#I got to be there for my translation group showing off some of the projects
somacruising · 8 months
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Went to Rappig Crossing and had an absolute blast. I especially had fun documenting the evolution of the Zelos Shrine
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tteokdoroki · 15 days
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hello everyone!! i wanted to join the writing project ficsforgaza with the intention of raising more awareness and hopefully donations for the ongoing cause. i am a little slow on writing but hopefully this will motivate myself and others for a good cause <3!
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rate: $1 USD per 100 words !
instructions: please follow this link and donate to a vetted fund of your choosing. after doing so, send an off-anon ask to myself including the following: a redacted screenshot as proof (hiding any personal information), a link to the fundraiser you’ve donated to, the name of the wip you’re sponsoring.
example: hi aali! i have donated to help mashael and her family. i would like to sponsor an alternative to grief [ screenshot showing $5 usd has been donated - equivalent to 500 words ]
i will not be publishing asks, but for transparency, will be keeping a record of evidence to send to @ficsforgaza — this is to ensure individuals are not reusing screenshots sent to myself or other writers. the wips will be updated regularly.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🍉 wips disclaimer ! - they are below the cut.
there will also be a donation goal for each wip just to ensure that I don’t get overwhelmed! i work full time and write a little slow, but the main goal is to raise awareness and donate to an important cause. there are various lengths available, subject to change but dont worry if i don’t have anything you fancy! please check out the other authors who are apart of this project!
note: minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact. sfw, nsfw and dark content is included in the wips below.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🍉 current wips available !
an alternative to grief; katsuki bakugou.
tags ! pro hero!bakugou, nurse!reader, strangers to lovers, dating after loss, children, therapy, grief, hurt comfort, fluff, angst, smut + part one of three.
with the sudden death of your husband, you find yourself alone with a son, angry at the world and in the corner of a therapy group specifically for grieving spouses of pro heroes. it isn’t until you lock eyes with a familiar, formidable red that you come to realise… there is happiness after death and alternatives to grief.
current word count: 5,991/10,000+
donation goal word count: 0/5,000
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my doll; eijirou kirishima.
tags ! pro hero!au, soft dom!kirishima, dumbification, dollification, smut + dark content.
eijirou kirishima was born with an innate desire to protect, to give, to dominate and perhaps that is why he slowly begins to take over your life, treating you as though you’re some dainty little doll…belonging only to him.
current word count: 2,647/3,500
donation goal word count: 0/1,000
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something i thought belonged to me; izuku midoriya.
tags ! pro hero!au, college!au, strangers to friends to lovers, coming of age, misunderstandings, fluff, angst + smut.
after abandoning your dream school to start anew and get away from your shitty ex, you adopt a stray l cat to cope with your lonesome…only to find out the pro hero exchange student next door has had the exact same idea.
current word count: 134/15,000+
donation goal word count: 2240/5,000
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swingsets; yuuji itadori.
tags ! college!au, small town!au, summer romance, coming of age, first loves, self discovery, misunderstandings, fluff, angst + smut, part one of many.
everyone always says you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. but life moves quick and yuuji itadori has only one year left of his degree to figure out what it is that he wants. making it big in the big city of tokyo isn’t all what it’s cut out to be, so he decides to return to his roots, and indirectly, return to you. OR a jjk small town!au where each sorry connects to another. this is the story of yuuji itadori, reconnecting with his first love.
current word count: 0/20,000+
donation goal word count: 1820/5,000
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other ways to help can be found here and here.
— all rights reserved © TTEOKDOROKI 2020-2024. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
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inklore · 2 years
wild child, i want you.
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part two | series masterlist
premise: coming back to hawkins for your summer vacation from college is the last thing you want to do, but you find yourself back in your hometown and it all goes to shit in a matter of weeks. thinking your summer is already a bummer, getting high with the town outcast doesn't seem like that bad of an idea.
pairing: eddie munson x richgirl!reader
word count: 6.2k
warnings: eighteen+ content, blowjob (eddie’s first one, he’s a lil virgin in this sorry y’all), drug use, cheesy flirting, past crush unmentioned but there, tiny bit of praise kink, i made eddie’s van cooler than it actually is, reader is a lil self absorbed but it’s ok, mentions of past bullying, class difference, and shit family dynamics.
etc: i may write a part two for this, may turn it into a little mini series depending on the love i get on it. but um this boy is the cutest little virgin and no one can convince me otherwise ok thnx. title from the song wild child by wasp aka a song on this verysexy playlist!
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful — if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!
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“Shit! Fuck!”
The sounds of aggravation that erupts from your throat are anything but ladylike. The moon shining down just right in the sky to show the hunk of mud that’s now stuck on the top of your red pumps. Pumps that cost too much to be covered in dirt and grime, and yet here they were. Ruined.
All because you had stormed off from the party taking place in the backyard of your long term boyfriend—who was now your ex because fuck him, and fuck this washed up town.
You knew agreeing to come back for the summer would be absolutely detrimental to your psyche. Missing out on what would have been the summer of your life alongside college friends, a new city, on boats, planes; anywhere better than Hawkins!
But being the amazing, doting girlfriend you were, you had been easily convinced by the promise of gifts, booze, and a hell of a summer.
Two weeks in and you were miserable, had ruined Louis Vuitton’s, barely tipsy off of cheap beer, and now newly single.
“Fuck this place!” You scream to yourself, louder than you should have in a not–disturbing–the–peace way, a dog barking in the distance. You needed to catch the first bus out of this dump of a town as soon as possible.
“I completely agree,” comes a voice to the side of you. If the pumping of anger and spite wasn’t making your heart boom in your ear drums right now, or the distraction of materialistic items didn’t have you fuming: you were sure you might have seen them, whoever they are. Or at least smelled them. The heavy scent of weed lingers in the air and you can only assume it’s the weed guy your ex-boyfriend had been talking about.
You weren’t in the mood to deal with anyone else tonight, let alone some stoned out stranger whose opinion you didn’t ask for, or could fake care about.
Turning in their direction you plan on telling them as much, plan on giving them your best bitchy scowl. But when your eyes adjust, actually see who it is; take in the long hair, the mix of jean and leather, the rings that gleam in the moonlight. Your expression changes from annoyance to amusement, your rude rebuttal long forgotten.
“In the flesh,” his smile is still as boyish as you remember. At least from what you can remember. You graduated two years ago, he didn’t. Either year, so you've heard.
The two of you hadn’t been friends, barely acquaintances. You had a handful of classes with him, even got partnered up with him for one biology project that neither of you truly put the effort into. But you flashed your pretty smile and batted your eyes and got the both of you passing grades—thank god for creepy male teachers.
You and Munson, Eddie, were so far off of the spectrum of being in each other’s realms. The class difference not being the only thing setting you two on two different sides of the universe, let alone Hawkins and your group of friends. The many taunts from your boyfriend and his friends coming back to your mind, and the weird snarkiness Eddie would always fight back with. Unbothered by the stupidity of high school taunts.
“Graduate yet?” You give him a playful smile, lean up against the car behind you to attempt and scrape off the mud on your shoe with your thumb nail.
“No.” He crosses his hands over his chest, “but still keeping up with expectations.” You’re barely listening to him, frowning down at the dirt now caked under your perfectly polished nails, fuck.
You huff out a breath, pull your head back to look up at the night sky. Try to do those breathing exercises you see your mother do when a bird shits on her BMW. “You here for the party?” You both know you’re joking. Know that most, if not all, the rich kids here had once—or still do—rag on him.
“My services got the invite.” He clarifies, “not me, personally, for obvious reasons.” He mumbles that last part and it makes you chuckle under your breath.
“Still the weed guy, huh?” Pulling your head upright again, you look over at him. His response being holding his hands in the air in an ‘obviously’ type motion. Nothing has changed with him, and maybe that’s just what happens when you stay in this dead end town. But something also tells you that Eddie isn’t the type to just change. What you see is what you get, unapologetically.
Must be nice to be that carefree. You could use some carefree in your life; that booming sound of your heart in your ear still pumping with materialistic and asshole boyfriend frustration.
A smile spreads across your lips as an idea pops into your head. As you make the decision to get that carefree feeling in the most synthetic way possible, while also sticking it to the aforementioned asshole in the backyard.
“How much were they going to pay you?”
“For the-”
“Yes, the weed, Munson. How much.” You roll your eyes, that old high school queen bee tone coming back. Making even your own self wince, but who knows when—or if—the smell of weed had already wafted off of Eddie and traveled to the backyard and the two of you were soon to be joined by the rest of the party.
Fuck them.
Reaching into your bra, the low cut material of your dress having the perfect swoop to showcase just enough to keep the mystery, but add to the intrigue—helping to house your money snuggly in the cup of your bra; you pull out the folded cash your father had handed to you on your way out of the door.
“I have fifty here.” You hold it out between your forefinger and middle, “it’s yours but we have to leave right now.”
He looks a little surprised, his eyes flash from your chest to the money in your hand.
“You have a car don’t you?” You look around the dead street, try to remember what hunk of junk you may have seen him driving around when you were in school.
“Is the money for the ride or the weed?”
Eddie hums, “seems a bit low.” He crosses his arms, scratches his cheek. Starting up a slow pace as he speaks, “I mean I am risking getting caught with a distinguished lady such as yourself. From what I hear you’re still with your Princeton lover. Don’t know if I need him thinking I’ve stolen you away.”
You think he’s half serious for a second. The look of quarry on his face, but then you see his smile. See that boyish amusement again, it makes the corners of your lips tick up in amusement; contagious. Something you remember from bombing biology together. As much as you wanted to dislike him, ignore him, or push the assignment completely onto him, he had distracted you with weird facts about his band you were not interested in—and the other random nonsense that would slip out always made you roll your eyes and hide the contagiousness of his smile that spread across your face.
But you find yourself holding onto the knowledge that he knew about you and your ex. Don’t know why it’s the only retaining thing your mind seems to keep flashing on, it didn’t matter to you who still talked about you in Hawkins. Especially when you were certain it was out of pure jealousy for you getting out and them not.
You can’t see Eddie contributing in gossip, though. Maybe that’s why you’re holding onto the knowledge that he knows, remembers. Still hates the asshole. Much like you do.
“We broke up.” You state, make clear with a wide smile that you’re more than happy about it. His lips tug up more, stops in his tracks and leans back on his heels a little as he stares at you. The two of you sharing some silent moment before you laugh, “are you going to be my kidnapper or what, Munson?”
He smirks, grabs the money still between your fingers. Nods his head back to the van at the end of the driveway—that only makes sense is his, because of course it is.
“America's Most Wanted here I come!” He hollers a little too loudly, making you laugh.
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“Sorry about the mess.” Eddie maneuvers around you, picks up some of the random garbage and clothes strewn at your feet and throws them in the front.
You’re sat on the small couch he has in the back of his van. The velvet from the cushions softer than you expect it to be on the back of your bare legs. Expecting it to feel grimy at the very least, and maybe that’s not fair of you to expect—or think.
You’re surprised at how unfazed you feel about the random things contributing to the mess back here. Finding yourself actually smiling at the makeshift lights he has hung up, how they cast a red glow and illuminate the posters he has tapped with that thick grey tape you know is going to rip off the paint if he was to ever remove it.
The atmosphere oddly calming, compared to what you are used to.
He pulls out a tape from the glove compartment and slips it into the stereo, a heavy metal track playing low through the speakers, the bass deep enough to rock the van.
You’re parked behind his trailer.
When he had pulled up to it and pulled around the back you were once again reminded just how different your lives really were. Had found yourself scrunching up your nose at the drab looking mobile home. Regretting it the minute Eddie caught you and gave a pressed lipped grin, “can’t build mansions this far out. Grounds too mushy.” He joked, but it only made you feel worse.
Why, you have no idea. It wasn’t your fault you were born with a silver spoon and he was born without one. Neither was a bad thing. He seemed more than happy with his life—knowing what you did about him, that carefree way about him—than you did with your own, it would seem.
The cushions bounce from the way he plops down beside you. Pulling a metal lunchbox out of nowhere and placing it in his lap, “who knew the Princess of Hawkins, knew how to be bad.”
You make a face, “people don’t really call me that do they?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Oh how clueless the other half live.”
“I can still take back the money, you know.”
“Ooh, not twenty of it, at least.” He clicks his tongue, opens the metal box. The waft of weed stronger, making your nose burn. “Gotta keep that half for risking my life, it’s only fair.”
“You are the chattiest drug dealer I’ve ever met.”
“You meet a lot of them, do ya?” You can see countless baggies of whatever he’s pushing to the side, a lighter, more random junk, and then he’s pulling out a small bag of weed. “You really are bad, Princess,” he smiles.
You have to look away from him, have to hide the cheesy smile that moves across your own face—because it’s annoyingly warm in here, and you are here to escape and get high not become best buds with him. “Just roll it, Munson.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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This wasn’t your first time smoking. You had dabbled in weed at parties since your sophomore year. Had taken part with it at the handful of college parties you had been to. You were used to the light feeling, the cravings, the giggles. Or so you thought.
Maybe you just hadn’t been smoking the right stuff. Maybe it had been the liquor you had always paired with it, the buzz you thought you felt from what you smoked actually from the malt and not the shit weed.
Because you’ve never felt this good before. Not from weed. Liquor. Even around your friends.
You felt so good right now.
Your cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling so much, can’t remember when you had dropped yourself onto the floor of Eddie’s van. Your heels kicked off and feet propped up on the cushions of the sofa—right next to Munson.
He’s not as spread out as you though, maybe a little more lax. His back slouched lower on the sofa, legs spread further apart. Jacket gone, black sleeves rolled up.
Has he always had that tattoo? Just how many rings does one guy need? Your heavy lids ache as you hyperfocus in on the bracelet on his wrist, the tattoo on his arm. Each one of his rings that don’t even budge as his fingers flex, as he uses the small pocket knife he had pulled out from his back pocket; grabbing your discarded heels to scrape the mud from them.
“You really don’t have to do that,” you giggle. “My dad will just buy me another pair.”
A smile spreads, “but you were so upset about them. Even I winced when I saw the mud pile you stepped in, nightmarish.”
He laughs along with you as you completely lose it, “how shitty is it that that is a nightmare to me? Ruined Louis Vuitton‘s.”
Eddie shakes his head, holds up the shoes. Now cleaner than before, way too clean for him to have just used the pocket knife. The bottle of water between his legs spotted upon further inspection, where did that come from?
“We all have expensive things in our lives we don’t want ruined. Shoes, guitars, people.” He shrugs, “not shitty at all. But this clean job might be.” He chews on his lower lip.
You maneuver yourself so you’re not flashing him from the bottom of your dress, as you move your legs from the couch to sit up. Grabbing the red pumps from him to do your best look over, ignoring the burn your eyes give when you widen them.
“Munson, I think you’re in the wrong career.” You tease, smiling up at him. You’re sat in front of his open legs, have the perfect view of that boyish grin.
“Shoe shiner?” He acts bashful, swings his hand around batting the air. “I’m not that good.”
“Think once you graduate you gotta start your own business, ‘Eddie’s Spit n Shine.’” You joke, the both of you doubling over in laughter. Munson holding onto his stomach as he slaps a hand over his knee.
Once your giggles have died down and you can hold yourself up straight, you watch him. Watch the way his cheeks are redder, watch the way he moves some hair out of his face. His previous words of “but you were so upset about them” and “we all have expensive things in our lives we don’t want ruined”. If this had been anyone else, one of your friends, your boyfriend, they would of been just as grumbly about the heels as you. Would have told you to trash them and offer to take you to the strip mall the next day to help you spend more of your fathers money; no big deal.
They wouldn’t have offered to fix them. To do something as simple as what Eddie had done.
And yeah, they were just shoes, and it wasn’t that big of a deal. But something fuzzy was settling in your chest, something in your stomach fluttering like it very much was a big deal.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” You ask without thinking. Set your shoes down beside the couch, lay yourself back on the cool floor of the van.
“What?” He chuckles lowly with a hint of confusion. Just as surprised as you are at the question.
“Why are you being so nice to me, Munson.” You chew the corner of your cheek, look up at him. “Not like we were friends, ever, in school. And I remember plenty of times where my friends weren’t the nicest.”
“The rich kids not being nice to anyone who doesn’t drive a Mercedes? Shocking.” He jokes, makes you laugh.
“I’m serious.” You tap his knee that’s peeking out of one of the rips in his jeans with the tip of your finger. “Why are you being so nice?”
His face grows serious, but there’s still a hint of a soft smile there as he leans over to dig in the metal lunchbox again. Pulls out the spliff he rolled earlier alongside the one the two of you already smoked. You watch as his fingers run along it, “your friends may have not been the nicest, especially that lover boy of yours.” He gives you a playful roll of the eyes at the mention, that ache in your cheeks continuing. “But, you were always nice to me.”
“I never stopped them though. From being cruel.”
“Yeah, well,” he shrugs, grabs the lighter resting beside your feet. “You made up for it by helping me not fail biology, for once.”
Your face contorts as you laugh, “put my tits on the line for that grade.”
Eddie chokes out a howl, stops what he’s doing to double over again. “Never been more happy for the power of tits.”
Your throat hurts from how hard you’re laughing. Holding your hand up in front of him in a high-five invite, “to tits!”
“To tits!” He slaps his palm against yours as he holds up the blunt in the other one in a show of salute.
You can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this hard. Or felt this good. This happy. This playful. This whatever-the-hell-that fluttering feeling was in your stomach. You don’t know where Munson got his stash but damn was it good.
And damn was he cute.
You quickly avert your eyes from him. Look up at the roof of the van, try to focus on the posters and scattered glow in the dark stars up there. You did not find Eddie Munson cute. You were just severely high right now, and still reeling off of your incredibly fresh break up. That’s all.
You hear the flick of the lighter beside you, hear him take a long puff. Fill his lungs, hold and blow it out, before you see him hold it out for you. Taking it silently, not looking at him—you probably shouldn’t have anymore, not with how you are thinking right now. But you didn’t feel like going back to your parents house. Calling it a night right now didn’t feel right, and it’s not like Eddie was rushing you out of the van.
So you press the blunt to your lips and decide to stop thinking. Just smoke. Listen to the beat of the metal still coming from the speakers.
“Lover boy must have done something tremendously fucked, huh?” He gives you a somber smile when you turn and pass the smoke to him.
“Munson, are you trying to gossip right now? Like we are two catty friends?”
He chuckles, inhales. “Us friends?” He makes a face, smoke rolling out of his mouth. “That’s obscene.”
“Grotesque.” He puts a hand to his heart, “what would the moms at the country club say?”
You laugh. “I don’t think either of my parents own a gun, so you're safe there. And my mother barely notices me,” you confess. Regret it when you look over at him and see the sympathy on his expression. “Please don’t.” You groan, take your turn to smoke, holding it between your thumb and forefinger.
“Give me that look.”
“What look?”
“Like you feel bad for me.” The laugh you let out this time is anything but humorous. There’s no joy. Just a salted down wound that you don’t let anyone see—so you don’t know why you’re talking about it right now—that burns the back of your throat. “I have everything.” You mumble, “perfect life. Perfect future ahead of me, money, the car, the friends, the boyfriend. No one should feel bad for me.”
You’re staring up at the roof again as you hold out your hand to give the blunt back without looking at him. Without acknowledging your own words with anything more than woeful self pitying. Eddie wasn’t interested in hearing about a rich girls problems and you had no interest sharing them. Anymore.
A silence settles between the two of you, it’s awkward and filled with the silently passing of the smoke between you; puffs of air, breaths in. Your heart is beating in your ears again. Except this time it’s something close to embarrassment and not anger.
“It wasn’t pity.” He breaks the silence when your fingers brush against each other when it’s his turn to hit. Your eyes finally finding their way back over to him, “how could someone not notice you?” There’s a twitch in his lips.
And fuck are your eyes burning from how high you are right now or because that was teeth rottingly sweet, and your chest is feeling fuzzy again—and Eddie Munson has some pretty eyes. Fuck.
“With the hair alone,” he waves his hand around emphasizing the top of your head. “Kind of hard to miss ya.” That boyish smile coming back when you start to laugh and lean up to swat him.
“I want my money back, Munson!”
“You’ve already smoked the weed!”
“Pain and suffering!”
“Mine or yours?” He jokes and he’s putting out the rest of the blunt to hold his hands out in surrender, as you lean up on your knees to playfully swat at the side of his arm.
“And here I thought we were actually having a moment.” You scowl at him, “you can take the high school out of the boy but not the—wait—you can’t even do that.”
His jaw drops, looking fake wounded if the big grin on his face is any indication of its falsehood. “The Princess of Hawkins has some bite.”
“I’m not the Princess of Hawkins!” You roll your eyes, “I’m just me–”
“Perfect,” Eddie finishes, adds. His lips come together, he swallows. “Perfect–you.”
You make a face at him. Another childish playful insult on the tip of your tongue but swallowed down, your throat feeling drier than ever as he stares down at you with a type of fondness that has your mind thinking—and feeling—way too many things right now.
And it feels like the moment slows, time stops. You take in everything, really take it in. You on your knees in front of his open legs, your palms on the cut out parts of his jeans that showcase his knees. The fuzziness in your chest turning into something else, something racing and filled with heat. Something that should surely not be there—all from what? Meaningless flirting? Eddie jesting with you?
Weed was definitely not a good idea. You should of just went home. Should ask him to take you home right now before your haze filled mind has you thinking of doing something else you definitely shouldn’t do.
Like move forward. Your knees dragging across the floor until the tops of them are pressed to the bottom of the couch. Until there’s no space left between you and Eddie’s thighs flush against the sides of your arms, his groin inches from your face. Your palms now higher up on his thigh.
You can feel how tense he is right now. Watched his expression go from softness to rigid with nerves. And maybe you are the only one who’s been feeling something tonight. Maybe he can handle his weed better than you. Or is simply not interested in you whatsoever. All his mindless flirting just that: mindless.
But you can’t help but want to test the waters. To see if any of those things are actually true.
Leaning up, your palms digging into the meat of his thigh as you do, your eyes moving from his to his lips and back up. A hint he seems to get when he meets you halfway and your lips are being pressed together in a gentle kiss.
It’s slow at first, curious, new to the both of you. Sloppy, and you can feel Eddie’s hand twitch at his side until he loses whatever fight in his head that has him holding back, and then it’s at your cheek and his thumb is digging into your chin the deeper the kiss gets. The more the two of you learn each other’s mouths. Which way to turn your head, that slow timid way his tongue pokes at your lips and then finds its way into your mouth; the quietest of noises coming from his throat when his tongue rubs against yours.
A noise that makes your stomach flutter. Makes an ache start between your legs.
Have you ever been kissed like this? Have you ever felt like the other person was learning you from the inside out? Memorizing how your lips moved, felt, tasted. The way your own deep rooted noise slips out and vibrates against his lips when his other hand comes to the other side of your head and pulls you so close to him as he leans further down into you. The top of your cleavage rubbing against the material of his shirt, tickled by his hair.
When the two of you finally pull apart, your eyes feel heavier than ever. Feel like all your energy went into that kiss and you feel buzzed. Like you’re on cloud nine. Like you’ve never felt better, as the two of you pant. Try to catch your breaths.
Feeling Eddie’s thumb nail running along your bottom lip you look up to his eyes, see they’re on your lips. His brows pulled together.
“Munson.” You don’t mean for it to sound like a whine. It’s not. You’re not whining right now, you’re just…feeling things and really high and maybe you can’t remember anyone you’ve been with ever touching you like this. And he’s barely touching you.
You may not have thought it to be a whine, but Eddie does. The look in his eyes as they finally meet yours has you floored. Has you seeing a want in a pair of eyes you don’t think you’ve seen before—know you haven’t; needy, nervous because of that need.
And when your palm moves of its own accord higher up and over until you feel a bulge in his tight jeans, the intake of breath he does. The slight droop of his eyes. All the decision you need to act on whatever these feelings are.
There’s disappointment in his eyes when you pull away from him, just enough to have his hands drop from your face and yours finding the top of his pants to open them up and fumble with the zipper.
“Whoa,” a nervous chuckle, then his hands wrapping around your wrists to stop you. “Whoa,” he says again. His breath still heavy. “What–should we–you,” he stammers.
It’s a bit cute, but it also has your cheeks burning in embarrassment. Shit. Have you completely misread this? Maybe he just wanted to kiss. You were fine with just kissing, if it was going to be like that everytime. But there’s an ache, a want, to hear that noise again. The one he had made in the back of his throat. To see the impressive bulge that your fingertips had touched.
“Do you,” you pull your hands back, take them from his hold and chew on your lip, “not want to do this? More..” you trail off. You can’t imagine what you were coming off as right now. Have you ever been rejected? Tonight was clearly the night of firsts for you.
“I,” Munson shakes his head, and your stomach sinks. Face falls. But then he’s shaking his head more aggressively, “no, that’s not,” he sighs. Takes a breath to ground himself, his hands coming to hold the tops of your shoulders. His expression serious, “Yes. I want to do this. I just…I’ve–never thought this would be happening and that I would be admitting to it in a situation, let alone this one–“
And then it clicks.
“Munson.” A slow smile snakes its way across your lips, “are you a virgin?”
His leg bounces, teeth chewing at the corner of his mouth. “Yes.”
“Just to be clear I mean sex, you’ve never had sex?”
“But you’ve done..other stuff, right?”
Silence for a beat and then he’s shaking his head. You try and fail to hide the surprise on your face, “I should take this as a compliment. Your utter shock.” You can see the blush that is growing up his neck and over his already red cheeks.
“I’m sorry.” Your smile falters for a second, “I just thought with that kiss, you had done something before.” You can’t help but look down at his parted lips, yours still tingling from them. “It was..”
That word again. Hits you the same way it had before. Has the both of you staring at each other’s mouths until you’re kissing again. This time faster, harder, the passion seeping from the want and morphing into something that now has you completely on fire. Engulfed by Eddie. Your fingers are in his hair. His hands cradling your face like it’s so fucking fragile.
“Can I taste you?” You’re panting against his mouth, running your hands down his chest back to the top of his pants that are still undone. Open enough that you can push your hand in them and move your fingertips against the top of his shaft. That same noise he did earlier coming out as a puff against your parted mouth.
He nods, “yes.” It sounds so soft and filled with need. He presses one more kiss to your lips before he’s slowly pushing himself back, giving you room and helping you maneuver his pants and boxers down his thighs. Just enough to spring his cock free.
It’s bigger than you imagined it would be—never imagined it to be. But, fuck. How has he not done anything when he kisses like that? When he’s so funny, cute, and nice, and his cock is so thick.
Your jaw aches just staring at it. Tongue coming out to wet your lips as you wrap a hand around the base of him, have to hold back the sound you want to make from the sound he makes; a shallow breath let out, just below a whimper. His hips already jerking involuntarily up, precum at his tip.
“Are you sure? You’re not like…just super high–“
“I am super high, Munson.” You smile sweetly and it makes him do the same. A low laugh covered up by you leaning in to press your lips to his, “and yes, I’m sure. Incredibly.” You hope your own look of want for him comes across clearly, not only in your words but with the way your hand starts to move on his shaft, and the way you run your tongue along his bottom lip.
A breathy, “fuck, oh-kay” slipping out from him.
It’s all the consent you need, the push to have you leaning down to run the flat of your tongue across his leaking tip. The hiss of pleasure he lets out only a prelude to the whimpers and gasps he makes when you let your tongue explore along his length, pumping and sucking with your mouth along a thick vein that runs up the side of his cock. Your thumb rubbing a slow circle behind the head of it, making his hips buck and legs tense around you.
And when you finally put him in your mouth, finally swallow down the already there taste of him on your tongue—you both let out a moan. Can feel the top half of him shift like his head has fallen back, an image of his beautifully parted mouth hung open, eyes screwed shut in pleasure has you moaning against him again; your body on fire, your pussy aching.
You match the pumps of your hand with the drag of your mouth up and down his dick. Swirl your tongue around the head and suck when you reach it. Let yourself go as far as your gag reflex will let you until you’re gagging around him and Eddie is cursing and digging his nails into the cushion of the couch.
You completely expect to feel his hand on your head, to be pushing or pulling your hair to guide you. Even fucking up into your mouth. When you’ve done this for other guys they were nothing less than over aggressive about it. So when it doesn’t happen part of you thinks he’s not enjoying it; a thought that’s quickly debunked by the grunts and shaky breaths coming from above you.
And when you steal a glance to the side you can see how red his knuckles look from the death grip he has the cushion in. How his fingers twitch and hand runs along his thigh, acting as if he wants to touch you but not daring to. You steal another glance up at him, “oh, ohmygod” tumbling from his lips when your eyes meet; he looks so desperate right now. So flushed and pretty.
You pull your mouth from him, let your lips press the tiniest of kisses to the tip that makes his hips gyrate, chasing your mouth. “You can touch me, Munson.”
“Where?” He asks shakily.
“Wherever you want.” You reach for his hand and press it to your cheek, “here, so you can feel yourself inside of me.” He whimpers, you smile. “Or here,” you run his hand down your neck, raise your brows to note that area being an option before you descend further. Until you reach the top of your cleavage, “to tits.” You say playfully and it has a deep chuckle scrunching his eyes. “Okay?”
He hums, nods. “Okay.”
And then your mouth is on him again, his tantalizing noises back and making your thighs press closer together. Making you encourage the small thrusts of his hips up into your mouth. Drool slipping down your chin when your own whimper is dredged up from the back of your throat when you feel the pad of his thumb run along your hard nipple; before his palm squeezes and massages your boob in a way that makes you move your body further into his.
The pleasure you’re giving him being handed back to you with the same energy of want and need, and it has you shellshocked. Has your body working overtime with heat, arousal, and wanting to please him. Wanting to hear more of those groans. To feel the head of his cock nudge the back of your throat and his “holy shit, that feels so good” when your throat spasms around him.
If you knew sucking Eddie Munson’s dick was this fun you would of done it years ago.
Why hadn’t you seen him before this night? Why did it take weed and giggles and flirting that turned you on more than you want to admit—to really see him. And why did the thought of not being able to look away from him again, to go back to not seeing him, something that was inevitable: make fear take root in your chest?
His hand has moved to hover over your head, his rings adding more pressure to the back of your skull than his actual fingers do. “You’re so perfect,” he whimpers. Pushes his hips up into your mouth, pulling your lips further down his throbbing shaft. “Perfect.” He repeats, your stomach flutters and flops and you preen around him. His breaths get deeper, hips moving more frequently, fingers flexing in your hair. He’s close, so so close.
And if you thought the noises he was making before were beautiful, the whine he lets out when he says, “I’m going to come, can I–oh fuck–can I do it in your mouth?” Makes your eyes roll back, your head nodding in approval and then you can feel him leaning back; a loud moan coming from his mouth, his fingers gripping the hair on top of your head as he comes against your tongue. The searing heat from it like a salve to the ache in your throat.
You swallow him down. Let your tongue lap at the droplets left on his tip as you suck him into your mouth one last time before he’s letting out a hiss of over sensitivity.
He tastes just as lovely as he looks right now. Completely flushed, eyes red and heavy. One corner of his mouth ticked up in a soft smile.
“Did I hurt you?”
“Your hair,” his fingers rub at the back of your skull gently. “I’m sorry if I pulled too hard,” the softness of his words has your chest feeling heavy. Those feelings back, your arousal under shadowed.
“No,” you shake your head. Pull his hand from the back of your head, don’t know why, but you let your lips skate across his rings as you kiss his fingers. “It was perfect.”
His mouth pulls into that boyish grin, for the millionth time tonight. “It was.”
Maybe your summer won’t be so boring after all.
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Our Secret - 2k12!Donnie x Reader
Pairings: Donatello/Reader
Characters included: Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, April, Casey
Warnings: n/a
Series: No
Summary: Donnie and Y/N have been dating for a while now. Vowing to keep it secret since their friends were honestly horrible when it came to teasing when someone had a crush. The teasing if they found out that they were dating? The two were sure it would be even more ruthless. Yeah, they were okay with this. Surely, there can’t be an accident just waiting to happen that would expose them.
Word count: 4402
Authors Note: My adhd is going wild so I apologize if there are a lot of mistakes, I’ll look over it more tomorrow
Request: hiiiii!!! I  REALLLYYY love your  writing style, and I was wondering if you could do a 2012 Donnie x (fem) reader who are in a secret relationship but get exposed accidentally by one of the others! (I think it would be hilarious XD) -🕺🏻anon 
There was a slight pep in Y/N’s step as she made her way through the abandoned subway system. It was a familiar journey. So familiar actually that she was almost sure she could find her way without looking. Not that she would try that though. There was still a chance she would get lost and honestly, she didn’t want to go through the whole spiel of calling the mutant turtle brothers to tell them that she managed to get lost in the old subway system because she wanted to see if she could make the journey with closed eyes.
No, she didn’t want to be a bigger burden than she already was. Y/N wasn’t a fighter like them, April or even Casey. The only way she really helped them was that she used the fact that she is a normal human who could walk around and get the things the Hamato family needed.
Well, okay maybe she was selling herself a bit short. There have been times where she helped outside of this since she was actually a pretty good programmer. It was a hobby she worked on basically ever since she could use a keyboard.
When she began hanging out with the turtles, she would usually be found inside Donnie’s lab with him talking about some new algorithm, programming work or the like. It was to be expected that when Y/N joined their little band that Donnie would start hogging her attention seeing how he rarely got a chance to talk shop. Sure, the others listened, kind of, but Y/N could actually give feedback at some points. He could actually bounce ideas off of her and brainstorm some possible solutions.
In fact, the reason why she was making her way to the lair of the little ninja clan was because she wanted to show Donnie her code she has been working on. Well, it started as her code but at this point it had been a project the two have been working on together whenever possible. It was essentially a translator program for the Krang language. It was a bit more complicated than a simple translator since the Krang language was so very much different from what they knew, and this was supposed to help with reprogramming Krang tech but that’s details.
At the lair Y/N could already spot Mikey, Raph, Donnie, and April sitting in front of the TV watching some old cartoon movie.
“Hey guys! Not a lot going on today?” she nodded towards the TV as she walked up to them, trying to see what they were watching.
April was the first to react and got up from the couch, squeezing Y/N in a short hug as a greeting “Oh, Y/N! What’s up? We are just kind of doing nothing. Not much to do.” Her eyes meeting Y/N’s with a big and happy smile.
April has become a really good friend over time, the two bonded pretty fast seeing how they were the only two girls in this group. When the boys were off doing their own things April and Y/N began to hang out and have their own fun. She can’t really recall how it started but the two started to bake together when the time allowed it. They were definitely not amazing, and it was kind of more fun to make really ugly cakes that they would bring over to the boys for them to judge.
Y/N chuckled “Wow, sounds exciting.” She took a step to the side so she could take a look at the other three. Raph just gave her a short wave as a greeting.
Mikey had his typical wide smile on “Wanna join?”
And Donnie just had a soft smile on his lips as he gave a quick wave as well. When Y/N returned his wave with her own his smile widened into a toothy grin.
“I mean, maybe? I just came over because I wanted to show Donnie something and get his input on my code.” Y/N moved her backpack to her front and looked through it only to pull a hard drive out of it.
This made Donnie jump up from the couch “Oh! Really? I wanna see it! Let’s go!”
“Nerds!” Raph snorted out as he saw how eagerly Donnie walked over to Y/N to usher her back to his lab.
Y/N stuck her tongue out “You are just jealous that we are smarter than you.”
Raph rolled his eyes “That was a weak comeback, Y/N.”
“And yet you don’t deny it.”
But before Raph could say anything more Donnie laid his hand on Y/N’s shoulder to forcefully make her move towards his lab. He tried to just quietly move along but she could see him smile. To everyone else it was just him being amused at the banter, but Y/N was sure she could spot a bit of pride.
It was probably because she openly admitted to being smart since she usually refused to do so, even if it was in a joking manner. Mostly because she didn’t really believe it. Her knowledge with tech was just from a lot of experience. Donnie would always refute that though, saying that he did the same. She believed that he was really smart which also stemmed from the fact that he began learning about technology and more ever since he could read and do so. Besides she could keep up with him! She might not know a lot about biology but when Donnie explained things to her, she would usually understand it easily and even recall the information every time. So in a sense both were the same and since she agreed that he was smart it also meant that she had to be smart.
Inside the lab Donnie made sure to close the door so the others in the lair couldn’t interrupt. As he did so, both seemingly let out a breath that they were holding in.
Y/N immediately slid her backpack off and placed it next to Donnie’s desk.
“So, uh, you wanted to show me your code?” Donnie asked, he had a bit of self-assured grin on his face but the way he played with his own hands spelled nervousness.
“That, but also,” she stepped closer to Donnie, moving up to give his cheek a little kiss “I wanted to see you, of course.”
At that Donnie had to chuckle, he placed his hands on the sides of her face, his thumbs slowly running along her cheeks as he softly pressed his lips against hers.
“I literally snuck out yesterday to visit you.”
Still in Donnie’s arms Y/N pouted “Yeah you were at my place only for like five minutes. Can you fault me for wanting to spend more time with my boyfriend?”
His blush deepened, an embarrassed giggle escaped him “I love that word.”
“Well lucky you then because as it stands that’s what you are. You are my boyfriend. I am your girlfriend and I love you so much.”
And there it was. That dopey grin on his face that showed off his adorable tooth gap. His face ablaze as Donnie.exe stopped working. He only managed to whisper a shaky “I love you too.”
Y/N laughed, pressing another kiss at the corner of Donnie’s mouth before sitting down on one of the chairs that she had claimed as hers over time.
Donnie took another beat to live and enjoy the moment only to shake his head to pull himself out of his stupor. He moved fast to sit down next to Y/N on his own chair. His smile ever present on his face. It made Y/N’s heart flutter. She couldn’t help but be aware how he always had a smile when she was around and just the thought that her presence could do that to him made the butterflies in her stomach go wild.
“What are you thinking about?” Donnie pulled her back out of her own mind. A curious gaze in his eyes mixed with genuine interest.
Oh, the butterflies got worse. He was always so genuinely interested in what was going through her mind and it was something she appreciated so much about him.
Realizing that she must have stared at him she quickly averted her gaze, suddenly embarrassed “Uh, just thinking about how happy I am with you.”
The blush that began to settle on Donnie’s face immediately broke out again into a bright one “I thought you wanted me to look at your code and not metaphorically kill me with, uh, being so sweet and nice and just you.”
Y/N laid her cold hand against her warm cheek “To be fair! To be fair!” she exclaimed, turning back around to the tall mutant “We don’t often get the chance to be like this. We often hang out with the others so-“
She didn’t have to end the sentence for Donnie to know what she meant. Giving her a knowing nod as a response.
When the two got together they decided to keep their relationship secret. The reason? Oh, mostly because the others of their group were relentless when it came to crushes. And that was just crushes. The two were positive that it would be even worse should they find out that they were actually dating.
Donnie’s brothers have been teasing him now for years about his crush he used to have on April and something similar happened to Y/N when they thought that she might have a crush on a classmate of hers.
She sometimes had to refuse to go visit the mutant turtles because she was tutoring a classmate which the others interpreted as her hanging out with a potential crush. How they jumped to that conclusion Y/N still wasn’t sure.
The thing is, Donnie fully jumped in back then to tease her just as much as his brothers. Stating something like “Oh! Now I get why you guys keep doing it! It is actually pretty funny. Interesting what a change of perspective can do, huh?” Now that the two are together Y/N made a point to sometimes remind him of this. Maybe even sometimes using this to win a few discussions. What Donnie now knows is that even back then Y/N already began having a little crush on him.
Donnie sighed, laying his arm around Y/N “Alright, plug the hard drive in. Let’s see what you worked on.”
“Oh! Coding and chill, my favorite!” Y/N laughed as she plugged the device in.
“It better be, it’s how we started hanging out after all.” He placed another kiss against her temple.
Now the two thought they were actually really subtle when it came to their relationship but once their relationship changed from friendship to romantic there were bound for some things to maybe be suspicious.
The most noticeable one was that those two couldn’t stand to be apart from each other when all of them hung out and normally this wouldn’t have been a big deal. Surprise the nerd finally found another nerd to actually talk to, makes sense that they spent time together.
No, the problem was mostly about how Donnie’s behavior changed ever since he started getting to know Y/N. For years now he tried his best to impress April and spend time with her and suddenly over time it began to lessen. More and more. It happened gradually but his brothers noticed a change especially when they compared his behavior from before.
It was Mikey who first brought it up. He was chewing on some pizza while hanging out with Raph and Leo. Donnie was as per usual in his lab hanging out with Y/N. Both were just moment before screaming about some breakthrough and then rushed into the lab. Securing the door so no one could disturb their concentration. Also while Donnie and Y/N were actually quite mild mannered but when you interrupted their work the two could be very scary. Even Y/N who wasn’t a fighter, but the others were sure that in these moments she would be capable of manslaughter, easily.
So, the group that got left behind was very content to sit back and eat some pizza to bridge their boredom for now.
“You think he changed much?” Leo mirrored Mikey’s statement only as a question, trying to get him to clarify.
He nodded “Yep. I noticed it yesterday. Normally when Donnie hears that April came over, he would happily hang out with her but not yesterday. He just said he was busy and once again closed himself off in his lab.”
Raph just shrugged “Eh, so what. Might have finally realized that he never had a chance.”
Leo in return seemed to ponder that but not before giving Raph a bit of a stern stare “Maybe? Though if you really think about it, it has been going for a while now that he doesn’t react the usual when it comes to April, huh. I just never noticed because it was such a gradual change.”
“So, you guys just think he got over his crush on April? Just like that?” Mikey leaned over the table as he grabbed another slice.
“I dunno?” Raph seemed irritated at this topic “Why care anyhow? Hopefully means he will be less annoying.”
“Raph.” Leo warned him but continued with a slight grin “You really aren’t even a little bit curious if there might be a reason for his change?”
“What do you mean? He stopped having a crush because he is way too busy being nerdy with our human nerd. Working on projects and then the next and the next. You know how he is with tech.” He had his eyes closed, biting off a piece of his pizza as he tried to fight off the feeling of annoyance. Sure, it was fun teasing Donnie for his feelings towards April but in the end, he didn’t care too much about the whole emotions thing.
But when his brothers stayed quiet, no chastising or another quip, he opened his eyes again. His two brothers looked at him as if he just suddenly solved life’s mysteries in front of them.
But Mikey just looked at Leo “You don’t think-?”
“I mean… it would make sense, right?”
“But he’s been crushing on April for so long! There is no way that-“
“Yeah, but it just fits in with everything.”
Okay, Raph had enough “Can you guys please finish your sentences and stop this weird half telepathic conversation because I cannot follow you at all! And since when do you guys gossip like that?”
“It’s the boredom.” Mikey silently explained.
“Can you please tell me what is going through your guys’ minds already?”
Mikey sighed, placing his half-eaten pizza piece down. Apparently, this was serious enough that he had to put his pizza away “You don’t think… that Donnie has a crush on Y/N, do you?”
Raph raised his eyebrow as he thought about it for a second “Well… I don’t know! You really think he got over April that fast? You sure it’s not just him being happy to finally have another nerd friend to be nerdy with?” Why was he defending Donnie like that anyway? How was he the only one being sensible right now? Isn’t Leo supposed to reign them back in and say something like “This is Donnie’s thing let’s not assume things.” Or something like that?
“Well, sure. That might be the case. I guess it’s really the first time he has someone to actually chat and discuss things with that we don’t understand.” Leo thought out loud.
Satisfied with that Raph just gave an agreeing grunt before grabbing his pizza box and moving from the kitchen to the living space.
Yet this exchange is the reason why the three brothers couldn’t help but eye Donnie more concerning his behavior around April and Y/N. Generally, things seem to be the same. Donnie still hung out with April which wasn’t a surprise since even beyond the whole crush situation the two were still good friends.
But it also made sense how Donnie spent a lot of time with Y/N since most of the time when she came over for a visit it was with more things for their projects. The two would start chatting about how to solve some weird problem or what project to tackle next only to slip into the lab for hours on end.
While there wasn’t much to be done to test their hypothesis, they were still happy to tease him with his supposed crush on April and he reacted as usual. A bit more dismissive maybe but he got still ticked off like he always did.
Though then there was the incident.
The family, this included April and Casey, were chilling in front of the TV. They had a big training session today together, hence why Casey was still rubbing his side where Mikey drop kicked him. Also, it was supposed to be a big training session today, but Donnie didn’t join them. No, he was busy in his lab together with Y/N. The two had been in there for about three days now.
When Leo tried to urge his genius brother to get out of the lab and to either sleep or train, depending on how he was doing. There were other times where he was stuck in his lab for days but still fine since he took power naps.
At first nothing happened when Leo knocked on the door “Donnie, we finished training but you really should get out the lab for once and you know maybe sleep and eat?” While it was a question it did come out more as a command. Which it was.
But the door didn’t open.
So, he tried again. Louder this time. And again.
Finally, the door opened and there stood both Donnie and Y/N and man looked they annoyed.
Both geniuses had huge bags beneath their eyes, a similar scowl on their face. Their eyes narrowed and there was a murderous glint in them. Yep, Leo screwed up but still as the team’s leader he had to make sure that Donnie was in top shape which either meant training or forcing him to finally sleep. It was just a tad bit difficult to do that when Y/N was right there who very much knew that Leo didn’t hold the same power over her.
“Okay, yep. You guys need some proper rest.”
Y/N hissed as a response.
Leo looked at her incredulously. Did she really just hiss at him?
“No.” Donnie said dryly and slammed the door back shut.
Leo knew he really should try to work harder on making them get some rest but the two together were incredibly stubborn. They almost seemed to enhance each other stubbornness. Giving up for now he just returned to the others with a shrug.
It was hours later when the door to the lab finally opened. Y/N was the one who sluggishly left the room to make her way towards the kitchen. She didn’t even acknowledge the group who were eyeing her with big eyes. It was the first time they saw her so tired and exhausted.
Mikey was in the kitchen as well. He was currently working on one of his abomination pizzas.
Without taking notice of the orange banded turtle they just began working on the coffee machine. Preparing a full pot of coffee that she and Donnie would probably empty in minutes.
“So, uh, how’s the project going?” Mikey asked, he couldn’t help but be curious. Sure, he didn’t usually understand what Donnie was making, he could remember a lot of things he said but properly understand? Only some things. Anyways he was still curious about the end product.
It took Y/N a full minute to form a sentence “It’s going.”
The others were slightly leaning over, trying to see how Y/N was doing. They were used for Donnie to be doing these kinds of things but not with Y/N. Besides it was the first time Donnie let anyone into his lab for that long. Sure, Y/N was a bit of a special case but it was still new.
“Well, what are you working on?”
“I feel like Donnie would kill me if I told you guys. I think he wants to do that himself.”
Well, that’s something. The project was important enough or interesting enough that Donnie wanted to show it off himself.
This was the moment Mikey gave up, knowing that kind of behavior too well from Donnie. No matter how often he’ll ask the answers will be the same. Besides Y/N was way out of it.
She just stood there. Her eyes practically glued on the coffee, watching it fall into the pot. There was a slight sway to her. No wonder they were going for coffee now, the way Y/N looked Mikey was sure that she could fall over asleep any second now.
Sighing Mikey accepted his fate of being tortured by curiosity for now, so instead he worked on his newest combination for his pizza. Which reminded him. Right next to the coffee pot stood something that he wanted to try out.
“Hey, Y/N can you give me that there?” He was pointing at the ingredient, focus now back on track with more important things.
Y/N looked at Mikey, her tired eyes slowly following Mikey’s arm, hand and finger to see what he was pointing at. Their groggy mind took a second to realize what he meant.
“The…” They looked unsure, confused why he would need it “Honey?”
“Yes, sweety?” that was Donnie’s voice.
He must have come out to check on the coffee.
Before this there was a bit of a murmur in the lair as the group watching the TV show were discussing the days passing. But now it was dead quiet.
Y/N’s face heated up as her mind caught up with what just has happened.
Donnie on the other hand just kept blinking, trying to understand why there was a sudden shift in the mood of the room.
Casey’s mouth was wide open. April had an excited grin on her face while Donnie’s brothers had a range of emotions going on. Raph had a bit of a malicious grin on his face while Leo and Mikey looked at each other as if trying to confirm what they just heard.
“What just happened?” Once again that was Donnie.
Mikey turned to Donnie, wiggling his nonexistent eyebrows “Honey, huh?”
Donnie grimaced.
Surprisingly, or maybe not so much, it was Raph who piped up next, trying to stifle a laugh “Sweety? Really? What are you guys? Eighty?”
“Huh? Wha-“ It seems Donnie’s mind finally caught on as he took another looked around the round only for his gaze to fall on Y/N’s blushing face.
“Oh… oops?” Was the only excuse he could give her.
Her hand slapped against her forehead and the people burst out into laughter. Everyone on the sofa jumping up to crowd Donnie and Y/N who was at this point standing next to him.
“So, you guys are dating? Like for real?” Casey asked, scratching his head as if this was something complicated to think about.
Donnie looked down to Y/N unsure what to say. She just sighed “Well, the cat it pretty much out of the bag, sweety. Let’s just… they will be annoying, and I don’t have the energy for that right now.”
Even though she acted annoyed and disappointed, Donnie knew she wasn’t actually mad. She was just tired and if they actually were more rested, he was sure that she would be the one laughing the loudest right now.
Donnie couldn’t help the blush that was now spreading across his face as he laid his arm around Y/N with a proud smile “Yeah. She is my girlfriend!”
Y/N’s blush darkened but she leaned into Donnie’s touch. Slightly turning towards his chest as if trying to hide herself from the others. Her hand carefully snuck towards Donnie’s hand. Both were fidgeting but holding each other’s hands seemed to calm them down.
“I knew it!” April cheered “I knew you guys would be a perfect couple!”
Y/N tensed at that which made Donnie squeeze her hand as a silent question “She might have found out that I had a crush on you…”
Mikey fist pumped the air “See, guys! I told you so! I knew it!”
“Wait, how long has this been going?” Leo asked. He liked to think that he is usually very well informed or got a good feel for it when something is going on with his brothers but for him not to notice that he was literally dating someone? Someone who came over almost daily.
“Almost six months now.” Donnie answered. It was really embarrassing for him to answer all these questions, but he couldn’t help to show off a proud smile. He loved Y/N and he loved saying it.
As the questions continued, he had an idea. Leaning down he gave Y/N a big kiss which in return earned them different reactions but most importantly the group finally shut their mouth for once.
“Now that we hopefully answered enough questions… I’m going to take my girlfriend and the coffee, and we both will continue working on our project. And I swear if any of you interrupt me spending time with my lovely girlfriend, I will destroy you all.”
“Ugh please for the love of everything just go already.” Raph groaned.
Y/N laughed “God, you are such a dork, Donnie. My lovely boyfriend Donnie. Yep, my boyfriend for six months now. My pretty, handsome boy-“
A pillow flew against Y/N’s head.
“Just go! I’m begging you!” Where Raph suddenly had the pillow from, she didn’t know. The others were recoiling as well or rolling their eyes at the antics of the two lovebirds.
Donnie grabbed the coffee pot and escorted his girlfriend back to the lab but not before pressing another kiss on her lips before going out of the view of his family. He was proud to call Y/N his girlfriend and maybe it was a good thing that they now know that they were dating. This way he can dote on her and show off affection whenever he could. He could survive the teasing for that.
And as he looked at Y/N’s smiling face he just knew that something similar went through her head.
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hellsingmongrel · 4 months
Man, so I'm not normally the biggest fan of Modern AUs, nor am I overly fond of fiction focused on kids, but...last night, my sleeping brain decided to concoct this Trigun (Stampede-flavored) Modern AU that now is living rent free in my damn brain! I want to get it out of my head and into the ether. I don't know if I'm going to do anything long-form with it, and I'm having to translate dream weirdness into more coherent storytelling, but here we go.
So it's modern day Earth, like 2024 or some shit, right? And that's when this version of Earth had just begun fucking around with Plant cloning. It's early enough that the SEEDS project hasn't even left the planet, the scientists haven't yet figured out how to put Plants in bulbs and use them for fuel, none of that! But they've already had Tessla happen, and the boys have already been born. Since they're not in space, even though they had to have found out about their sister, Nai hasn't had a chance to literally nuke humanity from orbit, and I guess Rem has had a chance to try and curtail some of his trauma, so he's...more stable? Ish? Stable enough where he's not actively trying to murder everyone. And the boys are "older," like we see in the flashbacks for the time Vash encountered Nai during the Last Run, so probably around 6 years old but looking 16 or so.
Rem has managed to fudge their paperwork so they've started going to school with human kids, to try and give them a normal childhood. Nai isn't as eager to play ball with the whole "being human" thing as much as Vash is, but Vash has got so many friends, Meryl and Milly and Lina are there and they're like the cutest, most stupidly adorable group of friends, just a bunch of little goofballs, like kids that age are. And the school has a field trip to a theme park (it was Disneyworld in my dream because my school actually did this, but ours was a band trip) and Vash manages to convince Rem to let him go. Vash and Nai and Rem are still paranoid about humans figuring out who they are, so you know, he's told to be extra careful and take care of himself, and Nai gives him one of his blades or something for self defense, just in case something happens. Even though Vash would never, that boy has trauma around knives and trying to defend himself, if you've read Trimax, iykyk. But he takes it anyway, and somehow, he manages to sneak it into the park. Maybe the metal doesn't register on metal detectors or something, who knows.
But he's a kid, and kids are dumb. Especially when they're 16. Especially if those 16 year olds aren't actually 16 and don't have the actual lived experience to know better. So he starts playing with the knife in front of the girls, showing off and just being a silly little guy. And then the knife slips. Bad. We're talking "this is how he probably lost his arm in this AU" bad. Blood everywhere, the girls are panicking and take him to the school chaperones and it's like "HOLY SHIT WTF DUDE, We're taking you to the ER, someone call his mom!"
And he hears that, pictures the doctors finding out he's not human, remembers what happened to Tessla, and panics. Boy does a runner like only Vash can do, and he manages to get away from them, out of the park, and escapes from security. And when parents get involved in trying to find him, the authorities start looking into the incident, and someone in the government overseeing the Plant research is able to recognize the elemental make up of the blade he dropped, and they start having suspicions. So the feds get involved, and it just goes from bad to worse, right?
Meanwhile, loopy from blood loss and panicking and a little sobbing mess because he feels dumb about slipping up and he's afraid he'll never get to go home to his mom and his brother again and is spiraling the way kids do when they panic, he gets lost in the city and ends up stumbling over teenage Wolfwood, who lives on the streets and has a few street kids that he looks after on his own with Livio. They never got to live at the orphanage, but that also means that the Eye (in whatever form it takes in this AU) never got ahold of them, so yeah, shits fucked for them, but it's actually a whole lot better for them than it might have been. And it's Wolfwood without all of the EoM trauma, so you can just imagine what he does when this delirious, bloody, terrified, severely injured kid runs him over in the street, sobbing about being caught by the adults and taken away.
Big Brother Nico do what Big Brother Nico do.
At that point, I ended up waking up, but damn if my brain didn't give me enough details to come up with a dumb AU idea that I kind of love and want to do something with, but I don't know if I have the time or spoons to do so.
Ideas I'd had following this beginning to flesh itself out in my head; Luida and Brad are Plant researchers brought onto the project to help the feds figure out wtf is going on with this whole situation, and when Luida is told to talk to Rem, because she's not giving them anything they can use, the two of them reach a secret accord to bring Vash home safe and sound and cover everything back up nice and squeaky clean the way it should have stayed.
Vash's arm is bad enough that he can't really heal it very well on his own without medical care, Plant healing or no. He's doing better than most kids would, but it still begins to go septic, and it forces Nico and Livio to make the really hard decision to find adults they can trust to bring him to so he can get the care he needs. He still ends up losing his arm, though.
At the end of everything, Melanie ends up taking Nico and Livio and the other kids in, so they still get to have their momma figure, even if she comes in later. Maybe she's the one that they find to help them. Is she maybe someone they've known was mostly safe but was never able to get them to stick around long enough to take care of them? Either way, the boys get Vash to her, and it starts the process of getting him home and the kids finally staying at the orphanage.
Meryl, Milly, and Lina all end up sneaking away when they realize that Vash is in more trouble than the adults are letting on, trying to go find him, since they know him better than anyone other than Rem and Nai. Eventually, they meet up with Nico and Livio while everyone is trying to avoid federal agents.
Obviously it's lovey-dovey Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends and Polygun-flavored, but in the "these kids are too oblivious to think about sexy things, yet" sort of way, because I really do headcanon that at least Vash is ace, Wolfwood is probably demi, and also I am not writing children getting intimate like that. >8/ But kids having little crushes on each other is adorable and I can't not have Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends be the eventual outcome, once those idiots all grow up and get their heads screwed on straight.
Also, because Nai hasn't had a chance to murder everyone, Rem's managed to work with him enough that he's very slowly overcoming his trauma and regaining his ability to trust that he's not in permanent danger. He'll probably grow up to be a Plants Rights activist or something, lbh. Or a politician. But he's not going to murder people, so either way, it's a win/win!
Because Nico's been living on the streets with him, Razlo either hasn't had to manifest as strongly for Livio, or hasn't manifested at all. Livio is still the sweet, shy, crybaby teddy bear we see, and maybe Razlo only comes out when the feds start getting closer and almost managing to grab the kids, and because he's been able to bond with Nico and the other kids so well this time, Livio is close enough to them that the thought of them getting hurt or taken away is enough to make him want to protect their little group instead of just Livio.
Wolfwood absolutely grumbles about how alike Vash and Livio are. Both a couple'a crybabies, geez, what the Hell you two??? But he also is very much a teddy bear who gives the best hugs when one of his little band of gremlins is upset, so he probably spends more time in a cuddle pile than anything else, now that there's two of them to lose their shit at the drop of a hat.
Vash was totally the one very sweet boy in a clique of girls that everyone who'd known him realized, when they were adults looking back, that he was very much the sweet gay kid hanging out with the girls because it was safer to be himself around them than it was to be around the other boys. (This isn't meant as a stereotype of gay kids, this is based on actual kids I grew up with. My friend group honest to God adopted them because we were all a bunch of momma bears.)
Vash is also...not trans? Because he's a Plant and Plants don't work the same way humans do, but he's also not what humans would think of as a cis boy. He expresses a masc presentation, but probably the closest equivalent would be an intersexed kid. Nai, too, tbh, though he's probably more of the "I don't give a fuck" opinion when it comes to his own gender identity. He uses he/him because that's what humans think when they see him, but he doesn't care any deeper than that.
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mayiwritesomething · 3 months
Love Is An Unfamiliar Name (pt. 2)
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Wordcount: 1,9 k
Warnings: none
A/N: hope you enjoy as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
Few months had passed since THAT NIGHT, you had finished two short movie scores. Like many composers, you occasionally played with a band, starting out as a sound engineer intern during your music bachelor's degree. It was during this time that you met the group who would later invite you to become their bass player for live shows. Almost fifteen years down the line, there you were, laying down bass lines for their next album.
As the session ended, you reached for your water bottle when your bandmate, Tim, called out to you. "Hey there, kiddo. I know you're taking some time off soon. Can I count on you for the upcoming tour? I'm planning just a few shows so I can spend more time with the kids," he mentioned while packing his gear. 
"Timmy, you know I'll be there! By June, I should have everything wrapped up so we can start post-production," you assured him. Tim happened to be Amy's husband, whom you introduced, and they had been together for nearly a decade.
"When are you leaving?" he inquired.
"Next Monday, I'm off to Alberta, then back to LA for a few days, off to Paris, then back to Canada, and on and on," you explained.
"The way you put it, it sounds like just a month or two," Johnny chimed in.
"Come on! I don't know why you're talking like that. Most of your work will be in post-production," you retorted, playfully pushing him. Johnny, a master in sound effects, was also part of your team, along with Tim, who excelled in translating emotions into music. Tim, however, would be less involved this time due to his newborn daughter. While he would assist on set some days, you had planned most of his work for the final score during post-production.
"I'll admit, I'm just as nervous as you are," Johnny confessed. "Things are getting real now."
"It sure is, and you're both in this with me. If you mess up, I'll fire you with no mercy," you teased, laughing.
"Remember when we met this girl man, she was 20-something, sitting shy behind a board working on synthesizers? Years later, she's our boss in the cinematographic world." Tim beamed proudly, resembling an older brother.
"Well, you know I'm here because you never let me fall," you expressed gratefully, recalling how they had always supported you as if you were their little sister, even during your toughest times.
"Oh, I forgot how cute and loving you can be sometimes." Johnny embraced you, joined by Jim and Lucas, the drummer who had just entered the room, unaware of the conversation.
"What would I do without you guys?" You chuckled, feeling a sense of belonging, and these guys made it feel like home.
On Sunday, you began packing your luggage, gathering everything you needed to feel comfortable in the hotel that would serve as your Canadian residence for the coming months.
Monday morning, you double-checked everything once again before meeting Jenny at the airport around 2:00 PM to catch your flight, realizing the scale of the project as the entire crew was set to travel on a private flight.
Spotting Jenny amidst a small group at the airport, you recognized familiar faces from the sound department. While conversing with your new colleagues and waiting to check in, you headed to the self-service area for snacks when a familiar voice caught your attention from behind.
"Just make sure not to take the Reese's, Mrs. Coordinator," the voice teased.
"I'm more of an M&M's kind of girl," you retorted playfully. "You can have it all; it’s not like I care... - Pedro," you replied, turning to face him.
"Wow, you can be quite rude sometimes. Has anyone ever told you that?" Pedro seemed taken aback.
"That's just my way of showing affection," you quipped, attempting to break the ice, the joke clear in your mind.
"Like a hedgehog, huh? Got it, Sonic," Pedro replied, retrieving his items. The mention of Sonic brought a smile to your face.
"Sonic?" you questioned.
"Yeah, the hedgehog, Mrs. Coordinator," he continued teasing.
"Please, stop calling me that," you insisted.
"Sonic?" Pedro teased again.
"You're incredibly annoying, has anyone ever told you that?" You fired back.
"A few times, but at least I don’t jump to conclusions about someone else's personality," Pedro responded, a hint of a smile appearing as he took a sip of water.
"What's the matter, dude?" Your feisty side emerged. "I already apologized for that, and now you're going to keep bringing this up every chance you get?" He was right; you can be very rude. "I mean... I'm not... I... 
"Nothing's wrong." Pedro's smile faded. "I thought you'd be okay with a joke about a stupid situation, one that, let's be clear, you created. Yes, I brought it up as a joke for the first and last time… ‘cause it seems we have different senses of humor," he continued earnestly. You found yourself agreeing with him, but you were too proud to give up.
"Alright, maybe we do have different humors. And you were the one who called me rude in the first place." You knew this time you sounded like a neglected child.
"Did I lie?"
"No," you conceded, trying not to sound stubborn. "But since we're going to be working together, perhaps we should try to understand each other better. I was joking about the Reese's incident, you know." You sounded just like your therapist now. “…And”
"FINALLY, THERE YOU ARE! May and I have been wandering around like two old ladies looking for their cats," Jenny chimed in, appearing out of nowhere like an angel to save you from yourself.
"Hey Jennifer, how's it going?" Pedro greeted her with a hug that got you thinking. You don’t hug Jenny quite as often as you should. "We were just discussing how we're going to make things work."
"Sure, we were," you muttered, a hint of annoyance in your voice.
"Ah, I see you've already experienced this girl's unique sense of humor," Jenny remarked, trying to lighten the mood. Though her comment irritated you, you knew she meant well.
"Unfortunately, he has, Jen," you replied, attempting to sound nice.
"Jenny, have you ever heard the phrase 'all bark, no bite'? It seems like your friend here fits that bill," Pedro observed with a cynical smile, not in a malicious way but more like a curious mind pondering your next move. Was he provoking you? You got confused...
"I can bite, but only if you ask nicely," you retorted, catching him off guard. His cheeks flushed, Jenny chuckled, and she made her way to the self-service area.
"What happened, ‘Mr. I have an answer to everything’? Cat got your tongue?" You teased him, noting his silence as he processed your response. You started to feel a bit foolish.
"Talking to you is truly a rollercoaster," Pedro remarked, attempting to sound confident, though you noticed his hand twitching. "That's a compliment, Sonic. Before you decide to pounce on me," he added shyly and genuinely. What just happened? Why did you do this to someone who isn’t your usual type? Well, you might be a wooden heart, but certainly you’re not dead. 
"See you around then?" He regained his confidence. "All bark, no bite." 
You were on the verge of responding that you hoped not, but before you could, he approached you and gently patted your shoulder, his hand resting there for a moment. A surge of electricity shot through your body so swiftly that you felt like a supernova had just exploded within you. Startled, you stepped back, fear creeping in. What was happening?
"Hey?" He looked confused. "Are you okay?"
You nodded in affirmation, and he smiled, remarking, "Quick reflexes, huh?” 
This time, you were caught off guard. Physical touch was something you weren’t used to. Your body language resembled that of a feral cat—life had shaped you into this defensive creature. Earth Calling. 
"Haha," you attempted to maintain the cool facade you had two minutes ago, "Isn't speed one of Sonic's powers?"
"I guess it is.”
"Well, are we cool then?" you asked, a hint of confusion in your voice.
"Why wouldn't we be?" he responded. 
"Pedro, we just..."
"It's okay," he reassured, moving closer as you instinctively stepped back, clutching your pack of peanut butter M&M's like a protective talisman. "Hey, it's really okay. You've said what you needed to say, and I've done the same. We're cool." Sensing your anxiety, he urged, "Trust me."
"Okay, I think we should head back.” You said. “Jenny and May are probably feigning indecision over their purchases to make sure we don’t kill ourselves," you suggested, opening your M&M's pack. He observed your delicate movements, ensuring the package remained intact.
"I’m sure of that... Just like how Jenny watches out for you, May prevents me from fucking things up," Pedro remarked with a laugh.
"Two grown adults with their babysitters," you joked, glancing over his shoulder at Jenny and May. You signaled for them to join you and Pedro, as he turned and did the same. 
"Hey, Hi!" May approached you enthusiastically. "I couldn't believe it when Pedro said he'd be working with you! I don't want to sound like a fangirl, but I love your music work! The last score you created was fantastic, and your work with Mended Fragments... I can't wait to see you guys perform live again!"
"Oh, uh, thank you... May," you replied, extending your hand. "I'm truly grateful to hear that,” you said shyly. “I must admit, I still don’t how to act in these situations, but I genuinely appreciate it." Your skin flushed with warmth. “We will play some gigs next year, i can get you some cool spots if you want”
"Really???" She was trying to hide how starstruck she was.
"Wow, enjoy it, May.” Pedro said, “She wasn't this friendly to me when we first met, and I told her I was a fan of her work. The very same day she called me the 'Game of Thrones guy.'" In that final sentence, he glanced at you like a cat poised to knock a cup of water off a table. He was teasing you, and he wanted you to know that.
This time, you didn't take the bait. Instead, you quipped, "You were on a date, Pedro, and my morals weren't the best that night. I'd rather not risk it." You chuckled, while Jenny smirked by his side.
"Come on!" He said it, feigning disappointment. "I thought we were due for another discussion," he glanced at you, "boriiiing."
"Guys, let's go. We have a flight to catch," May interjected, sensing the tension. The four of you made your way to meet the rest of the crew. Taking a seat beside Jenny, you found yourself smiling, and Jenny looked surprised at you.
"It's been a while since I've seen this," she remarked, her expression bright.
"See what?"
"This very one smile," she said, flashing her teeth.
"I'm not—"
"I'm not smiling. I don't feel anything. I'm the ice queen," she cut in, teasingly imitating you. "Everyone, look at how mean and bad I am." She continued…
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you responded, laughing and looking at the surroundings to ensure no one was paying attention.
"If anything happens between you two, you owe me 1000 bucks."
"Make it 2000, because nothing's going to happen. Deal?"
"Deal. I'm thrilled at the thought of being $2000 richer without doing anything."
"Keep dreaming," you retorted, picking up a book to read and acknowledging silently that she kind of had a point.
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Hey there Slug! I hope you ain't too buys and might have a lil fun with this one! Of each individual character, what are your respective favorite songs of theirs and why?
This is an easy ask to answer, so I'mma clear it from the pile and get to some older ones eventually.
I assume you mean solo songs only, right?
Under a cut for length because there are a bajillion boys in this series
Ichirou: I like his VA's rapping work in just about everything; he's really solid. Stage Ichirou also has a youthful quality I appreciate a lot, but of the main series songs... probably Break the Wall. It's high energy in a fun way. It also ties into a creative project I've been chewing on for years that's near and dear to my heart, although I'm not sure if I'll ever put it to paper and share it anywhere.
Jirou: I think Jirou's VA has a very pretty singing voice, so I like his softer songs. In general, I admire the "softer" aspects of Jirou's character and think that's where he shines best. So probably School of IKB, although I adore his choruses in Re:start.
Saburou: Requiem. I'm very, very, very into things that commit to being over the top and goofy, and I also enjoy combining classical and baroque elements with other genres. What's not to like here?
Samatoki: Gangsta's Paradise. The high speed rap is technically compelling. I generally appreciate v. fast rap since I enjoy learning and singing them. If the stage plays count, I really enjoy the emotion Samatoki's stage actor brings to Come Back to Me.
Juuto: ...There is some interesting text in the Personality section of Juuto's wiki page. (I have it pulled up to quick reference the song lists.) If anyone with wiki edit powers is reading this, you may want to clean that up... Anyway, I feel like they give Juuto great background music in just about every song, but Uncrushable takes the cake for me. I really like the BG music in that.
Riou: Move Your Body Till You Die, hands down. Goofy as fuck. Also, great workout music.
Ramuda: I find his main voice pretty grating, and his usual styles of music aren't my favorite in general. So Ramuda songs don't do a lot for me. I appreciate Pink Colored Love for plot reasons, though.
Gentarou: The slower Hypmic songs rarely do a lot for me, but I found myself enjoying Yume no Kanata a lot. Not sure I know why, necessarily...
Dice: 3$EVEN was one of the first songs I really enjoyed in Hypmic, and I still like its high energy today. In general, I'm impressed by Dice's VA's rapping ability and appreciate his parts in group songs a lot.
Jakurai: Like I said earlier, I'm not usually a fan of slow songs, so none of Jakurai's solos or duets have ever stood out to me. With that being said, I think Jakurai's speech style and slower rhythms makes him more fun and easier to translate w/ full rhyme and rhythm than many other characters. Like I think Labyrinth Wall would be fun to do a full cover of with syllable matching rhymes and line length while simultaneously trying to stick as close to the core meaning and tone as possible.
Hifumi: Both Champagne Gold and Don't Stop the Party are high-energy bops and great for working out. Slight preference for the former. I also really like his singing voice in group songs.
Doppo: Doppo's angrier verses in group songs are fun, but I'm especially fond of BLACK OR WHITE. In particular, I enjoy the DOTAMA cover. I'm a big DOTAMA fan for both his lyrical strength and considerable rapping chops. He's got a lot of songs that are really punchy and angry in this exact vein, and I love throwing on a playlist of his stuff while grinding out tedious work projects. Hahaha. Just rapping along "I don't want to work. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. BUT HERE I AM, WORKING!!!!" furiously under my breath.
Sasara: Comedian Rhapsody is really fun. This is another song I would love, love, love, love to try and do a full translation w/ preservation of rhyme/line length/jokes. Not for sharing--at that point it's just kinda showing off--but it's fun to chew on bits of it when I have moments of free time.
Roshou: Like most of the slow song characters, Roshou's solos aren't my favorite. I guess I prefer Under Sail to Own Stage for its background music.
Rei: All of Rei's songs are wild to the point of me liking them for the goofiness. If you commit to the bit, I'll enjoy it 9 times out of 10. Doesn't matter what the bit is. Shiro to Kuro is probably my favorite. LOVE the "heh heh we are up to no good" NPC villain energy of that song. But also, shout-out to his singing in Enishi, even if it's nigh-on intelligible to me. I love the hell out of Enishi in general.
Kuko: The king of goof himself. Sou Gyaran BAM is probably my favorite, but I am--to some degree--into virtually every song he's in.
Juushi: Wow, I'm listed as a source on this wiki page, lol. Anyway. Juushi's aesthetic as a whole isn't my cup of tea, but I have a soft spot for Moonlight Shadow, because the first two times I heard it were on Spotify shuffle while I just so happened to be scrubbing a toilet. So for a couple months after, I would put Bad Ass Temple on every time I cleaned the bathroom. Hahaha.
Hitoya: One and Two, and Law is so fucking goofy. I adore it. The live version with the airhorn? Chef's kiss.
Otome: Fuck it, let's do the ladies too. Out of all of her musical appearances, I like Just Do It the most. It adds such an interesting strength to her character, and the English portions are done super well.
Ichijiku: Love, love, love her part in Verbal Justice for its strength. This is yet another song I think would be fun to do a hell TL of, and then I remind myself that trying to rhyme "Kadenokouji" in English is a fool's errand.
Nemu: Her singing voice in WINK is nice, but I love her part in Femme Fatale for its energy. "I'm Nemu, and this is my masterpiece" Fuck yeah it is
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emeraldelysian · 2 years
Ateez ✧ Their S/O Has Anxiety
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Synopsis: How the Ateez members would react to their s/o having anxiety
Wordcount: 2.4K+
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety of all kinds
Note: Considering I have really bad social anxiety, I wanted to write about some of my personal experiences while tying them to helpful ways of calming down in case anyone else has been in a similar situation! Also, this is not meant to represent how everyone experiences anxiety as we all don't go through it in the same way.
♡︎ follow, provide feedback, or reblog if you enjoyed but please don't repost or translate!♡︎
.·:*¨༺ Kim Hongjoong ༻¨*:·.
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Color/Paint By Number Books
Being the leader of his group, Hongjoong had learned to be very observant of the people around him. That's why he knew something was off the moment he saw you. It wasn't obvious, no. You had a more subtle way of showing your distress, but Hongjoong had learned to pick it up. You were zoning out a bit more than usual, responses only varying between yes and no, with the occasional small nervous laughs.
He wouldn't try to push you into talking much about how you were feeling, instead opting to indirectly help you. He made sure to work from home that day, letting the others know that he couldn't make it into the studio. He made sure to order lunch for the two of you just in case you weren't comfortable with talking to too many new people.
Only when you flinched at the sound of his laptop closing did he realize how tight of a grip your anxiety had on you. It wasn't a big jump, but it was enough for him to know that your thoughts were spiraling more than the usual anxious thoughts. So, instead of continuing his work for the day, he pulled out some of his art supplies and a few paint-by-number sheets. The newest project for you two was a rainy day in Paris. He gently coaxed you to join him, and you both sat down and started painting.
He couldn't help but be mesmerized by the fluid movements of your hand as you carefully painted each section. With every stroke of your brush, he could see the worries melt away, even if just for a moment.
.·:*¨༺ Park Seonghwa ༻¨*:·.
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Play Calming Music
'I need somebody who can love me at my worst.'
You both were on a walk when your thoughts began to spiral, somehow coming to the conclusion that Seonghwa may be finding you incredibly annoying for having you spend time with him rather than letting him relax on his day off. Of course, that wasn't true. You were a relaxing space for him and he loved spending time with you whenever he could. But you couldn't help but feel burdensome, like everything you were doing was bothering him and that he didn't want to tell you and hurt your feelings.
'No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth.'
It didn't take long for Seonghwa to realize you were lagging behind him as the walk continued, moving at a slower pace than when you started. So, when you both got to the nearest bench, he stopped and urged you both to sit down. It was only then that he properly saw your teary eyes, which had been looking down at the ground for most of the walk. His heart dropped at the sight, and it took him no time to take out his phone and headphones. He offers you one of the earbuds before putting the other one into his own ear and pressing play.
'Cause, it's only you, nobody new, I put you first.'
Seonghwa hummed along to the song, one earbud in his right ear. He looked over at you softly bobbing your head along to the music playing on your left. He had made a playlist for moments like these, where words couldn't be found to describe feelings. He brushes the hair out of your face before mouthing the next line as if he had written it just for you.
'And for you, I swear I'll do the worst.'
.·:*¨༺ Jeong Yunho ༻¨*:·.
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4-7-8 Breathing Technique
Yunho called out your name as he walked through the door, tired from the long day behind him. He decided to not call out a second time when he didn't hear your response, believing that maybe you went to sleep. He didn't mind you not staying up for him; in fact, he'd encourage it because sometimes he'd stay for hours practicing and he wanted to make sure you took care of yourself. Oftentimes, you didn't listen, however, instead choosing to stay up and wait for him.
He'd be lying if he said it didn't worry him when he didn't find you in your shared bedroom. He called your name out once again, looking around the house before realizing the light to the bathroom was on and the door was slightly ajar, just enough for light to peek through. He gave a soft knock on the door, before opening it. He stopped when he saw you curled up on the floor, back leaning against the cabinets, with your head on your knees.
He immediately dived down to the floor in front of you, wrapping his entire body around your frame as a protective shield. He tried to ask what was wrong but in response, he could only hear your shaky, choked-up breaths. He quickly interpreted the situation and realized he needed to help you get your breathing under control.
He talked you through a breathing exercise you both had done before, doing it along with you. You both inhaled through your nose until the count of four, indicated through his soft, rhythmic tapping on your back with his hand. You both then held it for seven more taps and exhaled for eight. You both repeated this process until you could finally feel enough air reaching your lungs and you calming down.
.·:*¨༺ Kang Yeosang ༻¨*:·.
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Butterfly Hug
Yeosang woke up at the feeling of you sitting upright on the bed. You had just woken up from a terrifying nightmare, your hands shaking at the memory of it. Still disoriented from the sudden wake, it took him a few moments before he realized your shaken-up state. The moment he did, he moved slowly to sit upright in order to not startle you. He quietly calls out to you, thinking he could bring you back to the safety of his arms.
Instead, your shaking worsened at the thoughts of you waking him up. His heart shattered as your voice wavered in calling out his name before breaking down into endless apologies for waking him up and disturbing him. He shook his head and pulled you onto his lap to calm your thoughts before whispering small assurances into your ears.
Your shaking seemed to calm down a little but not completely and you tightly closed your eyes to try to block out whatever intrusive thoughts were hitting you at that moment. You knew Yeosang was trying to help but for some reason, the little murmurs in your heart just wouldn't go away.
He too realized that you still didn't feel completely fine, so instead, he positioned you with your back leaning against his chest. He crosses your arms over your chest and places each hand on your collarbone. He puts his own hands onto yours and begins lightly tapping them, whispering little nothings about how it was just a dream and that you're safe with him. Your breathing began to slow down as you focused only on his words. You stay like that for a bit, and he doesn't mind. However long it takes, he'll be there with you.
.·:*¨༺ Choi San ༻¨*:·.
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Scent Focus
You both had been looking at plushies in a smaller, less populated store in the mall when you had heard your name being called. Turning to expect your lovable boyfriend, your smile dropped when you instead saw a toxic friend you had once had. You felt frozen as they tried to catch up with you, making it seem like you had just been two lost souls, distanced by time. But inside, your mind was racing. You felt genuine fear seeing them, recalling all the times when they'd make you feel as if you didn't matter.
When San came back from the aisle he was checking, he initially was excited at the idea of you finding someone you hadn't talked to in a while. Or at least, that's what he thoughts from hearing the person talk. It wasn't until he saw your face that he realized something was very wrong. That you were paralyzed in this situation. That you weren't simply just catching up with a friend.
He quickly gets you out of the situation, saying that you both were late for something before getting out of the store and entering the nearest gender-neutral bathroom. He holds you against him tightly, wishing nothing more than for your fear to disappear. For you to know that you're okay because he's here right now.
When he realizes you're not snapping out from your state, he pulls a small bottle of your favorite essential oil scent and asks if he can put some on your wrist. When he feels you nod, he puts a drop of the oil onto your wrist. The scent helps you calm down, creating a more welcoming and soothing atmosphere for you as San continues to hold you tight.
.·:*¨༺ Song Mingi ༻¨*:·.
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Hold Hand Tightly and Release
There were a lot of people in the studio today and it was putting you on edge. You tried not to focus on it but it felt like everyone was staring at you. Now you were just holding this wrapper waiting for the right moment to throw it out into a trash can that was just on the other side of the room. It's not like anyone was actually staring at you, but with the number of people that there were in the room, it felt like there was absolutely no chance that not a single person looked at what you were doing. Just waiting for you to mess up.
Mingi could tell you were on edge as well, with how you'd glance at the wrapper in your hand and then at the garbage can and then at the people in the room. You had been repeating this cycle for maybe 20 minutes or so, and while he knew that the act might seem so simple to others, it was a difficult decision for you.
He'd been in similar situations before, with anxiety kicking in so high that he didn't want to leave his bed. And yet, here you were, supporting him through dance practice despite the accumulation of bodies in the room. That's why, as soon as he found a break between the practice, he rushed over to you and kneeled down in front of you. He gave you a small smile before jokingly mentioning why the wrapper was getting more attention than he was.
You couldn't help but let out a stifled laugh and mutter a small sorry. He shook his head at your cute apology before taking the wrapper out of your hand and replacing it with his own. You squeezed his hand tightly while he muttered small reassurances to you. Once he realizes he has to get back to training, he moves to stand back up but is stopped by you. He turns back over to look at you, who now had your palm out. He places the wrapper in your hand and watches as you take a deep breath before walking to the other end of the room. You throw out the wrapper and turn to him with a relieved smile. He gives you an even bigger smile in return, throwing two small thumbs-up your way before mouthing a small 'I'm proud of you.'
.·:*¨༺ Jung Wooyoung ༻¨*:·.
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Seeing your caller ID flash on his phone was always a pleasant surprise for him when he'd be on tour. However, seeing your swollen red eyes that had indicated you crying changed his demeanor entirely from the usual jokester he tends to be. Instead, he immediately asks you what happened and what was wrong, threatening to absolutely murder someone twice if they even looked at you the wrong way.
Despite your constant assurances that nothing was wrong, you couldn't help but start crying again in front of him. It felt childish to admit, but being alone terrified you. And while you wouldn't say that you were clinging onto Wooyoung, lately your anxiety had kicked into overdrive, and the thought of him being on tour didn't help things. You didn't want to tell him though because you knew it wasn't his fault, and that these feelings would pass eventually; they always did.
However, Wooyoung wouldn't quit. Instead, he decided to suggest doing a guided meditation. It was something you both had tried before, and it would allow both of you to calm down from the stresses of your days, even if just for a little while. He had even decided to come up with his own just for you, adding little funny twists and characters. He enjoyed being able to help you with your anxiety, even if to him, it didn't feel like much. But, for you, it meant the world that he'd take the time to just care for you, even if he was tired.
.·:*¨༺ Choi Jongho ༻¨*:·.
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5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique
"Name five things you can see."
Jongho is always observant of your behavior. Not in a creepy way, or at least he'd hoped so. But he wants to take care of you and make sure that you're okay. So he tries to pay attention to any changes in your behavior. That's why it was so easy for him to realize something was off about you that day. Even though you seemed calm on the outside, you were much more pensive than usual. It was almost as if you had so many stresses that you ended up in a state of calm on the outside.
That didn't stop him from checking up on you though, and the moment he did, he could see your bottom lip quiver. You immediately broke down, pouring out how you felt like there was so much work to do and so little time and you didn't want to disappoint anyone so you just have to get them done. He listened quietly, realizing that you need to rant about how you feel and let out everything you have bottled up. However, he also realizes that your breathing becomes more shallow because of the increasing panic you're feeling.
He always aimed to be your anchor during moments like these and this time was no different. Once he realizes that you're reaching your limit, he immediately moved to hold you tightly. He then asked you what five things you could see in at that moment. Once you responded, he proceeded with asking what four things could you feel. Then he continued with three things you could hear, two things you could smell, and finally, one thing you could taste.
He can feel you calm down with each response, focusing on the things around you in that moment rather than the stresses you had in life. He then helps you find ways to manage the things you're stressing about and offers to help out with anything he can.
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somuchwhatever · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Got tagged by @somewhereapart, and I figured y'all may be sick of seeing me just post fic so here ya go.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
AO3 tells me I've written for Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, General Hospital, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: OC, Lie To Me, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and The West Wing. And I honestly can't think of any others outside of just ficlets I've tossed into the wild over the years.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Flinktober 2022 (EO, SVU/OC)
i remember skies (EO, SVU/OC)
gala (EO, SVU/OC)
bizarre love triangle (EO, SVU/OC)
Chautauqua (EO, SVU/OC)
I did not include one that was cowritten with a bunch of other people because I will always assume the kudos are for them.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As often as possible. If someone takes the time to comment, I want them to know that i care enough to acknowledge and thank them for that kindness and effort. Especially when I write mostly for a fandom where I've seen people specifically state that they will read works but NOT comment on them as some sort of punishment for whatever random/imaginary fandom sins the writer whose free content they are enjoying has committed. That's just dumb and unkind, so I make the effort to let people know their comments are appreciated, even if it takes weeks to circle back.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. There are several chapters in the first flink posting that would qualify, but I'm going to go with my largest Sam/Jack (SG-1) fic, Gravity Sings. It's hard to pretend it's not angsty when you've literally killed off half the planet.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Not really sure. I'm a sucker for fluffy endings, so I tend to write them quite a bit. Maybe waltz or Chautauqua?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally, but I shut it down quickly. If you come up in someone's space where someone is providing you free entertainment and be rude? Don't expect a pass from me about it. The scroll bar isn't difficult to use, and neither is the back button. I use it frequently on poorly-written works or things that may be well-written but just aren't my thing. What I don't do is sling entitlement issues around demanding things be written to my satisfaction (unless you employ my beta services, in which case, you asked for it!). :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I never really did prior to the first flink experiment, and I created that experiment purely to practice writing smut. Well, I take that back. @rgrdsalxndra would be the first to remind me I'd often cockblock Elliot and Olivia by having them dream-smutting without real-life release. But I started that project with the express purpose of getting better and more comfortable with writing smut, so I'm making that the hinge point.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Because SVU and OC are different shows, I write them regularly. But if you mean out-of-universe crossovers, I've only really written one, R.E.M. (SGA, BSG, Buffy). It was based on a prompt from an LJ friend, "Elizabeth Weir, Kara Thrace, and Buffy Summers walk into a bar..."
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware. There are much better people out there to steal from. Also, I always assume if something is similar to what I've written, it's because fandom truly does become a hivemind at some point. Nothing new under the sun and all.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware. If I had to guess, I'd say Gravity Sings would be the most likely candidate since SG-1 fandom is probably the most global and that fic has been around much longer than any other likely candidates.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Wrote Wet Dream with much better smut writers than myself in a group chat, and a bunch of us in SG-1 fandom way back in the day once built an SG-1 AU loosely based on The Big Bang Theory called The House That Jack Built, and I have several entries in that little universe.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
How does anyone pick this??? I love them all for different reasons. I will say EO has a grip on me nobody else ever has, but then they have that 25 year slow burn that is just absolutely and sickly delicious.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Glazed and Fired (SGA) was originally the first part of a 5 Things fic that got away from me, and I had always intended to go back and finish it but eventually just put it away for good. I fully intend to finish my others (Skies, I'm looking at you).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Grammar. Economy of language (this is also sometimes a weakness). Getting into the head of characters who are typically very closed off.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel my writing is way too mechanical. I'm also still not comfortable writing smut. I always walk around with a sense of imposter syndrome with my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm literally one class shy of a degree in French, and I had to write many upper level term papers in that language, but let me assure you I have zero plans to ever write in another language. I sincerely applaud those of you who do.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate SG-1
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Geez. It probably changes regularly, and I'm hesitant to say because my faves are never anyone else's. all i ever wanted (a rather dark Elliot-centric fic) holds a very dear spot in my heart just because of how my muse just grabbed a keyboard and churned it out. This is not a popular opinion, and hardly anyone read it, but I still love it a lot. And just because it was the first fic I wrote that was widely recc'd, I have a soft spot for Things Not Dreamed (SG-1), a Sam & Jack & Daniel fic written from Daniel's POV.
tagging in a no-pressure way (and sorry for any double tags):
@morethanwords229, @whatbecomesofyou, @samwrites99, @rgrdsalxndra, @shut-upjohn, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Ok sorry about that now back to your regularly scheduled program: A!au toh au when??
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Yeah hi I was bored n thinking about this idea and also wanted to do a style study for toh, (ignore that I had to use bases for the bodies I couldn’t draw them😭 my lines where too shaky I’m not the best at tracing stuff so I cheated a tiny bit) I had originally thought of this idea ages ago in a doodle where they all went to hexide and it was more a high school au if anything but now that the show is further along I thought of a more fleshed out idea for this hypothetical au!
Technically this could count as just a regular Ahit toh au BUT I based it off of ideas and hcs in aau so yeah I’m sticking with that
Also the characters aren’t one to one with toh characters it’s more just a “how would these characters and their story translate over to toh universe” thing but most characters can be tied to a toh character as being based on/in the role of if that makes sense like I said it’s a bit of a mixing pot with the characters
Uh yeah info about the basic idea for the characters/story:
The whole story with prince and Vanessa instead of prince getting locked in a cellar to die van curses him instead, but somehow idk how yet he ends up turning the tables and splitting the curse with her. I like the idea that prince is from his respective time period as Ahit and falls through a time pool so we get the same concept of this guy is old and from a long time ago just with skipping over the death ghost part so yeah he gets sent to present Snatcher is basically the eda character he has the curse and takes elixir (which I hc is blue bc haha Ahit reference)
If it’s not obvious from her design Vanessa is the belos of this au lol Probably instead of the emperors coven it’s something like the Queen’s court? I think it’s got a neat ring? Anyway yeah uh not much to say about her she’s basically the same lol, also I like the idea she uses illusions to hide her appearance and also to manipulate mj and the citizens 👀
mj is basically a combo of s2 Lilith and Hunter! He’s a grimwalker made by Vanessa to replace prince basically he’s made to be her perfect fairy tale Prince Charming that loves her and would never ever betray her <oblivious But yeah same idea as Hunter of being made as a clone of someone else BUT they’ve got a more similar role to Lilith in which they end up befriending the main cast and living with them Also included their “golden gaurd” design not sure what to call it? Moon prince? Moon something idk lol you guys might could help with that but yeah that’s the fit they got when with van also we got blood Amy too in which Vanessa gives her curse to mj after finding his palismen (she eats them belos style ofc lol) speaking of I still need to draw the palismen but I have some cool ideas!
Dels idk what to say besides uh she lives with snatcher n we still got the qpr going ofc lol sorry I don’t got much on her 💔 though I DID consider making her a star child to go with the twilight god thing but I also considered making eclipse a star child because the design is similar plus gives an excuse for him to be here without the fusion plus I think Vanessa using eclipse sounds cool it makes sense he’s prince in canon so like ofc she’s drawn to him but yeah still thinking about that
Time twins are our luz stand in, hc timmys jacket is snatchers like luzs jacket is eras bc I think it’s cute lol dont question why he has it idk I didn’t have the time pool idea at the time and bow is kinda like the willow/gus of the group and mu is the amity? Mu being a bully at first until joining the friend group n stuff and bow being the sweet straight man to the rests antics
Drawing time twins with round ears was cursed Anyway mu is a hybrid still, She’s half witch half eberwolf species! Cooking cat and Sam get to be her bio parents here instead of adopted so that’s cool
Shapes is the Vee stand in and omg they where really fun to design
I like the idea of the changelings/council being titan trappers? Considering they’re a cult? I think it sounds cool so maybe like shapes sneaks in with a disguise or like the trappers take them in or the trappers are basilisk in this universe? Idk considering no one in the cast is a titan it wouldnt really make sense so like maybe they are basilisk or basilisk hunters? Still chewing on the council lol sorry
Sorry I’ve been putting it off BUT curses!: basically same logic as canon they go by eda and belos logic respectively so van is a creepy skeleton cryptid ass monster and snatcher is a animal beast! BUT he’s not a bird like eda or Lilith ,and also not a snake though that would fit in being a more obvious choice, he’s ACTUALLY a ferret! Mostly bc I thought it was funny but it stuck lol they are furry and noodly so it works, plus I’m a sucker for the monster has innocent name but is actually terrifying trope lol, also idk about blood moon? They get cursed yeah but I don’t think they get transformed into anything mostly bc I have no ideas for them lol plus it’s more focused on the illusion hypnosis whatever abd not the curse itself
Anyway on to covens/magic specialties! The kids are obvious because they have the uniforms lol but I’ll still list them anyway: Time twins: Oracle/illusion Bow: beast keeping Mu: constructed Prince: Oracle/bard Snatcher: Oracle/potion Delilah: plant/healing Mj: bard Vanessa: illusion Shapes: abomination
But yeah that’s kinda it lol I do plan to add more doodles or ideas later but yeah hoo boy these took forever but it was a fun style challenge plus fun to design everyone!
Sorry if these notes are kinda all over the place oof I didn’t bother to double check them so sorry if it sounded rambley
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Daft Punk in Chronic'art 2007/2008 - scans & translated interview
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Here it is, the long-awaited monster interview that sat untouched on my bookshelf for 6 years. I bought this magazine on eBay in 2017, fresh off the Grammys performance with The Weeknd, and I was really excited when I realized it was a huge 10 page spread... Until I started translating and realized the content was extremely in-depth and complicated. So, it got put to the side and accidentally left there for many years.
Anyway, here we go. Buckle in for a long read! Please note that I did not translate the extra sections of the article titled "Discovered" and "Very Disco" as these are just basic information about DP's discography and samples they've used- they are not part of the interview.
My usual disclaimer- I am not French, nor am I fluent in French, so some of this may be incorrect or interpreted differently than the author intended. If you find any glaring errors, my ask box is open for feedback and I can update the post/files as needed. (Post updated May 2023 with corrections)
Feel free to repost to other platforms/social media sites, but I humbly beg that you link back here or give me credit because I really spent a lot of time slaving over this (like 50+ hours).
Thank you so much for sticking around my blog after so many years. I really appreciate this fandom and community and I'm excited to experience new music with you all soon!
(Trigger warning for discussion of suicide [Electroma] in the interview!)
Download full scans and translation at my Dropbox.
Full translation below the cut.
In ten years, from Homework in 1997 to Alive 2007 and Electroma, the electro duo Daft Punk have popularized electronic music, launched fads (the French Touch, filtered house, monumental live shows), and transformed a simple music project into a verifiable universal, even metaphysical, concept. Are Daft Punk dropping the helmets?
(Please see the downloadable PDF file for translation notes/comments)
Everyone has been hearing about Daft Punk for the last two months, because their live CD (Alive 2007, from EMI) and the DVD of their robotic road-movie Electroma are being released for the holidays. We wanted to go a little bit beyond the obligated promo, and the repeated wooden language found in all the media, by trapping Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo for an hour and a half in a restaurant in the Latin Quarter, subjecting them to questioning, and if possible, making them drop the helmets a little bit, over ten pages and many questions.
We’re not going to harp on what you already know (the French touch, the robot helmets, the live pyrotechnics), we’ll just say that we wanted to do this thorough interview with Daft Punk because they’re more than a CD or a DVD, more than music, more than any current pop group. They are an essential symbol of our post-post-modern times, speaking in a very clear yet always paradoxical voice (between hedonistic joy and profound existential sadness) on the human condition, no less. Over the ten years of their career (Homework, like Chronic’art, again, decidedly, appeared in 1997), Daft Punk have invented a new way of presenting music to the world. The robot helmets reveal (social uniformity) more than they cover (buried humanity) and have given them perfect anonymity, which seems like the anonymity of those who succeeded, not in annihilating the self, but becoming self-less. This anonymity accentuates the dominance of the art over the artist, and it has made Daft Punk a universally well-liked and famous group.
A conceptual, pop, philosophical, even metaphysical group, Daft Punk mixes Andy Warhol (seriality, pop art, emptiness) and Friedrich Nietzsche (the man who wanted to die in Electroma, the superhuman for and against technology), mass culture (disco, Albator, Star Wars) and esoteric symbols (the masonic pyramid), the dancing body and thinking brain. In that respect, they are a purely manufactured product of our culture and likely represent the completion of the pop figure began by the Beatles: fragmented culture (the sample) and repetition, theatricality and abstraction, universalism and experimentation, technological innovation and advanced marketing, refusal of the embodiment and worship of the personality…
The current tour (Alive can also mean “en vie”) also refers to an interstellar voyage, like Discovery and Interstella, which seemed to mean that humanity is, by nature, dispossessed, that humans do not belong on Earth but came from Heaven and are destined to return there, that they are “stardust.” They themselves [Daft Punk] are probably not aware of the symbolic and almost metaphysical significance of their creations, and they always prefer to talk about “emotions” rather than thoughts, the heart instead of the head, and they act as the “guinea pigs” for their own experiments. Listening to them, we realized that Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo do not really theorize their work, their music, or their image, but that they react to the infinite accumulation of data from our culture of abundance, that they are indeed the guinea pigs of an experience that has outrun them, marionettes played by “high culture,” pop culture, and the entertainment industry. Maybe Daft Punk really are robots, and no one is pulling the strings, certainly not them.
Chronic’art: Between Homework, which would correspond to your schoolwork or your learning phase, Discovery, which would represent your adolescence, the discovery of the world, microscopic to macroscopic, and Human After All, a moment of reset before a new cycle, it seems to us like you have come full circle, which would be represented by the mirroring of your two live albums, in 1997 and in 2007. Could you have scripted your career?
Thomas Bangalter: It’s strange. We have never written out any part of our career, because even ten years ago we didn’t think we would do this for a long time. After the fact, without having planned it, we realize more that we had sort of reset prior to the live show from 2007. For us, these concerts, this tour, this CD, they are more of a new step than a conclusion. We had not done concerts for 10 years, and there was something very exciting about doing things that weren’t technologically possible when we started. With the last live, we wanted to produce something original, that could predict what might become the norm of tomorrow. We know that we’ve done certain things in the past that were five years ahead of their time, and we are happy to be trying something no one else has done right now. We feel like, during each album, we’ve started back at zero and have had to create a new process, even if it’s true that there is a consistency which emerges in the straight line of our career. But this consistency is not defined a priori, we just emphasize working on projects that can become sort of a realignment of everything we’ve accomplished until now. Interstella was consistent with Discovery, the live show was consistent with our third album compared to the two previous albums, but each step represents, in the moment, the desire to start a new cycle. As for Human After All and Electroma, they’re about something darker, less celebratory… Maybe the live show is a loop; our record label released a Best Of last year, but the concert itself and the way we worked on it is more a way of combining things and expressing them in a new way, rather than celebrating a sort of anniversary or something from the past. We definitely didn’t want to give people the impression that they were in 1997, in a continuation of past music: we instead wanted to give them the chance to feel like they were really in 2007.
During the live shows, you mix together your own tracks, referencing and quoting yourselves. It’s like being simultaneously and precisely between 1997 and 2007, as if the past and the present were merging. All of your songs evolving in a sort of loop…
T.B.: It’s almost the third generation of sampling: us sampling ourselves. At the same time, it’s like having created a universe and an aesthetic that is more than the music, or that the music isn’t actually a central vector. Our approach isn’t at all demonstrative, it’s entirely sensory. There isn’t another message to understand. That being said, there is a desire for cohesion, to make sure that each element added to the structure resonates with the others, with the little mythology that governs this universe. It’s a bit like in a video game, each new element opens a new level in a new environment rather than replacing an older element. We wanted, for example, to break these things with Human After All, but in the end we realized that the album was very cohesive in the continuity of our work.
There is a very strong sense of nostalgia, mixed with a strangeness, in the timeless juxtapositions listeners are subjected to in the tracks. They seem to be complementing and responding to each other, as much musically as thematically… 
Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo: It’s especially very exciting to see that twelve or thirteen years after our first maxi, our music has not aged too much. There is a sense of nostalgia1, but it still works in the present, and it’s very strange to see that we can mix four tracks from four different eras simultaneously, and not a single one kills the mood. Right after we started making music, we were seeking timelessness. It’s the same with Electroma. At our core, we are fans of timeless things. If you listen to the Beatles, aside from their very first period which is a little bit stuck in the past, you notice that time doesn’t touch their music. We are following that: we are trying to move through time without getting stuck in it. In the same way, we are trying to make sure that our music can be listened to by a lot of different people, without having to worry about languages or genres.
The Beatles were, for that matter, the first group to reference themselves, for example in All You Need is Love, where John Lennon sings She Loves You… 
G-M.H-C.: We don’t compare ourselves to the Beatles, either… 
T.B.: The idea is constructing a cohesive universe from a series of spontaneous attempts. If you watch Star Wars, people don’t seem to come from when the film was made. It’s as if the 70s have no effect on the film’s universe. Its atmosphere is its own, even if mixes a lot of things together. For about five or six years we have tried not to let the times we live in make an impression on us.
You are very privileged to be in a time when everything moves so fast, or everything ages so fast, right in the middle of acceleration. For example, you did a massive world tour without having an album to promote… 
G-M.H-C.: The day before the first concert of the tour, at Coachella, we were terrified, we weren’t sure of anything. Every time we try something new, we start back at zero.
T.B.: It’s the live show that sparked the craze, I think, truly. The success was really unintentional. Separate from that, being immersed in a certain underground before our first album taught us a lot. We’ve seen all the trends come and go—jungle, speed garage, electroclash, new rave, French touch, revival—and we are really surprised to have slipped by all of that. We didn’t want to be specifically concentrated on music, we only released three albums in 15 years, and we had a lot of luck. The legitimacy of our music, the future of our music lives in the combination of different forms of expression, the scope of influences, the mixing of techno with funk, with metal, the intermingling of rules and cliches. A lot of important decisions have been roughly made; also by means of spending time solidifying this roughness in order to share it. In fact, electronic music, in the 90s, put you in a state of experimentation, urgency, innovation, it literally prohibited you from repeating yourself. Electronic music was still very elitist, because it was expensive—you had to go to the library to find out about these musicians, you had to go to Beaubourg to make photocopies of books on filmmakers, you had to go to small shops to buy old drum machines. We know what changed, we’re familiar with the saturation that followed. We were also lucky because actually there wasn’t much of that happening when we started out.
The permanence of Daft Punk is also really linked to your image. People don’t only dance to your music, they dance with your personas, with the robots, like you predicted the fatal characteristic of the embodiment of rock (John Lennon, Kurt Cobain). With your robot helmets, you have made the entire process of love, requisition, and the sacrificial reclaiming in your place impossible. You come across as impersonal and therefore verifiably impossible to sacrifice. Not gods, rockers, heroes, nor rulers. The helmet prohibits any kind of identification process. When put on, they show the listener-viewer their own reflection. By giving nothing, the helmet says (silently), “Know thyself.” Can your work be considered an invitation for people to know themselves?
G-M.H-C.: Yes, I agree with that interpretation. At least, that’s what happens with our concerts. Audience members, rather than being lost in the view of a far-off guy, Mick Jagger or another inaccessible idol above the audience, find themselves between us, or even with themselves. It’s kind of like a rave, without superstars, like in the era of anonymity. The robots don’t give the audience much except music. There are robots in a pyramid, but the audience enjoys it in a more selfish, more self-centered way.
T.B.: It’s a mixture—the chance to show the listener their own reflection, to respond to a question with another question, but also the opportunity to go back to a fiction, in a cult that isn’t the cult of a personality, but of an art, of an image, of an aesthetic. Without personification. Then we can let ourselves to be two robots in a pyramid of light. If our faces were uncovered, it would be the most megalomaniacal thing in the world; with the helmets, no one sees us because we stay within the fiction. And without wanting to make a joke, there is also a degree of separation, a distance. A distance from the reflection, like in Electroma, or a distance from the entertainment, softer.
All the lines from Human After All work in the same way. They recall Kraftwerk, but Kraftwerk developed a precise message about celebrating, in a way, the immediate future. Your messages are a lot more ambiguous: are they critical, ironic, devoid of meaning? Like we see so well in Electroma, your helmets are, above all else, mirrors…
T.B.: Ambiguity is good, because it allows for a certain interaction between the viewer and the artist; between what the viewer interprets and what the artist is trying to depict. It’s very participative, and that comes from a desire to go against the demonstration. We are the first consumers of our music, and we hold the view that we can’t make any judgement values by calling things into question. In speaking about technology, about consumer society, which completely inhabits our art, we don’t want to teach a lesson, or offer a point of view or a judgement, we just want to find paradoxes and point them out as is. For example, we’re dependent on consumer society and it’s so appealing, productive, optimized, and at the same time totally terrifying, horrible, and very funny.
Your work is dialectical: sometimes it seems to denounce a sort of robotic totalitarianism (like in the Technologic video which depicts propaganda of a robot on top of a pyramid) and at the same time it plays with this imagery, strikingly. The video for Around The World also shows how robots surround and surveil the population; they are in the last circle, and they are the ones who chant the phrase “Around The World.” Does the video denounce the surveillance of us by nonhumans, or does it condition us to accept it? We never know if you’re denouncing a conspiracy against humanity or if you’re participating in it. You use of language is equally dialectical. Your language is refined, born from catchphrases and words of totalitarian order (Technologic), and if taken literally, it’s this: the phrase “Television Rules The Nation” can be taken as the assertion of an established fact. It then becomes constraint, manipulation. At the same time, the distance imposed by the performance can give the words a double meaning, and adds to them a critique of this established fact, even the denunciation of a totalitarian power. This recalls the “doublethink” in Orwell’s 1984: the capacity to simultaneously accept two opposing points of view and thereby put critical thinking on the back burner. Where do you situate yourselves in this in-betweenness?
T.B.: But it’s inside this paradox where we progress. In terms of our experimentation, we are in fact the heart of the system; it would be totally obscene to lean more to one side or the other, to claim to be part of a totalitarian system, as if we were giving lectures. It’s because this is so interesting that we refused to do any promotion for Human After All, because there couldn’t be a willingness on our part to encourage people to buy the album, because of this paradox. Because it’s like an unbiased opinion on technology, on consumer society. The video for Technologic actually gives you the keys to derive an ironic and scary message from the track, but it has since been used by Apple in a commercial for the iPod, and there the lyrics turned into blind praise for technology! It’s funny seeing to what extent the double meaning has effectively functioned. That’s why we so often refer to Andy Warhol who had an experimental approach through his connection to pop culture that, depending on the project, had as much a place in very elitist and private circles as it did on supermarket shelves. Creating with perplexity, in short.
Nevertheless, you use very strongly significant symbols, like the robots or the pyramid. The pyramid that you use on stage is a Masonic symbol. It is on the dollar bill, with George Washington and the note, “New World Order.” The pyramid represents the structure of society, from the masses up to the elites and the leaders. The cornerstone with the “all-seeing eye” surely represents the summation of technology which, though it could be plainly operational, will make sure that the “New World Order” can truly start coming forward and establishing itself on Earth. Some interpret it like the construction of a new technology, a technologic eye that would see all, through a generalized surveillance. With that said, the presence of robots like operators of this pyramid makes a lot of sense. How do you fit in with regard to these symbols and this story?
T.B.: We work a lot with the senses, with the power of symbols on the subconscious, and the pyramid, in effect, is a very heavy symbol, in terms of the senses. We don’t want to discuss the details of the symbolism, but to question its power without its history. The pyramid has become a symbol because, geometrically, harmonically, it’s a magical, occult, mysterious object. There is also this mysterious and occult, on the verge of paranormal, power in music. No one can really theorize about the effects of music on the body and mind, so it’s incredible. We just try to pass on that magic in a rather empirical way. Moreover, we could carry out experiments on the way in which light or sound intensity acts on the body and on crowds, to see which types of sensations or emotions are provoked by one frequency or another. But we could never really explain the reason for these effects.
G-M.H-C.: We are the guinea pigs of our own universe. We managed to create a sort of self-sufficiency between the two of us, which lets us experiment with a consistent voice, and what works for us tends to work for the audience, it’s like a small miracle. We put a pyramid on stage because we think it’s cool, and it makes everyone trip out.
When you talk about guinea pigs, it’s as if you were manipulated from the outside, by a mysterious third-party, as if you were also puppets. There is a determinism there, but one that serves humanity. According to the Laws of Robotics by Isaac Asimov, it’s humankind who constructed the robot, and the robot is at its service…
T.B.: Above all we want to express a paradox on the discussion of human dependency on technology. We’re not virtuosos and we rely on technology like a crutch. We could never do it without technology, and at the same time, we try to value, like any artists, the human element in our work. The process we’ve used for these fifteen years has been to try merging the machines and us. We are the operators of these machines, the editors of the experiments: we select them, we choose them, and we decide to keep them or not. Daft Punk is the product of a tug of war between human and technology, always questioning the place of technology in the project.
Electroma addresses this discussion between human and machine, in a sort of grand general inversion. Electroma seems to be the account of a traumatic experience: in the world of robots, the two characters presented a human face to the others, in openness, generosity, expressiveness. The result of this demonstration of humanity leaves them ostracized, chased, and reduced to aimlessness and suicide. Do you think that showing your humanity is dangerous?
T.B.: Yes, that’s the background of the film. But speaking more broadly, formally, it’s part of the same approach as what we’ve been able to do before; to know how to create emotion while using machines, in a creative process. Without actors, without a script, without a real plotline, but with photography, color, framing, made from machines, objects, just like a still life. We began with creating an environment around the spectator, who is almost like the only actor in the film, and wondering how to make them experience these emotions, which are not the same as those on the dancefloor, but aesthetic emotions, where the spectator can project onto themselves. The film is totally open, and we thought a lot about Magritte when making the plans. What you can see in Electroma is essentially sensation, that’s a lot more at the level of the gut or the eyes than of the brain…
Robots After All by Philippe Katerine was clearly inspired by your album Human After All and touches on the idea that human society has attained such a degree of conditioning and conforming that humanity became a species of robot, a determined creature, ruled by automation, in their language as much as their everyday comportment. When we recently asked what he thought about your music, Katerine told us, “I hear nothingness in it, so I want to find a place there.” Is the universality of your music due to the fact that it’s also, in a sense, empty?
T.B.: It’s empty because it’s more sensory than significance, yes. Theoretically devoid of sense, it allows people to see something from nothing and project themselves there. We just heard Katerine’s single. Our music is open, it can be interpreted and taken in different ways.
The musical abstraction and loops that by and large make up your music allow each person to take possession of the music and go beyond it. There is a shamanic aspect in this usage of emptiness and repetition. As a matter of fact, musicians like Animal Collective, who were inspired by shamanic trances, now cite you as an influence. Also, you could interpret the end of Electroma, when the two robots die by explosion and combustion, as referring to shamanic initiation rituals, in which one goes through a symbolic death by division of the body or self-combustion. Could you say that the end of Electroma represents, in some sort, this symbolic and initiatory death? In other words, do you perceive a shamanic side to your music?
T.B.: Yes, it’s a trance: the loop, the heartbeats… We use samples to express the desire of prolonging a strong sensation that comes during one or two seconds in a track, and wanting to repeat this sensation, not only feeling it for ten minutes, but also seeing what consequences come from ten minutes of that feeling, how everything unfolds. Visually, with Electroma, our desire is the same: to create images or an assembly of images that produce a physical sensation, a feeling of hypnosis, wandering, or weariness; in any case a state of mind that you can only reach by feeling this sensation for a certain time, for quite a long time. 
Wandering, loss of identity, and expropriation are pop themes in a sense. If you think of the Beatles, the “Magical Mystery Tour,” the transformation of the Beatles into the “Lonely Hearts Club Band.” As of now, you are a group that “turns,” that travels, to those “lonely hearts.” Is there a “trip” pop?
T.B.: It’s true that during this tour, we felt a little bit of a psychedelic thing: there are people who saw and re-watched the concert multiple times, almost like a Grateful Dead concert, with this idea of there being, during the concert, something imperceptible that you can never capture on disc or on film: an experience which was unique and can only live in reality, at a time where everything is virtualized. We felt like people wanted happenings, concrete experiences, which could consequently be produced by advanced technology: we could multiply the giant screens, have a very strong sound, and combine everything into these unprecedented audiovisual processes, which had never been seen anywhere before. Even a film projected in an IMAX theater could be no more than the “ghettoblaster” from another experiment with new technologies. Our music is moving: it was within an industrial system which ended, it was dependent on the economy. And the economy was destroying itself, it influenced new formats and new ways of creation, like the tours we’re doing currently.
Today, music needs to find new ways for distribution, with the death of the record industry and the virtualization of music. The live show, as a unique experience, is a response to this situation. You were the first to start a download site on the internet, with the Daft Club in 2001, which didn’t work out. Was it five years too early?
T.B.: Being current five years too early is really better than we can hope for. It’s good to be precursory, it’s almost our principal objective. Speaking about the musical economy, I think that music has never been as important as it is now, and the concert isn’t a response to difficulty selling CDs nowadays, because live shows are also very expensive. Economic upheavals are interesting: I read a book recently by Jacques Attali, Bruits, which talks about the musical economy and its power since the Middle Ages, and if you look at the place of music in the world in the last 2 thousand or 3 thousand years, the place of the record and pop music industries will have not been an end in itself, compared to music as a whole. It’s interesting to try to find out where music will go and what it will generate, in the sense that it is often a precursor of the relationship to come between social and economic powers. But we define ourselves less as musicians than as artists and creators, in trying to combine things and experiment with new formats and new technologies. We aren’t uniquely musicians.
Homework represents a sort of pinnacle of the age where a certain technologic novelty was expressed directly through music. You could literally hear knobs being turned. Does Daft Punk necessarily have to excel technologically in an age where all these methods have become normalized? Were the concerts from your new tour sort of like an advantage?
T.B.: It’s not an advantage, it’s a set of challenges that could be technological, actually. You wind up with a concert that looks sort of futuristic, like a remake of Close Encounters of the Third Kind or a mix of a Grateful Dead and a Kraftwerk concert. Making something that we couldn’t make before. We pick up the tools, we manipulate them, we try to progress. Electronic music in itself, in 2007, doesn’t seem to me to be very conducive to experimentation from a strictly musical point of view. I’m waiting for the new generations to prove to me otherwise… We pay attention to technological developments because we’re interested in them, and because they are at the heart of our art. Musical instruments are advanced technologies which have continuously reinvented music.
Since Human After All was released online, there were a lot of rumors about the album, which was an indication that people were waiting for you. In that context, are you able to feel free as musicians? Have you produced things in reaction to the public’s expectations?
T.B.: Actually, we aren’t free relative to our own expectations. We can’t totally set the public aside, but we have our own demands and we respond to our own vision of what we make, while taking into account paradoxes, contradictions, restarts, new beginnings. But we don’t think about the public: it’s both selfish and more respectful for people because we don’t have the pretentiousness of putting ourselves in their shoes.
G-M.H-C.: We are our own fans. We work until we find moments of pleasure in our work, and when we save those moments and explore them on an album or in a film which we release, that resonates for people. But within those moments, which are like lightning, we are like spectators—we feel like we’re revealing something, and discovering something we created at the same time. In this way we are ourselves in the position of spectators and fans. I imagine that this process is even more evident in painting: you have a piece of canvas in front of you, and there is a tangible process of creation. Creation is a mystery and you can really speak about magic when it comes to music or art.
Could the image of the pyramid that you use be a graphic representation of your music? With its foundations, progressions, ascents, and its climax? Bercy, it so happens, also has a pyramid shape…
G-M.H-C.: Not all of our songs follow a progression. We have flat songs, square songs, round songs… And in the live show, there are a few final moments where the tension comes back down. Bercy really does have a pyramid shape, but the top is missing. And it’s true that we would have really liked to play on top of it (laughs)…
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leysgrimes · 9 months
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DOIN’ TIME (Rosita Espinosa x fem!reader)
note: Y/n and Rosita used to be in a relationship but it didn’t last long, since then they started becoming enemies until Rick assigns them on a patrol together.
warning: smut, 18+, minors DNI!, dom!rosita espinosa, enemies to lovers.
+ yes i do accept requests!!<3
¡ DO NOT repost, copy, translate my projects !
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“Rosita! Stay there!” you scream killing all the walkers around you, she was stuck under a fallen tree.
The both of you were in a mission that rick assigned to each couple of the group, and he chose you and Rosita to search for resources all around the area…such a great match.
The both of you were arguing until a herd of walkers heard the screams and curses and attacked you. Finally you got rid of all of them, thank god they weren’t that much, and you walk over Rosita to free her.
“It’s all your fault! If only you shut up and do your job!” Rosita screams “You’re the one that’s screaming why are you blaming me!” you respond.
Those words were in loop in your head for the whole trip, the both of you went silent.
“I’m sorry” she whispers “what?” “i said i’m sorry…for blaming you.” she sounded annoyed, but she knew that you couldn’t stay for the rest week giving each other silent treatment.
“I accept your apology” you smile as she smiles back.
But nothing changed between the both of you, she treated and still treats you like shit, you do the same even though most of the time you found it hard if not impossible to hate her, since you still love her sooo bad. The both of you used to have something in the past, more like a ‘lesbian love story’ but it didn’t last long since she started having feelings for Abraham and you for Rick.
Now Abraham’s with Sasha and Rick’s dating Michonne and the both of you, are at it again, together and alone. It was more of a enemies to lovers trope or maybe the opposite, now it seems like she hates you, can’t blame her though you used to ignore her since then.
It was starting to get darker, the moon was showing off, walkers all around the area. The both of you killed a dozen of them but they were too much, by running Rosita found a little but secure house that will keep the both of you safe for the night.
You run in there and secure the doors making sure that the whole building was safe, closing all the windows and doors. She was checking around while you lit a fire and made this place a little more cozy, “what are you doing?” a voice surprised you making you jump a little “god you scared me” you say not even bothering to turn around “what. is. this!” she screams “Rosita they could hear us lower your tone” you stand up “god you’re unbelievable” she walks back on her way to leave when you took her by her arm “what did i do wrong?” “really?” “yes! why do you hate me so much?” “you do the same” “yeah but not like you do” she rolls her eyes and leaves the room with you in that tiny and cold room all alone with your thoughts.
After half an hour she finally came back and sat on the little bed you made, you look up at her “it’s safe” she reassured you “good” you whisper and look down again cleaning your gun “hey” she said “mhmhm?” “i found some weed” you look up and leave your gun sitting next to her, you wrapped your weed and light it up.
The both of you were already high, you couldn’t sleep and conversations were starting to get more and more deep. You constantly look at her lips that looked too kissable. She took you by your chin making you look up “what’s wrong?” she whispers “you’re and asshole and i hate you” she smirks “yeah?” you nod. You got closer till your lips almost touch “what are we doing?” you whisper “you tell me” she answers.
It started all with an innocent kiss, then every second that passes it gets more and more passionate. You go on top of her kissing her lips and going to her neck, she makes soft moans making you more excited.
But however she always loved to be on control, so first she started making out with you again while her hands go on your ass and then it starts rubbing your clit making you moan through her lips and right after she made you vulnerable she switches sides and goes on top.
She took your thighs and puts your legs all around her waist, she kisses your neck leaving little marks, then she slowly took off your shirt kissing your chest going down to you stomach and then reaches your underwear.
She looks up for consent, you nod as she slowly remove your underwear. She first kisses your inner thigh “you’re so fucking wet” and without a warning she licks your pussy and starts sucking your clit making you scream.
She puts a hand on your mouth while the other was holding your leg, “keep it quiet darlin”, you moan in her hand as she keeps pleasing you making you tear up “Rosita!” you whimper, she puts her hand down and you put yours through her hair going on rhythm with her movements.
“God i’m close” you breathe, she smiles underneath and as soon as you came she swallows your cum, kissing your lips making you have a little taste of yourself.
She then goes to you ear “i’d love to have round two but i’m fucking exhausted hun” she whispers putting on your panties and laying on your chest with her legs wrapped around your hips as the both of you fell asleep.
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no-white-dress · 11 months
Alright everyone, gather around for
Translated by me word by word because I do not have the patience to correct fake news spreading from half-baked translations again
HOST: As we already said, the Winx are turning 20. An incredible journey between 8 series [seasons], movies, spin-offs, and even a reboot, which I know you're preparing at this moment. In which moment – is there a particular moment when you noticed that this project was becoming something crazy? Was there a moment that made you understand this?
STRAFFI: Well, yes. It all happened fast. In 2004, when it aired first in Italy, then in France, then in the United States, then in Germany, in all the main countries and we got ratings that were double the normal for the various channels that aired Winx, and we got the data from Mattel and other licensees that sold products – dolls and whatnot – as if they were bread so we realized that these characters had, in fact, let's say, broken through everywhere. The recipe, the contents of the Winx were truly global and universal.
HOST: They worked. Cool, cool. I imagine it must have been an incredible emotion to find out that they were becoming an event...
STRAFFI: For me it was even earlier, when we started the animation tests, to see from the static drawing these characters who moved, flew, who talked etcetera, I already realized they had something really special. We studied the eye, a bit all that was the look of the Winx, it was all really, really powerful and us boys asked "please come out of the screen".
HOST (laughing): True, true. Raise your hand if you ever fell in love with a Winx! ...Pretty much everyone. What do you mean only Musa? [to the audience] And going back to the beginning of it all, were there creative difficulties during the creation of the show, maybe in regards to the construction of the Winx's world, the story, or their very personality?
STRAFFI: No. For the story I took almost a year, 9-10 months, like a real gestation, to pinpoint everything, so much so that I had already written the first 3 seasons, hoping for the first to do well. But there was already the fil rouge, the revelations that had to happen proceeding with the story. Instead, the graphical part was indeed a little more complex, because after having already realized one episode, and even presenting it to TVs, I realized that they weren't as strong, as original as we wanted, as made in Italy, as innovative, so we restarted everything. I told my closest collaborators, "I realized they aren't strong enough, we must start over with the graphic research". There have been scenes of people who wanted to jump out of the window, it wasn’t easy, and I added to the team a real fashion stylist, going back to the discourse about the arts, of how important specialization is. This girl, she was from Ancona but worked in Milan for the Prada group, Miu Miu, realized for us a series of looks, haircuts, very fresh and innovative, and from there, translated into models for animation, were born the Winx as you have known them on TV, because of the pilot which was called Magic Bloom, nothing aired.
HOST: I imagine in a creative process, to be ready to take the idea and set it aside to restart...
STRAFFI: You never do that in a cartoon, because it has frightening costs, so when you've already arrived to animation and color, you don't throw anything away, you go on anyway. However, this project was so important, Rainbow had some extra money from Tommy&Oscar, from previous projects, and since I'm passionate about my profession I said "who cares, let's throw everything away and make something even stronger".
HOST: It worked, it worked great! So I would give him an applause. Now, I'd have some questions that come directly from the community. A lot of questions were selected, we took the most requested, and we bring them here so maybe the community can satiate some curiosity. They ask: "if you could change something in the plot of Winx, what would you change?"
STRAFFI: I must say nothing, because it worked so well I wouldn't change anything. Maybe I'd be more careful from season 4 onwards, since we, let's say, followed the requests of broadcasters etcetera; instead, like we're doing in the reboot, I'd be more careful with that, meaning, with maintaining the story really, really in syntony with what is Winx's DNA, which is to always be one step ahead, with content different from the usual, ideas that maybe are new to the public, and I think this is the only element we always need to keep in mind.
HOST: Absolutely, absolutely yes. They also ask if it would be possible, although we just talked about it earlier, to know more about the origins of the Winx Club as Magic Bloom.
STRAFFI: Well, what I said before, I mean, the series was called [that as] working title because we never thought of calling it Magic Bloom, it's a too childish title, but, let's say, it was really different especially in regards to graphic; the story was pretty similar but the graphic was very different. From there, this huge work I mentioned to remake everything to make something new.
HOST: Then we have, instead, a curiosity about your personal taste: who is your favorite villain of the animated series?
STRAFFI: Which one? [to the crowd]
CROWD: Valtor
STRAFFI: Valtor is the favorite villain, but come on guys, the Trix are too cool. I'd even make a spin-off on the Winx, maybe live action, I'm thinking about it. [pretty sure he mixed up and meant Trix here] Because we know little of the Trix.
HOST: Exactly. Instead, your favorite transformation?
STRAFFI: Heh... Enchantix.
HOST: Enchantix. Dr Straffi gave something away about transformations. Then the community asks: "have you ever wanted to add a fairy with a different power, and in that case, which power?"
STRAFFI: I thought about it sometimes, but then... they're already so many, because 6 characters are a lot, plus Roxy, who is this seventh Winx who arrives every now and then, let's say I would've liked to have a telepathic fairy, who could read others' minds a bit, but let's say Musa is a bit like that, so we don't need another one, we have them all.
HOST: Instead, in the case of a brand-new character to add as a member of Winx Club, can you give us a famous person you'd be inspired by to create a new character?
STRAFFI: Well, now in the reboot we will have big news. A very, very important character will make his entrance in this new series [NOTE: he uses male pronouns because "character" is a male noun in Italian, we don't know the gender for sure yet!], and for the visual part we haven't got an inspiration yet, but...
HOST: There's a few ideas.
STRAFFI: There's a few ideas.
HOST: You have already answered the last question, in fact they asked if new characters would be introduced in the reboot, apparently there will be a few surprises.
STRAFFI: There will be big surprises in the reboot, something really, really new, so I invite you all to... now one more year, about one year and a half of production, but, but I think the new fans but especially those of yesterday will find it an interesting and engaging show, from all points of view, from the content to the graphic part of it.
HOST: I am really curious. Hands up if you're curious! But we can't do any spoiler, of any kind, can't help it. So I ask you one more big applause for Dr. Iginio Straffi, thank you again for being with us...
STRAFFI: Thank you.
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archiveikemen · 18 days
Morganatic Idol Prologue: Chapter 7
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Sakura: Looks like the company gave you an earful.
I stared blankly at Sakura who suddenly appeared.
I wasn’t expecting him to say that to me.
Sakura: Say, do you want to continue with the presentation of your project plan?
Rina: !?
Sakura: As long as you want to, I’ll give you a chance. 
Sakura smiled. To be honest, I had zero clue what this person was thinking.
Rina: … I want to. Please give me a chance to redeem myself! 
Sakura: OK! Come with me. 
Sakura invited me to ride in the car that was parked nearby and off we went. 
He brought me to a luxurious condominium that towered over its surrounding buildings.
It was said that the top floor was a penthouse unit made by combining the 46th, 47th, and 48th floors.
The living room I was led into on the 46th floor was spacious and had a high ceiling.
Right after we went inside, Sakura merely told me to wait there and disappeared somewhere.
(This is my first time in a penthouse, it’s amazing…!)
In the centre of the floor was a large television, luxurious-looking sofas, and a table.
(The ceiling is so tall, there’s even a stylish spiral staircase… this looks just like a luxurious lounge. I can’t relax…)
I waited uneasily, until three men walked into the room.
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??? (Miu): Ahh, I’m beat. The recording took too long. I was planning to get home early today.
??? (Nagi): There was some trouble with the equipment, so it can’t be helped. Quit complaining. You’ll make people uncomfortable.
??? (Hitaki): It’s okay. Miu definitely will never show this side of him in public. 
??? (Miu): Exactly. As the member known as Gem Cuddle’s angel, how could I be caught complaining? 
??? (Nagi): You’re seriously way too two-faced! 
??? (Hitaki): If I were to speak, I say you’re a little too honest, Nagi…
(Woah, these three guys are insanely handsome. Their auras feel glamorous too.)
I found myself unconsciously gazing admiringly at them, their eyes then turned towards me.
??? (Miu): … Who’re you? A new staff member from the head office?
Rina: Oh, I’m not…
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??? (Nagi): You’re not a staff member?
??? (Hitaki): … If you’re not a staff member, then I'm guessing you must be a familiar of someone who lives here?
??? (Nagi): AH!? Don’t tell me someone from exe Creed brought a woman home! You must be kidding me! 
??? (Miu): Hmph, is that true? Whose girlfriend are you? Tell me. You’ve got some guts of steel to waltz right into a place like this~
(I kind of don’t get what they’re driving at, but this is definitely a misunderstanding!) 
Rina: W-Wait a minute, please! Mr Sakura only told me to wait here for him.
… I desperately explained myself, and the misunderstanding finally resolved.
Upon asking about it, I found out that their names were Miu, Hitaki, and Nagi.
I was told that they were an idol group named ‘Gem Cuddle’, under the same company as exe Creed.
Nagi: Damn, we misunderstood. Speaking of which, are you serious when you say you’ve never heard of us?
Hitaki: That’s unfortunate… while it’s true that we only debuted last year, our popularity should be enough to compete with exe Creed’s.
Hitaki: Fufu, looks like we’re still lagging behind. 
Rina: Pardon me saying this… if you debuted last year, that must make you juniors of exe Creed, right?
Miu: Huh? It’s impossible to know them and yet have never heard of us. 
Miu: The audacity~ it makes me want to bully you.
Rina: Wha…
Miu’s smile didn’t reach his eyes.
(... This person kind of scares me.)
Hitaki: Miu, your overbearing attitude is scaring her.
Nagi: Anyway, what did Eito bring you here for?
Rina: It’s to continue with my presentation.
Hitaki: Presentation? Is it something to do with exe Creed?
Miu: (whispers) Tell me everything about it.
Rina: U-Uhh…
Under the pressure from the three of them, I told them the whole story about how I ended up there.
Miu: Hmm, perfume and gemstones, huh… interesting.
Miu flashed me a sneering grin… and the air surrounding him changed in an instant.
Miu: That commercial. Give it to us.
Rina: What!?
Miu grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him, his bold smile drew closer.
Miu: Our group name ‘Gem Cuddle’ literally means to cuddle gemstones.
Hitaki: That makes us much more suitable for a gemstone themed commercial. … Don’t you think?
Hitaki reached in from the side and cupped my cheeks, smiling as he peered into my face…
Nagi: Yeah. We’ll definitely do a better job than those guys.
Nagi pulled me to him by my shoulders. Being met with his powerful gaze made my breath catch in my throat.
Rina: Y-You’re putting me in a tight spot! 
I hastily pulled away from the three of them and kept my distance.
(These people seem to treat exe Creed as their rivals.)
They continued eyeing me as if I was their prey. Then…
Sakura: Hey, hey. Stop bothering her.
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formulaorange · 1 year
2023 Spring Anime
This season looks whack. There's so many notable series, there's definitely something for everyone this season. Of course starting off with the big ones:
Demon Slayer Season 3 - The Swordsmith Village Arc
Attack on Titan: The Final Season The Final Chapters
Dr Stone Season 3
While those all look amazing and all:
Bocchi is back baby!!!
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Season 2 of Ranking of Kings is back this season. Their story telling is top tier and if you didnt' check out the first season, now is the time to do so.
All these amazing new seasons to look forward to, but this season doesn't stop there, the new series set to debut look absolutely killer too:
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Hell's Paradise gets it's anime release, produced by MAPPA of course. This is definitely my most anticipated for the season.
Followed by MASHLE. While I had fun with the manga, I ultimately couldn't get past the art style. The anime should complete the picture for me and this will definitely be one of the top comedy series this season.
Lastly for the big name debut series: Oshi no Ko
This series takes a second to get into but it's taken the manga world by storm and has already gotten its english translations with only 11 japanese releases so far. The story is definitely worth sticking around for and will likely be one if not the top show of the season.
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Additional continuing series:
Golden Kamuy S4
Edens Zero S2
The Ancient Magus' Bride S2
KonoSuba - Spin Off Series
As for some lesser known series, I've gone through this seasons' release schedule and filtered through the trailers to pick out the ones that might be worth watching... I honestly wasn't expecting for there to be so many. So like I said, there's definitely something for everyone this season.
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Heavenly Delusion
I'm such a sucker for adventure series, throw in sci-fi and I'm hooked. While this definitely gives me Made in Abyss and Promised Neverland vibes, I'm not sure it'll be on the same level.
So far episode 1 looks absolutely amazing. Post-apocalyptic world with the contrast of the two stories, one of kids inside a sanctuary with little outside world knowledge and the kids that live and survive outside. Definitely worth watching.
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A Galaxy Next Door
I'm surprised this is even being aired already. I swear the english volumes for the manga just released earlier this year. I've heard mixed things about the series but I think this'll be worth checking out.
Skip to Loafer
I've heard so much about this series and it's honestly got the golden trio of tags. It's a Slice of life comedy romance and the style and characters are so cute. I'll definitely be giving this a full watch through.
Insomniacs after School
This kind of looks like an irl version of Call of the Night but after watching the trailers a bit more it still looks like a lot of fun. It's about these two students who're unable to sleep and what they do when they stay up. They end up joining the astronomy club and overall it looks like it'll be a really pretty and relaxing series.
Dead Mount Death Play
Most manga collectors will have heard of this series. It's supposed to be quite a decent thriller/supernatural series. While I haven't had a chance to read through it, I think it's about time we got another good supernatural show. I'll definitely be checking it out.
Magical Destroyers
This straight up looks like utter chaos. Whether that's good or not I guess we'll find out. It's under the mahou shoujo tag?? but it's about a radical group that is trying to eliminate the otaku culture from Japan. This guy "Otaku Hero" stands up and tries to stop them. It sounds wild and kind of looks like a passion project. I'll give it 3 episodes.
My Home Hero
This is straight up a western drama movie. Similar vibes to Taken this guy kills his daughters yakuza boyfriend and gets caught up in the criminal underground. It's definitely a new trope for anime so I'll be giving it 5 episodes.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury S2
While technically this is a continuation of a series, I feel like many people didn't watch the first half unless they were already into gundam. I never grew up with it and truthfully I just lumped it in with transformers so I never checked it out.
Lots of people have been saying that this reboot it really solid and a good way to get into the series. After watching the trailer I totally understand, the characters all look great and the story looks like a solid sci-fi series. I'll definitely be watching to catch up to the new releases.
Yuri Is My Job
I've head of this series all over the place in the manga world and I know it's one of the more popular shoujo ai. Essentially it seems the plot is that these 2 girls end up working together at a themed cafe and start falling for each other. I don't really have any interest in shoujo ai series (frankly i just started getting into romance series in general) so I'll give it 3 episodes and see how it goes.
The Dangers in My Heart
This is one of those - unlikely mc's gets attention from the pretty love interest. After watching the first episode I can say it definitely isn't the same as the others. The girl is super weird and I like his commentary of all the shit he does. Pretty fun and worth a try at least.
Loving Yamada at Lv999
This looks like a fun lighthearted romance. I'll give it 5 episodes.
Otaku Elf
Pretty much as the title says it's about an Otaku Elf. I think this hoenstly looks like a fun series and as long as you're not looking for more plot, it'll be a good time.
Blue Orchestra
While I think a decent number of people will like the series, I know for sure I'll drop it due to the cgi. I just feel that CGI isn't at the stage where it feels natural enough with the rest of the animations and it really takes away from my watching experience.
My god. I had no clue they redid this but I'll 100% be watching this now lol. They rebooted Tokyo Mew Mew.
This was one of the first anime I watched growing up.
The second season is airing this season - Tokyo Mew Mew New S2
in case anyone else grew up watching it and wats to catch up.
And of course, the isekais.
We've now evolved from just the standard isekais to isekais with a twist.
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, too.
I'll give it 3 episodes but unsurprisingly I don't think i'll stick with it.
The Legendary Hero is Dead!
This looks a little different from the ususal, I'll give it 3 episodes.
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
This is a full send fantasy shoujo romance and I thought I had had enough of the royal isekai trope but apparently not. The cheese of the romance has sucked me in again with the pretty animations to top it off. I'll be giving it a good 3 episodes.
The Ecchi series for the season:
KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World
This honestly looks like fun but I've had my fair share of this kind of show. This is a fantasy ecchi isekai comedy. I'll still give it 3 episodes.
Megami no Cafe Terrace
Frankly I have no interest in ecchi harem series like this but the quality looks decent so I've added it here for those who want something to watch along those lines this season.
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jaigalorad · 11 months
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𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤  :  it’s  not  spoken  anywhere  in  regards  to  rex’s  canon  upon  how  he  had  recieved  the  mandalorian’s  jaig  eyes.  so  here  is  both  my  prediction  and  headcanon  on  how  he  had  earned  them.  so  i  will  discuss  the  official  star  wars  definition  of  the  jaig  eyes  and  who  exactly  has  the  authority  to  bestow  it.  fun  fact  before  i  scuba  dive  into  this,  i  got  inpsired  to  write  this  becuase like  in  real  life  hindu  symbols,  they  are  often  taken, missused,  abused,  and  misunderstood.  i  wanted  to  recognize  and  emphasize  that  rex  uses  a  symbol  from  a  culture  not  his  own  and  thus  carries  the  meaning  with  a  educated - based  pride  with  it
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𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣  :  a  simplification  of  jai’galaar’la  sur’haii’se,  translating  as  “shriek - hawk  eyes”   in  Mando’a,  and  more  commonly  reffered  to  simply  as  jaig  -  were  a  Mandalorian  sigil  bestwoed  by  clan  leaders  as  a mark  of  honor,  awarded  for  particular  acfts  of  bravery.
𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤  :  rex  was  a  FIRST  generation  clone  soldier,  therefore  must  have  been  trained  b  mandalorian  warriors  that  volunteered  in  the  kaminoan / republic  project  of  engineering  a  cloned  army  ⎯  at  least  those  that  might  have  been  around  at  the  time.  despite  on  how  many  i  see  others’  view  on  rex,  he  is a little more  older  than  we  usually  think.  as  per  the  first  2D  animated  clone  wars  show,  captain  fordo  was  technically  the  first  clone  soldier  on  screen  to  bear  the  sigil.  next  was  captain  rex  who  in  fact  is  a  different  character  but  was  literally  based  off  of  fordo  (  i’m  taking  this  from  an  interview  with  dave  filoni  himself  i currently don't have a link )  initially  wanted  alpha / fordo  but  didn’t  want  the  ‘A’  alliteration  with  anakin  and  ahsoka,  so  he  created  rex.
rex is not just . . . brave. he's far more stoic, firm, and speaks with conviction. he's not some happy go lucky guy who loves his bros. his brothers just like him are a tool, and this is CRITICAL to understand the reason how he was able to earn this sigil. this is never to say he can't empathize, but why should he if that would just bring more emotion and drama? this is war, and he and his men alike all clones understand this resolve. emotions are a luxury and it's not something worth fighting for. this allows him to committ actions, such as saving ahsoka by killing his own men after his chip removal. ahsoka was the one to order rex to only stun them, she didn't want to kill them, rex wouldn't give a damn at this point in their situation.
𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮  :  rex  was  taken  separately  from  his  squad  by  astute  observation  done  upon  him  for  his  military  tactics  and  leadership  and  put  into  a  rigourous  trainging  group  with  captain  fordo  into  becoming  realiable  leaders  within  the  army.  rex’s  first  official  battle  in  the  books  after  his  commander  training  by  mandalorian  warriors  was  the  first  battle  of  geonosis.  yoda  blazed  into  the  arena  where  general  obi  wan  kenobi,  anakin  skywalker,  and  senator  amidala  were  marking  the  severity  of  the  separists  crists  against  the  republic  and  vice  versa  on  22BBY.  this  was  the  first  entry  of  the  clone  army,  the  captain  hadn’t  et  earned  his  title  until  becoming  spedicially  involveed  with  senator  amidala  herself  once  anakin  had  embarked  on  the  chase  with  kenobi  to  capture  dooku  for  commmitting  terrorism  against  the  republic.  it  was  rex  that  assisted  her  and  secured  her  saftey  until  dooku  had  espcaped  yoda,  and  thus  marked  the  beginning  of  the  clone  wars.  anakin  selected  rex  to  be  his  first  in  command  of  the  501st  torrent  company  and  was  soon  gifted  the  jaig  eye  sigil  by  his  trainers  back  from  kamino  -  high  praise  from  the  chosen  one  had  demonstrated  rex’s  resolve  and  dedication  based  on  the  lenghts  rex  would  go  through  in  order  to  acheive  the  jedi’s  orders  and  priorities.
𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩  𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚  𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙨  :  he  continues  to  bear  the  sigil.  but  the  mearning  as  to  whom  it  was  meant  to  express  as  a  whole  changed  once  the  execution  order  66  was  implemented.  technically,  clones  are  republic  propert  and  he  understands  that  if  that  was  one  of  the  man  uses  he  and  his  brothers  were  meant  for,  it  still  held  true.  his  dut  was  to  the  republic.  however  his  allegiance  changed  back  to  the  jedi  after  ahsoka  removed  his  regulation  chip  after  the  seige  of  mandalore.  his  view  upon  the  endowment  is not  so  defined  simply  beause  the  change  of  his  allegiance  was  not  his  choice.  [  more  on  this  later ]
𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣  :  rex  out  of  any  of  the  many  well  trained  commander  clones  it  was  rex  anakin,  the  chosen  one,  selected  (  from  a  clone  wars  novel  i  forgot  but  vidly  remember  ).  anakin  is  paramount  to  rex’s  character  and  is  why  he  took  importance  in  the  clone  wars  show.  i  refuse  to  believe  anakin  wouldn’t  pick  just  anyone,  and  thus  saw  something  in  rex  that  would  fulfill  anakin’s  role  as  jedi.  and  later  even  became  as  close  as  brothers.  which  is  another  reason  why  i  think  the  clone  wars  season  7,  the  partnership  and  dyad - like  duoship  between  rex  and  ahsoka  was  atestament  to  that  relationship  with  anakin.  the  two  closest  friends  had  to disconnect  from  the  very  conflict  that  brotught  them  all  together  ⎯  and  ultimately  their  demise
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rex  will  serve  as  a  reminder  to  me  that  this  man  had  been  through  it  all  what  made  anakin  who  he  really  was  later.  and  he  would  never  dare  question  the  darkness  in  him,  and  that,  is  true  bravery  of  a  soldier.
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