#I had a blast writing this
shady-tavern · 10 months
Perfect Nemesis Part Two
Part One Here.
You woke in the hero hospital, feeling like you had gotten run over. Aches and pains seemed to fill your entire body. You peeled your eyes open to see Peony across from you, asleep and bandaged, with some stitches along one temple. He wasn’t wearing his mask and you saw his face for the first time since you met him.
Your brows furrowed briefly as you groped for the button that called the nurse. Was it the first time you saw his face? Your head hurt and felt stuffed with cotton.
The nurse working for the Society appeared a second after you sloppily pressed the button, only for your eyes to fall closed halfway through her explanation of the severe overextension of your abilities and how that had translated to damage on your joints and tissue. How you would have killed yourself had you used more of your powers.
When you woke a second time you were just barely more coherent and it was the middle of the night. A dimmed light across from you let you see that Peony was awake, speaking softly with Endless, who sat in the open window, also without his mask.
They both paused and looked over when you made some kind of low sound. Your mouth felt dust dry and your limbs heavy. Everything hurt, but in a bone-deep bruised way and you instinctively knew right away you’d do some serious damage to yourself should you try to use your powers again anytime soon.
"How are you feeling?" Peony asked hesitantly and cautiously, voice quiet but clearly audible in the silent room. You blinked at him, weakly and sluggishly patting around to call the nurse again. You were barely capable of stringing a single thought together.
It was only when your hand bumped the button that you realized you weren’t wearing your ring. You weren’t wearing it and you felt…fine. You felt like you were whole and very much not cursed.
You blinked at them. "Huh," you croaked and passed out again just as they straightened, attention firmly fixed upon you.
When you woke a third time, your mind clear enough that you could actually cling to consciousness, it was to your mentor sitting in a chair beside you.
"Thank fuck," she said the moment you blinked your eyes open and focused on her. Her relief was strong in her voice and openly visible on her face. "You were out for nearly a week. What did you do, kid?"
"Not a kid," you mumbled, but that only made her smile a little. She’d never drop that stupid nickname. Instead of answering, you made yourself move your heavy arm until you could look down at your hand.
Your mentor sobered immediately and you let her take your hand, looking at the spot where a dinged up iron ring had sat for years. You hadn’t taken it off once, not for training, not for bathing and especially not for your last boyfriend who had hated the damn thing. Not that you had liked it, but you had needed it. It had been vital for so long.
"What happened?" your mentor asked quietly. "Did they manage to break the curse?" You shifted your head slightly to peer past her, only to see Peony’s bed empty. "Ah, your buddy is getting a check-up and then he’ll be released later today." 
Your mentor leaned forward a little, turning serious. With more emphasis she said, "Kid."
You had never once been able to hold back when she used that tone of voice. The story spilled forth just as every other story had back when you had been a sidekick and later a fledgling new hero. But you were safe, here and now. 
Your mentor was one of the safest people you knew, she’d go to bat for you at the drop of a hat. You had grown into the hero you were today under her protection and guidance after all.
She was silent for a long moment after you were done and you found it hard to keep your eyes open. 
"I’ll go talk with Peony," she said, giving your hand a parting pat. "Sleep, kid. You really fucked yourself up this time. It’s going to take a while for you to recover."
You mumbled something that was some kind of vague agreement, your eyes falling closed.
Peony was gone when you woke again and you continued to sleep more than you were awake. Sometimes you had visitors, sometimes not, sometimes you woke to people having left gifts at your bedside table.
The time you fell asleep to your superior berating you for destroying 'six and a half fucking buildings you goddamn unbelievable idiot' you were glad to get out of the harsh reprimand. You hadn’t cared about the damage when you had been without empathy, but that hardly mattered. Not when you had caused nearly five million in property damage.
You were very relieved that no one had died. That the people who had gotten caught in the crossfire had been rescued by Peony and, to everyone’s surprise, Endless.
You hadn’t seen your colleague or the villain who had been so eager to be your nemesis since that night in the hospital. You had no idea what to feel when it came to them, but every time you found yourself thinking about them, you touched the spot where the ring had been.
The curse was gone entirely.
The magical expert the Society sent to examine you confirmed that as well, clapping you on the shoulder and congratulating you on getting rid of that horrible thing. You got questioned extensively, but you found yourself skirting over details, citing that you didn’t remember much. 
Your mentor had spoken with Peony once and had said that he would explain himself when and if you were ready to see him again. She had given you a card with his private phone number on it.
"And that Endless fellow will be there too for the conversation, if you want him to be," she had added. Then she had paused, looking at you. "You made quite the impression on him. He had nothing but praise for you."
You had looked away, shrinking bit into yourself. You had too many questions to not want answers, even if everything was kind of a mess. You had no idea if you still wanted to be Peony’s friend or…whatever Endless and you had had previously. 
But they had gotten rid of your curse, even if things had become a bit ugly after they had taken off the ring. Still, that moment of intense betrayal kept hounding you, your ignored pleas, how you had been tied to the ground, utterly helpless.
You found yourself touching your hand over and over, startled alarm finding you for a split second when you didn’t feel the ring, before you remembered that it wasn’t necessary anymore. It was both the greatest relief of your life and something you still had to wrap your head around.
It took some time to adjust to living without a curse after so many years with one.
When you were released from the hero hospital at last with strict orders to take it easy for another month before you could be allowed back to active duty, you were glad to go back home.
You unpacked the bag your mentor had brought you for your stay in the hospital. She was puttered around your home, opening windows to let in fresh air. Your mentor at last opened your fridge and immediately closed it again.
"I’ll go shopping," she said and left briskly with a little wriggle of her fingers.
You tentatively opened your fridge, only to immediately close it again yourself. Well. Taking a deep breath, you rummaged around beneath your sink to get gloves and cleaning products and you got to work, removing food that had had plenty of time to go and rot and mold.
You were just finished with that very disgusting task when your mentor returned and she shooed you away, grumbling that you had to take it easy.
You did take it easy the rest of the day, barely getting up from the couch. Your mentor made sure you had food and left some meals you just had to heat up in your fridge.
"Call me if you need anything," she said after dinner. "I’ll stay in a nearby hotel for another night before returning to work."
Even then you knew she’d drop everything in a heartbeat if you said you needed her help. You resolved to find a good gift for her, to thank her for all her care and her sometimes no-nonsense encouragement during your recovery.
You hadn’t known that overextending your powers could result in a month of bedrest. Then again, apparently you had badly damaged your body in the process and there had been quite a bit that had needed healing.
Empathyless-you was an asshole in all regards.
As you sat alone on your couch you found yourself fiddling with the card Peony had given your mentor. You wanted answers, but you had no idea if you wanted to see him or Endless again.
Maybe a part of you was afraid of what those answers were. Of finding out that the friendship and flirting and banter and easy companionship had only existed so they could trick you.
But, in the end, you wanted to know why they had tricked you more than you were afraid. Why they hadn’t just told you about their plans to remove the curse. You would have let them. You had no idea how much you still trusted them now, if at all, but you had trusted them that much before they forcibly removed your ring.
You leaned back with a sigh and fiddled with the card a moment longer, before you drew up the sort of courage that let you step into costume on a bad day, that made you face villains that sometimes, secretly, frightened you.
The sort of courage that let you keep your head held high the two times you hadn’t been able to save civilians, carrying their limb bodies.
Peony picked up near immediately, his voice tentatively hopeful. "Imagination?"
"Yeah." You were glad that your voice sounded steady even if your heart was beating faster nervously. "You said you were willing to explain?"
"Over the phone or in person?" he asked, voice going a bit softer in a way that made your throat tighten a little. "Whatever you’re more comfortable with. I’ll make sure to get assigned to another city too if you want. I have the paperwork ready to be submitted."
You closed your eyes for a moment. That was all a bit much at once. "Just…why?" It came out more hurt than you had intended.
Peony was quiet for just a second. "I’ll answer, but it would be best if Endless were here," he suggested, voice going a bit tentative again.
"Aright. Sure. Call me back when he’s there." You ended the call before he could say anything else, rubbing a hand restlessly over your face. Your emotions were kind of messy, but at least you had those feelings. You were rid of your curse and that…that meant so fucking much.
It was in all honesty the only reason you were willing to hear them out.
Peony called back quicker than you had expected and from the slight change in audio quality you could tell that he had put you on speaker.
"Hello," Endless said, voice soft and hesitant in a way you had never heard or expected to hear from the confident villain. "I hope you’re doing well?"
"No smalltalk," you found yourself croaking out, your voice cracking a little despite your best efforts. You grimaced and took a breath before you continued. "Just tell me why."
"Why the deception and trickery and why we used your trust against you?" Endless asked and you swallowed past your dry mouth. "It was the only way to lift the curse."
Thankfully, he continued before you had to ask him to elaborate. "The villain who hurt you once met up with my old mentor, ranting and raving. I overheard a lot that day and in all fairness, I had mostly forgotten that day until I met you." His voice turned a little softer. "It took me a bit to remember that you were the hurt sidekick in that public trial."
"What do you know about the curse?" you found yourself asking, worrying the hem of your sleeve between the fingers of your free hand.
Endless made a low, dark noise. "It’s one of the vilest things I’ve ever encountered and that says a lot. The curse isn’t particularly complex, but it’s removal is. For one, it cannot be removed if you want it removed by the person in front of you. As long as you let someone try to take it away, it would not work."
Which was why none of the Society heroes or independent vigilante with magical abilities had been able to do anything.
"We could not tell you about what we had planned," Peony said quietly, regret thick in his voice. "I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but just one mention about it would have made you expect the removal sooner or later. We would have had to wait years to make you actively forget about it for it to work."
"I’m so very sorry as well," Endless said softly. "I wouldn’t have done anything if you hadn’t minded your curse, but it was clear you hated it for both of us. If you never want to see me again, you won’t."
You closed your eyes as the two men fell silent, giving you a moment to work through everything. You ended the call, rubbing your hands over your chin before pressing your face into your palms to just breathe.
Your emotions were all over the place and you had no idea what to think or feel for the longest moment. In the end you texted Peony 'give me some time' and shoved your phone under your couch cushions.
You did not sleep that night, staying awake until the first hint of dawn, staring out across a city you had been protecting for years with Peony at your side. Your friend, your companion, your partner.
And then Endless had shown up. The exciting villain who had shaken your world up in the best of ways for months. Who had made you stop worrying about that damn ring on your finger.
A ring that was no longer needed because of them. You had no idea where that ring was now, but you didn’t want it back either. You never wanted to see the damn thing ever again.
In the end you called your mentor and, as so many other times, laid your troubled heart at her feet.
"That’s a right mess, kid," she said with sympathy and you couldn’t help but snort before, at long last, you found yourself crying. Pent up stress and relief and confusion all poured out in a mess of tears. "There, there, let it all out." And quieter, so you barely heard her, "Maybe I should go rogue and kill that asshole in jail after all."
And then you were laugh-crying and when you calmed down again, you did feel better.
"I’d say let them grovel a while," your mentor said. "If you think you can ever trust them again."
Could you? You wanted to, you realized as you ended the call and sat curled up on your couch, watching as the city came alive the more the sun rose. You wanted to trust them, because…because they made your life better, both of them. Meeting them had brought so much good into your life.
But you couldn’t forget the betrayal and being pinned to the floor. The panic as your ring got stripped away, your pleas ignored. 
You understood why they had done it, considering the nature of the curse. But the mind and the heart were two different beasts and you were in the very fortunate position that neither of them seemed to be able to come to a proper decision.
So you puttered around for a few days, mulling things over until you realized you were just turning in circles. So you called Peony again after staring at your dirty dishes for a long moment, mind far away. He picked up and from the voice in the background that immediately became easily audible when you were put on speaker, Endless was with him.
Despite all the things you wanted to ask and say, somehow the first thing out of your mouth was, "How do you two know each other?" 
Peony huffed softly, "We’re childhood friends, actually. I always knew he was Endless and he always knew I was Peony. I, uh, I was the reason he switched cities in the first place. I had some trouble that he helped me with. Civilian trouble," he added quickly and you felt an unexpected, fresh stab of hurt fade again.
It was Society policy to not share your private lives with each other when you hadn’t been told each others identities. You had always made sure to respect that, never prying and not commenting on slip-ups from Peony or yourself.
"After helping my friend out I didn’t want to go back to Imperia," Endless added. "It was easier to establish myself here than go through the hassle of clearing my old territory from the rabble. And, well, Imperia didn’t have you either."
You had no idea what to say, so you changed the subject. "Why were we in the same hospital room, Peony?"
"You don’t remember? My mask got eaten by the void," he said and it took you a moment to recall, that, oh, yeah, he was right. Your memory was a little blurry, especially with how fast it had all happened. "Along with half my outfit. Any longer in there and I probably would have lost some pieces of me too."
Endless was audibly grimacing when he added, "I tried to negate the damage as much as I could, but the void really, really doesn’t like anything that’s not me."
That didn’t surprise you. Every brush of the void during fights had told you as much, even though you had trusted that Endless wouldn’t use it against you.
"Was my mask still in place?" you asked, because the nurses would not have unmasked you without your permission, no matter if your partner had shown you his face or not. Both men made a low, unhappy sound.
"The glue we used apparently couldn’t withstand the amount of power you put out in order to make that dragon," Peony explained. You blinked in surprise, you hadn’t even noticed that. "Which, by the way, what the fuck? I didn’t know you could do that."
"Neither could I," you admitted after a moment. "Having no empathy meant I didn’t care about you or myself."
Peony’s mirth noticeably fell away. "I can’t tell you how sorry I am. About ambushing you and making you think we betrayed you. We tried to come up with so many different ways to get that ring without you catching on, but you always guarded it like your life depended on it. Which, knowing what we know now, it actually did."
His words gave you pause. "Wait, what?"
"Oh, you didn’t notice?" Peony sounded surprised. "My frie- I mean, I stole your gloves on multiple occasions, but you always had backups. I tried to 'stumble' into you a couple of times if they got damaged in fights too when Endless was nearby to try and yank the ring off. Endless tried to tug them off too."
"I also tried to remove them with my powers, but that was too finicky while we fought," Endless admitted. "I’m not really good at that delicate stuff when it comes to my powers. It takes so much concentration that I usually just get a headache."
You stared at the opposite wall and the framed artwork on the wall, baffled and unsure what to say. All this time you had thought that you had just forgotten your gloves, especially since they always turned back up. You had thought Peony had just been tired or injured whenever he had tripped and you had adjusted to catch him.
"I couldn’t invite you out to drinks either or I would have gotten you wasted enough to let me pull the ring off," Peony added after a moment. "Which would still have been a major asshole move, I know that, believe me. You were always very firm on not telling each other who we were, so that plan would have never worked."
"And I didn’t want to ask you out knowing I was going to do…that," Endless said, voice lowered and laced with a quiet sort of ache. "Doesn’t matter that I have no chances now, I never wanted to taint whatever we had that way."
You struggled with finding your voice for a couple of seconds, Peony and Endless waiting patiently for you to speak again.
"Why didn’t you trick me sooner?" you asked and they were silent for a long moment.
"I like you, you know," Peony said at last, his voice heavy. "As does Endless."
"More than that, really," Endless added so quietly you almost hadn’t heard him. You suspected he actually hadn’t meant to be heard by you at all.
Peony continued, "We care about you and the more we did, the more we hesitated. It became harder to go through with it the longer we waited."
You slumped back against your couch, feeling conflicted all over again. 
"I’m truly so very sorry," Endless said softly. "If you are willing to let me I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."
"As will I," Peony said firmly. "But if you never want to see us again, one word is enough and we’ll vanish from your life."
"We’d still see each other during seminars and Society meetings," you found yourself pointing out and Peony hesitated in a way that made you frown and sit up. "What?"
"I would leave the Society," Peony said. "I’ve wanted to go independent for a while now, so I plan on going somewhere else to open my own office. Just, uh, just so you know, you’d be welcome as my partner. If you want."
Independent hero offices existed everywhere, they worked together with the Society and the government as well as companies. They could be quite successful if done well and you didn’t doubt that Peony was quite capable. He’d make it work.
Peony hesitantly added, "In all honesty, I think I’ll go independent regardless. I’ve been a bit unhappy with working for the Society for a while now."
The Society wasn’t perfect, that was true, and you could admit that the idea of being your own boss was an unexpectedly interesting and, well, rather tempting. You would have said yes, you realized, before this entire mess with the ring.
A part of you still wanted to say yes.
As you tipped your head back to stare up at the ceiling, you came to a decision. You had no idea if you would regret it, but it felt like you’d regret it more if you just…gave up. Ran away. You shifted your fingers to press your thumb of the same hand against the spot where the ring used to sit.
"No more secrets," you said at last. A high demand in your field of work. Secrecy was a big part of the business, both for villains and heroes.
"Anything you want to know, I’ll tell you," Endless said without an ounce of hesitation.
"Aren’t you scared I’m going to use that against you?" You couldn’t help but ask, pushing just a little, because if he told you everything you wanted to know you could easily sell him out to the Society.
"You are a truly good person," Endless answered, voice firm and once again without a hint of hesitation. "And should you decide to betray me in the end in answer for my transgressions, I will only bow my head and call it fair."
He sounded like he meant it. 
"Why don’t I start," Peony said and you heard the careful hope in his voice, could imagine the little smile that curled in the corner of his mouth. Like a small flower yearning to bloom. "Hello Imagination, you know me as Peony, but my real name is Florent Quill and I visit hospitals and nursery homes in my free time to leave bouquets for the people there."
That was so very Peony. Florent. You turned the name over in your mind and found it fitting.
"And my name is Ashton Bach," Endless answered, a smile audible in his voice. "At your service. I’m not nearly as nice as Flori, but I do enjoy making share holders and PR teams panic over stocks on the weekends. But I think you already knew that. Oh, I have a cat, Powder, she’s very sweet."
You found yourself smiling a little at his description and the way his voice grew fond and warm.
"Also, I’m deathly allergic to peanuts," Ashton added. "And I cry every single time I watch Pride and Prejudice."
"I can attest to that," Florent answered dryly and Ashton barked out a brief laugh, raspy and brightly amused.
You curled up against your couch, hiding a smile against your knees. You were still quite upset, deep down, but something about this conversation eased your heart a little. Took away some of the ache and that unsure uneasiness that you felt around them.
"Anything else you want to know?" Ashton asked.
"Not now," you said and hesitated. "But maybe we can talk again later?"
"Anytime you want," Florent promised. "We’ll be here."
You said your goodbyes and hung up and slumped sideways into the pillows. You felt better and even hesitantly hopeful. You fiddled with your phone and wondered if rebuilding trust was that easy. 
It was not that easy, not at all, but slowly, with every conversation you felt less hurt, less backstabbed, less unsure. You knew that they had only wanted to help, but sometimes you woke up from a nightmare where you got the ring ripped away, frantically searching for it. It always took you a moment to remember that you didn’t need it anymore.
Sometimes you dreamed of tearing them apart and it didn’t matter. Not even in the nightmares where you died too along with them. A lack of empathy meant a lack of…anything, really. Anything that mattered, that made you human and kind and stupid and passionate and lazy and all the things that made up this existence on earth.
You had hard conversations with them and it helped that they never shied away from you when you allowed some of the hurt to bubble to the surface. You still hadn’t seen either of them, but bit by bit you allowed your closed off heart to open up again.
And before you knew it, you were ready to return to active duty.
"Don’t worry, I’m taking time off," Florent had reassured you. "You won’t have to see me until you’re ready."
It felt weird to return to work alone and changed. To no longer need the intently protected gloves and to walk the streets with only some occasional fights against a handful villains who wanted to test their mettle against you.
You used your powers faster than before, imagination leaping to your fingertips, eager and hardier and bigger than before. You created things quicker than ever and every creature was just a tad more dangerous than before.
Florent and Ashton did stay away like they had promised. And as one week turned to two, then three, you noticed their absence more and more. The break room remained empty, no friend and colleague there to greet you with smiles and flowers. No powerful and genuinely fun to fight villain seeking you out and handing over the off-switch for the world for a little while at the same time.
No warm hugs and friendly nudges, no promisingly lowered voices and excited grins, no flower crowns on your head and no murmured words that were promise and flattery all at once. 
You ended up calling your therapist and you had a long, tough session. When you left, your eyes were swollen from crying, but you felt like you could breathe properly for the first time in far too long. Your mind and heart felt blown clear at long last and you knew what you wanted.
"Hey," you said when you called Florent, the call getting picked up nearly immediately. Ashton was present too today, he wasn’t always, but often enough that calling Florent first was just easier. "Let’s meet."
Seeing Florent and Ashton again, entirely out of costume, was a little strange, but you were glad to see their faces. They smiled at you and Ashton’s faintly glowing eyes were soft and hopeful, never once straying from you.
A small flower bouquet laid on the table of the café, all your favorites rolled up in pretty paper.
"Hey," Florent said, the faintest of nervous undertones to his voice. "It’s good to see you."
You sat down across from them and realized that seeing them out of costume helped. You were still rather more nervous than you had expected, but the hurt was only a quiet ache now, no longer the fresh, bleeding stab that it had been previously.
"I still want to say sorry again," Florent admitted with an apologetic smile. You had told him to stop apologizing after the sixth time and you pinned him with a look.
"I heard you," you said. "I just…needed some time."
"You are entitled to that and more," Ashton agreed easily and waved over a waitress. "Order whatever you like, it’s on me."
"On you or the businesses you like to rob?" you couldn’t help but ask and his grin got delighted, his eyes going a bit sharper, a bit more intense like they did when you fought.
For a brief moment you wondered what battling him felt like now with your powers having grown fiercer. You wondered how far you could push, how little you’d have to hold back with Ashton. If you’d have to worry about actually hurting him at all when you fought him or if he’d meet you every step of the way.
Florent just sighed in fond amusement. "Don’t get him started," he said in a conspiratorial tone, though he didn’t bother to lower his voice. "He is quite passionate about that topic."
"They are just so stupid," Ashton said as though he couldn’t help himself. "And quite awful, really. Besides, I don’t touch the businesses that are actually good to their employees, you know."
You did know. You knew more about both Ashton and Florent than ever before now. The waitress arrived and you ordered and she left with a smile and brisk steps.
There was a beat of silence, before Ashton leaned forward and asked, "Have you seen the newest announcement for Janet’s books?"
You couldn’t help but light up, as did Florent and before you knew it, you were deeply in a discussion about your favorite book series. A book series Ashton and Florent were big fans off as well. And now those books were supposed to become a TV show and it was rather exciting.
Your conversation moved naturally without much issue at all, rolling from topic to topic as you ate and drank. You laughed and smiled and before you knew it, Florent excused himself.
"I’ll be meeting up with my mum in ten minutes," he said regretfully. "I’ll see you soon?"
"Yeah." You found yourself smiling up at him, then hesitated and you bumped your shoe lightly against his. "Come back to work, alright?"
His face lit up, relief and something warm and bright making him look as happy as you had ever seen him. "I will. And just so you know, the offer of partnering up still stands if that’s something you can see yourself doing." He glanced at his phone when it pinged and winced. "Shit, she said she arrived early. Please excuse me."
He briefly touched Ashton’s shoulder as he got up, sent you another smile and hurried out of the café.
"Want to go for a walk?" Ashton offered, gesturing at the good, if a bit cold weather outside. "We could talk more privately if you want."
You considered the offer, then nodded. Ashton paid and left a generous tip, before you got up. You made sure to take the flowers along and you soon found yourself walking through the nearby park with your former nemesis. Or maybe still nemesis? You weren’t quite sure what the two of you were now.
"You know, I still want to apologize too," Ashton said, looking ahead, his hands buried in the pockets of his jacket. "I know it sounds like I’m feeling sorry for myself, but I just can’t forget the way you looked at me."
Your light mood turned serious and you looked ahead yourself, watching some teenagers jostle each other, laughing at whatever one was showing the other on her phone.
"I wish you would have done it sooner," you found yourself saying at last. "Before I got so attached. Maybe then it would have been easier."
He winced. "Yeah, you’re probably right. I just…" He hesitated, then sighed and his shoulders slumped a little. He smiled a little as though he couldn’t help himself and it was the softest smile you had ever seen. "I think you don’t know how amazing it is to fight you. How you light up when you get to cut loose a little or how little you are afraid of my powers. You never were. Most people run away the second they get close to the void."
He huffed a soft noise, amused and so warm it made the slight chill of the early autumn air disappear. "And then I got you to talk to me, to banter with me. You’re so quick on your feet and you are so damn funny." His small smile faded. "But you are right. In my desire to hold on to those moments for just a little bit longer I ended up hurting you worse."
He tipped his head to look at you, those faintly glowing eyes serious. "I’m usually a pretty selfish person and petty as fuck too, but I messed up here. I shouldn’t have let my feelings get in the way." 
He looked ahead, a wry twist to his mouth. "When I realized what you meant to me, I knew I’d never get to be close to you again if I went through with our plan. That I’d never get to talk with you like that again."
You fiddled with your phone in your pocket, shifting your other hand to once again press your thumb against the spot where the ring used to be.
"I don’t want you to stop," you found yourself saying quietly. Ashton beside you jolted, his surprised gaze meeting yours. Hope made his eyes a little brighter, even as he visibly tried to reign himself in.
"Are you sure?" he asked softly. "I will respect your choices, no matter what." His expression turned hard as he looked away, his shoulders tensing and hunching a little, making him appear smaller. "I will never again ignore what you say."
You looked ahead and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
"If this is going to work, we’re going to couples therapy," you said and you heard the sharp breath he took. This time his hope was almost painful to look at.
"Of course," he said. "I’ve been seeing my therapist about this mess myself. Do you have a couple’s therapist in mind? Or should we go to one of ours?"
You mulled that over. "Let’s try ours first, if they agree," you said. "If that doesn’t work, we’ll look for someone specialized."
Ashton nodded with an open, still so very hopeful smile. You noticed the way he pulled his hand out of his pocket, as though he was about to reach out, when he immediately pulled back again. Without much thought, you offered your own hand, not looking at him.
His skin was warm and his palm and fingers calloused when he took your hand as though it was the most precious thing in the world. It made your chest both feel tight and too full.
"Can I still flirt?" he asked after a moment of silence and you found yourself laughing briefly, softly.
"Don’t you dare not to."
"Nicknames?" Ashton asked, that excited, wild-edged smile appearing on his face as he shuffled a step closer to you, still holding your hand so very gently.
"Let’s hear it," you said, unable to stop yourself from smiling back.
He lit up as though he had waited for this moment for ages. "Darling Treasure, brilliant Menace, amazing Foe, my lovely Nemesis -"
You couldn’t help but laugh and duck your head at the same time, flattered and flustered. "Those are just compliments."
He leaned forward a bit to meet your gaze, that wild smile looking downright, well, downright goddamn besotted. "Maybe," he said. "But they’re all true to me."
You had no idea what to say, but whatever expression was on your face, he seemed quite happy about it.
"So, darling Nemesis," he said, that wild-edged smile still on his face even as his voice turned soft and low, the way it used to during your most exciting fights when he’d murmur right by your ear. "Will you let me take you out to dinner?"
You looked up at him and your smile took on a teasing note. "Should I?"
His smile grew into a grin, eyes glowing just a little brighter. "I’d say so. I could take you somewhere cozy and private or fancy and expensive. I do have company money to spend." His grin got a little toothy at those words. "Or I can go and cook you something, set up my little backyard with fairy lights and flowers and in the end we’ll still eat on the couch because Powder will trap one of us the second we dare to sit down inside."
You felt yourself softening. "I haven’t had a good home cooked meal in forever," you said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. His hand shifted, his fingers interlacing with yours. 
For once you didn’t need a reminder that the ring was gone and no longer needed, not when his skin pressed warm against yours, his hold secure. There was no space for dinged, cold iron.
"Then I better do my best," he said softly. "Maybe I’ll even get you to fall in love with me one of these days."
You didn’t tell him that you were halfway in love with him already. That you had been for months and that, once you had worked through a large part of the emotions of the ring incident, those feelings had slowly, gently, bubbled to the surface again.
"Maybe it won’t take as much effort as you think to get there," you said and when you glanced at him, his expression was so open it almost hurt to look at.
"Darling Nemesis," he said, quiet and reverent and so very lovingly. "You are truly the brightest, most amazing person I ever met." He reached up with his free hand and you realized you had stopped walking. His fingertips brushed your cheek, leaving streaks of warmth behind.
"My perfect nemesis," he whispered. "If only you knew how brightly you shine in my eyes."
And when you tugged him a little closer, shifting up to meet him, he pressed a warm, smiling kiss against your cheek. Maybe not everything was perfect, you certainly had some shit to work through together, but you knew you could do it.
His hand was gentle, his touch loving, his fingers elegant and strong between yours and you smiled at the lack of rings you felt, the warmth that was there instead.
Yeah, things were going to be just fine.
@permanentlydepressedpigeon @thesaltofcarthage @those-damn-snippets
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empresskadia · 3 months
Could you imagine fighting side-by-side with the Master Chief from Installation 04 all the way to the end of the war, and meeting him again on Requiem. "I wanted to be like you, Chief."
YES, I can. I just adore these asks, gets my creative juices running. I really said we're making a short-fic with this.
The first thing that comes into mind is a Marine or an ODST that fought side by side with John through the ring. Someone who he ends up trusting considering they went through all this with him, the halo, the flood, and all that ‘fun’ stuff between. Honestly, he’s impressed they haven’t been killed yet but also how you had the ability to keep going despite everything you had faced and seen. John can think of commanders and captains who didn’t have the same resilience as you. He might even make a brief comment that you would be a good squad leader or commanding officer much to your delight.
So when he first goes MIA, it’s hard to believe that the Master Chief is gone and there is a lot of denial, but the years press on, and time doesn’t wait on anyone. I also think you would not only be grieving John’s ‘death’ but also Sergeant Johnson’s as he would’ve been your commanding officer during the war and a role model. Ultimately, you take John’s words to heart and climb up the ranks into command.
There isn’t much surprise when you are scouted out for the Spartan-IV program as one of the newest generation of Spartans by Musa Ghanem. It is surprising when he starts talking about John in an almost familiar tone and how he heard about the battles the two of you faced together on the halo. You are sold on the idea of the program as soon as Musa brings the Master Chief into the picture, what else was there than to be like him? And that maybe, if he did somehow come back, you could even have John’s back and fight for him.
As you delve into the Spartan-IV program with five others, you progress through the augmentation process, and enhancements reshape your body which lasts nearly three weeks. When it comes to training and field exercises, you and Sarah Palmer wipe the floor with the rest of the candidates. By the end of the program, you took the position of lieutenant commander as Sarah's right-hand Spartan. [Note: you and Sarah are probably besties after bonding by kicking ass. Also, Sarah has to stop you from committing something that might get you court marital a multitude of times on the UNSC Infinity, aka you almost punching the daylight out of 'captain' Andrew Del Rio.]
By the time Requiem rolls around, your reputation as a Spartan-IV and a capable leader has grown. So when you hear the distress signal, you know it's Cortana by voice alone and you are demanding to investigate, which almost prompts a fight between the captain and yourself that Commander Lasky has to intervene and side with you.
Conversation snips-
[Lasky] "I know you don't like Del Rio, Lieutenant, but I almost thought you were going to punch him."
[You] "I was this close."
[Lasky] "Your fingers are touching."
[You] "Exactly."
[Lasky] "I've never seen you lose your cool like that."
[You] "I-If there is a possibility the Chief is alive, it's our job to investigate it."
[Lasky] "I feel like there is more than you're letting on."
When the UNSC Infinity crashes on Requiem, you manage to round up a squad of Spartan-IV and go scout the jungle area. It's the flash of metallic green that had you holding up your hand to stop the others from firing.
"Chief?" You call out in disbelief, your gun lower just a bit. You knew there was a possibility he was still alive but seeing him in the flesh, if it wasn't for the Spartan training, you would've started crying.
"No way...[Y/n]?" The feminine voice rang through your helmet and the sound of her on TEAMCOM had a grin touching your lips.
"'Tana! Long time no see." You gave your team a signal to hold off while you approached the Master Chief, he almost seemed to be scanning you up and down.
"You're huge! And wearing MJOLNIR."
"Ma'am yes ma'am," You chuckled. "Hi, Chief. It's good to see you up and causing trouble." This time around, John didn't seem to tower over you, he was still taller but it no longer felt like you had to crank your neck up.
"You became a Spartan?" It was a question, the first words to hear him say after all these years and you were grinning to the point your cheeks hurt.
"I wanted to be like you, Chief." You gave him a shrug. "I got scouted and here we are."
"I feel like there is more to the story than just that." Cortana quipped and you could absolutely imagine her with her hand on her hips, giving you that pointed look she did back on installation 04.
"Tell you what, we make it out of here, I buy drinks and I'll tell you everything that's happened in the last four and half years." The Spartan-ll tilted his head ever so slightly before giving you a curt nod.
"I think we would like that very much." The teasing tone in Cortana's voice didn't miss you by much and there was certainly a smile in her tone. Was she teasing you? That would have to be figured out later as several blips appeared on your radar. "So, just like old times?"
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snapplin-juice · 4 months
Oh my goodness, I hope I'm doing this right (I don't think I've ever put in a request anywhere, but I love your work!). First, thank you for this opportunity and for sharing your work with all of us :)
As for request, I love anything Larry x Reader. If there's a prompt you've had in mind I'd love to hear!
Awee tysm!! Alright so I did this as a gn reader. I hope you don't mind
🍙leaving Larry a gift🍙
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Larry walked into his workplace as usual., he clocked in, turned to the left. And saw a box on his desk.
He paused, "This is new-" but was it a good new or a bad new. He sat down, setting his briefcase to the side. Staring at the box, he debated, even opening it.
He ended up opening the box. Inside was a small envelope, a starly Keychain, and plush. And a small bento with a few chocolate macaroons packaged next to it.
He was stunned before unpacking the box he glanced around. Carefully pulling the contents out the Keychain and plush were adorable and soft as ever. Similar to a newly hatched starly he has raised before. He sets the bento and macaroons to the side, grasping the letter in his hand, and he reads it.
"My dearest partner,
I noticed this morning that you had forgotten your lunch. So I made you a bento and walked to the store to get you some goodies.
I know your working overtime far too much, and your terribly exhausted. So please humor my attempt at making you feel better
See you when you get home tonight"
A small smile graced Larry's lips as his heart swelled with adoration. He gently pins the letter to a corkboard in his work area, and attached the Keychain to his house keys.
Before starting work he made a note to bring you something nice. And he sets the starly plush next to the cute bento.
It was a good new, a really good new
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kitausuret · 1 year
Dust to Dust
a Venom fic proudly presented by Kitausuret and @amaronith
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Eddie Brock/Flash Thompson/Venom Symbiote Fandoms: Venom (Comics), Spider-Man (Comicverse), Marvel 616
Chapter 14: "Roll with the Changes" - (5955 words)
Characters featured this chapter: Flash Thompson, Harry Lyman (Osborn), Peter Parker, Dr. Steven, Eddie Brock | Venom
Summary: In the wake of the hearing that gave Venom a second chance, Flash agreed to continue working with Eddie Brock and offer any assistance he could. But Flash also has a life outside the experiences he had as Venom, and he is certain he can find a way to balance both his old friendships and new alliances. Besides, what else can he do for his old partner? Plenty, it would turn out.
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Meet Me Under the Stars (Pooka!Sans x Reader)
A pooka is a creature from irish folklore! It's a mischievous spirit who often takes the form of a horse.
More facts about the pooka will be shown at the end! Warnings: Innuendos, but mostly fluff (and kisses)
The sun beat upon the harvester's back, shining fiercely as you gritted your teeth, swinging your grain cradle. 
Swing to side, cut, lift over shoulder and deposit. 
Swing to side, cut, life over shoulder and deposit. 
And over and over again. 
Your family and all the neighbors around had been working before the crack of dawn to get the harvest in... rain was coming, and all knew that if the rain hit the wheat now, it could ruin the grain before it could get milled. 
A sharp whistle from your father, gesturing for you to switch with your sister. You handed her the scythe, stretching your sore muscles. 
He handed you a glass of milk wordlessly, eyeing the people hard at work. 
"We're naht going to get it dahne, lass. dere's too much." 
You sighed, looking at the fields. Despite your best efforts, only half of the biggest field was done, with other families still working hard on others, almost done. Your field had gotten three inexperienced workers, slowing your process as your father had to berate them over and over again. 
"Maybe not by day, but into twilight?" You suggested. Your accent was softer than your father's, due to your mother having served under a more refined family at one point. She had taught your siblings and you to speak with refinement, even if you got made fun of it at times. 
"Dat's cutteng it awfully close to w'en de fae roam, lass."  
"Well, maybe just me, den," you offered. 
"Lass, even if yooehr luck has been extrahrdinary in avoideng any encounters, I don't want to risk it. What if a dullahan comes a-rideng by?"  
"I'll cover my ears," you defended. 
"Y/N..." Your father shook his head. "I can't in good conscience let you do somet'eng like dat."   
You paused, biting your lip in thought. 
"What if I cut it down to a quarter, and leave it for de pooka?" 
"Well.... if you're out 'ere cutteng fhr de pooka..." Leaving behind a portion for the pooka was nothing new, but it was usually all harvested by then. It did instill fear in what the pooka would do if the grain wasn't all done. 
"It is a new moon- I blessed myself and our family, so I should have good luck." 
"Alright den lass. Since it's a new moon and you did as you should." He patted your shoulder. "Are you sure you want to do it by yooehrself?"
"It's our family plot, I'll be fine." 
He nodded, handing you another scythe. "Get a-going lass, we've only got an hour of daylight." 
You grinned, running to assume a line. 
The sun set faster than anticipated, yet you continued on, your father explaining the situation. They stacked five bundles of wheat at the end of the field. 
"If you see the pooka, tell him that's his portion, so he doesn't get cross," your mother fretted. "And make sure you find a four-leaf clover if you feel unsafe, or call for Soot." Soot was the family cat, pure black with amber eyes. 
"I will, mum." You pressed a kiss to her cheek, watching her wrap a shawl around you. 
As they walked back to the house, you began to cut again, wincing as your muscles screamed at you. 
Sunset began to occur, the rays of the sun winking out behind green hills, lights appearing in the village. 
You wiped sweat away, looking at the dirt road stretching into the forested hills.
A whinny caught your attention. 
A black horse stamped up to a rise across from you, the last traces of light illuminating a long and ragged mane. Smouldering yellow eyes caught yours. 
A small smile tugged the corner of your mouth, watching as it galloped down towards you. You didn't move, waiting. 
The horse galloped up to you, trotting around you, twisting and turning. It seemed to be showing up, tossing its mane.
"What's this? A human, out after night? How brave," a disembodied voice came from the horse.
"Shush," you warned. "You're going to attract attention with that form."
The voice came, slightly teasing. "Are you saying that I'm a distraction?"
"Very much," you agreed, smiling. "Hello, Sans."
The horse seemed to shiver, pressing its muzzle into your hand. It nickered softly, closing its eyes. "I love it when you say my name..."
You couldn't help but smile, stroking the long muzzle. "I'm more than happy to say hello, but I have to finish the harvest." You pointed over to the pile of grain for him. "That's your portion."
The pooka trotted over after sniffing at you, bending his head to inspect the grain. "It'll do, although I'd much rather have you."
"Tough luck," you teased. When you had first met, you had questioned his voice, not recognizing the accent- but it seemed fairies had perfect voices. You would never tell him that. He would love to hear how his voice sent little shivers down your spine, causing a faint blush, how it seem to infiltrate your thoughts at the worst times... at church, at the fair, or even in your dreams.
"Do you really have to finish all this?" Sans questioned, trotting back over, breaking you from your ruminations.
"Yes, I promised my father I would." "Speaking of your family, have you shared about the misfortunes of your great uncle? I can share it again if you like~"
"And hear it for de tenth time? No thanks. We don't like to dwell on de past." You began to swing your scythe again, minding its closeness to Sans. You had met Sans a few years ago, when your family had first moved out here after your great uncle had died. One day, you had decided to walk to the next town over, not expecting to get caught up in friends' gossip and news. It had been late when you had attempted to go home, clutching your shawl around your shoulders as you hesitated at an unfamiliar crossroad.
That's when he had appeared, but as a rabbit, inspecting you curiously. You had politely greeted him, asking, somewhat jokingly, if he knew the way to your house.
The next moment, his horse form had been in front of you, offering you a ride.
Normally, you would've politely refused. But something in the way he asked struck a chord within- and you had mounted his back, clutching onto his mane as he rode off into the hills.
And he had taken you home- after trampling through several gardens, jumping walls and knocking down fences. You had manged to stay on through sheer fear and will alone. You had never been more grateful to see your home. Sans had commended your riding skills, but had laughed as you fell over once you had dismounted, shaking like a leaf.
Sans had since then taken a shine to you, visiting at the dead of night to lure you into rides and gallops across the countryside. He shared stories of families who had lived there for years before you, or of the animals, or on rare occasions, stories of the fairies.
This was the earliest he had ever decided to find you, and you weren't sure why. You hadn't exactly stayed out past dark for the purpose of meeting him, but you couldn't deny that a tiny bit of you was happy to see him.
His muzzle pushed into your shoulder, nickering.
"You're moving your arm funny," he commented.
"I've been doing this all day," you confessed, stretching. "It'll be better in the morning."
"Does this mean you can't ride tonight?"
"Probably not at full gallop..."
"That wasn't a no." His voice filled with excitement. You grinned, mentally thanking the gods for the horse not actually speaking. That would've been weird.
You swing, grunting as the last of the wheat fell. You grimaced. "No, but I don't want my parents to see me gone, when dey know I'm out here."
"Nonsense, they're all asleep, trust me."
"Trust and the fae don't exactly go hand in hand."
Sans snorted in mock offense. "Hey now, watch it." 
I grinned, setting down my scythe. I walked over to a fence, using it as a mounting block. Sans obliging held still, waiting.  "Excellent," he tossed his head, once I had mounted onto his back. "Shall we?" "Take it slow," I warned. "I can take it slow~" "Sans."
"Yeah?" "Shut up or I'll smack you."
Sans laughed, whinnying as he walked onto the dirt road. He began to trot, letting you find your comfort level. Your back hurt, but not to the point to where you were doubled over in pain. You tapped his side with your foot, signaling he could go faster. He neighed, going into a gallop, springing a fence to go over a hill, stopping briefly as he surveyed his path. He began to run again, leading you into the forest. "Where are we going?" You called over the wind. "It's a surprise!" Sans galloped through deer paths, splashing through streams as he went deep into the forest.
You held your breath, gazing at the depths of the forest, black. No moon was here to illuminate the night, only the stars. Branches threatened to knock you off, your head ducked into Sans' neck as you waited for the path to clear.
Finally, Sans slowed, walking through thick bushes to a small glade. "We're here!"
You slid off, bouncing on the balls of your feet to ease the ache in your legs.
"Where are we?" The glade was simply enough, a circle surrounded by trees, moss and grass making a lush carpet, with small fairy rings of mushrooms dotting the greenery here and there.
"A secret place of mine." His ears twitched.
"Really? I'm flattered."
"You should be... few see a place of the fae."
"A place of the fae?" Confusion brushed over your face, but you were distracted quickly, gasping as lights began to twinkle underfoot. Fireflies rose from the grass, their abdomens twinkling as they floating above you. Males stuck to the ground, shining their own lights in tandem to other males.
"Whoa..... dis is amazing," you breathed. "Mhmm.." Sans flicked his tail. "Would you mind if I slipped into a more comfortable form?"
"Your true form?" You asked, sitting. "Yes.... one of them at least."
You nodded, not bothered by his last comment.
Sans' body glowed, his form dissolving into a more humanoid shape... before a skeleton appeared before you, eye sockets crinkled in amusement. This form no longer as alarmed you as it once had. He wore crisp trousers and a long coat, leaving his ribcage exposed as he sauntered over. If he had been anything but human, you would've been mortified. Strangely, with Sans, it didn't ever register the same as him being shirtless. "Like this place?" He asked,coming to sit beside you. You nodded, staring at the fireflies. One flew over to use you as a landing perch, its light softly flashing as it perched on your forehead. Its legs tickled your skin.
"Sans.. this place is amazing!"
"I'm glad you think so... I've been waiting for someone to share it with."
You fought a blush, waving it off. "I doubt I'd ever find this place again."
Sans chuckled. The two of you stayed quiet, looking at the fireflies.
"You know..." An arm snaked around your shoulders, pulling into his side, fingers tapping along your arm. "I couldddd bring you back here sometime." "Yeah?" Belatedly, you registered his touch, shuddering a bit under his arm, the chill of his bones reminding you of his status as fae.
"Yeah... for a small payment." Your eyes met his eye lights.
They were a slight gold color, white centers gazing at you. In this form, you could see every small chip in his bone, how his smile crooked up the corner of his mouth, how his constant smile set you on guard and yet completely disarmed you.
You leaned back in his hold, grinning. "I'm listening."
"You see, I can't do too much for free. I need a bit of encouragement, a little something to goad me into doing it. Get me?"
"What do you want?" An eyebrow on your face raised, skeptical and wary.
"A kiss."
"A.... kiss."
"Yep." Sans nodded enthusiastically. "Just one, for now~"
You pretended not hear the last bit, thinking about his offer.
Did you really want to go through with his offer? Sure, you were attracted to him... but a kiss seemed a lot to ask for when he never gave you a hint of his own feelings...
"Is kissing a fairy considered good luck?" You wondered aloud.
"Want to find out?" Sans offered, running his hand up along the back of your neck, angling your head towards him. He didn't press forward, analyzing your reaction. You stared up at him, meeting his gaze. His eye sockets seemed to droop, half lidded. Eye lights fuzzed to mere blotches of golden light, mimicking the fireflies. "Yeah," you whispered, leaning in. Your lips met his teeth, his other hand coming to run through your hair, careful not to tangle your hair between his fingers, his other hand keep your lips firmly planted on his teeth. Behind closed eyelids, you saw spots of golden light as fireflies began to float among the two of you.
You began to understand what magical meant.
He pulled back, his hands moving to cup your face.
You blinked, dazed as you tried to regather yourself.
I just kissed- I just kissed a fairy. I JUST KISSED A FAIRY!!!
Sans chuckled, pulling you into his arms, pressing a skeleton kiss to your cheek.
"Well? Do you feel lucky?"
You snapped from your internal meltdown, finding yourself wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"... Lucky enough for another kiss?"
Sans' eyelights flashed, his grin widening. "Better, I can give you a ride-"
The smack that occurred from your slap was probably heard from the next town over, the pooka laughing as he fell onto the grass, a red hand print on his cheek.
"I warned you," you grouched, folding your arms. You tried to rid the blush that had taken over your face, even making your ears hot.
"Yes, yes you did..." He sat back up, dusting himself off. "But in all seriousness, it's midnight... and you might want to get some sleep before the day comes." He stood, holding out his hand to you. You took it, rolling your eyes as he pulled up into his arms again.
"Shall we?" He asked, grinning. "When will I see you again?" You blurted out, not wanting to still seem upset with him. You truly weren't, except a tad mortified.
Sans' expression softened. "As soon as I can, dear." He brought one of your hands up to his face, kissing it. "I'll definitely take you here again.. next new moon?"
A smile took over your features. "I'd love that," you said shyly.
"Good, because I doubt I could get all the fireflies here again on short notice."
"Again? Wait.... did you plan dis?" You began to laugh, as Sans actually blushed.
"Come now, a fairy's got to keep his secrets." His voice was full of mischief, yet slightly defensive.
"Aw, I think it's sweet." Your hand clasped the side of his skull. You couldn't help but beam at him.
He softened, a skeletal hand coming to cover yours.
"I'll walk you home?" He asked.
"I believe the humans consider that more endearing that you riding a black horse into the village."
"Usually," you agreed. The two of you began to walk, his hand entwined with yours.
As the forest thinned and parted, the stars blazed from their heights, lighting the world in front of you. You could see storm clouds in the distance against the stars, your elders' predictions correct.
A quiet whistle broke out from Sans. He stared at you with blurred eye lights, smile soft.
"You look beautiful under the stars..."
You blushed, hiding your face for a moment with your free hand.
"I'm so glad I get to see you at night, under the stars."
"Me too," you admitted. His hand yanked you towards him, his teeth pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
"And you're even prettier when you're all flustered," he teased, pulling away to let you recover.
"Shut up," you grumbled as he laughed, turning onto the dirt road home. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Quick Info Dump!!
A Pooka is a mischievous spirit from Irish folklore. It is often portrayed as taking the form of an animal, such as a rabbit or a horse, and is known for playing tricks on humans. In some stories, the Pooka is said to be a benign but mischievous presence, while in others it is portrayed as more malevolent, with the ability to bring harm to those who cross its path. The Pooka is also associated with the Otherworld, a realm of magic and mystery in Irish mythology. An important thing to always remember about a Pooka is that they have the power of human speech and when inclined make great sport of those they talk to as they like to embellish the truth. In Ireland, the Púca seems to be the most feared Faerie possibly because it appears only at night and enjoys creating havoc and mischief. We feel this is doing the Pooka an injustice because there are no recorded incidences of a Pooka actually causing a human bodily harm.
Blessing yourself under a new moon is an actual sign of good luck from Irish folklore! More omens include: if you find a horseshoe, spit on it and throw it over your head and you will have good luck; if you pick a flower on May Eve it is said that the fairies will come and take you away with them; and if you drop a fork you will have company.
Say hi to me at my AO3! -writefromtheheartandsoul
Have a lovely day/night!
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pleasetakethis · 11 months
Chain Reactions
Written for the Fluffity Fluff Exchange 2023 on AO3! Reveals went live a few days ago but I’m wrapped up in some other exchanges at the moment and didn’t get a chance to post this.
Pairing: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8.3k Tags: Marriage of Convenience, Las Vegas, Sex Pollen, Mildly Dubious Consent, Mutual Pining, Aged-Up Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Porn With Plot, Barebacking, Anal Sex  Summary: Fury sent Tony and Peter to Vegas to intercept a dangerous artifact. Tony's only denied his feelings toward Peter for years, while Peter interpreted Tony's behavior as rejection. What could possibly go wrong with a marriage of convenience and a casino vault break-in? Read @ AO3
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theartofimagining13 · 2 years
15.  “You kissed them. On our wedding day. You fucking kissed them.”
III. Third Person
Oscar Isaac
Alexander Skarsgard
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AMBIENCE: Heavy Rain at Night
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“That’ll be $17.99”
Alexander fished for his wallet in one of the back pockets of his jeans and pulled out a 20 dollar bill to pay the barista.
“Your order will be ready in a couple minutes.” She added with a smile that the tall man returned.
“Thank you.” He said as he was handed his change and receipt.
He walked away from the counter and glanced at his watch; it was 8:44pm. He then looked out the nearest window to realize that it was already raining. He had hoped to make it back home before it started but the weather beat him at it.
Alexander turned around to find a familiar face in line at the counter.
“Erika.” He said sounding a little surprised.
“Oh my god. How are you?” She asked as she got closer to him.
“Pretty good. How are you? How’s your mom?”
“Well, she’s in Maui as we speak, so… you be the judge.”
“Oh, she’s doing awful then, huh?” Alexander joked, causing Erika to chuckle. “And little Jamie?”
“He’s staying at his dad’s this weekend.” She explained and paused. “What are you up to?”
“Well, my wife and I were at home watching movies and we had a sudden craving so…”
“Oh?” She said sounding quite surprised. “So, you’re... still with-”
“Alexander!” The barista called out interrupting her.
His head snapped in her direction and he saw the two hot cocoas he had ordered and the box of pastries on the counter, but he looked back at Erika with a frown.
“Still?” Alexander asked while letting out a confused chuckle. “We just got married six months ago, what do you mean ‘still’?”
“Y-yeah… Well… because of… I thought…”
He could easily notice how nervous she had gotten all of a sudden and it was starting to irritate him but he just cocked his head.
“Because of what happened at your wedding, I thought that perhaps-”
“What happened at my wedding?” He cut her off in a much more serious tone.
“Well, you saw it. You walked in right after me. We were looking for Jamie.” She scarcely elaborated but could see the undying confusion on his friend’s face. “Your wife and… the guy with the big beard.”
Alexander’s stomach dropped and he got flashes of his wedding day and the big hotel it took place at. He suddenly remembered walking past the entrance to the pool and seeing his wife alone with her ex-boyfriend Oscar. But she had turned her back on him, the second her new husband showed up and hugged and kissed him instead; something he now suspected she had done out of guilt. Alexander didn’t even hear the barista calling his name again. He simply inched closer to Erika and stared into her soul.
“Erika, what exactly did you see?”
She felt like crawling into a hole and was afraid to utter the words, but she had already said too much. She gulped.
“They were kissing.”
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Alexander’s wife had just taken a big blanket out of the dryer and she walked into the living room to place it on the couch so she and her husband could cuddle under it once he got back. In that exact moment, the headlights of his big truck illuminated the whole house as he entered the driveway. She looked through the window but it was hard to see with the heavy rain; she caught a glimpse of Alexander getting out of the car in a rush. He even left the engine running and the door open.
“What’s going on?” She asked as soon as the front door burst in and he walked in.
Her husband was soaked but it didn’t look like he cared at all.
“What happened between you and Oscar?” He suddenly asked.
“What?” She asked with a deep frown and narrowed eyes.
“At our wedding. What the hell happened before I walked in on the two of you at the pool?”
Her soul left her body.
“Don’t fucking ‘honey’ me. I asked you a question.” He slightly raised his voice. “I never understood why you had to invite your ex to our wedding, and you swore he showed up uninvited but I’m not so sure anymore.”
“Alexander, where the hell is this even coming from?”
“Just answer the goddamn question!” Alexander yelled.
She stared into his eyes resembling a deer in the headlights, and Alexander looked away and shook his head. He reached her in two long strides until their noses were almost rubbing together.
“You kissed him. On our wedding day. You fucking kissed him.” Alexander accused through clenched teeth and wagging his right index finger at her.
She didn’t know how he knew but there was no point in lying anymore, so she had no choice but to cave in.
“It didn’t mean anything.” She quietly said.
The rage made Alexander’s face twitch but he turned around headed for the door, and his wife ran after him.
“I never lied to you about Oscar, Alexander. You knew there was history between us.” She desperately said as she walked under the rain. “I had a past before I became your wife, and that was… it was a goodbye kiss. He’s happily married now, and so am I.” She hopelessly added but Alexander got in the truck and shut the door. “Where are you going!? Alexander!” She yelled but he completely ignored her, shifted into reverse and drove off.
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Alexander had to make a few phone calls to get the address he needed.
He entered a quiet neighborhood and parked his truck. He reached for something in the backseat before he exited the vehicle; a heavy steering wheel lock. He crossed the street with it in one hand and saw a gray Polestar parked in front of a house. Without a single ounce of hesitation and motivated by rage, he smashed the windshield which set off the alarm. Almost instantly, every house came to life as their outdoor lighting went on, one by one.
Alexander swung the steering wheel lock again and smashed one of the car’s windows. Oscar appeared on his porch in his pajamas, and his face fell at the sight of his vandalized vehicle.
“What the fuck!?” Oscar yelled equally horrified and pissed off.
But then he froze when he recognized his ex-girlfriend’s husband. To make things worse, his wife showed up behind him in a robe, and most of his neighbors walked out of their homes to see what was going on. Alexander raised the steering wheel lock and pointed at Oscar. He took a step backwards, as if to protect his wife even though Alexander wasn’t close to them and there was even a fence between them.
“What the hell is wrong with you, man?” Oscar said calmly but with undertones of a coming threat. “I’m calling the fucking cops.”
“Tell me something, Oscar. Do you kiss every bride of every wedding you attend, you sick fuck?”
Oscar’s wife looked at her husband with a deep frown.
“What is he talking about?” She asked. “Who is this man, Oscar?”
“Go on. Tell her, Oscar.” Alexander said with an evil grin. “Tell her how you crashed my fucking wedding and kissed my wife.”
Oscar nervously glanced at his wife over his shoulder and shook his head slightly before looking back at his ex’s husband.
“You’re out of your fucking mind, Alexander. Get the hell off my property unless you want to spend the night in jail.”
Alexander scoffed and began to walk backwards towards his truck, pleased to know that not only would Oscar have to get his car fixed because of him but that he’d also have some explaining to do to his wife. He used the steering wheel lock to point at him once more and threatened him.
“Stay away from my wife, you son of a bitch.”
Alexander jumped into his truck and drove home.
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tsarnvoiny · 29 days
HC + home.
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word : home. ▬ @saralans
okay , so i'm gonna make this post about her relationship with the concept of home . . . because she has lots of different homes depending on the verse ( main verse , and spn , and zombie for example all have different homes she's living in for example ) and those are their own lore posts . . so for this post we will be talking about the journey anya has taken with the word and personal meaning of home. anya was raised for the bulk of her childhood in a lab , and she wasn't taught about the name home until she started doing missions where she needed to perform as a normal child in verses that call for that , but it's important to understand that for most of anya's childhood . . she didn't know what home meant. she was kept in the lab when she wasn't being trained or on missions. and that was it. it isn't until anya gets out of the program and defects ( usually having to do with bucky ) before she starts to learn what home means. and it's A LONG PROCESS. she runs from home a lot at first , because she doesn't understand that it's important for her to stay with her family , and takes the new found freedom with a bit of gusto until she's dialed back. there's a bit of resentment at first about pulling back , but ultimately she comes around. when it comes to a physical home . . . staying put is hard for her , because with HYDRA on their tail for so long . . planting roots almost seems foolish. like she'll lose it if she tries to invest too much in making something a home. it's normally through her family . . and ultimately becoming a mother that helps her really learn was home means , and by then it's something she'll fight fiercely about.
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deedala · 3 months
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art for shameless big bang fic:
Last Night at the Verona Grand Hotel by @the-rat-wins
special thanks to @whaticameherefor for taking over the organizing!
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thefrogdalorian · 2 months
Ner Aliit
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Summary: Travelling through the galaxy in the Razor Crest with a formidable Mandalorian is a harsh, unforgiving life. The feelings you have developed for him as you soar through the stars together have mitigated the unpleasant aspects. Still, you know it can't last. After all, you and Din are from different worlds. He follows a strict Creed and you know that you do not have what it takes to be Mandalorian.
Journeying with the best bounty hunter in the parsec has often brought you face to face with danger. It has never fazed you before. Until one day you come face to face with danger without Din's reassuring presence at your side, and everything changes.
Word Count: 5.4k ✯ Rating:  Teen ✯ Content Warnings: Canon typical violence, reader kills someone with a blaster in self defence (Nothing is described in graphic detail) and subsequently deals with anxiety/panic attacks.  ✯ Author's Note: Today is four years since I watched Mando for the first time so I wrote this to celebrate! Inspired by a little daydream I had while looking at my own Mythosaur necklace. It's an AU where Din never had Grogu but still had shiny beskar, allow it ahah. Really hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading! 🤍
✯ My Masterlist ✯ Read on AO3 ✯
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You can already tell from how Din’s footsteps thud a little heavier than usual against the ramp that something has angered him during his latest hunt. Perhaps he will share what precisely has troubled him later when you hurtle through hyperspace towards Nevarro. For now, you head towards the door, ready to help Din haul his latest bounty into the antiquated ship you call home.
Except, the man who stands before you is not Din Djarin.
Instead of the gleaming beskar you had been expecting to greet you on the ramp, a gloomy silhouette moves into view. There is something far darker about your presence than the man you had expected to see. It is not just the grimy, worn clothes he wears that send a shiver down your spine. Nor the way his beady eyes bore into you. They are sunken in his wizened face with a look of pure malice which sickens you to the pit of your stomach.
You are initially so shocked by the fact that the man standing before you is not Din, your eyes frantically examining the features of this stranger, that you almost fail to notice the weapon aimed at you.
Your heart skips a beat when you notice that the man is holding a blaster up at you. He stands unmoving, with his long, grungy fingers curled around the dark handle. The gesture sends a shiver down your spine. However, there is something even more terrifying than the reality of having a blaster aimed squarely in your direction. 
It is the expression on his face.
His glare is unrelenting in his coldness as his finger hovers over the trigger. You do not doubt for one moment that he will pull it.
Throughout your life, you have been exposed to danger many times, even before you met Din. Such brushes with death only increased when you started travelling through the galaxy with a bounty hunter. It was to be expected, of course. You think of the numerous occasions when you witnessed Din becoming embroiled in terrible binds and scrapes while you sat back and watched the carnage unfold. At first, you had been terrified by such violence. Now, you have come to expect it.
Perhaps before you met Din and began travelling with him, someone holding a blaster at you and gazing at you with such viciousness as the man before you would have been utterly petrifying.
However, it seems that the best bounty hunter in the parsec has somewhat hardened you to the realities of the galaxy. 
After the initial shock, you feel yourself accepting your current predicament with remarkable quickness. You assess the man's vulnerabilities and weak points, as Din once trained you to do. You notice a slight quake in his hand, the greyness of his scraggly beard and unkempt, greasy hair. He is not invincible. Soon, the terror you initially felt is replaced with anger; a simmering feeling in your gut as you are incredulous at the audacity of this man to threaten your life in this manner. You are furious at his attempt to intrude into your and Din's safe refuge like this. You are disgusted by him.
You have encountered plenty of unsavoury characters throughout your travels across the galaxy with Din. This pathetic coward does not faze you.
"Where is he?" the man finally speaks. His voice is gruff, his tone sharper than you imagined. It matches his wizened, wrinkly face, seemingly hardened by the decades of experience he undoubtedly possesses.
“Who?” you ask, feigning ignorance.
You know that the man will not buy your plea of ignorance regarding The Mandalorian. Yet, your act will buy you a few precious seconds to execute your plan. Plus, the more you converse with the man, the higher the chance his nerve may waver and that his sympathy for you might increase as you humanise yourself. You hope that by talking to him, his determination to mow you down in cold blood may decrease.
“Don’t play with me and give me a story full of bantha crap,” the man snarls, jabbing the blaster towards you, "I know you know where he is."
“I’m sorry,” you respond apologetically.
You know you must diffuse the situation and undo the damage you have caused with your blatant lies. Without hesitation, you raise your hands in a submissive gesture. Then, when the man does not take issue with a simple movement, you begin backing away from him. Fortunately, he lets you go. You can barely contain your grin as you know what you have in store for him.
Unknowingly, this man is playing right into your hands. 
This old rogue may have thought he could get the upper hand on The Mandalorian by returning to his ship and threatening his travelling companion. Unfortunately, he has underestimated the advantage you gain from knowing the Razor Crest inside out, including all of this old ship's quirks.
When you are satisfied both by the distance you have placed between you and your assailant and your relative proximity to the control panel, which is the key to your plan's success, you fake a stumble backwards. Your hand collides with the button that, when depressed, rapidly releases a cloud of pressurised gas into the hull. The jets that shoot out of the walls soon fill the Razor Crest and form a temporary barrier between you and the man that obscures you from his view. The distraction gives you just enough time to grab a blaster from Din’s workbench and aim it towards your surprise visitor. 
Then, without really consciously thinking about the consequences, you squeeze the trigger.
The sickening thud of the man’s body hitting the floor is the last sound you hear before you retreat up the ladder to the cockpit and seal yourself inside behind the secure door. You are pretty sure he will no longer prove a threat to you, but you have no desire to stick around and find out for definite. The reinforced door will provide sufficient protection, hopefully long enough for Din to return. 
Given that someone managed to reach the Razor Crest and callously threaten your life, you cannot imagine that Din will be far away. If the man has accomplices, you do not doubt Din's capability to take them out before he returns to ensure your safety.
Yet, as the minutes pass by Din is nowhere to be seen.
You are unsure how long you sit on the hard floor with your back to the door, trembling as you sit there. At first, the tremors that have overtaken your body may well be thanks to the frigid metal. Its coolness certainly does not help. As the adrenaline wears off and the realisation of what has just transpired dawns on you, you rapidly become reduced to a jittery, trembling wreck. 
Your state of mind following the skirmish is made worse by the paranoia which overtakes you. 
Initially your primary concern is for your own safety. You brace yourself for the companions of the man whose body lies below you to barge in and finish the job their ringleader started. You wonder which weapons they may possess. 
Would you try to fight them off, or should you flee?
You wonder whether you could even begin the launch sequence of the Razor Crest and fly away in search of Din. He has attempted to teach you how to fly the ship for emergencies such as this, but to your presently terrified brain, the dashboard looks like a confusing conundrum of buttons.
At the first thought of him wandering through the forests which cover the planet’s surface, your overactive imagination now runs away with the worst scenarios of what could be happening right this instant, elsewhere on this planet. 
Visions of the Mandalorian you love, lying in a ditch somewhere on this forest-covered planet, injured and frightened after being ambushed by the same band of dastardly scoundrels overwhelm your senses.
The fear that Din will never return to you, that the depth of your feelings towards him will remain unsaid forever, shatters you. 
You are unsure how long you sit there. Each creak and noise of the ship, noises that you are usually so familiar with and accustomed to now work against you, startling you each time. It is a constant cycle of alarm as your breathing rate picks up and your pulse rate thunders in your ears each time there is a faint thud. You feel your resolve draining with each disturbance.
So when you hear the sound of the Razor Crest's ramp whirring as it lowers to the ground, you barely have the energy to react. Instead, you are relieved that you are now seconds away from meeting your ultimate fate. One way or another, you will finally be put out of your misery. Whoever enters the Razor Crest will not be met with much fight from you, whatever their intentions.
When you hear footsteps this time, you believe that the thuds are indeed the familiar rhythmic, certain sounds of your favourite bounty hunter. Until you lay eyes upon him, however, you will not allow yourself to believe that fact.
Fortunately for your anguished soul, you get confirmation of Din’s return before ever laying eyes upon him. 
“Cyare?” Din calls, his deep voice cuts through the ship up to the cockpit where you continue to cower in the cockpit, “Are you alright?”
You are so relieved to hear him that you could almost burst into tears. Before that happens, you must give him some acknowledgement that you were unharmed in the skirmish.
“I’m up here in the cockpit, Din,” you respond, alarmed at how your voice trembles as the adrenaline has worn off, “I’m alright.”
You push yourself up on shaky limbs to stand and prepare to reunite with the man you have grown so close to. You aren't entirely sure when it happened, falling in love with Din. You certainly never intended it, nor did you imagine that the aloof bounty hunter who was so stoic and barely spoke could reveal himself to have such a beautiful soul beneath his cold, metallic armour. Yet, somewhere along the way, as you hurtled through hyperspace together, you did fall in love with Din. 
It was not one moment but rather a collection of smaller fragments which, when pieced together, form the warmth that spreads in your chest each time you think of Din. It has been the late-night conversations sitting in the red leather chairs of the cockpit, reminiscing on your past lives. The ability that Din possesses in never failing to make you laugh. Even on days when you feel despondent. It is how considerate Din is of you; he never fails to check on your well-being and ascertain whether you can handle one more job or whether you should return to Nevarro for a few days of rest.
All of those moments and more contributed to your present feelings for Din.
You realised how deeply you cared for him when you first noticed your overwhelming desire to please him. The fact that, without even realising it, you had learnt how he liked his ration packs prepared even if you could never enjoy a meal together, given the helmet restriction. You realised that you had attentively watched how Din polished his weapons and studied how he stored them so that you could alleviate some stress when he returned from another hunt and needed to rest. You have noticed that, even though your lives are in many ways different, you both retain the same core values and principles. Honesty, integrity and loyalty are traits you both hold dear.
Only moments ago, it had crushed you to think you would never get to enjoy such moments with Din again.
Now, you stand here, practically bursting with joy as you realise you will soon be back with the man whose presence you yearn to always be in. You can hear his feet hitting the rungs of the ladder that leads up to the cockpit and take a deep breath to steady yourself, even though your entire body quivers with the last dregs of adrenaline and the anticipation of seeing Din again.
The door opens. The familiar glint of the Beskar you had been expecting to see earlier finally comes into view, soothing your nerves instantly. Din surges towards you. You barely have time to react before his arms are around you. He brings a gloved hand up to your chin, holding your face in one hand while he secures his other arm snugly around your waist. You are grateful that he is holding you so tightly. Without his strong arms, you are unconvinced whether you could remain vertical. 
“Oh, cyare," Din exhales, his voice trembling under the weight of his emotions. "I was so worried when I saw the body down there. What in Maker’s name happened here?” Din asks, deep voice full of concern.
“I heard footsteps that I assumed were yours, but when I got there, the door opened. You weren't there, Din. I was so scared," you confess, your voice trembling too.
"Dank farrik!" Din harshly exclaims. You startle in response, and he tightens his hold around you, bringing your chest flush to the cold metal of his armour, before apologetically adding, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay, Din," you whisper in reassurance.
"Forgive me for my outburst. I was just frustrated that I couldn't be there for you. The same group, I assume, ambushed me. It took me a while to fight them off. I should have been here," Din shakes his head, "Anyway, do you want to tell me about what happened?"
You nod, your bottom lip trembling. You take some breaths to steady your nerves as you try your best to ignore your reflection in Din's helmet. If you pause for too long and perceive how fragile and broken you appear, you know you will crumble entirely.
"Well, I stepped up to the top of the ramp expecting to see you. Instead, that man was standing there. He held a blaster up at me. I was so scared that he was going to shoot," you squeak, voice barely above a whisper now. Din moves his hands up and down your back in soothing motions, comforting you enough to continue: "I managed to distract him enough to retreat with my hands up. Then I pretended to stumble and push the button on the control panel, which discharged the pressurised gas. It gave me the cover to grab your blaster on the workbench. And then, well, you saw...” you squeak out as you feel hot tears trail down your cheeks.
You permit yourself to fall apart now, knowing that Din is here to pick your pieces up and place you back together. He brings a hand to your cheek, wiping your tears away with his gloved fingers. A smile ghosts across your lips at the sensation of the buttery texture against your skin.
“You did so well, cyare,” Din whispers. "I promise you, you're safe now. No one will hurt you," he adds soothingly.
Din brings your head into his cowl. He gathers you to him and protects you from the anguish. From this position, you can faintly feel the warmth which emanates from the man beneath the beskar through the coarse yet soft material. The dark brown material is a sharp contrast to the hard, coldness of his armour, a sliver of humanity amongst the many facets of the formidable Mandalorian warrior. You never feel safer or more protected than when Din takes you into his arms and holds you close. The relief is immediate, but it does not stop the emotional outburst. Tears continue to stream down your face.
“I was so scared Din,” you manage out between the sobs that have suddenly overwhelmed your fragile state of mind.
“I know, I know. But I’m so proud of you,” Din says.
His ordinarily steady voice trembles with emotion except when he emphasises how proud he is of you. To know that Din Djarin himself is proud of you makes your chest ache with joy. You have made this strong, stoic warrior proud. It makes your head swim with glee. Yet, it only adds to the myriad of emotions which overwhelm your trembling body.
Din holds you close, but you cannot stop crying. The embarrassment you feel at your outburst further contributes to your distress. The tears flow in earnest now, Din’s cowl surely becoming damp with the moisture that has escaped your swollen, irritated eyes.
“Shhhhh my love, ner kar'ta,” Din soothes as he rocks you, “You’re safe now. I've got you. You’re safe.” 
With his comforting words and the way Din holds you, your sniffles eventually subside. Still, Din holds you until you can barely stand anymore.
When you can stand no longer, when your body finally succumbs to the emotional toll of the day, Din is there to coax you into moving. Somehow, 
Din manages to skillfully manoeuvre you into descending the ladder. You are too tired to question quite how it happens. The next thing you know, you are tucked up in the bunk. There is barely enough room for Din, yet he manages to lie beside you, holding you until you drift off.
Finally, you allow yourself to fall into the warm embrace of sleep…
You remain confined to your bunk for most of the return trip to Nevarro. The skirmish took its toll on you. In your lethargicness, you struggle to have the energy to do anything other than sleep. Din is patient and attentive with you, taking care of all the maintenance jobs and meal preparation that you usually assist with.
Yet, it is not just the stress of events and the inescapable fact that you have claimed your first life which weighs on your mind. It is trying to figure out what the future looks like for you and Din. 
You have never met anyone like him. He is intelligent, caring and skilled in anything he turns his hand to. He provides for you. Since you began travelling together, you have wanted for nothing physically or spiritually. Din is diligent and attentive, always on hand to pick you up if things prove too much. He makes you laugh like you never have with anyone else you have met. Until your ribs ache and your cheeks hurt from grinning. You think of the hours spent together sitting in the red chairs of the cockpit as the blues and silvers of hyperspace streak outside the windows, illuminating Din's armour in a way that leaves you mesmerised.
When you first started travelling with Din, you were sceptical that you would ever grow close to a man who kept so much of himself a mystery. His face was hidden behind a helmet and you knew him only as Mando. How could you ever form a bond with someone so elusive?
Now, you understand that you do not need to see a person's face to know them entirely. There is no doubt that you completely understand who the man underneath the beskar is. You trust Din Djarin with everything you have. 
Although it took him long enough to honour you with knowing that name, now you speak it often. While he vows that he will know yours eternally, for it is the Mandalorian way to say, “I love you.”
You cannot imagine your life without him. 
However, as much as you care for Din and are certain he cares for you in return, you know you will never have what it takes to become Mandalorian. It is why you have held back from your feelings, never permitting yourself to return the sweet words and affectionate nicknames. Your destinies lie in opposite directions. You will never be truly worthy of his love.
It is a thought that leaves you thoroughly despondent as you lie in the bunk. If you are this distressed after taking a life in self-defence, how would you ever be able to participate in his culture, his identity, which is so dear to him?
Without that fighting spirit within you, you are sure you would never be able to be Mandalorian. Without being Mandalorian, it will be impossible for Din to build a life with you.
Whatever relationship the two of you have is more than likely fleeting. You will part when it becomes apparent that you are too fundamentally different to prove a compatible pairing. You know that. 
Yet, it does not stop the melancholia that such a fact provokes in you.
You understand that one day, Din Djarin will leave your life.
Knowing that evidence of your fundamentally opposing ways of life will become evident once more shortly leaves you inconsolable. Once the Razor Crest lands in Nevarro so the bounties can be offloaded Din will leave you alone for an indeterminate amount of time to be with his covert. 
Since you are not Mandalorian, you are forbidden from joining him. 
The thought of not being with him devastates you. Yet, the prospect of being alone on a planet without Din downright terrifies you after your brush with death.
Although you are frightened, you are determined not to let him see your discomfort. 
After all, it would be unfair of you to hold Din back from spending time with his tribe.
You know you will never be able to join him, yet you still respect Din's creed. You admire his devotion to his Way. You do not judge him for it, even if you are baffled by some rules Din must adhere to.
Yet, there is another reason you keep your emotions to yourself. 
You do not want to worry Din any further.
Following your brush with death, Din has been fussing over you so much that you almost feel smothered. He is watching you intently to check that the fact you have taken another’s life does not leave a scar on you. He constantly reassures you that it was self-defence and that you did the right thing. When you wake up screaming after terrible visions haunt you, Din is there in an instant to soothe your anguished soul.
Even though you are grateful for how much he cares, you want to be left alone. You feel guilty, as though you are a burden to him. Here you are, taking up so much of his precious time and energy when you are not even a member of his tribe. 
So, when Din informs you he will depart the Razor Crest to join up with his covert after the old ship finally touches down on Nevarro, you are glad to see him go.
Even if being on such a skughole makes you unsettled. You wish that you had Din’s comforting presence around to soothe your soul. But non-Mandalorians are not permitted to enter the covert’s hideout, and you respect that rule. 
So, you are alone. 
You pass the time polishing and reordering Din's assortment of weapons so they are exactly how he likes him upon his return. It is penance for the tremendous amount of extra effort he exerted in taking care of you during your journey here.
After you finish cleaning Din's most prized possessions, you stand before the weapons locker, adjusting each blaster and rifle until they are arrow straight. Din is fastidious when it comes to organising his armoury. You want to please him.
It is a task that you are still engaged in when you hear the ramp whirring. The noise makes you panic initially. Until, for your benefit, Din calls your name to reassure you that it is him returning; no one is here to harm you.
Your initial anxiety is soothed instantly by the sound of his deep voice. The apprehension is replaced by a smile at the way the syllables of your name warble through his vocoder.
You hastily close the doors to the locker. You weren't quite finished with your task yet. You do not want Din to catch a glimpse before everything is perfect.
"You're back quicker than I expected," you observe, greeting him with a look of surprise across your features.
"There was only one matter I wished to settle," Din shrugs.
"Oh?" you raise your eyebrows, wondering if it is connected to the drawstring pouch made of dark material he carries in one hand.
"Concerning you," Din simply says.
You are rendered speechless. Your initial concern is that Din has confessed to travelling with a non-Mandalorian. Perhaps it is forbidden for his tribe to befriend outsiders. Your stomach drops as you panic that Din has been forced to leave his covert in disgrace.
What if, after the skirmish, Din decided to leave you behind here on Nevarro and simply needed to ask his tribe's leader for advice so his nerves did not waver?
Your frantic train of thought halts at the thuds of Din's footsteps approaching you. Mercifully, it seems you are about to discover the nature of their conversation.
"I have something for you," Din explains as he reaches into the drawstring pouch and produces a shiny object attached to a string.
You are curious about the mysterious relic before you. You do not hesitate to reach your hand out, your palm up, ready to accept it. It glints in mid-air before Din places it into your palm. 
The sensation of the cool metal of the mysterious object
proves to be an intriguing yet comforting presence in your hand. It soothes you instantly. It is a grounding sensation you badly need. Especially after the dark places your mind has wandered to. Terrible visions and eventualities your imagination has frequented a lot recently since your brush with death.
You realise now that it is in your hand that Din has brought you a necklace. Peculiar. You wonder what in the galaxy an item of jewellery could have to do with his covert.
The metallic pendant is a shape you do not recognise; there is a long, thin strand of dark brown leather attached to the charm.
“Do you know what this is?” Din finally asks after he has left you alone to survey your gift.
You shake your head, looking up at him questioningly.
“This is the Mythosaur, an ancient creature our ancestors once rode. It is a symbol that belongs to all Mandalorians,” Din explains, gesturing a gloved fingertip at the shiny object.
You see now that the metallic outline appears to be the skull of a creature you have never heard before. With its sunken black eye sockets and intimidating, sharp features; the Mythosaur is a little intimidating. Still, you are mesmerised by its pointy teeth and long tusks. It is quite unlike anything you have ever seen. You run your thumb over the ridges, enjoying the sensation of the metal in your hand.
"I had it forged by my tribe's Armorer from the excess beskar of my new armour," Din explains, "The chain is taken from a strip of my bandolier, too."
"The craftsmanship..." you whisper, awestruck, "It's beautiful."
Then, Din says something which catches you completely off-guard. 
“I want you to be part of my Clan, cyare,” Din announces.
Your mouth falls open. You look up at Din, stunned at his declaration. He does not want to leave you behind or cast you out. He wants you to be with him forever. You begin to feel the rumbling of tears somewhere deep inside your gut. You almost allow yourself to smile.
Your moment of happiness shatters when you realise joining Din's Clan likely comes with an expectation to be Mandalorian. You hope the necklace does not come with the assumption of committing yourself to something you remain unsure that you want for yourself. 
Yet bringing that up to Din would surely disappoint him, a terrible prospect. His Way is of utmost importance to him.
“But, Din… I’m not Mandalorian,” you whisper, your eyes filling with tears as you remind him of your differences.
“It doesn’t matter,” Din shakes his head.
"Are you sure?" you breathe, stunned.
"I'm positive, cyare. You can take this necklace to any Mandalorian and say my name. If you present this to a Mandalorian covert and tell them Din Djarin set you, they will ensure you are protected and safe for as long as you need. No matter where you are in the galaxy.”
“Even though I’m not Mandalorian?” you whisper, astonished. 
“Yes. One does not have to walk The Way in order to be protected by us," Din nods.
You are stunned. For so long, you had mistaken Mandalorian covertness for exclusion. You had believed they disliked and distrusted anyone who did not follow their way of life. Now you realise that you had entirely misconstrued their seclusion. Mandalorians, it transpires, are fiercely protective over anyone they care about, an honour not restricted to their own kind.
"After what happened, I want to feel reassured by knowing that you would have somewhere to turn to for refuge if something like that were ever to happen again. More than that, I want you…” Din sighs, steadying himself. “I want you to be part of my Clan,” he adds, his voice full of certainty.
“I couldn't possibly be worthy of such a thing,” you shake your head, unable to meet his gaze, "I shot one nerfherder in self-defence and look at the toll it took on me," you scoff, fiddling with the necklace and avoiding Din's gaze.
Din is unsatisfied with your words. He brings his hand to your chin and tilts it upwards until your eyes are level with the steely gaze of his dark T-visor.
“You are absolutely worthy,” Din adds with finality and certainty in his voice that causes your chest to constrict, “You have shown as much fight and resolve as any Mandalorian warrior would be proud of. You may not be Mandalorian, but you have our spirit. Our manda, our soul. You do not have to be Mandalorian to be loved by one. So, it would be the honour of my life if you would join my Clan, cyare,” Din adds solemnly.
He takes his hand from under your chin and balls it into a fist. Then he raises his clenched fist to his chestplate and holds it over his heart. He bows his head in your direction, wordlessly demonstrating his affection for you.
With his beautiful words and deferent actions, how could you refuse such an offer?
“Then, I will happily join your clan, Din Djarin,” you whisper.
You watch with curiosity as Din takes the necklace from your hand. Then, he softly places a gloved hand on your shoulder and gently turns you around. You realise what he is doing when the pendant slides down over your chest. You smile as you feel the cool metal make contact with your skin through the cloth of the simple clothes you wear. The thin leather is a comforting presence around your neck, especially when combined with the weight of the Mythosaur.
You turn around to face Din once again. You are unable to prevent the grin that spreads across your features. For the first time since that terrifying encounter with that ghastly man, you feel a true sense of tranquillity. You no longer find yourself plagued by fear for the future.
You realise that you should probably make some profound speech of gratitude. Instead, you sigh in contentment as you stand before Din. You are too happy to find words, perfectly content merely to stand before the man you adore. A man whom, thanks to the necklace you wear around your neck, you are now bound to. 
Din brings his hands to your sides, resting them against your body as his thumbs rub fond circles into your hips. There is no fear, no uncertainty anymore.
The future for you and Din is bright.
Din eventually sighs fondly, cupping your chin with his gloved hand.
“It suits you,” he nods in approval.
You smile at the gesture and turn your lips into his fingers, placing a kiss on the soft leather there. Then, Din brings your forehead to his helmet in a gesture he has assured you is akin to a kiss in his eyes. For now, at least, it is the only way he can kiss you.
You stay like that for a few moments. 
Eventually, Din's deep voice breaks the silence. 
“Ner aliit,” Din whispers. Then adds in basic, for the benefit of your ears:
“My family.”
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peggingdemons · 8 days
Thinking about you
Basically Satan jerking off thinking about reader
Satan x Gn Reader
Satan's fantasy is is the same font I'm using right here so to (hopefully) not confuse people
Warnings! Satan thinking about reader (duh) , petplay and one use of a "good girl" on Satan (in his dream)
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Satan couldn't help it he was only a man after all.. But the way you talked to him yesterday, teasingly calling him a "good kitty" after seeing him run after a book you threw...
Fuck just thinking about it makes his pants feel tighter..
Those words just purred out of your lips, the little smirk you had and the way you just looked at him like he was just a little house kitty.. He felt hot, needy and excited just thinking about that.
Being your kitty
Just yours and no one else's
Fuck his pants were getting tighter... He needed you..
Satan couldn't help himself as he brought his pants and boxers, watching his cock spring out and hit his stomach
Those words you said just set him ablaze. Satan slowly teased his tip trying to get pre to use as lube before he started slowly stroking himself.
Those words.. Your words.. Calling him a "good kitty".. What if you did it again? What if you petted him while saying how good he was?
Satan let out a small breathless moan just thinking about it
What if you told him to act like cat? Crawling on all fours for you.. Collaring him.. Allowing him to please you-
Satan started speeding up his hand, whimpering out at the idea
"You're a good kitty.. Right, Satan?"
"I know you are~.. So crawl.. Crawl over here and please master~"
"Uh huh.. S-s'ho good for you..." Satan whined out loud. Dreaming about you owning him, all yours, your kitty made more pre leak out from his tip
You grabbed his hand bringing it to your sex "be a good cat and please me" Satan nodded "Y-yes.." "yes what?" "yes... M-master". He started rubbing on your area letting little moans come out of you
"That's it.. Good kitty... Good girl.. That's it.."
As soon as the dream you came Satan shot his lode all over his hand
"Ah.. Ah.. Dammit.." Satan groaned , now he had to clean this up... At least the idea was nice.. Maybe he could get you to actually make him a kitten for you
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minecraftbed · 2 months
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Grian snorted, and Scar returned the laugh in a small giggle. “Right. Um- yeah. Guess I changed my mind at some point. You’re so… different from what I was expecting. In the best way possible.” He paused again, cleared his throat. “You know I’d follow you to the ends of the Earth, right?”  As soon as he said it, he regretted it, his face heating up - those were the thoughts he was supposed to keep private, supposed to push deep, deep down - but Scar smiled. “I do know. And I’d do the same for you.” 
HELLOOOOO YIPEEEE. here are my pieces for the incredible fic to the ends of the earth by the talented gaylotusthatexists for @hermitshippingbigbang !!!
i really really really loved this fic, if u like scarian, fantasy, and beautiful world building then i need u to go start reading it RIGHT now. <3 (my pieces here are being posted with the final chapter, today, so it is ready for you to read in full!!!!!! go go go)
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maomango-doodle · 10 months
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Preview of my comic for @vashwoodzine !! :D
Preorders are open until August 2nd!
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phonydiaries · 7 months
could I perhaps get some of P being oblivious about lots of human behaviors still and going to the reader with questions ???
yes you fucking can
Lawful Dumbass P Headcanons
Pinocchio was initially very intrigued when you explained him where you can find and a human's heartbeat. He would sometimes hold fingers to your wrist and just below your jaw out of the blue as if needing to double-check your status as living, just in case.
On one occasion he presses his head to your chest and listens to the dull thump of your heart in a sort of trance. However, he jumps back in surprise upon hearing your stomach rumble. He looks at you with wide eyes in utter shock. You assure him about a million times that this is normal and unlike him, humans get hungry all the time. He is not entirely convinced and seemed to think there was a creature hiding in your torso for days.
While you're writing one day, he notices you absentmindedly biting the end of a pen, deep in thought. He starts doing this when he's pacing around Krat, although he really just grabs whatever happens to be nearby that could vaguely fit in his mouth. You've seen him try this with one of Eugenie's screwdrivers. She did not want it back.
You told Pinocchio a secret once and made him pinky swear not to tell anyone. He cocks his head to the side, confused. You take this opportunity to explain to him that a pinky promise is a time-honored human tradition of the utmost severity, a symbol of trust never to be broken. "In fact, if you are ever to go back on your word," You speak in a low grave tone, extending your pinky finger to him, "you'll be cursed. Forever." He takes this very seriously, locking his finger solemnly with yours before laying his hand over his heart with a stern expression, now forever oath-bound to you. It's damn near impossible for you to hold back laughter. As far as you know, he still believes you to this day.
There was a time that he came to you seemingly insecure, feeling wholly overwhelmed with an existential line of questioning about his burgeoning humanity. Was he really still only a puppet? Could he ever truly be considered human? Was he some unknown third possibility, alone in his otherness? You try in earnest to comfort him, assuring him that his exterior is irrelevant in the end. Though he may not be made of flesh and blood, it's what lies beneath the surface, deep inside, that matters. He seems to really consider this, and immediately retrieves his literal mechanical heart from his chest, holding it out to you quizzically. You gently push it back into his hands and shake your head. "Oh. No. Not like that." You stammer in complete awe.
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feralsteddie · 6 months
obviously we see that eddie is pretty meticulous/clean and a lot of the grungy/gross eddie content is probably based on stereotyping and classism…
however i personally grew up in several trailer parks and think trailer trash douchebag!eddie is so unbelievably hot so keep up the good work guys
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toldentops · 3 months
talk about kinoga. NOW.
GAH I JUST THINK THEY ARE SO............. well first of all. they are so cute and handsome. look at them right now
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Second of all I have one million feelings about them and it's barely an exaggeration. For those who aren't familiar, Kinoga is one of my beloved splatoon ocs and I think about them all the time. Originally made when I tossed a "what-if" idea about Trito, my first splatoon oc, who was once part of the octarian military, if he runs into one of the old squad members on the surface, and Kinoga was born with the help of @igneouskit. Brainworms ensue. its terminal. check out their toyhouse
(extremely brief rundown for those unfamiliar with splatoon lore the relevant bits are as follows: some octolings are part of a military that were forced underground after a war with the Inklings over land due to rising seas. At some point during the plot, the song Calamari Inkantation is sung by the two idols, which is apparently imbued in the DNA of all creatures and compels octolings to see the surface. In the splatoon 2 DLC, octo expansion, some octolings are recruited by a shady company called Kamabo Co, which entices participants to enroll in tests through a deep sea metro, and offers the "promised land" as a reward. Completing the tests entails collecting parts of a blender, and the "reward" is getting blended into sludge. This sludge can get injected into other octos which causes them to lose their will and consciousness ("sanitization").
timeline-wise much of their story takes place between splat 2, through octo expansion, and is currently in the splat 3 era. When they were still in the military, they ended up hearing the Calamari Inkantation like Agent 8 did. Kinoga and their squad were incredibly close to each other. Unwilling to just up and leave the underground but wanting to give their squadmates a better life, Kinoga hears about Kamabo's "promised land" and wants to seek it out, so they leave the squad to embark on the metros and promises to return. They do not <3 Some of the tests make them encounter sanitized octolings and they begin to question what's really happening in the metros. Their tipping point is when they run into Agara, one of their squadmates that decided to enter the metros to look for Kinoga and ends up being sanitized. Kinoga, facing the crushing realization that their squadmates had followed them, unaware of the danger, narrowly escapes being killed by Agara and eventually makes it to the surface.
This results in them experiencing a good amount of crushing guilt about leaving, they never knew it would lead to the possibility of dooming their whole squad that followed after them because they were loved and trusted. Kinoga had no way of letting the rest of them know that they should turn back and it's so. AAUGH. They have no choice but to continue on, finding life on the surface and eventually making it to splatsville with the belief that the rest of the squad may be gone. Agara and Trito end up running through the metro, Agara gets sanitized and Trito survives, albeit without getting a nasty scar from an accident that nearly got him sanitized.
Trito makes me insane also. he's my funny silly rabbit. I care about him so so much. trito goes through the metros, to maybe catch up with kinoga or meet them at the promised land, trusting that it was worth leaving if Kinoga decided it was worth it for all of them too.
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Trito, upon learning about The Horrors in the metro later, realizes what could have happened to Kinoga and Agara and is unwilling to return to the rest of the squad with this knowledge, struck by the possibility that they're both gone. <-also has to realize that these horrible things have been happening to all the octlings that left to go do the metro tests. He too, eventually escapes to the surface and makes it to Inkopolis.
Years later, Trito, on a day trip to Splatsville, encounters Kinoga on the streets, and they lock eyes. and. fuck. They thought they were dead and had dealt with the grief and accepting that they were gone, effectively pushing those thoughts aside, and now they're physically in front of each other and they have to deal with it again. they make me SICK. Kinoga knowing that trito went to the metros and followed them and made it out also. Trito knowing that Kinoga experienced the horrors as well and survived. Neither of them able to return to tell the rest of the squad but they're both here, alive on the surface and aarrghhhhhhh. now they have to cope with this. they hastily exchange contact information, having to leave each other again, and end up meeting later to really catch up.
I'm so normal about kinoga and their relationship to trito post-domes. They don't even realize that they miss each other so much because they accepted that they were already gone. Seeing how much the other had changed. Being each other's only tie to their previous lives and it dawns on them that they never can move on from this. Kinoga struggles to tell Trito that they couldn't bring themselves to go back, not knowing if they could escape a second time, not knowing if any of their teammates were still left, already dealing with occasional spurts of being wracked by grief. Trito feeling the same, wanting to forget the terrible things and find happiness on the surface, but disheartened when learning that Kinoga also couldn't bring themselves to go back to look (though now that the both of them are together.....they do eventually muster the courage to go back to the domes to look for their old squadmates). It like. sucks so bad. They didn't intend to abandon their squad, but they were given circumstances where they just could not, and none of the other squad members could have known and suffer for it. aarghhhhh.
They end up at Trito's place, Kinoga and Trito end up being very affectionate towards each other after reuniting, definitely Trito being clingier...Compelled to hold onto each other and not let go, not after feeling so much regret about leaving in the first place. It's like. they left once before and terrible things happened out of their control, so they're allowed to hold each other as close as they can so it doesn't happen again (THE DEMONS) (GRIPS). it's irrational for Trito especially to think that he'll never see Kinoga again when they have to leave, since they live in separate cities and have to go in the morning. and kinoga knows it's irrational and they do their best to comfort him anyways because. who could blame him for wanting to keep them there after being gone for so long and so unexpectedly. The slow, crushing experience of not fully registering that someone could be gone and it creeps up to them until it hits. auuuuugh. they have to be so tender with each other, not really knowing where to take things afterwards but relishing in the moment of having each other there. riding the high of each other's comfort. fuck. this post is just getting worse as it goes. Trito breaking down in Kinoga's arms because he's had to hold in his grief and having nowhere to put it and then finally being able to release it. just being able to feel Something again. kinoga feeling so heartbroken to see trito like this, remembering that he was always so outspoken and smiling and having him curled up against them unable to say anything. holding him as tightly as they can. Feeling the need to take good care of him. They aren't his squad leader anymore but they still feel compelled to look out for him because then they can feel like they're doing at least something right. whatever. you guys get the gist. I'm way too much of a sucker for like...............pained intimacy. I'm down terrible. I think both of them deserve a little kissy and more. again. very touchy and affectionate with each other, I guess theyre still like "friends" (A WARRIOR'S BOND. OR WHATEVER) and are not "together" like a couple but here are words from igneouskit who put it better then I could ever. they love each other so much and they make me blow up. worlds most situationship
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and also one bit I forgot to mention is that Trito has a huge scar on his chest that he hates talking about, it just brings back the fear and pain felt when he got it, and by association reminds him that he's alone from his squad who may never see again, so he's very protective of it. Upon getting back to kinoga, they do find out about the scar accidentally, and Trito lets them. like auuuugh they were so familiar with each other and now get to see what's changed since the last time. exploring eachother's bodies. whatever
Kinoga also ends up feeling really guilty at some point for Trito being immediately so affectionate towards them, they harbor thoughts that they don’t deserve it after having him go through that pain, and trito having to tell them that he made his own decision, nobody was forcing him to go, and besides, did it to see kinoga and now that they’re right in front of him he can give him all the love he’s been holding for them. Auuughhhh. Like don’t worry about feeling guilty for it. It wasn’t their fault. What matters to him now is that they’re both alive and with each other. I feel like blowing up
Even after Kinoga goes back to splatsville the next day trito is still aches about them......like a few days of reunion could never be enough to compensate for the years that they spent apart. every time they meet up after that trito jumps in kinoga's arms and kiss them like it was the first time they'd reunited
anyways. they eventually go back down to the domes to find the others. By that time, Agent 8 had dismantled Kamabo, the Sludge shit was no longer in operation, and octolings have started going to the surface. Kanu, another squad member, left the domes to find Kinoga, Agara, and Trito(jilon was another squad member who left for reasons I haven't decided yet). Denchu, the last remaining member, stayed behind, holding on to the hope that the missing members would someday return (denchu is a whole other can of worms. theyre everything to me and I feel so terrible for them <3). Trito and kinoga meet denchu, they update them on everybody else, leaving agara unaccounted for. Kinoga, who was the only one to see Agara firsthand, knowing that she might be completely unsalvageable, hesitates to bring it up, but Trito insists on going to look for her. aughhh. kinoga wants to spare trito the pain of seeing her dead or unconscious. They do eventually find her </3
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She is alive, but not doing well at all, Kinoga desperate to maybe find some way to undo sanitization and restore her to full health, knowing full well that it may not be possible. They take Agara back with them to the surface and Kinoga spends a lot of time agonizing again over having caused this, feeling that agara's state is somehow their fault (ITS NOTT they're beating themselves up so bad for this because they feel responsible for the squad. aughhh).
I think thats all I have for kinoga. for now. obviously there are more thoughts I can get into but currently my brain has just latched so hard on trito and kinoga's fun situation and I love them so much. didn't think I'd get attached to them this bad but here we are </3. I hope everyone who has read this far also enjoys them as much as I do
#THIS TOOK FOREVER TO TYPE. KEPT GGETTING SELF CONSCIOUS ABT HOW MUCH IVE ALREADY TYPED FOR THEM IN OTHER POSTS#my ocs#my art#trito#kinoga#splatoon#splatoon ocs#THEYRE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I have been so crazy about them. so crazy. this post doesnt even encapsulate all my thoughts about them#basic arc(?) in chronological order and some thoughts also#cant even describe the like. aching. burning. thinking about kinoga#like I need to kiss them of course but (AGONIES) trito misses them so so much.#loves them so so much and has to deal with it when it floods him all at once during the first encounter#sorry if none of this is like. comprehensible#I've been so ill about them and trito for weeks#these thoguhts are usually for rotating them in discord servers but you all get to get blasted by them all at once#STRUGGLED so bad to write this out because every time I had a new thought I had to go lie down and think about it#anyways. anyways. care about them so much. what ever#its still mostly about trito since he's like my 'main' character but kinoga still gets roped into these feelins#also joked that if trito ever gets a partner itll be like#'this is my partner'#'and this is my friend kinoga who id die for and trust with my life and kiss on the mouth'#more realistically trito just loves all his friends as closely as he would a partner. he has so much love in his heart#blows up I just reread this I think I used ‘crushing’ as an adjective like 4 times. whatever
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