Under the guise of getting comfortable he shifted his leg to rest up against yours and his mind quieted instantly.
“I….I know that Kat…I wouldn’t have invited him anyway!” Your face began to redden as you brazenly blurted out; “I like when it’s just you and I, we always have the most fun”.
He instantly perked up at hearing that, but he couldn’t help but ask; “So you like me better than him? You think I’m BETTER than him?”. Leaning into you as he waited for you to answer his question, eyes narrowed.
“You know I do! Besides….” You couldn’t help yourself as you leaned towards him and inhaled deeply “You smell so much better than him too!”.
Oh hell now you’d done it ________, you unknowingly opened the metaphoric Pandora’s box.
He didn’t speak right away, just smirked back at you and enjoyed the devious expression on your face. After another minute spent invading one another’s personal space you were first to snap out of it quickly muttering; “M’sorry Suki I..I dunno what happened I shouldn’t have got in your face like that!”. You sat back up and moved your leg so it was no longer touching his. Unable to comprehend the sudden feeling of sadness at the loss of contact, or attribute it to the fact that you were no longer touching him. Katsuki frowned immediately and scooted back against you, “S’okay princess…s’not like it’s a big deal”. His use of the familiar nickname only succeeding to fluster you further.
The next few moments were spent in silence.
Surprisingly, It was you that eventually broke it asking; “Suki do you know…d’you know what mates are?”. You immediately began to play with the cheap desk telescope you’d brought out to avoid looking at him, your heart was beating a lot faster now. The startled look on his face would have informed you that your question caught him off gaurd; Surely you hadn’t just had the same thought he did?! Well either that or you could read minds….that wasn’t very likely, thank god.
“Ah well my mom told me it’s when two people decide that they want to always be together and get sad if they are ever apart…so they live together….and then other stuff happens that damn brats don’t need to know just yet” he finished lamely, confused as to why he felt so strange reciting his mother’s words exactly as she’d originally said them.
“I get sad when we have to go inside our houses at night and stop playing together” you said, the depressed tone of voice sounded like it was happening right then. “Me too…I wish we lived together cause then you’d always be with me” he confessed shooting you a nervous glance. Your eyes lit up and you beamed at him when the idea suddenly struck; “We have to become mates now Katsuki, we have to!”. You got up on your knees and began frantically shuffling things around the tiny tent. “If we’re mates then our parents can’t tell us we have to stop playing and separate at night! We’ll always be able to stay together!” Your sporadic movement and sudden outburst immediately infected your companion with the same frantic energy, albeit nervous, but excited all the same as he stared at you with wide eyes.
“You’re right _________! That’s a great idea”
“I know!”
“So uh..umm how uh…how do we do that?”
You stop smoothing the blankets out to stare at Katsuki, “You don’t know how?”.
“No” he admits glumly.
You can’t hold back the distressed whimper that escapes you and Katsuki is immediately at your side trying to console you “Hey princess it’s alright-“. “NO!” you exclaim “We need to do this to stay together forever!”.
Then you remembered something; “I see my mom and dad do this every morning”. You roll up the sleeve of your jacket and bring your wrist up, simulating the motion of rubbing it across the scent gland on your neck. Katsuki nods his head in understanding; “Oh yeah, mine do the same thing! Let’s do that!”. He lays back and stretches his neck out, “You do me first and then I’ll do you kay?”.
You nod and smile down at him, shuffling towards his head and bringing your wrist up to his neck. You hold your breath as your skin makes contact with his and start lightly rubbing over his scent gland a few times.
“S-Shit” he says softly, squirming slightly.
“What?! Did I hurt you??!” You ask.
Fear immediately replacing excitement and distracting you from reprimanding him for uttering a curse word as you usually would.
“N-No it didn’t hurt…please d-do it again”
You do, continuing thoughtlessly as you become enthralled by his peaceful expression and relaxed as he starts purring.
“Your turn”
You take his spot laying down on the fluffy blanket strewn floor, shivering with anticipation and the slight chill in the night air. His touch warms you from the inside out and you gasp at the sudden sensation. Relaxing once more, you look up at him through heavily lidded eyes and return the smile he’s giving you.
Neither one of you has any idea that this situation is going to come with serious consequences.
Eventually you remember the whole reason you two had decided to camp out in the first place; “The shooting stars!” You cry sitting up and narrowly avoiding head butting the blonde boy above you. “Hey!” He snarls. You stand and open the window flap in the tents ceiling, just as you do you see the first “star” shoot across the sky. “Woah! Quick make a wish make a wish kat!”.
He won’t admit it…but he does, and so do you.
As more stars shoot across the sky the two of you lay together; Happily curled up in the blankets, snuggling up together. Occasionally one of you brings your wrist up and begins to rub the others neck lazily, while continuing to watch the dazzling light show taking place above you. Both of you end up falling asleep long before it’s over. The sound of Katsuki’s continuous purring, lulling you into the most comfortable sleep possible.
Well that, and how his natural warmth just seemed to consume you….
Warmth…so warm at times it could get uncomfortable.
Like right now…too close…too hot
Your eyes snap open and you take in your surroundings; This is your dorm room, you’re at school right now, safe. Your clothes and sheets are soaked through with sweat. Not just sweat apparently; After waking up more you realize your lower body feels disgustingly sticky. Then a tingling sensation begins at the tip of your toes, rapidly spreading up your legs until it reaches the special place between them. Then it’s like a literal fucking furnace has exploded down there! Not to mention the heavyweight that has now come to rest in your lower stomach as it begins to cramp.
“Ow! ow! Ow!”
You try to feel around the bed for your phone, you could call one of your friends to come help you.Friends….that’s right they all left for the weekend! Wait not all of them left, Katsuki! He’s still here! That’s right, you were supposed to go over to his room, last night? Is it already morning? Fuck who knows.
You start to cry when you can’t feel your phone nearby on the bed, you don’t wanna look for it.
You don’t wanna be alone either though….Your scared. His room is just down the hall it’s not too far away, maybe if you just take it slow you’ll make it. You force yourself to get up, not even caring that all you have on is a tiny pair of sleep shorts and a sports bra.
You bend down to grab your slides out from beneath the bed and slip them on your feet before moving forward.
One foot in front of the other.
Your hunched over, one arm wrapped around your stomach and sweat freely dribbling down your face, coating your chest, sliding down the valley between your breasts.
Jesus, I must look like fucking shit right now.
As you make it into the hallway and start your journey all you can think about is how badly you want to see Katsuki. He always makes everything better somehow; That smile he wears just for you makes your heart sing normally. Right now you just let out a pained keen at the thought. Your inner omega has always been quiet enough to ignore in the past, but now she’s practically screeching like a fucking banshee inside of your head.
Just one word, over & over & over again:
With each screech your primal urges and instincts had began overwhelming you. Eventually reaching a point where the lines between the two began to blur. Making you feel more like a wounded beast that’s gone absolutely feral, while slowly dragging yourself down the hallway.
Once you get about halfway down you start to smell the familiar scent that you’ve become so fond of. Only it’s so much stronger and….muskier? It’s intoxicating, and so potent, you need more! Somehow your legs are moving quicker thanks to this new desperation manIfesting. Once you finally reach his door you have to stop yourself from breaking it down; Frantically pounding on it instead, and now you’ve started crying, salivating, and you’re just a goddamn walking train wreck… Somehow you don’t care, your appearance doesn’t matter, you just need HIM right now.
When the door opens you stumble inside.
The sound of his voice quieting your shrieking omega as soon as it reaches your ears;
“Finally decided to show up? Was waiting all fuckin’ night for you and…hey what’s wrong? Oh shit…fuck”.
Fuck is very right.
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coldbrewfics · 2 years
Naked- Ron Weasley
I can’t believe you’ve seen me naked.
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Where you argue with your ex-boyfriend.
This one has a special place in my heart, something I really needed to write for some personal therapy lol.
“We can talk whenever you’re ready.” Ron stared at you, awkwardly standing in front of the fire of the Gryffindor common room. You have your head resting in your hands, arms braced on either leg as you try to think through the mess of your brain.
Here he stood, asking you, his ex of almost 2 months if you were ready to talk yet. You were in disbelief.
When you first broke up it was fine. Mostly functional. Of course, it came with difficulties, and eventually, those drove a large wedge between you both. You broke up on good terms, which some would consider great. But as time went on it became clear he would be unable to handle you being head girl. Being able to tell him what to do toyed with his masculinity. 
One night a few weeks after the breakup, he pulled you aside.
“You can’t keep telling me what to do like that y/n.”
“Why not?? I am head girl. What do you expect me to do?”
“You could at least trust me to do the right thing.” He stared at you, dead serious.
“Ok, Ron. You need to understand that I currently, and will continue to treat you just like everyone else. That's my job. I am not standing in front of you as your ex but as your head girl and you have to accept that.”
The argument escalated until you were both yelling at each other. Eventually, Harry came to get his friend, dragging him upstairs to the boy’s room without the argument being finished.
You remembered how for the first month he would either act like you were still together or like he hated you. It quickly grew tiring, making you grow mentally exhausted with the changing moods of the boy. You became unstable, snapping at a moment's notice and breaking down at others. You hid it well.
“Do you know what you did?” you whisper. 
“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
You look up at him, your glassy eyes meeting his wide ones. “You really fucked me up, Ron.”
His eyebrows furrow. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, trying to form a proper response. 
You don’t care. You want him to know the pain he put you through. “It was like a fucking game with you. Like you were trying to get back at me for falling out of love with you. At some point you decided you were done toying with me, then you ignored me. Do you know what kind of mental issues that gave me? I thought I was going crazy. Like I was reading into everything way too deep like I deserved the way you treated me. What am I supposed to do with that Ron?” You stand, your hands resting on the top of your head. You were so tired, so exasperated. “You want to talk? Fine. Let's talk. Clearly, you need the closure more. I am the one who ended the relationship after all.” You glare at him, trying to feel nothing.
“I was just trying to get through it y/n.”
Your eyes grow glassy again. “You never tried to play a game with me? I find that so very hard to believe.”
He holds your watery gaze. “I-I- think maybe at the beginning. I was so out of sorts and it felt better having those feelings go somewhere,” he admits.
You scoff and roll your eyes. “That's fucked up,” is all you can say. You choke back a sob, falling back into your seat. “You have so much about me you could've used against me, and the past few months it was like I was waiting for the next shoe to drop. Do you know how tiring that is?? You could have easily lied to the headmaster and gotten me deposed. I was terrified.”
“I wouldn't have done that.”
“There was a possibility. You're more devious than you give yourself credit for.”
He stares at the floor, unmoving. “I’m not sure what you want me to do.”
“As I said before, I want to be left alone,” you spit out at him.
He stays silent for a few moments. “I'll try.”
You look back up at him. “Great.” You pack your things and leave the frozen boy in the common room, not feeling any remorse.
Suddenly, he gets just as angry as you were. “You know, you could act like an actual person, not just a bloody bitch.”
Your head snaps up as you watch him leave, feeling even worse than before.
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candlelight27 · 3 years
Kili - NSFW Alphabet
Kili x f!Reader
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A/N: Where are the Kili lovers?? I really wanted to read fics of him... but they are few in number. If you want to discuss anything kili related write to me or something! :) Also, sorry if this is messy, but it was quite rushed due to my obligations and I couldn’t proofread that much. I hope you enjoy it either way!!
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, fluff. Kinks discussed but I think they are pretty tame.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Kili looks at you with his adoring, dark brown eyes, a tender gleam adorning them. You are lying down next to him as your respiration slows down. Yet, of course, Kili can’t keep his hands to himself, so he reaches for you and accommodates you. He’ll only be satisfied once your head is resting on his shoulder and your body is nestled against his side. You trace your fingers over his hairy chest.
“You are so beautiful”, he says absentmindedly as he caresses the outline of your face. You feel the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “You are perfect in every way. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
Kili’s nose buries in your neck, near your ear, but he doesn’t stop. His sweet nothings continue despite your protests.
“Kili! We should clean this mess…”, you try, while Kili pecks the delicate skin of your neck.
“It can wait ‘til morning…” He yawns, snuggling up even more. You accept your fate, that the dwarf is not going to let you go in all night. You close your eyes, a smile on your face. The warmth evolving you and the exhaustion slowly puts both of you to sleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Kili wouldn’t be able to choose just one part of you. You are his everything and you are perfect to him. However, after hours of Fili and the rest of the company pestering him, he finally gives an answer. It’s your eyes and your lips. Your eyes, because they remind him of the shiny jewels that dwarves treasure and the shiny stars in the summer sky. They are also his favourite colour, and it was the first thing that caught his attention when you met. About your lips… he won’t say much. But his thoughts on that aren’t that pure. He loves your lips because they will wrap around his dick in a delicious way, only to bring him to his limit with your devious ministrations. And when you kiss him, his world stops, and it’s up to you whether it’s sweet or torturously arousing.
His favourite part of his own body are his hands. With them, he can make weapons or delicate pieces of jewellery. With them, he has fight along his brother and uncle countless times. They are strong, fierce, and skilful. They also give him moments of pleasure. He loves them best when his thick fingers are buried deep inside you, completely covered with your wetness. Kili would move his digits back and forth, hearing your sweet moans as if they were music, and then he’d press his thumb against your sensitive bundle of nerves until you beg him to take you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Kili really wants to cum in your mouth and have you swallow his seed. He doesn’t know the reason. It’s something primal.
You are licking his dick slowly, twirling your tongue around his head. Kili can’t stop making obscene sounds at your teasing pace. To end his misery, you placed him in your mouth, at least as much as you can fit, and you bob your head up and down. Kili is too shy to tell you, but that’s the moment where he could cum in your mouth. And he wants to see your mischievous face as you take his essence down your throat, a drop or two falling from your lips…
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Being the young dwarf he is, Kili is pretty smug and likes to show that he knows exactly what he’s doing – even if in reality he doesn’t. You can blame Fili’s constant teasing, or that he’s constantly surrounded by elder dwarves. However, deep, deep inside, something stirs when you tell him what to do and praise him. Kili really hopes you don’t notice how his cheeks reddens and he becomes more enthusiastic as you call him a good boy, or how he tries to satisfy all your requests in bed, because he feels a little embarrassed of his own disposition. But he can’t really help it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Kili is not very experienced. Although he’s actually very interested in these matters, he hadn’t got the time or the chance to share more than a kiss and a grab here or there.
He isn’t completely clueless, though. Fili had the kindness of narrating all his love adventures in great detail. And, even if it horrified him, Thorin had given him a lengthy speech in how to treat women in bed, so he had all the basics covered. Kili is also used to hear the dwarves talk about sex once they were too drunk, and being as young as he is, he’s used to being the recipient of lots of unsolicited advice.
So, when you’re finally in his arms, he’s not a completely disaster. You have to guide him at first, because of his mixture of overexcitement and nervousness, but he gets used to your body soon. It doesn’t take him long to become a deft lover.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Kili loves the posture where he’s sat down and you’re sitting on him, your front facing him. Like this, he can practically grab with his big hands any part of your body and he doesn’t miss any of your beautiful facial expressions. Other thing he loves about this posture is how close you are to each other, almost becoming one.
He’s hearing your moans near his ears, about how big he is, how deep his cock is buried in you. His face is resting near your neck, and he can smell your scent mixed with sweat. Your thighs are squishing his waist as his thrusts are slowly sending you over the edge, again and again. When he bites your shoulder, you can’t take it anymore, your orgasm finally hits you. Kili’s not ready to stop, though, he’s going to enjoy thoroughly having you in this position as long as he lasts, which could be all night.  
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
The only time Kili is serious is when you have sex after a big fight. Otherwise, he’ll be a complete goofball, sometimes smug, sometimes just to happy to be quiet. During foreplay, expect bad jokes and dirty innuendos that will make you laugh, as well as exaggerated declarations of love. During sex, he’s more occupied in other matters, but none can guarantee you Kili will behave.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Kili trims his pubic hair to keep it nice and tidy, but he’s not a fan of shaving, for obvious dwarven reasons. He’s quite well groomed – at least compared to what you were expecting – and it’s become part of his personal charm. About your own hair, he prefers when you just trim it and let it be, but it doesn’t really matter to him because he’s gonna love every bit of your body.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
From time to time, Kili realizes he loves you so much his heart aches. Such intensity is contained within his heart. And he shows it in multiple ways.
You’re riding him, his dark brown eyes fixed on yours. Your hands are resting on his shoulders, and while your hips are moving up and down, he reaches for your face. He caresses the side of you face, then your hair, as if it was the first time he saw a rare gem and was scared to taint it.
“You are my one and only love”, he says, panting. “You know that, right?”
“As if you hadn’t told me a thousand times before”, you answer, yet you can’t help the smile that’s creeping to your lips.
“I do it, so you won’t forget how your favourite dwarf feels.” Kili’s hands travel now to the small of your back. His calloused digits leave the most tender caress across your skin, then holds you softly.
“You are my favourite dwarf? Who said so?”, you tease. He starts helping your own movements with his whole body, speeding up the pace. The pleasure increases, his big dick filling you up and hitting all the right spots.
“I do!”, he grunts. He’s so close. Kili doesn’t want to finish before you, so he puts his fingers to good use. The dwarf touches carefully yet firmly your bundle of nerves, sending shocks of bliss all over your body. You can’t take it anymore, and your own orgasm triggers his.
Kili hugs your body, joining your chest with his. He places a kiss behind your ear, another upon your shoulder.
“My heart belongs to you and not even death would change it”, he whispers. “Mahal made us to be with each other, I’m sure of that.”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Kili is quite simple in his method. He sneaks from the company to a secluded place, does his business thinking about a beautiful anyone he’s met recently and then goes back to his life. He does it every couple of days, maybe even once a week when there are too many dangerous events distracting him. But at some point, he’ll need to relieve himself – blame his age or the lack of stimulus!
The problem comes when he meets you. You invade Kili’s every fantasy. Even though he feels a pang of guilt because you are his friend and a valued ally, he can’t help it. You are just so beautiful, so unknowingly hot, that you awake both his love and his arousal. His need to masturbate grows, and now he uses almost all his alone time to that purpose. It’s not his fault at all, much less when you seem so interested in him and pay him way too much attention. Your caresses are a torture, and your stupid jokes that can be taken as innuendoes.
Once, you almost catch him. It was in the dead of night, all the company was sound asleep, so Kili thought it would be a good moment to touch himself. He was facing the dark forest, a bit distanced from the rest. During that day, you just had to touch his hair, filling his imagination with less innocent situations where that would likely happen. So he feels his dick through his pants, still not hard, but growing steady. Kili then puts his hand inside his pants and engulfs the girth of his member. He sighs, relieved, and starts moving his arm with slow strokes.
“Are you okay, Kili?”, your voice, a mere whisper, calls. It was a crime to be so seductive, in Kili’s opinion.
The dwarf, startled, turns around. Luckily, he’s covered and the thick clothe of the piled blankets doesn’t let anything suspicious show.
“What?”, Kili asks disturbed.
“You sighed… I thought that maybe your wound was hurting”, you explained in a low voice. “You look red too, maybe you have a fever?”
You place your palm on his forehead, and he can’t be more mortified.
“I’m fine! Really!”, he grimaces. He manages to let his cock go, changing his posture. “I’m thankful, really, but better go to sleep. I was having a bad dream, I’m not hurt”, Kili tried to excuse himself.
“I see. Well…”, you look around, then put a wineskin filled with water next to him. “Drink at least a bit of water, please.” You smile and go away. Kili sees that you go back to your sleeping place, and he takes a sip of water. He actually needed that.
The brunet lies back. He’s fucked, he knows it. Thankfully, it wouldn’t take long until you are in his arms loving him back.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He absolutely has a hair-pulling kink. Kili will lose it as soon as your hands find their way to his head and start playing with his chestnut locks. Just your fingers grazing his scalp and his braids is bound to make him feel things and turn him on. But the best part comes when you actually tug it. It’s like a switch for Kili, it makes him go wild. Especially if he’s eating you out, because he’ll make sure to devour every bit of you just before fucking you roughly and thoroughly.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s known how difficult life can get, so he appreciates the comfort of a good bed. He’s one for spicing up your life, going at it in secluded spaces, in the countryside after a picnic, even in the river when you’re swimming together. But he’ll always prefer to make love on a bed. It’s versatile, for you can practice lots of positions, and he won’t suffer any soreness in his body for days afterwards.
However, there’s a forbidden place that piques his interest. Once place that, should someone find him, would enrage his uncle: the throne room. He fantasizes with being sat there, over the cold stone covered by furs, and having you on his lap, riding him. The simple idea of tainting such a solemn place with you makes him hard. Kili is, indeed, a rascal.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
With Kili, there are three ways to guarantee a night filled with passion.
Your first option is touching his hair. When he’s with the rest of dwarves, you love appearing right behind him. You rest your chin on his shoulder, a small loving gesture, but your plan is far from naive. Your hand creeps along his back until it reaches its destination. You caress his hair absentmindedly, paying attention to another dwarf talking. Kili starts wiggling his leg, nervous. He wonders if anyone of his people is watching, because it would certainly scandal the oldest ones. Playing with hair is seen as a serious business, and there you are, touching his in a shameless way. And there he is, enjoying every minute of it. Kili won’t last long before he excuses himself and accompanies you to a more private place.
Your second option is dirty talking. If you catch him by surprise, it’ll work wonders. What turns him on the most are crude sentences. Romanticism can be left for other moments, you need to elicit graphic images in the dwarf’s mind. There’s a plus if someone is near, but can’t hear what you’re saying, because it’ll make Kili blush.
“Tonight, I want you to fuck me so hard I can just babble your name”, your breath caresses his ear.
“Wha-what?”, he says, shocked.
“I’m very needy, I need your dick in me. Doesn’t matter where, you can take whichever hole you like.”
“I-I… You…”, he can’t form any words, so he takes you by your wrist as you giggle, driving you somewhere else.
Finally, your third option is simply being naked. He can’t resist your form. It’s impossible. That’s what makes taking baths with him so hard, you always end up having sex. Sometimes you wait in your rooms, lying on your shared bed, waiting for him to arrive and enjoy his surprise. Other times, you simply take way too long to change your clothes, getting too close to him, going around while you pretend you’d forgotten where you placed your clean undergarments.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not really kin on sharing so a threesome typically turns him off. Kili also hates seeing you hurt, his heart can’t take when you are in pain, therefore, except for spanking – and never overdoing it – he won’t be a fan of pain play or similar kinks.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Kili loves oral. He’s still learning on the giving side, because he’s always a mess, but he makes up for the enthusiasm. He loses track of time while he’s between your legs, drunk on your flavour and the erotic moans you’re making. Kili is a fast learner, you’ll just have to point out a couple of things… and he’ll make you reach your peak in no time.
Nonetheless, he prefers receiving. He loves the way your tongue moves around his head, and how your lips surround him. Kili, however, won’t ask for it often. He leaves it up to you to initiate oral whenever you feel like it. The dwarf will propose a sixty-nine instead, for he’s much more comfortable when the pleasure is reciprocated.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s not rough, only when you tease or provoke him. Although he always has a rather fast pace – he can’t control himself around you. Even when you’re having a romantic session of lovemaking, he will start with slow thrusts, but they’ll be quickly forgotten.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s all up for quickies. Mainly if neither of you have time. He’ll take a second in your arms than none at all. Besides, he find them rather exciting, like a preview of what’s to come at a later time. Kili would initiate quickies often, especially during times of stress where you can’t see each other regularly.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Kili loves experimenting with postures and certain kinks, such as roleplay. And he will take reasonable risks, such as a roll in the hay in a public yet secluded place, or in his brother’s bed. However, he won’t push the limits, because he’s very shy, more so when it involves other people – exhibitionism is exciting when there’s a possibility of people walking in, but not when there’s actual people looking at you, at least in his opinion. he has quite the reputation of a troublemaker, but his intimacy is another matter entirely.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s a resistant dwarf. Kili can go a couple of rounds, long ones, without resting. On special occasions – such as a possible wedding night – he’ll have you awaken all night. Kili can take it, the question is if you’ll be able to resist all the energy and excitement this dwarf has for you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’s not a fan of toys, but he won’t be opposed to try them. He just never has used them, which makes him a little bit timid.  
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kili loves teasing, but he is aware that you have the upper hand and the he’ll suffer the teasing of your counterattack. He will joke around, and provoke you to see your reactions and emotions, but it won’t take him long to give you what you want. He can’t deny you. On the other hand, he knows you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Kili knows how to be quiet. He has a brother and has shared rooms many times. But when there’s the possibility of being alone – and preferably with none around – he loves being very vocal. Kili’s grunts and moans are loud and resonate within the walls of the room. It’s music to your ears, of course, and you tease him about it. But not happy with his own love-making sounds, he’ll encourage yours, and he’ll slap your ass, dirty talk, and, overall, make all the things he can’t usually do because of his shyness.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
A dam once gave you a piece of advice to seduce a dwarf. You put it into practice right away. You were sure it would work on Kili because his kin had certain affinities that were undeniable. Your objective was making the prince fall head over heels for you. You had just realised that you were in love, that he was your one, so you had to do something about it. And it seemed a splendid idea.
It took you quite long to prepare. You had to do your hair with intricate braids. You wondered how Fili and Kili made it seem so easy, but you needed a couple of tries before getting a decent result. Adding the beads and the decoration was the hardest part, if you were being honest, as well as arranging them. The dam told you to add beads that had a subtle meaning, but that would make him realise your true intentions. You chose a star pattern, part of the emblem of Durin’s Folk, and dwarven symbols of love and faith. You hoped that was enough.
Then, you took off all your clothes and put on jewels. You placed a special piece that decorated your chest and your stomach, lots of bracelets and so on. And a ring you had borrowed from Kili just this once.
“You’re there?”, you heard his voice call through your door.
“Yes!” You shouted, reclining over the bed. You were a bit awkward, you didn’t know how to stay.
“Why did you ask me to meet you here?”, he questioned as he closed the door. Kili then turned around and was stunned.
He was completely red, his eyes wide open. For a moment you thought you had completely messed up, but in a second, he was at your side, kissing you intently.
“I don’t know what this is about, but I really like it”, Kili said between passionate kisses. You laughed. “You even stole my ring.” He smirked and brushed his finger against the piece of silver.
“I borrowed it”, you pointed out. “It’s not the same.”
“But…”, he whispered your name, his forehead resting on yours. “Do you know what all this means?” He took a braid in his hand, feeling the patterns on your beads.
“Kinda”, you admitted. “I have an overall idea, yes.”
“And you mean it? That you’re mine?”, the dwarf asked, his arms surrounding you in a tender hug.
“Why would I have done if I didn’t mean it?”
“Mahal, I love you”, he finally stated.
It was the first time he would declare his love, but it wouldn’t be the last. And, needless to say, the night your shared with him was long and intense.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s big in length and girth. It’s not hard to imagine that he is, since dwarves are quite sturdy and strong built. Kili is no exception. He’s not massive, but you definitely need a lot of stretching, otherwise it can sting a bit in the beginning. At first, he was scared to hurt you, and he was nervous. But when he saw that you enjoyed all the process and that you praised his size, he felt the birth of a new pride.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Kili does have a high sex drive, but taking in consideration his age, it’s not that strange. He could take you anytime and anywhere, really, and he’ll feel like doing it at least a couple of times a day. There are exceptions, of course. For example, the time spent in his uncle’s company, when dangers awaited in every corner. During those times, he’d forget his sexual needs plenty of times, although when the night and the time for rest arrived, he often felt it again.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
The dwarf can sleep anywhere. Even over a rock. When you are finished and settled, he can be asleep in a matter of seconds. Still, he knows you need some cuddles and reassuring words, so he will gladly grant them to you. If he’s worried for any reason, he like watching you slowly succumbing to sleep, later indulging himself.
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