#I don't even watch cooking shows why am I so taken with this
mootmuse · 5 months
Cooking competition AU! A post on my dash about that AU for a totally different fandom got a RRR one living in my head. Bheem feels like the competitor who's more mellow, more about family recipes that have been passed down for generations, while Ram's cooking involves all sorts of wild experimental shit. Against audience and judge expectations their cooking styles play off each other really well and the two goad one another into changing their recipes in new and interesting ways, but - gasp - only one of them can win! Cue drama.
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prosciuttulipa · 3 months
Period Pain, Go Away
how the JJK men help you through your period
content: afab reader x jjk men, just fluff this time! brief dirty joke in Toji's one (because he's Toji), but every one of them is a good boi in their own way <33
a/n: on my period and am in much pain v_v i can't decide who i want to comfort me, so i'm writing for all of the men i want
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Gojo Satoru who isn't just your boyfriend during your period, but a "girl's girl". He wants to spoil you with desserts and eat the leftovers that you can't finish, do face masks with those cute cucumber slices over the eyes. You want a bath? He's already drawing one, dunking in bath bombs till the water looks like a small galaxy, putting on your comfort show so you can watch it while you soak.
Dealing with pain through fun and smiles has always been his way of coping. So, yes—maybe he does look a bit silly, gossiping with you while you paint sparkles onto his nails, his hair tied up with a pink scrunchie. But what's a boyfriend for, if not to be your Ken doll during your time of need?
It hurts him more than he likes to admit, to see you wince at a bad cramp, or come out of the bathroom with the colour drained from your cheeks. When you can't manage anything more than lying in your bed, he'll rest his head against your stomach, peppering kisses wherever it hurts. "Be good to my girl," he'll jokingly threaten your uterus, poking your tummy gently, "she deserves the world."
Geto Suguru who knows your period is coming before you do. Your irritable mood and food cravings clue him in, and he takes action without saying a single word.
The day your period starts, you realise that the feminine products you usually use have been fully restocked without your notice. The fridge is filled with your period cravings, enough to last a week. Before you can even say anything, a large hand wraps around your waist and presses a hot water bottle against your abdomen. "Good morning, princess," he greets you like he hasn't just pulled off what can only be described as a small miracle, "is everything to your liking?"
You don't know whether to laugh or cry at how perfectly he's predicted you. He's a step ahead of you throughout your entire period, knowing which snack or act of affection you want just by your expression. Some might call his behaviour unreasonable; frankly, he thinks it's bullshit. "Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer," is what he quotes, when you ask him why he's so observant. "What makes you think I do not absolutely and utterly worship you?"
Nanami Kento who is obviously written by a woman, and so does not flinch when he sees the blood on the bedsheets when he wakes up earlier than you. Instead, he kisses you good morning till you're giggling, distracting you so you don't get a chance to see the stains. He changes the sheets while you're in the bathroom, throwing them in with the rest of the laundry. When you come back out, worrying you dirtied the bed, he merely shrugs. "I didn't see anything, darling."
He treats you like a queen on the daily, but during your period, you're his empress. Each word is law, each action his cue to immediately come to your aid. He'll cook every meal, and won't let you hold the spoon to feed yourself if he can help it. As far as he can see, your only responsibility this week is to lounge around, and let him spoil you rotten.
He thinks it's a crime that you still have to go to work, when you have to pop painkillers with your breakfast just to make it through the day. "I can take care of you, you know," he'll inevitably murmur, kissing the shell of your ear, "I make enough money to support us both. Take the day off, dearest. They don't need you more than I do."
Toji Fushiguro who manages to piss you off on the first day of your period. "What size pussy you wear?" he calls to ask, when he's picking up your feminine products at the corner store, "gotta make sure I take care of that kitty for all the squeezin' she does on me."
When he gets back home and finishes getting an earful on how you're more than just his pocket pussy, he apologises by scooping you up in his arms. "You know you're more than just a good fuck, doll," his words carry a rare sort of honesty, coming from him. "You're a good woman. My woman. Gun's in the second drawer, sweetheart—shoot me if I ever do wrong by you."
His touches turn softer, the smack to your ass replaced with a squeeze on the hip, kisses on your shoulders. He's got a hand on you at all times, just rubbing idle circles against your stomach or lower back to soothe your cramps. When bedtime comes, he makes you lay on your tummy, massaging away the tension in your muscles until you're all nice and pliant. He may not always know what to say, but he'll be damned if his actions make you feel like he doesn't love you.
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thestarrynightslover · 9 months
Discreet Not Detached
Pairing: Harvey Specter x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1,397
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: Mike goes to Harvey's apartment to deliver some files only to be proved wrong about his boss being a lonely workaholic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the show Suits, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: My first Harvey fic in a while, I had the idea based on an episode (I don't remember exactly which) and tried to elucidate to it here. Anyways, I hope it doesn’t suck and feedback is appreciated as usual!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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Another day in the office, another drama for Harvey Specter: this time it was his associate, Mike Ross, wanting to tell his girlfriend the whole truth about the terms of his employment and Harvey couldn’t let him do it, for obvious reasons. But, as you’d expect, namecallings happened and it all ended with Mike throwing in Harvey’s face his being an alleged workaholic in lack of a personal 一 and, in this case, love 一 life. Emphasis on alleged, cause what Mike didn’t know was that his boss actually did have someone to go home to…
It had been a long day but at least you got to go home to your excentric puddle of comfort of a boyfriend: New York City’s best closer, Harvey Specter. Once you got to your place, where the two of you lived together, you were welcomed with the smell and the view of a freshly cooked dinner that Harvey probably had someone making for the two of you.
As you started taking off your coat and shoes by the door, Harvey came out of your shared bedroom wearing nothing but sweatpants and looking like he’d just taken a shower. “Oh, hey, honey!” He greeted you with a smile on his face. “Sorry I didn’t wait for you to shower but I mingled too much with people of dubious hygiene today, so I kinda really needed to get clean.”
“Ah, that’s okay,” you said while pouting cutely at the same time. “At least dinner is ready, 'cause I am starving!”
“Ha! You say it like it’s cutting-edge news!” He tells you, as he puts on a shirt 一 much to your disappointment. 
“What is that supposed to mean?!” You ask feigning offense while putting away your bag, shoes, and coat.
“It means that you’re always starving, sweetheart,” Harvey answers nonchalantly like it’s nothing.
“That is not true! Or at least it’s not entirely true: I’m always starving if it’s past mealtime and I haven’t eaten!”
“Sure, whatever you say, baby!” He says it already knowing that your hunger and all the pet names will only soften you.
“You know what? After today I don’t even have the energy to bicker with you…”
“That bad, huh?”
“The ED was a complete chaos today, apparently all hospitals were swamped, which is why they called more surgeons downstairs to help out. I’ve been on my feet the entire day! I’m basically dead.”
“Dramatic… But I’m sorry you had a shitty day, baby.” He said coming to hug you from behind in your bathroom. Looking at your reflex in the mirror 一 both of you, together like that 一 filled your heart with love and your mind with peace. Harvey was definitely your happy place.
Some time later, after you’d had your dinner, gotten ready for bed, and watched a sappy rom-com you chose, you and Harvey were already cuddling, almost asleep when you heard insistent knocking on the door.
“Stay here, honey, I’ll go see what that’s all about.” You sorta heard Harvey say to you as you lost your personal space heater.
Out in the living, Harvey opened the door only to find his associate Mike Ross standing there looking all tired and disheveled. Before his boss could even say anything, he went ahead entering the apartment mumbling about the case they were currently addressing in the office.
“Harvey, you’re not gonna believe what I found about our not-so-innocent school teacher!” He said to the older man with such energy that sounded like he had had a few too many energetics.
“What the hell, Mike?! Why are you showing up on my doorstep this late at night?”
“Because I knew you’d wanna see this as soon as possible, besides, it’s not like you’d have anything important going here, would you?” Mike asked sorta mocking Harvey.
Ignoring his employee’s last comment, he took the papers Mike was offering and said: “This better be good, Ross, otherwise you’re gonna meet a whole different side of me.
As Harvey started reading all the documents, Mike started having a look around, cause when would he have another chance at taking a peek at his boss’s house like that again? And he couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing, he would definitely be making a few thousand jokes about it in the near future: there was a romance novel lying on the table, one of those with drawings on the cover that were becoming so popular then.
“Oh my God, Harvey, when were you gonna tell me about your love for reading?” He asked while pointing at the book with his head. 
As Harvey’s eyes emerged from the papers in his hands with a confused look to them, Mike continued: “You know you could have told me, in fact after seeing the kinda genre you like I might actually ask for some recommendations, you know, to get my grandmother a few as presents.” The younger man said already starting to laugh loudly.
“That’s not mine…” Harvey began to answer with his mind still on the documents at hand.
“Oh no? You know there’s no need to lie to me, I promise I’ll try not to judge!”
“Funny. But that’s actually-”
“Mine!” You said as you came out of the bedroom wearing nothing but one of Harvey’s expensive dress shirts. “I don’t think we’ve met yet!” You exclaimed, already extending your hand to shake Mike’s. “I’m (y/n), Harvey’s girlfriend.”
“Girl- g- girlfriend?” Mike looked so shocked he almost choked on his laughter.
“Yes, but it’s doctor (y/l/n) for you.” He answered instinctively moving to your side. “What are you doing out of bed, sweetheart?”
“Sweetheart?” Mike murmured to himself in disbelief of the version of Harvey he was seeing, especially after their argument in the office and the things he’d said to Harvey.
“Well, I assumed it was something work-related when I noticed how long it was taking you to come back and came to drag you back to bed!” You announced to your boyfriend entangling your bodies with certain disregard for the other man standing there in shock.
Only then did Mike notice a framed picture on the sideboard behind him and it displayed both you and Harvey looking at each other with love in your eyes as he carried you bridal style into the water on a beach. Which was another surprise to the young attorney since he didn’t even know that Harvey was a fan of beaches.
“So you’re the famous Mike Ross, then?” You asked, catching his attention again. “You know, it’s very rare for someone to impress Mr. Specter here like you did!”
“Oh, honey, don’t do that, or he’ll spend an entire month finding new ways to subtly bring up in every conversation-”
“Oh, there won’t be anything subtle about it, Mr. Specter,” Mike said mockingly, finally coming out of the shock he had been on. “But I’m curious now, how long have you two been together?”
“About three years, isn’t it, babe?” You answered quickly not paying any mind to the mockery on Mike’s voice.
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Wow, I never would’ve guessed it. Harvey never talks about you. Like ever.” Mike impolitely announced. “I mean, I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend and it’s been months since we started working together.”
“Well, that sounds about right since we don’t like to display our personal lives at work.” You said nonchalantly.
“But do Jessica and Donna know?”
“Of course they do. Must I remind you that you’re not a Donna or a Jessica, Mike?”
“Ouch. But do Lewis and Rachel know?”
“No, and no. And as interesting as your findings were, it’s time for you to leave. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow at the office.”
“Mike. Now!”
“Oh, Harvey, don’t be like that.” 
“He needs to go now and we need to go back to bed, so bye, Mike!” Harvey said while shoving Mike out the door.
And after he was gone, just like in the picture, Harvey picked you up from the floor and started carrying you back to the bedroom.
“Harvey!” You squealed out. But he didn’t mind it as he tossed you on the bed, got on top of you, and started kissing you. Apparently, Mike’s visit had put him in a good mood. And, apparently, it was going to be a long night.                                                                 
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faeryarchives · 4 months
heartslabyul with a furina-like female reader! the "regina of all waters, kindreds, peoples and laws" is deeply loved by all. under her flamboyant and imprudent facade, lies a girl holding an unbearable weight and guilt on her shoulders to save her people. note: contains major spoilers about fontaine story quests (you have been warned) !! furina - like female reader series: savanaclaw recent fics: you feel like home & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader)
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-‘๑’- riddle rosehearts
"who are you people? and why are you all dressed suspiciously? no, don't come near me, i am warning you!" "calm dow- where did these water familiars came from?!" "stay back i said!"
riddle was taken aback by your sudden behavior and your ability to wield a sword as well as commanding your familiar like it's your second nature! but weapons are still not allowed on school grounds 🤬
after the incident, riddle thought he wouldn't interact with you again when somehow manage your way to the dorm and stepped in when he was about to collar his dorm mates
"i don't think it's appropriate for you to chain your subjects like prisoners, mr. riddle. that is not a proper way of to rule." "don't stand in my way, what do you know about ruling?!" "... you have no idea."
and you proved him so wrong after overhearing your conversation with your heartslabyul friends. it's not like he intended to eavesdrop but it just happened that he was passing by
"after 500 years of acting on stage - i am finally free to live as a normal human again without the need to act as a strong and more god-like version of myself. but the problem is, i don't know where to start."
riddle made it his mission to always make you feel welcomed in the heartslabyul dorm and gradually became close friends with you
who knew that the two of you are similar to each other? from ruling over a community to having tea parties and your love for sweets
"riddle, you can enjoy sweets as much as you want. you dont need to follow such suffocating rules." "...what a pleasant surprise, truly an extra slice of joy."
believe it when i say he is very fond of your salon members and even went out his way to always give them a proper greeting and send them invitations for the unbirthday parties.
it was like he is healing his inner child along with you + very comfortable to the point that he doesn't even hesitate to ask you for advice 🫡 rather than an older sister you were like his twin
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-‘๑’- trey clover
it is bad to have favoritism but trey clover took the cake immediately after watching him bake the most delicious cake you ever tasted
sorry to all fontaine patissier or fontaine in general but maybe you might as well stay in this world ... kidding 🧍🏻‍♀️
out of everyone you met, trey's firs impression was the second best (kalim being first for obvious reasons) he was like your dear friend who adores tea time but more laid back verion of them
"what a rich aroma and delicate texture... i didn't expect you to be such an accomplished cook... with refined taste, as well!" "a compliment from the regina herself is such a worthy praise for someone like me." "nonsense, trey! you are the best one out there!"
with curiosity getting the best of you, you always try to help out during the unbirthday parties and learn how to cook and bake from the vice dorm leader
... after all having pasta everyday is not very healthy 😭
listens to your rambles about the novels you've read befora and suggests you some that he have on hand! at this point he might as well be your guardian angel
despite being smaller than most of the student at nrc - you shocked the whole heartslabyul group after fighting off the known bully group of seniors trying to scare some freshmen
"now go along and never show your faces to me again. capiche?" "woah, i thought you said you are not used to battling!" "mmm, i did. but it's different from my abilities, no?"
you were the opposite of trey, rather than being embarrassed, you know your strengths and weaknesses and use it to your advantage
"trey, don't tell me you are just an ordinary person, you liar. you can't fool me with your downplaying talk!"
he can't fool you with that but trey pulls some harmless pranks on you by tricking you in putting a different recipe in the pie orsomething
he learned his lesson after you really followed his instructions and became the first victim to his own prank
you always seem to pride yourself as a strong and capable woman and how despite everything you are going through you always go for it headstrong
"now look at you, getting sick. i told you not to overwork yourself right?" "mmm, sorry big brother..."
did you just say 🥺 older 🥺 brother? after that he wears that title like a cape everyday and even brags it to cater 😭
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-‘๑’- cater diamond
oh cater absolutely adores you the moment he saw your outfit because it is so well made?! 🫨 not only that - you were like giving the total celebrity vibes
"you have an eye for discerning people! yes, i am once the most beloved star of my country... but that time already came to an end."
sometimes while he tags along whenever you, grim and the adeuce duo hangs out - he always had this feeling that you are staring deep into his soul 👁️👁️
as much as he puts up his usual cheerful facade to fool you, it was like arguing up to a wall and you finally pointed it out one day during your tea parties
"you know, you don't have to force yourself to eat sweets. i cooked some habanero pepper cream pasta earlier with
you might as well become his favorite underclassman 🥺
no wonder you were able to read him so well because you revealed that some how seeing him act in such way reminds him of yourself in the past
"sometimes acting for so long can make you wonder if people can really see through you or was it all fake." "but that is how it is right? how can other people know us when we don't even know ourselves?"
anyways! every now and then, cater would appear right on your doorsteps with small clothes and hats in shopping bags to give it to the salon members
it was funny to see your salon members have a new member and they treat him like their own son 😭🤍
as much as he want to tease you sometimes - he try not to over do it after seeing you let the salon trio chase after ace and grim all over the maze with threatening looks in their eyes.
"wow, mademoiselle crabaletta looks so energetic when she got to hit ace at the back of his head." "well, ace did pissed her off by playing rock paper scissors with her." "... did she win?" "i don't know, you tell me big brother cater."
... he will never let it down after owning his title as your big brother 😭 get ready to receive random gifts every now and then because this big brother cater is ready to spoil you to rotten
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-‘๑’- ace trappola
having to get sprayed and hit by multiple bubbles in the face was certainly not on ace's list 😭 remind him to never play rock paper scissors with mademoiselle crabaletta ever again
he really like to be your friend genuinely 🙏 not that you mind though because ace is fun to talk too + you were able to adapt and learn about this world thanks to him, deuce and grim
but sometimes, he can be a little too reckless in roping you in trouble
"woah! (name) put mr seahorse down and let's talk about this!" "oh so you prefer my sword instead?" "it was just a harmless prank!" "then why is there an anemone on grim's head, again?!"
after you were comfortable enough to tell your story - ace thought he was actually dreaming because how did you stay sane after that 500 years?!
will ask you to help him with his studies and practicing magic + probably thought you were clueless but after years of searching every nook and nanny in your nation's library, you were like a walking dictionary
"how come you get a higher score than me in animal languages?!" "i was wondering how on teyvat did you get a lower score than me?"
omg you traitor 👩🏻‍⚖️
your number one buddy with midnight snacks + everytime he would sneak out of the dorm he always bring some sweets as a bribe to let him stay
there are times that you always fool ace by acting especially in front ofriddle when he accidentally dropped your cake in accident
despite the shenanigans between you two, he always trusts you to have his back
"(nickname) cover for me!" "alright! let the world come alive, hehe!"
whenever the salon members feel silly, they will go and chase after him and you just let them be - even they shower him with love in unexpected ways.
"recently, i've been wondering if Iife been a little too hard on myself in the past. i never got the chance to enjoy my life." "then let's go grab cater-senpai and go shopping!"
he will not let you experience such loneliness again! not when he is one of your first friend here in wonderland.
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-‘๑’- deuce spade
opposite to ace, he is mademoiselle crabaletta's favorite for some reason or even the whole salon members are fond of him !
while he is more on the less troublesome side - he still make some troubles but you can see how much he was trying to not get you involve in it 😭
"deuce, you could've just told me earlier about this..." "i'm sorry, i don't want you to get involve again." "you are really a jester. we are friends! how can i not help you when you are facing problems?"
just as you listen to his problems, you were surprised that deuce is a great listener 😮 its not sarcasm !!
it first came to you during the octavinelle incident when deuce found you crying behind the ramshackle down, hugging your knees and being surrounded by your salon members, trying to calm you down
"i still couldn't do it... i do not belong in this world now i don't even have a place to stay..." "(name)..." "d-don't look at me like this! just give me a second." "no it's okay, let it out. i am so sorry for putting the pressure on you."
the sweetest guy??? ever??? he will try to include you in discussions about this world itself and wouldn't let you feel out of place
you even found him taking down notes whenever you get the chance to talk about your nation and people
"you have a dragon as a friend?!" "yea, don't let the dragon title fool you though. he is very kind but all he eats and drink is water every break time."
while ace had your back, deuce got your sides covered + knows fully how capable of being the front liner
"how dare you!?" "ah, (nickname) don't go to far!" "... remind me to never mess with her again."
remember the phantom back in the mines? you encountered one again and after it made one of your salon members disappear - the trio watch you literally annihilate the monster
seeing you all impatient and having a childlike temper made him laugh because you weren't so different from them after all
but please do not rush in battle so suddenly, you might as well give him a heart attack 😵
don't tell the others but deuce really looks up to you as an admirable person + not only you were able to endure everything for a long time, you still have the heart to forgive everyone who doubted you.
"do you know that you are really a respectable friend?" "...? oh my god, did you eat mushrooms for breakfast again?" "i'm serious!" "oh is that so? well i am proud of you. don't you know you improved a lot too?"
it's 7 am in the morning are you trying to make him cry? 🥹
having you with him during his high school life is an unexpected but wonderful experience - learning other things together + being interested in the same things? he had never felt such comfort before
deuce just hope that even though he and ace are seen as troublemakers, you won't hesitate to let your walls come down when times get rough 🫂
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 5: bonding exercise
Alastor x (f! bunny reader) -Fluff- chapter 1
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your POV:
through out my time here in hell I have grown accustomed to the musty hot atmosphere of the underworld and the loud mornings of screaming, gun shots, and road rage, its hell after all and there technically isn't any rules. me and angel hang out a lot more, behind his sex jokes and playful demeaner hes a great friend. husk and I are cool I suppose, according to him I'm more tolerable. Nifftys a bit crazy and energetic but I enjoy helping her clean sometimes, but one person that's been on my mind a lot is Alastor. hes always watching me, I catch him staring at me with that weird smile, I wonder if his face hurts from smiling all the time...none of my business what he does I just wish he wasn't so eerie. I was in the lobby this morning when Charlie called us over for a "bonding exercise", seeing everybody gathered in there seats I sit on the couch next to angel, "good morning everybody thank you for comingggg, I would like to have you all here for a little bonding time yayy!!!..." the silence was defiantly loud... "uhm- well I though we could all do something fun like drawing!" standing behind her vaggie comes out with paper, markers, and crayons "oooo colors" niffty giggles "what's does this look like kinder garden?" "angel please try and at least participate" letting out an annoyed grumble he agrees "fineee..." "great! were all going in partners and you will draw each other, that sound fun right!!?" oh no... "charlies with me, husks with angel, and Alastors with y/n, nifftys can uhm..." "oh oh can I be the judge!!!" "sure..." "you gotta be fucken kidding me..." "aww cmon whiskers I'm not that baddd~" walking to there partners I turn to see Alastor sitting on the arm chair looking at me with a wide grin on his face, "fuck me..." I grumble walking over to sit on the floor beside him "well my dear looks like its just me and you" "yeah... me and you" grabbing two pieces of papers and some crayons "I cant even draw..." "oh don't worry I'm sure you will do just fine!" "why am I doing this again..." "cheer up dear this is supposed to be fun after all, I cant be that hard to draw" "yeah your right just need two colors" scribbling on the paper I start at the base of his face, doodling his creepy smile and red hair, looking up I see him studying me curiously "what's the matter, am I hard to draw?" I say smugly "not at all dear your quite easy to draw" ouch, thanks...
Alastors POV:
I never really focused any time on things such as art, yes I can cook and maybe play the piano but drawings not one of my few good skills although ill give it a shot. I would have never guessed I would be sitting here doing one of charlies silly little projects, attempting to draw y/n I look at here for a while, this is the closest I have ever really been next to her, my she really is small it makes me want to squeez her tiny little body, her head could fit in my hand easily. I have noticed a few things while observing her, her ears twitch when she's focused on things like now, her pink bunny nose twitches when she's scared, and her fluffy tail wags when she's exited or annoyed what a strange individual...
your POV:
"ok guys once your done with your drawings you will show them off to your partners!!", as a few minutes pass by I have finished my drawing and well I'm quite disappointed in myself, man I should have taken art class in high school "I finished if your ready to show them" hell no... "I- I'm done but I don't think I wanna... "oh I'm sure its not that bad" giving the drawing one last glance I turn the page I show him the drawing facing away to hide what little dignity I had left. hearing a quiet static buzz noise I look back up seeing him looking at the drawing with a questionable face "I know its badd!!!" "w-well I wouldn't say that dear its just..." "just say its bad!" "its interesting" "well what does yours look like?" turning his page my jaw drops to the floor, what is this creepy deer man not good at "its not my best work but-" "are you kidding me Al this is good!" standing up I grab the drawing, it was in crayon but it looked just like me. pausing I try to tone down my excitement seeing alastor wide eyed from my reaction "I'm glad you like it dear" "what cant you do" "well I did say I was a man of many talents but drawing isn't one of them" "do you uhh mind if I keep this..." "not at all dear~" "you don't have to keep mine you can just throw it-" "nonsense its mine isn't it?" "yes.." "then I will keep it". for once he seemed to have a genuine smile on his face, not some creepy ass smile, its kind of nice...
Alastors POV:
I don't know why but I wanted to keep her silly little drawing, its...cute?. it looks nothing like me but its quite amusing seeing her all embarrassed. I was surprised to see she liked my drawing, her eyes lit up with a small smile on her face, it feels good to know my work is appreciated even in the... strangest things it gives me a sense of pride, I might hang it in my radio tower...
your POV:
looking at everybody else I saw Charlie bouncing on her heels looking at a little doodle vaggie made how cute~, husk made a sloppy doodle of angel and angel just drew himself. niffty was running around looking at others drawings, eventually she got around to ours, climbing on my shoulder she looks at Alastors drawing "ooooOooo you look so cute in the picture!!" I smile a bit "thanks niff" grabbing her off my shoulder I set her down "well that's the end of the exercise, how was it!" "ehh it wasn't to bad" "it was alright" "whatever...im going back to the bar" Charlie puts on a little smile "well do one again next week, maybe we could make cookies together or do all about ME's oh oh!! what about-" "ok hon slow down" "sorry". this was nice, hell isn't that bad, at least not here. better than home...
hey guys!!! I was supposed to release this earlier but I'm a little sick right now from the cold weather but I refuse to let you guys down! I made this chapter a little longer than usual so I hope you guys loved this cute chapter as much as I did, love you guys have a good day/night
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@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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scoupsoup · 3 months
"Out of all the birthday gifts i've received, you're my favourite"
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Synopsis~ In which your best friend forgets your birthday but gives you the best gift you could ever get.
Pairing~ Hong Joshua x gn!reader
Warnings~ Short fluff, both of you are VERY smitten for each other. Bestfriends-to-lover. Reader has long hair.
Word count~ 3.6k
It was 11:35. Even though you weren't that big on celebrating birthdays, you were definitely saddened by the fact your best friend forgot your birthday.
You knew he was a busy man but even a tiny message on your phone would've lifted your spirits up. Maybe another reason why his birthday wish mattered more was because you had feelings for him which you had promised yourself, you'd put aside and move on from but it wasn't easy as he was known to be gentleman and his tendencies to care slightly more than a normal friend would, had you falling for him more everyday.
He did small things like cook you breakfast every time he stayed over for the night. Make sure to buy stuff you like whenever he'd go grocery shopping for his place. Would bring you chocolates,ice cream, your favourite food and even roses when you weren't feeling as good. He was always there for you, always. Which is why you thought if he gave you a good enough reason, you'd forgive him in a second.
You had already started watching the new movie which you had hoped to watch with him. You sat with your favourite noodles (which he had brought the last time he went shopping) and tried taking your mind off him.
The ringing of your doorbell and then the door opening was enough to raise your heartbeat as it was obvious it was Joshua as he was the only one with a spare key to your house.
He was wearing a simple white tshirt with simple white pants yet he looked so good under the dim light of your living room. "Gosh, y/n I am so sorry-" "save it shua, unless you've got a good explanation I don't wanna hear it" he had taken his shoes off and kept the small paper bag he was carrying down at the table, beside your still warm ramen. "I know, I am so sorry. I was caught up with work and yes I know I could've messaged, but I had a special gift to give and I wanted it to be in person-" he stopped as he took out his phone from his pocket, "it's 11:55, it's still your birthday, happy birthday y/n" he said with a huge smile on his face as he put out his hands in a hug. Gosh if he kept behaving like this, how were you supposed to stay mad at him.
He took the cake out which he had bought. It was all white with red hearts and a happy birthday with your initials was on lettered in it in red icing. "It's for you, but we can save it for later because I have something more important for now" he smiled.
He got up, quickly kept the cake in the fridge and sat back down. He opened the paper bag and took out a small velvet case, "Before I give it to you, I need to ask you something" he kept the box in his lap and took your hands in his and looked into your eyes.
"You're the most special person in my life y/n. You make me the happiest person in this world, every moment I spend with you is my favourite. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes, everything that makes you, you. is my favourite. You're my favourite person." He took the box in his hands and opened it
A small half heart silver pendant was facing you, he turned it around to show you the small hj inscribed in it. "Would you like to go out with me? I promise to love you with every breath, every moment we spend together."
You were in tears. This felt like a fever dream, the man you loved for so long was here in front of you saying words you've yearned to hear. "Y/n.. you haven't said anything yet" "oh my god shua, how could I ever say no. You're the most precious person to me" you chuckled "i'd love to go out with you" you wiped your tears as you pulled him in a hug.
He was smiling so hard, his cheeks were hurting but he didn't care. "Wait, here, let me help you wear this" you turned around slightly, pushing your hair aside, so he could put it on you. "Gosh shua, this is so pretty" "Andddd I have the other half of the heart with your initials in it" he showed you his, which was hidden under his white shirt.
You completed each other like the matching Lockets, which were now a sign of your love.
"Oh right, the movie! I know it's not your birthday anymore but we can still watch it right?" "Yeah we can" you smiled as he pulled you closer.
Your arms were tangled in each other. Your lips on his. You guys had long forgotten the movie that was playing as right now, it was you, him and your love which was all that mattered. Your kisses were saying everything that was left unsaid.
"Shua" You said on his lips, causing him to pull apart slightly. "Hmm?" He hummed. "Do you know what's my favourite birthday gift ever?" "The matching lockets?" "No, you"
A/n- I loved writing this! Someone get me a shua too :((( this one made me so soft and the fact that I was listening to darling while writing this, made it better. Hope you had a fun time writing! Leave feedback it helps :)<3
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭1000 Years Old [10/12] - This is dragging and I am incredibly bored.
🇹🇭23.5 [4/12] - This show is incredibly cute and I'm smiling through the whole thing. Aylin is my favourite and I'm hoping against hope for the teachers to become a couple. Make it happen gmmtv!
🇹🇭Deep Night [6/8] - The long shots are killing me but the story is moving fast. There's a surprising amount of good communication and the throuple is almost inevitable a this point.
🇰🇷Jazz for Two [6/8] - This is the first bl show where I read the source material before the show and I wish I hadn't. The changes that were made just don't make sense to me, because I don't see how it serves the story. But putting that aside, the story feels rushed and the pacing is weird. The second couple doesn't read believable with this time frame. Anyway I might edit this post when I watch the last 2 episodes. [EDIT] Completed. Final thoughts here. 🇯🇵Love is Better The Second Time Around [4/6] - Why must you do this again Japan? 6 episodes for this one? I'm not happy about this. This show is so good. I love how the mains communicate, not to mention they are beautiful to watch.
🇯🇵My Strawberry Film[7/8] - I have no idea what this show is about nor it seems does it. Do I care at this point? Nope, not really. Let it be over.
🇹🇭To Be Continued [6/8] - This is getting into The Promise territory and I'm not amused. Another one that is dragging and I like the second couple but they barely have any screen time. I'll finish it because there are only two episodes left but I'll be sprinting to the finish line.
🇹🇼Unknown [7/12] - It hurts so good. The songs were killing me this episode. I really liked the separation, I think it was necessary for them. Yuan seems more mature and it will be interesting to see how it changes the relationship.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭Cherry Magic Th – What a wonderful surprise this was. Tay and New are beautiful together and their chemistry was on point. I really liked how the source material was used here.
🇯🇵Cherry Magic Anime – It was quite faithful to the manga with only a couple of deviations and of course it didn't cover everything but I really enjoyed watching yet another version of these characters.
🇹🇭Dead Friend Forever – It was quite a ride. I specially enjoyed the communal watching of this one and all the theories as more people tuned in. Didn't love the ending but it was better than I thought. Still not over White though. 🇯🇵Although I Love You, and You? - Started great, the middle was meh, and by the end I wasn't invested enough in the couple so even though it ended happy, it didn't make up for the rest of it. 🇯🇵Perfect Propose - Great all the way through. I loved this characters a lot and still think it's amazing how well the time was used here. 🇯🇵Ossan's Love Returns - It's Japan at it's finest. Love, food, chaos, found family and cherry blossoms. What more can I ask for? 🇯🇵She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat - My heart grew.🖤
🇹🇼Anti Reset - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. This started off strange and most of the show doesn't seem to know what it wanted to say about the AI part of it. It drove crazy on a weekly basis. But I thought their chemistry was really good and they are just an adorable couple. These 4 VBL series [Stay By My Side, You Are Mine, Vip Only] were a mixed bag for me. I think Stay By My Side is my favourite overall.
🇨🇳The Spirealm - First of all, Ruan Lan Zhu is absolutely gorgeous and his outfits are always perfection. The visuals are really good. This was definitely not a cheap production. The sets for all the doors are incredible. Talking only about the game, I gotta say the second door was my favourite. The bromance toes the line, but I'm not surprised this was taken down. I think if they'd kiss it would be less obvious than some of their scenes. I'm not going to spoil the ending but if you're thinking about watching here's your warning. A bit after the halfway point it gets incredibly sad and the ending is just heart-breaking.
Dropped 🇹🇭A Secretly Love [3/10] 🇹🇭Kiseki Chapter 2 [2/6] Also haven't started Two Worlds because I'm waiting to know if I should bother. I'm experiencing a bit of Thai bl fatigue so we'll see.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Takumi-kun 1: And The Spring Breeze Whispers (2007) - The editing is choppy as hell and it gets hard to understand the characters motivations. And the acting is not good. Yeah, not a fan of this one. Udagawachou de Matteteyo (2015) - This one is weird. I recently watched Life as a Girl so I admit that the comparison doesn't help this one at all. The idea is interesting but the execution is poor. There's a couple of scenes that are a bit hard to watch. In this particular story I think if we had a bit more insight to the characters motivations it would've helped me connect and feel more invested. In the end, for my particular goal it was fine I guess.
Other - Watched
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🩷Tengu's Kitchen (2023) | Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (2022) Formula 17 (2004) | Mars: Zero no Kakumei (2024) | 🩷Joshi-teki Seikatsu (2018)
1 Year of Rose-Tinted Glasses
It's been a year of Rose this month. And it's been kinda great. It took me a while to get over my shyness here and I still feel intimidated but it's gotten better. The people in this space have been really kind to me and I appreciate it so much. Thank you so much for the space.
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. Happy Easter to all who celebrate.
Have a good week💜
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webslingingslasher · 5 months
you’re too sweet ily and i am being brave about being sick and looking after myself coz i am alone ugh where’s the fictional boyfriend who can cook me food and make me hot drinks….
you told peter the only fix would be some chicken noodle soup, he told you, albeit nicely, that he doesn't make soup. peter offered to order you some and he'd gladly bring it, and maybe it is a little dramatic, but you told him it wasn't the same. it had to be homemade.
sitting in bed, blanket tucked under your chin, you felt horrible. your nose couldn't decide between being clogged or a leaky faucet. coughing burned your throat, and you were fighting a fever.
your boyfriend sent you an 'incoming' text, you blink around the room. death would be easier, you think.
just like he said, a gentle knock was produced at your door. you appreciate peter coming by, but you don't dare let him in, you keep telling him you refuse to get him sick.
it takes longer than a minute to rise, you hope he doesn't mind. shuffling towards your door, you peek through a crack, he has a smile so wide and bright you copy it, just for a second, until a cough comes and you hide behind the oak.
'my poor baby,' he somehow eased himself into your room while you were busy trying to catch your breath. his lips were slightly cold on your forehead. 'you feel a little warm, have you taken your temperature?'
'yeah,' you sniffle, your back to not being able to breathe. 'it's going down.' another kiss, you push him away, your eyes catching on to a hand behind his back.
'what's that?' rather than tell, he shows. a container filled with chicken soup, homemade for sure. you gasp, eyes sparkling wide, you reach for the plastic; it's still warm.
'i thought you said you don't make soup?'
'i don't. but, may does. and she was more than willing to provide when i told her how sick you are.' you hug the container to your chest, it was an action of love. from peter's aunt and him.
'can you facetime her? i need to tell her how grateful i am.' your boyfriend's already pulling his phone from his pocket, but he still takes the time to tease you. 'and nothing for me? spider-man sailed across the city so his girlfriend could have hot soup.'
you bow your head, 'thank you, spidey.' peter's phone rings out, he doesn't seem happy at your response. 'close enough.' may's face pops up, you shove the container into the camera, your own face shortly after.
'peter said you made me soup. thank you very much.' a shocked laugh, she brushes you off. 'oh! you're very welcome, but i didn't do much. i just supervised peter.'
you wack peter's arm, he pouts at his aunt while you pester him. 'you said may made it! why are you lying to me?' you crack the lid and take a deep inhale, the steam fights off the sinus infection, it smells like home.
'in case it's bad.' it's may's turn to berate. 'peter!' you take a sip of the broth, it coats your sore throat and you need every bit of it. 'peter's the one that said he needed to learn how to make it. i just hung out in the background.'
‘thanks for tattling, may.’ peter’s made sure you got to bed safely. grabbing a spoon and hunkering down, you shove a mouthful, you'd share but you're selfish. 'this is so good, honey. thank you.' may sees it wipe over her nephew's face, he's proud. you asked and he delivered, next time he could even do it on his own.
'you're welcome, my baby. want some water?' you nod, watching peter walk around the room before holding his arm out. 'say goodbye, trouble.' you wave and say thank you when she tells you to feel better, peter sits next to you and refills your water.
'anything else?' he made you soup. something he never does, and he did. he learned for you. 'yes,' you scooch over, 'i need as many cuddles as you can give.' 
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writeforfandoms · 10 months
Haha okay, have some crumbs!
Warnings: blood and injury, mention of healing, reader is still pregnant.
You weren't surprised when you woke without John. Sometimes he needed to go, and that was fine. You had run of the place (except for Kyle's room) all the time, after all.
Kyle had taken the room closest to the kitchen. It had taken a bit of doing (and some grumbling from your dragon as he got a few necessary supplies) but he was comfortable here now. Plus he made bread for you. Which just made everything better.
"Morning," you greeted him, smiling.
"Good morning," he returned, setting a plate in front of you. It was simple food, but he cooked, which was much better than the alternative (you could not cook).
The two of you got through breakfast and had just begun discussing plans for the day when you heard wingbeats. John was back. You hopped off your chair (ignoring Kyle's huff of amusement behind you) and headed towards the stairs.
But John surprised you. He came in the castle entrance. And he was carrying a man - big, blonde, and bloodied.
"What happened?" you asked, eyes wide, hand pressed to your belly.
"Found him like this," John grunted. "Some idiots thought they could use my territory as a dumping ground." His teeth shone in the light as he bared them in a grin. "I taught them otherwise."
"Is he...?" You couldn't quite ask the question.
"Still alive," John grunted. "Don't worry, princess. Kyle can handle this." He stepped past you carefully, carrying the stranger further into the castle.
You followed. Because you'd always been bad at keeping your nose out of things.
Kyle and John worked quietly together to bind the stranger's many injuries and make him as comfortable as possible. After the third time he removed you, John gave up and let you watch from the doorframe.
You helped as you could, bringing in water and taking away cloths to be cleaned.
The stranger slept for a few days, restless and feverish. Kyle kept an eye on him, but he wasn't a healer.
So when the stranger finally opened his eyes, clear and lucid, you couldn't help but be relieved.
"Easy," you murmured to him, getting up to get him some water. "Here."
He gulped down the water, bits of it splashing on his skin. He looked around quickly as he did, clearly wary. "Where...?" he started, slow and rough.
"My home. Well. Ours, really." You shrugged. "You're safe here, my husband brought you here to heal up."
"Husband." He repeated the word slowly, brow furrowing. He winced as the motion tugged on some of the scabs on his face.
"Mmhm. You'll see him again soon, I'm sure." You rubbed your hand over your belly, soothing yourself. This poor man wasn't a threat. He didn't even look like he could pick up a kitten right now.
Brown eyes settled on you again and he tipped his head slightly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." You smiled, easy and warm. "Are you hungry? I think Kyle's working on some soup."
Which was how Simon joined your little group. It took a while for him to heal, and when he did, he was left with scars. None of you cared much, especially after having seen his recovery, but he hated seeing himself. So you gave him a few scarves to wrap around the bottom half of his face.
Simon didn't leave. Didn't show any inclination towards leaving. If anything, he hovered, uncertain, near you.
You couldn't figure out why until you "accidentally" overheard him talking to John.
"Can't go back," Simon said softly, like he was agreeing with something John had said. "Don't want to impose here."
John snorted. "Then don't," he said, firm but not unkind. "Work for it."
There was silent for a few long moments and then a soft hum of agreement. "What needs doing?"
"Kyle is in charge of the daily things," John said. "Saw you had a sword. You any good with it?"
"I am."
"Good. You can keep an eye on my princess, then." There was a brief pause before John continued, low and pleasantly threatening. "If anything happens to her or my child, I will take it out of your hide."
"Understood." Simon, to his credit, didn't sound scared. Only accepting.
"Good." John sounded pleased. "I'll bring you anything you need."
You snuck away again before you could get caught.
Well, well, well. Looked like Simon was here to stay. Your own little kingdom was growing stronger.
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fandomwritingbit · 11 months
Hi there cutiepie
Thought I'd jump in to request
I was thinking like Michael Afton X reader after a fighr reader sleeps on the couch (sfw)
Ofcourse if your comfy writing that!! I did read rules so I'm hoping for it to be okay. (Also reader can be either female or gender neutral I don't mind either so I'd leave it up to you to decide with what you prefer writing)
Anyways darling have a nice day and don't forget to eat (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Ee this request is cute as hell. No one's ever called me cutiepie before, got me blushing over here 😘 Thank you so much for such a lovely ask.
I hope this is alright, I can never judge if this kind of thing is actually decent lol.
Anywhooo, michael x gn reader - Sleeping on the sofa (sfw angst with fluff)
"What do you mean 'no'- it's your turn!" your boyfriend interrogated, he looked more than annoyed, mocking how you spoke the word no.
You snigger as reflex, a little taken aback at how angry he was already, you'd only just walked in the door. You let your shoulder bag slide off and on to the floor, shruging sarcastically, "Mike I called you and said I was going to be late - I've had Hell on at work - you really haven't made plans for dinner?!"
"It's your turn." He reiterates, taking his eyes off you as he realised that he probably was in the wrong, but stubbornness making him double down.
"You could have ordered something- you really expect me to cook right now?!" As you spoke, you approach your boyfriend irritated, holding your watch up for him to see, "It's half ten, Mike. Half fucking ten."
He scoffed, "So what am I-"
Keep reading
"Find something, Mike. I swear to God." you hiss. You have to walk away from him to stop this from escalating because if he keeps talking to you so entitled you're going to snap. Well, snap more than you just did.
Storming upstairs, you go in a shower which does nothing to calm you down. In fact it does the opposite, making you more heated, replaying the look of 'hard-done-by' on Michael's face. By the time you're done and hop out, you decide you can't even look at him, grabbing your pillows and a blanket off the bed.
He appears whilst you’re mid action, opening his mouth to say something but it dies in his throat when you throw him the dirtiest look he's ever seen. "Fine." he mutters, walking straight past you into the bathroom.
You make yourself a nest on the sofa downstairs, hoping Mike knows to keep away right now, and eventually fall asleep with some tv show blaring in the background.
Laid in your usually shared bed upstairs, Michael tosses and turns. He felt guilty. Which he supposed was just, really. You had a long day and he didn’t even ask you how it was, just went off on you, took his stress out on you. And now the hunger-fueled anger had subsided, he was sober to that and the guilt wouldn’t let him drift off. 
So he got up, didn’t bother putting a shirt on and went downstairs as quietly as he could, trying not to disturb your sleeping form snuggled on the sofa. But seeing you there, you looked so sweet, your brows not furrowed like they had been earlier, your mouth not pressed into that tired hard line, he smiled a little just at the view before going into the kitchen and getting a glass of water. 
You woke up to the tap running in the adjacent room, the sound obnoxiously loud in the quiet of the house, you peer over your blanket waiting for him to walk back in, “Really? I was-” you start, but he puts his hands up in surrender, one holding the glass. 
“Look I’m sorry... About waking you up but also… earlier, I don’t know why I-” 
 You cut him off, sitting up to talk properly.“You were being a prick, Mike.” It was hard to keep your tone as mean as you wanted it at seeing the sheepish look on his face. 
“I know, sorry.” 
You crack, his apologetic voice working. And so, you scooch back on the cushions, making some room for him and lifting up the blanket for him to get in. Instead he scoops you and all your belongings off the piece of furniture, somehow making it look easy, and bundles you in his arms. 
You giggle, his arms tickling you. Though to be honest you’re glad to not be arguing anymore, even more glad to be able to sleep in your own bed.
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madam-mitsume2023 · 1 month
Love is Supposed to be the best medicine
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"I am taking RN to help with me plan with Diavolo" "I'm takin RN to the casino to win sum grim!" "Me and RN are watching Anime all night" "RN and I are going to the library" "RN and moi are going to the Salon!~" "Belphie me and RN are going to Akudonald's" "RN, Beel and me are having a cuddle session together"
They don't have time for you anymore... 1 year ago RN came along and the brothers drifted away from you and towards RN... leaving you all alone and suffering... you were the brothers glue to fix their broken family but now they just hurt you. Make you sleep on the floor. Do all the chores. Get all the scolding and blame.
"RN has better grades and ideas" "RN has more luck!" "RN isn't a normie" "RN has been better company" "RN is more prettier~" "RN cooks better" "RN is more cuddly"
Each insulting comparison caused a shocking, burning and stinging pain in your chest. The boys all went to celebrate the day RN joined RAD which was also coincidentally your birthday. You cried to yourself. No one to hear you anyway. Your sobs became coughs and your coughs released... blood... you weren't even aware that the brothers returned home. You just stared at your hand.
"Hey MC are you going to do the-"
Mammon stopped as he saw your bloody hands along with a bit of bloody drool once you turned around. One second and you puke blood all over yourself and pass out. But before you lost consciousness, you saw a glimpse of white hair, felt strudy arms catch you. And Mammon's voice screaming your name.
Mammon cried. Lucifer immediately heard this. He saw your passed out form and rushed to Diavolo's Palace and you immediately were taken into Barbatos' care. Soon after Mammon and Lucifer arrived home.
"I had no idea MC was sick.." "I didn't know MC was sick at all"
The 2 older brothers came home to the other brothers and RN woken up.
"Why were you guys so loud?..." "yeah and Where is MC... they didn't do any of the chores while we were gone." "They just are irresponsible anymore"
Lucifer sighed and shook his head.
"MC is severely ill. Mammon found them coughing and puking up blood."
The brothers eyes widened and stared at Mammon who nodded.
"I didn't know they were sick..." "Is their illness contagious?"
A week went by and Diavolo summoned the brothers over.
"MC... has Dolorous disease. Also known as Heart sickness.
The brothers eyes opened. Satan and Lucifer knew exactly what this illness is.
"Dolorous disease is when you are heartbroken over and over so your body is surviving on the only love one has for themself."
The brothers went quiet. Until Levi spoke up
"What confirmed the diagnosis?..."
Diavolo showed a spot on your head that even you didn't know about. The brothers are shocked to find a egg sized tumor on your head. Shaped like a heart, veiny with the veins looking like broken hearts and the tumor looking like it is almost split in two. The brothers gasp.
"I invited them over yesterday. Such a shame they just turned 19 not long ago and got sick.."
Lucifer froze.
"A week ago was MC's 19th birthday."
With that comment the brothers all fell to their knees. They forgot your birthday and just piled duties on you non stop. Then it hit them.. they cause you to be sick... if they loved you.. you wouldn't be in a coma.
"High chance when they wake up. Their sight and hearing will be muffled. They woke be able to smell as much as they should or taste. Just when she wakes up... or ever..."
The brothers never knew how much your was suffering because of them. Looking back at their comments. They remember you wincing in pain and clutching your chest. At first they thought you were being more dramatic than Asmo. But looking back... realized they insulted you and that their comments were killing you... literally.
Hi there its me your Author! I don't know if I want to give a chance for the brothers to reconcile with MC, do it in 1 chapter, or if MC ever wakes up. Leave a comment on which I should do next!
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captain-mj · 1 year
I know you just posted it like 3 hours ago, but I loved your knight König and monster Horangi work! Could you write more for it pls? 👉👈
For you anon, I'll do it <3 Previous part
König did visit Horangi a few days afterwards. He brought sugar buns this time since he was pretty sure Horangi hadn't eaten very much besides what he could forage or hunt. Sugar buns were always a fun snack.
It had taken a while for him to make them, but he did. He cooked the bread and dusted sugar over all of it. Then he filled it with creamed butter and sugar. Just a layer inside so it wasn't too sweet.
He also wore something a bit nicer this time instead of his armor. His hood stayed on though.
It took him a while to get all the way up the mountain again, but like before, there were no animals that could cause him any problems.
Horangi appeared almost immediately, but he was so quiet, it still startled König. He looked at the basket König was holding.
"Sugar buns!" König said, trying to sound excited. He uncovered it and watched Horangi light up. "For you."
Horangi grabbed one of them. They had gotten slightly cold from the journey but they were still soft. He watched, fascinated as he tore them apart and started to eat it. König had made them himself so he had put some creamed sugar in the inside and Horangi noticed. He started to eat happily, giving König a good glimpse at his teeth.
They were large and cat like. No. Tiger like. That was better. Stripes across his cheeks as well. They were gorgeous. Horangi's eyes caught him and his tongue flicked out to get the rest of the sugar off his lips.
König immediately handed him another one and sat down on a nearby rock to tuck into one of the rolls himself. Horangi watched into him quietly before sitting next to him.
They almost touched. It absorbed most of König's thoughts, the fact that they were so close he could feel the warmth off of him. Horangi felt warmer than any normal human he knew.
Slowly, very slowly, König leaned in just a little and almost on cue, a wind washed through the area that made him shiver.
"Cold, König?" Horangi looked up at him.
"Yes." König said immediately, half hoping Horangi would lean in more.
Instead, Horangi slipped the robe he was wearing off and put them around König. He luckily wore pants underneath but his chest was bare. König felt his mouth go dry. Horangi really did look gorgeous. His body was very toned and with his scars and...
"You have a tail?"
"Yes." It twitched as Horangi spoke. "They're like my ears. Just appeared when I was cursed."
König watched the tip twitch a little, almost as if he was irritated. "I see. It's cute."
Horangi shoved a sugar bun into his face immediately to avoid having to talk to him. His face turned slightly red, eyes glancing away from him.
König smiled a little, blushing under his mask. He only lifted his hood slightly to eat before putting it back down.
"Why are you covering your face? You can't look worse than me."
''Oh I don't... take it off. Ever."
"Why? Scarred? Hideous?" Horangi passed no judgement, just seemed curious.
"Something like that..." König did find himself very gross. Broken nose, freckles, red spiky hair he could never get to sit down. It always stuck up in every direction and even though it was longer now, it still stuck up everywhere.
Horangi immediately leaned in. "Let me see."
König stared into his eyes. The pupils had moved to filled his iris until only the slightest amount of color showed, like a cat about to pounce.
"I don't think that's a good idea... I am..." He glanced down.
Horangi hummed. "You came to visit me. Brought me food. Are we friends then?"
"I would like to think so."
"Then can I please see you?" Horangi tilted his head down so he was back in König's line of sight.
König found his hands lifting slowly to his hood. He carefully took his hood off so Horangi could see him.
König's heart sank. "Oh?" He glanced up nervously and saw Horangi staring at him. There was something in his eyes. A hungry look that swept over his features with fervor.
"You're not hideous at all. Small scar, but I think it makes you look distinguished." Horangi grabbed König's chin firmly and then gently traced the scar. König tried to squirm away but Horangi's grip was too strong.
"Ah, bitte, let go." König felt so flustered and he wasn't used to such examination.
"What does bitte mean?"
König blushed harder and stilled after a moment, realizing escape was impossible at this moment. "Means please." He didn't have his weapon or his gear and even if he did, he wasn't sure if he had it in him to force Horangi to let him go.
Horangi nodded and tilted König's face side to side so he could look at him closer. He then let go. "Pretty boy. I like the way you look. Shouldn't hide under the hood all the time.",
König had butterflies in his stomach. He was bright red, so red in fact that his freckles disappeared mostly. "I... Um..."
"Are you okay? You look shy." Horangi leaned in, mostly naked body all for König to see. He yanked away and looked off, blushing hard.
König looked down at the ground and blushed more. "I.... I am fine."
They sat together a while longer and watched clouds. König found himself glancing at Horangi before accidentally making eye contact and immediately he kept staring at the clouds.
"Do you see shapes in them?"
"Yes. That one looks like a boat." König pointed it out for him. Horangi smiled and moved so he was laying down on the rock they were on. He tugged König down so he was laying down to. He gave him his robe back, claiming he had warmed up.
Horangi pointed at one. "That one looks like a crown."
König smiled softly and stayed for a while. He felt his eyes start to get heavy and reluctantly he got up. "I think I need to head back."
Horangi nodded and stretched. "Do you like fish?"
"I do...."
"I'll catch some for you when you come back."
"I'll bring you more food too." König promised.
Horangi kissed König's hand and handed him back his hood. He slipped it on so Horangi wouldn't see him get flustered from the indirect kiss.
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julesdaydreams · 3 months
Okay, so I've been watching a lot of those jubilee videos on youtube (iykyk) and there was one where best friends had to make a split decision of yes or no questions about their friendship... So naturally I wanted to write it with the marauders & co. (Here's the first question, but it's about to get more dramatic I promise)
Pete: “game host”
Sirius - James
Remus - Lily
Mary - Marlene
Barty - Evan
Regulus - Pandora - Dorcas
“Okay, gang. Lets settle for once and for all who the best friend duo is. Question Number 1 for you. Please step forward if you agree: “I am the more intelligent one in the friendship.”, Peter announced on his little podium (the couch table in James’ and Sirius' living room), looking expectantly at the lined up friendship pairs in front of him.
There was commotion immediately after he stopped talking, a lot of his friends taking a step forward or raising an eyebrow at their opposite if they did so as well.
“Prongs you are not smarter than me. I speak six fucking languages!”, immediately came the outraged voice of Sirius upon seeing James take a step forward as well.
James crossed his arms and looked at his best friend challenging. “Mate, I love you, but the amount of fancy words you know isn't very impressive if you don't know how to cook.”
“James, you burned the Spaghetti yesterday while cooking. You are not in the place to talk right now.”
“I got distracted!! I'm literally studying to become a lawyer right now. Which clearly means I'm the smarter one.”
“Fucking hell. I would be getting better grades in university if I hadn't dropped out and you know it!”
“What?? No you wouldn't! You-”
“GUYS!! Please shut up this is not the Prongs and Padfoot show.”, interrupted Peter, trying to not let the situation get out of hand. “Also, you're both wrong. You're both dumb as fuck, considering you tried to adopt a fucking stag you found in the woods last month and brought it into the flat.”
With that, James and Sirius both seemed to deflate, taking the step they took back. They really weren't that smart.
Peter smiled satisfied and looked to the next pair of his friends who weren't on the same page.
“Remus, Lily. Why are you both saying no?”, he adressed the two, seeing that none of them had taken a step forward.
“Pete mate, I'm thinking the same fucking thing. Lily, you're clearly smarter than me?? You graduated at the top of our class!” Lily rolled her eyes fondly at her friend.
“Because of one measly point that the professor didn't give you because he's an ass. Not because I'm smarter. Also, you're becoming a professor, Rem. If that doesn't mean you're smarter, I don't know what does.”
“Lily you're a nurse! That's not an easy job either!”
Before this could also result in an one hour argument, Pete interrupted again, quickly moving on to three people that clearly had their minds made up.
“Dorcas, Pandora, you agree with Regulus that he's the smartest out of you three?”, Peter inquires, curious about their decision.
“Well, I went with book smarts. Reg was definitely the best of us in school without even trying and he speaks like six languages and plays five instruments or something.”, Dorcas explained and Pandora nodded along next to her.
“Oh? And when it's not about academia and stuff like that? Lets say… common knowledge or streets smarts, is he also the smartest?” Dorcas and Pandora immediately started to laugh at Peter's follow up question, which Regulus seemed very put out by, scowling across them.
“Oh no. Regulus wouldn't know how to survive on his own, believe me. Just what a posh upbringing does with you. Also it took him like a year before he realized his crush liked him back, when we've known the second it happened.”, Pandora giggled slightly, making Reg frown even more.
The mention of a crush apparently peaked Sirius’ interest, head whipping towards his brother the second the word was spoken.
“Crush?? You never told me that you have a crush on someone!”, he complained, earling him a annoyed huff.
“I don't have to tell you everything, Sirius.”
“Yes you do! I'm your big brother!”
“That doesn't give you the right to know everything about my life!”
“Okay okay okay. Maybe we come back to the actual question here?”, Peter interrupted yet again, already questioning his decision to be the game host, if every single one of these people was going to argue about their decision.
“Marlene! You agree with Mary that she's the smart one?”, he quickly moved on, leaving the two Black brother's to argue on their own.
“Fuck yeah. She's all beauty and brains and I'm the muscle.”, Marlene grins, posing to show off her biceps, not without sending Dorcas a little wink in the process.
“Great. Barty, Evan. Why's Evan the smarter one, not that I disagree.”, he moved on, looking at the two boys.
“I think without me stopping him, I would have to bail Bee out of jail almost every week… either that or he would be dead by now. So yeah. I'm definitely the smarter one.”, Evan drawled.
“And I'm very greatful for that, Rosie. Although I still think I would be able to win a fight against a bear.”, Barty grins, making Evan roll his eyes in annoyance, but he clearly tried to supress a smile.
“Right. Sadly we have to see if that's true on another day. I'm sure Prongs and Pads would happily get you a bear from somewhere.” Peter clapped his hands together loudly, drawing the room's attention back to him.
“Next question! Lord have mercy if you're this annoying for every question, I swear.”
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canon-vi · 3 months
I tried to create her on January 3, but forgot...
Name: Anastasia
Name abbreviations (popular and frequently used): Nastya, Nastenka, Nastyukha, Asya
Age: 8-9
Height: 134
Birthday: April 30 (April 30) {it’s just that my friend Nastya was born on the same day—}
Asya has aphasia, to put it simply, she is mute, she became mute after the car accident
For conversations she always carries a notebook with a pen, she keeps this notebook in her bag
Nastya is a very tactile child, she loves hugs and physical contact, especially with her family
She has trouble sleeping and has nightmares, often involving an accident, so she goes to her parents' room for support from Merciless
She is patient with bullying, but at the same time vindictive, she remembers everyone who has offended her in some way and the “evil” comes back doubly, “there are devils in still waters,” she once doused a girl with boiling water, but that doesn’t matter—
Nastya has a personal diary, even 2, one where she writes everything good and leaves it where someone can find it, and the second about all her and not only terrible secrets, which she hides... But I won’t tell you where, what if someone find it? (under the floor)
Asya wants to become a programmer in the future and create her own game, wish her luck :3
Nastya loves all sorts of folk and pagan holidays, like Russian Maslenitsa, but who doesn’t like baking and eating pancakes for a week, and burning an effigy at the end of the week? It's fun and delicious!
— Aphasia is a local absence or disorder of already formed speech with impaired speech perception while maintaining hearing. It occurs with organic lesions of the speech parts of the cortex (and the “nearest subcortex” - as Luria puts it) of the brain as a result of injuries, tumors, strokes, inflammatory processes and some mental illnesses. Aphasia affects various forms of speech activity
— The name Anastasia has meanings: return to life, resurrection, rebirth
" I don't know him, but the name sounds familiar, maybe I heard about him once? I don't know, I'm not sure "
" Isn't this Aunt Drop's mom? I heard about her, Aunt Drop said that someday she would show me photographs of her! I can't wait for her to show it to me!! "
" Grandpa cooks very tasty, I like to cook with him, and he is also strong and cool! I love it when he rides me on his neck! "
" Mom and dad always spoke well of her, but grandpa shudders as soon as he hears her name, I would like to meet her :D "
" Dad talks very little about him, but he definitely loves him, well, I think so "
" Grandma Kill? Dad loves to talk about her, and I love to listen to his stories, sometimes dad says that I am very similar to her "
" Dad is the kindest and the best, it seems to me that he will support me, even if I need to kill and bury someone I love him :3 "
" Mom says that I take after my dad in appearance and even in mind, which means she loves me just like dad: D I love my mom, I feel safe with her! But it’s very painful to see how sad mom is, I don’t want to leave her alone :( "
" Thief. "
" Aunt Drop is cool, she creates games! When I grow up, I want to create games just like her! :D For some reason, aunt always carefully leaves us, I don’t understand why? "
" If I hadn’t just stood and watched, that guy wouldn’t have taken her Sorry, Sun :( I miss her "
" Brother Moon is very cute He often reminds me of Sunrise, I really try not to cry at such moments, but sometimes I fail :'( "
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Fun fact: I decided to create Nastya when my friend with the same name was in the hospital with alcohol poisoning in a coma, ahah
E. L. A. by @anotherrosesthatfell
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echotunes · 2 years
everyone go watch hardcore hermits immediately
[video description/transcript:
A compilation of clips from all three seasons of ZIT Hardcore Hermits. The first clip is from Impulse's POV of season 1 and shows him and Tango inside an acacia village house. A two block deep hole is right in front of the door, with a zombie villager inside.
Impulse, cheerily: It's totally safe in here! Tango: [falls in the pit] (screams) NOO! Impulse: Ohh, Tango! Tango: Why would you do thi—?!
The next clip is from Zedaph's POV. The three of them are in a cave, and he has the advancement screen open.
Tango: I've done no... husbandry. Zed & Impulse: (laugh) Tango: I'm husbandless. Zed: Um... I always considered you to be the wife of the three of us, anyway, so. Tango: Oh, oh really, oh really? Zed: (laughs)
Zed is in bed inside an acacia village house, next to two other beds occupied by Impulse and Tango.
Impulse: Zed said "get in bed," I did not question.
The night ends and they all wake up, with Zed and Tango spawning in the same place so the entire screen is briefly taken up by the inside of Tango's face.
Zed: Oh! Tango, we're... cuddling. Okay, um... Tango: Well, that was...
Zed is walking behind Impulse in a cave.
Zed: He is sooo naked right now. Impulse: Mm-hm. So naked.
Zed is standing in the acacia village house, and Impulse and Tango have both just gotten the Hot Stuff advancement.
Tango: Oh! Oh, I got Hot Stuff too! Impulse: Yay! Heh heh! Zed: You two are getting hot stuff without me! Tango: You got—you so hot stuff-less. Zed, sadly: I want hot stuff!
The three of them are in a cave next to a pool of lava. (Zed POV)
Zed: Remember I drowned? Slightly? Impulse: Oh no, you did!
Tango looks at the ground and shakes his head.
Zed: (laughs) Tango: You took drown damage? Impulse: Oh my gosh. Zed: Yeah, I was tryna kill a fish!
Tango looks at Impulse.
Tango: Impulse, we got our work cut out for us, man. Impulse: (laughing) I know, dude! Tango: We got our work cut out for us here.
They are in the same cave, but this clip is from Tango's POV.
Zed: What a dangerous time! Tango: That almost burned my bits right off, man—! Let's not put that there. Zed: (laughs) We need to protect your bits at all costs. Tango: They— Protect all of them.
The next clip is also in a cave, from Zed's POV.
Tango: —by the way. Zed: I have taken more damage from drowning myself than I have from creeper explosions. Tango & Impulse: (laugh)
Zed and Tango are inside the acacia village house.
Zed: I'm an amazing person. Tango: Feather up! Zed: This is— Did you not know this? Tango: Aww. Zed: You seem surprised!
They are in the Nether, and Zed has just gotten the Take Aim advancement, then kills a ghast with his second bow shot.
Zed, triumphantly: Did you ever doubt me? Impulse: Oh my goodness. Tango: You're wasting arrows?! Zed, taken aback: Well! Wasting, what do you mean, wasting?
Impulse is in spectator mode, and watching Zed and Tango in a snowy biome as Zed tries to build a Nether portal. The portal is one block too high, as he has accidentally incorporated one of the corner cobblestone blocks into the portal frame itself.
Impulse: Wait, wait! Zed: That's my job! Tango: (laughing) Oh my god! Impulse: Oh my goodness, that is the worst portal ever, they don't even connect. Zed: What am I doing?! (laughing) Tango: (still laughing) That is the derpiest end portal ever!
Zed and Tango are in a two by one block tunnel in the Nether, and Tango is in front of him, mining the tunnel.
Impulse: Um... Zed: What a great view I've got from back here. Impulse: Yeah. Tango: (crouches rapidly while "ba-ba-ba"ing a tune) Impulse: Woah, easy there. Zed: (laughs) Shake it.
The next clip is from Impulse's POV during season 2. He is walking towards the shrine.
Impulse: Yes, I love being smart!
Impulse is standing in a spruce forest, cooking steak in a furnace.
Tango: Yeah, I gotta cook too. Impulse, sadly: I'm so hungy!
Impulse and Tango are inside their season 2 house, and Impulse has the crafting screen open.
Impulse: It's very breezy down here. (laughs) Tango: I go— (laughing) Things are... flapping...
Impulse is in a cave and puts his shield up to protect himself from a creeper explosion.
Impulse, in a goofy, forcefully bright voice: Everything's okay!
Zed is inside their season 2 dirt hut.
Tango: There's, uh, cactus in the processed chest out there if—in case I didn't make that clear. Impulse, sounding frustrated: Mmm. Zed: Um, okay. Yes. Thank you. Need blue stuff... Oh, oh, Tango, have you got cactus? You said you got cactus, right? Tango: Are you serious right now?
Zed is still inside the hut.
Tango: I'm afraid to drown, though, not gonna lie. Zed: Um, again, you don't have to lie to us. We're your friends!
Impulse is running inside the hut and gets into bed.
Impulse, sounding strained: Me too! Tango: This is terrifying, I'm digging up. Impulse, in a sing-song voice: Samesies! Zed: Samesies!
Impulse is in the hut, crafting.
Impulse: Zeda—Zedaph likes to walk around naked, though, so that's, that's— Tango: Alright, I gotta go faster than this. Impulse: That's, like, that's nothing new, y'know.
In season 3, the three of them are crossing a river into a grassy plains biome.
Tango: Oh, do we ge—are we gonna breed? Zed: Well. I mean, we might breed them.
They are on top of a mountain overlooking a spruce village, and Impulse watches Zed kill a snow golem in one hit.
Tango: —s of... iron. Impulse: Bam! Zed: Ha ha! Tango: Good job, good job. Impulse: You are—you are so strong, Zedaph. That was one hit.
Zed throws a snowball at Impulse's face.
Tango: Alright— Impulse: (laughs) Zed: Thank you. Tango: I'll— (laughs)
Impulse watches Zed standing next to a pair of skeletons in a cave entrance. The skeletons are standing very close together, and not attacking them.
Impulse: Zed? Zed: What are they doing? Tango: Go on, Zed! Just go up and swing your sword! Impulse: Are they—are they in love?
One of the skeletons moves into the daylight and catches fire.
Zed: Fine! Impulse: Are they in love with each other? Tango: (laughs) Zed: They're i— (laughs) They're in love. Impulse: (laughs) Aw, man!
They are in a cave, and Zed runs forward to kill a creeper that is focused on Impulse or Tango.
Zed: This creeper wants one of you guys so badly.
They are in a cave next to some furnaces. Zed walks up to Tango.
Zed: Bed me!
They are still in the cave. Impulse is looking through some furnaces.
Zed: (laughs) Tango: Am I sleeping with you g—am I— (in a deeper voice) Am I sleeping with you guys? Impulse: (laughs) Tango: Are we sleeping, or not, okay. Impulse: Gosh, you and your propositions this season! (laughs) Tango: (laughs)
Impulse kills a Drowned out in the ocean.
Tango: —here, waiting for something to spawn. Impulse: Ha ha! (with a French accent) Hon hon! Zed: Ooh! Tango: Oh, nice work! Impulse: I don't know why I got French all of a sudden. Tango: Oh, I see f—
The three of them are in a ravine in the Nether.
Impulse: There's no way we're gonna find a fortress like this. Zed: We do have to kill a pig—pigman. Tango: This is ridiculous.
Impulse walks a couple of blocks forward to look down the ravine, and spots a Nether fortress extending into the ravine.
Impulse: Oh— (laughs) hey, I found a fortress!
Tango is standing on land, with his inventory open.
Tango: (laughs) Hee hee. Zed: Just take a— (amused) You s—Michael Jackson. Okay, let's, um— Tango: (high-pitched, doing a Michael Jackson impression) Hee hee!
Impulse is in a boat in the ocean, following Zed, who is also in a boat.
Impulse: I'm looking at Zed. Yeah. Zed: You're looking at my... beautiful behind. Tango: Where did you guys go? Impulse: I'm lookin' at the back of your beautiful head, Zed.
Tango is walking up a narrow staircase to the acacia village house from season 1.
Tango: But now we got fifteen diamonds, is there anything else— I mean, we could save it for the hoes... Zed: (laughs) Impulse: Wait, what? Tango: (laughing) Oh, the hoes need the diamond! Impulse: Oh! (laughing) Tango: Ah, the jokes! The jokes, ah, they keep on rolling here, yup, uh huh. (laughing) Impulse: (still laughing) I was a little confused there for a minute! Zed: (laughing) What game are we playing? Impulse: Like, "what game are we playing?" (all laugh)
end VD/transcript.]
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saltygilmores · 7 months
The Netflix synopses (synopseses? Synposi? Where are you, Jess Mariano? You're my only hope) made this episode seem like it was going to be heavily En-Crusty'd (Christopher focused) but then the lovely @frazzledsoul told me that in this episode Rory takes Christopher to school (metaphorically) and this is also the episode where Jess takes RORY down a peg in a GLORIOUS confrontation at Doose's Market. If there's one thing I love seeing in Gilmore GIrls it's a good peg lowering. In fact, it gives me such immense satisfaction to see Rory in particular get taken down a peg that the three times Dean does it to her are the only times I actually side with Dean. Let the Notch-Taking-Down Party commence. But first....Happy 18th birthday, Jess! You're legal, mister! I am solidly and forever in the Late August/ Early September Birthday Camp (I have my reasons) and we're already there on the show! It's been almost a year since he arrived in Stars Hollow as a 17 year old! I'm gonna make it easy and say it was September 1st.
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Now you can visit the strip club, and buy porn and cigarettes legally! You're a man now! (well, at least you could buy cigarettes at 18 years old 20 years ago. It's 21 now). Episode begins with Emily still being predictably salty about last week's FND, where Lorelai snuck out of the house while her parents were fighting over her breakup with Crusty.
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Don't listen to her. You do can do whatever you want, even while you're on the clock. My little shmushkins. My apple dumpling. My peach tart. My banana muffin. My jelly donut. You're gonna make a bazillion dollars with your books some day and show em all. *pinches his cheeks* Lorelai is coming down with an illness which I shall diagnose as mononucleosis (aka the kissing disease) that she contracted from making out with Dean Forrester.
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Lorelai has no qualms about leaving the house to eat out every single day in a crowded diner and spread her germs all over town, instead of keeping her ass in bed, I guess. She's also incapable of purchasing and opening a can of soup and dumping it in a pot on the stove (or hell, even sticking it in the microwave) so she wakes up each day and chooses to be a Disease Vector. If she wasn't (presumably) still married to Luke in 2020 to cook her meals for her at home I don't know how she survived the pandemic. Luke: You know what helps a cold? A healthy immune system. You know how to get a healthy system? By not eating crap and blowing out your brain cells with coffee. Eat a vegetable now and then or some high fiber cereal. At least eat the carrots in the soup? Three minutes in and he's already Insulting Lorelai (while, uh, also insulting himself at the same time?) Whee, I'm loving this episode already! More Peg-Lowering, please! Several people on this show are going to be HUMBLED and I am HERE for it. But why is Luke always downselling food that he puts on his own menu? I know Lorelai and Rory don't ever pay him anyway, but doesn't he want to attempt to make some money? "My food will make you fat and sick and kill your brain cells. Don't eat it. Go eat somewhere else." Or is it that he's a-okay with poisoning the rest of Stars Hollow with copious amounts of junk food but wants to spare Lorelai and Rory the same fate? One would also suppose he doesn't actually have said vegetables or fiber rich cereal on his menu in the first place (it's a fucking diner) and that would mean Lorelai would have to pour herself her own cereal at home. Perish the thought. Is Luke secretly some kind of California Hipster in denial? Would he be more at home opening some kind of vegan cafe where he serves wheat grass shots and kombucha and avacado toast, you know, all the stuff Milo Ventimiglia eats. (But Milo’s a big junk food junky too, he's a bit of a paradox, that man). What does he feed Jess, by the way? In his first appearance he was planning to stuff his already neglected and malnourished nephew full of Corn Flakes and Pop Tarts.
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Grandpa here is going to live to be 115 probably, but only if you shut up, you're already sending him to an early grave.
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EVERYONE STOP EATING AND TALKING. THE QUEEN HAS ARRIVED! Anyone else think its funny that Lorelai and Rory and Luke are ilke the mayors of Stars Hollow who know everything down to when the mailman's dog farts but nobody knows who Shane is, where she came from, who her family is, when she moved in, where she lives, how she ended up with Jess...ANYTHING? Nobody even seems to know her name? Silence from Miss Patty and Babette? Lane and Dean never informed Rory that Jess was never in school, that he supposedly pulled the fire alarm, stole 500 baseballs, etc etc. again, shouldn't Lane be absolutely losing her mind to spill this piping hot tea that Jess has been hooking up with some mysterious blond skankbag all summer? And Dean too, shouldn't he always be dying to tell Rory anything that would cast Jess in an unfavorable light and make her think less of him? What is with this town where they'll hold an emergency meeting because he drew on a sidewalk with some chalk but when he actually does something worth talking about, nobody wants to narc on him? They fear him, that's what it is. What is Shane's last name by the way? I made up a poll and asked you to decide on her last name and I'm currently awaiting the results, which I will use going forward.
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Jess and Shane continue to give Rory Gilmore a sexual awakening so immense it could knock our fucking solar system out of alignment. That boom you just heard was Jupiter and Saturn crashing into one another from the sheer force of Rory Gilmore's quivering loins.
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Tomatos Sign. I wonder how much money Jessica Kiper was paid to stick her tongue in Milo's mouth and say "Hey" and "Jess". Did she have to audition? I would do the job for free. I would keep screwing up just so the director could yell "Cut" and I could do as many takes as possible. Warner Brothers could own me for the rest of my life just for that opportunity.
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Meow! All she did was say his name, lol. Someone's cranky. You know what would cure that bad mood? A good handjob from Shane (last name soon to be announced). This whole "no strings attached sexual gratification" deal that was seemingly dropped in his lap? Meh, whatever. He'll do it, but he'll be reading the entire time. Meanwhile, this is Dean waiting 5 years for Rory to put out:
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(By the way, Mr. Mariano, don't ever tell a woman to "relax") Jess sighs and leaves in the middle of his shift (Lorelai should be proud), leaving his customers wondering where their pancakes are, to go have sex with Shane somewhere public and indecent, leaving Rory in their horny wake. Perhaps Jess has the intuition that the cold, clammy, looming hand of Celibacy (aka his own hand and a jumbo size bottle of lotion) will soon be upon him so he better seize these opportunities.
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Love it when she says shit like this as if her boyfriend Dean Forrester is some fucking chatterbox (he'll grunt a few words as he's also a typical teenage boy like Jess and she'll go "That's So INTERESTING Dean! Do go on. I love you, little buttered croissant"), and also like she should actually expect Jess to talk around her when he knows she's going to pick on him even worse if he does have something to say.
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Too late. That's hilarious- I forgot that Dean was about to show up just now and prove my point.
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She's still wearing that stupid quarter on a string on her wrist. I will give this show credit for being very consistent with some of the small details like this. Every day for 2+ years straight, Alexis Bledel shows up at Wardrobe and they slap that thing on her wrist. That cup is HUGE.
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Yeah. What? I could teach a comatose goldfish to say "I already ate breakfast." The hell is your point?
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Oh god. It's that episode where Kirk and Lorelai go on a "Date". I do not remember how it goes but I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and predict that it was sufficiently awkward. Honestly...Lorelai has done MUCH worse before and will continue to do much worse than Kirk. Mommy issues aside, Kirk has more redeeming qualities than Max or Crusty. Like, at least Kirk is ambitious. Lorelai is still only a few months removed from banging Crusty who wouldn't know the meaning of hard work if it bit him in the ass. I hope something bites Crusty in the ass. Like a rabid possum. Kirk...."Let's go out...In two weeks. I heard you have a cold. It takes two weeks for a virus to leave the immune system." He's also smart and would survive the pandemic. "You might be the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Outside of a filthy magazine."
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It's the first day of senior year for Rory and our other Stars Hollow teens.
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It's all downhill for Rory after high school.
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Nobody tell her. L: I cannot go out with Kirk! R: Why not? L: He's Kirk! Poor Neurodivergent Kirk.
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Fixed it.
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i was about to say "What the what! Lorelai is actually pouring her own cereal?" but it's Rory wno's making her own breakfast and Lorelai is just pouring marshmallows into the bowl (who does that? That's not a thing. Here in The United States of America, there are already cereals that come with marshmallows). I mean, at least she's eating at home and "helping". Good for you for helping to feed to your chiild, Lorelai. Even if she's eschewing the (marginally) more healthy Raisin Bran in favor of Rice Krispies. I'm going to add a new feature to the ends of these posts: I call it: Things Googled While Watching GIlmore GIrls. Birthday Party Icons, How Old To Buy CIgarettes in Connecticut, Definition of Proclivities, How Many Words Can A Parrot Learn
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