#I haven't written anything as of july 2023
sealofarchives · 5 months
Prompt: filipino!reader with the turtles (separate)
Note: I'm filipino so if I get some stuff wrong, let me know and I'll make edits to this post
The day after your other family members showed up as a surprise visit. You apologized to the red slider turtle for slightly panicking. Trying to get him to the nearest window frame of a fire escape exit.
He waved off the apology, more interested that you knew spanish and didn't tell him about it.
You instantly looked at him with a confused expression.
"It's tagalog, not spanish."
It didn't help that Donnie overheard the conversation. While Leo felt a bit embarrassed, jumping to the conclusion of, confusing the language with something else.
"A total of 8 different dialects. There's more but, tagalog just happens to be the common language in the Philippines."
Just as the softshell turtle dropped off your papers with purple pen marks before heading back to his lab.
You still reassured Leo that he didn't mean to offend you. He let out a sigh of relief but, still thinks that its pretty cool that you're aware of your family's culture.
If you can speak it fluently, Leo will sometimes ask on what phrases you usually use.
Or if you're like me, who only knows a few words. He might tease you to try speaking some common phrases only if you're up to it.
Raph accidentally ran into one of your relatives. An aunt and uncle who were almost swindled out of a deal from Repo Mantis.
The alligator snapping turtle still managed to get them out of there safely. Now at a safe distance close to the Run of the Mill pizzeria.
He was still nervous at the thought of trying to escort them home until the aunt asked if he was okay.
Raph tried his best to hide the panicked tone in his voice until she gasped.
"Oh! You're one of (Y/N)'s friends!" "They're always talk about you and your brothers before any of us ask them about school!"
Timeskip a week later, they ordered pizza to thank Raph for getting them out of that situation. They couldn't stay for too long but still left with big smiles waving goodbye at the turtles.
"Uh, (Y/N). What does it mean if I'm being called 'Kuya Raph'?"
You chuckled saying "You're still the oldest brother of the group." "But it has more of a respectful manner. Since my other family members still use it for some of their friend groups."
"You know checking up on each other even when things aren't so great."
Raph smiled while you confidently stood your ground when his brothers try to find a teasing remark. Mikey eventually stepping back followed by Donnie who slowly grew bored of the banter. And you continued to playfully ignore Leo's idea of a bet that he could go a day taking over Raph's oldest brother role.
You asked the box shell turtle for help trying to prepare pancit (a filipino noodle dish.) All of the ingredients laid out on the table and your mom's list with said instructions on cooking the food. You held onto the package containing rice noodles but hesitated opening it.
Mikey took notice of the frown on your face.
"Still nervous on trying to cook this dish on your own?" Mikey asked as you sighed
"Sort of... My mom has the 'oh you're doing this wrong...' whenever I try to cook something that isn't instant noodles." "So, sorry if I'm slow to this cooking thing..."
"Don't worry about what your mom thinks. I'm more happy that you asked for help! And I get to learn a new recipe from my best friend!"
The uneasy what if feeling slowly faded away as you and Mikey followed a few step by step videos with laughter filling the lively atmosphere.
After an hour passed, a knock from your apartment door signaled your mom and two of your relatives' arrival.
Before you told Mikey to hide, a light blue portal threw out a orange hoodie. With Mikey in a hurry putting it on.
"I might be on pizza duty for the next month but, I'm still not letting you face this alone!" Mikey said with a guaranteed grin on his face.
While the dish earned praise from your relatives, you felt more comfortable that Mikey vouched for you when your mom was still skeptical of the finished product. The relatives in agreement with him resulted in her giving up any further comments.
"(Y/N) could try making lumpia for their friends. And with how Mikey is helping them. They'll slowly get better at cooking!" Your grandma joked as you pretended not to sink below your chair.
A week later, at the lair, the three turtles often glancing back at the wrapped up uncooked spring rolls slowly beginning to stack a pile.
"I know you said food or drinks aren't allowed at the lab but, I went out and got you halo-halo! To thank you for helping me with studying for the test next week."
Donnie's eyes widen at the sight of the purple shaved ice dessert in a plastic cup. The spoon inside of the cup lid as he reached out now holding the drink in his hands.
"Is it actually purple or is it just the food dye that has purple in it?" Donnie said looking around the contents of the dessert while you laugh.
"I guess you never heard of ube aka purple yams. I had bread that used ube as filling. But, its been used in other pastries as well."
Donnie took a spoonful of the ube into his mouth and attempted to hide the smile on his face. But, savored the sweet treat with a light hum. He blinked noticing how he was the only one who got dessert.
"Wait, you didn't get one for yourself?" He asked as you lightly scratched your face.
"I only had enough money to buy one. And don't tell your brothers because I sort of waited when they went to the Run of the Mill pizzeria to get it. So..." You avoided eye contact finishing that sentence as Donnie got up from his seat.
"Well... Since you got me this refreshing dessert. I'm willing to let you take dibs for the first few slices of pizza. It will still apply to pineapple as well so no takebacks." Donnie immediately spotted at the grin slowly appearing on your face as you nodded.
Close to 45 minutes later, the turtles arrived back with the stack of pizza boxes. However...
"Hey, you two missed out on the limited time desserts they're giving out at the Run of the Mill pizzeria! We managed to get the last three while we waited in line. I forgot what it was called, something starting with two h's but, it has Donnie's favorite color-"
Donnie internally winced as you went to open the nearest pizza box. And took a slice without caring that it was one of your least favorite flavors. Mostly biting into the bread crust almost startling Mikey in the process.
[Note to self: repay back (Y/N) within this week with their favorite snack] (He does but both of you joke about that timing while taking a break from assignments)
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sweetheart-satoru · 2 years
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you wanted him, but you knew he could have so much better
author's note: omg guys i literally never write angst and i haven't written in soooo longggg, i got lazy in the end. i first wrote this october 8th 2022 and now im editing and adding more (and writing pt 2) on july 27th 2023 😭 😭 😭 
part two here !!
he's one of the prettiest people you have ever seen. it's not fair how he can't be yours. gojo satoru. the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. your best friend. you love him, but he doesn't love you like that. "y/n-chan!" he walks and waves towards you.
it hurts to know he isn't and most definitely won't be yours. you're weak, he's strong. he's beautiful, you're not. he's everything you want and needs. but you aren't what he needs. you know someone else can fulfill the job of being someone who he actually needs. not you. never you.
"hi. how was your weekend, were you busy? you didn't reply to my texts." he pouts. "hi." is all you say back to him, grabbing your books and closing your locker. how is he so energetic this early? he squinted his eyes in confusion before a couple of girls approached him. you don't bother trying to listen to whatever they say.
you've read all his texts, just purposely turning off the read receipts so he doesn't notice. you've gotten many texts such as;
satoru: hi (nickname)
satoru: we should go out and watch horror movies >:)
satoru: helloooo?? it's been days :((
satoru: did you get your phone taken away??
satoru: y/nnnn i saw you post your dog on ig
satoru: are you ignoring me?
satoru: are you mad??
and lots more plus missed calls.
you stand right beside him as he talks to girls much prettier than you. most of them have the ugliest personality you have ever seen, but you know how your best friend goes for the prettier things.
you bite your lip and walk away to your next class. once he notices you're gone he calls out to you, "don't leave without me, y/n-chan!" god, even his voice is beautiful. how could you ever be friends with someone like him? why would he ever want to be friends with someone like you? you don't deserve him.
you don't say anything, you just hug your books closer to your chest and continue your way. "y/n-chan?" he asks, slowing down behind you, "hm?" you turn around.
"are you mad at me?" you shake your head, "no." you don't bother giving him any type of reaction. "yes, you are." you shake your head again, "i'm not." he frowns.
"liar." he pokes your cheek with his finger, "you haven't looked or talked to me since last thursday, it's wednesday." you push his finger away, "i'm not mad." he rolls his tongue into his cheek, grabbing your wrist. you turn to pull away but he gives you a look that reads, 'don't bother, i'm not letting go.'
"just tell me what is it. did i do something?"
"well, i clearly did something to make you not want to talk to me." you shrug, "i'm just tired." now it's his turn to shake his head, "no, it's me, isn't it? every time you see utahime, nanami, haibara, suguru, or ieiri you're happy but whenever i try and open my mouth around you, you just look the other way and ignore me. what's wrong?"
"i said it's nothing." you pull your wrist back, "let's just go to class." you two walk in silence as he tries to remember if he did something wrong.
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lixzey · 9 months
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info - mentions of self hate, reader is in therapy, mentions of crying
The Third Letter.
Timothée carefully ripped open the third letter. June 25, 2023, a week after the second one. What happened after she wrote the second letter? Did her exam go well? Timothée's head began to hurt, with questions swarming in.
Dear Timothée,
Sorry, I haven't written in the past week. I had a terrible week; don't worry, I'm okay.
Anyway, I just got back to my apartment from my therapy session. Julie asked how my nightmares were going. I told her the nightmares were gone and that I was okay.
But I'm not okay. I'm tired of it, so fucking tired. Julie then asked me to draw what I was feeling. I froze; she knew I was lying.
I should've known better.
I drew what was going through my head. I couldn't stop myself from crying. Every time I think about it, I feel like my heart sinks to the bottom. My mind tells me I'm not worth anything. And the worst part? All of my hope is slowly fading. Julie cut the session short—she told me to rest and just relax. Which I am incapable of.
I really try, but my fucking brain always gets the best of me. Why am I like this? I don't know.
The past keeps on fucking haunting me.
I'm absolutely certain I'll explode at some point. Honestly, who knows?
All my love,
Timothée held the letter in his hand, feeling sad for this girl. He has had tons of letters from his fans before, but this one—these letters from Y/N—were different. He felt the urge to protect her, but he didn't know her.
"Y/N, don't lose hope." Timothée muttered, the letter still in his hand. He folded the letter and put it back in the envelope, placing it back in the basket along with the rest—separating it from the ones he hadn't opened yet.
Suddenly, he realized something.
There were only eighteen letters.
She stopped writing.
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
Malaysia, July 21st, 2023
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DISCLAIMER: Here is the requested piece in support of the boys' decision today. I decided it needed to be a one shot cuz I couldn't do it justice in just a few words. I've based the conversations in this piece on similar things Matty has said about gender. GENDER AND SEXUALITY ARE NOT THE SAME THING, THOUGH. So, if any of it comes off in bad faith, erroneous, or in any way harmful, its not my intention to do so, and PLEASE feel free to let me know INSTANTLY!
Warning: nothing. but idk how i feel about the writing quality given that it was written on the spot. I mean, I'm not necessarily aiming for ART here. just an appreciation for today and a gesture of support to LGBTQ+ Fans everywhere.
She could feel her phone buzzing in her pocket all throughout her 3 pm meeting. It was distracting, but not necessarily out of the ordinary. With time zone differences, it wasn't unusual for Matty to be texting her while she was at work, asleep in the middle of the night, or early in the morning before her coffee. Even when she'd finally wrapped up her meeting and left the conference room, the messages on screen weren't cause for concern. Receiving texts from her friends and colleagues like "omg your boyfriend," "Matty sure loves the drama, lol." and "PUT A LEASH ON HIM HES INSANE" just came with the territory of being Matty's partner. She didn't mind it at all. In fact, sometimes she found it funny.
She scrolled past several texts from her friends, spotting Denise's name "two countries now. Bets on which one's next?' with several confusing emojis. she frowned, her heart sinking slightly. Was this more serious than a regular Matty rant? a fan kiss? a polarizing meme? with apprehension, she reluctantly checked the news, whispering "oh fuck," under her breath when she saw the headlines.
She tossed her laptop and meeting notes at her desk, rushing outside as quickly as possible, and scrolling through her call log to find Matty's number. She clicked the elevator button, willing it to arrive faster by repeating "c'mon, c'mon, c'mon." knowing that it wouldn't help, she still gave into the urge to click the button repeatedly and curse when the elevator failed to bend to her will. Finally, she decided to just take the fire exit, using the stairs instead.
She clicked Matty's name on her screen as she made it down the stairs, bringing the phone to her ears.
An overly cheerful female robotic voice announced in her ear that "The number you have dialed is disconnected."
"fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuckkkk!"
she paused in the middle of the staircase, leaning against the wall and attempting to calm her mind with several deep breaths. She knew the only person who could help her right now would be Denise.
"No, I get that, but- like- so, you haven't heard from him directly?" she bit her lower lip.
"Not yet, no. But I wouldn't worry about it, love. this isn't his first foreign government ban, you know." Denise giggled, sounding as proud as a mother of a child who just learned to take their first steps. "doesn't that sound impressive? He's like a less secretive James Bond."
Impressive wasn't exactly her first thought, but she knew that if Matty is safe right now, he's probably impressed with himself. The thought made her crack a smile. "Knowing Matty, he'd probably say that he'd love to be a super secret spy who gets pussy, but he's anti government espionage, so he can't be James Bond."
All she could really do in the moment was send a barrage of messages that covered the entire spectrum of human emotions: from expressing concern for Matty's safety, to accusing him of messing with her heart, to begging him to give her a sign that he's alright, she found herself unable to think about anything else for the rest of the afternoon.
Just as she'd walked through the door of their shared home, she nearly jumped out of her skin at the feeling of her phone vibrating in her hand.
Matty: Call rn? ❤️
She instantly hit the "Video Call" icon on her FaceTime screen.
The line rang once, twice, and then "yo!!" Matty attempted to greet her before being interrupted by someone off-screen. She could faintly tell that it was Ross. "No, no. I'm just on FaceTime with her- yeah- it's fine....sorry, Darlin.' I'm just-"
"Next time you plan a government rebellion give me a courtesy warning in advance, will you??" she interrupted him. All the feelings and worries she'd been attempting to repress came pouring out of her. "I had no idea where you were for, like, all day. And- why was your phone turned off, anyway! We have a deal. You promised-"
"oi! it wasn't off! Breathe, baby. It wasn't off. Just...no reception at the venue, and then at the airport. Breathe! I love you, yeah? I'm fine. Look. Look at me, I'm fine. I promise.' He flashed her that boyish smile of his and cut through the haze of spiraling thoughts in her mind. Finally, she looked directly into his eyes on screen, smiling at him.
"Hi! There she is." He giggled.
"So, where are you now? is everyone with you? are you all safe?"
"Airport. Yeah, we're all good. They've just got us in some room while they process some documents or some shit. I don't know. I don't care." She watched him walk over to the other side of the room and take a seat on an uncomfortable leather couch.
"Is everyone else with you as well? Ross okay? the band? Polly and Gabi?"
Matty smiled at her insistent questioning. "We're all here. let's do a head count, shall we?" He hit the "Flip Camera" button so she was no longer seeing him, but had a view of the rest of the room. "Here's George, sleepy as always. John's playin' a game on his phone. Say 'hi' John...over here we have Hann. right next to the trash, where he belongs....Here's Ross. Jamie's here I promise, he's just looking for a toilet. Say 'hello' to Polly, who's on the hunt for granola or some hippie shit." Matty giggled when Polly brushed the hair out of her eyesight to give him a look. "And last but by no means least" He cover the camera lens for a dramatic reveal, "it's Gabi! see? everyone's here and we're all okay. Happy?" He turned the camera back to him, returning to his spot on the couch.
"...for the time being." She couldn't help but break character and laugh when she saw him roll his eyes. "Seriously, though, I'm proud of you.'
"there's no but!' She rebutted a bit too eagerly.
"I know you. There's a 'but.' Let me hear it. Go on."
"I had just wondered if....maybe it would've been safer for everyone if you guys just pulled out....you know?"
"Pulled out of the lineup, you mean? like just not done the show?" Matty's demeanor shifted. He straightened his posture, taking a deep breath and running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, you could've returned the money. Made some kind of....statement about how, after learning of the governments laws, you found it morally repugnant, and refuse to perform there. Safer for you guys, the fans, and less costly."
Matty always respected and valued her opinion, but he was also always honest with her. "I suppose it would- I suppose it would've been but thats not the point." He could feel his bandmates eyes shift towards him. They were all invested in the conversation now. "Because then they'd have just replaced us. Found another artist to perform that slot and our so-called 'stance' wouldn't have done anything. Maybe lasted 5 seconds online, and then everyone would have moved on. The point here wasn't to morally congratulate ourselves or make ourselves feel good. It's about actually doing something. sometimes discomfort is necessary."
She could do nothing but smile, in awe of him. Their relationship meant a lot to both of them, but one of her favorite things about it was that she never had a chance to forget why she fell in love with Matty in the first place. "That's why I'm proud of you." she simply stated.
"well don't be."
"Matty, stop that. I kn-"
"No because I'm not ACTUALLY gay. I'm not ACTUALLY Malaysian. Okay? I get to make out with my mate, make a little speech, and then jet set, off to some other country by the time that everyone's made him home from the show. And- sure, I'll get banned, but my job and my life is entirely unaffected. I'll go on doing what I do, it's no skin off my back. Why be proud of ME? hmmm? there are people, activists, all over the world, who ARE gay, ARE outcasts, ARE fighting for their rights. How about we pay attention to them instead? you know what I mean?"
George got up from his seat to retrieve a water bottle from one of the bags, patting Matty on the shoulder and mumbling "exactly." as he passed by.
"why'd you do it then?" she asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, I'm everyone's favorite villain at the moment. Lots of eyes on me. Figured I'd make it mean something."
"all things considered, you happy?"
She saw a smile flash across his face as he considered her question. "Yeah," he nodded slowly as he made up his mind 'Yeah, I checked online and....seems like fans made it out okay, so...yeah, I'm happy." He looked into her eyes through the camera. "I do miss you, though."
"I miss you, too. Oh, speaking of which! Put Ross on the phone, would you?"
Matty smiled knowingly and handed the phone over to Ross. "You deal with this one. I'm out."
Ross's face lit up, ready for the challenge. 'Hey, mate!"
"Ross, I want you to know; message received. Loud and clear. You make out with MY boyfriend? In front of the whole world? AND you do it for a good cause? I see you, mate. I get it. This ain't over, though. I'll be the better kisser in the end."
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
2023 WIP List
I saw a writer I really love doing this here and decided to respectfully borrow the idea.
I'm feeling really bummed about writing lately, can't seem to find the least bit of motivation and have jumped from story to story without adding anything of substance over the last month or so. Nothing seems to spark joy. And yet I have thousands of words in half-written stories I'm not sure what to do with. Ideally, I'd like to finish them, but at this point, who knows 🤷‍ So this is a way for me to take stock, do some soul-searching, try to find where my heart is writing-wise at the moment and see if I can manifest some inspo.✨
These are not even all my WIPs, just the ones I have opened at least once in the last year.
▪ Speed Dating 3/3 Klaroline, friends/roommates-to-lovers
Started in June 2022
The final part to my Speed Dating sequel, which is much longer than the original story because I have no self-respect. Klaus and Caroline are roommates and idiots. The OG one-shot had them going on a round of speed dating and failing to connect the dots and realizing that what they really should be doing is sucking face with each other. The sequel is kind of an expanded universe situation, where I wanted to show a little more of their roommie chemistry and push them into situations where they are finally confronted with the reality of their feelings. But that only happens once they start seeing other people because of course.
I have maybe 60% of the final part written but for some reason, after word-vomiting non-stop for a while, I got stuck on a kind of major point in the story. I've tried to start it soooo many times and it just won't go. 🙃 I think I'm looking at a good 6 to 8k words more before it's finished.
▪ Random Fic (not the real title) Klaroline (duh), sorta exes-to-enemies-to-lovers I guess
Started in May 2020
The start of my romantic comedy phase. This predates even my coffee shop AU. It's Caroline and Klaus having a fling that ends very, very badly, but then having to come together again a year later to marry their common friend (and Caroline's ex), Tyler. I wanted it to be quick, witty and light-hearted and then at some point it got some very emotional bits in the middle and turned into something else completely. I guess it's still mostly light-hearted, but it has some ~~substance, whatever that means. I think it's an okay fic, and it's 55k words, which is not too bad, but then does anyone still read 55k all at once these days? lol
The fic is finished. I think I wrapped it up in April last year, so a year ago. But I haven't been able to go back and read it again. I've tried, and I've started it so many times, but then I always stop and never pick it back up. But like. 55k words of finished fic here. 🤷‍
▪ Pendulum Klaroline, soulmates!AU but make it sad
Originally in January 2019, started rewriting in July 2020 (lol)
I have issues with this story. It's the saddest damn thing I've ever written, but it's also my favorite storyline I've ever come up with. It got some hate at the time, I don't know why, but also some of the most heartfelt comments/responses I've ever received on any story (and I still keep them all!), so I think this is one where you either love it or hate it. But because I feel so protective of it, I have problems (of the personal brand) leaving it out in the open, and I don't want to repost it until I'm absolutely sure it's ok. As you can see, it was one of my first ever fics, so the writing wasn't the best. But I still love it, I don't care. I keep wanting to make the writing match how much I love the idea, and I don't know if that's possible. 🙃
It's the rare AU I write entirely from Klaus' POV, which is something else. I'm not sure I'm that good with Klaus. It's also an AH, but it has a little magic twist. Every time Klaus dies, his life just restarts from the exact same point. He's born on the same year, at the same place, to the same parents. Except he remembers his previous lives, and so he accumulates the knowledge of hundreds and hundreds of previously lived years each time he's reborn. And then shit happens.
First time I posted this, it was 57k words long. I have successfully finished rewriting the first of three parts, which is around 14k words, but as you can see, I have been in this process since 2020 (!!!), so I need to go back and tinker with that as well. May God have mercy on my soul.
▪ Mystic Tours (not the real title) Klaroline, friends-to-lovers but also fake dating
Started in January 2023
This was inspired by Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison, except it's not a Christmas story, and it doesn't actually have any farms. It has Klaroline fake dating to try and win a contest that can potentially save Caroline's failing business, and also loads of side-characters Sound of Settling style (including a horde of Mikaelsons and Bonnie and Enzo as Caroline's co-workers). I really like writing stories where I can fit a bunch of side characters and make the whole thing sorta absurd. But I also wanted to try to make something quicker, more dialogue-oriented and with shorter scenes. AND YET. I just can't seem to make it work, the writing kinda sucks.
I have some 6k words of this, but can't tell you how much of that is actually usable. And it's maybe 10% of the story. 🙃
▪ Friends that Ruin Your Life (may or may not be the title, undecided) Klaroline, Klefan (!!), affairs, fucked up people, angst
Started in March 2023
The five minutes during which I decided I wanted to go back to my origins and write something angsty and filled with complicated situations, a bit like Gasoline. It features Klaus and Stefan as a couple, and Caroline getting sucked into their messy marriage. So yes, Klaus is having an affair. In his defense, so is Stefan. Caroline's moral compass gets all out of sorts and she realizes the world is a lot less black-and-white than she'd previously assumed and sometimes you do get judged by your one-offs, even if your heart is in the right place.
I got super excited about this one and churned out the entire plan for the whole story, with all the scenes and most of the dialogues and the document alone is like 60k words long. I wrote that in like three days. 🥲 I don't think I could make it a one-shot, and I think that left me bummed because I didn't want it to be a multi-chapter. And then I'm not sure the writing was coming along fine enough, it wasn't flowing, and I started to question whether it was actually good or if I was totally tripping when I had this idea and this was actually insanely shitty. lol Leaning more towards the second right now.
▪ King Arthur AU (not the actual title) Klaroline, magic, fantasy, King Arthur
Started in March 2021
This is very high fantasy, and very intricate. It would be a multi-chapter, but I have no idea how long. I think I was leaning towards 10 chapters. I have four written. And the writing is fairly decent, if I may say so myself. But as it usually happens with me, I get to a point where I start wondering why am I even writing this, and then I stop. 🥲🥲 I also think I was having some doubts about how to wrap it up. It had maybe more plots than I wanted to work with. King Arthur was actually Elijah, and Klaus was Mordred, and Caroline was Guinevere-ish, a witch undercover in "Orleans" (I'm so creative!!).
Only reason this is even on the list is because I recently read the four chapters I have and thought they were pretty decent, but I haven't written anything in almost two years, so maybe I've swiped up on this one already.
▪ The Wolf III and IV 🤡
Started in October 2020 (!! when I tell you guys I've had this written for years lol)
I have technically written The Wolf 3. It's in my "headcanons" format, which is honestly a joke, because clearly I don't know how to write headcanons. 🤡 But as you can see by the starting date, it's very, very old, and it requires full rewriting and lots of editing. Chapters are 15 to 20k words long (some are longer). TW4 is a different story. I never actually wrote it down, all I have is a full, detailed plan of all the scenes and shit. My idea was to not split the two stories into two different fics, but rather continue on with TW4 in the same AO3 "document" (???) as TW3 and make it 34 chapters long instead of 21. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but also I don't have it in me to start another separate story.
But here we are, stuck on S03E17. 🤡 Gonna be honest with you, my dudes, it's been rough to find the motivation to open that document. I think I have half of 17, maybe, but I haven't touched that in over a month. Laely, I have been often sent into thinky thoughts that you really shouldn't have when you're writing fic just for the hell of it, you know. Like, this is in no way meant to be a great piece of writing, I shouldn't be worried about that. It's the fan service of the fan service. But I start to think about the real quality of it and whether it even makes sense to be writing it, I realize I wrote one fic that was good, a second one which I personally think was even better, and then I made the classic mistake of having one too many sequels. This is Jurassic Park III. It's not as crappy as Jurassic World, you have Sam Neill, but should it exist? I just want Klaus and Caroline to be together for a change, and I love adding random final scenes in every chapter where it's just the two of them being married, but - should this be written? Or rather, should this have been posted in the first place? Do we really wanna see them being domestic? Doesn't that kind of kill the vibe? I don't know, man. I don't know. Chapter one was a blast, people seemed so into it and I wrote five chapters at once and got maybe a little over-excited, and then which each update I feel like there's less and less readers and it really gets me thinking. These thoughts are sabotaging my will to write. I need to get back on my fuck it horse.
It will come to me at some point, though. I'm sure it will.
Anyway, these are all my current WIPs! Comments, ideas and positive energies are all welcome! ✨ Let's return to this in december and weep at how little progress I've made 🥲
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affectionatelyrs · 5 months
2023 Writing Roundup
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Thank you to @anincompletelist @happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @littlemisskittentoes @rockyroadkylers @songliili and @xthelastknownsurvivorx for the tags
*Taps mic* is this thing on? Yeah? Great. Allow me to be somewhat sappy for a moment then.
I started writing in August of this year. As in, I haven't written fic/majorly creatively ever before this, and it's something that I never thought I would do. Until I did. And my goodness... I'm so insanely grateful that I decided to start. Writing has given me so much purpose - It's something I genuinely adore; it makes me incredibly happy that I get to share my words with all of y'all, and the people I've met have been so incredibly lovely. So, without further ado, here's what I've written in 2023! :)
January through July
Nothing, I was just an avid reader
Far too Enamored to be Content Now | M | 2k | One Shot
"You've been rather quiet all evening, H," Alex muses, trailing one long finger up the expanse of Henry's neck, higher, higher, high, until it lingers over his bottom lip. Taps it with the pad a few times. "Why don't you use that pretty mouth of yours to tell me what you want then, hmm?" Alex is expecting Henry's lips to pucker, their typical automatic response to this action. What he is not expecting, however, is the way Henry's lips slightly part before taking his finger slowly into his mouth and sucking, never once breaking eye-contact. - Henry is bloody starving.
You Came Out of Nowhere (And You Cut through All the Noise) | E | 10.9k | One Shot (with a bonus chapter)
Alex starts to feel worse about how he reacted to the man earlier — he’s usually all bark and no bite, but how is the bartender supposed to know that? Alex can be snarky, but he’s never cruel. Allowing his lips to quirk up into a small smile, he replies “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you, really.” “Well,” he says with a smirk, “in the event that you are lying to me simply to placate our earlier interaction, my shift ends in 15 minutes. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to stick around to chat with a perfect stranger?” Alex’s brain stutters for a moment at his facade being so transparent that it's all he can do to stutter out a “Yeah—um, yeah. Okay, sure.” Maybe he also gets stuck on the words perfect stranger, and the immediate thought of mmmm, perfect indeed that pops up in his brain as a result. He chooses to ignore that as well. - Or, Alex is feeling insecure after a bad date - Henry shows him that he doesn't have to be
All of This Silence and Patience (Pining and Anticipation) | T | 5.1k | One Shot
“I didn’t know that you were—” he cuts himself off, sliding a hand over his face. “I, um. Shit, sorry. I just meant, uh… Christ—” Alex saves Henry some breath by cutting him off. “Bi? Sure am.” “Since when?” Is Henry’s only response. Apparently, being in dangerously close proximity to pretty boys makes him a bit dim. Whatever. He’ll have time to reflect on this and feel utterly mortified later. Alex does the following in slow succession: smirks, cocks an eyebrow, looks Henry up and down once, and shrugs a shoulder. “I dunno. Suppose that’s a bit hard to pin down, sweetheart.” - Or, Alex (flirty) and Henry (flustered) are both hiding in a closet at a party for different reasons
Baby, You're Gonna Lose Your Own Game | E | 4k | One Shot
Alex thinks he understands why people get stupid, impulsive tattoos like their ex’s name now if the sudden urge to etch the word darling onto his hip in permanent ink is anything to go by. So, yeah, Alex supposes. Henry may still be maddening, but his mouth? His voice? Maybe it was always hot, actually, and the irritation he previously felt was just thinly veiled complete and utter attraction. That would check out. Hate has always been a multifaceted word, after all. - Or, Alex decides that he wants to fuck the British out of Henry while watching him speak at a gala
King of My Heart | E | 8.5k | One Shot
Alex, as always, is utterly captivating. He accepts his crown with grace and a crooked grin; it’s a duality that only he can pull off. Alex’s megawatt smile is brighter than the hundreds of multicolored shards of light reflecting off the mirrorball in the center of the room. Henry knows that Alex looks good on stage, he knows that Alex knows that he looks good on stage, and apparently, everyone else knows it as well. Henry thinks he sees a girl faint at the sight out of the corner of his eye. And yet, no one knows about Alex and him. Everyone in the crowd wants Alex, but it’s a losing battle — Henry already won that fight a couple of weeks ago. - Or, When Alex wins Prom King, Henry sneaks him away for a moment alone and realizes that his feelings may run deeper than their clandestine hookups suggest
Help Me Hold On to You | T | 3.2k | One Shot
“I can’t do this all the time, Alex,” Henry huffs out, arms crossed from the opposite end of the couch. “I’ve been more than happy to help, and I’ve been doing so as much as I can, but we need to talk about it. It’s been…a lot for me.” Too much. Henry doesn’t say it directly, but it’s the undercurrent of his words. Two words that Alex has heard many times in his life, over and over again until they became permanently pressed into his eyelids like a brand, reminding him of his state of being every time he so much as blinks. - Or, Henry isn't always able to give Alex the help he needs, which sends Alex into a spiral, but they'll always find a way to work things out together
Save a Horse, Ride a Princess | E | 8.6k | One Shot
“I have to say, this is all quite literal, don’t you think?” Alex wouldn’t know literal right now if it hit him in the head. “Huh?” Henry points at Alex: “Pillow Princess,” and then to himself: “Cowboy. Ready to ride and all that.” Alex nods dumbly. “Right.” - Or, Alex and Henry dress up as the ultimate couples costume for Halloween — themselves — and they both feel some kind of way about it
Gonna Give You Something (So You Know What’s on My Mind) | E | 11.3k | Two Shot
Alex hums, turning around to pull open the freezer drawer. “You want anything?” But Henry barely registers his question. Not when Alex is slightly bent over, allowing Henry a perfect view of his perfect ass. Each individual ridge of his spine is visible due to his lack of shirt. All of these things combined would normally be a large enough issue in itself to render Henry dumbstruck, except— Except, that’s not the only thing that Henry’s faced with. Right there, clear as day: blue lace, delicately peeking out from the waistband of his joggers. Henry’s hand immediately flies up to his cheek. The skin is hot to the touch, and he feels the imprint of where the material once lay like a brand. - Or, With the help of a white elephant gift, Henry learns that maybe the whole being-in-love-with-his-roommate thing isn’t as one-sided as he thought
Coming Soon
Double shot - my first ever multichap! :) Featuring sexting, falling in love in a coffee shop, and learning a lot about oneself - I'm incredibly excited for this one
Walk and Talk - a long one shot - College AU, irl epistolary, the literal act of walking and talking out of class and getting to know someone - this has been in the works for months
Henry is a painting (untitled) - Magical realism - Alex has a painting of a prince in his bedroom and one day it talks - a series of their conversations at night time in Alex's room, introspection, discussions of mental health, and falling in love
A secret birthday fic for @happiness-of-the-pursuit
A valentines day fic - Magical realism, Henry can see other people's future love lives and sets up shop on campus - Alex visits one day and Henry see's something he's never been able to see in his visions... himself
Coming... Eventually
Soulmate AU, beach at night, 5+1 love confession through non-verbal cues, companion fic to AOTSAP, and more
THANK U SO MUCH TO EVERYONE AGAIN. I genuinely couldn't do this without you. Fic and RWRB and all of y'all mean so fucking much to me. Thank you for an amazing year, and I'm so excited for what's to come
Tagging other ppl and literally anyone whose fics have ever inspired me bc y'all are so important - @kiwiana-writes @inexplicablymine @read-and-write- @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @smc-27 @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged @tintagel-or-cockleshells @iboatedhere @indomitable-love @orchidscript @onward--upward @sparklepocalypse @dumbpeachjuice @dustratcentral @dustratcentral @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @leaves-of-laurelin @lizzie-bennetdarcy @cultofsappho @cricketnationrise @nocoastposts @myheartalivewrites @matherines and @rmd-writes
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cyberstudious · 11 months
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wednesday, june 28th, 2023 | 22/100 days of productivity
cross-training at work was really cool today! I got to talk with one of the more senior incident response guys and I learned a lot from him. I also got to help out a bit with some security operations stuff, which is always fun and the fact that I kind of know what I'm doing boosts my confidence a little haha
also I started thinking about doing camp nanowrimo in july? as if I don't already have enough on my plate haha. but I haven't written anything for fun in what feels like forever and I think it would be a fun challenge!
today's productivity:
completed section 5.3 (except the lab, but I'll have extra time for that on thursday morning)
organized my notes a bit for work
today's self-care:
I drank enough water!
I ate fruit & veggies
I relaxed in the evening - my partner & I have been watching jacksepticeye's playthrough of god of war ragnarok haha
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qprsmackdown · 10 months
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IRL/OC Bracket FINAL: C & G vs Michael and Mantis!
C & G propaganda:
Ok so these next few paragraphs are copy pasted from what I wrote on queering the map. Hope it makes you cry :) (Entries were written around mid-2020, with the last being written in 2023)
My school had a field trip to this park, my best friend and I found a quiet spot under some trees. I set up the blanket/mat I had brought, she propped up an umbrella. We laid down beside each other face-to-face. That was the first time I ever felt tempted to kiss someone. To this day I consider it as one of my gayest moments (right next to asking her out and later on asking her to be my qpp on a ferris wheel XD)
November(?) 2017 - We were talking about your maybe-crush on a friend when you mentioned that you used to have a crush on me. I confessed about my past crush on you too and started flirting with you. "Have you moved on from her? Will you be my girlfriend? We don't have to put a label on it or anything yet we can just-" "Yes" We dated for a month (full of silly puns and cheek kisses and gifts from Japan) before we broke up (can you blame us? we were twelve and our dads found out) but you're still my very best friend. I love you G - C
February 2020 - Day of the school fair, I had everything planned for a perfect day for you and me... until you brought along a classmate who had no one to hang out with and you were too kind to say no. We went on all of the rides, the three of us, and you mentioned how you have always wanted someone to dedicate a song to you at the song booth. I went out to reserve one, and then I stayed with you until both of you had to leave for your shifts. That's when I put my plan into action. I reserved a sunflower at the Lovebooth (I knew you liked sunflowers because of a certain character (the roses were way too romantic anyways)) and when you came back we got into line at the Ferris wheel with our other friends. While waiting my dedicated song finally played, and you turned to me with nearly the happiest smile I've ever saw on you. When we were getting closer I went to get my reserved sunflower, but the line was slow so I ended up asking my aunt to hold it for me. When the line was nearly there I got it back from her and our other friends helped me to hide it (Your sister wanted to ride with us but I told her my plan and she changed her mind). You got on and as you turned to face me I held out your sunflower. When we got to the top of the Ferris Wheel I asked what I had been planning to ask you for a week. "I don't know much about it yet, I still have to research more but... G, would you be my queer platonic partner?" You smiled the happiest smile I've ever seen on you that day. G, we haven't talked much since quarantine started, but I want you to know that I love you. I'm not sure what kind (romantic or platonic) but I know that you have a special place in my heart. I can't wait for this to be all over and for us to be by each other's side, drawing and reading and just talking about the things we never share with anybody else. I love you - C
July 2023 - The school fair was over 3 years ago, can you believe? So much has changed since then, quarantine happened, we were reduced to online classes, and I ended up moving to the States for a chance of a better life. We kept in touch, of course, through messages screaming over fandoms and platonic marriages on minecraft servers (how dare you for suggesting that before i knew abt cbeeduo >:( ) and like 5 meet ups over the summers. But it wasn't enough, and timezones and a desire for a more physical (in a actually there beside you sort of way) relationship eventually culminated in you asking to break it off two weeks before I met up with you in the Philippines. God damn it G, why didn't you wait? I had it all planned in my head. The night of my debut, as all my guests were leaving, I would take you to a private corner where we would talk, and I admit to you that yes, maybe my feelings for you turned out more romantic than I initially thought, but with the physical distance it wasn't right for us to pursue something of that nature, especially as I had wanted to try dating in college and didn't want to end up hurting you. I would say I love you and maybe leave you with a kiss, and that was how we'd gain closure. Well the kiss didn't happen and you laughed when I scolded you for not waiting before you admitted that yeah, you felt the same way but also agreed that our level of commitment wasn't right for us, not anymore. You promised me that if by the time we were done with college we were both single we could try again, but I won't hold you to that. G, thank you for being my bestest friend and first love, and I'm sorry that life didn't work out the way we had planned. I love you though, whether romantically or platonically, and I hope you're happy with where you end up in life - Yours always, C
anddddd that's it! veered a little romantic at times, but whats more queerplatonic than a relationship that blurs the lines of platonic and romantic eh? at the end of the day, we're still best friends and we care for each other deeply, even if we no longer officially label it as a qpr. hope our story made you cry >:D
More C & G Propaganda!
Michael and Mantis propaganda:
we're both boygirls and girlfaggots and boydykes, you literally cannot get queerer than this. gay in every direction
we're also both autistic and have adhd. leads to some fun conversations where one of us listens intently while the other is going off about whatever interest they've got the brainworms for at the moment and it's the most fun i will ever have (common topics are: good movies, tragedies and shipwrecks, cannibalism, the absurdly powerful dnd podcast just roll with it, and many more)
we're long distance and we really need this win bc the earth is literally homophobic and keeping us apart and making us sad :(
michael has this whole mushroom/lichen/microorganisms/rot thing going and i have the space thing going and they're essentially the same things but on different scales (life and death and life in death etc etc), so we're thematically compatible. we were made for each other frfr
uuhhhh mental health improvement i guess
we tricked at least three people into thinking we were dating before we actually started dating. not on purpose
we started dating on april fools! that's fun!
same trauma and same issues. we get a lot of mileage out of relating to each other
i keep breaking my sleep schedule for him
uhm. also. we're really niceys and cool and stuff :3
More Michael and Mantis Propaganda!
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eossa · 11 months
How I'd Make Tumblr More Profitable
Yes, this is going to be controversial, since I know nothing about the behind-the-scenes spending, economics, and all that jazz. But I've been on Tumblr for long enough to have a rough idea of the userbase wants - which is what positions Tumblr in a niche other sites don't really utilize. Most of the points I list here are about improving the experience of existing users, as keeping users might be harder for tumblr than attracting new ones.
Please note that this posts reflects my personal opinions and some stuff I've seen people complain about it. Do not attack me over anything I've written here, it's not worth my time and I will resort to blocking if I'm being bothered. Constructive criticism is fine and encouraged!
[under the cut because this got quite long] [last updated 20th July 2023]
Features to Add
Block posts. Xkit has/had this feature, it was great. Sometimes I just don't want to see a specific post, and others probably agree with that.
Send asks and replies from sideblogs. Would literally make a lot of things easier and better.
Delete individual reblog additions from a post. Sometimes, you have a post where there is one"relevant" addition, multiple "irrelevant" additions ("yes!", "[repeated phrase in bold]", "this is a must reblog"), before there is a "relevant" addition again. But right now, you can only remove all reblog additions, not just individual ones. I feel like this would be a neat feature.
Direct blocking of anon hate which also tracks the IP and blocks the associated account(s). No rights for cowards, that's all I'll say.
Features to Bring Back
Reblog chains. Prev tags are the backbone of lots of interactions on here. If I click on someone's username in a reblog chain, I want to see that post on their blog, not their blog starting from the newest post. The loss of this feature is one of the things people constantly complain about in the replies of @changes.
Several text formatting options. As a theme maker, it would be nice to have proper preformatted text again - it makes code so much more legible. Other formatting options I miss are marked/highlighted text and text lines, which are really helpful to visually break apart passages of text.
Features to Ditch
Tumblr Live. There I've said it. If I want to see stuff like that, I have TikTok, IG Reels, Pinterest Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Twitter also has something like this. It's oversaturated, and aparently there are still enough cyber security concerns that it's not even accessible outside of the US and Canada.
Ads in lightboxes. Especially on mobile, there are already more than enough ads on the feed, no need to add more nested inside other elements.
Features that Make Money
Pay for NSFW. If this site allowed full nudity etc. again but hid it behind a paywall, we'd kill two birds with one stone: The site would probably still be allowed on the App Store, and the money influx would be huge. The userbase would also increase again.
(If Tumblr Live is kept.) Pay to snooze Tumblr Live permanently. It's the most complained about thing in changes' replies, so I feel like people would pay on a subscription base just to not see TL anymore.
Pay to increase limits. 250 posts per day is the maximum that can be posted - and there are people hitting those limits. If there was an option to buy a higher limit (500p/d, 750p/d, etc.), people might generally use it. Like those add-on charges for mobile data. Same goes for posts in the queue, posts in drafts, images in a photoset and so on.
Pay to pin posts at the top of a tag or search result. Ebay Kleinanzeigen has this neat feature where you can push your small ads to the top of a search query so that more people can see it. This could be a cool feature to try, as it would work in a more content-aware way than Blaze does.
Pay to buy inactive URLs. There are some really cool usernames on here that are taken by blogs that haven't updated for 5+ years and only have one post (or none at all), and I feel like it would be neat to be able to buy one of these cool usernames attached to an empty account. To make sure that usernames attached to redirect or something else don't get bought, tumblr should send an e-mail to the username owner - if the user doesn't react to that for 3 months, the usernames changed owners. [added 13th July 2023]
Existing Features to Improve
NPF posts. I feel like a combination of legacy and NPF would be neat. Think selecting a main element like in the legacy editor (e.g. video, image, audio) and then adding a caption that can add different content types like NPF does. Or at least create a better overview over NPF variables and release the full base code with documentation to make things easier for the web designers on here. There are more issues with the NPF format but I won't list everything people dislike about it here.
Block people. The block feature should make sure that the person being blocked doesn't see any posts made by the person they were blocked by, even if those posts were reblogged by another user. Also, like IG does, there should be an option to block either just a specific blog or the IP address attached to block side-blogs and other accounts of that user.
Color palettes. The color palette options for the dashboard are generally a nice idea but I think it would be better if there was a dropdown menu to choose a palette from rather than having to click through all the different options. For example, if I want to go from Cement (light mode) to Dark mode, I have to click through 10 options until I reach Dark again. There has to be an easier way. [added 20th July 2023]
Other Improvements Needed
Nuke spam bots. Users are reporting all the spam bots, yet, it doesn't seem like they are dwindling in numbers. Also - at least this is how it's being perceived by the userbase - tumblr isn't doing enough on their end to reduce spam bots. This is definitely something that needs to be fixed.
End hateful and criminal activities. It's the year 2023, yet there are still outright N*zis, violent tr*nsphobes, literal p*dophiles, and other people committing to the daily bit of hate speech and other illegal activities (fraud too considering all those fake GoFundMe sites) on this website. I'm not saying free speech should be banned but there is a bright red line between what is free spech and what is hate speech (or should get you jailed considering fraud and p*dophilia).
A through-out, perhaps even interactive, beginner tutorial. "The site is too complicated to use for new users!" – then explain how it works in easy terms, with examples, images, and videos. Every other application or web app has walk-throughs, just do the same here.
Improved ad relevancy. The ads I see on tumblr are usually so out-of touch with the userbase, and many of them feel like the sort of stuff you see on a spam-ridden torrenting site. I feel like increasing the relevancy of ads to what the users usually blog about would cause a higher click-rate and turn-over-rate than the current ads do.
There is probably more I could add, but that's it for now. Should I make any later additions directly to this post, I will mention it to prevent misunderstandings. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, let me hear about it in the replies or reblogs of this post.
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penandpaper-love · 11 months
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July 10th, 2023
I'm incredibly stressed... But just two weeks until everything will get better. I haven't written anything in weeks and I'm so tired and stressed to my core..
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splendidissimus · 7 months
Whumptober 2023 Completionist Masterlist
For the benefit of Whumptober skimmers: All of these stories take place within the same nearly-canon-compliant Harry Potter AU, the key difference of which is that Voldemort's task to Draco, kill Dumbledore, came with a curse that drained his life until Dumbledore was dead, and left him that way afterward. These stories span time from roughly age 16 to ~40. Draco is whumpee.
"Theo" is Theodore Nott, the ultimate background character of Draco's dorm / Draco's boyfriend it turns out.
Anything listed with "Theo caretaker" is likely to have hints of romance, but anything heavily romantic will have "romantic" in the little warning area. Otherwise it's family feels / friends / professional.
Because these span lot of time, Lucius' characterisation in particular can vary wildly (he's got his own issues). Draco's and Theo's personalities also change, to a greater or lesser degree. Narcissa is eternal.
“But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.” | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
#1 : August 1998 - 1500 words Draco faints and falls down the stairs while he's off his meds sickfic // untrustworthy mind // whumpee in denial // Theo caretaker
#2 : November 1999 - 1000 words Draco hasn't been sleeping, Lucius gets pissed abusive parent // untrustworthy mind // passive whumpee // Lucius whumper
Solitary confinement
#3 : September 1998 - 700 words Draco is badly withdrawing and no one notices or helps depression // caretaker failure
“I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.” | Shock | “You in there?”
#4 : 2002ish - 1800 words Draco is hit with a fear curse during a duelling tournament vulnerable whumpee // whumpee seems normal // Theo caretaker
Pinned down | "It's broken."
#5 : 2004 - 700 words Draco wakes up during the magical equivalent of surgery medical whump // romantic // Theo caretaker
Made to watch | "It should have been me."
#6 : early 2000 - 550 words Lucius makes Draco see exactly when he's done for him mind r*pe // cruciatus curse // abusive parent // self-loathing whumpee // Lucius whumpee // Lucius whumper // Voldemort whumper
“I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.” | Radio silence
#7 : August 2000 - 1300 words Draco has intense anxiety over Theo not coming home anxiety // romantic // Theo caretaker
Outnumbered | "It's all for nothing."
#8 : 1 July 1997 - 1400 words Draco is bullied by Death Eaters and realises that Dumbledore's death didn't change anything homophobia
Alternate prompt: Aftermath of Failure
#9 : Easter 1998 - 700 words Voldemort punishing everyone after Harry & co's escape cruciatus curse // vomit // Voldemort whumper // Narcissa caretaker
Stranded | "You said you'd never leave."
#10 : May 1999 - 2800 words Draco emotionally cracks and calls Theo back from Hogwarts for help This story got fluffier than normal and is mostly about recovery rather than suffering emotional breakdown // vulnerable whumpee // Theo caretaker // Narcissa caretaker // house elf caretaker
“All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.” | Captivity | “No one will find you.”
#11 : August 2001 - 800 words excerpt of Draco kidnapped and tortured by an escaped Death Eater beating // bondage // torture // kidnapping // captivity // cruciatus curse // numb whumpee // Death Eater whumper
“I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?” | Insomnia
#12 : 2004 - 7500 words Draco has found a concoction that lets him go without sleeping for weeks, but it's making him crazy and dangerous. His family have to keep him contained until it wears off. Draco is brutally abusive to all 4 caretakers. captivity // emotional abuse // starvation // sleep deprivation // whumped caretakers // Lucius caretaker // Narcissa caretaker // Theo caretaker // house elf caretaker // Draco whumper
Infection | "I don't feel so good."
#13 : September 2000 - 1300 words Draco falls sick with the flu while he's working on Diagon Alley sickfic // fever // romantic // Theo caretaker
"Feed me poison, fill me 'til I drown." | "Just hold on."
#14 : Easter 2000 - 1900 words Draco is found having overdosed on some of his medications, insists it was an accident overdose // suicide attempt (possibly) // vomit // depression // numb whumpee // house elf caretaker // Narcissa caretaker // Lucius caretaker
Suppressed Suffering | "I'm fine."
#15 : June 2006 - 1000 words Draco is not in the mood for a surprise party, but he does it anyway whumpee seems normal
"Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" | "Don't go where I can't follow."
#16 : January 2019 - 900 words Draco considers becoming a ghost after his death physical weakness // dying // terminal illness // angst // romantic // Theo caretaker
Touch Aversion | "Leave me alone."
#17 : 2003 - 3100 words Draco dreams Theo hurt him and has a psychotic break, accidentally harms people with unintentional magic untrustworthy mind // implied noncon // touch aversion // loss of magic control // scared whumpee // Lucius caretaker // Theo caretaker // Theo "whumper"
Tortured for Information
#18 : 2012 - 4000 words Draco is tortured by a client's abusive spouse torture // blood // gore // evisceration // physical weakness // kidnapping // defiant whumpee // Lucius caretaker // rando whumper
"I'll take one final step, all you have to do is make me." | Psychological
#19 : 2009 - 1300 words Draco encounters a Dementor suicidal feelings // Theo caretaker
"You're going to regret touching him."
#20 : late 2001 - 500 words Lucius has Rowle captivity // whumper turned whumpee // caretaker turned whumper // Lucius whumper
"Don't move."
#21 : August 1998 - 1000 words Feeding time for Nagini human being eaten by animal
Alternate Prompt: Body Modification
#22 : 2005ish - 2800 words Draco tries to remove the Dark Mark from his arm. With a knife. gore // blood // self-harm // self mutilation // vomit (lite) // self whump // house elf caretaker
"It's gonna get me by the end of the night." | Shadows | Stalking | "Who's there?"
#23 : late 2001 - 1600 words Draco feels unsafe even though he knows he shouldn't anxiety // mental health problems // romantic // Theo caretaker
#24 : August 2001 - 1200 words Draco has to create his own water while he's being held captive. dehydration // bondage // captivity // neglect // degradation // whumper not present // Death Eater whumper
#25 : August 2001 - 500 words Draco experiences a storm while held captive by Rowle isolation // captivity // bondage // Death Eater whumper
"Sometimes I get so tired, I don't even know myself."
#26 : June 2000 - 1300 words Draco's inability to sleep properly sleep deprivation // night terrors // romantic // Theo caretaker
Scars | "Let me see."
#27 : late 1998 - 1100 words Narcissa sees Draco's Sectumsempra scar body image issues // shame
#28 : 2007ish - 6800 words Theo and Draco are exploring a tomb in search of forbidden knowledge, and Draco plays the role of sacrifice for all of the trials blood // blood loss // self harm (bloodletting) // zombies // caretaker failure // Theo caretaker
“I only sink deeper the deeper I think.” | Troubled Past Resurfacing | “What happened to me?”
#29 : January 2002 - 2800 words Draco discovers a recurring dream is actually a memory his parents Obliviated out of his mind untrustworthy mind // lashing out // angry whumpee // Theo caretaker // Lucius caretaker // Narcissa caretaker // Voldemort whumper
“It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.” | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer…”
#30 : January 2020 - 2100 words Draco shuts down his Diagon Alley office and has to put his affairs in order, is too weak to probably ever leave home again dying // terminal illness // physical weakness // angst // Theo caretaker
#31 :
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ladyofthenoodle · 2 years
noodles writes: masterpost
finally, it's time to compile all these into a proper masterpost like a serious fanfiction author
here's my writing tag that you can check for anything new that i haven't added here yet and my Ao3 in case you'd like to go there directly
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part time soulmate, full time problem (WIP) sort-of soulmate au written for @mlbigbang 2023, rated T 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
lies of attrition (WIP) post-recreation cowritten with @wackus-bonkus-maximus, rated T 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23
married in a gold rush post-hawkmoth defeat for @ladynoirjuly 2023, rated T, 4201 words 1 | 2
all's well chat ends well (WIP) post-season 4 chat fic, rated T 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ?
we are the foxes (WIP) alya & adrien fake dating with lovesquare prpr & dj wifi, rated G 1 | 2 | 3 | ?
team is a four letter word season 4 centric, for @mlcorefour week, alya & adrien & marinette & nino friendship with lovesquare romance, rated T, 57421 words prequels: two is company, curiosity cared for the cat 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 slideshow for chapter 10
lead me up the staircase (WIP) adrinette fake dating for a christmas party, rated T 1 | 2 | 3
our hands would not be taught to hold another’s for ladynoir july 2020, rated T, 38147 words 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 bonus: you know i will not let you down
Me, My Best Friend, and Her Cat multichat as witnessed by alya, rated T, 8702 words ao3 link
you will never sleep alone (i’ll love you) marichat only one bed for @mlsquaredance, rated T, 8477 words
here comes the rush before we touch (come a little closer) ladrien on a tropical island for @goldenhourzine, rated T, 2013 words
wax lips to wax lips the statue scene from adrien's pov, rated G, 1933 words
oh, look now, there you go with hope again post-enemies au adrinette friendship, rated G, 1708 words
(that kiss of mine is) a carved notice of destiny post-season 4 ladynoir/ladrien for @lovesquarefanbook, rated T, 4471 words
you don’t even know me at all (but i was made for loving you) post-reveal established relationship memory loss, rated T, 6244 words
gave my blood sweat and tears for this post-hawkmoth defeat adrien angst, rated T, 594 words
how fair you were in summertime lovesquare fae AU for @afamiliarcharm zine, rated T, 3819 words
saddle up for @project-25913, ladyspik, rated T, 1003 words
pretty lady, look at how he’s smiling lovesquare, rated T, 4303 words
and say you want me season 4 lovesquare hurt/comfort, rated T, 3114 words
so lay your head on me (‘cause little do you know I) post-gang of secrets ladynoir, rated G, 771 words
hold on, i still want you 5+1 fic for thedjwifizine, rated T, 2077 words
an uncurtain discovery ladrien, rated T, 4684 words
full exposure lovesquare crack, rated M, 2728 words
coin operated boy sentiadrien angst, rated T, 1992 words with an adrichat crack sequel: he is rugged and long lasting
five times Caline Bustier tried to find love (and one time she did) exactly what it says on the tin, rated T, 4204 words
it's hard to get to know you (but i'm down) adrinette friendship, rated G, 1627 words
random snippets, drabbles, etc.
enchanted AU snippet kuro neko speculation post-hacksan ladynoir chloe writes ladrien (a group effort)
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pennywaltzy · 5 months
Fanfic asks for the new year -- 2, 3, 7, 9, 11
2. Will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc? I will definitely be running another regular round of @wipbigbang this year (and I'm probably going to do art again for the unclaimed fics and actually stay on top of it this time...whether I try finishing any of my WIPs is another matter) and I am currently running the International Fanworks Day Mini-Bang at the aforementioned big bang. I may do a fic for that as well, since it's really laid back.
I will also be finishing up the five prompts I got in December for @mollyappreciationweek at some point in the early half of the year (and I'll be running a February week-long round for Valentine's Day/Galentine's Day/Singles Awareness Day as well as another prompt-a-thon in December), and if you do Christmas In July again I'll take prompts. I may do the Spook Me Ficathon instead of Fictober...not sure. But I do plan on doing Spook Me this year after missing the sign-ups the last few years. And if I get enough participants, I'll do another round of @sherlollysecretsanta and make mod gfts as well (which reminds me...got to email participants in this round about the fic covers).
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one? I do! One of the WIPs I'm bouncing around finishing for WIPBB is the Knives Out Cablanca fic you are letting me finish, and I've never written Knives Out before. As for all mine fics? It's not entirely new, but I tossed out a Marvel's What If...? fix-it idea for Peggy/1602!Steve which I might write, which will be my first time writing specifically for that show.
7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers? I'm going to try and read more fic written by people other than @dreaminonao3 (I have a backlog of @sobeautifullyobsessed's fic that I'm going to read when I have a good chunk of time to donate to reading some of her long WIPs, and I have a ton of bookmarked fics across a bunch of different fandoms on my Firefox account), and make damn sure I comment and comment often. I'm also going to try and reblog more fic recs over on @mousedetective, where I have a bigger audience.
9. Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January? Since I finally seem to be over my food poisoning, this week I hope to do the mod gifts for Sherlolly Secret Santa and write at least one or two things for @greenskyoverme, including the newest chapter of "What Stork Brings." As for January? I want to get as much art done for the 2023 round of WIPBB that I owe as I can. I also want to write something new for my birthday on the 23rd, since I'm not expecting a whole lot this year.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year? Not really? There isn't much I haven't tried at least once in the 25 1/2 years I've been writing fic.
Now, new ships, on the other hand? That I'm game for...
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smallblueandloud · 4 months
2023 fic roundup
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2023 was the year of the comeback. in 2021, i wrote about 25k; in 2022, i didn't even keep track. meanwhile, my total wordcount last year was 119,226 words. while that doesn't come close to my 200k from 2020, i am arguably prouder of last year and what it represented. my writing isn't dead! my abilities haven't vanished! i can have fun making art again :D
as always, the summer was the most productive for me. you can see that i wrote more in the spring than the fall -- this roughly corresponds to how i was doing during those times, lol. i had a Much Better spring semester than the fall. september was very rough, i had a very bad time, and it meant my mental health suffered for the rest of the year. but hey, at least i was writing essays :')
some more scattered thoughts:
i was arguably pretty consistent this year? may/june/july all had about the same wordcount (roughly) and i think that's cool. my goal isn't to be doing NaNos, it's to be writing consistently, so i'm very happy with this
ao3 says i published 67k in 2023. minus the first chapter of something out of a dream, which was published in 2020, i believe that's 65k or so total. i wrote 72k of fanfic last year, meaning that there's about 8k from last year still sitting in my google drive (a rough eyeball at my WIPs folder confirms this). these numbers don't QUITE make sense to me, since i used a fair bit of old material in what i published last year, but i'm not going to think about it too hard
i published fic for a whopping fifteen fandoms in 2023. nine of those were fandoms i'd never published anything for before! i am so, so proud of this stat. i remain multifandom as all hell and seeing that represented in my work makes me really :D
two fics -- be amazed by the sky and i got your back (and you got mine) -- were crossovers! i'd only ever written one crossover before (stay all day in the sun, which i still love dearly) and it was fun to play in these playgrounds (mostly by sticking the librarians into other universes, xD)
i published 25 fics last year! and five of those fics were less than 1k, which i also really love. this year i really tried to let go of my idea that my fics Had to be more than 4k (and super polished) before they could see the light of day. i think my writing has been more fun and less stressful because of that.
i polished off 4 multi-year WIPs last year: but the verse is sweet, something out of a dream, don't wanna see you go (but it's not forever), and all we can do today. it felt so, so good to finally get those out there. the only one i have left from The Great Hiatus of 2021-2022 is éponine de bergerac. i will finish that someday, but i'm letting her take her time, because she deserves it. (i DID make good progress on that fic, which is something at least!)
most popular fic of the year was sit there in your heartache, which. is a spirk fic written right after a relevant episode, so not a surprise lol. the fic that surprised me most is actually the sisterhood of the travelling main character plotpoints -- i kinda expected that one to vanish quietly, but the hatchetfield fandom is WAY more active than i expected! which is very cool :D
the fic with the fewest hits was sidenote, which doesn't surprise me, since the librarians isn't a very active fandom and it's a rareship within the fandom anyway. the people who DID read it were very sweet, so i am very grateful for them. (i'm doing fic with the fewest hits because i feel like it's better to focus on that than What Didn't Get Kudos)
i started 2024 with 5 WIPs. i actually already finished one (and then immediately started its sequel, whoops) (shoutout to the ds9 modern au, i'll make a real post about that sometime). none of these fics are particularly progressed, but i'll keep working on them and try to find the Finishing A Project Dopamine from ficlets if i need it.
i didn't really have any Writing Goals for 2023 aside from doing any writing at all, lol. i think for 2024 i want to try to get more consistent with my writing -- instead of doing x number of words per month (which usually happen over 3-4 Big Writing Days), i'd rather try to write for 5 days out of every week, or something like that. we'll see what i can get done.
in the meantime: thank you guys for listening. i'm proud of what i did last year, and i'm excited to see what happens next year :D
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blehblarghblah · 2 years
The Ghost and Molly McGee: A Cartoon Must Watch
Finally got around to finishing season 1 of The Ghost and Molly McGee! My sister and I got caught up with personal matters back in July and in the end, we put it off because we didn't want the excitement of no longer having it around to watch to go away. Of course we know now that season 2 is coming 2023, but watching the four last episodes back to back was a blast.
And it only cemented my feelings that this cartoon is fantastic and not talked about enough.
I truly think this is one of my most favourite kid's cartoon of all time. Avatar: The Last Airbender is up there of course, and sure so is The Owl House or Season 1 Young Justice, but TGaMM just embodies the core aspects of what makes a kid's cartoon so fun and wholesome but also a tiny bit educational and sweet. It's like Phineas and Ferb! (another good gem I like)
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It's a random tangent to bring up but Pete and Sharon are at their most hilarious when paired together. They exemplify the mood that is parenting to two chaotic kids while being supportive and matching their unhinged energy. Or more so, we gather where the kids get their chaotic nature from sometimes. I think the parents are sooo well written into the show which is honestly kinda rare for most kid's cartoons. The humour can simply just be boiled down to slapstick fast paced cuts mixed with amazing animation and detail, but characterization is a core part of why that all works.
But honestly?
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Molly McGee is the highlight. She's a fun main character, who's bubbly personality is perfectly well expressed through animation and song. Her ideals and energy go so well together with the plot per episode she really carries her own show so well! Everyone else is great too, but sometimes---especially in cartoons---there's side characters who easily steal the spotlight from the main character(s). But with Molly? She'd welcome anyone to take the show from her because she's so nice!
A simple goal of enhappifying her town, but she's also managed to enhappify my heart ( ^‿^).
If you haven't watched this show yet, you honestly should give it a try. It's no TOH, no dark or heavy plot perpetuating throughout the entirety of the show. It has continuity (like, deep continuity) but it's not trying to make itself more mature or anything. It really does feel like child-like wonder: wanting to go out there and have fun but also make friends and memories along the way.
I highly think this show is worth the time and effort for joy and laughter you receive in return. And if not for you? Maybe for your kids.
It's a Molly McGee Guarantee. ( •‿-)
Until next post,
- Bleh
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butcherbacterium · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @fruityindividual <3 <3
disclaimer: I haven't written since July and deleted 70% of my fics off the face of the earth.
1. how many works do u have on ao3?
right now it's 5. I think the most I had up was 13?
2. what's ur total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do u write for?
i wrote mostly in marauders but a bit in succession and AFTG
4. top 5 fics by kudos (considering i have 5 works..)
always an angel never a god, stretch my vertebrae, magnified sanctified, untamed contusions, proximity
5. do u respond to comments?
i did! people always had nice things to say so i wanted to give them some love back.
6. what's the fic u wrote w the angstiest ending?
I wrote a fic about lily having ppd and then she and james died so that was sad. maybe polar night as well because of all the PTSD.
7. what's the fic u wrote w the happiest ending?
I didn't write loads of endings but I guess Always An Angel because they're off to somewhere better (i hope?)
8. do u get hate on fics?
If i did I never saw it
9. do u write smut
indeed I did
10. do u write crossovers?
no I barely know what that means
11. have u ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of. I don't think anything I wrote is that original so if there is similar stuff out there I wouldn't consider it stealing anyway. I've had one idea almost kind of stolen but I don't think it was intentional.
12. have u ever had a fic translated?
no one has ever asked but they're welcome to with any they can still find.
13. have u ever co-written a fic before?
I literally just messaged mar yesterday about it because i was reading through the google doc we shared. it's incomplete but there's some bones there.
also the 80s miami outline the wives and I started. but unfortunately i'm unreliable about these things.
14. what's ur all-time favourite ship?
Neil/Andrew from AFTG
15. what's a wip u want to finish but doubt u will?
Anything unfinished by July 2023 when it became clear to me that writing was no longer on the cards and I haven't written since. RIP to stripper fic, maine fic, band au, Twin Machines, and Body high.
16. what are ur writing strengths?
I think I could do atmosphere. It was usually a horribly depressing one.
17. what are ur writing weaknesses?
dialogue, plot progression, transitions, grammar, the list goes on and on
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
i barely speak english and I don't trust google translate so unlikely.
19. first fandom u wrote for?
20. favourite fic u've ever written?
it's probably always an angel because I really ripped that one out of me but twin machines always made me laugh.
tagging the wives @kaaaaaaarf @kaleidoscopexsighs because their work is unreasonably good xx
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