#I have said enough in the tags now someone drag me out with a shepherd's crook please and thanks <3
wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
At least for the aspec part of the leverage fandom, I’m guessing it’s the heavy themes of found family between the entire crew and the queer platonic vibes of the OT3
yeah. yeah. oh man. like we have a story that prioritises relationships that aren't shown to us as romantic just as highly as the relationships that are, and we have parker who regardless of how you interpret her can be read as a-spec and loved and supported by the people around her and that's great, and we have a happy ending that says "actually, our tough guy (who doesn't seem to settle down with anyone romantically, though we see him date) would be most fulfilled with hardison and with parker, with no explicit romance, but with a lifelong promise of mutual devotion."
(it's a very important thing to me that the story works like that, with parker+eliot+hardison being totally platonic. I love other readings. I do. but what we were given, viewed through the least shippy goggles available, works. and it packs a hell of a punch.)
and listen, I've said it before but "my nana used to say that what's normal is whatever works for you" is such a beautiful sentiment to be applied to SO many things (gender, neurodiversity, queerness, polyamory, queerplatonic relationships, choosing a life of crime instead of a 'proper' career, etc), and it is lovely.
which is to say… yeah. agreed. it's great. and it does make sense. :D
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (4)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(people seem to like this for now but remember, no reblogs/comments then i’m gonna assume people lost interest. so show u enjoy this please!! <3 also someone drew fanart of Reader, check it out at the bottom! :3c)
“Come ON Wilbur! Come with me to check out the huge village I found the other week!” shouted Tommy while making sure to get in his older brother’s way as much as possible. He figured if Wilbur was focused on him and not whatever ‘super important’ shit he was busy with then he’d join him.
Wilbur meanwhile was doing everything he could to sidestep and ignore said younger brother. Now usually he’d humor the much younger boy but Wilbur was sorta busy at the moment. There’s been murmurs of unrest within the L’manburg territory lately since new faces have joined their country. 
Apparently they weren’t happy about the fact that Wilbur was a self appointed president, and likened him to a dictator because of it since no one got a say in his leadership role. Which Wilbur thought was highly unfair. He’d fought tooth and nail for his country, so they could have and enjoy all the freedoms to do as they pleased without Dream and his cronies breathing down their necks.
Everything he did he did for his country. But he didn’t want them to see him as some unsympathetic tyrant who didn’t listen to his people. He’s not Dream, he actually listens when they speak, even when they say they don’t like his self appointed role as president. So yes, Wilbur was sort of busy with more important things than goofing off and finding some random village. But instead of snapping he just sighed and said,
“Tommy, I’m working. We’re supposed to be running a country, remember?”
The aforementioned boy let out an aggravated sigh, he knows they have a duty to L’Manburg, he’s not stupid! But he also knows they need to be allowed to have some fun now and again too! Or they’ll go crazy! And Tommy was sure Wilbur would go mad if he stayed cooped up inside all the time working! So this was his way of dragging his brother out for his own good.
But Wilbur was being especially stubborn (wonder where Tommy got it…) and was refusing to budge. 
“I don’t have time right now Tommy! Ask Tubbo or Fundy to tag along. I’m sure they’d love to go vandalize a village with you,” Wilbur distractedly said as he wrote down some notes in one of his books. 
Tommy was tired of fighting Wilbur on this and decided to hell with it, he’d just take the L this time. So he scoffed and said “Whatever” in the most pissed off teen voice he could physically summon and turned away from Wilbur and stormed out of the brunet president’s house, making sure to slam the wooden door as hard as he could on his way out. 
It seemed like all Wilbur did was mope around and WORK since they’d won independence from the Dream SMP. What the hell was the point of even FIGHTING for said freedom if Wilbur wasn’t even going to enjoy it?? 
Tommy pushed those thoughts away and went to search out Tubbo, he could always count on his best friend to follow him into some mischief! Unlike SOME people. And thankfully it didn’t take the rambunctious blond long to find his friend, and with a grin he ran and jumped on the shorter boy, making him yelp in shock and nearly fall. But then Tubbo saw who it was and started laughing and shoving the taller boy away half heartedly. But after goofing around a bit Tommy remembers why he’d searched out Tubbo in the first place.
“Oi Tubbo, come with me to this weird village I found the other week. I was gonna explore it when I found it but Wilbur said there was an emergency and I had to leave before I could,” he said as they both walked along the main path.
“Yeah sure, but why was it ‘weird’? Was it one of those ones that’s built somewhere stupid like half on a cliff?” Tubbo asked with a laugh. 
The two laughed and Tommy explained that the village just looked different? Like there was no cobble! Which was ridiculous because in his opinion that was the best part of villages was all the cobble buildings. Not that he was biased or anything like an American. 
But Tubbo just laughed and said sure, they could go check it out. He didn’t have anything else important to do today anyways. Tommy gave a triumphant ‘yeah!!’ because at least he got ONE of his friends to not be a total loser and go out to have some good old fashioned fun with him. 
Tubbo told him to lead the way so they were off.
Many blocks away in your village you were getting out of your ‘shower’, which was really just a waterfall hidden by thick trees and hanging vines behind your temple home. But it was the best shower you’d ever used thanks to how the water fell over you in huge sheets. You’d honestly stay in it for hours if you didn’t hate being bored just standing there. But you did get bored, so you got out and began drying off.
Once you were dry you started getting dressed in your usual outfit, then once done you paused before reaching down to grab the newest item of your outfit..
Your mask.
After your… horn discovery the week before you’d just laid in bed all day for a couple days. Not leaving your temple for any reason, not even to shower or eat. You’d have been feeling worse if you’d actually needed food but thankfully you didn’t, so when you finally got your ass in gear and got up to bathe you only felt marginally like shit. At least you had until you went to go bathe…...
But on that first day up you’d just stared at yourself in the reflection of the water and sighed. You didn’t have the urge to cry anymore, so that was a good thing. But you also weren’t a fan of the new horns or glowing eyes you’d had since ending up here. You weren’t even sure what KIND of horns these were?? And… call you crazy but you SWEAR they were bigger than they were before your stint laying in bed..
They’d only been little nubs before, not even as big as your thumb! But now they were at least five inches long and sort of splitting at the tips? It looked weird and honestly felt even weirder what with that velvety texture covering them. You made the foolish mistake of grumbling to yourself, 
“Things couldn’t get weirder, right?”
And as if the universe heard you… you discovered a new ‘appendage’ on your body while you started to wash your body off. You’d been lost in thought, just scrubbing yourself with a soapy washcloth when you’d started reaching around to wash your back, your washcloth brushed against something protruding from the base of your spine, right above your ass. This time you didn’t start panicking, you think you were still worn out from the days previous, so instead of freaking out you just slowly craned your neck around to see if you could glimpse the...thing.
A tail. 
You blinked, shocked but also.. confused? What in the absolute fuck? Why? When?? This time there was no sobbing or breakdown, you were honestly just puzzled. Are you ever going to STOP growing animal traits or what? Under any other circumstances you might even call the tail cute. It was small, probably just smaller than your hand and about the same shape too. And the majority of the top of it was the same color as your hair, but the sides (and underside after you got curious enough to look under it) were a soft white. With how you were in water the tail looked rather unimpressive and you couldn’t identify what kind of tail it was, but if it was at all connected to the horns then maybe deer? Or caribou? Reindeer? The last two seemed more likely since those animals’ females actually grew antlers you think. 
Having to adjust to all this new shit practically every other day was giving you a headache. With a tired sigh you rubbed the area around the base of your antlers, soothed slightly by how the action dulled your headache. But you couldn’t ignore the issue at hand, so you swallowed down your unease and instead just decided since you couldn’t control these… unnatural features then.. well, you’d just cover them up or since that wasn’t possible for the horns now you’d just disguise them?
You’d been stumped for a while on how to even DO that but eventually you’d gone down to the village to feed the animals and you’d watched the armorer leave his house to get started working for the day. And you’d noticed the mask he wore pushed up on his forehead. That’s when the idea for a mask hit you. But you didn’t know how to make or even craft a mask, so you’d gone to the armorer and asked him about it. It was hard to grasp what he was saying clearly but after the months living with the villagers you’d picked up some stuff and could understand them some.
So you let him show you how to make a standard iron mask like his, though the first one he’d made hadn’t fit you in the end so he’d made a second after tweaking the size a bit so it’d fit your face right, since your face shapes weren’t the same. But you were thankful and said so after you put it on. Though the eye holes still revealed your eyes, which you didn’t like. You asked how hard it would be to put reflective lenses in them to prevent your eyes from being seen.
That question turned into the armorer calling over the cartographer, the stonemason, and the shepherd oddly enough to help him out. They were murmuring and crowding around the armorer’s workstation while you watched from the edge of the porch where you sat idly. You didn’t want to hover over them like some busybody, so you sat patiently to see what they came up with together. 
And after a while your patience was rewarded when they came over to show you the fruit of their collaboration. And it surprised you how gorgeous it was, which wasn’t fair since you had 4 skill masters working on it together for you.
The mask was actually very beautiful. 
It was a white half mask that only covered your eyes, forehead, and upper nose/cheeks but left the lower half of your face bare. And you think it was simply painted white because it felt about as heavy as iron, but the part that amazed you was how it almost looked Venetian in design. On the forehead of the mask was a golden sun, and golden floral swirls came from the corners of the mask and curled near the cheeks and sides of the sun on the forehead, making the mask look elegant and almost vintage.
But the best parts in your opinion were the glass lenses in the eye holes. They were reflective and the same colors as your banner! You don’t know how the villagers did it but the edges of the lens were a goldish orange and the color faded into a violet in the center. You worried you wouldn’t be able to see through them but when you put the mask on you realized the lens only gave things a VERY slight blue/grey tint. So slight in fact that you could fully ignore it if you wanted. 
And the second best part was some of the floral swirls actually swirled UP past the top edge of the mask and rested against your horns, giving the illusion that they were somehow part of the mask. Actually with the mask on you could almost trick yourself into thinking you were just wearing a cool looking Mardi Gras mask! 
You clapped your hands in glee and couldn’t help the excited sound you let out as you gushed and told them it was perfect! They all let out bashful happy murmurs and generally looked shyly pleased with your praise. You tried to give them each some emeralds but they refused to take them, grunting and shaking their heads each time you attempted to push the gems towards them. Eventually you gave up and resigned to accepting the mask as a gift, but you’d definitely do something nice for them later, to make up for their hard work.
You’d taken to wearing the mask at all times when not in the privacy of your temple. Which wasn’t very hard to get accustomed to. The mask was lightweight and the lenses honestly helped shield your eyes from the glare of the sun so win/win. And it also made your horns, in your opinion at least, less in your face. Which was good because they were definitely still growing. You could tell. And the split in the tip was now more pronounced, making you wonder if they were like… reindeer antlers? It would fit with the tail currently growing out the base of your spine, said tail that now looked REALLY like a fluffy little deer tail since the hair/fur on it had dried. 
One good thing was that your tail wasn’t long or huge and could actually be hidden relatively easily under a shawl you tied around your waist. So that was one less thing to worry about. Though your life would infinitely be easier if you didn’t have to deal with all this inhuman bullshit. But you supposed life wasn’t fair and expecting it to be was foolish. 
“At least I’m not part some weird animal like an aardvark or something…” you mumble to yourself, trying to view this whole thing in a ‘glass half full’ sort of way. 
You’d decided to relax and unwind from your recent discovery by just taking things easy for a while. First day since you got the mask and such you just chilled and started a small farm for yourself. You didn’t need the food but the process of building the farm and toiling the earth and then sowing the seeds was actually pretty therapeutic. The repetition of it all was pretty calming. Just you, your gardening tools, and the earth beneath your feet.
The days following were pretty much the same. You’d tend your garden first thing in the morning after your shower, then you’d go off to find something else easy to fill your time. You took up feeding the animals, making flower boxes and planters around the town to make it more colorful, potion brewing, and even fishing. Which was what you were doing right now actually.
You were sitting on the edge of the pond next to your temple, bare legs in the cool water and your back resting against the side of another grass block, an enchanted fishing rod you’d traded the town fisherman for sitting stuck in the ground next to you while you relaxed. The day was actually quite beautiful and nice. Sun streamed down over you from between the bamboo behind you, fluffy fat bees buzzed overhead as they hunted lazily for pollen, and you were close to dozing off.
“Hnn! Hnn! Hnnn!!”
At least you would have dozed off if you hadn’t heard one of the villagers sorta freaking out. You looked up and saw one of the farmers panickedly shuffling about at the top of the small hill to your left. You wondered if zombies got into the village again? But no it was sunny out, they’d be burning if they did. Illagers maybe? But how would they have gotten around the bamboo and prickly berry bushes?? Well there wasn’t anything else for you to do than do see what was wrong.
You put away your fishing rod, got up and dusted yourself off before hurrying up the hill after the villager. You trailed after them down the lantern lit path but so far didn’t see anything, but you perked up when you heard telltale sounds of one of the iron golems fighting something and taking damage. That put some urgency in your gait and soon you were running to see what was going on. You rush past the fletcher’s home and then the cartographer’s right after but nothing. Then you finally round the corner where the market is set up and see at the very end of the path next to the cleric’s church is the altercation. 
You sprint down the path, yelling for the villager’s to stay inside until you ring the town bell as you run past them. You hear the doors slam closed behind you and you manage to get to the problem right as your iron golem gives one last cry before getting poofed. You gasp sadly and then glare when you hear cheering. A blond boy that was shorter than you hopped down from a dirt block tower and scooped up the fallen iron ingots the poor iron golem dropped upon its death.
You were so pissed that you ignored the nagging feeling in the back of your focus that said this kid looked familiar. It wasn’t until he finally turned to look at you that it hit you. Holy shit this kid looked… and sounded.. like that minecraft youtuber, TommyInnit.. Like eerily so. You’re glad you’re wearing your mask so he can’t see the deer in headlights (*ba-dun-ts*) look on your face at the sight of him. And your shock didn’t fade with him speaking. If anything it reinforced the idea that this kid was weirdly reminiscent of that youtuber. 
“Holy fuck! You are a MASSIVE woman. Wait, who the fuck are you?!” he said in a loud tone of voice as he looked up at you. It made your eyebrows furrow. You were NOT that big! He was just short! You even crossed your arms and told him so, which earned a snicker from the little brown haired boy in dark green overalls next to him. The blond boy scoffed, looked fully offended, snarked back that you were about the same height as a ‘bloody fuckin’ iron golem!’ so yes you were huge.
You glared at the little TommyInnit look alike and instead of arguing about your height you started scolding both boys, which they hadn’t really.. expected? At least from the surprised looks on their faces (which still had the roundness that came from baby fat). The brunet rubbed his elbow and sort of toed the dirt under his feet while the blond crossed his arms and almost looked to be pouting from the scolding.
“My height isn’t the issue here! The issue is you two barging into my village, killing one of my iron golems, stealing the loot from it, and scaring my poor villagers!! What in the hell were you two thinking?” 
The blond tried to cut in, to defend himself but he barely got out the first syllable before you held up your hand to signal for him to silence himself as you snapped,
“I do NOT wanna hear it! You treat others this way?? Like they’re nothing, like their possessions and peace of mind don’t mean a damn thing?! Shame on you both!!” 
By the end the two boys looked properly scolded. The brunet wondered if THIS is what it felt like to get scolded by one’s mother, and if it was then he’d like to avoid it for the remainder of his life. And the blond meanwhile actually didn’t have anything to say, or more accurately he didn’t know what to say to not feel like he was in massive trouble.
You meanwhile were just annoyed at this point, so you held you hand out (causing both boys to give you wondering looks) before you demanded the iron ingots that the blond stole from your slain iron golem. He got all in a huff, saying he earned them and they were just ingots- but you slapped that train of thought down with an angry,
“EARNED?? More like STOLE! After you killed my iron golem! Now give them back! I have to use them to make a new golem to protect this village.”
The blond sputtered, face blooming red at being blatantly called out on his theft, before muttering in embarrassment and pulling the ingots out and practically tossing them at you. You caught them and returned them to your inventory before shaking your head at the two and saying they should leave if their only goal in your village was to kill and destroy property. The small brunet quickly spoke up and said,
“No wait, we didn’t come just to mess stuff up! We came cuz Tommy said he found this place last week and it wasn’t the usual village so we wanted to explore it.”
Your stomach churned at the name.. Tommy. This was getting weird again. Way too fucking weird. But you resisted clenching your teeth anxiously like you wanted, instead you raised an eyebrow they couldn’t see and shot back,
“Oh yeah? And how did that escalate into killing my iron golem?”
This time it was ‘Tommy’ who cut in and said it had been an accident! They’d apparently been looking around when Tubbo (you felt queasy now after hearing that name too…) started fighting a spider and Tommy came over to help him, but in the process he accidentally hit the iron golem, who got pissed and smacked him.
“I ran from the thing and towered up three blocks! I knew it wouldn’t let up so I had to kill it! S’not my fault the bastard was holding a grudge!!” Tommy said heatedly, arms still crossed defiantly.
You wanted to rub your temples in exasperation but couldn’t without removing your mask. And like hell you were showing these kids your weirdo inhuman eyes. Though… if they really were the characters from.. the videos you got hooked on? Honestly this whole thing was 10 times weirder than the stupid glowy eyes or even the horns or tail.. Like this has to be proof you’re really dreaming or in a coma or something. What other logical explanation could there BE? These kids aren’t real. Nothing here is. It CAN’T be. The real people behind these… minecraft characters? They’re not here. In this place.
Before you could do a kickflip off the edge of your sanity into a full on mental breakdown you took in a calming breath and pushed those thoughts away until you were alone to give it the proper attention. And maybe so you could have your panic attack in peace and quiet. But right now you had two kids causing ruckus in your village. So you just said,
“Yeah alright, fine. I’ll forgive you both THIS TIME. But don’t make a habit of causing trouble in my village. And you can look around and explore, just don’t steal anything or hurt any of my villagers or animals. Got it?”
The two boys nodded, happy to not have you giving them that Angry Adult Tone anymore. So you turned and started walking back to the middle of the village, calling for them to come on. You had to ring the village center bell to tell everyone everything was okay.
Both boys shared a glance before Tubbo smiled and started jogging after you, Tommy right behind him, both curious about you and your village.
@salinesoot​ @lady-bee-fechin​ @kacchasu​ @putridjoy​ @lunawritesstories​ @galaxypankitty3030​ ​ @paradigmax​ @zachariethememerie​ @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles​ @nikkineeky​ @artsimatsu​​
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thatgoblin · 3 years
RE Cul De Sac 1A
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Welcome to the Neighborhood
Pairings: Leon x Chris
Summary: Leon finally is out from under the government's thumb and is trying to find his place with his new found freedom. A call from an old friend lets him know that he has a place if he doesn't want to stay in D.C. anymore. It just so happens to be with the mostly retired BSAA captain.
Warnings: None
Leon had never felt so exhausted before. Usually he was good with catching a few winks of sleep on the plane between missions and home, but he had passed out completely on the plane to the non-descript city that held his new life. Thankfully he was left alone even with the soft snores drifting around the cabin.
Ears back and eyes narrowed as his tail flicked around to warn anyone who may cross him, he trudged through the airport towards baggage claim. All of his stuff from his apartment had already been packed up and shipped, leaving him with just a few personal supplies and clothes as he finished up his leave of absence paperwork.
He hadn't quit the DOS, but he managed to secure a good few months of leave that would let him actually rest and have a life. With new people in charge, it was easy to get his leave approved as well as a change of address. Hell, Claire had said she'd get Chris and the others to put in a good word for him at the BSAA if it meant he'd stay off of active duty for a while.
While he appreciated the offer, he was going to take his time off first. It was an elusive animal and now that he had it in his hands, he didn't want to lose it.
Once at the carousel of bags, Leon grabbed his before pulling out his phone.
'Message when you get out front. We'll pull up to the curb to get you.'
Tucking his phone away, Leon headed out to the front. The airport itself wasn't actually that big, at least compared to others he'd travelled to. It was a straight shot from the gates to the baggage claim and then the pick up lanes outside. In fact it was a relief to be so simple. No trams or stairs to take, no one to pass because they're going slower than everyone else. It took him just five minutes to get from his gate to the front and that was when he stopped for his suitcase.
Standing at the curb, he took his phone out again and shot a quick text to Claire.
'I'm outside.'
The late September air felt so different from the muggy oceanside air in D.C. It was soft and had a slight breeze. Not scorching hot but not biting cold. It was that transition time where it was perfect to have the windows open all day and night before autumn truly hit.
A red truck pulled Leon from his thoughts as it stopped in front of him. Before he could even register who was in it, the passenger side door flew open and Claire jumped up to squeeze him.
"You made it!" She cried, grinning before letting go. Leon had no time to react as she grabbed his luggage to throw in the back seat of the cab then climbed in after it.
"Hey," Chris said, smiling at him and waving from behind the wheel.
"Hey," he replied, climbing into the truck. Once the door closed, Chris pulled away from the sidewalk.
"How was your flight?" Claire asked, leaning forward between the front seats onto the console. Her tail was wagging briskly, thumping against the seats as her ears were perked and ready to listen.
"It was okay. Slept through most of it," he said. "Just finished up paperwork at the office the night before and only got a few hours of sleep."
"Well, now you'll be able to catch up on your cat naps!" Claire said with a giggle.
"If I weren't so tired, I would give a sassy come back," Leon said with a snort as he shook his head.
"Ignore her," Chris said. "She's had 3 cups of coffee and has cleaned my house at least twice in the last 12 hours. Jill has kicked her out for the day because she's tried of Claire trying to rearrange the dishware in the kitchen."
"I just wanted to have things perfect for when you got here," Claire said with a heavy sigh. "Besides, Chris' house needed it. We even decorated it a bit better too. Now it actually looks like a home and not some squatters place. I swear Chris, sometimes I wonder if you like anything outside of work."
"You're one to talk," Chris said. "If it wasn't for Jill, your place would look like a frat house."
"No it wouldn't and you know that," Claire grumbled. "You're just mad that I have better taste than you."
"Oh no, whatever will I do?" He said, rolling his eyes as he pulled onto the highway.
"Probably have Piers invade and turn it into a military museum if you're not careful," Claire said with a snort.
"You talk too much," Chris huffed.
"And what's wrong with that?" Claire asked, narrowing her eyes.
"I don't know, but maybe the fact that Leon just got in the truck and he's already nodded off despite you chattering," Chris said with a smirk.
Looking at Leon, Claire say the cat boy had indeed nodded off. His face rested against his fist, propped up by his elbow on the window sill.
"Poor guy," Claire said, softening her voice to let her friend rest. "Probably hasn't had a decent night of sleep in a while."
"I'd say it's been a lot longer than just a while," Chris said, his own voice lowering.
The drive home wasn't that long, 20 minutes in the late morning traffic. Claire had settled down, letting Leon rest. Planning to do a few things together could wait. She had been so caught up in her excitement of having her friend move in next door that she forgot the hell he'd exited just a few weeks ago.
It had been rushed for sure, making time and space to get his things there before he did, then trying to figure out what to put in storage and what to put in his room. Leon had sold most of his furniture, really only bringing a few large items like his own TV and bed. His dishes and such were either sold or given away as well, making the move a bit easier.
He was given the guest room in Chris' house, a Dutch Colonial that had been the first house in the Cul de Sac, Albert Wesker's home was a recent addition next door to it.
That was how Chris found out about the older home next to him. Albert had talked about how there were bids to tear the house down because it was so old, built in the 30's and wasn't care of very well after the original owners passed away. The others had purchased the spots of land shortly afterwards before the Home Owners Associate could swoop in and try to put restrictions on what they could build. While theirs were built from the ground up, Chris took his as a project.
It was nearly three months of renovations, which was pretty quick considering how much work had been done, before he could move in completely. It took about the same time for the others' homes to be built.
"Should we wake him up?" Chris asked as he pulled into the driveway of his house.
"I mean, we can't let him sleep in the truck all day," Claire said.
Chris rolled his eyes at his sister who shrugged. Reaching over, he shook Leon a bit by the shoulder.
"Hey, we're home," he said.
The blond tabby opened his eyes before taking a deep breath and stretching.
"Cool." Opening the door, he stepped out and waited for Clair to hand him his luggage. Before she could, Chris was out and had it in his hands. "I can carry my own things," he called after the shepherd.
"Well, it's your first day home," Chris said, turning back to give the other a smile. "Better get used to having someone around for help."
"Does he always do that?" Leon asked, looking back at Claire.
"Basically my whole life," she said with a nod. The two followed the older man into the house, Leon taking in his surroundings the whole time. Inside, he was given a quick tour as there were only a few rooms on the first floor. The second floor was the bedrooms with a bathroom and shower, then the basement for storage.
Leon's room was across the hall from Chris', which was a small comfort of sorts for him.
"I'll go ahead and let you get settled in. I'm sure Claire will let you get some rest before barging in and dragging you off somewhere," Chris said, setting his bags on the bed.
"I was going to let him have the rest of the day to chill out," Claire said, crossing her arms. "Tomorrow is a different story though."
Leon raised a brow at the two, wondering if it had been such a good idea to move in with the Redfield siblings being so close in proximity.
"I'm going to pass out now. I'll try to be awake by dinner," Leon said.
"If you're not, that's okay. Let me know if you need anything," Chris said with a soft smile and a nod.
"Thanks," Leon said, getting enough of a breath in before Claire was wrapping herself around him again but tighter. "Jesus-"
"I'm glad you're here!" She cried into his chest, pulling back to smile up at him.
"Glad I'm here too," he said, a smile tugging at his lips. It was what she wanted to hear and while Leon himself wasn't certain if he was or not, time would only tell.
Master List of Drabbles
Tag List: @abysswhiskey11 @interviewedchicken @lonely-af-fangirl @girl-obsessed-with-things @mmmm----15 @depressedthebluefox @whimsywispsblog @singingsiren98 @parkerschurros @chrissyreid @bohica160 @death-is-beautiful @mittensdun @ravenrune @bsaa-bitch
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: Them Getting you a Guard Dog
Summary: your mafia boyfriend gets you a guard dog
Warnings: mafia au, mentions of a jealous jimin, and Jungkook being a sneaky boy
Hey would you mind doing mafia bts reaction to gettinf their significant other a guard dog?
W.C.: 1.7k
Notes: Ah, it feels good to know that I am almost done with this school year and that I got my escape (writing) back.
and shout out to @jungkookiebus​ for making the banner for me! <3
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“HE’S SO CUTE,” you yelled happily, petting your new guard dog, Vader, in an excited manner. “Who’s a good boy, huh? Who’s a good boy?” You cooed, voice in a childish tone.
Seokjin sat back in his desk chair, watching in awe at you and the new purebred chocolate lab he got you just an hour ago. He was surprised that the dog was not growling at you, already have been trained to the T on being a guard dog. But, how could anybody resist you? You are just so loveable and trusting that it is hard thinking that you could be a bad person.
“Just remember, love. He is your guard whenever I am gone, and what ever you command to do, he will do it. So, be careful on how you act towards someone, because he will catch on if you give a person a bad vibe and Vader will attack.” Jin explained, wanting to make sure you knew what kind of guard dog you have.
“So, if I say ‘sick ‘em’, Vader will attack?” You asked, curiosity in your tone.
Smirking at your question, “yes.”
Eyes wide in wonder and excitement, “Hehe, good.” Rubbing Vader’s ear’s affectionately, you pressed a kiss to his snout, “You and I are going to have some fun.”
One day ago, Yoongi got you a German Shepherd that is trained to be a protector. He even made sure that the dog could catch scents, such as bombs, ammunition, guns, drugs, and all of the above in order for your safety whenever he is not around. Yoongi knew that having men following you around as your ‘guards’ made you uncomfortable, besides his six closest friends, so he went with a different motive: a dog. Plus, you have been begging to get a dog to start your guy’s little family (this made Yoongi smile like a kid on Christmas morning).
So, Yoongi was not surprised to see Max curled up on the couch with you, face laid on your side, wide awake as he watched Yoongi walk into the living room.
“Wassda.” Yoongi commanded, watching the dog with a smirk as Max jumped off of the couch both quietly and skillfully, leaning down to give him a pat on the head. “Good boy,” he praised the dog. Walking over to you, Max at his side, Yoongi picked up your head, maneuvering himself so he was sat on the couch and your head laying on his lap. Max made himself comfortable at Yoongi’s feet. “My little family,” he whispered in a quiet, awed, voice as he stared at you and Max.
Little did Yoongi know that you were awake, hearing every word he said.
Hoseok took you to a dog training company that sells dogs who have been trained specifically to be protectors since they were pups. Hoseok has been wanting to get you a guard dog ever since you were kidnapped six months ago while you were walking home from work. Ever since that day, he has not forgiven himself for what happened and will feel at ease knowing that you have extra protection since he does not trust people with you, besides his six brothers. So, knowing you are safe will keep him more focus at work and during jobs instead of panicking every second.
“Hobi!!” You squealed excitedly, seeing the one and half year-old black German Shepherd. “Can we get him? Please?” You dragged the ‘e’ out on ‘please’ in exaggeration, giving your boyfriend of five years puppy dog eyes.
“Of course, baby girl,” he answered, giving you a gentle smile. Looking up at the worker, expression neutral, voice deep. “This one.”
When the papers were all filled out and you guys were ready to go, Hoseok took you all to a pet shop to get the necessities. On the way, Hoseok read all of the skills that Tyson has. Seeing that he could be good use during jobs, Hoseok smirked to himself.
“No.” You denied, already knowing what that smirk meant.
“Why not?” Hoseok whined, knowing that he was caught.
“Because he is mine, you can get your own dog.” You glared, moving Tyson away from Hoseok in a protective manner.
Pouting, “Fine…” It was quiet for five minutes, “Ple—”
“I will not tell you no, again, Jung Hoseok.”
For the rest of the day, Hoseok was begging you for attention once he realized that you were punishing him by giving him the silent treatment.
“Why does Gator have on a superman costume?” Namjoon asked, not even surprised by the sight he come home too.
Smiling sheepishly, “I was bored, and I decided to dress up Gator.” You giggled to yourself, looking at your feet with a smile on your face.
“And this is the only idea you had?” Namjoon questioned again, dropping his suit jacked on the couch while he unbuttoned the two top buttons on his button up shirt, exposing the honey colored skin of his chest.
“Yes! Well, no. But!” You exclaimed excitedly, “At least I can make a page only for Gator on Instagram of photos of only him! He’ll become famous!” You clapped your hands, grinning wider once you saw Gator’s tag wag with your excitement.
“The purpose of getting Gator was for your protection, my Queen. Not, for dress up.” Namjoon stepped closer to you, just enough so he could pull you into his arms. At your frown, Namjoon released a sigh, leaning down, he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“But I wanted him to be in style when he kills someone if someone attacks me…” you trailed off.
Chuckling, Namjoon nuzzled his face into your neck. “What collars and outfits did you have in mind for him?”
And with your excited squeal and fast talking, Namjoon felt like he conquered the world.
Jimin sat on the other end of the couch, arms crossed and a pout on his face.
He was jealous of a fucking dog. A dog!
If the underworld, and world all together knew about this, then he would his title as the deadliest mafia leader in the world. But, for some reason, right now he would not care because he is petty. Watching you give belly rubs to Athena, the German Shepherd guard dog he got you just a day ago. And right now, he is not fond of the female German Shepherd because she had taken you from him.
Releasing another sigh – louder than the one before – you stopped what you were doing to give your boyfriend an unamused look. “Really?” You asked, “You’re really jealous of a dog?” Not answering your question, you released a sigh, shaking your head in disbelief. “You’re incredible,” you laughed, getting up from the floor so you can join him on the couch.
Realizing what you were doing when you opened your arms to him, Jimin happily threw himself into your arms, pushing you down onto the couch so he can lay on top of you. “Much better,” he smiled, kissing your collar bone.
“I’m dating a child, Athena. And he is your master,” you explained to your dog, laughing loudly at the sigh she gave out.
All you said was “I want a guard dog for when I go to places when you’re at work!”
Dog – singular. One, uno.
Being in a relationship with a mafia boss who loves being in style and extra, you did get a dog, but you got two more with him. So, now you have three dogs – plural. Okay, you cannot lie to yourself, you are ecstatic about having three dogs. Two being German Shepherds and one being a black lab.
“Let’s go show off our newest additions of our family!” Taehyung said excitedly, dragging you off the couch. Pausing, he looked at you with a smirk, “In style.”
Agreeing with him reluctantly, you allowed Taehyung to dress you in designer clothes before you guys left the house. Of course, the dogs are in style too with Gucci collars and leashes. As you guys walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand, Taehyung would smirk at everyone who stared.
“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” You laughed, looking at your boyfriend with a smile.
Lowering his glasses so you can see his eyes, he smirked and gave you a wink. “You know it.”
But Taehyung loved it whenever Yeontan, the chocolate lab, and Ace, the black German Shepherd would get on both sides of you whenever you stopped to look at something, and Apollo stood beside Taehyung, staring at you intensely.
Both you and Jungkook were talking a walk in the Seoul park with your new guard dog, Azrail. Jungkook was holding the leash in his right hand while he held your hand with his left, a smile on his face whenever you ran your thumb over his knuckle.
“Kookie! Look at those roses!” You gushed, admiring the roses beside the sidewalk with wide eyes, “They’re so beautiful!”
“Not as beautiful as you,” Jungkook replied back honestly, not caring that he sounded like a lovesick puppy.
“Oh shush,” you waved him off with a blushing face.
“Y/N?” You heard a male’s voice calling for you, catching yours, Jungkook’s, and Azrail’s attention – especially Jungkook’s and Azrail’s attention.
Noticing your Jungkook’s aura changing from loving to deadly, Azrail stood straighter and the fur on his back standing. Being the kind person you are, you greeted the male with a smile, even though you are not comfortable with talking to him – something Azrail caught on too. Manuvering his way in between you and Jungkook, he stood very close to you in a protective manner.
“Heel,” Jungkook warned quietly. He watched the exchange curiously, wanting to see if he needed to have Azrail interfere, you know for experimental purposes. When you and the male, Max, were bidding goodbyes, Max tried to give you a hug, alerting Jungkook and Azrail. “Intimidate,” Jungkook whispered.
Barking loudly, causing you and Max to flinch, especially Max. Looking at Jungkook in disbelief, Max could not deny that the deadly smirk that Jungkook was wearing was terrifying, especially with Azrail growling deadly at him.
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WITCHING HOUR, a john seed/deputy fic.
chapter six: starving limbs
word count: 9.4k
rating: m for now, rating will change in later chapters as things develop, tags will be updated accordingly.
warnings: body horror, hallucinations (?), joseph spends .000000003 seconds about to go demon but manages to rein it in. uhhhhh LOTS of uncomfortably awkward dialogue. and allusions to past ~steaminess~. that should be it!
notes: this chapter is a tiny bit of an interlude! we get some new players introduced (please note the tags), some ssssssssslooooooooow development with john and elliot too, and just a bit more intrigue. sorry in advance that i can't write anything that doesn't have both body horror and horror-humor in it.
thank you to my beloved @starcrier​​ and @shallow-gravy​​ for putting their eyeballs on this for me, and @vasiktomis​​ for listening to me wax and wane poetic about my agonies; i would be nothing, no-one, without you, and i love you all so dearly!
“Who was that?”
Tall, short-cropped blonde hair. Lots of dark layers. A bolt-action rifle with a scope on it.
Not one of ours, he thought, turning the truck onto the highway. Not one of ours. Thought the fuckers were all dead or gone. Where the fuck did she come from?
“Why aren’t we going back to the compound?”
Did she set Fall’s End on fire?
“Holy shit.” He exhaled the words out of his mouth, billowing out of his chest in a sigh that only barely scratched the surface of his frustration at listening to Isolde pester him nonstop. Without looking at the brunette next to him, Jacob said, “You must be where John learned how not to shut the fuck up.”
He could feel Isolde’s eyes narrow more than he saw it happen. “I think that’s a Seed trait.”
“If I knew who that was,” Jacob continued, glossing over her little barb, “don’t you think I would have said?”
“Oh, please. You seem the type to get off on being withholding,” Sol snipped pointedly. He shot her a look.
“Don’t throw a tantrum, Isolde.”
“So why aren’t we going back to the compound?” She pressed, and Jacob’s mouth twisted into a grimace. It was a fair enough question—more fair than the initial one she’d posed, anyway—but even now, to a woman that was arguably close enough to a sister-in-law one way or another, he found himself reluctant to elaborate.
It had been over a year of refusing to expand upon questions his brothers posed, absences from family gatherings or an unwillingness to pursue people who had shown a clear romantic interest in him. There were some things that—well, that he had selfishly wanted to keep for himself.
“Gotta pick someone up,” is what he said after a moment, turning down the highway toward the Whitetails.
Isolde turned the heater up, and glanced behind them, as though their little guest might have taken to following them. “And who, pray tell, are we picking up?”
He exhaled out of his nose. “Stop asking questions.”
“Well, you Seed boys have a habit of leaving crucial information out!” Isolde snapped. “For example: John led me to believe that this encroaching cult was well and done, taken care of, extinguished, eliminated, exorcised—”
“You’re on a tangent.”
“There wasn’t supposed to be anymore,” she said after a moment. “Hunting. Killing. It was—you lot were supposed to be all done, now that you’ve run the folk out of their own home.”
Jacob glanced over at Isolde. Bundled up in thick fabrics, but still blushed from the cold, she looked quite small; for a woman clocking in at five-foot-eleven, he thought he’d never seen Isolde so swallowed-up, wallowing, despondent.
“You got an opinion on that?” Jacob asked dryly.
“You know that I don’t,” she muttered. “Just wish you’d have left the bloody fucking mess behind before I got here, is all.”
“I know it might offend those delicate sensibilities—”
“I’m tired of talking now, Jacob, if you’d like to let me lament the loss of my tranquility in peace.”
It took a lot of self-control to not bite out a response. Naturally, talking and conversation were only convenient when Isolde herself had something to say. It seemed she really hadn’t changed all that much, had she? Maybe it was good that she was here, after all. When John had first mentioned over the phone that she was coming down, he’d pictured that she’d mostly be a hindrance—unnecessary drama, despite the fact that he knew she had every capacity to act professionally—but as of late, Joseph had been...
Well. Out of sorts. Perhaps a slap of a reality check would be good for him.
They drove deep into the Whitetails, far enough out that the radio reception crackled and disappeared, leaving them in silence. The clouds were swollen and gray with unshed snow; threatening, looming with the potential to dump, but not quite there yet. All the snow as of late had been a bit heavier than what he would have anticipated, even for Montana.
“So are you going to tell me who our mystery guest is?” Isolde asked after a while, once he was turning up the long, familiar drive to a house that didn’t belong to him.
He flicked the lights of the truck on as the tree-cover turned the dim, overcast light darker. “Name’s Arden.”
“Very helpful.”
“‘S a vet,” he continued. “Worked in Fall’s End. Couple of years.”
“Like the animal kind?” Isolde pressed.
“Very fitting for your brood.”
Another stretch of silence, another turn up the drive, and then: “So?”
Jacob exhaled through his nose. It was either now, or later, and to be honest, he thought he might prefer delaying the inevitable over listening to Isolde complain, but he knew that he needed to just rip the bandaid off.
“She’s...” He searched for the word, shifting in the driver’s seat. “My...Partner.”
Isolde was silent for a moment, but he could feel her eyes on him—insistent. Impatient. Incredulous. A variety of other i-words that properly encapsulated whatever flurry of emotion she was feeling at that moment.
“As in—” Isolde stopped. “Romantic?”
“I guess,” he said.
“You guess?” She scoffed, but her voice was a bit lighter now, lifted by the curiosity. “Is she cute?”
Jacob stared ahead. That detail felt like it went without saying.
“Smart?” Sol prompted. “Funny? Makes you smile? Inspires in you the desire to procreate?”
“We have dogs,” he replied, “together.”
“Oh, if that’s all.”
He muttered, “This is worse,” under his breath, drawing her eyes back to him—as though she had ever stopped trying to pick him apart while this excruciating piece of conversation dragged on—and she cocked her head to the side.
“Worse than what?”
“You complaining,” Jacob said plainly. “You can go back to that, if you want.”
Isolde purred, “No, I think I’ll stick with interrogation.”
He shot her a dry side-glance, lips pressing into a thin line. This wasn’t supposed to be how this went—this whole...Interaction. Introduction. He certainly never pictured that Isolde would have been the first person to meet Arden as his partner, and not Hope County’s veterinarian, but. Well.
Nothing to be done about it now.
He put the truck in park as soon as they’d pulled in front of a small, tidy cabin, far enough out that you’d have to know where to go to find it—it wasn’t something that would just be stumbled across. By now, the late afternoon had started to turn murky; what little overcast light had been making it through the boughs was nearly strangled now by the approaching nightfall.
“Stay,” Jacob said, leaving the keys in.
“Do not speak to me like a dog, Jacob.”
He turned his head to look at her, expression pulling tight. She sniffed.
“Thank you.”
He got out of the truck, slamming the driver’s side door and trudging through the snow—only half-shoveled—up to the front door. Through the window and the curtains, he saw the cut of amber light from the reading lamp he knew was by the door, the tangle of warm limbs barely kept under a knit throw blanket. It was a bit too comfortable, in there; too easy to remember the times he’d come to this house just like this, skim his hands under the blanket as he sank into that couch. The last few months had been a bit more demanding than he’d anticipated.
Just as he reached for the door, it swung open with a happy creak, and he was greeted by a familiar face. Just not the one he wanted.
“Well, if it isn’t the big man himself!” the dark-haired man greeted, chirping happily. “Good evening, captain. We were anticipating your arrival.”
“Santiago,” Jacob replied flatly. He gestured with one hand, an indication he was ready to come inside. Santiago flashed a charming grin and made a sweeping motion as he stepped to one side. It had been two months of having John’s favorite lapdog watching after Arden, and two months of hearing the Faithful’s infuriating voice over the radio every time he tried to touch base.
It was all easily forgotten, even as Santiago chattered in the background, saying something elaborate and useless as he made his way into the living room and spotted her; just like he’d glimpsed through the window, Arden was curled up on the couch, book in hand, reading lamp on and dogs asleep on the floor.
The beasts—glossy, long-haired Belgian Shepherds named Castor and Pollux—lifted their heads almost simultaneously, regarded Jacob, and then wagged tufted tails against the floor. They only looked at him for a second before their pointed snouts turned expectantly toward Arden.
She said something, quick and soft and foreign, and they leaped to their feet immediately to crowd him, large enough that their heads tilted to gaze at him reached past his hip bones even while they obediently remained on all-fours.
“Boys are sleeping on the job,” Jacob said gruffly as he gave them each two quick pets, lifting his gaze from the dogs to Arden. The corners of her mouth ticked upward, amused.
“They’re on break. State-mandated.” Her head tilted, loose curls framing her face where they’d fallen out of her bun. “Santi and I heard some chatter on the radio. Fifteen, huh?”
He grimaced, just for a second. His hands itched—to card through her hair, to tilt her face up—but he stayed where he was and instead watched as she came to a stand, tossing her book onto the couch. There were a lot of things that he thought about saying; questions beyond what their brief conversations had been, things that had been sitting on his mind.
Are you happy? Are you happy with this world I’m preparing us for?
“I’m taking you to the compound,” is what he said instead.
Arden laughed, reaching up to cup his jaw. “I figured you wouldn’t be rolling up to my house near-dark after two months of forcing me to cohabitate with Santiago just for fun.”
“In preparation,” Santiago intoned dutifully from the kitchen, sounding like his mouth was full, “for our rapidly impending marriage, cariña.”
“Enough,” Jacob interjected, “out of you, Vidal. Arden, is your stuff ready?”
“Yes, I packed.” She moved to the window, hoisting a bag off of the ground and glancing out through the glass. “Who’d you bring?”
Jacob took in a breath. Too much was going on, and not enough was happening in the way that he wanted it to. The stranger with a precise shot was still hungering in the back of his mind for his attention. When he’d dropped John’s little attack dog here two months ago, he’d intended his next stop-by to be taking Arden to the bunker. Elliot’s killing spree had only made that time longer, and then the Family had rolled into town, and now—
Well, now he was tired of looking for reasons to delay bringing her home, and just needed the one to do so.
As Santiago began gathering his things—decidedly less ready than Arden was—he crossed the room to where she was, turning her face from the window and back toward him.
“Oh,” she said, pleasantly. “Hello.”
“You get whatever you want,” he murmured, “for putting up with that incessant chatter.”
“One thing? Or many things?”
“Negotiable.” He grimaced. “Depending.”
She flashed a smile, tilted her head, and kissed the palm of his hand. “Hm. Brave of you.”
“Dr. Hale,” he rumbled, voice pitching low, watching the way her lashes fluttered prettily and her chin tilted. Expectant. But not yet, Jacob thinks. Not yet. “Are you plotting to extort me?”
Arden’s chin tilted out of his grasp, and she squirmed out from between him and the window, slick as can be despite her height. The woman was all wiry muscle, quick and precise movements, nothing wasted and nothing tossed aside. “Perhaps,” she replied over her shoulder, “but it wouldn’t be plotting if I told you, now would it?”
“What’s the word for ‘here’?” Santi asked from the hallway. “You know, for the hounds?”
Arden’s attention turned back to the brunette, and she patted his shoulder. “If I told you what it was,” she said, “they wouldn’t be very effective protection dogs, would they?”
“I think you mean attack dogs.”
“Interchangeable,” she acquiesced. “Are you packed, Santi?”
He grinned, glancing at Jacob. “Is just stuff, no? I am not interested in the material.”
Her gaze flickered to Jacob, a look of, oh, is that so? before she told Santiago, “Well, out into the truck with you, then. Dogs.”
She didn’t say the command, but whistled, sending them racing out the door excitedly around Santiago. When he’d followed suit and Arden had turned the lights off in the house, making her own way to the front door, Jacob reached for her and snagged her hand to turn her back around.
A second passed. She waited expectantly.
“I haven’t told them,” Jacob said after a minute. Arden’s wrist slipped through his grip, catching at the base of her hand.
“About the fifteen dead men?” she asked. “Don’t you think that’s important?”
His eyes flickered over the shape of her face; in the dark, he could still pick out the planes of her cheekbones, the dip of her nose, the cupid’s bow of her lips. He’d traced just those things with his hands and mouth plenty of times before. “About you.”
Arden said, “Oh.”
Jacob waited for a second longer, but when he couldn’t pick out any emotion besides, perhaps, confusion on her face, he prompted, “Oh?”
“Well, I just don’t see how that’s pertinent right now,” Arden replied plainly. “People are getting killed.”
Per usual, even after over a year of being together, she somehow managed to completely unseat him. Trying not to sound frustrated, he elaborated, “I just thought you should know, Joseph and John and Faith don’t...”
Jacob felt his voice trail off; Arden tilted her head inquisitively, like she didn’t quite see the point in the conversation being dragged on. He never felt like he was dragging on a conversation, except with her—the woman trimmed the fat out of every interaction down to the barebones, if she could.
“They don’t know,” he finished. “Also, Isolde’s in the car. John’s old business partner.”
“Damage control,” Arden said.
“Damage control,” Jacob agreed.
The blonde gave his hand a quick squeeze, tugging him forward and, as though they hadn’t been apart for two months, as though he had not admitted to keeping her his very own special secret for this long, she kissed him. It was quick—a brush of their lips, fast and easy and not at all wanting, as though he’d never been gone at all—before she turned away and stepped out the door, waving in the headlights.
Jacob locked the door behind him, out of habit rather than necessity. As Arden loaded the dogs into the back and then her bag as well, he opened the back door of the truck to where Santiago had already climbed in.
“Hurry in, guapa, you’ll catch cold,” the brunette said, beckoning Arden in as though she weren’t in the process of climbing in already.
She smiled wryly, puffing the air out as she hoisted herself inside and kicked the snow off of her boots. “Thank you, Santi, for your concern.”
Jacob rolled his eyes, closing the door behind Arden and then settling himself back into the driver’s seat. There were about forty-five seconds of blissful silence as he navigated back down the driver before Santiago cleared his throat.
“So, Jacob, who is your friend?” he asked. His voice was sly, but Jacob stifled the urge to tell him to shut up. He’d probably go whining to John that he’d done Jacob a favor only to get bullied for it.
“This is Isolde,” Jacob said, gesturing at the woman in the passenger seat. “John’s mommy.”
Santi let out a low, little whistle, and said wistfully, “Ah, I have always wanted to meet the woman who raised our John.”
Isolde’s expression twisted something vicious. “I’d kill myself if I had to bear that fucker in my womb.”
“You took care of him while he was in Atlanta,” Jacob pointed out. “Cleaned up his messes in the courtroom. Set him on the straight and narrow. Sounds like a mother to me.”
“Ugh,” was her reply. He knew the kinds of things that John had been up to in Atlanta—post-grad, the youngest brother had been in poor shape. Looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. If Isolde hadn’t nipped that shit in the bud, who knew where John would have been when they’d rounded him up? He’d never heard John say anything more than he’d said “I have to ask Isolde...” back when they’d been going to school and working together, but he imagined that once they had opened the firm together, spending weekends high out of his fucking mind wasn’t much of an option anymore.
Not, at least, for someone who was going to be doing business with Isolde’s name attached. She was a tidy little control freak like that.
“Oh,” Arden said, her face lighting up with curiosity, “you’re Joseph’s Isolde too?”
Jacob flashed Arden a grin through the rearview mirror, carefully turning the truck back onto a road that was more....Well, road than what they had been going on, not quite to the highway yet but close. He’d just have to get back to the compound. Get back to the compound, get Arden and Isolde settled in, and then he could go on the hunt.
It was becoming, unfortunately, more and more of a chore to keep things under control as time went on. Joseph wasn’t helping, and while John’s energy was not typically the “calm and efficient” kind, he at least had been propelled to take action. Of course, that action had ended up being more trouble than it was worth, and—
His brain was turning in circles, over and over again, a snake latched on to its own tail. It was almost deafening, to try and listen to Arden asking Isolde questions—what Joseph was like “back then”, about what it was like to work with John, how was her flight from Georgia—was she liking Montana? You know, aside from the killing and whatnot?—while his brain replayed the same loop. Would be easier if John was here, it said, would be easier if John was here to cause more problems and then try to clean them up. At least someone would be doing something, right?
Get back to the compound. Get everyone settled. Then he could make a plan.
And boy, was he going to fucking need one.
By the time they had gotten back to the compound, Isolde felt like she was in a pretty good mood. Pretty good, at least, for getting shot at and realizing you’d been duped by someone who shouldn’t have had the audacity to try and dupe you at all.
The fact of the matter was that John knew better—he knew better than to lie by omission to her, because she was always going to find out that he’d done it one way or another, and yet he’d done it anyway. Their time apart had made John bold in his disrespect of her, and that was something that just was going to have to get immediately remedied.
Well, as immediate as possible, given that she was in the middle of bumfuck-nowhere-Montana with only a lick of cell service.
“It’s been really fun,” Isolde announced, climbing out of the truck’s passenger side as everyone else disembarked. Santiago had swung around the back to let the dogs out and haul Arden’s bag out. “I’m going to go sit in my rudimentary shack and pretend like today didn’t happen.”
Santi flashed her a wide, toothy smile. “I have an alcoholic beverage that may assist in forgetting.”
“I bet that you do.”
“Sol,” Jacob said, drawing her attention to him; he tilted his head, indicating the chapel where she knew Joseph was likely waiting to hear back about the things they’d seen. She felt her shoulders shag.
“Don’t become my least favorite Seed.”
“He’ll want to know,” the redhead cautioned. “See for himself you’re fine.”
“I’m not,” she snapped, “fine, and if I’m being honest—”
“You always are, in my experience.”
“—the last person I want to be making feel good is your brother.”
Jacob said, “I’m the one that’s going to suffer for it.”
Her lips pressed into a thin line. The eldest Seed shrugged his shoulders and started heading toward the chapel, nudging Arden ahead of him in a gesture that was both affectionate and protective; that was nearly the strangest thing to come out of the day. Aside from their newcomer trying to make their own live-action version of The Most Dangerous Game.
“Fine!” Isolde relented at last, trudging after them. “I must be fucking insane, to keep helping you lot.” And then, as though to comfort herself: “You’d probably muck up the details, anyway.”
Jacob flashed her a smile over his shoulder. “Practically family at this point.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
The inside of the chapel was degrees warmer—so much so that Isolde hadn’t realized how cold she actually was until she was within range of the space heater rattling laboriously, the sound bouncing between the wood paneling of the walls and ceiling. Joseph was sitting on one of the benches a few rows back from the front, head bowed and cradled against the fold of his hands. A young blonde woman sat beside him, but rather than bent at the waist, her face was lifted, like she was drinking in whatever light and warmth she could get.
Suffused in the amber glow of candlelight from different little pockets around the chapel, he did strike a Renaissance-esque silhouette. Faithful In Repose, or something like that.
It wasn’t until Jacob said, a few feet away, “We’re back,” that Joseph’s head lifted and he came to a stand. His expression looked mutedly relieved—like perhaps he was trying to not appear too relieved.
“I was worried,” he sighed, reaching up to plant his hands on Jacob’s shoulders, “when I heard your radio call. We both were. Fifteen of ours, you say?”
“I think so, anyway,” Jacob replied, not moving to return the physical gesture but not brushing it off, either. “I’m going to go back out after I get Arden settled and get an actual headcount. Hopefully track down the person we saw.”
“Good,” Joseph murmured, and then paused, his gaze flickering to the honeyed blonde standing just behind Jacob. “Arden?”
“Hi,” she greeted, reaching around and offering her hand to Joseph. “Arden Hale.”
His gaze looked inquisitively to Jacob. It was excruciating for Isolde to watch it, the confusion on his face as he took Arden’s hand in his and said, “I remember you, from before, don’t I?”
“Probably,” she agreed with a little smile. “But only in passing. I ran the vet clinic.”
“That’s right!” the younger blonde exclaimed, her face lighting up. “I remember you for sure.” She paused. “I was Rachel, back when we met.”
“I remember you too, Faith.” Arden’s smile was light and friendly, despite the fact that she referred to what had been her livelihood in the past tense rather than present tense. It was a painful reminder that they had run the other people with livelihoods out of Hope County—and that it didn’t seem to bother or unsettle Arden at all was enough to make Isolde wonder.
“And you—?” Joseph paused, clearly trying to keep some kind of cool, calm, and collect as he muddled through a thing that his brother was offering no explanation on. “Jacob just, ah...Picked you up?”
“Yes,” Arden replied politely.
Joseph’s gaze darted back to Jacob. He waited a heartbeat for her to elaborate, and when she didn’t, he said, “I see.”
“Do you?” Isolde prompted, because maybe she was gleaning a bit of enjoyment out of seeing Joseph on the brink of squirming. She knew him well enough to tell he was furiously stuffing down a mounting frustration—Arden, quick and to the point and unwilling to waste time on elaborating something she probably thought wasn’t important, and Jacob, tight-lipped and ready to leave.
Now she knew why Jacob hadn’t wanted to say anything. He’d been keeping Arden for himself, and now this stranger on the hunt had forced his hand.
“So,” Jacob said after a moment, “I’m going to get Arden settled. Sol, bunk with you?”
“Sure,” she replied, only managing to barely contain her delight at having figured out a dynamic in which Joseph was at a disadvantage. “I’d welcome the company of someone other than a Seed.”
“I’ll help,” the girl, who Arden had referred to as Faith, offered. “I could use a good stretch, and I can’t wait to catch up, Arden.”
Jacob made a low noise, something like uh-huh but more displeased, before he turned on his heel and started marching resolutely back to the door, Faith chatting excitedly with Arden as they followed.
Before he could reach the door, Joseph said, “Jacob?”
The redhead paused, turning to look back at them.
“When you have a minute,” he continued, “I’d like a word.”
Jacob’s mouth set into a firm line. He didn’t respond, but gave one short nod before he stepped outside and ushered Faith and Arden out ahead of him.
Isolde watched them go for one heartbeat before she began, “It’s refreshing to see you squirm, Joseph.”
“You always were a little spiteful,” Joseph agreed, his voice mild despite the barb in the words. Isolde’s gaze snapped back to him, head tilted in defiance.
“Don’t deny me my pleasures.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Another moment of silence passed, one where Joseph’s gaze took a leisurely journey over her—too leisurely to have been anything less than admiring—before he said, “I was worried, you know.”
“Well,” Sol replied tartly, “we were getting shot at.”
“You shouldn’t be leaving the compound,” he continued, his voice a bit firmer now, “not while we’re not sure that the Family isn’t still around. Jacob is capable...” Isolde waited for him to finish his thought, to tack on the contingency, but all he said was, “Enough, for himself.”
“I don’t think you have any grounds to be telling me to do anything.”
The words left her mouth coiled tight and unforgiving. Joseph had always been in the bad habit of that—telling her, rather than asking her or suggesting to her; as though his suggestions should be taken as gospel and phrased them as such. Even back then—
I want you to marry me. I want you to be my wife, Soli.
—it had been a demand, not an ask. Not a request—but something that was almost enough to be a command.
The man let out a small, short breath, looking at her for a moment in a way that was almost wary. Good, she thought, you should be wary of me.
“I know,” he began, “that we didn’t leave things on the best of terms...”
His voice trailed off, like he intended to let her interrupt him. Isolde crossed her arms over her chest and waited expectantly.
“But I meant what I said.” Joseph fixed her with his eyes—infuriatingly blue, disgustingly blue. “That I’m happy you’re here.”
“And I meant what I said,” she replied tightly, “that you should be.”
Joseph sighed, “I don’t want to argue with you.”
“Then I don’t know why you opened your mouth in the first place—”
“Isolde,” and now he finally sounded a little frustrated, the tone bleeding into his voice. “We have to be on the same side, if you’re going to be here.”
She knew what that meant. She knew that what he was saying was, if you’re going to fight me at every turn, then there’s no reason for you to be here. But he was wrong about that; it was all the more reason for her to be there, to keep him in check, because clearly, nobody else was. Even Jacob, who should have had every reason to want to share this apparent relationship he’d been having, had kept it a secret from Joseph. And what did that say about him? What did that say about the person he’d become?
“I thought of you often,” he continued, his voice pitching a little lower now, taking a step forward. “And the mistakes that I made. That we both—” Joseph paused, his eyes flickering down to her mouth for a split second before lifting back to meet her gaze. “—made.”
Don’t fucking do it, she thought, watching him lift his hand to sweep the hair away from her shoulder in the affectionate gesture he had done so many times before then. If she let him, maybe he would follow up the way he had done so many times before all of this; he would have dragged his fingers along the pillar of her throat, pressed his mouth to the hollow under her jaw, sweet girl, my Soli, so gorgeous, and—
“Well, I didn’t,” Isolde replied, stepping away from him before his hand could make contact, before he could try and suck her back into the world that he’d had her in before. They were different now—she had known a Joseph before Eden’s Gate, and he had known an Isolde before Eden’s Gate, and all that had happened between was well and buried and done away with. “Think of you. At all.”
She focused on the door waiting for her, to take her out of the chapel and out of the romantic amber glow drenching the handsome features of Joseph’s face, to take her away from the cloying words. It couldn’t feel genuine coming from him, not right now. Not anymore.
“I don’t believe you,” is what he said, called after her just as she slammed the door behind her. “Not after the things I’ve done for you.”
The things I’ve done for you, he said. Fucker.
More like the things he’d done for himself.
The house was quiet when they returned. Scarlet must have retired early this evening; those nights that he’d spent sleeping in his car just down the street, he’d seen the light on in the downstairs living room well into the night, but the clock was only barely cresting eleven.
As they walked inside, Boomer lifted his head from where he’d been sleeping on the floor, stretched out in front of the couch. The Heeler’s tail thumped against the floor a few times, and then a low growl pitched out of him upon first seeing John come through the door again—only to have it waved away and quieted by a gesture of Elliot’s hand.
“Elliot,” he started, closing and locking the front door behind him, “are you sure you don’t—”
“I really—” Elliot’s voice tightened, wobbling sharp and tense. “—really need you to shut the fuck up.”
John had become familiar with the way that she said things; the difference between a casual shut the fuck up and the cadence of this, I need you to, so close to the thing he wanted her to say the most but only available to him now if he dredged it up from his memories. So he did as she asked and closed his mouth, instead contenting himself with replaying that parsed little clip of her words over again in his head.
I need you. He could fool himself, trick his brain into thinking as she hung the jacket up, the dips of her face shadowed by what little amber light was glowing from the one lamp left on in the living room. Just like she’d done it before—that night, before the scar. Before her lie. John, I want you so badly, I need you, I need you John, saying it against his mouth in a kiss and driving her nails into him like she wanted to leave a mark that wouldn’t fade, like she wanted him to think of her, always.
I do, he thought absently, jostled out of his near-daydream when she brushed past him to head for the stairs, the hound trailing at her feet protectively. Think of you, always.
“Could sleep in my bed,” he suggested, following a foot or two behind in case she decided to swing. “If you’re feeling out of sorts.”
“Is that what you think I’m feeling, John?” Elliot’s voice carried with it an idle kind of venom, the words barely above a whisper and tossed over her shoulder. It was a loaded question, of course. There was no right answer. In fact, it was more of a threat than anything. “I’m just dying to get some insight from the person who has clearly never read me wrong.”
He didn’t stop when she did; instead, he carried himself all the way to the landing that she paused at until there was hardly any space left between them, where he could still smell the wild winter blushing her cheeks and chilling her skin.
“I just remember,” he tried again, remaining casual, “you always seemed to sleep much better with a body next to you.” And then, pointedly: “A live one. Human and not dog-shaped.”
“Frankly, I don’t think you know a fucking thing about me,” the redhead snipped out.
“Well, we both know that isn’t true.” His eyes flickered over her; the urge to reach up and card his fingers through her hair, glide the pad of his thumb from her chin down into the hollow of her throat stung hard and bright in his chest, flowering with want. “I think we know each other quite intimately, you and I.”
“Fucking,” she hissed, “does not equate intimacy.”
“But it did.” John felt his mouth tick up at the corner. “For you. For us.”
Something vicious twisted her mouth. I know you, he wanted to say, but knew that he shouldn’t because it would only incense her further—he was having to straddle a very thin line. I know you, Elliot Honeysett, and I know we were fucking made for each other and you’re going to see it, too. One way or another.
“I only,” he continued, reaching up slowly and waiting for her to balk, “wanted to offer it.”
She didn’t jerk away from his touch, but before he could tuck the coppery strand behind her ear she had leaned away from him, shrugging off the affection. For a moment, her lashes fluttered, her expression changing into something he almost didn’t recognize. It took him a second to realize that she was considering, that it wasn’t blatant rejection just vibrating under her skin but something else. The times that Elliot had wanted him the most had always been when she was looking for comfort, and the gentle tremor in her hands that she tried to bury into her crossed arms, the way she was making a concerted effort to keep her breathing steady—she wanted him, as she had before.
It was a tiny, tiny little thrill, only a degree closer to what he wanted, but it was there nonetheless.
“No,” she said finally, doing that infuriating thing she did when she turned her eyes away from him—like she wanted to deprive him of her attention, her hand brushing his out of immediate reach of her. “I don’t want to sleep in your bed.”
“Alright,” he replied agreeably, even as every bone in his body disagreed with her decision. He stepped around her, heading up the stairs to the hallway that led to the guest bedroom. “But if you have a bad dream and want someone to hold you—”
“I won’t.”
“—you know where to find me,” John added playfully over his shoulder. Her footsteps drifted after him against the thick carpet, swallowed up by the high ceilings of the house.
“I hate you,” she bit out, her voice still soft so as not to rouse her mother.
John tried very hard not to smile. “I’ve told you once before, you need a catchphrase you can sound like you actually believe,” he told her. “That one just doesn’t hit the same anymore.”
She shot him a stormy, murderous look before brushing past him to reach the end of the hall where her bedroom was. Boomer darted ahead of her, eager to be in bed; John said, “Goodnight, Ell,” from the distance that kept them separated.
Elliot was halfway through the door to her bedroom when she said, “Eat shit, John.”
He shut the bedroom door behind him just enough to leave it cracked—Elliot still hadn’t come clean about the sleepwalking, but he still knew, and that meant he couldn’t have his wife and his unborn child traipsing around in the snow and potentially getting hypothermia while he was asleep.
It wasn’t until he’d undressed into more comfortable clothing that he crawled into the bed and realized how exhausted he really was; the adrenaline that had flooded his system at Elliot’s apparent panic had died out now, leaving him feeling hollowed out and a little empty.
John couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe Weyfield wasn’t as good for Elliot as she had wanted, and though that meant she would suffer for now, it would make their return to Hope County all the better; for him, and for her.
He tossed and turned for a few hours, and found himself dredged out of his state of half-asleep by the jarring sound of his phone going off. John glanced over at the nightstand where it was vibrating, dull and insistent, against the wood. With no numbers saved as contacts in his phone, it was almost impossible to tell who it was, which always made it a bit of an uneasy endeavor when it came to picking up an unknown call.
Sitting up in bed blearily, he reached over and hesitated for just a minute before he hit the accept call button, bringing it to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hi, Johnny.” It was Isolde. Her voice sounded tight, uncomfortable. “How’s Georgia? Hm? Everything good?”
He hesitated again, but for a different reason this time; Sol’s voice was heavily implying something was wrong, and John was not privy just yet to what it was that had put her on edge. “It’s good,” he said, climbing out of bed and wandering to glance out the window. The night outside was peaceful—or as peaceful as it could look, with the dark treeline looming in his vision and the swollen clouds threatening another downpouring of snow.
“Yeah, it’s...progressing,” he ventured, still half-asleep and clearing his throat. “Slowly, but I think I—”
“That’s good. That’s really, really good, honey. Hey, John? By the way, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Ah. So she was mad.
John opened his mouth to respond when Isolde plunged on, her voice pitching in a reckless kind of vibration, “I told you not to fucking lie to me. That means by omission.”
“Well, now—”
“I came out here out of the kindness of my fucking heart, you asshole. I fucking—they should be calling me Mother Fucking Theresa for the shit I’ve done for you, and you have the audacity to not only neglect to tell me that you didn’t know for sure the cult was done with but that your wife doesn’t want you? You’re hunting this girl across states and she fucking turned you in to the goddamn government?”
John grimaced. He was going to have to chat with Jacob and Joseph about how much information they were deciding to divulge with people. People, like Isolde, who didn’t need to know that his and Elliot’s relationship had ended on more than just “bad terms” and that the gap to heal it was actually much, much larger than perhaps he had implied.
“Also, can’t ignore the fact that you were in government custody at one point but your fucking cockroaches killed government officials to get you out—”
He started, “Sol—”
“No no no, do not fucking ‘Sol’ me, baby—I almost got fucking shot today. I watched someone hunt your fucking homeless population for sport and then make a very clear threat to do the same for me. And the worst part of it is that I’m not even that mad about that bloody bit, but—”
The sound of a door dragging against the carpet wobbled through the air, half-masked by his own closed door and the gentle whirr of the heater kicking on. He glanced blearily a the clock on the nightstand. It blinked 3:27 AM at him, and as he walked to the door and peeked out into the hallway, he saw that Elliot was wandering down the stairs.
Sol chattered viciously in his ear, but he wasn’t hearing it anymore; Ell moved leisurely, a pace that was unhurried, swaying on her feet a little as she came to a stop at the front door of the house and wandering in pajama shorts and an over-sized sweatshirt.
“Hold on,” John said, interrupting Sol’s tirade. “Something’s—can you hold on a second? Something’s wrong.”
“Oh? Yeah? Really? Something’s wrong? You fucking idiot—”
In her haze, Elliot tried to pull the door open. Her hand fumbled tiredly, clumsily with the lock, but the coordination needed to undo it just wasn’t there.
“I gotta go,” he murmured into the phone. “Listen, Sol, I’ll call you back in the morning—bye.”
Isolde’s indignation did not go unnoticed, but it did go unanswered as he hit the end call button and put the phone volume on mute, tossing it onto the bed as he made his way down the stairs. Elliot seemed to have given up trying to unlock the door and now tugged absently against the handle, staring out through the glass front; from the stairs, he could hear that she was whispering something, but not what it was.
“Ell?” John whispered, coming closer. He wasn’t supposed to wake a sleepwalker, right? Gently, he reached up to try and disengage her hand from the curved door handle. Her voice was still so soft that he almost couldn’t hear what was she whispering, but —
“...can’t,” Elliot was saying, to the glass—to the door—to someone or something on the other side of it. “Can’t let you in.”
“Baby,” he said, uncurling her fingers from around the curve of cool metal, “come on. Let’s get you back to bed.”
Her head snapped, mechanical and machine-like, to fix her gaze on him; the movement almost made him jump it was so precise, like she had just only realized he was there beside her. Though her eyes were open, they were glassy and drifted absently, never once staying in one spot for very long but never straying very far from his face.
“She keeps asking,” Ell told him, letting him take her hand away from the door and blinking, her brows pinching together at the center of her forehead. “She keeps asking me to let her in. She misses me.”
“Who?” He didn’t know that he really wanted to know the answer to the question, but it came out of him anyway—maybe the morbid curiosity of wanting to know what it was she saw in her dreams when she did this sort of thing, and maybe because he’d never been the type of person who could leave a door unopened.
As he guided her carefully to the stairs, their progress halting and uneasy, Elliot said pleasantly, “I told Joey I can’t let her in.”
He felt his skin prickle, dread crawling up his spine. He knew it. He knew he didn’t want to know the answer and he’d asked anyway, and now John would have to go to sleep with the knowledge that at least in her dreams, Elliot was seeing her dead best friend. Outside of her house.
“But I don’t want to,” the redhead continued. “She keeps asking me, but I don’t want to. She doesn’t have a face.”
His stomach churned violently. “Let’s go to bed,” he murmured, helping her up the stairs and to the guest room, pulling the blankets aside. His phone blinked with several missed calls from the same number—likely Isolde, raging mad he’d hung up on her. “Easy now, Ell.”
“She’s waiting for me,” Elliot whispered, like she was sharing a secret with him, her voice bridging mournful and gutted. “Joey’s waiting for me. She’s waiting outside. I have to let her in, or she won’t let me sleep.”
He pulled the blankets aside, trying to brush off the dread that really hit him the second he heard Elliot say she won’t let me sleep. Once she was laying down in the bed, her lashes fluttered unsteadily, her hand gripping John’s loosely.
Out from the hallway, he heard a low whine. Boomer had stirred at the sound of their hushed voices and now stood in the doorway of the bedroom; when John turned and looked at him, the Heeler let out a low growl, threatening.
“Well, come on,” John whispered impatiently at the dog, “if you’re going to come in.”
Boomer turned his head. It was the most effective side-eye he’d seen a dog perform in a long time.
“I have to,” Elliot whispered, her voice thick with unshed tears now. “I’m so tired, and she won’t let me sleep.”
“It’s okay,” he told her, even though his stomach wrenched a little at her words again, this eerie mantra that insisted on coming out of her now. “You can sleep.”
A little paranoid, he glanced towards the window—but it was empty, devoid of looming corpses or monsters peeking furred faces in through the panes. Don’t be stupid, he thought to himself, moving to the window and reaching for the curtains. Nothing out there. Just Elliot having bad dreams.
He gave the forest, bathed in cold moonlight diffused and filtered through the cloud cover, a final glance over. And for one split second, he was sure he saw something move, scrambling up a tree and shaking the pine boughs in a flash of pale limbs and bony protrusions and—
The dread returned. Cold, trickling down his spine like an IV drip. Just an animal, he told himself, as though the movement did not look like some two-legged humanoid monster scaling the side of a tree with the ease of a spider. Just an animal.
“Come on, beastie, we haven’t got all night,” he said, drawing the curtains closed firmly and waving at Boomer. The dog seemed appeased by this and came in, immediately hopping up to curl roll-shaped in the crook of Elliot’s knees. With the bedroom door shut and the curtains drawn, and Elliot having drifted back to sleep, the room finally felt quiet again.
John slid into bed pulling the blanket up and exhaling a breath.
She doesn’t have a face.
She’s waiting for me.
She won’t let me sleep.
Troubling, that she was seeing these things in her sleep. That she was seeing dogs with human faces. That she was seeing anything at all. It was almost the same as when she’d been drugged up to the gills by the Family and their weird earthy drug—not unlike Bliss, but with some more uncomfortable properties to it.
It wasn’t possible that she was still being affected by it, was it? This far away from Hope County, this long after she’d been experiencing the actual active effects of the drug they’d been plying her with?
Beside him, Elliot stirred, shifting until she’d rolled over to face him. Beneath her eyelids, in the dark, he could see her eyes move restlessly; still dreaming, even now, even after all of that.
What’s going on in that brain of yours? He thought absently, reaching up and brushing a strand of hair from her face as she slept.
What aren’t you telling me?
When Elliot awoke the next morning, it was in a foreign bed.
She didn’t realize it, not right away; the first thing that struck her as odd was that a familiar smell washed over her, one that broke through the haze of slumber just a little, just enough to make her stir. It was like a memory—was she dreaming? Was she in a dream?
Stop squirming, breathed against the nape of her neck, the comfortable weight of an arm over her, locking her in place. I’m trying to sleep.
“Wh—?” Elliot felt the noise, garbled with a sudden surge of panic, muddle in her mouth viciously as she lurched into a sitting position. Her head swam; her stomach rolled with unspent nausea (yet one more reminder of her poor decision-making); but when she moved, so too did Boomer, leaping off of the bed and instantly alert.
And so did another body next to her.
She swung blindly at first, a knee-jerk reaction, and only barely registered that it was John in the bed with her, having caught her wrist and stopped her from clotheslining him straight in the trachea.
“Easy, Elliot!” he exclaimed, his voice hoarse from sleep.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she demanded, yanking her hand out of his grip. “How did—when did I—”
“Take a breath,” John cautioned, and instantly that hyper-awareness and panic was laser-focused, pin-pointed on the one thing that managed to be a tangible bane of her existence.
“Fuck you?” she said, incredulously. “Explain to me how I ended up in your fucking—”
“Elliot, you were sleepwalking,” he snipped. “I caught you trying to walk outside.”
She blinked at him, trying to process his words through a haze of blood rushing through her head and alarm bells sounding off rapidly. It was getting, she thought somewhere in the back of her mind, harder and harder to turn them off—to convince her brain that she wasn’t in immediate danger anymore, when she had identified a situation properly.
John is a threat? her muddled brain tried to parse through as she took in the scars and tattoos she had traced before—
(with her fingers with her mouth, while he knotted his fingers in her hair and sighed, please Ell please I’ll give you anything I’ll do anything)
—committed to memory.
Not a threat, she affirmed after a moment, lifting her eyes to his. Not a threat in the least.
“Okay?” he asked her, brows lifted. “Are we okay?”
“Why didn’t you just put me back in my bed?” she gritted out. “If you caught me sleepwalking.”
“And risk the beast ripping my hands off for coming into his territory? No, thanks.”
“Seems fine now.”
“Well,” John relented, “I invited him in.”
She rolled her eyes. Pushing the blankets off of her legs, Elliot passed her hands over her face, willing the alarm bells off. Red alert! Red alert! they screamed, over and over; we’re in danger, dig your heels in and sink your teeth in and tear tear tear—
The sound of the sheets rustling forced its way through the warning bells behind her just before John said, “You were talking too, last night.”
Elliot stopped, turning to look at him over her shoulder, eyes narrowed. “I suppose I said something like, ‘oh, John, I take it all back, please let me love you, I promise I’ll be the perfect cult wife’—”
The brunette lifted his hands in defense. “As ideal as that would have been, that was not the case.”
And then he didn’t say anything. John Seed, who could not possibly have learned how to shut the fuck up overnight, was regarding her very carefully—gauging her, getting a feel for what was going on in her brain. She felt her molars grind.
“Well, spit it out, then.”
John’s mouth twisted for a moment. “You told me you were trying to let Joey in,” he said finally. “That she kept asking you to let her in, but you couldn’t. And—”
A new wave of nausea washed over her. She didn’t think that was true. She didn’t that she had been dreaming about Joey. Had she? No, she would remember if—
(Joey, dirt packed under her nails and the flower blooms spilling out of the cavern of her chest, shaking the door, shaking it shaking it she won’t stop and she’s screaming even though she doesn’t have a mouth, even though her eyes and nose are smoothed out from her face, begging, begging to be let in, please let me in let me in letmeinletme—)
“—said she didn’t have a face,” he continued,
“—and she wouldn’t let you sleep—”
(L E T M E I N)
“Um,” Elliot said, feeling faint as her brain dutifully trudged up the nightmarish dream sequence once again. “I don’t—um, I don’t think—”
John’s hand went to her shoulder, squeezing there at the junction between her shoulder and neck; instinctively, her hand flew up, gripping his wrist on a mechanical instinct to dig her nails in and rip his hand off of her.
He stayed firm—watching her, watching her reaction, brows furrowing. We like this, a part of her said, when his fingers splayed warm and calloused against the side of her neck, when her pulse jumped under the touch and the fog cleared a little. We remember this, and we like it.
“You said you were sleeping fine, Ell,” he murmured, his voice low as though not to spook her.
I know, she thought, feeling her lashes flutter as the urge to puke reared its head. I know what I said, I know what I fucking said, I know what I did, I’m not sleeping fine, I can’t remember when I slept fine, I can’t fucking sleep—
“I told you before.” The pad of his thumb swept down the front of her throat, close to the hollow just there; any lower and he’d be touching his handiwork. It was almost comforting, that he knew, that he was intimately familiar. “I’ll give you anything you want. Especially if it means helping you sleep at night.”
She knew that he meant it.
“I want,” she breathed, watching John’s eyes light up, “to punch you in the face so fucking bad.”
John sucked his teeth and regarded her ruefully. “Had me for a minute,” he told her. “Thought you were going to stop being so obtuse.”
“A little, admittedly.”
“It’s good for you. Builds character.”
“You can’t be sleepwalking out of the house, barefoot, in the winter and pregnant,” he said, more firmly.
Her eyes narrowed. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yes, Elliot.”
“No fucking shit? You’re sooo smart, John. Think maybe later, if you have time, you could explain to me how day and night works?” And now she did push his hand off of her—enough familiarity for one morning—and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. “I have to shower and get ready.”
A frown planted itself on his face. “Ready for what?”
“Going to the stables,” she replied, opening the door and letting Boomer out into the hallway.
“I’ll come, too.”
Elliot stopped, blinking at him. “Sorry?”
“I said,” John began, having gotten out of bed and begun pulling his jeans on, “I’ll come too.”
“As much as I love the idea of you getting the shit kicked out of you by a horse—”
She cut herself off. The brunette raised a brow inquisitively—frustratingly distracting shirtless and standing there like he wasn’t the World’s Worst—and she shut her mouth promptly.
Taking John to the stables meant putting him out of his element. It also meant putting him directly in Sylvia’s path—and if there was someone who seemed almost as unimpressed with John as her mother, it was her new friend. She'd never seen him squirm as much as she had when Sylvia had clapped him on the back and said, jury's still out, but don't worry, bud! Like he'd never before had a woman not fall over herself for his attention.
“You know what?” She felt a smile tick the corner of her mouth. Even amidst the morning sickness riling in her stomach and the exhaustion from feeling like she hadn’t slept a wink, it still felt a little good. “Sure. You can come to the stables with me.”
Now it was his turn to narrow his eyes. He had one arm into a button-up when he stopped moving. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Elliot replied pleasantly. “But you’ve gotta do something. You can’t stand in the way. Be useful.”
“I can be useful,” he ventured. “It’s—what? Horses?”
“Yes, John, it is horses.”
“Great. Love them. Love horses. Very cool.”
“Uh-huh.” She eyed him, taking two steps out of the bedroom and then turning around. “And John?”
He let out puff of air, head tilting as he looked at her, having shrugged the other half of the shirt on. “Yes, Elliot?”
Elliot gave him a once-over, grimacing.
“Maybe don’t wear the Versace to the barn.”
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evanoracronwell · 3 years
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Take me home
Malex Cupid 2021 by @malex-cupid​
Day 2: “The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
(Warnings: smut)
Also on ao3
Michael is mesmerized.
Simply and completely mesmerized.
And honestly, very turned on.
Everyone is drinking and having fun at the Wild Pony after the doors were closed leaving just the whole gang. Something Isobel likes to call "quality bonding time" happens weekly and she forces everyone to participate. It usually happens at her house, but today for some reason it's happening at the bar.
And thank God for that.
The night is sultry and hot, the music on the Jukebox is a sensual melody and to Michael's torment, Alex is dancing trapped between Liz and Maria in movements that honestly should be illegal. Even more so, when he's dressed like that.
Jeans tighter than Michael ever thought existed, the light gray Henley and the faded black leather jacket. A long necklace hung around his neck next to the dog tags that Alex had never removed.
Fuck, he looks hot.
That damned airman, he knew exactly the effect he has over Michael, because every second that passed he would look intensely straight at Michael who was squirming, sitting on the bar next to Max.
"Boy ... you're in trouble, aren't you?"
"Damn right I am."
Michael agreed with his brother, because what else should he do besides agreeing, it had been months since the two were single and found themselves in a soft and light friendly relationship that the cowboy never thought possible, especially after all the shit they faced. Maria, Forrest, Jesse, Project Shepherd.
It all seemed like a lifetime ago.
And now everyone was here, celebrating a peaceful life that they all deserved.
Gregory left the dance floor, where he was dancing clinging to Isobel, and approached them a little breathlessly, and served himself to a very cold beer.
"Watch out Guerin, you'll soon drown in your drool" Greg said laughing as he looked at the cowboy who was staring at Alex
"He's doing it on purpose" Michael grunted
"That, my dear brother, is crystal clear"
"He said we should be friends."
"Maybe he is ready to change the relationship status," Max replied.
"So, what are you going to do about it?" Gregory smiled.
"I'm going to take my man home."
Without waiting for any comment he was sure would be made, Michael got up leaving his beer on the counter, and walked to the improvised dance floor smiling when Liz and Maria left the moment they realized he was approaching. Alex, the damn tease, just smiled and turned on his back, moving his hips in a slow and totally indecent way. Michael shook his head smiling at the airman audacity, he would fucking love to spend the night sunk in that hot, delicious body. His hands went directly to Alex's hips, pulling him sharply against his waist, making the airman feel his erection against his ass. Alex leaned his head back, leaning against Michael's shoulder, and smiled sighing, for finally feeling those hands on his body.
"The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave."
"It took you long enough."
"You knew exactly what you were doing, didn't you? Dancing like that, showing off like that. Is this what you wanted, Alex?" Michael whispered against his ear, lightly biting his lobe.
Alex replied completely ecstatic and moved his hips a little more, rolling against Michael's erection making the cowboy moan anxiously as he ran his hands around Alex's waist, pulling him closer against his body as if he were never close enough and Alex wrapped his hands over Michael's, hugging himself in the cowboy's firm, warm arms.
"Do you want me to take you home, baby? Hmm, is that what you want? For me to take you home and take off all of your clothes? Do you want me to take my time opening up to make you ready for me? Wet and loose?" Michael continued to murmur provocations in Alex's ear, who was completely lost in pleasure, just rolling his hips and rubbing himself against Michel, without any shame that someone might be noticing them both. "Do you want me to fuck you, Alex? Do you want my dick deep in that hot hole of yours? Strong and rough, making you feel me for days?"
"Yes, Michael, please ..."
"Just ask for it, baby."
"Take me home. Fuck me, Michael. The way only you know. Please."
If you ask Michael how he managed to drive to the cabin, damn it if he knew.
He just dragged Alex out of the Wild Pony without any farewells to those who stayed, it's not like they didn't know exactly what was going to happen sooner or later. They cling to each other in the parking lot, sloppy and desperate kisses as they hugged themselves pressed into the truck, words and promises made in breathless voices until they managed to move and get inside the truck. The cowboy has never driven so fast in his life, Alex stuck against his body touching him with no shame as he kissed and bit any bare skin he could reach.
Going inside the cabin was ... messy.
The clothes left on the floor on the way to the bedroom, the giggles against each other's lips.
The way he pushed Alex on the bed, seeing how beautifully he looked spread on the sheets. That dark look of desire roaming the cowboy's body.
He took off the airman prosthetic, with such care and affection that he made Alex close his eyes and sigh with emotion at the love that emanated in each gesture of Michael. He kisses the stump right after placing the prosthetic in some corner of the room with the help of his telekinesis, because damn if he would take his hands off that beautiful body. He slid the underwear over Alex's body, sipping every new piece of skin he discovered. Mentally thanking himself for always going commando and not having to waste time in his own underwear, the cowboy lay down, sliding his body over Alex's, both of them moaning when their skins touched completely.
"Tell me what you want baby. Do you want me to take you apart with my fingers slowly until you come? Just for me to fuck you with my cock and make you come again? Or do you want me to fuck you fast, making you feel my dick opening you up? "
"Fuck, anything. Everything. Whatever you want, Michael." Alex pressed his fingers against the cowboy's back moaning as Michael slid his body between his legs, grinding their cocks together. "Just please ... fuck me. I want you. All of you."
"I'm going to baby, fuck Alex I'm going to fuck you so hot baby. I'm not letting you out of this bed anytime soon."
"Hmmm ... and here I was thinking that you would love to fuck me in every corner of this cabin." Alex teased him by biting Michael's lip, pulling him between his teeth.
"Fuck yes. I'll do that. I'm going to fuck you in every corner of this cabin, outside it too."
Michael lifted two fingers to Alex's lips, who opened his mouth immediately, thirsty for whatever the cowboy gave him, groaning sinfully as he felt those long, thick fingers slide slowly down to the bottom of his throat, sucking them eagerly, anxious to feel them inside his hole.
"I'm going to take you outside and fuck you on the hood of my truck Alex, nothing but the moon and stars illuminating your skin, babe."
"Yes, do that. Michael please." He groaned, murmuring against Michael's fingers.
Michael slid his lips down Alex's body until he reached that glorious huge cock he adored, groaning with anticipation and with his mouth salivating he swallowed every bit of that cock, taking it all until he felt his nose pressed against Alex's belly, the few hairs tickling his face. His other hand gripped Alex's hips, which moved uncontrollably as he moaned delightfully on Michael's fingers, sucking them even more eagerly and smearing them with saliva.
The cowboy wasted all the time in the world sucking on that cock, sliding slowly until he felt the head touch the tip of his tongue and then sinking reaching again the back of his throat, loving the sensation of almost losing his breath with the cock he thought that he would never have again in his hands, in his mouth, in his ass. Damn, he loved Alex's cock, the taste, the texture, the feel of him against his tongue, his throat. It was just delicious. And he feasted on it, swirling his tongue over it, biting lightly, but hard enough to make Alex cry out in pain, asking for more. Begging for more.
Desperate fingers curled between his curls, pushing his mouth down, forcing Michael to take even more of that cock and the cowboy allowed it, he released Alex's hip and let the airman fuck his mouth any way he wanted, taking it all what Alex gave him, letting his mouth be used for his pleasure while he rubbed himself against the sheets without knowing what was giving him more pleasure, the muffled moans as Alex hungrily sucked his fingers or the feeling of having his mouth getting fucked. Without any warning, he felt the delicious salty taste invade his mouth and Michael groaned relaxing his throat, swallowing to the last drop.
Without giving Alex any time to recover he removed his fingers from Alex's mouth and turned him roughly off the bed, leaving him face down and loving the sight of that beautiful, firm, round ass he adores. Kneeling between the airman legs, he spanked that ass loudly with both hands making Alex's moan echo through the room as his hips involuntarily rose up chasing those hands, asking for more.
"Do you like that baby?" Michael asked hoarsely through his abused throat. "Did you like to feel my hands spanking that hot ass of yours?"
"Want more?"
"Fuck ... Michael, yes!"
"Well ... I'm here to please you baby"
Then he spanked, once ... twice ... three times, leaving the skin beautifully red while enjoying hearing the sounds of his hand against the soft flesh as much as he loved hearing Alex's desperate moans. Asking for more, begging for more.
"Damn Alex ... you beg so beautifully, babe."
And how could the cowboy resist, that beautiful red ass right in front of him asking to be touched, fucked, eaten. And he always loved the taste of Alex.
"Holy shit ... fuck ... shit ... Oh God."
Alex screamed, lifting his hips as he felt that hot, wet, hungry tongue sinks into his hole, Michael's fingers spreading his ass, eating him in a way as if Michael was hungry for him, for his hole. Damn Alex loved that, feeling Michael's tongue fucking him in a slow, deep way, leaving him wet and ready to take his dick. There was no better way.
"So good ... Michael ... more."
"Just like that ... beg for me, babe."
Michael murmured against his hole before eating it again, he felt his saliva lubricating that hot, tight hole that he counted the seconds to fuck, to sink his dick until he came inside him. Feeling like Alex rubbed his ass against his face and begged for more, and fuck, how Michael loved to hear that man pleading, anxious and needy, crying in sobs as he rubbed himself against the sheets and the cowboy didn't even need to touch to know that that beautiful cock of him, was getting hard again. His own cock, writhing with abandon, hard as a rock and swollen, aching for Alex.
A long, loud moan and Michael smiled feeling Alex coming again, his body already sweaty and shaking, spread out on the bed, breathless and beautiful ... so beautiful.
"Do you think you can take me, baby?" Michael murmured, lying down next to Alex, his chest pressed to the airman's back, brushing his cock against Alex's hole teasingly.
"Michael ..." completely speechless and with his body dismantled the airman just begged, groaning for the cowboy.
"Yeah, you can. One more baby, just one more. You can come again, can't you? Just with my cock this time, fucking your beautiful and tight hole. Just the way you like it"
"Yes ... I ... Michael ... please."
"Condom?" he questioned, mentally begging Alex to say no.
"Only you, I want to feel you, I want to feel your cum inside me"
The airman murmured, forcing his body to move and brushing his ass against Michael's erection as the cowboy growly holding him around the waist, trying to control himself after hearing those words. His hips moving against Alex's ass, his dick, dripping with pre-cum, sinking deliciously into that hungry hole that took him, anxiously, opening up for him. Taking him until the last inch, involving him with that warmth that only Alex had, making Michael groan and press his whole body against Alex's back. Their bodies joined and completely inert, his face sunk in Alex's hair damp with sweat, smelling wonderfully of sex and that smell that was Alex, just and only Alex.
Michael loved that smell.
He groaned again when he felt Alex's ass moving against his cock and gripped his lover's hips tightly, preventing him from moving.
"No. Just don't babe. You have no idea how much I'm controlling myself to not fuck you with all the strength that I have Alex, just, let me breathe for a moment, darlin'."
"Don't hold yourself," Alex murmured and turned his face just enough to look the cowboy in the eye. "Fuck me, Michael, hard. Show me that you own me. No one else. Just you."
"Fuck ... Alex ..."
"Fuck me, cowboy. Said you would make me feel you for days."
"Fuck, yes."
No more trying to control himself, he pulled his body away, taking his entire length from Alex's hole only to then sink it mercilessly, rough, taking a cry from the lips of the airman who raised one arm and dipped his fingers in Michael's curls pulling him for open-mouthed and sloppy kisses. His body moved, rippling in a sensual dance, fucking Alex the way he had been wanting for months, brutally, possessing him and making him understand that no one else could touch and fuck him. Only Michael.
He said possessively against Alex's mouth, lost in the sound of his hip hitting Alex's ass, his dick sliding in and out of the wet hole, the sensual moans, the pleas they both made.
Alex stated, his voice hoarse and his body moving against Michael's, loving every second he felt the cowboy's cock sink into him, claiming him. He was so sensitive, two orgasms, and his body was already shaking, knowing it wouldn't be long before the third one come.
"Damn Alex, you feel so good baby, so tight and warm. I swear I could spend my whole life fucking you."
"Yes, do that..."
And Michael did, fucked him roughly, hitting his prostate with every push, his mouth leaving bite marks and hickey all over Alex's neck and shoulder, as he shivered and sobbed, clinging to Michael's curls, begging, always begging, exactly how he knew Michael loved it. And when he came a third time, Michael didn't stop, he fucked him through orgasm, even harder pounding mercilessly against his prostate seeking his own release, using Alex's hole for his own pleasure. Alex just sank into the bed, held in Michael's arms, and let himself be used, moaning against the pillow with every move against his worn and sensitive hole, he was really going to feel Michael for days, and fuck, he was looking forward to it. How he loved it, the feeling of his body already worn and taken apart after a wonderful orgasm, being used, being fucked by that huge, thick cock.
"Alex ..."
That ... like that, moaning for him, running his body with those huge hands, marking his skin with those warm lips. Nothing in the world felt better than that, being loved by Michael Guerin. Alex smiled, knowing perfectly well that Michael was on the verge of his orgasm, savoring the feeling that he would soon be filled with Michael's cum.
"Baby ... I ..."
"Inside. Inside me Michael."
He murmured hearing Michael groan hoarsely, flooding the room with a growl as he sank further into his hole, filling him with his cum and making Alex press his ass against the cowboy's waist, yes, deeper ... deeper. Fuck, it was never deep enough. After what seemed like hours, the cowboy felt his body collapse and let himself cuddle against Alex, pressing his chest against the back of the airman harder, his face again sunk in his hair now even more sweaty, his cock still, now beginning to soften, lodged in Alex's hole. His hand slid down the airman body until he found his hand that was still clinging to the pillow, his fingers almost white and the cowboy held it lightly, making Alex release his grip on the pillow and intertwine his fingers, his mouth slid in an almost non-existent caress against Alex's back making the airman sigh happily.
"I hope you know that we are together now."
Michael murmured, sinking his face back into Alex's neck, who snorted a laugh.
"I sure hope so."
"I don't think I can move."
"Good. So stay like this, until tomorrow morning cowboy."
"Why? Are you planning to kick me out of your cabin as soon as the sun rises?"
"Definitely not. But you promised to fuck me in every corner of this cabin and if I'm not mistaken, you mentioned something about the hood of your truck. I'm holding on to that promise."
Alex said in the most seductive voice possible after reaching three orgasms and Michael felt his body squirm.
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unfortunatelysirius · 4 years
The Bad Boy and Hogwarts’ Ice Princess | Part I // Sirius Black
「 ❁ 」PROMPT 「 ❁ 」 [Ten Things I Hate About You AU] James Potter is new to Hogwarts, home to giggling birds and witchcraft. Upon arrival he’s bewitched by the enchanting Lily  Evans, a popular sixth year Gyffindor. However, Lily comes with an overprotective, overbearing sister who refuses to date and refuses to let her sister date. But James is determined to win Lily over, and if it takes finding someone to thaw her scowling sister’s ice-cold heart, so be it. But there’s only one man for the task and James isn’t so sure it’ll work. But perhaps Sirius Black is FULL of surprises... 「 ❁ 」AUTHOR’S NOTE 「 ❁ 」 Hey guys, this is my new series! I SHOULD be writing new additions to my other series (hahaha plural) ASAP, especially Chocolate Frogs and Love Notes. Send some love in the inbox (aka, what do you want updated or what do you want a sequel imagine to???) and I’ll try to make it happen ;) I’m making a promise to actually write some shit this time around. For my next uploads I’ll be using a tag list SO IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED, MESSAGE/INBOX ME!!!! 「 ❁ 」WORD COUNT 「 ❁ 」 2360
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JAMES POTTER HAD ONLY BEEN AT Hogwarts for less than twenty-four hours and already he was the talk of the town for being a womanizer.
James knew letting his hormones speak over his head was a bad, badidea. He did it more often than someone should, and it had costed him immensely. His mother had taken him out of his last school, Beauxbatons, for being a playboy. He was constantly flitting from girl to girl, never to stay longer than his interest allowed him; birds there were very pretty, coming at the cost of being very insipid and unremarkable. His mother eventually caught wind that he was fooling around with girls’ hearts and that his reputation there was tarnished beyond repair (Even with the professors! How had they gotten wind of his philandering?), thus leading him to where he was at now, a new student at a new school where no one knew him or his old habits. His mother was understandably ireful and asked that James not write her for a while, so she wouldn’t try sending a Howler or Apparating to the school so she could strangle him. Really, in essence, James’s mother just wanted to avoid the walking disaster that was her son.
        James didn’t blame her.
James was easily bored and a massive flirt. If a girl was pretty, he’d play his cards until eventually the chase grew tiresome or she proved to be as indistinguishable as a hand towel. He tried explaining to his mother that it wasn’t his fault girls were so boring, but of course she was having none of it and snarked back, “Find a new hobby!”
Chasing girls isn’t a hobby, he really wanted to tell her, even if she would have rattled the neurons in his brain for backtalk. And for being an arse. It’s a lifestyle.
        An exhausting lifestyle indeed, but a lifestyle, nonetheless.
        James came to Hogwarts expecting to be disappointed. Beuaxbatons during sixth year would have been full of girls at their respective peaks, all pretty, vain, and vapid. James loved the chase as long as they didn’t play too hard to get, and usually it took mere days before they were going to him and not the other way around. He prided himself on being handsome. Maybe the conceited energy came from being coddled growing up; his mother sure did regret telling him he was her “handsome little boy.” Maybe if she jokingly called him a troll, he wouldn’t be like he was.
        He had tousled black hair that never stayed still. A mess of curls that girls always wanted to run their fingers through. His hazel eyes were mischievous and lit up at all times, hidden behind a pair of trendy circular classes. His fashion sense wasn’t too shabby either, not that he had any choice with a dress code in place. He didn’t care much as long as he could wear the socks and shoes that he wanted.
        James was tall and lean, his frame accentuated by subtle muscles. He was top-heavy, but he had some nicely shaped thighs from all his laps. He wasa Quidditch player, after all.
        There was no question why he got all the girls he wanted.
        Until he was the handsome new student at Hogwarts Academy, freshly sorted into Gryffindor, already a heartthrob among the ladies, restrictions on womanizing from his mother ringing around in his head—and he couldn’t believe what had just happened.
        “You just got rejected, mate,” some idiot twat laughed from nearby, but James’s head was stuck in space.
Ten minutes ago…
        James was almost to his second class of the day, Potions, when he saw it. Saw her. A girl who put all of the birds he chased to shame, a girl who looked like she’d just walked out of a magazine.
“Oh, my Merlin,” James blurted out, his eyes stuck—frozen, as a matter of fact—on the redheaded bombshell standing outside of Professor Slughorn’s classroom.
James was infatuated immediately. Call it love at first sight, call it a sexual fantasy, call it a mutation on the brain—call it whatever! Infatuated, bloody infatuated. All thoughts of Hogwarts being a disappointment escaped right out of him, and all that was left was this thought that James Potter had to have this girl.
He wasn’t even sure how he meant that, just that he wanted her. In his bed or in his arms permanently, he had no clue.
He just wasn’t used to being so… set on someone.
He was approaching her before he had any inclination of what he was doing or going to say.
“Well, hello there, love,” James said flirtatiously, putting on the French lilt he picked up from attending Beauxbatons. It worked on Hogwarts girls exceptionally well, almost alarmingly so; they ate him and his faux accent up like Shepherd’s pie.
To his complete bewilderment, the girl blatantly looked reluctant to tear her gaze away from the floor, looked him up and down like he was a disappointing distraction, then she said, “Pleasure.”
That wasn’t supposed to happen.
James back-peddled, but he didn’t lose his smug grin like weaker men would have done. Flirt game: infinite, strong. “I saw you over here and couldn’t leave a beautiful madame standing all alone,” he said, leaning on the wall next to her and crossing his legs at the ankle, like the suave master of all things effortless he was. “What’s to say you and I be Potions partners? I’m rather good with my hands… and my mind.”
The girl was completely dry, from the tiptop of her head to her feet—frown most of all. “Get bent,” she said.
Was that…
Was that…
Was that… a rejection?
James’s grin fell. Flirt game: weaker than weak. “What?”
“I said, ‘Get bent.’ You’ve been flirting with all the girls since you got here and I’m not going to be one of your victims, prat,” the girl spat, with dynamite-like fury. Maybe she’d saved all her anger for this very day, to unleash it on James the newbie playboy. “So go be a twat elsewhere.”
She turned her back to him and huffed.
James stood there for what felt like hours, yet the professor hadn’t shown up yet and the beautiful redhead’s friends had appeared from nowhere and dragged her into a corner. One of her friends was a brunette James remembered giggling at his advances just last night in the Gryffindor common room. No wonder the redhead knew about him and his ways.
He felt like disappearing in a hole and staying there forever. His mother was right to be peeved with him and surely she’d take the mickey when she found out that it had all backfired on her idiot philandering son.
The redhead probably wouldn’t believe him if he said he had a condition where he just couldn’t help himself around girls. She’d probably just punch him in the face.
James was still as a statue. He’d definitely win a contest.
Until he realized someone was trying to get his attention.
“Psst,” someone said from behind him, and James—ever slow and ever bewildered—took his sweet time turning around. He was even more bewildered when he saw a lanky, nervous-looking guy standing in the shadows. James threw caution to the wind and approached the guy, not even trying to act threatening.
“What’s up?” James said, like he hadn’t just been embarrassed in front of his entire Potions class.
The boy who’d called out to him was tall, taller than James actually. He was more sickly-looking, with a frame his attire seemed to drown. He had mousy brown hair and grassy eyes. He was handsome, but not a conventional sort of attractiveness--but who was judging? He was an alright bloke!
“That’s Lily Evans,” the peculiar boy said quietly.
“Pretty name… how do you think she’d feel about the nickname Lily-flower?” James asked, oblivious to the peculiar’s boy expression as it rapidly grew more nervous. “I’m sure she’ll accept me into her heart if she finds my wooing to be… more sincere.”
“You really, really shouldn’t,” the boy said, looking like he feared for James’s safety.
“Why’s that, mate?” James asked, ever oblivious.
The boy glanced around, spying for anyone bold enough to eavesdrop, then whispered, “Her sister’s Y/N Evans.”
James blinked. He didn’t remember meeting a Y/N Evans yesterday or anytime this morning. If she were anything as pretty as her sister, he would have definitely noticed her—but none of the girls he’d met so far were a Y/N. Why did she matter? “So?”
“She doesn’t take kindly to anyone harassing her sister… she may retaliate. Lily, she’s never dated. She hasn’t dated because of her sister.”
“Is this sister of hers a shrew?” James said obnoxiously, choking on his laughter.
The boy shook his head, ever nervous. “I don’t want to see you hurt. You seem nice. Y/N is a good person, but she’s… merciless, too.”
“You seem kinda nerdy. Why do you care?” James asked. The boy indeed looked like he wouldn’t care about gossip or help unknowing passersby. He looked like your average bookworm who cared less about the goings-on of school drama and more about fictional lives.
The boy’s face turned sheepish. His face said all that James needed to know.
        So he fancied Lily too, huh?
“Ah,” James’s face said but what his mouth said was, “So?”
“She’s Hogwarts’ Ice Princess,” the boy began. “She’s never fancied anyone. I guess she is a shrew, per se. She thinks men are going to use Lily and they’ll do the same to her.”
“I wouldn’t use her!” James said indignantly, but he knew he was preaching to the devil’s choir. He wasn’t the most charming or respectful of blokes; there was a reason his mother was cross with him at the moment. “Okay, maybe from the past—I wouldn’t—… well, I would change for her.”
“Y/N doesn’t know and she doesn’t care,” the boy said with a sigh, just as Professor Slughorn was arriving. The boy’s nervous face gave a nervous smile and his nervous hand reached out for a nervous shake. “I’m Remus… Remus Lupin.”
James grinned a shit-eating grin and he took Remus’s nervous hand, sealing the beginning of a beautiful friendship. “James Potter.”
        I have an idea. It’s a good one, James sloppily wrote on a crumbled-up piece of parchment, handing it under the table to his new friend.
        Remus had been more than eager to be James’s Potions partner, and even though he proved to be extremely studious, it seemed like their friendship mattered more. He took James’s piece of parchment immediately and wrote back, What?
        This went on as Professor Slughorn lectured and droned pointless information.
        You said Y/N’s never dated, right?
        Well, what if we got her to break off and date somebody?
        That’s impossible. She has a vendetta against us.
        Maybe she just hasn’t found the right bloke… wink.
        Are you going to date her yourself so you can then date her sister?
        What?!?!?!?! No!!!!! I’m just saying, what if we paid a guy to pursue her, be everything she wants in a man, then it makes her warm up to the idea of Lily dating?? Foolproof plan right?
        Lily doesn’t even like you. And she’s liked plenty before. What if this plan actually pulls through and she still doesn’t want to date you?
        All a work in progress, mate… we just have to find the perfect man for a not so perfect girl.
        James couldn’t stop smirking and winking the rest of Potions, and Remus just looked even more nervous than he began.
        “Sirius Black,” Remus hissed, nudging James hard.
        The two of them were in the Great Hall for dinner, eating and whispering with their heads together. James hadn’t flirted with another girl since he discovered Lily Evans’s existence—to the dismay of several beautiful birds trying in vain to get his attention—and right now he was looking for a girl who looked menacing and like she ate blokes for breakfast. He was failing miserably so far.
        Remus’s nudge made James choke on his pumpkin juice. “Wha—who?” he sputtered.
        “Sirius Black,” Remus said, directly James’s head to see a head of curly black hair bent over a plate of nothing but meat. The guy was aggressively eating, a glower on his face even though he wasn’t looking at anything except a plate. He seemed attractive but James couldn’t be sure with half his face covered.
        “He looks cool,” James said with a grin.
        “He’s a rebel,” Remus whispered. This Sirius Black bloke was also a Gryffindor, it seemed, but you couldn’t tell from how dangerous his vibe was. If James hadn’t seen him sitting here or sporting a red and yellow tie, he would have suspected the guy was a Slytherin. “He was kicked out of his family for being a Muggleborn-lover. He hates his family and hates everyone here. He gets into fights frequently and uh… he hates me.”
        James looked at Remus and laughed at the crestfallen look on his face.  “He sounds bloody perfect for the job,” he said, referencing their plan. It sounded completely foolproof to his deaf ears. “But what’s this Y/N bird look like?”
        As if on cue, a girl walked through the Great Hall entrance—a girl both doe-like and formidable. She had H/L H/C hair shooting into her face and a scowl as terrifying as it was sexy. She was wearing a modest outfit by Beauxbatons standards, but even to James, naïve to everything Hogwarts, he could tell there were alterations. He was in utter awe at this terrifying girl who definitely looked like she ate boys for breakfast.
        She caught James’s eye as she made it the Gryffindor table, giving him the most hateful glower he’d ever been at the receiving end of. James immediately looked away. He wasn’t that stupid.
        “That’s Y/N,” Remus said meekly, also awestruck. 
        James stared at him with wide eyes, then took subtle glances at both Sirius and Y/N at opposite ends of the table. Both completely terrifying… and both definitely uninterested.
         Neither of them are perfect… opposites attract, though, right? If James had any self-respect left, he would have dropped his intentions right then and there.
        Maybe Lily wasn’t worth the trouble…
       But Merlin knew James was a reckless bloke, and if something screamed for him to get away, he’d just fall in further.
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fyeahnix · 3 years
Title: Puppy Love - Part 1 Pairing: Bangalore/Wraith (Voidstrike) Other Characters: None Rating: General Audiences Words: 1875 Prompt: None Other Tags: Cute, Oblivous, Crush, Dogs, Flirting, Friendship Summary: "If Wraith had nothing better to do, she'd be lying under the air conditioning back at her apartment. But here she is out in the eternal Solace summer and misery, sans scarf, in shorts and a tank top ready to start her evening workout routine. ...Or she would have been if she hadn't received the oddest text from Anita. She stares at her phone now, rereading the messages exchanged only an hour ago."
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It's hot as hell out right now. The evening air is humid, a sticky and suffocating mess of sweltering heat, moisture, pollen, and biting insects. And the people? Running around and playing under the setting sun with their kids and pets, some visibly glistening with sweat. It's gross. If Wraith had nothing better to do, she'd be lying under the air conditioning back at her apartment. But here she is out in the eternal Solace summer and misery, sans scarf, in shorts and a tank top ready to start her evening workout routine.
...Or she would have been if she hadn't received the oddest text from Anita. She stares at her phone now, rereading the messages exchanged only an hour ago.
meet me at the park at 6? got someone I want you to meet
It's 6:05. She's sitting on the top of a park bench cooking in the heat, and Anita is nowhere to be found. Great. It's a fairly random text as it is, and Wraith doesn't see why Anita needed to meet now. She knows this is Wraith's time to work out.
Who on Solace is this important? Better yet, who is this person at all? A new friend? Couldn't be. Anita's fairly closed-off, doesn't make friends that quickly or easily. Getting comfortable around the other Legends was enough of a chore. Could it be a significant other, girlfriend maybe? Well, she hopes not. The thought tugs her insides. Of course, she'd be happy for Anita, but…
Whatever. It's not that serious. Whoever it is must be important enough for Anita to meet up with Wraith specifically. Wait, was she the only person asked? Anita doesn't normally send group chats, though. But… no one else is here and it's 6:07. Ugh, god, she's thinking too much about this and this weather isn't helping and it's getting harder to breathe with the nervous lump stuck in her throat-
"Hey! Come back here! Sentry!"
Wraith turns, eyes widening as a massive black ball barrels towards her at full speed on four legs. She throws her arms up to protect herself as Anita yells again.
"Sentry, sit!"
Nothing knocks into her, and when Wraith lowers her arms, she makes eye contact with a rather large black dog not five feet away from the park bench. It's stopped in its tracks, large ears and tail standing at attention, as its face twists in a confused expression. It bows, butt in the air and tail wagging before lying down in the grass, wet tongue hanging loosely from its mouth.
Anita ambles up to the canine and kneels to clip on the leash that's wrapped around her fist. When she stands, she half-smiles in apology and leans forward with an arm outstretched.
Wraith dismounts the bench to accept the quick hug. The woman smells good, a familiar cologne gracing Wraith's senses. It's better than the heavy stench of outdoor humidity, that's for sure.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. This little knucklehead can't keep still today." Anita unravels the leash twice from her fist, relaxes. She huffs, lifting the hem of her tank top to wipe sweat off her forehead.
"I, uh-" Wraith's eyebrows raise ever-so-slightly at the welcome sight, but she doesn't allow her eyes to linger. "Didn't know you were a dog sitter."
Anita smirks, this time mischievous and lopsided. "That what you think?"
"I suppose. By the way, where is this person I'm supposed to be meeting? Is it a secret girlfriend I don't know about? Gonna pop out from behind a tree somewhere?"
Anita laughs and shakes her head as she kneels next to the dog. "First off, I don't have a girlfriend. Not yet anyway. And secondly, I never said it was a person, Wraith."
"Then- wait. When did you get a dog?"
The animal in question tilts its head at Wraith like it understands and objects to every word she says. Anita pets it, rubs it on the head and coos at it with praise before she responds. It's oddly cute. And very unexpected.
"His name's Sentry. Got him a couple months ago. Didn't wanna spill about it because I wanted some time to get used to him. And I… wanted you to meet him first."
Wraith's belly flutters at the statement. But her out of everyone they know?
She kneels next to Anita and studies the dog. Sentry's much bigger up close than she thought. He's covered in a shiny coat of short fur, solid black all over, and his pointed ears stand at attention, flicking this way and that to take in the sounds of people walking by. His eyes are a nice shade of light brown, intelligent but unfocused on anything in particular. The dog who very nearly knocked her over mere minutes ago lies relaxed in the grass without a care in the world.
"Rescue dog?"
Anita nods half-heartedly. "In a way. Got some people I know back on Gaea. Said some of their dogs failed police training and were up for adoption. This little guy couldn't stay out of trouble."
"Little? Bang, he's huge."
"Yeah, he is," Anita laughs. "First family couldn't handle his size with their kids. Apparently, he grew faster than they could keep up with. Second person couldn't deal with his temperament."
Wraith purses her lips. "Third time's the charm, I'd hope."
"Heh, yeah. It will be. Two months in, and I'm already in love with him. He's almost two. Still actin' like a damn puppy, but, god, I love him," Anita sighs, exhales, and Wraith's heart tugs at the pure emotion emanating from the woman's voice.
Wraith sits on the edge of the bench, crossing her legs. "Didn't quite take you for an animal lover."
"I think that's a stretch," Anita chuckles. "We had dogs growing up when I was a kid. Military household. Strict but fair. But… we all let our guards down for the pups." Anita moves to sit next to Wraith, leans forward to rest her arms on her knees. She stares out into the park, watching crowds of people bask in what's left of the sun. Sentry gets up as well and lies back down in front of her, panting. She loosens the leash again. "We had two of 'em.
"Two big boys. Angelo was a mutt. Probably an Australian Cattle Dog and Great Dane mix from what we could tell, maybe a little Pit in 'im, too. Loyal as hell. Healthy dog. Ghost was a German Shepherd. Same as this boy." She nods towards Sentry. "Pure white. A bit of a troublemaker, if anything, but still good. Me and Ghost… same age. Inseparable." She pauses, laughs a little, wistful. "I had a connection with that dog. Still do on some level. He died old, when we were fourteen. Right before my bro-"
She stops and scrunches her nose, screws her eyes shut for two seconds. "You know what? Nevermind. Not important."
Wraith doesn't know what to say. Anita doesn't make eye contact. Whatever she hesitated mentioning must have been too personal to share. Understandable.
"Anyway. I'm glad I brought him home. He means a lot to me. And I'm… glad you met him, too."
Why her, though? Sure, they're friends, have hung out plenty. They've had rounds at the firing range before matches, developed duos tactics together, gone out for celebratory dinner after wins and whatnot. She's sure Anita's done that with… everyone, right?
She can't imagine she's any more or less of a friend to Anita than any of the other Legends. Anita and Witt talk frequently enough. She and Ajay also hang out sometimes. Hell, she's even gotten drinks with Octavio when he can sit down for long enough. Why Wraith?
When Wraith shifts in her seat, Sentry focuses on her, rising to walk towards her. His tail wags behind him as he drags his wet, leathery nose across her arms and over her thighs. He shakes, tail flailing even harder. She can't help but crack a small smile and hover a hand over his head, which he sniffs enthusiastically.
"You can pet him if you want. Promise he won't bite," Anita says.
Wraith nods and lowers her hand to Sentry's head. She rubs him, scratches him on the forehead and behind the ears with short nails. His tail calms, and he shuts his eyes as he sits back on his haunches.
"You're a good boy, aren't you?"
He nods, tongue lolling as if agreeing as she rubs both ears with her hands.
Wraith smiles and turns to Anita. "Not to brag, but I think he might actually like me."
"Heh. Guess that makes two of us."
Wraith raises an eyebrow. She stops petting Sentry, and he whines, nudging her arm. The comment is slick and unexpected, typical Anita, but…
"You, uh- you busy tomorrow? Thought maybe we could grab coffee or lunch or something."
That's why.
Wraith chuckles and smiles as her cheeks burn at the Voices from the Void. She gives Sentry a few thorough rubs on his cheeks. "I… actually am-"
Anita wipes a stray bead of sweat from her temple. "Oh. Well don't worry about it. Maybe some other-"
"-But. Let me… clear my schedule. I don't think it'll be a huge deal to move some meetings around tomorrow. Maybe you can bring Sentry along."
Anita finally turns to gaze at her. There's a subtle smirk gracing her features, that usual Bangalore bravado emanating from her. It's attractive, no lie.
"All right, I got you. I got a couple places in mind."
"Looking forward to it."
Anita rubs the back of her head with her leash hand as she lets out a short laugh and stands. "Well, I won't keep you. I gotta give this boy a walk so we can get out of this heat."
Sentry whines then barks once. Loud boy.
Wraith rubs him for the last time before she stands too. "Yeah, I better get to my workout. See you tomorrow?"
Anita opens up for another hug, which Wraith gladly accepts. "Yeah. I'll text you later."
This hug's tighter than the last, sets Wraith on edge a bit, but she doesn't want to pull away. Anita's bare, muscular arm feels good wrapped around her shoulders, her body warm in a way that stamps out the suffocating humidity. She can get used to this.
When the woman pulls away, she salutes Wraith and tugs on Sentry's leash to lead him away.
...Okay, so maybe Wraith's a little excited about tomorrow. And maybe she's been looking at Anita a bit… differently lately. It's nothing bad, right? The woman's tall and attractive and her personality is the type to simultaneously make Wraith roll her eyes and draw her in. She's charming, alluring, knowledgeable, helpful, and ten thousand other words Wraith can substitute. It'd be foolish to not give this a chance, wouldn't it?
She bites her lip, clutching her phone in her hand as she watches Anita fade into the distance. She needs to go workout and focus, but that'll be hard waiting in anticipation of tomorrow's lunch date. She doesn't think she'll sleep well tonight, if at all actually, but she'll certainly try, Solace heat be damned.
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hollyhomburg · 5 years
You make me Happy
(Hybrid! Jungkook x Reader)(Drabble) 
Summary: When Puppy Jungkook finds out you’re depressed, he makes it his mission to make you happy! ...with a little help from the others.  Tags: Depression, references to not eating due to depression, night terrors, allusions to polyamory- specifically Hoseok x Reader x Puppy! Jungkook x Cat! Jimin x Cat! Yoongi W/c: 1.9k A/n: well- I sent this over text to @peeachypop last night at like midnight and then woke up and made it a full little Au! hope you guys enjoy it! happy birthday, Jungkook!
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Like okay, imagine puppy! hybrid jungkook who is a little nieve, and Doesn’t exactly understand how the world works cuz he grew up on a farm and never lived in a city until he was adopted by the reader. 
The city is so nice!!! With so many interesting smells and foods that make his mouth water and things that he hasn’t experienced like VR clubs and coffee shops and bars- not that he really ever gets the chance too because his new owner is a little bit of a recluse.
And you don’t really keep a lot of yummy things in their fridge but you let him order anything he wants! “Oh my god, this is the best you mean I can call talk to someone on the phone and then food shows up! That’s magic!” And maybe you don’t really eat a lot of it but like! Jungkooks never spent a lot of time around humans so he doesn’t immediately register it as an issue. 
And on the days that Jungkook manages to convince you to go out of your apartment it never lasts for long because the sick sticky smell of anxiety clings to you, and Jungkook can only tolerate so much distress from his owner before his protective instincts kick in and he takes you home. 
There are other things too, nights when you hold your head in your hands or he hears you crying in your bedroom. or how listless and sad you seem, how you seem to pull away some days and go silent or answer Jungkook’s many questions with one-word answers. 
there are better days too- when you take Jungkook to the hybrid park and seem genuinely okay for a little before you get bad again
he finds a few old photographs pushed in the back of a drawer- you smiling with a man who seems a little reserved. and when he asks you you snatch the photo from him and push it back away where you don’t have to think about him. “my ex” 
Jungkook is confused, “you mean your mate?” Jungkook doesn’t understand because aren’t mates supposed to be forever? he relays as much and you shake your head a small smile playing on your lips. “not usually, though if you’re lucky they are,”  
“Why did he leave? did he-” Jungkook tucks his chin in, suddenly embarrassed because you don’t talk about this- about why you don’t get out of bed some days and why you always look exhausted and worn out and shakey. “Did he leave because you’re sick?” 
and maybe it would have offended you before, but Jungkook is looking up at you with such worried eyes, so Ernest and careful. You hesitantly reach a hand up and rub over his ears scratching around the base of him, and his tail starts wagging up a rhythm against your couch. 
“I’m not sick Kookie I just have depression” and he tilts his head to one side because he Doesn’t know what depression is and you explain it like “it’s just when someone gets really sad sometimes or all the times okay?” he nods quick, because that he can work with, that he understands. 
Jungkook makes it his mission to make you happy. He’s just trying to be a good hybrid and he loves you so much, you deserve to be happy!
So he does everything to try to keep you smiling, doing more house chores and making up elaborate games to play with you. The day he takes a bath and starts blowing bubbles in the water (i mean have you seen those videos of german shepherds blowing bubbles and getting so happy and like yipping at it? that’s Jungkook) and you giggle so loudly that now every time you give him a bath he does it. 
he even starts to sleep in your bedroom too! because one night he hears you crying and can’t leave you alone. He whines and nuzzles into your cheeks, licking away your tears a little and running a hand through your hair, because humans need pets too, and you actually let him comfort you, bury your head in his chest and sob. 
He knows enough that sometimes you just wake up in the middle of the night sometimes, has woken up to the sound of you crying and come to scratch at your door before you started to let him in. 
He starts sleeping in your bed and sometimes you grumble a little and hover, a few inches away not sure if he wants to cuddle, and he always snuggles up to you and grins, kissing your cheek and making you blush and smile shyly before you shut off the light. And on those nights when he can hold you close- safe from sadness in his arms- he feels accomplished, feels like he’s making you better. 
Sometimes he knows he fails. sometimes you wake with shadowed eyes and immediately go back to sleep no matter how Jungkook tries to pull you out of bed. on those days he feels powerless and like he’s not making a difference at all. 
One day you take an afternoon nap because for some reason you’re just too tired today, and Jungkook decides that oh! He can go get you some snacks at the conscience store across the street! He’ll be back before you wake up and then you can wake up to something sweet. And maybe you’ll give him one of those small sleepy smiles and you’ll eat it in his lap while he plays video games in your living room. 
And he doesn’t really understand that hybrids aren’t supposed to be let outside in their own. It’s not exactly against the rules but like, if he was causing trouble he knows that he would be picked up by hybrid control. And though the shop keeper gives him a weird look, he lets Jungkook peruse the small isles of snacks for a few minutes before he comes over- it’s pretty quiet after all. 
Eventually, he asks him if he needs help and Jungkook is like all pouty because as much as he’s wracking his brain there are just so many choices and Jungkook doesn’t want to choose wrong. Jungkook explains to the shopkeeper, he looks like he would know. he’s got a kind smile and auburn hair that curls against his temples and a little enamel pin of snoopy and a little purple horse pinned to his work shirt.
“I don’t really know what my owner likes and I’m just trying to make her happy” and the attendant nods along like it’s the most pressing issue of the day, “I see, well you could always go for something sweet?” he smiles, and it’s so charming, so bright too, it makes Jungkook blush, and suddenly a lightbulb goes off in Jungkooks head. 
“I know what would make her happier!!! You definitely would!!!” Queue Jungkook dragging a confused Hoseok over to your apartment and you being shocked and concerned when you open the door (Jungkook forgot the code again) because you never thought Jungkook would like- bring in an actual stranger to your apartment to make you happy.
But Hoseok is so chill about it and just laughs it off “it’s okay really! I was gonna take my break anyway- and he seemed like really concerned about you too. And I have a hybrid of my own so I know how protective they can be/”
And he lingers in the doorway, before you offer him a cup of coffee- better than the stuff they make in the convenience store, and he accepts (luckily you favor the to-go cups when you have to go to work) and you sit and talk about his hybrid for a moment (a cute kitten hybrid named jimin who according to Hoseok used to pout for hours whenever Hoseok had to leave for work.) before he has to get back to work. 
 but before he leaves he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cookie package or something and he’s like, “oh yeah he said you like things that were sweet and I don’t have time to eat anyway! by the way, if you ever want to stop by and talk about hybrids my schedule is-” And maybe Jungkook sees the way you smile at Hobi and thinks “mission accomplished!” 
And takes you by the store whenever Hoseok works sometimes for ramen 4 times in the same shift. And of course, you meet his hybrid who ends up becoming Jungkook’s best friend! even though you remind him that like- best friends don’t help each other through heats and ruts, or kiss on the couch, to which Jungkook replies, “Then why did you and hobi sleep together after you went out drinking to celebrate his new job? and you help me with my ruts all the time and how are we not friends?” which makes you change the subject verry verry abruptly 
And then a few months into your sort of friendship Hoseok finds injured hybrid Yoongi in the alleyway behind the store and brings him to your place because its closest.
and then maybe months later when Yoongi has moved into your apartment and Hoseok has gotten a better job and actually moved into the apartment across the hall from yours (all so he can coe-own hybrid Yoongi with you- and not because like- he wants to be closer to his friend who he like might have a crush on). 
Maybe you’re just washing dishes or something with Jungkook drying them and putting them away, and both kind of lamenting because its almost been a year since you adopted Jungkook. 
And Jungkook says something about the time you used to be sad because like- thankfully you’ve gotten a lot better, and he’s a little wistful and a little insecure because he feels like it was all of them who made you happy and not Jungkook. 
And he says something like “well the others are what makes you happy so I don’t know why you’d want to go on a date just us too on the night that Yoongi and jimin are going out to a movie with hobi,” 
and you’re like stunned, because you thought Jungkook knew how much he meant, you’re instantaneously like “Jungkook, you make me happy all the time, without even meaning too, everything you do makes me happy, even when you just like, sit next to me on the couch or hold my hand I’m happy” 
and Jungkook just legit bursts into tears and pulls you close, because really- he had absolutely no idea that he did and it makes him so over the moon. And he just like, happy cries into her shoulder and they sit for a while and end up going and getting chicken by the river or something for their date and to celebrate and Jungkook’s a little sniffly all night and holds you close because like yeah- you make him super happy too. 
and you know, no matter what happens with the others, as long as you have Jungkook you’ll be happy too. 
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convxction · 3 years
Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. Then tag people.
Tagged by: @toestalucia [tysm for this it is late slfkjsdlkfjsdf]
Tagging: u see, u do. it has been ages. idk who is interested in this but feel to tag me if you take this hohoh
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Chapter 13 sacred Blood
“You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles. I'm sorry.”
[[this is the line he says to lucina when she reveals herself and it touches me that he immediately knew what’s wrong. apologizing is not easy, especially if one does not feel responsible for it directly, but chrom feels as responsible for what had happened in the future. sobs in the club. 
Extra Drama CD
“There isn’t any problem. No matter how many times you may be on the verge of being engulfed by darkness, I will drag you back very time. So don’t worry!”
[[i’m just here for chrom being always there for his friends and loved ones. his words are always simple and straightforward to the point. he does not say glorified words to support you, he just says what he feels is enough to get his support across. he is your homie man. i can rant about this for days but i’ll save you this pain. BUT REALLY. HOW CAN A MAN BE THIS SUPPORTIVE TO SOMEONE TELLING YOU IM GOING LITTLE BIT CUKKO AND POSSIBLY THE BAD THING WE WANNA AVOID IS LITERALLY INSIDE OF ME SO YOU SHOULD DO SOMETHING AND HE JUST LOL I WILL FRCIKING PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE AND TIRE YOU WITH MY FRIENDSHIP AND BOND SPEECH UNTIL THE BADDIE IS LIKE I GAVE UP LOL. yes.
Rooster Rescue DLC
“Who knew we had a roster? And from the sounds of it, quite a scandalous one... Well, my army's reputation is MY reputation. I have to get that book back!”
listen. i know it is said in a haha joke situation but i still find it endearing that he puts it that way. remove the context and focus on that line is just enough. chrom had been battling on two sides, mentally and physically, on the battlefield and in the castle when he even is not around. chrom had been fighting as a soldier and as a prince and doing his best to not fail anyone, not emmeryn, not his fellow comrades, not the people who trusted him to protect their families. it is the reverse too. HIS reputation is the ARMY’s reputation. if he proved to be half of what the rumors about him are circling then the army--the shepherds will be under microscope from everyone; being the group that is with the problematic prince and endorsing his activities. chrom sees himself part of everyone’s live whether he wants it or not, or whether they want it or not. his fate as a royal prince meant he will work to ensure gets the good life they are meant to have. it is not a honor, it is obligation from his part. 
imma cheat and put this as whole because i can. from the summer scramble DLC
Chrom Ricken!
Ricken ...Huh? Oh, man! Did I pass out? I'm really sorry, Chrom...
Chrom No need to apologize. You just need to remember that you're still young. There are limits to how far you can push yourself—physically AND mentally...
Ricken Curses...
Chrom Not what you wanted to hear, I know.
Ricken No. Not really.
Chrom Look, I know this is hard, especially coming from someone you look up to. But you have to accept the fact that you're too young to do everything you want to. You have to take things one step at a time. You can't rush things. After all, knowing your limitations is an important part of becoming a man.
Ricken So you're saying I should just accept the fact that I'm still a kid...
Chrom I am. But don't worry—you're here because you're already strong for your age. And you're only going to get stronger. You just have to be patient. Anyway, you can go on fighting at my side, but only if you try not to overdo it. Deal?
Ricken ...Okay, deal!
Chrom Good. Now, you ready to get back to it? We've got some brigands to deal with.
Ricken Yeah. Th-thanks, Chrom. I won't let you down!
Chrom Attaboy!
all i wanna say it’s just....wholesome. content. soft. chrom will always be fond of people trying to challenge their limits to prove themselves--he did, so he is interested in people with similar aspirations. Ricken is just someone chrom knows fully well he has a great deal of potential but is going hard on himself. he is good at understanding people’s drives and reasons to do certain things because he can’t just judge them based on one thing. he knows ricken want to be of help to everyone AND impress him personally, but Chrom knows he is doing it all wrong. im just...this man is good, you honor. 
 Drama CD V.1 Track 8! The Exalt’s Letter
“But even so, I want you to know the joy of having a family and people you cherish.”
chrom is the best wingman you gonna get--somehow, kind of. all he wanted was for robin/reflet/avatar to be happy like he was--to have a family and find peace in this family. chrom does dumb things but he always does them with the good intentions, his heart is on the right place. he wanted to help avatar get a family but in a way opened a big wound for them--being amnesiac and with no recollection of who they are. chrom is not prefect being. he makes mistakes like this that can hurt someone but he always strives to fix them, show that he meant only good for that person. it may be stepping his line at times but he feels like the line must be crossed if changes must happen. he’ll apologize later on but first he got to help his friend.
“I understand how Emm/Big sister felt. I want to protect this world, the world we all live in (the world you guys live in with your loved ones.) And I want to love it. I feel that way from the bottom of my heart. Yes... that’s right. I have inherited the blood of those who have protected this world for thousand of years. It is the Ylissean royal family’s and my duty. Emblem. I carry my will in the shield on my arm, so that my hand may protect all these it reaches. This I swear.”
do i really need to talk about this. my heart is just full of him realizing the things he wants to protect. his reason to fight. the whole CD is just..good...i can add more especially the one with frobin getting sick and all but i will not finish writing haha. check stuff on my headcanon page lol
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fckinsupreme · 4 years
16, 19, & 37 with daddy duncan 😏 love youuu
“Take off your clothes.”
Duncan’s voice is raspy in your ear, his hands squeezing your ass through the little black dress you were wearing. You had been Duncan’s plus-one to a gala that the Shepherd Foundation was throwing, a favor you owed him since his date fell through at the last minute. You, being the good friend that you were, decided to accompany him. It didn’t please your date very much, though. When you told Duncan you had plans with the guy you’d been seeing, Duncan simply said, “He’ll fucking survive,” and hung up. 
Things went fine for awhile upon your arrival. Duncan couldn’t stop staring you in the daring black dress you wore with the plunging neckline and hem that came mid-thigh. You heard one of his colleagues whisper how you just as well have showed up naked for all the cover it gave you, and Duncan shot the man a dirty look upon overhearing. A protective hand slid up your thigh, and that’s when the levee broke.
“You look absolutely ravishing tonight,” he whispered, ghosting his fingers along your inner thigh before tracing soft circles on your knee with his thumb. “Do you know what I’ve always thought about?”
“What?” you answered, chewing the inside of your cheek to prevent a moan from slipping free as he raked his nails over the bend of your knee.
“Fucking the shit out of you,” he answered, gripping your knee possessively. “No one else would ever make you feel as good as I have. Not even that little wimpy fucker that you call a boyfriend.”
“He isn’t my boyfriend,” you said. “Just a guy I’ve been seeing.”
“Then you won’t mind if I show you what a real man is like?” Duncan asked, causing a shiver to ripple down your spine. He was so close to you then, and you could smell the rich scent of his Versace cologne and the small bit of bourbon on his breath. “You don’t need him. You need a man who will show you the world, one who will open the door to sex like you’ve never experienced. What do you say, Y/N?”
You gave in to him. It wasn’t as though the decision was one you had to think over for very long. When you first met Duncan, you had the biggest crush on him, and it was one that never faded no matter how much time went on. Truth be told, you were only seeing your current guy because you couldn’t have Duncan; he had someone else he was seeing, too, after all. But that didn’t seem to matter to him, or the feeling had been mutual, because he was practically dragging you out of the crowded room and pushing you into a vacated hallway. His lips were immediately on yours, kissing you in a way that you’d never experienced before. There was something about it that was hard to explain, but it made your head spin so much that you had to wrap your arms around the back of his neck for leverage. 
At his demand of removing your clothing, you couldn’t help but smirk. One of his hands grabbed your thigh, bringing it up to his hip as he caressed the smooth skin there. You bring your mouth to his own ear, that smirk still plastered upon your painted lips: “Make me.”
He growls, hands at the back of your dress. The sound of ripping fabric seems to echo off the walls, and you yelp in surprise when you realize it was your dress. He tore it clean down the middle, shoving the ruined black material from your body before immediately wrapping his lips around one of your nipples. He swirls his tongue quickly, causing you to moan and rut against his clothed erection.
“Duncan,” you gasp, pushing his suit jacket from his shoulders. 
He allows it to fall to the floor, forgotten as he drops to his knees. He looks up at you, adoration written in his baby blues as his teeth sink into the side of your thong. He slowly draws it down your legs, helping you step out of it once it hits the floor. He coaxes you closer to his lips, which was now planting open-mouth kisses over your mound. Hot lips feel like a welcome sensation against your equally-heated skin, and you feel your arousal building even more. He smiles up at you, parting your legs to get a look at your wet pussy.
“Fuck,” he breathes, running one finger through your folds experimentally. “I’ll bet he never made you this wet, huh?” 
“Is someone jealous?” you tease, combing your fingers through his hair as he uses two of his to part your outer labia for a better look. 
“No,” he says, his jaw set hard. “I’m not jealous of such a deplorable little boy.” 
He’s such a fucking liar, you thought with an amused grin. 
“I think you are,” you say, cut off with a loud mewl as the tip of his tongue flicks your clit. 
“And I think you’re horny for me,” he says simply, licking his lips before dragging his tongue over the entirety of your cunt. “So fucking sweet. Tell me something, kitten.”
“Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
You bite your lip, winking at him before grabbing his hair hard enough to yank his head up. He looks up at you with hooded eyes, shivering as your eyes meet. “I don’t know, Duncan. Why don’t you try it and see?” 
Baby tags: @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @angel-langdon @leatherduncan @littlegirlsdontplaynice @melodylangdon @wickedlangdon @lvngdvns @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’m a dick, I’m addicted to you”
Do you add extra letters to words sometimes? (ex. haaaa) Yeahhh.
Do you like the letter Z or Q better? I don’t favor one over the other. Who would you like to be stuck on an island with? I’d like to not be stuck on an island at all. What's your favorite quote? I have a lot of favorite quotes. I just love relatable stuff that puts into words how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking better than I can. I struggle with expressing myself and putting it into words, so. Name one random fact about your best friend. She loves the ID channel.
Do you like vegetables or fruit better? Gonna be honest, I don’t eat much of either one. Especially, fruit... it’s been a few years since I’ve had any. :X I have spinach, potatoes, and green onions pretty often, but that’s all the veggies I’ve had in a few years as well. In comparison to my zero fruit intake it’s something at least, ha. There are fruits I like and a few more veggies as well, but I just haven’t had them in awhile. What brand of shoes do you wear? Adidas. What's your favorite smiley face? On the computer I use :) Do you believe that if someone goes to bed thinking of u, u dream of them? I’ve heard that before and it can be a cute thought, but nah. Have you ever snitched on someone for cheating? No. Do you own a Snuggie? I do. What's your favorite number? 8. Which of the 7 dwarves are you most like from Snow White? Sleepy. What's the last movie you watched? Dumb and Dumber yesterday. What's your favorite month? October and December.
“I’m alright”
Do you like the smell of campfires? Yesss. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don’t know. Do you like eggnog? Yes. Is there a song out right now that you can't stand? I haven’t heard any new music recently. I haven’t been listening to music lately. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you pick? I’d be fine if I just stayed 31 here on out. What's your favorite state? I like my state the best out of the few states I’ve been to (the others being Arizona, Idaho, and Georgia). There’s a few I’d like to visit that could potentially take the top spot for me, though. Have you ever went in public with your tag still on your clothes? I don’t think so.
Would you say your loud or shy? I’m quiet and shy. What's your favorite symbol on the computer? I don’t have one. Are you afraid of clowns? Pennywise is awesome. Do you wear glasses? I do. Ever rode on a horse? Just on one at the pumpkin patch as a kid. Poor horse, guided around in a circle all day.  Do you have trouble saying or spelling some words? I think I spell pretty well. I stumble over my words when I talk sometimes, but I think my pronunciation is pretty good. Have you ever thought something was just to good to be true? Many times. And when I think that, it’s usually true. Do you like potatoes? I love potatoes.
“I’m in trouble, I’m an addict, I’m addicted to this girl”
Are you random? My thoughts and dreams are really random, but I wouldn’t describe myself that way. I’d say I’m predictable and boring. Do you believe that aliens are real? I don’t know. Certainly not the weird looking green creatures that are usually depicted for some reason. Do you sleep with the TV on? I do. I’ve done that ever since I was a kid. What's the longest you've slept in? Like 5PM or so. Have you ever seen a hairy toe? Yes. What's the last thing you watched on TV? Roseanne this morning. Do you have a song stuck in your head? Not at the moment. Who do you talk to the most? My mom and brother. What's the first thing you get on when the internet comes up? When the internet comes up oh man, was this made in the late 90s, early 2000s? lol. The first thing I do when I get on my laptop is continue scrolling through my Tumblr feed or do a survey. When's the last time you were sick? I’ve been sick with something for the past week. And no, it’s not the rona.
Which is your favorite: Music, Dogs, Shoes, Books, Jonas Brother? I love a variety of music, I love doggos in general, but I’m biased towards Labs and German Shepherds, Adidas are my favorite shoes, and back in my die hard Jonas Brothers days I was a total Joe girl. What color is your hair brush? Rose gold. Do you enjoy arcades? I did when I was a kid. We used to have one at my mall back when I was a kid that was a fun place to go. And Chuck E Cheese, ha. Have you ever liked 2 people at once? Yes. Have you taken a nap today? Not so far.
“show me the meaning of being lonely”
Would you ever want to be in a horror movie? I think it’d certainly come off as believable because I’m such a scardy cat and super jumpy. Being chased would genuinely scare me even it was acting. Even knowing what was going to happen I know I’d still be jumpy. Only thing is I don’t have the scream down that you gotta have for a horror movie.  Have you ever been to Washington D.C? Nope. Do you hate when girls have guyish names and boys have girly names? I really don’t care.  Have you lost or gained any weight since February? I know I haven’t gained any weight. I’ve probably lost some weight, which is really not good for someone who’s already underweight.  Have you ever felt like no one wanted to be around you? Yes. I don’t even want to be around me. I often feel like I’m such a burden and annoyance. It’s my own thinking and feeling, though. My family doesn’t do or say anything to make me feel that way. I have had other people make me feel that way, though.   Have you ever had to use a pay phone? Yes. Have you listened to music today? Nope. It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to music, actually. Do you only drink bottled water? Yes. Don’t judge me. I bet someone is on your mind right now, right? No, actually. Do you like writing in pen or pencil better? Pen, definitely. What's the last magazine you bought? I don’t even remember it’s been so long. Has anyone in your family ever forgot your birthday? My parents, brother, and close family members always remember. Was it any of your friends birthday in the past week? My older brother’s birthday was a couple days ago. Is anyone else in the same room as you? Nope. Are you one of the popular people in your grade? I’m done with school, but no I was never popular.
“you never call me when you’re sober”
What word best describes you in the dictonary? ”Depressed”, “Awkward”, “Lame”, “Loser”, “Ugly”... Do you like Soy Milk? Yeah, I’m lactose intolerant. I use that or almond milk. I don’t drink any kind of milk by itself, but I use those in stuff like coffee drinks and cereal. And for dunking my cookies and brownies in. Where were you at 10:30am yesterday? Right here in bed where I spent all weekend. I was having a really rough weekend. I felt really shitty and had zero energy. I couldn’t even drag myself outta bed for coffee, so that’s how you know I was feeling really bad. Thankfully, my mom and brother brought me a Starbucks. Do you think ghosts are real? I believe in spirits, but not actual Caspers. Do you know anyone who has been attacked by a shark? No. What is your best friend's mom name? Lupe. Have you ever made out in a movie theatre? No. What part of your body do you wash first? My arms and work my way down. Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie. How do you think the dinosaurs died? An asteroid. What's your favorite flavor of Pringles? Sour cream and onion, cheddar and sour cream, pizza, and ranch.  What was the last thing you got grounded for? Something when I was like 12. Did you go to a water park last summer? I don’t go to the water park ever. What shoe do you put on first? I think the right. Finish the sentence: Girls.. Just wanna have fun.
“I think we’re alone now”
Have you ever had a song or poem written about you? No. Did you have a nickname growing up? My family called my Noodles, ha. When was the last time you played the air guitar? I don’t know. Have you ever biten your toenail? Ew, no. I’m not flexible enough to even do that, but I would never want to so it’s fine. Have you ever been dared to do something that you regretted? No. I didn’t do dares. Favorite website? Tumblr and YouTube. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? Probably the incident that made me a paraplegic at 7 months old. That’s certainly top of the list. Best thing that has happened to you? My doggos are definitely amongst the top. Best friend? My mom. If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be? I dye it red and would like to continue to do so. Do you have a wii? It’s my brother’s, but since we live in the same house and I’ve used it, too, I’m gonna say yes.  Most used phrase on IM? I don’t remember, it’s been over a decade since I’ve used IM. Have you ever heard of The Beatles? Of course. Have you ever wanted to give money to a charity? Yes, and I have given to charities.
“Who says you’re not beautiful?”
Would you ever want to have 14 kids? Uh, noooo. I don’t even want one.  Are you wearing any bracelets right now? Nope. Do you have any jewelry that once belonged to an old family member? No. Do you dream every night? I usually do. Give me on of your goals Just taking it day by day. Do you like skinny jeans? Yeah, those are the only jeans I have. Do you ever say stuff that you don’t mean? It happens. Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it? Yeah, but that was back when I was 16 and felt pressured into saying it back to my boyfriend at the time even though I didn’t have those feelings. Ever since then I haven’t thrown those words around lightly. What is your dream guy/girl? A patient, understanding, caring, loving, trustworthy, good sense of humor kind of guy. Do you hate when people overract? I can definitely be one of those people that overreact. And I know I’m overreacting when it’s happening, but I can’t help myself. I sometimes see people in situations where I’m like, ‘omg, they’re totally overreacting’ and think it could be handled differently, but yet I do the same thing. When was the last time you used the oven? It’s been awhile, actually... I don’t remember. Have you ever wanted to be free like a bird? ”And I’m as free as a bird now... and this bird you cannot change.” Are you a worrier? Oh am I ever. Does your house have an attic? Nope. Are you going fishing this weekend? No. I don’t go fishing.
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archadianskies · 4 years
Whumptober Day 7
Support + Carrying → part of SWATverse
Whumptober Masterlist | 07/31 of RK900 short stories ↳ on Ao3
Tags: Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings × Gun Violence × Team as Family  × Explosives  × Anti-Android Sentiments
The rookie goes down heavy and though technically he knew it was going to happen, it still didn’t quite prepare him for the sight of the RK900 bracing himself behind the huge custom shield and taking the brunt of an M430 grenade. It had been the android’s idea too, and he’d quite literally tossed them over the barricade out of harm’s way before facing the barrage alone. The fucking idiot. And how the fuck did those backwater rednecks get their hands on a Mk 19 grenade launcher anyway? Everything had been a manageable level of chaos until they brought that out. 
A more uncontrollable subset of Humanity First; far more vocal, far more violent, and far less uninhibited about openly attacking Jericho. They’d been a pain in the DPD’s ass for months now, starting off as yet another slew of loud but harmless bigots escalating to a very real, very physical threat. When Markus received an encrypted message warning him of ‘humanity prevailing against unnatural abominations’, well, Fowler didn’t treat that lightly. 
The three RK units each had a separate job- the RK200 coordinating the evacuation inside, the RK800 leading defence measures on the perimeter and the RK900 in his SWAT unit on the frontline. 
“Captain, they have a Mk 19 grenade launcher mounted on a jeep.” Rook’s eyes were black with green lenses before he blinked them away back to their usual grey. “I will provide cover and you will get the team inside and fall back to my brother.”
“I apologise in advance.” And then his feet weren’t on the ground anymore as the android lifted him by his chestplate, reaching over to grab Volkova by hers and then hefted them over the barricade to be joined by the others moments later. David had just enough time to scramble to his feet and peek over the barricade to watch Rook deflect the grenade with the impressive custom shield built for his line. The force of the blast pushed him back a good few feet, and with their new target acquired the fuckers fired round after round. The shield held, but only just. For now.
“Volkova, get the others to Connor and you make sure the perimeter holds.” He grabbed her arm, face stern. “Do not let them breach, you hear me?”
“Otto, Ishi, you’re with me. We get the rookie out.” He snapped his fingers and made a beckoning gesture, the two of them breaking away as the rest of the team left to find Connor. “Direct covering fire, concentrating on that fucking jeep and I’ll get the rookie to safety.”
“Yes captain.” They nodded just as another grenade made impact and his heart caught in his throat as Rook crumpled to his knees, flames eating away at his gear, his uniform. The android hurriedly threw off his helmet and chest armour, ripping away the top few layers of clothing before it could make contact with his skin. Too late, though, because the heat was already too much and David watched in horror as the skin burned away in patches as Rook frantically tried to pat the flames out. 
“Go, sir!” Otto shouted as they shot at the jeep, aiming for the grenade launcher and hoping to damage it or at least take out its operator before it could fire again. David ran and skidded to the rookie’s side, forcing him to drop to the damp muddy ground to let the moisture put him out. His LED was a bright neon red in the dark and he looked up at him in confusion.
“Captain why-”
“Shut up. Damage report?” David snapped, trying to focus on the mission at hand and not on the fact the android was partly melted through and had exposed wiring up hands and arms. 
“Structural integrity unstable. Dermal loss. System heat critical. Thirium loss at 74% due to evaporation. Power at 150% capacity, thermodynamic conversion active.” The rookie was gasping for breath, desperately trying to ventilate his insides.
“How much Thirium do you have to lose to shutdown?”
“85%.” Rook closed his eyes, wincing. “Percentage is climbing rapidly. I will go into emergency shutdown in less than five minutes.”
“Then you better come with me.”
“I can’t.” He shook his head, and he looked very human and very scared. “Too much power and too little thirium. Ratio is incorrect. I won’t make it.”
“How far can you make it?” David grabbed him by the shoulders and hauled him to at least sit up, grateful the fancy shield was still standing to give them cover.
“A few feet at most. You have to go, Captain Allen.”
“No man left behind.” He hissed, giving him a firm shake. “Now get up.”
“I’ll only-”
“You’ll make it far enough.” He said it with enough conviction to believe in it himself as he shouldered the android and helped him back upright. “God why did they make you so fucking big?” David grit his teeth, knees nearly buckling when Rook leaned on him heavily. 
“For this purpose.” The android gestured clumsily around him. There’s a satisfying bang a good distance behind them and he didn’t need to look to know someone’s taken out that jeep. 
“Alright, not much further. We can make it rookie.” He saw Otto and Ishikawa ahead, waving them over and they darted across to catch Rook just as the android collapsed. His LED pulsed red like a heartbeat; emergency shutdown mode. David cursed.
“Fuck he must weigh like, 400 pounds!” Otto groaned, trying to lift the android up. 
“Ishi, you cover us.” David ordered as he coordinated to lift him up at the same time. “On three. One. Two. Three-!” Without Rook conscious enough to stumble along, the android’s dead weight made it difficult for even two grown men to shoulder him on either side and drag him along. But they did it, and they made it, because David would not settle for anything less.
It’s a good thing they’re at Jericho and Jericho had a Med Bay. Even if the rookie was an RK900 requiring the attention of the Kamskis, at least he could be stabilised here. The skirmish outside seemed to finally be wrapping up and only when Rook was safely under the care of the medroids did he rush back to the frontline. The night wasn’t over yet.
There was a weight on his chest, and it was warm and organic in nature. He could feel a steady heartbeat, could feel the inhale and exhale of breath drawn in and out. It was a quick tempo, too quick to belong to a human. Something wet pressed to his chin and when he opened his eyes there was a German Shepherd sprawled atop him, nosing and sniffing him curiously. 
“And the rookie’s awake at long last.” Captain Allen huffed a laugh, blinking tiredly over at him. His eyes were bloodshot, as were the eyes of the team who were in various states of stirring awake from their uncomfortable positions slumped in uncomfortable chairs. “I’d really rather you not make this a habit.”
“That is not fair.” Rook protested quietly. “Buela was in hospital last week and MacMaster only five days prior.” 
“It’s different when it’s you.” Rajasingham grumbled, poking his temple though not with any malice. “We can deal with hospitals and blood that’s red. When it’s you we panic because there’s no real first aid we can apply.”
He couldn’t refute that, so he lowered his gaze and moved his hands to pat Rosie’s soft fur. She licked his chin before resting her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms loosely around her. She was warm and reminded him so much of Sumo back home. Oh. Wait-
“Connor’s fine.” Captain Allen reassured him with a tired smile. “Don’t worry. He and your dad visited earlier but had to leave to deal with all the arrests. They’ll be back soon, don’t sweat it.”
He looked around at all their faces, their tired, worn faces still fighting off the urge to sleep even though they all desperately needed it. It was difficult not to buckle under the magnitude of their actions, not when the logical course of action would have been to leave him behind for the greater good.
“Why did you save me?” 
“Because,” Captain Allen leaned forward to give his hand a squeeze, “that’s what family does.”
(This fic is a repost of a previous whump prompt fill)
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Teamwork ~ A Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @silvlee-shepherd @jack-leeboyman and @darkipli-ler
Darkiplier chuckled to himself, oh what a day. What a villainous, delectable day he had had. Dark was smirking with his eyes closed as he reclined in his sleek, leather office chair. Lately the dark gentleman had been partaking in a number of inconvenient pranks upon his fellow egos, both Ipliers and Septics alike, and it was oh so glorious and devious fun.
Dark was thinking on his latest little trick, which he'd played on the ever sweet, cute little Oliver. Dark, much like everyone else on the planet, adored Oliver. His little smile, his sunshine blush, his jittery giggles and other expressions of mirth....all of which Dark had decided he wanted to see. So, he designed a playful little virus. You needn't worry, it was neither harmful nor permanent, it was simply a little programme that inhabited Oliver's system for 12 hours....making him feel tickling sensations all over his body constantly.
Dark chuckled as he remembered how Oliver had been writhing and giggling on the floor for practically the whole day, never becoming hysterical though since Dark had designed the virus to provide only teasing, soft tickling for the little robot. Needless to say, anyone who saw Oliver were instantly enamoured. However, Dark's little pranking spree had not gone unnoticed....and there were two particular egos who had decided that they would no longer tolerate this villainous behaviour. Said two egos had just now entered Dark's office unannounced, spurring Dark to open his eyes and raise a playful eyebrow at them.
'Typically, when entering someone's private space, you should be courteous enough to knock and ask permission.' 
Jackie-Boy Man and Silver Shepherd were not affected by Dark's words. The two majestic, strongly-stanced, spandex-clad heroes merely raised their own eyebrows in return to Dark. Jackie was the first to speak.
'Oh please, courtesy around here went out of the window as soon as you started implanting tickle viruses into innocent androids!'
'Along with all your other crimes!'
Silver piped up, which made Dark smirk at the pair and respond musingly.
'Oh? To what crimes are you referring? I do not recall taking part in anything illegal.'
Jackie and Silver bristled, already getting riled from Dark's smug demeanour. Jackie put his hands on his hips as he glared at Dark.
'The law we refer to is the law of common decency and honour! Your crimes are the victimisation of so many, with teasing and taunting and all manner of villainous tickling!'
Dark snickered at how dramatic Jackie was being, which only made the heroes bristle more as Silver followed on, placing his hands on Dark's desk and leaning over it slightly.
'And quite a few of your victims think justice is in order for your crimes, and we're here to deliver.'
Dark straightened up in his chair a tad, which externally could look as if he was merely shifting or preparing to retort....but internally Dark had to admit that he felt a tad intimidated by the heroes. There were two of them, and despite how comical they may seem they were stronger than the average man. Dark found himself hoping....that they were merely words. Dark smiled to them both, looking between them with a cordiality and a gentlemanly manner.
'Oh come now, I simply wanted to have a little fun with those that I care for, surely you will not begrudge me those times of bonding? If those, who you call my ''victims'', do strive for justice....then why have they not simply come to claim it for themselves? Don't you think this can be resolved amicably?'
Jackie and Silver shared a look between themselves as they listened to Dark....and they couldn't help but grin. Things being resolved amicably? Oh please! Jackie and Silver both felt giddiness rising inside them, because they could see that the notion of receiving revenge....made Dark very, very nervous indeed. It also made the heroes even more eager to provide it. They both circled around Dark's desk so that they were stood either side of him now, and Jackie let out a light chuckle.
'Oh believe me, they want justice, which is why they all came to Silver and I.'
Jackie smirked as Silver followed on, his usually innocent face holding a sense of mischief that sent a few chills down Dark's spine.
'They know that justice is our forte, and that we won't be swayed by any of your sweet talking....'
Silver purred lightly, exchanging grins with Jackie since both of them were really rather enjoying the situation at hand. Dark however, was brainstorming hard. They were ever so smart, he knew they were going to do something but they had not yet shown their specific moves, Dark had to make them show their hand. He mustered up a smug sneer, figuring arrogance would rile them into revealing their plans as he looked between them.
'Oh is that right? What justice do you exactly plan to dish out then, hmm? Are you going to haul me out of my chair and give me speeches of morality until I submit?'
At Dark's smug words, instead of being perturbed by his confidence, the two heroes merely shared a grin. Silver giggled as he sidled behind Dark's sat form, whilst Jackie crouched to Dark's level...and smirked.
'As much as I'd looove to have you sprawled at my feet....Silver and I have a better idea.'
The heroes acted so fast then that Dark barely had any time to register what the fricking hell had happened! In a flash, Silver had tied Dark wrists behind the back of his chair and was now holding the chair still, whilst Jackie dragged over a spare chair in the room so he could sit comfortably in front of, a now seething, Dark. Dark grunted and struggled, glaring at them, but honestly he was feeling more embarrassed about not being on his physical guard. Dark looked pointedly up at Silver, hoping to intimidate the traditionally genteel guy.
'Untie me. Now!'
Silver merely giggled.
'....no, I don't feel like doing that right now, sorry.'
....well, that plan was foiled fast. Dark growled under his breath at the feigned apology as Jackie snickered.
'What's wrong? Feeling a bit vulnerable are we? Feeling a little humiliated?'
Dark mustered up a sneer in response to Jackie, determined not to let them affect him so soon.
'Oh please, if meagre bondage like this unfazed me then my sex life would be in a bit of trouble.'
Dark smirked a little wider when he heard Silver let out a surprised squeak from behind him, satisfied that his lewder language had managed to embarrass at least one of them. Dark was irked though, since Jackie merely laughed and scooted closer, resting his hands on Dark's knees as his auburn eyes gleamed.
'Ohohoho you're going to be SO fun to break!'
Dark gritted his teeth, trying not to flinch as Jackie started walking his fingers up Dark's legs.
'Oh go suck a dick Septic!'
Jackie raised an eyebrow as Silver gasped from behind Dark. Having now recovered from the earlier lewdness, he leant down to be in Dark's eye-line as he remarked with an innocent, yet slightly nerve-inducing smile.
'Why what rudeness! Come now Dark, don't make us gag you!'
Dark was all set to retort to Silver, hoping to incapacitate his focus again with more lewd language....but his breath started to hitch, and it was Dark's focus that was faltering. Why? Well it was because Jackie's dastardly fingers were now walking up his sides and ribs. Dark and Jackie locked eyes, and Jackie's playful grin made Dark's lips twitch and tremble.
Jackie raised an eyebrow as Silver let out a soft gasp, leaning in beside Dark and cupping his ear dramatically.
'Don't? Don't what?'
Dark's teeth were gritted as Jackie's fingers twitched and hovered right by his hollows, and Dark's usual decorum had been left far behind as he spoke frantically.
'Look, fine, alright I'll apologise to people if that's what you want but just don't t-AHH! YOHOHOU BAHAHASTARDS!!'
Jackie and Silver snickered, I mean, as if they were going to go to the trouble to tie him up and not tickle him! Dark descended into low laughter, throwing his head back with mirth as Jackie happily dug his wiggling fingers into Dark's hollows. His thin shirt offered no protection. As Dark thrashed, Silver gasped playfully at his exclamation.
'So rude AGAIN! It's like he's asking to be gagged!'
Dark flushed a dark red, because for some reason hearing those words out of someone who was usually pretty meek just made it all the more humiliating. He shook his head, his gaze flitting between the two heroes as he hurried to reply.
Silver giggled fondly into Dark's ear, making him scrunch his shoulders, whilst Jackie kept scribbling away gleefully as he purred.
'Wow you're more ticklish than I thought, this is gonna be sooo muuuch fun!'
Dark ordinarily would have growled at the hero, but he was cackling too hard to even muster a hint of a frown right now. Jackie wasn't the only gleeful hero right now either, Silver was just elated at the whole thing! I mean, everyone knew that Dark was ticklish, but not to THIS extent! Silver cooed to Dark with teasy delight, adoring the man's sensitivity.
'Awwww coochie coochie coo! Does someone have ticklish pitties?'
Dark howled with wide eyes; the tease in combination with Jackie really digging his thumbs into his pits seriously got to him. Mostly, Dark was shocked at how intense the tickling was already, and this was only the first place they'd targeted for tickling! All Dark could do was try and deflect, he was too flustered to do much else.
Jackie gasped, because what's tickle torture without drama?
'He was just asking a question! I'm so sorry Silver, I must not be tickling him enough if he has the nerve to talk to you like that....'
Dark was the next to gasp, but this time with relief as mercy was given to his armpits. Dark knew it as only going to be a break, due to Jackie's words, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to fight with every ounce of his resolve. He shook the strands of dark hair falling into his eyes as he snarled through his teeth; he was pretty damn riled.
'Yohou'll rehegret this, both of you!'
....then he only became more riled when Jackie just straight up IGNORED him in favour of Silver's bright, airy suggestion.
'Perhaps a different tickle spot will yield manners from this villain!'
Jackie smirked, liking that idea very much, whilst Dark's head snapped towards Silver as he exclaimed.
'You are ESPECIALLY going to regret this!'
Now, at such harsh words Dark was very much expecting Silver to cower, he was generally a meek gentleman after all and Dark was clinging onto every shallow hope he could fathom, no matter how repetitive. However, Silver merely grinned, showing off his pearly whites as he cocked his head down at Dark; Silver's dark brown eyes glimmered as he taunted in a tender tone.
'And what exactly are you and your ticklish self going to do Dark? All tied up like this, you're mine, you're ours. There's absolutely NOTHING you can do, sorry.'
Silver's smile was so wide, he was clearly enjoying himself, plus he was once again the very opposite of apologetic. Now though, Dark started twitching, and his head snapped back to Silver's partner in justice, who had taken to unbuttoning Dark's jacket and shirt eagerly.
'S-Stop that, stop it right now!'
Dark snapped as he squirmed more and more, but soon Silver put a stop to that with some swift gripping of his shoulders. That kept him still so Jackie could reveal Dark's strong, muscular torso.
'Awwww there's no need to feel self conscious Dark! You have the most wonderful torso....'
The Septic hero crooned with a playful wink as he lightly ran his fingertips over Dark's abdominals; naturally, Dark pursed his lips shut and grunted, internally vowing not to make any more sounds. Jackie saw this of course and chuckled, Dark was just making this so enjoyable.
'Trying to stay strong and silent huh? You think you can keep it all in do ya?'
Dark smiled a wobbly smile at the teasing, averting his eyes from Jackie and Silver as the apples of his cheeks went quite the magenta hue; he was very flustered....and it was about to get a whole lot worse. If Dark hadn't averted his eyes then he'd have seen Jackie's excited smile as he watched Silver smirk and get nice and close to Dark. Jackie could see it in Silver's eyes....Silver was going to coax that mirth out with words. 
'There's no point Dark....Jackie isn't going to stop. He's just going to tickle and tickle and tickle....we can see how bad it tickles you Dark. You're so ticklish and shaky and adorable, I mean, how could we NOT want to keep tickling you? You know we're not gonna stop, so why hold it all in?'
Dark gasped and trembled at Silver's teasing whispers, his smooth voice was diabolical and Silver's words were all that Dark would think about. Dark tried to hiss with his breaths, just have some sort of outlet for everything he was keeping in....but now his resolve was seriously crumbling. All Jackie had to do was substitute a stroke for a little muscle pinch....and then it was all over for Dark.
Jackie and Silver laughed along fondly as Dark caved, thrashing and struggling and tensing up and belly laughing from all the pinches and tweaks to his sensitive muscles.
'Theeeere you go! Doesn't that feel better? Letting out all that cute laughter of yours!'
Dark shook his head at Silver's coos, partly in defiance but also in the effort of blocking out his damned teasy voice.
Cue more dramatic gasps from the protagonists of our little piece, this time though they were both feigning concern....because they were little, evil, tickle monster shits. Particularly Jackie, who teased right in Dark's face.
'Oh I'm sorry Dark, am I not tickling you how you'd like to be tickled? Is kneading more your preference?'
Dark's eyes were wide as he got the full view of Jackie's smirking, sadistic demeanour....whilst he shrieked with laughter at the new, sadistic kneading-tickling that Jackie bestowed upon his poor abs. At the sound of Dark's madder laughter, Silver exclaimed with giddy jubilance.
'Oh he sounds so much happier and less villainous now!'
'Oh I agree!'
Jackie followed on with similar joy as he kneaded and kneaded and kneaded, all the while Dark tried his best to struggle....but it was impossible. That's the thing about restrained torsos, it's not like a limb that has at least the chance of moving away by a few inches, or even gaining freedom....it's just really, seriously trapped.
Jackie and Silver sighed lightly at Dark's cries, and Jackie slowed his tickling back down to tracing so Dark could breathe once more. Dark gasped for air desperately, and shivered when he felt Silver's hand stroking his shoulder blades teasingly as the hero purred.
'Ahhh, I know that's what you all think, all you little mischief makers, all you villains. But I can assure you Dark....you deserve every second of this.'
Dark bowed his head, his face more red than grey now as he got chill after chill going down his spine at the humiliating, teasiness of it all. He couldn't avoid his captors though. As he squirmed he found himself face to face with Jackie, almost nose to nose, as he too purred.
'However, if you admit your villainy and apologise, we promise you that we will grant you mercy.'
....ohhhh how tempting that sounded. After all that intense tickling, Dark shuddered at what more they could possibly do to him....but then of course, there was his pride. Dark wasn't going to give in unless he really had no other choice, and to be quite honest, despite the torturousness of it all....Dark was having fun. The heroes observed Dark curiously, they could see he was thinking. Then, Dark looked up....and fucking sneered.
'Bite me.'
Silver and Jackie shared a look.....oh they were so happy that Dark was so defiant. Jackie sent Silver a wink, which spurred him to whisper into Dark's ear....to distract him.
'Don't tempt us.'
Dark looked to Silver with wide eyes, wondering for a moment whether he'd just brought forth a new world of torment....and, well, he had, but just not to do with biting. Whilst Silver had distracted, Jackie had been able to strike without Dark fighting back. Namely, he'd made claws out of his hands and latched onto Dark's inner thighs, kneading incessantly. Dark just screamed.
It was an echoing scream of mirth that shocked everyone in the room, even Dark, because he literally couldn't comprehend anything but the tickling. He knew he was struggling like a wild animal, but the tickling took up his focus as Jackie kept it up. Meanwhile, the heroes were agape with awe, I mean sure they were expecting some kind of loud laughter, but this?! This was frankly majestic hysteria.
'Woah....you're so ticklish....'
Silver whispered, more out of awe than out of teasiness as he and Jackie watched Dark with wide eyes; Dark was going so mad with laughter! Of course though, it didn't last, and for good reason. A) Dark had started to cry, and B) He had also started to cough. Jackie had mercy on the tender area as Silver carefully untied the knots binding Dark's wrists. Perhaps Dark could have handled more, but it was the risk of the perhaps NOT side of things that spurred Silver and Jackie to call it a day, especially since it was all meant to be in good fun. Silver carefully knelt next to Dark and cupped the man's damp cheeks, stroking his hair gently as he whispered. 
'H-Hey i-it's okay, i-it's alright Dark we're done we're done, oh god please be okay....'
Silver and Jackie were anxious beyond belief, sharing nervous look as Dark limply sniffled and gasped with fluttering eyes and a swaying head. It took a few minutes granted, but Dark soon regained his senses; honestly, they'd probably driven him as close to passing out without the unconsciousness part. A Dark processed the more soothing touches, as well as Silver's words, he looked between the two heroes; to their surprise, he smiled and let out a soft laugh.
'Yohou sahadistic fucks....'
Dark couldn't help but giggle and smile at them both, their concern for him was too precious; Silver with his affection and Jackie with his fidgeting, they were too cute. Both heroes smiled and relaxed at seeing Dark smile, since now they could see he was okay; Jackie straightened up a little when Dark suddenly focused on him.
'I've always had a degree of admiration for you, but I have never been more impressed by a hero in my life. Your sadism wahas quite something.'
Dark smiled with satisfaction as he saw the apples of Jackie's cheeks go pink at the compliment, before Dark tilted his head to look at Silver fondly.
'And you....never have I been more proud to call you my family....you evil little marshmallow.'
Silver blushed similarly, letting out a bashful thank you whilst Dark kissed one of his palms affectionately. Dark loved being affectionate with his family. He laughed softly when Silver enveloped him in a bashful hug, before standing with a grin and offering Dark his hand.
'C-C'mon, we're all having a movie night, we're already a bit late!'
Dark blinked a few times in bemusement at the sudden shift of conversation, and was especially confused because....well....these ego social things were never really his scene, he never really thought he was invited, so he was hesitant to move. As Jackie stood and smoothed down his spandex suit, he saw Dark's hesitation and smiled fondly. He nudged the suited man's shoulder with his own as he smiled jovially.
'Come on, Oli's warming up an armchair for you.'
Dark let out a light, soft laugh of amazement as he allowed himself to be led. He didn't care that his torso was still on show, or that his face was fiery red and sweaty or that his hair was as wild as Wilford's personality. When Dark walked into that group of egos, that group of family, the heroes passed him onto Oli who stood from the leather armchair he'd been in. There were no words exchanged, there didn't need to be any....but there was a hug. Then Dark sat....and looked around, and said what little needed to be said.
'To those I pranked and ah....inflicted villainy upon, I apologise. I did those things....well...because I care deeply for you all.'
Dark was bashful as chuckles went around the room....but it was all filled with fondness and love. When Oliver sat on the floor and snuggled into Dark's legs as the movie started....Dark felt it all....he felt it all in his full, full heart.
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CSUAPR prt 61 update
Once Lance was taken away for surgery things started happening in rapid precession. Hunter needed a nappy change. Hunk needed a guide through the hospital to book Shay’s appointment. Laith wanted feeding. Marco face planted from exhaustion getting out the elevator. Keith’s comms started ringing. Keith missed the call and ended up playing phone tag with his mother. Lucteal nearly punched a guy in the face for not apologising when he walked into Keith, who was still trying to juggle his hungry son and his comms. Mami called for an update on Lance, then Hunk nearly threw up from how anxious he’d made himself over booking said appointment as he wrung his hands the whole time they were walking. Feeling frazzled, Keith wasn’t entirely unsure it wasn’t all karma from nearly hiding his meeting with Krystaal from his husband. He could wait until after Lance’s surgery to meet with Krystaal, and give Lance that chance to be awake for it, or he could deal with it now and have news for him when he woke. When Daehra stepped up, he nearly kissed her. How normal parents dealt with these issues, he had no idea. Mami was so incredibly patient and able to juggle two grumpy babies and a comms. He... was not. Taking Hunter for his nappy change, sleepy Marco wasn’t allowed to hold either baby, but he did go with Daehra, who also promised to organise a bottle for Laith then meet them at the obstetricians offices. Thankfully Hunk had had the foresight to bring the nappy bag with him, or things would have gone from bad to worse. Babies needed so many extra things, which they’d had access too in Cuba thanks to Miriam’s smart thinking, now he was realising that a nappy bag was something that would always need to travel around with them, and that he’d have to keep it stocked with the right things for their boys. Lance would have known this. He should have known this. Maybe those few stolen vargas of sleep hadn’t been enough for him to be firing on all cylinders? Calling him as he sat by Hunk’s side in the waiting room, Keith was forced to pass Laith over to Lucteal so he could take his mother’s call outside the obstetricians offices. Keith had wanted to be there for Hunk the whole time, but with time running out he couldn’t not to take the call, and it wasn’t as if Hunk wasn’t currently stuck filling in paperwork regarding the nature of the appointment. Keeping his mother hanging until he’d slipped into the hallway, Keith sighed deeply as he raised his comms “Hey, mum” Dressed in his Blade uniform, her mother looked calm and collected. Not even the tiny bit of baby vomit on her shoulder could dent her presence “You look like shit” Sighing again, Keith already knew he did “Thanks. You’ve got vomit on your shoulder” His mother didn’t miss a beat “Better there than in my hair. What time are you arriving?” There it was. Straight into business. She hadn’t even asked about Lance or the boys “I’m not” His mother raised an eyebrow “You’re not?” “I can’t... Not to Daibazaal. I talked to Lance about it and he’s... I can’t leave here while he’s in surgery. I still want to talk to Krystaal, but his wishes come first...” It was Krolia’s turn to sigh “So what you’re telling me is, you want me to escort him all the way out there” “Pretty much” “Keith...” Digging the heel of his spare hand into his eye, Keith really didn’t want to fight. He knew he was messing up the plan, but he couldn’t leave. It was bad enough the boys were in the care of the others again, and though Lance had been through probably far more surgeries than Keith knew, he really couldn’t find the energy or will to be anywhere else. “Where is he?” Rubbing at his eye, Keith then let his hand drop “Surgery. There were... complications, yesterday. Meaning they needed to approach the surgery from another angle” “Complications? You didn’t tell me there complications” “You didn’t ask!” His tiredness carried in his semi snap “Look, I’m sorry. I know I was supposed to come to Daibazaal but I can’t. Lance is right. I want the twins first trip to be to Daibazaal because we’re coming to see you, not because we’re coming to see the man that tried to kill them” Krolia’s face morphed from vague annoyance to understanding. She’d always thought the war would end and she'd come back to Earth. That they’d meet at the shack and... and everything else that other life would have been “I’ll see what I can do. He knows no harm would have come to them, right?” “Yeah, mum. It’s not that... well, maybe a little bit but it’s mostly... We want to make good memories with them. He doesn’t deserve to see them, not after trying to take them away from us. I wasn’t going to tell Lance, that’s why I agreed...” Krolia set her lips in a firm frown “You said you were going to” “You didn’t see him, mum. He was so messed up from missing the boys’ first week. He needed Cuba. I thought... that I’d be strong enough to let the others take care of them, but I can’t...” Despite the glaringly obvious fact he was baby free... Recomposing herself, his mother managed to school her features to something more neutral that didn’t quite make it into her tone “I wish you’d called me sooner. I’ll need to clear things with Erathus. They’re not keen on Galra ships, much less a sudden visit. Where are you? Where are my boys?” “I’m at the hospital. Daehra is changing Hunter’s nappy while Lucteal holds Laith so I could take this call. You know... Seeing you didn’t want to answer when I called you back” “Korra needed feeding. You should see her now. She’s so much like you were at this age” Discomfort tugged at Keith’s chest. He hadn’t forgotten he had a new baby sister, who he hadn’t enquired over... It pained him to admit that thanks to their age gap he may as well be an uncle to the baby girl “I’ll have to take your word for it. How long do you think it’ll take to get clearance?” His mother shrugged “I can’t see it being a huge deal given both you and Lance are already planet side. They hardly need to know the nature of my visit. A varga, two tops. How long will Lance be in surgery?” “A couple of vargas. They’re performing micro-surgery, then he’ll need to be monitored for seizures before being moved back up to the main ward” “I’ll call when we’ve docked. I assume the others will watch over the twins during the meeting?” They’d have to... Marco and Daehra definitely needed the sleep, but hopefully he could swing a few more vargas of Hunk’s time. Hunk was already smitten with the boys. Both of them now owners of weird stuffed wolf looking toys that matched the larger on Hunk had bought for Lance. Their friend had blushed up a storm as he explained that he’d bought it because he knew how much Lance had grown into having Kosmo as his constant companion. Kosmo wasn’t allowed at the hospital, and Keith hadn’t thought about gifting his husband something “cuddly” to share his bed with. That was his job, after all “Yeah. Yeah. Hunk popped by for a quick visit, so I’ll see if he and Lucteal can watch the boys at the club. Is Kolivan coming with you?” His mother’s eyes twinkled, Keith knowing the teasing was coming “Do you want Kolivan to come with me?” “That’s not I asked” “You don’t usually ask for him. Can’t a mother be concerned?” Huffing are his mother, he felt stupid for asking. His emotions too scattered, and body too tired to take whatever crap she was trying to pull “Excuse me for trying to include him. In future I won’t ask my future stepfather if he wants to meet his grandsons. This is what I get for trying to include him. I never should have opened my mouth. Call me when you get here” Ending the call, Keith knew he’d been a bit of a dick to his mother. He’d just wanted to do the right thing by everyone. Kolivan hadn’t met the boys, and as his mother’s partner and the father of his half-sister, he kind of felt like it might have been nice to include him. He’d barely had a moment to breathe before Marco and Daehra were approaching him from down the hall. Today could quiznak itself right off. He was far too old and far too tired for any of this shit, and now he’d picked a fight with his mother after breaking their agreed upon plans. Someone out there really needed to invent a way to go back in time so he could back to the morning and spend it curled up with Lance as they both snored their heads off. * Dragged back to the club by Hunk and his gentle ways, Keith showered, ate, napped, and generally felt much more human for it. Leaving Daehra and Marco to sleep of their babysitting duties, Keith and Hunk headed back up to the room that Keith and Lance were sharing on the second highest floor of the club. Th’al had offered to make the penthouse available so they be able to share the apartment space, but Lance had wanted seperate rooms thanks to the twins. Kosmo was all over him the tick they walked in. Clothes strewn across the space from where his fur son had felt bored, deciding that he needed to redecorate by digging out mostly Lance’s clothes. Strangely enough it hadn’t felt weird to sit Kosmo down and explain to him that Lance needed surgery. His great big idiot of a wolf was far smarter than he’d ever let on, letting them leave with minimal fussing, even if he did nudge at Lance’s hands for all the extra pats he could get before Keith shepherded his husband out the door. Laying Laith down on the sofa, he was sent to the bathroom to humanise by Hunk, returning to find his friend had ordered room service before starting to straighten up. Collapsing backwards onto the king sized bed was a grave error on his behalf. The thick fluffy duvet calling his name as the urge to sleep until the meeting grew. Forcing himself to sit back up seemed like some kind of inhumane torture. Sitting up meant talking. Talking meant using the words. Using the words meant using the English. His brain didn’t have the power to use the English. His valiant efforts to stay awake were thwarted by Hunk promising to wake him when the food arrived. Needless to say, he didn’t. Letting him sleep for the next varga and a half, Keith woke to Hunk shaking his shoulder to tell him that Krolia should be arriving soon. Having pulled a “rambling Lance”, Keith had talked the ear off his poor friend all the way from the hospital to the club, unaware of how much he had talked or the way he’d jumped from topic to topic as he had. Knowing he was an idiot their friends group had let him mumble and complain, then go off on a completely unrelated tangent of how amazing his boys were. The previous night’s conversation in the cafeteria had drifted out of his mind, Keith forgetting he’d confided in Hunk, leaving him as confused as he was nervous about facing Krystaal. So many things had happened, so many things were happening, now wasn’t the time to be overwhelmed, even if his secondary instincts were prowling demanding some kind of revenge he couldn’t process that when his stomach felt somewhere close to the bottom of his boot. Had Hunk not been there to guide him around, as if he was on autopilot, Keith wouldn’t have made it to the space port intact. Nor would the twins have made the trip with him in the arms of Lucteal and Hunk. No. He’d said he wouldn’t put them in danger, so he couldn’t explain why he’d ended up bringing them with him. Kosmo was all the backup he needed, yet with his track record of attacking anything he deemed a threat towards Lance, he’d been forced to leave his ever faithful furry back up locked up in the hotel. There was nothing especially special about the Galra ship Krolia had piloted for the trip over to Erathus. It was just as grey and purple as every other ship in their fleet. Waiting at the dock, Kolivan had quirked an eyebrow at their “rag tag” group. One half-Galra who looked as if his head was off in the cloud. One man who dwarfed the sleeping child in his hold almost laughably. Then rounding out the group was the man carrying the other baby wearing a facial expression akin to what one might expect having stepped in faecal matter. The expression lost once his gaze cast down to Korra. She was so much larger than Keith remembered. In her clutch was Kolivan’s braid, drooled all over by the little girl, yet Kolivan was uncaring as he smiled with the corners of his lips at his daughter. Parenthood really suited his former mentor, Kolivan’s almost mechanical mannerism had softened significantly “Greetings, Keith, Hunk, and Lucteal” “Hey, Kolivan. Hello, Korra” Hunk nudged him with his elbow, Keith remembering if you wanted to greet someone you needed to use the words “Hey, Kolivan. Hello, Korra, you probably have no idea who I am...” Lame. That was “cringeworthy lame” as Lance would say, his husband would most probably be cringing in second hand embarrassment “She’s a smart little girl. You look... exhausted” Keith snorted. Exhausted was the polite way of agreeing with Krolia that he looked like shit “Long night. Day. Whatever time of hour it is... I didn’t think I’d be seeing you here” “You know Krolia. When she makes up her mind, there’s simply no telling her. She did mention that it would be an opportunity to meet your sons...” She’d mentioned it only because Keith had been forced to make her mention it. No. He wasn’t going to be bitter. His mother had been forced to change all her plans for him, for all he knew she could have planned something... “Uh. Yeah. Um... This is Laith and Hunter... Laith means “lion” back on Earth. Lance calls him his little lion cub. Hunter... is kind of obvious” Now he felt stupid not holding his baby boys. He should be proudly introducing them to their future grandfather, not standing in front of them and gesturing vaguely because he was a wreck. Shuffling up, Hunk placed his free hand on Keith’s shoulder, kind of angling the twin he was holding towards Kolivan “This handsome little man is Laith. I think he looks more like Lance except for his nose, but Hunter, Hunter’s the spitting image of Keith” Keith itched to take his son from Hunk, yet didn’t want to wake him before he had time to cuddle his crying away. Smiling fondly, his son far damn precious for his heart not to skip a beat “And their eyes... Lance says they have my eyes” “That’s true. I’m kind of shocked that he didn’t inherit Lance’s markings, or fangs or something” “Don’t insult him. He’s perfect the way he is. They’re both perfect” As Kolivan chuckled, Hunk gaped slightly. For his friend it was a rarely seen side of the Blade Commander. For Keith it was just another piece of evidence that being a father really suited Kolivan. Steamrolling through the moment, Lucteal didn’t appreciate the shared affection between both new fathers “Can we please move on? There is time to continue this conversation after you have met with Krystaal. Need I remind you we have limited time before Lance wakes. I would prefer that we didn’t continue to make spectacles of ourselves to the watching public. Lance would not appreciate the added attention. Especially when he wishes to keep both your children out of the media” Keith hadn’t noticed the few busybodies stopping to stare. None of them seemed to be on their comms, nor did the seem to have taken video or photos of the moment. They were all doing that creepy thing where they were staring thanks to the groups status. Drawing his brow, Kolivan gave a curt nod “Indeed. We should head on board. We have a secure room for you to meet with Krystaal and Krolia will be monitoring your meeting to prevent any incident arriving” “Is that likely?” Kolivan shook his head. Korra letting out a babbly kind of laugh as her fathers plait moved “No. He spent many movements sullen, refusing both food and water initially. When offered the choice of exile he was far too eager to accept. It was decided by Krolia that he needed to retrain and learn the gravity of his actions... Though it was a struggle not to let her shoot him as Lance had wished, and she was far too tempted to eject him out the closest available airlock. Any chance of advancement was ruined by his own actions. Penance is not generally the Galra way, but we are trying. Let us be going” The walk was short given the size of the ship. Korra spent her time watching him over Kolivan’s shoulder. Her eyes fixed on him as she continued to drool over Kolivan’s hair. Beside him Hunk kept pulling faces to entertain the little girl, mumbling sadly when her gaze didn’t move from him. Having not spent all that much time with her, Keith knew their was no way she could know he was her older brother. He loved the little girl fiercely, but was worried they’d never have that proper sibling bond. All his friends were far older than her. And all of them bore a heavy legacy. As it was, if he was the “Prince of Daibazaal”, then she was very much the “Princess”. The first born daughter of the joint rulers of transitioning empire. Keith sincerely hoped that she’d be able to be live a happy life, and that he’d be able to provide her with a shoulder to cry on, or an escape if she ever chose a different path than the ones that would appear before her feet. Lance would have loved to have been there. He would have gone crazy for how cute and inquisitive she was. To Lucteal they all must have seemed idiots. He had dozens of half-brothers and sisters. This wasn’t all new and exciting to him, but at the same time, he also wasn’t a father. Not that that stopped Hunk. He’d make a fantastic father. Realising where his thoughts were taking him, Keith gave himself a small shake. He couldn’t be cool before Krystaal if he was too busy being proud of his friends and family.
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4llmywr1tings · 5 years
The Con that Started it All
365 Days of Jensen - Day 1 Jensen X Reader (eventual) Words 2134 A/N: reviving my 365 days of Jensen series - and reediting it since tumblr was a jerk.. Tagging: @autoblocked
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“How the hell do you manage to keep up, especially being pregnant?” You let out a laugh and shake your head. “I guess I’m just used to it. I’ve got three more at home, and they’re all mobile and busy.” You finally had some time off, and after spending the first day of Vegas Con alone, you decided to join up with your friends and their activities. Allison and Kori had been more than happy to include you in on their activities for the day, and between the few panels you wanted to see on the first day, you had been quite busy. “I want to know how you were able to sing that song at Karaoke last night.” You look to Allison who had stopped to take a drink of water. She looks to her girlfriend and smiles. “You’re used to it?” “Yes, and when I can drink, you should see me belt those songs. Inhibitions are out the window.” You laugh. “Oh, I’m getting hungry. We should stop in here. I heard they’re really good.” You point to Hash House, and give them a nod. “Yes! We must feed the pregnant lady!” Kori laughs, pointing to the sky as if making a declaration. “Maybe you should call Toula and David, wake them up and have them join us. (Y/N) would love to meet them.” You shrug your shoulders. “Well, Toula sounds Greek and Greek people are really cool people, so I’m down with meeting some more new friends.”
“So, we’ve been talking. Since you’re pregnant, we can’t really tell what type of fan you are?” David asks after you had finished lunch. You were all digesting and just sitting around. You give him a surprised chuckle, which made his wife Toula elbow him hard in the ribs. “What do you mean?” “Don’t scare off new friends David, why do you ask every supernatural fan how big of a fan they are? They wouldn’t be here if they weren’t big fans.” “But then there’s big fans, who like go to every convention and event and thing they do, or there’s the first timer. And I can’t pinpoint who you are.” You smile at David and shrug your shoulders. “WAIT!” Kori squeals. “It’s your first con? How did I not know this?” “Guilty as charged. I got on the website and picked the closest one to where my sister lives. And it happened to be Supernatural or Stranger Things, and I never got into that show. I’ll stay with my sister before I fly out to Austin. This seemed smartest.” “You’re a con virgin. This is so awesome.” Toula laughs, giving Allison a high five. “I’m betting that you’ve lost your con virginity then, by the way you’re acting?” you ask. “Uh huh. Went to Vegas last year. This’ll be my second.” Allison said. “It’s Kori’s first, and we met Toula last year.” “And it’s my third. David’s second. I dragged him along last year and he seems to like it. Maybe borderline obsessed.” Toula looks to her husband and gives him a face. David rolls his eyes and leans forward, making it a point to only include you in his next question. “Since you just picked the closest one, are you even a Supernatural fan? Like are you current to what’s aired?” he asks. “Yeah. I’m current. Dean died and went to hell, right?” you laugh at his perplexed look. “I’m kidding. I’ve got a thirteen year old. She’s obsessed with Supernatural. We had to get cable so she can watch it that night.” “I still don’t believe it and I’ve known you for over a decade. You look good for having a thirteen year old. And really young.” Allison smiles. “Like what can I do to have good genes when I’ve got a thirteen year old?” “How old do y’all think I am? I could be ancient.” “Mid twenties.” Toula nods with everyone. “Close enough. Thirty one. Had my oldest at eighteen.”
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After two days of non stop fun, after Saturday night and the concert, you were tired and ready for a few minutes alone to your thoughts. Once you were done at the convention, you would fly out of Vegas, and start your new life with your kids, in a new city and a new state. Everyone told you that Austin Texas was the perfect place for the art scene, and your small business would flourish. Then you found out you were pregnant and it changed everything quickly. Your parents took your girls and drove your moving van to Texas while you had one last weekend to yourself. Your ex didn’t want to be a father any more, and wanted to head off on his own adventure with his newest model. Granted you were only thirty one, and you’ weren’t old by standards – it hurt that he replaced you and his daughters for someone else. After a long talk with Harper your oldest, and then Sage and Piper your baby – you finally felt ready to get back to the group and have fun.
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“You look like you could use some company. You okay?” You look up to watch Jensen Ackles – the Jensen Ackles – placing a can of sprite in front of you. “Yeah. Not sure actually.” You sigh, putting down your phone. “I can leave.” You wait a few seconds, weighing the options in front of you. Being alone to sit in your thoughts, or spend a few minutes – even if it’s a few – with Jensen Ackles. “No. No. I could actually use some company.” You lean back, showing off your four month bump a little better. “No husband with you?” he pulls out a chair and sit with you. “No husband.” You look up at him with a smile, but in a second he can tell how fake your smile is. “Uh oh. Someone in the dog house?” “No. I actually don’t have a husband. He didn’t think his daughters or I were good enough for him.” He let’s out a loud exhale. “Shit. I’m sorry I – ” “It’s okay. I’ve had about three months to get used to the idea of single parenting.” You rub your stomach a few times and accept the cup of sprite, taking a long sip. “How far along are you?” He leans back and takes a drag of his beer and puts the bottle down. “Four months.” “Damn, what an asshole.” You laugh and tap your cup to his glass. “Can’t say I disagree. But enough about me, what are you doing here of all places?” “It’s small, quiet. Good drinks. Pretty company.” You scoff, trying to wave him off. “No. I’m serious. You’re pretty. And the company I’d rather have.” “What, Jared not pretty enough?” you laugh. “Yeah, he’s okay. But again, you’re prettier.” “Well,” you motion to the empty booth and table you were at. “I am so busy. So, I don’t know how much attention I’ll pay to you.” “Okay, so you’re sarcastic and sassy. Tell me, are you team Dean or team Sam? Keep you busy dodging my question.” “How do you know that I’m here for the convention?” He laughs and looks down. “I would have not asked, but you’ve got a bracelet on for the panels today. I assumed.” “Well, you know what assume spells, right?” You lean forward as much as your stomach lets you and give him a big smile. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seriously. Because if you’re a Sam girl, I won’t even waste my time.” “Oh no. Don’t go. I actually like you, despite your shorter stature.” You smile. “Short. Woman.” He shakes his head, but glances at you as you start to laugh. “Tell you what. You guess. I have a thirteen year old who’s obsessed with Supernatural and I let her name our new dogs. If you guess right, I’ll tell you what team I’m on.” “Only if I can see what kind of dogs they are to wager my guess.” He replies. “You just want my phone.” You counter. You don’t know where your confidence was coming. You usually had to be drunk to talk this boldly with a guy – especially Jensen. “Maybe I do. Maybe I want to give you my number.” He holds out his hand, almost expecting you to give him the phone. “Aren’t you married?” you ask. “No. I’m not. So you aren’t a rabid fan, because they obviously know I’m divorced.” “No offense Jansen,” you make it a point to mess up his name, and he smiles and shakes his head. “I’ve got three girls, one’s a teen and I’ve got one on the way. I have no time to Google you and find out all about your life. If I’m ever curious, I’ll have Harper do it.” “You have a teenager?” he asks skeptically. “How old are you?” “You know that’s like the worst thing you can ask a woman, right?” you take a sip of your drink and lean back. “Like, no one asks a girl their age. We give it to you if we’re feeling nice.” “Come on, I’m terrible at guessing.” “Fine, I’ll give you a clue. I was a senior in high school when I had my oldest.” “And she’s a teen?” he asks. You nod slowly. “Well, if she’s just in her first year of being a teen, she’d be thirteen. So I’m guessing you’re twenty–nine, thirty?” “Impressive. Low balling my age. I like.” You laugh. “You’re older?” you nod. “Thirty–one?” “Bingo. Good guessing, for being such a terrible guesser.” You tease. “Now, here’s the phone, those are my dogs on the background. Let’s see if you can guess these guys’ name.” “Well,” he pauses, and you can tell he’s typing something into your phone. You’re sure that he’s putting his number in. “I’d like to think that you’re a Dean girl, so I’m going to guess that one is at least Winchester. Baby?” “Nope. Well, one you got right, the other not so much.” “Well, the Pit Bull looks like a Winchester. Tough guy.” He laughs. “Although you are correct with the name, he’s an absolute pansy.” You reply. “Hmmmm, so I’m thinking that German shepherd is actually a girl, and your daughter named her Ellen. Or Jo.” “Nope. Not a girl. It’s a boy.” You correct. “I picked two boy dogs just because we have enough estrogen in our house.” “Okay. Okay. How about Dean?” he asks with a laugh. He takes a drink and leans back. “Not bad for being bad at guessing. The kids love calling out “Dean Winchester” and people see two dogs running towards us. Just as funny as my mom thought it’d be funny calling two of her horses Bradley and Cooper.” “You’re joking…” “I wish I were. There was a time when my family was normal. Then my daughter wanted to name the dogs, and it all went downhill from there.” He lets out a deep chuckle and sighs. “Care if I join you?” “Isn’t that what you’re already doing Jansen?” “No. I’m sitting off to the side. Can I join you in the booth?” “Ah,” you put your legs down, offering the space next to you. “I guess so.”
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“Hey, we need to get you to bed. You have a panel tomorrow. Multiple panels.” You look down to your phone just in time to see it turn to 3:00 AM. “Wow, would you look at that. Time has sure passed quickly.” “Well, that’s what you get when you have good company. Thanks for keeping me company. I needed it.” “Just think, you fly out Monday. Maybe we’ll arrive the same time?” “Oh, so you’re leaving Vegas on Monday?” you ask skeptically. You still give him a smile, even though your voice gives off the tone that you don’t believe him. “Maybe. Maybe I’d be at the airport to give you a hug when you arrive. I don’t know. I like that you’re going to be in Austin.” “Austin’s a big city. I highly doubt we’ll see each other.” “You have my number,” he stands and helps you out of the booth. After throwing a large number of bills down on the table, he walks with you slowly out of the bar. “Okay, true. I’ve got your number, but you don’t want to get in the middle of my drama.” You point to your stomach and look down. “Don’t make that decision for me, please?” he stops you from walking and holds your hands in his. You let out a big sigh and smile, starting to pull away from him and head towards where your room was. “Okay, fine. Southwest, Monday night. 9:35. If you want to be there.” “See you tomorrow pretty girl,” he replies, finally letting you walk off.
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