#I guess it'd be short notice but
afanofmanyhats · 10 months
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mandowifey · 10 months
What happened after reader and miguel’s lovemaking??? Morning after scenario is?
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Miguel O'hara x Fem!Reader
Warnings: dark!Miguel, noncon, creampie, forced orgasm, captive reader, standing sex, lots of praise, kissing. Just general dark and hopeless energy with smut. This is part of the Dark!Miguel series I am doing.
Word count: 1.9k
Miguel o'hara masterlist
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When your eyes first opened, you were hit with the stark realization that this was not your home. You also noticed that you were naked, covered in a dark red sheet with a large form snoring softly beside you. As the events of last night sparked in the back of your brain, your hand clapped to feel the puncture marks on the side of your neck. What happened had been real, and your assailant was still with you.
Staring at the man - Spider-Man, you recalled - you began to carefully slip out of bed. The sounds of his slumber remained steady as your limbs slipped from under the sheet and touched down onto cold, tiled floor. This place was quiet aside from Spider-Man's snores and your heart pounding in your ears. Tip toeing around the bed, you searched the dark bedroom and located a t-shirt on a dresser. Yanking it on, you rummage through the drawers until you find a pair of red boxer shorts and promptly step into them.
You step towards the open door in agonizing silence, forcing your limbs to move as slow as possible to avoid accidentally waking him up. Not looking back, you step along the front of the house and past the open kitchen and living area. Due to the limited light, you couldn't make sense of any furniture aside from the kitchen island and a microwave that read '6:48'.
The front door had to be somewhere along this wall, so you hoped. Blindly groping your hands out, you find a flat surface and follow along it, wishing that it'd shape into an exit so you could flee. Being in the dark, barely dressed, and in a strangers house wasn't an ideal situation, but you'd be dammed if you didn't try to run.
Something juts from the otherwise flat wall and indicates a door frame. You draw a gasp, then fumble as your fingers press to the shape of a handle. Thanking every god known to man, you grope along the door in search of the lock, perspiration gathering on your temples and back of your neck. Every second felt like an hour, especially standing out in the open like this.
The voice comes from behind you, and you nearly jump out of your skin. You can make out the shape of him now, and his voice brings you back to the night before. "Stay the fuck away from me." You hiss, still trying to find the lock. He chuckles, his heavy footsteps loud as he prowls to you. The dark only heightened the prey instincts to run, but the rational part in your mind - the part untouched by fear - told you that was a bad idea.
"You were close to getting out, I mean." His voice was like warm velvet. "Doors here open on a pressure control on the wall - I'm guessing you were looking for a lock." Miguel's voice became louder as he approached. "Smart, but not quite enough. It's a shame. Wouldn't have minded starting the day with a jog." Your stomach twists when he chuckles. This situation, your panic, it was all some amusing joke to him.
"Fuck you."
You can feel his presence looming over yours, catching a flash of red as he closes in.
Large hands capture your hips, and you're lifted off your feet, held against the door. Now that you were not paralyzed, you began to fight. You become an animal, claws and teeth, shrieking curses as you swing out at him and hit at anything you could. The impacts have no effect, and the man simply chuckles as he holds you in place. "So kitty has claws. That's cute." When you swing in the direction of his mouth, your open palm strikes his cheek and silence follows.
"Huh." A breath fans your face as Miguel chuckles. "Wanna see mine?" His mouth was near your ear, drawing goosebumps and sending a shiver down your spine. Before you could tell him where to shove it, lips press over your own and smother your words. Miguel encompasses you, kissing you like a long-lost lover. Your taste and the way you squirm and push his shoulders had him hard already.
Kicking your legs, you try to turn your head away from him, letting out disgusted groans. Miguel licks into your mouth, and your tongue tingles strangely. That was when you recalled the venom and how he'd bitten and paralyzed you. Heart racing, you slow your struggle, understanding that having some control was better than laying limp like a doll for him again.
He breaks the kiss and nips along your jaw. "Good girl." His hands work in tandem, one pushong up your (his) shirt, and the other effortlessly yanking off the boxers you'd stolen. Dropping his head, Miguel latches the heat of his mouth around your left nipple and you wheek in surprise. The suction sent a shiver through you, briefly stunning you before your senses returned. "S-stop-" you croak, a hand in his wild curls and trying to pull him off. "Please-"
Miguel hums and licks over the pert bud before popping his mouth off. He wordlessly kisses your ribs before licking a path up your body to your lips. He seals his mouth to yours as he adjusts your legs to wrap around his hips, sitting you against the bulge in his briefs. "Feel that, hm? That's what you do to me." His words were husky, breathless as he begins to grind up into your bare cunt. Your head spins with disgust and shame as the friction begins to dampen you. Head turned, you resume pushing at his shoulders.
"Please let me go," you gasp, "I just wanna go home." Miguel smoothed a large palm to your throat and wrapped his fist around it, not squeezing just yet, but the message was clear.
"You are home."
Tears sting your eyes as you squirm, your knees trying to shut but only succeeding in squeezing his hips. "Shh, shh." His mouth finds yours, kissing you and pushing his tongue down your throat. Bringing a knee up, Miguel keeps you seated against his thigh so he could use his free hand to tug his briefs down enough to spring out his aching cock.
In the dark, you couldn't see it, but knew what you were up against. This time, you weren't going to be paralyzed, and you were scared it would hurt. Fisting himself, Miguel released your throat and held you up with one hand on your hip. "Open wide, princess." There is a sickening smile to his words. Miguel drags the swollen tip of his dick through your folds and nudges your clit. You tense, then clamp your teeth into your lip, not wanting to validate this disgusting behavior.
"There you are," he sighs as he aligns with your weeping hole. Before you could begin your protesting, Miguel forces inside of you in a burning stretch that makes your head drop back against the door. Mind going white hot, you dig your blunt nails into the meat of his forearms and choke out another soft 'stop' as he begins to bottom out inside of you.
The tip nudges your end, and you shudder. Miguel groans softly against your neck, peppering you in delicate kisses. "Such a good girl." He sighed and took his time leisurely dragging his cock in and out of you, loving the way you squeezed around him. "All wet, just for me." Miguel nips your pulse and you give a strangled sort of sob. He had a way about him that somehow managed to hit all those special buttons inside of you. While you hated him and were afraid, you found yourself sinking against him and struggling less.
"That's it," Miguel groans as he begins to rut into you, his pelvis impacting your thighs and causing you to bounce rapidly against the door. Each strike knocked out a whine and a gasp, your eyes fluttering as the swollen head of his dick rammed across your gspot with pinpoint accuracy. He filled you to capacity, stretching you to your limit and plugging you so full you would remember his presence inside of you when he was finished.
Digging your nails into his shoulders, you rake your fingers down his biceps and make him hiss against you. He mutters in Spanish, causing goosebumps to raise on your skin. "Gonna cum for me?" He sounded drunk, wasted on your pussy and how good you felt for him. "Gonna coat my cock? Hmm? Fall apart, just for me baby girl. I wanna feel you squeeze me again." He grinned as he moved and pecked your open mouth, his tongue flicking between your parted lips.
Stars flashed behind your eyelids, and your noises grew from pitiful sobs to loud, shrieking groans. Had he drugged you? Did Spider-Man have some sort of brain manipulation power? Disgust could come later. Now you were focused on chasing your release. "F-fuck," you squeak out, chest heaving as he continues to strike deep inside of you. Miguel's own noises came louder, which you assumed indicated he was close too. He kissed you again, swallowing your groans as he fucked up into you relentlessly hard. The super human stamina coming in handy, he hadn't slowed down once since starting.
Your brain became fuzzy, forgetting for just a couple of wonderful seconds that you weren't being forced on against your will. You shriek out, hugging your legs around his hips as you cum. Miguel grunts and drops his head to your neck, more focused on yanking you down into him as he bucks. Your milking walls were too much, his thrusting became unwound and uneven as he suddenly pushes all the way inside. His cock throbbed hard, and you felt a searing warmth inside your body that coated your innards in sheets.
Panting, Miguel kisses your neck and jaw, cooing as he keeps your bodies connected. "Don't wanna waste it," He muttered, nosing your pulse point and nipping it gently. "Such a good girl, you did so well. You're beautiful when you cum, princess." Smiling, he leans his head back to look at your face, watching as you went from basking in your after glow to disgust. Your head turns and your eyes close, feeling a sting in your eyes.
"Shh, shh. There's no time to cry. Sunrise is in 7 minutes." He pecked your lips and you grunt as his cock drags out of you. There was a rush of warmth that spilled out after him and he chuckled. "I'll clean you up afterwards." Miguel doesn't set you down and instead carries you towards the bedroom. You were boneless, legs like jell-o and head fuzzy as he opened the curtains and sat on the floor with you on his lap. The two of you still bare as you watched the city and the sun as it began to crawl from the horizon.
For a long time, you appreciate the sunrise for what it was and how little of a fight you'd put up against Miguel. Your thoughts are distracted when he presses a kiss against your scalp, those strong arms wrapping around you and securing you against his broad chest.
"Can't wait to spend every day watching the sunrise with you."
Every day,
You felt your heart sink into the pit of your stomach, and when your eyes stung again, you didn’t fight the tears.
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yooglefics · 1 month
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Reveal — Part two: editing
Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader ( camboy!yoongi x camgirl!reader )  Wordcount: 1,735 words Genre: 18+, mdni, remainder to not use fanfics as your only source of sex ed. Summary: Yoongi is just helping a friend help you, but is he even supposed to listen to this?. Part 2 of Reveal: recording. Read it for context. This is just why and how we got to that ending. More warnings under read more.
Includes: Mentions of selling sex content. People recording sex acts. Mentions of sexual activity ( doing things and also talking about doing things and thinking about doing more things ). Mentions of past and not past masturbation ( f and m ).  Dirty talk? I guess?. Sprinkle of possessive yoongi? Is not my fault i sweaaaar Author's note: Remember when I started writing something short and silly lmao, what a time. Btw, I have never used OF so if something I say about how they use the website is actually not true / completely wrong just pretend please lmao. Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to write Yoongi's side, hope you like it! If you do please remember to leave a comment, reblog, ask, follow and what not. Thank you for reading <3
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Saturday is probably Yoongi's favorite day of the week. No waking up early, no work, and not worrying about having to do any of those the next day.
That's why he groans when his phone rings with messages from Jungkook. He knows is him because he is the only one who still insists on sending him a million messages instead of just one. 
Love the guy, but he can be annoying.
The fifth ring comes and hopping is the last one, Yoongi finally reaches for his phone and rolls to his back. 
JK: hey JK: are you awake? JK: and free today? JK: i need a favor JK: yoongi?
Yoongi: with what? If I have to leave my house is probably a no.
Both of them know that actually, even if it ruined his plans of relaxing, he would say yes. Because that's what friends do.
JK: no no. You can do it at your house  JK: I need to edit an audio for my friend JK: but I'm on the schedule today JK: and if I don't send it back quickly she will back out JK: please? 
Yoongi: ok. Send it to me. Yoongi: you own me, tho.
Throwing his phone on the bed, he gets out of it to grab a bottle of water from the fridge, getting ready to sit in his studio for at least an hour. He knows is probably a bit extra to use his expensive equipment for whatever this favor is, but if he is going to help, he is going to do it right.
Opening Jungkook's messages on his laptop, Yoongi almost wants to laugh at himself.
JK: [ killmepls.mp3 ] JK: is and OF thing, btw JK: don't listen to it in public lol
Yep, definitely Poducer Min equipment is too extra for this. But, fuck it.
The archive is already downloaded when he opens the software, starting a new project and naming it the same as the audio plus final, to not get confused. Plugging in his headphones he starts playing it, already noticing whoever this is, is pretty quiet at the beginning and he would most likely have to cut it off, still, he listens to make sure.
A few taps followed by a “hi..” is the start, and he chuckles at their giggles.
He decides to let that in, but cuts the next few seconds where only their breathing can be heard along with some clicking and fabric moving. Is too long of a pause for this kind of thing and the clicking gives a way they weren't ready to start. Sure they wouldn't mind.
They put music on? It sounds familiar but is pretty fade out, so he can't really be sure, and then “This angle is kinda…” 
That's him.
That's his voice.
“Hot,” the voice continues before he can rewind.
“You can't tell me I'm mean anymore. I'm spoiling you,” his own voice travels again on his headphones. “I'm giving you this view and I'm giving you what's probably the thing you all ask the most: hands.”
What is this? Some kind of joke?
Did Jungkook put them up to this?
“I hate him. I'm gonna sue him,” 
That gets a laugh from him, even if he is still confused about what is happening.
Maybe it's just his imagination?
Should he ask his friend?
More movement of fabric. Maybe bed sheets or clothes. More breathing, a bit faster than last time and then, a groan. 
He can leave that in.
Wait, that's right. He is supposed to be editing this. He has to go back and…
“This angle is kinda…” his voice says and he hits pause. Is really him. Is that possible?
He feels like he is imagining things.
“Jungkook, I swear if this is some kind of joke or something,” he rambles taking his phone out.
Yoongi: did you listen to it?
JK: no, didn't have time JK: why? something wrong? JK: don't tell me it can't be used JK: she is gonna be sad :(
Yoongi: who is she?
JK: dunno if i can tell you 
Yoongi: technically I'm doing a favor for her. I think is fair 
JK: good point JK: is afterhours(y/n)
He opens a new tap on his laptop, goes to the website and searches for the username through his followers. And sure enough there it is. Subscribed a month ago.
He clicks to see your perfil. The first post he can see without being subscribed is a picture of a lilac lingerie set on a bed with the caption “very early birthday present”, from a week ago. 
He considers subscribing to see more, but he stops himself from clicking, remembering Jungkook didn't even want to tell him who you were. Oh, shit. What would you do if you knew it was him editing your audio? Would you back out? Or be sad?
Now it feels kind of wrong, like if he were invading your privacy.
He clicks around on his computer again, audio track back to the zero seconds mark. He hears the “hi” and the giggles and stops it before his voice appears. 
“Okay, this is going to be posted. It was recorded with the intention of being posted for people to hear,” he reasons. “If it's not posted I'd just forget about it and if it is… I'd… subscribe? To make up for listening?”
Clearly that part is not completely made up on his mind, but he doesn't have to decide what to do right now, he has to finish editing. And so, Yoongi clicks around the software again, cutting and deleting another section, the one where you can hear his voice and even his music before.
That's it. It was a familiar track because it is his. He composed that himself to put in the background of his videos exclusively. He figured putting his own touch would help if something was posted outside his page, never imagining hearing it in the background of someone else's video or audio was even possible.
It shouldn't affect him this much. After all, people touching themselves to his videos is half the reason he likes making them. What can he say? Is a turn on to have that effect on others, it builds his confidence up.
But actually hearing it is different. 
Groan and fabric moving, a bit too close to the mic he considers doing something about it, but “I want you to touch me,” is the perfect whisper. Just the right volume, just the right words.
No more audio of SugaD can be heard now, you probably turn down the volume of the video or pause it. Yoongi is curious about it. The idea of your sounds being a reaction to his past self is doing things to him, and Yoongi would like to ignore them before getting too distracted, but is kind of a boomer not knowing exactly what your reactions are for.
Maybe he can open his video, it wouldn't be hard for him to synchronized it with your audio and—
That would cross the line. Is enough that he—
“Are you hard?” your voice continues, timidly he thinks. 
Is this your first time doing this? That's why you couldn't edit yourself?
What would you do if you knew he was listening and his dick was calling for attention at all your little sounds?
He stops your recording, considers taking a break, going back to bed. But he knows just forgetting about this would be hard and in the end he would have to come back and finish helping.
He unpaused it.
More moans echo throughout his headphones and he fixes them on top of his head, as if that would help him concentrate. You just sound so pretty, and when you plead he wants to give you anything you ask for, his dick twitching with desire.
He could just— no. That'll be wrong. Is enough he is letting it affect him this much, he can't just—
His leg bounces under his desk, hand glue to his mouse even when he is just listening now. Only stopping and going back a couple times to fix the volume of background noise, making it less or more obvious depending on the flow or your moans.
A groan of his own cuts the silence in his studio when you form words again. “It feels so good, oh god.” And Yoongi wishes he knew what. Wishes he could see you, could touch you. Could make you sound and feel that good in person.
“Uh uh,” short moans leave your lips, and it sounds so much like you're agreeing with his thoughts he really considers sneaking a hand down his pants. Allow his mind to wander and imagine what you would look like under him. Or on top. Or just coming undone by him.
But he doesn't. He just listens to your recording, your breathing, your pleas and your cut out warning when you cum.
“Fucking hell,” Yoongi angrily whispers. And for a second he considers doing the SugaD special of cutting it out of the final audio, but that's too selfish.
Or perhaps is more selfish leaving it. Considering he wants the world to hear how you sound when listening to him.
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Yoongi managed to leave the studio without touching himself. But is not really as impressive as it sounds since his hand is on his dick the minute he goes back to bed after listening to the final edit of your audio one last time. The excuse of being just to make sure is perfect is just that, an excuse. And your pretty sounds replay on his head while he jerks off until orgasm.
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JK: thank youuuu JK: she says thank you too!
Does that mean you know he was the one editing it?
He opens the app on his phone, looks for your perfil again and debates a couple minutes his options. 
What's the worst that can happen? You blocking him? He would understand, but if he actually doesn't do anything, doesn't play his chance, he wouldn't forgive himself.
And so, he subscribes. Page refreshes instantly and a new post greets him.
[ afterhours(y/n):
Surprise, surprise. Is my birthday month but I keep spoiling you, ain't I the best? 😝 
      [ VoiceReveal.mp3 ]
Doesn't even have to listen to it, his fingers move on their own, “the cutest”, he comments.
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♡ Tag list: @m00njinnie , @sexytholland , @seoullove96 , @thelilbutifulthings , @disneyprincessshuri ,
( is hereee! I appreciate u guys hehe <3 ) ( if anyone else wants to be tagged in the future, let me know )
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➪ Part one. | ➪ Part three. | ➪ Updates for this verse | ➪ Ko-fi
➪ Main masterlist. | ➪ Updates in general | ➪ Request & chats ♡
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byunbqbes · 1 year
⟶ ft. sakusa, atsumu, akaashi
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‎♡ sakusa
"are you sakusa?" a small voice behind him peeps up.
sakusa turns around, a scowl on his face, ready to lecture whoever just disrupted his pre-game ritual because if there's one thing that sakusa hates – it's talking to others before a game.
and oh boy was he about to make an exception right now.
he blinks at you, drinking in the way a cute smile was plastered to your face and all he can think of is, are you real? how can someone this pretty exist?
he snaps out of his speechless stupor and hums, "that's me."
you let out a sigh of relief, handing him a pack of masks, "i found this outside the locker room, and thought maybe it'd be yours."
"how do you know it's mine?" sakusa asks curiously, raising a brow.
"oh! uhm! i may or may not be a fan...so i kind of know you wear masks a lot!"
oh god. not only were you pretty, but you were also a fan! his fan.
he flushes from his cheek down his neck, and gives a little nod, "oh. nice. do you want a signature or somet –"
before sakusa can finish his sentence, hinata pokes his head into the room, clueless, "sakusa! our match is starting soon! oh, hey, sakusa's friend!"
sakusa wants to roll his eyes at hinata, but he just mutters, voice velvety, "i guess the signature will have to wait till later. meet me here after the match if you still want it."
♡ atsumu
"how could ya forget?" atsumu yelps, thrashing his arms around dramatically as osamu stares back at his blonde twin blankly.
"forget what?"
"forget to tell me that she's pretty??" atsumu whisper-shouts, gesturing towards you – osamu's new employee. atsumu expected your presence at the game, but he did not expect you to turn up looking like this – in a short skirt, soft legs out on display.
"who's pretty?"
atsumu turns around and stares at you, horrified, wondering how much of the conversation you had overheard. atsumu blinks and immediately starts stuttering, "uh. t-the receptionist at the hotel?"
"oh? do you have a picture?" you tilt your head, and atsumu swears he's about to die from your cuteness.
"tsumu thinks he is pretty." osamu shrugs nonchalantly, "what a weirdo."
at that, you just chuckle and lean in to inspect his face carefully. atsumu feels his breath hitch in his throat and swears his heart is about to leap out of his chest, when you lean back and nod in agreement, "yeah, atsumu is pretty!"
feeling a sudden surge of confidence in his chest, atsumu reminds himself, atsumu...what the fuck was that? you're the cool sexy male of msby! that the best ya can do?
a smirk inches its way to atsumu's face and he looks you dead in the eye.
"really? that's weird...because i find you really pretty too."
osamu rolls his eyes.
‎♡ akaashi
the truth is, akaashi has noticed you for a while now. because how could he not, when you look so pretty on the bleachers, hair tied up in cute pigtails and cheering for bokuto?
bokuto. akaashi never wants to admit he is jealous of bokuto but...he really is.
one day, fukurodani wins by a landslide and bokuto is on a crazy adrenaline high. he drags you towards akaashi and yells loudly, "HEY! akaashi stop being such a wimp and ask her out already!! i know like...five? guys who want to ask her out but i'm saving her for youuuu!"
silence hangs in the air as akaashi stares at you, feeling his face heat up. bokuto glances at you both, before his eyes widen in realisation, "oh no! am i not supposed to say that?"
the whole fukurodani squad gathers around and starts gushing dramatically. washio yells, "c'mon akaashi kohai! you've been simping over her for years!"
konoha akinori slings a lazy arm around you, deciding to push akaashi's buttons, "akaashi, if you don't want her, i'm gonna start chasing her!"
akaashi's eyes widens and before he could even think clearly, he's grabbing your hand and walking away from his embarrassing team. konoha and you? no way in hell!
before akaashi can open his mouth to deny anything, you're winking at him cutely, "i think you're cute too, akaashi."
akaashi swallows nervously, thanking whatever higher power there is up there for gracing him with his dream girl, before he smiles shyly, "wanna go out together?"
you can bet you're yelling akaashi's name in all of their upcoming matches.
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godlyrots · 2 months
PAIRING — college!jasontodd x black!femreader
SYNOPSIS — you choose dare.
WORD COUNT — 1498 words.
WARNINGS + CONTENT — biting, very very sloppy making out. dry humping. pet names, doll, angel, pretty. little praise. super short for my standards. some jealousy. mentions of weed and drinking or alcohol. implied hook up with roy. a bit scattered. little hair pulling. no use of y/n. a little bit awkward cause i hate writing dialogue. might be ooc but let me have this. lots and lots of marking.
you're sat in roy's apartment all in a circle on his dingy carpet that was once a bright orange but turned into a dark brown. his place smelled like stale beer and weed which was obviously roy's doing. he and jason sat on both sides of you while your other friends filled up the remaining spots. both roy and jason go to your university but you don't understand how they even work as friends.
"truth or dare?"
music was soft in the background as some song from roy's playlist was playing to remove the silence from their hangout.
"dare." you shrugged as you took a sip from your cup and roy took some time to decide on what he wanted your dare to be. he knew deep down that jason's chest filled with a warmth when he looked at you, or talked to you or thought to you. his feelings weren't all innocent however, all filthy, filled with thoughts of you pressed against a wall with his hands in fistful of your braids as he rutted his hips against you in a feverish glow. it was seemingly obvious to him but he and jason were best friends so if anyone would know it'd be him.
roy knew jason better than he knew himself. he always kept a mental note of jason's reaction when he saw you walk out of their shared apartment in the early morning before classes with your clothes put on haphazardly, braids a little messy and a dreamy look in your eyes with your neck littered with little purple marks. he just looked at roy with a piercing stare after he left the room shortly after with a white shirt being pulled on quickly after you left. jason already connected the dots as his jaw ticked at the idea of his best friend having a chance with you before he did.
"i dare you to. . ." roy began and somehow you and jason ended up in his room, you on the edge of his bed and he might as well be a galaxy away from you as he's sat with his back against the headrest. you'd be lying to yourself if you thought jason wasn't attractive, with his light eyes and minimal facial hair that made him look absolutely delicious. not to mention the little dimples he had just below the apples of his cheeks. he was just so him and that was so attractive to you and just about anyone with enough sense and eyes.
you chewed on your bottom lip, strawberry flavoured lipgloss making it's way on your tongue and mixing with the slight taste of beer. "i like your shirt." you said and looked at him as he spoke. "thanks," he said and he slowly shifted closer to you but that wasn't even evident to you. he placed a hand near your thigh, you looked down at his hand and noticed the scars. he had one that went across his palm and it filled with callouses and you instinctively took his hand in yours. you knew he was into working out from what roy told you and it showed, his taut muscles were prominent as his shirt clung to his biceps and it made you a bit dizzy. you saw as his veins protruded from his arm, pulsing with each rush of blood through his limbs. god, he was so perfect.
"what are you doing?" jason asked with a laugh that racked though his chest, a deep timbre that you'd never noticed before. had he always been so. . . your type? you didn't even know and maybe this had been a sign that you should've spent the night with him instead of roy, but he was a whole nothing story.
you let out a slight puff of air, "i don't know, lookin' at you i guess." you told him honestly, "you're just really pretty to look at." you admitted to jason and continued to study his features, all of them from each scar to imperfection and how his irises sparkled with a tinge of blue in the dim warm lights of his bedroom. he gave you a little smile before he eyes flashed a darker shade of ocean blue.
"yeah? ya' think i'm pretty doll?"
you nodded with a little smile and jason was nearly pressing against you now, his breath hitting the side of your neck and your hand ended up on his thigh as he took in your scent of vanilla body wash and shea butter location. it was addicting to him.
"you're real pretty too." he said and you reached forward to kiss him, he was even more in love with the way your lips tasted, the sweet strawberry made him quietly moan into your mouth. he pulled your only his lap and left feverish, hectic kisses as he left sloppy, open mouthed kisses on your lips you tried to match his pace and kissed back harder. he's so him. you feel your pulse hammering in your body as he whispered praises to you.
"you're so perfect angel. should've done this ages ago." you feel his heartbeat as your chest is pressed against his and he's so much more desperate now. he rutted his hips into yours as he held your thighs down so that you had no room to squirm or wiggle out from his hold. you gasped as he brought his hips to meet yours with the added barrier of both your clothes. "jesus christ—" his lips met your neck and his pearly white teeth nipped at the flesh of your neck and he left marks that would resemble the purple hues of a painting that belonged in a museum and he wouldn't stop until you were his beautiful piece of art. "you're so needy doll, you want me just as bad as i want you." he chides against the crook of your neck and moaned as you rocked your hips against him working in tandem with his feverish ruts into your clothed cunt. you could feel each movement he made and your body ran hot with each passing minute. yours hand found itself in his beautiful head of hair and you pulled at his espresso locks with every single move he made.
he keeps your skin between his teeth and lips. jason is so desperate to leave his mark on you so that in the morning you won't be able to hide any reminder of him. you feel the ache between your thighs climb to your abdomen as he continues, his lips are stuck to your skin as he grunts with each whimper and moan that leaves your pretty, swollen lips. jason's so obsessed with each sound that leaves your beautiful mouth, they sound like a saccharine melody he can't get out of his mind. "i love all your pretty noises. gotta record 'em so that when i'm missin' you. i'll have something to listen to." he whispered against the shell of your ear and nipped at your ear.
you struggled to get the words out, the coil in your abdomen wound tight as he praised you. "heard you," you gasp as the words as stuck in your throat and he found that sweet spot that made you eyes roll as he took control of your already sporadic movements. "that night when i was with roy— we both did. i know you heard me too, sounded so desperate like you wanted us—me." you corrected your mistake but jason didn't exactly disagree with you. he continued to spur you on, he ignored how careless he was being and was only focused on getting you off.
jason didn't respond, he heard each word you said as they found their place in his mind, always in his memories. he wouldn't lie to himself and fight the fact that he thought about that night often, he laid in bed at night and imagined that he was the one that made you feel that good. he got his lick back though. "probably so close f'me doll. no one else should make you feel this good."
he hummed against your skin, the heat was radiating off of you and he felt the same, his skin was slick with sweat and he was so close. you only nodded and he could feel whatever resolve he had left leaving his body. "do it. cum f'me angel." you felt it come down on you, the fiery hot feeling leaving you to catch your breath as your chest heaved with each move jason made underneath you. you bit down on the flesh of jason's shoulder underneath his shirt to subdue your cries and he moaned lowly as a result. he followed soon after and released in his boxers not embarrassed in the slightest.
"come over tomorrow morning." he nearly demanded, chest unstable as his normally perfectly imperfect hair was a little wet with sweat but he still looked incredible.
"we have classes."
"skip 'em."
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theneighborhoodwatch · 3 months
thoughts on the Eddie scene from the end of the commercial reel? :D
HAHA oh man. okay while i'm waiting on the results of that poll, i might as well answer this. thoughts under the cut:
so, this may be me being optimistic, but i actually don't think this is indicative of eddie being permadead or anything, and not just because i think it'd be kinda cheap to kill a character off this early into the story before we even got to really know them. rather, i think this is a pretty straightforward explanation for eddie's absence from the homewarming recordings: he spent most of the day in his office waiting to be called on, only got invited to the homewarming party once everyone else had wrapped up their shenanigans, and proceeded to disassociate so hard that he was borderline catatonic when frank managed to draw his attention away from whatever he saw when he looked beyond the veil - and it's implied that frank was the only (or at least, the first) person to notice his acute distress in the first place. in short, eddie's presence throughout the entire holiday of homewarming ended up being so inconsequential either way that he might as well have not even been worth mentioning. of course, if he is missing by the next update then like. egg on my face. but that's how i see it for now.
so, is The Void that eddie found himself in when he first opened his eyes real? i mean, certainly on some level, it must be. either it's the truth of the neighbors' world or it is simply true for home, since they were the only other entity there - and since home is at the center of their world, well...... . as for what the void represents - i feel like that's something we'll only have a clearer picture of once another character finds themselves in The Bullshit, but i can hazard a few guesses, the first and most obvious being that it's eddie accidentally piercing the veil by being just a little too OOC for the universe's liking, i.e. "silly mailman, you're the resident workaholic! you're not actually supposed to relax, that's just so this special can end!" the second interpretation - and one that i like just a bit more, if i'm being honest - is that it's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, or that distress over a deviation from the status quo makes one more susceptible to The Horrors.
hear me out: we know from the previous show scenes in the commercial reel that feeling useless or unneeded by way of having no work to do is a really easy way to get under eddie's skin, and his agitation over that was still lingering when sally invited him to the homewarming party. he's optimistic, yes - but very cautiously so. he's not used to it. something still feels a little wrong, which presents a prime opportunity for Something (home?) to wrap their arm around his shoulder and go, "buddy, you have no fucking idea." i remember reading a post that went something like "if a person goes from 1 to 100 seemingly out of nowhere, chances are they were at a 99 for a really long time, and they were just either hiding it or didn't even realize it." i think it's something like that. Something - home? wally? one of those two acting on the other's behalf? - sees this dissatisfaction, and in it, finds an opportunity to Make Them See. Make Them Understand.
something else i can't stop thinking about is that final shot of frank at the end. on the one hand, yes, it is very sweet how frank is willing to break away from formality if it means making sure that eddie's alright. on the other hand, though.... that shot of frank feels very idolizing to me. in the sea of red, frank is the one remnant of when things were fine and dandy for eddie just a few minutes before. he's in the center of the shot, and for that split second, arguably the center of eddie's world. they're even haloed by light, like an angel. again, whether they're in a properly established relationship by this point or if this is the beginning of their relationship turning from a playful flirtationship to something deeper, it's sweet to think that this is how eddie sees frank - as a refuge from The Bullshit. but i have to wonder... is eddie prepared for the possibility (or inevitability, rather) that one day, it'll be frank in that chair? given how frank likes things "just so," how is eddie going to react if, say, frank decides that the best way to ensure eddie's safety/wellbeing is to stay away from him? Many Questions Here.
[remembers that i suggested lower one's eyes as eddie's answer to frank's esperar pra ver once] [remembers that lower one's eyes is about a judas analogue being in love with a jesus analogue] [coughs up blood]
on that note, i know some folks think that at least some parts of "bug-a-bye and goodnight" are about eddie because "that's not the kind of thing you say about a bug!!!" but the thing about that is. it might not be what you would say about a bug. but it is absolutely what frank would say about a bug.
ok i'm done. For Now.
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graves4girls · 8 months
Johnny x celeb reader n there’s a party for other celebs etc. and there’s a bunch of paparazzi, a day or two before Johnny n reader had a quarrel and reader shows up to the party in a revenge dress. basically giving a show for all the paparazzi while avoiding johnny
up to u on how it ends! (sorry if my request didn’t make sense😭😭)
☆ paparazzi | johnny cage
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✮ wc. 1.3k ⚠︎ warning(s): fem!reader
lowkey wanna do a nsfw part 2 but idk i'll think abt it ⟡ be sure to check out my work on ao3 → gravesforgirls !!
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He'd been pissing you off all afternoon, whining about how you shouldn't have even taken the role because your co-star was way too friendly with you. He'd spam his socials with selfies of the two of you, you'd get swarmed by paparazzi for grabbing a coffee together in between scenes, and there were even rumors floating about that you'd dropped Johnny for him. Of course, all of it was utter bullshit to stir up drama and get clicks, but you didn't think it'd get to Johnny the way it did.
"Oh, c'mon. He was all over you the whole goddamn interview!"
You roll your eyes, pressing a manicured finger to your temple. "Jesus Christ, Johnny, I'm not in the mood for this right now. You know there's nothing going on."
He huffs as you plop down on the edge of the bed to pull off your heels. 
"Do I? Cause the more shit that leaks, the more it looks like there is something going on. He's always touching you and shit."
"C'mon Johnny, do you really think I'd cheat on you with some guy I met five months ago?"
He sucks his teeth, staring down at you with his arms crossed over his chest. 
"Y'know, I don't really know what to think right now."
You gape at him for a moment, scoffing as you stand from the bed.
"Are you seriously accusing me of cheating on you? Oh my God, you are such an asshole." You move to walk out the door.
"Where the hell are you going?"
"The guest bedroom. Come talk to me when you're done being a dick."
He's still out of the house by the time you're stepping out of the bedroom, the satin of your mini dress hugging every curve perfectly, heels clicking against the shiny tiled floor as you make your way out of the house. You knew he'd be blowing up your phone the minute he gets home and realizes you're gone, but you're too worried about getting to the party on-time to think about it too much, slipping into the sleek black limo parked in front of the house.
You walk down the moonlit street, arm locked around your co-star's as the cameras flash behind the barrier, snapping any and every angle as you wave to the crowd. You stop for a minute to scribble a couple signatures and pose for some selfies before you're escorted into the venue, giggling to the girl clinging to you as you make a bee-line for the bar. You part ways as you lean against the varnished counter, tapping your nails against the wood as you order a drink. 
"Hey! I didn't know you were gonna be here!"
You turn to the voice, grinning at him as you pull him into a short hug.
"I wasn't planning on it actually, but there was a little trouble in paradise so…"
He hums softly, giving you a sympathetic nod. "You're still with Johnny?"
You swipe your drink from the counter, taking a sip as you nod. "Yeah, despite what the media thinks. God, I can't believe people actually think I'd ever cheat on him. It really pisses me off."
"Yeah, it's shit. But you're here to have a good time. C'mon."
You roll your eyes with a small laugh as he pulls you away from the bar, letting him drag you into the crowd.
You're posed for a photo op when your phone buzzes in your clutch, and you can already guess who it is as you step away to check the notification.
where are you   8:05 p.m.
You close the message with a sigh, tucking your phone away to join your friends back in the booth. 
You hadn't noticed the constant buzzing of your phone as you go about the rest of the night, too busy dancing to pay attention to the device. It's only when you step away to touch up your makeup in the bathroom that you pull out your phone, sighing at the onslaught of messages that cover your lock screen.
where are you   8:35 p.m. where are you   9:03 p.m. are you still mad at me   9:42 p.m. missed call   10:01 p.m. call me   10:04 p.m. missed call   10:16 p.m. missed call   10:36 p.m. please call me   10:53 p.m. missed call   11:04 p.m. are you okay?   11:05 p.m.
You're about to turn your phone off when it buzzes again, and you huff out a small sigh as you answer the call, eyeing your nails as his voice cuts through the phone.
"Jesus Christ, why don't you answer your goddamn phone? I've been texting you all night. Where are you?"
You lean over the sink to prod at your makeup in the mirror. "Relax, babe. I was busy."
You can hear him grumble something under his breath. "Relax? My girlfriend disappears and doesn't answer the phone for four hours and I'm not supposed to get worried?" He pauses for a second. "Is that music? Where the hell are you?"
You roll your eyes, fixing your hair.
"I'm at a party, Johnny. Am I not allowed to go out alone?"
"No, I just would've liked a heads-up that you were gonna be out so I didn't freak out. Are you coming home soon?"
You hum as you think for a moment.
"Probably not, so don't wait up for me. I gotta go."
"Wait, are you–"
You hang up before he can finish his sentence, grinning at your friends as you emerge from the bathroom. 
You're sat on one of the uncomfortable bar stools when you feel a tap on your shoulder, and your expression tightens as you turn around.
"What are you doing here?"
He gives you a look, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Can we talk for a second?"
You glance between your friends and his cute little frown, sighing as you slip off the stool.
"Make it quick."
He ushers you away from the crowd and out one of the back entrances, eyeing your outfit for a moment before he speaks.
"Since when do you go to these kinds of parties?"
"Since tonight. Why do you care so much that I'm here? It's not like you never go to parties." You lean back against the cool brick of the building, mirroring his posture.
"Look, if this is about last night, I'm sorry. Those stupid rumors got to me and I was being an asshole. I was planning on going out to dinner tonight actually, but obviously that fell through..." He steps closer to wrap a hand around your waist, the other tucking some hair back. "Can we just go home and go to sleep? I really don't want you to be mad at me."
You push his hand down with a small scoff, but you lean into his chest as you stare up at him. "You're so stupid. C'mere."
Your hands come up to cup the sides of his face, pressing a short kiss to his lips that he chases, pressing you against the wall as his other hand settles over your hip. Your arms curl around his neck to pull him impossibly closer, fingers combing through his short hair as he hums against your lips. He draws back for a second to run his eyes all over your figure, raising an eyebrow as you let a small grin pull at your lips.
"Where'd this pretty little thing come from?"
He leans in to drop a couple kisses to your throat, hands slipping over your hips to grab at your ass through the silky satin.
"I was saving it for a special occasion." 
You tug at his hair to pull him away, sticking a quick kiss to his lips as you push a hand against his chest. "Let's get out of here before we get caught."
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lovelyhan · 11 months
elaborate in that shua imagine rn 🔪🔪🔪
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JOSHUA — 00:51
i wasn't going to but i'm sooo horny worked up for shua these days that maybe i can use a little self indulgence 🧍attached the fansite pics that drove me insane in the middle of the day for funsies too <3
warnings: school uniform kink? smut (MINORS DNI)
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"it wasn't this tight before." joshua pouts as he checks himself out in the mirror right after buttoning his shirt. "my friends used to tease me for being all lanky back in tenth grade, too."
it takes you a while to formulate a response—definitely not because you're distracted by the way the taut fabric of his old high school uniform visibly strains against the delicious circumference of his biceps. joshua glances behind him with a quizzical look.
"uh." you gulp, hoping to god that he didn't notice the way you almost drooled. "you go to the gym like thrice a week. i think the gains are very much spoken for."
your clipped response makes him arch an eyebrow but your boyfriend doesn't really comment on it. instead, he turns back to gaze at his reflection and promptly flexes his arms—the poor short sleeves doing their best not to tear at the seams.
fuck. you can feel your core throbbing at the supposedly innocent sight of your boyfriend admiring his own hard work. you cross your legs from where you're seated on the swiveling chair by his desk, silently pleading for your brain to please get out of the gutter.
"guess you're right," joshua laughs softly. "didn't expect that it'd be tight around the chest too though. maybe all that weight training was worth it after all."
"but baby, why are you looking at me like you wanna fuck?"
long story short, that's how you ended up on top of joshua's childhood bed with your skirt bunched up your hips—his long, thick cock sliding into your velvet heat with a torturously slow pace.
"you're such a filthy girl, aren't you?" he chuckles, tongue swiping along his bottom lip as he watches his length disappear inside you. "my mom is kind enough to cook us dinner downstairs but here you are getting worked up because of an old uniform. you like my arms that much, baby?"
you hate how joshua knows you like the back of his hand. you barely even gave away any hint of being turned on by how his shirt emphasized his broad shoulders and beefy arms, but he's got killer intuition after all.
"y-yes," you dole out pathetically, helpless from how deliciously he stretches you open. "so fuckin' hot, shua... got wet just looking at you. couldn't help myself."
your boyfriend sighs, planting his palms flat on either side of your head as he gazes at you lovingly and ravenously at the same time. he halts his movements completely as he lets you feel the way his cock throbs inside you.
"so impatient," he scolds. "couldn't wait until we got home before giving me those pretty bedroom eyes, huh?"
not seeing any incentive in saving face with a lie, you nod. "need you now. p-please fuck me shua. wanna get split in half on your cock—!"
he meets you halfway with a harsh thrust that makes the headboard thud against the wall, momentarily startling you out of your fucked out haze.
"god. fuck, baby," joshua rasps before leaning down to graze his teeth along the cut of your jaw. "don't say those kinds of things. we need to be quiet. wouldn't want my parents knowing how much of a dirty girl you are—wanting to get fucked stupid in my bed on the first visit—now do you?"
you shake your head—a prickle of rationality miraculously still floating amidst your lust-addled mind. joshua's parents are absolute sweethearts. they welcomed you into their house with open arms and wanted nothing but to make you feel at home.
what they don't know—and you hope to god won't ever find out—is that you feel most at home with your hot boyfriend fucking you stupid.
"joshua," you whimper quietly as he pounds you into the mattress—his arms flexing with the strain of thrusting into you with vigor while staying as quiet as possible. "you fuck me so good, baby. fucking love your cock s-so much!"
"you sure it's my cock that you love, not this uniform?" he breathes with a condescending smile—the muffled noise of skin slapping against skin ringing in your ears. "i've never seen you get horny so fucking quick over any other outfit i've worn before."
you can't even chide him for insinuating that you have some sort of school uniform kink or whatever—too delirious with how the vein running along the underside of his dick slides along your gummy walls. the wet sound of sex fills the room and you can only hope that neither of his parents would hear what's really going on in their only son's bedroom.
"'m so close, shua," you plead, tears catching along the line of your lashes as you hook your arms around his neck. "fill me up, please, please. need to feel you come in me, baby—i want it."
"needy fucking girl," he growls before hooking the back of your knees across his elbows—fucking into you with waning precision. "i'll finish inside this needy pussy and you'll sit at the dinner table with my cum dripping out of your hole. you want that, huh?"
before you can wrench out a semi-coherent response, joshua crushes his lips against yours before lifting your ass higher from the mattress. the new angle makes the fat head of his cock graze the sensitive patch of flesh deep inside you—making you cry out pathetically against his mouth.
your pussy clamps around joshua's heavy length with a vice grip, eyes fluttering as your orgasm washes over you like a storm surging into calm shores. your boyfriend isn't too far behind as he starts muttering obscenities against your lips before you feel his hot cum surge into your battered cunt—filling you until overflowing.
he strokes your hair lovingly as you both come down from your high, shared pants saturating the air with heat as he flashes you a ditzy smile. lightheadedness aside, you roll your eyes before mustering what little strength you have left to lean in and press a kiss on his lips.
then, a knock on his door interrupts the quiet afterglow.
"joshua, dinner's ready. both of you head back down, okay?"
he looks at you before stifling a soft laugh, slipping his softening cock out of your ruined hole before flashing you another heart-rending grin.
"we'll be right down, mom."
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roronoagem · 5 months
Person who asked for Law with reader who was forced to eat a devil fruit. Can I go by 🐻‍❄️ anon?
Ahhhh! You did a great job!!! Thank you so so much!
I think it'd be funny to see a continuation. Maybe Bepo stays a little bit closer to reader just in case she falls over again and Law gets jealous that he can't be the one to dive in and save her?
characters: trafalgar d. water law
content warning: gn!reader, jealous!law, bepo is super cute (he’s my baby fr) & poor attempt at fluff i think idk.
a/n: omg thank you so much !! of course you can be 🐻‍❄️ anon — basically bepo anon huh, i’m gonna add you to my list hehe. this one is short fr, i could only think of a tiny convo between them. i apologise if this is not what you expected >_< .
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after the accident, bepo decided to stay super close to you.
“you don’t have to act like a baby-sitter, bepo,” you would try to ease his tension. it doesn’t work of course.
“i have to be ready to help you!”
bepo’s closeness caught the attention of a certain someone who unconsciously grew jealous of this whole situation.
“bepo i’m okay, i promise. i’m just sitting here watching the waves,” he’s hugging you. no literally he’s holding you to make sure you won’t slip into the water.
law noticed how whenever you were walking around on the deck doing whatever task, the polar bear acted like your shadow.
he wasn’t really jealous of him being too close to you, he was jealous of the fact that 1. he would be the first to see if something happens and 2. he could actually jump in to save you.
this is something law could never do because of his devil fruit.
you noticed the way he acted a bit different after that, not really thinking his change in behaviour was a consequence of bepo being there for you at all times — well, not in that sense.
“law!” you walked right into his office, making your presence known even before he could see your figure. he hummed, acknowledging your presence, eyes focusing on the pages of the book he was reading.
“are you sad?” you sat right next to him, pouting. “hm?” law glanced at you, curious as to why you were asking something like that. “it looks like you’re always pouting when you see me on the deck. did something happen?”
was he that obvious?
“no, i’m okay,” he shrugged it off and went back to his book. “are you jealous?” you smirked, your tone showing amusement now. “what— no. why would i be?” he rolled his eyes.
“because bepo’s not afraid to hug me in public,” you suggested, trying to find a way to let him spit the truth out. “i hug you,” he corrected, not even glancing at you this time. you huffed and then looked down for a moment, trying to think of something else.
“he can do something i can’t, though,” his voice was low but you heard it clear as a day. “huh?” you raised your brows, confused. “what if you fall once again? he can jump in,” he added after a long moment of silence.
you realised what he meant and swiftly moved closer, searching for his gaze. “i don’t care about that, because you protect me in many other ways and that’s all that matters,” you took his hand, tracing his tattoos with your thumb slowly. as law finally met your eyes, you offered him a sweet smile. “i guess… you’re right,” he finally, but slowly, gave in. it wasn’t rational, feeling jealous of something like that.
“so… you were, in fact, jealous,” you then laughed at him, easing the tension between you two. law rolled his eyes, cheeks turning slightly pink now. “shut up,” he tried to sound offended but seeing you laughing changed his mood, as he secretly enjoyed watching you spread your happiness like that.
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tsukimefuku · 2 months
Tie me up
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After failing to make a romantic dinner, you're very upset. Hiromi volunteers to “help you out” with that frustration.
WC: 3.5K
Tags: +18 SMUT, Jujutsu Kaisen, Higuruma Hiromi x OC/f!Reader, little to no plot (finally), filth, fluff, movement restriction kink, f!top x m!bottom dynamic, she's a tease, he bottoms so well it hurts, consent and talking is sexy (do not change my mind). NEVER tie anyone right over their joints.
This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU". A sequence of short stories and random drabbles for a Nanami x Reader x Higuruma long fic I might write. To see the ever-growing list of one-shots and short stories, please visit my masterlist :) 
Disclaimer these stories are NOT written and posted in chronological order of events. To see where this story fits in the timeline, please check the masterlist mentioned above.
Tag list: @g-kleran @redlikerozez @otomesass 
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"So, I believe we kinda suck at this." You said, defeated, staring at the pan. It had what was supposed to be your and Hiromi's dinner, completely charred, and smelling dangerously close to setting off the fire alarm. Earlier, Hiromi had tried cooking a small piece of meat with some rice, only to end up with a coal barely resembling food and mushy white paste.
"I think we should order some take out." He answered, sitting with his jaw on his hand, elbow on the counter top of his kitchen, while looking at you. "How about pizza?"
You nodded at him, then locked your eyes on the ruined food, grunting, displeased. "I hate doing things I'm not already good at. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea, this is no fun at all." Your arms were crossed in front of your chest, and your lip formed a pout. 
The plan you both had for a stay-in cooking date went out the window. Hiromi told you he couldn't cook for his life, and you weren't the best cook in the world either, but still wanted to give it a try, believing it'd be a fun experience. Up until this point, it didn't quite feel like it. He noticed you were upset, and got up, walking towards you. He had his home clothes on, comfortably dressed with a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants that hung loosely around his hips.
Hiromi stopped right behind your body and embraced you, pressing himself against you. Then, he began planting some kisses on the side of your neck.
"Hey, come on. The night is not ruined. The way I managed to get spices all over the kitchen was kind of funny. It still stings, though." He had tried opening a small packet of mixed spices and ended up tearing the thing apart with his enormous hands, sending a painful powder throughout the air, eliciting a terrible cough from his lungs. After the debacle, Hiromi changed his previously more formal attire to his home clothes and tried washing the burning sensation away from his face, while you did your best to keep down your laughter while aiding him.
This robbed a chuckle from your mouth. "I guess. I was trying not to burst into laughter."
He hummed amused, nosing your neck, sliding his hooked nose up your earlobe, and down again. "I noticed, darling." Hiromi breathed warmly against your skin, a smile on his voice as he spoke.
You sighed. "I'm still a little angry at how things went south, though." To the sound of that, Hiromi turned you with his hands on your waist. Now facing you, he got closer, and began brushing his lips to yours, while pinning you against the edge of the kitchen sink. That instantly relaxed you a little, and he pressed a kiss on your mouth, breathing you in. You cupped his face, deepening the kiss, as you both stood there, taking in each other for a minute. As your lips parted, he seemed to have had an idea, and you waited for him to speak.
"Want to let some of that steam off on me?" You blinked, slightly confused. Does he want me to... hit him?
He noticed your puzzled face. "I meant in the bedroom." He chirped, spirited, taking a step back and pulling in you by your waist to lean on him. You could feel his taut muscles under the fabric of the shirt, grazing the tip of your fingers on his abdomen. Just the thought of him half naked from his waist up thrilled you, riling you up and making your heart skip a beat.
"Yes, please." You huffed against his mouth, sliding your hands up to dig your nails to the back of his hair. "Yes." Excitement had officially taken over you.
Hiromi let out a chuckle and began walking towards the room in reverse, pecking at your lips and face, never letting go of the embrace his arms had around your body as he did so, pulling you with him. 
As you both finally made it into the room, you glanced at two ties he had hanging over his desk's chair, and that gave you some... ideas.
You both got to his bed, and you pushed him with one hand on his chest to get him on the mattress. Stepping deftly into the push, he fell on it, supporting himself on his elbows, as you stood before him with mischievous eyes. He took notice of that, and smiled.
"What is on your mind?" He inquired, curious.
You felt suddenly shy, and chuckled a little, diverting your gaze somewhere else before answering. "I think... I'd like to tie you up."
He was definitely surprised, tilting his head to the side, eyes slightly wide. "Like... To the bed?"
You were still looking away, smiling hesitantly. "... Not exactly. Take your shirt off, please."
Still not fully understanding what you meant, he followed your command, and tugged his shirt up his head, revealing his figure. He looked like a slender and statuesque Greek God, and you could perfectly see the definition of his muscles, his flesh. Your mouth instantly began watering at the sight, as you made your way to grab both the ties.
Now, Hiromi was completely at a loss.
You approached him and put one of his ties normally on his neck, letting it fall over his bare chest. He lifted a brow and looked at you, amused. "You keep getting more interesting by the minute."
You chuckled. "I sure hope so. Don't go getting tired of me just yet. Now, slide a little further in the bed and put your hands back."
Hiromi sat up, doing as told, and rested each hand behind him, beginning to understand what you were on about when you said you wanted to tie him up. You went behind Hiromi, folded his forearms over the middle of his back, and circled the open tie close to his wrists and around itself. Then, you gave it a basic knot, tugging at the tie just to be sure it wouldn't slip. After it was all well and secure, you crawled your way back to be in front of him. 
With his shoulders propped back by the tying, he looked at you, smiling, but still a little puzzled. You pushed him delicately, just so Hiromi would be resting against the wall. That was when he stated, "Ok, now I understand what you meant by tying me up. However, I still don't get the point to this," he said, looking down at the tie you had previously put around his neck.
"Oh, that?" You answered, grinning slyly. You approached Hiromi, putting your legs open over his, and grabbed his neck tie, giving it a sharp tug to pull him closer. He instantly blushed, gazing at you like he was ready to become nothing but a puddle under your thumb. "For this. Like a dog collar."
“Oh” was all he mustered up to say, face flustered with a tiny smile forming. 
“Will you do as I say?” After asking, you bit his jawline, having Hiromi trembling and nodding in response.
“Of course. I’ll get rewarded if I do, won’t I?” Hiromi purred, loving being tugged and pushed around by you. You chuckled softly, pressing him back towards his initial position.
Then, cradling on his lap, you pressed your clothed sex softly right under the edge of his sweatpants, as you could feel the pulsing barely covered by fabric. Hiromi let out a soft moan, shuddering with relief from some friction. You began grinding your hip over his, and in response, he involuntarily squirmed underneath your legs, grunts stuck in his throat, bucking his hips up, pleadingly looking at you. You were gasping softly, using his shoulders as support for your hands.
"Behave," you said, smiling at him in between pleasured sighs, using one of your hands to grab his face, nails digging into his cheeks, "or I won't kiss you when I'm touching you."
That elicited a whimper from him, as Hiromi tried earnestly to still his hips and let you lead the dance. "I’m doing my best, I promise" he said, biting his lower lip in a delicious anticipation.
Ah, just the sight of him starting to break apart for you was breathtaking.
"Good boy."
He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, relishing in the sensation this praise washed over his body, no witty comeback this time around.
You got off from him and stood just beside the bed. "Now, open your eyes, or you'll miss the show." You cleared your throat. “I mean, not a show, but you get it.”
He chuckled softly and promptly obeyed, opening his eyes  to gaze at you. First, you began to slowly slide his pants and boxers down, with him swaying his hips side to side in order to make the task easier. As you were finished, you saw his cock splayed over his belly, already leaky and flush-red. Then, looking at him and not breaking eye contact, you began to lift the edge of your shirt, watching as his jaw slightly dropped. Hiromi's eyes glazed over your body, and began following your hands.
You pulled your shirt over your head, tossing it aside on the ground, revealing a simple black bra. Then, you began sliding your pants down your legs, making it possible to see you had a somewhat matching set of underwear — at least in color. You didn’t have many sets of underwear — it was definitely not a priority for you as a jujutsu sorcerer — and tried to at least have the colors match for this date.
Hiromi couldn't care less, completely hypnotized, thinking how sensual and erotic it was to simply watch you undress in a perfectly ordinary way.
After taking off your clothes, you looked at him, and he seemed like the boy that got exactly what he wanted for Christmas. Delighted, you said, "open your legs", getting back on the bed, still covered by your underwear. Hiromi immediately did as you told him to, and you kneeled right in front of him, in between his limbs.
You put your left hand on his left thigh and began slowly sliding your way towards his groin, making sure you were pressing firmly on his skin as you did. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, opening his mouth in a soundless whimper. As your fingers clasped around it, giving a few soft pumps just to acclimate your touch and check how sensitive he was, he jolted his head down with a groan, looking at you eagerly. He was definitely sensitive with all that foreplay.
You giggled softly, leaning over him, while still striding your hands up and down at a steady pace. He began wriggling under your touch, making every humanly possible effort not to fuck into your hand. Regardless, he failed, and began bucking his hips, desperate for it to be quicker, stronger. You clicked your tongue behind your teeth disapprovingly, and looked at him. "What did I say?"
"I-I'm sorry," Hiromi replied, trying to halt his movements as much as he could.
Abruptly, you got a hold of his tie and pulled him, unceremoniously. "No kissing, then." 
You heard the man grunting in complaint, and smiled lustfully, eyes flickering with delight. Without warning, you removed your hand from his cock, putting your middle and ring finger tips on top of his bottom lip, as you ordered, "open up." 
He did, and you slid both fingers inside his mouth, pressing them against his tongue, as you still had a tight hold on his neck tie, pulling him into a sitting position. "Now, suck on them."
Hiromi whimpered, completely in the undertoe of your commands, and began sucking on your fingers. You let your other hand go off his tie and grabbed his length again, resuming the pumping around his cock with a tight grip. He moaned and whined with lips locked around your fingers, sending vibrations that traveled down your whole body.
You picked up the pace, having him sounding progressively more desperate, before you took your fingers out of his mouth, stopped pumping him and put those same fingers inside your mouth, just to taste his mouth indirectly. His entire body stiffened up, as a frown took hold of his face and he dangled his head back, despairing for relief.
It felt good to finally be in control, doing something you were very good at.
“I’m edging us both today, you won’t regret it. I promise.” You kissed his forehead as he opened his eyes, looking at you. His eyes begged for more.
“Woman, you will be the death of me,” he said, panting lightly, with some sweat starting to form on the surface of his body. 
You laughed, content, and slid yourself back on the mattress, having another joyfully wicked idea. He must’ve seen the sparkle in your eyes, because he instantly said, “how else are you planning to torture me today for us both ruining dinner?”
You covered your mouth, blushing a little at the thought of it. His face was just looking so gorgeous, his lips, his hooked nose, his perfectly messy black locks falling a little over his forehead, his angular jawline. “Can I sit on your face?” You asked. “I mean, I’d like to sit on your f-“
“Please. Sit on my face. Now.” Hiromi said that taken by some kind of unknown urgent desire of smothering himself while tasting you.
You were pleasantly taken aback at such urgency and grinned at him, amused. “ Okay, then. But I’m not coming just yet.” 
You pulled Hiromi gently by his tie to put two pillows right behind his body, just so his upper back and head would be comfortable and not pressing his hands tied to his back as he laid down. 
You got up and stood by the end of the bed, poking fun at an idea you entertained.
“I’m going to manhandle you now,” you warned.
He was confused for a few seconds. “What do you m-“
You gripped his ankles and pulled him, having his whole body slide down the mattress, and landing his head and upper back on the soft pillows. 
You could distinctly see him sighing before he let out a satisfied groan. “I really enjoyed that.”
You laughed and took off your underwear while he waited for you. “Did you, now?” You asked, slowly climbing on Hiromi, extremely amused at how thrilled he seemed to be with this entire thing.
You put each shin beside him and sat on his chest for a moment, caressing his hair, brushing your nails delicately against his scalp. It felt wonderfully soft. “If you need a moment to breathe, bite my leg, okay?”
Hiromi smiled coyly, as he gazed at you from the bottom, face softly blushed at the sight of your entire body completely bare and exposed to him. He also quivered at the sensation of your wetness smearing over his chest. “Oh, I definitely won’t.”
The way he said that, sounding like a ravenously hungry animal, had you shuddering. You propped yourself forward, putting one hand on the wall directly in front of you for support. Your other hand, however, traveled down his pitch black locks on the top of his head, and entangled in them, giving it a firm tug at the roots. Hiromi moaned, his mouth nearly touching your folds, bottom lip trembling with bated breath.
Adjusting your legs, you began descending on his face, and as soon as you were in range, he projected his mouth forward, latching his lips around your clit. You gasped, and he began lapping at it with the tip of his tongue, now opening his mouth to graze his entire face with you. Hiromi was effectively making out, in the messiest way possible, with your dripping cunt.
You were actively trying not to hump his face, but his relentless licking against your folds was turning it into a nearly impossible task. What broke you, however, was the moment he nuzzled against your clit with his nose, digging his tongue inside your entrance as far as it could go right after. Trembling, you involuntarily began grinding against his face, and Hiromi noticed it, letting out a feral groan that reverberated all throughout your core, sucking desperately at you, intent on making you reach your tipping point before you could escape his mouth.
Your mind was hazy enough for you to almost ignore the moment your body began tightening, getting ready for the snap. But, you had said it — you were edging the both of you tonight. 
Realizing you were about to climb out of his face, Hiromi tried his last desperate attempt, starting to suck intently at your nub as he grazed over with the tip of his tongue. You let out a cry, and projected yourself behind, body convulsing from your near orgasm experience. Hiromi groaned in utter and complete frustration, as if you had interrupted the meal you both hadn't had the chance to eat tonight, yet.
“Smart ass,” you said, sitting on his abdomen while panting, trying to regain the air for your lungs as you felt the need to support yourself with both of your hands on the bed.
“I was top of my class,” he huffed, a smile creeping up the corners of his mouth, “I guess I do come with some brains along with the pretty face.”
You laughed, and reached for the condom, opening it up and quickly sliding it over his cock, having him gasp softly when you finished rolling the rubber over his length, giving it an appreciative squeeze. Both of you were edged enough, and the desperation to fall apart with him inside, filling you up completely, was now an all-consuming fire.
You motioned over and began sitting on him. Then, you grabbed his tie, bottoming out instantly, at the same time you sharply tugged at it to seat him up. As he violently jolted forward, Hiromi let out a loud — emphasis on loud — mix of a groan and a moan, staring at you, glassy eyed and out of breath. He had your wetness completely smeared all over his face, and his debauched looks were rosy tint flustered. 
You just knew you both wouldn’t last long at all.
You began riding him, mewling and moaning as you bucked your hips skillfully, having him sliding lusciously inside you. He motioned his hips too, as best as he could under the restriction he was currently under, desperate for his release tightened by the plush of your walls. 
You drove one of your hands under your body to rub on your clit, and both of your arms accidentally pressed against the sides of your breasts, perking them up. Hiromi was completely enthralled by the view, and began trying to lean himself over. Noticing it, you pulled on the tie to help him reach your breasts, and he took full advantage, immediately sliding his tongue over one of your nipples, pressuring it with a tang.
And it was all just too much. Your verged pleasure, your fingers rubbing your core, his hot and wet mouth over you, all intensely tipping you over the edge as you came with a cry out for his name, desperately. Your entire body jolted and seized on top of him, while you still kept a firm hold on his tie, now completely crumpled and disheveled.
At the ungodly tightening around his cock, along with the tugging, the breathlessness, your taste, your smell, the relentless teasing, Hiromi came with a shout, all of his muscles getting impossibly tense against their restraints. Following suit, the man felt all of his limbs weaken as he pumped sloppily into you, nearly whimpering — from release, desperation or bliss, he did not know.
“We’re so much better at this.” You said, huffing and laughing softly at the same time, pressing a quick kiss on his lips. You could still feel your essence on his mouth, and shivered in response.
“Mm-hmm…” He answered, nodding, trying to regain his strength.
And then, panting into each other, a memory started tickling the backside of your brain.
"Hiromi..." You said, slightly lifting yourself and parting your bodies for a moment, pulling him closer to untie his hands on the back of his body, while his face cradled in the small of your neck. You did, and lightly pressed over his skin, feeling the markings dipped over, massaging them softly.
He was still coming back to Earth after biblically orgasming, wondering if he ever came this hard before in his life. "What, love?" Hiromi asked, still in that subspace of blissful stupor, as he brought both of his hands to hold your waist, sinking his digits on the plush of your skin, pressing soft, breathless kisses on your neck and chest.
"Did we ever order the pizza?"
End notes:
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He Suddenly Became a Plushie!?
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. This is a rush translation.
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After finishing my work, I returned to Ieyasu's room.
Mai: "I'm back, Ieyasu. Huh?"
(I thought he'd be in his room by now.)
Ieyasu: "Hmm? Welcome back. Sorry, I must have fallen asleep without realizing."
Mai: "Huh? Where are you?"
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Ieyasu: "What are you talking about? I'm right here."
Mai: "Huh?"
As I heard Ieyasu's voice, a plush toy resembling him appeared beside the writing desk.
(No, a stuffed toy can't just stand up and talk, right!?)
Mai: "Wait a minute, are you serious? Is that really you!?"
Ieyasu: "What are you talking about?"
Ieyasu: "Huh? Aren't you unusually tall today?"
Mai: "No, you're just small! I mean, you're a plushie!?"
Ieyasu: "Plushie? What's that?"
Ieyasu: "!?"
After moving his body, he noticed his own hands and finally grasped the situation.
Mai: "What happened while I was away?"
Ieyasu: "Even if you ask me, I have no idea. I was just writing a letter and suddenly got sleepy. Then, when I woke up..."
Mai: "You found yourself like this?"
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Ieyasu: "I guess."
Mai: "Are you okay? Can I touch you?"
Ieyasu: “Go ahead.”
Mai: “Okay.”
Carefully, I place the small Ieyasu in the palm of my hand.
(What should I do? He’s so tiny.)
Ieyasu: “Hey, why do you look like you’re about to cry?”
Mai: “Ah!”
Ieyasu tapped the tip of my nose and moved his short arms.
(Is he trying to fold his arms? They’re too short for that, though.)
Ieyasu: “I don’t know why this happened, but I’ll find a way to return to normal.”
Ieyasu: “And you, don’t worry more than necessary. Just keep smiling, as usual. Got it?”
He said that and pointed one arm towards my face.
(He's trying to reassure me, even though it's harder for him.)
Mai: "Thank you. You're right. Being depressed won't solve anything."
Mai: "Thanks to your cuteness, I'm feeling a little better."
Ieyasu: "What are you talking about? Moving and talking dolls are creepy as hell."
(He's embarrassed.)
Mai: "That's not true. You're small and cute."
Ieyasu: "My bad. I guess the real me is huge and totally not cute."
Mai: "Your normal self is tall and handsome! I love your usual appearance, of course."
Mai: "So, can I help you look for a way to return to normal?"
Ieyasu: "You're still going to help, even if I say no anyway."
Ieyasu: "Do as you like."
I couldn't help but run my fingers over his cheek as he turned away.
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Ieyasu: "Hey, what are you doing?"
Mai: "Hehe, you're just too fluffy and cute."
Ieyasu: "Stop grinning like that. I’ll remember this when I return to normal."
He turned away, sulking.
(Even as a plushie, he's still stubborn. Huh?)
Suddenly, a black stain on his back caught my attention.
I casually shifted my gaze and noticed a brush beneath the writing desk.
Mai: "Ieyasu, there's ink on your back!"
Ieyasu: "Really? It doesn't hurt or itch."
Mai: "Are you sure it's okay? Ink isn't poisonous, right?"
Ieyasu: "Calm down. It's just ink. I can just wash it off."
Mai: "Then let's wash it!"
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Ieyasu: "Now?"
Mai: "I'm worried it'd stain your clothes. Just wait. I'll prepare everything quickly!"
Ieyasu: "Hey!"
Quickly preparing hot water and a basin, I lifted him with both hands.
Mai: "I prepared it in a hurry, but I hope it's okay to get you wet."
Ieyasu: "It should be fine. Worst-case scenario, you can just dry me off."
Mai: "Still, if we leave it, the stain will only get worse."
Ieyasu: "If you're going to dilly-dally, then don't wash it."
Mai: "I'll do it!"
With determination, I gently submerged Ieyasu in the warm water.
Mai: "Ieyasu, is it too hot? Are you okay with the pressure? Does it hurt?"
Ieyasu: "You're worrying too much. Just do it properly."
Mai: "But even you are careful when washing the Wasabi doll."
Ieyasu: "That was something you gave me, so I can't help it."
Mai: "Then I can't help it either. I'm washing something precious to me."
Ieyasu: "I see."
Ieyasu: "So, how long are you planning to keep washing me?"
Mai: "Well, it seems like the ink has soaked in more than it looks. Ah!"
The ink spread to his stomach, and I panicked.
Mai: "Wait, I'll get it off now!"
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Ieyasu: "Ugh."
Mai: "Did it hurt?"
Ieyasu: "No. It just tickles."
Mai: "Sorry, I'll try to be gentler."
Ieyasu: "Hey, it's getting even more ticklish."
Mai: "But it's not coming off easily."
Ieyasu: "Guh!"
As I gently rubbed, he trembled more and more.
Ieyasu: "Hey, aren't you done yet?"
Mai: "Just a little more. Hang in there, Ieyasu!"
Ieyasu: "Even if you say that, I..."
The small Ieyasu started squirming in my hand, almost falling into the basin.
Mai: "Ieyasu, don't move!"
Ieyasu: "I can't take it anymore!"
The next moment, water splashed everywhere.
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Ieyasu: "Huh?"
Mai: "----!"
(He's back to normal!)
Mai: "Maybe getting wet was the trick?"
Ieyasu: "Who knows? I'm just relieved to be back to normal."
Mai: "Wait, what about the ink stain?"
I quickly moved closer to check his back and stomach, but I couldn't find any.
Mai: "Great, it seems like everything's fine!"
Ieyasu: "Fine? Not quite."
Before I could react, the wet Ieyasu grabbed my waist and swiftly pushed me down.
Mai: "Um, Ieyasu?"
Ieyasu: "I told you several times it was ticklish, but you didn't listen."
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Ieyasu: "Now it's payback time."
Mai: "Ah..."
He untied my obi, opened my kimono, and touched my bare skin.
Mai: "Wait, Ieyasu, you're soaking wet. You need to change."
Ieyasu: "I'll be taking it off anyway."
Mai: "Mm."
His rough hands caressed me, and he kissed me more passionately than usual. 
That night, we shared the warmth of our bodies until Ieyasu was completely satisfied.
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Ikesen Masterlist
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eldritch-spouse · 20 days
Hey same anon. so I finally had some time to write this, it's short and it's sfw though so forgive if you wanted something spicy. I tried to make this reader friendly too.
"M-m-madame- Forgive me for bothering you since you're resting right now, but its urgent!" The nervous greed demon stood in front of you looked like he was about to fall apart any second. It's not like him, he's usually calm and collected.
"What is it now, Martin?" I asked with monotone voice. Sitting at my desk, I set aside my drink to save for later. This better be good.
"We have a special guest at the inn, ma'am. A really important guest. And they wish to speak to you."
"Who is it? Tell them my shift is ov-"
"It's the icon of Sloth!" Martin interrupted.
Silence. My eyes widen from what I heard. A royal guest. Here at this small inn of all places. I stood up from my desk and calmy went over to put on my favorite robe. Without saying anything I left my room. Martin followed behind me.
Luckily, it's not busy at this hour at the inn. Some sloth demons with humans they rented passed by. Sometimes other types visit here too. A large buff wrath demon holding a small demon by the scruff of their neck walked towards us.
"Boss, this one tried to kill one of the humans. What do you want me to do with them?" The Wrath demon spoke.
"Your choice, just get rid of them, permanently, Uthin." I just waved my hand and continued walking.
We entered the lobby. I shoo 'ed Martin to return to the front desk. I immediately noticed a huge demon lying down in the waiting area. The air around us smelled sweet, and fragrant. Very strong and soothing. It feels as if you could sleep instantly in one blink. I can feel my energy draining really fast. Any longer my muscles might betray me, and I'll collapse on the floor. That must be the Icon of Sloth.
I approached the Icon. I put on a tired smile as I made a low bow.
"Greetings, your majesty. A thousand pardons for making you wait. Welcome to the Sleep-Inn. How can I help you this evening?"
There was a long silence from the Icon. I can't tell if he's even looking at me with the veil covering his face. My heart was pounding in my chest. Did I say or do something wrong? Maybe if-
"I want to rent you for the night." The icon rumbled in a soft voice.
I just wanted to finish my drink.
The names I gave to the demons I just pulled out of my ass. Same with the Inn's name.
Hope I didn't make Zizz too ooc. I kinda guess what it'd feel like if you get too close to Zizz.
It's up to others on what happens next. I just wanted to get this short of my chest.
[No, I think you did a fine job with Zizz! 👌 Also, "Sleep-Inn", sleepin'?? Anon your brain is massive.]
Zizz has heard of your little establishment for a decent while before visiting it, most likely. He did his research, and he decided it was worth his time.
Really, you should be flattered for several reasons here- It's rare for King Zizz to personally visit a location instead of ordering people to come to him, so the fact that he showed up in person is already a serious indicator of interest. The fact that he chose you immediately without even sparing the others any mind is also cause for great flattery needless to say.
For all intents and purposes, Zizz is as courteous as an exemplary customer, although he would prefer to bring you to his mansion than remain in your establishment. The King promises you gentle, soothing dreams, his hold of you loving and careful as he sighs his contentment. His veil is lifted, and in the darkness, Zizz places mellowing kisses along your skin. His touch is always slow and prolonged, and while he's very much hard against you, you can deny him sex.
But know that this will repeat itself every single time he rents you. There will come a time where you spend more nights with him than you do with your workers.
Zizz can keep you if he wants. You know this. He knows you do. There'd be nothing and no one to oppose him.
So really, tell him no all you want when his claws flirt with your mons, shift away when his cock presses against the small of your back and turn your lips away from his kisses- You know you'll just end back here again the next night, and your will isn't infinite.
It's certainly not enough to rival Zizz's.
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blood-grove · 1 month
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odd adjustments
prev <- part 2 -> part 3
adoptive!soap and ghost + adopted!reader
× pairing: soapghost
× summary: the now retired couple decides that there house is feeling a bit empty besides there two cats and german shepard.
× tws: medication, mentions of ptsd, angst, minor injuries
The ride was long they lived ways out from the city which would be a change of pace and scenery.
Simon was quiet through the drive the silence wasn't uncomfortable it was nice you found yourself dozing off here and there along the trip jostled awake by the sudden bumpiness of the road glancing out of the window to see you were pulling up into a gravel drive way.
You grumbled quietly mainly out of tiredness you caught Simons eyes in the car mirror checking up on you as he parked.
"You can head inside out of the rain I'll grab the bags." Simon said as he promptly got out of the car with his own umbrella.
You quickly did the same heading over to the house where a cat waited behind the glass door seeing you it left.
The door opened luckily it was unlocked as you stepped inside wiping your feet off on the mat setting your dripping umbrella into the umbrella holder nearby awkwardly shifting around as you stepped into the short hallway glancing around at the pictures on the walls as you made it to the living room the house was quiet aside from the movement upstairs which you could assume was possibly John.
You felt increasingly awkward as you glanced around flinching once the door opened once more Simon coming in holding both your bag and suitcase gently brushing past you as he sat them next to the stairs glancing back at you.
"You can sit anywhere you'd like" He hummed as he headed upstairs and so you did that sitting down on the couch as you slipped your phone from out of your pocket it was a bit cracked but it worked.
You eventually heard footsteps coming down John coming into the room with the grin you remembered.
You found the mohawk funny.
"It's nice ta' finally have you here!..I made some food so you can eat if you want or If your tired yer bedroom is upstairs first on the right its bare bones for now since we didn't know what ye'd like to decorate it with."
His accent was funny.
Oh you should answer.
"Uh um.." You just mumbled which got you a confused look with just made you tense which he noticed.
"Oh ah sorry forgot to mention- Cant hear very well out of my right ear n all supposed to be getting a new hearing aid soon So you may need to shout ever now and then—"
"I'm uh kind of hungry." You spoke up a bit more which John luckily heard this time
"Oh! Good Ah didnae waant the food tae git tae cauld even if its just sandwiches."
This wasn't as awkward as you thought it'd be.
You had eaten chatted up with John a bit more he was a nice guy a lot more talkative than Simon but you knew that from the interviews.
Simon had come down as well not without John badgering his to sit down something about his leg and medication you weren't too nosy.
He'd seemed to be getting the dog situated as he brought her down Riley was her name wasn't it?.
She was a German Shepard you thought as you stretched out your hand towards her with a glance at Simon she sniffed it before licking your hand you guess it smelt like the deli meats from the sandwich.
You scratched behind her ear as her tail wagged.
You'd put up with the awkwardness of adjusting to here for the dog.
Simon and John started talking about something as you pet Riley the rain hadn't really let up and began to pour down a bit harder thunder rumbling out as John mumbled something to Simon the man getting up with a grunt and headed back down the hall.
"He's just going to check if we have lanterns in case the power gives out." You flinched as John spoke you didn't even realize you were staring where Simon had left you just nodded.
"You can go up to your room y'know still early in the day plus so you can unpack and unwind n' all." John glanced at you as he spoke you just nodded again maybe too quickly getting up Riley leaving your side and heading down where Simon had went.
You felt nauseous laying in bed so many things running threw your head.
Also there was a cat on your bed.
You were pretty sure this was Old man, The gruff appearance and the near mustache and beard combo look in his fur fur and the greying hairs.
You held you hand out for him to smell and he just looked at you with near human unamusement.
You pulled your hand back and went back to thinking.
God what were you thinking about even?
These are good people.
This room is good.
This house is good.
The animals are better.
Why do you have to start spiraling now? Always sinking yourself into doom spiralling.
Hypothetical's that made no sense as the storm just picked up outside.
You grumbled as you got up and started to search through your suitcase Old man had hoped down to watch you as you swallowed trying to ignore the nauseous feeling your now sweaty hands find your medication.
You fumble with the cap always forgetting how to open it before you finally pop it off and dig out a couple of pills swallowing them dry even if you know you shouldn't.
You just tried to focus on not hurling on your new floor taking deep inhales as you shakily dug your fingers into the carpet below sniffling.
a/n: idk why i had to leave on a sad end ALSO I LIED ITS GETTING MORE PARTS
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fernlessbastard · 1 month
Quackity's a workaholic.
He would spend nights working instead of sleeping, but eventually, when Las Nevadas was developed enough to mostly run itself, that it isn't just work. He could never truly sleep, never wanted to fall asleep, scared of his own mind when not focused on something, only sometimes pushing himself to rest through alcohol or pure exhaustion.
Wilbur on the other hand never had issues falling asleep. It came to him naturally, or maybe it was the constant exhaustion (especially after revival). He could never really sleep though. He would fall asleep, but not rest, half conscious most of the time, or experiencing terrible nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night.
Inspired by your recent art, Quackity would sometimes just stare at sleeping Wilbur. But, Wilbur would often stare at sleeping Quackity in the morning, admiring his lover when he's all soft and calm, and thinking of ways to surprise him with something nice when he wakes up. Maybe he should make him breakfast.
Ok so I love this cause I absolutely adore the "opposites attract" HCs with Q but it'd always be like "well they both definitely have sleep issues" but this is a way to have both and like that's a major slay
Three little hcs regarding their sleeping habits: 1. they both have a tendency to wake up when the other does, just automatically - they're just synchronised (most of the time at least one of them falls right back asleep tho); 2. Wilbur's weak sleep is significantly worse when Quackity's still working - like, he will finally come to bed and Wil's asleep but then Q sits down on the bed (quietly as fuck) and Wilbur's like "hey"; 3. they switch around their sleeping positions, but Wilbur absolutely loves being the small spoon - partly cause he's always cold, but mainly cause he wasn't held enough as a kid/hj
Aaaand in the spirit of the ask, a little headcanon that's tied up with this (plus more at the end):
Common one, but I'll elaborate - Quackity's warm, Wilbur's cold. So, of course Wilbur's cold after revival cause his body's kinda fucked up and all that. Quackity - for a normal human (or a normal animal hybrid I guess idk works with duck too) consistently has a pretty high body temperature. He prefers sleeping mostly undressed (maybe with shorts on but that's not a guarantee/lh), he usually has to unbutton his shirt a bit lower than standard (I mean he's also a whore but it's a 2 in 1 y'know), etc etc.
Now, with Schlatt that resulted in limited cuddling even in the honeymoon phase cause the other also had a higher body temperature, and they'd just end up sweaty and uncomfortable.
With Eret the relationship started with a generic, platonic, positive message ("you matter ♡ -Eret" which they gave out to people in general just as a nice gesture, but nothing romantic) and ended with Q alone at the altar, so it's probably safe to say that didn't really come up.
With Karl and Sapnap though his body temperature was both too much, and not enough - Sapnap, as a demon hybrid, was much warmer, so with him cuddling wasn't really the most comfortable long-term, and while Karl was slightly on the colder side, Quackity wasn't as warm as Sapnap, so Karl would mostly cling to the latter. They'd try to make it all "even", but the emotional and physical distance was still noticeable.
And then there's Wilbur.
In pogtopia they didn't really cuddle much, but whenever they touched shoulders or leaned against each other Quackity noticed that Wilbur would frequently lean in for just a second longer than normal. This came back 10x stronger after revival. With a lot of Wilbur's nerves and blood vessels fucked up, he's pretty cold most of the time. The first time they cuddle he absolutely sinks into the embrace, making a comment about how nicely warm the other is. Quackity doesn't expect it to hit him as hard as it does. He giggles, slightly flustered, and dismisses it as Wilbur just being colder. From then on it repeats, and soon enough Quackity returns the favour by unintentionally hitting Wilbur with something along the lines of "you're like, the perfect temperature". See, Wilbur's always been on the colder side. He'd hear comments about how cold his hands were - not to even mention post revival - and he never really thought much of it, until Quackity's comment just hit him like a ton of bricks, and he just felt so perfectly in place in Q's arms. They just form the perfect temperature equilibrium; not too warm, not too cold - just perfect.
Little bonus: Quackity starts occasionally taking a jacket or sth with him even though he doesn't need it but he knows Wilbur will probably get cold (and need a second jacket).
Another little bonus that connects this HC to a different one about Quackity having sensory issues. VERY tldr is that sometimes he just gets this intense physical discomfort in his limbs (AuADHD moment), and only way to lessen it is intense stretching, OOOORR using Wilbur as his personal ice bag. There'll be nights where Wilbur will try to move his foot cause "it's probably too cold and bothering Q" just for Quackity to "scold" him for moving it cause it was pressing perfectly into his calf and keeping him from losing his mind cause of sensory issues.
Also they both have food sensitivities, but Q's are more broad, and sometimes they'll spend hours arguing(/lovingly) over what to get on pizza, or when they go to a new food place sometimes Wilbur will just look at Quackity who's staring at the idk olives he accidentally ordered in his food (cause he didn't know the dish contained them) and he will just silently slide over his plate so that his boyfriend can peacefully pick all of them out and give them to Wilbur. When Wilbur encounters food sensitivities - say, in a restaurant - Quackity will go full Karen mode and make sure his boyfriend gets only the food he wants.
Continuing the topic of mental health, sometimes Wilbur will struggle with hygiene during depressive episodes, to which Quackity will either motivate him with showering together(/nsx), a shared bath, if he's doing worse, or in the worst case scenario he'll help him clean himself up with a damp cloth (no judgement, no comments even, just love and support)
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
I has 21 asks! :DDD🌟🌟
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I'm not sure if they would line their coats with the Captains fur,, <XD I'm not sure my Barnacles would even shed! My Barnacles has his fur cut really short to accommodate for the warm climate. Which is why he has to wear a coat like the rest of the crew when he goes to the Arctic!
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Awe, thank you! And I'd sayyy.. its probably cookies and cream. If that counts?? XD If thats not what you meant than milk chocolate-
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XDD I love all the theories! Your enthusiasm means the world! And don't worry, you wont be in the dark for long.. 👀👀
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aaa thank you so much!! That means the world!! :DD
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That's a really interesting detail actually, I'll have to take note!
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I have not actually, it looks really cute though! :DD
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Yes, please do take it down. That would be greatly appreciated 🙏
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XD I forgot about that game, too funny!
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I'm excited but also preparing to be greatly disappointed...
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I kind'a saw it comin. I think everyone did-
I'm not disappointed, I think its a cool and mysterious plot line to have :00 Also I didn't notice the Monty carpet! Very interesting,,
Also this doesn't change my Monty at all obviously. <XD I made him a good guy out of pure spite and I'm KEEPING him that way!
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Unfortunately Vanessa is not part of the Fazfam <XD
As for her importance, I cant specify too much.. but I will say that she does indeed play a big part in the over all story of my au. 👀👀
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Yeah I did, it made me kind'a sad :( But honestly good for him. The man deserves a good retirement for voicing a lot of our childhoods ✨🌟✨
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Thank you <:) I'm doing my best!
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I was thinking it'd be less visual differences and more internal. Although I haven't fully decided what the differences will be-
Some ideas I had was maybe Peach and the others are Herbivores? What if they can only eat fruits and veggies and Mario sees a slab of cooked meat and he's just like "OO STEAK" and chomps into it and everyone just looks at him like
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ALSO! Maybe Peach has to sleep a lot more than Mario does. OR maybe a lot less? Imagine if peach only needed 4 hours of sleep and then she was wide awake. Or maybe the opposite? Imagine if 12 hours is a standard amount of sleep they need. Mario is running around at 7 AM on 8 hours of sleep and Peach is like "whyyyy are you uppp so earlyyy go back to sleeeppp"
Or SHES up at 4 AM like "Mario are you up? Hey Mario are you awake? Do you want breakfast? I made you breakfast. Its cake I hope that's okay-"
I also imagined temperatures! I mostly imagined that Peach cannot handle the heat what so ever. Mario's out there in 35°C (95°F) heat and Peach is tucked away in her dungeon like a vampire. Or the OPPOSITE?? Its 40°C (104°F) and she's out there gardening and Mario is cooped up inside just miserable <XD
ANyways, I think you get the point. Differences like is what I had in mind. 😅😅
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Cassie's not in it because I just kind'a dont like her entire existence XDD But maybe she could be a friend of Gregory's down the road when he grows up yeah.
Also I love/hate the DLC. I think its really pretty, I LOVE how it leaned more towards a horror theme this time..
Buuuuuut all the complicated lore stuff put me off. Cassie, the Mimic, the big purple glitchy bunny thing. Uhhhgg.. I love this franchise but I wanna punch it really hard sometimes. <XD
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All of the bots got a system reboot after Gregory's first night there, as a safety precaution. Moony included. As to how the reboot effected him specifically and if he's still infected? Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see.. 👀
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herecomethefuzzz · 9 months
hcs on what i think it'd be like to be a guest on chuckle sandwich !!
(schlatt has a littttllleee bit of a crush on you)
HI. i am very nervous to post this as its like my first writing thing EVER. but uhm. yeah! i hope its okay ^^
- ted decides to invite you onto the podcast after hearing schlatt talk about you a few times
- obviously wouldn't be full-on gushing over you, but ted saw how he felt about you after a while
- you and ted message back and forth on discord, and ted keeps dropping subtle hints. very subtle hints. (eg. "schlatt has been looking forward to you coming on the podcast!!" and "schlatt actually talks about your content a lot. he thinks its wayyy more interesting than other creator's stuff.")
- the day finally came when you were sat in that cozy little booth between the two of them, mics infront of you all, and schlatt already looked way happier than usual.
- throughout the podcast, he'd have his full attention on you and what you're saying, except from the times he'd catch ted giving him a little glance, sort of an "oooo i know you're in loveee" kinda glance. typical silly ted stuff.
- you'd be oblivious to this, but you did manage to catch the way schlatt looked at you at times.
- it was quite a sweet sight, really. seeing someone whose internet persona is quite, y'know, big n tough i guess, look at you so softly.
- there was one point in the recording where schlatt had placed his hand on the table, and he had accidentally-on-purpose put it a bit closer to you.
- you were in the middle of telling a story, and so obviously you hadn't noticed. when you took a break from talking to take a short drink, you placed your hand down on schlatt's.
- you immediately looked at schlatt, expecting him to look a bit pissed and shoot you a joking insult, but instead, you were met with a forgiving smile, and there was a look in his eyes that was pretty much unreadable.
- you slowly took your hand off of his, giving him a sheepish smile before muttering a small "sorry" and quickly getting back to your story, not wanting to make things awkward.
- schlatt just gave a small laugh and let you get back to your storytelling. after that, he made sure to leave his hand a little bit closer to you, in the hopes that your hand would rest on his again. whether it be by accident or on purpose.
AKCKRNCJRJFJF i hope that was okay enough im actually shitting my pants rn. if theres something i need to fix pls tell me :3
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